speed reading
英语快速阅读练习### English Speed Reading PracticeIn today's fast-paced world, the ability to read quickly is a valuable skill. Whether you're a student, a professional, or just someone who loves to read, improving your reading speed can save you time and increase your productivity. Here are some tips and exercises to help you enhance your English speed reading skills.1. Understanding the BasicsSpeed reading is not just about reading faster; it's about reading smarter. It involves techniques that allow you to comprehend more information in less time. Start by understanding the difference between speed reading and skimming. While skimming is about getting the gist of the text, speed reading focuses on retaining information at a faster pace.2. Eliminating SubvocalizationOne common barrier to speed reading is subvocalization, the habit of silently pronouncing each word as you read. To overcome this, try to focus on the meaning of the text rather than the individual words. Practice by reading without moving your lips or tongue.3. Expanding Your Peripheral VisionYour peripheral vision is the area outside your central focus. By training your eyes to take in more information at once,you can read more words per glance. Practice this by using a pen or your finger to guide your eyes across the page, gradually increasing the number of words you take in witheach pass.4. Using a Pacing ToolA pacing tool, such as a pen or a ruler, can help youmaintain a steady reading speed. Move the tool across thetext at a speed that is slightly faster than your current reading pace. This will encourage you to read faster without losing comprehension.5. Chunking InformationInstead of reading word by word, try to read in chunks or groups of words. This can help you process information more efficiently. Start by reading two or three words at a timeand gradually increase the number of words in each chunk as you become more comfortable.6. Reading with PurposeBefore you start reading, ask yourself what you want to getout of the text. Having a clear purpose can help you focus on the relevant information and ignore the rest, which can significantly speed up your reading.7. Practice RegularlyLike any skill, speed reading improves with practice. Set aside time each day to practice your speed reading. Start with texts that are easy for you and gradually move on to more challenging material.8. Monitor Your ProgressKeep track of your reading speed and comprehension. Use a timer to measure how long it takes you to read a set amount of text and then quiz yourself on the content to check your understanding. Over time, you should see improvements in both speed and comprehension.9. Stay HealthyYour physical health can impact your cognitive abilities. Ensure you are well-rested, hydrated, and eating a balanced diet to support optimal brain function.10. Don't Forget to Enjoy the ProcessWhile the goal is to read faster, it's also important to enjoy the reading experience. Don't let the pursuit of speed detract from the pleasure of reading.By incorporating these tips into your reading routine, you can gradually increase your reading speed while maintaining, or even improving, your comprehension. Remember, the key toeffective speed reading is practice and patience. Happy reading!。
Speed Reading
Speed ReadingWhat Speed Reading Means to YouLearn to read more than 3 times faster with better understanding, more retention and improved recall.Save Time by Starting TodaySpeed Reading Is a SkillSpeed reading is not a difficult skill to learn. Most of the learning we do as adults is considered conceptual learning that is quite different from developing a skill.Successful Skill LearningIn learning new skills, it is best to practice a little bit every day. If you try to learn it all at once you may wind up understanding how it is done but not be able to do it very well.A Good Reader Is a Flexible ReaderLearning to read faster and more efficiently will not simply speed up your rate. You will be learning to read in a completely new way. How fast are you reading? It is comparable to asking a driver how fast he can drive a car. The answer is that it depends on the condition of the car, the condition of the roads, the weather, the traffic, and his familiarity with the route. It would also depends on how compelling he is to get to his destination.What You Can Expect to LearnYou will not just learn to read faster, but also how to read much better; how to get better comprehension; how to remember what you read; how to determine your purpose for reading different types of materials; and how to concentrate better.How to Get StartedThe first thing you should do is to test yourself and evaluate your reading skills.Start Using Your Built-in Reading AcceleratorYou already possess the greatest reading accelerator that has yet been discovered: your hand.What Your Eyes Do When You ReadWe have all been taught to read one word at a time, which means a rate of about 240 words per minute. This is because your eyes need a quarter of a second to fixate on an object. Therefore, if you read one word at a time, as you were taught to do, you read one word every quarter of a second. With a little easy arithmetic, that comes to four words per second or a rate of 240 words per minute.Regressions Slow Your Rate ConsiderablyThe average reader makes many regressions, going back and looking at words.There are two kinds of regression, conscious and unconscious. You may sometimes feel that you did not understand something particularly well, so you decide to go back andreread it. This is a conscious regression and there is nothing particularly wrong with it. It is not the most efficient way to get the best comprehension, but it is certainly one way. Unconscious regressions exist because poor habits were formed when you first learned to read. They occur when the eyes, unconsciously, go back and look at words. You will learn how to eliminate this habit shortly and immediately increase your reading rate because of it.What You Should Know About Reading ConditionsThere are two things you should know about reading conditions: what lighting you should have and the best position, or posture, for reading.Reading PositionsA book is best set at a 45 degree angle to your eyes.How to Use Your Hand in ReadingTo use your hand to increase your reading rate, begin by pointing your index finger as in Figure below. Then run the tip of your finger along each line of print just underneath the words you are reading. As your finger moves along, read above it. When your finger comes to the end of the line, lift it up about half an inch and bring it quickly back to the following line and begin the whole process again.Eliminate Regressions and Speed AheadHow People Read FastThe Next Big StepThe only way to read faster than 240 words per minute is to be looking at more than one word at a time.Eliminating RegressionsIf you've been using your hand to read, then you've been experiencing reading with fewer regressions.Always Use Your HandTrying to learn to read faster without using your hand is like trying to write faster without a computer.Build Your Reading Rate Through DrillingThe Three Stages of SubvocalizingAt first, young readers may actually move their lips as they read, but without emitting any sound.In the next stage, readers no longer move their lips, but their voice box.The last stage is saying the words to yourself, silently, in your mind's ear, without any physical movement.In learning to read rapidly you will learn to go faster than you can subvocalize all of the words, although you will probably always subvocalize some of them.Proper Practice Is the KeyYou don't just go as fast as you possibly can, you practice by going much faster than you can.How to Learn to Discern Information More RapidlyAsk This Simple Question and Start Getting Better ComprehensionReading comprehension means understanding or knowing w hat you are reading while you are reading it. If you can't remember it on a test at a later time, this may only mean that you cannot recall the information.When You Can't UnderstandIf you cannot understand a passage, there are generally two reasons why this happens: you lack of vocabulary and it is poorly written.Paragraphs Hold the First Key to ComprehensionTo practice finding out what the subject of a paragraph is.Comprehension Versus SpeedWhen you are developing the skill of fast recognition of words we will not be concerned with comprehension. Occasionally, when working on comprehension, it is easy to forget your reading speed. And that is all right.Don't Read Just for Its Own SakeThe First MisconceptionYou should read everything the same way.The Second MisconceptionComprehension. If you read material using this once-through approach you should be able to understand it.The Third Misconceptionif you read a passage once through you should not only understand it but you should also be able to remember what was important.Once Through Is Not EnoughThe answer to the problem of not being able to get everything on one reading is to develop a whole new approach to reading.Get Specific with Your PurposeKnow Your Purpose and You Won't Have to Work So HardUse These Questions to Start Setting Your PurposeFirst: In an overall scheme of things, how worthwhile is the material that I am reading? Once that question is answered, then try to narrow your purpose down:Second: What do I want or need to remember, as specifically as possible, from this material that I am about to read?Set a Purpose for Everything You ReadStart setting a purpose for every question you do, even if you are just reading the back of a cereal box as you eat your breakfast.Become One of the World's Faster Readers!You do not need to hear a word in order to understand what it means. When you look at a picture you do not "tell" yourself what it is about. Rather, you just look at it and understand. The "Secret" of Speed ReadingThe secret was not to read all of the words, especially the little words such as "a," "of," "the," and so forth.Know Writers' Techniques and Help YourselfThe Basic Form of NonfictionThe Forms of FictionDon't Let Turning Pages Slow You Down"Dusting"Place your whole hand just under the top line of print on a page: your middle finger should be in about the center of the line. Your hand should be relaxed and there should be spaces between your fingers. Now begin brushing your fingers from side to side, from one margin to the other, as though you were erasing the print, very quickly. As you are dusting, slowly begin pulling your hand down the page.Make Difficult Reading EasyHow Abstract the Writing Is Affects Your UnderstandingWhen we're reading, it is more difficult, and takes more time, to read abstract writing than concrete or specific writing.How People Write and SpeakAs writers or speakers continue their "paragraph," they will become more specific and concrete, and thus become easier to understand.Levels of GeneralitySince a sentence is more or less abstract, general or specific, we can give it a "grade" which tells us just how abstract it is. Developing this awareness is the key to cutting through difficult passages. Fortunately, it is quite easy to do.How People Read Really FastThe Differences Between Slow and Fast ReadersThe