ALM软件产品介绍 chong023




ALM解决方案简介Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) 是一种针对软件开发全生命周期的管理方法和工具集合。






















字段 类型 名称 描述 路径 是否必填项 是 是 否 是 规则/值 文件夹、设计 设计的名称 设计的详细描述信息 格式为“设计\...”,用于 创建文件夹。 编号 否 设计的编号
四 、数据的导入与迁移
1. 按“ALM代码导入模板”填写代码内容。 2. 选中文件中除第一行以外的所有行,点击加载项,选择“Export To HP ALM”,连 接ALM服务器并登录,选择项目,类型选择“Requirements”,新建导入模板或选 择已创建的模板,Requirement Type Column输入A,按下图配置各列,导入代码 数据。
ALM11登录地址: ALM12登录地址:
1. 登录站点管理,选择创建项目-通过从现有项目中复制数据来创建一个项目; 2. 选择各事业部对应的域和项目模板(项目模板_事业X部2016); 3. 全选,下一步输入项目名称并选择项目域,下一步完成项目创建。
需求模块下选择“查看”-“需求详细信息”;页面右侧选择“需求可跟踪性”; 选择“添加需求可跟踪性”,建立需求
1. 需求模块下选择“查看”-“可跟踪性矩阵”-“配置可跟踪性矩阵”-“ 刷新”可根据配置查看需求的跟踪情况; 2. 选择“生成可跟踪性矩阵”,可生成EXCEL的跟踪矩阵。 3. 在“控制面板”-“分析视图”中,可生成EXCEL表格式的跟踪矩阵。

Polarion ALM软件商品说明说明书

Polarion ALM软件商品说明说明书

SummaryIn legacy software development environments, different point solutions are often used to manage application lifecycles. As a result, disparate silos of devel-opment information can adversely affect collaboration, transparency, data integrity and your company’s ability to drive innovation.Polarion ALM software can help you consolidate your real-time management information and drive project transparency. By using Polarion ALM, you can synchronize information exchange and testing while giving your development teams the ability to more quickly and accurately respond to new business oppor-tunities and customer demands.Unifying dataPolarion ALM allows you to unify data on a secure platform that uses the latest web technologies. You can deploy the software on a physical and/or virtual single server or cluster of servers. The software allows you to start small with the option to easily and affordably scale the solution to meet your needs.Benefits• Enhances collaboration for greater transparency• Supports traceability and versioning requirements for regulatory compliance • Helps significantly cut cost of ownership • Reduces risks through audits and quality monitoring• Leverages open APIs for custom extensions• Reduces overall costs and increases qualityDIGITAL INDUSTRIES SOFTWAREPolarion ALM unified solutionUnifying application lifecycle management functions to enhance collaboration, transparency and traceability/polarionManaging requirementsRequirements management includes documenting, analyzing, tracing and prioritizing requirements with a process to control and communicate changes to your stakeholders. By using Polarion ALM, your document-oriented domain experts and project team members can collaborate using familiar Microsoft® Word and Excel® spreadsheet software to create and edit requirements. After importing the information into Polarion ALM, you can use Polarion LiveDoc™Features• Unified data repository• Browser-based with 24/7 portal or cloud-based network access• Extensive requirements management options• Extensive support for various workflow methodologies• Built-in ReqIF functionality and online authoring/editing• Supports test management for quality assuranceComplete availability ALM-enhancing functionality Upgrade optionALMOnline authoring with LiveDocs™.Round-trip for Word and/or Excel to collaborate with participants who use those formats. The software also includes built-in Requirements Interchange Format™ (ReqIF) functionality that allows you to provide lossless require-ments exchange with your customers and suppliers.Testing for quality assuranceQuality assurance includes the process of testing for preventing errors and faults. By using Polarion ALM, you can create quality assurance test cases and map them back to your requirements. After establishing the test cases, you can plan manual and automated test runs, using third-party test automation tools as needed, and report the results to your project members. Quality assurance and testing processes can help you reduce costs and improve overall quality.Addressing risk managementPolarion ALM software includes built-in project templates with capabilities that help you manage potential risks following the standard failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) approach. The software also gives you the flexibility to create and adapt custom work-flows to meet your specific needs.Customizing project planningWith Polarion ALM, you have access to a number of preconfigured and fully customiz-able project templates including options for project and iteration scheduling. The software helps you provide automatic project updates, showing potential delays and workload scenar-ios in real time.Implementing workflow-driven change managementEfficient workflow-driven change manage-ment can help you ensure that no critical steps are missed or bypassed in your application development process. Polarion ALM gives you out-of-the-box project templates with precon-figured workflows to help you automate yourprocesses and use a central repository for all Live project planning.relevant data. The software supports standard environments, such as Agile/Lean, traditional and hybrid, and custom environments includ-ing: Feature Driven Development (FDD), extreme programming (XP), Rational Unified Process (RUP), Scrum and Kanban frameworks and/or methodologies for process management.Accelerating collaborationPolarion ALM uses a browser-based platform that allows 24/7 project access for geographi-cally distributed teams. Members can access the portal over your network or through cloud-based networks anywhere/anytime using a web browser and plugins for selected third-party software or mobile applications. Live dashboards, reports and activity streams allow you to provide real-time delivery of key information and metrics, as required. Access-controlled, threaded commenting and email change alerts help you speed up collaboration while protecting data integrity. The Polarion LiveDoc solution provides the functionality you need to support collaboration with external teams.Extending ALM capabilitiesAn open architecture with application programming interfaces (APIs) lets you extend the Polarion ALM solution to meet your needs.A 10,000+ Polarion member community has contributed nearly 200 extensions for Polarion products. Ready-made plug-ins for popular third-party tools such as Hewlett Packard Enterprise Quality Center, Jira, Simulink and more make it easy to set up an integration for internal and external teams using those options while removing adoption obstacles and ensuring a smooth transition.Polarion ALM is built on top of Apache Subversion, a leading software configuration management (SCM) system. Beyond source code management, Polarion ALM providesfunctionality for managing all of your Workflow driven collaboration on Wiki.application lifecycle elements: system require-ments and specifications, verification proce-dures, project plans and tasks. You can store relevant data in version-controlled repositories and track each process change. Optional support for electronic signatures ensures compliance with the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) 21 code of federal regulations (CFR) Part 11 and other standards.Responding faster to changesDevOps is a methodology that combines development and operations as a practice to emphasize collaboration and communication to help facilitate process automation. The DevOps-oriented capabilities in Polarion ALM can help you increase collaboration, reduce production risks and release your products or services in less time. Sharing information, plans and requirements helps your project teams respond faster to frequent changes, automate repeated cross-team tasks andreduce deployment errors.Achieving traceabilityCross-project semantic linking and workflow controls can help ensure comprehensive traceability for your company. The robust reporting capabilities of Polarion ALM can make it easy for your company to certify compliance with regulatory governing bodies including: Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI); Communications and Power industries (CPI); Federal Aviation Administration (FAA); FDA; International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC); International Organization of Standards (ISO); Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination (SPICE). Polarion ALM includes a certified ISO 26262 project template.Software re-use and branching Branching, in revision control and software configuration management, is the duplication of an object under revision control so that modifications can happen in parallel alongboth branches. Polarion LiveBranch™ anddocument re-use provide easy yet robust waysto manage commonalities in your productvariants without the use of copy/paste.Propagate changes in “master” specs tobranched specs instantly or on demand.AdvantagesApplication lifecycle management can helpyour company achieve a number of advan-tages. By using Polarion ALM, you can increaseoverall efficiencies by creating process stan-dards and facilitating proper resource alloca-tion. Through enhanced collaboration,Polarion ALM can help you provide completeand timely insight into all elements of theproject lifecycle. It can also help you automateand streamline processes to achieve a fastertime-to-market with higher quality productsthat meet your requirements andspecifications.© 2016 Siemens. A list of relevant Siemenstrademarks can be found here. Othertrademarks belong to their respectiveowners.56100-D11 7/16 HSiemens DigitalIndustries Software/softwareAmericas180****5351Europe00 800 70002222Full traceability from requirements to source code.。

