


[03:28.34]1. What is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology famous for?
[03:38.45]2. Why is MIT difficult to get into?
[03:45.76]3. How many Chinese students are currently studying in MIT?
[00:46.76]MIT has more than 900 professors and nearly 10,000 students.
[00:53.40]It is organized into schools of study.
[00:56.60]One is the School of Architecture and Planning.
[00:34.53]That is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, known as MIT.
[00:41.57]It is in the northeast, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, near Boston.
[01:52.04]China sends the largest number of foreign students to MIT.
[01:56.56]335 Chinese students are studying there.
[02:00.49]More than 180 students are from India,
[07:57.16]Heroes live forever, yeah, heroes live forever





这足以印证了美国人(以ETS 为代表)是多么的重视“to be a good listener”这一妙语。




不利因素1. 新托福听力,不管是对话还是讲座,段落都比较长,并且语速快,几乎可以达到每秒钟2-3个单词的速度,使得广大考生越听越疲惫,越听越迷失。

2. 由于课堂讲座,学术讨论的场景在听力中占很大比例,所以单词,尤其是大批涌现的专业词汇,成为考生最头痛的事情。


3. 像我们国内的英语专业八级考试一样,整个听力段落播放完毕之后,问题和选项才随之出现,这一点尤其体现着记笔记的重要性。


4. 最后,由于是机考,因此选定答案之后便不能再回头,既不能重新读题,亦无法更改答案。

有利因素1. 很美好的,在新托福听力中,有时候会出现非常helpful的图片,帮助大家理解段落。



2. 虽然无法回头更改答案,但是考生们的答题时间完全可以自己把握。














这些话题可被分成四大类:Arts(艺术)Life Science(生命科学)Physal Science(自然科学)Social Science (社会科学)4.对话的特点:对话都极其具有北美大学校园生活的特色。


5.新托福听力题型:新托福听力的大部分题目,不管是对话还是讲座,都是以传统的四选一的选择题为主,还包括其他新增题型:排序题搭配题(将表格中各项与其所属类别进行搭配)复听题 (在大多数讲座或对话后至少有一道回放题,在此题中,考生将再次听到讲座或对话中的一部分,然后考生将根据所听内容回答一道选择题。

) 连线题6.考生在新托福听力备考中所要具备的能力:a.记笔记的能力 Note-Taking Skil。







新托福强化听力讲义新托福考试听力部分介绍1.新托福和旧托福的对照考试形式预读题目笔录题型PBT旧托福Paper Yes No1/4 multiple choiceIBT 新托福Internet No Yes New types2.题量,时间,分数文章种类题量题目数时间CONVERSATION2-3 5 / conversation2-3 min / conversation LECTURE4-6 6 / lecture4-6 min / lectureTOTAL6-9 (加试)3460-90 minSCALE SCORE: 30见OG185评分标准3.题目的观察形式考场环境:独立电脑,耳机,铅笔,底底稿电脑环境:图片,视频,声音,板书新题型:双选题,重听题,表格配对题答题时间:总时间限制,每题分派时间不限答题流程:永不改过4.文章资料的观察形式文章构造:删除了旧托福的 PART A 部分,更为着重于对于能力的观察文章长度:比旧托福长文章语速:无所谓快慢,比旧托福更为切近真切的学习生活文章种类:对话,独白,议论CONVERSATION文章思路LECTURE文章思路5.新托福考试题型概括题号问题题型1Why does the student go to see the professor?Gist question2According to the professor,what information should the Detail Question student include in her statement of purpose?3What does the professor consider unusual about the student’s Detail Question background?4Why does the professor tell a story about his friend who went Detail Question ot medical school?5What does the professor imply about the people who admit Inference question students to graduate school?6What are the students mainly discussing?Gist question7Listen again and then answer the question:Purpose question Why does the woman say this?8According to the conversation,why are transposes sometimes Detail Question called “ jumping genes ” ?9According to the conversation, what are two ways in which Detail Question bacteria cells get resistance genes?10What can be inferred about the resistance genes discussed in Inference question the conversation?11What is the talk mainly about?Gist question12What is the professor’ s point of view concerning the method Detail Question of“safe yield” ?13According to the professor,what are two problems associated Detail Question with removing wter from an underground system?14Listen again and then answer the question:Purpose question Why does the professor say this?15What is a key feature of a sustainable water system?Detail Question16What does the professor imply about water systems managed by Inference question the“ safe yield” method?17Why does the professor talk about Plato’ s description of Gist question society?18Listen again and then answer the question:Attitude question Why does the professor imply about plato’ s ethical theory?19Listen again and then answer the question:Purpose question Why does the professor ask this?20What are two points that reflect Plato’ s views about Detail Question education?Based on information in the lecture, indicate whether the Organization question21statements below about human emotion reflect beliefs held by Plato,22According to Plato,what is the main characteristic of a good Detail Question or just person?23What is the main topic of the lecture?Gist question24According to the professor,why did one scientist grow a rye Detail Question plant in water?25Listen again and then answer the question:Purpose question Why does the professor say this?26The professor mentions houseplants that receive too much Detail Question water. Why does she mention them?27Listen again and then answer the question:Purpose question Why does the professor intend to explain?28According to the professor,what similarity is there between Detail Question crabgrass and rye plants?29What is the lecture mainly about?Gist questionWhydoes the professor talk about a construction company that 30has work in different cities?Listen again and then answer the question:31Why does the professor say this?What is an example of a violation of the “ unity of command”32principle?According to the professor, where might there be a conflict 33in an organizational structure based on both projects andfunction?Indicate whether each sentence below describes functional 34organization or project organization. Place a check markin the correct box.Gist question: 6Detail question: 16Purpose question: 6Attitude question: 1Organization question: 2Inference question: 36.界面展现Detail Question Purpose question Detail Question Detail Question Organization question7.IBT 新托福资料说明——听力部分图片资料名称特色介绍使用方法The Official题目数目不多精听精做Study Guide难度较简单题目分类研究题型全面,和考试同样,质量高文章精读研究不建议模考ETS TOEFL一共 14 套,此中新东方引进 4 套,还有精听精做PRACTICE 2 套是 OG题目,其余所有为全真试题建议最后冲刺模考ONLINE难度和考试相当,已经有较全的版本出现题型全面,场景全面DELTA 新托福考题目数目大,后边有四套模拟试题精听精做试备考策略与模前面的训练题目文章较短,不是托福模拟建议考前加强训练拟试题听力资料要比考试稍难些,速度也稍快些对语速跟读模拟题型和考试相差好多,不建议细钻DELTA 新托福考题目数目大,有六套模拟试题建议考前模拟试模拟试题详细特色同蓝皮 delta对语速跟读模拟BARRON新托福题目数目大,后边有 7 套模拟试题建议平常精听训练考试全真模考题难度偏小,在基础班使用与精解KAPLAN 模考试有四套模拟试题考前模考题四套听力部分略难,语速略快配合模拟光盘,有临考感觉THOMSON模考试只有两套题,但质量很好,文章难度适中,建议模考题两套题目难度和 Barron 邻近,感觉上略难一些,和考试特别相像。











