

华碩H310S R2.0电子电氣产品有害物质名称及含量说明标示说明书

华碩H310S R2.0电子电氣产品有害物质名称及含量说明标示说明书
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Determination of Herbicide Residues

Determination of Herbicide Residues

Determination of Herbicide Residuesin Garlic by GC–MSZilei Chen1,2,Hong Zhang2,Bing Liu1,Guosheng Yang1,Hassan Y.Aboul-Enein3,&,Wenbo Wang2, Ruiyan Ding2,Hongxia Du2,Huidong Li21School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Shandong University,Jinan250100,China2Central Laboratory of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science,Jinan250100,China3Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry Department,Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division,National Research Centre,Dokki,Cairo12311,Egypt;E-Mail:enein@Received:31May2007/Revised:27August2007/Accepted:3September2007Online publication:19October2007AbstractA rapid multi-residue method has been developed for the determination of16herbicides ingarlic.The analytical procedure is based on prior microwave heating prevention of the gen-eration of sulfur-containing compounds.The garlic samples which had been pretreated wereextracted with acetonitrile and cleaned up by solid-phase extraction.The herbicide residueswere detected by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring.Therecoveries of16herbicides ranged from69.0to105.4%with the relative standard deviations(RSD)below10.1%.The limit of quantification(LOQ)ranged from0.003to0.015mg kgÀ1.KeywordsGas chromatography–mass spectrometryMicrowave sulfur removalGarlicHerbicide residuesIntroductionChina produces more than6million tons of garlic per year.Herbicides,such as Chlorotoluron and Acetochlor,find widespread use during the planting of the garlic crop.Although herbicides have low immediate toxicity,they are easy to accumulate in the body,they may be carcinogenic and have a high endocrine disrupting potential[1–5].Hence,many countries have established maximum recommended limits(MRL)for herbicideresidues in foodstuffs[6].Currently,the methods used for thedetermination of herbicide residues invegetables are mainly based on analysisby GC or HPLC[7–9].However,thereare many sulfur compounds in garlic,which mask the detection of herbicidesresidues[10,11].Supercriticalfluidextraction(SFE)can remove sulfurcompounds prior to analysis[12]andWang et al.detected four organochlorinepesticide residues in garlic with SFE andGC-ECD[13],but the assay is lengthyand time consuming.Free sulfur compounds are presentonly when the garlic bulbs are crushed orcut[14].The vacuolar enzyme,allinase,transform alliin into the very unstablethiosulphinate allicin which is rapidlydegraded to form secondary productsconsisting of various sulfides,sulfonicesters,and sulfonic ethers which contrib-ute to the characteristicflavor and odorof garlic[15].Unfortunately,the presenceof these sulfur compounds affects thedetermination of herbicide residues.Onlywhen the allinase activity is destroyedbefore the garlic cloves are crushed andhomogenized,can the interference causedby the sulfur compounds be successfullyeliminated.Allinase activity changeswith the temperature,pH and the pres-ence of metal ions[16,17,18].This paper describes various methodsto eliminate the action of allinase andthus effectively minimize the interferencescaused by sulfur compounds on theanalysis of various herbicides residues byGC–MS.ExperimentalMaterialsHerbicide standards at1,000l g mLÀ1,were obtained from the EnvironmentInspect Department of the China Agri-cultural Ministry.A mixed standard stock solution(10g mLÀ1)was obtained by diluting the standard solutions in actone,and storing atÀ20°C.All organic solvents and chemical re-agents were analytical grade(acetonitrile, acetone,n-hexane,sodium chloride),and purchased either from Concord Tech-nology Co.or Tianjin Chemical Reagent Company.The solid phase extraction (SPE)columns(Florisil,6mL,1g)were purchased from Supelco(USA).Uncontaminated garlic samples pro-duced in our own garden were used as mercial samples were ob-tained from a garlic plantation in Shan-dong province of China.The samples were stored at4°C in the dark place until analysis.InstrumentationA12-port vacuum manifold Visiprep (Supelco,Madrid,Spain)was employed for SPE.The microwave oven was a WG800TL23-2W(Galanz Co.,China). The GC–MS system was a Hewlett-Packard6890GC equipped with a5973 mass selective detector and a7683auto-sampler.The capillary column was 30m·0.25mm I.D·0.25l m DB-5MS (Agilent Technology,USA)The water bath was HH-W420(Jingbo Instrument Co.,China).The oven temperature program was as follows:initial temperature isothermal at50°C for1min,then to200°C at 15°C minÀ1,with a hold of5min at 200°C,then from200to280°C at10°C minÀ1,with afinal hold for5minat250°C.Injector temperature was280°C.Carrier gas was helium at aflowrate of1.0mL minÀ1.Injection volumewas 1.0l L with split less mode.Tem-perature of transfer line was260°C.Ionsource was EI(70eV,230°C).Temper-ature of quadrupole was1,500°C andelectron multiplier voltage was1,800V.Scan mode was full scan(35–500m/z)and selected ion monitoring(SIM)mode.Retention times and selected ion of the16herbicides are listed in Table1and thechromatogram of the standard solutionof the herbicides is shown in Fig.1.Sample Preparationand ExtractionThirty grams of intact garlic cloves wereweighed into a jar and heated in amicrowave oven for30s,then rapidlycooled in ice-water andfinally homoge-nized at18,000rpm for1min in ahomogenizer.The resulting extract wasfiltered into a100mL graduatedflaskcontaining15g NaCl,shaked vigorouslyfor1min,then allowed to stand for30min to separate.The50mL