A SIP-based Method for Intra-Domain Handoffs




2020,24(20):29-32,36.实用临床医药杂志Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice・29・股骨颈骨折全&关节置换术中局部应用氨甲环酸的疗效分析杨乐,胡方勇(武警江苏省总队医院,江苏扬州,225003)摘要:目的探讨氨甲环酸单纯局部应用对老年股骨颈骨折患者行全C关节置换术(THA)后失血量及输血率的影响。








关键词:股骨颈骨折;全C关节置换术;氨甲环酸;输血率;引流量中图分类号:R686.02文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-2353(2323)24-329-04D0I:13.7619/jcmp.232320008Efficacy of local application of tranexamicacid io total hip artiraplasty of femorai neck fractrraYANG Lx,HU Fangyong(Armed Police Corps Hospital of'Jiangsu Province,Yangzhou,Jiangsu,225003)Abstraci:Objective To iavestinaid thd effect of locai applicatiou of traaexamia aciC ou blooU loss anV transfrsiou raid of patiecit with femorai aect fractrrct aPcn rnVeraoing totai hip drthnpOsty (THA).MetOodt The data of66femorai nect fractum cases unilaterai THA in or hos-pitai wss retrosfectiveiy studied,anV these patiecis wera divined into too groous accordina to016X1111©acin wts lotliy aaplied oa not.Thc tranexamla acin groou(c二36)wts lotliywitli170mL tranexamlt acip dunna thc oueratiou,while thc coutrot groop(c二36)used no tranea-amlt atn dunna Thc drainage卩1&3wera noi allowed to with thc drainapa tuUcs untit the tuUcs wera clamped for6,c V the drainage tuUcs wera removed ad24h aftea the opcc BlooU rates wera campared betweea the two emups.Intraouerative loss,posi-opemtCe drainage volume,of camplications,hemoploUin(Hb)levet and meanI pc volume(MCV)oo the first day i V thim day1x0opv^aWu wera Resultt The trans-fision ra-e was3.33%in the01空11:0acin emup,which was sipnificantty lower than36.60%in the cautrot(P<0.05),the^0(x1drainage volume a-24hourn posWpv^aWu was(136.00土63.03)mL in the016X110acin whict was sionificantty less than(224.33土141.23)inthe cautrot(P<0.05).The lvVs of Hb anV MCV in the01^110acip wera sipnifi-3!10丫higher than tUose of the coutrot emup oti the1s anV3d day aftea seraem(P<0.05).Thera was a51:001:0«11丫sionificav-10x6X06in the dmoont of Hb loss on the Orss day let seraem betweea the two emups(P<0.05),while no sipnifican-differevea was found in two emups in the11(^-of Hb loss cm the血^!day ler seraem(P>0.05) .No postopslyv camplicatious such as dap vein收稿日期:2022-06-19基金项目:江苏省扬州市科技计划项目(YZ209086)通信作者:胡方勇,E-mail:hufaneyouea213@133.00mthrooibosis,pulmonary infection ani i ncisioo infectioo occurred in the two groups.Conclusion Locei acplicatioo of traaexamic ccid alone durina THA in elderiy patiecis with femorai acct frccturo cue sinnificentiy decrerse W c blooo transfusioo rate,reduce postooerative drainage volume ani occaii blooo loss,ana at W c samc timc wili aot iacrease W c risk of compUcdtioas.Key wordi:femorai aeci fractcm;totai hip arthroomste;traaexamic ncin;transfusioo ratc; volumc of drainaac目前对于囊内移位的股骨颈骨折的老年患者,最佳治疗方案为人工C关节置换术(tha)[1-4]0术后出血和贫血是C关节置换术较为常见的并发症之一,围术期的大量失血必然导致输血率的增加,关节置换术输血率为15%-45%⑶,但输血也存在相关并发症及潜在风险,如感染、发热反应、急性肾损伤、免疫反应、血液传播疾病的感染等⑷。




<br> 方法:回顾性分析2013-03/2014-12因特发性黄斑裂孔在我院行23 G玻璃体切割联合视网膜内界膜剥除并注气术的连续患者27例27眼的病历资料,术中将5mg/mL吲哚菁绿、50%高糖溶液和黏弹剂适量混合后做为染色剂行黄斑裂孔孔周乳斑束间内界膜局部染色,观察其在术中的应用效果。

<br> 结果:术中局部染色后的内界膜着染成淡绿色,可视性好,有助于辨识和撕除内界膜,撕除孔周内界膜范围2 PD ×2PD,术后黄斑裂孔闭合24眼(88.9%),黄斑裂孔未完全闭合3眼(11.1%),裂孔直径均较术前有明显缩小,其中1例1眼患者术后2 mo内接受再次手术,采用扩大内界膜剥除范围术后裂孔闭合。


