羊毛纤维Lanasol CE型活性染料低温染色
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W O 1Te tl o r l O xie J u na
第 3 9卷 第 3期 21 0 1年 3月
羊 毛 纤 维 L nsl E型 活 性 染 料 低 温 染 色 a ao C
师文 钊 , 瑾妹 , 成 书 , 刘 徐 任 燕 , 建 伟 邢
通 过 比较 羊 毛 低 温 染 色工 艺 和常 规 染 色 工 艺 的 上染 速 率 及 染 色 后 纤 维 的 各 项 性 能 , 温 染 色 工 艺 染 色 样 品 表 观 深 低
度 和 常 规 工 艺 染 色样 品一 致 , 维碱 溶 解 度 优 于 常 规 染 色 , 温 染 色 工 艺 可 降 低 染 色 温 度 , 少 羊 毛 的 损 伤 , 能 纤 低 减 节
d e n r c s , te a p rn e t fs mp e y d b h o e e au e d e n r c s si i e wih y i g p o e s h p a e td p h o a l sd e y t e l w t mp r tr y i g p o e si n ln t
wh c r d e n t e d e n r c s n b e h y o b b o b d b het xiefb re e l n t e lw i h a e a d d i h y i gp o e se a l ste d et e a s r e y t e tl e v ny i h o i tmpea u e,g a a t e h y s u tk v n y Th n ue c fte lw tmp r t r y i g a ss nt e rtr u r n e s te d e ’ p—a e e e l . e i f n e o h o e e a u e d en sia s l t h a a o s re e ci e d e ’ lw e p r t r y i g i x lr d. By c mpa ig t e u tke o t e L n s lCE e i s r a tv y s o tm e au e d en s e p o e o rn h p—a
i c e s d t e t i x e n . Att e s me tme, be a s f t e lw e p r t r y i g, wo l y i n r a e o a c ran e tr t h a i c u e o h o tm e au e d en o d eng i e r a i te gh wa mp o e fb rSb e kng sr n t si r v d,a d t r u h te a xla y o tmiain,t e fsn s fd e a rc n h o g h u iir p i z to h a t e so y d fb i wa lo i c e s d. s as n r a e K e o ds: a a o y s e cie d e ;wo l lw e e au e d en yw r L n s ld e ;r a tv y s o ; o t mp r t r y i g
中 图分 类 号 : S 9 . 3 T 13 62 文 献 标 识 码 : A 文 章编 号 : 0 3 1 5 ( 0 2 O .0 20 1 0 .4 6 2 1 ) 80 3 - 5
Lo t m p r t r eng o o t e c i e d e a tv y s
要 : 毛纤 维在 低 温条 件 下 (5~9 羊 8 5℃ ) 用 0一溴 代 丙 烯 酰胺 型 毛 用 活 性 Ln sl 料 进 行 染 色 , 过 改 , 【 aao 染 经
变 助 剂 、 酸 用 量 、 度 等 参 数 并 优 化 工 艺 后 , 羊 毛 纤 维 上 染 百 分 率 和 固色 率 均 有 一 定 程 度 的提 高 ; 时 , 醋 温 使 同 由于 染 色 温度 较 低 , 毛 纤 维 在 染 色 后单 纤 断 裂强 力 得 到改 善 ; 且 , 过 助 剂 的优 化 , 色后 纤 维 的牢 度 也 得 到 提 升 。 羊 并 通 染 关 键 词 :a ao染 料 ; 性 染 料 ; 毛 ; 温染 色 L nsl 活 羊 低
@ 少數的配伍性染料群少量的染料:这可以减少染料库存管理费用和染料工序错误。
相容性染料是电脑配色时没有问题的染料@ 均染性随着染色形态及机器的不同,有微小的差异。
@ 湿润坚牢度水平所有的染色物品和各种成品需要一定的坚牢度水平。
对C H L O R I N A T E和S U P E R W A S H加工羊毛有适合的坚牢度的染料数量有限。
YI Hu , L e-h n N i IM iz e
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
( n e n oi U ies yo e h oo y Ho h t 0 , hn ) In rMo g l nv ri fT c n lg , h o 1 5 C ia a t 0 1 0
Ab ta t hsp p ru e o l e cied e nwo l y ig n on d tec lr ae h l m t sr c :T i a e sd w o ra t y si o en ,a djie h hoi tdtui o v d n u
毛 纺科 技
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W O l e t eJ u n l O T x i o r a l
第3 8卷 第 9期 21 0 0年 9月
稀 土对 活性 兰纳 素染 料上 染 羊 毛 的影 响
殷 辉 ,李 美真
005) 10 1 ( 内蒙 古 工 业 大学 轻 工 与 纺织 学 院 , 蒙古 呼 和浩 特 内
d en rp riso o latrjie h hoiae h l m eers ac e .T ep p ra ay i dte y igpo e e f o f on d tec lr td tui w r ee rh d h a e n ls e h t w e n u s