upperlayer was evaporated in a rotary evapo-rator to near dryness for clean up.Clean-UpThe Florisil cartridge for SPE wereloaded with the extract after beingactivated with10mL offa mixture ofacetone/n-hexane(1:9v/v)The cartridgewas then eluted with10mL of acetone/n-hexane(1:9v/v).Finally,the eluate wasevaporated to less than5mL with agentle nitrogen stream and was made upto5mL with n-hexane for analysis.Result and DiscussionThe Conditions for InactivatingAllinaseThe interference of sulfur-containingcompounds in garlic would disappear ifallinase was inhibited.When the pHwas less than2or more than10,theallinase may lose its activities.Never-theless,the herbicides were not stableunder the acid/basis conditions.So thechange of pH was not successful duringthe assay herbicides in garlic.The metalions such as Cu had a strong inhibitoryeffect on allinase.On the other hand,allinase shows the highest activity at30°C,and this slowly disappear with adecrease of temperature to0°C.Whenthe temperature is greater than60°C,the allinase activity decreases sharply.We describe below three possiblemethods to deactivating the allinaseenzyme,namely through freezing,heat-ing and the use of metallic inhibitors.The untreated garlic was used as ablank during the experiments(Fig.2).Allinase activity was assayed by deter-mination of3-vinyl-1,2-dithiacyclohex-5-ene(Fig.3).Table1.Retention time and selected ions of 16herbicides using GC–MSCompound t R(min)Monitor ions(m/z)a Chlorotoluron8.25132,167,104 Molinate11.06126,187,55 Trifluralin11.87306,264,335 Simazine13.02201,186,173 Atrazine13.09200,215,173 Acetochlor14.94146,223,162 2,4-D-Butylate15.11276,175,220 Alachlor15.27160,188,237 Prometryn15.72241,184,226 Metolachlor16.77162,238,211 Pendimethalin18.07252,281,220 Butachlor19.24176,160,188 Pretilachlor19.85238,162,176 Oxadiazon20.06175,258,344 Oxyfluorfen20.26252,300,361 Nitrofen20.92283,202,253 a Thefirst ion is the quantitativeionDeactivation of FreezingThe garlic cloves were kept atÀ20°C overnight,and then were crushed in a mortar for extraction with acetonitrile. Assayed3-vinyl-1,2-dithiacyclohex-5-ene showed that the content of this com-pound was reduced by about25–50%. However this reduction proved insuffi-cient for the determination of herbicide residues in garlic and hence the method was not suitable.Deactivation with a Metallic InhibitorAbout100g garlic cloves were steeped in 100mL CuSO4solution(0.1mol LÀ1) for1h,1,3,5,7,and14days,then cra-shed in a high speed tissue homogenizer then analyzed for3-vinyl-1,2-dithiacy-clohex-5-ene.The results of this assay of this compound,shown in Fig4indicate that the content gradually decreased with time.The results indicated that the sulfur compounds produced had an appreciable effect on the assay of the herbicides for at least7days but decreased sufficiently after14days.The process required a long time because the Cu2+ion slowly pene-trates the cell tissues to inhibit the enzyme and this method is too time consuming for routine deactivation. Deactivation by HeatingTwo simple,heating methods were applied:heating in a water-bath and microwave heating.Water-BathAbout100g garlic cloves were thor-oughly mixed with120mL distilled water in glass beakers and immersed in a water-bath at80and100°C respectively.When the sample was incubated for beyond 30min in80°C or for more than3min at100°C,the allinase lost its activity (Table2).Heating by MicrowaveAbout20,50,and100g intact garlic cloves were heated in microwave oven(800W) for different times(Table3).The allinase inactivation depends on the amount ofsample and the time of microwave heating.When the ratio of microwaved heatingtime and sample amount was higher than1g sÀ1at(800W),the enzyme lost itsactivity completely.Since heating was effective in destroy-ing the allinase activity,the optimumconditions for the two heating methodswere investigated.For heating in a waterbath,100g of intact garlic cloves spikedwith working standard solutions ofher-Original Chromatographia2007,66,December(No.11/12)889bicides at a level of5l g mLÀ1were placed inflasks and120mL redistilled water was added into eachflask in a water bath.The heating times were30min at 80°C and3min at100°C.Table4shows the recoveries of the16herbicides.Table4data indicates that the meth-od was suitable for triazine herbicides such as simazine,atrazine,prometryn,and amide herbicides such as acetochlor,alachlor,metolachlor but could not beapplied to other kinds of herbicides thatwere easy to hydrolyze under such con-ditions.For microwave heating,25and50gof intact garlic cloves were spiked withthe mixed standard solution of herbicidesat concentrations of0.1mg kgÀ1each.After the solvent was removed by naturalevaporation,the samples were heatedusing a microwave oven(800W)for dif-ferent times and the recoveries deter-mined.The data are presented inTables5and6.The results indicate thatthe recoveries are dependent on thesample quantity and the microwaveheating time.The recoveries all decreasedwith the increase of heating time,espe-cially for the compounds molinate,tri-fluralin,2,4-D-butylate,pendimethalin,oxyfluorfen and nitrofen.All the recov-eries were higher than75%when theratio was1.0s gÀ1and all the recoveriesexcept2,4-D-butylate were more than70%when the ratio was1.2s gÀ1.Whenratio was higher than 1.2s gÀ1,mostanalytical recoveries were lower than70%,because some herbicides hydro-lyzed rapidly as the microwave heatingtime increased.Moreover,the sampleswere chilled to room temperature quicklyby the ice-water bath after heated bymicrowave,otherwise,the recoveries werelow.From the data obtained for the