

德力西电气 CDY6Z浪涌保护器产品样本2023年第1版 产品说明书

德力西电气 CDY6Z浪涌保护器产品样本2023年第1版 产品说明书

CDYN系列电涌保护器CDYNSCB系列电涌保护器专用保护装置产品样本北京办事处北区中区地址:北京市丰台区枫竹苑一区(未来假日花园)18-10 邮编:100076天津办公点地址:天津市西青区凯安道凯信佳园9-3-401邮编:300100沈阳办公点地址:辽宁省沈阳市于洪区细河南路碧桂园银河城钻石郡148-3邮编:110000长沙办公点地址:湖南长沙市芙蓉区万象企业公馆5栋2709邮编:410000郑州办公点地址:河南郑州金水区青年路145号6号楼17层1706号邮编:450000武汉办公点地址:湖北武汉市江汉区新华路186号福星国际商会大厦2516、2517室邮编:430000温州办公点地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西工业园邮编:325604成都办公点地址:成都市金牛区人民北路二段118号金牛万达广场甲级C座 16楼1603号邮编:610000南京办公点地址:江苏省南京市秦淮区洪武路23号隆盛大厦1505、1506室邮编:210000重庆办公点地址:重庆市九龙坡区渝洲路4号18-9号邮编:400039广州办事处地址:广州市荔湾区南岸路63号城启大厦1905室 邮编:510160南宁办公点地址:南宁市西乡塘区北大路中梦泽园小区岳阳阁5单元202室邮编:530003昆明办公点地址:昆明市西山区棕树营街道办事处土堆村碧鸡名城C地块9幢2802室邮编:650000贵阳办公点地址:贵阳市观山湖区石林东路中天帝景传说B区B4栋1单元1302室西安办事处地址:陕西西安市莲湖区大庆路三号蔚蓝国际A705 邮编:710082新疆办公点地址:新疆乌鲁木齐市米东区米东南路红光雅居D区6号楼3单元602室邮编:830000青岛办公点地址:青岛市城阳区正阳路177号15号楼2单元903室邮编:214000福建办公点地址:福州市晋安区东二环泰禾广场7号楼1117单元邮编:350024济南办公点地址:山东省济南市历下区工业南路55号未来城商务中心13#楼608室邮编:250000杭州办公点地址:杭州市江干区蓝桥景苑11幢2单元1002室邮编:310016南昌办公点地址:江西南昌市西湖区广场东路恒茂国际华城23幢2907邮编:330002深圳办公点地址:深圳市龙华新区民丰路1号碧水龙庭7栋4单元14D 邮编:518109兰州办公点地址:兰州市城关区瑞德摩尔万国港E座2208邮编:730020电话:153****1522合肥办公点地址:安徽省合肥市瑶海区武里山路五里山天街3A-1402室邮编:230000吉林办公点地址:吉林省长春市经开区浦东路与深圳街交汇处虹湾国际A座706室邮编:130031黑龙江办公点地址:黑龙江省哈尔滨市道外区润达国际D座2单807室邮编:150050石家庄办公点地址:石家庄市裕华区华兴生活小区41-1-102邮编:050011太原办公点地址:山西太原市万柏林区西矿街70号红星小区五单元1402邮编:030024石家庄物流地址:河北省石家庄市元氏县殷村石武铁路东国达物流园内电话:155****1257辽宁物流地址:沈阳市苏家屯区雪莲街188号(雪莲街与四环路交叉口)华翔东北亚贸城 D1 德力西陕西物流地址:陕西省西安市六村堡丰产路西段陕西商储物流园南区B1号德力西仓库山东物流地址:山东省临沂市经济技术开发区翔宇路23号华派克物流园内 重庆物流地址:重庆市江津区珞璜工业园B区重庆西部诚通物流有限公司5号库成都物流地址:四川省成都市青白江区国际集装箱物流园区德汇路9号4栋4-4号广东物流地址:广东省佛山市南海区里水镇怡和二路银裕木业制品厂直入100米河南物流地址:河南省郑州市经济开发区国际物流园喜达路宇培物流园(礼通路)东北W4-A区4B 58-59号湖北物流地址:湖北省武汉市东西湖区临空港大道23号捷利物流园3号库温州物流地址:浙江省乐清市柳市镇德力西高科技生态工业园新疆物流地址:乌鲁木齐市友谊路230号(新疆诚通国际物流园内德力西仓库)芜湖物流地址:安徽省芜湖市芜湖县新芜经济开发区朝阳路德力西物流中心产品介绍电涌保护器基础知识产品介绍技术参数SPD 常用名词解释怎样看电涌保护器的好坏?它有些什么主要技术参数,各有什么重要性?为什么电涌保护器需要后备保护装置?电涌保护器的后备保护装置需要满足那些要求?不同接地系统SPD 极数的选择Ⅰ类实验 (Class I test)用标称放电电流In 、1.2/50冲击电压和最大冲击电流Iimp 做的试验。


万联芯城专注电子元器件配单服务,只售原装现货库存, 万联芯城电子元器件全国供应,专为终端生产,研发企业提供现货物料,价格 优势明显,BOM配单整单采购可享优惠价,提交BOM表报价,最快可当天发 货,解决客户采购烦恼,为客户节省采购成本,点击进入万联芯城。
绝对大额定值超过工作自由空气温度范围(除非另有说明) (1) MIN MAX单元 V CC + (2) 0 22电源电压 V V CC- (2) -22 0 差 分输入电压 (3) ±30 V V 我 输入电压范围(任一输入) (4) ±22 V 输出短路持续时间 (5)无限 T J操作虚拟结温度 150 C引线温 度距离壳体1.6毫米(1/16英寸),持续10秒 260 C (1)强调绝对大额定值以外列出的可能会导致设备永久性损坏.这些是压力评级只 有在这些或任何其他超出建议的操作条件下的条件下才能操作设备不暗示条件.暴露在绝对大额定条件下可能会影响器件的可靠性. (2) 除非另有说明,所有的电压值都是相对于V CC + 和V CC- 之间的中点 . (3)差分电压相对于IN处于IN + - . (4)输入电压的 大小决不能超过电源电压的大小或15 V,取其小者. (5)输出可能短路到地或任何一个电源. 7.2处理评级参数定义 MIN MAX单元 T STG存储温度范围 -65 150 C人体模型(HBM),根据ANSI / ESDA / JEDEC JS-001,全部 0 1000 (1)静电的 V (ESD) V卸货带电器 件型号(CDM),根据JEDEC规范JESD22- 0 1000 C101,所有引脚 (2) (1) JEDEC文件JEP??155指出,500V HBM允许采用标准 ESD控制过程进行安全制造. (2) JEDEC文件JEP??157指出,250V CDM允许使用标准ESD控制过程进行安全制造. 7.3推荐的操作条件 超过工作自由空气温度范围(除非另有说明) MIN MAX单元 V CC + 3 18电源电压 V CC- -3 -18 V V IC共模输入电压 V CC± =±15 V -13 13 T A.操作自由空气温度 0 70 C 7.4热量信息 温度计 (1) D P单元 RθJA结到环境热阻 97 85 °C / W (1)有关传统和新型散热指 标的更多信息 OP07Y精密运算放大器 SLOS099B - 1983年10月 - 修订于1996年8月五邮政信箱655303 ? 达拉斯,得克萨斯州75265 经营特色,V CC ±= ± 15 V,T A = 25°C参数测试 OP07C OP07D单元参数条件? MIN TYP MAX MIN TYP MAX单元 F = 10HZ 10.5 10.5 √ VN等效输入噪 声电压 F = 100HZ 10.2 10.3内华达州/ √HZ的 F = 1KHZ 9.8 9.8 VN(PP)峰峰值等效输入噪声电压 F = 0.1HZ至10HZ 0.38 0.38 μV F = 10HZ 0.35 0.35 √在等效输入噪声电流 F = 100HZ 0.15 0.15 PA / √HZ的 F = 1KHZ 0.13 0.13 IN(PP)峰峰值等效输入噪声电流 F = 0.1HZ 至10HZ 15 15 PA的 SR摆率 RL≥2KΩ 0.3 0.3 V /微秒 ?除非另有说明,所有特性均在开环条件下以零共模输入电压进行测量. 电气特 性,V CC ±= ± 15 V,T A = 25°C(除非另有说明)参数测试条件? OP07Y单元参数测试条件? MIN TYP MAX单元 VIO输入失调电 压 RS = 50Ω 60 150 μV输入失调电压的长期漂移见注6 0.5 μV/月偏移调整范围 RS = 20KΩ,见图1 ±4毫伏 IIO输入失调电流 0.8 6 NA 的 IIB输入偏置电流 ±2 ±12 NA的 VICR共模输入电压范围 ±13 ±14 V RL≤10KΩ ±12 ±13 VOM峰值输出电压 RL≤2KΩ ±11.5 ±12.8 V RL≤1KΩ ±12 AVD大信号L≤500KΩ 400 AVD大信号差分电压放大 VO = ±10 V, RL = 2KΩ 120 400 B1单位增益带宽 0.4 0.6兆赫 RI输入电阻 7 31中号 Ω CMRR共模输入电阻 VIC =±13 V, RS = 50Ω 94 110 D B KSVS电源电压抑制比( ΔVCC/ΔVIO) VCC ±=±3 V至±18 V, RS = 50Ω 7 32 μV/ V PD功

