algorithmics of matching under preferences
algorithmics of matching under preferencesMatching under preferences is a problem that arises in various domains such as online dating platforms, job markets, and college admissions. The goal is to pair individuals or entities with one another based on their preferences. This problem can be solved using algorithms that take into account these preferences and find an optimal matching.One of the most well-known algorithms for matching under preferences is the Gale-Shapley algorithm. This algorithm was proposed by David Gale and Lloyd Shapley in 1962 and is also known as the stable marriage algorithm. The algorithm works based on the concept of proposing and accepting/rejecting proposals.The Gale-Shapley algorithm starts with each individual/entity making proposals to their most preferred choices. Then, each receiver of the proposals accepts the proposal from their most preferred proposer and rejects all others. If a proposer gets rejected, they move on to their next choice and make another proposal. This process continues until a stable matching is achieved, where no individual has an incentive to break the current pairing.Another algorithm commonly used for matching under preferences is the deferred acceptance algorithm. This algorithm was also developed by Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth in the 1980s. It is a modified version of the Gale-Shapley algorithm and is widely used in many real-world scenarios.The deferred acceptance algorithm works by havingindividuals/entities submit their preferences and proposing to their most preferred choices. However, unlike the Gale-Shapley algorithm, the acceptance/rejection of proposals is deferred. Instead, receivers of proposals keep a "preliminary" match if it is better than any existing matches. After all proposals have been made, the process of accepting/rejecting proposals begins, starting with the most preferred receivers. Proposals are accepted if they result in a better match than the current preliminary match. This process continues until a stable matching is achieved.In addition to these two algorithms, there are also other variations and extensions that have been proposed. For example, the ranking algorithm takes into consideration not just the ordinal preferences but also the cardinal preferences (e.g., rating or scoring). This type of algorithm can be useful when preferences are not strictly ordered.Another important aspect of matching under preferences is the consideration of fairness criteria. For example, in college admissions, there is often a desire for diversity and equality among different groups of applicants. Algorithms like the affirmative action algorithm have been proposed to address these concerns and ensure fairness in the matching process.Overall, the algorithms for matching under preferences are designed to optimize the pairing based on the preferences of individuals/entities involved. These algorithms provide a systematic approach to solving the matching problem and have been successfully applied in various real-world scenarios. Byunderstanding and utilizing these algorithms, we can improve the efficiency and fairness of matching processes in various domains.。
Introduction to Algorithms
• 本文對基本算法説明的基本方式
– 説明算法的基本原理 – 給出由此算法解決的實例
給定有待排序的N 給定有待排序的N個項目 R1,R2,…,RN 我們稱這些項目為記錄(record),並稱N 我們稱這些項目為記錄(record),並稱N個記錄的整 個集合為一個文件(file)。每一個R 個集合為一個文件(file)。每一個Rj有一個鍵碼 (key) Kj ,支配排序過程。 排序的目標,是確定下標為{1,2,…,N}的一個排列 排序的目標,是確定下標為{1,2,…,N}的一個排列 p(1) p(2)…p(N),它以非遞降的次序來放置所有的 p(2)…p(N),它以非遞降的次序來放置所有的 鍵碼: Kp(1) ≤ Kp(2) ≤ …≤ Kp(N)
MERGE(A, p, q, r)
1 n1 ← q - p + 1 2 n2 ← r - q 3 create arrays L[1 ‥ n1 + 1] and R[1 ‥ n2 + 1] 4 for i ← 1 to n1 5 do L[i] ← A[p + i - 1] 6 for j ← 1 to n2 7 do R[j] ← A[q + j] 8 L[n1 + 1] ← ∞ 9 R[n2 + 1] ← ∞ 10 i ← 1 11 j ← 1 12 for k ← p to r 13 do if L[i] ≤ R[j] 14 then A[k] ← L[i] i←i+1 15 16 else A[k] ← R[j] 17 j←j+1
• 算法(algorithm)是一個優秀程序員的基本功, 算法(algorithm)
Data Structures and Algorithms
Divide and conquer is a powerful approach for solving conceptually difficult problems. Divide and conquer approach requires you to find a way of:
Multiple algorithms can be designed to solve a particular problem. An algorithm that provides the maximum efficiency should be used for solving the problem.
Data Structures and Algorithms
Computer science is a field of study that deals with solving a variety of problems by using computers.
To solve a given problem by using computers, you need to design an algorithm for it.
Finding the shortest distance from an originating city to a set of destination cities, given the distances between the pairs of cities. Finding the minimum number of currency notes required for an amount, where an arbitrary number of notes for each denomination are available. Selecting items with maximum value from a given set of items, where the total weight of the selected items cannot exceed a given value.
Algorithms Chapter 1 绪论
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Chapter 1 Introduction to Algorithms
What’s an Algorithm?
算法是一系列解决问题的清晰指令,也就是说,能够对 一定规范的输入,在有限时间内获得所要求的输出。
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms
找出人类DNA中所有100000种基因,确定构成人类DNA的30亿种化学基 17 对的各种序列。
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms
• “贝格尔”编排法(Beiger Arrangement) 把参赛队数分一半(参赛队为单数时,最后以“0” 表示形成双数),前一半由1号开始,自上而下写在 左边;后一半的数自下而上写在右边,然后用横线 把相对的号数连接起来。这即是第一轮的比赛。 第二轮将第一轮右上角的编号(“0”或最大的一个代 号数)移到左角上,第三轮又移到右角上,以此类推。 即单数轮次时“0”或最大的一个代号在右上角,双 数轮次时则在左上角。
//使用欧几里得算法计算gcd(m,n) //输入:两个不全为0的非负整数m,n //输出:m,n的最大公约数
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms
• “贝格尔”编排法(Beiger Arrangement)
《算法:第4版》(Sedgewick之巨著,与高德纳TAOCP一脉相承)∙定价:¥99.00∙会员价:¥72.27(73折)∙校园优惠价:¥72.27(73折)∙原书名:Algorithms, Fourth Edition∙作者:(美)塞奇威克(Sedgewick,R.)(美)韦恩(Wayne,K.)∙译者:谢路云∙丛书名:图灵程序设计丛书∙出版社:人民邮电出版社∙ISBN:9787115293800∙上架时间:2012-9-29∙出版日期:2012 年10月∙开本:16开∙页码:636∙版次:1-1前言本书力图研究当今最重要的计算机算法并将一些最基础的技能传授给广大求知者。
▓ 求解Optimization Problems
的最佳化問題 (X1, X2, …, Xn):
有些被歸類為 “部份集合(Subset)” 問題,則會有2n種可能的情況
如:部份集合之和 (Sum of Subset)問題、0/1背包問題…等
上述的兩個策略,皆透過 “邊界函數” (Bounding Function) 來刪 除一些不必要的子樹搜尋動作,以提昇搜尋效率。
解答空間 (Solution Space)
每個問題通常都可為其定義一個解答空間 (Solution Space): S = { (X1, X2, …, Xn) ; (X1, X2, …, Xn)為滿足問題的所有解}
此即為修剪 (Pruning)
當搜尋到 “可行” 的節點 (即:課本所指的有前途(promising)節點) 時,則可以再續繼往下搜尋該節點以下之分枝節點。 可以得到修剪過的狀態空間樹 (Pruned State Space Tree)。
不可行解 可行解
然而,並不是所有求最佳化的問題都合乎最佳化原則, 此時就只能用其它的方法求解了。
▓ Backtracking vs. Branch and Bound
“貪婪法則” 或 “動態規劃” 來設計演算法則之外,若問題不具有 “最佳化原則”時,可考慮採用回溯(Backtracking)或分 枝與限制(Branch and Bound)之解題策略。
英语 算法 -回复
