



50 3.5 50 23 — 18
— — — — 0.2 —
— — — — — 200
V V V V mA —
Test Conditions
Value Min. Typ. Max.
VCC = 20 V VCC = 20 V VCC = 20 V VCB = 20 V
B1, B2 : Ferrite Beads C1,C2 C3 C4 C5,C6 C7,C8 : 120 pF Chip Capacitor : .4 - 2.5 pF Johanson Capacitor : .8 - 8 pF Johanson Capacitor : 220 pF Chip Capacitor
C9,C10 : 1000 pF Chip Capacitor C11 : .1µF Capacitor C12,C13 : 15,000 pF EMI Filter L1,L2 : 5 Turn Choke; Wire Diameter .025", I.D. 0.125"
Substrate material: Er = 10.2, H
IC = 220 mA IC = 220 mA IC = 220 mA
1.5 9.5 — —
— — — —
— — 25:1 4.0
W dB — pF
f = 1 GHz f = 1 GHz f = 1 MHz
IMPEDANCE DATA FREQ. 1000 MHz ZIN (Ω) 4.0 + j 3.3 ZCL (Ω) 20.8 + j 33.3



全自动洗板机参数★1、采用真空泵(区别于膜片泵),不易耗损,吸力更强,减少噪音;2、独特的托盘设计,无需补孔及拆条;3、开机自动清洗功能、独特的滤网功能及清洗头拆洗功能,能有效避免堵孔;4、操作方式:5.6寸彩色液晶触摸屏操作;5、注液均匀性:酶标板中各孔之间清洗液注入量的均匀性≤±3%;6、洗液残余量:洗板后酶标板中各孔洗液的平均残余量≤1ul/孔;7、重复性:每次洗板整板注液量误差≤5%;8、稳定性:开机0小时、4小时、8小时分别进行洗板,残余量均应≤1ul/孔;★9、洗板模式:可采用逐行、隔行、任意行及单板、双板、多板三种模式;10、存储程序:仪器具有预先存储洗板程序的功能,最多可存储500个洗板程序;11、管路冲洗功能:仪器具有对管路冲洗的功能;12、振板功能:仪器具有振板功能,振板时间可在0s -999s内任意设置;13、防溢液功能:仪器具有防溢液功能,当注液过量时多余洗液会自动被吸走;14、两点吸液功能:仪器具有两点吸液功能;15、孔底漂洗功能:仪器具有孔底部漂洗功能;16、板型选择功能:仪器可对平底,V型底,U型底酶标板进行洗涤;17、单吸液功能:仪器具有单吸液(不注液)功能;18、换液(预洗)功能:仪器具有换液(预洗)功能,在0s-600s时间范围内可任意设置;19、报警功能:具有液面感应功能和故障自动报警功能,仪器的废液瓶满后会自动报警;20、吸液时间可调功能:可以在0-5000ms内任意设置吸液时间(两点吸液功能的第二点吸液时间);21、清洗排数:仪器的清洗排数可以在1排-8排任意设置;22、浸泡时间:0-999s内任意设置;23、洗板循环次数:仪器的循环次数可以在1次-250次任意设置;24、每孔注液量:每孔的注液量在0ul-3000ul范围内连续可调,步进50ul;全自动凝血仪招标参数1.★测试方法:双磁路磁珠凝固法,完全抗干扰2.运动机构:采用X、Y、Z三坐标同步工作方式,测试杯采用机械手抓取方式3.检测速度:PT单项测试速度≥200Ts/h4.线性度:相关系数∣r∣≥0.9755.加样针:试剂针1根、样品针1根,均具有液面感应功能6.★试剂针:采用一体化整体瞬间快速升温加热功能,保持试剂温度恒定,保证结果准确性7.预温位:≥10个;试剂位具有16℃低温冷藏及搅拌功能8.★样品位:≥30个,样品位全开放、可互换,可无限扩展,适用任意原试管9.急诊功能:不需要单独急诊位、任意孔位均可实现急诊优先功能10.清洗位:独立的试剂针、样品针双针清洗位,避免交叉污染11.★测试杯:转盘式测试杯,可连续进杯,一次装载1000个12.仪器控制:采用工作站实现仪器控制功能,USB、RS232、RS485接口任选13.中文操作界面,无限存储测试数据、定标曲线及质控结果14.中文综合报告单,报告单模式开放自定义全自动尿液分析仪技术参数一、参数要求:★1、仪器测试项目:仪器可进行尿11项、12项测试;维生素C、白细胞、酮体、亚硝酸盐、尿胆原、胆红素、蛋白质、葡萄糖、尿比重、隐血、PH、肌肝、微白蛋白、颜色、微白蛋白/肌酐2、显示:触摸式彩色液晶显示屏3、语言:可进行中英文语言切换4、测试速度:测试速度≥225个样本/小时5、打印:仪器内置热敏打印机,可使用热敏打印纸打印测量结果,仪器可外接并口或USB 接口打印机打印测量结果6、外部通讯接口:串口、局域网接口可与医院网络连接7、存储器容量:可存储至少10万条数据8、样本架容量:样本架最大容量可达100份样本9、尿样需求量:尿样需求量少于2mL10、急诊插入:具有急诊插入功能11、U盘升级仪器:可通过U盘对仪器进行升级12、采样针清洗:对采样针进行内外壁清洗13、大容量内置废条盒:内置废条盒,能容纳500条14、仪器检测封闭操作:测试过程处于全封闭式,符合生物安全要求15、仪器自动抛弃废试纸条:测试过的废试纸条能够自动地被抛弃进入废料盒中16、滴样方式:滴样过程是三维矩阵式高速滴样17、正负压清洗:清洗过程使用正负压清洗多功能麻醉机招标技术参数一、麻醉主机部分:1、1、气动电控或电动电控1.2、循环紧闭及半紧闭,气源压力0.3~0.5mpa,快速供氧35L~75L/M,气源压力过低时可提供不少于7秒的报警音1.3、TFT彩色显示屏≥6.8英寸,同屏显示至少两道波形1.4、呼吸模式:IPPV、手控★1.5、手动/机控转化仅通过屏幕上一个按键操作完成,使用更简便,回路设计更简洁。








6.用户安全,无菌操作7.样本容量:0.3-10ml8.标本大小:20-4000mg9.缓冲液/培养基体积:0.3-10ml10.转速: 200-4000rpm,两个方向11.预设时间:1-180秒12.应用程序:提供优化的操作规程和程序,自带30个预设程序13.一次处理标本数量:2个14.样品管的管盖上带有特殊设计的转子及定子15.管的中心有一个用隔膜封闭的小孔,能保证在无菌条件下,在密闭系统中安全地处理样品。




可生物降解,对细胞无毒性;5.使用分选柱方式进行分选,洗脱工作站进行自动样本洗脱;6.分选得到的细胞与流式细胞仪及其它设备兼容,可用于分析和其它后续实验7.可直接对全血样本进行分选,无须对样本进行红细胞裂解或密度梯度离心8.可在生物安全柜内操作9.采用高分辨率触摸屏,预设分选程序5种,用户可自行编程扩展程序种类,可再存储10个程序10.样本体积(进样):2-3mL;样本体积(出样):1-4mL11.两种通量任意选择:24孔高通量模式和单柱模式二、配置1.高通量自动磁性细胞分选仪主机一台2.洗脱室1个3.洗脱室模块1个4.洗脱室盖子I 1个5.洗脱室盖子II 1个6.24孔柱盖1个7.24孔深孔板2个8.单柱适配器1个9.5ml低温试管架1个10.分选柱适配器1个11.管线1根12.类调制解调器电缆1根13.高功率电缆1根分光光度计(公共平台)1一、技术要求1.基本功能1.1 检测功能:提供光吸收、荧光、荧光共振能量转移、化学发光(辉光和闪光)检测功能1.2 时间分辨荧光(TR-FRET)及HTRF功能可升级,检测灵敏度< 1amol Eu/孔1.3仪器可升级Alphascreen检测功能,检测灵敏度<100 amol/孔1.4 可升级配备气体模块,CO2和O2浓度等环境参数需在软件中实时记录1.5 检测模式包括:终点法、动力学、光谱扫描、孔内扫描和动力学光谱扫描1.6 光谱扫描支持:光吸收、荧光、时间分辨荧光全光谱扫描1.7 光路设计:包括四光栅光路和滤光片光路1.8 检测器:3个独立检测器,用于光吸收的光电二极管,可检测800nm以上荧光信号的PMT。



大洋、索贝、新奥特:畅谈非线性编辑系统2008年北京奥运会使高清节目制作、全程高清转播已被提上日程,面对这一重大盛事,中国的广电企业在生产、研发质量优异的后期节目制作系统,以为全球观众和听众制作和提供高质量的广播电视信号,已经和正在进行哪些工作?针对用户提出的一些问题,慧聪网编辑对国内广电三大企业——大洋、索贝、新奥特的专业人员进行了采访,请他们对后期制作系统中的非线性编辑系统的现状和发展,作了详尽的介绍,相信读者可以从中了解到一些相关的信息:非编产品篇大洋:大洋最新一代非线性编辑工作站——D3-Edit,针对影视剧、电视剧专题片、新闻节目等应用,具备广播级高清与标清视音频处理能力,提供从DV 到HD的完整解决方案。





多格式混编技术,提供所有主流视频格式的混合编辑,从rm、wmv、mpeg4的流媒体,到DV、MPEG2、M-JPEG的标清格式,再到 DVCPROHD、XDCAMHD、HDMPEG2I/IBP、10bit无压缩的高清格式,都可以直接使用,而无需转码,也不需要改变文件封装。

