Aspire Z5770_Z3770话术
HP ZBook移动工作站系列产品说明说明书
HP EliteBook 800 series Notebook
HP ZBook Mobile Workstations also deliver*
Form factors • 14.0-inch diagonal • 15.6-inch dia4.0-inch diagonal • 15.6-inch diagonal • 17.0-inch diagonal
Sales guide | Why a mobile workstation?
HP recommends Windows.
While our HP EliteBook 800 series Notebook can provide you with excellent value, the ZBook Mobile Workstations deliver superb performance, uncompromised reliability and wide-ranging scalability as well as a range of screen sizes to fit various needs.
Warranty 1/1/0 or 3/3/0 support; on site service is extra
Expandability • Up to 32 GB memory3 • Up to 4 HDD storage4 bays • ThunderboltTM17 2 port for faster
====BIOS界面基础项中英文对照表===MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T)(频率/电压控制)Standard CMOS Features(标准CMOS设置)Advanced BIOS Features(高级BIOS设置)Integrated Peripherals(集成设备或周边设备)Power Management Setup(电源管理设置)PC Health Status(电脑健康状态)Load Fail-Safe Defaults(装载安全预设配置)Load Optimized Defaults(装载最佳预设配置)Set Supervisor Password(设置管理员密码)Set User Password(设置使用者密码)Save and Exit Setup(保存当前设置并退出)Exit Without Saving(直接退出,不保存当前设定)=====BIOS频率/电压控制基础项中英文对照表=====Advanced Frequency Settings(高级频率设置)CPU Clock Ratio(CPU倍频)CPU Frequency(CPU内频率)Advanced CPU Core Features(CPU核心参数高级设置)Intel(R) Turbo Boost Tech(是否启动INTEL CPU加速模式)CPU Cores Enabled(启动CPU多核心技术)CPU Multi-Threading(启动CPU超线程技术)CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) (Intel C1E功能)C3/C6/C7 State Support(是否允许CPU进入C3/C6/C7模式)CPU Thermal Monitor (Intel TM功能)CPU EIST Function (Intel EIST功能)Bi-Directional PROCHOT(是否启动PROCHOT功能)Virtualization Technology(是否启动INTEL虚拟化技术)QPI Clock Ratio(设置QPI倍频)QPI Link Speed(设置QPI速度)Uncore Clock Ratio(设置UNCORE倍频)Uncore Frequency(显示BCLK Frequency(MHz)*Uncore Clock Ratio结果)Base Clock(BCLK) Control(CPU基频控制)BCLK Frequency(Mhz)(CPU基频调整)Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.)(开启BIOS读取XMP规格内存模块的SPD资料,可增强内存效能)System Memory Multiplier (SPD)(内存倍频调整)Memory Frequency(Mhz) (内存频率调整)PCI Express Frequency(Mhz) (PCI Express插口时钟调整)C.I.A.2(第二代智能CPU效能加速器设置)CPU Clock Drive(CPU时钟振幅调整)PCI Express Clock Drive(PCI Express时钟振幅调整)CPU Clock Skew(CPU时钟超前芯片组偏移量)Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) (开启BIOS读取XMP规格内存模块的SPD资料,可增强内存效能)System Memory Multiplier (SPD)(内存倍频调整)Memory Frequency(Mhz) (内存频率调整)Performance Enhance(增强系统性能)DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD)(动态记忆体时序选择)Profile DDR Voltage(DDR电压概要)Profile QPI Voltage(QPI电压概要)Channel Interleaving(通道交织)=====BIOS标准CMOS基础项中英文对照表=====Date (mm:dd:yy) (日期)Time (hh:mm:ss)(时间)IDE Channel 0, 1 Master/Slave(第一二组主/从IDE/SATA通道)IDE Channel 2, 3 Master, 4, 5 Master/Slave(第三四组主、五六组主/从IDE/SATA通道)Drive A(软驱设定)Halt On(系统停机设定)Memory(内存)Base Memory(传统内存,会保留640KB为MS-DOS系统使用)Extended Memory(扩展内存)Total Memory(系统上的总内存)=====BIOS高级功能设置中英文对照表=====Hard Disk Boot Priority(硬盘启动优先级)Quick Boot(快速启动)First/Second/Third Boot Device(第一二三启动设备)Floppy(软盘)LS120(LS120磁盘)Hard Disk(硬盘)CDROM(光驱)ZIP(ZIP盘)USB-FDD(USB软盘)USB-ZIP(USB ZIP)USB-CDROM(USB光驱)USB-HDD(USB 硬盘)Legacy LAN(网卡开机)Password Check(密码检查,每次开始是否需要输入密码)HDD S.M.A.R.T. Capability(硬盘自动监控报警是否开启)Limit CPUID Max. to 3(最大CPUID极限值)No-Execute Memory Protect(INTEL防病毒功能是否开启)Delay For HDD (Secs)(硬盘延迟读取时间)Full Screen LOGO Show(全屏LOGO显示)Backup BIOS Image to HDD(备份BIOS到硬盘上)Init Display First(开机显卡配置)=====BIOS周边设备配置中英文对照表=====SATA RAID/AHCI Mode (SATA设备RAID/AHCI模式配置)SATA Port0-3 Native Mode(SATA端口0-3Native mode是否开启)USB Controllers(USB控制器)USB Legacy Function(是否在DOS下使用USB键盘)USB Storage Function(是否在BIOS的POST阶段检测USB设备)Azalia Codec(集成音效功能设定)Onboard H/W 1394(集成1394功能设定)Onboard H/W LAN(集成网卡设置)Green LAN(无网络链接时是否自动关闭网络芯片)SMART LAN(智能网卡侦测)Link Detected(HUB传输速度)Cable Length(电缆长度)Onboard LAN Boot ROM(集成网卡的开机功能)Onboard SATA/IDE Device(是否启用集成SATA/IDE控制器)Onboard SATA/IDE Ctrl Mode(是否启用集成SATA/IDE控制器的RAID功能)Onboard Serial Port 1(串口1)=====BIOS电源管理配置中英文对照表=====ACPI Suspend Type(系统休眠模式设置)Soft-Off by PWR-BTTN (开机方式)PME Event Wake Up(电源管理事件的唤醒功能)Power On by Ring(是否允许被具有唤醒功能的数据机唤醒开机)Resume by Alarm(定时开机)HPET Support(是否开启高精度定时器功能)HPET Mode(HPET 模式设置:32位或64位)Power On By Mouse(是否开启鼠标双击开机)Power On By Keyboard(键盘开机功能设定,支持密码开机、电源键开机)KB Power ON Password(键盘开机的密码设定)AC Back Function(电源中断后,电源恢复时的系统状态选择)=====BIOS电脑健康状态配置中英文对照表=====Reset Case Open Status(重置机壳状态)Case Opened(机壳开启状况)Current Voltage(V) Vcore/DDR15V/+5V/+12V(检测系统电压)Current System/CPU Temperature(CPU温度)Current CPU/SYSTEM FAN Speed (RPM)(系统风扇速度)CPU Warning Temperature(CPU温度告警)CPU/SYSTEM FAN Fail Warning(CPU风扇故障告警)CPU Smart FAN Control(CPU风扇智能控制)。
品牌篇- 品牌篇-品牌话术
华硕笔记本贵吗? --华硕笔记电脑是国际知名品牌,所有主要部件都是华硕研 发生产,相对他过硬的品质和不断技术的创新,其实他的价格 不贵。 我们可以和IBM(T系列),SONY品牌比较,同等配置和性 能,华硕都会略低。(IBM偏重商务,SONY偏重时尚个性话, 华硕是两者完美的结合)华硕笔记本是高亮绚丽屏,又有时尚 外观,同时又有超强的稳定性和安全技术;满足商用和家用堪 称全能笔记本电脑。 给用户算帐:华硕笔记本光驱是保修两年,其他笔记本保 修都只是一年,但是光驱在最容易出问题的是第二年COMBO 光驱现在的市场价格是400元;在加上多一年的保修,市场价格 是800-1000元。实际上选择华硕笔记本电脑,等于多给了 1500元优惠。
通路产品篇——关于外壳 关于外壳 通路产品篇
为什么笔记本的外壳很重要? 1,外壳决定了机器的美观程度 2,外壳体现了厂家的研发能力--良好的外壳大家会发现他的硬件通过率 很高而且模具的唯一性也证明了厂家的研发能力 3,外壳决定了机器的重量-正如前面所说,笔记本电脑里面的部件基本重 要的都是一致的(因为他们大多出自同一厂家之手),那么同类型尺寸笔记 本电脑,决定重量的就是外壳; 4,外壳决定了机器的散热-好的材料会帮助机器散热,合理的散热口分布 同样能帮助近期良好的散热; 5,外壳体现了机器的人性化-机器合适位置的放尘塞,还有一些精心的小 设计充分体现了厂家充分为客户着想; 华硕笔记本外壳是什么样的? 华硕笔记本外壳是什么样的? 华硕笔记本的外壳基本上是用镁铝合金(炭纤维合金) 华硕笔记本的外壳基本上是用镁铝合金(炭纤维合金)比传统外壳薄 0.02mm,重量轻 %(比普通的玻璃纤维薄 重量轻20%(比普通的玻璃纤维薄0.2mm,减轻 %,抗压程度提 减轻15%, 重量轻 %(比普通的玻璃纤维薄 减轻 %,抗压程度提 升30%) %)
神舟z7-kp7gc固态硬盘协议摘要:1.神舟Z7-KP7GC 固态硬盘概述2.神舟Z7-KP7GC 支持的固态硬盘协议3.推荐的固态硬盘型号及性价比4.如何安装固态硬盘正文:## 神舟Z7-KP7GC 固态硬盘概述神舟Z7-KP7GC 是一款性能优秀的游戏笔记本,搭载了英特尔酷睿i7-9750H 处理器、NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 显卡,内存为16GB,存储方面则采用了一块512GB 的固态硬盘。
## 神舟Z7-KP7GC 支持的固态硬盘协议神舟Z7-KP7GC 支持的固态硬盘协议有SATA 和NVMe。
其中,SATA 接口的固态硬盘速度相对较慢,但价格较为亲民;NVMe 接口的固态硬盘则速度更快,但价格相对较高。
## 推荐的固态硬盘型号及性价比对于神舟Z7-KP7GC 来说,推荐选择NVMe 协议的固态硬盘,以发挥机器的最大性能。
2.三星(SAMSUNG)970 EVO Plus:性能稳定,读写速度可达3500MB/s,价格略高。
## 如何安装固态硬盘在购买合适的固态硬盘后,需要对其进行安装。
通常会有M.2 接口和SATA 接口两种。
总之,神舟Z7-KP7GC 支持SATA 和NVMe 协议的固态硬盘,推荐选择性价比较高的NVMe 固态硬盘如西部数据SN750 或三星970 EVO Plus。
Aspire Z3 605andZC 605产品销售话述v.2
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相较传统塔式台机,一体机已将诸多线材整合成 只剩一根电源线了,但电源线看起来还是凌乱? 没问题!Aspire Z3/ZC系列支架具独特门锁型收 线设计,方便电源线(或网线)的归整。 此外,键盘亦能被很好地收纳。
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Acer AIO 新品介绍_v3
简约灵动自如触控Acer一体式电脑(AZ3730/AZ5750/AZ3751/AZ5751)目录二、Acer AIO 闪亮登场一、AIO 市场状况分析三、竞品分析速度与舒适用户的需求在发生着变化跨界产品将成为趋势两者兼顾单反相机休闲西服用户需要怎样的电脑?一体机的发展空间2010-2015年AIO PCs出货量预测2009年全球出货量超过550万台年增长率高达57%势不可挡!数据来源于DisplaySearch据预测,2010年到2015年间一体机市场年复合成长率将达到13%Acer一体机从AZ5610 开始Aspire Z5610 AIO桌面计算机荣获2010美国消费性电子协会电脑硬件类创新设计奖目录一、AIO市场状况分析二、Acer AIO闪亮登场三、竞品分析Acer一体机新品闪亮登场2010Acer AIO 命名规则Z x x x xAcer 一体电脑AIO 英文定位5:23英寸,3:21.5英寸7:Intel,1:AMD 5:H57,3:G41,0:MCP781:带多点触控,0:不带触控如:Z5751:23吋+Intel Core i5650+多点触控Z3730:21吋+Intel 奔腾赛扬/双核+不触控40005000600070008000900010000产品定位及RoadMap价格一体机TOUCH 一体机功能低中高理性感性甜蜜之家成功人士科技达人AZ3730¥4099AZ5750AZ3751AZ57513999AZ3730¥4499AZ3730¥5099AZ3730¥5099蜗居一族目标客户群分析甜蜜之家成功人士科技达人他们关注的是。
笔记本电脑 Z62系列機種 说明书
本產品經由華碩電腦(以下稱:本公司)嚴密的品質管制,並經過出廠檢驗合格。如顧客 在正常使用情況下故障時,在本保證書記載內容範圍內,將提供您免費的保固服務。
