图2-1 钻机组成示意图1―人字架;2―天车;3―井架;4―游车;5―水龙头提环;6―水龙头;7―保险链;8―鹅颈管;9―立管;10―水龙带;11―井架大腿;12―小鼠洞;13―钻台;14―脚架;15―转盘传动;16―填充钻井液管;17―扶梯;18―坡板;19―底座;20―大鼠洞;21―水刹车;22―缓冲室;23―绞车底座;24―并车箱;25―发动机平台;26―泵传动;27―钻井泵;28―钻井液管线;29―钻井液配置系统;30―供水管;31―吸入管;32―钻井液池;33―固定钻井液枪;34―连接软管;35―空气包;36―沉沙池;37―钻井液枪;38―振动筛;39―动力机组;40―绞车传动装置;41―钻井液槽;42―钻井绞车;43―转盘;44―井架横梁;45―方钻杆;46―斜撑;47―大钩;48―二层平台;49―游绳;50―钻井液喷出口;51―井口装置;52―防喷器;53―换向闸门(1) 旋转系统设备:为了旋转钻具破碎岩石,钻机必须配备钻盘、水龙头等地面旋转设备,以及方钻杆、钻杆、钻铤、钻头等井下旋转设备。
(2) 循环系统设备:为了随时清除井底已破碎的岩屑和正常连续钻进,钻机必须配备有全套洗井液的循环设备。
石油钻机drilling rig:用于钻油气井和开采地下石油天然气的成套设备。
按驱动方式来分类:机械驱动钻机mechanical drive rig、直流电驱动钻机AC-SCR-DC drive rig、交流变频电驱动钻机AC-VFD-AC drive rig、机电复合驱动钻机和液压钻机hydraulic drilling rig;按搬家rig move、安装、移动方式不同区分:撬装钻机skid-mounted rig、车装钻机self-propelled rig、拖挂式钻机trailer-mounted rig、整体移动钻机unitary move rig;按使用场合分类:陆地钻机、海洋钻机、沙漠钻机、极地钻机;此外还有区别与常规钻机的斜直井钻机。
按主体结构可分为塔型架、K型架cantilever mast、A型架A-mast(具体包括伸缩式K型架telescoping mast和垂升式K型架bootstrap mast)。
刀翼数 三翼刮刀钻头
平底式刮刀钻头 刀冀底刃的形状 阶梯式刮刀钻头
优点: 机械钻速较高 缺点: 扭矩较大,控制不当易造成井斜
• 刮刀钻头制造工艺简单,成本低; • 刮刀钻头适用于松软-软地层,钻速快 • 刮刀钻头容易磨损成锥形,造成缩径和井斜; • 刮刀钻头产生剧烈的扭转振动,破坏钻具和设备; • 刮刀钻头目前逐渐被PDC钻头取代。
钻绳 游车
起 升 系 统 ↓ 天 车| 游 车| 钢 丝 绳
转盘 水龙头 钻头 钻柱
保证在钻井液高压循环的情况下,给井下钻具提供足够的旋转扭矩和 动力,以满足破岩钻进和井下其它要求。
振动筛、除气器、除砂 器、除泥器、离心机
水龙带 水龙头
高压管汇 立管 固控设备
地面高压管汇 方钻杆
水龙带 地面排出 管线
钻柱 环形空间
环空 钻铤 井眼 钻头
1 井眼 2 钻铤外壁 3 钻铤内壁 4 钻井液 5 环形空间 6 钻头
牙轮钻头由钻头体、牙爪(巴掌)牙 轮及牙齿、轴承、储油润滑密封系统、 喷嘴等部分组成。
Drilling Rig ComponentsPetex and the University of Texas Austin © Petex 2001Drilling Rig ComponentsCrown Block and WaterTableCatline Boom and HoistLineDrilling LineMonkeyboardTraveling BlockTop DriveMastDrill PipeDoghouseBlowout PreventerWater TankElectric Cable TrayEngine Generator SetsEquipment used in drilling Fuel TankRam BOPElectrical ControlRatholeHouseRotary HoseMud PumpsRotary TableBulk Mud Component TanksSlipsMud Tanks (Pits)Spinning chainReserve PitStairwaysMud-Gas SeparatorStandpipeShale ShakersCrown Block and WaterTableAn assembly of sheavesor pulleys mounted onbeams at the top of the derrick. The drilling line is run over the sheaves down to the hoisting drum.Catline Boom and HoistLineA structural frameworkerected near the top of thederrick for liftingmaterial.Drilling LineA wire ropehoisting line,reeved onsheaves of thecrown block andtraveling block(in effect ablock andtackle). Itsprimary purpose is to hoist or lower drill pipe or casing from or into a well. Also, a wire rope used to support the drilling tools.MonkeyboardThe derrickman'sworking platform.Double board, tribbleboard, fourable board; amonkey board located ata height in the derrickor mast equal to two,three, or four lengths of pipe respectively.Traveling BlockAn arrangement of pulleys or sheaves through which drilling cable is reeved, which moves up or down in the derrick or mast.Top DriveThe top driverotates thedrill stringend bitwithout theuse of a kellyand rotary table. The top drive is operated from a control console on the rig floor.MastA portable derrick capable of being erected as a unit, as distinguished from a standard derrick, which cannot be raised to a working position as a unit.Drill PipeThe heavy seamlesstubing used to rotatethe bit and circulatethe drilling fluid.Joints of pipe 30 feet long are coupled together with tool joints.DoghouseA small enclosure on the rig floorused as an office for the driller oras a storehouse for small objects.Also, any small building used as an office or for storage.Blowout PreventerA large valve, usuallyinstalled above the rampreventers, that forms aseal in the annular space between the pipe and well bore or, if no pipe is present, on the well bore itselfWater TankIs used to store waterthat is used for mudmixing, cementing,and rig cleaning.Electric Cable TraySupports the heavyelectrical cablesthat feed the powerfrom the controlpanel to the rigmotors.Engine Generator SetsA diesel, LiquefiedPetroleum Gas (LPG),natural gas, orgasoline engine,along with a mechanical transmission and generator for producing power for the drilling rig. Newer rigs use electric generators to power electric motors on the other parts of the rig.Fuel TanksFuel storage tanks for the powergenerating system.Electric HouseOn diesel electric rigs, powerfuldiesel engines drive large electricgenerators. The generators produceelectricity that flows through cables to electric switches and control equipment enclosed in a control cabinet or panel. Electricity is fed to electric motors via the panel.Mud PumpA largereciprocatingpump used tocirculate themud (drillingfluid) on adrilling rig.Bulk Mud Components in StorageHopper type tanks for storage of drilling fluid components.Mud PitsA series of open tanks, usually made of steel plates, through which the drilling mud is cycled to allow sand and sediments to settle out. Additives are mixed with the mud in the pit, and the fluid is temporarily stored there before being pumped back into the well. Mud pit compartments are also called shaker pits, settling pits, and suction pits, depending on their main purpose.Reserve PitsA mud pit in which a supplyof drilling fluid has beenstored. Also, a waste pit, usually an excavated, earthen-walled pit. It may be lined with plastic to prevent soil contamination.Mud Gas SeparatorA device that removesgas from the mudcoming out of a wellwhen a kick is being circulated out.Shale ShakerA series of trays with sieves or screens that vibrate to remove cuttings from circulating fluid in rotary drilling operations. The size of the openings in the sieve is selected to match the size ofthe solids in the drilling fluid and the anticipated size of cuttings. Also called a shaker.Choke ManifoldThe arrangement of piping and special valves, called chokes, through which drilling mud is circulated when the blowout preventers are closed to control the pressures encountered during a kick.Pipe RampAn angled ramp for dragging drill pipe up to the drilling platform or bringing pipe down off the drill platform.l support for tubular goods.AccumulatorThe storage device for nitrogen pressurized hydraulic flused in operating the blowout preventers.AnnulusThe space around a pipe in a well bore, the outer w may be the wall of either the bore hole or the casin termed the annular space.g device on the drawworks to stopng lifted.Casing HeadA heavy, flanged steelfitting connected tothe first string ofcasing. It provides ahousing for slips andpacking assemblies,allows suspension of intermediate and production strings of casing, and supplies themeans for the annulus to be sealed off. Also called a spool.CatheadA spool-shapedattachment on awinch around whichrope for hoistingand pulling is wound.CatwalkThe ramp at the sideof the drilling rigwhere pipe is laidto be lifted to thederrick floor by the catline or by an air hoist.CellarA pit in the groundto provideadditional heightbetween the rigfloor and the well head to accommodate the installation of blowout preventers, ratholes, mouseholes, and so forth. It also collects drainage water and other fluids for disposal.Conductor PipeThe largest diametercasing and the topmostlength of casing. It isrelatively short and encases the topmost string of casing.DegasserThe equipment usedto remove unwantedgas from a liquid,especially fromdrilling fluid.DesilterA centrifugal device,similar to a desander,used to remove veryfine particles, orsilt, from drilling fluid. This keeps the amount of solids in the fluid to the lowest possible level.DrawworksThe hoisting mechanismon a drilling rig. It isessentially a largewinch that spools off