变频器的类型 下载

变频器的类型 下载

/ybc7778/blog/item/6cd43b5 28c084e521038c2e3.html/ybc7778/blog/item/f990ab3 358a33917eac4af3f.html2010-09-25 17:131.台安(TAIAN)变频器说明书E2N2V2SV300N310S310EV3002.台达(DELTA)变频器说明书VFD-A VFD-B VFD-F VFD-G VFD-M VFD-S VFD-V3.英威腾(INVT)变频器说明书CHE CHF CHV4.汇菱(HUILING)变频器说明书H30005.信捷(XINJE)变频器说明书V5/F56.凯迪华能变频器说明书CD20007.酷马(QMA)变频器说明书Q7000Q90009.三品(SANPIN)变频器说明书SKJ SPRQ-33310.能士(NSA)变频器说明书NSA20NSA8011.台凌(TAILING)变频器说明书TL80TL100TL100H12.力普变频器说明书LP10013.安普(AMPLE)变频器说明书AMP100014.誉强(YUQIANG)变频器说明书YQ3000-M YQ3000-A YQ3000-G15.格立特(GREAT)变频器说明书VF10VF11VF1516.RICH(利佳/艾瑞克)变频器说明书EI-MINI EI-450EI-450M EI-500EI-550EI-600EI-700EI-7001EI-8001EI Super N17.汇川(INOVANCE)变频器说明书MD300MD300A MD320MD33018.远川(YCDZ)变频器说明书YC-G YC-P19.紫日(CHZIRI)变频器说明书ZVF7ZVF9ZVF9V ZVF1120.森兰(SENLAN)变频器说明书SB50SB60/61SB61Z SB70SB100SB200BT40 21.安邦信(AMBITION)变频器说明书G9/P9V11G11E11Z9/Z1122.普传(POWTRAN)变频器说明书PI97G PI7000/7100PI7500PI7600/7800PI7660 23.日业(SUNYE)变频器说明书SY320024.日拓变频器说明书HL300025.华蓝(HLinverter)变频器说明书HL200026.神源(SYRUNS)变频器说明书SY4000SY500027.开拓变频器说明书KT-A6G/P28.山宇变频器说明书SY6000SJR229.创杰变频器说明书ACT-V6G/P/Z ACT-M730.亚泰(YT)变频器说明书YTD-G31.传动之星(STAR@DRIVE)变频器说明书SD-5L-G/P/Y SD-5L-S SD-7L32.晓磊(CHXL)变频器说明书LEI2000LEI2005LEI300033.星河(XINHE)变频器说明书SD-5L34.华科(HUANIC)变频器说明书HI3G/F HI9G/F35.方禾(FangH)变频器说明书TE280F66-B F66-C36.群倍(QUNBEI)变频器说明书QLP500037.蒙德(MODROL)变频器说明书IMS-GF IMS-GL2IMS-GL338.韦尔变频器说明书AC30G/P/W/H39.高士达(GOLDSTAR)变频器GS200L40.赛普(SAPPHIRE)变频器说明书SAP500G SAP30041.西驰变频器说明书CFC1000CFC400042.欧瑞(HFinverter)(惠丰)变频器说明书F2000-G F3000F1000-G F1500-G43.佳灵变频器说明书44.时代变频器说明书TVF1000TVF3000TVF500045.爱迪生(Adsen)变频器说明书ADS-A46.阳冈变频器说明书G1/H1/P1E1S147.九德松益变频器说明书CT-200048.乐邦变频器说明书LB60G LB90G49.日搏变频器说明书RB600RB3000RB500050.日普(RIPOW)变频器说明书RP320051.日锋(RiFeng)变频器说明书RF200RF900052.金肯(JINKEN)变频器说明书53.鹰垦(INK)变频器说明书SLX54.正阳(Zhengyang)变频器说明书ZY29/31/98ZY-81255.米高变频器说明书Micovert2003Micovert340N56.伟创(VEICH)变频器说明书AC20AC32AC60AC61-Z AC62-L57.德莱尔变频器说明书DVA DVM DVS DV100058.易能变频器说明书EDS700EDS286059.时运捷变频器说明书SuperBona-iF/iP DB-210060.鸿宝(HOSSONI)变频器说明书HB-G9/P9HB280-G HB280-P HB280-Z61.加能变频器说明书ACmaster-H7IPC-MD IPC-DR IPC-RF62.微能变频器说明书WIN-VB WIN-9G WIN-9F WIN-9I WIN-9L 63.正弦(SINEE)变频器说明书SINE300SINE303SINE307SINE308SINE309 64.四方变频器说明书C300C320E320E350E380E520H320 65.贝西(B&C)变频器说明书BC-1000BC-2000BC-230066.菱科(LINGKE)变频器说明书LK600-G/P/ZS LK80067.合康高压变频器说明书HIVERT通用HIVERT矢量68.吉纳变频器说明书MSC-3MFI-Case00/CaseA/CaseB69.富凌(FULING)变频器说明书DZB60J DZB70B DZB200M DZB300B70.珠峰变频器说明书DLT-G11/P11/Z11/ZK71.易驱变频器说明书ED2003ED2800ED3000ED300S ED3100 72.威科达变频器说明书V673.中远变频器说明书MF6MF5/20MF3074.美之源(MZY)变频器说明书MZY-M/Y/Z/T/L75.威灵(WELLING)变频器说明书WELLING-G/P/F76.斑科(Bantek)变频器说明书BLDC77.基创变频器说明书E35078.腾龙变频器说明书VG3000-G/H79.德瑞斯(DIRISE)变频器说明书DRS1000-M DRS2000DRS2800DRS3000 80.天正变频器说明书TVFS9TVFG9/P9TVFG1181.雷诺尔变频器说明书JJR1000JJR2000JJR500082.科姆龙变频器说明书KV1900KV200083.德力西变频器说明书CDI900084.日虹变频器说明书CHRH-A CHRH-C CHRH-D85.赛普变频器说明书SAP900G SAP300V86.万谷(WANGU)变频器说明书VF200087.世通(EACON)变频器说明书EC1000EC3000EC500088.佛斯特(FIRST)变频器说明书FST-500FST-550FST-60089.收获(Seoho)变频器说明书SOHO-VD SOHO-SMS90.威尔凯变频器说明书WKF WKS WKR5000类别:变频器 | | 添加到搜藏 | 分享到i贴吧 | 浏览(2142) | 评论(0)上一篇:变频器说明书资料下载大全2下一篇:PLC编程软件下载已有14人分享了这篇文章:fangxingyang12 Ta的转贴jatgdqTa的转贴yancc35Ta的转贴lxyyun153Ta的转贴aa9b91.哥伦(GRET)变频器说明书GD-V592.东达变频器说明书TDS-F8TDS-V893.阿尔法(ALPHA)变频器说明书ALPHA2000G ALPHA2800ALPHA330094.东元(TECO)变频器/伺服说明书7300EV7300CV7200MA7200GA7300PA7200GS 95.士林变频器说明书SH系列SS系列SB系列96.华腾变频器说明书V5-H E5-P V6-H97.麦孚变频器说明书VFD-F540VCD100098.海利普变频器说明书HOLIP-A/F/H/M HOLIP-C HOLIP-P99.泓筌变频器说明书HC1-A HC1-M100.隆兴变频器说明书LS200A LS600LS800101.宁茂(赫力)变频器说明书RM5102.正频(JPS)变频器说明书PDS PDA/H/E103.爱得利变频器说明书APXG3AS ASN MS104.德弗(DOVOL)变频器说明书DV300DV600ST500HL2000105.西林变频器说明书EH600A EH600M EH600W EH600Z106.百德福(BEDFORD)变频器说明书B500B801107.三碁(SANCH)(三川)变频器说明书SA SE108.康沃(博世力士乐)变频器说明书S1G2G3109.春日(KASUGA)变频器说明书KVFC110.三木(MIKI)变频器说明书V6111.优利康变频器说明书YD3000YD5000112.尤尼康(UNICON)变频器说明书低速大扭矩无码盘有码盘(前身是北京兰海)113.西尔康变频器说明书H3000114.深川变频器说明书SVF2000SVF3000115.正泰(CHINT)变频器说明书NI01116.中源(ZYDL)变频器说明书ZY-G800ZY-G800E ZY-A900ZY-P800117.思达(SD)变频器说明书JPSD3000-G/P/V/H118.路斯特(LUST)驱动器说明书AD系列CDD系列119.依托(ESTAR)变频器说明书EG/EF120.派尼尔(Pioneer)变频器说明书VF2100VF3000VF5000121.佳川(JiaChuan)变频器说明书BP60JCRQ122.亿森变频器说明书参数表123.沃森(VicRuns)变频器说明书VSI9000124.安川(YASKAWA)变频器说明书G5G7E7F7J7V7PC3P5/PC5125.三菱(MITSUBISHI)变频器说明书A500E500F500S500A700E700F700D700 126.欧姆龙(OMRON)变频器说明书3G3JV3G3EV3G3FV3G3HV3G3MV3G3RV127.富士(FUJI)变频器说明书FRN-G11S FRN-P11S E1S F1S FRN-Mini/C1S FVR-E11S128.日立(HITACHI)变频器说明书SJ100L100SJ200SJ300SJ300-EL L200L300P129.松下(PANASONIC)变频器说明书VF0VF0C VF-8Z VF100DV700/707M1X M2X130.东芝(TOSHIBA)变频器说明书VF-nC1VF-S9VF-S11VF-A5VF-A7VF-AS1131.东洋(TOYO)变频器说明书VF61R VF64132.住友(SUMITOMO)变频器说明书HF320SF320HF430AF-500133.三肯(SANKEN)变频器说明书SAMCO-i SAMCO-vm05SAMCO-e MF/MS ES/ET/EF IHF/IPF SHF/SPF 134.明电舍(MEIDEN)变频器说明书VT230S VT230SE VT240S135.LG变频器说明书iS3iH3iG5iS5iH136.现代(HYUNDAI)变频器说明书N50N100N300J300137.三星(SAMSUNG)变频器说明书MOSCON-E7MOSCON-F7MOSCON-F500138.意科(IECCO)变频器说明书SINUS-N139.佛朗克(FRANCK)变频器说明书FRS2000FRB6000140.NORD(诺德)变频器说明书SK300E SK400E SK5xxE SK530E SK700E SK750E141.EATON(伊顿)变频器说明书SVX9000SPX9000MVX9000GVX9000142.西门子(SIEMENS)变频器说明书MM410MM420MM430MM4406RA706SE70143.PE变频器说明书SD100SD250SD450SD700144.TMT变频器说明书PLUS VTC E IP55 PLUS IP55 E145.AB变频器说明书1336PLUS II PowerFlex 4PowerFlex 40PowerFlex400PowerFlex 70 PowerFlex 700146.艾默生(华为)变频器说明书EV1000EV2000EV3000EV3100EV3500TD900TD1000TD2000 TD3000TD3100TD3200TD3300147.ABB变频器说明书ACS400ACS500ACS510ACS600ACS800ACS1000148.伦茨(Lenze)变频器说明书8200/82108220/824082309300 Vector149.AC Tech变频器说明书MC1000QC SCF150.丹佛斯(Danfoss)变频器说明书FC51FC100FC200FC300VLT2000VLT2800VLT2900VLT3000VLT5000变频器说明书资料下载大全32010-09-06 21:33151.VACON(瓦控)变频器说明书NX NXS NXL152.LUST(路斯特)变频器说明书CDD3000CDE/CDB3000CDS4000153.WEG变频器说明书CTW-04CFW-08CFW-09CFW-10CFW-11154.BONFIGLIOLI(邦飞利)变频器说明书ACT200/400ACU200/400VCB400SYN10S/T SPL200/400155.Drivecon变频器说明书XS XT XR VF5100HG VF51RG VFDB VF61C VF61VF64VFK1/VFN1 VFN2156.CT变频器说明书Commander GP Unidrive SP Commander SE157.SIEI(西威)变频器说明书ARTDriveL ARTDriveG-EV158.KEB(科比)变频器说明书F4-S F4-F F5-M F5-M/S159.SEW变频器说明书MOVITRAC-31C MOVIDRIVE-60B/61B MOVITRAC-07MOVIRET-315/328/355/380/3150160.BERGES变频器说明书ACM-D2/S2/S3ACM-COMPACT SE1SW1161.施耐德变频器说明书ATV38ATV58-1ATV58-2ATV61ATV68-1ATV68-2ATV68-3162.pDRIVE变频器说明书MX-eco/pro/multi-eco/multi-pro-1MX-eco/pro/multi-eco/multi-pro-2163.斯德博(STOBER)变频器说明书FAS4000FDS4000MDS5000SDS4000164.欧陆变频器/直流调速器说明书512C590+590P690+590C165.依尔通(Emotron)变频器说明书FDU VFX VSA VSC CDX CDU MSF166.葆德(BALDOR)变频器说明书10111214167.Moeller(金钟-默勒)变频器说明书DV6-340DF51168.英泰(Invertek DRIVES)变频器说明书Optidrive Plus 3GV Optidrive Plus 3GV Compact Optidrive VTC Optidrive E Optidrive E1Optidrive E2Optidrive MEMA 4X169.瑞恩(RELIANCE)变频器说明书PSC4000/5000/DDS5000PSC7000VZ3000VZ7000170.派克汉尼汾(parker)变频器说明书AC650AC650V AC690+/ybc7778/blog/item/8faa0528684e0f23d42af11f.html ybc7778的空间主页博客相册|个人档案 |好友查看文章各种品牌变频器用户手册下载2010-09-03 09:551 616g5-------------下载2 616G3 -------------下载3 ABB ACS400用户手册下4 ABB ACS100用户手册下载5 ABB ACS140用户手册下载6 西门子变频器MM410操作手册下载7 西门子变频器MM420操作手册下载8 西门子变频器MM 430操作手册下载9 西门子变频器 MM 440操作手册下载10 三菱变频器FR-A500系列下载11 三菱变频器使用手册-FR-S540下载12 三菱变频器使用手册-FR-E540 中文版下载13 三垦变频器说明书下载14 Delta VFD-A/H型录下载15 Delta VFD-B型录下载16 Delta VFD-V型录下载17 Danfoss VLT2800 Profibuss支持载18 DANFOSS VLT?7000 恒压供水专用变频器下载19 艾默生TD3000系列变频器用户手册下载20 艾默生TD2100系列变频器用户手册下载21 艾默生EV2000 系列通用变频器技术手册下载22 欧陆690+系列变频器使用说明书下载23 欧陆直流调速器590P使用手册下载24 三垦 SAMCO-i 系列大容量变频器使用说明书下载25 三垦 SAMCO-vm05 系列变频器使用说明书下载26 富士FVR-E11S系列紧凑型变频器说明书下载27 富士 5000G11S/P11S系列变频器操作说明书下载28 日立变频器SJ300中文操作手册下载29 日立变频器SJ100中文操作手册下载30 日立变频器L100中文操作手册下载31 伦茨8220&8240变频器操作手册下载32 台安SV300系列变频器使用手册下载33 安邦信 AMB-G11 使用说明书下载34 安邦信 AMB-G9/P9使用说明书下载35 ACS501下载·ABB ACS600用户手册册下载·ABB ACS400用户手册下载·ABB ACS100用户手册下载·ABB ACS140用户手册下载·西门子变频器MM410操作手册下载·西门子变频器MM420操作手册下载·西门子变频器MM 430操作手册下载·西门子变频器MM 440操作手册下载·三菱变频器FR-A500系列下载·三菱变频器使用手册-FR-S540下载·三菱变频器使用手册-FR-E540 中文版下载·三垦变频器说明书下载·Delta VFD-A/H型录下载·Delta VFD-B型录下载·Delta VFD-V型录下载·Danfoss VLT2800 Profibuss支持下载·DANFOSS VLT?7000 恒压供水专用变频器下载·艾默生TD3000系列变频器用户手册下载·艾默生TD2100系列变频器用户手册下载·艾默生EV2000 系列通用变频器技术手册下载·欧陆690+系列变频器使用说明书下载·欧陆直流调速器590P使用手册下载·三垦 SAMCO-i 系列大容量变频器使用说明书下载·三垦 SAMCO-vm05 系列变频器使用说明书下载·富士FVR-E11S系列紧凑型变频器说明书下载·富士 5000G11S/P11S系列变频器操作说明书下载·日立变频器SJ300中文操作手册下载·日立变频器SJ100中文操作手册下载·日立变频器L100中文操作手册下载·伦茨8220&8240变频器操作手册下载·台安SV300系列变频器使用手册下载·安邦信 AMB-G11 使用说明书下载·安邦信 AMB-G9/P9使用说明书下载·FUJI FRENIC 5000G11S/P11S系列说明书下载FUJI FRENIC-Mini系列小容量通用紧凑型变频器下载类别:变频器 | | 添加到搜藏 | 分享到i贴吧 | 浏览(980) | 评论(12)上一篇:汇川变频器PG卡使用说明下一篇:变频器说明书资料下载大全3已有8人分享了这篇文章:fangxingyang12Ta的转贴花影扫尘Ta的转贴明你不知道Ta的转贴zz112212240Ta的转贴yongzhewudi21Ta的转贴RRRSHPLTa的转贴csyf0030Ta的转贴云中长弓张云中Ta的转贴最近读者:登录后,您就出现在这里。