<br> 结论:改良吲哚菁绿局部着染内界膜的方法可以减少术中吲哚菁绿在眼内的弥散和残留,可降低吲哚菁绿对黄斑裂孔区裸露色素上皮、视网膜和视神经的毒性作用。

%? AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of modified staining technique of internal limiting membrane ( ILM ) with indocyanine green ( ICG ) in surgeries for idiopathic macular hole ( IMH) . <br> ? METHODS: Twenty -seven eyes of 27 consecutive patients with idiopathic macular hole in our hospital from March 2013 to December 2014 were retrospectively analyzed, which had undergone 23 gauge pars plana vitrectomy, ILM peeling and intraocular gas tamponade. ILM was stained around the IMH with a mixture of5mg/ml indocyanine green, 50% hypertonic glucose and moderate viscoelastic. The application efficacy was observed. <br> ?RESULTS:TheICG-staining ILM showed viridescent with good visibility, which helped recognizing and peeling ILM.The range of peeling was about 2PD×2PD.Macular hole was closed completely in 24 eyes ( 88.9%) postoperatively.Macular hole was closed partly in 3 eyes (11.1%) postoperatively, but shrank in diameter.It was worth mentioning that one eye among which showed macular hole closure completely after undergoing a second surgery with an expanding peeling 2mo after the first surgery.The visual acuity of all patients improved in 6~15mo follow-up. <br> ?CONCLUSION:The modified staining technique of ICG for ILM peeling surgery can reduce residual and diffusion of ICG in eyes, and reduce the toxicity of ICG to retina, exposed epithelia and optic nerve.【期刊名称】《国际眼科杂志》【年(卷),期】2015(000)012【总页数】3页(P2164-2166)【关键词】特发性黄斑裂孔;内界膜;吲哚菁绿【作者】安良宝;何伟【作者单位】110034 中国辽宁省沈阳市何氏眼科医院;110034 中国辽宁省沈阳市何氏眼科医院【正文语种】中文0 引言玻璃体切割联合视网膜内界膜(internal limiting membrane,ILM)剥除术治疗特发性黄斑裂孔(idiopathic macular hole,IMH)明显提高了黄斑裂孔的手术闭合率[1],因ILM 薄而透明,术中可视性差,直接剥除较为困难,ILM剥除起瓣操作时易损伤视网膜组织。



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Session could be
Audio Video Game
SIP bodies are MIME objects
MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions Mechanisms for describing and carrying opaque content Used with HTTP and email
Must support SDP for media description
Accepts registration requests from users Maintains users location infromation
SIP 10/25/2005
Alexander Yin
Where should request go next?
SIP does not dictate how routing is done Location service provides data (independent of SIP) End result is a mapping from one SIP URI to another
Alexander Yin
SIP 10/25/2005
Lucent Technologies Proprietary
Page 2
SIP Background
Developed by IETF MMUSIC (Multi-Party Multimedia Session Control) Work Group
SIP 10/25/2005
Alexander Yin



02.06 D6783e0Subject to changeEbertstraße 30aD-52134 Herzogenrath Tel: +49 (0)2407-577-0Fax: +49 (0)2407-577-99E-mail: telecom@head-acoustics.de WEB: www.head-acoustics.deacoustics GmbHDESCRIPTIONThe transmission performance require-ments for digital wideband wireline termi-nals specified by the Northamerican stan-dard TIA-920 were implemented by HEAD acoustics into a measurement standard for the communication quality analysis system ACQUA.The measurements can be modified or extended if required in order to conduct additional tests. The tests can be combined in any way to create individual test se-quences.Combined with the advanced commu-nication quality analysis system ACQUA and the calibrated front end MFE VI or VI.1, the TIA-920 test suite with its pre-defined measurement descriptors and au-tomated measurement sequences allows the fast and easy acquisition, analysis and documentation of measurement data.APPLICATIONS•Automated Analysisof wideband digital wireline terminals according to standard TIA-920TIA-920(Code 6783)Transmission R equirements for Digital Wideband Wireline TerminalsACQUA User Interface with Measurement Tree and Result Diagram Window for TIA-920MEASUREMENTSThe following is a complete list of all measurements included in the TIA-920test suite:Ambient Noise & Delay o Ambient noise levelo Handset Send / Receive Latency (Advisory)Handset -Technical Requirementso Handset Send / Receive Frequency Response (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Handset Wideband SLR / RLR (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Handset Talker Sidetone nom. / max. /min. vol. (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Handset Send / Receive Noise o Handset Send / Receive Single Frequency Interferenceo Handset Receive Comfort Noise (Advisory)o Handset Send Distortion and Noise (160 / 315 / 502 / 803 / 1004 /2008 / 3150 Hz)o Handset Receive Distortion and Noise (160 / 315 / 502 / 1004 / 2008 /3150 Hz)o Weighted Terminal Coup. Loss (TCLw)IP -10 / -16 / -26 dBm0o Weighted Terminal Coup. Loss (TCLw)PCM -10 / -16 / -26 dBm0o Stability Loss (Method 1) -16 dBm0 / -10 / -26 dBm0o Stability Loss (Method 2) -16 dBm0 / -10 / -26 dBm0o Long Duration Max. Ac. Pressure, 3.4Ear, 8 N / 13 No Short Duration Ac. Pressure, 3.4 Ear, 8N / 13 NHeadset -Technical Requirementso Headset Send / Receive Frequency Response (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Headset Wideband SLR (ITU-T P .50 /P .501)o Headset Wideband RLR, monaural /binaural (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Talker Sidetone for supra-auralheadsets, monaural / binaural, nom. /min. / max. vol. (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Talker Sidetone for insert headsets,monaural / binaural, nom. / min. /max. vol. (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Talker Sidetone for intra-conchial headsets, monaural / binaural, nom. /min. / max. vol. (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Headset Send Noiseo Headset Send / Receive Single Frequency Interferenceo Headset Receive Noise, monaural /binaural(continued on reverse)02.06 D6783e0Subject to changeGenerator and Analyzerrepresented byTypical Test Setup(continued from front page)o Headset Send Distortion and Noise (160 / 315 / 502 / 803 / 1004 /2008 / 3150 Hz)o Headset Receive Distortion and Noise (160 / 315 / 502 / 803 / 1004 /2008 / 3150 Hz)o Weighted Terminal Coup. Loss (TCLw)IP -10 / -16 / -26 dBm0o Weighted Terminal Coup. Loss (TCLw)PCM -10 / -16 / -26 dBm0o Long Duration Max. Ac. Pressure, 3.4Earo Short Duration Ac. Pressure, 3.4 EarHands-free -Technical Requirements (…Advisory“)o Hands-free Send / Receive Frequency Response (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Hands-free Wideband SLR / RLR (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Hands-free RCV Volume Control, min./ max. (ITU-T P .50 / P .501)o Hands-free Send Noiseo Hands-free Send / Receive Single Frequency Interferenceo Hands-free Receive Noise (nominal /maximum)o Hands-free Send Distortion and Noise (315 / 502 / 803 / 1004 / 2008 /3150 Hz)o Hands-free Receive Distortion and NoiseSYSTEM REQUIREMENTSTIA-920 requires the following system components:•ACQUA Communication Analysis System as one of the following versions:- Standard (Code 6810)- Standard Workplace (Code 6830,for analysis only)- Compact Systems (Code 6860.xx)•MFE VI.1 Measurement Front End (Code 6462); alternatively: MFE VI Measurement Front End (Code 6460)with HMA IV Mouth Amplifier (Code 1411)•HMS II.3 HEAD Measurement System (Code 1230)•HHP II.1 Handset Positioning Mecha-nism (Code 1377)DELIVERY•TIA-920 (Code 6783), delivered on CD as ACQUA database•Keyfile on diskette or CD •Manual。