ortakes in the drilling line and thus raises or lowers the drill stem and bit.Drill BitThe cutting or boringelement used in drillingoil and gas wells. Mostbits used in rotarydrilling are roller-cone bits. The bit consists of the cutting elements and the circulating element. The circulating element permits the passage of drilling fluid and uses the hydraulic force of the fluid stream to improve drilling rates.Drill CollarA heavy, thick-walled tube, usually steel,used between the drill pipe and the bit inthe drill stem. It is used to put weighton the bit so that the bit can drill. Drillers ConsoleThe control panel,located on theplatform, where thedriller controlsdrilling operations.ElevatorsA set of clampsthat grips astand, orcolumn, ofcasing, tubing,drill pipe, orsucker rods, sothe stand can beraised or lowered into the hole.Hoisting LineA wire rope used inhoisting operations.Must conform to the APIstandards for itsintended uses.HookA large, hook-shaped devicefrom which the elevator bails orthe swivel is suspended. It isdesigned to carry maximum loadsranging from 100 to 650 tons andturns on bearings in its supporting housing.KellyThe heavy square or hexagonal steel member suspended from the swivel t the rotary table. It is connected to the topmost joint of drill pipe the drill stem as the rotary table turns.Kelly BushingA device fitted to the rotary tablethrough which the kelly passes. Itis the means by which the torque of the rotary table is transmittedto the kelly and to the drill stem. Also called the drive bushing.Kelly SpinnerA device for spinningthe drill pipe.Replaces the spinningchain.MouseholeShallow bores under the rigfloor, usually lined with pipe,in which joints of drill pipeare temporarily suspended forlater connection to the drillstring.Mud Return LineA trough or pipe,placed between thesurface connectionsat the well bore andthe shale shaker. Drilling mud flows through it upon its return to the surface from the hole.Ram Blowout PreventerA blowout preventer thatuses rams to seal offpressure on a hole thatis with or without pipe.It is also called a ram preventer. Ram-type preventers have interchangeable ram blocks to accommodate different O.D. drill pipe, casing, or tubing.RatholeA hole in the rigfloor 30 to 35 feetdeep, lined withcasing thatprojects above thefloor. The kellyis placed in the rathole when hoisting operations are in progress.Rotary HoseThe hose on a rotary drillingrig that conducts thedrilling fluid from the mudpump and standpipe to theswivel and kelly; also calledthe mud hose or the kellyhose.Rotary TableThe principal componentof a rotary, or rotarymachine, used to turnthe drill stem andsupport the drillingassembly. It has abeveled geararrangement to createthe rotational motionand an opening into which bushings are fitted to drive and support the drilling assembly.Note the pipe spinner (in red) on the side of the swivel.SlipsWedge-shaped pieces ofmetal with teeth or othergripping elements that areused to prevent pipe fromslipping down into thehole or to hold pipe inplace. Rotary slips fitaround the drill pipe andwedge against the master bushing to support the pipe. Power slips are pneumatically or hydraulically actuated devices that allow the crew to dispense with the manual handling of slips when making a connection. Packers and other down hole equipment are secured in position by slips that engage the pipe by action directed at the surface.Spinning ChainA relatively short length of chain attached to the tong pull chain on the manual tongs used to make up drill pipe. The spinning chain is attached to the pull chain so that a crew member can wrap the spinning chain several times around the tool joint box of a jointof drill pipe suspended inthe rotary table. After crewmembers stab the pin ofanother tool joint into thebox end, one of them thengrasps the end of thespinning chain and with arapid upward motion of thewrist "throws the spinningchain"—that is, causes it tounwrap from the box and coil upward onto the body of the joint stabbed into the box. The driller then actuates the makeup cathead to pull the chain off of the pipe body, which causes the pipe to spin and thus the pin threads to spin into the box.StairwaysStairsleading fromone level toanother.Protectedwithhandrails. StandpipeA vertical pipe risingalong the side of thederrick or mast. It joinsthe discharge line leadingfrom the mud pump to therotary hose and throughwhich mud is pumped goinginto the hole.Surface CasingUsually the first casing to be run in a well. This is done after spudding-in so a blowout preventer can be installed before drilling is started.SubstructureThe foundation on which the derrick or mast and usually the drawworks sit; contains space for storage and well control equipment.SwivelA rotary tool that is hung from the rotary hook and traveling block to suspend and permit free rotation of the drill stem. It also provides a connection for the rotary hose and a passageway for the flowof drilling fluid into the drill stem.TongsThe large wrenchesused for turning whenmaking up or breakingout drill pipe,casing, tubing, orother pipe;variously calledcasing tongs, rotary tongs, and so forth according to the specific use. Power tongs are pneumatically or hydraulically operated tools that spin the pipe up and, in some instances, apply the final makeup torque.WalkwaysAn area cleared for moving through by personnel and protected with a handrail.Weight IndicatorA device for measuring the weight of the drill string. Monthly calibration to calculated drill string weight is required by API.。
石油钻井专业词汇(含部分图) List of components of oil drilling rigs
List of components of oil drilling rigsThis article lists the main components of a petroleum onshore drilling rig.Offshore drilling rigs have similar elements, but are configured with a number of different drilling systems to suit drilling in the marine environment.The equipment associated with a rig is to some extent dependent on the type of rig but typically includes at least some of the items listed below.List of itemsSimple diagram of a drilling rig and its basic operation∙Mud tank∙Shale shakers∙Suction line (mud pump)∙Mud pump∙Motor or power source∙Vibrating hose∙Draw-works∙Standpipe∙Kelly hose∙Goose-neck∙Traveling block∙Drill line∙Crown block∙Derrick∙Monkey board∙Stand (of drill pipe)∙Pipe rack (floor)∙Swivel (On newer rigs this may be replaced by a top drive)∙Kelly drive∙Rotary table∙Drill floor∙Bell nipple∙Blowout preventer (BOP) Annular type∙Blowout preventer (BOP) Pipe ram & blind ram∙Drill string∙Drill bit∙Casing head or Wellhead∙Flow lineExplanation∙Bell nipple (#22) is a section of large diameter pipe fitted to the top of the blowout preventer s that the flow line attaches to via a side outlet, to allow the drilling mud to flow back to the mud tank s.∙Blowout preventer s (BOPs) (#23 and #24) are devices installed at the wellhead to prevent fluids and gases from unintentionally escaping from the wellbore. #23 is the annular(often referred to as Hydril named after a manufacturer), and #24 is the pipe rams andblind rams.∙Casing head (#27) is a large metal flange welded or screwed onto the top of the conductor pipe (also known as drive-pipe) or the casing and is used to bolt the surface equipmentsuch as the blowout preventer s (for well drilling) or the Christmas tree (oil well) (for well production).∙Centrifuge (not pictured) is an industrial version of the device that separates fine silt and sand from the drilling fluid. It is typically mounted on top or just off of the mud tanks.