A产品介绍教材(doc 27页)

A产品介绍教材(doc 27页)

目录1.附件 (2)1.1. A PPLIX公司介绍 (2)1.2. A PPLIX产品介绍 (4)1.2.1.Applix iCRM (5) Applix iSales (6) Applix iService (7) Applix iHelpdesk (8)1.2.2.Applix iPlanning (9)1.2.3.Applix iCustomerInsight (10)1.2.4.技术平台 (11) Applix iEnterprise (11) Applix iTM1 (12)1.3. A PPLIX I E NTERPRISE开发环境介绍 (15)1.3.1.系统体系结构特点 (15) 采用最流行的三层结构 (15) 多系统连接 (16)1.3.2.系统功能特点 (17) 完善可靠的用户管理 (17) 简单易学的工作画面 (18) 高度结构化 (18) 适应性/伸缩性 (18) 数据库全文检索功能(Fulcrum Server) (19) 任务分配树(Knowledge Tree) (20) 事件处理功能(VIP Server) (21) 定时处理功能(Escalation Server) (22) 自动通知功能(Notification Server) (23) 无处不在的工作流(Workflow) (23) 报表功能(Crystal Report Pro Server) (23)1.3.3.Applix iEnterprise对多种接入方式的支持 (24) Windows接入方式 (25) Web接入方式 (25) 其他接入方式 (25) 多接入方式示意图 (26)1.附件1.1.Applix公司介绍Applix公司(NASDAQ 代码为APLX)成立于1983年,总部位于美国Boston,全球拥有26个分支机构,4000多家用户。



邮政储蓄中间业务平台ALM用户使用手册目录1 引言..................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.1 文档目的..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.2 适用范围..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1.3 名词解释..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2 ALM概览 ............................................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

2.1 ALM 窗口 .................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2.2 用户权限..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