Narrow Body SOIC 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 S1 NC G1 D1 D4 G4 S4
Siliconix S-51850—Rev. G, 14-Apr-97
SD5000/5400 Series
Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25_C Unless Otherwise Noted)
D High-Speed System Performance D Low Insertion Loss at High Frequencies D Low Transfer Signal Loss D Simple Driver Requirement D Single Supply Operation
SD5000 SD5400 SD5001 SD5401
Parameter Switching
Turn-On Turn On Time Turn-Off Turn Off Time
td(on) tr td(off) tf
Test Conditionsb
VSB = 0 V ID = 1 mA
SD5400 Series VGS = 5 V VGS = 10 V VGS = 15 V VGS = 20 V
Resistance Match
VGS = 5 V
Forward Transconductance gf fs C(GS+GD+GB) C(GD+DB) C(GS+SB) Crss f= 3 kHz VDS = 10 V f = 1 MHz VGS = VBS = –15 V SD5000 Series VDS = 10 V VSB = 0 V ID = 20 mA f = 1 kHz SD5000 Series SD5400 Series 12 11 2.5 2.0 3.7 0.2 –107 10 9 3.5 3 5 0.5 10 mS 9 3.5 3 5 0.5 dB pF










工具/原料专车专用科骏‎达DVD导航‎1台蓝牙手机一部‎方法/步骤1、DVD功能操‎作A、车启动之后,DVD自动启‎动,接着我们可以‎看到科骏达导‎航的主页面,如下图B、放入碟片,自动进入播放‎界面,DVD全屏触‎摸功能,可直接点击D‎V D曲目选择‎播放,操作更简单、无键操作。

C、操作过程支持‎D VD画面缩‎放显示,按住DVD画‎面即可进行缩‎放D、可实现USB‎、SD、碟片、三种状态播放‎断电记记忆,读碟速度大幅‎提高,任意状态进入‎D VD读碟时‎间在5-6秒。