1. 硬體:由本公司出貨之筆記型電腦產品本體:產品於出貨時如有提供復原光碟片(視地區而定)及驅動程式光碟片,本公司保證 能以復原光碟將指定之作業系統正確安裝在本產品上,並保證本機之硬體設備皆能正確運 作;除此以外,由使用者自行安裝或其它之軟體恕不在保固範圍內。請注意,隨機所附之 復原光碟因涉及版權問題,使用者因故遺失或毀損時本公司恕無法提供保固服務及接受付 費購買。
4. 送修時非必要之相關配件請勿連同機器寄回,若遺失恕本公司不負保管之責。 5. 送修產品若因軟體安裝設定、病毒、其它硬體設備衝突或保固貼紙、原廠序號條碼污損、
破損致無法辨識,或產品本身屬人為不當操作導致損壞、產品已超過保固期限,上述均不 在保固範圍內,華碩將另行報價收費。 6. 再次提醒您!!!請於送修前務必將您的重要資料先行備份,華碩僅負責產品之維修與檢測, 恕不提供資料救援與備份,對於送修過程中因任何因素而造成資料之遺失,本公司恕難負 責。
請務必保留產品外包裝 盒,以備將來運送電腦 時用以保護產品不致損壞。
本產品保固期為兩年, 唯電池等損耗性零件僅 提供一年期間之保固。
暫時不用電腦時,請同 時按下 <Fn> + <F7> 快捷鍵將液晶顯示螢幕背光 電源關閉,或是蓋下液晶螢 幕上蓋,以節省電源,同時 能延長液晶螢幕壽命,並可 避免沾染灰塵。
※當電腦正常運作或充電時,會將系統正常之發熱散逸到表 面,變壓器在正常使用時仍可能發出高熱,請勿將筆記型電 腦及變壓器長時間放置在膝上或是身體任一部位,以避免高 溫可能造成的身體不適。
Acer Aspire V5&V7产品手册v1
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防盗锁 电源适配器接口 HDMI接口 转接口 USB 3.0接口 隐藏式千兆网 (RJ-45) 接口
*请以最后出货配置为准 This document is the intellectual
*请以最后出货配置为准 This document is the intellectual
1Install the system into a rackInstallez le système dans un rackInstale el sistema en un rack2Connect the keyboard, mouse, and monitor(optional)Connectez le clavier, la souris et le moniteur (facultatif)Conecte el teclado, el ratón y el monitor (opcional)3Connect the GPUs to the host cardsConnectez les GPU aux cartes hôteConecte las GPU a las tarjetas de host4Connect the network ports to anexternal switchConnectez les ports réseau à un commutateur externeConecte los puertos de red al conmutador externo8Download the Quick Start Tool andDell Precision Appliance for Wyse User’sGuide for Dell Precision Rack 7910 from/supportPour Dell Precision Rack 7910, téléchargez l’outil de démarrage rapideet le guide d’utilisation de Dell Precision Appliance pour Wyse à partirdu site /supportDescargue Quick Start Tool y Dell Precision Appliance para la Guía deusuario de Wyse para Dell Precision Rack 7910 en /support5Connect the system to an electrical outletConnectez le système à une prise électriqueConecte el sistema a una toma de alimentación eléctrica6Loop and secure the power cable in theretention clipFormez une boucle et fixez le câble d’alimentation au clip de maintienEnrolle y fije el cable de alimentación con el gancho de retención7Power on the systemMettez le système sous tensionEncienda el sistema1. Power button/Power light2. Non-maskable interrupt(NMI) button 3. System identification button 4. VGA connector 5. LCD menu buttons6. Information tag7. LCD panel8. Hard drives9. vFlash media card slot 10. USB 2.0 connector 11. USB management port/iDRAC Direct 12. Optical drive (optional)13. System identification button 14. System identification connector15. iDRAC8 Enterprise port (optional)16. Host Card (optional)17. Serial connector 18. VGA connector 19. USB 3.0 connectors 20. Quadro GPU (optional)21. Network connectors 22. Power supply1. Bouton d’alimentation/Voyantd’alimentation 2. Bouton d’interruption nonmasquable (NMI)3. Bouton d’identification du système 4. Port VGA5. Boutons de menu de l’écrand’affichage LCD 6. Étiquette d’informations 7. Écran d’affichage LCD 8. Disques durs9. Logement pour cartemémoire vFlash 10. Port USB 2.011. Port de gestion USB/iDRAC Direct 12. Lecteur optique (en option)13. Bouton d’identification du système 14. Port d’identification du système 15. Port iDRAC8 Enterprise (en option)16. Carte hôte (en option)17. Port série 18. Port VGA 19. Ports USB 3.020. GPU Quadro (en option)21. Ports réseau 22. Alimentation1. Botón de alimentación/indicadorde alimentación 2. Botón de interrupción noenmascarable (NMI)3. Botón de identificación del sistema4. Conector VGA5. Botones del menú de lapantalla LCD 6. Etiqueta informativa 7. Panel de la pantalla LCD 8. Unidades de disco duro 9. Ranura de la tarjeta demedios vFlash 10. Conector USB 2.011. Puerto de gestión USB/DirectoiDRAC 12. Unidad óptica (opcional)13. Botón de identificación del sistema 14. Conector de identificacióndel sistema 15. Puerto iDRAC8 Enterprise(opcional)16. Tarjeta de host (opcional)17. Conector serie 18. Conector VGA 19. Conectores USB 3.020. GPU Quadro (opcional)21. Conectores de red 22. Fuente de alimentaciónFeaturesCaractéristiques | FuncionesProduct support and manuals Support produits et manuelsManuales y soporte técnico de productos /support/support/manualsContact Dell Contacter DellPóngase en contacto con Dell /contactdellRegulatory and safetyRéglementations et sécuritéNormativa y seguridad /regulatory_complianceRegulatory model Modèle réglementaire Modelo normativo E31SRegulatory type Type réglementaire Tipo normativo E31S001Computer modelModèle de l’ordinateur Modelo de equipoDell Precision Appliance for Wyse© 2015 Dell Inc.Printed in China.2015-03Información para NOM, o Norma Oficial MexicanaLa información que se proporciona a continuación se mostrará en los dispositivos que se describen en este documento, en conformidad con los requisitos de la Norma Oficial Mexicana (NOM):Importador:Dell México S.A. de C.V.Paseo de la Reforma 2620 - Piso 11.° Col. Lomas Altas 11950 México, D.F.Número de modelo reglamentario:E31SVoltaje de entrada:100 V CA–240 V CA / 200 V CA–240 V CA /48-60 VDCCorriente de entrada (máxima):12 A–6,5 A (x2) / 10 A–5 A (x2) / 6,5 A–3 A (x2) /5 A (x2) / 32 A (x2)Frecuencia de entrada:50 Hz–60 Hzpour de plus amples informations sur la configuration du GPUPara obtener más información acerca de la configuración de la GPU。
目前,我们已经拿到了一颗ivyBridge核心的处理器——corei7-3770K,这款主频为3.5GHz的处理器泄露出来的报价在2500至3000之间,接口为intelLGa1155标准——这和目前的SandyBridge 接口相同,而芯片组方面与其匹配的型号已经上升到了7系,目前已经有样品的是z77,本次测试我们将选用z77主板作为测试平台。
身为这股改革潮流中的领导者之一,华硕的使命是藉由提供不断创新的IT 解决方案,激励华硕的使用者发挥最大潜能。
WinFas 9300DDR Socket 370 主机板 说明书
Socket 370使用手冊KM1USB1MOC1NC著作權© 2001 麗臺科技股份有限公司。
WinFast® 是麗臺科技股份有限公司的註冊商標。
麗臺科技股份有限公司台灣總部台灣 (235)臺北縣㆗和市建㆒路166號18樓電話:+886-2-8226-5800傳真:+886-2-8226-5801E-mail:*******************.tw 美國分公司46721 Fremont Blvd., Fremont, CA94538, U.S.A. 電話:+1-510-490-8076 傳真:+1-510-490-7759 歐洲分公司Antennestraat 16 1322 AB,Almere, The NetherlandsTel: +31-036-5365578Fax: +31-036-5362215http://www.leadtek.nlWinFast 9300DDR 使用手冊A 版CODE:LR51102001 年 8 月 P/N:W0500425目錄1.簡介 (1)1.1規格 (1)1.2包裝內容 (2)2.快速設定 (3)2.1跳線與連接頭 (3)2.2WinFast 9300DDR 主機板配置圖 (4)2.3跳線設定 (5)3.硬體安裝 (6)3.1安裝㆗央處理器 (CPU) (6)3.2安裝記憶體 (7)3.3安裝 AGP 顯示卡 (7)3.4各連接器連接方式 (8)4.BIOS 設定 (11)4.1主功能表 (11)4.2Standard CMOS Features (標準 CMOS 功能設定) (11)4.3Advanced BIOS Features (BIOS功能參數進階設定) (14)4.4Advanced Chipset Features (晶片組功能參數進階設定) (16)4.5Integrated Peripherals (整合周邊裝置) (19)4.6Power Management Setup (電源管理設定) (22)4.7PnP/PCI Configurations (PnP/PCI組態設定) (25)4.8PC Health Status (電腦狀況監視) (26)4.9X-BIOS II < Over Clocking > (27)4.10Load Basic Defaults (載入BIOS基本預設參數值) (28)4.11Load Best Defaults (載入BIOS最佳預設參數值) (28)4.12Set Supervisor/User Password (設定密碼) (28)4.13Save & Exit Setup (儲存設定並離開設定選單) (28)4.14Exit Without Saving (不儲存設定並離開設定選單) (28)5.安裝驅動程式 (29)5.1安裝晶片組驅動程式 (29)5.2安裝音效晶片驅動程式 (30)5.3安裝 DirectX 8.x (31)5.4安裝 Acrobat 公用程式 (31)附錄 A.BIOS 更新公用程式 (32)附錄 B.故障排除 (32)附錄 C.技術支援 (33)附錄 D.美國聯邦通訊委員會規範 (34)附錄 E.有限保證 (34)附錄 F.偵錯流程 (35)1. 簡介WinFast 9300DDR 是使用 Socket 370 插槽的 ATX 主機板,含有㆒個 AGP 擴充槽,對於使用 Socket 370 處理器的桌㆖型電腦,提供了高效能/價格比的解決方案。