英语算法-回复以下是我根据题目内容所写的一篇1500-2000字的英文文章:Title: An Overview of Algorithms [English Algorithm]Introduction:In the world of computer science, algorithms play a fundamental role in solving problems efficiently. They represent a step-by-step method to process inputs and produce desired outputs. In this article, we will delve into the subject of algorithms and explore their significance in various domains.Section 1: Understanding AlgorithmsTo comprehend algorithms, we must first define what they are. An algorithm refers to a well-defined set of instructions designed to solve a specific problem or perform a particular task. Algorithms can be found in almost every aspect of our lives, from simple everyday routines, such as making a sandwich, to complex scientific computations.Section 2: The Mechanics of AlgorithmsAlgorithms follow a specific structure, known as a flowchart, whichoutlines each step required to accomplish a goal. They typically involve input, processing, and output stages. The input stage involves gathering necessary information, while the processing stage involves applying various operations or calculations to the inputs. Lastly, the output stage produces the desired result.Section 3: Types of AlgorithmsThere are several types of algorithms, each serving a different purpose. Sorting algorithms, for example, are designed to arrange elements in a specific order, such as numerical or alphabetical. Examples of sorting algorithms include Bubble Sort, Insertion Sort, and Quick Sort. Searching algorithms, on the other hand, help locate specific elements within a dataset. Some commonly used searching algorithms include Linear Search and Binary Search. Other types of algorithms include pathfinding algorithms, graph algorithms, and genetic algorithms.Section 4: Importance of AlgorithmsAlgorithms are crucial in various fields and industries. They are extensively used in computer programming, where efficient algorithms can significantly improve the performance of software applications. Algorithms are also employed in data analysis, wherethey enable researchers to identify patterns, trends, and correlations within large datasets. In addition, algorithms are utilized in artificial intelligence systems, autonomous vehicles, and medical diagnostic tools.Section 5: Algorithm Design and AnalysisDeveloping an algorithm involves careful planning and consideration. The design and analysis of algorithms aim to optimize their efficiency and accuracy. Design techniques, such as divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms, help in solving complex problems. Additionally, the analysis of algorithms focuses on evaluating their time complexity and space complexity, providing insights into their efficiency.Section 6: Challenges and Ethical ConsiderationsWhile algorithms have numerous benefits, they also present challenges and ethical considerations. One significant challenge is the need for algorithms to handle large datasets, as processing massive amounts of data can be time-consuming andresource-intensive. Additionally, ethical concerns arise when algorithms are used for automated decision-making, such as in the criminal justice system or loan approvals, as biases anddiscrimination can be unintentionally embedded in the algorithms.Conclusion:Algorithms are the backbone of problem-solving in the world of computer science. They provide a systematic approach to process data and generate desired outcomes. Understanding different algorithm types, their design and analysis, and their significance in various domains is essential to harnessing the full potential of algorithms. As technology continues to advance, algorithms will continue to evolve and shape the world around us.。
Lars Arge Aarhus University
April 16, 2008
Block I/O
Lars Arge
• Parameters N = # elements in problem instance B = # elements that fits in disk block M = # elements that fits in main memory
– Extract minimal element from queue – Access and color corresponding element in list – Insert opposite color element corresponding to successor in queue
Lars Arge
Algorithms on Trees
Lars Arge
• External list ranking algorithm similar to PRAM algorithm – Sometimes external algorithms by “PRAM algorithm simulation”
• Forward list coloring algorithm example of “time forward processing” – Use external priority-queue to send information “forward in time” to vertices to be processed later
计算机网络优化算法计算机网络优化算法(Computer Network Optimization Algorithms)是指通过使用数学、统计学和计算机科学的方法来优化计算机网络系统的性能和效率。
1. 贪心算法贪心算法是一种基于局部最优选择的算法,它每次在作出选择时都只考虑当前状态下的最优解。
2. 动态规划算法动态规划算法是一种将复杂问题分解为简单子问题并存储中间结果的算法。
3. 遗传算法遗传算法是一种模拟生物进化过程的优化算法。
4. 禁忌搜索算法禁忌搜索算法是一种通过记录和管理搜索路径来避免陷入局部最优解的优化算法。
优化算法(Optimizationalgorithms)1.Mini-batch 梯度下降(Mini-batch gradient descent)batch gradient descent :⼀次迭代同时处理整个train dataMini-batch gradient descent: ⼀次迭代处理单⼀的mini-batch (X{t} ,Y{t})Choosing your mini-batch size : if train data m<2000 then batch ,else mini-batch=64~512 (2的n次⽅),需要多次尝试来确定mini-batch sizeA variant of this is Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), which is equivalent to mini-batch gradient descent where each mini-batch has just 1 example. The update rule that you have just implemented does not change. What changes is that you would be computing gradients on just one training example at a time, rather than on the whole training set. The code examples below illustrate the difference between stochastic gradient descent and (batch) gradient descent.(Batch) Gradient Descent:X = data_inputY = labelsparameters = initialize_parameters(layers_dims)for i in range(0, num_iterations):# Forward propagationa, caches = forward_propagation(X, parameters)# Compute cost.cost = compute_cost(a, Y)# Backward propagation.grads = backward_propagation(a, caches, parameters)# Update parameters.parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads)Stochastic Gradient Descent:X = data_inputY = labelsparameters = initialize_parameters(layers_dims)for i in range(0, num_iterations):for j in range(0, m):# Forward propagationa, caches = forward_propagation(X[:,j], parameters)# Compute costcost = compute_cost(a, Y[:,j])# Backward propagationgrads = backward_propagation(a, caches, parameters)# Update parameters.parameters = update_parameters(parameters, grads)1def random_mini_batches(X, Y, mini_batch_size = 64, seed = 0):2"""3 Creates a list of random minibatches from (X, Y)45 Arguments:6 X -- input data, of shape (input size, number of examples)7 Y -- true "label" vector (1 for blue dot / 0 for red dot), of shape (1, number of examples)8 mini_batch_size -- size of the mini-batches, integer910 Returns:11 mini_batches -- list of synchronous (mini_batch_X, mini_batch_Y)12"""1314 np.random.seed(seed) # To make your "random" minibatches the same as ours15 m = X.shape[1] # number of training examples16 mini_batches = []1718# Step 1: Shuffle (X, Y)19 permutation = list(np.random.permutation(m))20 shuffled_X = X[:, permutation]21 shuffled_Y = Y[:, permutation].reshape((1,m))2223# Step 2: Partition (shuffled_X, shuffled_Y). Minus the end case.24 num_complete_minibatches = math.floor(m/mini_batch_size) # number of mini batches of size mini_batch_size in your partitionning25for k in range(0, num_complete_minibatches):26### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines)27 mini_batch_X = shuffled_X[:,k*mini_batch_size:(k+1)*mini_batch_size]28 mini_batch_Y = shuffled_Y[:,k*mini_batch_size:(k+1)*mini_batch_size]29### END CODE HERE ###30 mini_batch = (mini_batch_X, mini_batch_Y)31 mini_batches.append(mini_batch)3233# Handling the end case (last mini-batch < mini_batch_size)34if m % mini_batch_size != 0:35### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines)36 mini_batch_X =shuffled_X[:,(k+1)*mini_batch_size:m]37 mini_batch_Y =shuffled_Y[:,(k+1)*mini_batch_size:m]38### END CODE HERE ###39 mini_batch = (mini_batch_X, mini_batch_Y)40 mini_batches.append(mini_batch)4142return mini_batches2.指数加权平均数(Exponentially weighted averages):指数加权平均数的公式:在计算时可视V t⼤概是1/(1-B)的每⽇温度,如果B是0.9,那么就是⼗天的平均值,当B较⼤时,指数加权平均值适应更缓慢指数加权平均的偏差修正:3.