乒乓球Table tennis




关于乒乓球的英文介绍Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which players hit a small, lightweight ball back and forth across a table using a racket. The game originated in the 19th century as an indoor version of lawn tennis.The objective of table tennis is to score points by hitting the ball so that it lands in your opponent's court, or by making your opponent unable to return the ball. The first player to reach 11 points wins the game.Table tennis is a fast-paced game that requires quick reflexes and good hand-eye coordination. It can be played by two players, or in doubles with four players. The sport is widely popular around the world and is a part of the Olympics.Players use a table tennis racket made of wood or carbon fiber, with a small, hollowed out handle and a thin, flexible face. The face of the racket is usually covered with a sheet of high-quality felt or rubber.The table is 9 feet long and 5 feet wide, with a net in the middle that is 6 inches high. The official ball for table tennis is made of celluloid and weighs between 2.7 and 2.9 grams.Table tennis is a great way to exercise and improve yourhand-eye coordination, as well as a fun way to socialize and make new friends. It can be played by people of all ages and abilities, making it a great sport for families and groups.。

乒乓球Table Tennis竞赛规则中英文介绍

乒乓球Table Tennis竞赛规则中英文介绍

乒乓球Table Tennis竞赛规则中英文介绍奥运会乒乓球比赛的规则使用国际乒联最新的竞赛规则。


















乒乓球的英文叫“table tennis”,中文最早是“桌上网球”。


下面我们就来看看乒乓球项目的有关词汇:人员规则发球与接球握拍击球抽杀旋转推挡远近与快慢打法场地与器材1.乒乓球运动:table tennis; ping-pong; paddle2.乒乓外交:ping-pong diplomacy3.团体赛:team event4.男子团体赛:men's team event5.女子团体赛:women's team event6.单项比赛:individual event7.单打:singles8.男子单打:men's singles9.女子单打:women's singles10.双打:doubles11.男子双打:men's doubles12.女子双打:women's doubles13.混合双打:mixed doubles14.斯韦思林杯(男子团体奖杯):Swaythling Cup15.考比伦杯(女子团体奖杯):Marcel Corbillon Cup16.勃莱德杯(男子单打奖杯):St. Bride Vase17.盖斯特杯(女子单打奖杯):G. Geist Prize18.伊朗杯(男子双打奖杯):Iran Cup19.波普杯(女子双打奖杯):W. J.Pope Trophy20.赫杜赛克杯(混合双打奖杯):Heydusek Prize人员21.乒乓球运动员:table tennis player; paddler22.裁判员:umpire23.主裁判;裁判组长:chief umpire24.裁判长:referee25.副裁判长:deputy referee26.检录长:chief recorder规则27.团体赛两队之间的一场比赛:team match; tie28.团体赛两队队员之间的一场比赛:individual match29.每局11分制:11-point scoring system30.轮换发球法:expedite system31.主队队员抽签代号:ABC32.客队队员抽签代号:XYZ33.选择方位与发球权:choice of ends and service34.交换场地换边:change sides35.换发球:change service37.拦击:volley38.连击:double hit39.两跳:double bounce40.界内球:inside41.出界:out; outside; over the table42.落网:net; hit into the net43.擦网球: net ball44.擦网好球:net in45.擦网出界:net out46.擦网重发:let47.擦边球:edge [touch] ball;touch48.擦边缘以下的球:edger49.局末平分后的分数:extra point发球与接球50.发球:serve;service51.发球员:server52.发球员的右半区:server's right half court53.发球员的左半区:server's left half court54.下蹲式发球:squatting [crouching position] service55.无遮挡发球:no-hiding service56.高抛式发球:high toss service57.发轻球:light service59.发底线球:deep service60.发平击球:flat service61.正手发球:forehand service62.反手发球:backhand service63.发反手斜线球:backhand crosscourt service64.发斜线急球:fast cross table service65.发弹击式急球:flip service66.