ALM Octane Service用户指南说明书

ALM Octane Service用户指南说明书

FlyerALM Octane ServiceGet started and move ahead with the next generation of Value Stream and Application Lifecycle ManagementExecutive SummaryFor present-day software companies, the race is on to offer the best solution on the market. Modern business trends show that this race has neither a finish line nor a designated track. Every relevant feature, security update, and user experience improvement counts—and they must be shipped out on time. T o achieve this end, modern software makers are turn-ing to Value Stream Management (VSM) and scaling agile practices to deliver value to their customers with all the quality, security and best experience that is required.A value stream is the implementation pathway that a solution travels as it goes from concept to deliverable. VSM encompasses all the prac-tices and strategies that enable an efficient value stream to ensure frictionless and con-tinuous delivery of value to our end-users. The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)is operational agility at scale and draws from Agile and Lean principles to create a model that promotes adaptability, operational efficiency, collabo-ration, improved product quality, and shorter time-to-market at an enterprise level.OpenT ext™ ALM Octane includes integrated planning, continuous integration, test manage-ment, and release management enabled for SAFe. With these capabilities, Agile teams and DevOps toolchains deliver high-quality soft-ware with insight, traceability, analytics-focused end-to-end visibility, and continuous quality. OpenT ext™ValueEdge is a cloud-based value stream management (VSM) and DevOps plat-form. Adopt at your own pace with a modular platform that covers your entire digital value stream—from planning to building, testing, de-livering, and running your applications.OpenText™Professional Services can helpyou start quickly and on the right foot with ourValueEdge and ALM Octane Services. We willhelp you set the solid foundation you need toquickly leverage your investment in your ALMsolutions and tackle your journey to the digiti-zation of everything.Available ServicesProfessional Services team offers the followingservices to assist you to implement and adoptALM Octane:■ValueEdge or ALM Octane Quick Start■ValueEdge or ALM Octane Foundation■ALM Octane for DevOpsEach service is designed to provide you withhands-on experience implementing, configur-ing, administering, and using ValueEdge or ALMOctane at the level you require.Quick Start ServiceThe Quick-Start service establishes a solidfoundation for a successful implementationof OpenText ValueEdge or ALM Octane. Weevaluate your current environment and recom-mend key actions that will enable your orga-nization to modernize your IT services. Basedupon our experience helping customers withsimilar projects, we can get you started theright way to achieve quick wins.The QuickStartservice duration is 5 days and can be pur-chased using SKU: PS-AB073—Lifecycle andPortfolio Management.Foundation ServiceThe Foundation Service is designed for ourcustomers who are ready to ramp up onValueEdge or ALM Octane. This service runsfor a duration of 10 to 20 days and can includethe following activities:■Planning your implementation■Running a workshop to understand howwe can adapt ValueEdge or ALM Octane toyour existing approach and help you adoptthe solution■Configuring ValueEdge or ALM Octane inaccordance with our workshop findings forone workspace■The creation and configuration of onepipeline■The implementation of supported outof the box integrations (OpenT ext or3rd Party) such as:– CI pipeline add-ins– IDE add-ins– ChatOps add-ins– T est automation tools (either directlyintegrated through CI tools)■Provide mentoring to assistyou for one workspace to:– Build your backlog– Organize your releases, sprints,storyboards, and teams– Work with application modules– Configure and run manual, Gherkin,and automated tests and test suites– Run and manage your pipeline– Configure and use dashboardsThroughout the implementation, we workwith you side by side and coach your team.We share our recommended practices to ad-vance your team’s self-sufficiency in using,configuring, and maintaining your solution. Ourconsultants can enhance your knowledge ofScrum, Kanban, or SAFe methods, and assistyour teams to better understand how theseapproaches can be aligned with ValueEdgeor ALM Octane. The Foundation service can be purchased using quantities our 5 day ser-vice SKUs for Application Delivery: On-site PS-AA698 ALM or Remote PS-AA700 ALM. DevOps ServiceThe DevOps service is an extension of our Foundation service and intended to provide customers the tools and capabilities to con-tinue and extend their DevOps journey.The service runs for 20 to 40 days and the ex-tensions for this service include:■A tailored solution design■Deployments in a Dev and Prod environment for ALM Octane■Configuration of workspaces■Integration supported platforms as agreed with the OpenT ext Professional Services team. This can be electedfrom a range of supported:– Pipeline add-ins– IDE platforms– ChatOps platforms– T est automation tools (either directlyintegrated or through CI tools)– Synchronizing tools such as OpenT extALM and PPM or Atlassian Jira■Agile coaching for 2 weeks covering either Scrum, Kanban or SAFe■Hypercare after production go live for1 weekThe DevOps service can be purchased us-ing quantities our 5 day service SKUs for Application Delivery: On-site PS-AA698 ALM or Remote PS-AA700 ALM.Benefits■Accelerate time-to-value by rapidly implementing your solution with confidence based on our recommended architecture and practices, and expert, side-by-side coaching■Drive better decision making with greater insight into your application lifecycle and value streams, delivered through smartanalytics and dashboards■Fast track and improve collaboration with alignment of Agile, non-Agile and DevOps teams around a single unified platform ■Improve your understanding of valuestreams and your software deliveryprogress and application build andtest quality with traceability betweenrequirements, stories, code, builds, tests,and releases■Streamline and accelerate softwaredelivery by managing your backlogs,releases, application pipeline, quality,and tracking in a single unified platformSpecialist ServicesOpenT ext also offers further services for Value-Edge or ALM Octane. These include:E-Signature for ALMThe OpenText E-Signature solution handlesworkflow for ALM/Quality Center or ALMOctane or ValueEdge including an electronicsignature that conforms with health and lifescience regulatory requirements and indus-try guidelines such as Title 21 CFR Part 11,GAMP5, SOX, and HIPAA.More information on E-Signature for ALM canbe found here.GDPR for ALMThe GDPR Accelerator for ALM provides yourorganization with the ability to manage andtrack your GDPR implementation changesthrough ValueEdge, ALM Octane, or ALM/Quality Center.More information on GDPR for ALM can befound here.Migration Services fromALM/Quality CenterThe ALM/Quality Center to ALM Octane Mi-gration service is for established customersof ALM/Quality Center seeking to transportassets and data to a modernized platform. TheALM Octane Migration services acceleratestime to value and gets you up and running withALM Octane quickly.More information for migration service fromALM/Quality Center to ALM Octane can befound here.The OpenT ext ProfessionalServices DifferenceOpenText provides unmatched capabilitieswith a comprehensive set of consulting and im-plementation services and unique intellectualproperty that help you drive innovation throughstreamlined and efficient software delivery:■Proven OpenT ext software solutionimplementation expertise■More than 20 years of experience helpinglarge, complex, global organizations realizevalue from their OpenT ext softwareinvestments■Rich intellectual property and unparalleledreach into product engineering■Education and support services to ensureadoptionLearn more atOpenT ext Professional Services/opentext261-000217-001 | O | 09/23 | © 2023 Open T ext。

