捕捞强度 ||fishin g intensit y 捕食[现 象]||pre dation 捕食者 ||predat or 补偿流 ||compen sation current 补偿深度 ||compen sation depth 补充群体 ||recrui tment stock 补充型捕 捞过度 ||recrui tment overfish ing; 指造成生 殖亲体数 量不足而 引起补充 量下降的 捕捞过度 。 不规则波 ||irregu lar wave 不育分布 ||steril e distribu tion
半日潮 ||semidiurnal tide 半咸水种 ||bracki sh water species 半远洋沉 积 ||hemipe lagic deposit 堡礁 ||barrie r reef 饱和度异 常 ||satura tion anomaly 饱和潜水 ||satura tion diving 饱和深度 ||satura tion depth 抱球虫软 泥 ||globig erina ooze 暴涛 ||confus ed sea 暴涌 ||confus ed swell 北冰洋 ||Arctic Ocean
bionics 仿生学
biosphere 生物圈
biota 生物区系
biotope 生活小区
bioturbation 生物扰动
biozone 生物带
bipinnaria larva 羽腕幼体
bipolarity 两极同源
bird-foot delta 鸟足[形]三角洲
bioerosion 生物侵蚀
biofacy 生物相
biofouling 生物污着
biogenic sediment 生物沉积
biogenous hydrocarbon 生源烃
biogenous silica 生源硅石
biological detritus 生物碎屑
biological input 生物输入
abyssal circulation 深渊环流
abyssal clay 深海粘土
abyssal fauna 深渊动物
abyssal hill 深海丘陵
abyssal plain 深海平原
abyssal zone 深渊带
abyssopelagic organism 大洋深渊水层生物
anaerobiosis 厌氧生活
analytical chemistry of sea water 海水分析化学
"anchor ice, ground ice " 锚冰
anchorage area 锚泊地
anchored structure 锚泊结构
anomalous sea level 异常水位
bathypelagic zone 深层
航海英语单词【避碰】determine [简明英汉词典]v.打算, 确定, 测定, 使下定决心, [律]使终止determine [英汉航海大词典]n.确定restricted visibility [[名词委审定]英汉航海科技名词] 能见度不良exhibit [简明英汉词典]vt.展出, 陈设n.展览品, 陈设品, 展品v.呈现exhibit [英汉航海大词典]n.正表be considered to [英汉航海大词典]vt.被认为estimate [简明英汉词典]v.估量, 估价, 评估n.估量, 估价, 评估normally [简明英汉词典]adv.正常地, 通常地normally [英汉航海大词典] n.标准形态impractical [简明英汉词典] adj.不切实际的, 昧于实际的so far as [简明英汉词典]只需so far as [英汉航海大词典] prep.就...来说,在...范围内possible [简明英汉词典] justify [简明英汉词典]v.证明...是正值的justify [英汉航海大词典] n.验证adj.可能的, 可能存在或发生的possible [英汉航海大词典] n.可能的,合理的detect [简明英汉词典]vt.察觉, 发觉, 侦查, 探测v.发觉directed [简明英汉词典]有指点的有管理的定向的被把握的special construction [简明英汉词典]特用型式,特殊结构special construction [英汉512专利大词典]特殊结构特殊结构government [简明英汉词典]n.政府, 内阁, 政治, 政体government [英汉航海大词典]n.政府,行政管理crossing situation [[名词委审定]英汉航海科技名词] 交叉相遇局面crossing situation [英汉航海大词典]n.交叉相遇局面as possible [英汉航海大词典]adv.尽可能determined [简明英汉词典]adj.坚决的, 打算了的necessary for [英汉航海大词典]if possible [简明英汉词典]假如可能的话if possible [英汉航海大词典]conj.可能的话,假如可能的话stand-on vessel [[名词委审定]英汉航海科技名词] 直航船】adj.为...所需的prescribe [简明英汉词典]v.指示, 规定, 处(方), 开(药)as long as [简明英汉词典]只需, 在...的时候as long as [英汉航海大词典]prep.只需,...之久finally [简明英汉词典]regarding [简明英汉词典]practicable [简明英汉词典]adj.能实行的, 行得通的, 可以实行的practicable [英汉航海大词典]traffic lane [简明英汉词典]通车车道traffic lane [[名词委审定]英汉航海科技名词]通航分道traffic lane [英汉航海大词典]adj.单独的, 独一无二的, 孤单的, 独自的adv.独自地diamond [简明英汉词典]n.钻石, 菱形diamond [[七国言语]英汉机械大词典]金刚石Diamond [英汉512专利大词典]珠宝n.车道n.能实行的prep.关于adv.最终, 最终, 不行更改地, 打算性地yardarm [简明英汉词典]n.[航海] 桁端, 横杆端yardarm [英汉航海大词典]n.桁端模杆端,帆桁端restrict in [英汉航海大词典]vt.在...方面遭到限制,约束term [简明英汉词典]n.学期, 期限, 期间, 条款, 条件, 术语n.期限,条件TERM [航空英语缩写词典]Terminal 起点站,终端,航站Terminate 终止Termination 终止,终端machinery [简明英汉词典]n.[总称] 机器, 机械machinery [[名词委审定]英汉机械工程名词(一, 定义版)] 机械机器与机构的总称。
海洋学术语 海洋地质学 引用-概述说明以及解释
海洋学术语海洋地质学引用-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述海洋学术语是研究海洋科学中的专业术语和术语体系。
根据给定的大纲,可以编写如下内容:1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构进行组织:第一部分为引言部分,主要包括概述、文章结构和目的三个部分。
和任 务 , 邬江主任 向与会专家介绍 了科技名词审定的原则 和方 法 。能源 名词委周凤 起 主任简要介 绍 了 自2 0 08年 4月 能源 名词 审定筹备会 召开以后 , 各分支学科组审定工作的进展情况 , 并初 步提 出了修改后 的审定 学科框架 和各分 支学科组 的分
() 4 争取 于 2 1 年底前完成《 0 1 能源名词 》 的出版工作。
与会专家表示 , 将克服困难 , 加强协作 , 齐心努力 , 高质量地完成好 国家赋予的名词审定工作任务。
( 素婷 ) 高
海峡 两岸海洋科学名词学术研讨会在 台北 召开
本刊讯 2 1 4月 2 0 0年 6日, 海峡两 岸海 洋科学名 词学术研讨会在 台北 召开。会议 由台湾海洋大学 主办 , 海峡 两岸海洋
科学界 1 0余位专家与会参与研讨 。 会议重点对两岸海洋科 学名词中未形成对 照的 5 0多条 名词进行 了研讨 。会议 商定 5月 中旬 由台湾组 织专家合 并稿 0 件并 送交大陆 , 经大陆专家审定后形成初稿 。对初稿 中还需两岸专家协商的部分 , 计划于 7月 中旬再次召开会议加以研讨 。 ( 李玉英)
工和编写进度安排 。
随后 , 与会专家就学科框架 、 各分支学科组分工 、 范围 、 选词 释义及在 审定工作 中遇 到的问题 等展开 了热烈讨论 。会 议
就下 阶段工作做 出了具体安排 :1 2 1 ( )0 0年 5 —7月 , 争取完成词条 的选收及逐条 加注释义 , 形成初稿 ;2 8 0月 , 成一 ( ) —1 完 审工作 , 形成第二稿 , 并广 泛征 求 同行意 见 ; 3 2 1 ( ) 0 1年初 , 据 反馈 意见 , 改 形成第 三 稿 , 根 修 上报 全 国科 技名 词 委复 审 ;
浮游动物学 2011下考试要点
浮游动物学 planktology研究浮游生物的生命现象及活动规律的科学(名词解释 10×2’英汉互译10×2’简述 9 60’)名词解释:1.浮游动物(Zooplankton):异养生物,次级生产力贡献者。
2.真光层(euphotic layer):水层中能找到光的部分,通常为水深0米到100-200米范围。
3.个体大小浮游生物分类及代表生物(+简答+翻译)4.按生活史中浮游生物阶段的长短分类(+简答)5.生物泵Biological pump:由有机体所产生的,经过消费、传递和分解等一系列生物学过程构成的碳从海洋表层向深层转移或沉降的整个过程。
6.新生产力New production:由真光层之外提供的新生氮源支持的那一部分初级生产力。
7.微食物环microbial food loop; microbial loop:海洋中溶解有机物被微型异养浮游细菌摄取形成微生物型次级生产量,进而被原生动物和桡足类所利用而形成的微型生物摄食关系。
8. 生物海洋学Biological Oceanography:研究海洋生命发生、发展、运动变化和海水水体基底结构及各种动态过程间的相互关系的学科。
研究海洋生物种群在时间、空间海洋生物学Marine Biology:研究海洋生命现象、过程及其规律的科学,是海洋科学的一个主要科学,也是生命科学的一个重要分支。
英文名3-amino-2-hydroxypropanesulfonic acid 7-α-hydroxyfucosterolabsorptanceabsorption coefficientabundanceabyssal clayaccessory markaccommodation and power platform accumulation species of marine pollution acidic mucopolysaccharide of Apostichopus japonicusacoustic fishingacoustic propagation anomalyAcoustic Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC)acoustic transponderacoustical correlation current profiler acoustical Doppler current profiler acoustical oceanographyactivated sludge processactive remote sensoractivity coefficient of seawater adolecentadult stageadvection fogaerial expendable bathythermograph agaroseahermatypic coralair blow-out methodair divingair gapair liftingair-tightAleutian lowalgal toxinalginic acidall-female fish breedingall-male fish breeding allogynogenesis techniqueallopatryallophycocyaninalternating currentambreinamino-nitrogenamnesic shellfish poison (ASP)amphi-boreal distribution amphidromic pointamphidromic regionamphidromic system amphidromous migration anadromous fishesanalytical chemistry of seawater anatoxin-αanchorage [area]anchored structureandrogenesis techniqueanemotoxinangiogenesis inhibiting factors (AGIF) anion exchange membraneanion permselective membrane anodic protectionanodic stripping voltammetry Antarctic auroraAntarctic CircleAntarctic climateAntarctic coastal currentAntarctic ContinentAntarctic ConvergenceAntarctic DivergenceAntarctic frontAntarctic Ice SheetAntarctic krillAntarctic lightAntarctic meteoritesAntarctic oscillation (AAO) Antarctic ozone holeAntarctic PeninsulaAntarctic PointAntarctic Polar FrontAntarctic PoleAntarctic Protected Area Antarctic sea smokeAntarctic Shelf WaterAntarctic slope frontAntarctic Surface Water (AASW) Antarctic TreatyAntarctic Treaty areaAntarctic Treaty Party (ATP) Antarctic Winter [Residual] Water antecedent precipitation index anthopleurinanti El Ninoanticycloneantifreeze proteinantifreeze protein geneanti-pollution zone aphanizophyllaplasmomycinaplysiatoxinaplysinapparent optical properties aquafarmaquatic communityaquatic ecosystemaquatic halophyteaquatic macrophyteaquatic microphyteaquatic organisms indexaquatic plantArctic air massArctic archipelago regionArctic CircleArctic climateArctic cycloneArctic frontArctic hazeArctic Ocean deep waterArctic Oscillation (AO)Arctic PoleArctic smokeArctic surface waterArctic Yellow River Station {China} armor blockarmor unitArray for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography (ARGO)arriving