PT204-6B 光电二极管数据手册说明书

PT204-6B 光电二极管数据手册说明书

Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. http:\\ Rev 1 Page: 1 of 7Technical Data Sheet3mm Phototransistor T-1PT204-6BFeatures․Fast response time ․High photo sensitivity ․Pb Free․The product itself will remain within RoHS compliant version.Descriptions․PT204-6B is a high speed and high sensitive NPN silicon phototransistor molded in a standard 3 mm package.Due to its black epoxy the device is sensitive to infrared radiation.Applications․Infrared applied system ․Camera ․Printer․Cockroach catcherDevice Selection Guide Chip LED Part No.MaterialLens ColorPT204-6B Silicon BlackPT204-6BAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25℃)Parameter Symbol RatingUnitsCollector-Emitter Voltage V CEO 30 VEmitter-Collector-Voltage V ECO 5 VCollector Current I C 20 mAOperating Temperature Topr -25 ~ +85℃℃Storage Temperature Tstg -40 ~ +85℃℃Lead Soldering Temperature Tsol 260 ℃Power Dissipation at (orPc 75 mWbelow)25℃Free Air TemperatureNotes: *1:Soldering time≦5 seconds.Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. http:\\ Rev 1 Page: 2 of 7Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. http:\\ Rev 1 Page: 3 of 7PT204-6BElectro-Optical Characteristics (Ta=25℃)Parameter SymbolCondition Min. Typ. Max. Units Collector – Emitter Breakdown Voltage BV CEO I C =100μAEe=0mW/cm 230 --- --- V Emitter-Collector Breakdown Voltage BV ECO I E =100μAEe=0mW/cm 2 5--- --- VCollector-Emitter Saturation Voltage V CE)(sat)I C =2mA Ee=1mW/cm 2--- --- 0.4VRise Time t r--- 15 ---Fall Timet f V CE =5VI C =1mARL=1000Ω--- 15 --- μSCollector Dark Current I CEOEe=0mW/cm 2V CE =20V --- --- 100 nA On State Collector Current I C(on)Ee=1mW/cm 2V CE =5V 0.7 --- 5.07 mAWavelength of Peak Sensitivityλp --- --- 940 --- nm Rang of Spectral Bandwidthλ0.5--- --- 760-1100 --- nmRankings ParameterSymbolMinMaxUnitTest ConditionG0.7 1.9 H 1.14 2.6 J 1.77 3.61KI C(ON) 2.67 5.07mAV CE =5VEe=1mW/c ㎡PT204-6BReliability Test Item And ConditionThe reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below.Confidence level:90%Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. http:\\ Rev 1 Page: 6 of 7PT204-6B Packing Quantity Specificationconsent.Everlight Electronics Co., Ltd. http:\\ Rev 1 Page: 7 of 7。



Proteus元件库元件名称及中英对照滑动变阻器POT-HGKeypad 键盘SEG 数码管ALTERNATOR 交流电源JUMPER 开关T510E 电解电容Ind 电感DIODE 二极管Tran-2p3s三抽头变压器DF005M整流桥AND 与门ANTENNA 天线BA TTERY 直流电源BELL 铃,钟BVC 同轴电缆接插件BRIDEG 1 整流桥(二极管) BRIDEG 2 整流桥(集成块) BUFFER 缓冲器BUZZER 蜂鸣器CAP 电容CAPACITOR 电容CAPACITOR POL 有极性电容CAPV AR 可调电容CIRCUIT BREAKER 熔断丝COAX 同轴电缆CON 插口CRYSTAL 晶体整荡器DB 并行插口DIODE 二极管DIODE SCHOTTKY稳压二极管DIODE VARACTOR 变容二极管DPY_3-SEG 3段LEDDPY_7-SEG 7段LEDDPY_7-SEG_DP 7段LED(带小数点) ELECTRO 电解电容FUSE 熔断器INDUCTOR 电感INDUCTOR IRON 带铁芯电感INDUCTOR3 可调电感JFET N N沟道场效应管JFET P P沟道场效应管LAMP 灯泡LAMP NEDN 起辉器MICROPHONE 麦克风MOSFET MOS管MOTOR AC 交流电机MOTOR SERVO 伺服电机NAND 与非门NOR 或非门NOT 非门NPN NPN三极管NPN-PHOTO 感光三极管OPAMP 运放OR 或门PHOTO 感光二极管PNP 三极管NPN DAR NPN三极管PNP DAR PNP三极管POT 滑线变阻器PELAY-DPDT 双刀双掷继电器RES1.2 电阻RES3.4 可变电阻RESISTOR BRIDGE ? 桥式电阻RESPACK ? 电阻SCR 晶闸管PLUG ? 插头PLUG AC FEMALE 三相交流插头SOCKET ? 插座SOURCE CURRENT 电流源SOURCE VOLTAGE 电压源SPEAKER 扬声器SW ? 开关SW-DPDY ? 双刀双掷开关SW-SPST ? 单刀单掷开关SW-PB 按钮THERMISTOR 电热调节器TRANS1 变压器TRANS2 可调变压器TRIAC ? 三端双向可控硅TRIODE ? 三极真空管V ARISTOR变阻器ZENER ? 齐纳二极管DPY_7-SEG_DP 数码管SW-PB 开关元件名称中文名说明7407 驱动门1N914 二极管74Ls00 与非门74LS04 非门74LS08 与门74LS390 TTL 双十进制计数器7SEG 4针BCD-LED 输出从0-9 对应于4根线的BCD码7SEG 3-8译码器电路BCD-7SEG转换电路AlterNATOR 交流发电机AMMETER-MILLI mA安培计AND 与门BA TTERY 电池/电池组BUS 总线CAP 电容CAPACITOR 电容器CLOCK 时钟信号源CRYSTAL 晶振Compim 串口D-FLIPFLOP D触发器FUSE 保险丝GROUND 地LAMP 灯LED-RED 红色发光二极管LM016L 2行16列液晶可显示2行16列英文字符,有8位数据总线D0-D7,RS,R/W,EN三个控制端口(共14线),工作电压为5V。



[1] -
[2] -
[3] -
Max Unit
Rev. 02 — 27 June 2005
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
Zth(j-a) (K/W)
δ=1 0.50
0.20 0.10
0.75 0.33
10 0.02 0.01
tp (s)
FR4 PCB, standard footprint Fig 2. Transient thermal impedance from junction to ambient as a function of pulse time; typical values
Simplified outline Symbol
123 sym020
3. Ordering information
Table 3: Ordering information
Type number Package
PBSS4160DS SC-74