Micro Focus ALM Quality Center 软件质量管理产品介绍说明书

Micro Focus ALM Quality Center 软件质量管理产品介绍说明书

ALM/Quality CenterT o innovate your business through software, ensuring application quality is more critical than ever. This does not mean achieving quality is easy, however. Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center serves as the single pane of glass for software quality management and enables rigorous, auditable lifecycle processes.Product HighlightsEnterprises are turning from software con-sumers to producers and creating many new applications to innovate business digitally. T o succeed in a competitive market, ensuring application quality is essential. Quality affects your digital business in several ways: brand rep-utation, business growth, competitive advan-tage, and customer experience. T o give a few examples, users will quickly abandon a buggy mobile app, and your business growth will suf-fer. Launching a poor-quality business web site will lose customer trust and likely cause compli-ance issues. Without quality, any great initiative will not succeed. However, achieving quality goals is easier said than done. The challenges of inter-team alignment, complexity, visibility, and regulatory compliance make delivering high-quality software difficult.Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center empowers you to meet these challenges. It helps you achieve high efficiency in testing and manage quality with a requirements-driven, risk-based approach, align people with processes, miti-gate application complexities, automate man-ual tasks, and establish end-to-end traceability. Gaining a complete view across all releases and projects grants you insights that help informed decisions. Multiple deployment options, open integrations with common tools, and strong data control make ALM/Quality Center ideal for ensuring compliance and adapting to changes.Key FeaturesT rack and Consolidate T esting EffortsA lack of coordination and visibility leads tounsynchronised teams and delayed releases.Plus the absence of centralised testing effortsacross the business increases cost and testingtime. Y ou need a way to:■Visualise and manage quality and testingprocesses.■Drive cross-organisation collaborationamong analysts, QA, and developers.ALM/Quality Center saves a large percentageof testing effort with automatic test executionand test result collection, reusable assets, anda shared library. It takes little effort to createreports and analyse data. ALM/Quality Centerconsolidates information from various sourcesand generates graphs and a dashboard. Usingbusiness process models and business pro-cess testing (BPT), you can see clearly if teamsare correctly implementing business require-ments. Leverage the traceability matrix tochange and test the right part of your applica-tion. The risk-based quality management fea-ture helps you focus on the most critical parts.These capabilities enable you to optimise lim-ited resources.The UFT One integration further boosts effi-ciency—granting automatic test creation fromrequirements and converting manual tests toautomated ones. Y ou will also gain a rich set ofchoices for testing tools, Micro Focus or 3rd-party, open-source or proprietary.Data SheetApplication Delivery Management“Overall, we’ve seen a drasticincrease (up to 30%) in the efficiencyof testers along with a fall of defectsover a period. This significant qualityimprovement is a result of having amore structured testing processwith ALM on SaaS.”SHINU THULASEEDHARANSenior T est and Quality ManagerVodafone QatarData SheetALM/Quality CenterEnable End-to-End T raceability Enterprise applications contain complex rela-tionships among existing features, new require-ments, and their associated artifacts. Without a way to keep track of these relationships, any change to the application requires a significant amount of work. This challenge makes measur-ing application quality more difficult because you have to identify what code to change and which tests to perform.ALM/Quality Center provides comprehensive traceability to manage these relationships. Y ou can use business process models to trace rela-tionships between different requirements, and traceability matrix to trace from any require-ment to its tests, defects, releases, and service desk tickets—and vice versa. These build end-to-end traceability throughout the application lifecycle, helping verify that requirements are met and identify the impact of changes.Achieve T ransparency withAnalytics and ReportingT esting does not equal quality. Y ou need a ho-listic view of all application components across all releases. ALM/Quality Center drills down into individual projects and offers insights that as-sist your decisions.ALM/Quality Center provides intuitive experi-ences to create holistic reports, such as:■Aggregated project status metrics.■Application quality metrics.■Requirements coverage.■Defect trends.■Health reports for both an enterprise release (cross-project) and individual project view.■Executive dashboard of KPIs.■Graphs for discovering correlations,or anomalies.Its analytics and graphing capabilities simplify status tracking, provide real-time insight, and reveal correlations and trends from historical and current data.Besides built-in graphs, ALM/Quality Centerfeatures a graph wizard that helps users cre-ate custom reports and charts—without theneed of scripting or query language expertise.Automate Workflow andStandardise ProcessesFrom planning through delivery, creating high-quality applications requires governanceacross teams and releases. Even the strongestdevelopment teams suffer quality setbacksand timeline slippage if inter-team dependen-cies are lost.ALM/Quality Center provides a sound founda-tion for alignment by facilitating:■A common release cadence■Advanced dependency mapping■Automated workflows■T emplates■Library sharing■Cross-project customisationYou maintain a consistent way of workingacross your organisation and synchroniseall stakeholders with a unified data reposi-tory. The workflow controls change manage-ment, minimising the risks of side-effects andhuman errors.Adapt to Highly Regulated EnvironmentsManaging application development in a highlyregulated environment can be time-consuming,labour-intensive, and costly—especially withpaper-based or manual processes. Auditorsexecute audits throughout the applicationdevelopment lifecyle against regulations andguidelines, such as 21 CFR Part 11, GAMP5,SOX, HIPAA, and GDPR to ensure that organ-isations follow the right processes and proce-dures required. Periodically providing detailedevidence of compliance is not a trivial task.ALM/Quality Center helps you efficientlyachieve compliance by enforcing processes,standards, and security. Creating audit reportsis easy through end-to-end traceability, ver-sion control, baselines, automated audit trails,and detailed test results for each step. ALM/Quality Center secures sensitive product andproject data with the right measures, such as: Figure 1.Example of ALM/Quality Center reporting■SSO authentication and API keyauthentication■Role-based permissions ■Encrypted communication■Data hiding when creating reports or graphsThese capabilities facilitate a fully traceable and auditable validation process using ALM/Quality Center and a Micro Focus or a third-party e-signature or e-approval solution on top. Sign off ALM entities electronically after every human interaction, such as rejection and approval. Meanwhile, you can leverage out-of-the-box add-ins to accelerate the implemen-tation of compliance processes, including the GDPR Content Pack, e-Signature QuickStart Project, and SOX IT Assessment Accelerator.Moreover, the offline testing its QoT (Quality of Things) client enables on portable devices em-powers your users to perform tests in various places without ALM server connectivity, while recording test results and defects electronically.Integrate across Y our Enterprise EcosystemIn today’s development ecosystem, it is criti-cal for enterprises to seamlessly integratevarious tools into a toolchain. Consolidating proper data from these tools into a central repository provides a complete and accurate picture of the lifecycle. You can then use this data to continuously improve. This process often involves integration at each stage of the application lifecycle.ALM/Quality Center continues adding capa-bilities that support the solutions you use to-day—and tomorrow. It integrates with a wide range of open-source and proprietary tools from Micro Focus and third-party, including:■Portfolio management and requirementmanagement tools.■Common enterprise Agile planning tools. ■T esting tools.■Service management solutions. ■Collaborative software.In the testing tool category, besides Micro Focus UFT One, UFT Mobile, LoadRunner Pro-fes s ional and Fortify, ALM/Quality Center also supports many third-party automation tools and frameworks, such as JUnit, NUnit, Selen-ium, Appium, JMeter, SonarQube, and even homegrown tools.Additionally, Micro Focus Connect provides a single integration hub for data synchronisationacross teams, projects, and locations. Best of all, it is included with ALM/Quality Center.Facilitate Agile and DevOps T ransformationIf you are among the enterprises adopting Agile and DevOps practices, you know the transformation is gradual instead of overnight. You need a transition period where you can access both your traditional and Agile tools. Striking the right balance can make or break teams and projects during the process.ALM/Quality Center works with Micro Focus ALM Octane to make the transition smooth. While the two products are similar in their quality focus, ALM Octane aligns Agile and DevOps development with testing processes to improve the flow of work throughout the software delivery value stream. The T est Run Injection allows you to leverage existing assets in ALM/Quality Center while using ALM Octane as the central hub for management. In short, you transition at the pace you wish.Adapt with an Open and Secure ArchitectureBeing able to respond flexibly to business needs helps your organisation stay competi-tive. There are numerous considerations whenFigure 3. ALM/Quality Center integrationsFigure 2. Sample defect workflow withALM e-Signaturechoosing a solution that can adapt to potential changes in scale, processes, and integration. ALM/Quality Center facilitates a customisable, scalable approach for enterprises. You can tailor it to fit the needs and standards of your business and scale it to handle an increase in projects, users, and tests. In addition, it is highly extensible with its REST APIs, covering user and administrator operations.You also wish to easily and securely manage access to sensitive lifecycle data while giving users a simplified way to manage logins. ALM/ Quality Center supports single sign-on (SSO), API key authentication and importing users from an LDAP directory to help you achieve it. It also offers security measures to protect data integrity from unauthorised access and manipulation, and manages users with differ-ent security clearances to work on the same project without exposing sensitive data. Flexible Deployment andLicensing OptionsNo two organisations are alike in how they wish to consume or acquire their software. ALM/ Quality Center has flexible options for deploy-ment and licensing to suit any specific needs. You can deploy your way to minimise infra-structure maintenance and improve resilience. While on-premises deployment gives you complete control of both infrastructure and the ALM server, it requires more effort to maintain. Business resiliency is mandatory and remote work has become normal. You may be con-sidering moving to the cloud. After all, cloud solutions simplify infrastructure management and increase availability and scalability. ALM/Quality Center can run as a container or virtualmachine on any cloud infrastructure (public orprivate) that meets the system requirements.Micro Focus also provides ALM/Quality Centeron SaaS to let you kickstart deployment fast,minimise maintenance, and pay as you go.Similarly, you have a variety of licensing op-tions. Y ou can choose between perpetual andterm licences. Or select the licence type basedon the functions your users need. The globalconcurrent licensing model offers flexibilityand value to enterprises with distributed teams.ALM/Quality Center Editionsand SaaS OfferingsALM/Quality Center provides several editionsand SaaS offerings to meet different businessneeds. Whether small teams, individual proj-ects, or a large cross-organisation effort, youhave options to help you gain the right func-tionality at the right cost.Refer to ALM/Quality Center Editions and Of-ferings Comparison Chart for details.ALM/Quality Center ServicesOur services help maximise the value of yourALM/Quality Center and transition it to a statebetter serving your needs of cost reduction, ef-ficiency boost, and strategic move.■Micro Focus Software as a Service (SaaS)■ALM/Quality Center to ALM OctaneMigration Service■E-Signature Implementation Service■ALM/Quality Center Upgrade Service■ALM/Quality Center Optimisation ServiceLearn more at/almSystem RequirementsSee online documentation.“ALM on SaaS is ideally suited to large-scale projects that manage the scope of testing a complex ERP implementation with multiple geographies, business functions, and a large volume ofconfiguration requirements.”MAARTEN LORSenior Manager Accenture Amsterdam, Advanced T echnology & Architecture—T est Services & Innovation。