c l rn td t u i m o p o t o b r y i g a d d tr ie h an p o e sp r me ess c st e h o i ae h lu t r moewo lf e sd en n e em n d t em i r c s a a tr u h a h i a o n fs d u s l h t m u to o i m u p a e,d en ah p , d e n e p r t r . Ev n u l tc m e o te o t z d y i g b t H y i g tm e au e e t al i o d t h p i e y mi p o e s o a e e rh u e n t e L n s ld e n o b r . rc s frr a t s d i h a a o y i g wo lf e s i Ke y wor : a a o y s;c lrnae h lu ;p o oe d en ds L n s ld e h o i td t u i m rm t y i g;wo lf e s o b r i
四、实验步骤及工艺1、酸性染料染羊毛纤维流程:配制染液→纤维润湿→挤干→入染→按升温曲线染色→水洗→晾干处方:酸性大红G(owf%) 2硫酸钠(owf%) 5硫酸调节pH值 2-4 浴比1:100升温曲线’取出加助剂材料染料调pH值2、弱酸性染料染蚕丝流程:配制染液→纤维润湿→挤干→入染→按升温曲线染色→水洗→酸化→晾干处方:蓝钠塞特染料(owf%) 2阿白哥Set(owf%) 180%醋酸(owf%) 1.5醋酸钠(g/L) 1硫酸钠(owf%) 5醋酸调节pH值 4.5-5 浴比1:50酸化 85%甲酸(owf%) 1-250℃ 5min 浴比1:50取出加助剂材料染料3、毛用活性染料染色流程:配制染液→纤维润湿→挤干→入染→按升温曲线染色→碱处理→温水洗→冷水洗→酸化处理→晾干处方染色蓝纳素染料(owf%) 2阿白哥B(owf%) 1-2硫酸铵(owf%) 480%醋酸(owf%) 2PH值5-6 浴比1:50碱处理碳酸钠(owf%) 1-2pH值8-8.5 15-20min 80-85℃浴比1:50酸化 80%醋酸(owf%) 1- 2pH值4-4.5 5min 50℃浴比1:50染色曲线98℃ 45min1℃/min50℃ 80℃助剂材料染料五、实验注意事项染色时要按工艺要求的顺序加纤维、助剂、染料六、附酸性染料的配制在天平的左盘放上硫酸纸,称取规定量的酸性染料(精确至0.01g),将染料全部倒入干净的小烧杯中,用少量的冷蒸馏水或软水调成浆状,加入热水使之溶解,对难溶解的染料可加沸水或沸煮。
电势随 值 的这种 变化 , 对 于染料 的吸收有十分 重 要 的影响 。
。 实 验 证 明 , 。一
嚎 入
十 吸收
十 ‘
、 、、
脚“ ’ 班
图 蛋 白质模型 的理论滴定 曲线
图 各种 值条件下羊毛 的 电势 一末脱脂羊毛 , 一脱脂羊毛 , 一脱鳞片羊毛 。
五 羊毛 纤维 中能 与 活性染料反 应 的 位置
形成碱性侧 基 的氨基酸
苯基丙 氨 酸
Байду номын сангаас
表 羊 毛纤 维 中各种氮 墓酸 的 含
克 克羊毛
…丝 氨 酸
苏氨 酸
酪氨 酸
…二 氨 酸
…半 胧 氨 酸
一蛋 氨 酸
克 克羊毛
表 羊 毛 中各 种侧基 的 含 最 克分子数 护克羊毛
酸性侧基 碱 性侧基 酚类侧基 醇类侧基 胺类侧基 含硫侧基 烃类侧基
长短 。
碱对羊毛 的作用远较酸 为剧烈和复杂 。 受碱 的作 用 会使多缩 氮链减短 , 脱 氨 酸 发 生 水
解。 其它精氮酸 、 组氨酸 、 丝氨酸 亦可受到破坏。 碱的破坏作用很突出 , 随碱浓度的 增加 ,
处理时间的延长对 羊毛纤维的损伤和破坏显著加 重。
由于 碱 的作 用 , 二硫键 断
上染百分率可达 9 8 % 以上 。因 此 , 该 助 剂 可 以实 现 羊 毛 纤 维 的 低 温 染 色 , 而且工艺 简单、 节约染料 、 缩 短 染 色 时 间
D AI J i a n — f a n g ,WANG Xu e — y a n,S HAN G u o — q i n g
( S c h o o l o f T e x t i l e a n d Ma t e r i a l s ,X i a n P o l y t e c h n i c U n i v e r s i t y , X i a n 7 1 0 0 4 8 , C h i n a )
Abs t r a c t: Th e wo o l ib f e r wa s mo d i i f e d b y t h e c a t i o n i c f e a t h e r pr o t e i n a d d i t i v e s ,a n d t he n d y e d wi t h r e a c t i o n d y e s . Th e d y e i n g p r o p e r t y o f wo o l wa s r e s e a r c h e d. T h e o p t i ma l d y e i n g c r a f t wa s d e t e r mi n e d a nd t h e d y e u p t a k e, K/S v a l u e, l e v e l i n g p r o p e r t y, f i x a t i o n r a t e, a n d c o l o r f a s t n e s s we r e e v a l u a t e d. Th e r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e d t h a t t he d y e i n g p r o pe  ̄y o f t he wo o l i f be r mo d i ie f d wo o l f i be r d y e d wi t h r e a c t i o n d y e s wa s i mp r o v e d,i n 6 0 o C, t h e d y e up t a k e o f t h e r e a c t i o n d y e s wa s mo r e t h e n 9 8% . Th e r e f o r e, t h e a g e n t wa s e f f e c t i v e t o t he wo o l d y e d wi t h r e a c t i o n d y e s i n t h e l o w t e mp e r a t u r e . Ot he r wi s e,t he c r a f t wa s s i mp l e a nd t he d y e s wa s s a v e d,t h e d y e i ng t i me wa s s h o r t e d, t h e e x c e l l e nt p r o p e r t y o f t h e wo o l wa s p r o t e c t e d. Ke y wor ds : t h e c a t i o n i c f e a t h e r p r o t e i n a d d i t i v e s;d y i n g;wo o l i f be r ;r e a c t i o n d y e s ;d y e i ng p r o p e r t y
