- IEC 60904:太阳能电池的标准测试方法
- IEC 61724:光伏发电系统的性能监测
- GB/T 15675:太阳能光伏发电系统维护规范
- GB/T 37030:太阳能光伏系统设计与施工技术规范
- GB/T 19188:分布式光伏发电系统技术规程
- GB/T 19939:光伏电站设计导则
- SEIA(美国太阳能工业协会)发布了一系列行业标准,包括光伏组件质量认证、光伏系统设计和安装标准等。
- CEC(澳大利亚太阳能电池认证)制定了一些标准以确保太阳能组件的安全、可靠和性能符合要求。
- UL 1703:太阳能电池组件的标准安全要求
- UL 1741:分布式发电设备的安全要求
- CSA C22.2 No. 107.1:太阳能模块的安全要求
- EN 62446:光伏发电设备安装验收及运行维护的标准化要求
- MCS(微型发电站认证):英国市场上关于光伏发电设备和安装企业的认证要求
- JPEA(日本光伏发电设备协会)制定了一些关于光伏组件的性能测试和质量认证的标准
CGC 北京鉴衡认证中心认证技术规范CGC/GFXXX:XXXX(CNCA/CTSXXXX-XXXX)光伏方阵技术规范Technical Specification of Photovoltaic (PV) arrays(IEC/TS 62548:2013,IDT)XXXX-XX-XX发布XXXX-XX-XX实施北京鉴衡认证中心发布目次前言 (I)1 范围 (1)2 参考标准 (1)3 术语和定义,符号和缩略语 (2)4 符合IEC 60364 (8)5 光伏方阵系统结构 (8)6 安全要求 (17)7 电气装置选择和建立 (23)8 验收 (35)9 运行与维护 (35)10 标识与文件 (35)附录 A (资料性附录)标识实例 (37)附录 B (资料性附录)光伏方阵的系统功能性接地实例 (38)附录 C (资料性附录)防反二极管 (40)附录 D (资料性附录)光伏阵列中电弧故障的检测与中断 (43)附录 E (资料性附录) DVC限值 (44)前言北京鉴衡认证中心是经国家认证认可监督管理委员会批准,由中国计量科学研究院组建,专业从事新能源和可再生能源产品标准化研究和产品质量认证的第三方认证机构。
光伏方阵技术规范1 范围本技术规范规定了光伏方阵的技术要求,包含:直流方阵配线、电气保护设备、开关及接地的要求。
《并网光伏系统-系统文件、调试测试和检验的最低要求》IEC 62446 1.0版本2009-05
Customer: NCB CQC - No. of User(s): 1 - Company: Order No.: WS-2010-000492 - IMPORTANT: This file is copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All rights reserved. This file is subject to a licence agreement. Enquiries to Email: custserv@iec.ch - Tel.: +41 22 919 02 11
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La Commission Electrotechnique Internationale (CEI) est la première organisation mondiale qui élabore et publie des normes internationales pour tout ce qui a trait à l'électricité, à l'électronique et aux technologies aION IS COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Copyright © 2009 IEC, Geneva, Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester. If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information. Droits de reproduction réservés. Sauf indication contraire, aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun procédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photocopie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de la CEI ou du Comité national de la CEI du pays du demandeur. Si vous avez des questions sur le copyright de la CEI ou si vous désirez obtenir des droits supplémentaires sur cette publication, utilisez les coordonnées ci-après ou contactez le Comité national de la CEI de votre pays de résidence. IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Email: inmail@iec.ch Web: www.iec.ch
CONTENTS目录FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1 SCOPE ..................................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4 SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
常见的光伏组件质量标准包括IEC 61215和IEC 61730等国际标准。
常见的光伏逆变器效率标准包括EN 50530和IEC 61683等国际标准。
常见的光伏发电系统安装与运维标准包括IEC 62446和UL 2703等国际标准。
常见的光伏发电系统并网接口标准包括IEC 62116和IEEE 1547等国际标准。
CONTENTSFOREWORD (3)INTRODUCTION (5)1 SCOPE (6)2 NORMATIVE REFERENCES (6)3 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS (6)4 SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS (8)4.1G ENERAL (8)4.2S YSTEM DATA (8)4.3W IRING DIAGRAM (9)4.4S TRING LAYOUT (10)4.5D ATASHEETS (10)4.6M ECHANICAL DESIGN INFORMATION (10)4.7E MERGENCY SYSTEMS (10)4.8O PERATION AND MAINTENANCE INFORMATION (10)4.9T EST RESULTS AND COMMISSIONING DATA (10)5 VERIFICATION (10)5.1G ENERAL (10)5.2I NSPECTION (11)5.3T ESTING (13)6 TEST PROCEDURES – CATEGORY 1 (16)6.1C ONTINUITY OF PROTECTIVE EARTHING AND EQUIPOTENTIAL BONDING CONDUCTORS (16)6.2P OLARITY TEST (16)6.3PV STRING COMBINER BOX TEST (16)6.4PV STRING –O PEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT (16)6.5PV STRING –C URRENT MEASUREMENT (17)6.6F UNCTIONAL TESTS (19)6.7PV ARRAY INSULATION RESISTANCE TEST (19)7 TEST PROCEDURES – CATEGORY 2 (21)7.1G ENERAL (21)7.2S TRING I-V CURVE MEASUREMENT (21)7.3PV ARRAY INFRARED CAMERA INSPECTION PROCEDURE (22)8 TEST PROCEDURES – ADDITIONAL TESTS (24)8.1V OLTAGE TO GROUND –R ESISTIVE GROUND SYSTEMS (24)8.2B LOCKING DIODE TEST (24)8.3PV ARRAY –W ET INSULATION RESISTANCE TEST (24)8.4S HADE EVALUATION (25)9 VERIFICATION REPORTS (25)9.1G ENERAL (25)9.2I NITIAL VERIFICATION (26)9.3P ERIODIC VERIFICATION (26)ANNEX A (27)ANNEX B (28)ANNEX C (30)ANNEX D (31)FIGURE D.1 – I-V CURVE SHAPES (31)D.2 VARIATION 1 – STEPS OR NOTCHES IN CURVE (31)D.3 VARIATION 2 – LOW CURRENT (32)D.4 VARIATION 3 – LOW VOLTAGE (32)D.5 VARIATION 4 – ROUNDER KNEE (33)D.6 VARIATION 5 – SHALLOWER SLOPE IN VERTICAL LEG (33)D.7 VARIATION 6 – STEEPER SLOPE IN HORIZONTAL LEG (33)INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION____________PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEMS – REQUIREMENTS FOR TESTING,DOCUMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE –Part 1 : Grid connected systems – Documentation,commissioning tests and inspectionFOREWORD1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, IEC publishes International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports, Publicly Available Specifications (PAS) and Guides (hereafter referred to as “IEC Publication(s)”). Their preparation is entrust ed to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.2) The