at bottomarriving at surfaceartificial fish reefartificial islandartifiical beach nourishment assessment of the previous environment assimilation numberastaxanthinasterosaponinAtlantic Equatorial Undercurrent {Lomonosov Current}atmosphere inputatmospheric divingatmospheric tideattenuanceauricularia larvaAurora borealisauroral electrojetautomatic chemical addition and control systemautomatic trackingautomatic wave stationautonomous nutrient analyzer in situ autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) average cosineaverage height of highest one-tenth wave average height of highest one-third wave azimuth correctionAzores highbackward scatterancebacterial corrosionbarge bumperbarium sulfide nodule of the sea floor barocline wavebaroclinic oceanbarotropic oceanbarotropic wavebaseline of territorial seaBashi Channelbasic elements of marine disasterBass Straitbathyal faunabathyal zonebathypelagic organismbathypelagic planktonbattlefield at seabatylalcoholbeam attenuation coefficientbeddingBeibu Gulfbenthic communitybenthic divisionbenthic microphytebenthic organismbenthic-pelagic couplingbentho-hyponeustonbenthologybenthophyteberthbinary typhoonsbioelectricitybiological concentrationbiological detritusbiological effects of marine pollution biological inputbiological monitoring for marine biological noisebiological oceanographybiological pollutantbiological purificationbiological scavengingbiological seasonbiological self-purification bioluminescent systembiooptical algorithmbiooptical provincebio-sensitivitybiosonarbipinnaria larvabipolar distributionbipolar membrane (BPM)bitternblack smoker complexboat landing bridgeBohai Coastal CurrentBohai Sea lowBohai Straitbottom frictional layerbottom trawlbottom wavebracebrackish water speciesbrash icebrave west windbreadth of the territorial sea breakup periodbreath-hold divingbreeding migrationbrevetoxinbrown clayBryostatinbubble effectbuoyant apparatusbuoyant matcage culturecaissoncapillary wavecarbon assimilationcarbon dioxide poisoningcarbonate cyclecarcinologycarrageenancase 1 watercase 2 watercatadromous migrationcatenary anchor leg mooring (CALM) cathodic protectioncation exchange membranecation permselective membraneCCD cameracellulose acetate series membrane central processing platformcentral riftcephalotoxinceramidecetincetolChangcheng StationChangjiang Diluted WaterChangjiang River PlumeChangjiang-Huaihe cyclonechannel of naval portcharacteristic specieschart datumchelateschemical cleaningchemical equilibrium of marine chemical industry of saltchemical model of seawaterchemical pickingchemical pollutant in the seachemical substance forms in seawater chemoautotrophchemoherm complexeschemostatic culturechemotaxischemotaxychinook salmon embryo cell line ( CHSE) chitosanchloride anomalychondroitin salfatechordCircumpolar Deep Water (CDW)classification of wastesclimateclimate feedbackclimatic analysisclimatic anomalyclimatic assessmentclimatic beltclimatic changeclimatic diagnosisclimatic factorclimatic indexclimatic monitoringclimatic simulationclimatic systemclimatic zoneclosed culture with circulating water closed cycle OTECclosed fishing areasclosed fishing linesclosed fishing seasoncluster model of liquid water coagulate flocculating agentcoast defensecoast defense engineeringcoastal citycoastal climatecoastal defencescoastal dynamicscoastal engineeringcoastal erosion disastercoastal frontcoastal night fogcoastal ocean dynamicscoastal ocean sciencecoastal port industrycoastal statecoastal tourismcoastal transportation industrycoastal zone resourcescobalt-richcrustcoefficient of maturitycofferdamcold currentcold eddycold shockcold temperate speciescold water speciescold water spherecold water tonguecold wavecold zone speciescolloidal forms in seawatercolloidal nitrogen in seawatercolloidal phosphorus in seawater colloidal species in seawatercolor of the seacolumncombined development of offshore oil-gas field groupcommand of the seacommercial portCommission on the Limits of the Continental Shel (CLCS)common heritage of mankindcommon permitscommon speciescompensation currentcomplex in seawatercomposite breakwatercomposite membranecomprehensive ocean atmosphere dataset ( COADS)compression systemcompression testcompression therapyconcentrated poolconchologyconcrete platformconductor frameconductor tubeconical transitionconotoxin (CTX)conservation zoneconservative behavior of chemical substance in estuaryconservative components in seawater constant principle of seawater major componentconstituent dayconstituent hourconsumercontainer shipcontiguous zonecontinuous culturecontinuous observationcontrast in watercontrol of eutrophication in the area convective mixingConvention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas Convention on the Continental Shelf Convention on the High Seas Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter; London DumpingConvention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zoneconventional divingconvergence zoneconvergent boundarycopepodid larvacopepoditecoral reef communitycorange linecorrosion controlcorrosion inhibitorcorrosion preventioncorrosion-causing bacteriacost of marine resource exploitation crane bargecrane vesselcrest linecritical depthcritical membercritical species of marine pollution cross-coupling effectcross-equatorial flowcrude oil pollutioncryptophycincrystal poolcurrent directioncurrent metercurrent shear frontcurrent speedcurrent velocitycyclonecyphonautes larvacypris larvadactylenedamage of coastal water conservancyDanish agardata transmission subsystemdatum levelDebye-H ckel theorydecay of pollutantdeck decompression chamber (DDC) deck unitdecompressiondeep layerdeep sea acoustic propagationdeep sea ecologydeep sea ecosystemdeep sea engineeringdeep sea sound channel(SOFAR channel) deep water wavedeep-towed systemdeepwater jacketdelimitation of continental shelf delimitation of the exclusive economic demersal fishdensity anomalydensity excessdensity in situdensity-dependent mortality deodorizing technologydeposit control inhibitordepositiondestructive boundarydetached breakwaterdetached wharfdetail designdetection of red tide toxindeterminate fatigue analysis detrainment [in ocean]diadinoxanthindiapause eggdiarrhetic shellfish poison(DSP) diatoxanthindicycledidemnindiffuse attenuation coefficient digital oceandigital oceanographic dataset dilution cyclediscodermolidedisseminated hydrates disseminated sulfide dissemination system of marine dissolved carbon dioxide in seawater dissolved forms in seawater dissolved greenhouse gas in seawater dissolved nitrogen in seawater dissolved nutrients in seawater dissolved oxygen corrosion dissolved oxygen meter for sea water dissolved oxygen saturationdistant fishingdistillation processdistribution of halocline intensity distribution of marine industries distribution of pycnocline intensity distribution of thermocline intensity diurnal inequalitydiverdivergent