染 色 试 样 进 行 比较 。
图 1 常 规 染 色 工 艺 曲线
后处 理 工 艺 : 固色 水 洗 ( 碱 质 量 浓 度 2 gL, 纯 / 8 O℃ X 1 n 一 皂 洗 ( 洗 剂 用 量 1 ( w ) 5mi) 皂 % of,
7 5℃ ×1 i)_ 水 洗 (0 o ×1 n 。 0mn + 7 C 0mi)
后 处理 工 艺 : 固色 水 洗 ( 碱 质 量 浓 度 2 g L 纯 / , 8 C×1 i ) 皂 洗 ( 洗 剂 用 量 1 ( w ) Oq 5 mn 一 皂 % of , 7 5℃ ×1 i)_ 水 洗 ( 0℃ ×1 i) 0m n ÷ 7 0mn 。
选 择 L nsl 6 a ao 红 G染 料 得 出优 化 工 艺 的各 参 数用量 , 后推广 至三原 色 , 然 与常规 工艺 染色 后试 样
科伟 永 兴 仪 器 有 限公 司 ) 7 2型 光 栅 分 光 光 度 计 、2
( 海 精 密 科 学 仪 器 制 造 厂 ) S 3 0测 色 配 色 仪 上 、F0
( 维士 电脑 科 技 公 司 ) Y 0 4 思 、 G 0 E型 单 纤 拉伸 断 裂
仪 ( 波纺 织 仪 器 厂 ) Y 7 8型 摩 擦 测试 仪 ( 州 宁 、51 温
配, 作为新 的低 温 染 色 助剂 。将 其 用 于低 温 染 色 试
样, 和常规 染 色 试 样 做 对 比, 出助 剂 最 佳 配 比为 得 4 % A b gl 表 面 活 性 剂 M 为 2 1 用 量 为 1 0 lea B: :, %
羊 毛纤维 的染 色加 工多在 大浴 比沸煮 条件 下进
废 水过 滤排放 问题 也难 以处理 。羊 毛用活 性染 料染
i s a l s o f o u n d t h a t a f t e r d y e i n g b y t h e l o w t e mp e r a t u r e p r o c e s s ,d a ma g e t o wo o l s d e c r e a s e s , wi t h w o o l s b r e a k i n g s t r e n g t h e n h a n c i n g a b o u t 5 - 4 % a n d b r e a k i n g e l o n g a t i o n i mp r o v i n g a b o u t 1 3 . 1 %.B e s i d e s .i t p o i n t s o u t t h a t wo o l
损伤 。 提 高 了羊毛纤维断裂强力约5 . 4 %、 断裂伸长率约1 3 . 1 %; 另外 , 此低 温 工艺染 色后 的毛条相 比于常 规工 艺染色后 的毛条在 多项指标上具有 明显优 势. 纺成 的细纱纱线条 干均匀 , 断裂强力及 断裂伸 长率均
染料、 直 接 染料 和活 性染 料 作 地 色 染料 。这 里 只讨 论 活 性 染料 。 但 并 不 是 所 有 的 活 性 染 料 都 能 够 用 作 拔 染 的地 色染 料.必 须从 中挑 选 出
助剂 传 递 到织 物 上 的 载体 . 作 为 载
体 应 能 吸 附在 织 物 表 面 . 具有 良好 的 吸 附 性 .此 外 还 须 具 备 以 下 特
的氢 . 具有 强烈 的还 原作 用 。
1 . 4 助 剂 作 用
性: ① 与还原剂及不 同助剂有 良好
的相 容 性 , 并耐酸 、 碱、 电解质等 ;
易生 物降 解等 特点
尿素 : 有 助 于染 料 及 其 他助 剂
的 溶 解 .有 助 于 纤 维 的 吸 湿 与 膨
羊 毛 织 物可 用 酸 性染 料 、 中性
胀 .使 氯 化 亚锡 充 分 发挥 作 用 , 防
止泛黄 、 锡烧和脆损 等疵病 。 同时 加 入 尿 素 可 使 拔 白浆 膜 具 有 一 定
1 . 1 地 色 染 料
( 粉) , 另一 种 是 还 原性 较 弱 的 氯化 亚 锡 。( 1 ) 雕 白块 ( 甲醛合 次硫 酸氢 钠) 是 常用的还原剂 . 为 白色 块 状 或粉末 状 , 水溶液呈碱 性 。 易 吸湿 分解 。 还 原 能力 强 。 成本 低 , 适用 面 广. 尤 以纯棉 、 人 造棉 织 物 为 优 , 化 纤混纺 次之 ; 在丝 、 毛 织 物 上 要 慎 用. 因 为碱 性 印 浆 高温 蒸 化 时容 易
也 不 易拔尽 、 拔 白。
型精 致 、 线条流畅、 深底 浅 花 、 立 体 感强 、 富有 层 次 强等 其 它 印 花方 式
1 2 4 强 力 、 长 测 试 方 法 .. 伸
羊 绒绞 纱 的断裂 强力 和断 裂伸 长等 力学 指标 均 采用 北京 嘉鹿 野 生产 的 Y 0 9 G 2 G型单 纱 电子强 力仪
的 目 的
收 稿 日期 :0 0— 8—1 21 0 6
修 回 日期 :0 1 0 2 1 — 5—1 7
作 者 简 介 : 利 平 (9 6 ) 女 , 王 16 一 , 副教 授 , 士 。 主要 研 究 纺 织 品 的 染  ̄ ̄ - " 性 整 理 。 Em i: l 54 5 @ 16 CWo 硕 tI A能 .t , - - a wp 187 2 .Ol l 6
媒 介 染 料 用 量 为 4 (O w f 、 酸 用 量 为 % . .) 醋
4 ( . .) 甲 酸 用 量 为2 ( . .) 红 矾 用 量 为 % OW f 、 % OW f 、 2 4 ( . .) p . % O W f 、 H值 为 5 0 浴 比为 1 3 。染 色 工 .、 :0 艺 曲线 如 图 1 示 。 所
2 实 验 结 果 与 讨 论
2 1 匀 染 性 的影 响 .