formal decisions or agreements of IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, an international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested IEC National Committees.3) IEC Publications have the form of recommendations for international use and are accepted by IEC National Committees in that sense. While all reasonable efforts are made to ensure that the technical content of IEC Publications is accurate, IEC cannot be held responsible for the way in which they are used or for any misinterpretation by any end user.4) In order to promote international uniformity, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional publications. Any divergence between any IEC Publication and the corresponding national or regional publication shall be clearly indicated in the latter.5) IEC itself does not provide any attestation of conformity. Independent certification bodies provide conformity assessment services and, in some areas, access to IEC marks of conformity. IEC is not responsible for any services carried out by independent certification bodies.6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.7) No liability shall attach to IEC or its directors, employees, servants or agents including individual experts and members of its technical committees and IEC National Committees for any personal injury, property damage or other damage of any nature whatsoever, whether direct or indirect, or for costs (including legal fees) and expenses arising out of the publication, use of, or reliance upon, this IEC Publication or any other IEC Publications.8) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication. Use of the referenced publications is indispensable for the correct application of this publication.9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.(2016-01) [documents 82/1036/FDIS and 82/1056A/RVD] and its amendment 1 (2018-08) [documents 82/1415/FDIS and 82/1426/RVD]. The technical content is identical to the base edition and its amendment.In this Redline version, a vertical line in the margin shows where the technical content is modified by amendment 1. Additions are in green text, deletions are in strikethrough red text. A separate Final version with all changes accepted is available in this publication.International Standard IEC 62446-1 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 82: Solar photovoltaic energy systems.This first edition constitutes a technical revision.This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to IEC 62446:2009:——the scope has been expanded to include a wider range of system test and inspection regimes to encompass larger and more complex PV systems.This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.A list of all parts in the IEC 62446 series, published under the general title Photovoltaic (PV) systems –Requirements for testing, documentation and maintenance, can be found on the IEC website.The committee has decided that the contents of the base publication and its amendment will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the IEC web site under "http://webstore.iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be•reconfirmed,•withdrawn,•replaced by a revised edition, orINTRODUCTIONGrid connected PV systems are expected to have a lifetime of decades, with maintenance or modifications likely at some point over this period. Building or electrical works in the vicinity of the PV array are very likely, for example roof works adjacent to the array or modifications (structural or electrical) to a home that has a PV system. The ownership of a system may also change over time, particularly for systems mounted on buildings. Only by the provision of adequate documentation at the outset can the long term performance and safety of the PV system and works, on or adjacent to the PV system, be ensured.This part of IEC 62446 is split into two sections:•System documentation requirements – This section details the information that shall be provided within the documentation provided to the customer following installation of a grid connected PV system. •Verification – This section provides the information expected to be provided following initial (or periodic) verification of an installed system. It includes requirements for inspection and testing.This part of IEC 62446 references IEC 62548:2013, which is in the process of being converted into an International Standard. It is envisaged that work on the second edition of IEC 62446-1 will start when IEC 62548 is completed.PHOTOVOLTAIC (PV) SYSTEMS – REQUIREMENTS FOR TESTING,DOCUMENTATION AND MAINTENANCEPart 1: Grid connected systems – Documentation, commissioning tests and inspection1 ScopeThis part of IEC 62446 defines the information and documentation required to be handed over to a customer following the installation of a grid connected PV system. It also describes the commissioning tests, inspection criteria and documentation expected to verify the safe installation and correct operation of the system. It can also be used for periodic retesting.This part of IEC 62446 is