在解答对话部分的问题时,考生可以采取以下方法:1. 仔细听问题:在对话开始前,考生会听到一个问题。


2. 注意对话者的角色和身份:在对话中,会提到对话者的角色和身份信息,如学生、教授、校园工作人员等。


3. 注意关键词汇:对话中会出现一些关键词汇,如地点、时间、人名等。




1. 注意主题句:独白通常有一个明确的主题句,用来介绍独白的内容。


3. 注意转折词和信号词:在独白中,会使用一些转折词和信号词来引导听者理解独白的逻辑关系,如however、on the other hand、for example等。








1. 多项选择题:这种题型要求考生从多个选项中选择一个或多个正确答案。


2. 任务型听力:这种题型要求考生根据听到的信息完成特定任务,例如填写表格、概括大意、总结观点等。


3. 配对题:这种题型要求考生根据听到的信息将两个相关的句子或段落进行配对。


4. 问答题:这种题型要求考生根据听到的问题回答问题。
















三、考试技巧1. 提前做好准备在考试前,考生应提前做好听力训练,尽量多听英语材料,提高自己的听力水平。


2. 注意听力材料的关键信息在听力过程中,要重点关注听力材料中的关键信息,如重复出现的词汇、数字、时间等。




4. 做好笔记在听力过程中,考生可以适当做一些简单的笔记,帮助自己更好地理解材料内容。


5. 快速反应在听力材料结束后,考生需要快速做出相应的反应或回答问题,要尽量保持冷静,迅速做出正确的判断。


2. 多做模拟题3. 注重听力技巧在备考过程中,要重点学习听力技巧,学会捕捉关键信息,注意听力材料的逻辑结构,做好笔记,快速反应等。

4. 注重词汇积累在备考过程中,要注重词汇积累,熟悉常见的学术词汇和日常词汇,这对于理解听力材料和解题有着重要的作用。

TPO 听力 最详细的全新答案更新

TPO 听力 最详细的全新答案更新

T P O 1z To sign up for a seminar on using electronic sources for research z To report that a journal is missing from the reference areaz To find out the procedure for checking out journal articlesz To ask about how to look for resources for a class paper1. D2. B3. C4. A5. B6. C7. C8. A 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. D14.The amount of…/ The age of…/ Zircon in the…15. B 16. A 17. BSection 2is the conversation mainly aboutz A lesson Matthew prepared for his studentsz A class Matthew has been observingz A term paper that Matthew has writtenz A problem in Matthew's classroom1. B2. A3. D4. BDE5. C6. B7. B8. AC 9. C 10. A 11. BDE 12. D 13. C14. Olympic: Is fami ly…/ Eastern: Displays….15. D 16. A 17. CTPO 021.Why does the man go to see his professorTo borrow some charts and graphs from herTo ask her to explain some statistical procedures To talk about report he is writingTo discuss a grade he got on a paper1. C2. Include:ACD/ Not include: B3. A4. D5. B6. C7. B8. C9. C 10. A 11. D 12. D13. B 14. B 15. A 16. C 17. BDSection 2are the students mainly discussingClick on 2 answersTheir courses for next semesterTheir plans for the weekendA poetry clubA class assignment1. AC2. C3. D4. B5. A6. D7. only extrinsic: B/ only intrinsic: AD/ both: C8. B 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. A14. AD 15. C 16. DTPO 03Why does the women come to the officez To notify the university of her change of addressz To find out where her physics class is being held z To get directions to the science buildingz To complain about her physics class being canceledSection 11. B2. C3. A4. D .5 D 6. C 7. B8. C 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. D14. B 15. C 16. B 17. CSection 2Why does the student go to see the professorz To ask about a class assignmentz To find out about a midsemester projectz To get information about summer jobsz To discuss ways to improve his grade1. B2. A3. C4. A5. C6. A7. D8. A 9. B 10. B 11. CD 12. C 13. D14. B 15. A 16. A 17. BTPO 04Section 11. Why does the man need the woman’s assistanceClick on 2 answers.A. He does not know the publication date of some reviews he needs.B. He does not know the location of the librar y’s vides collection of plays.C. He does not know how to find out where the play is currently being performed.D. He does not know how to determine which newspaper he should look at.1. AD2. C3. AD4. D5. B6. C7. NO/YES/YES/NO 8. D 9. B 10. C 11. C12. B 13. D 14. C 15. C 16. BD 17. DSection 21. What is the conversation mainly aboutA. Methods for finding appropriate sources for a project.B. Reasons the woman is having difficulties with a project.C. Criteria the professor uses to evaluate group projects.D. Ways to develop the skills needed to work in groups.1. B2. C3. D4. C5. AD6. C7. D8. A 9. B 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. BD14. The Federal Art…/ The National…/ Arts councils…/ The federal budget…15. A 16. C 17. DTPO 05Section 1Q1: What do the speakers mainly discussA. Why the woman has little in common with her roommatesB. How the woman can keep up in her academic studiesC. The woman’s adjustment to life at the universityD. The woman’s decision to trans fer to another university1. C2. A3. B4. AC5. D6. B7. C8. AD 9. B 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. D14. B 15. C 16. AB 17. DSection 2Q1: What is the conversation mainly aboutA. An assignment about which the student would like adviceB. Concerns as to whether the student should be in the professor’s courseC. The selection of films to be viewed by students in a film theory courseD. The structure and sequence of courses in the Film Department1. B2. A3. C4. BD5. B6. B7. C8. D 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. C 13. D 14. B15. A 16. Folk tales: BC/ Fairy tales: ADEF 17. ATPO 06Section 1Why does the student go to the career services officeto confirm the date and time of the career fairto learn the location of the career fairto find outifhe is allowed to attend the career fairto get advice about interviewing at the career fair1. C2. A3. D4. BC5. B6. B7. A8. A 9. D 10. ABE 11. BC 12. AB13. D 14. D 15. BC 16. B 17. ASection 21. Why does student go to see the professorz She is having trouble finding topic for the term paperz She needs his help to find resource materialsz She wants to ask him for an extension on a paperz She wants him to approve her plans for a term paper1. D2. C3. AC4. C5. B6. B7. A8. A 9. D 10. C 11. B 12. A 13. ACE14. BD 15. B 16. C 17. DTPO 07Section 1does the man go to see the professorz To hand in a late assignmentz To find out about jobs in the departmentz To discuss Dean Adam's current researchz To volunteer to help organize an event1. D2. C3. AC4. D5. B6. C7. D8. B 9. AC 10. A 11. A 12. B 13. D14. AC 15. B 16. C 17. BSection 2 1.Why does the student come to the libraryTo learn about the library's resourcesTo ask about interlibrary loansTo attend the new student orientationTo