difference between these naturally fast readers and others that we can observe is the difference in the eye movements.How to See Eye MovementsAsk someone to read something while sitting at a table; have him or her read slowly at first. If you sit or crouch directly opposite them, watch their eyes, and soon you'll be able to see the little jerky stops the eyes make as they stop to "see" words. The sudden return sweep to begin the next line is also easy to see.How Much Can the Eyes See?Whether you are aware of it or not, you are always seeing more than one word at a time. Why You Can't Understand Lots of Words at a TimeYou must learn how to comprehend groups of words.Learn to Read As Fast As You Think"Reading" at High Rates Feels DifferentWhen you're reading at high rates, the feeling is very different.When you are practice reading, doing the "doubling" and the "tripling," you are going faster than you can say all of the words to yourself. Therefore, you are sort of exercising the visual signal to the brain. The brain is being "told" that it is just going to be able to see the words, not hear them as well.Meaning Isn't Carried by All the WordsYou Can Read Out-of-Expectancy OrderPeople can read out-of-word order.Adapt Your Hand Movement to the ParagraphAlways be certain to adapt the circling band movement to paragraphs.How to Start Gelling Comprehension at High SpeedsThe Three Rules Which Govern ComprehensionRULE 1: The more abstract words a passage contains, the harder it is to read quickly. RULE 2: The fewer ideas a passage contains, the easier it is to read fast.RULE 3: The more prior knowledge of the subject of a written passage the reader has, the easier it is to read fast.Back to the First Grade: Practice As Much As You CanRead Without Saying Each Word to Yourself—and SoarBe Sure You're Ready to Move Ahead"Paragraphing": The New Hand MovementPut Your Earplugs On to PracticeOf course you do not really have to wear earplugs, but you are not listening to real sounds. You are only recalling the sounds of the words in your mind's ear. But in order to learn to discern information from what you see, without hearing it, you have to go faster than you can say the words to yourself.The Two Keys to Successful Practice(1) to practice at high enough speeds and get lots of practice, and(2) get a lot of repetition over the same material.Knowing Reading Signals Helps Speed You UpWhy Signal Words Help You UnderstandSignal words aid you in anticipating that something new is coming.The Many Kinds of Transition WordsThere are several different types of signal words. One group which you are already familiar with is that of time.Faster Reading in Harder MaterialsIf you are reading philosophy and abstract materials, it is often imperative to watch for the signal words in order to anticipate what is coming next. In setting up this anticipation, a skilled reader can usually stay on top of abstract reading at a pretty fast rate. But only by maintaining this awareness can you expect to understand difficult material at rapid rates. High-Speed Practice Helps Lower-Speed ReadingThere's More Than One Way to "Read"Old-Fashioned Speed ReadingSchools used to teach their students how to skimScanning Is Another Reading AlternativeFour Ways of Reading1.Linear Reading. Reading word by word and line by line, as you were originally taught.This is an effective method in difficult materials and for reading rates up to around 800 words per minute.2.S kimming.Selective linear reading, reading preselected paragraphs or first lines ofparagraphs.3.Scanning. Looking over all of the material to find something specific such as a nameor number.4. Visual Reading.Reading by groups of words, out-of-expectancy order, from left toright and from right to left in a generally downward movement pattern. This, with practice, becomes an effective method for moderately difficult reading tasks and easy ones, and for rates over 1,000 words per minute.Leave Your Guilt Behind!Advance Organizers Can Help Your ComprehensionFrom Whole to ParisFind the Author's "Map"Hard Books Are Often the EasiestPreviewing NonfictionWhen There Is No Apparent "Map"Change Your Attitude and Increase Your SpeedPracticeWhat you picture yourself doing in your mind is actually a form of practice. It may not be as efficient as real practice, but it is practice nevertheless.How You're Making Progress When Your Rate Stays the Same—Or Even DropsWhen you are learning a new skill, such as this one, you go through many stages. Some are exciting when you make great progress and others can be discouraging when nothing seems to be happening. These latter ones are sometimes referred to as learning plateaus.Remember the Value of Practice ReadingHandle Each Day's Practice by ItselfPreviewing Fiction Is Always Very FastUse Scanning to Preview FictionRead for EnjoymentBeware of Reading ProblemsThe major problems which face the reader of a novel are usually those of characters.Reviewing: The Third StepMake Study Reading a GameWhat's Happening While You're LearningThe Mind Can't Handle Everything That Comes to ItConcentration Is a TrickThe Two Rules of LearningFirst, you must set a purpose, which will help you to isolate what it is that you wish to learn. The more specifically you can do this, the easier it will be.Second, you must know how to involve yourself with what it is you wish to learn. Completing this chicken-or-egg proposition can best be done when the information to be learned is well defined.Ways to Increase Your ConcentrationBreak it into manageable sectionsDevelop activities that use the information, involving as many of the senses as possible.The True Test of LearningRead Aggressively"Use" the Information WellRead with Defined PurposesReading Purposes Vary WidelyWhen Your Purpose Is PleasureA Stock Broker Finds There's More to It Than Speed AloneRead Smarter and FasterDon't Let Chance Determine Your PurposeLevels of Reading and LearningHow to Define a Purpose When StudyingWhen You're Not CertainDraw the Recall Pattern in AdvanceHow to Learn the Correct InformationHowever You Can Learn Mos t Efficiently Is the Right Way"Program" Your Reading to Learn More EfficientlySpend Less Time to Learn MoreThe Most Efficient ReadingA Plan for StudyingDon't Read to RememberCreate Visual Patterns to Help Your RecallThe Value of a Recall Pattern Versus an OutlineTaking the Second StepRecall Patterns Can VaryRemember More of What You've Read with These Proven TechniquesThe Three Steps to Improving Your RetentionOrganize CreativelyAssociate Information DramaticallyCompare and ContrastMore "Recording" TricksNow Apply the Techniques for YourselfA Final WordUnravel Difficult Passages This Easy WayWhen Reading in a New FieldWhen the Writing Is AbstractSuccess Doesn't Always Mean 100 PercentHow Fast Can You Read?When Re ading Test MaterialsDevelop High Speeds with These Special DrillsIt Helps to Be Relaxed: Results Vary with Various Teachers Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?Practice at Three Times Your Reading RateRead Your Newspaper InstantaneouslyPractice Your New Techniques Where Its EasyFamiliarity Breeds Faster ReadingNews Articles Have the Easiest Form of AllA New Way to Read the NewspaperNarrow Column Hand MovementsDon't Waste Your Time Reading the MailThe First Rule: Handle Everything Only OnceEvaluate a Letter's Importance Right AwayDevelop the Book-a-Day HabitFirst Decide What You Want to ReadHow to Get More Books Read: A-Book-a-Day Approach Patrick Buchanan Reads Three Books in Two Flights The Form of FictionA Structural Review of "The Cop and the Anthem" Names Can Be a ProblemWhy Read Novels?Keep Up with Your Magazines and Informational Reading Use Wisely Whatever Time You HaveStop Being Compulsive!When You Find You're Slowing DownHandle Nonfiction Books the Same WayTry the Drugstore DrillFind Out Just How Far You've ComeDevise a Six-Month PlanHow Thom as Wolfe Became a Speed ReaderA Few TipsPr actice Drills for ContinuingHow to Maintain a C ertain Practice Reading Rate。
Unit 1Practice and ImprovementReading skillsSpeed Reading A1.C2.D3.A4. B.5.C6.T7.T8.F9.F10.FSpeed Reading B1.C2.D3.C4.B5.B6.F7.F8.F9.F 10.TCloze1.B2.C3.B4.D5.A6.C7.D8.C9.D 10.ATranslation1.It is necessary for us to have a good command of English.2.As a college student of the new century, I’m fully aware of my Mission.3.We must learn advanced science and technology, so we can buildChina into a strong and prosperous country.4.We must watch out for English idiomatic usage.5.Just as a proverb goes, “Practice makes perfect.”Translate the following into Chinese1.他记忆力很好,能记住很多英语习语。
Unit 2Practice and ImprovementReading skillsSpeed Reading A1.D2.D3.B4.A5.B6.T7.T8.F9.T 10.TSpeed Reading B1.D2.B3.A4.C5.A6.T7.F8.T9.T 10FCloze1.A2.D3.A4.B5.C6.B7.B8.B9.A 10.DTranslation1.He looks like a well-learned professor.2.Since the world is full of wonderful things, we must keep our eyesopen.3.I’m going to watch TV instead of seeing a film this evening.4.Sunlight is made of seven colors –red, orange, yellow, green, blue,indigo and violet.5.The twin brothers are alike to each other.Translate the following into Chinese1.只要我们努力学习,就会取得好的成绩。
美式英语正音训练第79期:练习5Exercise 5-13: Speed-readingWe've already practiced strong intonation, so now we'll just pick up the speed.First I'm going to read our familiar paragraph, as fast as I can.Subsequently, you'll practice on your own, and then we'll go over it together, sentence by sentence,to let you practice reading very fast, right after me.By then you will have more or less mastered the idea, so record yourself reading really fast and with very strong intonation.Listen back to see if you sound more fluent.Listen as I read.Hello, my name is Ann. I'm taking American Accent Training. There's a lot to learn,but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible. I should pick up on the American intonation pattern pretty easily, although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time.I use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, intonation more than I used to.I've been paying attention to pitch, too.It's like walking down a staircase. I've been talking to a lot of Americans lately,and they tell me that I'm easier to understand.Anyway, I could go on and on, but the important thing is to listen well and sound good.Well, what do you think? Do I?Pause the CD and practice speed-reading on your own five times.Repeat each sentence after me.Hello, my name is Ann.I'm taking American Accent Training.There's a lot to learn,but I hope to make it as enjoyable as possible.I should pick up on the American intonation pattern pretty easily,although the only way to get it is to practice all of the time.I use the up and down, or peaks and valleys, intonation more than I used to.I've been paying attention to pitch, too.It's like walking down a staircase.I've been talking to a lot of Americans lately,and they tell me that I'm easier to understand.Anyway, I could go on and on,but the important thing is to listen well and sound good. Well, what do you think?Do I?Record yourself speed-reading with strong intonation.。
雅思阅读 Complete IELTS Unit 7 Speed reading
Are we applying these techniques ? 2. title / subheading
Why does the speaking recommend using a pointer? What’s the disadvantages of skipping back?