written for grid connected PV systems that do not utilize energy storage (e.g. batteries) or hybrid systems.This part of IEC 62446 is for use by system designers and installers of grid connected solar PV systems as a template to provide effective documentation to a customer. By detailing the expected commissioning tests and inspection criteria, it is also intended to assist in the verification/inspection of a grid connected PV system after installation and for subsequent re-inspection, maintenance or modifications.This part of IEC 62446 defines the different test regimes expected for different solar PV system types to ensure that the test regime applied is appropriate to the scale, type and complexity of the system in question. NOTE This part of IEC 62446 does not address CPV (concentrating PV) systems, however many of the parts may apply.2 Normative referencesThe following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.IEC 60364-6, Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 6: VerificationIEC 62548:2016, Photovoltaic (PV) arrays – Design requirementsNOTE In some countries IEC 60364-7-71 2 is preferred over IEC 62548. Both standards are expected to provide similar results.IEC 61730 (all parts), Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualificationIEC 61557 (all parts), Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. –Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measuresIEC 61010 (all parts), Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use IEC 60891:2009, Photovoltaic devices –Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections to measured I-V characteristics3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1AC modulePV module with an integrated inverter in which the electrical terminals are AC only3.2cable typedescription of a cable to enable its rating and suitability for a particular use or environment to be determined Note 1 to entry: In many countries this is done via a code number (eg “H07RNF”).3.3data sheetbasic product description and specificationNote 1 to entry: Typically one or two pages. Not a full product manual.3.4inspectionexamination of an electrical installation using all the senses in order to ascertain correct selection and proper erection of electrical equipment3.5inverterelectric energy converter that changes direct electric current to single-phase or polyphaser alternating current3.6micro invertersmall inverter designed to be connected directly to one or two PV modules.Note 1 to entry: A micro inverter will normally connect directly to the factory fitted module leads and be fixed to the module frame or mounted immediately adjacent to the module.3.7module integrated electronicsany electronic device fitted to a PV module intended to provide control, monitoring or power conversion functionsNote 1 to entry: Module integrated electronics may be factory fitted or assembled on site.3.8PV arrayassembly of electrically interconnected PV modules, PV strings or PV sub-arrays.3.9PV cellmost elementary device that exhibits the photovoltaic effect, i.e the direct non-thermal conversion of radiant energy into electrical energy3.10PV modulesmallest complete environmentally protected assembly of interconnected PV cells3.11PV stringcircuit of one or more series-connected PV modules3.12PV string combiner boxjunction box where PV strings are connected which may also contain overcurrent protection devices, electronics and/or switch-disconnectors3.13I MOD_MAX_OCPRPV module maximum overcurrent protection rating determined by IEC 61730-2Note 1 to entry: This is often specified by module manufacturers as the maximum series fuse rating.3.14reportingrecording of the results of inspection and testing3.15testingimplementation of measures in an electrical installation by means of which its effectiveness is provedNote 1 to entry: It includes ascertaining values by means of appropriate measuring instruments, said values not being detectable by inspection.3.16verificationall measures by means of which compliance of the electrical installation to the relevant standards is checked Note 1 to entry: It comprises inspection, testing and reporting.3.17string wiring harnessprefabricated cable assembly that aggregates the output of multiple PV string conductors along a single main cableNote 1 to entry: The harness may or may not include fusing on the individual string conductors. The wiring harness typically does not include a disconnect device in line.Note 2 to entry: An IEC standard for string wiring harnesses is under development.3.18Harness Sub ArrayHSAgroup of PV strings connected in parallel using a string wiring harnessNote 1 to entry: For the purposes of this document, the HSA shall have a combined I SC-STC of no greater than 30 A and combine no more than 1 0 PV strings.Note 2 to entry: In some subclauses of this document, HSA tests are presented as an alternative to individual string tests. The 30 A and 1 0 string limits defined herein set the limit where a HSA test is considered a safe and valid alternative to individual string tests.Note 3 to entry: This note applies