start work on a research project1. A2. B3. C4. BC5. D6. C7. AC8. AD 9. C 10. D 11. B 12. A13. …/ liquid…/…/ glacier…14. AD 15. B 16. A 17. CTPO 08Section 11. Why does the man go to see the registrarA. To find out why he is not on the list of graduating studentsB. To explain why he has not fulfilled his graduation requirementsC. To find out the exact requirements for graduationD. To submit a document required for graduation1. D2. B3. D4. B5. C6. D7. C8. B 9. A 10. D 11. B 12. C 13. D14. A 15. AB 16. D 17. BSection 21. What is the conversation mainly aboutA. Preparing for a testB. A strategy for attracting customersC. Business opportunities in the field of healthD. Differences between two business models1. B2. A3. NO/YES/YES/YES/NO4. D5. C6. D7. D8. C9. B10. first…/ printing…/ number…/ inexpensive…11. C 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. A 16. B 17. C TPO 09Section 11. Why does the woman go to see the professorTo get advice on the topic of a term paperTo discuss different types of food packagingTo find out if the university will offer courses in food packagingTo ask about jobs in the food industry1. A2. D3. B4. C5. C6. B7. CD8. D 9. C 10. BD 11. A 12. A 13. CD14. B 15. B 16. A 17. CSection 21. What are the speakers mainly discussing— A book that the man is trying to find in the library— A book that the man already returned to the library— A book that the man is using to write his senior thesis— A book that the man lent to his sociology professor1. C2. B3. C4. D5. A6. D7. D8. B 9. AD 10. A 11. C 12. C 13. C14. B 15. A 16. CD 17. BTPO 10Section 1does the student go to see the professor○To discuss the latest trends in the photography shows○To find out why some of her work was not selected for a show ○To discuss how to get her photographs exhibited○To find out about a student photography show on campus1. C2. B3. C4. AC5. D6. B7. ACD8. A9. B 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. D14. A 15. B 16. A 17. CSection 21 Why does the student go to the bookstore○To purchase a book by Jane bowles○To find out which books he need for a course○To return a book that was originally assigned for a course○To find out how to order a book for a course1. C2. BD3. A4. A5. C6. D7. AD8. C9. B 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. A14. B 15. YES/NO/YES/YES/NO 16. D 17. B TPO 11Section 1are the speakers mainly discussingWhat the gym pass is used forHow to try out for the swimming teamThe popularity of the new exercise at the gymThe schedule of exercise classes at the gym1. A2. B3. A4. D5. C6. C7. AD8. C9. A 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. B14. C 15. BD 16. A 17. ASection 2why does the professor want to see the studentTo discuss the student's grade on a paperTo invite the student to work on a committeeTo inform the student about a change in the class scheduleTo ask the student to become her research assistant1. B2. C3. A4. D5. D6. C7. C8. A 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. C 13. BD14. B 15. D 16. C 17. ATPO 12Section 1Why does the professor ask the man to come to her officeto check on the man’s pro gress on a paper he is writingTo show the man techniques for organizing his timeTo encourage the man to revise a paper he wroteTo clarify her comments on a paper the man wrote1. C2. B3. A4. D5. A6. D7. B8. C 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. A14. C 15. D 16. B 17. ASection 2What is the student’s problemHe missed the tuition due date.He has not been paid.His bank lost his paycheck.His tuition payment got lost1. B2. C3. B4. D5. A6. AC7. B8. C 9. D 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. BD14. C 15. D 16. A 17. BTPO 13Why does the student go to see the professorTo report on the research he has doneTo ask for permission to observe a classTo get help understanding an assignmentTo ask about a question on a recent testSection 11. C 2 B 3A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A8. AD 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. D 13. C14. C 15. A 16. D 17. DSection 2What are the speakers mainly discussingHow to use the language labHowe to make a video for the classHow to reserve a study room in the libraryHow to improve study habits1. A2. C3. AD4. B5. D6. D7. AC8. Chanson 1/3 Romance 2/4 9. B 10. B 11. A12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D 16. AD 17. ATPO 14Section 1Why does the student go to see the manTo find out the status of her job applicationTo get help locating a book she needs for a classTo request a book that her professor put on the reserve listTo ask how to look u p books on the library’s computer system 1. B 2. A 3. AD 4. C 5. BD 6. D 7. A8. C 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. D 13. CD14. B 15. A 16. C 17. BSection 2What is the conversation mainly aboutThe advantages and disadvantages of a career in journalismTopics the student could write about for the school newspaperComparing a major in journalism to other majorsPreparing for a career in journalism1. D2. C3. BD4. AD5. C6. B7. D8. AD 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. D14. D 15. C 16. B 17. ATPO 15Section 11. Why does the student go to the campus newspaper officeA. To turn in outlines of possible articlesB. To find out when his article will be printed in the newspaperC. To find out if he got a position as a reporterD. To get help with an assignment for his journalism course1. C2. D3. D4. A5. A6. D7. AD8. BC 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. B14. AD 15. AC 16. D 17. CSection 218. Why does the woman go to see her professorA. To tell him about an athletic achievement.B. To find out the best approach to studying for a test.C. To ask a question about a laboratory project.D. To discuss her performance on a biology