∙Crown block (#13) is the stationary end of the block and tackle.∙Degasser (not pictured) is a device that separates air and/or gas from the drilling fluid. It is typically mounted on top of the mud tanks.∙Derrick (#14) is the support structure for the equipment used to lower and raise the drill string into and out of the wellbore.∙Desander / desilter (not pictured) contains a set of hydrocyclone s that separate sand and silt from the drilling fluid. Typically mounted on top of the mud tanks.∙Draw-works (#7) is the mechanical section that contains the spool, whose main function is to reel in/out the drill line to raise/lower the traveling block.∙Drill Bit (#26) is a device attached to the end of the drill string that breaks apart the rock being drilled. It contains jets through which the drilling fluid exits.∙Drill floor (#21) is the area on the rig where the tools are located to make the connections of the drill pipe, bottom hole assembly, tools and bit. It is considered the main area where work is performed.∙Drill line (#12) is thick, stranded metal cable threaded through the two blocks (traveling and crown) to raise and lower the drill string.∙Drill pipe (#16) is a joint of hollow tubing used to connect the surface equipment to the bottom hole assembly (BHA) and acts as a conduit for the drilling fluid. In the diagram, these are stand s of drill pipe which are 2 or 3 joints of drill pipe connected together andstood in the derrick vertically, usually to save time while tripping pipe.∙Drill string (#25) is an assembled collection of drill pipe, heavy weight drill pipe, drill collars and any of a whole assortment of tools, connected together and run into thewellbore to facilitate the drilling of a well. The collection is referred to singularly as the drill string.∙Elevators (not pictured) are hinged devices that is used to latch to the drill pipe or casing to facilitate the lowering or lifting (of pipe or casing) into or out of the wellbore.∙Flow line (#28) is large diameter pipe that is attached to the bell nipple and extends to the shale shakers to facilitate the flow of drilling fluid back to the mud tanks.∙Goose-neck (#10) is a thick metal elbow connected to the swivel and standpipe that supports the weight of and provides a downward angle for the kelly hose to hang from. ∙Kelly drive (#19) is a square, hexagonal or octagonal shaped tubing that is inserted through and is an integral part of the rotary table that moves freely vertically while the rotary table turns it.∙Kelly hose (#9) is a flexible, high pressure hose that connects the standpipe to the kelly (or more specifically to the gooseneck on the swivel above the kelly) and allows free vertical movement of the kelly, while facilitating the flow of the drilling fluid through the system and down the drill string.∙Monkey board (#15) is the structure used to support the top end of the stand s of drill pipe vertically situated in the derrick.∙Mud motor (not pictured) is a hydraulically powered device positioned just above the drill bit used to spin the bit independently from the rest of the drill string.∙Mud pump (#4) is a reciprocal type of pump used to circulate drilling fluid through the system.∙Mud tank (#1) is often called mud pits and stores drilling fluid until it is required down the wellbore.∙Pipe rack (#17) is a part of the drill floor (#21) where the stands of drill pipe are stood upright. It is typically made of a metal frame structure with large wooden beams situated within it. The wood helps to protect the end of the drill pipe.∙Rotary table (#20) rotates, along with its constituent parts, the kelly and kelly bushing, the drill string and the attached tools and bit.∙Shale shaker (#2) separates drill cuttings from the drilling fluid before it is pumped back down the wellbore.∙Stand (#16) is a section of 2 or 3 joints of drill pipe connected together and stood upright in the derrick. When they are pulled out of the hole, instead of laying down each joint of drill pipe, 2 or 3 joints are left connected together and stood in the derrick to save time. ∙Standpipe (#8) is a thick metal tubing, situated vertically along the derrick, that facilitates the flow of drilling fluid and has attached to it and supports one end of the kelly hose.∙Suction line (#3) is an intake line for the mud pump to draw drilling fluid from the mud tanks.∙Swivel (#18) is the top end of the kelly that allows the rotation of the drill string without twisting the block.∙Traveling block (#11) is the moving end of the block and tackle. Together, they give a significant mechanical advantage for lifting.∙Vibrating hose (#6) is a flexible, high pressure hose (similar to the kelly hose) that connects the mud pump to the stand pipe. It is called the vibrating hose because it tends to vibrate and shake (sometimes violently) due to its close proximity to the mud pumps./search/List%20of%20components%20of%20oil%20drilling%20ri gs/。
Illustrated GlossaryDrilling Rig ComponentsClick on the name below or a number on the graphic to see a definition and a more detailed photo of the object.1. Crown Block and Water Table(天车)2. Catline Boom and Hoist Line(悬臂吊绳缆)3. Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4. Monkeyboard(二层台)5. Traveling Block(游车)6. Top Drive(顶驱)7. Mast(井架)8. Drill Pipe(钻杆)9. Doghouse(司钻偏房)10. Blowout Preventer(防喷器)11. Water Tank(水箱)12. Electric Cable Tray(电缆托盘)13. Engine Generator Sets(发电机组)14. Fuel Tank(储油罐)15. Electrical Control House(电气控制房)16. Mud Pumps(泥浆泵)17. Bulk Mud Component Tanks(泥浆桶箱)18. Mud Tanks (Pits(泥浆罐)Equipment used in drilling48. Ram BOP(闸板防碰器)49. Rathole(小鼠洞)50. Rotary Hose(钻井水龙带)51. Rotary Table(转盘)52. Slips(转盘卡瓦)19. Reserve Pit(泥浆池)20. Mud-Gas Separator(液气分离器)21. Shale Shakers(振动筛)22. Choke Manifold(节流管汇)23. Catwalk(猫道)24. Pipe Racks (钻杆架25. Accumulator(蓄电池)Additional rig components not illustrated at right.26. Annulus(环空)27. Brake(刹车)28. Casing Head(套管头)29. Cathead(猫头)30. Catwalk(猫道)31. Cellar(圆井)32. Conductor Pipe(导向套管)33. Degasser(除气器)34. Desander(除沙器)35. Desilter(除泥器)36. Drawworks(钻井绞车)37. Drill Bit(钻头)38. Drill Collars(钻铤)39. Driller's Console(司钻控制台)40. Elevators(吊卡)41. Hoisting Line(提升绳)42. Hook(大钩)43. Kelly(方钻杆)44. Kelly Bushing(方钻杆补心)53. Spinning chain(旋扣链)54. Stairways(楼梯)55. Standpipe(立管)56. Surface Casing(表层套管)57. Substructure(底座)58. Swivel(水龙头)59. Tongs(大钳)60. Walkways(过道)61. Weight Indicator(指重器)45. Kelly Spinner(方钻杆旋转器)46. Mousehole(大鼠洞)47. Mud Return Line(泥浆返回管线)。
Illustrated GlossaryDrilling Rig Components1.Crown Block and Water Table (天车)2.Catline Boom and Hoist Line(悬臂吊绳缆)3.Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4.Monkeyboard (二层台)5.Traveling Block (游车)6.Top Drive(顶驱)7.Mast(井架)8.Drill Pipe(方钻杆)9.Doghouse(司钻偏房)10.Blowout Preventer(防喷器)11.Water Tank (水箱)12.Electric Cable Tray (电缆托盘)13.Engine Generator Sets(发电机组)14.Fuel Tank (储油罐)15.Electrical Control House (电气控制房)16.Mud Pumps (泥浆泵)17.Bulk Mud Component Tanks (泥浆桶箱)18.Mud Tanks (Pits) (泥浆罐)19.Reserve Pit (泥浆池)20.Mud-Gas Separator(离心器)21.Shale Shakers (振动筛)22.Choke Manifold (节流管汇)23.Pipe Ramp(管子坡道)24.Pipe Racks (钻杆架)25.Accumulator (蓄电池)Additional rig components not illustrated at right.26.Annulus (环空)27.Brake (刹车)28.Casing Head (套管头)29.Cathead (猫头)30.Catwalk (钻杆走道)31.Cellar ()32.Conductor Pipe(导向套管)33.Degasser (脱气器)34.Desander (除沙器)35.Desilter (除泥器)36.Drawworks (绞车)37.Drill Bit (钻头)38.Drill Collars (钻铤)39.Driller's Console (司钻控制台)40.Elevators (吊卡)41.Hoisting Line (提升绳)42.Hook (大钩)43.Kelly (方钻杆)44.Kelly Bushing(方钻杆补心)45.Kelly Spinner (方钻杆旋转器)Equipment used in drilling46.Mousehole (大鼠洞)47.Mud Return Line (泥浆返回管线)48.Ram BOP (闸板防碰器)49.Rathole (小鼠洞)50.Rotary Hose (钻井水龙带)51.Rotary Table (钻盘)52.Slips (钻盘卡瓦)53.Spinning chain ()54.Stairways (楼梯)55.Standpipe (立管)56.Surface Casing (套管)57.Substructure (绞车)58.Swivel (水龙头)59.Tongs (大钳)60.Walkways (过道)61.Weight Indicator (指重器)。