to the French language only.4 System documentation requirements4.1 GeneralThe purpose of Clause 4 is to list the minimum documentation that should be provided following the installation of a grid connected PV system. This information will ensure key system data is readily available to a customer, inspector or maintenance engineer. The documentation includes basic system data and the information expected to be provided in the operation and maintenance manual.4.2 System data4.2.1 Basic system informationAs a minimum, the following basic system information shall be provided. This “nameplate” information would typically be presented on the cover page of the system documentation pack.a) Project identification reference (where applicable).b) Rated (nameplate) system power (kW DC or kVA AC).c) PV modules and inverters – manufacturer, model and quantity.d) Installation date.e) Commissioning date.f) Customer name.g) Site address.4.2.2 System designer informationAs a minimum, the following information shall be provided for all bodies responsible for the design of the system. Where more than one company has responsibility for the design of the system, the following information should be provided for all companies together with a description of their role in the project.a) System designer, company.b) System designer, contact person.c) System designer, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address.4.2.3 System installer informationAs a minimum, the following information shall be provided for all bodies responsible for the installation of the system. Where more than one company has responsibility for the installation of the system, the following information should be provided for all companies together with a description of their role in the project.a) System installer, company.b) System installer, contact person.c) System installer, postal address, telephone number and e-mail address.4.3 Wiring diagram4.3.1 GeneralAs a minimum, a single line wiring diagram shall be provided. This diagram shall be annotated to include the information detailed in 4.3.2 to 4.3.6.In general, it is expected that this information will be presented as annotations to the single line wiring diagram. In some circumstances, typically for larger systems where space on the diagram may be limited, this information may be presented in table form.4.3.2 Array – General specificationsThe wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following array design information.a) Module type(s).b) Total number of modules.c) Number of strings.d) Number of modules per string.e) Identify which strings connect to which inverter.Where an array is split into sub-arrays, the wiring diagram shall show the array – sub-array design and include all of the above information for each sub-array.4.3.3 PV string informationThe wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following PV string information.a) String cable specifications – size and type.b) String overcurrent protective device specifications (where fitted) – type and voltage/current ratings.c) Blocking diode type (if relevant).4.3.4 Array electrical detailsThe wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following array electrical information (where fitted).a) Array main cable specifications – size and type.b) Array junction box / combiner box locations.c) DC switch disconnector, location and rating (voltage / current).d) Array overcurrent protective devices – type, location and rating (voltage / current).e) Other array electronic protective circuitry (such as arc fault detection), if applicable – type, location and rating.4.3.5 AC systemThe wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following AC system information.a) AC isolator location, type and rating.b) AC overcurrent protective device location, type and rating.c) Residual current device location, type and rating (where fitted).4.3.6 Earthing and overvoltage protectionThe wiring diagram or system specification shall include the following earthing and overvoltage protection information.a) Details of all earth/bonding conductors – size and type. Including details of array frame equipotential bonding cable where fitted.b) Details of any connections to an existing Lightning Protection System (LPS).c) Details of any surge protection device installed (both on AC and DC lines) to include location, type and rating.4.4 String layoutFor systems with three or more strings, a layout drawing of the PV system showing how the array is split and connected into strings shall be provided.NOTE This is particularly useful for finding faults in larger systems and on building mounted arrays where access to the rear of the modules is difficult.4.5 DatasheetsAs a minimum, datasheets shall be provided for the following system components.a) Module datasheet for all types of modules used in system – to the requirements of IEC 61730-1.b) Inverter datasheet for all types of inverters used in system.The provision of datasheets for other significant system components should also be considered.4.6 Mechanical design informationA data sheet for the array mounting