动量梯度下降法(Gradinent descent with Momentum)1def initialize_velocity(parameters):2"""3 Initializes the velocity as a python dictionary with:4 - keys: "dW1", "db1", ..., "dWL", "dbL"5 - values: numpy arrays of zeros of the same shape as the corresponding gradients/parameters.6 Arguments:7 parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters.8 parameters['W' + str(l)] = Wl9 parameters['b' + str(l)] = bl1011 Returns:12 v -- python dictionary containing the current velocity.13 v['dW' + str(l)] = velocity of dWl14 v['db' + str(l)] = velocity of dbl15"""1617 L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural networks18 v = {}1920# Initialize velocity21for l in range(L):22### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines)23 v["dW" + str(l+1)] = np.zeros(parameters["W"+str(l+1)].shape)24 v["db" + str(l+1)] = np.zeros(parameters["b"+str(l+1)].shape)25### END CODE HERE ###2627return v1def update_parameters_with_momentum(parameters, grads, v, beta, learning_rate):2"""3 Update parameters using Momentum45 Arguments:6 parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters:7 parameters['W' + str(l)] = Wl8 parameters['b' + str(l)] = bl9 grads -- python dictionary containing your gradients for each parameters:10 grads['dW' + str(l)] = dWl11 grads['db' + str(l)] = dbl12 v -- python dictionary containing the current velocity:13 v['dW' + str(l)] = ...14 v['db' + str(l)] = ...15 beta -- the momentum hyperparameter, scalar16 learning_rate -- the learning rate, scalar1718 Returns:19 parameters -- python dictionary containing your updated parameters20 v -- python dictionary containing your updated velocities21"""2223 L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural networks2425# Momentum update for each parameter26for l in range(L):2728### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 4 lines)29# compute velocities30 v["dW" + str(l+1)] = beta*v["dW" + str(l+1)]+(1-beta)*grads["dW" + str(l+1)]31 v["db" + str(l+1)] = beta*v["db" + str(l+1)]+(1-beta)*grads["db" + str(l+1)]32# update parameters33 parameters["W" + str(l+1)] = parameters["W" + str(l+1)]-learning_rate*v["dW" + str(l+1)]34 parameters["b" + str(l+1)] = parameters["b" + str(l+1)]-learning_rate*v["db" + str(l+1)]35### END CODE HERE ###3637return parameters, v#β=0.9 is often a reasonable default.4.RMSprop算法(root mean square prop):5.Adam 优化算法(Adam optimization algorithm):Adam 优化算法基本上就是将Momentum 和RMSprop结合在⼀起1def initialize_adam(parameters) :2"""3 Initializes v and s as two python dictionaries with:4 - keys: "dW1", "db1", ..., "dWL", "dbL"5 - values: numpy arrays of zeros of the same shape as the corresponding gradients/parameters. 67 Arguments:8 parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters.9 parameters["W" + str(l)] = Wl10 parameters["b" + str(l)] = bl1112 Returns:13 v -- python dictionary that will contain the exponentially weighted average of the gradient.14 v["dW" + str(l)] = ...15 v["db" + str(l)] = ...16 s -- python dictionary that will contain the exponentially weighted average of the squared gradient.17 s["dW" + str(l)] = ...18 s["db" + str(l)] = ...1920"""2122 L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural networks23 v = {}24 s = {}2526# Initialize v, s. Input: "parameters". Outputs: "v, s".27for l in range(L):28### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 4 lines)29 v["dW" + str(l+1)] = np.zeros(parameters["W" + str(l+1)].shape)30 v["db" + str(l+1)] = np.zeros(parameters["b" + str(l+1)].shape)31 s["dW" + str(l+1)] = np.zeros(parameters["W" + str(l+1)].shape)32 s["db" + str(l+1)] = np.zeros(parameters["b" + str(l+1)].shape)33### END CODE HERE ###3435return v, s1def update_parameters_with_adam(parameters, grads, v, s, t, learning_rate = 0.01,2 beta1 = 0.9, beta2 = 0.999, epsilon = 1e-8):3"""4 Update parameters using Adam56 Arguments:7 parameters -- python dictionary containing your parameters:8 parameters['W' + str(l)] = Wl9 parameters['b' + str(l)] = bl10 grads -- python dictionary containing your gradients for each parameters:11 grads['dW' + str(l)] = dWl12 grads['db' + str(l)] = dbl13 v -- Adam variable, moving average of the first gradient, python dictionary14 s -- Adam variable, moving average of the squared gradient, python dictionary15 learning_rate -- the learning rate, scalar.16 beta1 -- Exponential decay hyperparameter for the first moment estimates17 beta2 -- Exponential decay hyperparameter for the second moment estimates18 epsilon -- hyperparameter preventing division by zero in Adam updates1920 Returns:21 parameters -- python dictionary containing your updated parameters22 v -- Adam variable, moving average of the first gradient, python dictionary23 s -- Adam variable, moving average of the squared gradient, python dictionary24"""2526 L = len(parameters) // 2 # number of layers in the neural networks27 v_corrected = {} # Initializing first moment estimate, python dictionary28 s_corrected = {} # Initializing second moment estimate, python dictionary2930# Perform Adam update on all parameters31for l in range(L):32# Moving average of the gradients. Inputs: "v, grads, beta1". Output: "v".33### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines)34 v["dW" + str(l+1)] = beta1* v["dW" + str(l+1)]+(1-beta1)*grads["dW" + str(l+1)]35 v["db" + str(l+1)] = beta1* v["db" + str(l+1)]+(1-beta1)*grads["db" + str(l+1)]36### END CODE HERE ###3738# Compute bias-corrected first moment estimate. Inputs: "v, beta1, t". Output: "v_corrected".39### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines)40 v_corrected["dW" + str(l+1)] = (v["dW" + str(l+1)])/(1-np.power(beta1,t))41 v_corrected["db" + str(l+1)] = (v["db" + str(l+1)])/(1-np.power(beta1,t))42### END CODE HERE ###4344# Moving average of the squared gradients. Inputs: "s, grads, beta2". Output: "s".45### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines)46 s["dW" + str(l+1)] = beta2* s["dW" + str(l+1)]+(1-beta2)*np.power(grads["dW" + str(l+1)],2)47 s["db" + str(l+1)] = beta2* s["db" + str(l+1)]+(1-beta2)*np.power(grads["db" + str(l+1)],2)48### END CODE HERE ###4950# Compute bias-corrected second raw moment estimate. Inputs: "s, beta2, t". Output: "s_corrected".51### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines)52 s_corrected["dW" + str(l+1)] = s["dW" + str(l+1)]/(1-np.power(beta2,t))53 s_corrected["db" + str(l+1)] = s["db" + str(l+1)]/(1-np.power(beta2,t))54### END CODE HERE ###5556# Update parameters. Inputs: "parameters, learning_rate, v_corrected, s_corrected, epsilon". Output: "parameters".57### START CODE HERE ### (approx. 2 lines)58 parameters["W" + str(l+1)] = parameters["W" + str(l+1)]-learning_rate*v_corrected["dW" + str(l+1)]/(s_corrected["dW" + str(l+1)]+epsilon)59 parameters["b" + str(l+1)] = parameters["b" + str(l+1)]-learning_rate*v_corrected["db" + str(l+1)]/(s_corrected["db" + str(l+1)]+epsilon)60### END CODE HERE ###6162return parameters, v, s6.学习率衰减(Learning rate decay):加快学习算法的⼀个办法就是随时间慢慢减少学习率,这样在学习初期,你能承受较⼤的步伐,当开始收敛的时候,⼩⼀些的学习率能让你步伐⼩⼀些。
*This project was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (60600000;60500000), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (863 Program) and the Excellent Y outh Project of Hubei Provincial Department of Education (Q20080000).Title*Li Mingming 1,2, Wang Liang 1 & Ouyang Hai 21. School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Harbin Inst. of Technology, Harbin 150001, P.R.China;2. Beijing Inst. of Radio Measurement, Beijing 100854, P.R.ChinaAbstract: A novel algorithm is proposed to solve some problems. … Simulation results show theeffectiveness of the proposed algorithm.(第一次出现缩略语需要提供英文全称,格式为“multiple input multiple output (MIMO)”)Keywords: word1, word2, word3, word4.1 IntroductionDirection of arrival (DOA) estimation of multiple narrowband sources is a major research issue in array signal processing [1].★ 正文中提到的所有缩略词在第一次出现时,必须提供英文全称,格式为“multiple input multiple output (MIMO)”。