MMSZ4686T1G MMSZ4686T1G.MMSZ4xxxT1G Series, SZMMSZ4xxxT1G Series Zener Voltage Regulators 500 mW, Low I ZT SOD−123 Surface MountThree complete series of Zener diodes are offered in the convenient, surface mount plastic SOD−123 package. These devices provide a convenient alternative to the leadless 34−package style.Features•500 mW Rating on FR−4 or FR−5 Board•Wide Zener Reverse V oltage Range − 1.8 V to 43 V•Low Reverse Current (I ZT) − 50 m A•Package Designed for Optimal Automated Board Assembly •Small Package Size for High Density Applications•ESD Rating of Class 3 (>16 kV) per Human Body Model•SZ Prefix for Automotive and Other Applications Requiring Unique Site and Control Change Requirements; AEC−Q101 Qualified and PPAP Capable•These Devices are Pb−Free and are RoHS Compliant*Mechanical Characteristics:CASE:V oid-free, transfer-molded, thermosetting plastic case FINISH:Corrosion resistant finish, easily solderableMAXIMUM CASE TEMPERATURE FOR SOLDERING PURPOSES: 260°C for 10 SecondsPOLARITY:Cathode indicated by polarity band FLAMMABILITY RATING:UL 94 V−0MAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Max Units Total Power Dissipation on FR−5 Board,(Note 1) @ T L = 75°CDerated above 75°C P D5006.7mWmW/°CThermal Resistance, (Note 2) Junction−to−Ambient R q JA340°C/WThermal Resistance, (Note 2) Junction−to−Lead R q JL150°C/WJunction and Storage Temperature Range T J, T stg−55 to+150°CStresses exceeding those listed in the Maximum Ratings table may damage the device. If any of these limits are exceeded, device functionality should not be assumed, damage may occur and reliability may be affected.1.FR−5 = 3.5 X 1.5 inches, using the minimum recommended footprint.2.Thermal Resistance measurement obtained via infrared Scan Method.*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.Cathode AnodeSee specific marking information in the device marking column of the Electrical Characteristics table on page 3 of this data sheet.DEVICE MARKING INFORMATIONSOD−123CASE 425STYLE 1Device Package Shipping†ORDERING INFORMATIONMARKING DIAGRAM†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our T ape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.MMSZ4xxxT1G SOD−123(Pb−Free)3,000 /Tape & ReelMMSZ4xxxT3G SOD−123(Pb−Free)10,000 /Tape & Reel xx= Device Code (Refer to page 3)M= Date CodeG= Pb−Free Package(Note: Microdot may be in either location)1SZMMSZ4xxxT1G SOD−123(Pb−Free)3,000 /Tape & ReelSZMMSZ4xxxT3G SOD−123(Pb−Free)10,000 /Tape & ReelELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted, V F = 0.9 V Max. @ I F = 10 mA)Symbol ParameterV Z Reverse Zener Voltage @ I ZTI ZT Reverse CurrentI R Reverse Leakage Current @ V RVR Reverse VoltageI F Forward CurrentV F Forward Voltage @ I FProduct parametric performance is indicated in the Electrical Characteristics for the listed test conditions, unless otherwise noted. Product performance may not be indicated by the Electrical Characteristics if operated under different conditions.ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted, V F = 0.9 V Max. @ I F = 10 mA)Device*DeviceMarkingZener Voltage (Note 3)Leakage CurrentV Z (Volts)@ I ZT I R @ V RMin Nom Max m A m A VoltsMMSZ4678T1G CC 1.71 1.8 1.89507.51 MMSZ4679T1G CD 1.90 2.0 2.105051 MMSZ4680T1G CE 2.09 2.2 2.315041 MMSZ4681T1G CF 2.28 2.4 2.525021 MMSZ4682T1G CH 2.565 2.7 2.8355011 MMSZ4683T1G CJ 2.85 3.0 3.15500.81 MMSZ4684T1G CK 3.13 3.3 3.47507.5 1.5 MMSZ4685T1G CM 3.42 3.6 3.78507.52 MMSZ4686T1G CN 3.70 3.9 4.105052 MMSZ4687T1G CP 4.09 4.3 4.525042 SZMMSZ4687T1G CG6 4.09 4.3 4.525042 MMSZ4688T1G CT 4.47 4.7 4.9450103 MMSZ4689T1G CU 4.85 5.1 5.3650103 MMSZ4690T1G/T3G CV 5.32 5.6 5.8850104 MMSZ4691T1G CA 5.89 6.2 6.5150105 MMSZ4692T1G CX 6.46 6.87.145010 5.1 MMSZ4693T1G CY7.137.57.885010 5.7 MMSZ4694T1G CZ7.798.28.61501 6.2 MMSZ4695T1G DC8.278.79.14501 6.6 MMSZ4696T1G DD8.659.19.56501 6.9 MMSZ4697T1G DE9.501010.505017.6 MMSZ4698T1G DF10.451111.55500.058.4 MMSZ4699T1G DH11.401212.60500.059.1 MMSZ4700T1G DJ12.351313.65500.059.8 MMSZ4701T1G DK13.301414.70500.0510.6 MMSZ4702T1G DM14.251515.75500.0511.4 MMSZ4703T1G†DN15.201616.80500.0512.1 MMSZ4704T1G DP16.151717.85500.0512.9 MMSZ4705T1G DT17.101818.90500.0513.6 MMSZ4706T1G DU18.051919.95500.0514.4 MMSZ4707T1G DV19.002021.00500.0115.2 MMSZ4708T1G DA20.902223.10500.0116.7 MMSZ4709T1G DX22.802425.20500.0118.2 MMSZ4710T1G DY23.752526.25500.0119.0 MMSZ4711T1G†EA25.652728.35500.0120.4 MMSZ4712T1G EC26.602829.40500.0121.2 MMSZ4713T1G ED28.503031.50500.0122.8 MMSZ4714T1G EE31.353334.65500.0125.0 MMSZ4715T1G EF34.203637.80500.0127.3 MMSZ4716T1G EH37.053940.95500.0129.6 MMSZ4717T1G EJ40.854345.15500.0132.6 3.Nominal Zener voltage is measured with the device junction in thermal equilibrium at T L = 30°C ±1°C.*Include SZ-prefix devices where applicable.†MMSZ4703 and MMSZ4711 Not Available in 10,000/Tape & ReelTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSV Z , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θV Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 1. Temperature Coefficients (Temperature Range −55°C to +150°C)V Z , T E M P E R A T U R E C O E F F I C I E N T (m V /C )°θ100101V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 2. Temperature Coefficients (Temperature Range −55°C to +150°C), TEMPERATURE (5C)Figure 3. Steady State Power Derating P p k, P E A K S U R G E P O W E R (W A T T S )PW, PULSE WIDTH (ms)Figure 4. Maximum Nonrepetitive Surge PowerP D , P O W E R D I S S I P A T I O N (W A T T S )V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGEFigure 5. Effect of Zener Voltage onZener ImpedanceZ Z T , D Y N A M I C I M P E D A N C E ()ΩTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSC , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 6. Typical Capacitance 1000100101V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (V)1001010.10.01I Z , Z EN E R C U R R E N T (m A )V Z , ZENER VOLTAGE (V)1001010.10.01I R , L E A K A G E C U R R E N T (A )μV Z , NOMINAL ZENER VOLTAGE (V)Figure 7. Typical Leakage Current10001001010.10.010.0010.00010.00001I Z , Z E N E R C U R R E N T (m A )Figure 8. Zener Voltage versus Zener Current(V Z Up to 12 V)Figure 9. Zener Voltage versus Zener Current(12 V to 91 V)SOD−123CASE 425−04ISSUE GDATE 07 OCT 2009SCALE 5:1NOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSIY14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.DIM MIN NOM MAXMILLIMETERSINCHESA0.94 1.17 1.350.037A10. 1.40 1.80E 2.54 2.69 2.840.100---3.680.140L0.253.860.0100.0460.0020.0240.0630.1060.1450.0530.0040.0280.0710.1120.152MIN NOM MAX3.56H E---------0.006------------GENERICMARKING DIAGRAM**For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering andMounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT**This information is generic. Please refer to device datasheet for actual part marking. Pb−Free indicator, “G” ormicrodot “ G”, may or may not be present.XXX= Specific Device CodeM= Date CodeG= Pb−Free Package1STYLE 1:PIN 1. CATHODE2. ANODE0.910.036ǒmminchesǓSCALE 10:1------q001010°°°°(Note: Microdot may be in either location) MECHANICAL CASE OUTLINEPACKAGE DIMENSIONSON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.ON Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages. ON Semiconductor does not convey any license under its patent rights nor theON Semiconductor and are trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC dba ON Semiconductor or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.ON Semiconductor owns the rights to a number of patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and other intellectual property. A listing of ON Semiconductor’s product/patent coverage may be accessed at ON Semiconductor makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does ON Semiconductor assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATIONTECHNICAL SUPPORTNorth American Technical Support:Voice Mail: 1 800−282−9855 Toll Free USA/Canada Phone: 011 421 33 790 2910LITERATURE FULFILLMENT :Email Requests to:*******************ON Semiconductor Website: Europe, Middle East and Africa Technical Support:Phone: 00421 33 790 2910For additional information, please contact your local Sales RepresentativeMMSZ4686T1G MMSZ4686T1G.。