system shall be provided. If the mounting structure was custom engineered, include the relevant documentation.4.7 Emergency systemsDocumentation of any emergency systems associated with the PV system (fire alarms, smoke alarms, etc). This information shall include both operation and design details.4.8 Operation and maintenance informationOperation and maintenance information shall be provided and shall include, as a minimum, the following items:a) Procedures for verifying correct system operation.b) A checklist of what to do in case of a system failure.c) Emergency shutdown / isolation procedures.d) Maintenance and cleaning recommendations (mechanical, civil & electrical) – if any.e) Considerations for any future building works related to the PV array (e.g. roof works).f) Warranty documentation for PV modules and inverters – to include starting date of warranty and period of warranty.g) Documentation on any applicable workmanship or weather-tightness warranties.4.9 Test results and commissioning dataCopies of all test and commissioning data shall be provided. As a minimum, these shall include the results from the verification tests detailed in Clause 5 to 9 of this document (see also model forms in Annexes A toC).5 Verification5.1 GeneralClause 5 provides the requirements for the initial and periodic verification of a grid connected PV electrical installation. It references IEC 60364-6 where appropriate and also details additional requirements or considerations.Much of the verification of a grid connected PV system should be done with reference to IEC 60364-6, which provides the requirements for initial and periodic verification of any electrical installation.Every installation of subsystems and components shall be verified with reference to IEC 60364-6 during erection, as far as reasonably practicable, and on completion, before being put into service by the user. Initial verification shall include comparison of the results with relevant criteria to confirm that the requirements of IEC 60364 have been met.For an addition or alteration to an existing installation, it shall be verified that the addition or alterationcomplies with IEC 60364 and does not impair the safety of the existing installation.Initial and periodic verifications shall be made by a skilled person, competent in verification.NOTE 1 Typical verification test sheets are provided in Annexes A, B and C to this standard.Initial verification takes place upon completion of a new installation or completion of additions or of alterations to existing installations. Periodic verification shall determine, as far as reasonably practicable, whether the installation and all its constituent equipment remain in a satisfactory condition for use.For a PV system, the interval between verifications shall be no longer than that required by the AC electrical system that the PV system is connected to.NOTE 2 In some countries the interval between verifications is stipulated by national regulations.5.2 Inspection5.2.1 GeneralInspection shall precede testing and shall normally be done prior to energizing the installation. The inspection shall be done to the requirements of IEC 60364-6.If wiring will not be readily accessible after the installation, wiring may need to be inspected prior to or during installation works.The following items, specific to grid connected PV systems, shall be included in the inspection.5.2.2 DC system – GeneralInspection of the DC installation shall include at least verification that:a) the DC system has been designed, specified and installed to the requirements of IEC 60364 and IEC 62548:2016;b) the maximum PV array voltage is suitable for the array location (IEC 62548:2016 and local codes may dictate that installations above a certain voltage may only be placed in certain locations);c) all system components and mounting structures have been selected and erected to withstand the expected external influences such as wind, snow, temperature and corrosion;d) roof fixings and cable entries are weatherproof (where applicable).5.2.3 DC system – Protection against electric shockInspection of the DC installation shall include at least verification of the measures in place for protection against electric shock:a) Protective measure provided by extra low voltage (SELV/PELV) – yes/no.b) Protection by use of class II or equivalent insulation adopted on the DC side – yes/no.c) PV string and array cables have been selected and erected so as to minimize the risk of earth faults and short-circuits. Typically achieved by the use of cables with protective and reinforced insulation (often termed “double insulated”) – yes/no.5.2.4 DC system – Protection against the effects of insulation faultsInspection of the DC installation shall include at least verification of the measures in place for protection against the effects of insulation faults, including the following:a) Galvanic separation in place inside the inverter or on the AC side – yes/no.b) Functional earthing of any DC conductor – yes/no.Knowledge of the galvanic separation and functional earthing arrangements is