What is chunking ? How to practise ?
It can give us a sense of_____________________ and knowledge that we will hopefully have something to pass on to our children
One of my _____________ within the company is to find_______ ___________
Both _______ and ________ are becoming __________ difficult. House ownership gives us a feeling of having…
Speed reading
Unit 7 Literacy skills
Speed reading
How to improve the reading speed ? 6 techniques
head as you read it. 7.Knowing what you want from the text can be useful to improve reading
speed if you are using the skimming method, as it primes you to pay attention when you see relevant words, sentences or phrases.
高中英语挑战阅读 (一) SPEED READING专题辅导
高中英语挑战阅读 (一) SPEED READINGCLOZE本文为寓言故事,通过一个商人买猴子的故事,让人们更深入地了解拯救华尔街计划。
Once upon a time a man appeared in a village and announced (宣布) to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for $10 each.The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys 1 , went out to the forest and started 2 them. The man bought all of them and, as the 3 started to diminish (减少), the villagers 4 their efforts. He next announced that he would now buy monkeys at $20 each. This let the farmers 5 their efforts once more and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished 6 further and people started going back to their 7 .The offer 8 to $25 each and the number of monkeys became so 9 that it was hard to 10 a monkey, let alone catch it! The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at $50 each! 11 , since he had to go to the city on some business, his partner would buy them in 12 of him.During the man’s 13 , the partner told the villagers, “Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has already 14 . I will 15 them to you at $35 and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for 16 each.” The villagers got together all their 17 and bought all the monkeys.They 18 saw the man or his partner again, only lots of 19 !Now you have a better understanding of 20 the WALL STREET BAILOUT (救助) PLAN WILL WORK.1. A. abroad B. ahead C. aboard D. around2. A. catching B. fighting C. collecting D. killing3. A. demand B. price C. supply D. number4. A. doubled B. made C. stopped D. lessened5. A. find B. take C. get D. make6. A. even B. ever C. any D. also7. A. farms B. forests C. markets D. factories8. A. fell B. led C. increased D. added9. A. great B. common C. expensive D. small10. A. find B. raise C. sell D. buy11. A. Besides B. Therefore C. Further D. However12. A. praise B. place C. case D. need13. A. hearing B. wanting C. forgetting D. leaving14. A. collected B. caught C. stolen D. raised15. A. lend B. take C. sell D. bring16. A. $10 B. $50 C. $20 D. $2517. A. money B. children C. things D. members18. A. always B. seldom C. sometimes D. never19. A. coins B. farmers C. monkeys D. tears20. A. when B. how C. why D. whereKey: 1~5 DACCD 6~10 AACDA 11~15 DBDAC 16~20 BADCBA文章词数 270 难度★建议做题时间 7分钟Al是个不会讲英语的移民,通过勤奋学习,他的英语讲得很流利。
Speed Reading
Speed ReadingWhat Speed Reading Means to YouLearn to read more than 3 times faster with better understanding, more retention and improved recall.Save Time by Starting TodaySpeed Reading Is a SkillSpeed reading is not a difficult skill to learn. Most of the learning we do as adults is considered conceptual learning that is quite different from developing a skill.Successful Skill LearningIn learning new skills, it is best to practice a little bit every day. If you try to learn it all at once you may wind up understanding how it is done but not be able to do it very well.A Good Reader Is a Flexible ReaderLearning to read faster and more efficiently will not simply speed up your rate. You will be learning to read in a completely new way. How fast are you reading? It is comparable to asking a driver how fast he can drive a car. The answer is that it depends on the condition of the car, the condition of the roads, the weather, the traffic, and his familiarity with the route. It would also depends on how compelling he is to get to his destination.What You Can Expect to LearnYou will not just learn to read faster, but also how to read much better; how to get better comprehension; how to remember what you read; how to determine your purpose for reading different types of materials; and how to concentrate better.How to Get StartedThe first thing you should do is to test yourself and evaluate your reading skills.Start Using Your Built-in Reading AcceleratorYou already possess the greatest reading accelerator that has yet been discovered: your hand.What Your Eyes Do When You ReadWe have all been taught to read one word at a time, which means a rate of about 240 words per minute. This is because your eyes need a quarter of a second to fixate on an object. Therefore, if you read one word at a time, as you were taught to do, you read one word every quarter of a second. With a little easy arithmetic, that comes to four words per second or a rate of 240 words per minute.Regressions Slow Your Rate ConsiderablyThe average reader makes many regressions, going back and looking at words.There are two kinds of regression, conscious and unconscious. You may sometimes feel that you did not understand something particularly well, so you decide to go back andreread it. This is a conscious regression and there is nothing particularly wrong with it. It is not the most efficient way to get the best comprehension, but it is certainly one way. Unconscious regressions exist because poor habits were formed when you first learned to read. They occur when the eyes, unconsciously, go back and look at words. You will learn how to eliminate this habit shortly and immediately increase your reading rate because of it.What You Should Know About Reading ConditionsThere are two things you should know about reading conditions: what lighting you should have and the best position, or posture, for reading.Reading PositionsA book is best set at a 45 degree angle to your eyes.How to Use Your Hand in ReadingTo use your hand to increase your reading rate, begin by pointing your index finger as in Figure below. Then run the tip of your finger along each line of print just underneath the words you are reading. As your finger moves along, read above it. When your finger comes to the end of the line, lift it up about half an inch and bring it quickly back to the following line and begin the whole process again.Eliminate Regressions and Speed AheadHow People Read FastThe Next Big StepThe only way to read faster than 240 words per minute is to be looking at more than one word at a time.Eliminating RegressionsIf you've been using your hand to read, then you've been experiencing reading with fewer regressions.Always Use Your HandTrying to learn to read faster without using your hand is like trying to write faster without a computer.Build Your Reading Rate Through DrillingThe Three Stages of SubvocalizingAt first, young readers may actually move their lips as they read, but without emitting any sound.In the next stage, readers no longer move their lips, but their voice box.The last stage is saying the words to yourself, silently, in your mind's ear, without any physical movement.In learning to read rapidly you will learn to go faster than you can subvocalize all of the words, although you will probably always subvocalize some of them.Proper Practice Is the KeyYou don't just go as fast as you possibly can, you practice by going much faster than you can.How to Learn to Discern Information More RapidlyAsk This Simple Question and Start Getting Better ComprehensionReading comprehension means understanding or knowing w hat you are reading while you are reading it. If you can't remember it on a test at a later time, this may only mean that you cannot recall the information.When You Can't UnderstandIf you cannot understand a passage, there are generally two reasons why this happens: you lack of vocabulary and it is poorly written.Paragraphs Hold the First Key to ComprehensionTo practice finding out what the subject of a paragraph is.Comprehension Versus SpeedWhen you are developing the skill of fast recognition of words we will not be concerned with comprehension. Occasionally, when working on comprehension, it is easy to forget your reading speed. And that is all right.Don't Read Just for Its Own SakeThe First MisconceptionYou should read everything the same way.The Second MisconceptionComprehension. If you read material using this once-through approach you should be able to understand it.The Third Misconceptionif you read a passage once through you should not only understand it but you should also be able to remember what was important.Once Through Is Not EnoughThe answer to the problem of not being able to get everything on one reading is to develop a whole new approach to reading.Get Specific with Your PurposeKnow Your Purpose and You Won't Have to Work So HardUse These Questions to Start Setting Your PurposeFirst: In an overall scheme of things, how worthwhile is the material that I am reading? Once that question is answered, then try to narrow your purpose down:Second: What do I want or need to remember, as specifically as possible, from this material that I am about to read?Set a Purpose for Everything You ReadStart setting a purpose for every question you do, even if you are just reading the back of a cereal box as you eat your breakfast.Become One of the World's Faster Readers!You do not need to hear a word in order to understand what it means. When you look at a picture you do not "tell" yourself what it is about. Rather, you just look at it and understand. The "Secret" of Speed ReadingThe secret was not to read all of the words, especially the little words such as "a," "of," "the," and so forth.Know Writers' Techniques and