allin-ase deactivation and herbicides stability,one can conclude that both methods ofheating can deactivate allinase efficiently.However,the water-bath heating was notchosen because of the hydrolysis of someherbicides.Microwave heating providessatisfactory recoveries,if the factorsinfluencing the enzyme inactivation wereoptimized as shown in Fig.5.So theoptimum microwaving time of1–1.2sgÀ1of sample was sufficient to eliminatethe interferences and yielded goodrecoveries.Recovery,LOD and LOQ,LinearityBlank samples(30g)were spiked with16herbicides at concentrations of0.02,0.1,and0.5mg kgÀ1.The samples wereheated in a microwave oven for30s,thenextracted with acetonitrile and cleaned upwith a Florisil SPE cartridge andfinallyanalyzed by GC–MS.The recovery ofeach herbicide was replicatedfive times.The data are presented in Table7whichshows that the recoveries were in therange69.0–105.4%,the relative standarddeviation(RSD)varied from 1.0to10.4%.The method is applicable for theanalysis of16herbicides in garlic used inthis study.The limit of detection(LOD)of theproposed method was determined byconsidering a value three times thebackground noise obtained for blanksamples,whereas the limits of quantifi-cation(LOQ)were determined consider-ing a value10times the backgroundnoise.Table7summarizes the detectionand quantification limits obtained foreach herbicide.Table2.Activity of allinase in garlic after pretreatment by heating in a water bathTime of heating (min)Temperature of water bath80°C100°C1–25%2–1%3–0.1% 1065%–2015%–300.1%–Table3.Activity of allinase in various weights of garlic after microwave oven heatingHeating time(s)Weight of garlic25g50g100g1520%––201%––250.1%35%–300.1%20%–40–2%–50–0.1%–60–0.1%33%80––5% 100–– 2.5% 120––0.1% Table4.Recoveries(%)of herbicides for samples heated in a water bath at80°C (30min)and100°C(3min)Compound Temperature ofwater bath80°C100°C Chlorotoluron72.470.7 Molinate23.835.8Trifluralin22.515.8 Simazine80.977.5 Atrazine85.480.6 Acetochlor88.988.82,4-D-Butylate55.833.3 Alachlor86.086.6 Prometryn84.388.9 Metolachlor88.291.8 Pendimethalin63.462.3 Butachlor78.378.0 Pretilachlor85.582.8 Oxadiazon86.475.2 Oxyfluorfen64.366.5 Nitrofen53.771.6Table5.Recovery(%)of16herbicides in 25g garlic samples pretreated by microwave ovenCompound Heating time25s30s40s50s Chlorotoluron94.585.575.376.4 Molinate83.899.463.555.8 Trifluralin84.377.665.635.6 Simazine88.390.680.576.1 Atrazine103.896.495.692.6 Acetochlor95.886.188.990.8 2,4-D-Butylate78.672.553.233.3 Alachlor98.688.086.080.5 Prometryn95.190.584.384.6 Metolachlor98.895.388.290.5 Pendimethalin87.675.361.962.3 Butachlor93.085.378.370.0 Pretilachlor95.795.381.080.6 Oxadiazon91.288.378.885.2 Oxyfluorfen93.285.368.165.0 Nitrofen94.493.273.569.5 Table6.Recovery(%)of16herbicides in 50g garlic samples pretreated by microwave ovenCompound Heating time50s60s80s100s Chlorotoluron90.680.671.666.5 Molinate80.775.867.563.4 Trifluralin82. Simazine93.583.678.476.0 Atrazine93.586.488.482.6 Acetochlor92.282.381.584.8 2,4-D-Butylate76.667.163.243.4 Alachlor95.592.687.784.6 Prometryn92.096.383.582.3 Metolachlor95.292.390.591.2 Pendimethalin88.877.868.746.7 Butachlor94.787.575.474.4 Pretilachlor92.492.382.075.7 Oxadiazon85.380.570.475.3 Oxyfluorfen75.472.363.155.0 Nitrofen93.790.477.567.2890Chromatographia2007,66,December(No.11/12)OriginalThe linearity of all the herbicides was in the range of0.01–5.0l g mLÀ1with r2>0.995.Correlation coefficients of each herbicide are presented in Table7.Application to Real Samples Six samples from garlic plantation in Shandong province were analyzed by the method described above.Four herbicides have been detected.The herbicide con-centrations were0.020mg kgÀ1for acetochlor(sample5),0.017mg kgÀ1for prometryn(sample6),0.068(sample5) and0.010mg kgÀ1(sample6)for pentadimethalin and0.014mg kgÀ1for nitrofen(sample2).ConclusionA rapid multi-residue method has been developed for the determination of16 herbicides in garlic.The proposed method is based on deactivation of allinase enzyme in garlic cloves using microwave heating, thus effectively eliminating interference from sulfur compounds in the analysis of herbicides residues.Strict microwave processing time keeps the herbicides stable during the heating.Treated garlic was ex-tracted with acetonitrile and clean-up by SPE,GC–MS/SIM was used to determine the pesticide residues.All herbicides recoveries ranged from69.0to105.4%and RSD were in the range 1.0–10.4%for spiked samples.LOQ below0.02mg kgÀ1 were achieved with this procedure.This validated analytical method is fast andconvenient for the determination of her-bicide residues in garlic. AcknowledgmentsThis work was supported by the Young Scientist Research Foundation of Shan-dong Academy of Agricultural Science. Bing Liu is currently working in Chem-istry Department of Xinxiang Teachers’College,Henan Province,People’s Republic of China.References1.Hurley PM,Hill RN(1998)EnvironHealth Persp106:437–4452.Ashby J,Tinwell H,Lefevre PA,WilliamsJ,Kier L,Adler ID,Clapp MJ(1997)Mutat Res-Gen Tox En393:263–2813.Lee WJ,Hoppin JA,Blair A,Lubin JH,Dosemeci M,Sandler DP,Alavanja MC(2004)Am J Epidemiol159:373–3804.Health Effects Division,Office of PesticidePrograms,U.S.Environmental ProtectionAgency(2004).List of Chemicals Evalu-ated for Carcinogenic Envi-ronmental Protection Agency,Washington,DC5.Ma J,Wang S,Wang P,Ma L,Chen X,XuR(2006)Ecotox Environ Safe63:456–4626.California Department of Food and Agri-culture.International Maximum ResidueLimits Database[DB/OL](2007).http:///mrl_databases.asp7.Tadeo JL,Sa nchez-Brunete C,Pe rez RA,Ferna ndez MD(2000)J Chromatogr