necessary in order to determine if the measures in place to protect against the effects of insulation faults have been correctly specified.c) That a PV Array Earth Insulation Resistance detection and alarm system is installed – to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016.NOTE 1 This is typically provided within the inverter.d) That a PV Array Earth Residual Current Monitoring detection and alarm system is installed –to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016.NOTE 2 This is typically provided within the inverter.5.2.5 DC system – Protection against overcurrentInspection of the DC installation shall include at least verification of the measures in place for protection against overcurrent in the DC circuits:a) For systems without string overcurrent protective device, verify that:•I MOD_MAX_OCPR(the module maximum series fuse rating) is greater than the possible reverse current; •string cables are sized to accommodate the maximum combined fault current from parallel strings. NOTE See IEC 62548:2016 for calculation of array reverse currents.b) For systems with string overcurrent protective device, verify that:•the string overcurrent protective devices are fitted and correctly specified to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016.c) For systems with array / sub-array overcurrent protective devices, verify that:•the overcurrent protective devices are fitted and correctly specified to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016. The potential for the system inverter(s) to produce a DC back-feed into the PV array circuits shall also be verified. It shall be verified that any back-feed current is lower than both the module maximum fuse rating and the string cable ampere rating.5.2.6 DC system – Earthing and bonding arrangementsInspection of the DC installation shall include at least verification that:a) where the PV system includes functional earthing of one of the DC conductors, the functional earth connection has been specified and installed to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016;b) where a PV system has a direct connection to earth on the DC side, a functional earth fault interrupter is provided to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016;c) array frame bonding arrangements have been specified and installed to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016;NOTE Local codes may require different bonding arrangements.d) where protective earthing and/or equipotential bonding conductors are installed, they are parallel to, and bundled with, the DC cables.5.2.7 DC system – Protection against the effects of lightning and overvoltageInspection of the DC installation shall include at least verification that:a) to minimize voltages induced by lightning, the area of all wiring loops has been kept as small as possible;b) measures are in place to protect long cables (e.g. screening or the use of surge protective devices, SPDs);c) where SPDs are fitted, they have been installed to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016.5.2.8 DC system – Selection and erection of electrical equipmentInspection of the DC installation shall include at least verification that:a) the PV modules are rated for the maximum possible DC system voltage;b) all DC components are rated for continuous operation at DC and at the maximum possible DC system voltage and current as defined in IEC 62548:2016;NOTE Inspection of the DC system requires knowledge of the maximum system voltage and current. •The maximum system voltage is a function of the string / array design, the open circuit voltage (V oc ) of the modules and a multiplier to account for temperature and irradiance variations.•The maximum possible fault current is a function of the string / array design, the short circuit current (I sc ) of the modules and a multiplier to account for temperature and irradiance variationsc) wiring systems have been selected and erected to withstand the expected external influences such as wind, ice formation, temperature, UV and solar radiation;d) means of isolation and disconnection have been provided for the PV array strings and PV sub-arrays – to the requirements of IEC 62548:2016;。
*********有限公司标准双玻透光组件(透光率40%/55%)技术规范书***发布***实施技术偏差表对技术规范书的意见和同规范书的差异投标者在此确认本标书完全符合招标文件的要求,除以下所列偏差外:当我们提供的标书中货物性能和供货范围的描述与招标文件有任何矛盾时,以招标文件为准,以下所列除外:目录一、一般规定与规范 (4)1.1总则 (4)1.2工程概况 (5)1.3包装和运输 (6)1.4企业资质要求 (7)1.5 质保要求 (7)1.6产品使用寿命 (7)二、标准与规范 (8)三、专用技术要求 (9)3.1组件规格 (9)3.2组件认证要求 (11)3.3组件原材料清单 (12)3.4关键元器件及材料要求 (12)3.5 EL测试要求 (17)3.6组件生产设备和关键工艺的控制 (18)3.7生产车间和人员要求 (18)3.8 组件标准版 (18)3.9 质量控制措施 (18)3.10 结构、外形尺寸、支装尺寸及质量 (19)3.11 外观要求 (19)3.12电气性能技术参数 (20)3.13电流分档精度要求 (21)3.14 绝缘强度 (21)3.15 载荷要求 (21)3.16 强度要求 (21)3.17 温度冲击要求 (21)3.18 测试和检验 (22)3.19 安装附件 (22)3.20 盐雾腐蚀要求 (22)3.21 抗PID效应要求 (22)3.22 防火要求 (22)3.23 其它要求 (23)四、供货范围 (23)4.1一般要求 (23)4.2供货范围 (24)五、交货检验与验收 (25)5.1一般要求 (25)5.2 质量保证 (25)*5.3 生产控制与出货检验 (26)*5.4实验室抽样检验 (26)*5.5 出货前运行程序 (29)5.6现场验收 (29)5.7最终验收 (31)六、技术资料及交付进度 (32)6.1概述 (32)6.2卖方提供的技术文件及图纸 (33)七、设备交货进度 (37)*7.1供货进度 (37)7.2包装和运输 (37)7.3散装部件 (38)7.4包装箱 (38)7.5裸装货物 (38)7.6装箱单 (38)7.7零星部件 (39)7.8箱号 (39)7.9加工面 (39)7.10技术资料 (39)7.11交货进度表 (39)八、技术服务和设计联络 (40)*8.1 现场服务 (40)*8.2现场服务职责 (40)8.3人员培训 (41)*8.4售后服务要求 (42)8.5设计联络 (42)一、一般规定与规范1.1总则1.1.1卖方应具备招标公告所要求的资质,具体资质要求详见招标文件的商务部分。
IEC 62443标准_工控安全