发怪球:freak service67.发旋转球:spin service68.发不转球:knuckle service; serve without spin69.发上旋球:topspin service70.发下旋球:backspin service71.发奔球:deep topspin service72.发侧旋球:sidespin service73.发快速旋转球:heavy spin service74.发球时用手指转球:finger spin75.合法发球:good service76.发球得分:service ace[winner; point]77.发球失误:lose one's serve; missed service78.发球落网:fall79.发球出界:service out80.发球未触及本区台面:volleyed service81.接球:receive; reception82.接球失误:receive miss83.接球员:receiver84.接球员的右半区:receiver's right half court85.接球员的左半区:receiver's left half court86.接发球:service reception [return]87.接发球得分:kill a service握拍88.执拍手:racket hand89.非执拍手:free hand90.直握:pen-hold grip91.直拍运动员:pen-holder92.横握:tennis[shake-hand;knife-hold; open; orthodox; Western] grip93.横拍运动员:open-grip player; tennis-holder94.深握:deep [Seemiller] grip击球95.击球:hit; stroke;strike;shot96.轻击:tap97.还击回球:return98.合法还击:good return99.击球部位:striking spot on the ball100.触球:impact with the ball101.触球点(点在球上):point of contact102.正手侧:forehand side103.正手击球:forehand stroke104.反手侧:backhand side105.反手击球:backhand stroke106.拍形:shape of bat107.拍面垂直:bat in vertical position108.拍面前倾:bat tilted forward109.拍面稍前倾:bat tilted slightly forward 110.拍面后仰:bat tilted backward111.拍面稍后仰:bat tilted slightly backward 112.调整拍形:angle the bat113.挥拍幅度:amplitude of swing114.挥拍速度:speed of swing115.挥拍路线:path of the bat116.随挥动作:follow-through117.飞行路线:line [path] of flight; trajectory 118.飞行最高点:zenith of flight119.球反弹的顶点:top of the bounce120.高球:lob; high ball; balloon shot121.直线球:straight [down-the-line]shot122.斜线球:cross [angled; diagonal]shot123.曲线球:curved stroke124.飘球:floater125.落点控制得好的球:placement; well-placed shot126.追身球:body(-chasing) hit127.超身球:passing shot128.机会球:sitter; easy ball129.打出界:overhit; hit out130.步法:footwork131.单步:single step132.并步:level step133.跨步:striding step134.跳步:jumping step135.小碎步:random little step136.侧身步:sideway step137.混乱的步伐:confused footwork138.站位:positioning139.近台(身体离台约30-50厘米):short court; close to the table 140.中台(身体离台约50-100厘米):middle court141.远台(身体离台1米以上):back court; off [far from] the table 142.站位姿势:stance抽杀143.抽球:drive144.平抽球:flat drive145.反手抽球:backhand drive146.跳起抽球:jump smash147.扣球:smash148.扣杀[死]:kill; deal a fatal[lethal] blow149.侧身攻:pivot attack; forehand attack from backhand court 150.突然起板:sudden [surprise]attack151.猛击:hard hit; slag; wham;slam旋转152.旋转:spin153.旋转球:screw; spinning ball154.不转球:plain [knuckle] ball155.上旋:topspin156.左侧上旋:left-side topspin157.右侧上旋:right-side topspin158.下旋:back[under]spin159.左侧下旋:left-side backspin160.右侧下旋:right-side backspin161.急下旋:fast [quick] backspin162.侧旋:sidespin;English163.左侧旋:left sidespin164.右侧旋:right sidespin165.回跳:backward bound166.低旋球:bottom-spin167.加转:impart spin to the ball168.刁钻的旋转球:vicious spin169.抵消旋转:counteract [offset] spin170.削球:chop; cut; slice; chisel171.削球手:chop player172.削短球:short chop173.削得薄:cut thin174.削下旋球:backspin chop175.对搓:chopping the chop; trade [exchange] chops176.弧圈球:loop (drive)177.弧圈球选手:looper178.提拉:lift179.前冲弧圈球:fast[accelerated]loop180.高吊弧圈球:high loop181.强旋转弧圈球:heavy-spin loop182.加转高吊弧圈球:high-spin[super]loop183.不转弧圈球:dummy loop推挡184.