boundarydivingdiving accidentdiving compression-decompression diving decompressiondiving decompression sicknessdiving decompression stop diving depthdiving diseasediving medical securitydiving medicinediving physiologydiving procedurediving skipdiving tourismdiving′s equipmentDNA probedockdocosahexenoic acid; DHA dolastatindomestic seawater technology domestic sewagedomoic acidDonghai Coastal Current double diffusiondouble ebbdouble flooddownward flowdownward irradiance downward vector irradiance downwelling irradiance dredgedredgerdredging engineeringdrift icedrifting buoydrifting weeddrill string compensator (DSC) drilling platformdrilling vesseldrowningdumping area at seadumping skill at seadynamic [computation] method dynamic depthdynamic topographydynamic-positioning rigdysbaric osteonecrosisearly stage evaluation for offshore hydrocarbon reservoirEast Antarctic CratonEast Antarctic Ice SheetEast Antarctic ShieldEast Asian monsoonEast China Sea Coastal CurrentEast China Sea cycloneeastern boundary currentebbebb-tide currentechinopluteus larvaechinosideecological assessmentecological barrierecological crisisecological effect of marine pollution ecological restorationecological risk assessmentecology pressureeconomic evaluation of marine resources ecosystem cultureecteinascidin 743effect of seaboardeffective radiationeicosapentenoic acid (EPA)Ekman depthEkman drift currentEkman suckingelectric fishelectric fishingelectric organelectrochemical corrosion electrochemical protection electrodialysis reversal (EDR) electrodialysis unitelectrolytic protectionelectronic chartElectrophoresis of sea water electroreceptive fish electroreceptive organ electroreceptorelectro-strictioneledosinelevated coastelliptical trochoidal wave embayed coastendolithionendopelosendopsammonenergy recoveryEngineering Committee on Oceanic Resources( ECOR)engineering oceanography engineering oceanologyEnglish ChannelENSO( El Nino and southern entering waterenvironmental chemistry of marine inorganic matterenvironmental chemistry of marine organic matterenvironmental quality indexenvironmental quality parameter environmental risk assessmentenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay( ephyra larvaepilithionepineustonepipelagic fishepipelagic organismepipelagic planktonepipelagic zoneepipelosepipsammoneptatretinequatorial air massequatorial countercurrentequatorial current; trade wind current equatorial easterliesequatorial wave guideequatorial westerliesequilibrium profileequitable principleequivalent durationequivalent fetchestuarine biogeochemistryestuarine biologyestuarine circulationestuarine dynamicsestuarine fluxestuarine frontestuarine interfaceestuarine jet flow theoryestuarine plume frontestuarine residual currentestuarine scienceestuarine upwellingestuary improvementeudistomineuhalophyteeunektoneurybaric organismeurybathic organismeuryhaline specieseuryphagous animaleurythermal specieseutrophication indexevaporation coefficientevent depositevent depositexclusive fishery zoneexclusive fishing zoneexposed watersextensive cultureexternal ring jointextraction of deuterium from seawater extraction of lithium from seawater extra-storm surge emergency warning extra-storm surge forecastingextra-storm surge warning extratropical cyclonefabrication designfailure probabilityfan-shaped deltafast icefast spreadingfatigue breakfine and microstructure of ocean finger rafted icefirst-year icefish age compositionfish age determinationfish brood amountfish cloningfish finderfish finding by remote sensingfish immunologyfish length compositionfish liver oilfish oilfish pathologyfish pharmacologyfishery administrative management fishery damaged by disasterfishery port; fishing harborfishing groundfishing intensityfishing licence systemfishing maintenance rightfishing on the high seafishing seasonfixed artificial islandfixed buoy wave observationfixed drilling platformfixed oceanographic stationfixed platformfixed point wave observationfixed structureflawfloating artificial islandfloating breakwaterfloating crane craftfloating drilling rigfloating fish reeffloating hosefloating liquid natural gas unit(FLNG)floating oil production and storage unit (FPSO)floating pierfloating pile driverfloating production platformfloating structurefloating-type wharffloe iceflood currentflounder gill cell line( FG )fluid mudfluorescent antibody techniqueflux in oceanfood organismfootingforced waveforerunnerforward scatterancefoundation bedfoundation capabilityframed (stiffened) shellfrazil icefree gasfree wavefreezing ice periodfreezing periodfrequency domain method of dynamic frictional depthfucanfucoidinfucosterolfull mixed estuaryfully developed seafunoranfurcellarangale warninggas hydrategas hydrate phase diagramgas hydrate reservoirgas hydrate stability zone(GHSZ)gas membrane methodgelatinous planktongenealogical treegeneral ocean circulationGeneva Conventionsgeofabricgeographical barriergeostrophic flowgeotextileglacio-aqueous sedimentgliding motilityGlobal Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics( GLOBEC)Global Ocean Observing System(GOOS) globigerina oozeglucosamineglyceryltaurineglycosaminoglycan of pectinidGoing out of surface in emergency Gondwanagravelgravity drop corergravity platformgravity type foundationgrease iceGreat Wall Stationgreen fluorescent proteingreen fluorescent protein genegrey icegrey-white icegroingross output value of marine industries gross volume of offshore hydrocarbon ground general stabilitygroup of smokergroup velocitygrowth efficiencygrunt fin cell line( GF)guidelinegulfGulf of MexicoGulf of Thailandgusset pointguyotgynogenesis techniquehadal faunahailitehalf-tide levelhalichondrinhalitoxinhalobionthalomonhalophile organismhalophilic bacteriahalophytehalophyte biologyhalophyte bush vegetationhalophyte domesticationhalophyte ecologyhalophyte salt-avoidancehalophyte salt-dilutionhalophyte salt-rejectionhalophyte salt-secretionhalophyte salt-tolerancehalophytic fiber planthalophytic fodder planthalophytic food planthalophytic health planthalophytic medical planthaploid breeding techniquehaploid syndromeharbor accommodationharbor boatharbor hinterlandharbor siltationharbor siteharmful algal blooms(HAB)harmful algal red tideharmonic analysis of tideharmonic constant of tideharnessing of red tidehatchabilityhatchingheadlandhealthy maricultureheat shockheave compensatorheavy gear divingheavy metal circulationheavy wall jointheight of significant waveHeinrich eventhelium-oxygen divinghemipelagic depositherpesviral disease of coho salmon herpesvirus salmonis disease heterogeneous [ion exchange] membrane high frequency ground wave radarhigh pressurehigh pressure nervous syndromehigh waterhigher high waterhigher low waterhighest astronomical tidehirame rhabdoviral diseasehistoric bayhistoric watersholophytic nutritionholoplanktonholothurinholotoxinhomogeneous [ion exchange] membrane homogeneous