IEC 62443标准综述一、工业安全分为三类:功能安全(Functional Satety),物理安全(Physical Satety),信息安全(Security)二、ISO/IEC27002对信息安全的定义是:保持信息的保密性、完整性、可用性。
四、2011年5月,IEC 62443由最初的《工业通信网络与系统信息安全》改为《工业过程测量、控制和自动化网络与系统信息安全》五、IEC 62443标准分为四个部分,12个文档。
IEC 62443-3-3工业过程测量、控制和自动化网络与系统信息安全》(IEC 62443)是针对工业自动化和工业安全的系列标准,指导系统集成商、产品提供商和服务提供商对他们的产品和服务进行安全性评估。
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光伏发电系统 安全标准
光伏发电系统 概述
光伏发电运维 安全风险评估 与控制
光伏发电运维 安全规范
光伏发电运维 安全管理实践 与案例分析
01 添加章节标题
应急检查:在发生异常情况时,进 行应急安全检查,确保设备安全。
火灾处理:根 据火灾情况, 采取适当的灭 火措施,如使 用灭火器或灭 火器材,并立
触电处理:立 即切断电源, 使用绝缘物体 将受害者与电 源分离,并进
设备故障处理: 立即停止设备 运行,联系专 业人员进行维 修,并确保安 全措施得到落
光伏发电系统安 全标准由国家能 源局制定和发布
标准规定了光伏 发电系统的安全 要求、检测与评 估等内容
国内安全标准与 国际标准接轨, 确保光伏发电系 统的安全可靠
标准的实施有助于 提高光伏发电系统 的安全性能,保障 人民生命财产安全
GB/T 32474-2015《光伏发电站安全规程》 GB/T 19068.1-2008《光伏发电站设计规范》 GB/T 19068.2-2008《光伏发电站施工规范》 GB/T 50796-2012《光伏发电工程验收规范》
光伏组件:将太阳能转化为直流电 逆变器:将直流电转换为交流电 储能设备:储存电能,以备不时之需 监控系统:实时监测光伏发电系统的运行状态
住宅屋顶 商业建筑 农业设施 公共设施
并网光伏发电系统工程验收基本要求Basic acceptance requirements for grid-connected PVsystems目录前言 (1)1 范围 (2)2 规范性引用文件 (2)3 术语 (3)3.1系统电气效率 Electrical systemefficiency (3)3.2验证Verification (3)3.3检查Inspection (3)3.4测试Testing (3)3.5报告Reporting (3)3.6规格书Datasheet (3)4 并网光伏发电系统的构成 (3)5 检查和测试的内容 (4)6 工程系统文件和合同符合性的检查 (4)6.1项目的基本信息 (4)6.2项目基础文件的检查 (5)6.3电站设备合同符合性的检查 (7)7 电气设备检查 (7)7.1一般要求 (7)7.2部件质量检查 (8)7.3标签与标识 (11)8 土建和支架结构检查 (12)8.1一般要求 (12)8.2方阵支架 (12)8.3基础 (13)8.4光伏方阵场要求 (13)9 电气设备及系统的测试 (13)9.1一般要求 (13)9.2保护装置和等电位体的测试 (13)9.3极性测试 (13)9.4光伏组串电流的测试 (14)9.5功能测试 (15)9.6光伏方阵绝缘阻值测试 (15)9.7光伏方阵标称功率测试 (17)9.8电能质量的测试 (17)9.9系统电气效率测试 (19)9.10聚光光伏组件测试 (19)9.11自动跟踪系统功能测试 (19)10 检查报告 (20)10.1一般要求 (20)10.2首次检查 (20)10.3定期检查 (21)附录A (22)A.1基本情况 (22)A.2文件检查 (23)A.3子系统符合性验收 (24)A.4并网点电能质量现场测试 (26)A.5并网光伏发电系统测试报告表 (27)前言——光伏电站性能检测的必要性光伏电站的规模与数量逐年增加,电站的性质由科研与政府示范以及国家支撑等的性质逐渐向商业化电站转化。
工控安全政策系列导读:国际标准IEC 62443标准系列
工控安全政策系列导读:国际标准IEC 62443 标准系列,一是IEC 62443,二是SP 800-82,两者有一个共同的源头ISA-99。
SP 800-82 由于重点关注国家的关键基础设施安全,非常重视SCADA 系统安全问题,而且具有鲜明的美国国家特色。
对于国内的制造业来说,工控安全更多的是DCS 的安全,IEC 62443 非常适用。
建议从事制造业工控安全的朋友阅读GB/T 20720.1,深入了解制造业的运行规律与工控系统,才能做好制造业工控系统安全工作。
IACS 概念模型是从企业控制系统通用模型派生出来的,企业控制系统通用模型来源于IEC 62264-1,国内GB/T 20720.1 等同采纳IEC 62264-1,标准名称为《企业控制系统集成第1 部分:模型和术语》。
IEC 62443系列标准概述和SAL 介绍Overview of the IEC 62443 Serial Standards and the Introduction of SAL王玉敏(机械工业仪器仪表综合技术经济研究所,北京市 100055)Wang Yumin(Instrumentation Technology & Economy Institute, Beijing 100055)【摘 要】【关键词】Abstract: The paper inroduas of the IEC 62443 series structure and the overview of the IEC 62443 series, including the de fi nition of the security assurance level, the types of SALs and the foundational requirements.Key words: Standard Infrastructure Security Assurance Level (SAL) Foundational Requirements (FR)本文描述了IEC62443系列标准框架的发展过程,系列标准的主要内容和信息安全保证等级的定义,类型以及基本要求。
标准框架 信息安全保证等级 基本要求1 IEC 62443历史介绍国际电工委员会第65技术委员会(简称:IEC/TC65)主要负责工业过程测量、控制和自动化方面的标准制定工作。
该技术委员会共包括4个分技术委员会(SC65A ,SC65B ,SC65C 和SC65E ),由于标准IEC 61784-4涉及到了信息安全的内容,因此2003年9月成立了IEC/SC65C/WG13工作组,在2003年至2005年之间主要负责赛博信息安全(Cyber security )标准方面的工作,2005年后该工作组处于停滞状态。
IEC 62443标准_工控安全
IEC 62443标准综述一、工业安全分为三类:功能安全(Functional Satety),物理安全(Physical Satety),信息安全(Security)二、ISO/IEC27002对信息安全的定义是:保持信息的保密性、完整性、可用性。
四、2011年5月,IEC 62443由最初的《工业通信网络与系统信息安全》改为《工业过程测量、控制和自动化网络与系统信息安全》五、IEC 62443标准分为四个部分,12个文档。
IEC 62443-3-3工业过程测量、控制和自动化网络与系统信息安全》(IEC 62443)是针对工业自动化和工业安全的系列标准,指导系统集成商、产品提供商和服务提供商对他们的产品和服务进行安全性评估。
IEC 62443标准_工控安全
IEC 62443标准综述一、工业安全分为三类:功能安全(Functional Satety),物理安全(Physical Satety),信息安全(Security)二、ISO/IEC27002对信息安全的定义是:保持信息的保密性、完整性、可用性。
四、2011年5月,IEC 62443由最初的《工业通信网络与系统信息安全》改为《工业过程测量、控制和自动化网络与系统信息安全》五、IEC 62443标准分为四个部分,12个文档。
IEC 62443-3-3工业过程测量、控制和自动化网络与系统信息安全》(IEC 62443)是针对工业自动化和工业安全的系列标准,指导系统集成商、产品提供商和服务提供商对他们的产品和服务进行安全性评估。
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CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 2
IEC是世界上成立最早的国际性电工 标准化机构,负责有关电气工程和 电子工程领域中的国际标准化工作
IEC62446:2016 《并网光伏系统-系统文件、调试测试和检验的最低要求》
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 7
注意! 切记需要把光伏阵列AC端断开
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 8
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 19
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 光伏串 – 电流测量
光伏串 – 正常运行电流测试
在系统开启并处于正常操作模式(逆变 器最大功率点跟踪)的情况下,应使用放 置在串电缆周围的适当夹式电流表测量来 自每个光伏串的电流。 对于具有多个相同串的系统,并且在存 在稳定的辐照度条件的情况下,应当比较 各个串中的电流的测量。
备注:PV200套装满足辐照度不稳定下的各种测试 方案
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 21
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 功能测试
开关设备和其他控制设备应进行试验, 以确保正确的操作,并正确安装和连接。
IEC62446-1:2016 测试要求
保护性接地和等电位连接导体 的连续性 极性测试 光伏串汇流箱测试 组串开路电压测试 组串电流测试(短路电流或工 作电流) 功能测试 光伏阵列绝缘电阻测试
德国高美PV150/200完全满足 IEC62446标准规定的第1类测试
Description of the contents
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 极性测量
1、如图连接红黑表笔到组 件或组串正负极
2、仪器自动检测电压值, 并在电压值前显示+或者-
为了安全和防止连接设备损坏,在其他测 试之前并且在开关闭合或串过电流保护器 被插入之前进行极性检查是极为重要的。 如果在先前连接的系统上进行检查并且发 现一个串的相反极性,则重要的是检查模 块和旁路二极管是否由于该错误而造成损 坏。
查看阵列中是否遮挡?可能是由于灰尘,鸟粪, 树叶等造成
仔细查看布线,是否有明显的断裂,破损?或 者有燃烧,啮齿动物咬过的痕迹?