Help YourselfThe Basic Form of NonfictionThe Forms of FictionDon't Let Turning Pages Slow You Down"Dusting"Place your whole hand just under the top line of print on a page: your middle finger should be in about the center of the line. Your hand should be relaxed and there should be spaces between your fingers. Now begin brushing your fingers from side to side, from one margin to the other, as though you were erasing the print, very quickly. As you are dusting, slowly begin pulling your hand down the page.Make Difficult Reading EasyHow Abstract the Writing Is Affects Your UnderstandingWhen we're reading, it is more difficult, and takes more time, to read abstract writing than concrete or specific writing.How People Write and SpeakAs writers or speakers continue their "paragraph," they will become more specific and concrete, and thus become easier to understand.Levels of GeneralitySince a sentence is more or less abstract, general or specific, we can give it a "grade" which tells us just how abstract it is. Developing this awareness is the key to cutting through difficult passages. Fortunately, it is quite easy to do.How People Read Really FastThe Differences Between Slow and Fast ReadersThe difference between these naturally fast readers and others that we can observe is the difference in the eye movements.How to See Eye MovementsAsk someone to read something while sitting at a table; have him or her read slowly at first. If you sit or crouch directly opposite them, watch their eyes, and soon you'll be able to see the little jerky stops the eyes make as they stop to "see" words. The sudden return sweep to begin the next line is also easy to see.How Much Can the Eyes See?Whether you are aware of it or not, you are always seeing more than one word at a time. Why You Can't Understand Lots of Words at a TimeYou must learn how to comprehend groups of words.Learn to Read As Fast As You Think"Reading" at High Rates Feels DifferentWhen you're reading at high rates, the feeling is very different.When you are practice reading, doing the "doubling" and the "tripling," you are going faster than you can say all of the words to yourself. Therefore, you are sort of exercising the visual signal to the brain. The brain is being "told" that it is just going to be able to see the words, not hear them as well.Meaning Isn't Carried by All the WordsYou Can Read Out-of-Expectancy OrderPeople can read out-of-word order.Adapt Your Hand Movement to the ParagraphAlways be certain to adapt the circling band movement to paragraphs.How to Start Gelling Comprehension at High SpeedsThe Three Rules Which Govern ComprehensionRULE 1: The more abstract words a passage contains, the harder it is to read quickly. RULE 2: The fewer ideas a passage contains, the easier it is to read fast.RULE 3: The more prior knowledge of the subject of a written passage the reader has, the easier it is to read fast.Back to the First Grade: Practice As Much As You CanRead Without Saying Each Word to Yourself—and SoarBe Sure You're Ready to Move Ahead"Paragraphing": The New Hand MovementPut Your Earplugs On to PracticeOf course you do not really have to wear earplugs, but you are not listening to real sounds. You are only recalling the sounds of the words in your mind's ear. But in order to learn to discern information from what you see, without hearing it, you have to go faster than you can say the words to yourself.The Two Keys to Successful Practice(1) to practice at high enough speeds and get lots of practice, and(2) get a lot of repetition over the same material.Knowing Reading Signals Helps Speed You UpWhy Signal Words Help You UnderstandSignal words aid you in anticipating that something new is coming.The Many Kinds of Transition WordsThere are several different types of signal words. One group which you are already familiar with is that of time.Faster Reading in Harder MaterialsIf you are reading philosophy and abstract materials, it is often imperative to watch for the signal words in order to anticipate what is coming next. In setting up this anticipation, a skilled reader can usually stay on top of abstract reading at a pretty fast rate. But only by maintaining this awareness can you expect to understand difficult material at rapid rates. High-Speed Practice Helps Lower-Speed ReadingThere's More Than One Way to "Read"Old-Fashioned Speed ReadingSchools used to teach their students how to skimScanning Is Another Reading AlternativeFour Ways of Reading1.Linear Reading. Reading word by word and line by line, as you were originally taught.This is an effective method in difficult materials and for reading rates up to around 800 words per minute.2.S kimming.Selective linear reading, reading preselected paragraphs or first lines ofparagraphs.3.Scanning. Looking over all of the material to find something specific such as a nameor number.4. Visual Reading.Reading by groups of words, out-of-expectancy order, from left toright and from right to left in a generally downward movement pattern. This, with practice, becomes an effective method for moderately difficult reading tasks and easy ones, and for rates over 1,000 words per minute.Leave Your Guilt Behind!Advance Organizers Can Help Your ComprehensionFrom Whole to ParisFind the Author's "Map"Hard Books Are Often the EasiestPreviewing NonfictionWhen There Is No Apparent "Map"Change Your Attitude and Increase Your SpeedPracticeWhat you picture yourself doing in your mind is actually a form of practice. It may not be as efficient as real practice, but it is practice nevertheless.How You're Making Progress When Your Rate Stays the Same—Or Even DropsWhen you are learning a new skill, such as this one, you go through many stages. Some are exciting when you make great progress and others can be discouraging when nothing seems to be happening. These latter ones are sometimes referred to as learning plateaus.Remember the Value of Practice ReadingHandle Each Day's Practice by ItselfPreviewing Fiction Is Always Very FastUse Scanning to Preview FictionRead for EnjoymentBeware of Reading ProblemsThe major problems which face the reader of a novel are usually those of characters.Reviewing: The Third StepMake Study Reading a GameWhat's Happening While You're LearningThe Mind Can't Handle Everything That Comes to ItConcentration Is a TrickThe Two Rules of LearningFirst, you must set a purpose, which will help you to isolate what it is that you wish to learn. The more specifically you can do this, the easier it will be.Second, you must know how to involve yourself with what it is you wish to learn. Completing this chicken-or-egg proposition can best be done when the information to be learned is well defined.Ways to Increase Your ConcentrationBreak it into manageable sectionsDevelop activities that use the information, involving as many of the senses as possible.The True Test of LearningRead Aggressively"Use" the Information WellRead with Defined PurposesReading Purposes Vary WidelyWhen Your Purpose Is PleasureA Stock Broker Finds There's More to It Than Speed AloneRead Smarter and FasterDon't Let Chance Determine Your PurposeLevels of Reading and LearningHow to Define a Purpose When StudyingWhen You're Not CertainDraw the Recall Pattern in AdvanceHow to Learn the Correct InformationHowever You Can Learn Mos t Efficiently Is the Right Way"Program" Your Reading to Learn More EfficientlySpend Less Time to Learn MoreThe Most Efficient ReadingA Plan for StudyingDon't Read to RememberCreate Visual Patterns to Help Your RecallThe Value of a Recall Pattern Versus an OutlineTaking the Second StepRecall Patterns Can VaryRemember More of What You've Read with These Proven TechniquesThe Three Steps to Improving Your RetentionOrganize CreativelyAssociate Information DramaticallyCompare and ContrastMore "Recording" TricksNow Apply the Techniques for YourselfA Final WordUnravel Difficult Passages This Easy WayWhen Reading in a New FieldWhen the Writing Is AbstractSuccess Doesn't Always Mean 100 PercentHow Fast Can You Read?When Re ading Test MaterialsDevelop High Speeds with These Special DrillsIt Helps to Be Relaxed: Results Vary with Various Teachers Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?Practice at Three Times Your Reading RateRead Your Newspaper InstantaneouslyPractice Your New Techniques Where Its EasyFamiliarity Breeds Faster ReadingNews Articles Have the Easiest Form of AllA New Way to Read the NewspaperNarrow Column Hand MovementsDon't Waste Your Time Reading the MailThe First Rule: Handle Everything Only OnceEvaluate a Letter's Importance Right AwayDevelop the Book-a-Day HabitFirst Decide What You Want to ReadHow to Get More Books Read: A-Book-a-Day Approach Patrick Buchanan Reads Three Books in Two Flights The Form of FictionA Structural Review of "The Cop and the Anthem" Names Can Be a ProblemWhy Read Novels?Keep Up with Your Magazines and Informational Reading Use Wisely Whatever Time You HaveStop Being Compulsive!When You Find You're Slowing DownHandle Nonfiction Books the Same WayTry the Drugstore DrillFind Out Just How Far You've ComeDevise a Six-Month PlanHow Thom as Wolfe Became a Speed ReaderA Few TipsPr actice Drills for ContinuingHow to Maintain a C ertain Practice Reading Rate。
speed reading is not just about答案