layerhomotaurinehorizontal displacement compensator horizontal distribution of chemical elements in oceanhorizontal fish finderhot spot stressHuanghai Coastal CurrentHuanghai Cold Water Mass Huanghai Warm Currenthurricanehydrate desalting processhydrate moundhydrate plugshydraulic lift mining systemhydraulic pressure shock hydrobiologyhydrobionthydrogenic crusthydrogenic nodulehydrophonehydrophytehydrothermal brinehydrothermal circulation hydrothermal crust hydrothermal exchange hydrothermal fluid hydrothermal lens hydrothermal mineral hydrothermal mineralization hydrothermal mound hydrothermal neck hydrothermal nontronite hydrothermal plume hydrothermal sediment hydrothermal vent community hyperbaric lifeboat(HBL) hyperbaric medicine hyperbaric oxygen chamber hyperbaric oxygen medicine hyperbaric oxygen therapy hyperbaric physiology hypoxidosisice cakeice coreice coverice edgeice fallice fogice shelfice shelf waterIcelandic lowimage enhancementimage preprocessing immature stageimmersed halophyte vegetation in place analysisincident waveindex of economic evaluation for marine resourcesIndian Equatorial Undercurrent indicator species of marine pollution industrial cultureindustrial wastewaterinertia gravitational wave [in ocean] inertia periodinfectious hematopoietic necrosis infectious pancreatic necrosisinfrared radiometerinfrared remote sensorinitial environmental evaluation innocent passageinorganic colloid in seawater inorganic pollution sourceinorganic species in seawater insequent coastinshore fishinginstantaneous fishing mortality integrated coastal zone management Integrated Ocean Drilling Program( integrated use of marine resources intensive cultureinterface in seawaterinterface reaction in seawaterinternal ring jointinternal seainternal watersinternational canalinternational law of the sea International Marine Global Change Study; IMAGESInternational Maritime Organization;International Maritime Satellite Organization; IMSOInternational Ocean Carbon Coordination Project;IOCCP International Ocean Institute; IOI International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange; IODE International Seabed Authority; ISA International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea; ITLOSInternational Tsunami Warning Center; ITWCInterRidge Projectinterstitial water; pore water intraplate volcanisminversion of oceanographic elemention exchange capacityion pair in seawaterion permselective membraneiridoviral disease of Japanese eel iridoviral disease of red sea breamiron bacteria corrosionirradiance reflectanceirregular diurnal tideirregular semi-diurnal tideirregular waveirreversible marine environmental islandislandisland landscapeisland tourismisobathymetric lineisolated breakwateristamycinjacketjacket launching bargejacket legjacket lifting eyejacket paneljacket pile-driven platformjacket positioningjacking capacityjacking systemjack-up drilling rigjack-up rigJapan SeaJoint Technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology( jurisdictional seaK jointK1-component; K1-constituentK2-component; K2-constituentkainic acidkarst coastkelp bedkey speciesknuckle jointKnudsen’s tableKorea Straitkoto-planktonLa Ninalamellibranchia larvalaminarinlaminineland breezeland fabricationland-based pollution prevention and Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zon( LOICZ)land-tied islandlarvalaser altimeterlateral reflectionlaterally loaded pilelatitudinal coastlaunching analysislaunching trussLaurasialaw and regulation of sealaw of the sealay bargelayered hydratelevel bottom communityliability and compensation for pollution damagelicence of sea area uselife formlife support systemlifting analysislifting luglifting pad eyelight and dark bottle techniquelight fishinglight houselight saturationlight vessellight weight divinglinearization of wave forcelionan coastliquid-solid interface ternary complex in seawaterlittoral placerload out analysislongitudinal dikelongshore driftlow coastlow temperature multi-effect distillaton low waterlow-energy coastlowest astronomical tideluminous organismlunar tidelunitidal intervallymphocystis diseaseM2-component; M2-constituentM6-component;M6-constituent macrotidal estuarymagma heat sourcemagnetic particle technique (MT) magnetic quiet zonemagnetism separationmagnetometric resistivity methodmain girdermain thermoclinemaintenance of marine living resources major elements in seawaterMalacologymanagement of marine disaster reduction and reliefmanagement of marine resources management on sea area use manganese nodulemangrove communitymangrove swampmangrove vegetationmannanmanned submersiblemannitolmantle bulgemanufacturing technique of marine information productsmarginal ice zonemarginal seamariculture industrymariculture techniquemarine [observational] section marine air massmarine algae chemistrymarine aquaculture pollutionmarine aquatic products processing marine artificial portmarine bacteriamarine bioacousticsmarine bioactive substancesmarine biochemical engineering marine biological noisemarine biological pharmacy industry marine biologymarine biomaterialmarine bionicsmarine biotechnologymarine biotoxinmarine boundaries delimitation marine chemistry industrymarine climatemarine climatologymarine communications and transportation industrymarine cranemarine cryologymarine synoptic chart; weather chart marine datamarine data application filemarine data archivemarine data assimilation technology marine data conversionmarine data filemarine data formattingmarine data fusion techniquemarine data manipulationmarine data quality controlmarine data transformmarine databasemarine datasetmarine developmentmarine development planningmarine disastermarine disaster forecasting and warning marine disaster preventionmarine disaster reductionmarine disaster reduction engineering marine drugmarine ecological disastermarine ecological monitoringmarine economicsmarine economymarine ecosystem dynamicsmarine ecosystem ecologymarine elemental geochemistrymarine engineering geologymarine environment forecastmarine environment monitoringmarine environmental assessment system marine environmental background value marine environmental baseline [survey] marine environmental carrying capacity marine environmental contamination marine environmental criteriamarine environmental data and information referral system; MEDI marine environmental elementmarine environmental forecasting and predictionmarine environmental hydrodynamics marine environmental impactmarine environmental impact assessment marine environmental impact prediction marine environmental impact statement marine environmental loadmarine environmental monitoring marine environmental protection marine environmental qualitymarine environmental self-purification capabilitymarine environmental valuemarine erosionmarine farmmarine fisherymarine fishery resourcesmarine fishingmarine fishing activitymarine fishing industrymarine functional