XXXXXXX项目测试缺陷管理&ALM使用手册1登录到ALM的缺陷管理系统打开IE8、IE9浏览器或者HP ALM ,在地址栏输入访问,如果是IE10浏览器,请打开浏览器然后按F12,打开开发人员工具,然后选择IE8兼容模式,然后在输入访问,。



















2 ALM缺陷管理系统的使用2.1缺陷常用字段说明2.1.1缺陷名称对缺陷的简单描述。

HP ALM 12.20 用户指南说明书

HP ALM 12.20 用户指南说明书

HP ALM软件版本:12.20用户指南文档发布日期:2014年12月软件发布日期:2014年12月法律声明担保HP产品和服务的唯一担保已在此类产品和服务随附的明示担保声明中提出。







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SAP解决方案简介利用mySAP TM银行业进行资产/负债管理对风险管理的灵活支持在新新经济中(您知道,它是最具有获利机会的机会),银行需要能够对业务、市场和技术变化做出快速反应的进取性战略。





mySAP TM银行业的资产/负债管理功能帮助您分析利率和外汇风险的影响,并控制净利息收入。



针对多功能性而设计• 通过定义虚拟交易,您可以确认控制利息、汇率和流动性风险的最佳方式,并能够检验互换这样的保值交易的控制效果。

MySAP 银行业解决方案帮助您根据头寸、成熟期和现金流,来分析随着时间而发生的利率、货币和流动性风险变化。


通过假设推测分析,mySAP 银行业解决方案计算了利息缺口和使用具有不同业务结构的业务情景而带来的资产负债表评估。



mySAP 银行业通过储存预备模型并把它们应用于证券和衍生产品中,来描述跌价风险。






文章主要介绍了使用ALM进行软件测试管理的基本流程并结合实例演示如何使用ALM 进行软件测试管理。

【关键词】惠普ALM 软件测试管理测试计划测试用例国内的一些软件企业或者大型的开发团队,在软件测试的管理上很大程度的依赖文档,管理随意、简单,没有建立有效的、规范的软件测试管理体系,当测试需求发生变化时,与之相关的测试计划、测试用例和缺陷等文档都要进行修改,加大了的测试管理的难度,费时、费力且管理效率低下。


1 ALM简介ALM是Application Lifecycle Management的简称,意思是应用程序生命周期管理。

ALM 系统是一个复杂的过程管理系统。

无论你的组织架构是敏捷、迭代或瀑布,有效的使用ALM 可以使应用程序具有更好的预测性,更高的重复性,更好的质量和更强的应变性。

2 ALM核心模块介绍ALM主要包含5个模块,分别为控制面板模块、管理模块、需求模块、测试模块和缺陷模块,如图1所示。






ALM标准ALM(Application Lifecycle Management)标准是一个涵盖了软件开发生命周期各阶段的管理和工程实践的集合,用于确保软件应用程序的质量、可靠性和安全性。

以下是对ALM 标准的详细介绍:一、简介ALM标准定义了一组最佳实践和过程,用于管理软件开发生命周期的各个阶段,包括需求管理、软件设计、编码、测试、部署和维护。


二、ALM标准的构成1. 需求管理:需求管理是ALM标准的重要组成部分,它涉及到收集、分析和验证软件应用程序的需求,以确保开发团队对需求有清晰的理解和共同的认知。