电机 铣锥
导锥 铅印 安全接头 可退式分 瓣捞矛
单向堵塞 器
地层、试 油层
泵工况压 力传感接 头 丝堵
泵工况传 感器
井下安全 阀
化学注入 阀
恩曼防蜡 器
管柱式沉 砂筒
精密防砂 管
潜油泵导 流罩
Байду номын сангаас
过电缆封 隔器
说明: 图示可 以作为 一些工 具通 用,非 固定图 示
磨鞋等工 具
油管 或钻 管等 工具
筛管 射孔枪 割缝筛管 球座
球 刮削器
冲洗炮眼+刮削 器
通井规 断销阀
阀门类配 件
封隔器 8.4m/1
点火头+ 射孔枪
牙轮钻头 工具 射流泵 托砂器
射流泵+ 托砂器
Illustrated Glossary词汇说明表Drilling Rig Components钻机组成Click on the name below or a number on the graphic to see a definition and a more detailed photo of the object.点击横线上的名字或者图表中的数字可查看该对象的定义和更详细的图片。
1.Crown 顶点,王冠Block块,组织and Water Table(天车)2.3.Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4.Monkeyboard(二层台)5.Traveling Block(游车)6.Top Drive(顶驱)7.Mast(井架)8.Drill Pipe(钻杆)9.Doghouse(司钻偏房)10.Blowout爆裂,喷出Preventer(防喷器)11.Water Tank坦克;水槽;池塘(水箱)12.Electric Cable 电缆Tray托盘(电缆托盘)13.Engine Generator发电机Sets(发电机组)14.Fuel 燃料Tank(储油罐)15.Electrical Control House(电气控制房)16.Mud Pumps(泥浆泵)17.Bulk容量Mud Component Tanks(泥浆桶箱)18.Mud Tanks (Pits)(泥浆罐)19.Reserve 储备Pit(泥浆池)20.Mud-Gas Separator(液气分离器)21.Shale页岩Shakers(振动筛)22.Choke窒息Manifold多种(节流管汇)23.Catwalk(猫道)24.Pipe Racks (钻杆架)25.Accumulator(蓄电池)Additional rig components not illustrated at right.在右边图上没有显示的其他钻机部件。
二、刮刀钻头(Drag Bit)
上钻头体、下钻头体(分水帽)、 刀翼、水眼。
•两刀翼的称作两刮刀钻头或鱼 尾刮刀钻头
图2-1 刮刀钻头结构
(1) 刀翼结构角 刃尖角β —刀翼尖端前后刃之间的夹角。 它
反映了刀翼的尖锐程度。 β 越小,刃部越尖锐,
及牙轮轴、牙轮及牙齿、轴承、储油润 滑密封系统金钢锥体,锥面铣齿或镶装硬质合金齿,内腔有轴承跑道。 • 单锥牙轮:主锥+背锥,硬地层 • 复锥牙轮:主锥+副锥+背锥,软到中硬
a—单锥; b、c—复锥; 1—主锥; 2—副锥; 3—背锥
越容易吃入地层,但强度越低。 一般: 软地层 β =8 ~ 10°;
硬地层 β =12°~ 15°
切削角α — 刀翼前刃和水平面之间的夹角。 在相同钻压下, α 越大,刀刃越容易吃入地层, 但旋转扭矩大,剪切刃 前岩石困难。 一般: 松软地层 α =70° 软地层 α =70~80°; 中硬地层 α =80~85°。 刃后角ψ =α -β 刃后角必须大于井底角θ 。
(三)刮刀钻头的应用 • 刮刀钻头制造工艺简单,成本低;
钻井工程英语:Drilling Equipment
Light land rig
Helicopter transportable rig
Tender Drilling barge
Rig Systems and Equipment
Power plant and transmission system Hoisting system Rotating system Circulating system Drill string Drilltransmission system
Prime movers: diesel engine, gas turbine. Rectifier: silicon controlled rectifier (SCR) Electric rig: A. C. power is generated by the
Drillpipe (pipe body + tool joint/connection: top end: box, bottom end: pin)钻杆
Heavy weight drill pipe(HWDP)加重钻杆
Crossover sub 变径短节
Drill collar
Stabilizer 稳定器
Solids control——glossary
Shale shaker, screen, mesh Sand trap Desander Desilter Degasser Mud gun Agitator Centrifuge
Drill string
kelly [‘keli] 方钻杆
prime movers and distributed, through the rectifiers, as d.c. power to the d.c. motors around the rig. Clutch Gear box Compounding transmission Chain, belt
Drilling Rig Components1.Crown Block and WaterTable 天车和井架天车台2.Catline Boom and HoistLine 猫头绳悬臂和绞车绳3.Drilling Line 钻绳4.Monkeyboard 井架工作台5.Traveling Block 游动滑车6.Top Drive 顶驱7.Mast 轻便井架8.Drill Pipe 钻杆9.Doghouse 钻台值班房10.Blowout Preventer 防喷器11.Water Tank 水箱12.Electric Cable Tray 电缆排13.Engine Generator Sets 发电机组14.Fuel Tank 燃油箱15.Electrical Control House 电气控制室16.Mud Pumps 泥浆泵17.Bulk Mud ComponentTanks 散装泥浆原料罐18.Mud Tanks (Pits泥浆池)19.Reserve Pit 泥浆储备池20.Mud-Gas Separator 泥浆天然气分离器21.Shale Shakers 振动筛22.Choke Manifold 节流管汇23.Pipe Ramp 管子坡道24.Pipe Racks 钻杆架25.Accumulator 蓄压器Additional rig components not illustrated at right.26.Annulus 油套管环形空间27.Brake 制动器28.Casing Head 井口采油装置29.Cathead 升降套管用绞车Equipment used in drilling48.Ram BOP 闸板式防喷器49.Rathole 大鼠洞50.Rotary Hose 水龙带51.Rotary Table 转盘52.Slips 卡瓦53.Spinning chain 旋链54.Stairways 楼梯55.Standpipe 立管56.Surface Casing 表层套管57.Substructure 井架底座Crown Block and Water TableAn assembly of sheaves or pulleys beams at the top of the derrick. The drilling line is run over the sheaves down to the hoisting drum 30. Catwalk 工作平台31. Cellar 钻台下的圆井或方井32. Conductor Pipe 表层套管 33. Degasser 脱气装置 34. Desander 除砂器 35. Desilter 除泥 36. Drawworks 绞车 37. Drill Bit 钻头 38. Drill Collars 钻铤39. Driller's Console 司钻控制台40. Elevators 升降机41. Hoisting Line 起重用钢丝绳42. Hook 大钩43. Kelly 方钻杆44. Kelly Bushing 方钻杆套筒 45. Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋扣器46. Mousehole 小鼠洞47. Mud Return Line 泥浆返回管线58. Swivel 钻井水龙头 59. Tongs 大钳 60. Walkways 通道61. Weight Indicator 指重表,钻压表A structural framework erected near the top of the derrick for lifting material.Monkeyboard井架工作台The derrickman's working platform. Double board, tribble 立根a monkey board located at a height in the derrick or mast equal to two, three, or four lengths of pipe respectively.Traveling Block游动滑车An arrangement ofpulleysthrough which drillingcable is reeved丝绳的up or down in thederrick or mast.bit without the useand rotary table.which cannot be raisedDrill Pipe钻杆The heavy seamless tubing usedto rotate the bit and circulate thedrilling fluid. Joints of pipe 30feet long are coupled togetherwith tool joints.A small enclosure on the rig floor used as an office for the driller or as a storehouse for small objects. Also, any small building used as an office or for storage.防喷器A large valve, usually installedabove the ram preventers器space between the pipe and wellboreon the well bore itselfthe power from the controlEngine Generator Sets发电机组A dieselPetroleum Gas (LPG), naturalgas, or gasoline engine, alongwith a mechanicaltransmission and generatorfor producing power for thedrilling rig. Newer rigs useelectric generators to powerelectric motors on the otherparts of the rig.Fuel Tanks燃油箱Fuel storage tanks for the power generatingsystem.On diesel electric rigs, powerful diesel engines drivecontrol cabinet or panel. Electricity is fed to electricMud Pump泥浆泵A large reciprocating往复的circulate the mud(drilling fluid) on adrilling rig.in Storage散装泥浆原料存储Hoppertanks for storage of drilling fluid components.MudPits泥浆池Aseries ofopentanks,usuaA mud pit in which a supply ofdrilling fluid has been stored. Also,a waste pit, usually an excavated掘lined with plastic to prevent soilcontamination.from the mud coming out ofA seriesof trays槽sievesChokeementpipingspecialvalves,calledchokesPipeRamp管子坡道Anangledrampfordragging drillpipe upto thedrillingplatform orbringing pipedownoff thedrillplatform.Pipe Racks钻杆架A horizontal support for tubular goods.Annulu s环形空间The space around a pipe in a well bore, the outer wall of which may be the wall of either the bore hole or theCasing HeadA heavy, flanged steel fitting connected to the first string 套管柱a housingand packing assemblies装置of intermediate and production strings of casing, and supplies the means for the annulus to be sealed off 封堵距套管The ramp at the side of thedrilling rig where pipe islaid to be lifted to thederrick floor by the catlineor by an air hoist.Cellar钻台下的圆井或方井A pit in the ground toprovide additional heightbetween the rig floorand the well headto accommodate theinstallation of blowoutpreventers, ratholes,mouseholes, and so forth. Italso collects drainage waterand other fluids for disposal排出Conductor Pipe表层套管The largest diameter casing and the topmost length of casing. It is relatively short and encases the topmost string of casing.The equipment used to remove unwanted gas from a liquid, especially from drilling fluid. Desilter除泥器A centrifugaldevice, similar to a desander 除砂器fine particlessiltThis keeps the amount of solids in the fluid to the lowest possible level.Drill Bit钻头The cutting or boring element