选用 媒介 染 料 、 a ao C L n sl E和 克 牢 素 染 料 分 别 按 照染色 工艺 处方 对 羊 绒 绞 纱 进 行 染色 , 测得 的色 差数 据 如表 1所 示 。 由表 可 知 , a ao C L nsl E染 料 和 克牢 素染 料上 染 时 的匀 染性 好 于媒介 染料 。
山羊 绒产 品 的需 求越 来越 呈现 小批量 、 多样 化 、 时装 化 的发展 趋 势 。为 了 迎合 市 场 需 要 , 多羊 绒 许
Y a z 80— . . 85
R a n黑 E F 德 司达 ) L n sl C —V、a ao 红 el a H( ,a a 黑 E P Ln sl o 2 ( G 亨斯迈 ) 市售红光 黑染 料 ; 染 剂 In o B、 泡 , 匀 n kl 消
渗透剂 Iko F A、 nkl F 皂洗剂 Agcl W ( 海雅运 )后 rae S 上 , 丝光助剂 Bsl C 巴斯 夫 ) 冰 醋 酸 , ao nD ( a ; 氨水 ( 国药集
以上 。
关键 词 :染 色 ; 性 染料 ; 活 羊毛 中 图分 类 号 : S9 .3 T 13 62 文 献标 识 码 : B 文 章 编号 : 00— 07 2 1 )4— 0 0— 3 10 4 1 (0 0 1 0 3 0
Un s ls re e c i e d e o o io e is r a tv y s f r wo l
H NZ e -ag H ii A hnj n , EL・n i lg
(h n hi ru et hmclC . Ld 。 h nh i 0 82 C i ) Sa ga AgsTxi C e i s o , t. S g a 1 1 。 h a l e a a 2 n
Ab ta t e cie d e fUns l a kV a d Uns l dVR f r o e t r rl n h d sr c :R a t y so io c G n i v Bl o Re o wo l a ue bii t a e。hg ul- pa dg o tfs- f l a s ihb i u n o d we a t d
求 比黑色产 品更 高。 Y B 3 汗 渍牢度仪 ( G 61 温州大 荣 ) 。
雅格素® BF型:染料类型:中温型双活性基活性染料雅格素®BF型活性染料具有一氯均三嗪基团和乙烯砜基团,对浴比、染色温度、盐、碱及染色时间等的敏感性较小,具有优良的染色重现性,具有高的溶解度,化料容易,亲和力中等,易于洗涤。
适用范围:纤维素纤维及其混纺织物的染色雅格素® 艳黄BF-4G 150%* 雅格素® 黄BF-RR雅格素® 黄BF-DR 200%▲雅格素® 黄BF-3R 150%雅格素® 黄BF-4R雅格素® 黄BF-DB 200%雅格素® 黄BF-RF雅格素® 黄BF-CE雅格素® 橙BF-RR 150%雅格素® 橙BF-DB 200%* 雅格素® 红BF-RR雅格素® 红BF-2B▲雅格素® 红BF-3B 150%雅格素® 红BF-4B雅格素® 红BF-DRN 200%雅格素® 红BF-DB 200%雅格素® 红BF-RF雅格素® 红BF-CF雅格素® 艳蓝BF-RN雅格素® 艳蓝R Spec.雅格素® 翠蓝G 133%* 雅格素® 蓝BF-RR雅格素® 蓝BF-BR 150%雅格素® 蓝BF-RF雅格素® 藏青BF-2GF▲雅格素® 藏青BF-RRN雅格素® 藏青BF-DB 200%雅格素®黑B 133%▲经济三原色Argazol® BF Series: MCT/VS typeArgazol® BF reactive dyes have a vinyl sulphone and a monochlorotriazine group, and show low sensitivity to variations in the following dyeing parameters, liquor ratio, dyeing temperature, salt, alkali , dyeing time and so on. Argazol® BF reactive dyes have excellent reproducibility and high solubility. Argazol® reactive dyes have medium substantivity and the unfixed hydrolyzed dyes are easily washed off. Argazol® BF reactive dyes are suitable for piece dyeing, package yarn dyeing , hank yarn dyeing , jigger dyeing and continuous dyeing.Suitable for: cellulosic fiber and its blendsArgazol® Bril.Y ellow BF-4G 150%* Argazol® Y ellow BF-RRArgazol®Y ellow BF-DR 200%▲Argazol®Y ellow BF-3R 150%Argazol®Y ellow BF-4RArgazol®Y ellow BF-DB 200%Argazol®Y ellow BF-RFArgazol®Y ellow BF-CEArgazol®Orange BF-RR 150%Argazol®Orange BF-DB 200%Argazol®Red BF-RRArgazol®Red BF-2B▲Argazol®Red BF-3B 150%Argazol®Red BF-4BArgazol®Red BF-DRN 200%Argazol®Red BF-DB 200%Argazol®Red BF-RFArgazol®Red BF-CFArgazol®Bril.Blue BF-RNArgazol®Brill.Blue R Spec.Argazol®Turq.Blue G 133%* Argazol®Blue BF-RRArgazol® Blue BF-BR 150%Argazol® Blue BF-RFArgazol®N.Blue BF-2GF▲Argazol®Navy BF-RRNArgazol®Navy BF-DB 200%Argazol® Black B 133%▲economic trichormatic dyes* excellent compatibility trichormatic dyes雅格素®EL型:染料类型:高日晒中温型基活性染料雅格素®EL型活性染料适用于浅色系列,具有优异的日晒牢度,可满足高的汗耐光牢度要求,三原色有优良的配伍性,有较好的经济性,对浴比、温度、盐、碱及时间等的敏感性较小,能得到高的染色重现性。