推:push185.挡:block186.推挡:push-and-block; semi-push and semi-drive; semi-volley 187.轻推挡球:stop ball188.加力推:accentuated push189.减力挡:cushion block; stop-block shot190.快挡:fast block远近与快慢191.短[吊近网]球:short [drop] shot; dink192.长[远;底线]球:deep [long] ball; end-line shot193.近抽:close drive194.远抽:long [off-table] drive195.近削:close-to-table [short-range] chop196.远削:long chop197.台内抽球:drive over the table198.台内削球:chop over the table199.滚网球:net-cord ball200.打到对方台角的球:corner201.快[急]球:quick [fast] ball202.快拉:quick lift203.快拨:quick flick204.快点:quick point205.快带:quick bringing206.抖腕球;弹球:flick207.改变速度:change speed打法208.打法:playing method;play;game209.风格:style of play210.快、准、狠、变、转:speed,accuracy, aggressiveness, variation and spin 211.争取主动:gain control [domination] over the game; force the pace212.前三板:first three strokes213.发球抢攻:attack after service; third-ball attack; service-led offensive214.相持球:sustained [protracted]rally; post-third-ball strokes; persistent trade of shots215.对攻[抽]:exchange drives216.攻击型打法:offensive play217.攻击型选手:attacking player218.防守型打法:defensive play219.防守型选手:defensive player220.以削为主的打法:all cut221.削中反攻:counterattack during chops222.左推右攻:backhand block and forehand attack223.正反手结合进攻:forehand and backhand attacks224.反手攻结合侧身攻:backhand and pivot attacks225.快攻结合弧圈球:fast attack and loop226.弧圈球结合快攻:loop and fast attack227.直拍横打:pen-hold backhand attack with reverse surface228.近台打法:close-to-table play229.近台快攻:close-to-table fast attack230.近台防守:short[close-to-table] defense231.近网区:net zone232.近网球打法:net play233.以短回短:return short with short234.远台打法:far-from-table play235.远台防守:far-from-table [long-range] defense236.放高球防守:balloon [high lobbing] defense237.打回头;远台反攻:hit back from a long distance; far-from-table counterattack238.长短结合:long drives combined with drop shots;long-and-short play; rocking tactics239.变线:change direction of shots240.两面攻:two-winged attack; attack on both sides241.滑板:feint play242.拉中路杀两角:corner smash after lift to the middle243.拉两角杀相反方向:smash after lift to opposite corner244.多球训练: multi-ball practice245.共同练习:joint practice场地与器材246.比赛场区:playing area247.挡板:barriers;surrounds248.记分器:score indicator249.球台[桌]:table250.中线:center[middle; service center; doubles] line251.左半区:left half court252.右半区:right half court253.本方球台:home court254.对方球台:opponent's court255.台面:playing surface256.网:net257.网架:net brace258.网柱:pole; support259.乒乓球:table tennis [ping-pong]ball260.大球(直径40毫米):big ball261.乒乓球发射机:robot machine262.乒乓球拍:table tennis bat[racket; paddle]263.拍柄:handle264.拍身:blade265.拍面:racket surface266.木版面:wooden face267.胶合板:veneer268.双面胶板:double-glue bat269.胶皮:gum;rubber (covering)270.合成胶:synthetic rubber271.胶粒:pimple272.胶膜:paint sheet273.胶水:glue274.海绵胶拍:sponge (bat);sandwich; soft rubber275.橡胶拍:rubber bat276.胶粒球拍:pimpled rubber277.正胶拍:pimples-[pips-]out bat; sandwich [outward-pimpled] rubber278.反胶拍:pimples-[pips-]in bat;inverted sandwich[inward-pimpled] rubber; reversed(-glue) bat279.长胶拍:long-pimpled bat280.两面不同性能的球拍:different rubber bat 281.两面不同颜色的球拍:two-color bat282.防弧圈拍:anti-loop bat283.反旋转拍:anti-spin [Phantom] rubbe。