紫图T5000H双面A4高速扫描仪 每分钟40页/80面价格科密(COMET)YX-38 条码扫描器 (有线激光扫描) 黑色价格科密(COMET)YX-28 条码扫描器 (有线激光扫描) 黑色价格佳能(Canon)CanoScan LiDE210 扫描仪价格佳能(Canon) CanoScan 9000F MarkII 扫描仪价格佳能扫描仪 Lide210 平板式扫描仪价格佳能扫描仪 Lide110 平板式扫描仪 价格科密(COMET)CP-1000 支票打印机价格科密(COMET)CP-2000 支票打印机价格准星支票打印机价格普霖PR-04A 自动支票打字机价格普霖 PR-03 自动支票打字机价格齐心(COMIX)OP300A 免安装直输报表型指纹机价格齐心(COMIX)OP330C 免安装直输报表彩屏指纹机价格科密C72指纹考勤机价格科密X3指纹考勤机价格科密W30指纹考勤机价格科密W20指纹考勤机价格科密W60指纹考勤机价格科密W50指纹考勤机价格惠普DesignjetZ5200绘图仪价格美的微波炉 MM721NG1-PW价格格兰仕微波炉 P70D20TP-C6价格美的微波炉 EG823MF4-NA价格格莱德全钢电热水壶 WKF-9301G 1.2L价格格莱德电热水壶 WKF-D215 1.5L价格格莱德不锈钢电热水壶 WKF-9301 1.2L 1000W价格德龙 电摩卡 EMK6 600ml 银色价格德龙 电摩卡 EMKE43.R 600ml 红色价格美的(midea)单热型饮水机 MYR718S-X价格美的(midea) MYD718S-X 电子制冷饮水机价格美的 (Midea) 饮水机 MYR927S-W价格美的净水桶MU-3(960CB)价格美的 (Midea) 电子制冷 饮水机 MYD927S-W价格美的 (Midea) 饮水机 MYR926S-W价格深安立式冷热饮水机 36LD-SC/A011价格美的立式冷热饮水机 MYD718S-X价格安吉尔台式冷热饮水机 Y1052TKD价格安吉尔 立式冷热饮水机 Y1038LKD-C价格齐心(COMIX)L602 USB全金属4寸迷你静音桌面小风扇 黑色价格z艾美特落地扇 F40A-G价格美的落地扇 FS40-11L价格美的落地扇 FS40-12FR(摇控)价格美的台式转页扇 KYT5-30价格美的空调扇 AC200-B价格美的空调扇 AC120-G价格森睿除湿机 CH-936E价格川岛除湿机 DH-818C价格活仕除湿机 WDF-12BD价格飞利浦多媒体耳机 SHM7410U (头戴式) 黑灰色价格大行(ASiNG)S-1001扩音器 教学、导游扩音器(蓝色)价格大行(ASiNG)S-1001扩音器 教学、导游扩音器(黑色)价格大行(ASiNG) s1017 扩音器 时间显示/教学/导游/演讲 多个首创功能(草绿)价格电音多媒体耳机 DT-385S (头戴式) 黑色价格电音多媒体耳机 DT-385S (头戴式) 白色价格得胜扩音器 E188M价格貂王 MC-110迷你小音箱价格冲击波 SU-206迷你小音箱价格樱花 1000迷你小音箱价格360官方出品 360随身WiFi 2 (设置超简单,超便捷的无线路由器) 白色价格闪迪优盘 CZ48 16GB 黑色价格闪迪优盘 CZ48 32GB 黑色价格闪迪优盘 CZ48 64GB 黑色价格金士顿 DataTraveler 101G2 4G价格金士顿 DataTraveler 101G2 8G价格金士顿 DataTraveler 101G2 16G价格金士顿 DataTraveler 101G2 32G价格金士顿优盘 DT101 G2 8GB 旋转式 红色价格金士顿优盘 DT101 G2 16GB 旋转式 黑色价格金士顿优盘 DT101 G2 32GB 旋转式 紫色价格金士顿优盘 DTSE9 8GB超薄 银色价格金士顿优盘 DTSE9 16GB 超薄 银色价格金士顿优盘 DTSE9 32GB 超薄 银色价格金士顿优盘 DTIG4 16G USB 3.0接口价格金士顿优盘 DTIG4 32G USB 3.0接口价格金士顿优盘 DTIG4 64G USB 3.0接口价格朗科 简约时尚型U208(4G)价格朗科 简约时尚型U208(8G)价格朗科 简约时尚型U208(16G)价格朗科 简约时尚型U208(32G)价格爱国者 迷你王商务型L8202(4G)价格爱国者 迷你王商务型L8202(8G)价格爱国者 迷你王商务型L8202(16G)价格芒果ID卡 AB0002价格sony DVD-R价格sony DVD-R 十片装 (价格为单片)价格SONY CD-R (单片装)/片价格SONY CD-RW (单片装)/片价格SONY CD-R (10片筒装)价格SONY CD-R (50片筒装)价格SONY DVD-R 单片装(片)价格SONY DVD-RW 单片装(片)价格现代(HYUNDAI)M103鼠标 黑色价格双飞燕(A4TECH)WG-100 天遥系列针光无线鼠 黑色价格双飞燕(A4TECH)绝尘高精无孔鼠 D-557FX 璀璨星光价格双飞燕(A4TECH)G3-260N 针光无线鼠 绅士哑黑价格双飞燕有线鼠标 OP-520 USB 黑色价格罗技(Logitech)M90 有线鼠标 黑色价格罗技(Logitech)M100r 光电鼠标 (黑色)价格罗技(Logitech)M100r 光电鼠标 (白色) 价格罗技(Logitech)M105 鼠标(清新白)价格罗技(Logitech)M105 鼠标(活力蓝)价格罗技(Logitech) M105 鼠标 白色价格罗技(Logitech) M105 鼠标 黑色价格罗技(Logitech)M185 无线鼠标 黑色灰边价格罗技(Logitech)M185 无线鼠标 黑色红边价格罗技(Logitech)M185 无线鼠标 黑色蓝边价格罗技有线鼠标 M90 USB 黑色价格罗技有线鼠标 M100R USB 混色价格罗技无线光学鼠标 M185 灰色价格罗技有线键鼠套装 MK100 键盘PS/2 鼠标USB 价格现代(HYUNDAI)M103鼠标 红色价格现代(HYUNDAI)M103鼠标 蓝色价格现代(HYUNDAI)HY-M109 USB光电鼠标价格现代(HYUNDAI)HY-M306光电鼠标 白色价格现代(HYUNDAI)HY-M306光电鼠标 黑色价格现代(HYUNDAI)HY-M306光电鼠标 红色价格现代(HYUNDAI)HY-N11 2.4G无线鼠标价格现代(HYUNDAI)HY-N22 10m长距离接收无线鼠标价格双飞燕有线键盘 KR-6A PS/2 价格双飞燕有线键盘 KR-85 PS/2 价格双飞燕有线键盘 KB-8 USB 价格双飞燕有线键鼠套装 KB-5520N PS2 价格双飞燕有线键鼠套装 KR-8572 PS/2 价格罗技有线键鼠套装 MK200 USB 价格惠普 彩色 861#/CB337ZZ价格惠普 彩色 C6578DA价格惠普 彩色 HP51645AA价格惠普 彩色 C6656A价格惠普 彩色 C6657AA价格惠普 彩色 C8728AA价格惠普 彩色 HPC8727AA价格惠普 黑色 C8765ZZ价格惠普 彩色 C8766/855价格惠普 彩色 C9363/857价格惠普 黑色 C8767Z/853价格惠普 黑色 C8816AA价格惠普 彩色 C8817AA价格惠普 彩色 CC643ZZ/818价格惠普 黑色 CC640ZZ/818价格惠普 彩色 CC656AA/901价格三星 黑色 M40价格EPSON-T04x 黑色墨盒 T0461价格EPSON-T04x 彩色墨盒系列价格兄弟墨盒 黑色 LC950BK价格兄弟墨盒 彩色:蓝色,红色,黄色价格联想墨盒 黑色 LC6001B+H(双包装)价格联想墨盒 彩色 LC6002C价格惠普硒鼓 Q7553A价格惠普硒鼓 CC388A价格惠普硒鼓 Q2612A价格惠普硒鼓 Q2613A价格惠普硒鼓 Ce278价格惠普硒鼓 CE505A价格惠普硒鼓Q6000系列 黑色(Q6000A )价格惠普硒鼓Q6000系列 彩色(青色、黄色、红色)价格映美色带架 JMR101 (用于530K/KII540K/580/590/230/330) 价格三星硒鼓 SCX-4521D3价格三星硒鼓 ML-2150D8 黑色价格三星硒鼓 SCX-D4725A价格SANSUNG (ML1710)价格SANSUNG (ML1210)价格理光复印机碳粉 1610D价格理光复印机碳粉 2220D价格理光复印机碳粉 1220D价格佳能硒鼓 传真机W鼓价格佳能硒鼓 E16价格佳能硒鼓 FX3价格佳能硒鼓 FX-9价格佳能硒鼓 303/LBP2900价格佳能硒鼓 CRG-308 黑色价格佳能硒鼓 Ep22 原装(鼓粉一起)黑色价格佳能复印机粉盒 G-20价格佳能复印机粉盒 NPG-28价格兄弟硒鼓 硒鼓(DR-2050)价格兄弟硒鼓 墨粉盒(TN-2050)价格兄弟硒鼓 墨粉盒(TN-2115)价格兄弟硒鼓 DR-2150价格联想硒鼓 Lt2922/粉盒价格联想硒鼓 Lt2020价格齐心(COMIX)T168 大按键超值电话机 白色价格齐心(COMIX)T128 超大屏录音王商务电话机价格飞利浦(PHILIPS) TD-2808 来电显示电话机(白色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS) TD-2808 来电显示电话机(黑色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS)CORD 040来电显示电话机(白色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS)CORD 040来电显示电话机(蓝色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS)CORD 042来电显示电话机(白色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS)TD-2816D来电显示电话机(白色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS)CORD 042来电显示电话机(蓝色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS) CORD118大屏幕,免电池工作 来电显示电话机 白色价格飞利浦(PHILIPS) CORD118大屏幕,免电池工作 来电显示电话机 黑色价格飞利浦(PHILIPS)TD-2816D来电显示电话机(蓝色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS)TD2815D来电显示电话机(白色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS) CORD108 来电显示电话机(白色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS) CORD108 来电显示电话机(黑色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS)TD2815D来电显示电话机(蓝色)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS) TD2801 有绳电话机 可挂墙不带来电显示 (白)价格飞利浦(PHILIPS) TD2801 有绳电话机 可挂墙不带来电显示 (黑色)价格飞利浦电话机 CORD-040 白色价格飞利浦电话机 CORD-118 黑色价格飞利浦电话机 CORD-042 白色价格飞利浦无绳子母电话机 TD-6816A 白色价格x北恩话务员耳机 VF-560 座机 耳机 价格北恩话务机 DT60 价格西门子 5020 来电显示办公电话机价格德信HCD8588TSD电话机价格中诺 (CHINO-E)C028价格中诺(CHINO-E)C168来电显示电话机(灰白色)价格中诺(CHINO-E)C168来电显示电话机(红色)价格中诺 C228 来电显示电话机(黑色)价格中诺 C228 来电显示电话机(白色)价格中诺 C228 来电显示电话机(蓝色)价格中诺 C228 来电显示电话机(红色)价格中诺(CHINO-E) C229 来电显示电话机 白色价格中诺(CHINO-E)G015来电显示电话机(黑色)价格中诺(CHINO-E) G015 来电显示电话机 白色价格中诺来电显示电话机 HCD6138(20)C044 灰白色价格中诺来电显示电话机 C168 灰白价格中诺有绳电话机 C-229 白色价格中诺来电显示电话机 HCD6138(20)C028 灰白价格中诺来电显示电话机 HCD6138(20)24 灰白色价格中诺来电显示电话机 HCD6138(20)C052 白色价格中诺电话机 C131 白色价格中诺多功能电话机(耳麦接听功能) C301 价格中诺商务电话机 G056 黑色价格步步高普通电话机 HCD007(6082)TSDL 白色价格步步高来电显示电话机 HCD007(6033)TSDL 白色价格TCL HA868(9A)普通按键电话机(米白)价格TCL HA868(9A) 普通按键电话机(冰蓝)价格TCL HCD868(131)TSD 来电显示电话机(灰白色)价格TCL HCD868(17B)TSD 来电显示电话 (火红)价格TCL HCD868(37) 来电显示电话机(米白)价格TCL HCD868(37)TSD 来电显示 (黑色)价格TCL HCD868(131)TSD 来电显示电话机 蓝黑色价格TCL HCD868(79) 来电显示电话机(黑色)价格TCL HCD868(79) 来电显示电话机(灰白)价格TCL HCD868(17B) 来电显示电话机(灰白)价格TCL HA868(32)P/T 普通按键电话(白色)价格TCL HCD868(210)TSD来电显示电话 (雅致白)价格TCL HCD868(201)TSD来电显示电话机(雅致白)价格TCL HCD868(201)TSD 来电显示电话机 (火红)价格TCL HCD868(201)TSD 来电显示电话机 (深灰)价格TCL来电显示电话机 HCD868(203)TSD 白色价格TCL来电显示电话机 HCD868(206)TSD 雅白价格TCL无绳子母电话机 HWCD868(16A)TSD 白色价格摩托罗拉SMP商务对讲机 SMP818 118*58*21mm 0.205KG 黑色价格¥9,800.00其他¥233.40科密¥175.90科密¥1,207.50佳能¥2,613.90佳能¥1,207.50佳能¥423.20佳能¥1,248.90科密¥1,914.70科密¥2,778.40准星¥2,427.60普霖¥677.30普霖¥591.10齐心¥718.70齐心¥1,523.70科密¥794.60科密¥1,145.40科密¥1,028.10科密¥794.60科密¥1,307.50科密¥0.00惠普¥460.00其他¥454.20其他¥977.503M¥86.20其他¥138.00其他¥86.20其他¥1,265.00其他¥1,472.00其他¥326.60其他¥442.70其他¥442.70其他¥489.90其他¥501.40其他¥583.00其他¥212.70其他¥431.20其他¥437.00其他¥517.50其他¥21.80齐心¥293.30其他¥195.50其他¥343.80其他¥166.80其他¥828.00其他¥573.80其他¥2,298.90其他¥1,782.50其他¥2,298.90其他¥149.50飞利浦¥144.90其他¥144.90其他¥222.00其他¥32.20其他¥32.20其他¥207.00其他¥77.00貂王¥87.60冲击波¥75.90冲击波¥29.20其他¥78.20其他¥148.30其他¥308.20其他¥75.90金士顿¥123.00金士顿¥228.90金士顿¥525.50金士顿¥46.00金士顿¥69.00金士顿¥112.70金士顿¥46.00金士顿¥69.00金士顿¥112.70金士顿¥74.70金士顿¥135.70金士顿¥270.30金士顿¥87.60朗科¥153.00朗科¥327.80朗科¥817.60朗科¥123.00爱国者¥223.10爱国者¥386.40爱国者¥2.10其他¥3.10Sony¥3.70Sony¥5.40Sony¥13.80Sony¥23.30Sony ¥112.70Sony ¥7.90Sony ¥10.70Sony ¥31.60其他¥80.00双飞燕¥80.00双飞燕¥80.00双飞燕¥47.10双飞燕¥50.30罗技¥64.30罗技¥62.00罗技¥67.80罗技¥67.80罗技¥67.80罗技¥67.80罗技¥85.30罗技¥88.80罗技¥87.60罗技¥51.70罗技¥56.30罗技¥90.80罗技¥101.20罗技¥31.60现代¥31.60现代¥31.60现代¥38.60现代¥38.60现代¥40.90现代¥57.30现代¥57.30现代¥54.00双飞燕¥51.70双飞燕¥63.20双飞燕¥86.20双飞燕¥93.10双飞燕¥135.70罗技¥169.00惠普¥223.10惠普¥232.30惠普¥156.40惠普¥233.40惠普¥172.50惠普¥142.60惠普¥197.80惠普¥228.90惠普¥316.30惠普¥288.70惠普¥174.80惠普¥209.30惠普¥164.50惠普¥162.10惠普¥222.00惠普¥319.70惠普¥111.80爱普生C63/C65/CX3500寿命(5%覆盖率):540页¥73.60爱普生C63/C65/CX3500寿命(5%覆盖率):250页¥193.20兄弟¥91.10兄弟¥415.20联想¥241.50联想¥677.30惠普¥549.70惠普¥524.40惠普¥625.60惠普¥690.00惠普¥923.40惠普¥748.60惠普¥724.50惠普¥17.20其他¥724.50三星¥1,343.20三星¥899.30三星¥361.10三星¥361.10三星¥170.20理光¥350.80理光¥409.40理光¥678.50佳能¥617.50佳能¥553.10佳能¥555.40佳能¥572.70佳能¥549.70佳能¥245.00佳能¥269.10佳能¥806.10兄弟¥420.90兄弟¥325.40兄弟¥929.20兄弟¥327.80联想¥504.80联想¥65.80齐心¥487.60齐心¥87.30飞利浦¥87.30飞利浦¥90.80飞利浦¥93.10飞利浦¥93.10飞利浦¥100.40飞利浦¥102.20飞利浦¥104.30飞利浦¥104.30飞利浦¥105.30飞利浦¥105.30飞利浦¥109.30飞利浦¥109.30飞利浦¥110.40飞利浦¥114.40飞利浦¥114.40飞利浦¥89.70飞利浦¥101.20飞利浦¥97.70飞利浦¥285.20飞利浦¥287.50其他¥239.20其他¥383.00西门子¥77.60德信¥52.30中诺¥46.60中诺¥46.60中诺¥53.80中诺¥53.80中诺¥53.80中诺¥53.80中诺¥57.40中诺¥58.60中诺¥58.60中诺¥43.70中诺¥51.70中诺¥47.10中诺¥48.30中诺¥59.80中诺¥64.40中诺¥66.70中诺¥66.70中诺¥86.20步步高¥94.30步步高¥58.60TCL ¥58.60TCL ¥58.60TCL ¥62.60TCL ¥65.80TCL ¥65.80TCL ¥65.80TCL ¥70.60TCL ¥68.20TCL ¥70.60TCL ¥70.60TCL ¥81.30TCL ¥82.60TCL ¥82.60TCL ¥82.60TCL ¥86.20TCL ¥97.70TCL ¥247.20TCL ¥754.40摩托罗拉。