新型毛用活性染料兰纳素CE 为双活性基染料,理论上拥有良好的湿处理色牢度和染色重现性,但企业目前尚未确定该染料的最佳染色工艺。
本实验采用活性染料兰纳素CE 染羊毛,探讨最佳工艺条件,对羊毛兰纳素CE 深色相的染色工艺有一定的指导意义[3-4]。
1实验1.1材料及仪器材料:羊毛,兰纳素CE 黑、兰纳素CE 藏青、阿白格B 、耐氯渗透剂、标准皂片(德升纺织集团有限公司),醋酸、甲酸(天津市化学试剂三厂),无水硫酸钠、碳酸钠(北联精细化学品开发公司),氨水(天津市富宇精细化工有限公司)。
仪器:AS-12常温震荡染色小样机(佛山市亚诺精密机械公司),722G 可见分光光度计(上海仪电分析仪器有限公司),CM3600A 测色配色仪(北京瑞利分析仪器公司)。
1.2工艺流程准备2g 羊毛,浴比1∶50,染料5%(omf ),阿白格B 1%(omf ),元明粉5%(omf ),渗透剂1.2%(omf ),调节pH 至8.5。
工艺曲线如下:摘要采用活性染料兰纳素CE 的黑色和藏青色两种色相对羊毛纤维染深色。
以上染率和K /S 值为指标,通过单因素和正交实验优化出最佳甲酸用量和pH;优化碱固色pH 以确定最佳固色条件。
结果表明,两种颜色染料的最佳染色工艺均为:甲酸1%,温度94℃,染浴pH 4.5,固色pH 8.5。
关键词羊毛;兰纳素CE;上染率;固色中图分类号:TS193.5文献标志码:B 文章编号:1005-9350(2021)02-0027-04Dyeing process optimization of Lanazine CE dark phaseAbstract Wool fiber was dyed dark by black and navy blue of Lanazine CE ing dyeing rate and K /S value as indexes,the optimal amount of formic acid and pH were optimized by single factor and orthogonal experiments,and the pH of alkali fixation was optimized to determine the optimal fixation conditions.The results showed that the optimum dyeing conditions of the two dyes were as follows:the concentration of formic acid 1%,temperature 94℃,pH of dyeing bath 4.5,pH of fixing color 8.5.Key words wool;Lanazine CE;dyeing rate;fixation兰纳素CE 深色相的染色工艺优化收稿日期:2020-06-24作者简介:宿宇峰(1995—),男,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:染整。
物; 其中一种是亮黄色羟基犬尿氨酸, 它可用来制作天然染料 . 天然彩碟的翅膀中就含有此种物质 另外几种在洗
毛 . 呢等 加工 中亦 不可 去 除 , 在温暖 潮湿 的 存储 或加 工过 程 中会 产生 泛黄 。 洗 并 研究 还 发现 . 些 发色 基 团分布 于 这 羊毛 纤维 表皮 层的 外侧 . 为假 单脆 菌科细 菌 . 在羊 毛微气 候 中滋长和 呈现色 彩 并均 会
羊 毛 泛 黄 的 研 究
羊 毛和 毛织 物 在储 存和 加 工 中泛黄 的原 因除 了外界 因素外 ,主要是 羊毛 纤维 本 身发色 基 团所 致 据 《n in Ida T x 》 关杂 志报道 , 为澳大利 亚羊 毛创新公 司 (WD的一项 国 际科 研合作 项 目, 大利 亚联 邦科 学 与工 业研 究 eI等有 作 A 澳 组 织( SR )德 国羊毛 研究 所( ) C IO . DWI 和新 西兰 C nss ewok的科 学家 已经 确认 出羊 毛 中产生 泛黄 的 l种 络合 a eiN t r 4
还 可 以杀死 细菌 并 能防 止静 电的 产 生
瓶 2 0 的 喷雾剂 约 可 以清 洁 5 l套 西服 , 公 司预 计 该 产品 在第一 年 内 的销 售 量 可达 到 3 万 瓶左 右 2 mL 到 0 该 6
酸 性 和 活性 印 花 用 羊 毛 的表 面 改性
主要是 氧化 过程 可 去 除鳞 片 . 提高 羊毛 的吸 湿性 。  ̄ 能影 响不大 , A N O: 果更佳 , . aS 效 两者 预处 理 对羊 毛织 物 的物 理机 械性
He s ( 特 ) 团成 功 研 制 出香 味纳米 微 胶 囊 t赫 r 集
Hes集 团 从纯天 然 花草植 物 中提取 原香 精 或选择 高 级香 料 , 过特殊 的方法 制成 香 味纳 米微 胶囊 S C 0 . rt 通 N 2 S 微胶 囊 的粒径 仅 为 2 ~ 0 m .非常 适用 于纺 织后 整理 ,丝 网印花 和 喷涂 等工 艺 。这 种纳 米微 胶囊 技 术 可 与保 0 10n 湿剂 . 臭剂 . 生 素甚 至微 量营 养元 素 同浴 整理 服 装 , 除 维 服装 经过 重 复水 洗后仍 可 保留相 关成 分 es已成 功地 开 H rt 发了2 O多种香 型 :薰衣 草香 .荣莉香 . 玫瑰 香 . 龙香 . 古 森林 香 . 际香 . 国 青苹 果香 . 花香 , 檬香 .葡萄柚 . 鲜 柠 薄荷 香 , 丝柏香 . 丁香 . 桂花 香等 科学 研究证 明 . 多芳香剂 具 有镇 静 . 菌 . 许 杀 保健 等作 用 . 而且 不 同的香 味具 有 舒缓 紧张 情绪 , 除压 力 或催人 兴奋 等作 用 味 纺织 品广 泛适 用于 家用 纺织 品 , 上用 品 . 解 香 床 装饰 纺织 品和 内衣 等 , 种将 嗅觉 感 官带 入服装 的新 工艺将 给纺 织业带 来一 场变 革 . 这 同时满 足 了人们对 自然 生活 的追 求 !