zonemarine functional zoningmarine gas hydratemarine genetic engineeringmarine geographic information system( marine geologymarine geomagnetic anomalymarine geomagnetic surveymarine geomorphologymarine geophysical surveymarine geophysicsmarine geotechnical testmarine GIS databasemarine gravity anomalymarine gravity surveymarine heat flow surveymarine heavy metal pollutionmarine hydrodynamic noisemarine hydrographymarine hydrologymarine induced polarization method marine industry;ocean industry marine informationmarine information codemarine information processingmarine information processing technique marine information productsmarine information servicemarine information sharingmarine information technologymarine information transmission marine inorganic pollutionmarine installationmarine interfacial chemistrymarine internal wavemarine living resourcesmarine magnetotelluric sounding marine manufacturing industrymarine meteorologymarine microbial ecologymarine microbiologymarine miningmarine natural reservesmarine objective analysis technique marine optic buoymarine optics。
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Presentation on Woods Hole Oceanographic Instit ution伍兹霍尔海洋研究所1. oceanographic[,əuʃiənəu'ɡræfik]adj. 海洋学的;有关海洋学的(等于oceanographical)2. oxygen minimum zone 最低含氧区3. nutrient run-off 养分径流、富营养径流4. Atmospheric deposition 大气沉降物atmospheric英[ætməs'ferɪk]美[,ætməs'fɛrɪk]adj. 大气的,大气层的deposition英[,depə'zɪʃ(ə)n; diː-]美[,dɛpə'zɪʃən]n. 沉积物;矿床;革职;[律](在法庭上的)宣誓作证,证词5. phytoplankton英['faɪtəʊ,plæŋ(k)t(ə)n]美[,faɪto'plæŋktən]n. [植] 浮游植物(群落)6. plankton英['plæŋ(k)t(ə)n; -tɒn]美['plæŋktən]n. 浮游生物(总称)7. ocean interior海洋内部8.Shoal up 变浅、上移9. microbe英['maɪkrəʊb]美['maɪkrob]n. 细菌,微生物10. decompose英[diːkəm'pəʊz]美[,dikəm'poz]vi. 分解;使腐烂vt. 分解;腐烂11.deplete英[dɪ'pliːt]美[dɪ'plit]vt. 耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚12.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution伍兹霍尔海洋研究所13.ocean science 海洋科学14.marine technology and engineering 海洋科技与工程15.active project 在研项目16.research vessel 海洋调查船17. robotic [rəu'bɔtik]adj. 机器人的;自动机式的;像机器人的以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》18. Deep Submergence Facility 深潜水设备19. world-class PhD program 世界级的博士点20. post-doctoral program 博士后流动站21. last unexplored frontiers 最后的尚未开发的领域22. public awareness 公共意识23. coastal science 海岸科学24. Polar Research 极地研究25. Seafloor & Below 海底及海底以下26. Underwater Archaeology 水下考古27. Chilean Devil Rays 智利魔鬼鱼28. Biomedical biomedical英[baɪə(ʊ)'medɪk(ə)l]美adj. 生物医学的29. aggregation英[,æɡrɪ'ɡeɪʃən]美[,ægrɪ'geʃən]n. [地质][数] 聚合,聚集;聚集体,集合体30. Transformative technology 技术革新31. Deepwater Horizon oil spill“深水地平线”石油钻井泄漏32. Fukushima assessment 福岛核泄漏评估33. NYC aqueduct 纽约高架渠34.algal bloom 藻华algal英['ælɡəl]美['ælgəl]adj. 海藻的35.Cascadia subduction fault 卡斯卡迪大陆的俯冲断层subduction英[səb'dʌkʃ(ə)n]美[səb'dʌkʃən]n. 俯冲;除去;减法fault英[fɔːlt; fɒlt]美[fɔlt]n. 故障;[地质] 断层;错误;缺点;毛病;(网球等)发球失误vi. 弄错;产生断层vt. (通常用于疑问句或否定句)挑剔36.spin-off companies 衍生公司37.Holographic Plankton Camera 全息浮游生物相机holographic英[,hɒlə'ɡræfɪk]美[,hɑlə'ɡræfɪk]adj. 全息的;全部手写的38. Spray Glider 喷射滑翔机39. Hydrography hydrography英[haɪ'drɒgrəfɪ]美[haɪ'drɑgrəfi]n. 水文学;[水运] 水道测量学40. Sediment Traps【工程】沉淀阱以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》41. AUV Sentry“岗哨号”(Sentry) 自治式无人潜水器The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV)42. ROVs 遥控水下机器人43. needle in a haystack 海底捞针44. The Blue Economy 蓝色经济45. Robotics robotics英[rəʊ'bɒtɪks]美[ro'bɑtɪks]n. 机器人学(robotic的复数)46. Mooring 英['mɔːrɪŋ; 'mʊə-] 美['mʊrɪŋ]n. 下锚;停泊处;系船具v. 停泊(moor的ing形式)n. (Mooring)人名;(英)穆林47. Navigation英[nævɪ'geɪʃ(ə)n]美['nævə'geʃən]n. 航行;航海48. bioprospecting生物勘探49.Process chemicals操作助剂50.Stock assessment 鱼量评估;资源评估51. toxicity英[tɒk'sɪsətɪ]美[tɑk'sɪsəti]n. [毒物] 毒性[ 复数toxicities ]52.Seafloor mining 海底矿物开采53. informatics英[,ɪnfə'mætɪks]美[,ɪnfɚ'mætɪks]n. [图情][计] 信息学;情报学(复数用作单数)54. abatement英[ə'beɪtm(ə)nt]美[ə'betmənt]n. 减少;消除;减轻55.International Argo program 国际阿尔戈计划Argo ['ɑ:ɡəu]n.[斜体]【希腊神话】(伊阿宋率其他英雄寻找金羊毛乘的快船)阿尔戈号注:可以讲解希腊神话与海洋科技的关系56.Ice-tethered profiler 冰层分析器tether英['teðə]美['tɛðɚ]n. 范围;系链;拴绳vt. 用绳或链拴住n. (Tether)人名;(英)特瑟profiler英['prəufailə]美n. 分析器,分析工具;仿形铣床;[测] 断面仪57. CTD温盐深仪CTD,名词,在海洋科考里,它是特指一种用于探测海水温度,盐度,深度等信息的探测仪器,名为:温盐深仪。
海湾(gulf ):洋或海延伸进大陆且深度逐渐减小的水域。
AABW( - Antarctic Bottom Water) 南极底层水AAIW( - Antarctic Intermediate Water)南极中层水Aanderaa current meter 安德拉海流计Aanderaa water level recorder 安德拉水位计AAO( - Antarctic Oscillation) 南极涛动AAPG( - American Association of Petro-leum Geologists) 美国石油地质学家协会AASW(:Antarctic Surface Water) 南极表层水AAWW(:Antarctic Winter Water) 南极冬季水abalone鲍(鱼)abalone aquafarm 鲍鱼养殖场abalone breeding 鲍鱼养殖abalone-breeding farm 鲍鱼养殖场abalone culture( industry) 鲍鱼养殖(业)abalone farming 鲍鱼养殖abalone fishery 鲍鱼业abalone polysaccharide 鲍鱼多糖abalone viscera 鲍鱼脏器abamectin 阿维菌素A-band A带abandoned delta lobe废弃三角洲叶瓣abandoned drilling fluid 废钻井液abandoned drilling mud 废钻井泥浆abandoned oil reservoir 废弃油藏abandoned oil well 废弃油井abandoned range 报废井段abandoned shoreline 旧岸线abandoned well 报废井abandonment①放[抛,废]弃②委付abandonment cap 弃井封盖abandonment clause弃船[委付]条款abandonment in marine insurance 海上保险委付abandonment of offshore oil and gas field海上油气田废弃abandonment of offshore platform 放弃近海平台abandonment of ship ①弃船②船舶委付abandonment pressure 废弃压力abasic site脱[无]碱基位点abatement of water pollution 水污染消除Abbe refractometer阿贝折射仪abdomen腹(部)abdominal appendage 腹肢abdominal fin 腹鳍abdominal foot腹足abdominal ganglion 腹神经节abdominal leg腹肢abdominal respiration 腹式呼吸Abel closed cup flash point apparatus阿贝尔闭杯闪点测定仪Abel flash point 阿贝尔闪点Abel flash point apparatus 阿贝尔闪点测定仪abequose p脱氧岩藻糖,阿比可糖aberrant splicing异常剪接aberration①失[反]常②畸变,变形③象[色]差abiochemistry无生[机]化学abiocoen无机生境,生境非生物成分abiogenesis①非生物成因,自然发生②无生源说abiogenetic(natural) gas 非生物[无机]成因(天然)气abiogenic gas非生物[无机]成因气abiogenic gas reservoir 非生物[无机]成因气藏abiogenic methane非生物[无机]成因甲烷abiogenic natural gas 非生物[无机]成因天然气abiogenic origin( theory) 非生物[无机]成因(学说)abiogenic petroleum origin 石油非生物[无机]成因abiogenic reaction 非生物反应abiogeny(- abiogenesis) ①非生物成因,自然发生②无生源说abiologic(al) factor非生物因素abiologic(al) reaction非生物反应abiologic(al) removal 非生物移除,非生物转移abiologic(al) synthesis 非生物合成abiophysiology无机生理学abioseston非生物浮聚[悬浮]物质abiotic component 非生物成分abiotic environment 非生物[无生命]环境abiotic factor非生物因子,理化因子abiotic origin非生物成因abiotic stress非生物(性)胁迫[应激]abiotic substance非生物[无生命]物质abiotic surround 非生物环境ablastin抑殖素ablation ①消融(作用),冰面融化②消[烧]蚀,风化,剥落ablation area 消融区ablation cave(冰川)消融穴ablation cone 消融锥ablation drift 消融冰碛ablation factor消融因素ablation gradient 消融梯度ablation heat融化热ablation moraine 消融冰碛ablation period消融期ablation rate 消融速率ablation till消融冰碛abnormal anticlinorium 逆复背斜abnormal blooming异常[大量]繁殖abnormal bubble异常[紊乱]气泡abnormal climate异[反]常气候abnormal current异[反]常(海)流abnormal distribution 非正态分布abnormal division 异常分裂abnormal fault 异常断层abnormal fermentation 异常发酵abnormal fertilization 异常受精abnormal fluid pressure 异常流体压力abnormal formation pressure 异常地层压力abnormal grain growth 异常晶粒生长abnormal growth 异常生长abnormalism①异常(性)②变态(性)abnormality①异常,反常②畸形,畸变,变态abnormally high fluid pressure 