推荐乒乓球的英语作文English: Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a popular and exciting sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It provides a great way to stay active, improve hand-eye coordination, and sharpen mental focus. Table tennis can be played both indoors and outdoors, making it a versatile and accessible activity. Additionally, it's a fantastic way to socialize and bond with friends and family, as it's a sport that can be enjoyed by people of all abilities and fitness levels. Overall, table tennis is a fantastic sportthat provides numerous physical and mental benefits while being a fun and social activity.中文翻译: 乒乓球,也被称为乒乓球,是一项受人们喜爱并激动人心的运动,适合各个年龄和技能水平的人参与。






乒乓球运动table tennis男子单打men's singles 单打singles女子单打women's singles 双打doubles男子双打men's doubles 团体赛team event女子双打women's doubles 混合双打 mixed doubles男子团体men's team 女子团体women's team乒乓球运动员paddler ['pædlɚ] 裁判umpire['ʌmpaiə] 连击double hit 两跳double bounce出界out 擦网net ball擦网出界net out 擦网重发 let擦边edge ball 发球serve无遮挡发球no-hiding service 旋转发球spin service发球不转 knuckle service 发球得分service ace发球失误missed service 发球下网fall接发球service reception 直握球拍pen-hold grip横握球拍tennis grip 击球hit; stroke追身球 body hit 扣球 smash旋转 spin 上旋 topspin下旋 backspin 侧旋 sidespin削球 chop 弧旋球 loop前三板 first three strokes 提拉lift发球抢攻attack after service 推 push相持sustained rally 挡 block挡板barriers 球台table网net 胶皮gum胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍sponge40毫米球40millimeter ball 台面playing surface 边线side line 底线 end line中台 middle court 准备---发球ready-serve搓球 push 决胜局deciding game 五局三胜Best of 5 games 橙色球orange ball反胶拍 pimples-in bat 接发球receive白色球white ball 拦击volley擦边球 edge ball 反手削球backhand chop球拍racket 正胶拍pimples-out bat反手击球backhand strokes 接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court 远台back court 反手削球backhand chop中台middle court 反手抽球backhand drive近台short court 反手扣球backhand smash中线center 反手直线球back straight台角corner of table 反手弧圈球backhand loop drive 网柱pole 左右开攻attack on both side全台full court 削球chop台的边缘edge of table 前冲弧圈球accelerated loop球台端线front edge of table 命中率accuracy(球台)中区centre zone 发球者佔先advantage server(球台)近网区net zone 再平分again场外指导advice to players during play以削球为主的战术all cut 底线区goal zone挥拍的幅度amplitude of swing反手斜线推挡angled backhand block斜线球angle shot 调整排形angle the bat抽出角度来angle the drive 发球抢攻attack after service攻击型选手attacking player 进攻作用attacking role进攻性发球attacking service 两面攻attack on both sides远台back court进攻位置、攻击点、进攻时机attack point反手对攻backhand attack and counter attack反手斜线球back cross反手进攻打法backhand attacking play反手连续攻球backhand attacking rally发反手下旋球backhand backspin service反手推挡backhand block左推右攻、右推左攻backhand block with forehand反手削球backhand chop打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balance,灵敏agility,柔韧flexibility,协作coordination和良好的步法good footwork。