2. 软件设计:软件设计阶段是根据需求规格说明进行软件应用程序的架构和详细设计的过程。



3. 编码:编码阶段是将软件设计转化为实际的代码的过程。



4. 测试:测试阶段是对软件应用程序进行测试和验证的过程,以确保软件应用程序的功能、性能和安全性符合需求规格说明的要求。


5. 部署:部署阶段是将软件应用程序部署到生产环境的过程。



6. 维护:维护阶段是对已经部署的软件应用程序进行维护和更新的过程。






















Sub Template_SetFieldApp( FieldName, Vis, Req, PNo, VOrder ) '这个函数进行字段的几种状况进行赋值'设置字段的外观With Bug_Fields(FieldName).IsVisible = Vis.IsRequired = Req.PageNo = PNo.ViewOrder = VOrderEnd WithEnd SubFunction CheckUserGroup(username,groupname)On Error Resume NextRightFlag=FalseSet usr = er(username)for i=1 to usr.GroupsList.countUserGroup= usr.GroupsList().Item(i).NameIf UserGroup=groupname ThenRightFlag=TrueEnd IfnextCheckUserGroup=RightFlagOn Error GoTo 0End FunctionSub Template_SetAllFieldsReadOnly(IsReadOnly) '设置所有字段的状态Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTION_DATE").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '测试日期Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '测试者Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '分配给Bug_Fields("BG_ESTIMATED_FIX_TIME").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '估计修复时间Bug_Fields("BG_CLOSING_DATE").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '关闭时间Bug_Fields("BG_CLOSING_VERSION").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '关闭于版本Bug_Fields("BG_PLANNED_CLOSING_VER").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '计划关闭版本Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTION_VERSION").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '检测于版本Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_IN_REL").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '检测于发布Bug_Fields("BG_ENVIRONMENT").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '检测与环境Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '检测于周期Bug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '可重现Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '描述Bug_Fields("BG_TARGET_REL").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '目标发布Bug_Fields("BG_TARGET_RCYC").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '目标周期Bug_Fields("BG_BUG_ID").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '缺陷_IDBug_Fields("BG_SUMMARY").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '缺陷名称Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '缺陷状态Bug_Fields("BG_ACTUAL_FIX_TIME").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '实际修复时间Bug_Fields("BG_SUBJECT").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '所属模块Bug_Fields("BG_PROJECT").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '项目Bug_Fields("BG_VTS").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '修改时间Bug_Fields("BG_SEVERITY").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '严重程度Bug_Fields("BG_PRIORITY").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '优先级Bug_Fields("BG_DEV_COMMENTS").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '注释Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_01").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '测试组长Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_06").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '打开时间Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_11").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '反馈时间Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_10").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '分析和修改内容Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '回归测试状态Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_08").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '开发组长Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '缺陷类型Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_07").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '缺陷修复意见Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '缺陷有效性Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_02").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly 'Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_05").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '审阅意见Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_09").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '修复负责人Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_16").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '验证缺陷有效性状态Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_12").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '重测次数Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_19").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '是否修复Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_20").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '仲裁是否缺陷Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_21").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '是否延期解决Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_22").IsReadOnly = IsReadOnly '是否重新打开End SubSub Template_SetAllFieldsRequired(IsReq) '设置所有字段是否必须被输入'实际修复时间Bug_Fields("BG_ACTUAL_FIX_TIME").IsRequired = IsReq'缺陷_IDBug_Fields("BG_BUG_ID").IsRequired = IsReq'关闭时间Bug_Fields("BG_CLOSING_DATE").IsRequired = IsReq'关闭于版本Bug_Fields("BG_CLOSING_VERSION").IsRequired = IsReq'描述Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsRequired = IsReq'测试者Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsRequired = IsReq'检测于周期Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC").IsRequired = IsReq'检测于发布Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_IN_REL").IsRequired = IsReq'测试日期Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTION_DATE").IsRequired = IsReq'检测于版本Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTION_VERSION").IsRequired = IsReqBug_Fields("BG_DEV_COMMENTS").IsRequired = IsReq'估计修复时间Bug_Fields("BG_ESTIMATED_FIX_TIME").IsRequired = IsReq '计划关闭版本Bug_Fields("BG_PLANNED_CLOSING_VER").IsRequired = IsReq '优先级Bug_Fields("BG_PRIORITY").IsRequired = IsReq'项目Bug_Fields("BG_PROJECT").IsRequired = IsReq'可重现Bug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsRequired = IsReq'分配给Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").IsRequired = IsReq'严重程度Bug_Fields("BG_SEVERITY").IsRequired = IsReq'缺陷状态Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").IsRequired = IsReq'所属模块Bug_Fields("BG_SUBJECT").IsRequired = IsReq'缺陷名称Bug_Fields("BG_SUMMARY").IsRequired = IsReq'目标周期Bug_Fields("BG_TARGET_RCYC").IsRequired = IsReq'目标发布Bug_Fields("BG_TARGET_REL").IsRequired = IsReq'测试组长Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_01").IsRequired = IsReq'打开时间Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_06").IsRequired = IsReq'反馈时间Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_11").IsRequired = IsReq'分析和修改内容Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_10").IsRequired = IsReq'回归测试状态Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15").IsRequired = IsReq'开发组长Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_08").IsRequired = IsReq'缺陷类型Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03").IsRequired = IsReq'缺陷修复意见Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_07").IsRequired = IsReq'缺陷有效性Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").IsRequired = IsReq'审阅时间Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_02").IsRequired = IsReq'审阅意见Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_05").IsRequired = IsReq'修复负责人Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_09").IsRequired = IsReq'验证缺陷有效性状态Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_16").IsRequired = IsReq'重测次数Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_12").IsRequired = IsReq'修改时间Bug_Fields("BG_VTS").IsRequired = IsReq'仲裁是否缺陷Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_20").IsRequired = IsReq'是否延期解决Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_21").IsRequired = IsReq'是否重新打开Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_22").IsRequired = IsReqEnd SubSub NotVisible(IsVisible) '设置字段的可见性Template_SetFieldApp "BG_TARGET_REL", IsVisible, False, 0, 50 '目标发布Template_SetFieldApp "BG_TARGET_RCYC", IsVisible, False, 0, 51 '目标周期Template_SetFieldApp "BG_PROJECT", IsVisible, False, 0, 52 '项目Template_SetFieldApp "BG_PLANNED_CLOSING_VER", IsVisible, False, 0, 53 '计划关闭版本Template_SetFieldApp "BG_CLOSING_VERSION", IsVisible, False, 0, 54 '计划关闭版本'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_REPRODUCIBLE", IsVisible, False, 0, 54 '可重现Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_VERSION", IsVisible, False, 0, 55 '检测于版本End SubSub NotSomeFieldVisible(IsVisible) '设置字段的可见性Template_SetFieldApp "BG_TARGET_REL", IsVisible, False, 0, 50 '目标发布Template_SetFieldApp "BG_TARGET_RCYC", IsVisible, False, 0, 51 '目标周期Template_SetFieldApp "BG_PROJECT", IsVisible, False, 0, 52 '项目Template_SetFieldApp "BG_PLANNED_CLOSING_VER", IsVisible, False, 0, 53 '计划关闭版本Template_SetFieldApp "BG_CLOSING_VERSION", IsVisible, False, 0, 54 '计划关闭版本'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_REPRODUCIBLE", IsVisible, False, 0, 54 '可重现Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_VERSION", IsVisible, False, 0, 55 '检测于版本Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_17", IsVisible, False, 0, 16 'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_VERSION", IsVisible, False, 0, 17 '检测于版本Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_VERSION", IsVisible, False, 0, 18 'SVN版本号Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_10", IsVisible, False, 0, 19 '分析和修改内容Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ESTIMATED_FIX_TIME", IsVisible, False, 0, 20 '预计修复时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_CLOSING_DATE", IsVisible, False, 0, 21 '关闭时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_CLOSING_VERSION", IsVisible, False, 0, 22 '关闭于版本Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_05", IsVisible, False, 0, 23 '审阅意见Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ACTUAL_FIX_TIME", IsVisible, False, 0, 24 '实际修复时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_VTS", IsVisible, False, 0, 25 '修改时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_12", IsVisible, False, 0, 26 '重测次数Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15", IsVisible, False, 0, 27 '回归测试是否通过Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_02", IsVisible, False, 0, 28 '审阅时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_06", IsVisible, False, 0, 29 '打开时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_11", IsVisible, False, 0, 30 '反馈时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_07", IsVisible, False, 0, 31Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_09", IsVisible, False, 0, 32 '修复负责人Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_08", IsVisible, False, 0, 33 '开发组长Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ENVIRONMENT", IsVisible, False, 0, 34 '检测与环境Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_16", IsVisible, False, 0, 35 '验证缺陷有效性状态Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04", IsVisible, False, 0, 36 '缺陷有效性Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_01", IsVisible, False, 0, 37 '测试组长Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_17", IsVisible, False, 0, 38 'SVN版本号Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_18", IsVisible, False, 0, 38 '仲裁人员Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_19", IsVisible, False, 0, 38 '是否修复Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_20", IsVisible, False, 0, 38 '仲裁是否缺陷Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_21", IsVisible, False, 0, 38 '是否延期解决Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_22", IsVisible, False, 0, 38 '是否重新打开End SubSub BugNewModifyControl(IsReq)Template_SetFieldApp "BG_STATUS", True, True, 0, 1 '状态'Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").Value = "已审阅"'缺陷有效性Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04", True, True, 0, 2 'Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").Value = "无效"'Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").IsReadOnly = False'测试者Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_BY", True, True, 0, 3'Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value=erName'Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly=True'测试日期Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_DATE", True, True, 0, 4 Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTION_DATE").IsReadOnly=IsReq'测试组长Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_01", True, True, 0, 5 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_01").IsReadOnly=IsReq'缺陷类型Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03", True, True, 0, 6 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03").IsReadOnly=IsReq'缺陷起源Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14", False, False, 0, 7 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14").IsReadOnly=IsReq'检测于周期Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC", True, True, 0, 8 Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC").IsReadOnly=IsReq'检测于发布Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_IN_REL", True, True, 0, 9 Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_IN_REL").IsReadOnly=IsReq'缺陷名称Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SUMMARY", True, True, 0, 11Bug_Fields("BG_SUMMARY").IsReadOnly=IsReq'描述Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DESCRIPTION", True, True, 0, 12Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly=IsReq'注释Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DEV_COMMENTS", True, False, 0, 13 Bug_Fields("BG_DEV_COMMENTS").IsReadOnly=IsReq'分配给Template_SetFieldApp "BG_RESPONSIBLE", True, True, 0, 14Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").IsReadOnly=IsReq'摘要Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_13", True, True, 0, 15 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_13").IsReadOnly=IsReq'严重程度Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SEVERITY", True, True, 0, 16'优先级Template_SetFieldApp "BG_PRIORITY", True, False, 0, 