ST Sitronix ST7066Dot Matrix LCD Controller/Driver Features!"5 x 8 and 5 x 11 dot matrix possible!"Low power operation support:-- 2.7 to 5.5V!"Wide range of LCD driver power-- 3.0 to 11V!"Correspond to high speed MPU bus interface -- 2 MHz (when V CC = 5V)!"4-bit or 8-bit MPU interface enabled!"80 x 8-bit display RAM (80 characters max.) !"9,920-bit character generator ROM for a total of 240 character fonts-- 208 character fonts (5 x 8 dot)-- 32 character fonts (5 x 11 dot)!"64 x 8-bit character generator RAM-- 8 character fonts (5 x 8 dot)-- 4 character fonts (5 x 11 dot) !"16-common x 40-segment liquid crystal display driver!"Programmable duty cycles-- 1/8 for one line of 5 x 8 dots with cursor-- 1/11 for one line of 5 x 11 dots & cursor-- 1/16 for two lines of 5 x 8 dots & cursor !"Wide range of instruction functions:Display clear, cursor home, display on/off,cursor on/off, display character blink, cursorshift, display shift!"Pin function compatibility with HD44780, KS0066 and SED1278!"Automatic reset circuit that initializes the controller/driver after power on!"Internal oscillator with external resistors !"Low power consumption!"QFP80 and Bare Chip availableDescriptionThe ST7066 dot-matrix liquid crystal display controller and driver LSI displays alphanumeric, Japanese kana characters, and symbols. It can be configured to drive a dot-matrix liquid crystal display under the control of a 4- or 8-bit microprocessor. Since all the functions such as display RAM, character generator, and liquid crystal driver, required for driving a dot-matrix liquid crystal display are internally provided on one chip, a minimal system can be interfaced with this controller/driver.The ST7066 has pin function compatibility with the HD44780, KS0066U and SED1278 that allows the user to easily replace it with an ST7066. The ST7066 character generator ROM is extended to generate 208 5 x 8 dot character fonts and 32 5 x 11 dot character fonts for a total of 240 different character fonts. The low power supply (2.7V to 5.5V) of the ST7066 is suitable for any portable battery-driven product requiring low power dissipation.The ST7066 LCD driver consists of 16 common signal drivers and 40 segment signal drivers which can extend display size by cascading segment driver ST7065 or ST7063. The maximum display size can be either 80 characters in 1-line display or 40 characters in 2-line display. A single ST7066 can display up to one 8-character line or two 8-character lines.Product Name Support Character ST7066-0A English / JapanST7066-0B English / EuropeanCharacter Generator ROM (CGROM)The character generator ROM generates 5 x 8 dot or 5 x 11 dot character patterns from 8-bit character codes. It can generate 208 5 x 8 dot character patterns and 32 5 x 11 dot character patterns. User-defined character patterns are also available by mask-programmed ROM.Character Generator RAM (CGRAM)In the character generator RAM, the user can rewrite character patterns by program. For 5 x 8 dots, eight character patterns can be written, and for 5 x 11 dots, four character patterns can be written.Write into DDRAM the character codes at the addresses shown as the left column of Table 4 to show the character patterns stored in CGRAM.See Table 5 for the relationship between CGRAM addresses and data and display patterns. Areas that are not used for display can be used as general data RAM.Timing Generation CircuitThe timing generation circuit generates timing signals for the operation of internal circuits such as DDRAM, CGROM and CGRAM. RAM read timing for display and internal operation timing by MPU access are generated separately to avoid interfering with each other. Therefore, when writing data to DDRAM, for example, there will be no undesirable interference, such as flickering, in areas other than the display area.LCD Driver CircuitLCD Driver circuit has 16 common and 40 segment signals for LCD driving. Data from CGRAM/CGROM is transferred to 40 bit segment latch serially, and then it is stored to 40 bit shift latch. When each common is selected by 16 bit common register, segment data also output through segment driver from 40 bit segment latch. In case of 1-line display mode, COM1 ~ COM8 have 1/8 duty or COM1 ~ COM11 have 1/11duty , and in 2-line mode, COM1 ~ COM16 have 1/16 duty ratio.Cursor/Blink Control CircuitIt can generate the cursor or blink in the cursor/blink control circuit. The cursor or the blink appears in the digit at the display data RAM address set in the address counter.Table 4 Correspondence between Character Codes and Character Patterns (ROM Code: 0A)Table 4(Cont.) (ROM Code: 0B)!"Read Busy Flag and AddressWhen BF = “High”, indicates that the internal operation is being processed.So during this time the next instruction cannot be accepted.The address Counter (AC) stores DDRAM/CGRAM addresses, transferred from IR.After writing into (reading from) DDRAM/CGRAM, AC is automatically increased (decreased) by 1. !"Write Data to CGRAM or DDRAMWrite binary 8-bit data to DDRAM/CGRAM.The selection of RAM from DDRAM, CGRAM, is set by the previous address set instruction : DDRAM address set, CGRAM address set. RAM set instruction can also determine the AC direction to RAM.After write operation, the address is automatically increased/decreased by 1, according to the entry mode.!"Read Data from CGRAM or DDRAMRead binary 8-bit data from DDRAM/CGRAM.The selection of RAM is set by the previous address set instruction. If address set instruction of RAM is not performed before this instruction, the data that read first is invalid, because the direction of AC is not determined. If you read RAM data several times without RAM address set instruction before read operation, you can get correct RAM data from the second, but the first data would be incorrect, because there is no time margin to transfer RAM data.In case of DDRAM read operation, cursor shift instruction plays the same role as DDRAM address set instruction : it also transfer RAM data to output data register. After read operation address counter is automatically increased/decreased by 1 according to the entry mode. After CGRAM read operation, display shift may not be executed correctly.* In case of RAM write operation, after this AC is increased/decreased by 1 like read operation. In this time, AC indicates the next address position, but you can read only the previous data by read instruction.111D7 D7 D6 D6 D5 D5 D4 D4 D3 D3 D2 D2 Code Code RS RS RW RW DB7 DB7 DB6 DB6 DB5 DB5 DB4 DB4 DB1 DB1 DB2 DB2 DB3 DB3 D1 D1 D0D0DB0DB00 1 BF AC6 AC5 AC4 AC3 AC2 CodeRSRWDB7 DB6 DB5 DB4 DB1 DB2 DB3 AC1 AC0DB0Reset FunctionInitializing by Internal Reset CircuitAn internal reset circuit automatically initializes the ST7066 when the power is turned on. The following instructions are executed during the initialization. The busy flag (BF) is kept in the busy state until the initialization ends (BF = 1). The busy state lasts for 10 ms after VCC rises to 4.5 V.1. Display clear2. Function set:DL = 1; 8-bit interface dataN = 0; 1-line displayF = 0; 5 ´ 8 dot character font3. Display on/off control:D = 0; Display offC = 0; Cursor offB = 0; Blinking off4. Entry mode set:I/D = 1; Increment by 1S = 0; No shiftNote:If the electrical characteristics conditions listed under the table Power Supply Conditions Using Internal Reset Circuit are not met, the internal reset circuit will not operate normally and will fail to initialize the ST7066. For such a case, initialization must be performed by the MPU asexplain by the following figure.。



November 1998
Rev 1.300
Philips Semiconductors
Rectifier diodes Schottky barrier
Product specification
PBYR20100CT, PBYR20100CTB series
Repetitive peak forward
square wave; δ = 0.5;
current per diode
Tmb ≤ 133 ˚C
Non-repetitive peak forward t = 10 ms
current per diode
Tmb / C 130
a = 1.57 134
2.2 1.9
IF(AV) / A
Fig.2. Maximum forward dissipation PF = f(IF(AV)) per diode; sinusoidal current waveform where a = form
Product specification
PBYR20100CT, PBYR20100CTB series
PF / W 15
Vo = 0.550 V Rs = 0.015 Ohms
10 0.5


普诚科技 LED 照明驱动 IC 产品手册
P2 产品选型指南 P5 参考 DEMO 方案 P7 高效降压驱动 IC P13 单级 PFC 隔离驱动 IC P16 单级 PFC 降压驱动 IC P19 超高压线性驱动 IC P23 功率因素校正 IC P24 DC-DC 驱动 IC
PCB 信息
单级 PFC 隔离
单级 PFC 降压
PT6919-18W 灯管 (PSR Flyback)
90~264Vac 30~45V 400mA >88% >0.99 <1%
开/短路 过温保护
EDR2810 磁芯,Np:Ns:Na=36:17:6; 长*宽*高=223mm*17mm*11.5mm;
非调光 可调光 非调光
可调光 非调光 可调光 可调光
外置MOS 集成MOS PWM/线性 外置MOS
PWM/线性 外置MOS PWM/线性 ON/OFF段式 PWM/线性 外置MOS
PT6919 PT6918 PT6918D PT6917 PT6979 PT6978 PT6978H PT6978L PT6977 PT6946 PT6947 PT6988 PT6987 PT6986 PT6985 PT6984 PT6983 PT6982 PT6982A PT6981 PT6980
500V/0.8A 500V/1A
650V/1.5A 500V/2A 500V/3A 500V/3A
天花灯/筒灯 日光灯/吸顶灯 内置非隔离电源 球泡灯/PAR 灯



min. typ. max.
0.4 K/W
Electrical Characteristics, at Tj = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified
-10 0
-10 1
V -10 2
Page 5
10 -6
10 -5
10 -4
10 -3
10 -2
s 10 0
R DS(on) = V
Preliminary data
Continuous drain current
TC = 25 °C, 1)
TC = 100 °C
Pulsed drain current TC = 25 °C
ID puls
Avalanche energy, single pulse
W ID = -80 A , VDD = -25 V, RGS = 25
Transient thermal impedance
ZthJC = f (tp) parameter : D = tp/T



长虹C V T板卡机型、机芯、0/C查询表(二)□周链(上接5期,续表)整机型号机芯型号C V T板卡型号标签/物料代码O/C工厂菜单软件代号屏参选择39G5F39D3F(LM ET)39Z80I(LM H C) 39CEF10XD3G-iDTPD.MT5510.PB702 -39(850225373)T390XVN02.039G5FC390X18-E3-A39G5F(LM GN)39D3F(LM GN)LC390T U1A C390X18-E3-P43G5F43D3F(LM ET)XD3G-iD TPD.M T5510.PB702 -43(850225380)HV430FHB-N10HV430FHB-N42PT430CT02-143G5FC430F18-E3-BC430F18-E3-B(3)C430F19-E2-K43Z80I(LM HD) 43CEF10HV430FHB-N42PT430CT02-1C430F18-E3-B(3)C430F19-E2-K32G5F(LM H Z)32D3F(LM HZ) 32A1(LM HZ)32Z80I(LM H Z) 32CEF10(LM HZ)XD3G-iDTTPD.M T5510T.PB709-32-1(850244583)HV320WHB-N86C320X18-E3-B(6)32G5F(LMJA)32D3F(LMJA) 32A1(LMJA)XD3G-iDTPD.M T5510.PB702 -32 -1(850244581)ST3151A07-232G5F C320X18-E3-H(2)39G5F(LM H Z)39D3F(LM H Z) 39Z80I(LM H Z) 39CEF10(LM H Z)XD3G-iDTPD.M T5510.PB702 -39 -1(850244585)T390XVN02.0LC390T U1A39G5F C390X18-E3-A(2)39G5F(LMJA) 39D3F(LMJA)XD3G-iDTPD.M T5510.PB702 -39 -1(850244585)T390XVN02.0LC390T U1A39G5F C390X18-E3-P(1)43G5F(LM HZ) 43D3F(LM H Z)XD3G-iDTPD.M T5510.PB702 -43 -1(850244590)HV430FHB-N1043G5F C430F18-E3-B(5)43G5F(LMJA)43D3F(LMJA)43Z80I(LM H Z) 43CEF10(LM HZ)XD3G-iDTPD.M T5510.PB702 -43 -1(850244590)HV430FHB-N4243G5F C430F18-E3-B(6)32M2XCM101B1-P TTP.VST69T.PB721 -32T(811130123)HV320WHB-F5632M2C320X19-E1-B43M2XCM101B2-P TTP.VST69T.PB723-43T(811130118)HV430FHB-F9043M2C430F19-E4-B32M2( LMLY)XCM101B3-PTP.VST69D.PB727-32N(811130082)PT320AT02-132M2C320X19-E2-K43M2( LMLY)XCM101B3-PTP.VST69D.PB727-43N(811130073)PT430CT02-443M2C430F19-E4-K32D4PF XCH96B1-P TTPD.HV351T.PB709-32T(811130143)HV320W HB-F5632D4PF C320X19-E1-B32D5PF XCH96B1-P TTPD.HV351T.PB709-32TP(811130133)HV320W HB-F5632D5PF C320X19-E1-BT^f Oata^ InformationA PPL-IA TV JCE IR E PA IT R IN IC i苏泊笊小家电品类故障代码汇总□大漠飞狼品类故障代码故障原因检修方法E0电路故障E1无锅或锅具不符E2IG B T过热E3电网电压过高电磁炉E4电网电压过低E5主传感器开路E6主传感器短路或炉面过热E7炉面传感器失效-E8风机异常保护E0顶部传感器短路或断路E1底部传感器开路E2收汁提味工作状态下未合盖E3上压信号异常电压力锅E4IG B T开路或短路E5温度过高E6IH驱动电路故障E7电网电压过低E8电网电压过高E10无锅E0干烧E1短路(显示E1,并且所有灯闪烁(非显示款自冷灯,60=C及40尤灯灭,其他灯闪烁)N T C短路或温度高于104尤电水壶E2显示E2,并且所有灯闪烁(非显示款40=C灯完,50尤及自冷灯灭,其他灯闪烁)。