Apparatus and method for intrabody mapping

Apparatus and method for intrabody mapping

专利名称:Apparatus and method for intrabody mapping发明人:Shlomo Ben-Haim申请号:US08/738896申请日:19961028公开号:US05713946A公开日:19980203专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:This invention concerns an apparatus and method for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. More particularly, this invention is directed to a method for ablating a portion of an organ or bodily structure of a patient, which comprises obtaining a perspective image of the organ or structure to be mapped; advancing one or more catheters having distal tips to sites adjacent to or within the organ or structure, at least one of the catheters having ablation ability; sensing the location of each catheter's distal tip using a non-ionizing field; at the distal tip of one or more catheters, sensing local information of the organ or structure; processing the sensed information to create one or more data points; superimposing the one or more data points on the perspective image of the organ or structure; and ablating a portion of the organ or structure.申请人:BIOSENSE, INC.代理机构:Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman, P代理人:William H. Dippert更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR SIP BASEDDYNAMIC ADVERTISEMENT OF PRESENCEINFORMATION发明人:RAMAMOORTHY,ARUNPRASATH,JEEDIGUNTA,VENKATESWAR,OH, JAE-KWON申请号:KR2008004748申请日:20080814公开号:WO2009022875A3公开日:20090423专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A method and system for dynamic advertisement of presence information using SIP is disclosed. In one embodiment, a method for dynamic advertisement of presence information includes initiation of the presence invitation message by presence inviter which can be of XML format, distribution of presence invitation message by presence invitation distributor from presence inviter to presence invitee and acceptance of the presence invitation message by presence invitee including subscribing as per the invitation, which provides information to the presence invitees about newly available parts of presence information, through SIP REFER or SIP MESSAGE methods.. In another embodiment of the present invention includes a method for sending the presence invitation message directly to a single presence invitee. In yet another embodiment of the present invention includes a method for sending the presence invitation message to multiple presence invitees in a URI-list through RLS and XDMS.申请人:SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD.,RAMAMOORTHY,ARUNPRASATH,JEEDIGUNTA, VENKATESWAR,OH, JAE-KWON 更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:AN APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR IN VIVO INTRACELLULAR TRANSFECTION OF GENE,SIRNA, SHRNA VECTORS, AND OTHERBIOMEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC ANDTHERAPEUTIC DRUGS AND MOLECULES FORTHE TREATMENT OF ARTHRITIS ANDOTHER ORTHOPEDIC DISEASEAS IN LARGEANIMALS AND HUMANS发明人:SEN, Luyi申请号:EP08705648.7申请日:20080102公开号:EP2112942A2公开日:20091104专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:An apparatus for in vivo intracellular transfection of gene, siRNA, shRNA vectors, and other biomedical diagnostic and therapeutic drugs and molecules for the treatment of arthritis and other orthopedic diseases in large animals and humans includes: a source of low voltage, short duration pulses in long duration bursts (LSEN); an electrode mesh system coupled to the source for generating distributed electric field network into a joint, including bones, cartilages, and related tissues; and means for transfecting the gene, siRNA, shRNA vectors, and other biomedical diagnostic and therapeutic drugs and molecules into a joint. The electrode mesh system includes alternatively arranged negative and positive electrodes in a first array which is capable of being inserted into a joint cavity, and either an alternatively arranged negative and positive or an all negativesecond electrode array which is positioned outside of the joint and in directly contact with overlying skin.申请人:The Regents of the University of California地址:1111 Franklin Street, 12th Floor Oakland, CA 94607-5200 US国籍:US代理机构:Duxbury, Stephen更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INTRAPREDICTION MODE USING INTRAPREDICTION FILTER IN VIDEO AND IMAGECOMPRESSION发明人:LIN, Jian-Liang,HUANG, Yu-Wen申请号:EP16865754.2申请日:20161116公开号:EP3360329A1公开日:20180815专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:A method and apparatus of Intra prediction filtering in an image or video encoder or decoder are disclosed. The method comprises receiving input data associated with a current block (1110); determining a current Intra prediction mode belonging to a set of available Intra prediction modest for the current block (1120); according to the current Intra prediction mode, determining an initial Intra prediction block consisting of initial Intra prediction pixel values based on neighboring reconstructed samples of the current block (1130); applying Intra prediction filter to the initial Intra prediction block according to a current scanning order selected from multiple scanning orders depending on the current Intra prediction mode to generate a filtered Intra prediction block consisting of filtered Intra prediction pixel values, wherein inputs to the Intra prediction filter comprise a current pixel and one or more adjacent pixels, and said multiple scanning orders comprise at least two scanning orders selected from a vertical scanning order, a horizontal scanning order and a diagonal scanning order (1140); applying mode-dependent Intra prediction encoding or depending to the current block using thefiltered Intra prediction block as a predictor for the current block (1150).申请人:MediaTek Inc.地址:No. 1, Dusing Road 1st Science-Based Industrial Park Hsin-Chu 300 TW 国籍:TW代理机构:Hoefer & Partner Patentanwälte mbB更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INTRAPREDICTION发明人:Anand Meher KOTRA,Biao WANG,SemihESENLIK,Jianle CHEN,Zhijie ZHAO,Han GAO申请号:US16947840申请日:20200819公开号:US20200382768A1公开日:20201203专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method for constructing a most probable mode (MPM) list for prediction process corresponding to video block is provided. The method includes determiningwhether a left block of a current coding block is available, in response to determining that the left block of the current coding block is available, adding an intra prediction mode of the left block into an MPM list; determining whether an above block of the current coding block is available, in response to determining that the above block of the current coding block is available, adding an intra prediction mode of the above block into the MPM list; adding an offset to the prediction mode of the left block to obtain a new prediction mode; and adding the above-offset prediction mode into the MPM list when the above-offset prediction mode is not in the MPM list. The MPM list is used to improve coding efficiency.申请人:Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.地址:Shenzhen CN国籍:CN更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:A METHOD FOR SETTING UP A IPOA CHANNEL BASED DEFAULTADMINISTRATION CHANNEL发明人:PENG, JIANHUA申请号:EP02706586申请日:20020313公开号:EP1443693A4公开日:20051221专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:This invention discloses a method for establishing IPOA channel-based default maintenance channels. The invention establishes an IPOA channel between a base station and a base station controller with default configuration of the base station. A BOOTP request is initiated from the base station to an operation and maintenance center, and the base station obtains an IP address assigned to it from a response sent from the operation and maintenance center, so that an operation and maintenance channel is established between the base station and the base station controller. The invention can solve automatic base station launching problem, and can prevent IP address conflicts and implement parallel launching of base stations. In addition, with the method described in this invention, operation of establishing maintenance channels is simple, light in workload, and reliable. Thus, program and data auto-loading as well as configuration and maintenance of base station(s) at far end (i.e., the operation and maintenance center) can be achieved. The method described in this invention is superior in quality and low cost in maintenance, and can be applied to various networking patterns, such as star-type, chain-type, and tree-type networks.申请人:HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:METHOD AND APPARATUS OF INTRAPREDICTION IN VIDEO CODING发明人:Jian-Liang LIN,Yi-Wen CHEN,Yu-Wen HUANG申请号:US15526076申请日:20151204公开号:US20170310986A1公开日:20171026专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method and apparatus for applying filter to Intra prediction samples aredisclosed. According to an embodiment of the present invention, a filter is applied to one or more prediction samples of the Initial Intra prediction block to form one or morefiltered prediction samples. For example, the filter is applied to the prediction sample in the non-boundary locations of the Initial Intra prediction block. Alternatively, the filter is applied to all prediction samples in the Initial Intra prediction block. The filtered Intra prediction block comprising one or more filtered prediction samples is used as a predictor for Intra prediction encoding or decoding of the current block. The filter corresponds to a FIR (finite impulse response) filter or an IIR (infinite impulse response) filter.申请人:MEDIATEK INC.地址:Hsin-Chu TW国籍:TW更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Method and Apparatus for Intra Prediction in Video