usedin drilling oil and gas wells. Mostbits used in rotary drilling areroller-cone bitsconsists of the cutting elements andthe circulating element. Thecirculating element permits thepassage of drilling fluid and usesthe hydraulic force of the fluidstream to improve drilling rates.Drill CollarA heavy, thick-walled tube, usually steel, used betweenthe drill pipe and the bit in the drill stem. It is used to putweight on the bit so that the bit can drill.the platform, where the drillerElevators升降机A set of clampsthat grips a stand根of casing, tubing, drillpipe, or sucker rods抽油杆can be raised orlowered into the hole. Hoisting Line起重用钢丝绳A wire rope used in hoisting operations. Must conform to the API standards for its intended uses.Hook大钩A large, hook-shaped device from whichthe elevator bails钻井水龙头carry maximum loads ranging from 100 to650 tons and turns on bearings in itssupporting housing.Kelly方钻杆The heavy square or hexagonalsuspended from the swivel through the rotary table. It is connected to the topmost joint of drill pipe to turn the drill stem as the rotary table turns.Kelly Spinner方钻杆旋扣器A device for spinning the drill pipe. Replaces the spinning chainconnections at the well bore振动筛.Ram Blowout Preventer闸板式防喷器A blowout preventer that usesrams to seal off pressure on ahole that is with or without pipe.It is also called a ram preventer.Ram-type preventers haveinterchangeableblocks to accommodate differentO.D. drill pipe, casing, or tubing.A hole in the rig floor 30with casing that projectsRotary Hose水龙带The hose on a rotary drilling rig thatconducts the drilling fluid from the mudpump and standpipe to the swivel andkelly; also called the mud hose管rotary, or rotary machine, used toarrangementare fitted to driveNote the pipe spinner (in red) onSlipsWedgemetal with teeth or other grippingelements that are used to preventpipe from slipping down into thehole or to hold pipe in place.Rotary slips fitthe drill pipe and wedgeagainst the master bushingsupport the pipe. Power slips arepneumaticallyhydraulically actuateddevices that allow the crew todispense with the manual handlingof slips when making a connection.Packers and other down holeequipment are secured in positionby slips that engage the pipe byaction directed at the surface. Spinning ChainA relatively short length of chain attached to the tong pull chain on the manual tongs used to make up drill pipe. The spinning chain is attached to the pull chain so that a crew member can wrap the spinning chain several times around the tool joint box of a joint of drill pipe suspended in the rotary table. After crew members stab the pin of another tool joint into the box end, one of them then grasps the end of the spinning chain and with a rapid upward motion of the wrist "throws the spinning chain"causes it to unwrap from the box and coil upward onto the body of the joint stabbed into the box. The driller then actuates the makeup cathead to pull the chain off of the pipe body, which causes the pipe to spin and thus the pinStairwaysStairs leadingfrom one level toanother. Protectedwith handrails.A vertical pipe rising along the sidedischarge line leading from the mudpump to the rotary hose and throughwhich mud is pumped going into theSurface Casing表层套管Usually the first casing to be run in a well. This is done after spudding 开钻be installed before drilling is started.SubstructureThe foundation on which thederrick or mast and usually thedrawworks sit; contains spacefor storage and well controlequipment.Swivel钻井水龙头A rotary tool that is hung fromthe rotary hook and travelingblock to suspend and permit freerotation of the drill stem. It alsoprovides a connection for therotary hose and a passageway forthe flow of drilling fluid into thedrill stem.drill pipe, casing, tubing, orand so forth according to thehydraulically operated toolsthat spin the pipe up and, inWalkways走道AnareaclearedformovingthroughbypersonneWeight IndicatorA device for measuring the weight of the drill string杆柱校准string weight is required by API.。
钻井设备简介(英文版)drillingrigcomponentPetex and the University of Texas Austin © Petex 2001Drilling Rig ComponentsAdditional rigcomponents notillustrated at right.Equipment used in drillingCrown Block and WaterTableAn assembly of sheavesor pulleys mounted onbeams at the top of the derrick. The drilling line is run over the sheaves down to the hoisting drum.Catline Boom and HoistLineA structural frameworkerected near the top of thederrick for liftingmaterial.Drilling LineA wire ropehoisting line,reeved onsheaves of thecrown block andtraveling block(in effect ablock andtackle). Itsprimary purpose is to hoist or lower drill pipe or casing from or into a well. Also, a wire rope used to support the drilling tools.MonkeyboardThe derrickman'sworking platform.Double board, tribbleboard, fourable board; amonkey board located ata height in the derrickor mast equal to two,three, or four lengths of pipe respectively.Traveling BlockAn arrangement of pulleys or sheaves through which drilling cable is reeved, which moves up or down in the derrick or mast.Top DriveThe top driverotates thedrill stringend bitwithout theuse of a kellyand rotary table. The top drive is operated from a control console on the rig floor.MastA portable derrick capable of being erected as a unit, as distinguished from a standard derrick, which cannot be raised to a working position as a unit.Drill PipeThe heavy seamlesstubing used to rotatethe bit and circulatethe drilling fluid.Joints of pipe 30 feet long are coupled together with tool joints.DoghouseA small enclosure on the rig floorused as an office for the driller oras a storehouse for small objects.Also, any small building used as an office or for storage.Blowout PreventerA large valve, usuallyinstalled above the rampreventers, that forms aseal in the annular space between the pipe and well bore or, if no pipe is present, on the well bore itselfWater TankIs used to store waterthat is used for mudmixing, cementing,and rig cleaning.Electric Cable TraySupports the heavyelectrical cablesthat feed the powerfrom the controlpanel to the rigmotors.Engine Generator SetsA diesel, LiquefiedPetroleum Gas (LPG),natural gas, orgasoline engine,along with a mechanical transmission and generator for producing power for the drilling rig. Newer rigs use electric generators to power electric motors on the other parts of the rig.Fuel TanksFuel storage tanks for the powergenerating system.Electric HouseOn diesel electric rigs, powerfuldiesel engines drive large electricgenerators. The generators produceelectricity that flows through cables to electric switches and control equipment enclosed in a control cabinet or panel. Electricity is fed to electric motors via the panel.Mud PumpA largereciprocatingpump used tocirculate themud (drillingfluid) on adrilling rig.Bulk Mud Components in StorageHopper type tanks for storage of drilling fluid components.Mud PitsA series of open tanks, usually made of steel plates, through which the drilling mud is cycled to allow sand and sediments to settle out. Additives are mixed with the mud in the pit, and the fluid is temporarily stored there before being pumped back into the well. Mud pit compartments are also called shaker pits, settling pits, and suction pits, depending on their main purpose.Reserve PitsA mud pit in which a supplyof drilling fluid has beenstored. Also, a waste pit, usually an excavated, earthen-walled pit. It may be lined with plastic to prevent soil