乒乓球 英语词汇

乒乓球 英语词汇

乒乓球运动table tennis男子单打men's singles 单打singles女子单打women's singles 双打doubles男子双打men's doubles 团体赛team event女子双打women's doubles 混合双打 mixed doubles男子团体men's team 女子团体women's team乒乓球运动员paddler ['pædlɚ] 裁判umpire['ʌmpaiə]连击double hit 两跳double bounce出界out 擦网net ball擦网出界net out 擦网重发 let擦边edge ball 发球serve无遮挡发球no-hiding service 旋转发球spin service发球不转 knuckle service 发球得分service ace发球失误missed service 发球下网fall接发球service reception 直握球拍pen-hold grip横握球拍tennis grip 击球hit; stroke追身球 body hit 扣球 smash旋转 spin 上旋 topspin下旋 backspin 侧旋 sidespin削球 chop 弧旋球 loop前三板 first three strokes 提拉 lift发球抢攻attack after service 推 push相持sustained rally 挡 block挡板barriers 球台 table网net 胶皮 gum胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍sponge40毫米球40millimeter ball 台面 playing surface边线side line 底线 end line中台 middle court 准备---发球 ready-serve搓球 push 决胜局 deciding game五局三胜Best of 5 games 橙色球 orange ball反胶拍 pimples-in bat 接发球 receive白色球white ball 拦击volley擦边球 edge ball 反手削球 backhand chop球拍 racket正胶拍 pimples-out bat反手击球backhand strokes接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balance,灵敏agility,柔韧flexibility,协作coordination和良好的步法good footwork。



乒乓球拍的英文单词是Table Tennis Racket。

其中,“Table Tennis”是乒乓球的英文,“Racket”是球拍的英文。

此外,乒乓球拍还有多种表达方式,如“ping-pong racket”和“paddle”等。

请注意,“ping-pong”在美国多用于指代桌球游戏,因此如果要在美国表达乒乓球拍,使用“Table Tennis Racket”会更准确。






tabletennis和pingpong的区别table tennis 和ping-pong的区别:正式程度不同、用法不同。

table tennis中文含义为乒乓球运动,是专业术语,比较正式;ping-pong除了是乒乓球运动之外,还可指桌球,一般在休闲时候使用。

一、table tennis的含义及双语例句table tennis作为名词,意为乒乓球运动。

常用于正式场合,例句有:1、She is my table tennis partner.她是我的乒乓球搭档。

2、I like playing football best, but occasionally I play table tennis, too.我最喜欢踢足球,偶尔也打打乒乓球。

3、Playing ( at) chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis. 下棋没劲,还是去打乒乓球吧。

4、Our side lost the second game of the table tennis match.在这场乒乓球比赛中我方第二盘失利。

5、Besides table tennis, she goes in for swimming and skating. 她除了打乒乓而外,还喜欢游泳、滑冰。


例句有:1、Seeing the children playing ping-pong, he itched to have a go. 他看到孩子们打乒乓,不觉技痒。

2、Would you like to learn to play ping-pong?你想学习打乒乓球吗?3、The boy plays ping-pong ball three times a week.这个男孩一个星期打三次乒乓球。