Method and Apparatus for Intra Prediction in Video

专利名称:Method and Apparatus for Intra Predictionin Video Coding发明人:Biao Wang,Semih ESENLIK,Anand MeherKotra,Han Gao,Jianle Chen,Zhijie Zhao申请号:US17199929申请日:20210312公开号:US20210203927A1公开日:20210701专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A decoding method and a decoder for decoding a current block of a video frame is provided, wherein the decoding method comprises determining a list of MostProbable Modes (MPMs) for the current block. When at least one condition is satisfied, the list of MPMs includes a DC mode, a Vertical mode, a Horizontal mode, an intra prediction mode corresponding to a value of the Vertical mode with a first offset, and an intra prediction mode corresponding to the value of the Vertical mode with a second offset. The decoding method further includes obtaining a MPM flag and a MPM index for the current block from a bitstream of the video, and obtaining an intra prediction mode for the current block for reconstructing the current block.申请人:HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD.地址:Shenzhen CN国籍:CN更多信息请下载全文后查看。


原因分析 多为主叫UE在收到update回复200 OK,过了几秒后又发出580,平台上看双方承 载建立已成功,由于终端多为未正式发布的VOLTE终端,判断为终端原因。 被叫回复183后建立专载,然后立刻发生X2切换,而后被叫在收到update后回复 580,判断为EPC测建立专载和X2切换流程冲突,EPC侧已有补丁修复此问题。 部分呼叫由于主叫发生振铃前SRVCC引起;大部分场景为被叫是CS用户,MGCF转 发183消息给主叫后,主叫未响应prack,MGCF多次重发183后定时器超时释放, 发出580拆线。 场景和原因与上面的internal error一致,580消息中都带有16 sipsl_nc_sipi_bearer_time_out信息,平台关联原因导致呈现的warning码不 同。 实际为被叫UE拆线,平台关联问题,由于被叫振铃前发生bSRVCC,导致 precondition失败拆线
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MGCF发出480,由CS域的rel(31 Normal, unspecified)转换而来 MGCF发出480,由CS域的rel(16 Normal call clearing、19 No answer from user)转换而来 由CS域转换而来 平台关联问题,实际是MGCF发出480,由CS域的rel(31 Normal, unspecified)转换而来 平台关联问题,实际是MGCF发出480,由CS域的rel(16 Normal call clearing、19 No answer from user)转换而来 其实未拆线,SCCAS或HSS认为用户在4G,但SCSCF上用户状态为未注册,则AS回 invite后SCSCF回480,AS又去向CS取漫游,被叫CSFB。