Design and Analysis of Algorithms–CSE101Basic Information:Spring,2011Instructor:Russell ImpagliazzoClass:TT,11:00-12:20,HSS1330,Mandatory discussion section:Wed.1-1:50,Center105101Professor Office Hours:Wed.,Friday,2:30-4,start in CSE4248 (may move to bigger room).email:***************.eduwebpage:/classes/sp09/cse101TA:Qian PengTA office Hours:Thu5-7PM at EBU3B room B250aPrerequisites:CSE21,CSE100Text Books:Johnsonbaugh and Schaefer,Algorithms.OREdmonds,How to Think About Algorithms.You need at least one of these two textbooks.Preferably,each study group will have both available.I mark the reading JS for Johnson-baugh and Schaefer or JE for JeffEdmonds.Assignments There will be a calibration homework(not for credit),four homework assignments,a mid-term exam,and afinal exam. Evaluation:Homework will account for30%of the grade,the mid-term, 30%,and thefinal will account for the remaining40%of the grade.The calibration homework does not count for credit.The best3out of 4homework assignments will be counted,so each homework is worth 10%of grade.There will be a practice mid-term;the mid-term grade will be the better of the practice and real mid-term grades.Sorry,no practicefinal.Ethics and Academic Dishonesty In the past,there has been epidemic cheating in this class.For example,dishonesty caused25%of the1class to fail in1997.For this reason,some rather intrusive rules have been instituted.Students will be allowed to solve and write up all homework assign-ments in groups of size up to4.All names should appear on the assignment.Members of a group are responsible for all parts of any assignment with their names on it.Problems should be solved by the group,not divided up between group members.Each member of a group should participate in discussions about each problem.The front page should be signed by each member of a group;this is interpretted as the state-ment:”I participated in discussion for each problem,and have read and understood the answers here,which are summaries of our discus-sion.”If this statement is true,just sign your name.If you wish to modify this statement,write and sign the modified statement instead. If the statement is not true of some of the problems,add”except for problems...”.You will not receive credit for these problems,but you also will not bear responsibility for them.Students should not look for answers to homework problems in other (i.e.,other than the course texts and class notes)texts or other sources (e.g.Internet discussion groups or newsgroups).However,students may use other texts as a general study tool,and may accidentally see solutions to homework problems.In this case,the student should write up thefinal solution without consulting this text or source,and should give an acknowledgement of the text or source on thefirst page of their solutions.Such a solution may be given partial or no credit if it too closely follows the source.Not giving an acknowledement is academic dishonesty,and will be treated as such.This rule applies to any material found on the internet,and to conversations with or written material from other people, whether or not they are students in the class.However,it does not apply to material handed out in class or on the class web-page for this year,or to conversations with the instructor or teaching assistants.Be sure to follow the following guidelines:1.Do not discuss problems with people outside your group(exceptduring office hours,or with the TAs or myself).22.Do not share written solutions or partial solutions with othergroups.3.Prepare yourfinal written solution without consulting any writ-ten material except class notes and the class text.4.Acknowledge all supplementary texts or sources that had solu-tions to homework problems.5.All problems should be discussed by the entire group. Standards for assignments Most assignments and exam problems will be mathematical or theoretical in nature,and will require you to prove your answer correct.Grading of all such problems(homework and exam)will be both on the basis of correctness and on logical consistency and completeness,i.e.,“mathematical style”.It is your obligation to provide a compelling argument that forces the reader to believe the result,not just notes from which an argument could be constructed.In particular,correct formulas or pseudo-code are nota complete solution by themselves;their significance and the logic oftheir application need to be explained.A typical assignment is to design an efficient algorithm for a givenproblem.When giving an algorithm,the following two things should always be included,unless the problem explicitly says not to:a cor-rectness argument,showing why the algorithm solves the problem;and a time analysis,giving the order of the worst-case runtime(in O-notation).One problem on each homework assignment will involve implementing an algorithm,and reporting time usage data on a variety of inputs (which will be either completely specified or specified as a distribution on random instances).This implementation may be done in any lan-guage,and be run on any machine.Your solution should only includea brief description of your program;in particular,we will not readactual code,so you needn’t hand it in.You should hand in only a description of your program,specifying the basic algorithm used,any modifications that you made to this algorithm,the language used,the performance characteristics of the machine used,and timing informa-tion for the various inputs you ran the program on.Discuss whether the timing results seemed consistent with the asymptotic analysis;if not,what in your opinion is the reason?The TA or I may ask to seea demonstration of your program on other instances.3Lateness Policy Late homework will be accepted until I give out an answer key and no later.So you have to be no later than me.I will also not accept homework after thefirst10minutes of the class it is due.Working on the homework is no excuse for missing class or not paying attention.Reading Schedule We will not be able to cover every example on each topic in the text in class.(JS=Johnsonbaugh and Shaeffer,required text;JE=JeffEdmonds’How to Think About Algorithms.)You are expected to read the other sub-sections independently.In particular, we will only quickly review the material in JE Chapter1=JS Ch.1,2.1-4and the basic data structures(JE Chapter2&3=JS Ch. 2.5,2.6,3).These should be familiar from CSE100and21,but will beused heavily in this class.Reading this material in advance is a good plan.To help you plan your reading,here is a tentative schedule of topics to be covered in class,and the corresponding sections of the text to be read.I reserve the option to change the schedule at a later point.You shouldfind most of the material in EITHER of:JS=Johnsonbaugh and Schaefer,Algorithms OR JE=JeffEdmonds,How To Think about Algorithms.(You don’t need to read both textbooks,but sometimes it may be helpful to see things explained in different ways.)1.Background:This is material we are only quickly reviewing.Youshould be familiar with this material from previous classes.Ifyou are having trouble with this material,you will need to workmuch harder throughout the course to keep up.Order notation,time analysis,recurrence relations:(JE Chapter1,JS Chapter2.3,2.4)Basic data structures:lists,arrays,graphs,trees stacks,heaps(JS:Chapters2.5,2.6,3JE:Chapters2and5.1).This ma-terial should be covered in CSE100and21.Read it and trysome exercises.If you have any problems,go back and read thechapter thoroughly.2.Basic iterative algorithms.Loop invariants and correctness proofs.Time analysis.(JE,Chapter3;JS pp37-38,section2.3).Exam-ples:Largest sum consecutive subarray;depth-first and breadth-first search(JS Ch4.2, 4.3,JE8.2,8.4),topological sort(JS:Chapter4.4,JE8.5).