PH=4.0~5.5,否则易水解 染色温度应高些
β -乙烯砜硫酸酯
适于浸染 PH=5.5左右生成乙烯砜,100℃、1h完成 匀染性好
固色率可达90%,具有较好的耐晒牢度和湿处理 牢度
需求 选择反应性较高的染料
二氯均三嗪型、二氟一氯嘧啶型、喹喔啉型、N-甲基牛磺酸乙砜 型等
在弱酸性条件下染色时,上染速度快,染料与丝分子 中的氨基等发生反应生成共价键结合而固着。
第五节 活性染料对其他纤维的染色
一、活性染料对蛋白质纤维的染色 1、羊毛 2、蚕丝
(一)对羊毛的染色 其专用染料为酸性染料,活性染料用于补色 反应机理
羊毛含-NH2、-OH、-SH(巯基),能与活性染料发生反应 反应性-SH> -NH2> -OH -OH只能在碱性介质中形成—O-才能具有较强的反应性,而
其专用染料为酸性染料 用活性染料染色
染料可与离子化的氨基生成离子键,也可与氨基生 成共价键
染中浅色,得色鲜艳,牢度高 难于染深色,∵反应基团少,上染百分率低
酸性:得色量高,湿处理牢度较差 中性:得色量较低,一般用于染浅色 先酸性后碱性:先上染,再生成共价键,提高湿处
染色条件: 缓染剂
染中浅色,可加适量的非离子型表面活性剂 作缓染剂,染深色不加缓染剂
四、实验步骤及工艺1、酸性染料染羊毛纤维流程:配制染液→纤维润湿→挤干→入染→按升温曲线染色→水洗→晾干处方:酸性大红G(owf%) 2硫酸钠(owf%) 5硫酸调节pH值2-4 浴比1:100升温曲线取出加助剂材料染料调pH值2、弱酸性染料染蚕丝流程:配制染液→纤维润湿→挤干→入染→按升温曲线染色→水洗→酸化→晾干处方:蓝钠塞特染料(owf%) 2阿白哥Set(owf%) 180%醋酸(owf%) 1.5醋酸钠(g/L) 1硫酸钠(owf%) 5醋酸调节pH值 4.5-5 浴比1:50酸化85%甲酸(owf%)1-250℃5min 浴比1:50取出加助剂材料染料3、毛用活性染料染色流程:配制染液→纤维润湿→挤干→入染→按升温曲线染色→碱处理→温水洗→冷水洗→酸化处理→晾干处方染色蓝纳素染料(owf%) 2。
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Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 3(11): 1299-1305, 2007© 2007, INSInet PublicationCorresponding Author:Magda M. Kamel, Dyeing and Printing Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.Synthesis of Reactive Auxiliaries for Dye Resist Treatment of WoolMagda M. Kamel, Nagia F. Ali, E.M. Khalil and Saadia A. Abd El Megied Dyeing and Printing Department, National Research Center, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt.Abstract: Three reactive auxiliaries containing s-triazine-based reactive groups were synthesized and the dye resist effects achieved on wool were evaluated. The results obtained indicated that, the dye resist 2effect achieved with the bifunctional reactive Auxiliary (R ) was exhibited the highest value. The effect of the dye bath pH , salt concentration, dyeing temperature, dyeing time, conc. of dye and conc. of auxiliaries were also studied. Good fastness properties of the dyed fabric were achieved.K eywords: Reactive auxiliaries, dyeing wool, dye resist, colour strength, fastness propertiesINTRODUCTIONAuxiliary products of various types are commonly used in the dye bath during the low temperature dyeing of wool . Such chemicals are used to promote dye [1]bath exhaustion and to achieve level dyeing .[2]A resist process may be defined as one which [3]modifies a textile fiber in such away that when the resist treated fiber is subsequently dyed, it absorbs dye to a lesser extent or at a slower rate than does untreated fiber. Various treatments have been proposed for imparting dye resist effects to wool, for example,sulphonation,acetylation, glyoxylation, deposition of polymers, alkaline chlorination and treatment with formaldehyde,sulphamic acid , tannic acid /metal [4,5]salts, synthetic tanning agents and also colourless [6,7,8]reactive compounds . Among them reactive dye [9,10]resist agents are preferred due to their easy handling and application .[10]A viable dye resist agent must be completely cured and bound firmly to the wool substrate in order to achieve satisfactory dye resist effects .[11]Increasing the substantivity between the substrate and the dye resist agents is one of the most important factors needed to improve dye resist effects.In order to increase this substantivity one possible effective dye resist method would be to covalently bind the dye resist agents to the wool substrate using suitable fiber reactive groups .[11]In this work we synthesized three reactive auxiliaries containing s-triazine based reactive groups which were used for treating wool. Three acid dyes containing different number of sulphonic acid groups were used for dyeing treated wool.M ATERIALS AND M ETHODSM aterial and Chemicals: Scoured and bleached wool fabric with the following characteristics was purchasedfrom Misr for Spinning and Weaving Company,Mahalla El-Kobra, Egypt; weight 205 gm , 72-2ends per inch, 64 picks per inch. Before using,the fabric was treated with a solution containing 5g L non-ionic detergent (Hostapal CV, Clariant), at -150 C for 30 min.Then, the fabric was thoroughly o washed with water and air dried at room temperature. Diamino benzene sulphonic acid (95%assay), cyanuric chloride (99% assay) and sulphanilic acid (99% assay) were supplied by Aldrich.All other chemicals employed were of analytical grade. The codes, the chemical names and chemical structures of the synthesized reactive auxiliaries are given in table (1).Dyes: Three acid dyes which have different numbers of sulphonate groups were used (fig1). The commercial names and color Index names for these dyes are given in table (2).Fig. 1: Dye structures.Purification of Chemicals:Cyanuric Chloride: Cyanuric chloride was [12]crystallized from petroleum ether (b.p90-100 ºC), and dried under vacum at room temperature.Table 1:The Codes, the Chem ical Name and Chem ical Structures of the Synthesized Reactive Auxiliaries Code Nam e StructureR12, 4-Dichloro-s-triazine-6-yl-p-aminophenyl-sulphonic acid.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R22, 5-Bis (2, 4-dichloro-s-triazine-6-yl)-amino phenyl-sulphonic acid.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------R32, 4-Dichloro-s-triazine-6-yl-amino-8-naphthol-3, 6-disulphonic acid.Table 2: Dyestuffs Used Commercial name Color index name No. of SO- 3 groupsAcid Red 88CI Acid Red 881Crystal Scarlet CI Acid Red 442Amaranth CI Acid Red 273Sulphanilic Acid: 100 gm of sulphanilic acid in about 500 ml sodium carbonate solution was boiled then filtered and made strongly acid with hydrochloric acid.The solution was then neutralized with 1N sodium carbonate. The hot solution was cooled to 0 ºC with stirring and the precipitate of sodium sulphanilate was filtered off. The crystals were dissolved in 500 ml distilled water and the solution was filtered and then acidified with concentrated hydrochloric acid. The material was then recrystalysed from hot distilled water and dried at 120 ºC overnight.1-amino -8 naphthol -3, 6 disulphonic acid (H acid):Sodium carbonate (20gm) was added to a solution of 100 gm of (H acid) in 750ml of hot distilled water,followed by 5gm of activated charcoal.the suspension was stirred for 20 min and filtered by suction. H acid was precipitated by adding 50 ml of conc. HCL, then filtered by suction and washed with distilled water. The Mother H acid was dried overnight.Procedures:Synthesis of 2,4 dichloro – s -triazine -6- yl- p-1amino phenyl sulphonic acid sodium salt(R ):[13]sulphanilic acid (20 gm in 100 ml water) was added slowly to cyanuric chloride (22 gm in 200 ml acetone containing about 100 gm ice) whilst maintaining