A882:175–1918.Albero B,Sa nchez-Brunete C,Donoso A,Tadeo JL(2004)J Chromatogr A1043:127–1339.Aramendıa MA,Borau V,Lafont F,Marinas A,Marinas JM,Moreno JM,Urbano FJ(2007).Food Chem105:855–86110.Ahmed FE(2001)Trends Anal Chem20:649–66111.Tekel J,Hatrık S(1996)J Chromatogr A75:397–41012.Tilio R,Kapila S,Nam KS,Bossi R,Facchetti S(1994)J Chromatogr A662:191–19713.Wang JH,Xu Q,Jiao K(1998)J Chro-matogr A818:138–14314.Stoll A,Seeback E(1949)Helv Chim Acta32:197–20515.Yan X,Wang Z,Barlow P(1992)FoodChem45:135–139ncaster JE,Collin HA(1981)Plant SciLett22:169–176wson LD,Hughes BG(1992)PlantaMed58:345–35018.Sunyoo K,Pike LM(2001)Sci Hort89:249–256Table7.Recovery(%)±RSD(%),LOD,LOQ and correlation coefficients(r2)of the herbicides studiedCompound Recovery(%)±RSD(%)(n=5)LOD(mg kgÀ1)LOQ(mg kgÀ1)r20.02mg kgÀ10.1mg kgÀ10.5mg kgÀ1Chlorotoluron82.1±7.285.4±5.294.5±3.30.0030.0100.9991 Molinate76.1±10.480.2±4.688.3±5.20.0020.0060.9983 Trifluralin80.5±8.579.2±7.388.0±6.10.0030.0100.9958 Simazine89.3±6.5102.2±6.689.9±2.00.0020.0060.9972 Atrazine100.5±7.792.9±2.595.6±4.30.0020.0060.9989 Acetochlor92.3±5.596.7±6.194.4±2.80.0020.0060.9993 2,4-D-Butylate69.0±8.779.2±4.678.3±4.00.0050.0150.9976 Alachlor87.5±3.392.0±3.798.6±3.00.0020.0060.9988 Prometryn94.3±4.6104.9±4.595.0±1.30.00150.0050.9995 Metolachlor91.4±7.393.9±4.097.5±1.00.0010.0030.9985 Pendimethalin72.6±9.383.0±7.281.4±3.50.0030.0100.9978 Butachlor93.3±5.798.8±1.1105.4±3.40.00150.0050.9990 Pretilachlor90.0±2.595.5±2.2103.2±2.70.0010.0040.9966 Oxadiazon81.3±8.083.7±3.491.5±2.40.0020.0060.9968 Oxyfluorfen90.8±2.386.9±4.693.3±3.90.0030.0100.9992 Nitrofen78.4±6.983.6±5.590.1±4.10.0030.0100.9979 parison of chromatograms:chromatogram a(upper)0.02mg kgÀ1spiked blank sample(pretreated by microwave oven);chromatogram b(lower)0.02mg kgÀ1spiked blank sample(untreated)Original Chromatographia2007,66,December(No.11/12)891。


Diámetro nominal Principio de hermetización Posición de montaje Accionamiento manual auxiliar
Tipo de control Alimentación del aire de control Sentido del flujo Identificación de la posición de válvula Superposición Tiempo de conmutación a la desconexión Tiempo de conmutación a la conexión Factor de utilización Máx. impulso de prueba positivo con señal 0 Máx. impulso de prueba negativo con señal 1 Valores característicos de las bobinas Fluctuación de tensión permisible Fluido Indicación sobre los fluidos de funcionamiento y de mando
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3/2 cerrada monoestable eléctrico 10 mm 400 l/min 0,25 ... 0,8 MPa 2,5 ... 8 bar Corredera muelle neumático c UL us - Recognized (OL) véase el certificado IP65 con conector tipo zócalo según IEC 60529 4 mm blando indistinto con accesorios enclavables mediante pulsador prepilotado interno no reversible soporte del apantallamiento Superposición positiva 14 ms 14 ms 100% con reducción de la corriente de parada 1.200 µs 900 µs 24 V DC: 1,28 W -15 % / +10 % Aire comprimido según ISO 8573-1:2010 [7:4:4] Opción de funcionamiento con lubricación (necesaria en otro modo de funcionamiento)

Mini-Circuits RUDAT-6000-30产品说明书

Mini-Circuits RUDAT-6000-30产品说明书

RUDAT-6000-30Key FeaturesProgrammable AttenuatorUSB / RS232Case Style: MS1813Software PackageThe Big Deal• Attenuation range, 30 dB• Fine attenuation resolution, 0.25 dB• Short attenuation transition time (650 ns)• Compact size, 2.0 x 3.0 x 0.6”• USB and RS232 control50Ω 0 – 30 dB, 0.25 dB step 1 to 6000 MHzProduct OverviewMini-Circuits’ RUDAT-6000-30 is a general purpose, single channel programmable attenuator suitable for a wide range of signal level control applications from 1 MHz to 6 GHz. The Attenuator provides 0 to 30 dB attenuation in 0.25 dB steps. Its unique design maintains linear attenuation change per dB, even at the highest attenuation settings.The attenuator is housed in a compact and rugged package with SMA female connectors on the bi-directional input and output RF ports, a standard 9 pin D-Sub and a USB type Mini-B power and control ports.The attenuator can be controlled via USB or RS232 (via D-Sub connector). Full software support is provided and can be downloaded from our website any time at /softwaredownload/patt.html . The package includes our user-friendly GUI application for Windows ® and a full API with programming instructions for Windows ® and Linux ® environments (both 32-bit and 64-bit systems).Trademarks: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Tor-valds. Mac is a registered trademark of Apple Corporation. Pentium is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation. Neither Mini-Circuits nor the Mini-Circuits RUDAT-series attenuators are affiliated with or endorsed by the owners of the above referenced trademarks.Mini-Circuits and the Mini-Circuits logo are registered trademarks of Scientific Components Corporation.Rev. KECO-008003EDR-10982/5Applications• Automated Test Equipment (ATE)• WiMAX, 3G, 4G, LTE, DVB Fading Simulators • Laboratory Instrumentation • Handover system Evaluation • Power level cyclingIncluded AccessoriesModel No.DescriptionQty.MUSB-CBL-3+2.6 ft. USB cable11 Attenuator RF ports are interchangeable, and support simultaneous, bidirectional signal transmission, however the specifications are guaranteed forthe RF in and RF out as noted on the label. There may be minor changes in performance when injecting signals to the RF Out port. 2 Max accuracy defined as ±[absolute error+% of attenuation setting] for example when setting the attenuator to 18 dB attenuation the maximum error will be: ±(0.95+0.02x18)= ±(0.95+0.36)= ± 1.31 dB.3 Total operating input power from both RF In and RF Out