(2lectures).43.Maximizing Efficiency in Iterative ing restructur-ing,pre-processing and data structures to get the most efficientversions of algorithms.Graph and integer ingdata structures such as lists,arrays,heaps and balanced searchtrees.Sorting(JS,Chapter6),skylines,auction problem,maxi-mum min-degree subgraph.(2lectures).4.Greedy Algorithms(JE,Chapter10;JS,Chapter7)When do greedy algorithmswork?Proof techniques for optimality of greedy algorithms.Ex-amples:scheduling(JE,10.2.1);Minimum spanning trees(JS,7.2,7.3;JE,10.2.3);Dijkstra’s Algorithm(JS7.4;JE8.3);Inde-pendent set of a tree;others to be added.3lectures.5.Recursive algorithms and their analysis.Correctness proofs bystrong induction.Recurrence relations.(JE,Chapter5,6,JS2.4).Euclid’s GCD algorithm(JE,Chapter4.3),(1lectures.)6.Arithmetic and numerical algorithms.Euclid’s GCD algorithmrevisited.Amortized analysis of GCD.(1lecture)7.Divide-and-Conquer.(JS,Chapter5.)Examples:Mergesort(JS,5.2);Multiplicationof large integers;all distances in balanced binary tree;closestpair of points(JS,5.3);Quicksort(JS,6.2);The analysis of somedivide-and-conquer algorithms will require Lemma2.4.15of JS,which is also in Chapter1.6of JE.(3lectures.)8.Backtracking(JS,Chapter4.5,JE Chapter11)I spend more time on thisbecause Dynamic Programming can be viewed as a modificationof Backtracking.Examples:Independent set;n queens((JS4.5,JE11.2.3),graphcoloring,Hamiltonian Cycle(JS,4.5),and addition chains.2lectures.9.Dynamic Programming,(JS,Chapter8;JE Chapter12)Examples:Fibonnacci numbers(JS,8.1);Longest increasing sub-sequence;Shortest paths(JE12.2.7,JS8.5);Matrix Multiplication(JE,12.2.5,JS8.3);Editdistance=Longest Common subsequence(JE,12.2.2,JS,8.4);schedul-ing.3lectures.10.Reductions and NP-completeness5(JS,Ch10,11;JE,Ch.13)When can one type of problem“code”another;NP,a format for search problems;universal(NP-complete)search problems.Coping with intractibility.2lectures Assignment and Exam schedule To help you plan,here is the tentative assignment and exam schedule:1.April5:Calibration homework(order,recurrences,simple algo-rithm analysis and correctness)due2.April19:Homework1(efficient versions of algorithms)due3.April27:Discussion section:practice mid-term(order,solvingrecurrences,algorithm analysis and correctness,data structures,greedy algorithms)4.May3:homework2(greedy algorithms)due5.May11:discussion section:midterm(order,solving recurrences,algorithm analysis and correctness,data structures,greedy algo-rithms)6.May17,homework3(divide-and-conquer and back-tracking)due.7.June2,homework4(dynamic programming)due8.June7,Final exam.6。
算法设计与分析(Design and Analysis of Algorithms)主讲:冼楚华Email: ****************.cnHomepage:QQ:89071086 (可QQ答疑)办公室:(TBD)助教:曹旭(QQ:948623560, Email: ****************, Office: B3-440)参考教材:算法设计技巧与分析(Algorithms Design Techniques and Analysis)。
定价:36.0 RMB课时:1-11周,14-18周,64课时(含16课时实验课,时间及地点另定)考核方式:平时成绩20% + 实验成绩20% + 期末考试60%,平时成绩包含课上测试、上课表现等;实验成绩包含课后上机作业及模拟竞赛等课程网站:/algorithms/或者访问:,然后点击Teaching --> Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Spring 2016)网站提供每次讲课的PPT课件要点、作业答案以及与本课程相关的资源下载。
在线做题网站:/oj/ (华南理工大学)/onlinejudge/ (浙江大学ACM网站) (北京大学ACM网站)注意:如有问题,请发送邮件,收到邮件后,将会在两个工作日内回复。
Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsInstructor:Prof. Chuhua Xian (冼楚华)Email: ****************.cnHomepage:QQ:89071086Office Room:(TBD)Teaching Assistants:CAO Xu (QQ:948623560, Email: ****************, Office: B3-440)Textbook:Algorithms Design Techniques and Analysis. (Saudi Arabia) M. H. Alsuwaiyel. Publishing House of Electronic Industry (电子工业出版社). Price:36.0 RMBCouse Time:Week 1rd-11th, 14th-18th, 64 lessons (including 16 lessons for experiment; Times and Room: to be announced)Final Grade:Performance in class (20%) + homework and experiments (20%) + final examination (60%)Website:/algorithms/Or via my homepage:, click ‘Teaching --> Design and Analysis of Algorithms (Spring 2015)’The slides, some answers of the homework and links of the resources will be put on this website.Online Judge:/oj/ South China University of Technology)/onlinejudge/ (Zhejiang University) (Peking University)If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by email. I will reply within two working days. Please list your name or student ID when you send me an email. Thank you.。
例如,逻辑回归利⽤hθ(x) = g(θT x)对p(y|x;Θ)建模。
上⾯介绍了那么多,现在我们来试着定义这两种解决问题的⽅法:判别学习算法(discriminative learning algorithm):直接学习p(y|x)或者是从输⼊直接映射到输出的⽅法⽣成学习算法(generative learning algorithm):对p(x|y)(也包括p(y))进⾏建模。
为了深化理解⽣成学习算法,我们再看y:输出变量,取两值,如果是⼤象取1,狗则取0p(x|y = 0):对狗的特征进⾏建模p(x|y = 1):对⼤象的特征建模当我们对p(x|y)和p(y)完成建模后,运⽤贝叶斯公式,就可以求得在给定x的情况下y的概率,如下:p(x) = p(x|y = 1)p(y = 1) + p(x|y =0)p(y = 0)由于我们关⼼的是y离散结果中哪⼀个的概率更⼤,⽽不是要求得具体的概率,所以上⾯的公式我们可以表达为:常见的⽣成模型有:隐马尔可夫模型HMM、朴素贝叶斯模型、⾼斯混合模型GMM、LDA等⼆:⾼斯判别分析(Gaussian Discriminant Analysis)下⾯介绍第⼀个⽣成学习算法,GDA。
遗传算法(GeneticAlgorithms)遗传算法前引:1、TSP问题1.1 TSP问题定义旅⾏商问题(Traveling Salesman Problem,TSP)称之为货担郎问题,TSP问题是⼀个经典组合优化的NP完全问题,组合优化问题是对存在组合排序或者搭配优化问题的⼀个概括,也是现实诸多领域相似问题的简化形式。
1.2 TSP问题解法传统精确算法:穷举法,动态规划近似处理算法:贪⼼算法,改良圈算法,双⽣成树算法智能算法:模拟退⽕,粒⼦群算法,蚁群算法,遗传算法等遗传算法:性质:全局优化的⾃适应概率算法2.1 遗传算法简介遗传算法的实质是通过群体搜索技术,根据适者⽣存的原则逐代进化,最终得到最优解或准最优解。
2.2 实现⽅法根据具体问题确定可⾏解域,确定⼀种编码⽅法,能⽤数值串或字符串表⽰可⾏解域的每⼀解。
已知100个⽬标的经度、纬度如下表所列:3.2 模型及算法求解的遗传算法的参数设定如下:种群⼤⼩M=50;最⼤代数G=100;交叉率pc=1,交叉概率为1能保证种群的充分进化;变异概率pm=0.1,⼀般⽽⾔,变异发⽣的可能性较⼩。
编码策略:初始种群:⽬标函数:交叉操作:变异操作:选择:算法图:代码实现:clc,clear, close allsj0=load('data12_1.txt');x=sj0(:,1:2:8); x=x(:);y=sj0(:,2:2:8); y=y(:);sj=[x y]; d1=[70,40];xy=[d1;sj;d1]; sj=xy*pi/180; %单位化成弧度d=zeros(102); %距离矩阵d的初始值for i=1:101for j=i+1:102d(i,j)=6370*acos(cos(sj(i,1)-sj(j,1))*cos(sj(i,2))*...cos(sj(j,2))+sin(sj(i,2))*sin(sj(j,2)));endendd=d+d'; w=50; g=100; %w为种群的个数,g为进化的代数for k=1:w %通过改良圈算法选取初始种群c=randperm(100); %产⽣1,...,100的⼀个全排列c1=[1,c+1,102]; %⽣成初始解for t=1:102 %该层循环是修改圈flag=0; %修改圈退出标志for m=1:100for n=m+2:101if d(c1(m),c1(n))+d(c1(m+1),c1(n+1))<...d(c1(m),c1(m+1))+d(c1(n),c1(n+1))c1(m+1:n)=c1(n:-1:m+1); flag=1; %修改圈endendendif flag==0J(k,c1)=1:102; break %记录下较好的解并退出当前层循环endendendJ(:,1)=0; J=J/102; %把整数序列转换成[0,1]区间上实数即染⾊体编码for k=1:g %该层循环进⾏遗传算法的操作for k=1:g %该层循环进⾏遗传算法的操作A=J; %交配产⽣⼦代A的初始染⾊体c=randperm(w); %产⽣下⾯交叉操作的染⾊体对for i=1:2:wF=2+floor(100*rand(1)); %产⽣交叉操作的地址temp=A(c(i),[F:102]); %中间变量的保存值A(c(i),[F:102])=A(c(i+1),[F:102]); %交叉操作A(c(i+1),F:102)=temp;endby=[]; %为了防⽌下⾯产⽣空地址,这⾥先初始化while ~length(by)by=find(rand(1,w)<0.1); %产⽣变异操作的地址endB=A(by,:); %产⽣变异操作的初始染⾊体for j=1:length(by)bw=sort(2+floor(100*rand(1,3))); %产⽣变异操作的3个地址%交换位置B(j,:)=B(j,[1:bw(1)-1,bw(2)+1:bw(3),bw(1):bw(2),bw(3)+1:102]);endG=[J;A;B]; %⽗代和⼦代种群合在⼀起[SG,ind1]=sort(G,2); %把染⾊体翻译成1,...,102的序列ind1num=size(G,1); long=zeros(1,num); %路径长度的初始值for j=1:numfor i=1:101long(j)=long(j)+d(ind1(j,i),ind1(j,i+1)); %计算每条路径长度endend[slong,ind2]=sort(long); %对路径长度按照从⼩到⼤排序J=G(ind2(1:w),:); %精选前w个较短的路径对应的染⾊体endpath=ind1(ind2(1),:), flong=slong(1) %解的路径及路径长度xx=xy(path,1);yy=xy(path,2);plot(xx,yy,'-o') %画出路径以上整个代码中没有调⽤GA⼯具箱。
冲突(collision )给两个键分配的位置相同称为冲突。
而要避免冲突,需要有:较低的填装因子良好的散列函数O (1)填装因子填装因子度量的是散列表中有多少位置是空的。
一旦填装因子开始增大,就需要在散列表中添加位置,称为调整长度(resizing )。
第6章广度优先搜索广度优先搜索(breadth-first search,BFS)让你能够找出两样东西之间的最短距离,不过最短距离的含义有很多。
使用广度优先搜索可以:编写国际跳棋AI,计算最少走多少步就可获胜编写拼写检查器,计算最少编辑多少个地方就可将错拼的单词改成正确的单词根据你的人际关系网络找到关系最近的医生图简介解决最短路径问题(shorterst-path problem)的算法被称为广度优先搜索。