speed reading is not just about答案【试题呈现】Directions:Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Speed- Reading Competition says that its top competitors average between 1,000 and 2,000 words a minute. But they must remember at least 50 percent of this in order to qualify for the competition.Although there are various methods to increase reading speed, the trick isunderstand every detail in a document, then you must read it slowly enough to understand this.Even when you know how to ignore irrelevant detail,there are othercircuit in your brain before being pronounced. Some researchers believe that as long as the first and last letters are in place, the brain can still understand the arrangement of the other letters in the world because it logically puts each piece into place.You will probably find that you are fixing your eyes on a block of words, then moving your eyes on a block of words, then moving your eyes to the next block of words,and so on.You are reading blocks of words at a time,not individual words one by one.You may also notice that you do not always go from one block to thenext:sometimes you may move back to a previous block if you are unsure.[参考答案]1. D2. B3. F4. A【试题原文呈现】What is Speed Reading, and Why do We Need It?ASpeed reading is not just about reading fast. It is also about how much information you can remember when you have finished reading. The World Championship Speed-Reading Competition says that its top competitors average between 1,000 and 2,000 words a minute. But they must remember at least 50 percent of this in order to qualify for the competition.速读不仅仅是快速阅读。
Unit 1Practice and ImprovementReading skillsSpeed Reading A1.C2.D3.A4. B.5.C6.T7.T8.F9.F10.FSpeed Reading B1.C2.D3.C4.B5.B6.F7.F8.F9.F 10.TCloze1.B2.C3.B4.D5.A6.C7.D8.C9.D 10.ATranslation1.It is necessary for us to have a good command of English.2.As a college student of the new century, I’m fully aware of myMission.3.We must learn advanced science and technology, so we can build Chinainto a strong and prosperous country.4.We must watch out for English idiomatic usage.5.Just as a proverb goes, “Practice makes perfect.”Translate the following into Chinese1.他记忆力很好,能记住许多英语习语。
Unit 2Practice and ImprovementReading skillsSpeed Reading A1.D2.D3.B4.A5.B6.T7.T8.F9.T 10.TSpeed Reading B1.D2.B3.A4.C5.A6.T7.F8.T9.T 10FCloze1.A2.D3.A4.B5.C6.B7.B8.B9.A 10.DTranslation1.He looks like a well-learned professor.2.Since the world is full of wonderful things, we must keep our eyes open.3.I’m going to watch TV instead of seeing a film this evening.4.Sunlight is made of seven colors –red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigoand violet.5.The twin brothers are alike to each other.Translate the following into Chinese1.只要我们努力学习,就会取得好的成果。
提高阅读的速度英语作文英文回答:In the realm of academia and personal growth, the ability to read efficiently is a cornerstone of success. Time is a precious commodity, and mastering the art of reading with speed can unlock a wealth of knowledge and opportunities that would otherwise remain elusive. As a student, I have embarked on a journey to enhance my reading velocity, and the transformative impact it has had on my learning experience has been nothing short of remarkable.The first hurdle I encountered was overcoming the ingrained habit of subvocalization, the silent articulation of words as I read. This unconscious process significantly slows down the reading rate. Through dedicated practice, I implemented a technique called "reading groups." By grouping words together into meaningful chunks, I was able to suppress subvocalization and increase my reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.Another key strategy I adopted was expanding my field of vision. Instead of focusing on a single word at a time, I trained my eyes to take in multiple words simultaneously. This technique, known as "peripheral vision reading," allowed me to process information faster and identify patterns within the text.However, speed reading is not simply about racing through words. Comprehension is paramount. To ensure that I retained the essence of the material, I employed active reading techniques such as highlighting, annotating, and summarizing. These methods forced me to engage with the text on a deeper level and solidify my understanding.The benefits of enhanced reading speed have been manifold. I can now devour books and articles at an astonishing pace, expanding my knowledge base and staying abreast of current events. The time saved by reading efficiently has freed up countless hours for other pursuits, enabling me to pursue my passions and enrich my life beyondacademics.Moreover, the confidence I have gained from my improved reading ability has extended into other areas of my life. I am now less intimidated by complex texts and more eager to tackle challenging materials. This newfound confidence has fueled my thirst for knowledge and empowered me to excel in my studies.As I continue my journey towards reading mastery, I am excited to unlock even greater potential within myself. The ability to read with speed and comprehension has become an invaluable tool in my educational and personal endeavors. It has empowered me to navigate the vast ocean of knowledge, expand my horizons, and embrace a lifetime of learning.中文回答:在学术界和个人成长的领域里,快速阅读的能力是成功的基石。
英文阅读速度作文Reading speed is important. It helps us to absorb information quickly and efficiently. When we read fast, we can cover more material in a shorter amount of time.Reading too slowly can be frustrating. It can make us lose interest in what we are reading. On the other hand, reading too quickly can lead to missing important details and not fully understanding the material.Some people are naturally fast readers, while others are slower. It's important to find a reading speed that works for you. Don't compare yourself to others, just focus on improving your own reading speed.One way to improve reading speed is to practice. Set aside time each day to read, and challenge yourself to read a little bit faster each time. Over time, you will notice an improvement in your reading speed.Another way to improve reading speed is to minimize distractions. Find a quiet, comfortable place to read where you can focus without interruptions. This will help you to stay engaged with the material and read more quickly.It's also helpful to use techniques like skimming and scanning to read faster. Skimming involves quickly glancing over the material to get the main idea, while scanning involves searching for specific information. These techniques can help you to read more efficiently.In conclusion, reading speed is an important skill that can be improved with practice and focus. By finding a comfortable reading speed, minimizing distractions, and using techniques like skimming and scanning, you can become a faster and more efficient reader.。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Reading is an essential skill that we use in our daily lives. It allows us to gather information, learn new things, and stay connected with the world. However, many of us struggle with reading speed. We find ourselves taking too long to finish a book or an article, which can be frustrating. So, how can we improve our reading speed?One way is to practice speed reading techniques. Speed reading involves training our eyes to move quickly across the page and to process information more efficiently. By using techniques such as skimming, scanning, and chunking, we can increase our reading speed without sacrificing comprehension. Skimming involves quickly glancing over the text to get a general idea of the content. Scanninginvolves searching for specific information by moving our eyes rapidly across the page. Chunking involves grouping words or phrases together to read them as a single unit. These techniques can help us read faster and more effectively.Another way to improve reading speed is to expand our vocabulary. When we come across unfamiliar words while reading, we tend to slow down to look up their meanings. By learning new words and their definitions beforehand, we can avoid this pause and keep the momentum going. Building a strong vocabulary also helps us understand the context of the text better, allowing us to read more fluently and quickly.Additionally, practicing reading regularly can significantly increase our reading speed. The more we read, the more familiar we become with different sentence structures, vocabulary, and writing styles. Thisfamiliarity allows us to read faster because we don't have to spend as much time decoding the text. Reading different genres, such as fiction, non-fiction, news articles, and blogs, also helps us become more versatile readers, whichin turn improves our reading speed.Furthermore, eliminating distractions can help us read faster. When we read in a noisy or cluttered environment,our concentration is divided, making it difficult to focus on the text. Finding a quiet and comfortable place to read can help us stay focused and engaged in the material, ultimately increasing our reading speed.In conclusion, improving our reading speed requires practice, vocabulary building, regular reading, and creating a conducive reading environment. By incorporating these strategies into our daily lives, we can become faster and more efficient readers, allowing us to consume information more effectively and enjoy the process of reading.。