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 5
1 效防止意外对于人体伤害
光伏电站DC侧电压1000V(马上1500V),高压 电弧会随时可能发生,不是所有的设备都有警示
2 标志,时刻明白在测试什么
3 你需要更高等级的防护措施
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 4
为了更好的做对比,在实测之 前,建议评估下在正常情况下系 统能达到的水平,我们称之为期 望值
我们可以通过组件的datasheet 来做一个预估
Description of the contents
Description of the contents
Description of the contents
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 10
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 保护性接地和等电位连接导体的连续性
支架系统是否有明显故障?腐蚀是一个 常见问题,由于光伏电站暴露于风雨中, 冷热交替明显
如果是屋顶电站系统,关注下固定组件的挂钩 和进线密封防雨是否做的到位?
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 6
构成光伏系统一部分的所有逆变器应进 行测试,以确保正常工作。测试程序应如 逆变器制造商定义。
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 22
本PPT不能作为IEC62446标准的替代版或参考标准的替代版 操作者应严格按照IEC62446及相关参考标准进行测试,任何由于违反操作规程或者由于 对本PPT误读造成的伤害或损失,德国GMC-I高美测仪不承担连带责任 对于本PPT中提到的测试仪器,在执行测试之前务必详细阅读操作手册,如有疑问可以联 系德国GMC-I 高美测仪solar@
执行此测试存在潜在的电击危险,因此,在开始任何工作之前完全 理解该过程,应遵循以下基本安全措施
限制对测试区域的非授权进入 进行绝缘测试时,请勿触摸并采取措施防止任何其他人触摸任何 金属部件 进行绝缘测试时,请勿触摸并采取措施防止任何其他人触摸组件 背板,组件层压板及连接端子 在绝缘测试设备使用时,测试区域都有电压,该设备应具有自动 自放电能力。 在测试期间,应穿戴合适的个人防护服/设备。
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 15
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 光伏串 - 开路电压测量
在第1 类测试序列内的开路电压(Voc)测量的目的是检查组串是否正确地布线,是否存 在连接组件数量错误等情况,特别是在较大系统上,开路电压测试将快速识别这样的故障 显著小于预期值的电压可表示一个或多个组件以错误的极性连接,一个或多个短路旁路 二极管或由于绝缘不良、后续损坏或导管或接线盒中积水而导致的故障。高电压读数通常 是接线错误的结果。(一般5%以内偏差是正常)
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 12
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 光伏串汇流箱测试
在光伏串组合箱内以反极性连接的单个 串有时可能容易错过
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 18
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 光伏串 – 电流测量
光伏串 - 短路电流测试
首先确保所有开关设备和断开装置都打开, 并且所有光伏串彼此隔离 短路方法有三种: a)使用具有短路电流测量功能的测试仪 器(例如专用光伏测试仪PV150/200,如 右图接线,短路和测量一起完成); b)临时连接到已经存在于所述串电路中 的负载断路开关装置中的短路电缆; c)使用“短路开关测试箱”
汇流箱测试的目的是确保在汇流箱处互 连的所有串正确连接。
尽管可以用数字万用表进行极性测试, 但是当检查大量电路时,“ - ”符号的出 现可以相对容易忽略
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 13
附加测试-在一些情况下可执行的其他测试。 这些测试可能由于来自客户的特定请求而被执行,或者当其他测试或者操作异常表明尚未 由标准测试识别的问题时作为检测故障的手段而被执行
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 9
2、按照如图进行接 线可以使用MC4转 探针鳄鱼夹,连接 到组串正负极进行 测试
3、按Auto 键执行 测试
4、得到开路电压 数值(同时极性、 短路电流)
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 17
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 16
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 光伏串 - 开路电压测量
1、选择 PV150/200 Mode 1 模式
标准导读:并网的光伏系统,需要在 其生命周期内定期维护和检修,特别 是一些涉及到业主变更的电站,完善 的检验测试文档才可能保证电站的高 效安全长久运行。
CHARLES MA C.MA@ | 17.04.2021 | SEITE 3
IEC62446-1:2016测试程序 光伏串汇流箱测试
测量第一串和第二串正极电压,正常应该 接近零,可接受15V以下偏差 继续对后续串进行测量,使用第一个正电 路作为仪表公共连接点 如果存在反极性条件,则该条件将非常明 显 测得的电压将是系统电压的两倍