VOLTE接通率 VOLTE掉话率 RRC重建优化 呼叫建立时延和MOS优化
RRC重建只能由已经激活了接入层安全算法的UE触发(时间点如 右图所示),在此之前UE只能回到RRC_IDLE状态,触发小区重 选和TAU; 现网有不少ERAB建立过程中收不到security command complete 消 息导致ERAB建立失败,这种情况下,无法进行RRC重建,网络会 记为无线掉线,LTE_5004a指标也会恶化,如下图所示:
解决方案:经过安装新补丁,SAE-GW在上述步骤4和5的处理机制中作了改变,即: 改进1)当S-GW上缓存指示触发寻呼流程时,将清除寻呼指示并终止寻呼定时器,以保证S-GW可以触发DDN消息; 改进2)当收到Release_Access_Bearer请求消息时,S-GW将重置寻呼标志。 SAE-GW上安装了补丁实现了上述S-GW寻呼机制改进。
无线分析:可能Modify EPS Bearer Context Request发到源小区,同时终端发起 A3请求切换到目标小区导致软件判断未接通。 IMS分析: IMS发的503响应由PCC侧发的ASR消息触发,一般ASR是EPC侧 发的
EPC分析:MME下发给UE Modify EPS Bearer Context Request给源enode B, UE没有响应且后继才发生切换导致:
信令流程分析: S1ap消息跟踪MME已将 s1 paging下发到正确 eNB Emil消息跟踪eNB已收 到s1 paging并将rrc paging通过空口发向 被叫UE UE log显示被叫终端 未收到eNB下发的 paging消息
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A SIP-based Method for Intra-Domain HandoffsDimitra ValiOTE ResearchHellenic Telecommunications Organization - OTE S.A.Athens, Greecedvali@oteresearch.gr Sarantis Paskalis, Alexandros Kaloxylos, Lazaros Merakos Department of Informatics and TelecommunicationsUniversity of AthensAthens, Greece{paskalis, agk, merakos}@di.uoa.grAbstract- The mobility management issue in IP access networks can be dealt with from various perspectives. A possible approach includes the use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and its associate entities for mobility signaling. Following this approach, existing SIP functionality in a network can be reused for mobility management purposes, providing efficient utilization of resources. In this paper we propose the Hierarchical Mobile SIP (HMSIP) framework, a SIP-based intra-domain mobility management approach that builds upon the general framework of SIP mobility management. The HMSIP Agent is introduced as a border network entity providing the necessary mobility functionality. Detailed location and mobility management procedures are presented. The scheme is further enhanced with additional functionality for the support of multiple HMSIP Agents across the border of a domain, maintaining a unique contact address throughout a session within the domain. Keywords: SIP, handoff, micro-mobility.I.I NTRODUCTIONIP networks tend to become the ubiquitous infrastructure for every telecommunication exchange. One of the most important challenges IP networks face is mobility support. Mobile IP (MIP) [1] and Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) [2] are the results of IETF mobility support efforts. The Mobile IP protocols enhance the network (IP) layer, so that IP hosts can change location and retain their communicating sessions. In addition, various micro-mobility approaches (e.g. Cellular IP [3], HAWAII [4], HMIPv6 [5], IDMP [6]) have also been developed for enhancing the Mobile IP performance in high mobility environments. Micro-mobility schemes enable fast intra-domain handoff by constraining mobility related signaling inside the boundaries of the domain.Mobility in IP networks can be alternatively supported by application layer mobility protocols that rely on higher layer signaling to achieve the sought results. Some of these efforts include the use of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) [7]. For consistency reasons, we will refer to those schemes as “Mobile SIP (MSIP)” (in accordance to “Mobile IP (MIP)”). Motivation and description of Mobile SIP functionality can be found in [8], [9] and [10]. According to these proposals, SIP can be used to provide terminal mobility to Internet multimedia applications, with the appropriate SIP extensions to the base SIP specification. Specifically, SIP signaling is used after the handoff for the end-to-end session re-establishment of SIP on-going sessions between the communicating users. The newly acquired IP address of the mobile host is communicated to the corresponding host via SIP methods and subsequent data are sent to the new location of the user.The major argument for using Mobile SIP to achieve terminal mobility in SIP environments is the reuse of existing SIP infrastructure (i.e. SIP proxies, SIP registrars, etc.) for the functionality required by mobile hosts. The deployment of Mobile IP leads to some extent in a duplicated network functionality and stored user data. Both SIP and Mobile IP have their own mechanism for registration/location update and their own database for storing location info. Additionally, the use of Mobile SIP could also compensate for the current lack of wide deployment of Mobile IP.However, Mobile SIP needs to be optimized for fast handoffs in order to handle mobility in IP networks efficiently. Without optimization, the communication re-establishment after a handoff requires end-to-end signaling exchange that results in long update delays and high signaling overhead in the backbone network. This is especially critical in cases where mobility of resource reserving QoS flows is entailed. The mobility related end-to-end signaling exchange results in end-to-end reservation re-establishment, long handoff delay and bandwidth waste through over-reservation. Therefore, micro-mobility enhancements are also necessary in SIP environments (similar to Mobile IP environments) to handle intra-domain handoff efficiently. Mobile IP-based micro-mobility schemes if applied will also lead to duplication of functionality in the deployed networks. Hence, enhancing