提高我阅读速度英语作文英文回答:In the realm of knowledge, where ideas dance and stories unfold, I embarked on a journey to conquer the barriers of time and embrace the allure of speed reading. The allure of devouring mountains of text, unlocking hidden insights, and expanding my intellectual horizons beckoned me to embark on this transformative odyssey.As I delved into the techniques of speed reading, I discovered a symphony of strategies designed to optimize my cognitive abilities. The rhythmic scanning of lines, the pinpoint focus on key words, and the strategic use of peripheral vision became the tools with which I would forge ahead.With each book I devoured, my mind transformed into a nimble acrobat, leaping from page to page, absorbing information with an insatiable hunger. The words flowedinto my consciousness like a torrent, carrying me through time and space, introducing me to worlds unknown and perspectives unseen.The walls of time began to crumble, revealing a vast expanse of knowledge that had once seemed inaccessible. With each page I turned, the boundaries of my world expanded, merging distant lands, cultures, and ideas into a vibrant tapestry of understanding.The journey of speed reading became more than just a quest for efficiency; it ignited a passion for knowledge that burned brighter with every book I conquered. The bookshelves that had once seemed like silent guardians now whispered secrets that only I could hear.In the end, my reading speed soared, but the true treasure I discovered was not the ability to race through pages but the boundless realm of knowledge that had opened up before me. Speed reading became a catalyst for intellectual exploration, empowering me to pursue mycuriosity with a newfound vigor.中文回答:在知识的殿堂里,思想翩翩起舞,故事徐徐展开,我踏上了征服时间障碍、拥抱快速阅读魅力的征途。
英文阅读速度作文推荐英文:Reading speed is an important skill that can greatly impact our daily lives. It is not only necessary for academic success, but also for personal growth and development. As someone who loves reading, I have always been interested in ways to improve my reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.One effective way to increase reading speed is through practice. The more you read, the faster you become. It is important to set aside time each day for reading, even ifit is just for a few minutes. This helps to build reading stamina and allows you to gradually increase your reading speed.Another helpful technique is to use a guide or pointer while reading. This can be a finger, a pen, or any other object that can help you move your eyes more quickly acrossthe page. By following the guide, you can train your eyesto move faster and more efficiently.Additionally, it is important to eliminate distractions while reading. Find a quiet place to read and turn off any electronic devices that may be causing interruptions. This allows you to focus solely on the text and can help to increase your reading speed.中文:阅读速度是一项重要的技能,它可以极大地影响我们的日常生活。
How to Improve Your Reading Speed 如何提高你的阅读速度
他山之石How to Improve Your Reading Speed如何提高你的阅读速度武汉电力职业技术学院梁小明译注Reading is a really important part in people ’s daily lives.However,reading is also a time -consuming 1thing.The researches show that many people read at an average 2rate of 250words per minute.This means that an average page in a book or document would take you 1to 2minutes to read.However,imagine if you could read faster,you could use the same time to read more,or save time to do something else.So,how can we do to improve our reading speed?阅读是人们日常生活中非常重要的一部分。
那么,我们怎样才能提高阅读速度呢?First of all,you should know that to improve your reading speed is to break your poor reading habits.If you are like most people,then you probably have one or more reading habits that slow you down.Becoming a better reader means overcoming these bad habits,so that you can clear the way for new,effective 3ways of reading.Below,we cover some of the most common bad reading habits,and discuss what you can do to overcome them.首先,你应该知道提高阅读速度就是要打破不良的阅读习惯。
英语阅读能力提升Chapter 1 Speed Reading-4
Skimming speed should be twice as fast as the normal reading speed.
Three Skimming Method
❖ Preview skimming ❖ Overview skimming ❖ Review ski
First, most Americans never travel to other countries. The US is a very large country. Americans can travel a long distance and not leave the US. They do not need to learn a second language.
Speed Reading Techniques with English Technology
Speed Reading Techniques with EnglishTechnologyIntroductionIn today's fast-paced world, the ability to read quickly and efficiently is becoming increasingly important. Whether you are a student trying to keep up with a heavy workload or a professional trying to stay ahead in your field, speed reading can be a valuable skill to possess. Fortunately, with the advancement of English technology, there are now various techniques and tools available to help individuals improve their reading speed and comprehension. In this article, we will explore some of these techniques and how they can be utilized effectively.ChunkingOne of the most effective speed reading techniques is called chunking. This technique involves grouping words together into meaningful chunks, rather than reading each word individually. English technology has made it easier than ever to implement this technique by providing apps and software that highlight chunks of text, allowing readers to focus on the main ideas rather than getting caught up in the details. By training your brain to recognize these chunks, you can significantly increase your reading speed without sacrificing comprehension.Skimming and ScanningSkimming and scanning are two techniques that go hand in hand with speed reading. Skimming involves quickly glancing over a text to get a general idea of its content. This technique is particularly useful when you need to quickly gather information or determine if a text is worth reading in detail. Scanning, on the other hand, involves searching for specific keywords or phrases within a text. English technology has revolutionized these techniques by providing tools such as text-to-speech software and online search engines that allow readers to skim and scan through texts effortlessly. By mastering thesetechniques, you can save valuable time and still extract the necessary information from a text.Vocabulary ExpansionExpanding your vocabulary is another essential aspect of speed reading. The more words you know, the faster you can read and comprehend a text. English technology offers a wide range of resources for vocabulary expansion, such as online dictionaries, flashcard apps, and language learning platforms. By incorporating these tools into your daily routine, you can gradually build a rich vocabulary that will enhance your reading speed and understanding.Active ReadingSpeed reading is not just about reading quickly; it is also about reading actively. Active reading involves engaging with the text by asking questions, making connections, and summarizing key points. English technology has made active reading more interactive and convenient. For example, e-readers and annotation tools allow readers to highlight and take notes directly on the text. Additionally, online forums and discussion platforms provide opportunities for readers to engage in meaningful conversations about the material they have read. By actively participating in the reading process, you can improve your comprehension and retention of information.ConclusionSpeed reading techniques, coupled with English technology, have transformed the way we approach reading. From chunking and skimming to vocabulary expansion and active reading, there are numerous tools and strategies available to help us read faster and more effectively. By incorporating these techniques into our daily lives, we can keep up with the demands of our fast-paced world and become more efficient readers. So why not embrace the power of English technology and unlock your full reading potential?。
When it comes to mastering the art of speed reading in English, there are several strategies and techniques you can employ to improve your reading efficiency. Here are some tips to help you write an essay on how to speed read in English:1. Prereading: Begin by skimming the text to get a general idea of the content. Look at headings, subheadings, and any bold or italicized words to identify the main themes.2. Setting a Purpose: Before you start reading, know why you are reading the material. Are you looking for specific information, or do you need to understand the overall concept? This will guide your reading speed and focus.3. Improving Vocabulary: A strong vocabulary base is essential for speed reading. The more words you know, the less time youll spend figuring out the meaning of unfamiliar terms.4. Using Guided Reading: Use your finger or a pointer to guide your eyes across the page. This can help you maintain a steady pace and prevent your eyes from wandering.5. Chunking: Instead of reading word by word, try to read in chunks or groups of words. This helps your brain process information more quickly.6. Eliminating Subvocalization: Train yourself not to mentally pronounce each word as you read. This can slow down your reading speed significantly.7. Expanding Your Visual Span: Practice taking in more words with each glance. The wider your visual span, the fewer fixations youll need, which can greatly increase your reading speed.8. Skipping Unnecessary Information: Learn to identify and skip over less important details or information that does not contribute to your reading purpose.9. Active Reading: Engage with the text by asking questions, making predictions, and summarizing what youve read in your own words.10. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, speed reading improves with practice. Dedicate time each day to practice speed reading various types of texts.11. Using Technology: There are many apps and software programs designed to help improve reading speed. Some of these tools can track your progress and provide exercises to help you improve.12. Taking Breaks: Dont forget to take short breaks to avoid eye strain and maintain focus. Over time, you can increase the length of your reading sessions as your speed and stamina improve.13. Evaluating Your Progress: Periodically assess your reading speed and comprehension to ensure youre not sacrificing understanding for speed.14. Adapting to Different Texts: Understand that different texts may require different reading speeds. Technical or complex texts may need a slower pace to ensure full comprehension.15. Staying Healthy: Good overall health, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, can contribute to better cognitive function, which in turn can improve reading speed.In your essay, you can explore these strategies in more depth, providing examples and perhaps even personal anecdotes about how youve applied them to improve your own speed reading abilities. Remember to conclude your essay by emphasizing the importance of balance between speed and comprehension, as the ultimate goal is to read faster without losing the ability to understand and retain information.。