WH7016D 温控器产品说明书

WH7016D 温控器产品说明书

SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************WH7016D温控器产品说明书SUNSTAR自动化/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:************** PDF 文件使用 "pdfFactory Pro" 试用版本创建①安装开口尺寸:②接线图:220V负载12V选项开关56874NTCPower 32112V 负载接线柱1和2 : 继电器常开触点 接线柱3和4: 接电源220V接线柱5和6: 短路后可锁定温控器出厂参数设置,用户不能修改. 接线柱7和8: 接温度传感器SUNSTAR传感与控制/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************SUNSTAR自动化/TEL:0755-********FAX:0755-********E-MAIL:**************③ 电气性能:l 温度测量范围:-30℃~200℃ l 温度控制范围:-30℃~200℃ l 温度测量误差:±0.5℃l 传感器型号:NTC (100K/3977) l 控制精度:1℃l 工作电压:AC220V 或DC12V l 工作电流:MAX200MAl 继电器触点电流:AC 5A/220V l 数据保存:有l 工作温度:0℃~50℃ l储存温度:-10℃~60℃④按键说明:1. RST: 按RST 键切换开机和关机,在关机状态按RST 键一次开机,在开机状态按RST 键三秒不放关机. 2. SET:A: 按SET 键一次进入控制温度设置,按▲或▼键调整,按住▲或▼键三秒不放进入快速调整模式.再按SET 键一次退出设置状态.B: 按住SET 键三秒不放进入系统菜单设置,按▲或▼键选择要调整的菜单,再按SET 键一次进入相应的参数设置状态,按▲或▼键调整需要修改的参数,调整好后按RST 键退出,或系统延时5秒退出. 3. ▲:上调键4.▼:下调键⑤操作说明:指示灯状态说明:显示屏左侧的WORK 灯作为工作指示灯使用,闪烁表示制冷或制热延时,LED 常亮表示制冷或制热工作。



75176B中⽂资料PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status(1)PackageType PackageDrawingPins PackageQtyEco Plan(2)Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp(3)SN65176BD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN65176BP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N/A for Pkg TypeSN65176BPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free (RoHS)CU NIPDAU N/A for Pkg TypeSN75176BD ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDE4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDG4ACTIVE SOIC D875Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDR ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDRE4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BDRG4ACTIVE SOIC D82500Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BP ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU N/A for Pkg TypeSN75176BPE4ACTIVE PDIP P850Pb-Free(RoHS)CU NIPDAU N/A for Pkg TypeSN75176BPSR ACTIVE SO PS82000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMSN75176BPSRG4ACTIVE SO PS82000Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM(1)The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE:Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY:TI has announced that the device will be discontinued,and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND:Not recommended for new designs.Device is in production to support existing customers,but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW:Device has been announced but is not in production.Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE:TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2)Eco Plan-The planned eco-friendly classification:Pb-Free(RoHS),Pb-Free(RoHS Exempt),or Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br)-please check /doc/7167b986cc22bcd126ff0c93.html /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD:The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free(RoHS):TI's terms"Lead-Free"or"Pb-Free"mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all6substances,including the requirement that lead not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous materials.Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures,TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Pb-Free(RoHS Exempt):This component has a RoHS exemption for either1)lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die andpackage,or2)lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe.The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free(RoHS compatible)as defined above.Green(RoHS&no Sb/Br):TI defines"Green"to mean Pb-Free(RoHS compatible),and free of Bromine(Br)and Antimony(Sb)based flame retardants(Br or Sb do not exceed0.1%by weight in homogeneous material)(3)MSL,Peak Temp.--The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications,and peak soldertemperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided.TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties,and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information.Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties.TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals.TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary,and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s)at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.TAPE AND REEL INFORMATIONDevice Package Pins Site ReelDiameter(mm)ReelWidth(mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W(mm)Pin1QuadrantSN65176BDR D8FMX33012 6.4 5.2 2.1812Q1 SN75176BDR D8FMX33012 6.4 5.2 2.1812Q1 SN75176BPSR PS8MLA330168.2 6.6 2.51216Q1TAPE AND REEL BOX INFORMATIONDevice Package Pins Site Length(mm)Width(mm)Height(mm)SN65176BDR D8FMX338.1340.520.64SN75176BDR D8FMX338.1340.520.64SN75176BPSR PS8MLA342.9336.628.58。