out ports. Compression level not noted as it exceeds max safe operating power level.4 Isolation is defined as max attenuation plus insertion loss; this is the path loss through the attenuator when initially powered up. After a brief delay (~0.5 sec typically) the attenuator will revert to a user defined “power-up” state (either max attenuation or a pre-set value).5 Tested with 1 MHz span between signals.6 Minimum Dwell Time is the time the RUDAT will take to respond to a command to change attenuation states without communication delays. In PC control add communication delays (on the order of msec for USB) to get actual response time.7Attenuation Transition Time is specified as the time between starting to change the attenuation state and settling on the requested attenuation state.8 Supply voltage +5V at Pin#1 of D-sub connector applies to units with S/N 11405010010 and greater.9 Power on sequence for RS232 control: Connect 5V power followed by the control lines.Absolute Maximum RatingsPermanent damage may occur if any of these limits are exceeded. Operation in the range between the max operating power and the absolute maximum rating for extended periods of time may result in reduced life and reliability.Operating Temperature 0°C to 50°C Storage Temperature-20°C to 85°C Voltage input at RS232 receive pin -30V to +30V Voltage input at RS232 transmit pin 0V to +4V Voltage input at RS232 Pin#1-1V to +6VV USB Max.6V DC voltage at RF port16V Total RF power for RF In & RF Out @ 1 to 10 MHz +13 dBm @ 10 to 6000 MHz+23 dBm10 Block diagram and connection shown apply to units with S/N 11405010010 and greater, for units with lowerS/N see archive section on page 9.11 Pin#1 can be used as supply voltage (+) pin instead of USB connection. When USB power is connected,Pin#1 may be connected to GND or supply voltage (+) or remain disconnected.12 Power on sequence for RS232 control: Connect 5V power followed by the control lines.Block Diagram 10USBSimultaneous, bidirectional RF signal transmission with symmetrical performanceNot ConnectedRS232Transmit (2)Receive (3)NC (4)GND (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)Supply voltage (1)*9 Pin D-SubPin Connections 10PIN NumberFunction2Transmit 3Receive 5GND 1+5 V DC 11,124,6-9Not ConnectedConnectionsRF IN (SMA female)RF OUT (SMA female)USB (USB type Mini-B female)RS232*(9 Pin D-Sub female)The 5V DC the D-Sub port.inch2X SMA FEMALEBracket OptionQTop ViewBottom View4X #2-56 UNCInstruction for mounting bracket:1. Tool required: Phillips head screwdriver2. Mount the bracket over threaded holes on the bottom side with the fasteners provided with the bracket.Attenuation Accuracy @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings-1.0- (MHz)A c c u r a c y(d B)Attenuation Accuracy @ 0°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsFrequency (MHz)A c c u r a c y (dB )Attenuation Accuracy @ +50°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsFrequency (MHz)A c c u r a c y (d B )Attenuation relative to I.L @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings0. (MHz)Attenuation relative to I.L @ 0°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsFrequency (MHz)A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )Attenuation relative to I.L @ +50°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings Frequency (MHz)A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )A t t e n u a t i o n (dB )1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 60001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Attenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings Attenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ 0°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings Attenuation relative to Insertion Loss @ +50°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settingsInput VSWR @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1. (MHz)I n p u t V S W R (:1)Ouput VSWR @ +25°Cvs. Frequency over Attenuation settings1. (MHz)O u t p u t V S W R (:1)Insertion Loss @ Input Power=0dBm 0123450100020003000400050006000Frequency (MHz)I n s e r t i o n L o s s (d B )Insertion Loss @ Input Power +20 dBmvs. Frequency over Temperatures Insertion Loss @ Input Power=+23dBm123450100020003000400050006000Frequency (MHz)I n s e r t i o n L o s s (d B )Insertion Loss @ Input Power 0dBm vs. Frequency over Temperatures11000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 101000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 50006000 1 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000Output VSWR @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings Input VSWR @ +25°C vs. Frequency over Attenuation settings IP3 @ 0dB AttenuationFrequency (MHz)I P 3 (d B m )Input IP3 @ 0dB Attenuationvs. Frequency over Temperatures Attenuation Setting (dB)A t t e n u a t i o n A c c u r a c y (dB )• Mini-Circuits’ full software and support package including user guide, Windows GUI, DLL files, programming manual and examples can be downloaded free of charge from /softwaredownload/patt.html • Please contact ****************************** for supportGraphical User Interface (GUI) for Windows Key Features:• Manual attenuation setting• Sweep and Hop attenuation sequences directed from the PC, or entire sequence loaded into RUDAT.• Attenuator address configuration and Firmware upgrade • Attenuation at power up may be set to selected attenuation level or last attenuation state recorded.