算法利弊作文800字英文回答:The rapid advancement of technology in the modern era has led to the development of numerous algorithms that have profoundly impacted various aspects of our lives. Algorithms are sets of well-defined instructions that computers follow to perform specific tasks, enabling them to process and analyze data efficiently. While algorithms offer a plethora of benefits, they also come with certain drawbacks that warrant consideration.One of the primary advantages of algorithms is their ability to automate complex tasks. By following a predefined set of rules, algorithms can perform repetitive and time-consuming processes with high accuracy and speed. This automation frees up human resources, allowing individuals to focus on more cognitive and creative endeavors. Additionally, algorithms are capable of handling vast amounts of data, making them invaluable tools foranalyzing large datasets and extracting meaningful insights.Moreover, algorithms play a crucial role in decision-making processes. They can be employed to evaluate multiple options, weigh their respective advantages and disadvantages, and generate recommendations or predictions. This analytical capability is particularly useful in fields such as finance, healthcare, and marketing, where data-driven decisions are essential for success.Despite their numerous benefits, algorithms also have certain limitations. One potential downside is the risk of bias. Algorithms are trained on data, and if the data used for training contains inherent biases, the algorithm may perpetuate and amplify those biases in its outputs. Thiscan lead to unfair or discriminatory outcomes, especiallyif the algorithm is used for sensitive applications such as hiring or loan approvals.Another concern terkait algorithms is their potentialto reduce human judgment and intuition. By relying heavily on algorithms for decision-making, we may inadvertentlydiminish our own critical thinking skills and become overly dependent on automated systems. This overreliance can have detrimental consequences, as algorithms are not always capable of capturing the complexities of real-world situations and may fail to account for unforeseen circumstances.Furthermore, the increasing use of algorithms raises ethical and societal concerns. As algorithms become more sophisticated and pervasive, they have the potential to affect our privacy, autonomy, and even our fundamental rights. It is essential to establish ethical guidelines and regulations to ensure that algorithms are used responsibly and in a manner that respects human values and dignity.To mitigate the potential drawbacks of algorithms and harness their benefits effectively, it is imperative to approach their development and deployment with caution and foresight. Thorough testing and validation are crucial to minimize bias and ensure accuracy. Moreover, it is important to strike a balance between automation and human expertise, recognizing that algorithms should complementrather than replace human judgment. By addressing these concerns and fostering a responsible approach to algorithm development, we can maximize the benefits of algorithms while minimizing their potential risks.中文回答:算法的优点:1. 自动化复杂任务,算法可以自动执行重复和耗时的任务,例如数据处理和分析,从而释放人力资源,让他们可以专注于更有创造性的工作。
这本书被翻译成拉丁文后,被称为“Algoritmi de numero Indorum”,意为“印度数字的算法”,这个词后来演变成了“algorithm”。
群智能算法群智能算法简介群智能算法(Swarm Intelligence Algorithms)是一类基于群体智能的优化算法。
蚁群算法蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization, ACO)是群智能算法的一种,灵感来自于蚂蚁寻找食物的行为。
粒子群算法粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization, PSO)是另一种群智能算法,灵感来自于鸟群或鱼群等群体中的个体行为。
下面几个常见的应用领域:1. 旅行商问题旅行商问题是计算机科学中的一个经典问题,其目标是寻找一条最优路径,使得旅行商可以从一个城市出发,经过所有其他城市,最后回到出发城市,且路径总长度最小。
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Robot Gaits Evolved by Combining Genetic Algorithmsand Binary Hill ClimbingLena Mariann Garder Department of Informatics University of OsloN-0316Oslo,Norway lenaga@ifi.uio.noMats Erling Høvin Department of Informatics University of Oslo,Norway N-0316Oslo,Norwaymatsh@ifi.uio.noABSTRACTIn this paper an evolutionary algorithm is used for evolv-ing gaits in a walking biped robot controller.The focus is fast learning in a real-time environment.An incremen-tal approach combining a genetic algorithm(GA)with hill climbing is proposed.This combination interacts in an effi-cient way to generate precise walking patterns in less than 15generations.Our proposal is compared to various ver-sions of GA and stochastic search,andfinally tested on a pneumatic biped walking robot.Categories and Subject DescriptorsI.2.9[Artificial Intelligence]:Robotics—Propelling mech-anisms;I.2.8[Artificial Intelligence]:Problem Solving, Control Methods,and Search—Heuristic methods General TermsAlgorithmsKeywordsEvolutionary robotics,Genetic algorithms,Machine learn-ing1.INTRODUCTIONEvolutionary algorithms has often been proposed as a method for designing systems for real-world applications[6]. Developing effective gaits for bipedal robots is a difficult task that requires optimization of many parameters in a highly ir-regular,multidimensional space.In recent years biologically inspired computation methods,and particularly genetic al-gorithms(GA),have been employed by several authors.For instance,Hornby et ed GA to generate robust gaits on the Aibo quadruped robot[7].GA applied to bipedal loco-motion was also proposed by Arakawa and Fukuda[1]who Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.GECCO’06,July8–12,2004,Seattle,Washington,USA.Copyright2006ACM1-59593-186-4/06/0007...$5.00.made a GA based on energy optimization in order to gen-erate a natural,human-like bipedal gait.One of the main objections to applying GA’s in the seach for gaits is the time-consuming characteristic of these techniques due to the large fitness search space that is normally present.For this reason most approaches have been based on offline and simulator based searches.To reduce the time spent searching large search spaces with GA,various techniques for speeding up the algorithm have been presented.With the increased complexity evolution schema intro-duced by Torresen[11],Torresen has shown how to increase the search speed by using a divide and conquer approach,by dividing the problem into subtasks in a character recogni-tion system.Haddow and Tufte have also done experiments with reducing the genotype representation[5].Kalganova[9] has shown how to increase the search speed by evolving in-crementally and bidirectional to achieve an overall complex behaviour both for the complex system to the sub-system and from sub-system to the complex system.For an ex-haustive description of other approaches readers may refer to Cantu-Paz[2].The robot presented in this paper is a two-legged biped with binary operated pneumatic cylinders.The search space in our experiments was set up to describe the forward speed of the robot given the different gaits,and the goal was to find the most efficient gait with respect to speed.To enable efficient gaits the search space needed to be quite large as the accuracy of the pause lengths between the different leg positions is outmost critical,especially for gaits dominated by jumping movements.The focus has not been on evolv-ing a balancing system as there have been no other sensory feedback than the forward position of the robot.The main goal for our work was tofind a search algorithm fast enough to enable real-time gait generation/adaptation where thefitness is provided by the mechanical robot with-out the need for an offline simulator model.In this paper we present a different approach to increase the search speed by combining GA and binary hill climbing (BH)in an algorithm that we will refer to as the GABH algorithm.In chapter II we describe the robot hardware and in chap-ter III