凌特公司基准芯片参数表基准输出形式初始精度温飘最低压差静态电流或最低旁路电流温度分档封装单位V % ppm/°C V uALT6650CS50.4 串联0.75 30 .1 11uA 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT6650HS50.4 串联 1.5 30 .1 11uA -40°C ~ 125°C SOT-23LT6650IS50.4 串联 1 30 .1 11uA -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC1440 1.182 并联 1 55.5 并联 2 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C MS-8, SO-8, DIP-8, DFN-8LTC1442 1.182 并联 1 55.5 并联 3.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8, DIP-8LTC1443 1.182 并联 1 44.4 并联 5.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-16, SO-16, DFN-16LTC1540 1.182 并联 2.2 62.5 并联0.3 MS-8, SO-8, DFN-8LTC1842 1.182 并联 1 55.5 并联 3.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LTC1843 1.182 并联 1 55.5 并联 3.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LTC1541 1.2 并联 1.25 62.5 并联 5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C MS-8, SO-8, DFN-8LTC1998 1.2 并联0.6 71 并联 3.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC1444 1.221 并联 1 44.4 并联 5.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-16, SO-16LTC1445 1.221 并联 1 44.4 并联 5.5 0°C ~ 70°C, -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-16, SO-16, DFN-16LT1034BCZ-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 20 并联10 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1034BIZ-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 20 并联10 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1034CS8-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 40 并联10 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1034CZ-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 40 并联10 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1034IS8-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 40 并联10 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1034IZ-1.2 1.225 并联 1.2 40 并联10 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-921LT1004IS8-1.2 1.235 并联0.8 20 并联8 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1004IZ-1.2 1.235 并联0.3 20 并联8 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1389ACS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 10 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1389BCS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 20 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634ACS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 10 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634AIS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 10 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634BCMS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1634BCS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634BIS8-1.25 1.25 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634CCZ-1.25 1.25 并联0.2 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1790ACS6-1.25 1.25 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-1.25 1.25 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-1.25 1.25 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-1.25 1.25 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC6652AHMS8-1.25 1.25 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-1.25 1.25 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-1.25 1.25 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-1.25 1.25 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1790ACS6-2.048 2.048 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-2.048 2.048 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-2.048 2.048 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-2.048 2.048 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC6652AHMS8-2.0482.048 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-2.0482.048 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-2.0482.048 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-2.0482.048 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1004CS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.8 20 并联12 0°C ~ 70°C SO-82LT1004IZ-2.5 2.5 并联0.8 20 并联12 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1009CMS8 2.5 并联0.2 25 并联400 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1009CZ 2.5 并联0.2 25 并联400 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1009IS8 2.5 并联0.4 35 并联400 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1009IZ 2.5 并联0.2 35 并联400 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1009S8 2.5 并联0.4 25 并联400 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019ACN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019ACS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019AIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1019CN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019CS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 0°C ~70°C SO-8LT1019IN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1019IS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1034BCZ-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 20 并联15 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1034BIZ-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 20 并联15 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1034CS8-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 40 并联15 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1034CZ-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 40 并联15 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1034IS8-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 40 并联15 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1034IZ-2.5 2.5 并联 1.6 40 并联15 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1389BCS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 20 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460ACN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.075 10 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460ACS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.075 10 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460BIN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 10 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460BIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 10 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460CCMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 15 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460DCN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 20 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460DCS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 20 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SO-83LT1460EIN8-2.5 2.5 串联0.125 20 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460EIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.125 20 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460FCMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.15 25 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460GCZ-2.5 2.5 串联0.25 25 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1460GIZ-2.5 2.5 串联0.25 25 .9 100 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1460HCS3-2.5 2.5 串联0.5 20 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-2.5 2.5 串联0.4 20 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-2.5 2.5 串联0.5 50 .9 100 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460LHS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 25 .9 100 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1460MHS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 50 .9 100 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1461ACS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461AIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.04 3 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461BCS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.06 7 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461BIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.06 7 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.15 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1634ACS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 10 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634AIS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634BCMS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1634BCS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634BIS8-2.5 2.5 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634CCZ-2.5 2.5 并联0.2 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1790ACS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6654AHS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 3 .055 350 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6654AMPS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 3 .055 350 -55°C ~ 125°C SOT-234LT6654BHS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 6 .055 350 -55°C ~ 125°C SOT-23LT6654BMPS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 6 .055 350 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6656ACS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 .5 0.85 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT6656AIS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 10 .5 0.85 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6656BCS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 20 .5 0.85 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT6656BIS6-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 20 .5 0.85 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-2.5 2.5 串联0.2 20 .9 115 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-2.5 2.5 串联0.4 20 .9 115 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-2.5 2.5 串联0.5 50 .9 115 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LTC1258CMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.21 60 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LTC1258CS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC1798CS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.15 15 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC6652AHMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-2.5 2.5 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1460HCS3-3 3 串联0.2 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-3 3 串联0.4 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-3 3 串联0.5 50 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1461ACS8-3 3 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461AIS8-3 3 串联0.04 3 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461BCS8-3 3 串联0.1 10 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461BIS8-3 3 串联0.06 7 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-3 3 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-3 3 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-3 3 串联0.2 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1790ACS6-3 3 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-3 3 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-3 3 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-235LT1790BIS6-3 3 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-3 3 串联0.2 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-3 3 串联0.4 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-3 3 串联0.5 50 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LTC1258CMS8-3 3 串联0.15 60 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LTC1258CS8-3 3 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC1798CS8-3 3 串联0.15 15 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC6652AHMS8-3 3 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-3 3 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-3 3 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-3 3 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1460HCS3-3.3 3.3 串联0.2 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-3.3 3.3 串联0.4 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-3.3 3.3 串联0.5 50 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1461ACS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461AIS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.04 3 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461BCS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 10 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461BIS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 10 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.2 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1790ACS6-3.3 3.3 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-3.3 3.3 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-3.3 3.3 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-3.3 3.3 串联0.2 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-3.3 3.3 串联0.4 20 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-3.3 3.3 串联0.5 50 .9 145 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LTC6652AHMS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-86LTC6655BHMS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-3.3 3.3 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1389BCS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.075 50 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461ACS8-4 4.096 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461AIS8-4 4.096 串联0.04 3 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461BCS8-4 4.096 串联0.06 7 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461BIS8-4 4.096 串联0.1 10 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-4 4.096 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-4 4.096 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-4 4.096 串联0.2 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1634ACS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.05 10 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634AIS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.05 10 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634BCS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634BIS8-4.096 4.096 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634CCZ-4.096 4.096 并联0.2 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1790ACS6-4.096 4.096 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-4.096 4.096 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-4.096 4.096 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-4.096 4.096 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LTC1258CMS8-4.1 4.096 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LTC1258CS8-4.1 4.096 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC1798CS8-4.1 4.096 串联0.15 15 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC6652AHMS8-4.0964.096 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-4.0964.096 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-4.0964.096 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-4.0964.096 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1019ACN8-4.5 4.5 串联0.05 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019CN8-4.5 4.5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-87LT1019IN8-4.5 4.5 串联0.2 5 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1019ACN8-5 5 串联0.05 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019ACS8-5 5 串联0.05 3 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019AIS8-5 5 串联0.05 3 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1019CN8-5 5 串联0.2 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1019CS8-5 5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019IN8-5 5 串联0.2 5 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1019IS8-5 5 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1021BCH-5 5 串联 1 5 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C to-5LT1021BCN8-5 5 串联 1 5 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021BMH-5 5 串联 1 5 2.2 800 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-5LT1021CCH-5 5 串联0.05 20 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C TO-5LT1021CCN8-5 5 串联0.05 20 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021CIN8-5 5 串联0.05 20 2.2 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1021CMH-5 5 串联0.05 20 2.2 800 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-5LT1021DCN8-5 5 串联 1 20 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021DCS8-5 5 串联 1 20 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1021DIN8-5 5 串联 1 20 2.2 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1027BCN8-5 5 串联0.05 1 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1027CCN8-5 5 串联0.05 2 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1027CCS8-5 5 串联0.05 2 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1027DCN8-5 5 串联0.05 2 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1027DCS8-5 5 串联0.05 2 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1027ECN8-5 5 串联0.1 3 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1027ECS8-5 5 串联0.1 3 3 2200 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1029ACZ 5 并联0.2 20 并联700 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1029CZ 5 并联 1 34 并联700 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1236ACN8-5 5 串联0.05 2 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-88LT1236BCN8-5 5 串联0.1 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236BCS8-5 5 串联0.1 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236BIN8-5 5 串联0.1 15 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236BIS8-5 5 串联0.1 5 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1236CCN8-5 5 串联0.1 10 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236CCS8-5 5 串联0.1 10 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236CIN8-5 5 串联0.1 10 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236CIS8-5 5 串联0.1 10 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1389BCS8-5 5 并联0.075 50 并联0.6 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460ACN8-5 5 串联0.075 5 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460ACS8-5 5 串联0.075 10 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460BIN8-5 5 串联0.1 5 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460BIS8-5 5 串联0.1 10 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460CCMS8-5 5 串联0.1 15 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460DCN8-5 5 串联0.125 10 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460DCS8-5 5 串联0.125 10 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460EIN8-5 5 串联0.125 10 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460EIS8-5 5 串联0.125 20 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460FCMS8-5 5 串联0.15 25 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460GCZ-5 5 串联0.25 25 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1460GIZ-5 5 串联0.25 25 .9 125 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1460HCS3-5 5 串联0.2 20 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-5 5 串联0.4 20 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-5 5 串联0.5 50 .9 125 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460LHS8-5 5 串联0.2 20 .9 125 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1460MHS8-5 5 串联0.2 50 .9 125 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1461ACS8-5 5 串联0.04 3 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-89LT1461BIS8-5 5 串联0.06 7 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461CCS8-5 5 串联0.1 12 .3 35 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1461CIS8-5 5 串联0.1 12 .3 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1461DHS8-5 5 串联0.2 20 .3 35 -40°C ~ 125°C SO-8LT1634ACS8-5 5 并联0.05 10 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634AIS8-5 5 并联0.05 10 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634BCS8-5 5 并联0.05 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1634BIS8-5 5 并联0.05 25 并联7 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1634CCZ-5 5 并联0.2 25 并联7 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1790ACS6-5 5 串联0.05 10 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790AIS6-5 5 串联0.05 10 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT1790BCS6-5 5 串联0.1 25 .1 35 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1790BIS6-5 5 串联0.1 25 .1 35 -40°C ~ 85°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-5 5 串联0.2 20 .9 160 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-5 5 串联0.4 20 .9 160 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-5 5 串联0.5 50 .9 160 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LTC1258CMS8-5 5 串联0.18 60 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LTC1258CS8-5 5 串联0.15 40 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC1798CS8-5 5 串联0.15 15 .1 4 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTC6652AHMS8-5 5 串联0.05 5 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6652BHMS8-5 5 串联0.1 10 .3 350 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655BHMS8-5 5 串联0.025 2 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LTC6655CHMS8-5 5 串联0.05 5 .5 5000 -40°C ~ 125°C MS-8LT1021BCN8-77 串联0.71 5 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021DCN8-77 串联0.71 20 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021DCS8-77 串联0.71 20 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LTZ1000ACH/CH7.2 Super Zener 4 0.05 N/A 250 -55°C ~ 125°C to-510LT1019CS8-1010 串联0.2 5 1.1 650 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1019IN8-1010 串联0.2 20 1.1 650 -40°C ~85°C DIP-8LT1021BCN8-1010 串联0.5 5 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021BMH-1010 串联 1 5 2.2 800 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-5LT1021CCN8-1010 串联0.05 5 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021CIN8-1010 串联0.05 5 2.2 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1021DCN8-1010 串联0.5 5 2.2 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1021DCS8-1010 串联0.5 20 1.5 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1021DIN8-1010 串联0.05 5 2.2 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1031BCH10 串联0.05 5 1 1200 0°C ~ 70°C TO-39LT1031BMH10 串联0.05 5 1 1200 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-39LT1031CCH10 串联0.1 15 1 1200 0°C ~ 70°C TO-39LT1031DCH10 串联0.2 25 1 1200 0°C ~ 70°C TO-39LT1031DMH10 串联0.2 25 1 1200 -55°C ~ 125°C TO-39LT1236ACN8-1010 串联0.05 2 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236ACS8-1010 串联0.05 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236AIN8-1010 串联0.05 2 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236AIS8-1010 串联0.05 2 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1236BCN8-1010 串联0.1 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236BCS8-1010 串联0.1 5 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236BIN8-1010 串联0.1 5 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236BIS8-1010 串联0.1 5 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1236CCN8-1010 串联0.1 10 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1236CCS8-1010 串联0.1 10 1 800 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1236CIN8-1010 串联0.1 10 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1236CIS8-1010 串联0.1 10 1 800 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460ACN8-1010 串联0.075 10 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-811LT1460BIS8-1010 串联0.1 10 .9 190 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460CCMS8-1010 串联0.1 7 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460DCN8-1010 串联0.1 10 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1460DCS8-1010 串联0.1 20 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1460EIN8-1010 串联0.125 20 .9 190 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1460EIS8-1010 串联0.125 20 .9 190 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1460FCMS8-1010 串联0.15 25 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C MS-8LT1460GCZ-1010 串联0.25 25 .9 190 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1460GIZ-1010 串联0.25 25 .9 190 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-92LT1460HCS3-1010 串联0.2 20 1.1 190 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460JCS3-1010 串联0.4 20 1.1 190 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT1460KCS3-1010 串联0.5 50 1.1 190 0°C ~ 70°C SOT-23LT6660HCDC-1010 串联0.2 20 .9 215 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660JCDC-1010 串联0.4 20 .9 215 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT6660KCDC-1010 串联0.5 50 .9 215 0°C ~ 70°C DFN-3LT1431CN8可调并联0.4 30 并联600 0°C ~ 70°C DIP-8LT1431CS8可调并联0.4 30 并联600 0°C ~ 70°C SO-8LT1431CZ可调并联0.4 30 并联600 0°C ~ 70°C TO-92LT1431IN8可调并联0.4 30 并联600 -40°C ~ 85°C DIP-8LT1431IS8可调并联0.4 30 并联600 -40°C ~ 85°C SO-8LT1431IZ可调并联0.4 50 并联600 -40°C ~ 85°C TO-9212。