英特尔的一些经典广告语 给电脑一颗奔腾的芯
据说英特尔公司为了推出自己的奔腾品牌,曾给各大电脑公司5%的返利,就是为了在他们的产品和包装上贴上intel inside的字样,而给电脑一颗奔腾的芯则一语双关,既突出了品牌又贴切地体现了奔腾微处理器功能和澎湃的驱动力。
在店面摆放一个传统 手电筒和一个LED手 电筒,传统手电筒需 要2或3节1号大电池 供电,而LED手电筒 只需要1或2节5号小 电池供电,以此来体 现LED的省电特性。
店面可以摆放一根 DDR3的内存条和一根 DDR2的内存条,让顾 客清晰看到接口的变 化,以此说明如果现 在仍然购买配DDR2内 存的电脑,以后将无 法升级。
LED背光屏是最新的 电脑显示技术,以 后将替代传统的 LCD,现在联想大部 分笔记本都已经采 用LED背光屏,而其 他品牌要么没有, 要么都是万元以游戏是更快 1、速度更快 2、延长笔记本 DDR3内存 2、省电 电池续航时间 (V550/V450 3、新平台,不 3、真正能够发 /Y330) 同的接口 挥高端CPU的性 能,且接口变化 是更新换代的趋 势
FABS分析 利益(B)
1、使用寿命 长,不易损坏, 可以放心使用; 1、耐久耐用 2、省电,延长 LED背光液晶 2、节能 笔记本电池续航 屏 3、无汞害 时间 (V550/V450 4、色彩更加绚 3、保护自己和 /U330) 丽 家人健康 5、体积小 4、画面清晰, 看得更清更真 5、让笔记本的 V系列核心 屏幕更加轻薄 卖点
系列 卖点(F) 功能特性(A)
1、 DDR3是新一代 的内存,接口和 DDR2已经完全不同 了,您如果现在仍 然购买配DDR2内存 的电脑以后就无法 升级了!所以,现 在要买就买DDR3内 存的电脑!
Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory 100 Series 产品指南说
Figure 1. Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Module (DCPMM)Did you know?Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory modules (DCPMMs) have the form factor of a DDR4 DIMM, but the persistence and capacity of data storage of a solid-state drive. This means the DCPMMs have performance characteristics similar to that of TruDDR4 DIMMs, the storage capacity of an SSD, and the ability to stay active after a power cycle or reboot of the server. These features open up a new way of performing data I/O to application developers and new levels of server performance to customers.Click here to check for updatesFigure 2. Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Module (top) and Lenovo TruDDR4 DIMM (bottom) BenefitsIntel Optane DC Persistent Memory provides benefits in the following application types:Larger memory footprint: For applications with performance characteristics that place greateremphasis on memory capacity over memory bandwidth or memory latency, the use of DCPMMs can mean a significant increase in overall system performance compared to the use of TruDDR4DIMMs.Cloud and Infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) applicationsMore virtual machines and cloud containers per serverLarger memory allocation to each VMIn-memory databases: With DCPMMs, database applications have store much larger databases in persistent memory rather than on disk, and database performance will be improved significantly. For existing applications that use system RAM for in-memory databases, the use of persistent memory will mean no delays at boot time having to copy the databases from disk into memory.Storage caching layers: TruDDR4 DIMMs can be used for the fastest memory access - bestthroughput and lowest latency, and DCPMMs can be used for the caching layer that offers memory-like performance with the persistence of SSD storage.NFV infrastructure: Network Function Virtualization (NFV) can make use of increased memorycapacity and performance with the addition of DCPMMs.The following figure shows DCPMMs and TruDDR4 DIMMs installed in the system board of a ThinkSystem SR950. In this full configuration, there is one DCPMM and one TruDDR4 DIMM installed in each memorychannel (6 DCPMMs and 6 DIMMs per processor).Figure 3. Intel Optane DCPMMs installed in a ThinkSystem SR950 system boardApp Direct Mode requirementsThe following table lists the supported combinations in App Direct mode.Table 3. App Direct Mode requirementsTotal RDIMMs per CPU Total PMem per CPU Total Available Memory per CPU*Quantity of memory RDIMMs(per CPU)Quantity of PMem modules (per CPU)16GB 1Rx416GB 2Rx832GB 64GB 64GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB PMem 256GB PMem 512GB PMem 96 GB 128 GB 224 GB 6 1 96 GB 128 GB 224 GB 6 1 192 GB 128 GB 320 GB 6 1 384 GB 128 GB 512 GB 6 1 384 GB 128 GB 512 GB 6 1 768 GB 128 GB 896 GB 61 96 GB 256 GB 352 GB 6 1 96 GB 256 GB 352 GB 6 1 192 GB 256 GB 448 GB 6 1 384 GB 256 GB 640 GB 6 1 384 GB256 GB640 GB61768 GB 256 GB 1 TB 6 1 96 GB 512 GB 608 GB 6 196 GB 512 GB 608 GB 6 1192 GB 512 GB 704 GB 6 1384 GB 512 GB 896 GB 6 1384 GB 512 GB 896 GB 6 1768 GB 512 GB 1.25 TB 6 164 GB 256 GB 320 GB 4 2 64 GB 256 GB 320 GB 4 2 128 GB 256 GB 384 GB 4 2 256 GB 256 GB 512 GB 4 2 256 GB 256 GB 512 GB 4 2 512 GB 256 GB 768 GB 42 64 GB 512 GB 576 GB 4 2 64 GB 512 GB 576 GB 4 2 128 GB 512 GB 640 GB 4 2 256 GB 512 GB 768 GB 4 2 256 GB 512 GB 768 GB 4 2 512 GB 512 GB 1 TB 4 2 64 GB 1 TB 1.063 TB 4 264 GB 1 TB 1.063 TB 4 2128 GB 1 TB 1.125 TB 4 2256 GB 1 TB 1.25 TB 4 2256 GB 1 TB 1.25 TB 4 2512 GB 1 TB 1.5 TB 4 296 GB 256 GB 352 GB 6 2 96 GB 256 GB 352 GB 6 2 192 GB 256 GB 448 GB 6 2 384 GB 256 GB 640 GB 6 2 384 GB 256 GB 640 GB 6 2 768 GB 256 GB 1 TB 62 96 GB 512 GB 608 GB 6 2 96 GB 512 GB 608 GB 6 2 192 GB 512 GB 704 GB 6 2 384 GB 512 GB 896 GB 6 2 384 GB 512 GB 896 GB 6 2 768 GB 512 GB 1.25 TB 6 2 96 GB 1 TB 1.094 TB 6 296 GB 1 TB 1.094 TB 6 2192 GB 1 TB 1.188 TB 6 2384 GB 1 TB 1.375 TB 6 2384 GB 1 TB 1.375 TB 6 2768 GB1 TB1.75 TB62Total RDIMMs per CPU Total PMem per CPU Total Available Memory per CPU*(per CPU)modules (per CPU)16GB 1Rx416GB 2Rx832GB 64GB 64GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB PMem 256GB PMem 512GB PMem128 GB 256 GB 384 GB 8 2 128 GB 256 GB 384 GB 8 2 256 GB 256 GB 512 GB 8 2 512 GB 256 GB 768 GB 8 2 512 GB 256 GB 768 GB 8 2 1 TB 256 GB 1.25 TB 82 128 GB 512 GB 640 GB 8 2 128 GB 512 GB 640 GB 8 2 256 GB 512 GB 768 GB 8 2 512 GB 512 GB 1 TB 8 2 512 GB 512 GB 1 TB 8 2 1 TB 512 GB 1.5 TB 8 2 128 GB 1 TB 1.125 TB 8 2128 GB 1 TB 1.125 TB 8 2256 GB 1 TB 1.25 TB 8 2512 GB 1 TB 1.5 TB 8 2512 GB 1 TB 1.5 TB 8 21 TB 1 TB 2 TB 8 296 GB 512 GB 608 GB 6 4 96 GB 512 GB 608 GB 6 4 192 GB 512 GB 704 GB 6 4 384 GB 512 GB 896 GB 6 4 384 GB 512 GB 896 GB 6 4 768 GB 512 GB 1.25 TB 64 96 GB 1 TB 1.094 TB 6 4 96 GB 1 TB 1.094 TB 6 4 192 GB 1 TB 1.188 TB 6 4 384 GB 1 TB 1.375 TB 6 4 384 GB 1 TB 1.375 TB 6 4 768 GB 1 TB 1.75 TB 6 4 96 GB 2 TB 2.094 TB 6 496 GB 2 TB 2.094 TB 6 4192 GB 2 TB 2.188 TB 6 4384 GB 2 TB 2.375 TB 6 4384 GB 2 TB 2.375 TB 6 4768 GB 2 TB 2.75 TB 6 496 GB 768 GB 864 GB 6 6 96 GB 768 GB 864 GB 6 6 192 GB 768 GB 960 GB 6 6 384 GB 768 GB 1.125 TB 6 6 384 GB 768 GB 1.125 TB 6 6 768 GB 768 GB 1.5 TB 66 96 GB1.5 TB1.594 TB66Total RDIMMs per CPU Total PMem per CPU Total Available Memory per CPU*(per CPU)modules (per CPU)16GB 1Rx416GB 2Rx832GB 64GB 64GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB PMem 256GB PMem 512GB PMem256 GB 512 GB 512 GB 1:2 4 2 256 GB 512 GB 512 GB 1:2 4 2 64 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:164 264 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:16 4 2128 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:8 4 2256 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:4 4 2256 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:4 4 2512 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:2 4 296 GB 256 GB 256 GB 1:2.676 2 96 GB 256 GB 256 GB 1:2.67 6 2 96 GB 512 GB 512 GB 1:5.336 2 96 GB 512 GB 512 GB 1:5.33 6 2 192 GB 512 GB 512 GB 1:2.67 6 2 96 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:10.676 296 