exam1. D2. B3. C4. A5. C6. B7. AD8. B 9. C 10. CD 11. A 12. B 13. ABE14. A 15. A 16. B 17. BTPO 16Section 1What does the woman want the man to doA. Postpone a choir performance to allow more time for rehearsals.B. Change the rehearsal schedule at the music building.C. Give approval for her group to move a piano to a different room.D. Help her reserve a rehearsal space on campus.1. D2. C3. D4. B5. B6. D7. YNYYYN 8. C 9. A 10. C 11. A 12. B13. A 14. C 15. D 16. B 17. DSection 218. Why does the student go to see the professorA. To find his grade on the midterm exam.B. To explain why he missed a classC. To get help writing an essay.D. To ask to take a test at a different time.1. D2. B3. B4. BC5. D.6. D7. D8. AC 9. B 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. BC 14. A 15. AB 16. C 17. ATPO 17Section 1Why does the man visit the professorA. To get the professor’s approval for his paper topic.B. To ask for source material for his paper.C. To ask the professor’s opinion about a particular production of a Shakespeare play.D. To get help finding articles about a play.1. B2. C3. AD4. D5. B6. C7. B8. BD 9. D 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. A14. C 15. D 16. B 17. ASection 21. Why does the man go to see the womanA. To complain about customers.B. To request an increase in his pay.C. To ask for a change in his work schedule.D. To apply for a job playing music in the dining hall1. C2. B3. A4. A5. D6. C7. B8. AD 9. D 10. BC 11. B 12. D 13. B14. CD 15. C 16. AB 17. BTPO 18Section 11. Why does the student go to the university officeA. To apply for a work-study jobB. To get information about hosting an exchange studentC. To find out if there are any jobs available on campusD. To find out eh hours of the computer lab1. C2. A3. A4. D5. C6. C7. B8. A 9. B 10. B 11. D 12. A 13. C14. D 15. B 16. BC 17. DSection 218. What is the conversation mainly aboutA. The topic of the man's research paperB. Some current research projects in sociologyC. Effective ways of conducting sociology researchD. The man's possible participation in a research project1. D2. C3. A4. A5. B6. B7. YYNYN8. AC 9. D 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. A14. C 15. AC 16. D 17. BTPO 19Section 1Why does the man go to see the professorA. To ask for heap in choosing a topic for his term paperB. To ask the professor to explain how to complete an assignmentC. To ask about a point raised in a recent lectureD. To offer to help the professor with her research project1. C2. C3. A4. B5. D6. B7. D8. A 9. A 10. C 11. B 12. D 13. B14. AD 15. C 16. AC 17. CSection 2What is the conversation mainly aboutA. Changes that will be made in food choices offered to studentsB. Food-safety procedures followed by the cafeteria staffC. Issues related to the cafeteria's food policyD. Common complaints about the food served in the cafeteria1. C2. A3. AC4. BDE5. B6. B7. A8. D 9. B 10. A 11. A 12. D 13. BC14. B 15. C 16. D 17. BTPO 201. Why does the man go to talk to the womanA. To find out if he can get extended borrowing privilegesB. To find out if he needs to immediately return a book he borrowedC. To find out why he has to pay a library fineD. To find out why his borrowing privileges have been suspended1. B2. AC3. C4. D5. A6. D7. A8. BAABA 9. C 10. D 11. D 12. B 13. AD14. D 15. AD 16. B 17. BSection 21. Why does the professor want to talk to the studentA. To discuss her application to graduate school.B. To discuss a possible internship at the school’s libraryC. To encourage her to increase the scope of her research projectD. To suggest some changes to improve her research project.1. C2. A3. B4. D5. B6. B7. B8. A 9. AC 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. A14. C 15. C 16. B 17. CTPO 21Section 1Why does the needs the professor’s helpHe does not know the location of his general orientation sessionHe lost the invitation to the engineering department’s orientation session He cannot locate the building for the engineering department’s orientationHe needs help deciding which area of engineering he should specialize in1. C2. C3. B4. D5. A6. B7. AC8. D 9. C 10. A 11. BD 12. C 13. B14. AD 15. C 16. D 17. ASection 2 18. Why does the woman go to see the professorTo ask which elective courses he will be teaching next semesterTo get more advice on which elective courses to take next semesterTo find out the difference between public relations and marketingTo get help deciding whether to pursue a graduate degree in marketing 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C8. D 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. C 13. B14. CD 15. A 16. D 17. CTPO 22Section 11Why does the student go to the man’s officeA. To get some advice on an article that she is writingB. To find out about getting a job on the student newspaperC. To protest the university’s decision about a statueD. To complain about an article in the student newspaper1. D2. AC3. B4. C5. D6. B7. AD8. D 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. C14. BC 15. A 16. B 17. CSection2Why does the man go to see the professorA. To discuss his impressions of a recent piano concertB. To ask how to revise a paper he is writingC. To get approval to write a paper about his grandmother’s lifeD. To find out why he received a poor grade on a paper he wrote1. B2. B3. C4. C5. B6. D7. AB8. B 9. A 10. C 11. D 12. A 13. C14. D 15. B 16. D 17. BCTPO 23Section 1What is the cause of the student's problemA. She missed the deadline for submitting her announcement to the university web siteB. She did not include enough information in her announcement.C. The editors of the university web site did not post her announcementD. The university web site will not be available to students for several days. 1. C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. C8. A 