版本:1.0 2001-04-25 第 1 页 共 4 页概述CS7106AGP 是一种具有直接驱动LCD 功能的3位半A/D 转换电路。


CS7106AGP 的用途十分广泛,它可以组装成各种体积小、重量轻、便于携带的数字仪表,也可用于数控系统。

CS7106AGP 可与国外同类型号的电路互换使用。

功能特点! 采用单电源供电,电压范围7~15V ,可使用9V 叠层电池。

! 温度漂移低。

! 输出形式为异或门输出,能直接驱动LCD 。

! 采用CMOS 差动输入,输入阻抗高,对输入信号无衰减作用。

! 内部噪声低,显示稳定。

! 能通过内部模拟开关实现自动调零和自动极性显示。

! 内部有时钟电路,可接阻容元件构成多谐振荡器。

! 在芯片内部V +与COM 端之间,有一个稳定性很高的3.0V (典型值)基准电压源。

! 具有显示保持、电源低电压显示、A/D 正积分显示和A/D 反积分显示(注:DIP40封装无此四种功能)。

! 整机组装方便,所需外围元件少。

! 典型封装形式为DIP40(也可采用软封)。

管脚说明1. V +和V -分别接电源的正极和负极。

2. A1~G1、A2~G2、A3~G3分别为个位、十位、百位笔划的驱动信号,依次接LCD 的个位、十位、百位的相应笔划电极,LCD 显示器笔划见下图。

3. AB4:千位笔划驱动信号,接千位液晶显示器的b 、c 两个笔划电极。


4. POL :负极性指示,接千位数码g 端,当BCL 端输出的方波与背电极方波的相位相反时,显示负号“-”。

5. BP :LCD 背面公共电极的驱动端。

6. OSC1~OSC3:时钟振荡器的引出端,外接阻容元件组成多谐振荡器。

7. COM :模拟信号公共端,简称“模拟地 ”。

8. TEST :逻辑电路的公共地,简称“逻辑地”,可接负电源供外部驱动器使用,例如组成小数点显示电路。

OPB706A B C和OPB707A C Reflective Object Sensor 商品说

OPB706A B C和OPB707A C Reflective Object Sensor 商品说

Reflective Object SensorOPB706A, OPB706B, OPB706C OPB707A, OPB707CObsolete (OPB707B)Description:The OPB706 consists of an infrared Light Emitting Diode (LED) and an NPN silicon Phototransistor mounted “side -by -side ” on parallel axes in a black plastic housing. The OPB707 consists of an infrared LED and an NPN silicon Photodarlington mounted “side -by -side ” on parallel axes in a black plastic housing.On both OPB706 and OPB707, the LED and Phototransistor / Photodarlington are molded using dark infrared transmissive plastic to reduce ambient light noise. The Phototransistor / Photodarlington responds to light from the emitter when a reflective object passes within its field of view of the device.Custom electrical, wire and cabling and connectors are available. Contact your local representative or OPTEK for more information. Applications:• Non -contact reflective object sensor• Assembly line automation • Machine automation • Machine safety • End of travel sensor • Door sensorFeatures:• Choice of Phototransistor (OPB706) or Photodarlington (OPB707) output • Unfocused for sensing diffuse surface • Low cost plastic housing• Designed for use with PCBoards or connectors4 2OPB706OPB7073 4 12DIMENSIONS ARE IN:INCHES[MILLIMETERS] RoHSOPB707A, OPB707CObsolete (OPB707B)Absolute Maximum Ratings (T A = 25° C unless otherwise noted)Input DiodeOutput Phototransistor (OPB706) | Output Photodarlington (OPB707)Notes:(1) RMA flux is recommended. Duration can be extended to 10 seconds maximum when flow soldering. (2) Derate linearly 1.25 mW/° C above 25° C. (3) Derate linearly 1.67 mW/° C above 25° C.Electrical SpecificationsOPB707A, OPB707CObsolete (OPB707B)Electrical Characteristics (T A = 25° C unless otherwise noted)Input Diode (see OP165W for additional information) Output Phototransistor (see OP505W for additional information) | Photodarlington (see OP535 for additional information) Combined Notes:(1) Crosstalk (I CX ) is the collector current measured with the indicated current in the input diode and with no reflecting surface. (2) The distance from the assembly face to the reflective surface is “d ”.(3) Measured using Eastman Kodak neutral white test card with 90% diffuse reflectance as a reflecting surface. Reference: Eastman Kodak,Catalog #E 152 7795.(4) Lower curve is a calculated worst case condition rather than the conventional -2 Ω limit. (5) All parameters tested using pulse techniques.Electrical SpecificationsOPB707A, OPB707CObsolete (OPB707B)OPB706 - Output Current vs Forward Currentvs Temperature0. Current - mAN o r m a l i z e d O u t p u t C u r r e n tOPB706 - Normalized Collector Currentvs. Object Distance0. to Reflective Surface (inches)N o r m a l i z e d O u t p u t C u r r e n tOPB707 - Normalized Collector Currentvs. Object Distance0. to Reflective Surface (inches)N o r m a l i z e d O u t p u t C u r r e n tOPB707 - Output Current vs Forward Currentvs Temperature5101520253035404550Forward Current - mA。

平流泵2PB-00C系列产品说明书 (2012版)

平流泵2PB-00C系列产品说明书 (2012版)

2PB00C系列平流泵使用说明书目录1.技术说明 (1)1.1 仪器用途 (1)1.2 主要特点 (1)1.3主要技术指标 (2)1.4仪器工作原理概述 (3)2.操作规程 (5)2.1工作条件 (5)2.2 开箱 (6)2.3面板功能 (6)2.4仪器启动 (6)2.5各参数的设置方法 (7)2.6显示方式 (8)2.7串联通讯口的连接和用法 (8)2.8泵的运转 (10)3.维修 (11)3.1仪器的维护 (11)3.2仪器的修理 (12)1.技术说明1.1 仪器用途平流泵广泛用于高效液相色谱仪,微型、小型反应装置以及其它需要连续恒速、常压或高压输送小量定量液体得场合。

1.2 主要特点1.2.1 本机为微机控制,A.整体式机电合一,外形结构见图1。


1.2.2 机械传动及整体结构合理有减震防噪措施,噪声极小。

1.2.3 宝石柱塞及宝石球阀座均为标准件,维修更换方便。

1.2.4 国内首创独家使用非圆齿轮曲柄连杆机构,缓冲器、密封件在设计、工艺、材料各方面的不断改进。


1.2.5 控制系统由于采用了89C52单片机,利用其运算、定时、计数等功能直接产生主控脉冲控制步进电机转速,从而使泵的流量精度高、重复性好。

1.2.6 工作参数设置采用键盘输入,触摸式键盘操作,具有四位数码显示,直观,操作方便。

1.2.7 具有压力测量和过压、欠压保护系统,使泵系统工作安全可靠。

1.2.8 具有压缩自动补偿程序控制,使泵在高压下工作时,流量精度保持稳定。

1.2.9 具有与微机接口,可多机通讯。

1.3主要技术指标1.3.1 流量范围、最大排压。

对应表中系列型号的有(详情请见本厂销售广告):A 钛泵耐腐蚀 0-5MPa 四氟乙烯接管B 全塑泵耐强腐蚀 0-4MPaC 分体泵可提供电缆最长12米D 恒流恒压泵E 表中所列各型号泵均可以采用液晶显示屏显示本泵所有参数。