we describe how the different gaits are represented in the chromosome.In chapter IV we present the simulated results of different search algorithms compared to the new GABH algorithm,and in Chapter V we present measured re-sults of the GABH algorithm applied to the hardware robot in real-time with no simulator model.2.THE ROBOT HARDW AREThe robot skeleton is made of aluminium and is provided with two identical legs.The height is40cm.Each leg is composed of an upper part(i.e.the thigh)connected through a cylindrical joint to the lower part(i.e.the calf). Pneumatic cylinders are attached to the thigh and the calf used for controlling the movements of the calf and the thigh separately.As shown in Fig.1the rear cylinder in each foot actuates the calf whereas the front cylinder actuates the thigh.The cylinders can either be fully compressed or fully extended(binary operation),and the pneumatic valves are located on top of the robot.The valves are electrically controlled by4power switches connected to a PC I/O card (National Instruments DAQ-pad)and the different searching algorithms are implemented in the programming language C++on the PC.The pneumatic air pressure was set to8bar and provided by a stationary compressor.The robot was attached to a balancing rod at the top(Fig.1right and Fig.2)making the robot able to move in two dimensions.The other end of the rod was attached to a rotating clamp on a hub.The robot walks around the hub with a radius of2meter.In addition to being a balancing aid,the rod supplies the robot with air pressure and control signals from the DAQ-pad.The hub has a built in optical sensor representing the rod angle in13 bit Graycode.Figure1:Illustration(left)and photo(right)of therobot.Proper walking direction is left to right(birdconstruction).3.GENETIC ALGORITHM3.1Simple GAA genetic algorithm is based on representing a solutionto the problem as a genome(or chromosome).The geneticalgorithm then creates a population of solutions and appliesgenetic operators to evolve the solutions in order tofindthe best one(s).In the simple GA approach[4],[12]theFigure2:Thefitness measurement and balancingrod system(top view).chromosomes are randomly initiated and the only geneticoperators used are mutation and crossover.The selectionprocess is done by roulette wheel selection.3.2The chromosome codingIn our experiments each gait is coded by a30bit chro-mosome.The chromosome represents three body positionseach followed by a variable pause.A body position is com-posed of the positions of the2legs(4cylinders)and rep-resented by four bits(Fig.3)each describing the status ofthe corresponding cylinder(compressed or extracted).Acomplete gait is then created by executing3body positionswith3appropriate pauses in between.Each pause lengthis represented by6bits.The pause length is representedas a binary number corresponding to pauses from50ms to300ms.Various simulations have shown no GA search speedimprovement by representing the pauses in Gray code.Two cylinders can move a single leg to4different posi-tions.Two legs with four cylinders can hold16differentpositions,and three following positions with6bits pausesin between make a search space of230=1073741824(1)different gaits.Although the search space can be made slightly smallerby representing each gait by a cyclic coding[10]our exper-iments have shown no noticeable difference in search speedfor cyclic/non cyclic coding for this robot.The size of thissearch space clearly requires a more efficient search algo-rithm than simple GA in order to enable real-time gait de-velopment in hardware.PneumaticcylinderFigure3:The chromosome internal coding.3.3PausesA gait is composed of leg positions and pauses.In our robot evolution we have found that the most efficient gaits with respect to forward speeds are gaits dominated by jump-ing movements.In a jumping movement the pause length between each leg kick is outmost critical as the robot may stumble if the timing of the leg kick is just slightly wrong. Measurements show that a pause length deviation in the magnitude of10ms can make the difference between a rel-atively useless and a highly effective gait.It is however a trade-of between the desire to represent the pause lengths with a high number of bits and the exponential decrease in search speed for each extra bit used due to the increased size of the search space.4.SIMULATED RESULTSTo compare the efficiency of the different search algo-rithms against each other the robot wasfirst simulated in software.4.1The simulatorA simple mechanical chicken-robot simulator has been im-plemented in C++.This simulator models the robot with exact physical dimensions and a weight of3kg.The centre of gravity is located at the hip joint.It was found very difficult to model the feet-to-floor friction force exactly as this force is heavily modulated by large vibrations in the robot body and supporting rod during walking/jumping.The feet-to-floor friction force is a very important factor for developing efficient jumping patterns and the lack of an exact model for this effect is assumed to be the main weakness of the sim-ulator.Thefitness of each chromosome(gait)is a function of the forward speed of the robot caused by the correspond-ing chromosome.Each gait is repeated3times in sequence to reduce the impact caused by the initial leg positions.A movement in the backward direction causes thefitness to be zero.4.2Search space topologyThe optimal search algorithm for a given problem depends heavily on the topology of the search space.For the chro-mosome coding described in chapter3.2and the chosen soft-ware robot model we have tried to get an overview of this topology by separating the search space in two parts,one part generated by the pause bits and one part generated by the leg position bits.Fig.4shows a plot of thefitness landscape for all possible leg positions in a single chromosome(gait)were all3pause lengths arefixed at100ms.The size of this search space is 24·3=4096leg positions.This plot indicates that the part of the overall search space generated by the leg positions is very chaotic although there may be some repetitive phenomena.A similar topology has been found for other choices of con-stant pause lengths.The different leg positions are sorted by the Gray value of their corresponding bits to keep the bit difference between neighbouring chromosomes in the plot as low as possible,but even so the landscape is chaotic with many narrow peaks.In Fig.5thefitness landscape is plotted for different pause lengths where the leg positions are kept constant.To make thefitness landscape visually informative one of the3pause lengths are also kept constant at70ms resulting in a three di-mensional plot.As this plot indicates the part of the overall fitness landscape generated by the pause lengths is smooth and will typically contain a few numbers of maxima.In this type of landscape a hill climbing search will normally be more efficient than a geneticalgorithm.Figure4:Fitness search space for different leg posi-tions(fixed pauses at100ms).Figure5:Fitness search space for pause no.1and no.2.All leg positions and pause no.3arefixed. 