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:10.67 6 2192 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:5.33 6 2384 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:2.67 6 2384 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:2.67 6 296 GB 512 GB 512 GB 1:5.336 4 96 GB 512 GB 512 GB 1:5.33 6 4 192 GB 512 GB 512 GB 1:2.67 6 4 96 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:10.676 4 96 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:10.67 6 4 192 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:5.33 6 4 384 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:2.67 6 4 384 GB 1 TB 1 TB 1:2.67 6 4 192 GB 2 TB 2 TB 1:10.67 6 4384 GB 2 TB 2 TB 1:5.33 6 4384 GB 2 TB 2 TB 1:5.33 6 4768 GB 2 TB 2 TB 1:2.67 6 496 GB 768 GB 768 GB 1:86 6 96 GB 768 GB 768 GB 1:8 6 6 192 GB 768 GB 768 GB 1:4 6 6 384 GB 768 GB 768 GB 1:2 6 6 384 GB 768 GB 768 GB 1:2 6 6 96 GB 1.5 TB 1.5 TB 1:166 6 96 GB 1.5 TB 1.5 TB 1:16 6 6 192 GB 1.5 TB 1.5 TB 1:8 6 6 384 GB 1.5 TB 1.5 TB 1:4 6 6 384 GB 1.5 TB 1.5 TB 1:4 6 6 768 GB 1.5 TB 1.5 TB 1:2 6 6 192 GB 3 TB 3 TB 1:16 6 6384 GB3 TB3 TB1:866Total RDIMMs per CPU Total PMem per CPU TotalAvailable Memory per CPU*Ratio (RDIMM:Pmem)†(per CPU)modules (per CPU)16GB 1Rx416GB 2Rx832GB 64GB 64GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB PMem 256GB PMem 512GB PMem384 GB 3 TB 3 TB 1:8 6 6768 GB3 TB3 TB1:466Total RDIMMs per CPU Total PMem per CPU TotalAvailable Memory per CPU*Ratio (RDIMM:Pmem)†Quantity of memory RDIMMs(per CPU)Quantity of PMem modules (per CPU)16GB 1Rx416GB 2Rx832GB 64GB 64GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB 3DS RDIMM 128GB PMem 256GB PMem 512GB PMem * In Memory Mode, the available memory = persistent memory installed. The actual user capacity of PMem modules is less than the stated amount. For example, a 128GB PMem module has 126.7GB usable storage.† Ratio of system memory to persistent memory, RDIMM:PMem; Memory Mode only supports DIMM:Pmem ratios of between 1:2 and 1:16. Ratios between 1:2 and 1:4 require the latest firmware.Mixed Mode requirementsMixed Memory Mode is a combination of Memory Mode and App Direct Mode, where a portion of the capacity of the DCPMMs is used for the Memory Mode operations, and the remaining capacity of the DCPMMs is used for the App Direct Mode operations.In Mixed Mode, all installed TruDDR4 DIMMs are hidden from the operating system and act as a caching layer for portion of the DCPMMs in Memory Mode. Like Memory Mode, the ratio of total of the memory DIMMs to the total of the volatile (memory) portion of DCPMMs should be between 1:4 and 1:16.When you enable Mixed Memory Mode in UEFI or you specify Mixed Memory Mode when building a CTO (configure-to-order) configuration (feature B52A), you will also be asked to specify the percentage of the DCPMM total capacity will be allocated to Memory Mode. The remaining DCPMM capacity will be allocated to App Direct Mode.The following tables show the allowed percentage for each DCPMM part number and what the effective amount of App Direct persistent memory will be available to applications. Only a set number of percentages are available to choose from and the amount of App Direct persistent memory that is allocated will be in increments of 32 GB multiplied by the number of DCPMMs installed.Table 5. Available ratios available for Mixed Mode - 128 GB DCPMMVolatile memory percentage requested (selected in UEFI or quantity of feature code B52D selected in CTO):Resulting Persistent percentage calculated (quantity of feature code B52E in CTO)DCPMM capacity reserved forApp Direct Mode DCPMM capacity reserved for Memory Mode 24%76%96 GB 32 GB 49%51%64 GB 64 GB 75%25%32 GB96 GBTable 6. Available ratios available for Mixed Mode - 256 GB DCPMMVolatile memory percentage requested (selected in UEFI or quantity of feature code B52D selected in CTO):Resulting Persistentpercentage calculated(quantity of feature codeB52E in CTO)DCPMMcapacityreserved forApp Direct ModeDCPMMcapacityreserved forMemory Mode11%89%224 GB32 GB 24%76%192 GB64 GB 37%63%160 GB96 GB 49%51%128 GB128 GB 62%38%96 GB160 GB 75%25%64 GB192 GB 87%13%32 GB224 GBTable 7. Available ratios available for Mixed Mode - 512 GB DCPMMVolatile memory percentage requested (selected in UEFI or quantity of feature code B52D selected in CTO):Resulting Persistentpercentage calculated(quantity of feature codeB52E in CTO)DCPMMcapacityreserved forApp Direct ModeDCPMMcapacityreserved forMemory Mode4%96%480 GB32 GB11%89%448 GB64 GB17%83%416 GB96 GB24%76%384 GB128 GB30%70%352 GB160 GB36%64%320 GB192 GB43%57%288 GB224 GB49%51%256 GB256 GB55%45%224 GB288 GB62%38%192 GB320 GB68%32%160 GB352 GB75%25%128 GB384 GB81%19%96 GB416 GB87%13%64 GB448 GB94%6%32 GB480 GBThe following table shows the supported combinations of DCPMMs and DIMMs. The key requirement for support is ensuring that the ratio of the total memory DIMMs capacity to the total of the volatile (memory) portion of DCPMMs should be between 1:2 and 1:16. Ratios between 1:2 and 1:4 require the latest firmware.Table 8. Mixed Mode requirementsTotal RDIMMs per CPU Total PMemper CPURatio(RDIMM:Pmem)†Quantity of memory RDIMMs(per CPU)Quantity of PMemmodules (per CPU)16GB1Rx416GB2Rx832GB64GB64GB3DSRDIMM128GB3DSRDIMM128GBPMem256GBPMem512GBPMem64 GB512 GB1:84264 GB512 GB1:842128 GB512 GB1:44264 GB 1 TB1:1642 64 GB 1 TB1:1642 128 GB 1 TB1:842 256 GB 1 TB1:442 256 GB 1 TB1:442 96 GB256 GB1:2.676296 GB256 GB1:2.676296 GB512 GB1:5.336296 GB512 GB1:5.3362192 GB512 GB1:2.676296 GB 1 TB1:10.6762 96 GB 1 TB1:10.6762 192 GB 1 TB1:5.3362 384 GB 1 TB1:2.6762 384 GB 1 TB1:2.6762 96 GB512 GB1:5.336496 GB512 GB1:5.3364192 GB512 GB1:2.676496 GB 1 TB1:10.676496 GB 1 TB1:10.6764192 GB 1 TB1:5.3364384 GB 1 TB1:2.6764384 GB 1 TB1:2.676496 GB 2 TB1:21.3364 96 GB 2 TB1:21.3364 192 GB 2 TB1:10.6764 384 GB 2 TB1:5.3364 384 GB 2 TB1:5.3364 768 GB 2 TB1:2.6764 96 GB768 GB1:86696 GB768 GB1:866192 GB768 GB1:46696 GB 1.5 TB1:166696 GB 1.5 TB1:1666192 GB 1.5 TB1:866384 GB 1.5 TB1:466384 GB 1.5 TB1:46696 GB 3 TB1:3266Server supportIntel Optane DC Persistent Memory is only supported in servers with second-generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. The following table lists the ThinkSystem servers that are compatible.The following tables list the ThinkSystem servers that are compatible.Table 10. Server support (Part 1 of 3)PartNumber Description Edge1S IntelV2AMD V3Intel V34ZC7A15110ThinkSystem 128GB TruDDR42666MHz (1.2V) Intel Optane DCPersistent MemoryN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N4ZC7A15111ThinkSystem 256GB TruDDR42666MHz (1.2V) Intel Optane DCPersistent MemoryN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N4ZC7A15112ThinkSystem 512GB TruDDR42666MHz (1.2V) Intel Optane DCPersistent Memory N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SE35(7Z46/7D1X)SE35V2(7DA9)SE36V2(7DAM)SE45(7D8T)SE455V3(7DBY)ST5V2(7D8K/7D8J)ST25V2(7D8G/7D8F)SR25V2(7D7R/7D7Q)SR635V3(7D9H/7D9G)SR655V3(7D9F/7D9E)SR645V3(7D9D/7D9C)SR665V3(7D9B/7D9A)SR675V3(7D9Q/7D9R)ST65V3(7D7B/7D7A)SR63V3(7D72/7D73)SR65V3(7D75/7D76)SR85V3(7D97/7D96)SR86V3(7D94/7D93)SR95V3(7DC5/7DC4)Table 