• USB or RS232 control of RUDATApplication Programming Interface (API)Windows Support:• API DLL files exposing the full switch functionality See programming manual at https:///softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdf for details • ActiveX COM DLL file for creation of 32-bit programs • .Net library DLL file for creation of 32 / 64-bit programs• Supported by most common programming environments (refer to application note AN-49-001 for summary of tested environments)Linux Support:• Full switch control in a Linux environment is achieved by way of USB interrupt commands. See programming manual at https:///softwaredownload/Prog_Manual-6-Programmable_Attenuator.pdf for detailsModelDescriptionRUDAT-6000-30USB/RS232 Programmable AttenuatorAdditional NotesA. Performance and quality attributes and conditions not expressly stated in this specification document are intended to be excluded and do not form a part of this specification document.B. Electrical specifications and performance data contained in this specification document are based on Mini-Circuit’s applicable established test performance criteria and measurement instructions.C. The parts covered by this specification document are subject to Mini-Circuits standard limited warranty and terms and conditions (collectively, “Standard Terms”); Purchasers of this part are entitled to the rights and benefits contained therein. For a full statement of the Standard Terms and the exclusive rights and remedies thereunder, please visit Mini-Circuits’ website at /MCLStore/terms.jspIncluded Accessories Part No.DescriptionMUSB-CBL-3+2.6 ft (0.8 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB typeMini-B(Male)Optional AccessoriesDescriptionUSB-AC/DC-5 13,14AC/DC 5V DC Power Adapter with US, EU, IL, UK, AUS, and China power plugsMUSB-CBL-3+ (spare) 2.6 ft (0.8 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB type Mini-B(Male)MUSB-CBL-7+ 6.6 ft (2.0 m) USB Cable: USB type A(Male) to USB type Mini-B(Male)D-SUB9-MF-6+ 6 ft RS232 Cable: 9 pin D-sub(Male) to 9 pin D-sub(Female)BKT-3901+Bracket kit including 3.75” x 2.00” bracket, mounting screws and washers13 Not used in USB control. USB-AC/DC-5 can be used to provide the 5VDC power when control is via RS232; units with S/N11405010010 and greater can also accept DC supply voltage at Pin#1 of the D-sub connector.14 Power plugs for other countries are also available, Plugs for other countries are also available, if you need a power plug for a country not listed please contact ******************************Block DiagramUSBSimultaneous, bidirectional RF signal transmission with symmetrical performanceNot ConnectedRS232Transmit (2)Receive (3)NC (4)GND (5)(6)(7)(8)(9)NC (1)ConnectionsRF IN (SMA female)RF OUT (SMA female)USB (USB type Mini-B female)RS232*(9 Pin D-Sub female)*9 Pin D-SubPin Connections 16Pin NumberFunction2Transmit 3Receive 5GND 1,4,6-9Not Connected16 Supply voltage can be provided via USB port only. When using RS232 control, powermust be provided to the USB port via either USB-AC/DC-5 power adaptor or a USB bus.。



汽车英语缩写大全汽车英语缩写大全————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:汽车英语缩写大全进口汽车维修技术缩略语词典??*C DegreesCelsius摄氏度?*F ?Deg rees Fahrenheit华氏度?*D* Drive 驱动,驾驶,行驶,行车?*N* Neutral Position 空档?*P*?*PARK*Position P档,停车档*P**PARK*Position P(驻车)档位置O2 ?Oxygen 氧气2WD ?Two-WheelDrive两轮驱动4WD Four-Wheel Drive四轮驱动4WS?Four-Wheel Steering四轮转向A ?A A-post, A-pillar A柱?A?Amperes 安培, 电流A?*Amper*Ammeter *Advance*安培*电流表*提前A.I.R. Air Injection Reactor 空气喷射反作用器A.M.Above-Mentioned上述的A/C AirConditioning空调?A/CA/C Amplifie空调放大器A/CCLTCH. A/C Clutch空调离合器A/CL Air Cleaner 空气滤清器?A/CL-BM AirCleaner BimetalSensor空气滤清器双金属传感器?A/CL-CWMAir Cleaner ColdWeather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器A/CL-DVAir Cleaner Duct Valve Vacuum Motor 空气滤清器导管阀真空马达A/CL-TSOV Air Cleaner TemperatureSensor Ove rride Valve ?空气滤清器温度传感器超压阀?A/CL-VCDAir CleanerVacuumControl Delay 空气滤清器真空延迟控制?A/CL-VCV Air CleanerVacuum ControlValve空气滤清器真空控制阀A/CL-VMAir Cleaner Vacuum Motor空气滤清器真空马达A/F Air-Fuel Ratio空燃比A/T Automatic Transaxle Or Transmission 自动变速箱?AA Automobile Association (UK)英国汽车协会?AA AAmericanAutomobile Association美国汽车协会AACAuxiliary AirControl辅助空气控制?AACAutomatic Amplitude Co ntrol自动振幅控制AACV Auxiliary Air Control Valve辅助空气控制阀?AADAuxiliary AirControl Device 辅助空气装置AAEAmericaAssociation of Engineers 美国工程师协会AAMVMAmericanAssociation of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers ??美国汽车制造者协会?AAP AuxiliaryAccelerator Pump辅助加速器泵?AAP Auxiliary Accelerating Pum p辅助加速泵AAPAmbient AbsolutePressure外界绝对压力?AAS Aspirator Air System吸气(真空)控制系统AAS Auto Adjust Suspension 自动调节悬挂?AAS Air Adjust Screw空气调整螺丝AAS American Astronautical Society 美国宇宙航行学会AAS Air Adjust Screw空气调节螺钉?AASHTO AmericanAssociation of S tate Highways and Transportation Off icials??美国各州公路及运输公务员协会?AAVAnti Afterburn V alve 防止后燃阀?AB AirBleed空气泄放ABA Air Bleed Actuator空气排放执行器(电磁阀)ABCV Air Bleed ControlValve空气泄放控制阀ABDC After Bottom DeadCenter在下止点后?ABGAlcohol BlendedGasoline掺酒精的汽油?ABNAirborne Noise 空气传播的噪音ABP Air BrakeProportioing(valves)空气制动比例分配( 阀)ABRS AirBag Restraint System 安全气囊?ABSAltitude Barometric Switch 高度(海拔)气压开关?ABS Anti-Lock Brake System防锁刹车系统,防抱刹车系统,反锁定刹车系统ABSAmerican Bureau ofStandards 美国标准局Abs Absolute绝对的ABSVisc Absolute Viscosity绝对粘度?ABSV Air Bypass S olenoid Valve空气旁通电磁阀ABV*AntiBackfire Valve *Air Bypass Valve*防止逆火阀*空气旁通阀?ABVAir Bypass Valve 空气旁通阀ABV Anti-BackfireValve防回火阀AC Air Condition 空调?AC Alternating Current Gener ator交流发电机?AC*Alternating Current *AfterContro *交流电*后段调整式?A CACAuxiliary Fan Relay空调辅助风扇继电器?AC AC Compressor Safety Switch空调压缩机安全开关?AC ACCondenser BlowerMotorRelay空调冷凝器鼓风马达继电器?AC AC Control Unit 空调电脑盒AC AC Diode空调二极管AC ACEvaporator Motor Relay空调蒸发马达继电器?ACAC Evaporat or Pump LineFuse空调蒸发泵保险丝AC AC HighPressure SafetySwitch空调高压安全开关AC