the Mobile SIP approach to cater for micro-mobility seems to be the most efficient solution for enabling fast handoff in SIP networks. An RTP [11] translator optimization for Mobile SIP is proposed in [9] to accomplish this task, which caters, however, only for RTP flows and induces several modifications to the standard RTP discard behavior of the mobile terminal.In this paper, we introduce a SIP-based micro-mobility scheme, named Hierarchical Mobile SIP (HMSIP) that seeks to efficiently handle micro-mobility in SIP environments. Our approach assumes the existence of one or more SIP-based domain border entities (named HMSIP Agents), which are responsible for handling the intra-domain mobility locally. HMSIP Agent functionality may be centralized or distributed across numerous border entities. Our work specifically focuses on the specification of efficient mobility procedures that enable seamless mobile host handoff between HMSIP Agents belonging to the same domain. The procedures described are also sufficient for the treatment of the centralized HMSIP Agent case. In our proposed scheme, SIP signaling is the preferred means of micro-mobility signaling. If the corresponding host does not support SIP, the sessions will not be disrupted, when the mobile host moves within its roaming domain. If the corresponding host supports SIP, it will also beable to locate the mobile host even if it changes places of attachment. Since SIP is only used for intra-domain mobility signaling, all types of traffic can be accommodated.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section II outlines the architecture of the HMSIP framework, and presents the main entities of our proposal. Section III expands on the functionality of the framework and presents the necessary signaling message flows and state maintenance for the registration and handoff procedures. Finally, section IV concludes the paper and hints towards future work.II.HMSIP A RCHITECTUREHMSIP aims at reducing handoff latency and minimizing signaling overhead in the backbone network, by restricting intra-domain handoff related signaling inside the roaming domain. All types of IP traffic are handled by HMSIP, including TCP flows.HMSIP relies on Mobile SIP functionality for inter-domain mobility, much like the various network layer micro-mobility schemes rely on Mobile IP for global roaming. Our proposal follows the general regional registration approach found in various proxy-Agent micro-mobility schemes (e.g. MIP-RR [12], HMIPv6 [5], IDMP[6]) and builds on the SIP Hierarchical Registration proposed in [9].A key entity in HMSIP architecture is the HMSIP Agent. It is a SIP Mobility Agent that is located at the domain border. The HMSIP Agent contains the necessary intelligence for localizing the intra-domain mobility related signaling and performing fast data path redirection to the current location of the mobile. Its functionality may be distributed across various domain border entities, as it is shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 HMSIP network reference architectureSimilarly to other micro-mobility approaches, HMSIP allocates two IP addresses to a mobile host (MH) entering a visited domain, a Local Address (LA) and a global Domain Address (DA). The LA is an IP address that reflects the current point of attachment of the MH and is routable inside the visiting domain. It may even be a private address inside the domain. It is allocated to the MH by the serving access router. After a handoff to a new access router, the MH always gets anew LA. The DA is a globally routable IP address assigned to a MH that does not change as long the MH roams inside an access domain and has active sessions. The DA is allocated to the MH by the serving HMSIP Agent, drawing it from a pool of public IP addresses. The global IP address assigned to the mobile host remains unmodified throughout its active communication inside the roaming domain. The existence of a stable DA further allows for smooth interworking with non-mobility aware protocols such as QoS enabling RSVP [13]. The building blocks of the HMSIP Agent are shown in Figure 2. It is essentially a domain border router, enhanced with the functionality of a SIP Proxy/B2BUA and a SIP Registrar. The HMSIP Agent is responsible for maintaining and managing a database with soft state mappings between the SIP URI, the DA and the LA for the mobiles roaming inside the domain. Soft states allow for resilience and error recovery in case of unexpected events. The HMSIP Agent releases allocated addresses to a MH when the MH stops communicating with the HMSIP Agent for any reason (out of domain boundaries, crashed, etc.)Figure 2 HMSIP Agent architectureIII. HMSIP F UNCTIONALITYTo give an overview of the HMSIP functionality, we follow the simple example illustrated in Figure 1. We assume that a MH powers-on inside (or enters) a visited domain, where it is allocated an LA (LA1) from the serving access router (AR), as well as a global DA (DA1) from the serving HMSIP Agent1. The DA1 is registered with the home Registrar of the MH, while the LA1 is registered with the serving HMSIP Agent1. We then assume that the MH establishes a session (SIP, TCP or any other) with a corresponding host (CH). All subsequent signaling and data