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DC-8.0 GHz InGaP HBT , MMIC or Packaged,Page 1 of 7CGB7016-SC (-BD)FeaturesLow Operating Voltage: 5V34.0 dBm Output IP3 @ 850 MHz 3.8 dB Noise Figure @ 850 MHz 22.4 dB Gain @ 850 MHz 18.4 dBm P1dB @ 850 MHzLow Performance Variation Over Temperature Low Cost: Die Form or SOT-89 Package 100% DC On-Wafer TestingESD Protection on All Die: >1000V HBM Low Thermal Resistance: <85ºC/WattPA Driver Amp, IF Amp, LO Buffer Amp Cellular, PCS, GSM, UMTS Wireless Data and SATCOM Transmit and Receive Functions CATVApplicationsElectrical CharacteristicsUnless otherwise specified, the following specifications are guaranteed at room temperature in a Mimix test fixture.Notes: 1. Test Conditions in Mimix eval board, Vs = 5 V, Id = 78 mA Typ., Rbias = 12 , Zs = Zl = 50, OIP3 tone spacing = 1 MHz, Pout per tone = 6 dBm.2. Values reflect performance in recommended application circuit.500 MHz 850 MHz1950 MHz 2400 MHz3500 MHzUnitsMax.Typ.Min.Max.Typ.Min.Max.Typ.Min.Max.Typ.Min.Temperature (ºC)ParameterSmall Signal Gain Output P1dB Output IP3Noise Figure Operating Current Input Return Loss Output Return Loss Pout @ -45 dBc, ACPIS-95, 9 Forward Channels +25-40 to +85+25-40 to +85+25-40 to +85+25-40 to +85+25-40 to +85+25-40 to +85+25-40 to +85+25-40 to +85736923.424.018.621.234.537.03.83.8787812121212839221.421.117.417.132.532.0736********22.422.418.418.434. dB dBm dBm dBm dBm dB dB mA mA dB dB dB dB dBm dBmMax.Typ.Min.14.614.613.513.526.526.54.54.57878252512.512.5Max Device Voltage Max Device CurrentMax Device Dissipated Power RF Input PowerStorage Temperature Junction Temperature Operating Temperature Thermal Resistance EDS (HBM)+6.0 V 130 mA 0.65 W +17 dBm -55ºC to 150ºC 150ºC -40ºC to +85ºC 85º C/W 1000 VAbsolute Maximum Ratings73698392DescriptionThe CGB7016-SC (-BD) is a Darlington Configured, high dynamic range, utility gain block amplifier. Designed for applications operating within the DC to 8.0 GHz frequency range, Mimix’s broadband, cascadable, gain block amplifiers are ideal solutions for transmit, receive and IF applications. These MMIC amplifiers are available in bare die form or an industry standard SOT-89 package. Mimix's InGaP HBT technology and an industry low thermal resistance offers a thermally robust and reliable gain block solution. The InGaP HBT die have extra pads to enable thorough DC testing. This unique test capability and the inclusion of ESD protection on all die, significantly enhances the quality, reliability and ruggedness of these products. With a single bypass capacitor, optional RF choke and two DC blocking capacitors, this gain block amplifier offers significant ease of use in a broad range of applications.Operation of this device above any of these parameters may cause permanent damage.May 2006 - Rev 23-May-06May 2006 - Rev 23-May-06Page 2 of 7T ypical S-Parameter and Noise PerformanceDC-8.0 GHz InGaP HBT , MMIC or Packaged,CGB7016-SC (-BD)May 2006 - Rev 23-May-06Linearity Performance - Base Station ACP – IS-95T ypical Power and Linearity PerformanceDC-8.0 GHz InGaP HBT , MMIC or Packaged,CGB7016-SC (-BD)May 2006 - Rev 23-May-06Page 4 of 7T ypical Scattering Parameters (V d = +4.3V , Icc = 77 mA, T = 23°C, device in a 50 ohm system)DC-8.0 GHz InGaP HBT , MMIC or Packaged,CGB7016-SC (-BD)Frequency S 11S 21S 12S 22(MHz)(Mag)(Ang)(Mag)(Ang)(Mag)(Ang)(Mag)(Ang)1000.2317316.81720.0510.201782000.2316716.51640.0510.201763000.2216116.31570.0520.201734000.2115415.91490.0520.201715000.2014815.51420.0530.201696000.1914215.11350.0530.201677000.1813714.71280.0530.201648000.1713214.21220.0530.201629000.1612713.71150.0530.2016010000.1512213.21090.0630.2015811000.1411712.81030.0620.2015512000.1211212.3970.0620.2015313000.1110711.9920.0610.2015014000.1010211.4860.0610.2014815000.099811.0810.0600.1914516000.089410.6760.07-10.1914317000.078910.2700.07-20.1914018000.06859.9660.07-30.1913719000.05809.5610.07-40.1913520000.04759.2560.07-60.1913221000.03708.9510.08-70.1912922000.03648.6470.08-90.1912723000.02578.3420.08-100.1812424000.01458.0380.08-120.1812125000.01177.8330.08-130.1811926000.01-467.5290.09-150.1811627000.01-857.3250.09-170.1811328000.01-997.1200.09-190.1811029000.02-112 6.9160.09-200.1810830000.02-118 6.7120.09-220.1810531000.03-124 6.580.10-240.1810232000.03-129 6.440.10-260.1810033000.03-135 6.200.10-280.189734000.03-142 6.0-40.10-310.189435000.04-147 5.9-80.10-330.189136000.04-151 5.7-120.11-350.188837000.04-156 5.6-160.11-370.188538000.04-162 5.5-200.11-390.198239000.04-170 5.4-240.11-420.197940000.04-177 5.2-280.12-440.197641000.03175 5.1-320.12-460.207342000.03167 5.0-360.12-490.207043000.03158 4.9-390.12-510.216744000.03145 4.8-430.12-540.216345000.03130 4.7-470.13-560.226046000.03115 4.6-510.13-580.235647000.03100 4.5-550.13-610.235348000.0385 4.4-590.13-640.245049000.0471 4.3-630.13-660.254750000.0458 4.2-670.14-690.2643Continues N ext Page.S-Parameter Data Files are available on-line at: May 2006 - Rev 23-May-06Page 5 of 7T ypical Scattering Parameters (V d = +4.3V , Icc = 77 mA, T = 23°C, device in a 50 ohm system)DC-8.0 GHz InGaP HBT , MMIC or Packaged,CGB7016-SC (-BD)Frequency S 11S 21S 12S 22(MHz)(Mag)(Ang)(Mag)(Ang)(Mag)(Ang)(Mag)(Ang)51000.0548 4.1-700.14-720.273952000.0639 4.1-740.14-740.283653000.0732 4.0-780.14-770.293354000.08253.9-820.14-800.302955000.09193.8-860.14-820.312656000.10133.8-900.15-850.322257000.1183.7-940.15-880.331958000.1243.6-980.15-910.351559000.14-23.5-1020.15-940.361260000.15-63.5-1060.15-960.37861000.16-103.4-1090.15-990.38562000.18-143.3-1130.15-1020.40163000.19-183.2-1170.15-1050.41-264000.20-223.2-1210.15-1080.43-565000.22-263.1-1250.15-1110.44-966000.23-303.0-1290.15-1140.45-1267000.25-333.0-1330.16-1170.47-1568000.26-37 2.9-1370.16-1200.48-1969000.28-40 2.8-1410.16-1230.49-2270000.29-44 2.8-1440.16-1260.51-2571000.30-47 2.7-1480.15-1290.52-2872000.32-51 2.6-1520.15-1320.53-3173000.33-54 2.6-1560.15-1340.55-3574000.34-57 2.5-1600.15-1370.56-3875000.35-61 2.4-1630.15-1400.57-4176000.37-64 2.4-1670.15-1430.58-4477000.38-67 2.3-1710.15-1460.59-4778000.39-70 2.2-1740.15-1490.60-5079000.40-73 2.2-1780.15-1510.61-5280000.41-76 2.11790.15-1540.62-5581000.42-79 2.11750.15-1570.63-5882000.43-82 2.01710.15-1590.64-6183000.43-85 1.91680.15-1620.65-6384000.44-88 1.91640.14-1650.66-6685000.45-91 1.81610.14-1670.67-6986000.45-94 1.81580.14-1700.67-7187000.46-97 1.71540.14-1730.68-7488000.46-99 1.71510.14-1750.68-7689000.47-102 1.61480.14-1780.69-7990000.47-105 1.61440.141800.70-8191000.47-107 1.61410.141780.70-8392000.47-110 1.51380.131750.71-8693000.48-112 1.51350.131730.71-8894000.48-115 1.41310.131700.71-9095000.48-117 1.41280.131680.72-9296000.48-120 1.41250.131660.72-9497000.47-122 1.31220.131630.73-9698000.47-125 1.31190.131610.73-9899000.47-127 1.31160.121580.73-100100000.47-130 1.21120.121560.73-102S-Parameter Data Files are available on-line at: May 2006 - Rev 23-May-06Page 6 of 7Application CircuitEvaluation Board - SC Package (SOT -89)RF INVs RF OUTNote: This schematic represents the topology of the application circuit recommended by Mimix.R Bias = (Vs - Vd) / IdVdNote: Rbias provides DC bias stability over temperature.DC-8.0 GHz InGaP HBT , MMIC or Packaged,CGB7016-SC (-BD)Physical Dimensions - SC Package (SOT -89)May 2006 - Rev 23-May-06Page 7 of 7Physical Dimensions - BD (Bare Die)DC-8.0 GHz InGaP HBT , MMIC or Packaged,CGB7016-SC (-BD)Ordering InformationPart Number for Ordering DescriptionCGB7016-BD Bare die in GelPakCGB7016-SC-0G00 Matte Tin plated RoHS compliant SOT-89 surface mount package in bulk quantity CGB7016-SC-0G0T Matte Tin plated RoHS compliant SOT-89 surface mount package in tape and reel CGB7016-SP-0G00 Matte Tin plated RoHS compliant SOT-86 surface mount package in bulk quantity CGB7016-SP-0G0T Matte Tin plated RoHS compliant SOT-86 surface mount package in tape and reel PB-CGB7016-SC-0000 Evaluation Board for SOT-89 packaged device with SMA connectors PB-CGB7016-SP-0000Evaluation Board for SOT-86 packaged device with SMA connectorsWe also offer the plastic packages with SnPb (Tin-Lead) or NiPdAu plating. Please contact your regional sales manager for more information regarding different plating types。