Release NotesPowerMonitor 5000 Unit, Firmware Revision 4.010Catalog Numbers 1426-M5E, 1426-M5E-DNT, 1426-M5E-CNT, 1426-COMM-DNT, 1426-COMM-CNT, 1426-M6E, 1426-M6E-DNT, 1426-M6E-CNT, 1426-M8E, 1426-M8E-DNT, 1426-M8E-CNTEnhancements This firmware revision includes new features.Firmware Revision 4.010Introduced support for the PowerMonitor™ 5000 Add-on Profile (AOP) for usewith Studio 5000 Logix Designer® application.Firmware Revision 3.030There are currently no new enhancements in this firmware revision.Firmware Revision 3.028•Introduced the PowerMonitor 5000 M8 unit with advanced power qualitycapabilities, including the following:–Flicker measurement–Sub-cycle transient capture–Harmonic magnitude and angle up to the 127th order–Interharmonics, harmonic and interharmonic groups up to the 50thorder.Firmware Revision 2.050•Introduced optional ControNet™ network communication card for theM5 and M6 units.•Introduced the PowerMonitor 5000 M6 unit with additional capabilities, including power quality measurements.IMPORTANT The PowerMonitor 5000 Add-on Profile is not included in the firmware update and must be downloaded separately for installation in Logix Designer application.2 PowerMonitor 5000 Unit, Firmware Revision 4.010Firmware Revision 2.045•Introduced optional DeviceNet™ network communication card.•Changed the maximum length of the General System Configuration tablefrom 224 bytes to 200 bytes to be compatible with the DeviceNet networkmaximum connection size.•Increased the maximum internal I/O connection rate from 100 msto 10 ms.Corrected Anomalies This firmware revision includes corrected anomalies from the previous revision.Firmware Revision 4.010•CORRECTED: When 30 or more parameters are configured in the DataLog, DataLog_Parameter_31 displays the configured parameter value anddata that is associated with DataLog_Parameter_21 when read via CIPcommunication or FactoryTalk® EnergyMetrix™ software.•CORRECTED: When the Data Log interval is configured to a numberthat is not evenly divisible into 3600, the Data Log records are not loggedat the configured interval.•CORRECTED: The Metering Data Snapshot Parameter List for Group 2shows L1 through L3 VA rather than kVA. The parameter index range is16834…18636. Data are correctly presented in kVA.•CORRECTED: After executing a Restore Factory Defaults command,transient waveforms are occasionally captured without a correspondingevent in the Power Quality Log.•CORRECTED: The CIP Electrical Energy Object returns dataincorrectly in response to a Get_Attributes_All service request. Bytes 0 (5)are swapped with bytes 10…15.Firmware Revision 3.030•CORRECTED: The PowerMonitor 5000 timeout and reset issue thatoccurred 49 days after continuous, uninterrupted operation.•CORRECTED: Default setting for Relative_Setpoint_Intvl_m waschanged from 1 to 60.•CORRECTED: Configuration.T riggerData_Log: T riggerData_Parameter_1 no longer accepts a value of ‘0’.•CORRECTED: Data Log and T rigger Data Log files that are created withfirmware revisions before 3.28 could not be read via CIP.•CORRECTED: Large Data and Energy Log files were generated when3600 was not evenly divisible by the logging interval.PowerMonitor 5000 Unit, Firmware Revision 4.010 3 Firmware Revision 3.028•CORRECTED: In the Status.Alarms data table, reserved elements 3 and4 were removed. The entire table shifts up by two words, for example,changing element 5 to element 3. This affects the data values when reading from FactoryTalk® EnergyMetrix™ software version 2.0 or from a controller.•CORRECTED: In the Status.Alarms data table, Bit #6 ofMetering_Status (element 3) indicated that wiring diagnostics was always active.•CORRECTED: Alarm Codes in the Alarm Log .csv file sometimes incorrectly appeared as large numbers, for example, 4.3 E+09.•CORRECTED: Logic Gate input status was incorrectly reported as a large number (for example, 4.294967E+09) in theLoggingResults.T riggerData_Header data table if the Logic Gate inputwas inverted.•CORRECTED: In the Home web page, the tag ‘Upgrade_Options’ was changed to ‘Original_Catalog_Number’.•CORRECTED: Clearing a log file while reading it by using CIP communication caused a fatal error. Now, clearing a log file is notpermitted until the file read is completed.•CORRECTED: Occasional NaN values appeared in energy counter values.•CORRECTED: Active setpoint and logic gate outputs remained active after disabling the setpoint or logic gate.•CORRECTED: Default threshold values of user-configurable sags and swells were changed to 0 for sag and 200% for swell.•CHANGED: Changed the format of date and time parameters in the ScheduledData.Input table.•CHANGED: Added Metering Iteration to ScheduledData.Input table. Firmware Revision 2.050•CORRECTED: When the virtual wiring correction was cleared, on occasion, the light did not go out until the PowerMonitor 5000 unit was power cycled.•CORRECTED: Net Energy Counter (kWh_Net) is not calculated correctly when there are Forward (kWh_Fwd) and Reverse Energy(kWh_Rev) values. This also applies to kVARh_Fwd, kVARh_Rev, andkVARh_Net.•CORRECTED: Power Factor issue where 100.001 was recorded in the min and max value.Firmware Revision 2.045•CORRECTED: Demo metering mode has inconsistent behavior.•CORRECTED: Half cycle sag swell timestamp.4 PowerMonitor 5000 Unit, Firmware Revision 4.010Known Anomalies These are known anomalies in the current product revision.•There are compatibility problems with the NDIS driver and Windows 8.1and Windows Server 12.•If a value of 0 is configured for the PT or CT configuration parameters,incorrect metering values are displayed.•Occasionally, when external power source outputs are turned off, theMeteringResults.RealTime_VIF_Power table returns small, non-zerovalues on the order of 3.39772E-10.•When a PowerMonitor 5000 unit is upgraded to an M8 model, Voltageand Current TID thresholds are incorrectly initialized. T o avoid spuriouspower quality events being written to the Power Quality log, you have tochange the values of these parameters in the Configuration.Power_Qualitytable or web page to the correct defaults as follows:–IEEE1159_Voltage_TID_Limit_% = 5–IEEE1159_Current_TID_Limit_% = 10Download FirmwareThe latest PowerMonitor 5000 firmware is found at the following website: /Pages/MultiProductDownload.aspx.From the Category pull-down menu, choose Energy Monitoring.Additional ResourcesThese documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.You can view or download publications at /literature/. T o order paper copies oftechnical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor orRockwell Automation sales representative.Resource DescriptionUpdating the Firmware Revision for PowerMonitor 5000 Units Installation Instructions, publication 1426-IN004This document provides instructions on how to update your firmware revision.PowerMonitor 5000 Unit Catalog Number Upgrade Installation Instructions, publication 1426-IN005This document provides instructions on how to upgrade your catalog number.PowerMonitor 5000 Unit Optional Communication Modules Installation Instructions, publication 1426-IN002This document provides instructions on how to install or replace an optional communication module on a PowerMonitor 5000 unit.PowerMonitor 5000 Unit User Manual, publication 1426-UM001Provides installation instructions, wiring diagrams, configuration, and specifications for PowerMonitor 5000 units.ControlFLASH Firmware Upgrade Software User Manual, publication 1756-UM105This manual describes how to use the ControlFLASH® software to upgrade device firmware.Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation® industrial system.Product Certifications website, Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.PowerMonitor 5000 Unit, Firmware Revision 4.010 5 Notes:Publication 1426-RN001D-EN-P - September 2015Supersedes Publication 1426-RN001B-EN-P - September 2013Copyright © 2015 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.Rockwell Automation SupportRockwell Automation provides technical information on the W eb to assist you in using its products.At /support you can find technical and application notes, sample code, and links to software service packs. You can also visit our Support Center at https:/// for software updates, support chats and forums, technical information, FAQs, and to sign up for product notification updates.In addition, we offer multiple support programs for installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. For more information, contact your local distributor or Rockwell Automation representative, or visit /services/online-phone .Installation AssistanceIf you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in this manual. Y ou can contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.New Product Satisfaction ReturnRockwell Automation tests all of its products to help ensure that they are fully operational when shipped from the manufacturing facility. However, if your product is not functioning and needs to be returned, follow these procedures.Documentation FeedbackYour comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at /literature/.United States or Canada1.440.646.3434Outside United States or Canada Use the Worldwide Locator at /rockwellautomation/support/ , or contact your local Rockwell Automation representative.United StatesContact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain one) to your distributor to complete the return process.Outside United States Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.Allen-Bradley, Rockwell Software, Rockwell Automation, ControlFLASH, FactoryTalk EnergyMetrix, and PowerMonitor are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.ControlNet and DeviceNet are trademarks of ODVA, Inc. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at/rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/ .。