ACIdle Boost Valve空调怠速加压阀?AC Alternating Current 交流电AC AnteChristum 公元前?AC Accumulator 蓄电池,储压器AC Acid酸ACAnalogue Computer模拟计算机?ACAutomaticControl 自动控制AC Air-Cooled 空冷AC ArmoredCar装甲汽车AC Adaptive Control自适应调节AC Aerodynamic Center空气动力中心ACAirCooling 风冷,空气冷却,气冷?AC Air Cycle 空气循环?AC Automatic Clutch自动离合器ACCA/CClutch Compressor 空调压缩机ACC Air Conditioning Clutch 空调离合器ACC Air ConditioningClutch Switch空调离合器开关ACC?Automatic Climate Control电脑恒温控制?ACC *Accessary*AltitudeCompensation Carb *附件*高度补偿化油器Accel?Accelerator油门,加速踏板,加速泵?ACCS?A/C ClutchCycling Switch 空调离合器循环开关ACCS?Air Conditoning CyclingSwitch空调循环开关?Accum Accumulat or蓄压器?ACCWM Air Cleaner Cold Weather Modulator 空气滤清器低温调节器?AccyAccessory 附件?ACD Auxiliary Control Device辅助控制装置?ACDAirConditioning Demand 空调作用指令ACD ?Air Conditioning Demand Switch 空调需求开关?A CDV Air Cleaner DiverterValve 空气滤清器分流阀?ACE ?Air Conditioning Equipment空气调节设备?ACE ?Automatic Check Equipment 自动检测设备?ACE ?Automatic Computing Equipment自动计算装置ACE Air Conditioning Equipment 空调设备?ACG ?A lternatingCurrentGenerator交流发电机?ACG Automatic Control Gear自动控制变速?ACID TEST CYC-LEAcceleration,Cruise, Idle,DecelerationTest Cycl e加速.稳速.怠速.减速试验循环ACIS ?Acoustic Control Iduction System 声控进气系统Ack Acknowledge承认ACKV?Air Check Valve 空气止回阀ACL?Air Clearner空气滤清器ACLAutomatic Chassis Lubrication自动底盘润滑系统ACM Advanced Composite Materials高级复合材料ACON ?AirConditioningOn 空调起动?ACP?AirConditioning Pressure空调压力ACP AuxiliaryControlPanel辅助操纵仪表板ACRS Air Cushion Restraint System气垫型保护装置ACS ?AirConditioning System 空调系统ACS-O?Access Opening检修孔?ACT AirCharge Tem perature进气温度ACT Air Charge TemperatureSensor进气温度传感器ACTE Automatic Checkout Test Equipment 自动检测装置ActuActuator执行器?Actv Active活动的?ACV Air Con trol Valve 空气控制阀?ACVAir Cut Valve 断气阀ACVArmored Command Vehicle装甲指挥车ACV Air ControlValve 二次空气喷射量控制阀?AD Anno Domini 公元?AD AerodynamicDecelerator气动减速器ADCAnalog-DigitalConverter模-数转换器?ADD Addition*添加*补充ADECS AutomotiveDiesel ElectronicControlSystem 汽车柴油机电子控制系统?ADFAerodynamic Drag Factor 空气阻力系数Adj Adjust or Adjustable调整或可调整ADL Automatic DoorLock自动门锁ADPAir-DrivenHydraulic Pump气动液压泵?ADS AdaptiveDampe rSystem 可变阻尼力避震系统ADV Wiper Pressure Control雨刷片压力控制装置Adv Advance提前的?AE AccelerationEnrichment 化油器加速时混合气浓度?AE Acoustic Emission 有害声响排放?AEA Automotive ElectricalAssociation (US) 美国汽车电气协会?AEC AutomotiveEmissionControl汽车排气控制AECD Auxiliary Emission Control Device 辅助排放控制装置AEI After End of Injection 喷射结束后AERAAutomotive Engine Rebuilders Association(US) 美国汽车引擎修护协会?AESC American Engineering Standards Committee美国工程标准委员会?AETS AutomaticEngine Test System发动机自动测试系统AF Air-Fuel Ratio混合气的空气燃油比?AF Auxiliary Fu el辅助燃料?AFC Airflow Controlled空气流量控制?AFC AirflowControlled FuelI njection 空气流量控制燃料喷射AFC AirFuel Control空气燃油混合比调节装置?AFCAutomatic Frequ ency Control 自动频率调节?AFC Airflow Control空气流量控制AFCOAutomatic Fuel Cutoff自动断油装置?AFCV Air Fuel RatioControl Valv e空燃比控制阀AFE Automobile Fuel Economy 汽车燃油经济性AFER Air-Fuel Equivalence Ratio燃油过量系数AFRAir-Fuel Ratio空气燃油混合比?AFS AirflowSensor空气流量传感器AFSAuxiliary Fuel Supply System 辅助供油系统?AG Air Guard空气护罩?AGO Automotive Gas Oil 汽车用油AGTAutomotiveGas Turbines 汽车用燃气轮机AGV AutomaticGuided Vehicle自动导向车辆AGVS Automatic Guided Vehicle System 车辆自动导向系统AHAmper Hour 安培小时?AHFSS AirConditionig /Heat er Function Select Switch空调/暖气功能选择开关?AI Air Injection 空气喷射?AICV Air Injection Check Valve空气喷射单向阀?AID AirInjection Dual双空气喷射?AIR AirInjectionReaction二次喷气装置?AIR Air Injector Reactor二次空气喷射器AIR BPV AirBypassValve 空气旁通阀?AIR COND RLY Air Conditioner Relay 空调继电器?AIR COND SIGAir Conditioner Singnal空调信号Air Sel Air Selector空气选择器AIR-CHVAIR Check Valve 空气单向阀?AIR-DVLV AIR DiverterValve空气分流阀AIR-IVV AIRIdleVacuum Valve进气怠速真空阀AIS AirInjection Single单空气喷射AIS AirInjection System二次喷气装置AISAutomatic Idle Speed自动怠速AIV AirInjection Valve 空气喷射阀?AIVVAIR Idle Vacuum Valve空气怠速真空阀?AKI Anti-KnockIndex抗爆震指数?AL Acceleratio nLevel 加速度级ALC Automatic LevelControl汽车后悬挂自动高度控制?ALCL Assembl yLine Communication Link诊断总线?ALDL AssemblyLine Diagnostic Link自我诊断接线总成ALDL Assembly Line Data Link 自我诊断线?Ali Alignment校正,定位AlmAlarm警报器?ALRAutomaticLocking Retractor 安全带自动锁定装置ALRAutomaticLength Adjusting and Locking Retra ctor?自动长度调节和锁紧式伸缩装置ALR Automatic Locking Retractor自动锁紧式伸缩装置?AltAlternatoror Altitude发电机,高度Alt Alternator交流发电机?ALU Arithmeticand Logical Unit算术及逻辑单位AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅Amb Ambient周围的?AMC American Motors Corporation 美国汽车公司?AMG V AirManagementValve空气控制阀Amm Ammeter电流表Amp Amplifier放大器?AmpAmpere安培AN Above-Named上述的?ANAnnual年度的AN Anode 阳极?ANCActiveNoise Control System活性噪音控制系统?ANLAutomatic Noise Limiter噪声自动限制器ANS Answer答案ANSI AmericanNational Standards Institute美国国家标准局Ant Antenna天线?ANTBV Anti-Backfire Valve防回火阀?Anti-Dsl Anti-Diesel防止後燃(熄火後)?AO Air Operated 气动的?AOC Air Oil Cooler机油空气冷却器?AOC Automatic OverloadControl自动超载控制?AODAutomatic Overdrive 自动超速?AOQ AverageOutgoing Quality平均产品质量AOT AutomaticOverdrive Transmission超速式自动变速器APAir Pump 气泵?APC AutomaticPhase Control自动相位调整?APC Automatic Power Control自动功率调整?AP CAutomatic ProgramControl 自动程序控制APC Armored PersonnelCarrier 装甲人员输送车?AP CAutomaticPerformance Control自动性能控制系统?APCV Air Pump Control Valve 空气泵控制阀?APDV Air Pump Diverter Valve空气泵分流阀API AmericanPetrol Institude美国石油协会AppApparatus仪表.器件. 设备?App Appendix附录App Approved by经...批准,批准人Approx Approximation近似.