contamination.Mud Gas SeparatorA device that removesgas from the mudcoming out of a wellwhen a kick is being circulated out.Shale ShakerA series of trays with sieves or screens that vibrate to remove cuttings from circulating fluid in rotary drilling operations. The size of the openings in the sieve is selected to match the size ofthe solids in the drilling fluid and the anticipated size of cuttings. Also called a shaker.Choke ManifoldThe arrangement of piping and special valves, called chokes, through which drilling mud is circulated when the blowout preventers are closed to control the pressures encountered during a kick.Pipe RampAn angled ramp for dragging drill pipe up to the drilling platform or bringing pipe down off the drill platform.l support for tubular goods.AccumulatorThe storage device for nitrogen pressurized hydraulic flused in operating the blowout preventers.AnnulusThe space around a pipe in a well bore, the outer w may be the wall of either the bore hole or the casin termed the annular space.g device on the drawworks to stopng lifted.Casing HeadA heavy, flanged steelfitting connected tothe first string ofcasing. It provides ahousing for slips andpacking assemblies,allows suspension of intermediate and production strings of casing, and supplies themeans for the annulus to be sealed off. Also called a spool.CatheadA spool-shapedattachment on awinch around whichrope for hoistingand pulling is wound.CatwalkThe ramp at the sideof the drilling rigwhere pipe is laidto be lifted to thederrick floor by the catline or by an air hoist.CellarA pit in the groundto provideadditional heightbetween the rigfloor and the well head to accommodate the installation of blowout preventers, ratholes, mouseholes, and so forth. It also collects drainage water and other fluids for disposal.Conductor PipeThe largest diametercasing and the topmostlength of casing. It isrelatively short and encases the topmost string of casing.DegasserThe equipment usedto remove unwantedgas from a liquid,especially fromdrilling fluid.DesilterA centrifugal device,similar to a desander,used to remove veryfine particles, orsilt, from drilling fluid. This keeps the amount of solids in the fluid to the lowest possible level.DrawworksThe hoisting mechanismon a drilling rig. It isessentially a largewinch that spools off ortakes in the drilling line and thus raises or lowers the drill stem and bit.Drill BitThe cutting or boringelement used in drillingoil and gas wells. Mostbits used in rotarydrilling are roller-cone bits. The bit consists of the cutting elements and the circulating element. The circulating element permits the passage of drilling fluid and uses the hydraulic force of the fluid stream to improve drilling rates.Drill CollarA heavy, thick-walled tube, usually steel,used between the drill pipe and the bit inthe drill stem. It is used to put weighton the bit so that the bit can drill. Drillers ConsoleThe control panel,located on theplatform, where thedriller controlsdrilling operations.ElevatorsA set of clampsthat grips astand, orcolumn, ofcasing, tubing,drill pipe, orsucker rods, sothe stand can beraised or lowered into the hole.Hoisting LineA wire rope used inhoisting operations.Must conform to the APIstandards for itsintended uses.HookA large, hook-shaped devicefrom which the elevator bails orthe swivel is suspended. It isdesigned to carry maximum loadsranging from 100 to 650 tons andturns on bearings in its supporting housing.KellyThe heavy square or hexagonal steel member suspended from the swivel t the rotary table. It is connected to the topmost joint of drill pipe the drill stem as the rotary table turns.Kelly BushingA device fitted to the rotary tablethrough which the kelly passes. Itis the means by which the torque of the rotary table is transmittedto the kelly and to the drill stem. Also called the drive bushing.Kelly SpinnerA device for spinningthe drill pipe.Replaces the spinningchain.MouseholeShallow bores under the rigfloor, usually lined with pipe,in which joints of drill pipeare temporarily suspended forlater connection to the drillstring.Mud Return LineA trough or pipe,placed between thesurface connectionsat the well bore andthe shale shaker. Drilling mud flows through it upon its return to the surface from the hole.Ram Blowout PreventerA blowout preventer thatuses rams to seal offpressure on a hole thatis with or without pipe.It is also called a ram preventer. Ram-type preventers have interchangeable ram blocks to accommodate different O.D. drill pipe, casing, or tubing.RatholeA hole in the rigfloor 30 to 35 feetdeep, lined withcasing thatprojects above thefloor. The kellyis placed in the rathole when hoisting operations are in progress.Rotary HoseThe hose on a rotary drillingrig that conducts thedrilling fluid from the mudpump and standpipe to theswivel and kelly; also calledthe mud hose or the kellyhose.Rotary TableThe principal componentof a rotary, or rotarymachine, used to turnthe drill stem andsupport the drillingassembly. It has abeveled geararrangement to createthe rotational motionand an opening into which bushings are fitted to drive and support the drilling assembly.Note the pipe spinner (in red) on the side of the swivel.SlipsWedge-shaped pieces ofmetal with teeth or othergripping elements that areused to prevent pipe fromslipping down into thehole or to hold pipe inplace. Rotary slips fitaround the drill pipe andwedge against the master bushing to support the pipe. Power slips are pneumatically or hydraulically actuated devices that allow the crew to dispense with the manual handling of slips when making a connection. Packers and other down hole equipment are secured in position by slips that engage the pipe by action directed at the surface.Spinning ChainA relatively short length of chain attached to the tong pull chain on the manual tongs used to make up drill pipe. The spinning chain is attached to the pull chain so that a crew member can wrap the spinning chain several times around the tool joint box of a jointof drill pipe suspended inthe rotary table. After crewmembers stab the pin ofanother tool joint into thebox end, one of them thengrasps the end of thespinning chain and with arapid upward motion of thewrist "throws the spinningchain"—that is, causes it tounwrap from the box and coil upward onto the body of the joint stabbed into the box. The driller then actuates the makeup cathead to pull the chain off of the pipe body, which causes the pipe to spin and thus the pin threads to spin into the box.StairwaysStairsleading fromone level toanother.Protectedwithhandrails. StandpipeA vertical pipe risingalong the side of thederrick or mast. It joinsthe discharge line leadingfrom the mud pump to therotary hose and throughwhich mud is pumped goinginto the hole.Surface CasingUsually the first casing to be run in a well. This is done after spudding-in so a blowout preventer can be installed before drilling is started.SubstructureThe foundation on which the derrick or mast and usually the drawworks sit; contains space for storage and well control equipment.SwivelA rotary tool that is hung from the rotary hook and traveling block to suspend and permit free rotation of the drill stem. It also provides a connection for the rotary hose and a passageway for the flowof drilling fluid into the drill stem.TongsThe large wrenchesused for turning whenmaking up or breakingout drill pipe,casing, tubing, orother pipe;variously calledcasing tongs, rotary tongs, and so forth according to the specific use. Power tongs are pneumatically or hydraulically operated tools that spin the pipe up and, in some instances, apply the final makeup torque.WalkwaysAn area cleared for moving through by personnel and protected with a handrail.Weight IndicatorA device for measuring the weight of the drill string. Monthly calibration to calculated drill string weight is required by API.。