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. C 13. B14. A 15. B 16. D 17. DSection 218. Why does the man go to see the professorA. To discuss a grade he received on a paperB. To get advice about which course he should take next termC. To ask a question about a reading assignmentD. To request permission to take an advanced course1. B2. D3. B4. A5. C6. A7. D8. B 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. D14. AB 15. A 16. D 17. CTPO 24Section 1 1. Why can the man NOT find the book he needsA. The bookstore is sold out of the book.B. The bookstore he is in does not carry the book.C. His professor did not order enough copies of the book.D. The book is not being used for any course offered at the university.1. B2. AB3. D4. B5. B6. B7. BD8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. AD 13. C14. BD 15. A 16. C 17. DSection 218. Why does the student go to speak with the professorA. To discuss material that might be on the final examB. To review his answers to the midterm examC. To get information about a class he missedD. To find out about the services of the tutoring center1. A2. AD3. B4. 122115. D6. D7. A8. C 9. BC 10. B 11. AD 12. A 13. BC14. AC 15. D 16. A 17. BTPO25Section 1What is the conversation mainly aboutA. The student’s eligibility to graduate next semesterB. The student’s difficulties in registering for classesC. A difficult class the student must take next semesterD. Possible elective choices in the student’s degree program1. A2. B3. A4. C5. D6. c8. B 9. A 10. D 11. B 12. D 13. B14. c 15. B 16. B 17. DSection 2Why does the man go to see the professorA. To find out how to distinguish between different types of whale songsB. To request permission to change the topic of his paperC. To discuss the difference between using the internet and using books to find sourcesD. To get help locating some information for his paper1. D2. B3. A4. C5. AD6. D7. B8. A 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. B14. C 15AD 16. CTPO26Section 1Why does the student go to speak to the man A. To discuss a job opportunity she had heard aboutB. To learn about options for advertising her businessC. To see if she can change a previous print orderD. To discuss a design idea that she has for business cards1. B2. D3. CD4. B5. A6. D7. A8. B 9. B 10. C 11. D 12. B 13. D14. C 15. C 16. A 17. ADSection 2Why does the student go to see the professorA. To obtain notes from a class she missedB. To discuss a conference she attendedC. To ask about a possible topic for a research paperD. To clarify information about volunteering in the community1. C2. a3. B4. A5. B6. A7. Ac8. D 9. A 10. B 12. A 13. BC14. C 15. D 16. B 17. CTPO27Section 1What does the woman go to the information deskdoes not know where the library computers are located.does not know how to use a computer to locate the information she needs.does not have time to wait until a library computer becomes available. book she is looking for was missing from the library shelf.1. B2. D3. C4. A5. C6. B7. C8. D 9. AD 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. B14. D 15. B 16. A 17. BSection 2why does the student come to see the professorA to find out her reaction to a paper he recently submittedB to point out a factual error in an article the class was assigned to readC to ask about the suitability of a topic he wants to write aboutD to ask about the difference between chinampas and hydroponics1. C2. B3. D4. A5. C6. B7. D8. D 9. AB 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. A14. C 15. AC 16. A 17. DTPO28Section 1What is the conversation mainly aboutA. Criticisms of Dewey’s political philosophyB .Methods for leading a discussion groupchanges made to a reference documentwith the organization of a paper1. D2. A3. ACD4. c5. B6. C7. A8. B 9. A 10. D 11. D 12. A 13. C14. AD 15. B 16. D 17. CSection 2Why does the man go to see the professorlearn more about his student teaching assignmentdiscuss the best time to complete his senior thesisdiscuss the possibility of changing the topic of his senior thesisfind out whether the professor will be his advisor for his senior thesis 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. CD 5. B 6. C 7. B8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B 12. A 13. B14. B 15. c 16. AC 17. DTPO29Section 1what is the conversation mainly aboutA what the deadline to register for Japanese class isB why a class the woman chose may not be suitable for herC how the woman can fix an unexpected problem with her class scheduleD how first year student can get a permission to take an extra class1. C2. A3. D4. BC5. B6. A7. C8. ABD 9. D 10. C 11. A 12. C B14. C 15. AD 16. B 17. CSection 2why does the student go to see the professorA to explain why he may need to hand in an assignment lateB to get instructions on how to complete an assignmentC to discuss a type of music his class is studyingD to ask if he can choose the music to write about in a listening journal1. B2. D3. A4. AC5. A6. C7. A8. A 9. C 10. BD 11. C 12. C 13. B14. D 15. B 16. A 17. CTPO30Section 11 why does the student go to speak with the womanA to get permission to organize a club eventB to arrange for a work space for his clubC to inquire about photography classD to reserve a room for photography exhibit1. B2. B3. D4. A5. C6. D7. C8. B 9. A 10. D 11. C 12. B 13. CD14. A 15. A 16. D 17. CSection 2what are the speakers mainly discussingA the student's idea about his class assignmentsB the influence of one painter on anotherC the student's recent visit to museum in ConnecticutD the challenges associated with painting at night 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. AC 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. BD 10. D 11. C 12. D 13. C14. D 15. A 16. A 17. D。