乒乓球术语英语关于比赛项目1、Table tennis 乒乓球2、Singles 单打3、Doubles双打4、Men's singles 男子单打5、Women's singles 女子单打6、Men's doubles 男子双打7、Women's doubles 女子双打8、Mixed doubles 男女混合双打9、Men's team 男子团体10、Women's team 女子团体关于各种赛事1、世界乒乓球锦标赛(World Table Tennis Championships)2、世界杯乒乓球赛(World Cup Table Tennis Match)3、世界杯乒乓球联赛(World Cup Table Tennis Tournament)4、奥运会乒乓球比赛(Table Tennis Match in Olympic Games)5、世界明星巡回赛(World Stars Tour Match)6、中国乒乓球锦标赛(China Table Tennis Championships)7、亚非拉乒乓球友好邀请赛(Asia-Africa-Latin America Table Tennis Friendship Tournament)8、亚洲乒乓球锦标赛(Asian Table Tennis Championships)9、亚洲运动会乒乓球比赛(Table Tennis Match in Asian Games)10、亚非乒乓球友好邀请赛(Asia-Africa table tennis friendship invitational)11、全国运动会乒乓球比赛(Table Tennis Match in China National Games)12、欧洲乒乓球联盟(European Table Tennis Union)系列赛事比赛动作常用术语1、serve the ball 发球2、spin 旋转3、twiddle,twirl 倒板4、backhand drive 反手抽球5、drive 抽球6、forehand 正手击球7、top-spin 上旋球8、under-spin,backspin 下旋球9、side-spin 侧旋球10、loop 弧圈球11、combine long drives with drop shots 长抽短吊12、defensive player 防守型选手13、attacking player 进攻型选手细节术语:1、削球chop2、搓球push3、放高球lob4、擦边球Edge ball5、封挡block6、快攻,打回头,扣杀drive counter, counter-drive, smash7、短吊drop shot8、前冲弧圈球accelerated loop9、反手削球backhand chop10、反手抽球backhand drive11、反手扣球backhand smash12、反手直线球back straight13、反手弧圈球backhand loop drive14、进攻位置、攻击点、进攻时机attack point15、反手对攻backhand attack and counter attack16、反手斜线球back cross17、反手进攻打法backhand attacking play18、反手连续攻球backhand attacking rally19、发反手下旋球backhand backspin service20、反手推挡backhand block21、左推右攻、右推左攻backhand block with forehand22、两面攻、左右开攻attack on both sides23、以削球为主的战术all cut24、挥拍的幅度amplitude of swing25、反手斜线推挡angled backhand block26、斜线球angle shot27、调整拍形angle the bat28、抽出角度来angle the drive29、发球抢攻attack after service30、进攻作用attacking role31、进攻性发球attacking service32、命中率accuracy33、发球者占先advantage server 关于乒乓球台与区域1、远台back court2、中台middle court3、近台short court4、中线center5、台角corner of table6、网柱pole7、全台full court8、台的边缘edge of table9、球台端线front edge of table10、(球台)中区centre zone11、(球台)近网区net zone12、接球员的左半区receiver's left half court13、接球员的右半区receiver's right half court14、底线区goal zone关于比赛规则、裁判等术语1、Let 重发球2、Fault 犯规3、Side 侧面4、Net 擦网5、Time 时间到6、Toss 挑边(掷挑边器)7、Ends 方位8、Begin playing 比赛开始9、Change service 换发球10、Change ends 交换方位11、Change receiver 交换接发球员12、Point 得分13、Outside 出界14、Obstruct 阻挡15、Double bounce 两跳16、Moved playing surface 台面移动17、Free hand on table 不执拍手扶台18、Touched net assembly 触及球网装置19、Stamp foot 跺脚20、Edge ball 擦边球21、Expedite system 轮换发球法22、End line 端线23、Side line 边线24、Centre line 中线25、Right half-court 右半区26、Net 球网27、rubber 胶皮28、Racket 球拍29、Score indicator 计分器30、Towel 毛巾31、Best of 5 games 五局三胜32、Deciding game 决胜局33、Racket hand 执拍手34、Free hand 不执拍手35、Player 运动员36、Captain 队长37、Coach 教练员38、Referee 裁判长39、Umpire 裁判员40、Deputy umpire 副裁判员41、Report to referee 报告裁判长42、场外指导advice to players during play。



乒乓球运动table tennis乒乓球运动员paddler ['p?dl?] 裁判umpire ['?mpai?] 连击double hit 两跳double bounce出界out 擦网n et ball擦网出界n et out 擦网重发let男子单打men's sin gles 单打si ngles女子单打wome n's sin gles 双打doubles男子双打men's doubles 团体赛team eve nt女子双打wome n's doubles 混合双打mixed doubles男子团体men's team 女子团体wome n's team擦边edge ball 发球serve无遮挡发球no-hiding service 旋转发球spin service发球不转knu ckle service 发球得分service ace发球失误missed service 发球下网fall接发球service recepti on 直握球拍pen-hold grip tennis grip 击球hit; stroke横握球拍追身球body hit 扣球smash旋转spi n 上旋topsp in下旋backsp in 侧旋sidesp in削球chop 弧旋球loop前三板first three strokes 提拉lift发球抢攻attack after service 推push相持susta ined rally 挡block挡板barriers 球台table网net 胶皮gum胶粒pimple 海绵胶拍spo nge40 毫米球40millimeter ball 台面playi ng surface边线side line 底线end line中台middle court 准备---发球ready-serve搓球push 决胜局decidi ng game五局三胜Best of 5 games 橙色球orange ball反胶拍pimples-in bat 接发球receive白色球white ball 拦击volley擦边球edge ball 反手肖U球backha ndchop球拍racket正胶拍pimples-out bat反手击球backha nd strokes接球员的左半区receiver's left half court打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balanee,灵敏agility ,柔韧flexibility ,协作coord in atio n 禾口良好的步法good footwork。