11. Server support (Part 2 of 3)Part NumberDescriptionDense V32S Intel V2AMD V1Dense V24S V28S4ZC7A15110ThinkSystem 128GBTruDDR4 2666MHz (1.2V)Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NY 4ZC7A15111ThinkSystem 256GBTruDDR4 2666MHz (1.2V)Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NY 4ZC7A15112ThinkSystem 512GBTruDDR4 2666MHz (1.2V)Intel Optane DC Persistent MemoryN N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N NYTable 12. Server support (Part 3 of 3)Part NumberDescription4S V11S Intel V12S Intel V1Dense V14ZC7A15110ThinkSystem 128GB TruDDR42666MHz (1.2V) Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Y Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y4ZC7A15111ThinkSystem 256GB TruDDR42666MHz (1.2V) Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Y Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y4ZC7A15112ThinkSystem 512GB TruDDR42666MHz (1.2V) Intel Optane DC Persistent MemoryY Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y N Y N Y YMost ThinkSystem servers have 12 DIMM slots per processor and 2 DIMMs per channel across all channels, thereby supporting 1 DCPMM in every memory channel. However, some servers have fewer slots, and as a result, not all combinations of DIMMs and DCPMMs are supported.S D 665 V 3 (7D 9P )S D 665-N V 3 (7D A Z )S D 650 V 3 (7D 7M )S D 650-I V 3 (7D 7L )S T 650 V 2 (7Z 75 / 7Z 74)S R 630 V 2 (7Z 70 / 7Z 71)S R 650 V 2 (7Z 72 / 7Z 73)S R 670 V 2 (7Z 22 / 7Z 23)S R 635 (7Y 98 / 7Y 99)S R 655 (7Y 00 / 7Z 01)S R 655 C l i e n t O S S R 645 (7D 2Y / 7D 2X )S R 665 (7D 2W / 7D 2V )S D 630 V 2 (7D 1K )S D 650 V 2 (7D 1M )S D 650-N V 2 (7D 1N )S N 550 V 2 (7Z 69)S R 850 V 2 (7D 31 / 7D 32)S R 860 V 2 (7Z 59 / 7Z 60)S R 950 (7X 11 / 7X 12)S R 850 (7X 18 / 7X 19)S R 850P (7D 2F / 2D 2G )S R 860 (7X 69 / 7X 70)S T 50 (7Y 48 / 7Y 50)S T 250 (7Y 45 / 7Y 46)S R 150 (7Y 54)S R 250 (7Y 52 / 7Y 51)S T 550 (7X 09 / 7X 10)S R 530 (7X 07 / 7X 08)S R 550 (7X 03 / 7X 04)S R 570 (7Y 02 / 7Y 03)S R 590 (7X 98 / 7X 99)S R 630 (7X 01 / 7X 02)S R 650 (7X 05 / 7X 06)S R 670 (7Y 36 / 7Y 37)S D 530 (7X 21)S D 650 (7X 58)S N 550 (7X 16)S N 850 (7X 15)TrademarksLenovo and the Lenovo logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both. A current list of Lenovo trademarks is available on the Web athttps:///us/en/legal/copytrade/.The following terms are trademarks of Lenovo in the United States, other countries, or both:Lenovo®ThinkSystem®TruDDR4XClarity®The following terms are trademarks of other companies:Intel®, Intel Optane™, and Xeon® are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries.Linux® is the trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.Microsoft®, Windows Server®, and Windows® are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.Intel Optane Persistent Memory 100 Series (withdrawn product)21。
惠普 Z 系列显示器指南说明书
Reference guideHP Z Displays Quick reference guideHP Z22i IPS Display HP Z23i IPS DisplayOverview Get outstanding image accuracy, exceptional adjustability,and mission-critical reliability optimized for commercialenvironments.Get brilliant image accuracy, exceptional comfort, energy savings and mission-critical reliability optimized for commercial environments.Panel type IPS, LED Backlit IPS, LED BacklitViewable image area54.61 cm (21.5 in) widescreen; diagonally measured58.42 cm (23 in) widescreen; diagonally measuredViewing angle Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degrees Horizontal: 178 degrees Vertical: 178 degreesBrightness1250 cd/m2250 cd/m2Contrast ratio1Static: 1000:1Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Static: 1000:1 Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Response rate1 (gray to gray)8 ms8 msFrequency Horizontal: 24 -94 kHzVertical: 50 -76 Hz Horizontal: 24 -94 kHz Vertical: 50 -76 HzAspect ratio16:916:9Native resolution1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz1920 x 1080 @ 60 HzInput signal(1) DVI-D(1) DisplayPort(1) VGAHDCP support on DVI-D and DisplayPort (1) DVI-D(1) DisplayPort(1) VGAHDCP support on DVI-D and DisplayPortUSB ports Integrated USB 2.0 hub with two downstreamand one upstream ports Integrated USB 2.0 hub with two downstream and one upstream portsAdjustability Tilt: -5° to +30°Swivel: 360°Height Adjustable: 150 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Tilt: -5° to +30°Swivel: 360°Height Adjustable: 150 mm Pivot Rotation: 90°Dimensions (W x D x H)With stand: 50.9 x 23.7 x 46 cm (20.05 x 9.34 x 18.12 in)With stand: 54.4 x 24.29 x 46.99 cm (21.4 x 9.5 x 18.5 in) Weight With stand: 5.82 kg (12.84 lb)With stand: 6.4 kg (14.1 lb)Certification and compliance CE, CB, CEL Grade 1, KC, KCC, NOM, PSB, ICE, TUV-S, CCC, CECP,SEPA, TCO 6.0+Edge, EPA, ISC, VCCI, FCC, HSMI, MicrosoftWHQL Certification (Windows 8 and Windows 7), ENERGYSTAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2 (select regions)CB, CE, CEL Grade 1, TUV, GS, TCO, GOST, CUL, FCC, E-Star 5.0, CSA, NOM, S-Mark, VCCI, MIC, PSB, ISC, CCC, BSMI,C-Tick, ICES, Microsoft WHQL Certification (Windows 8 and Windows 7), ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2 (select regions), TCO Edge CertifiedWarranty Protected by HP, including 3 year standard limited warranty.Optional HP Care Pack Services3 are extended servicecontracts that extend your protection beyond the standardlimited warranties.Protected by HP, including 3 year standard limited warranty. Optional HP Care Pack Services3 are extended service contracts that extend your protection beyond the standard limited warranties.Meet ourHP Z Displays Family—Compare features High Definition2HP Z24n Narrow Bezel IPS Display HP Z24nf Narrow Bezel IPS Display HP Z24nq Narrow Bezel IPS Display Overview Create a seamless multi-display array with virtually borderless screens7 thanks to the ultra-thin bezel. Enjoy factory color calibration and flexible connectivity. Daisy chain multiple displays with just one connection with the DisplayPort output.Panel type IPS, LED Backlit IPS, LED Backlit IPS, LED BacklitViewable image area 61.13 cm (24-inch) widescreen;diagonally measured60.45 cm (23.8-inch) widescreen;diagonally measured60.45 cm (23.8-inch) widescreen;diagonally measuredViewing angle Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degrees Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degreesHorizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degreesBrightness1300 cd/m2250 cd/m2300 cd/m2Contrast ratio1Static: 1000:1Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Static: 1000:1Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Static: 1000:1Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Response rate1(gray to gray)14 ms8 ms8 msFrequency Horizontal: 30-75 kHzVertical: 50-60 Hz Horizontal: 30-75 kHzVertical: 50-60 HzHorizontal: 30-90 kHzVertical: 50-60 HzAspect ratio16:1016:916:9Native