罗克韦尔 Compact 5000 I O 数字量模块 说明书

罗克韦尔 Compact 5000 I O 数字量模块 说明书
模块类型 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 模块概述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 本地 I/O 模块或远程 I/O 模块 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
基于 EtherNet/IP 的连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 使用 External Means 时连接的其他注意事项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 受限操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 安全模块特定注意事项 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 整体系统安全功能 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 单通道或双通道模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 与安全控制器结合使用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 确定符合性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61



产品数据手册嵌入式工业计算机基本参数CPU ARM926EJ,主频为300MHz内存64MB DDR2高性能内存Nand Flash SLC Nand Flash 板载为128MByte SLC Flash 网口1个100M/10M 以太网接口支持AUTO MDI/MDIX 双级抗雷防护支持GB/T 17626.5-2008标准中10/700uS 测试的3级2KV 防护±15kV Human Body Model±15kV IEC1000-4-2Air DischargeRS485接口2个全隔离RS485接口(支持收发指示灯)RS485采用三级防护支持GB/T 17626.5-2008标准中10/700uS 测试的最高等级4KV 防护±15kV Human Body Model±15kV IEC1000-4-2Air DischargeRS232接口2个全隔离RS232接口(2个全隔离RS232接口与RS485为复用关系)±15kV Human Body Model±15kV IEC1000-4-2Air Discharge电源接口支持2种电源接口标准5.08mm 间距3PIN 欧式端子接口DC 座5.5*2.1mm输入电压:直流DC 9~36V 交流AC 9~24V电源防护GB/T 17626.5-2008标准4级(4KV)8/20uS 雷击测试防反接保护过压保护抗脉冲群保护抗静电:±15kV Human Body Model±15kV IEC1000-4-2Air Discharge高性能Linux 工业计算机,ARM 高速处理器,主频达200M,64M 内存,一站式实现现场数据采集、自动控制、远程通信等功能,并支持云服务器,实现实时数据同步及远程控制功能,无需额外DTU 等外围设备。






配置清单附表一工具配置附表二 PLC配置三菱FX3U PLC配置表:1、交流电源:三相五线 AC 380 V±10% 50Hz;2、温度:-10~50℃;环境湿度:≤90%无水珠凝结;3、整机功耗:≤1.5 kVA;4、安全保护措施:实训台桌面采用高绝缘、高强度、耐高温的高密度板。










7.1 系统动力学原理
a. 水准(L)变量是积累变量,可定义在任 何时点;而速率(R)变量只在一个时段才有 意义。 b. 决策者最为关注和需要输出的要素一般 被处理成L变量。 c. 在反馈控制回路中,两个L变量或两个 R变量不能直接相连 。 d. 为降低系统的阶次,应尽可能减少回路 中L变量的个数。故在实际系统描述中,辅 助(A)变量在数量上一般是较多的。 ④ 绘制SD流图。
7.1 系统动力学原理
Systems Dynamics, SD/ J.W. Forrester(MIT)
Industridl Dynamics (ID), 1959
Principles of Systems, 1968
3 电子版资料 (1)MIT系统动力学研究小组 Road maps about Systems Dynamics (2) MIT开放式课程讲义 (3)系统动力学方法:快速指南 (4)美国能源部的系统动力学入门教程 《系统 动力学入门教程》 (5)Vensim软件中文参考手册 (6) Vensim—User’s Guide Version 5 英文版
C G=10000
Step Ramp Pulse Sin Noise 订货率
。 测试 函数

正常销售 (发货)率 。
交 (到 )货 率

。 。


。 库存
。 库存
平均销 售(发 货)率



, TRM 9.0, 286JM BAC
冷却泵,8.9 TRM, 水平
冷却泵,8.5 TRM, 水平
70783530GA 4点模拟量输入模块
70783530GD 4点模拟量输出模块
70783530GG 模拟量输入模块IN8
70783530HH 速度计数器模块,50KHZ
42004620F 42004620H 42004628D 42004628F 42004628H 42004628I 42004629C 42004629D 42004629G 42004629J 42004629K 42004629L 42006201 42006203 42008151 42100220 61160601 61160603 61160604 61160605 61160606 61160620 61160629 61160630 61160631 61160632 61160633 61160634 61160638 61160641C

SDU5000 说明书

SDU5000 说明书

Set the R8500 up as an ICR7100 by accessing the ICOM initial set mode as per page 30 of the ICOM operating manual. Set the baud rate to 9600 and address to 34h. The supplied RS232 is ready to go without modification.
4. It is possible to get false indications below 0 MHz !! (minus figures will appear in front of the frequency readout).
5. A small false signal may appear on some bands to the right (or left) of the centre in a constant position (455kHz), this is normal and due to an internal 455 kHz I.F. of the receiver.
Remember, although not a low cost product the SDU5000 is a fraction of the price of a dedicated specC effect of the host receiver, the peak trace may reduce as it is tuned toward the centre
of the display. As a result measurements may be more accurate when measured away from the