1.乒乓球用英文怎么写乒乓球的英文写法是:Table Tennis 。

“乒乓球”这种小东西,可以用拟声词 pingpong ball,也可以用 table tennis ball。








2.打乒乓球的英语怎么写打乒乓球的英语:Play table tennistable 读法英 ['teɪb(ə)l] 美 ['tebl]1、n. 桌子;表格;平地层2、vt. 制表;搁置;嵌合3、adj. 桌子的短语:1、table tennis 乒乓球;桌球2、at the table 吃饭时;在谈判中3、dinner table 餐桌4、dining table 餐桌5、shaking table 摇床;一、table的词义辨析:catalog(ue), chart, list, table这组词都有“名单、目录、表格”的意思,其区别是:1、catalog(ue) 指列出有全部队名、物名或项目等的目录,有时附有简要说明的分类名单或一览表。

3、list 最普通用词,含义广。


table tennis中文翻译

table tennis中文翻译

table tennis中文翻译"Table tennis" 的中文翻译是"乒乓球"。

具体来源:"Table tennis" 这个词汇最早起源于英语,指的是一种使用小球和球拍在乒乓球台上进行的室内体育运动。



用法:"Table tennis" 通常用于指代这项运动本身,也可以用作整个运动项目的名字。


例句:I enjoy playing table tennis with my friends on the weekends.(我喜欢在周末和朋友们一起打乒乓球。

)The school has a table tennis club where students can practice and improve their skills.(学校有一个乒乓球俱乐部,学生可以在那里练习并提高技能。

)Table tennis is a popular sport in many countries, especially in China.(乒乓球是很多国家,尤其是中国的一项受欢迎的运动。

)The table tennis match between the two top players was intense and thrilling.(两位顶级选手之间的乒乓球比赛激烈而紧张。


table tennis造句

table tennis造句

table tennis造句有:1.I enjoy playing table tennis with my friends in the evenings.我晚上喜欢和朋友打乒乓球。

2.Table tennis is a very popular sport in China.乒乓球在中国是一项非常流行的运动。

3.He is a champion in table tennis.他是乒乓球冠军。

4.We usually play table tennis in the gym.我们通常在体育馆打乒乓球。

5.I started playing table tennis when I was eight years old.我八岁时开始打乒乓球。

6.Table tennis is a sport for all ages.乒乓球是一项适合所有年龄的运动。

7.Table tennis is easy to learn, but it takes practice to become reallygood at it.乒乓球很容易学,但要打好需要多练习。

8.Playing table tennis is a great way to keep fit and stay healthy.打乒乓球是保持健康和锻炼身体的好方法。

9.Table tennis is a very fast-paced game that requires quick reflexesand good hand-eye coordination.乒乓球是一项快节奏的运动,需要快速的反应和良好的手眼协调能力。

10.T able tennis is a very popular summer sport in China.在中国,乒乓球是一项非常流行的夏季运动。





在这项运动中,有两种主要的英文名称:“Table Tennis”和“Ping Pong”。

被称为“Table Tennis”的这种活动是在一个桌子上进行的,使用的是桌上模拟乒乓球,并且有专门的规则和技巧游戏。


而“Ping Pong”是Table Tennis”这个活动的俗称,它也可以被称为“乒乒乓乓”、“乒乓球”或“乒乓运动”,但它的主要特点是没有固定的游戏规则,玩家可以随意拍击小球,这种模式更加自由,因此也更受欢迎。