sent towards the MH from the exterior of the domain use the DA1 as the MH address. Since DA1 is allocated by and associated with HMSIP Agent1, all packets sent towards the MH arrive at HMSIP Agent1. HMSIP Agent1 tunnels all packets destined to DA1 towards LA1. During its ongoing session, we assume that the MH performs a handoff to an access router controlled by HMSIP Agent2. The MH is then allocated a new local address LA2 from the new serving AR. If the MH has active sessions, it retains its previously acquired DA1 and keeps communicating through HMSIP Agent1, until all active sessions terminate. If the MH has no active sessions, as well as when its active sessions terminate, it re-acquires a pair of DA, LA and acts asnewly powered on device in the HMSIP Agent2 controlled area.The serving HMSIP Agent is being kept informed about the current location (LA) of the MH inside the domain via the SIP REGISTER method. It is, therefore, able to properly redirect any flows to the new MH location. The method described eliminates the need for (SIP or other) end-to-end session re-establishment following an intra-domain handoff.In what follows, we describe the HMSIP signaling exchange and state modifications that take place in the cases of power-on and intra-domain handoff in detail. The inter-domain handoff case is dealt by normal Mobile SIP functionality and is not further discussed in this paper.A.Power-on proceduresWhen powering-on inside (or entering) a visiting domain, the MH is allocated a LA (LA1) from the serving access router, as well as a DA (DA1) from the serving HMSIP Agent1. The new LA and DA should be registered with the MH’s visited (Regional Registration) and home (Home Registration) network respectively, via the respective SIP registration procedures.Figure 3HMSIP Regional and Home Registration The signaling exchange occurring during the registration procedure is depicted in Figure 3. After receiving a local address (LA1) from the local access router, the MH sends a SIP REGISTER message towards its serving HMSIP Agent1 to register its new location with the visited network (Regional Registration). The address of the serving HMSIP Agent1 is advertised to the MH by its serving access router. The Contact field of the REGISTER message includes the LA1. The SIP Registrar entity of the HMSIP Agent, after receiving this REGISTER message, queries its database about the existence of the specific SIP URI and its association with any LA and DA. If a relative record is found, then the LA stored is checked. If the LA1 received is the same as the LA found in the database, the record is refreshed. If the LA1 received is different than the LA stored, then the record is updated to reflect the current position of the MH. In both cases the registration procedure stops there (Regional Registration).In the event of no record found containing the sought SIP URI, the MH is considered as a new arrival to the HMSIP agent1. The HMSIP Agent1 allocates a DA (DA1) to the MH,and stores the new record of mappings between the SIP URI, the DA1 and the LA1 to its Registrar entity. This record is refreshed by periodic REGISTER messages sent by the MH.When the DA is allocated and the local registration procedures are complete, the SIP Local Registrar instructs the SIP proxy/B2BUA entity of the serving HMSIP Agent to trigger the respective Home Registration procedure for registering DA1 with the home network of the MH. HMSIP Agent initiates a REGISTER message towards the SIP Home Registrar of the MH, whose location can be retrieved from the SIP URI of the MH. The REGISTER message contains DA1 in the Contact field. As a result, the SIP Home Registrar creates a mapping between the SIP URI and the DA of the MH in its database. SIP calls towards the MH can now be routed to the DA1 (Figure 4).Finally, the HMSIP Agent1 communicates the allocated DA1 to the MH, including it inside the payload of a SIP INFO message. The DA will be subsequently used as the static address of the MH inside the roaming domain. The MH uses the DA as the source address of its outgoing packets before tunneling them to HMSIP Agent1, as shown in Figure 4 (the encapsulation header contains LA1 as source address for topology correctness.) In the reverse direction, the packets destined for the MH will be sent to DA1, and the HMSIP Agent1 will tunnel them towards LA1 inside the domain.The domain gateway for all traffic to and from the MH is the serving HMSIP Agent1. As it will be described in the next sections, the serving/gateway HMSIP Agent will not change for as long as the MH roams inside the domain during an active communication. The MH stores the advertised HMSIP Agent1 address as the address of the Gateway HMSIP Agent for future reference.B.Handoff proceduresThe goal of our micro-mobility approach is the maintenance of the same global IP address DA by the mobile for as long as it roams inside the same domain during active sessions. In a reference network, such as the one in Figure 1, handoffs may occur, in which the MH attaches to an access router (AR) controlled by the same or a different HMSIP Agent. The fulfillment of the micro-mobility requirement suggests that the serving HMSIP Agent for a MH remains the same for as long as the MH has active sessions and roams inside