17Bug_Fields("BG_PRIORITY").IsReadOnly=IsReq'所属模块Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SUBJECT", True, False, 0, 18Bug_Fields("BG_SUBJECT").IsReadOnly=IsReq'可重现Template_SetFieldApp "BG_REPRODUCIBLE", True, False, 0, 19Bug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsReadOnly=IsReq'新建不可见字段Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_10", False, False, 0, 19 '分析和修改内容Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ESTIMATED_FIX_TIME", False, False, 0, 20 '预计修复时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_CLOSING_DATE", False, False, 0, 21 '关闭时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_CLOSING_VERSION", False, False, 0, 22 '关闭于版本Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_05", False, False, 0, 23 '审阅意见Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ACTUAL_FIX_TIME", False, False, 0, 24 '实际修复时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_VTS", False, False, 0, 25 '修改时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_12", False, False, 0, 26 '重测次数Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15", False, False, 0, 27 '回归测试是否通过Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_02", False, False, 0, 28 '审阅时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_06", False, False, 0, 29 '打开时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_11", False, False, 0, 30 '反馈时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_07", False, False, 0, 31Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_09", False, False, 0, 32 '修复负责人Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_08", False, False, 0, 33 '开发组长Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ENVIRONMENT", False, False, 0, 34 '检测与环境Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_16", False, False, 0, 35 '验证缺陷有效性状态Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04", False, False, 0, 36 '缺陷有效性Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_01", False, False, 0, 37 '测试组长Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_17", False, False, 0, 38 'SVN版本号Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_18", False, False, 0, 38 '仲裁人员Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_19", False, False, 0, 38 '是否修复Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_20", False, False, 0, 38 '仲裁是否缺陷Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_21", False, False, 0, 38 '是否延期解决Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_22", False, False, 0, 38 '是否重新打开'一直需要屏蔽的字段NotVisible False '调用函数,屏蔽不需要的字段End SubSub SetIndexAndVisible(IsVis)'状态Template_SetFieldApp "BG_STATUS", True, True, 0, 1'缺陷有效性'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04", False, True, 0, 2'测试者Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_BY", True, True, 0, 3'测试日期Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_DATE", True, True, 0, 4'严重程度Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SEVERITY", True, True, 0, 5'审阅时间' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_02", True, False, 0, 7'缺陷类型Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03", True, True, 0, 6'缺陷起源Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14", True, True, 0, 7'主题Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SUBJECT", True, False, 0, 8'检测于版本' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_VERSION", True, True, 0, 9'检测于周期Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC", True, True, 0, 10'检测于发行版Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_IN_REL", True, True, 0, 11'分配给Template_SetFieldApp "BG_RESPONSIBLE", True, True, 0, 12'优先级Template_SetFieldApp "BG_PRIORITY", True, False, 0, 13'可重现Template_SetFieldApp "BG_REPRODUCIBLE", True, False, 0, 14'打开时间' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_06", False, False, 0, 16'反馈时间' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_11", True, False, 0, 17'预计修复时间' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ESTIMATED_FIX_TIME", True, False, 0, 18'实际修复天数' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ACTUAL_FIX_TIME", True, False, 0, 19'回归测试是否通过Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15", True, False, 0, 20'重测次数' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_12", True, False, 0, 21'关闭日期' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_CLOSING_DATE", True, False, 0, 22'缺陷名称Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SUMMARY", True, True, 0, 23'描述Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DESCRIPTION", True, True, 1, 24'注释Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DEV_COMMENTS", True, False, 0, 25'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_10", True, False, 0, 26 '分析和修改内容'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_05", True, False, 0, 27 '审阅意见'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_VTS", True, False, 0, 28 '修改时间'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_07", True, False, 0, 29 '缺陷修复意见NotVisible FalseTemplate_SetAllFieldsReadOnly IsVisEnd SubSub SetTDAdminIndexAndVisible(IsVis)'状态Template_SetFieldApp "BG_STATUS", True, False, 0, 1Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").IsReadOnly= IsVis'缺陷有效性Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04", True, False, 0, 2Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").IsReadOnly= IsVis'测试者Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_BY", True, False, 0, 3Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly= IsVis'测试日期Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_DATE", True, False, 0, 4Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTION_DATE").IsReadOnly= IsVis'严重程度Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SEVERITY", True, False, 0, 5Bug_Fields("BG_SEVERITY").IsReadOnly= IsVis'审阅时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_02", True, False, 0, 7 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_02").IsReadOnly= IsVis'缺陷类型Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03", True, False, 0, 6 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03").IsReadOnly= IsVis'缺陷起源Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14", True, False, 0, 7 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14").IsReadOnly= IsVis'主题Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SUBJECT", True, False, 0, 8Bug_Fields("BG_SUBJECT").IsReadOnly= IsVis'检测于版本'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_VERSION", True, False, 0, 9 '检测于周期' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC", True, False, 0, 10 '检测于发行版' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_IN_REL", True, False, 0, 11'分配给Template_SetFieldApp "BG_RESPONSIBLE", True, False, 0, 12Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").IsReadOnly= IsVis'优先级Template_SetFieldApp "BG_PRIORITY", True, False, 0, 13Bug_Fields("BG_PRIORITY").IsReadOnly= IsVis'可重现Template_SetFieldApp "BG_REPRODUCIBLE", True, False, 0, 14Bug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsReadOnly= IsVis'打开时间Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_06", False, False, 0, 16 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_06").IsReadOnly= IsVis'反馈时间' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_11", True, False, 0, 17 '预计修复时间' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ESTIMATED_FIX_TIME", True, False, 0, 18 '实际修复天数' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_ACTUAL_FIX_TIME", True, False, 0, 19'回归测试是否通过Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15", True, False, 0, 20 Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15").IsReadOnly= IsVis'重测次数' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_12", True, False, 0, 21 '关闭日期' Template_SetFieldApp "BG_CLOSING_DATE", True, False, 0, 22'缺陷名称Template_SetFieldApp "BG_SUMMARY", True, True, 0, 23Bug_Fields("BG_SUMMARY").IsReadOnly= IsVis'描述Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DESCRIPTION", True, True, 1, 24Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly= IsVis'注释Template_SetFieldApp "BG_DEV_COMMENTS", True, False, 0, 25Bug_Fields("BG_DEV_COMMENTS").IsReadOnly= IsVis'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_10", True, False, 0, 26 '分析和修改内容'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_05", True, False, 0, 27 '审阅意见'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_VTS", True, False, 0, 28 '修改时间'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_07", True, False, 0, 29 '缺陷修复意见NotVisible FalseEnd SubSub Template_Bug_NewOn Error Resume NextIf User.IsInGroup("测试人员") or _User.IsInGroup("项目经理") or _User.IsInGroup("TDAdmin") ThenBugNewModifyControl false'状态Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").Value = "新建"'Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").Value = "有效"Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").IsReadOnly = True'缺陷有效性' Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").Value="有效"' Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").IsReadOnly = True'测试者Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value=erNameBug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly=True'描述Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly=FalseBug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsVisible=TrueEnd IfBug_Fields("BG_USER_24").Value=_"<html><body><b>Step by step scenario:</b>" & _"<br><br><br><b>How it affects the user:</b></body></html>"'重测次数Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_12").Value = 0Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_12").IsReadOnly = True'call Bug_NewOn Error GoTo 0End SubSub Template_Bug_MoveToOn Error Resume Next'“分配给”字段不可修改,必须由系统自动计算' Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").IsReadOnly = TrueSetIndexAndVisible True '设置所有项只读If User.IsInGroup("测试人员") ThenIf Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").Value=erName Then '测试者和当前用户是一个人If Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").Value ="有效" Then '缺陷有效性为:有效If Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").Value="已修正" Then'测试者BugNewModifyControl falseBug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly=True'描述Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly=FalseBug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsVisible=True'回归测试状态Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15", True, True, 0, 20Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15").IsReadOnly=FalseElse '缺陷状态不是已修正时BugNewModifyControl falseBug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly=True'描述Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly=FalseBug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsVisible=TrueEnd IfElse '缺陷不是有效If Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").Value ="无效" Then '缺陷是无效的BugNewModifyControl falseBug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly=True'描述Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly=FalseBug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_18", True, True, 0, 5 '仲裁人Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_18").IsReadOnly=TrueElseBugNewModifyControl falseBug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly=True'描述Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly=FalseBug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsVisible=TrueEnd IfEnd IfElse '测试者和当前用户不是同一个人BugNewModifyControl falseBug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsReadOnly=True'描述Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsReadOnly=FalseBug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetAllFieldsReadOnly TrueEnd IF '测试人员结束ElseIf User.IsInGroup("开发人员") ThenIf Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").Value = erName ThenBugNewModifyControl TrueSetIndexAndVisible TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_STATUS", True, True, 0, 1 '缺陷状态'Bug_Fields("BG_STATUS").IsReadOnly=FalseTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_BY", True, True, 0, 2 '测试者Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_BY").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04", True, True, 0, 3 '缺陷有效性Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_04").IsReadOnly=FalseTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTION_DATE ", True, True, 0, 4 '测试日期Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTION_DATE").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_SEVERITY", True, True, 0, 5 '严重程度Bug_Fields("BG_SEVERITY").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03", True, True, 0, 6 '缺陷类型Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_03").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC", True, True, 0, 7 '检测于周期Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_IN_RCYC").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_DETECTED_IN_REL", True, True, 0, 8 '检测于发布Bug_Fields("BG_DETECTED_IN_REL").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_RESPONSIBLE", True, True, 0, 4 '分配给Bug_Fields("BG_RESPONSIBLE").IsReadOnly=FalseTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_PRIORITY", True, False, 0, 10 '优先级Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14", True, False, 0, 11 '缺陷起源Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14").IsReadOnly=FalseBug_Fields("BG_PRIORITY").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_REPRODUCIBLE", True, False, 0, 12 '可重现Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_DESCRIPTION", True, True, 0, 14 '描述Bug_Fields("BG_DESCRIPTION").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_13", True, False, 0, 15 '摘要Bug_Fields("BG_USER_TEMPLATE_13").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15", False, False, 0, 16 '摘要Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_15", False, False, 0, 17 '摘要'Template_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_19", True, False, 0, 18 '是否修复Bug_Fields("BG_REPRODUCIBLE").IsVisible=TrueTemplate_SetFieldApp "BG_USER_TEMPLATE_14", True, False, 0, 18。