不管你更喜欢什么样的乒乓球,“Table Tennis”和“Ping Pong”都是很有趣的体育活动,能够让人们发挥智慧和体能,也能够让人们在比赛中获得满足感和快乐。






虽然打乒乓球只有两种英文名称,即“Table Tennis”和“Ping



乒乓球运动 table tennis男子单打 men's singles 单打 singles女子单打 women's singles 双打 doubles男子双打 men's doubles 团体赛 team event女子双打 women's doubles 混合双打mixed doubles男子团体 men's team 女子团体 women's team乒乓球运动员 paddler ['pædlɚ] 裁判 umpire['ʌmpai ə]连击 double hit 两跳 double bounce出界 out擦网 net ball擦网出界 net out 擦网重发let擦边 edge ball 发球 serve无遮挡发球 no-hiding service 旋转发球 spin service发球不转knuckle service 发球得分 service ace发球失误 missed service 发球下网 fall接发球 service reception 直握球拍 pen-hold grip横握球拍 tennis grip 击球 hit; stroke追身球body hit 扣球smash旋转spin上旋topspin下旋backspin 侧旋sidespin削球chop弧旋球loop前三板first three strokes 提拉lift发球抢攻 attack afterservice 推push相持 sustainedrally 挡block挡板 barriers 球台table网 net胶皮gum胶粒 pimple 海绵胶拍 sponge40毫米球 40millimeter ball 台面playing surface边线 side line 底线end line中台middle court 准备---发球ready-serve搓球push决胜局deciding game五局三胜 Best of 5 games 橙色球orange ball反胶拍pimples-in bat 接发球receive白色球 white ball 拦击 volley擦边球edge ball 反手削球backhand chop球拍racket正胶拍pimples-out bat反手击球 backhand strokes接球员的左半区receiver's left half court打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balance,灵敏agility,柔韧flexibility,协作coordination和良好的步法good footwork。

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乒乓球Table tennis
1.体操gymnastics 2.游泳swimming 3.击剑fencing
4.举重weightlifting 5.棒球baseball
6.篮球basketball 7.排球volleyball 8.乒乓球table tennis 9.足球soccer
12.水球water polo 13.垒球softball 14.网球tennis 15.赛艇canoe 16.冲浪surfing 17.自行车cycling 18.羽毛球badminton 19.田径track and field 20.手球handball 21.摔交wrestling 22.拳击boxing 23.射箭toxophily 24.射击shooting 25.柔道judo
26.骑马equestrian 27.曲棍球hockey football 足球
rugby 橄榄球basketball 篮球volleyball 排球
tennis 网球
baseball 垒球
handball 手球
hockey 曲棍球
golf 高尔夫球
cricket 板球
ice hockey 冰球
gymnastics 体操
horizontal bar 单杠
parallel bars 双杠
rings 吊环
side horse, pommelled horse 鞍马weight-lifting 举重
boxing 拳击
Greece-Roman wrestling 古典式摔跤judo 柔道
fencing 击剑
skiing 滑雪
downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降slalom 障碍滑雪
ski jump 跳高滑雪
ice skating 滑冰
figure skating 花样滑冰
roller skating 滑旱冰
middle-distance race 中长跑
sprint 短跑(美作:dash)
the 400 meter hurdles 400米栏marathon 马拉松
decathlon 十项
cross-country race 越野跑
high jump 跳高
long jump 跳远(美作:broad jump) triple jump, hop step and jump 三级跳pole vault 撑竿跳
throw 投掷
throwing 投掷运动
putting the shot, shot put 推铅球throwing the discus 掷铁饼
throwing the hammer 掷链锤throwing the javelin 掷标枪
walk 竞走
swimming 游泳
medley relay 混合泳
crawl 爬泳
breaststroke 蛙式
backstroke 仰式
freestyle 自由式
butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳diving competition 跳水water polo 水球
water skiing 水橇rowing 划船
canoe 划艇
boat race 赛艇
yacht 游艇
kayak 皮船
sailing 帆船运动jockey, polo 马球hurdling