With the development of thePOSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 servoinverter, STÖBER ANTRIEBS-TECHNIK is launching a totalrevision of the hardware andsoftware for the servo system.The data communication between the POSIDRIVE ® MDS 5000 and the STOBER ED EK and EZ synchronous servo motors is now entirely digital.The main factor allowing rationalrealization of this fully digital ser-vo axis lies in the developmentof fully digital absolute encodersat industrial-scale prices. TheSTOBER synchronous servo mo-t ors in the ED, EK and EZ series are equipped with these devices.Innovative software generation The commissioning software POSITool is based on a com-pletely new, mo d ular 3-layer architecture with ergo n o m ic interface de s ign. An ap p li c ations library with pa - r am e terization assistant and an additional flexible graphics pro -gramming facility forms a suc -cessful bridge between custom-made design and universality.This new system technologybrings to an end the era of over-loaded and confusing operatingprograms from the pioneering period of inverters.The benefits are obvious This comprehensive and rational slimming down of the sys t em results in significant cost bene-fits for hardware, configuration,cabling, installation and com -mis s ioning.The close coordination of all the STOBER servo components is clear from the example of the electronic motor rating plate.Its data is used automatically in the parameterization of the POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 servo inverter.THE FIRST COMPLETE SYSTEMFOR EFFICIENT AUTOMATIONTHE FULLY DIGITALPOSITIONING AXISSTOBER EK synchronous servo motorwith digital absolute valuator(standard version)2Multiple use by alternatecontrol of different servodrivesServo drives often go into actionat timed intervals. Typical exam-ples of this are handling opera-tions and format adjustments.Multimotor operation with onlyone POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000servo inverter is suitable forthese applications.The digital technology makes it possible For the first time the inexpensiveand reliable axis changeoverapplication is available for un -restricted use on servo drives.Axis changeover switchThe POSISwitch ®AX 5000 exter-nal module has been developedfor connection of the digitallycontrolled synchronous servomotors. Actuation is just via theexisting encoder cables, with-out further operations.Power and signal flows are controlled with correct timing.The axis management does not require additional software complexity in a primary control.Sequential operation with -out functional limitation If four drives are used as end -less axes with absolute encod -ers, the exact positioning is stillfree from rounding errors evenif the gear units have differentand non-integer gear ratios.POSISwitch ®AX 5000Software The POSITool software can man -age up to four separate position or speed regulated axes and control them alternately.A smooth transition from axis to axis is guaranteed by thesoftware.ALTERNATECONTROL OF SEVERALSERVO DRIVES3For experts The new, user programmable firmware has been upgraded to include a graphics editor layer in conformance with PLCopen ®.An experienced or trained user will find a variety of predefined function blocks in various libra-ries. With these, basic applica-tions can be modified or given extra functions.Extra service For a completely new functio-nality requirement or for com -prehensive adaptation of the basic application, STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK offers this as "tailor-made applications"service.Other highlights The software scalability allows optimum adaptation of functio-nality and response time to the application. The cycle time for setpoint processing depends only on the calculation of the activated system modules and the plex applications can also be mapped on the same hard-ware platform without modify-ing the firmware.The STOBER POSISwitch ®AX 5000 axis changeover switch is prepared for use on the soft-ware side. Up to 4 servo axes with different functionalities can be controlled alternately.The rapid pace of developmentsin electronics is leading to con -tinuous improvements and ex -panded functions, especially inservo inverters, and yet this isassociated with constant growthin user software com p lexity. Atrend which is in stark contrastto the demand for sim p ler andmore accurate usability.This conflict of objectives hasbeen addressed by STÖBER ANTRIEBSTECHNIK and Soft-ware Suite V5 developed as a solution. This suite includesthe commissioning softwarePOSITool, a comprehensivelibrary with standard applica-tions, as well as the firmwarefor the inverter generation 5000.Instead of rigidly defined firm-ware with an endless numberof parameter variations the userhas a modern, ergonomicallydesigned operator interface.MODULARSOFTWARE ARCHITECTUREMODULAR H Functional housing design As part of the STOBER EMC strategy, all the housings in the POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 series are made of galvanized sheet steel. They shield against elec-tromagnetic interference and thus increase the units' RFI immunity and reduce interfe-rence emission.The front housing is made of high-impact plastic and incor -porates the operator keypad,display, LED indicators, Para -modul and RS232 interface,along with the slots for the op -tional boards and terminals.The same design plastic front housing is used for all the sizes.SYSTEM CONCEPT OF TOTAL MODULARITY Paramodul Plug-in memory module for transf er of all program and set -tings data.If a POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 has to be replaced, the existing Paramodul is simply plugged in again to restart operations. The functionality is retained without restriction. This plug-in memory module is also an ideal, immediately avail -able tool for documentation up -dating of operating conditions.4For everyday To configure a drive, the com-missioning software POSITool offers a li b rary with typical preproduced basic applications.Here is a selection:b Fast reference value b Comfort reference value Speed or torque reference value (selectable)3 analog reference values 16 fixed reference valuesMotorized potentiometerPID controller reference valueReference values scalable asabsolute or percentage valueb Command positioningPowerful single axis position-ing control with commandinterface in accordance withPLCopen ®and the additionalfunction POSILatch. Positionmeasurements can then betaken on external signals(e.g. linear measurements)b Motion block positioningb Electronic cam functionConnection of up to 32 axesThe consistent project orienta-tion of the modules is provingextremely effective.The parameterization work issupported by assistant func-tions.EMC shield, the motor cable shield connected with a clipOn the right: Version with integral brake module for 24 V brake ARDWARE STRUCTUREDP 5000PROFIBUS DP-V1CAN 5000CANopen DS 301Optional fieldbus communicationOptionalI/O interfacesSupply connection 3 x 400 VoltsXEA 5001I/O terminal module – expanded –3 analog inputs (1 x 16 bit, 2 x 12 bit)2 analog outputs 13 binary inputs 10 binary outputs 2 x D-SUB 9 incremental encoder (TTL) or SSI Input/output interface (X20 – SDS compatible)SEA 5001I/O terminal module– standard –2 analog inputs (12 bit)2 analog outputs5 binary inputs2 binary outputsEncoder interfaces for 4 systems:EnDat digital (bidirectional synchronous serial interface)SSI-AbsoluteTTL incremental encoder (RS422, “5V”)HTL incremental encoder (“24V”)24 Vsupply 5ECS 5000EtherCAT PROFINETREA 5001I/O terminal module – Resolver –2 analog inputs, 2 analog outputs 5 binary inputs, 2 binary outputs Encoder:Resolver EnDat -Encoder 2.1TTL incremental encoder*SSI encoder*Stepper motor signals*The adapter is included in the scope of delivery of the REA 5001*(Simulation and evaluation)THE COMPLETE RANGEFROM 0.37 TO 45 KW Installation The POSIDRIVE servo inverters can be mountedin compact control cabinets300 mm deep.The operator module is thesame for all the sizes.The sheet steel housing designis part of the STOBER EMCstrat e gy (filter class A). It shieldsagainst electromagnetic inter-ference.6This increases the units' RFI immunity and reduces interfe-rence emission. The front is the only part made of plastic which is pleasant to the touch.Functional modular housing designMDS 5007A/5008A/5015A MDS 5040A/5075A MDS 5110A/5150A MDS5220A/5370A/5450ASYSTEM BASISPowerful processor core32-bit RISC processorCurrent controller 125 µs Control modes Synchronous servo motors Asynchronous motors (V/f, sensorless VC, VC)Encoder interface Absolute encoder, digital (EnDat ®, SSI)Incremental encoder (TTL, HTL)Optional: Resolver Serial interface RS232 with USS protocol Option board slots Communication I/OTerminals Operational reliability Generously sized power stage for 250 % accelerating current Thermistor motor protection PTC thermistor monitoring Brake chopper integral Thermal model monitoring of external resistor for short circuitand overload DC link connection For energy exchange between several inverters Operator unit 8 keys, changing of parameters,manual operation (clear text display and LED indicators)Paramodul Plug-in module for power failu-re safe storage of all application specific data.Data transfer without any fur -ther aids Control electronics supply Power supply unit with connec-tion facility for external +24V orDC link power supply(the control section remainsfully functional even if the sup -ply voltage is switched off)Ease of installation All terminals plug-in type (spring-loaded terminals)Supply and motor connectionsin separate placesDC link terminals, two of each,facilitate parallel connectionEMC plate for shield connection ASP 5001 Option for the implementation of safety functions:b STO and SS1 as perEN 61800-5-2b Stop category 0 and stopcategory 1 as perEN 60204Integration is possible forapplications up to (max.):b PL e in category 3 as perEN ISO 13948-1:2008-12 andb SIL 3 as perEN 61800-5-2:2008-04The POSILatch function uses externalsignals and evaluates them as measure-ment function.POSILatch can replace a separate PLCmeasuring system7POSITool Windows Software Application selection (with assistant)Parameterization (with assistant)Manages several servo inverters in one installationDrive optimization with POSI-Scope, oscilloscope function forinternal signals (movementvisualization), operational datamonitoring and diagnosisFieldbus communication PROFIBUSPROFINETEtherCAT®CANopen®I/O terminal moduleSEA 5001XEA 5001 (incremental encoder and SSI interfaces)REA 5001Resolver andEnDat®Encoder 2.1 interfacePOSISwitch®AX 5000For sequential control of STOBER ED, EK and EZ synchronous ser-vo motors with digital absolute encoders.Submountedbraking resistorsBraking resistors for installation at the rear of the unitBraking resistorVHPR seriesIP 54 enclosure, ULVHPRBraking resistorASP 5001Starting lockoutSYSTEM OPTIONSCE complianceAll POSIDRIVE®MDS 5000 inver-ters conform to the applicableEMC Directives and meet thecriteria of Low Voltage DirectiveEN 50178. Standard featurescomprise an effective range ofmeasures, among them an in -tegral EMC filter and the high-quality galvanized sheet steelinverter housing.Levels and terms apply as de -fin e d by IEC 1131.All POSI D RIVE®servo invertersare CE-markedUL compliantThe inverters are UL and cUL("Canadian UL") listed and meetthe requirements of UL 508Cand UL 840 standardsAbsolute Encoder Support AESFor buffering supply voltagewhen using the inductive Multi-turn EnDat®2.2 absolute encoderEBI1135 (when the 24 V powerCommissioningfer via the device operator panel.The Paramodul is also suit a ble for data transfer. Further pa -rameterization cor r ections and additions can be made directly.Some knowledge (basic training)is necessary for this missioning the STOBERED, EK and EZ synchronousservo motorsNo software knowledge is neces-sary for this preparation work.All the adjustments are done bydialog via the operator panel withtext display. The POSIDRIVE ®MDS 5000 servo inverter comessupplied with the “rapid set point”application.synchronousservo motorwith digitalabsolute encoderon the motorshaft (B side)Advanced seminars for general users and experts The POSITool software assistant supports configuration and pa-rameterisation of the STOBER standard applications. Basic andadvanced information on the safehandling of POSITool necessaryon the job can be acquired at anapplication seminar.In practical, individually designedseminars, general users learnthe ways in which they can uti-lise the potential of the POSIToolstandard applications fully andeffectively.After attending the ‘Free GraphicProgramming’ seminar, expertscan expand the POSITool stan-dard applications themselvesto adapt them to specific needs.Further information and datescan be found on our (Services).ServiceThe STOBER service system comprises38 expert partners in Germany andmore than 80 companies in the STOBERSERVICE NETWORK worldwide.This full service concept guaranteeslocal expertise and availability whenneeded.In general, the service specialists can bereached at any time via a 24/7 servicehotline.When necessary, a problem can beaddressed immediately.24/7 service hotline+491805786323QUICK TO ASSEMBLESubjecttotechnicalchanges441812.7www.wast.deQuick DC link connection.Double DC link permit enablesimplified parallel connection.The separate connections formotor, DC link and braking re -sistor are located on the bot t omof the housing. The PTC therm -istor and braking relay are alsoattached here by simple plug-inmounting.VERY EASY TO USEEasy data transfer and accep-tance by Paramodul.Display and keypad are inte-grated. Rapid diagnosis, statusmonitoring, direct parameteraccess and manual operatingfunctions are possible.Perfect, practical connectionlayoutThe mains or 24V supply con -nection is made ‘from above’through a plug-in terminal strip.STOBER 7613 7600-0****************STOBER CHINA+86 10 6590 7391****************STOBER 4***************STOBER 7231 582-0****************STOBER 02 93909570***************STOBER 3 5395 6788***************.jpSTOBER SOUTH EAST 65112912***************STOBER 56 496 96 50****************STOBER USA+1 606 759 5090****************。