1. 考试形式新托福听力考试有两种题型:短对话和长对话/讲座。



2. 考试内容新托福听力考试的内容涉及多个学科领域,包括但不限于生物学、心理学、化学、历史、文学等等。


3. 考试特点新托福听力考试的特点是语速较快,且常有篇幅较长的讲座材料。



4. 常见题型在新托福听力考试中,常见的题型包括:选择题、填空题、判断题、多选题等。


5. 备考技巧为了提高新托福听力考试的成绩,考生可以采取以下备考技巧:(1)提高听力速度:在平时的练习中,可以尝试听一些语速较快的材料,逐渐提高对快速语速的适应能力。











2.托福听力的标准分(scale score):这是在托福成绩单上看到的分数。




















1. 学术演讲学术演讲可以是关于法律、工程、医学或另一个论题的一种广泛演讲。






3. 校园讲座这种类型的听力材料与学术演讲相似,但关注的是与校园或学校运营有关的问题。




1. 速度新托福听力考试的一个特点是速度相对较快。






新托福听力学习计划Introduction:The TOEFL test is a widely recognized measure of English language proficiency for non-native speakers. One of the key components of the TOEFL test is the listening section, which evaluates your ability to understand spoken English in academic settings. To excel in this section, it's important to have a well-structured study plan that incorporates various listening activities and strategies. This article will outline a comprehensive TOEFL listening study plan to help you improve your listening skills and achieve a high score on the test.Week 1-2: Familiarize Yourself with the Test FormatDuring the first two weeks, it's important to familiarize yourself with the format of the TOEFL listening section. Spend time reviewing sample questions and listening to sample conversations and lectures. Pay attention to the types of questions that are asked, such as multiple-choice, summary completion, and matching. Familiarizing yourself with the test format will help you understand what to expect on test day and develop strategies for each question type.Week 3-4: Improve Your Listening SkillsTo improve your listening skills, it's essential to listen to a wide variety of English-language materials. This includes podcasts, TED talks, news broadcasts, and academic lectures. Focus on listening for key information, such as main ideas, supporting details, and connections between ideas. Practice taking notes while listening to improve your ability to capture important information. Additionally, try to listen to a variety of accents to prepare for the diverse range of speakers you may encounter on the test.Week 5-6: Practice with Official TOEFL MaterialsDuring the fifth and sixth week, start practicing with official TOEFL materials. Use the practice tests provided by ETS (the organization that administers the TOEFL) to simulate the test experience. Time yourself as you complete each listening section to get a sense of the pace at which you need to work. After taking each practice test, review your answers and identify any areas where you struggled. Focus on improving your performance in those areas through targeted practice.Week 7-8: Use Test-taking StrategiesIn the final two weeks before the test, focus on developing test-taking strategies for the listening section. For example, practice predicting the content of a conversation or lecture based on the introduction. Additionally, work on recognizing signal words and phrases that indicate important information, such as transitions, examples, and explanations. Develop a strategy for managing your time effectively, such as skimming the questions before listening to the audio.Week 9: Final Review and PracticeDuring the final week leading up to the test, engage in a comprehensive review of the listening section. Review any challenging question types and practice with additional sample questions. As you practice, focus on maintaining your concentration and staying calm, as these are essential skills for success in the listening section of the TOEFL.Conclusion:A well-structured TOEFL listening study plan is essential for achieving success on the test. By familiarizing yourself with the test format, improving your listening skills, practicing with official materials, and developing test-taking strategies, you can significantly improve your performance on the listening section. Remember to stay consistent and dedicated in your practice, and you will be well-prepared to excel on test day. Good luck!。

[新托福IBT听力的特点及做笔记技巧]新托福听力真经5 pdf

[新托福IBT听力的特点及做笔记技巧]新托福听力真经5 pdf

[新托福IBT听力的特点及做笔记技巧]新托福听力真经5 pdf一、新托福听力的六大特点1、听力材料长度增加,每类文章的长度都在600字以上2、总题目数量减少,老托福听力题目为50道,新托福为34道3、听力题型简化为两大类:长对话(2个),课堂讲座(4个)4、出现三种新的考试题目类型:表格题、重复题、多选题5、听完之后才可以看题目6、考生可以做笔记通过对新托福听力特点的分析,我们不难看出记笔记是听力高分突破的关键。







注意记录对话和演讲中信息引导词和信息引导句后面的信息,例如,First...,let'slookatthe...,Now,Let'smoveonto...,inthene stpartoflecture,I'dliketotalkabout....3、具体的记录方法1)主要记录实词:名词,动词,形容词。