钻井平台设备 图解 1
bull nose:用来封住casing string的钢板(焊在下端部),球面形或半椭球形,像个牛鼻子。
cathead:在drill floor上的cat head用来辅助吊sand line的,如下图红色的cat head,顶部的轮子下面有个液压泵,旁边的轮子可以像合页一样转动,用来调整拉拽的角度。
cat walk:在船上的catwalk大家都知道的吧,在平台上也有类似的结构。
在钻井系统中指的是和vee-door下面的pipe ramp链接的窄长平台,用来运送钻井所需的工具、管子等这个图是陆地上catwalk。
图中是工人在上面选管子准备运到drill floor上。
dog house:dog house 又叫boiler house这个只有在陆地钻井时看的到,就是一个在拖车上的小房间,或是在卡车上分割出来的小房间。
finger board:在derrick上用来扶持接好的drill pipe和coller的。
在平台和钻井船上,finger board是在derrick的里面的。
见下图这些大手指上还有些小手指,管子运过来的时候会自动打开,(图中正在打开,管子放好后会关闭)有了这套系统,就不需要monkey board了。
[英语]石油钻机各部件图解及中英文名称对照1. Crown Block and Water Table(天车)2. Catline Boom and Hoist Line(悬臂吊绳缆)3. Drilling Line(钻井大绳)4. Monkeyboard(二层台)5. Traveling Block(游车)6. Top Drive(顶驱)7. Mast(井架)8. Drill Pipe(钻杆)9. Doghouse(司钻偏房)10.Blowout Preventer(防喷器)11.Water Tank(水箱)12.Electric Cable Tray(电缆托盘)13.Engine Generator Sets(发电机组)14.Fuel Tank(储油罐)15.Electrical Control House(电气控制房)16.Mud Pumps(泥浆泵)17.Bulk Mud Component Tanks(泥浆桶箱)18.Mud Tanks (Pits)(泥浆罐)19.Reserve Pit(泥浆池)20.Mud-Gas Separator(液气分离器)21.Shale Shakers(振动筛)22.Choke Manifold(节流管汇)23.Catwalk(猫道)24.Pipe Racks (钻杆架)25.Accumulator(蓄电池)26.Annulus(环空)27.Brake(刹车)28.Casing Head(套管头)29.Cathead(猫头)30.Catwalk(猫道)31.Cellar(圆井)32.Conductor Pipe(导向套管)33.Degasser(除气器)34.Desander(除沙器)35.Desilter(除泥器)36.Drawworks(钻井绞车)37.Drill Bit(钻头)38.Drill Collars(钻铤)39.Driller's Console(司钻控制台)40.Elevators(吊卡)41.Hoisting Line(提升绳)42.Hook(大钩)43.Kelly(方钻杆)44.Kelly Bushing(方钻杆补心)45.Kelly Spinner(方钻杆旋转器)46.Mousehole(大鼠洞)47.Mud Return Line(泥浆返回管线)48.Ram BOP(闸板防碰器)49.Rathole(小鼠洞)50.Rotary Hose(钻井水龙带)51.Rotary Table(转盘)52.Slips(转盘卡瓦)53.Spinning chain(旋扣链)54.Stairways(楼梯)55.Standpipe(立管)56.Surface Casing(表层套管)57.Substructure(底座)58.Swivel(水龙头)59.Tongs(大钳)60.Walkways(过道)61.Weight Indicator(指重器)。
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Drilling Rig Components1.Crown Block and WaterTable 天车和井架天车台2.Catline Boom and HoistLine 猫头绳悬臂和绞车绳3.Drilling Line 钻绳4.Monkeyboard 井架工作台5.Traveling Block 游动滑车6.Top Drive 顶驱7.Mast 轻便井架8.Drill Pipe 钻杆9.Doghouse 钻台值班房10.Blowout Preventer 防喷器11.Water Tank 水箱12.Electric Cable Tray 电缆排13.Engine Generator Sets 发电机组14.Fuel Tank 燃油箱15.Electrical Control House 电气控制室16.Mud Pumps 泥浆泵17.Bulk Mud ComponentTanks 散装泥浆原料罐18.Mud Tanks (Pits泥浆池)19.Reserve Pit 泥浆储备池20.Mud-Gas Separator 泥浆天然气分离器21.Shale Shakers 振动筛22.Choke Manifold 节流管汇23.Pipe Ramp 管子坡道24.Pipe Racks 钻杆架25.Accumulator 蓄压器Additional rig components not illustrated at right.26.Annulus 油套管环形空间27.Brake 制动器28.Casing Head 井口采油装置29.Cathead 升降套管用绞车Equipment used in drilling48.Ram BOP 闸板式防喷器49.Rathole 大鼠洞50.Rotary Hose 水龙带51.Rotary Table 转盘52.Slips 卡瓦53.Spinning chain 旋链54.Stairways 楼梯55.Standpipe 立管56.Surface Casing 表层套管57.Substructure 井架底座Crown Block and Water Table 天车和井架天车台An assembly of sheaves 槽轮 or pulleys 滑轮 mounted on beams at the top of the derrick. The drilling line is run over the sheaves down to the hoisting drum 提升滚筒.30. Catwalk 工作平台31. Cellar 钻台下的圆井或方井32. Conductor Pipe 表层套管 33. Degasser 脱气装置 34. Desander 除砂器 35. Desilter 除泥 36. Drawworks 绞车 37. Drill Bit 钻头 38. Drill Collars 钻铤39. Driller's Console 司钻控制台40. Elevators 升降机41. Hoisting Line 起重用钢丝绳42. Hook 大钩 43. Kelly 方钻杆44. Kelly Bushing 方钻杆套筒 45. Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋扣器46. Mousehole 小鼠洞47. Mud Return Line 泥浆返回管线58. Swivel 钻井水龙头 59. Tongs 大钳 60. Walkways 通道61. Weight Indicator 指重表,钻压表26.Catline Boom and Hoist Line猫头绳悬臂和绞车绳A structural framework erected 安装near the top of the derrick for liftingmaterial.Drilling Line钻绳A wire rope hoistingline, reeved onsheaves of the crownblock and travelingblock (in effect ablock and tackle滑轮组). Its primarypurpose is to hoist orlower drill pipe orcasing套管from orinto a well. Also, awire rope used tosupport the drillingtools.Monkeyboard井架工作台The derrickman's working platform. Double board, tribble 立根board, forble board二层台;a monkey board located at a height in the derrick or mast equal to two, three, or four lengths of pipe respectively.Traveling Block游动滑车An arrangement ofpulleys滑轮or sheavesthrough which drillingcable is reeved绕上钢丝绳的, which movesup or down in thederrick or mast.Top Drive顶驱The top driverotates the drillstring钻杆柱endbit without the useof a kelly传动钻杆and rotary table.The top drive isoperated from acontrol console控制台on the rigfloor.Mast轻便井架A portable derrickcapable of beingerected as a unit, asdistinguished from astandard derrick,which cannot be raisedto a working positionas a unit.Drill Pipe钻杆The heavy seamless tubing usedto rotate the bit and circulate thedrilling fluid. Joints of pipe 30feet long are coupled togetherwith tool joints.27.Doghouse钻台值班房A small enclosure on the rig floor used as anoffice for the driller or as a storehouse for smallobjects. Also, any small building used as anoffice or for storage.Blowout Preventer防喷器A large valve, usually installedabove the ram preventers闸板防喷器, that forms a seal in the annularspace between the pipe and wellbore井眼or, if no pipe is present,on the well bore itselfWater Tank水箱Is used to store water that isused for mud mixing,cementing注水泥, and rigcleaning.Electric Cable Tray电缆排Supports the heavyelectrical cables that feedthe power from the controlpanel to the rig motors.Engine Generator Sets发电机组A diesel柴油机, LiquefiedPetroleum Gas (LPG), naturalgas, or gasoline engine, alongwith a mechanicaltransmission and generatorfor producing power for thedrilling rig. Newer rigs useelectric generators to powerelectric motors on the otherparts of the rig.Fuel Tanks燃油箱Fuel storage tanks for the power generatingsystem.Electric House电气控制室On diesel electric rigs, powerful diesel engines drivelarge electric generators. The generators produceelectricity that flows through cables to electricswitches and control equipment enclosed in acontrol cabinet or panel. Electricity is fed to electricmotors via the panel.Mud Pump泥浆泵A large reciprocating往复的pump used tocirculate the mud(drilling fluid) on adrilling rig.Bulk Mud Componentsin Storage散装泥浆原料存储Hopper加料漏斗typetanks for storage ofdrilling fluidcomponents.MudPits泥浆池Aseries ofopentanks,usua lly made of steel plates, through which the drilling mud is cycled to allow sand and sediments残渣to settle out. Additives添加剂are mixed with the mud in the pit, and the fluid is temporarily stored there before being pumped back into the well. Mud pit compartments are also called shaker pits混合池, settling pits沉砂池, and suction pits 泥浆池, depending on their main purpose.28.Reserve Pits泥浆储备池A mud pit in which a supply ofdrilling fluid has been stored. Also,a waste pit, usually an excavated挖掘, earthen-walled pit. It may belined with plastic to prevent soilcontamination.Mud Gas Separator泥浆天然气分离器A device that removes gasfrom the mud coming out ofa well when a kick井涌isbeing circulated out.29.ShaleShaker振动筛A seriesof trays槽withsieves筛子or screens滤网that vibrate振动to remove cuttings from circulating fluid in rotary drilling operations. The size of the openings in the sieve is selected to match the size of the solids in the drilling fluid and the anticipated size of cuttings. Also called a shaker.ChokeManifold节流管汇Thearrangementofpipingandspecialvalves,calledchokes, through