异常高流体压力abnormally high pore fluid pressure 异常高孔隙流体压力abnormally high pore pressure 异常高孔隙压力abnormally high pressure 异常高压abnormally high pressure gas reservoir异常高压气藏abnormally high pressure reservoir 异常高压油藏abnormally high sea level 异常高海平面abnormally high tide 异常高潮abnormally low sea level 异常低海平面abnormally low tide 异常低潮abnormal metabolism 异常代谢abnormal mitosis异常有丝分裂abnormal oceanic crust 异常(大)洋壳abnormal pore fluid pressure 异常孔隙流体压力abnormal pore pressure 异常孔隙压力abnormal pressure 异常压力abnormal pressure belt 异常压力带abnormal pressure gradient 异常压力梯度abnormal pressure zone 异常压力层abnormal sea level 异常潮位abnormal sea state 异常海况abnormal sea surface temperature 海表温度异常abnormal splicing 异常剪接abnormal synclinorium 逆复向斜abnormal tidal current 异常潮流abnormal tide异常潮abnormal well 异常井aboospore单性(生殖的)卵孢子aboral disc反口盘aboral nervous system 反口神经系统aboral organ 反口器aboral osphradium 后嗅检器aboral pole反口极aboral pore反口孔aboral surface 反口面aboral tentacle 反口触手abortion①败育②故障,失灵abortive transduction流产转导abortive zoospore 发育不全[败育]动孢子above sea level海拔,拔海(高度)abraded bedrock surface浪蚀基岩面abraded platform 浪成[海蚀]台地abrader研磨机abrading machine 研磨机abranchiate①无鳃类动物②无鳃的abrasion①冲[剥,侵]蚀,海[浪,水]蚀②磨损(之处),磨蚀abrasion drilling 冲蚀钻井abrasion hardness 研磨硬度abrasion platform 海[浪]蚀平台[台地]abrasion resistance 耐[抗]磨性abrasion-resisting pump 耐磨泵abrasion shore 浪蚀海岸abrasion shoreline 浪蚀海岸线abrasion surface海[浪]蚀面abrasion tableland 海[浪]蚀台地aorasion terrace 海[浪]蚀阶地abrasive①磨料,研磨[磨蚀]剂②磨料的③磨蚀的,研磨的abrasive action 磨蚀作用abrasive blast(ing) 喷磨[砂]处理abrasive grain 磨粒abrasive hardness磨料(耐磨]硬度abrasive jet drilling磨蚀喷射钻井abrasive particle磨蚀微粒,磨粒abrasive resistance 磨蚀阻力,磨蚀强度,抗磨性abrasive surface研磨[磨蚀]面abridgetl spectrophotometer 滤色分光光度计abrupt change突变abrupt change of climate 气候突变abrupt climate change气候突变abrupt temperature change 温度突变abrupt wave 陡浪ABS( =American Bureau of Shipping)美国船级社,美国船舶局absolute absorption 绝对吸收absolute abundance 绝对丰度absolute activity绝对活度absolute aerobic bacteria绝对需[好]氧[气](细)菌absolute age绝对年龄,绝对年代absolute altitude①绝对高度②海拔absolute atmosphere绝对大气压absolute bioavailability绝对生物利用度absolute black body绝对黑体absolute boiling point 绝对沸点absolute brood amount绝对怀卵量absolute chronology绝对年代学absolute configuration 绝对构型absolute dating绝对年代测定absolute density绝对密度absolute detection limit绝对探测极限absolute determination 绝对测定absolute dielectric(al) constant 绝对介电常数absolute ethanol 无水乙醇,无水酒精absolute(ethyl) alcohol无水乙醇,无水酒精absolute fecundity 绝对生殖力,绝对怀卵量absolute filter绝对[高效]过滤器absolute filtration绝对过滤absolute food quotient绝对饲料系数absolute geochronology 绝对地质年代学absolute geopotential 绝对重力势absolute growth绝对生长(度)absolute growth rate绝对生长速率absolute hard boundary 绝对硬边界absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute isotopic abundance 绝对同位素丰度absolute isotopic abundance ratio 绝对同位素丰度比absolute lethal dose( LDioo) 绝对[完全]致死剂量absolute lethal gene 绝对[完全]致死基因absolute manometer 绝对压力计absolute measurement 绝对测量absolute open flow potential 绝对敞喷[无阻]流量absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute pressure ga(u)ge 绝对压力表absolute pressure vacuum ga(u) ge 绝对真空压力表absolute reaction rate( theory) 绝对反应速率(理论)absolute salinity绝对盐度absolute soft boundary 绝对软边界absolute specificity绝对专一[特异]性absolute temperature 热力学温度absolute temperature scale 热力学温标absolute toxicity绝对毒性absolute vacuum 绝对真空absolute visco(si) meter 绝对黏度计absolute visco( si) metry 绝对黏度测定法absolute viscosity绝对黏度absorbability①(可,被)吸收性,吸收能力②吸收量absorbance①吸收度,吸收率②吸光度,吸光率absorbance ratio( method) 吸光度比值(法)absorbance unit吸收[光]度单位absorbancy(=absorbance) ①吸收度,吸收率②吸光度,吸光率absorbancy index吸光度系[指]数absorbed dose吸收剂量absorbed energy 吸收能absorbed flux吸收通量absorbed gas吸收气absorbed radiation energy 吸收辐射能absorbed water吸收水absorbency 吸收能力absorbent①吸收剂[体,质]②能吸收的,吸收性的absorbent agent 吸收剂absorbent bed 吸收床,吸收层absorbent carbon 活性炭[碳],碳吸收剂absorbent charcoal 活性炭,吸收性炭absorbent formation 渗漏地层absorbent paper 吸水纸absorber①吸收剂,吸收体②吸收器,吸收装置③消振[缓冲,阻尼]器,减震体absorbing agent 吸收剂absorbing band 吸收(光,谱)带absorbing capacity 吸收能力,吸收量absorbing column 吸收柱,吸收塔absorbing curtain 吸收挡板absorbing gas 吸收气体absorbing layer 吸收层absorbing load 吸收负荷absorbing material 吸收材料,吸收剂absorbing medium 吸收介质absorbing solution 吸收液absorbing tower吸收塔absorbing trap 吸收阱absorbing well 吸[泄]水井absorptance吸收率[比,系数]absorptiometer①吸收(比色,光度)计②(液体)溶[吸]气计absorptiometric analysis 吸光分析absorptiometry 吸收测量学absorption①吸收[取,液](作用)②吸水(性)③吞并absorption amount 吸收量absorption band 吸收(光,谱)带absorption border融蚀(边)缘absorption bottle 吸收瓶absorption capacity 吸收能力absorption capture 吸收俘获absorption cell 吸收池,吸收皿absorption chamber吸收室absorption characteristic 吸收特性absorption chromatography 吸收色谱(法)absorption coefficient 吸收系数absorption colo(u)r 吸收色absorption column 吸收柱,吸收塔absorption cross-section 吸收截面absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption discontinuity 间歇吸收absorption dynamics 吸收动力学absorption edge 吸收限,吸收端absorption effect 吸收效应absorption equilibrium 吸收平衡absorption-emission pyrometer 吸收热辐射式高温计absorption extraction 吸收萃取absorption factor ①吸收因子[系数,率]②吸收因素absorption gasoline 吸收汽油absorption heat 吸收热absorption index吸收指[系]数absorption layer 吸收层absorption limit吸收(极)限absorption line 吸收(谱)线absorption liquid 吸收液absorption loss 吸收损失absorption method 吸收法absorption of nourishment 养分吸收absorption peak 吸收峰absorption photometry 吸光光度法absorption plant吸收装置,吸收设备absorption power 吸收能力absorption rate 吸收速率absorption rate constant 吸收速率常数absorption reaction 吸收反应absorption reagent 吸收试剂absorption spectrometry 吸收光谱测定(法,术)absorption spectroscopy 吸收光谱术absorption spectrum 吸收(光)谱absorption surface 吸收面absorption tower 吸收塔absorption well 漏失井absorptive capacity 吸收(能)力absorptive cell 吸收细胞absorptive tissue 吸收组织absorptivity①吸收性,吸收能力②吸收率[量,度,系数]③吸湿性abstraction①抽【取]出,(将热和水)引出②分离,提取,提炼,萃取abstriction(孢子)缢断(作用)abundance①丰富,充裕②丰度abundance class多度级abundance of benthic meiofauna 小型底栖生物丰度abundance of element 元素丰度abundance ratio 丰度比abundance sensitivity ①丰度灵敏度②同位素灵敏度abundance zone 富集带abysmal area深海沙[渊]区abysmal deposit 深海沉积物abysmal facies 深海相abysmal region深海[渊](地)区ahysmal sea深海abyss海洋深处,深渊,深海abyssal area深海区abyssal assimilation 深成同化作用abyssal association 深海组合abyssal basin深海盆地abyssal benthic boundary layer 深海底边界层abyssal benthic community 深海底栖(生物)群落abyssal benthic fauna 深海底栖动物区系[群]abyssal benthic zone深海底栖带abyssal benthos深海底栖生物abyssal bio-gene resources 深海生物基因资源abyssal circulation 深渊环流abyssal clay深海[远洋]黏土abyssal cone深海锥abyssal current 深海流abyssal deposit深海沉积物abyssal dune深海沙[砂]丘abyssal environment 深海环境abyssal facies 深海相abyssal fan 深海扇abyssal fault深大断裂abyssal fauna深渊动物区系[群]abyssal fishes深海鱼类abyssal floor深海床,深海底abyssal flow 深海流abyssal gap深海裂隙abyssal hill深海丘陵abyssal hill province 深海丘陵区abyssal irllection深成贯入abyssal oceanic basin 深海大洋盆地abyssal oceanography深海海洋学abyssal ooze深海软泥abyssalpelagic zone远洋深海带abyssal peridotite 深海橄榄岩abyssal plain深海平原abyssal plain turbidite深海平原浊积岩abyssal plankton 深海浮游生物abyssal population 深海种群abyssal province 深海区abyssal red clay深海红黏土abyssal region 深海[渊]区abyssal rock深成岩abyssal sea深海,海渊abyssal sediment深海沉积物abyssal tholeiite深海拉斑玄武岩abyssal zone 深海[渊]带abyssobenthic zone 深海底栖带abyssobenthos深海底栖生物abyssoconite深海钙质软泥abyssopelagic fauna 大洋深渊层动物区系(群]abyssopelagic organism 大洋深渊层生物abyssopelagic plankton 大洋深渊层浮游生物abyssopelagic zone 大洋深渊层abyssopelite深海泥质岩abzyme抗体酶acanthifolicin 9,10-环硫一冈田(软海绵)酸(一类抑制磷酸酶的海绵毒素)Acanthuridae 刺尾鱼科accelerant ①催速[催化,加速,促凝,促进]剂②加速器accelerated ag(e) ing( test) 加速老[陈]化(试验)accelerated corrosion test( method) 加速腐蚀试验(法)accelerated depreciation 加速折旧accelerated deterioration( test) 加速老化(试验)accelerated fermentation 加[快]速发酵accelerated filtration 加速过滤accelerated freeze-drying急速冷冻干燥(法)accelerated oxidation 加速氧化accelerated ripening 促熟accelerated test加速试验accelerated weathering加速风[老]化accelerated weathering test 加速老化试验,耐候试验accelerating agent 促进剂acceleration-cancelling hydrophone 消一加速度海洋检波器acceleration of ovuIation 促进排卵accelerator①加速器[泵,装置]②加速[促进,促凝]剂accelerometer加速度计acceptable concentration 容许浓度acceptable daily intake 日容许摄入量acceptable dose 容许剂量acceptable limit 容许(极)限acceptor①接受器,接受体,受体[子,主]②受诱物acceptor site受体位点,受位acceptor splice site受体剪接位点acceptor splice site mutation 受体剪接位点突变accessory cell(辅)佐细胞accessory character 副。