resolution1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz2560 x 1440 @ 60 HzInput signal(1) DVI-D(1) MHL 2.05/HDMI 1.4(2) DisplayPort 1.2 (one in and one out)(1) Mini-DisplayPortHDCP support on all inputs (1) DVI-D(1) MHL 2.05/HDMI 1.4(2) DisplayPort 1.2 (one in and one out)(1) Mini-DisplayPortHDCP support on all inputs(1) DVI-D(1) MHL 2.05/HDMI 1.4(2) DisplayPort 1.2 (one in and one out)(1) Mini-DisplayPortHDCP support on all inputsUSB ports(5) USB 3.0 [four downstream(one fast charging) and one upstream](5) USB 3.0 [four downstream(one fast charging) and one upstream](5) USB 3.0 [four downstream(one fast charging) and one upstream]Adjustability Tilt: -5° to +22°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 130 +/-3 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Tilt: -2° to +22°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 130 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Tilt: -2° to +22°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 130 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Dimensions (W x D x H)With stand: 53.38 x 21.01 x 52.02 cm(21.01 x 8.27 x 20.4 in)With stand: 54.06 x 21.01 x 50.55 cm(21.28 x 8.27 x 19.90 in)With stand: 54.06 x 21.01 x 50.56 cm(21.28 x 8.27 x 19.9 in)Weight With stand: 5.78 kg (12.71 lb)With stand: 5.2 kg (11.46 lb)With stand: 5.5 kg (12.11 lb)Certification and compliance TCO Certified, TCO Certified EDGE, CELGrade 1, ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT®Gold2, CB, TUV/GS, TUV/Ergo, TUV-S, UL,CCC, CECP, SEPA, BSMI, CE, FCC(Canada),BSMI ,KC ,VCCI ,C-Tick, Microsoft WHQLCertification (Windows 8.1, Windows 8,and Windows 7); SmartWay TransportPartnership (NA)TCO Certified, CEL Grade 2, ENERGY STAR®Certified, EPEAT® Gold2, CB; TUV/GS; TUV/Ergo; TUV-S; UL; TCO Edge; CCC; CECP; CEL;SEPA; BSMI; CE; FCC(Canada); BSMI; KC;VCCI; C-Tick; Microsoft WHQL Certification(Windows 8.1 and Windows 7); SmartWayTransport Partnership (NA)TCO Certified, TCO Certified EDGE, CEL Grade1, ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2,CB, TUV/GS, TUV/Ergo, TUV-S, UL, CCC,CECP, SEPA, BSMI, CE, FCC(Canada), BSMI ,KC,VCCI ,C-Tick, Microsoft WHQL Certification(Windows 8.1, Windows 8, and Windows 7);SmartWay Transport Partnership (NA)Warranty Protected by HP, including 3 year standardlimited warranty. Optional HP Care PackServices3 are extended service contractsthat extend your protection beyond thestandard limited warranties.Protected by HP, including 3 year standardlimited warranty. Optional HP Care PackServices3 are extended service contractsthat extend your protection beyond thestandard limited warranties.Protected by HP, including 3 year standardlimited warranty. Optional HP Care PackServices3 are extended service contracts thatextend your protection beyond the standardlimited warranties.Meet ourHP Z Displays Family—Compare featuresHigh Definition - Narrow Bezel3HP Z25n Narrow Bezel IPS Display HP Z27n Narrow Bezel IPS DisplayOverview Enable a virtually borderless panorama of multiple displays7 with edge-to-edge screens for maximum Quad HD impactthanks to the ultra-thin bezel. Enjoy factory color calibration and flexible connectivity. Daisy chain multiple displays withjust one connection with the DisplayPort output.Panel type IPS, LED Backlit IPS, LED BacklitViewable image area63.44 cm (25-inch) widescreen; diagonally measured68.47 cm (27-inch) widescreen; diagonally measuredViewing angle Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degrees Horizontal: 178 degrees Vertical: 178 degreesBrightness1350 cd/m2350 cd/m2Contrast ratio1Static: 1000:1Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Static: 1000:1 Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Response rate1 (gray to gray)14 ms14 msFrequency Horizontal: 30-90 kHzVertical: 50-60 Hz Horizontal: 30-90 kHz Vertical: 50-60 HzAspect ratio16:916:9Native resolution2560 x 1440 @ 60 Hz2560 x 1440 @ 60 HzInput signal(1) DVI-D(1) MHL 2.05/HDMI 1.4(2) DisplayPort 1.2 (one in and one out)(1) Mini DisplayPortHDCP support on all inputs (1) DVI-D(1) MHL 2.05/HDMI 1.4(2) DisplayPort 1.2 (one in and one out) (1) Mini-DisplayPortHDCP support on all inputsUSB ports(5) USB 3.0 [four downstream(one fast charging) and one upstream](5) USB 3.0 [four downstream(one fast charging) and one upstream]Adjustability Tilt: -5° to +22°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 130 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Tilt: -5° to +22°Swivel: 45°L to 45°R Height Adjustable: 130 mm Pivot Rotation: 90°Dimensions (W x D x H)With stand: 57.05 x 21.82 x 52.15 cm(22.5 x 8.6 x 20.5 in)With stand: 61.43 x 21.82 x 53.37 cm (24.2 x 8.6 x 21.0 in)Weight7.23 kg (15.9 lb)7.66 kg (16.89 lb)Certification and compliance ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2, TCO Edge, TCO,China Energy Label Grade 1, CB, TUV/GS, TUV/Ergo, TUV-S,UL, CCC, CECP, SEPA, BSMI, For EMI, CE, FCC(Canada), BSMI,KC ,VCCI ,C-Tick, SmartWay Transport Partnership - NA only,Microsoft WHQL Certification (Windows 8.1, Windows 8,Windows 7)TCO Certified, CEL Grade 2, ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2, CB; TUV/GS; TUV/Ergo; TUV-S; UL; TCO Edge; CCC; CECP; CEL; SEPA; BSMI; CE; FCC(Canada); BSMI; KC; VCCI; C-Tick; Microsoft WHQL Certification (Windows 8.1 and Windows 7); SmartWay Transport Partnership (NAWarranty Protected by HP, including 3 year standard limited warranty.Optional HP Care Pack Services3 are extended servicecontracts that extend your protection beyond the standardlimited warranties.Protected by HP, including 3 year standard limited warranty. Optional HP Care Pack Services3 are extended service contracts that extend your protection beyond the standard limited warranties.Meet ourHP Z Displays Family—Compare featuresHigh Definition - Narrow Bezel4HP Z24s IPS UHD 4K Display HP Z27s IPS UHD 4K Display HP Z27q 27-inch IPS 5K DisplayOverview Experience ultra-high definition/4K4 image presentation and factory-calibrated color accuracy out of the box.Redefine life image presentation, featuring astounding 5K resolution plus a massive 14.7 MP and 218 ppi.Panel type IPS 4K, LED Backlit IPS 4K, LED Backlit IPS 5K, LED BacklitViewable image area 60.45 cm (23.8-inch) widescreen;diagonally measured68.4 cm (26.9-inch) widescreen;diagonally measured68.6 cm (27-inch) widescreen;diagonally measuredViewing angle Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degrees Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degreesHorizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degreesBrightness1300 cd/m2300 cd/m2300 cd/m2Contrast ratio1Static: 1000:1;Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Static: 1000:1;Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Static: 1000:1Response rate1(gray to gray)14 ms 6 ms14 msFrequency Horizontal: 24-135 kHzVertical: 24-60 Hz Horizontal: 30-135 kHzVertical: 24-60 HzHorizontal: 31-180 kHzVertical: 50-60 HzAspect ratio16:916:916:9Native resolution3840 x 2160 @ 60 Hz (UHD)43840 x 2160 @ 60 Hz (UHD)45120 