Speed-Reading TechniquesI was a Bible college student when one of our chapels featured a guest speaker who taught us how to speed-read. At the time I didn’t need the skill since most collateral reading assignments in my courses were under 500 pages, but I started practicing just for the fun of it– sort of like a private parlor game. However all that changed when I wound up in graduate school at Princeton Seminary and several Profs. expected me to read several thousand pages of collateral alongwith the fi ve or six textbooks. That’s when I got serious about speed reading. Here is the collection of what I practiced then, and picked up since. The first thing I had to do was toss away the reading myths I had held so long.Reading Myths1. Reading is linear. I had always figured reading wasa linear process; you know, start up front and grind through to thevery end in the exact order it was printed in. Reading is no morelinear than thinking is, (or I eventually discovered, than writing; few writers start at the beginning —indeed, they usually ―write the first part last.‖2. True reading is word-for-word. I started as a kidlooking at individual letters. They didn’t help much. Next I started sounding out syllables. Finally, I could read whole words. Why stopw ith words? Well, I know one reason… I had a college professor who madeus swear we had ―Read every single word‖ of our collateral reading. Why? He didn’t make us swear we’d ―read every single letter.‖ The answer is simple: that professor (like me) had never moved from letters, syllables, and words, to reading phrases, sentences and paragraphs. He assumed the only way to read thoroughly was by the laborious method of reading one word at a time.3. Reading is a laborious task which takes a long time. Not at all! Reading can be both fun and fast. Indeed, speed reading is like auto racing — it is far more exciting.4. All parts of a book are of equal value. This mythpersists until you actually write your own book. Then, all at once you realize there is ―filler‖ material , illustrations, and even sometimes whole chapters jammed into a book just because the publisher insisted. Take messages for instance. Ever hear a message and wish you could putit on fast forward over that long story illustrating a point youalready understand? Well, in reading you can fast forward.5. Reading faster will reduce retention. Sorry. Itshould be that way, shouldn’t it? Those who groan slowly through a bookpainstakingly sounding out every single word, maybe even moving theirlips, should get a greater reward shouldn’t they? Sorry. In fact, speed reading techniques will increase one’s comprehension and retention.Getting Ready to ReadSo, we’re ready to read. But don’t read the book yet. There are a few steps to take first.FIRST: ELIMINA TE ALL DISTRACTIONS: Get rid of ANYthingyour mind could think about besides the reading material. Is there conversation? Activity? TV? An uncomfortable seat? Music in the background? (OK OK, I know many of my readers are college students whoclaim th ey ―study better‖ with music in the background. Go ahead and claim it —but you are wrong. Y ou might ―like it‖ better, but you donot study better. ANYthing which might occupy your mind waters downyour concentration —even occupying your ―mind-in-backgrou nd.‖ Foolyourself if you wish — but if you really are serious about reading faster, eliminate distractions.SECOND: Ask: What is my purpose? Why are you readingthis? And what kind of literature is it? Is it a classic or fictionwork you are reading for fun? Then, why hurry through it at all? Like a leisurely meal, sit back and taste each bite — turn over the delicious phrases in your mind. Or is collateral reading for a course where you are must be familiar with the central notions? Then finding the notions is why you are reading, right? Or maybe you are reading collateralwhere you will be tested on the content? Or maybe collateral reading where you will be required to say, ―I read every single word?‖ Or isthis a book where you will be tested on the terms and dates therein? Or, maybe you are just reading the book searching for some new ideas for your own situation. Or you have to write a review. Or maybe you plan to teach it to others. See how different your purpose might be for each? Before you open the book, take a minute to state your purpose to yourself. It will largely determine how you read the book from then on.THIRD: Do a 10 minute PRE-READ. Take ten minutes orless and pre-read the entire book. Go ahead and try this if you’venever done it before. Treat a book like a jigsaw puzzle. Dump it out, then organize all the pieces first before putting it together. Read the dust cover and any cover reviews. Then look through the author blurb. Move to the Table of Contents and see if you can figure out the whole book from this page. Page through the entire book, page by page and glance through all summaries, tables, pull-out quotes,diagrams(especially), and scan through all the section titles and you go.Chances are you’ll find the KEY CHAPTER while you are doing this. Some publishers say (off the record, of course) ―A book is simply one great chapter with a dozen other filler chapters.‖ If this is so, find that chapter.FOURTH: Read the KEY CHAPTER. Start using the rapid reading techniques mentioned later to read this KEY CHAPTERthrough.Y ou are not obligated to wait until you have read all the chapters before this one, as if you must eat your green beans before the ice cream. The book is yours — go ahead and get the central idea before you start!Once you’ve read the key chapter you are ready to read the rest. In order from the front to the back, or in some other order which better suits your purpose. Now for some actual reading tips tips.III. Rapid Reading Techniques1. Raise your speed- comfort level. How comfortableare you speeding in a car? How fast do you have to go before you feel you are ―on the edge?‖ 70 MPH? 90? 120? How about 210 MPH, the speedthe Indy car drivers can average? Get the point? Some people have learned to drive faster; their comfort level has been raised. Y ou cando the same thing for reading. Face it, speed-reading isn’t mostly about technique; it is about mind set. Indeed this may be the reason you can play a CD while reading — you are merely driving along at25MPH. Can you imagine an Indy car driver playing music in the background? No. The driver focuses all his or her skills on the track.If you are out for a Sunday afternoon stroll in your book, then ignore this. But if you are serious about becoming a speed-reader, then start expecting more of yourself.2. See the book as a mine full of ORE not GOLD. Booksoffer wonderful gold to the prospector. But the reader must sort through tons of ore to find and refine the gold. The speed reader changes mindsets: quits fooling around with the ore and searches for the gold. What is a book anyway? What are words? They are ―carriers‖ oftruth, thoughts, ideas, a thesis, information, terms, concepts, notions. One reads a book to get the message, not to obsess on the words. (I’m tempted here to talk about Bible study, but we shall let it pass this time.) Switch your mindset to looking for the gold.3. Quit Subvocalizing. Most of us learned to read bysounding out the words. The trouble is, most of us never stopped. Sure, maybe we no longer audibly sound them out, or even move our lips, but in our heads we are ―reading to ourselves.‖ We have learned to read by Mouth-and-Ear. To become a speed reader one must discard this habit (orat least reduce it) and adopt the eye-and-mind method. It is mostly a matter of mind set. Instead of acting like the ear (even in one inside your head) is the route to the mind, begin believing that the eye isthe gate to the mind. Start drinking in books through your eyes. Letthe books pass into the mind directly from the eye, skipping the mouth and ears. Go ahead and start trying it.4. Use your finger. For most beginning speed-readersthis is a shock. They remember reading in grade school with their finger and assume it slows one down. Actually the finger is your pacecar. It leads you forward at a speedy pace, and keeps you on focus and avoiding back-skipping. There are several ways to use your finger (or hand) but just try it out for starters. As you improve, buy one of the books on speed-reading and settle on the pattern which works best for you.5. Break the Back-skip habit. Most of us read along aline of type like this one to get the interpretation of the meaning,but as we read our eyes jump back to dwell on a word we just passed. Wedo this without knowing it. In fact, probably the only way to discover how many times you back skip is to have someone watch you read and count the eye-darts back. But, unless you have someone you feel pretty comfortable staring you in the face while you read, just trust me –you probably back-skip. How to stop? First confess you do it. Then start recognizing when you do it. Finally when tempted to back-skip, treat the book like a movie — that is, even if you miss something in a movie, you don’t stop the video and replay it. Y ou just le t it flow on through, hoping you’ll make it up later.6. Use your peripheral vision. Just like you must develop a muscle in the gym, so your mind can be trained to use the eye-gate to take in a broader amount of data. For instance, instead of reading leftto right across the lines, pretend there is a line right down themiddle of this page and you are following the line. Let your eye takein through peripheral vision the phrases to the right or left. Can youdo it? With practice you can train your mind to r ead on ―both sides of the road‖ even though your eyes are on the center line. To practicethis skill most speed readers actually draw lines down pages of a book until they have mastered the skill with an invisible line. Let your mind drink in the information on the page without looking directly at it —just like you ―see‖ the sides of the road when driving an automobile.7. Learn to read KEY WORDS. 