海洋能开发 技术
ep itn 将蕴藏于海洋中的可再生能源转换成 xl ti o ao
电能及其他便于利用与传输的能量 的技术。
海洋水下技术 udr at ho g ne e cnl s e o y 研 究 和
南的南极圈内的终年严寒 、 极夜 和极昼最长可达半 年的气候 。
北极 气候 A c cci t 北纬 6 。3 以北 的 rt l e i ma 6 3
r o 由水 面遥控 或有人工智能 , o t b 能在水下进行
名 词
综合作业的机电装置 。
水 下 通 信 u d r a rcm nct n 在 水 n ew t o mu ia o e i
潮流能和海水盐差能 , 广义还包括海洋能农场。 海洋能转换 oenee ovro 将表 ca nr c e i y g n sn
发 展在 海 洋 水 下 环 境 条 件 下 的 工 程 技 术 的学 科 。
包括潜水技术 、 水下作业施工、 潜水器开发、 打捞技
北极 圈 内的终 年严 寒 、 极昼 和极 夜 最 长可 达 半年 的
气候 。 oenosr t nt ho g ca bev i cnl ao e o y 生物海洋学 b l i l cao ah 研究海 i o c eng p y o g ao r
海 水 中物 质 形 态
ce c us nef m n hmi sbt c r si l a a o
海 洋无 机物 环境 化 学
ev omet hms nin na ce ir r l t y
saae 海 水 中元 素 或 化 学 物 质 存 在 的 物 理 形 ew t r 态, 一般 分成溶 解 态 、 粒 态和胶 态 。 颗 海 洋 地 貌 学 man em rhl y 研 究 海 i r ego opo g o 岸及 海底 表 面形 态 ( 形 ) 征 、 质 结 构 及 其 形 地 特 物 成 、 化 和分布 规律 的学 科 。 演
restrict in [英汉航海大词典]
term [简明英汉词典]
n.学期, 期限, 期间, 条款, 条件, 术语
term [英汉航海大词典]
TERM [航空英语缩写词典]
nature [简明英汉词典]
n.自然, 自然界, 大自然, 自然状态, 本性, 天性, 种类
nature [英汉航海大词典]
limit [简明英汉词典]
n.界限, 限度, 限制
vt.限制, 限定
limit [[名词委审定]英汉船舶工程名词(定义版)]
limit [[七国语言]英汉机械大词典]
v.指示, 规定, 处(方), 开(药)
as long as [简明英汉词典]
只要, 在...的时候
as long as [英汉航海大词典]
finally [简明英汉词典]
regarding [简明英汉词典]
practicable [简明英汉词典]
adj.能实行的, 行得通的, 可以实行的
out of the way [简明英汉词典]
adv.不挡道, 不恰当, 异常, 偏僻
out of the way [英汉航海大词典]
lie to [简明英汉词典]
lie to [英汉航海大词典]
海洋科学专业英文名称Ocean Sciences: Exploring the Vastness of Blue.Spanning the globe and covering over 70% of the Earth's surface, the ocean is a colossal realm of mystery and wonder. It serves as the planet's largest ecosystem, teeming with diverse life forms, and plays a crucial rolein regulating Earth's climate and supporting human societies. Understanding the complexities of this vast aquatic world is the domain of ocean sciences, an interdisciplinary field that encompasses a wide range of scientific disciplines.Unveiling the Ocean's Secrets.Ocean sciences encompass the study of various aspects of the ocean, including its physical, chemical, biological, and geological components. Physical oceanography delvesinto the physical properties of seawater, such as its temperature, salinity, density, and circulation patterns.Understanding these aspects is essential for predicting weather patterns, ocean currents, and wave dynamics.Chemical oceanography investigates the chemical composition of the ocean, including the distribution of nutrients, dissolved gases, and trace elements. This knowledge aids in understanding marine ecosystems, carbon cycling, and the impacts of human activities on the ocean's chemistry.Biological oceanography focuses on the living organisms that inhabit the ocean, from microscopic plankton to colossal whales. Scientists in this field study the distribution, abundance, and behavior of marine life, as well as their interactions with each other and the physical environment.Geological oceanography examines the geological processes that shape the ocean floor, including plate tectonics, sediment deposition, and volcanic activity. By studying the rocks and minerals beneath the waves, scientists gain insights into the Earth's geologicalhistory and the evolution of the ocean basins.Interdisciplinary Endeavors.Ocean sciences draw heavily upon other scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, biology, geology, and mathematics. Researchers often collaborate with experts from various fields to tackle complex oceanographic problems. For example, physical oceanographers may workwith climate scientists to study the impacts of ocean circulation on global climate patterns. Biological oceanographers may collaborate with ecologists toinvestigate the effects of pollution on marine ecosystems.Career Opportunities in the Blue.Graduates with a degree in ocean sciences pursue a diverse range of careers in academia, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. They may work as research scientists, educators, policy advisors, or environmental consultants. With the growing importance of ocean conservation and sustainable resource management,skilled professionals in ocean sciences are in high demand.Preserving the Ocean's Legacy.The ocean faces numerous challenges, including pollution, overfishing, climate change, and habitat destruction. Ocean scientists play a crucial role in understanding these threats and developing strategies to protect and preserve the ocean's health. Their research provides policymakers with the scientific knowledge needed to make informed decisions about marine conservation and sustainable ocean management.Embarking on the Oceanographic Journey.Pursuing a degree in ocean sciences opens the door to a world of discovery and limitless opportunities. Students in oceanography programs engage in hands-on research, field expeditions, and laboratory experiments, gaining firsthand experience with the diverse aspects of this fascinating field. They develop a deep understanding of the ocean's complex systems and the challenges it faces, empoweringthem to become future leaders in ocean conservation and exploration.Ocean Sciences in the 21st Century.In the 21st century, ocean sciences continue to evolve, driven by technological advancements and the urgent need to address global environmental issues. Emerging technologies, such as satellite remote sensing, autonomous underwater vehicles, and genomic sequencing, are revolutionizing oceanographic research and providing scientists with unprecedented insights into the ocean's depths.As human activities continue to impact the ocean's health, ocean sciences play an increasingly critical rolein ensuring the sustainable use of marine resources and protecting the ocean's vast biodiversity. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, scientific exploration, and innovative technologies, ocean scientists strive to unravel the mysteries of the blue planet and safeguard its future for generations to come.。