x 2880 @ 60 HzInput signal(1) MHL 2.05/HDMI 1.4(1) HDMI 1.4(1) DisplayPort 1.2(1) Mini-DisplayPortHDCP support on all inputs (1) MHL 2.05/HDMI 1.4(1) HDMI 1.4(1) DisplayPort 1.2(1) Mini-DisplayPortHDCP support on all inputs(2) DisplayPort 1.2HDCP supportUSB ports Integrated USB 3.0 hub with fourdownstream connectors Integrated USB 3.0 hub with fourdownstream connectorsIntegrated USB 3.0 hub with fourdownstream (one implements BC1.2) andone upstream portsAdjustability Tilt: -5° to +20°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 130 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Tilt: -5° to +20°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 120 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Tilt: -5° to +22°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 130 mmDimensions (W x D x H)With stand: 55.61 x 21.02 x 52.68 cm(21.9 x 8.3 x 20.7 in)With stand: 62.56 x 24.24 x 53.59 cm(24.62 x 9.54 x 21.1 in)With stand: 63.43 x 21.71 x 54.88 cm(24.97 x 8.55 x 21.61 in)Weight With stand: 6.46 kg (14.1 lb)With stand: 7.8 kg (17.2 lb)With stand: 7.42 kg (16.36 lb)Certification and compliance TCO Certified, CEL Grade 1, Microsoft WHQLCertification (Windows 8.1 and Windows 7),ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2, CE,CB, KC, KCC, NOM. PSB, ICE, TUV-S, UL-CSA,CCC, CEL, CECP, SEPA, TCO6.0, EPA, ISC,VCCI, FCC, Taiwan: BSMITCO Certified, CEL Grade 2, MicrosoftWHQL Certification (Windows 8.1 andWindows 7), ENERGY STAR® Certified,EPEAT® Gold2, CE, CB, KC, KCC, NOM, PSB,ICE, TUV-S, CCC, CECP, SEPA, EPA, ISC, VCCI,FCC, Taiwan: BSMITCO Certified, CEL Grade 2, Microsoft WHQLCertification (Windows 8.1 and Windows7), ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2,CE, CB, KC, KCC, NOM, PSB, ICE, TUV-S, EAC,CCC, EPA, ISC, VCCI, FCC, Taiwan: BSMIWarranty Protected by HP, including 3 year standardlimited warranty. Optional HP Care PackServices3 are extended service contractsthat extend your protection beyond thestandard limited warranties.Protected by HP, including 3 year standardlimited warranty. Optional HP Care PackServices3 are extended service contractsthat extend your protection beyond thestandard limited warranties.Protected by HP, including 3 year standardlimited warranty. Optional HP Care PackServices3 are extended service contractsthat extend your protection beyond thestandard limited warranties.Meet ourHP Z Displays Family—Compare featuresUltra High Definition 4K/5K5HP Z34c Curved Display HP Zvr Virtual Reality DisplayOverview Raise the bar with 34 diagonal inches of an elegant,immersive, curved visual and audio experience.Change the way you think, work, and create with a virtual-holographic 3D7 image from the HP Zvr 23.6-inch Virtual Reality Display.Panel type VA, LED Backlit TN, segmented LED backlightViewable image area 86.36 cm (34-inch) widescreen;diagonally measured59.94 cm (23.6-inch) widescreen;diagonally measuredViewing angle Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degrees Horizontal: 170 degrees Vertical: 160 degreesBrightness1350 cd/m2200 cd/m2Contrast ratio1Static: 3000:1Dynamic: 10,000,000:13D mode: 300:1 2D mode: 1000:1Response rate1(gray to gray)8 ms w/overdrive; 14 ms w/out overdrive 5.6 ms w/out overdriveFrequency Horizontal: 30-80 kHz;Vertical: 60 Hz Horizontal: 24-80 kHz; Vertical: 60-120HzAspect ratio21:916:9Native resolution3440 x 1440 @ 60 Hz1920 x 1080 @ 60 HzInput signal(1) MHL 2.05/HDMI 1.4(1) HDMI 1.4(1) DisplayPort 1.2HDCP support on all inputs (1) DVI-D(1) DisplayPort 1.2 HDCP support on all inputsUSB ports Integrated USB 3.0 hub with two downstream ports withBC1.2 capability, and one upstream port Integrated USB 2.0 hub with four downstream ports and one upstream portAdjustability Tilt: -2° to +25°Tilt: -5° to + 60°Dimensions (W x D x H)With stand: 95.08 x 19.72 x 47.71 cm(37.44 x 7.76 x 18.79 in)With stand: 69 x 28.29 x 52.53 cm(27.17 x 11.14 x 20.68 in)Weight With stand: 9.83 kg (21.63 lbs)With stand: 9.74 kg (21.43 lbs)Certification and compliance IT ECO declaration, US ENERGY STAR® Certified, TCO 6.0, EPEAT®Gold2, RoHS, WEEEFCC Class A for EMEA, FCC Class B for ROWWarranty Protected by HP, including 1 year standard limited warranty.Optional HP Care Pack Services3 are extended service contractsthat extend your protection beyond the standard limitedwarranties.Protected by HP, including 3 year standard limited warranty. Optional HP Care Pack Services3 are extended service contracts that extend your protection beyond the standard limited warranties.Meet ourHP Z Displays Family—Compare features6HP DreamColor Z24x Professional Display HP DreamColor Z27x Professional Display HP Z32x UHD DreamColor DisplayOverview Enjoy pure, consistent 10-bit color accuracyfrom design to production with push-button color space selection and easy colorcalibration on the amazingly affordable HPDreamColor Z24x Professional Display.Work in brilliant, trusted color and bring yourideas to life with the HP DreamColor Z27xProfessional Display, featuring HP’s unrivaledintegrated calibration engine, 4K6 inputsupport, and 10-bit color that drives up to1.07 billion onscreen colors.Go big or go home with the HPDreamColor Z32x 31.5-inch UHD Display,which has a staggering 8 million pixels,4K resolution, and award-winningHP DreamColor technology.Panel type IPS, LED Backlit IPS Gen 2, with HP Ultra Black technologyand advanced wide gamut LED BacklightPLS w/LED backlightViewable image area 60.96 cm (24-inch) widescreen;diagonally measured68.58 cm (27-inch) widescreen;diagonally measured80.01 cm (31.5-inch) widescreen;diagonally measuredViewing angle Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degrees Horizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degreesHorizontal: 178 degreesVertical: 178 degreesBrightness1350 cd/m2300 cd/m2300 cd/m2Contrast ratio1Static: 1000:1Dynamic: 5,000,000:1800:1 minimum Static: 1000:1Dynamic: 5,000,000:1Response rate1(gray to gray)6 ms12 ms8 msFrequency Horizontal: 24-80 kHzVertical: 24-60 Hz Horizontal: 24-113 kHzVertical: 24-60 Hz60 HzAspect ratio16:1016:916:9Native resolution1920 x 1200 @ 60 Hz2560 x 1440 @ 60, 50 or 48 Hz3840 x 2160 @ 60 HzInput signal(1) DVI-D(1) HDMI(2) DisplayPort 1.2 (one in and one out)HDCP support on all inputs (1) HDMI 1.4(1) DisplayPort 1.2(1) DisplayPort 1.1aHDCP support on all inputs(1) HDMI 2.0(1) HDMI 1.4/MHL(1) DisplayPort standard(1) DisplayPort miniHDCP support on all inputsUSB ports Integrated USB 3.0 hub with fourdownstream and one upstream ports Integrated USB 3.0 hub with fourdownstream and one upstream portsIntegrated USB 3.0 hub with fourdownstream (2 side and 2 rear) andone upstream portsAdjustability Tilt: -5° to +20°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 120 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Tilt: -5° to +20°Swivel: 45°L to 45°RHeight Adjustable: 120 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Tilt: -5° to + 20° degreesSwivel: 45° L to 45° RHeight Adjustable: 130 mmPivot Rotation: 