4.3Simple GA simulationsThe focus for this real-time application has been tofind a search algorithm capable offinding an optimal gait in less than20generations.Thefirst search approach was to perform a search for an optimal chromosome(gait)in the global search space consisting of230different chromosome values.Simple and more advanced genetic algorithms were tested against different evolutionary strategies(ES)[4].ES’s showed to be less effective for this particular application and a genetic algorithm was therefore chosen.In all our simulations5%noise is added to thefitness func-tion to model practical effect such as variable foot friction,vibrations,variable air pressure and pause length deviations caused by non-ideal real-time behaviour of the XP operating system.A simple genetic algorithm with roulette wheel selection, elitism,a population size of10chromosomes,no crossover but with as high as0.2%mutation probability for each bit was found to be the most effective.The high mutation prob-ability indicates that GA is struggling with the topology in this global search space.This result is not surprising as the global search space is assumed to be dominated by the chaotic and complex phenomena shown in the partial search space shown in Fig.4.In Fig.7we see that GA produces slightly less than twice as effective gaits compared to a stochastic search after15generations.In all plots each graph shows the mean result from1000simulations with ran-domly initiated populations.5different graphs are shown to illustrate the consistency of the simulations.4.3.1An incremental GA approachThe next approach was to evolve the partial search spaces shown in Fig.4and Fig.5separately by an incremental ge-netic algorithm.Incremental GA differs from simple GA because the search space is divided into smaller parts and evolved separately[11][8].By gradually evolving each task in series increased complexity can be achieved[3][1].The first incremental approach was tofirst evaluate the leg po-sition bits,withfixed pause lengths.After obtaining gaits with sufficientfitness the leg position bits arefixed and the pause bits are evolved separately.From Fig.6we se that this approach is not successful as thefitness is never found to be higher than thefitness provided by simple GA.Leg position bits are evolved up to generation11and pause bits are evolved from generation12.The next incremental approach was to divide the search in to7increments.First the leg position bits were evolved, then the most significant pause bits were evolved,then the next most significant pause bits were evolved until the least significant pause bits were evolved in the last increment. Even this approach was not found to provide better results than simple GA.Mean fitnes - simple GAFigure6:Incremental GA versus simple GA.Leg position bits are evolved up to generation11and pause bits are evolved from generation12.4.4The GABH algorithmThe third and more successful incremental approach was to combine GA and binary hill climbing in the GABH algo-rithm.From Fig.5we notice that the typical pause length fitness landscape is smooth with few maxima.In a practi-cal application disturbances will be added to this landscape due to variable foot friction,vibrations,variable air pres-sure and pause length deviations caused by non-ideal real-time behaviour of the operating system.However,the main characteristic of this landscape indicates that a hill climbing algorithm may be more efficient than a GA based search. In the GABH algorithm the leg position bits arefirst evolved by simple GA up to generation8.All pause length bits arefixed corresponding to pause lengths of150ms.In generation8GA has normally found a decent leg position pattern.From generation9all leg position bits arefixed.In generation9all possible combinations of the most significant pause length bits are tested(coarse seach)where all other bits are keptfixed.With3pauses in a chromosome there are8possible combinations of the most significant pause bits to be tested.The chromosome with the highestfitness containing the most successful most significant pause bits is kept.8copies of this chromosome are then made form-ing generation10.In generation10all combinations of the next most significant pause bits are tested keeping the other bitsfixed.The chromosome with the highestfitness con-taining the most successful next most significant pause bits are then kept.8copies of this chromosome are then made forming generation11and so on until the least significant pause bits are found in generation14.The search is then terminated.In this way the search space given by pause lengths is searched in a coarse tofine sequence.GABHGABHFigure7:Comparison between simple GA,GABH and stocastic seach.In Fig.7the GABH algorithm is compared to simple GA and stochastic search.As each graph represents the average fitness development over1000simulations,we see that the GABH algorithm is in average superior to the others in this application where the focus is fast learning in less than20 generations.A possible objection to the proposed GABH algorithm is that heavy noise in thefitness calculations may cause the algorithm to derail and search in a non optimal region of the search space.To make the algorithm more ro-bust an improvement could therefore be to let the algorithm run each increment over more than1generation and select the optimal chromosome based onfitness averaging.4.5Gaits obtainedThe gaits obtained can be divided into three categories. Two suboptimal gaits and one optimal gait.In Fig.8-10 these gaits are illustrated.The optimal gaits were based on synchronous jumping where both legs are kicking at the same time.By kicking both feet at the same time the most power was available causing the longest jumps.Other sub-optimal gaits were based on one-leg jumping or asymmetric jumping where one foot was slightly delayed with respect to theother.Figure8:Suboptimal gait based on asymmetricjumping.Figure9:Suboptimal gait based on every other one-legjumping.Figure10:Optimal gaits based on synchronous jumping.5.MEASURED RESULTSThe GABH algorithm has been tested on the pneumatic robot in an attempt to verify the theory.It was found very difficult to verify the theory accurately due to various prac-tical side effects.One major problem was time consump-tion and mechanical wear out,particularly of the sandpaper shoe sole which affected the system significantly.When the robot moved,the whole system was vibrating heavily due to the quick contraction/expansion movement of the pneu-matic pistons.This vibration made the robot shoe soles oc-casionally slip during kick-off,and this made the system very unpredictable as the robot occasionally stumbled instead of jumped even for seemingly optimal jumping patterns.In Fig.11two typicalfitness developments are shown for the GABH algorithm.In these examples the binary hill climbing starting point was set to the7th generation.From the measurements we notice an improvement infitness after this point.After the13th generation the population was kept static,but even for repeated executions of the same chromosomes thefitness was found to vary significantly due to practical effects such as variable sole friction.However, the algorithm was found to produce proper gaits in less than 10generations in almost all our experiments.From these few measurements it is difficult to conclude that the algorithm is working significantly better than simple GA.The only conclusion one can make so far from these measurements is that the algorithm itself is working quite well in this very noisyenvironment.Figure11:Measured results.6.CONCLUSIONThis paper has presented an incremental search algorithm combining GA and binary hill climbing.In various sim-ulations this algorithm has shown to develop proper gaits significantly faster than standard GA/ES based algorithms. 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