200个英语名词单词英汉翻译1. Cat -猫2. Dog -狗3. Chair -椅子4. Table -桌子5. Book -书6. Pen -钢笔7. Pencil -铅笔8. Computer -计算机9. Phone -手机10. Car -汽车11. Tree -树12. Flower -花13. House -房子14. Road -道路15. Bird -鸟16. Sun -太阳17. Moon -月亮18. Star -星星19. Sky -天空20. Ocean -海洋21. River -河流22. Mountain -山23. Lake -湖24. Fish -鱼25. Butterfly -蝴蝶26. Lion -狮子27. Tiger -老虎28. Elephant -大象29. Giraffe -长颈鹿30. Monkey -猴子31. Horse -马32. Cow -牛33. Sheep -羊34. Chicken -鸡35. Duck -鸭子36. Rabbit -兔子37. Pig -猪38. Apple -苹果39. Orange -橙子40. Banana -香蕉41. Mango -芒果42. Lemon -柠檬43. Strawberry -草莓44. Tomato -番茄45. Potato -土豆46. Onion -洋葱47. Garlic -大蒜48. Bread -面包49. Milk -牛奶50. Cheese -奶酪51. Butter -黄油52. Sugar -糖53. Salt -盐54. Pepper -胡椒55. Coffee -咖啡56. Tea -茶57. Juice -果汁58. Water -水59. Wine -酒60. Beer -啤酒61. Pizza -比萨饼62. Burger -汉堡包63. Salad -沙拉64. Soup -汤65. Pasta -面食66. Rice -米饭67. Chicken -鸡肉68. Beef -牛肉69. Fish -鱼肉70. Shrimp -虾71. Egg -鸡蛋72. Bacon -培根73. Cake -蛋糕74. Cookie -饼干75. Chocolate -巧克力76. Ice cream -冰淇淋77. Candy -糖果78. Candle -蜡烛79. Gift -礼物80. Party -派对81. Holiday -假期82. Vacation -度假83. School -学校84. Teacher -老师85. Student -学生86. Homework -家庭作业87. Exam -考试88. Class -班级89. Library -图书馆90. Gym -健身房91. Park -公园92. Playground -游乐场93. Mall -商场94. Store -商店95. Restaurant -餐厅96. Hospital -医院97. Doctor -医生98. Nurse -护士99. Patient -病人100. Medicine -药物101. Dentist -牙医102. Pharmacy -药店103. Police -警察104. Firefighter -消防员105. Soldier -士兵106. Pilot -飞行员107. Engineer -工程师108. Scientist -科学家109. Lawyer -律师110. Judge -法官111. Artist -艺术家112. Musician -音乐家113. Actor -演员114. Actress -女演员115. Writer -作家116. Poet -诗人117. Singer -歌手118. Dancer -舞者119. Athlete -运动员120. Coach -教练121. Team -球队122. Game -游戏123. Sport -运动124. Football -足球125. Basketball -篮球126. Tennis -网球127. Soccer -足球(英式)128. Baseball -棒球129. Volleyball -排球130. Swimming -游泳131. Running -跑步132. Cycling -骑自行车133. Yoga -瑜伽134. Painting -绘画135. Drawing -素描136. Photography -摄影137. Film -电影138. Theater -剧院139. Concert -音乐会140. Museum -博物馆141. Art -艺术142. History -历史143. Science -科学144. Math -数学145. Language -语言146. Music -音乐147. Literature -文学148. Geography -地理149. Biology -生物学150. Chemistry -化学151. Physics -物理152. Astronomy -天文学153. Psychology -心理学154. Philosophy -哲学155. Religion -宗教156. Culture -文化157. Tradition -传统158. Technology -技术159. Invention -发明160. Innovation -创新161. Communication -通信162. Transport -交通163. Traffic -交通流量164. Environment -环境165. Nature -自然166. Climate -气候167. Pollution -污染168. Energy -能源169. Sustainability -可持续性170. Recycling -回收利用171. Adventure -冒险172. Discovery -发现173. Friendship -友谊174. Love -爱175. Happiness -幸福176. Sadness -悲伤177. Anger -愤怒178. Fear -害怕179. Hope -希望180. Dream -梦想181. Success -成功182. Failure -失败183. Challenge -挑战184. Opportunity -机会185. Decision -决定186. Responsibility -责任187. Respect -尊重188. Honesty -诚实189. Kindness -善良190. Gratitude -感激191. Patience -耐心192. Courage -勇气193. Wisdom -智慧194. Freedom -自由195. Justice -正义196. Peace -和平197. Beauty -美丽198. Truth -真理199. Faith -信念200. Life -生活。
海岸是高潮线以上狭窄的陆上地带,大部分时间里裸露于海水面之上, 仅在特大风暴潮时才被淹没,故又称为潮上带;海滩是高低潮之间的地带,高潮时被水淹没,低潮时露出水面,故又称为潮间带;水下岸坡是低潮线以下直到波浪作用所能到达的海底部分,又称为潮下带,其下限相当于1/2波长的水深处,通常约10-20m海冰:海水冻结而成的咸水冰。
海水状态方程:海水状态参数温度、盐度、压力、密度、比容之间相互关系的数学表达式海面有效回辐射:海面的长波辐射与大气回辐射之差称为海面有效回辐射厄尔尼诺El Niño:现指赤道东太平洋表现振幅达几摄氏度的异常变暖现象。
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assemblage 组合
assimilation efficiency 同化效率
assimilation number 同化数
association 群聚
astronomical tide 天文潮
"Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent, Lomonosov Current " 大西洋赤道潜流
benthology 底栖生物学
benthos 底栖生物
berth 泊位
bioadhesion 生物粘着
bioassay 生物测试
"biochemical oxygen demand, BOD " 生化需氧量
biodegradation 生物降解
biodeterioration 生物污染
"calcite compensation depth, CCD " 方解石补偿深度
calcite dissolution index 方解石溶解指数
calm sea 无浪
capillary wave 毛细波
carbon assimilation 碳同化作用
aquaculture 水产养殖
aquaculture 水产栽培
aquafarm 水产养殖场
aquanaut work 潜水作业
aquaranch 水中牧场
aquatic community 水生群落
aquatic ecosystem 水生生态系
archipelago 群岛
allochthonous population 外来种群
allopatry 异域分布
"alternating current, rectilinear current " 往复流
ambient sea noise 海洋环境噪声
amphi-boreal distribution 北方两洋分布
backshore 后滨
bacterial film 细菌膜
bacterial slime 细菌粘膜
bacterioneuston 漂游细菌
barbor boat 港作船
baroclinic ocean 斜压海洋
barophilic bacteria 喜压细菌
barotropic ocean 正压海洋
Atlantic Ocean 大西洋
Atlantic-type coastline 大西洋型岸线
Atlantic-type continental margin 大西洋型大陆边缘
atmospheric input 大气输入
atmospheric sea salt 大气海盐
atmospheric transport 大气输送
bathypelagic plankton 深层浮游生物
bathypelagic zone 深层
beach 海滩
beach berm 滩肩
beach cusp 滩角
beach cycle 海滩旋回
beach face 滩面
beach nourishment 人工育滩
beach profile 海滩剖面
abyssal fauna 深渊动物
abyssal hill 深海丘陵
abyssal plain 深海平原
abyssal zone 深渊带
abyssopelagic organism 大洋深渊水层生物
abyssopelagic plankton 深渊浮游生物
abyssopelagic zone 深渊层
beach ridge 滩脊
beach rock 海滩岩
beam trawl 桁拖网
bench 岩滩
Benioff zone 贝尼奥夫带
benthic community 底栖生物群落
benthic division 海底区
benthic-pelagic coupling 海底-水层耦合
aerial remote sensing observation 航空遥感观测
African Plate 非洲板块
afternoon effect 午后效应
Agassiz trawl 阿氏拖网
age composition 年龄组成
aggregated distribution 集聚分布
amphidromic point 无潮点
"amphidromic system, amphidrome " 旋转潮波系统
amphi-Pacific distribution 太平洋两岸分布
anadromic fish 溯河鱼
anaerobic zone 厌氧带
anaerobiosis 厌氧生活
air-sea interaction 海-气相互作用
air-sea interface 海-气界面
air-tight 气密
albedo of sea 海洋反照率
"algal chemistry, phycochemistry " 藻类化学
algal reef 藻礁
alkalinity 碱度
analytical chemistry of sea water 海水分析化学
"anchor ice, ground ice " 锚冰
anchorage area 锚泊地
anchored structure 锚泊结构
anomalous sea level 异常水位
anoxic basin 缺氧海盆
barrier 沙坝
barrier island 沙坝岛
barrier reef 堡礁
baseline study 基线研究
batch culture 一次性培养
bathyal fauna 深海动物
bathyal zone 深海带
bathymetry 水深测量
bathypelagic organism 大洋深层生物
anoxic event 缺氧事件
anoxic water 缺氧水
"Antarctic Bottom Water, AABW " 南极底层水
Antarctic Circumpolar Current 南极绕极流
Antarctic Circumpolar Water Mass 南极绕极水团
Antarctic Plate 南极洲板块
anthropogenic hydrocarbon 人源烃
anthropogenic input 人源输入
antifouling 防污着
aphotic zone 无光带
"apparent oxygen utilization, AOU " 表观耗氧量
atoll 环礁
auricularia larva 耳状幼体
Australia-Antarctic Rise 澳大利亚-南极海隆
autecology 个体生态学
authigenic sediment 自生沉积
autoinhibitory substance 自体抑制物质
autotroph 自养生物
auxotroph 营养缺陷生物
average heavy swell 中狂涌
average height of the heighest one-tenth wave 1/10 [大波平均]波高
average height of the heighest one-third wave 1/3 [大波平均]波高
ahermatypic coral 非造礁珊瑚
air gun 气枪
air lifting 气举
air-born substances 气源物质
airborne infrared radiometer 机载红外辐射计
air-sea boundary process 海-气边界过程
Bohai Coastal Current 渤海沿岸流
Bohai Sea 渤海
boomerang sediment corer 自返式沉积物取芯器
borate alkalinity 硼酸[盐]碱度
"borer, boringm current 底层流
abiological removal 非生物转移
abiotic zone 无生命带
abrasion platform 海蚀台地
absolute salinity 绝对盐度
abundance 丰度
abyssal circulation 深渊环流
abyssal clay 深海粘土
Arctic Ocean 北冰洋
"Arctic Water, North Polar Water " 北极水
arc-trench-basin system 沟弧盆系
armor block 护面块体
armored diving 铠装潜水
artificial island 人工岛
artificial sea water 人工海水
biological noise 生物噪声
biological oceanography 生物海洋学
biological purification 生物净化
biological removal 生物转移
biological scavenging 生物清除