新托福听力新增题型之“Listen Again”是本次变革中最为显眼的听力测试形式。


顾名思义,所谓“Listen Again”即在新托福听力考试的某篇文章结束后,其中某一题采取再次复听,然后根据所听来做推断既而回答题目的形式来考察考生。





在这里笔者稍做澄清:(1)新托福考试放音过程是一遍完成;(2)只有“Listen Again”这种新增题型可以再次复听文章中的某一部分,并根据再次回放的这部分回答特殊的问题。

看题:下面我们看一篇新托福听力样题(此样题的考察问题全部为此种新增Listen Again 题型)(narrator) Listen to two student discussing a zoology course(man) Now, we can move on to discuss the next part of the chapter, the part of the chapter, the part on land tortoises(woman) Yes. Land tortoises are tortoises that don’t live in the water, although they may live near the water. They only come to the water to drink or bathe.(woman) Oh, look here in the book. Here’s a picture of one ofthe 40 kinds of land tortoises.(man) Land tortoises are the ones that live to such long ages, aren’t they?(woman) Yes, my favorite part of the chapter was the part thatwas about how long land tortoises can really live.(man) How old can they live to be?(woman) It’s not really known for sure. There are lots of traditional stories about tortoises that lived for hundreds of years.I do remember hearing, when I was young, about tortoises that were supposed to be one-to two hundred years old.(man) That couldn’t be…No way.(woman) Well, there’re a lot of stories, but there’s noaccurate records, so it’s impossible to verify whether or notthey’re true.(man) Well, how old is the oldest tortoise on record, do you know?(woman) In the chapter I just read, it said that the oldest tortoise whose age can be verified to some extent is the one known as Marion’s tortoise.(man) I read that Marion’s tortoise was 152 years old.(woman) Actually, I think the book said it was at least 152 years old. It was probably older.(man) So, th ey’re not really certain how old Marion’s tortoise really was when it died. What is truly known about Marion’s tortoise?(woman) It’s certain that a French explorer named de Fresne, Marion de Fresne captured an adult tortoise in 1766, and he transported the tortoise to the island of Mauritius in that same year.(man) Well, when did Marion’s tortoise die? Are there authentic records?(woman) Historians are satisfied with the authenticity of the records that show that Marion’s tortois e died in 1918.(man) How do they know it was the same tortoise? Could it have been a different tortoise that died there in 1918?(woman) Tortoises don’t occur naturally on Mauritius, soMarion’s tortoise was the only tortoise on the island of Mauritius.(man) And so this tortoise had been on the island of Mauritiusfor 152 years when it died.(woman) That’s right. Marion’s tortoise arrived in Mauritius in 1766 and died in 1918, so that would make it at least 152 years old.(man) But didn’t you say that the tortoise that was captured and brought to Mauritius by Marion de Fresne was an adult when it was captured?(woman) Yes. So Marion’s tortoise was known to have lived for 152 years on Mauritius. But because it was an adult when it was captured in 1766 and it’s unclear how old it was at that time, it could have been considerably older than 152 years when it died, maybe 180 years or more. Two hundred years old for this type of tortoise isn’t inconceivable.(man) So a tortoise living to the age of 200 may be possible, but there’re no verified records of such a tortoise.(woman) Exactly!(1)Why does the man say this: Now we can move on to discuss the next part of the chapter, the part on land tortoises(a) To indicate the next topic for discussion(b) To suggest a new location for the discussion(c) To state what has previously been said(d) To clarify why they are having the discussion(2)Listen again——Woman: There are lots of traditional stories about tortoises that lived for hundreds of years. I do remember hearing, when I was young, about tortoises that were supposed to be one-to two-hundred years old.Man: That couldn’t be…No way.How does the seem to feel when he s[1] [2] [3] 下一页[1] [2] [3] 下一页新托福听力新增题型解析--有变背后实“无变”ays this: “That’s couldn’t be… No way”(a) Unhappy(b) Incredulous(c) Incapable(d) Disturbed(3) Listen again——(woman) In the chapter I just read, it said that the oldest tortoise whose age can be verified to some extent is the one known as Marion’s tortoise.(man) I read that Marion’s tortoise was 152 years old.(woman) Actually, I think the book said it was at least 152 years old.Why does the woman say this:“ Actually,I think the book said it was at least 152 years old.”(a) To contradict what was in the book(b) To indicate that she is not sure what is correct(c) To restate what the man said(d) To correct an error by the man(4)Listen again——(woman) Historians are satisfied with the authenticity of the records that show that Marion’s tortoise died in 1918.(man) How do they know it was the same tortoise? Could it have been a different tortoise that died there in 1918?What does the man mean when he says this: “How do they know itwas the same tortoise? Could it have been a different tortoise thatdied the re in 1918?”(a) What was said sounds plausible(b) Marion’s tortoise was not on the island of Mauritius(c) There may be an alternate explanation(d) There was only one tortoise on the island(5)Listen again——(woman) Yes. So Marion’s tortoise was known to have lived for 152 years on Mauritius. But because it was an adult when it was captured in 1766 and it’s unclear how old it was at that time, it could have been considerably older than 152 years when it died, maybe 180 years or more. Two hundred years old for this type of tortoise isn’t inconceivable.Which sentence best describes how the woman feels when she saysthis:“Two hundred years old for this type of tortoise isn’tinconceivable”(a) It is possible for a tortoise to live for 200 years(b) A tortoise could not possibly live to the age of 200(c) No 200-year-old tortoise has ever been found(d) Many types of tortoises live to be very old(注)以上五道题目中带阴影部分皆是再次回放的内容。

新托福听力 [自动保存的]