40-60% of the words on apage are neither critical nor important. Indeed, if someone tookwhite-out and hid them from your sight, you could still figure out what the paragraph was communicating. So, it stands to reason that if you could figure out which are these KEY WORDS you could scan past the other words and let your mind fill in the blank. Train your mind to find these key words and you’ll add even more speed to your reading.8. Eliminate ―Bus Stops‖ (Eye rests). As your eyesread down this line they stop periodically and ―rest‖ on a word. Children’s eyes often rest on every single word as they learn to read. Then as you grow your eyes move smoothly down the line like a lawn mower, then you stop a split second on a word, then start back up again. Most reader never get over this habit, but like a bus stoppingat every corner, it slows down your progress. Try to reduce your eye rests to 3-4 per line, maybe even less as you get better… keep the eye moving smoothly line after line, letting your mind drink in the knowledge on the line.9. Take breaks. The research is clear. Steady readinghour after hour is less efficient than taking a five minute break every hour or less. Sit down to read 100 pages in the next hour. Set an alarm even. Then reward yourself with a cookie or sandwich when you’ve reached your goal in 60 minutes.10. Set a time goal. Have a 300 page book to read?Decide how fast you’ll read it. If you are not a speedy reader, maybe you’ll only set the US average reading speed as your goal: one page a minute (250 words/min.). Or if you are already an above average reader, set 100 pages an hour and plunge in. If you picked 100 pages an hour, that’s 50 in a half hour, 17 per 10 minutes or 1.7 pages per minute. Keep on track… pretend like you are in an auto race… push yourself, concentrate, get yourself out there on the ―racer’s edge‖ — the linejust short of out-of-control, yet still in command. Do it; it will be exciting!IV Retention Techniques1. Underline, circle, make margin notes. Nothighlighting the whole page like some students do! Usually you will not mark more than two or three items per page, and many pages will have nomarkings. Marking pages increases recall — do you have a marked-up Bible? If you do, you can almost ―see‖ the page in your head when recalling it. Marking helps. (Highlighting may help — your own markings, however, are probably superior).2. Dog-ear important pages. In a 250 page book therewill probably be 25 pages worth dog-earing. Turn down the page to return later. The bigger the dog-ear the more important the page. Most books have only four or five half-page-dog ears.3. Transfer key notes to front of book. Got a greatpoint here? The central message? The quote which essentially representsthe whole book? Write it down in the front of the book. Why? Generally speaking when it comes to new information you either ―Use it or lose it in 20 minutes.‖ When you discover it, flip the book open to the front and scribble it down; it will cement the notion into your mind. Better yet, link it to something you already know and write that down too. Linked information can be recalled far better than isolated information.4. When finished, re-read dog-eared pages. Just run back through and re-read the gold. Here is the essence of the book (if you made judgements right going through).5. Now write an ―abstract‖ in the back or front. Y ou arefinishe d! Go for a pizza… but not just yet. Take a few more minutes andwrite an ―abstract‖ up front in your own words. When the writer submitted the proposal for this book, he or she probably actually had a single paragraph or page, outlining what this book was all about. To summarize the book, simply ―reverse engineer‖ the book back to the author’s abstract or thesis.6. Consider drawing a ―MindMap‖ of the contents. Ifyou are going to be tested on this book, get someone to teach you how to use Tony Buzan’s ―Mind Map‖ to remember the entire book on a singlepage. Remember, the mind mostly recalls ideas and pictures, not words.A Mind Map will enable you to ―picture‖ the whole book and you’ll looklike you posses a ―photographic‖ (which you really don’t need, if y ou simply follow the advice in this article).7. But if you borrowed the book, and can’t mark it,dog-ear it, or otherwise ―use‖ this took — then use 3M stickers instead of dog-ears, and write your comments on half-sheets of paper as you go.Finally,remember this: speed-reading is not some magical secret you can pick upin ten minutes and Presto! Y ou now can read 1000 words per minute. True, you can learn to read faster; perhaps double your presentspeed in two weeks. But to become a life-long rapid reader (like becoming a proficient race car driver) takes time, concentration and practice. This short article can get you started, but to really become expert you’ll need to practice plenty.To help you develop this skill further try one of the many books on rapid reading. (Y ou only need one to start with, most all articles (likethis one) books and courses basically cover similar techniques.)。
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9 The Official Mascots of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games
Q:1forest, fire, earth and sky;2 prosperity, harvest
3the lush forest and the harmonious relationship between man and nature. 4 Dunhuang murals 5 Tibetan Antelope
10 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Q:1C 2 high speed of operation to obtain high rates of production, improved accuracy to obtain quality and economy in the product, and minimized operating costs
3 large power plants and complete nuclear power stations
4 Jet aircraft, nuclear reactors
5 they all value scientific methods other than traditional or intuitive ones.
11 Introduction to Mechanical Design
Suggested answer:
1.the motion and structural aspects and the provisions for retention and enclosure
2.it involves a lot of considerations, modifications, and also participations from all the people concerned
12 Fasteners
Suggested answer:
2.attain max imum effectiveness at the lowest possible cost
3.its elasticity and locking characteristics
4.self-tapping and drive screws
13Engineering Drawing
3.avoid time-consuming and costly hand lettering
14 Introduction to Mechanism
Suggested answer:
1.the characteristics of the motions of the links.
4.visualization of spatial mechanism is rather difficult and requires more powerful techniques.
5.self-aligning bearings
15English Cathedrals - (W-Y)
16Museums in England (A-B)
17Castles in England and Wales
18Medieval Architecture
Suggested answer:
cate as well as decorate
2.barrel vaults, round arches, thick piers, and few windows.
cked of/abandoned classical line and proportion.
4.the pointed arch
5.take advantage of peoples' existing devotion to a particular place
19Eating Disorders: Facts about Eating Disorders and the Search for Solutions ACCBD
20The Cellular Basis of Immunity
5.the assembly process which generates enormous diversity of receptors
21 HIV and Its Transmission
22 Stopping Smoking: ASH's 15 Tips—Action on Smoking and Health
Suggested answer:
2.relief of withdrawal from nicotine
4.be used with caution
5.nicotine changes the appetite and body's energy use.
23Weight Control: The Power of Healthy Choices
24Chemistry and Matter
DCCD 5.space and mass
25Introduction to Organic Chemistry
26Processing of Energy and Natural Resources
27Physical Chemistry CDBBA
28Structure and Application of Surfactants
Suggested answer:
1.amphiphilic structure
2.hydrophilic group
3.selection of specific homologue mixture, not uniform substances
4.foam stabilizers
5.chemical stability
29Dealing with Computer Viruses DBCCA
30Working Off-line in IE CDDBB
31The Computer and the Poet
2.only humans are capable of reasoning and it is humans’ re asoning that really counts
3.the initiative of humans in dealing with computerized world
4.it is matched by the desire and ability to find out what they mean and where they would lead.
5.man often fails to distinguish between the intermediate operations of electronic intelligence and the ultimate responsibilities of human decision
34Pablo Picasso ccadb
33Your Laptop Care Guide BCBDC
32The New Internet DBDBC
35A Deadly Sin—Creativity for All
4.art beings with craft, and that there is no art until craft has been mastered
5.art is rare and sacred, and that there ought to be a wall of fire around it
36Modern Art Movements
1.an orgy of pure colors
2.classical and traditional art
3.African tribal art
4.Freud Jung
5.objects from everyday life
37The Early New York Skyscrapers
1the southern tip of Manhattan Island bristling with towers
2not only the central architectural fact of his time but also its spirit
3century were designers able to escape the inherent limitations of masonry and bric k. 4building was flung open to those who were not alpinists.
5what they were made of and how they were supported。