the pH of the solution at 7 by the addition of 2 N sodium carbonate.the reaction mixture was stirred for 1.5-2h the product was filtered off, washed thoroughly with acetone and then oven dried.Synthesis of 2, 5-Bis (2, 4 dichloro-s-triazine-6-yl) -2amino phenyl sulphonic acid sodium salt (R ):cyanuric chloride (20 gm) in acetone (100ml) and icewas added to a solution of 2,5- diamino benzene sulphonic acid(10 gm) as a slurry, whilst maintaining the pH at 7 by the addition of a solution of saturated sodium carbonate. The reaction mixture was stirred for 3h and the product was filtered off, washed thoroughly with acetone and then oven dried.Synthesis of 2, 4- dichloro-s- triazine-6-yl-amino-8-3naphthol 3, 6 disulphonic acid sodium salt (R ):[14]20 gm (H-acid) was dissolved in 1N sodium bicarbonate solution, the solution diluted to 250 ml and neutralized with acetic acid. this solution was dropped simultaneously into a well stirred suspension of finely divided cyanuric chloride (10 gm)in acetone and ice water (2:1)at 0ºC over 3h when pH was stable at 7 the reaction was complete,the product was filtered off and dried at room temperature.Characterization of Products: Melting points were measured by a Gallankamp Melting Point Apparatus.IR Spectra were obtained (KBr discs) on Pue Unicam Spectra 1000.HNMR Spectra were measured on 132avarian 400 MHz Spectrometer for solutions in (CD )4 SO using SiMe as internal standard.Mass Spectra were performed on HP model MS-5988. Microanalyses for C, H and N were performed on Avario Elementry (table 3). Analytical data were obtained from the service laboratory center in NRC.Application of Reactive Auxiliaries: The wool samples were treated with each compound at various concentrations (1, 2, 4, 8 and 16% oww) by an exhaustion process using liquor ratio of 20:1. auxiliary were added and the process was started at 40 °C and run for 20 minutes, during which pH 4 was established, salt ammonium sulphate ( 1% oww). Then the bath was raised to the boil over 30 minutes and held for 60 minutes at 100 ºC. Afterwards, samples were rinsed for 15 minutes and dried at room temperature.Table 3:Characterization data of reactive auxiliaries Product code Elemental composition 1H NM R. (DM SO)IR(cm-1)--------------------------------------------------------------- C H N1R [E] 27.40 1.72 21.30 7.5(m,5H,ArH), 11.2(s,1H,-NH-)1180,1557, 35001[F] 26.50 1.78 21.122----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2R [E] 28.51 2.39 14.787.5-7.8(m,3H,ArH), 11.01-11.21181,1560, 34461[F] 27.80 2.10 13.85 (s, respectively 1H ,-NH-)2----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3R [E] 33.42 1.72 11.997.5(m,5H,1Ph) , 11.1( s,1H, -NH- )1196,1560, 34451[F] 32.87 1.42 11.632[E]: Expected value.1[F]: Found from elemental analysis.2Determination of Mass Gain: Weight gain was determined on the basis of oven dry weight, measured before and after the application of the reactive auxiliaries.Dyeing of Wool Fabric: The resist effectiveness of reactive auxiliaries on wool was evaluated using the three dyes listed in table (2). Dyeing process was carried out in a dye bath containing ammonium sulphate (0.5-2.5% oww), using a liquor ratio of 20:1at pH (3-8 ),the dye bath temperature (40- 100 ºC )and dyeing time(20- 90 minutes) and dye conc.(1- 4 %). Afterwards, samples were rinsed for 15minutes and dried at room temperature.Dye Resist Evaluation: To evaluate dye resist effectiveness, the treated wool samples were dyed in a competition with untreated wool (differential dyeing technique,DD), we quantified the dye resist effectiveness (RE) of the different auxiliaries by calculating RE values from the reflectance values (K/S)of the dye treated and untreated wool samples.K/S values were obtained at the wavelength of maximum dye absorption:untreated treated [(K/S ) - (K/S )]%Resist = -------------------------------x 100untreated (K/S )RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSDyeing:Effect of Dye Bath pH: Figure 2 shows that the pH values of the dye bath have a considerable effect on the dyeability of wool fabrics with dye resist technique,123DD process using the auxiliaries R , R and R and acid red 27. The effect of the dye bath pH can be attributed to the correlation between auxiliary structure and wool fabric. It can be seen from the results given 2in fig (2) that the R treated wool achieves a higher 31dye resist at the same pH value than the R and R treated wool. One might be attempted to deduce that 2 this differences arises because R reactive resistFig. 2:The effect of pH on resist effectiveness of123au xiliaries (R , R , R ), cond itio ns:temperature100 0 C, time 40 min., dye conc.3%,conc. of salt 1%and conc. of auxiliaries 4%.Fig. 3:the effect of the temperature on Resist123effectiveness of auxiliaries (R ,R ,R ),conditions : pH 4, time 40 min.dye conc. 3%,conc. of salt 1% and conc. of auxiliaries 4%.contains two s- triazine reactive moieties which leads 2to a higher degree of fixation of R at pH 4 to the wool fiber. As clearly observed in figure (2) it was noticed from the figure that higher dyeability at pH 4and then the dyeability decreases as the pH increases.Effect of Temperature: The effect of temperature on the dyeability of wool fabrics with dye resist technique,123DD process using the auxiliaries R , R and R and acid red 27 was conducted at different temperatures (40-100C). As shown in figure (3), it is clear that the o dye resist increases with increasing dyeing temperature 123for the three used auxiliaries R ,R ,R and reaches maximum value at 100 Oc.Fig. 4:The effect of time on Resist effectiveness of123auxiliaries (R, R, R), conditions: pH 4,temperature100 0 C, dye conc. 3 %,conc. ofsalt 1% and conc. of auxiliaries 4%.Fig. 5:The effect of conc.of salt on Resist123effectiveness of auxiliaries (R, R, R),conditions: pH 4, temperature100 0 C, time 40min.,dye conc. 3 %and conc.of auxiliaries 4%.Effect of Dyeing Time: The effect of time on thedyeability of wool fabrics with dye resist technique,123DD process using the auxiliaries R, R and R andacid red 27 was conducted at different temperatures(20-90min.). As shown in fig. (4), it is clear that thedye resist increased as the dyeing time increase up to40 min, and then it began to decrease.Effect of the Salt Conc.: The effect of conc. of salton the dyeability of wool fabrics with dye resist12technique, DD process using the auxiliaries R, R and3R and acid red 27 was conducted at different conc.