新托福听力 [自动保存的]


1. 转折原则 :关注表示转折和解释的连接词but, however, nevertheless, while, yet, unless, except for, actually, in fact, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth 2. 问答原则:关注含有一问一答或自问自答的句子或结构 3. 开头原则:主题往往出现在开头的一两句话 4. 尾巴原则:关注结尾,往往结论会在此出现 5. 重复原则:反复重复的词或概念 6. 强调原则:语义强调(强调词/解释/举例/级别/对比/结论)、 语气强调(重音/停顿/清晰) 7. 因果原则:原因(because, as, due to, for, since, the reason is / 结果(as a result, consequently, hence, so ,so that, thus) 8. 并列原则: first, second, third, plus, finally etc… 9. 建议原则:I suggest, propose, how about, what about, if I were you 10. 专有原则:人名、地点、时间、数字等

Say remember that proposal for an international festival next spring? Do you think there's any chance it'll ever get off the ground? B: I don t think it's a question of whether it'll happen. It's just a matter of where it'll be held.



9月16日新托福听力机经考试日期2012.09.16(重复2011.08.20北美考题)是否加考是场景话题内容描述考题回忆Listening 1老师叫学生去谈他们的research project, 是一个小组,但是只去了一个代表(有题,问其他人干嘛去了)。


Listening 2swam intelligence第一个例子是蚂蚁,它们会不自觉的follow两条rules:第一个是在觅食的路上会留下一种chemical(有题);第二个是会reinforce那条最短最快的路。



Listening 3商业策略:商家会故意perform poorly in certain areas, 然后集中力量在另外的areas。

一开始举了个restaurant的例子来说明soft standard和hard standard(有题)。



Listening 4女生是背包协会的会长,去找校报的advisor对一篇文章提意见。

文章里采访了dean, 说学校应该投更多的钱去学术点的俱乐部,而不是这种玩乐的俱乐部。

女生提到了一个jazz club(有题),还有他们俱乐部里有一个学生,把学习的知识运用到他们的登山活动中。










让我们试着读读下列单词:stratigraphy,seismology,planetarium,thermodynamics (长单词重音)inside out, run out of gas (连读),upside down, turned down (失爆), toss and turn (连读+失爆)听得断断续续“听得断断续续”突出的表现是句子只能接收到个别单词的意思,无法抓住重点。



1、听力长句断句有问题,抓不住意群;2、听的材料过短;让我们读一下下面两个长句,试试断句What is interesting is that studies have been done that suggest that the animal’s environment may play a part in determining what kind of behavior it displays。

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Regulating people by making
certain sexual behaviors illegal
Karl Marx
Karl Marx related to the thinkers
such as Comte, Durkheim, and
2.Which of the following are related to the conflict perspective? (Click on 2 answers)
stop receiving the scholarships depending on the results of each final exam.
Biology: Diabetes
1. According to the lecture, which of the following can be included in “the North American
enough insulin.
It is easier to get the flu
than other people.
European History: Ireland Famine
1. What are the causes of the Great Famine? (Click on 3 answers)
A The student might work for 4 months if the works for one full term.
B The chance that the students can get the job he applies for is less than 40%.
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A Failure in potato crops.
B Religious differences.
C Greed of the landlords.
D Sudden industrial revolution.
E Population increase.
2. Which of the following are true according to the lecture? (Click on 2answers)
D It assumes that wealth is controlled by the selected few in the society.
Criminology: Early Theories
1. Match the statement and its related field by clicking on the box.
B There are more than 100 scholarships.
C Most scholarships are for the full four years.
D Students who have full four-year scholarships are given the privilege of registering in courses.
B You can improve on your weaknesses.
C You can be a role model in the new profession.
D You can figure out how capable you are.
E It will make the resume look more attractive.
1. According to the lecture, click the box related to each description.
Conflict Perspective Functionalist Perspective
Regarding urban life as chaotic
Work Study Program
1. According to the conversation, what are the benefits of the Work Study Program? (Click on 3
A You don’t have to worry about your student loan increasing.
E The scholarship awardees are given a parking priority in the university residence.
2.Which of the following are NOT true? (Click on 2 answers)
A Some scholarships ask students to write an essay.
A It states that men are given more rights than woman.
B It is also called the sunshine perspective.
C It states that industrialization was the main cause of the shift in the social order.
D The Passenger Act forbade the Irish from leaving their home country.
E The professor is really hopeful about the future of the world.
SocialWelfare: Post Cancer Employment
1. Choose the percentage for each statement according to the result of the research.
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A The students who are in the top2% of all the freshmen are most likely to receive the
B The students whose marks are over 93% are most likely to receive the scholarship.
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E All the scholarships are determined by the Faculty Committee.
F The students who receive the full four-year scholarships can either maintain the scholarship or
Out of the patients who had to stop working while being treated, the percentage of the patients
who were able to work is ( ).
Out of the patients who experienced work disability, the percentage of the patients who worked
in spite of some problems is ( ).
The percentage of the patients who had to stop working while being treated is ( ).
A 13%
B 20%
C 40%
D 84%
E 50%
2. According to the lecture, what kinds of cancer can cause the higher rate of work disability?
(Click on 2 answers)
A Prostate cancer.
B Head and neck cancers.
C Thyroid cancer.
D A tumor affecting spinal cord.
Sociology: Functionalist Perspective & Conflict Perspective
A Before the Great Famine, the Irish had eaten potatoes as their main food.
B The imported Indi.
C The majority of famine victims died from starvation.
2. Click in the correct box for each statement.
Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes
It can make you blind
You may not know if you
have it.
The pancreas doesn’t make
C The scholarship awardees should get the 4.0 grade point on average in order to maintain the