the domain.To facilitate the description of our scheme, we assume that the following states characterize the roaming behavior of a MH (Figure 5):•Locally Served (LS)•Remotely Served (RS)Figure 5State transition in handoffsA MH is at state LS when its serving HMSIP Agent is the local HMSIP Agent controlling its current AR. A MH is at state RS when its serving HMSIP Agent is not the local HMSIP Agent. The mobile enters state LS, when it powers on and receives a LA and DA from its local HMSIP Agent. Both LS and RS are soft states, refreshed periodically by REGISTER messages sent by the MH. Additionally, there may be an upper limit to the amount of time a MH is in the RS state continuously, to force topology restructuring.When the MH hands off to a different access router, it checks whether it has changed HMSIP Agent. The MH can check this by comparing the advertised HMSIP Agent address with its internally stored gateway HMSIP Agent address. In case of an intra-HMSIP Agent handoff (same local and gateway agents), the MH remains at state LS. A new LA2 is allocated from the access router, while the DA1 remains the same. The Regional Registration procedure is triggered (Figure 6), resulting in updating the DA-LA mapping in the HMSIP Agent to reflect the new LA.If the MH performs an inter-HMSIP Agent handoff and has no active sessions, the MH acts as in the initial power-on case, re-entering the LS state in the new environment. The MH acquires a new LA2 as well as a new DA2 from the local HMSIP Agent2, which becomes the serving HMSIP Agent for the MH. No connection with the old serving HMSIP Agent1 is necessary, since there are no active sessions that need to be continued. The MH re-initiates both Home and Regional Registration procedures towards its new serving HMSIP Agent, as depicted in Figure 3.If, however, the MH hands off to HMSIP Agent2 while in the middle of an active data communication, it switches to the RS state. The MH is allocated a local address LA2 but not a new DA. The MH initiates only the Regional Registration procedure towards its previously active HMSIP Agent1 (Figure 7). All signaling and data transport take place between the MH and the old gateway HMSIP Agent1. After a successful registration process, the MH is entering the RS state both in its internal state machine and in the state mappings in the database of HMSIP Agent1. HMSIP Agent1 is refreshing the RS state (and DAs) for the respective MHs through periodic REGISTER messages from the MHs. The HMSIP Agent may impose a time limit on mobiles in state RS, after which, it would remove their entries from its database. HMSIP Agent2 does not participate in any mobility-related SIP signaling or data encapsulation/decapsulation for the MH.Figure 7Inter-HMSIP Agent Handoff with active sessions.When all active sessions of the MH are terminated or the maximum time limit in RS state is reached, the MH acts as in the inter-HMSIP Agent handoff without active connections. It re-initiates the full registration procedure with HMSIP Agent2, acquiring a new DA (DA2) and entering state LS in its new environment (Figure 7). Alternatively, HMSIP Agent1 will receive no refresh messages any more from the MH for refreshing DA1, thus, HMSIP Agent1 will release DA1 after the refresh timeout expiration.IV.C ONCLUSIONSIn this paper, we presented the Hierarchical Mobile SIP (HMSIP) framework, an efficient micro-mobility management scheme for SIP networks. The location and mobility management procedures were described. HMSIP minimizes intra-domain handoff latency by restricting mobility related signaling inside the roaming domain, while taking advantage of information stored in existing SIP network entities. Moreover, HMSIP supports intra-domain mobility for all types of traffic and sets no specific requirements to the far end-system.To locally handle intra-domain mobility, HMSIP introduces a SIP-based domain border entity, named HMSIP Agent. The HMSIP Agent terminates the handoff related signaling inside the domain and performs fast data path redirection to the current location of the mobile.HMSIP is further enhanced by redundancy and scalability features, supporting multiple HMSIP Agents at the network border. Intra-domain handoff to a different serving HMSIP Agent is specially treated and the respective HMSIP mobility procedures are described in detail. Message flow diagrams are given describing the mobile host registration procedure and the proper re-direction of the data path to the current location of the mobile host after intra-domain handoff.Future work will comprise the development in a simulation environment of the HMSIP intra-domain handoff procedures. The proposed scheme’s efficiency will be validated via comparison with Mobile SIP and other micro-mobility approaches.V.R EFERENCES[1] C. Perkins ed., "IP Mobility Support for IPv4", RFC 3344, August 2002.[2] D. Johnson, C. Perkins, J. Arkko, “Mobility Support in IPv6”, InternetDraft (Work in progress), June 2003.[3] A. Campbell, J. Gomez, S. Kim, A. Valko, Wan Chien-Yin, Z. Turanyi,“Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Cellular IP”, IEEE Personal Communications, Vol. 7, pp. 42-49, August 2000.[4]R. Ramjee, T. La Porta, S. Thuel, K. Varadhan, S. Y. 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