(0.5-2.5% oww). As shown in figure (5), it is clear thatthe dye resist increases with increasing conc. of saltand reaches maximum value at 1% oww and then itbegan to decrease.Effect of the Dye Bath Conc.: The effect ofthe dye bath conc. on the dyeability of woolfabrics with dye resist technique, DD process123using the auxiliaries R, R and R was conducted atdifferent dye bath conc. (1-4% oww) of acid red 27.As shown in figure (6), it is clear that the dyeresist increase with the increasing of dyeingconcentration and reaches the maximum value at 3% ofdye concentration.Fig. 6:the effect of the conc. of dye on Resist123effectiveness of auxiliaries (R,R,R),conditions: pH 4 temperature100 0C, time40min.,conc. of salt1%and conc. of auxiliaries4%.Fig. 7:The effects of conc. of auxiliaries on Resist123effectiveness of auxiliaries (R, R, R),conditions: pH 4, time 40 min., temperature100°C,conc. of salt 1% and dye conc.3% ofacid red 27.Effect of the Conc. of Auxiliaries: The effect of theconc. of auxiliaries on the dyeability of wool fabricswith dye resist technique, DD process using the123auxiliaries R, R and R was conducted at differentconc. of auxiliaries (1, 2, 4,8 and16%oww). As shownin figure (7), it is clear that the dye resist increaseswith the increasing of the concentration of auxiliariesand reach the maximum value at (4% oww) ofauxiliary concentration.DD and DR techniques: After reaching the optimum1conditions for dyeing treated wool using R, R2, R3, toobtain maximum dye resist effect, we investigated theeffectiveness of the auxiliaries using two differentdyeing processes at the same conditions. The treatedwool was dyed separately (dye resist technique, DR)to estimate the overall dye resist effect. On the otherhand treated wool samples were dyed in competitionwith untreated wool (differential dyeing technique, DD)to estimate the differential dyeing behavior. The threeacid dyes listed in table (2) were used.The obtained results suggest that the dye resist2effect achieved with the bifunctional reactive resist (R)was superior to that achieved by the monofunctional1reactive resist (R).The explanation for this differencemight be that there are cross links introduced by the123Table4:Fastness properties of the dyed wool using the auxiliaries (R , R , R )perspiration FastnessRubbing Fastness W ashing fastness-------------------------------------------------------------------------Dye Aux-----------------------------------------------------------Alkaline Acidic -------------------------------------------------------------------LightDryW etAltScSwAlt Sc Sw Alt Sc Sw103-43-433-443-433-433-436-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1R 43-43-43-443-43-43-44446-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2R 4-54-554-554-54-54-55557-8-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3R 44444-54444-554-54-56-7----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------203-433-4443-4443-43-445-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1R 43-433-43-43-443-43-43-445-6-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2R 54454-55554-54-557-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3R 4-543-44-5444-54444-56----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------303-43-443-443-4344446-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1R 43-443-4443-443-4446-7-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2R 54-554-555554-5558-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3R 444-544-54-544-544-54-57Aux:auxiliaries Alt: alterationSc: staining on cotton Sw: staining on wool 0: sample without treatment of auxiliaries2Fig. 8 a,b:Resist effectiveness of R versus auxiliaryuptake of the fibers3Fig. 9a,b:Resist effectiveness of R versus auxiliary uptake of the fibers.1Fig. 10a,b:Resist effectiveness of R versus auxiliary uptake of the fibres 2bifunctional groups of (R ),increasing the substantivity between the substrate and the dye resist agents which is one of the important factors needed to improve dye resist effects . Figures (8, 9,10) show the resist [15,16]effectiveness of the three auxiliaries used, depending on the amount of auxiliary fixed to the fibers. At low auxiliary uptake, the three compounds differ greatly 2from each other. At equal weight gain, R shows a 3,3better resist effect than R and R in turn have better 1resist effect than R . Above an uptake of 7.2%, theresist effectiveness of the auxiliaries tends toward a limiting resist value for the three dyes used.It must be concluded that other factors such as molecular configuration, in addition to ionic/hydrophobic mechanism, could affect the achieved weight gains, since the inductive effect of the electron withdrawing nitrogen on the s- triazines activates the reactive centers on the carbon atoms of s-triazines more than those of other heterocycles. Morever, the electro negativity of the leaving groups adjacent to thereactive centers also partly contributes to the increased reactivity of the reactive centers. Also molecular structures of the dyes used have an effect on the dye resist values obtained. Acid red 27 gives higher values of dye resist that is because this dye contains three sulphonic acid groups, thus strong electrostatic forces are built up between treated fibers and dye, which leads to an efficient electrostatic repulsion of the dye molecules. The dye is not absorbed quite readily and is not able to penetrate into the fibers .[17]It can be seen from the results given in2fig (8, 9, 10) that the R treated wool achieves a higher1weight gain than the R treated wool. One might be attempted to deduce that this differences arises because2R reactive resist contains two s- triazine reactive moieties which leads to a higher degree of fixation of2R to the wool fiber.Fastness Properties: Fastness properties of the dyed fabrics are shown in table 4.The results indicated that123 treated wool with the three auxiliaries R,R,R using the three acid dyes give good to very good results for2 rubbing,perspiration, light and washing fastness. R13shows better fastness properties than R and R with the three acid dyes.Conclusion: Three reactive auxiliaries containing s-triazine-based reactive groups were synthesized and the dye resist effects achieved on wool were evaluated using two different techniques DR, DD.The obtained results suggested that the dye resist effect achieved with the bifunctional reactive resist was superior to that achieved by the monofunctional reactive resist and the DD technique gives better dye resist effect than DR one. 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