which drilling mud is circulated when the blowout preventers are closed to control the pressures encountered during a kick井涌.PipeRamp管子坡道Anangledrampfordragging drillpipe upto thedrillingplatform orbringing pipedownoff thedrillplatform.Pipe Racks钻杆架A horizontal support for tubulargoods.Accumulator蓄压器The storage device for nitrogen 氮pressurized hydraulic fluid, which is used in operating the blowout preventers.Annulus环形空间Thespacearound apipe in awellbore, theouterwall ofwhichmay bethe wallof eitherthe borehole orthe casing; sometimes termed the annular space.Brake制动器The braking device on thedrawworks to stop a loadbeing lifted.Casing Head井口采油装置A heavy, flanged steel fittingconnected to the first string套管柱of casing. It providesa housing卡箍for slips卡瓦and packing assemblies密封装置, allows suspension悬挂of intermediate andproduction strings of casing,and supplies the means forthe annulus to be sealed off封堵. Also called a spool间距套管.Cathead升降套管用绞车A spool-shapedattachment on a wincharound which rope forhoisting and pulling iswound.The ramp at the side of thedrilling rig where pipe islaid to be lifted to thederrick floor by the catlineor by an air hoist.Cellar钻台下的圆井或方井A pit in the ground toprovide additional heightbetween the rig floor钻台and the well head井口装置to accommodate theinstallation of blowoutpreventers, ratholes,mouseholes, and so forth. Italso collects drainage waterand other fluids for disposal排出.Conductor Pipe表层套管The largest diameter casing and the topmost length of casing. It is relatively short and encases the topmost string of casing.The equipment used toremove unwanted gasfrom a liquid, especiallyfrom drilling fluid.Desilter除泥器A centrifugal 离心式的device, similar to a desander除砂器, used to remove veryfine particles精细的颗粒, orsilt淤泥, from drilling fluid.This keeps the amount ofsolids in the fluid to thelowest possible level. Drawworks绞车The hoisting mechanism on adrilling rig. It is essentially alarge winch that spools off ortakes in the drilling line andthus raises or lowers the drillstem and bit.Drill Bit钻头The cutting or boring element usedin drilling oil and gas wells. Mostbits used in rotary drilling areroller-cone bits 牙轮钻头. The bitconsists of the cutting elements andthe circulating element. Thecirculating element permits thepassage of drilling fluid and usesthe hydraulic force of the fluidstream to improve drilling rates.Drill Collar 钻铤A heavy, thick-walled tube, usually steel, used betweenthe drill pipe and the bit in the drill stem. It is used to putweight on the bit so that the bit can drill.Drillers Console司钻控制台The control panel, located onthe platform, where the drillercontrols drilling operations.Elevators升降机A set of clamps夹钳that grips a stand立根, or column柱管,of casing, tubing, drillpipe, or sucker rods抽油杆, so the standcan be raised orlowered into the hole. Hoisting Line起重用钢丝绳A wire rope used in hoisting operations. Must conform to the API standards for its intended uses.Hook大钩A large, hook-shaped device from whichthe elevator bails吊卡提环or the swivel钻井水龙头is suspended. It is designed tocarry maximum loads ranging from 100 to650 tons and turns on bearings in itssupporting housing.Kelly方钻杆The heavy square or hexagonal六边形的steel member suspended from the swivel through the rotary table. It is connected to the topmost joint of drill pipe to turn the drill stem as the rotary table turns.Kelly Bushing方钻杆套筒A device fitted to the rotary table through which the kelly passes. It is the means by which the torque of the rotary table is transmitted to the kelly and to the drill stem. Also called the drive bushing.Kelly Spinner方钻杆旋扣器A device for spinning the drillpipe. Replaces the spinningchain旋链.Mousehole小鼠洞Shallow bores under the rig floor, usuallylined with pipe, in which joints of drillpipe are temporarily suspended for laterconnection to the drill string.Mud Return Line泥浆返回管线A trough or pipe, placedbetween the surfaceconnections at the well boreand the shale shaker振动筛.Drilling mud flows throughit upon its return to thesurface from the hole.Ram Blowout Preventer闸板式防喷器A blowout preventer that usesrams to seal off pressure on ahole that is with or without pipe.It is also called a ram preventer.Ram-type preventers haveinterchangeable可互换的ramblocks to accommodate differentO.D. drill pipe, casing, or tubing. Rathole大鼠洞A hole in the rig floor 30to 35 feet deep, linedwith casing that projectsabove the floor. Thekelly is placed in therathole when hoistingoperations are inprogress.Rotary Hose水龙带The hose on a rotary drilling rig thatconducts the drilling fluid from the mudpump and standpipe to the swivel andkelly; also called the mud hose泥浆软管or the kelly hose钻井高压水龙带. Rotary Table转盘The principal component of arotary, or rotary machine, used toturn the drill stem and supportthe drilling assembly. It has abeveled gear斜齿轮arrangementto create the rotational motionand an opening into whichbushings套筒are fitted to driveand support the drillingassembly.Note the pipe spinner (in red) onthe side of the swivel.Slips 卡瓦Wedge楔形-shaped pieces ofmetal with teeth or other grippingelements that are used to preventpipe from slipping down into thehole or to hold pipe in place.Rotary slips fit滑动配合aroundthe drill pipe and wedge楔形against the master bushing套管tosupport the pipe. Power slips arepneumatically空气orhydraulically actuated 驱动devices that allow the crew todispense with the manual handlingof slips when making a connection.Packers and other down holeequipment are secured in positionby slips that engage the pipe byaction directed at the surface.Spinning Chain旋链A relatively short length of chainattached to the tong pull chain on themanual tongs used to make up drillpipe. The spinning chain is attached tothe pull chain so that a crew membercan wrap the spinning chain severaltimes around the tool joint box of ajoint of drill pipe suspended in therotary table. After crew members stabthe pin of another tool joint into thebox end, one of them then grasps theend of the spinning chain and with arapid upward motion of the wrist"throws the spinning chain"—that is,causes it to unwrap from the box andcoil upward onto the body of the jointstabbed into the box. The driller thenactuates the makeup cathead to pull thechain off of the pipe body, whichcauses the pipe to spin and thus the pin threads to spin into the box.Stairways 楼梯Stairs leadingfrom one level toanother. Protectedwith handrails. Standpipe立管A vertical pipe rising along the sideof the derrick or mast. It joins thedischarge line leading from the mudpump to the rotary hose and throughwhich mud is pumped going into thehole.Surface Casing表层套管Usually the first casing to be run in a well. This is done after spudding 开钻-in so a blowout preventer can be installed before drilling is started.Substructure井架底座The foundation on which thederrick or mast and usually thedrawworks sit; contains spacefor storage and well controlequipment.Swivel钻井水龙头A rotary tool that is hung fromthe rotary hook and travelingblock to suspend and permit freerotation of the drill stem. It alsoprovides a connection for therotary hose and a passageway forthe flow of drilling fluid into thedrill stem.Tongs 大钳The large wrenches扳手used for turning whenmaking up or breaking outdrill pipe, casing, tubing, orother pipe; variously calledcasing tongs, rotary tongs,and so forth according to thespecific use. Power tongsare pneumatically orhydraulically operated toolsthat spin the pipe up and, insome instances, apply thefinal makeup torque.。