alm指标 mni

alm指标 mni

alm指标 mnialm指标(Application Lifecycle Management)是一种软件开发和管理的方法论,它涵盖了软件的整个生命周期,包括需求管理、设计、开发、测试、部署和维护等阶段。
















团队可以使用版本控制工具,如Git、SVN 等,管理代码的版本和变更,确保团队成员之间的协作和代码的一致性。











ALM解决方案概述应用生命周期管理(Application Lifecycle Management,ALM)是一种用于管理软件开发、测试和部署过程的方法论和工具集合。
































构建和发布通过集成build工具,比如Jekins,Polarion可以直接管理软件的构建和发布,配置经理可以在Polarion中直接启动Jekins的自动build job,同时查看Jekins中自动build实时的状态。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
应用生命周期管理ALM (Application Lifecycle Management),主要管理维护软件工程各个阶段的文档以及文档间的关系,功能实现,功能与文档间的关系,测试以及缺陷的处理,可以完成从需求的概念到需求消亡整个过程中的完美追溯。这个新兴的行业,就其理解范围来讲应该属于产品生命周期管理PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)的子集。就其管理的内容来讲,主要是管理维护软件,包括软件文档以及软件代码。PLM,个人的理解是管理的是一个过程,从产品的概念提出,产品设计,产品生产以及产品退市等各个阶段的数据。
ALM软件产品众多,主要有Integrity(MKS),RTC, Collabnet,Serena等。