90°Dimensions (W x D x H)With stand: 55.94 x 52.50 x 23.8 cm(22 x 9.4 x 20.7 in)With stand: 64.1 x 65.5 x 37.92 cm(25.24 x 9.55 x 15.55 in)With stand: 737.14 x 245.48 x 613.82 mm(29.02 x 9.66 x 24.17 in)Weight With stand: 6.98 kg (15.4 lb)With stand: 8.8 kg (19.4 lb)With stand: 10.9 kg (24.03 lbs)Certification and compliance TCO Certified, CEL Grade 1, Microsoft WHQLCertification (Windows 8 and Windows 7),ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2, FCC,CE mark, UL, Energy Star 6.0, TCO 6.0, TUV-GS, TUVKC–Ergonomics, WEEE, RoHS, C-Tick,Argentina S-Mark, VCCI, CECP, CCC, CEL Grade1, Singapore PSB, EAC (Russia), NOM (Mexico),Ukraine.TCO Certified, CEL Grade 2, Microsoft WHQLCertification (Windows 8 and Windows 7),ENERGY STAR® Certified, EPEAT® Gold2. CE,CB, KC, KCC, NOM, PSB, ICE, TUV-S, CCC, CEL,SEPA, EPA, ISC, VCCI, FCC. Taiwan: BSMITCO Certified, CEL Grade 1, MicrosoftWHQL, Certification (Windows 8 andWindows 7), ENERGY STAR®, Certified,EPEAT® Gold2, CE,CB,KC/KCC/NOM/PSB/ICE/TUV-S/UL-CSA/CCC/CEL/CECP/SEPA/TCO6.0/EPA/ISC/VCCI/FCC / Taiwan: BSMIWarranty Protected by HP, including 3 year standardlimited warranty. Optional HP Care PackServices3 are extended service contracts thatextend your protection beyond the standardlimited warranties.Protected by HP, including 3 year standardlimited warranty. Optional HP Care PackServices3 are extended service contracts thatextend your protection beyond the standardlimited warranties.Protected by HP, including 3 yearstandard limited warranty. Optional HPCare Pack Services3 are extended servicecontracts that extend your protectionbeyond the standard limited warranties.Meet ourHP Z Displays Family—Comparefeatures7Sign up for updates /go/getupdated© Copyright 2014-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Microsoft and Windows are U.S. registered trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. ENERGY STAR is a registered trademark owned by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.4AA5-6357ENW, July 20151 All performance specifications represent the typical specifications provided by HP’s component manufacturers; actual performance may vary either higher or lower .2 EPEAT® registered where applicable. EPEAT registration varies by country. See for registration status by country.3 Service levels and response times for HP Care Pack Services may vary depending on your geographic location. Service starts from date of hardware purchase. Restrictions and limitations apply. See /go/cpc for details. HP services are governed by the applicable HP terms and conditions of service provided or indicated to Customer at the time of purchase. Customer may have additional statutory rights according to applicable local laws, and such rights are not in any way affected by the HP terms and conditions of service or the HP Limited Warranty provided with your HP Product.4 The video card must be capable of supporting 3840 × 2160 – 60Hz to drive the monitor at the Preferred Mode.5 MHL 2.0 port will charge a MHL compatible smart phone and tablet battery. Requires the smart phone or tablet to be enabled for MHL or have an HDMI dongle to connect to the monitor . See your mobile device specifications.6 4K content required to view 4K resolution.7 3D content is required for 3D performance。
下面是我本机的E8600截图CPU-Z 1.51中文版本CPU-Z 1.50英文版本注意:主频和倍频是会随着任务发生变动的,在待机的时候倍频会降到6,处理任务时候会升到10,这是intel的speedstep节能技术,根据使用的需要自动调整频率以节约能源。
CPU-Z的参数查看常用技巧:1.怎么用判断CPU的位数.<早期的一个问题,06年左右CPU从32向64位升级>其实只要我们看指令集后面的指令如果有EM64T指令的话就是64位的,否则是32位的.(可以通过CPU-Z查看指令集,如果指令集后面的指令越多代表你的CPU越牛)2.怎么判断CPU的核数现在很多的广告上不是说CPU是多少核多少核的吗,现在我们就查以查查我们的CPU到底是几核的,只要看最下面的核心数就行了,1代表单核2代表双核4代表4核.线程数是早期的一种超线程技术.3.CPU-Z也可以查看主板和内存情况有些朋友不清楚自己主板型号的,可以用CPU-Z查一下,点击主板选项卡就可以查看自己的主板型号,内存查看也一样.4.通过查看SPD可以判断我们内存插槽情况以下以celeron为例讲解:小贴士:从CPU的技术参数认识CPU(转):一、CPU的内部结构与工作原理CPU是Central Processing Unit—中央处理器的缩写,它由运算器和控制器组成,CPU的内部结构可分为控制单元,逻辑单元和存储单元三大部分。
我们建议您选择我们公司的最新款台式电脑,配置如下:•处理器:Intel Core i7-10700K•内存:16GB DDR4•硬盘:512GB SSD•显卡:NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070•操作系统:Windows 10 Home这款台式电脑具有强大的处理能力和图形性能,可以满足您的各种需求,包括办公、游戏、视频编辑等。
我们建议您选择我们公司的最新款笔记本电脑,配置如下:•处理器:Intel Core i7-1165G7•内存:16GB LPDDR4X•硬盘:512GB SSD•显卡:NVIDIA GeForce MX450•屏幕尺寸:14英寸•操作系统:Windows 10 Home这款笔记本电脑具有轻薄便携的设计和强大的性能,可以满足您的各种需求,包括商务办公、学习、娱乐等。
我们建议您选择我们公司的最新款平板电脑,配置如下:•处理器:Apple A14 Bionic•内存:6GB LPDDR4X•硬盘:256GB SSD•屏幕尺寸:11英寸•操作系统:iOS 14这款平板电脑具有轻薄便携的设计和强大的性能,可以满足您的各种需求,包括商务办公、学习、娱乐等。
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This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the r3770 话术 我是一个音乐发烧友,一般的音响, 都满足不了我,我用的都是十分专业 的音响,专业音响用的都是SPDIF接 口,你这有SPDIF接口的电脑吗?
好为难!一般的一体机根本不带这个 接口……不过……您好幸运!我们刚到了最 新款的一体机有带SPDIF接口,您可以用 它接专业音响及功放设备,在家享受震撼 的天籁之音!
Aspire Z5770/Z3770 话术
您好,我看别的一体机都是 倾斜的,为什么这个台一体 机是垂直站在桌子上?
不得不佩服您的细心!是的,我们的一 体机可以垂直与桌面。此设计初衷是为了方 便躺在沙发或床上看电影的用户,当用户躺 着观看时,我们的一体机可以像电视一样垂 直于桌面,给用户以最舒适的观看角度! 其实我们除了垂直桌面,我们也可以倾 斜摆放:提供用0至20度观看角度
Aspire Z5770/Z3770 话术
之前我买的宏碁笔记本是杜比第二代 音效,由其是带耳机听起来真是享受,这 台一体机也是杜比第二代的吗?
您好!这是我们最新款的一体机,Z5770、Z3770依 然采用杜比技术,而且升级到了第四代杜比家庭影院技术。 现在最新的大片都支持杜比技术,而起这是目前杜比家庭 影院的最高级别—第四代!
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Aspire Z5770/Z3770 话术
这么薄的电脑,散热效果 如何?
散热?我们采用多维立体散热方式,散热效果非 常好!您看这是专测电脑温度的软件“鲁大师”, 电脑从早晨开机到现在,CPU分别为温度28℃、最 高36℃、平均31℃!而L品牌的B520的CPU温度为 36 ℃ ,37 ℃ ,37 ℃。事实胜于一切
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Aspire Z5770/Z3770 话术
优化USB 3.0高速 接口
其他品牌的USB接口都是 USB2.0,或者最多配一个 USB3.0,你这款一体机竟 然有2个USB3.0,这会不 会太浪费了?
Z5770、Z3770确实是市面上USB3.0接口最多 的一体机! 您看:USB3.0比USB2.0理论传输速度快 10倍,USB3.0实际传输速度是USB2.0的3到4 倍。当您打算把一部电影从一个硬盘拷贝到另 一个硬盘中,而您的电脑只有一个USB3.0接口, 那是很不方便且浪费时间的。
Aspire Z5770 / Z3770
Z5770 / Z3770
平屏幕尺寸/分辨率 处理器 显卡 内存 硬盘 摄像头/网络/连接协议 接口 音频技术 音箱 电源
23寸 1920 x 1080 Full HD (Z5770) 21.5寸 1920 x 1080 Full HD (Z3770) Intel®新一代Sandy Bridge酷睿™ i7/i5/i3 处理器 Intel® HD Graphics NVIDIA® GeForce® GT520 1GB 最大可扩充至 8 GB DDR3 SDRAM Serial ATA III 最大扩充至 2 TB 内置13万像素, 802.11b/g/n Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™,选配 Bluetooth® 2.1 + EDR 1组HDMI® 输入, 1组HDMI®输出, 2组USB 3.0接口, 4组USB 2.0接口 Dolby® Home Theater® v4 集成2.5 W/支立体声音箱系统 135 W (集成显卡机种)/180 W (独显机种)
Aspire Z5770/Z3770 话术 您好!我在家有时会在书房办 公,有时会在卧室上网。你这 有没有方便搬运、屏幕又大的 电脑啊?
您好!一般需要移动电脑的用 户,我们都会推荐笔记本,但是您 既要便携还要屏幕大,那我推荐您 选择一体机。尤其推荐最新款的 Z5770系列,背部有便携把手方便 您移动、搬运电脑。 而且Z5770系列标配无线网卡, 方便您在家里无线上网,免去了跑 线的繁琐!
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Aspire Z5770/Z3770 话术
真厉害,这里竟然有2个HDMI接口, 我经常会用这个接口看高清电影, 可一个就够了,为什么这里有两个? 能给我讲解下吗?
A500上的 HDMI
可以的!现在这个HDMI接口越来越普及, 很多电脑都会配备HDMI输出接口。和传统电子 设备不同的是,我们的Z5770、Z3770还多配了 一个HDMI输入接口,有了这个输入接口,我们 就可以将小屏设备(如平板、手机、笔记本)上 的内容放到大屏上。十分实用!
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Aspire Z5770/Z3770 话术
您好,这个一体机真漂亮,他 的边框是什么材质?
客官您真识货!这是我们最新款的一 体机,它采用优美铝制边框,完美结合摄 像头、麦克风及高清晰度音频的音箱。整 机设计线条刚中带柔,晶亮黑加上圆弧边 角设计充分展现居家科技美学
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.
Aspire Z5770/Z3770 话术
之前我看到的一体机 都是LCD的,这台一体机 也是LCD吗?
我们特地对显示器有所升 级:从灯管的CCFL技术升 为LED技术。采用LED技术 的显示器色彩更艳丽;显 示器更薄,更漂亮;功耗 更低,更省钱;无汞更环 保,更健康;
This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner.