Wigner crystalization about $nu$=3
Bernese PPP的数据处理方法
Bernese PPP的数据处理方法berneseppp的数据处理方法伯尼斯5。
1000 1111 1110 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 S E F S =(-1)1=-1 E =00011111=3110 F’ =110+(110 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000)2
WANG Wei, Computer Organization and Architecture, Copyright 2004 TJU
若它分别表示如下所示的三种数,那么他们 的含义各是什么?
2的补码表示的整数 无符号整数 单精度浮点数
WANG Wei, Computer Organization and Architecture, Copyright 2004 TJU
(1000 1111 1110 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000)补 =(1111 0000 0001 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000)原 =-(111 0000 0001 0000 0100 0000 0000 0000) =-188011315210
WANG Wei, Computer Organization and Architecture, Copyright 2004 TJU
WANG Wei, Computer Organization and Architecture, Copyright 2004 TJU
0100 0001 0010 1000 0000 0000 0000 0000
WANG Wei, Computer Organization and Architecture, Copyright 2004 TJU
一、IDL常用关键字1、FID文件ID(FID)是一个长整型的标量,FID 为ENVI 的程序员提供了一个命名变量,可以被数个ENVI 程序所使用,来打开或选择文件。
2、R_FID 和和M_FIDENVI 处理程序所产生的影像结果也包括一个R_FID,或者称为返回FID 关键字。
如果结果是存在内存中的,设置R_FID 关键字是访问该数据的唯一方法。
在掩模处理程序还包括一个M_FID,或者称为掩模FID 关键字,用于确定用作掩模波段的文件3、DIMSDIMS 关键字是一个5 个元素长整型数组。
当需要确定FID 的时候,用户必须同时使用DIMS 关键字确定该文件的空间子集。
DIMS[0]:用于存储指向一个打开的ROI 区域的指针,仅在ROI 被定义的时候使用,其它时候设为-1DIMS[1]:采样的起始位置(一个基于0 的IDL 数组下标)DIMS[2]:采样的终止位置DIMS[3]:行的起始位置DIMS[4]:行的结束位置4、POSPOS 关键字定义了用于处理的波段位置。
POS 关键字是一个变长的长整型数组。
因为ENVI 处理的文件可能具有多个波段,而使用POS 矢量来确定用于处理的波谱子集。
二、文件管理函数:1、ENVI_PICKFILEENVI_PICKFILE 函数产生一个提示用户选择文件的对话框。
该函数产生的界面和使用ENVI 主菜单选择File->Open Image File 一样的界面。
2、ENVI_SELECTENVI_SELECT 产生对话框提示用户从ENVI 中已经打开的文件中选择一个文件。
该函数产生ENVI 标准的文件选择对话框,其中包括空间和波谱子区裁剪按钮,以及掩模波段选取按钮。
3、ENVI_OPEN_FILE该函数返回一个文件的FID,它是打开ENVI 文件的最直接和简单的方法。
报错解决V ASP⾃旋轨道耦合计算错误汇总静态计算时,报错:VERY BAD NEWS! Internal内部error in subroutine⼦程序IBZKPT:Reciprocal倒数的lattice and k-lattice belong to different class of lattices. Often results are still useful (48)INCAR参数设置:对策:根据所⽤集群,修改INCAR中NPAR。
将NPAR=4变成NPAR=1,已解决!错误:sub space matrix类错误报错:静态和能带计算中出现警告:W ARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian共轭in DA V结构优化出现错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 4 -4.681828688433112E-002对策:通过将默认AMIX=0.4,修改成AMIX=0.2(或0.3),问题得以解决。
以下是类似的错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in rmm -3.00000000000000RMM: 22 -0.167633596124E+02 -0.57393E+00 -0.44312E-01 1326 0.221E+00BRMIX:very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 28.00003 new 28.06093 0.111E+00错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in rmm -42.5000000000000ERROR FEXCP: supplied Exchange-correletion table is too small, maximal index : 4794错误:结构优化Bi2Te3时,log⽂件:WARNING in EDDIAG: sub space matrix is not hermitian 1 -0.199E+01RMM: 200 0.179366581305E+01 -0.10588E-01 -0.14220E+00 718 0.261E-01BRMIX: very serious problems the old and the new charge density differ old charge density: 56.00230 new 124.70394 66 F= 0.17936658E+01 E0= 0.18295246E+01 d E =0.557217E-02curvature: 0.00 expect dE= 0.000E+00 dE for cont linesearch 0.000E+00ZBRENT: fatal error in bracketingplease rerun with smaller EDIFF, or copy CONTCAR to POSCAR and continue但是,将CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR,接着算静态没有报错,这样算出来的结果有问题吗?对策1:⽤这个CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR重新做⼀次结构优化,看是否达到优化精度!对策2:⽤这个CONTCAR拷贝成POSCAR,并且修改EDIFF(⽬前参数EDIFF=1E-6),默认为10-4错误:WARNING: Sub-Space-Matrix is not hermitian in DA V 1 -7.626640664998020E-003⽹上参考解决⽅案:对策1:减⼩POTIM: IBRION=0,标准分⼦动⼒学模拟。
FullProf 详细使用教程
New facilities concerning symmetry in FullProf
⇒ The symmetry used within FullProf is totally based in the Crystallographic Fortran 95 Modules Library (CrysFML) (Tuesday 26 ⇒ FA3-MS5, Meeting Room 11B) ⇒ These modules provide better crystallographic information to the user of the program. In particular automatic calculation of the multiplicity of each site is now performed after reading the atoms as well as the calculation of the appropriate coefficients for automatic quantitative analysis of mixture of phases. ⇒ New output files with full information of crystallographic symmetry are produced (extension: sym)
Durban, August 24, 2003
ECM-21 Software Workshop
Last minute changes in FullProf Documented in “fp2k.inf”
Winsorising 是一种数据处理方法,用于处理极端值或异常值。
具体来说,Winsorising 方法会将数据中的最小值和最大值替换为指定的界限值,而不是直接删除或忽略这些极端值。
这个界限值通常是数据中的最小值和最大值的某个百分比,例如 1% 或 5%。
通过 Winsorising,可以减少极端值对数据平均值、中位数等统计指标的影响,使这些指标更能反映数据的一般趋势和分布情况。
Winsorising 方法通常在数据预处理阶段使用,特别是在进行统计分析之前,以减少异常值对结果的影响。
Materials Studio 培训教程
Materials Studio 培训教目录Materials Studio 快速入门教程⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯2 Visualizer 模块快速入门教程⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯11用第一性原理预测AlAs 的晶格参数⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯36 CO 分子在Pd(110)表面的吸附⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯43Pd(110)面上的CO 分子电荷密度变化⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯55模拟CO_Pd(110)体系的STM 图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯61使用DMol3 中的离域内坐标对固体进行几何优化⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯64 用LST/QST 搜索过渡态⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯69气体在聚合体中扩散的测量⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯76聚合物与金属氧化物表面的相互作用⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯86计算共存相之间的界面张力⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯96运行简单的MesoDyn 模拟⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯99使用粉末衍射图进行分析⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯108指标化粉末衍射图⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯117无机物的Rietveld 精修⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯125使用Reflex Plus 来解析3-氯-反-苯乙烯酸的结构⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯133 无机化合物FIN31 的结构确定⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯142创腾科技有限公司Neotrident Technology Limited 2Materials Studio 快速入门教程该教程将介绍Materials Studio 软件的基本功能,在这一部分,你将学到:1.生成Projects2.打开并且观察3D 文档3.绘制苯甲酰胺分子4.观察并且处理研究表格文档5.处理分子晶体:尿素6.建造Alpha 石英晶体7.建造多甲基异丁烯酸盐8.保存Project 并结束1. 生成Projects(1).运行Material Visualizer从运行菜单中运行或者在桌面点击快捷方式。
斯威特柱后衍生系统原理解析1. 背景介绍斯威特柱后衍生系统(Swivel Posterior Derivation System)是一种用于语言模型的后处理技术。
2. 基本原理斯威特柱后衍生系统基于以下两个基本原理来进行文本修正和改进:2.1 后验概率调整在生成文本时,语言模型会根据上下文预测下一个词或短语。
具体地,在判断一个词组是否需要调整时,斯威特柱后衍生系统会考虑以下几个因素: - 词组的上下文信息:词组出现的上下文信息对该词组的合理性有很大影响。
- 词组的频率信息:如果一个词组在训练数据中出现的频率较低,那么它可能是一种不常见或者不合理的表达方式,需要进行调整。
- 词组的语法信息:如果一个词组违反了语法规则,那么它可能需要进行调整。
2.2 调整算法当判断出一个词组需要调整时,斯威特柱后衍生系统会使用一种基于统计和规则的算法来对其进行修正。
具体地,在修正过程中,系统会考虑以下几个因素: - 上下文信息:通过分析上下文中其他相关的词汇和短语,系统可以更好地判断该词组应该如何调整。
- 语法规则:根据语法规则,系统可以调整词组的顺序、形态和结构,使其更符合语言的规范。
- 语义信息:通过分析词组的语义信息,系统可以对其进行合理的替换或修改。
Fluent经典问题1对于刚接触到FLUENT新手来说,面对铺天盖地的学习资料和令人难读的FLUENT help,如何学习才能在最短的时间内入门并掌握基本学习方法呢?答:学习任何一个软件,对于每一个人来说,都存在入门的时期。
2 CFD计算中涉及到的流体及流动的基本概念和术语:理想流体和粘性流体;牛顿流体和非牛顿流体;可压缩流体和不可压缩流体;层流和湍流;定常流动和非定常流动;亚音速与超音速流动;热传导和扩散等。
用用点鼠鼠击标标“下选选一定定步积积” 分分区区间 间,
点击“处理“菜单下的“提取色谱图(Extract Chromatogram)” 命令,提取出特定波长的色谱图。
点击“处理(Process)”菜单下的“积分 (Integrate)” 命令,对提取的谱图进行积分
选择“提取色谱图(Extract Chromatogram)”命令设定处理波长
选择“新建(New)”,“处理方法(Processing Method)”命令
选择“新建处理方法(Create a New Processing Method)”
注意:一定要先选“标准样” 再选“未知样”
点击“使用指定的方法组(Use specified method set)”然后指定 方法组,按“确定”
在“结果组”或“结果”栏 点“更新”按钮显示最新
计算结果,然后选中相 应的样品,点右键选“查 看(Review)”命令
数据检查cif文件时常见问题及解决办法一、需要修改参数和添加命令进行精修的问题1、Mu(calc) and Mu(CIF) Ratio Differs from 1.0 by . 77.73 %问题:理论计算的单胞线性吸收系数与cif文件中不一致2、Check R eported M olecular Weight ................ 78.48问题:分子式不正确。
3、Reported F000 D iffers f r om C alcd (o r M issing)... ? Check问题:单胞中的电子数不正确。
4、Minimum Crystal Dimension M issing (o r E rror) ... ? D o !5、Medium Crystal D imension M issing (o r E rror) ... ? D o !6、Maximum Crystal D imension M issing (o r E rror) ... ? D o !问题:Cif文件中没有晶体尺寸。
7、CIF Contains no X-H Bonds ...................... ? C heck8、CIF Contains no X-Y-H or H-Y-H Angles .......... ? C heck问题:cif文件中没有与氢原子有关的键长和键角。
解决办法:在res文件中添加BOND $H 和CONF 命令进行精修。
9、Centre of G ravity not Within U nit Cell: R esd. # 1问题:分子不在晶胞内。
10、The absolute value of parameter shift to su ratio > 0.2011、Absolute value of the parameter shift to su ratio given 5.41312、Additional refinement cycles may be required.Maximum Shift/Error ............................ 5.41问题:参与精修的参数没有收敛。
第4章 ANSYS求解设置
Solution-Sol’n Controls SPARSE -Sparse direct equation solver. Applicable to real symmetric and unsymmetric matrices. Available only for STATIC, HARMIC (full method only), TRANS (full method only), SUBSTR, and PSD spectrum analysis types [ANTYPE]. Can be used for nonlinear and linear analyses, especially nonlinear analysis where indefinite matrices are frequently encountered. Well suited for contact analysis where contact status alters the mesh topology. Other typical well-suited applications are: (a) models consisting of shell/beam or shell/beam and solid elements (b) models with a multi-branch structure, such as an automobile exhaust or a turbine fan. This is an alternative to iterative solvers since it combines both speed and robustness. Generally, it requires more memory than the frontal solver, but it is comparable in memory requirement to the PCG solver. When memory is limited, the solver works partly in and out-of-core memory without much increase in CPU time.
M.2135 Guidelines for evaluation of radio interface technologies for IMT-Advanced
This Report provides guidelines for both the procedure and the criteria (technical, spectrum and service) to be used in evaluating the proposed IMT-Advanced radio interface technologies (RITs) or Sets of RITs (SRITs) for a number of test environments and deployment scenarios for evaluation. These test environments are chosen to simulate closely the more stringent radio operating environments. The evaluation procedure is designed in such a way that the overall performance of the candidate RIT/SRITs may be fairly and equally assessed on a technical basis. It ensures that the overall IMT-Advanced objectives are met.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without written permission of ITU.
Rep. ITU-R M.2135-1
Pg=nkBT=ρkBT /umH
c (1 )
r R
4r 3 3r 4 m( r ) M 3 4 R R
4 r
3 c n
n 2 d
2 d 1 d 3 m(r ) 4 r 4c r d d 0
dr 1 dm 4 r 2 dP Gm dm 4 r 4 dl dm 3 R l dT dm 64 2 r 4 T 3
• If we assume simple relation between pressure and density throughout the star. Eqns of hydrostatic equilibrium and mass conservation can be solved independently of the other …….
K 为恒量
2. 特定情况下的理想气体的状态方程 monatomic ideal gas
等温(isothermal )过程 P = RT0 / n =
对于绝热(adiabatic)过程 P 5/3 n = 3/2 K 与温度有关
3. 理想气体压强与辐射压比值恒定时.
ITU-T G.957标准
G.100–G.199 G.200–G.299 G.300–G.399 G.400–G.449
G.450–G.499 G.600–G.699 G.700–G.799 G.800–G.899 G.900–G.999 G.900–G.909 G.910–G.919 G.920–G.929 G.930–G.939 G.940–G.949 G.950–G.959 G.960–G.969 G.970–G.979 G.980–G.989 G.990–G.999
Recommendation G.957
FOREWORD ITU (International Telecommunication Union) is the United Nations Specialized Agency in the field of telecommunications. The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of the ITU. The ITU-T is responsible for studying technical, operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing telecommunications on a worldwide basis. The World Telecommunication Standardization Conference (WTSC), which meets every four years, establishes the topics for study by the ITU-T Study Groups which, in their turn, produce Recommendations on these topics. The approval of Recommendations by the Members of the ITU-T is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSC Resolution No. 1. In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T’s purview, the necessary standards are prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.
CEI IEC 61508 6
Annex B (informative) Example technique for evaluating probabilities of failure .................................21 B.1 B.2 General........................................................................................................................21 Average probability of failure per demand (for low demand mode of operation) .....................23 B.2.1 B.2.2 B.2.3 B.2.4 B.3 Procedure for calculations..................................................................................23 Detailed tables for low demand mode of operation ................................................26 Examples for low demand mode of operation .......................................................30 Architectures for low demand mode of operation ..................................................33
如果您发表的时候采用的是ortep格式的图片,<br> 可以用ortep-3, xp, platon中的pluton等直接存成eps格式;<br> 如果用diamond,mercury等软件可以先保存成jpeg, bmp等格式,<br> 再用photoshop软件去转换,但是一定要注意分辨率。
2.请教关于 pseudo-symmetry 的问题用Platon检测数据的空间群,用程序建议的空间群升高后再重新精修,然后再检测就能消除掉。
Fluent经典问题及答疑1 对于刚接触到FLUENT新手来说,面对铺天盖地的学习资料和令人难读的FLUENT help,如何学习才能在最短的时间内入门并掌握基本学习方法呢?(#61)2 CFD计算中涉及到的流体及流动的基本概念和术语:理想流体和粘性流体;牛顿流体和非牛顿流体;可压缩流体和不可压缩流体;层流和湍流;定常流动和非定常流动;亚音速与超音速流动;热传导和扩散等。
(13楼)3 在数值模拟过程中,离散化的目的是什么?如何对计算区域进行离散化?离散化时通常使用哪些网格?如何对控制方程进行离散?离散化常用的方法有哪些?它们有什么不同?(#80)4 常见离散格式的性能的对比(稳定性、精度和经济性)(#62)5 在利用有限体积法建立离散方程时,必须遵守哪几个基本原则?(#81)6 流场数值计算的目的是什么?主要方法有哪些?其基本思路是什么?各自的适用范围是什么?(#130)7 可压缩流动和不可压缩流动,在数值解法上各有何特点?为何不可压缩流动在求解时反而比可压缩流动有更多的困难?(#55)8 什么叫边界条件?有何物理意义?它与初始条件有什么关系?(#56)9 在一个物理问题的多个边界上,如何协调各边界上的不同边界条件?在边界条件的组合问题上,有什么原则?10 在数值计算中,偏微分方程的双曲型方程、椭圆型方程、抛物型方程有什么区别?(#143)11 在网格生成技术中,什么叫贴体坐标系?什么叫网格独立解?(#35)12 在GAMBIT的foreground和background中,真实体和虚实体、实操作和虚操作四个之间是什么关系?13 在GAMBIT中显示的“check”主要通过哪几种来判断其网格的质量?及其在做网格时大致注意到哪些细节?(#38)14 画网格时,网格类型和网格方法如何配合使用?各种方法有什么样的应用范围及做网格时需注意的问题?(#169)15 对于自己的模型,大多数人有这样的想法:我的模型如何来画网格?用什么样的方法最简单?这样做网格到底对不对?(#154)16 在两个面的交界线上如果出现网格间距不同的情况时,即两块网格不连续时,怎么样克服这种情况呢?(#40)17 依据实体在GAMBIT建模之前简化时,必须遵循哪几个原则?(#170)18 在设置GAMBIT边界层类型时需要注意的几个问题:a、没有定义的边界线如何处理?b、计算域内的内部边界如何处理(2D)?(#128)19 为何在划分网格后,还要指定边界类型和区域类型?常用的边界类型和区域类型有哪些?(#127)20 何为流体区域(fluid zone)和固体区域(solid zone)?为什么要使用区域的概念?FLUENT是怎样使用区域的?(#41)21 如何监视FLUENT的计算结果?如何判断计算是否收敛?在FLUENT中收敛准则是如何定义的?分析计算收敛性的各控制参数,并说明如何选择和设置这些参数?解决不收敛问题通常的几个解决方法是什么?(9楼)22 什么叫松弛因子?松弛因子对计算结果有什么样的影响?它对计算的收敛情况又有什么样的影响?(7楼)23 在FLUENT运行过程中,经常会出现“turbulence viscous rate”超过了极限值,此时如何解决?而这里的极限值指的是什么值?修正后它对计算结果有何影响?(#28)24 在FLUENT运行计算时,为什么有时候总是出现“reversed flow”?其具体意义是什么?有没有办法避免?如果一直这样显示,它对最终的计算结果有什么样的影响?(#29)25 燃烧过程中经常遇到一个“头疼”问题是计算后温度场没什么变化?即点火问题,解决计算过程中点火的方法有哪些?什么原因引起点火困难的问题? (#183)26 什么叫问题的初始化?在FLUENT中初始化的方法对计算结果有什么样的影响?初始化中的“patch”怎么理解?(12楼)27 什么叫PDF方法?FLUENT中模拟煤粉燃烧的方法有哪些?(#197)28 在利用prePDF计算时出现不稳定性如何解决?即平衡计算失败。
Coppersmith-Winograd 算法对正整数 q ,定义张量 T ,其对应的多项式为 p (X ,Y ,Z )=∑q i =1(X 0Y i Z i +X i Y 0Z i +X i Y i Z 0)。
对于 ϵ>0,定义张量 T (ϵ),其对应的多项式为q ∑i =1ϵ−2(X 0+ϵX i )(Y 0+ϵY i )(Z 0+ϵZ i )−ϵ−3X 0+ϵ2q ∑i =1X i Y 0+ϵ2q ∑i =1Y i Z 0+ϵ2q ∑i =1Z i +ϵ−3−q ϵ−2X 0Y 0Z 0 则 lim ϵ→0T (ϵ)=T 且 R (T (ϵ))≤q +2。
故 R_(T )≤q +2。
出于⽅便采⽤如下的记号:将变量 X 0,…,X q 分成两块,其中块 [0] 包含 X 0,块 [1] 包含 X 1,…,X q 。
对 Y 和 Z 作同样的处理。
令 X [I 1]Y [I 2]Z [I 3] 包含 p (X ,Y ,Z ) 中所有单项式 X j 1Y j 2Z j 3 之和,其中 j 1,j 2,j 3 分别属于块 [I 1],[I 2],[I 3]。
即 X [0]Y [1]Z [1]=q ∑i =1X 0Y i Z i ,X [1]Y [0]Z [1]=q ∑i =1X i Y 0Z i ,X [1]Y [1]Z [0]=q ∑i =1X i Y i Z 0,其对应的张量分别为 ⟨1,1,q ⟩,⟨1,q ,1⟩,⟨q ,1,1⟩。
并且有 p (X ,Y ,Z )=X [0]Y [1]Z [1]+X [1]Y [0]Z [1]+X [1]Y [1]Z [0]。
下⾯考虑张量 T ⊗N (N 为 3 的倍数),并设其对应的多项式为 p ′(X ,Y ,Z ),其中 X ={X i 1,…,i N :0≤i t ≤q },对 Y ,Z 同理。
称 X j 1,…,j N 属于块 [I 1,…,I N ],若 X j t属于块 [I t ]。
faiss笔记faiss没有windows的版本,只⽀持mac和linux⼀、简单介绍1. 当向量规模很⼤的时候,普通的暴⼒索引IndexFlatL2搜索很慢,⽽IndexIVFFlat索引可以建⽴倒排索引,即使⽤K-means建⽴聚类中⼼,然后通过查询最近的聚类中⼼,然后⽐较聚类中的所有向量得到相似的向量;⽤k-nn的话,索引结果会受k和数据规模影响。
2. 像IndexFlatL2和IndexIVFFlat这种索引都会全量存储所有的向量到内存,faiss提供基于Product Quantizer(乘积量化)的压缩算法编码向量⼤⼩到指定的字节数。
⽤法类似于quantizer = faiss.IndexFlatL2(d) # 先建⼀个普通的索引,作为⼀个容器quantizerindex = faiss.IndexIVFPQ(quantizer, d, nlist, m, 8) # 这⾥是将容器中的向量使⽤乘积量化压缩为8Byte的;d:维数;m:向量段数3. faiss定义了两种衡量相似度的⽅法(metrics),分别为faiss.METRIC_L2、faiss.METRIC_INNER_PRODUCT,⼀个是欧式距离,⼀个是向量内积。
4. faiss中的参数含义:nlist:聚类中⼼的个数;k:查找最相似的k个向量,即K-NN;index.nprobe:查找聚类中⼼的个数,默认为1个具体⽤法和C++⽤法参考官⽅代码和具体代码实现就可以;⽤index_factory可以直接⽤指定的字符串表达构建索引Index *index_factory (int d, const char *description_in, MetricType metric);description = "IVF100,PQ8"; // ⽰例,具体字符表达index_factory:index_factory通过字符串来创建索引,字符串包括三部分:预处理、倒排、编码。
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a r X i v :c o n d -m a t /0307182v 1 [c o n d -m a t .m e s -h a l l ] 8 J u l 2003Wigner crystallization about ν=3R.M.Lewis 1,2,∗,Yong Chen 1,2,L.W.Engel 1,D.C.Tsui 2,P.D.Ye 1,2,L.N.Pfeiffer 3,and K.W.West 31NHMFL,1800E.Paul Dirac Dr.,Florida State University,Tallahassee,FL 32310,USA2Dept.of Electrical Engineering,Princeton University,Princeton,NJ 085443Bell Laboratories,Lucent Technology,Murray Hill,NJ 07974We measure a resonance in the frequency dependence of the real diagonal conductivity,Re[σxx ],near integer filling factor,ν=3.This resonance depends strongly on ν,with peak frequency f pk ≈1.7GHz at ν=3.04or 2.92close to integer ν,but f pk ≈600MHz at ν=3.19or 2.82,the extremes of where the resonance is visible.The dependence of f pk upon n ∗,the density of electrons in the partially filled level,is discussed and compared with similar measurments by Chen et al.[14]about ν=1and 2.We interpret the resonance as due to a pinned Wigner crystal phase with density n ∗about the ν=3state.The integer quantum Hall effect (IQHE)[1,2]is un-derstood to arise in two–dimensional electron systems (2DES)from gaps in the single particle density of states.At low temperatures,electron localization when the Fermi level resides in these gaps,gives rise to wide,deep minima in the diagonal conductivity,σxx ,and quantized values of the Hall conductance,σxy .In very clean sys-tems,there exists the possibility that electrons may be-come localized in a collective manner forming crystalline domains[3,4,5,6]pinned by disorder.Collective local-ization of electrons is known to occur deep in the lowest Landau level at filling factors ν<1/5where the Wigner crystal (WC)[7]becomes energetically favorable [8,9].Key observations of the WC have been provided by mea-surements of the real diagonal microwave conductivity,Re[σxx ],which shows a resonance at frequency,f ∼1GHz [10,11].The resonance is caused by the pinned WC domains oscillating in the disorder potential,i.e.a pinning mode[12,13].Recently,Chen et al.[14]have shown that a similar resonance exists at νclose to inte-gers 1and 2and attributed it to a crystal formed from the electrons in the uppermost occupied spin split Lan-dau level.In this paper,we detail measurements of a resonance in Re[σxx ]about ν=3.We interpret this resonance as due to a pinned crystal phase about ν=3.This resonance is sharp and has strong B dependence in agreement with Ref.[14].The dependence of f pk upon the partial den-sity in the uppermost occupied spin split Landau level is shown to agree well with measurements of f pk about ν=1and 2.It also shows that Landau level index is im-portant in determining the properties of integer quantum Hall Wigner crystals (IQHWC).Our measurements were performed on an MBE grown GaAs/AlGaAs 300˚A quantum well of density n =3.03×1011cm −2and mobility µ=2.4×107cm 2V −1s −1.The2lZ 0ln(P/P 0)where P is the transmittedpower,P 0is the power transmitted in the absence of a 2DES,Z 0=50Ω,and w2FIG.1:The real part of the conductivity,Re[σxx]versus B between3.5and6.5T at T≈50mK.Five frequencies,.3,.6, 1.0,1.5,and2GHz are shown.The data are offset for clarity.ν=3.04and3.19on the high side.In Fig.2B,the peak frequency f pk of the resonance is plotted for those traces to which a lorentzian curve can reasonably befit-ted.The f pk runs from600MHz atν=2.83to1.7GHz atν=2.91.Aboveν=3,f pk fall between1.8GHz at ν=3.04and about560MHz atν=3.18.Fig.2C shows the full width at half maximum,FWHM,taken from the same lorentzianfit.The resonance reaches its strongest (narrowest FWHM)atν=2.86and3.12.In both cases, FWHM≈650MHz.The errors on the FWHM are about 10%.Those on f pk are about6%and the error inνis less than±0.02.A resonanceof this kind in Re[σxx],as has been dis-cussed elsewhere[14,20],is naturally interpreted as a pin-ning mode[12]of an electronic crystal.The resonance ob-served here varies from well above the temperature(40 mK)at1.7GHz to well below it at650MHz(1GHz ×h/k B≈50mK)and persists to temperature well in excess of100mK.Hence,it is unlikely that individu-ally trapped electrons are its cause.The resonance is sufficiently sharp with Q=f pk/FWHM>1that some averaging of pinning potentials is occurring,indicating a large domain size.Finally,the data can be compared to the resonance seen in the Wigner Crystal regime,ν<1/5 [11],to the similar resonance seen aboutν=1and2[14],Re[σxx](µS)(A)FIG.2:(A)The real part of the conductivity,Re[σxx]versus f atfilling factors,ν,between3.78and4.24.(B)The peak frequency,f pk versusν.(C)Full width at half maximum, FWHM,versusν.and to the resonance[20]of the bubble phase.The resonance behavior seen here and in ref.[14]is very different from what has been seen in the IQHE min-ima before.In moderately clean[19]2DES over a similar range of frequency,1≤f≤10GHz,microwave conduc-tivity experiments[17,18]found Re[σxx]∝f,within the QHE minima.Those data were consistent with single particle hopping theory[16].In contrast,the pinning res-onance seen here is due to the collective motion of pinned crystalline domains.The dependence of the resonance onνis mainly due to a change in the density of electrons/holes in the crys-tal.Assuming thatfilled levels are inert,the remain-ing electrons/holes in the partiallyfilled/empty level above/belowν=3have density,n∗=n×ν∗/νwhere ν∗=ν−[ν]is the partialfilling of the level and in this case,[ν]=3.Infigure3we plot f pk versus|n∗|for the resonance aboutν=3,2,and1[21].Data for the resonance above integerν(electrons)are shown asfilled symbols and those from holes(just below integerν)are open symbols.The quantum numbers for Landau level index,N,and spin,σ,are also given.While f pk monotonically decreases as n∗increases in all cases,the data naturally bunch into2 groups.Aroundν=3(triangles),the f pk for electrons (1,↑)and holes(1,↓)fall close to each other.Both data3FIG.3:Peak frequency,f pk versus partial density,|n∗|,about integerfilling,n∗=n×ν∗/ν.Filled symbols represent elec-trons and open symbols holes.Data from the resonance about ν=1and2are included.The quantum numbers N andσare also given.sets agree well with data from the electrons nearν=2 (filled squares)(1,↓).All three occur in the N=1Landau level.However,the other three data sets were taken at ranges ofνwhich fall in the lowest Landau level.These are,nearν=1,electrons(0,↑)and holes(0,↓)and holes belowν=2(0,↓)the data for all of which follow a more gradual slope.These two distinct bunchings are due to differences between in the single particle wave function in the N=0and N=1Landau levels.In conclusion,we have presented data for an integer Wigner crystal phase of electrons whose density comes from the partialfilling of the N=1Landau level about ν=3.Our evidence is a strong resonance in Re[σxx]at νclose to3,with a range from2.83to2.91and again from 3.04to3.19.The best Q are measured atν=2.86and 3.12.The dependence of f pk uponν∗closely resembles that of the previously measured resonance nearν=1and 2and suggests that Landau Level index is of principal importance to the properties of the resonance.We thank Kun Yang,Nick Bonsteel,and Ravin Bhatt for stimulating discussions.This work is supported by a grants from the AFOSR and the NHMFL in house re-search program.[1]K.von Klitzing et al,Phys.Rev.Lett.45494(1980).[2]See reviews on the QHE see,The Quantum Hall Ef-fect,edited by R.E.Prange and S.M.Girvin(Springer-Verlag,New York,1987)and Perspectives in Quantum Hall Physics edited by S.Das Sarma and A.Pinczuk (Wiley and Sons,New York,1997).[3]A.H.MacDonald and S.M.Girvin,Phys.Rev.B33,4009(1986).[4]M.M.Fogler, A.A.Koulakov,and M.I.Shklovskii,Phys.Rev B54,1853(1996).[5]F.D.Haldane,E.H.Rezayi,and Kun Yang,Phys.Rev.Lett,85,5396(2001).[6]N.Shibata and D.Yoshioka,Phys.Rev.Lett.86,5755(2001).[7]See chapters by H.Fertig(3)and M.Shayegan(9)inPerspectives in ref.2.[8]m and S.M.Girvin,Phys.Rev.B.30,473(1984).[9]D.Levesque et al.Phys.Rev.B30,1056(1984).[10]L.W.Engel et al.Solid State Comm.,104167(1997).[11]P.D.Ye et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.89,176802(2002).[12]H.Fukuyama and P.A.Lee,Phys.Rev.B18,535(1978).[13]B.G.A.Normand et al.,Phys.Rev.B463920(1992).[14]Yong P.Chen,R.M.Lewis,L.W.Engel,...cond-mat/0301579,to appear in Phys.Rev.Lett.[15]L.W.Engel et al.Phys.Rev.Lett.71,2638(1993).[16]D.G.Polyakov and B.I.Shklovskii,Phys.Rev.B48,11167(1993)and references therein.[17]R.M.Lewis and J.P.Carini,Phys.Rev.B64073310(2001).[18]F.Hohls et al.Phys.Rev.Lett.865124(2001).[19]Both experiments used samples ofµ∼5×105cm2V−1s−1.[20]R.M.Lewis,P.D.Ye,L.W.Engel,D.C.Tsui,L.N.Pfeiffer,and K.W.West,Phys.Rev.Lett.89136804 (2002).[21]The f pk data for resonances aroundν=1and2weremeasured in a separate cooldown on a different sample cut from the same wafer.。