爱士顿5PX Gen2 USV 2200 VA 产品说明书

爱士顿5PX Gen2 USV 2200 VA 产品说明书

Eaton 5PX2200IRT2UG2Eaton 5PX Gen2 USV, 2200 VA, 2200 W, Eingang: C20, Ausgang:(8) C13, (2) C19, Baugruppenträger/Tower, 2 HEAllgemeine spezifikationEaton 5PX Gen2 UPS5PX2200IRT2UG2743172104793603 mm85.5 mm438 mm28.2 kg IEC/EN 62040-1IEC/EN 62040-2IEC/EN 62040-3RoHS-konformREACHUL 1778CSA 22.2CEcTUVusEACCmUKCAUkrKCCENERGY STAR-zertifiziert USVEaton 5PX 2200i RT2U G2Produktname Katalognummer UPC Produkt Länge/Tiefe Produkthöhe Produktbreite Produktgewicht Einhaltung(en)Zertifikat(e)ProdukttypModellcodeBleisäure, wartungsfrei (austauschbar)Anzeige des LaufzeitgraphsAuswechselbar6ABM® und temperaturkompensiertes Ladeverfahren (vom Benutzer wählbar), automatischer Batterietest, Tiefentladungsschutz, automatische Erkennung von externen Batterieeinheiten12 V / 7 Ahja (8) C13, (2) C19230 V2200 W1230 V (+6%/-10%)Sinuswelle230 V Standard (200/208/220/230/240 V) 1Line-Interaktiv2200 VAC20230 V Standard (200/208/220/230/240 V)50-60 Hz1,8 m160-294 V (einstellbar auf 150 V - 294 V)47–70 Hz (50-Hz-System), 56,5–70 Hz (60-Hz-System), 40 Hz im Modus mit geringer Empfindlichkeit NeinMultilinguales Grafik-LCD DisplayBatterietyp Laufzeitgrafik BatteriewechselAnzahl Batterien AkkumanagementBatterieleistung Erweiterte Akkukapazität SteckdosenSpannungLeistungAusg.leist.faktor Ausgangsspannungsbereich Ausgangswellenform Ausgangsnennspannung EinspeisungstypTopologieVA WertEingangsanschluss Eingangsnennspannung Nennfrequenz Eingangskabellänge Eingangsspannungsbereich Eingangsfrequenz-Bereich Beinhaltet Netzwerkkarte KommunikationBenutzeroberflächeUSB-Port (HID-konform) serieller Anschluss RS-232 Mini-Klemmleiste für Remote On/Off und Remote Power OffMini-Klemmleiste für AusgangsrelaisKontakte (3 Ausgänge, 1 Eingang, optocoupler, DB9)JaSteckplatz für optionale KommunikationskarteEaton Intelligent Power Manager Eaton Intelligent Power Protectorsonstige 3000 m< 40 dB bei 1 Meter0° bis 40 °C (32° bis 104 °F), Batt. max. empfohlen 25 °C (77 °F) 0-90 % nicht kondensierendGerät mit 482,6 mm (19 Zoll)1JaSchwarz/Silber98Ja1Eaton 5PX Gen2 - Quickstart guideEaton 5PX Gen2 - Advanced User Guide_DE Eaton 5PX Gen2 - EU Declaration of ConformityPotentialfreier SchaltkontaktErweiterungssteckplätze Softwarekompatibilität Schnittstellentyp HöheGeräuschpegel Temperaturbereich Relative LuftfeuchtigkeitBauformVerpackungsinhaltPhase (Ausg.)Automatische Ausschaltfunktion FarbeEffizienzRack-Montage-BausatzPhase (Ein.)Benutzerhandbücher ZertifizierungsberichteEingangskabel Rackmount-Kit(2) Standfüße für Tower-Verwendung KabelverriegelungUSB-KabelSerielles Kabel(2) IEC-IEC Kabel Schnellstartanleitung Sicherheitshinweise,Eaton Konzern plc Eaton-Haus30 Pembroke-Straße Dublin 4, Irland © 2023 Eaton. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Eaton ist eine eingetrageneMarke.Alle anderen Warenzeichen sindEigentum ihrer jeweiligenBesitzer./socialmedia。


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Document Number: 70296N-Channel Lateral DMOS FETs (Available Only In Extended Hi-Rel Flow)FEATURES BENEFITS APPLICATIONSD Quad SPST Switch with Zener Input Protection D Low Interelectrode Capacitance and Leakage D Ultra-High Speed Switching—t ON: 1 nsD Ultra-Low Reverse Capacitance: 0.2 pFD Low Guaranteed r DS @ 5 VD Low Turn-On Threshold Voltage D High-Speed System PerformanceD Low Insertion Loss at HighFrequenciesD Low Transfer Signal LossD Simple Driver RequirementD Single Supply OperationD Fast Analog SwitchD Fast Sample-and-HoldsD Pixel-Rate SwitchingD Video SwitchD MultiplexerD DAC DeglitchersD High-Speed DriverDESCRIPTIONThe SD5000I-2 monolithic switch features four individual double-diffused enhancement-mode MOSFETs built on a common substrate. This bidirectional device provides low on-resistance and low interelectrode capacitances to minimize insertion loss and crosstalk.Built on Vishay Siliconix’ proprietary DMOS process, the SD5000I-2 utilizes lateral construction to achieve low capacitance and ultra-fast switching speeds. For manufacturing reliability, these devices feature poly-silicon gates protected by Zener diodes.The SD5000I is available only in the “–2” extended hi-rel flow. The Vishay Siliconix “–2” flow complies with the requirements of MIL-PRF-19500 for JANTX discrete devices.S2S1 SUBSTRA TE NC G2G1D2D1D3 G3 S3D4G4S4 Dual-In-LineTop ViewApplications Information—See Applications Note AN502ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T A = 25_C UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED)Gate-Drain, Gate-Source Voltage +30 V/–25 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gate-Substrate Voltage +30 V/–0.3 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drain-Source Voltage 20 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drain-Source-Substrate Voltage 25 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drain Current 50 mA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lead Temperature (1/16” from case for 10 seconds)300_C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Storage Temperature –65 to 150_C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operating Junction Temperature –55 to 150_C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power Dissipation a, b :(Package)500 mW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Each Device)300 mW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Notes:a.Derate 4 mW/_C above 25_CNotes:a.T A = 25_C unless otherwise noted.DMCAb. B is is the body (substrate) and V (BR) is breakdown.c.Typical values are for DESIGN AID ONLY , not guaranteed nor subject to production testing.Document Number: 70296On-Resistance vs. Gate-Source Voltage30024018060120110010100–606020–20100140806040200T A – Temperature (_C)I D – Drain Current (mA)Leakage Current vs. Applied Voltage– O n -R e s i s t a n c e (r D S (o n )W )– O n -R e s i s t a n c e (r D S (o n )W )Threshold Voltage vs. Substrate-Source VoltageLeakage Current vs. Temperature5–4–2043210100101255075100125T A – Temperature (_C)–8–12–16– G a t e -S o u r c e T h r e s h o l d V o l t a g e (V )V G S (t h )L e a k a g e (n A )V BS – Body-Source Voltage (V)Body Leakage Current vs. Drain-Body Voltage12168420– B o d y L e a k a g eI B V BS – Body-Source Voltage (V)Input AdmittanceForward AdmittanceCapacitance vs. Gate-Source Voltage104208642C a p a c i t a n c e (p F )1001010.11001000(m S )1001010.11001000(m S )VGS – Gate-Source Voltage (V)f – Frequency (MHz) f – Frequency (MHz)81216200500200500100 m A 100 nA 1 nA100 pA 1 pA10 m A1 m A 10 nA 10 pA Reverse AdmittanceOutput Admittance10.10.010.0011001000(m S )1001010.11001000(m S )f – Frequency (MHz)f – Frequency (MHz)200500200500Document Number: 70296Output Conductance vs. Drain Current7006005000017400300200100256t f – Fall Time (ns)R L (50420403020101.02040. DS – Drain-Source Voltage (V)I D – Drain Current (mA)– D r a i n C u r r e n t (m A )I D 8121681216Threshold Voltage vs. Temperature5–606010020–2014043210T A – Temperature (_C)g o s – O u t p u t C o n d u c t a n c e (m S )– G a t e -S o u r c e T h re s h o l d V o l t a g e (V )V G S (t h ))W V To Scope+V DDOUT0 V+5 V0 V+V DD V INV OUT W。