略计?Apr Apprentice学徒,徒工?APRA AutomotiveParts Rebuilders Associati on(US)美国汽车零件再制协会APREVLVAirPump Relief Valve空气泵减压阀APU Auxiliary Power Unit辅助动力设备?AQ Aqua(Wate r)*水*水柱?AR Air Regulator空气流量调节器?ARAxleRatio 驱动轴减速比?ARC Acceleration Signal加速信号ARQ AutomaticError Request Equipement自动误差校正装置ARV ArmoredRecovery Vehicle装甲抢救车AS AirflowSensor空气流量传感器AS American Standard美国标准AS AirSuction进气AS Automatic Synchronizer自动同步器?ASAAmericanSta ndard(s)Association美国标准化协会?ASA Acoustical Society of America美国声学学会ASCAutomatic StabilityControl 电脑控制稳定装置ASCD Auto Speed Control Device 自动速度调节装置ASCPS AirSwitch CanisterPurgeSolenoid 空气切换碳罐塞电磁阀ASCPTAir Switch Canister Purge Timer空气切换碳罐塞定时器ASD AutoShutDown 自动切断?ASDM Air BagSystemDiagnosticModule安全气囊系统诊断模块ASDV AirSwitching Diverter Valve 空气转换分流阀ASE Automatic StabilizationEquipment自动稳定装置ASIS Abort Sensing and Implementation System 紧急故障传感及处理系统ASIS American Societyfor IndustrialSecurity美国工业安全协会ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度Asm Assembly 总成ASME AmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会?ASQC AmericanSocietyfor Quality Control 美国品管协会?ASRV Air Switching ReliefValve 空气转换减压阀?ASS Air SwitchingSolenoid 空气转换电磁阀ASS Air Suction System进气装置Ass Assembly总成,装配,机组?Ass Assistant辅助的,助手,帮手?As sAssociation 学会,协会.公司?AssyAssembly总成?ASTM America nSociety forTestingandMaterials美国材料试验协会ASVAir Switching Valve 空气转换阀?ASVAirSuction Valve 进气阀ASVAirSwitchingValve空气转换阀,空气开关阀?ASVSAir Switch ingVacuum Solenoid空气转换真空电磁阀?ATAc ceptanceTest验收试验AT Air Temperature空气温度?ATAmpere Turn安培匝数?ATAngle of Train方位角.方向角.传导方位ATAutomaticTransmission自动变速器?AT. Air Tight气密的,密封的At.Atmosphere大气.周围情况.Barometric 气压(计)BBattBattery电瓶电池BAV Bleed AirValve 泄气阀?BB Babbit Metal巴氏合金BBDC Before BottomDeadCenter在下止点前?BBL.Barrel 筒?BBSBuilding Block System积木式系统BC Befor Control前段控制?BCCBatteryChargerCont rol电瓶充电控制BCDD BoosterControlDecelerate Device 倍力控制减速装置BCM Body Control Module 车体控制模块(车体电脑)?BCV Boost ControlValve 真空控制阀溢油控制阀(三菱)减速节气阀(铃木)BCV Booster Control Valve倍力控制阀?BCV BoostControl Valve强制怠速时节气门开度控制阀?BCVBoost Contr ol Valve(铃木,三菱)强制怠速工况进气管真空控制阀?BDC BottomDead Center下止点.下死点BDVBreakdownVoltage击穿电压BE Banchelorof Engineering工学士?BEBaume 玻美度BEBooster Engine 助推发动机?BE Best Economy 最佳经济性BEI Breakerless ElectronicIgnition 无白金式电子点火?BESA British EngineeringStandardAssociation英国工程标准协会BFCBrake ForceCoefficient 制动力系数BFLI Brake Fluid LevelIndicator 制动液液面指示器BHPBrake Horsepower制动马力?BHS BimetalHeat Sensor 双金属热传感器?Bi Met BiMetallic Air T emperature Control Sensor双金属进气温控传感器BICERIBritish InternalCombustionEngineResearch Institute英国内燃机研究所BIT BestInjection Timing最佳喷油正时?BK Brake Swit ch 刹车开关?Bk Back 背部,後面,倒退,衬里Bk Rest Back Rest 椅背,後支架?BLKBlack黑色?BLRBlower 鼓风机BLRBeyond Local Repair本地不能修理?Blst Ballast稳压(电阻)BLU Blue 蓝色Blwr Blower鼓风机?BM BenchMark 基准点BM Breakdown Maintenance 故障维修?BM BreakeElec tromagnet制动电磁铁?BM BrakdownMaintenance 故障维修?BMAPBarometric and MainfoldAbsolute Pressure大气进气歧管绝对压力?BMEPBrake MeanEffective Pers sure 平均制动有效压力BNH Burnish抛光.精加工.烧蓝BOCBuick,Oldsmobile, Cadillac Group别克-奥兹莫比尔-凯迪莱克集团BOO BrakeOn-Off Switch制动开关BP Back Pressure 背压.反压BP Barometric Pressure气压?BPBoiling Point 沸点BPBestPower 最佳功率BPA BypassAir旁通空气BPCBack PressureControl背压控制BPO Bypass Orifice旁通口BPS Barometric Pressure Sensor 大气压力传感器BPTBackpressure Transducer 背压转换器BPVBy-PassValve 旁通阀Br Bromine溴?Br Brass 黄铜?Brkr Breaker 断电器BRN Brown 棕色?BS BarometricSwitch大气压力开关BSBimetalSensor 双金属传感器?BSBachelor of Science 理工学士BSBinary Scale二进位?BS Both Sides 两边.两侧?BS Briti sh Standards英国(工业)标准BSAUBritish StandardsAutomotive 英国汽车标准?BSC ENGBachlor of Science in Engineering工学士BSFC Brake Specific Fuel Consumption 制动油耗率, 制动单位油耗量?BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准局?BTC British Technical Council of the Motorand Petroleum Industries英国汽车及石油工业技术中心BTDCBeforeTopDeadCenter 在上止点前BTHEBrakeThermalEfficiency制动热效率BTRY Battery 蓄电池BTU British Thermal Units英国热量单位?BTV Below theThrottleValve 在节气门下方BUDC BoforeUpperDeadCentre 上死点前?BULKHD. Bulkhead隔壁?Buz B uzzer 蜂鸣器?BV Bowl VentPort浮桶室通风孔?BV Breakdowm Voltage击穿电压BV Balanced Voltage 平衡电压BVSV BimetallicVacuumSwitchingValve 双金属式真空转换阀?BVT BackPressure VariableTransducer负压可变传感器?BVV Bowl Vent Valve 浮筒室防溢油通气阀?BYP Bypass 旁路,支线?BYPA BypassAir(IdleSpeed Control) 旁通空气(怠速控制)CC Celcius 摄氏C C-Piller C柱CCall 呼叫C Candle烛光?CCapacitance 电容?C Car汽车CCarbon碳C Cathode 阴极?CCelsiusScale 摄氏温标?CCoulomb 库仑?C*Celcius 摄氏度?C&M Careand Maintenance 维修及保养C-4 Computer Controlled CatalyticConverter电脑控制触媒转换器C.CANI Charcoal Canister 碳罐C.E.Check Engine 引擎故障灯C.G. Center of Gravity 重心C/O Checkout 检查,调整,测试?C/O Choke Openner阻风门强制开启阀?C3IComputerControlledCoil Ignition 电脑控制线圈点火C4 Computer Controled Catalytic Converter 电脑控制触媒转换器?CA Calcium 钙?CA Compressed Air压缩空气?CA CrankAngle曲轴转角?CABRCabriolet 敞蓬车CAC ChargeAir Cooler 进气冷却器CACS Comprehensive Automobile Control System汽车综合控制系统CACV Combined AirControl Valve组合空气控制阀CADComputer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计?CAEComputer Aided Enginering 电脑辅助工程?CAFECorporate AverageFuel Economy 美国汽车制造厂采用的平均油耗?CAL Calorie卡路里?CAL Calculated Average Life(汽车等的)平均计算寿命CALCaliber 口径CAL Calibrate 校定,校正?CAL Collision Avoidance Light 防撞灯CAL-PAC Calibration Package 校正用套装软体?CalibCalibration 校正,修正,定位?CalifCalifornia加州规格车?Calif California加州CALSEL Calibration Select校正选择?CAMCamber外倾角?CAM Camshaft 凸轮轴CAMComputerAided Manufacturing 电脑辅助制造?Can Canaba加拿大?Can Canister碳罐Can Prg Canister Purge碳罐塞Can.Prg Canister Purge 碳罐净化?Canc.Cancel 取消CanCV Canister ControlValve 碳罐控制阀?CANP Canister Purge solenoid碳罐清除电磁阀CANPCanisterPurge碳罐净化, 滤筒净化CAP Capacity *容量*能力CAP Cleaner AirPackage净化空气装置Cap Capacitor or Capacity 电容器或电容量?CARB California AirResource sBoard加州空气资源协会?Carb Carburetor化油器?CAS Caster 后倾角CAS ClearAirSystem净化空气系统?CAT Carburetor Air Temperature 化油器空气温度?CAT Catalogue目录CAT Catalyst 催化剂CATCategory种类.范畴?CATCarburator Air Temproture 化油器空气温度Cat Catalytic Converter 触媒转换器?CAV ConstructionAssistanceVehicle 建筑辅助运输车辆CAV Coasting AirVa lve 强制怠速空燃比控制阀?CBCircuit Breaker 电路断电器?CB ChokeBreaker 阻风门限制器CBContactBreaker 断电器CBE Cab Behind Engine 驾驶舱在引擎后方式?CBVVCarburetorBowl Vent Valve 化油器浮子室通气阀CCCubic Centimeters立方厘米?CC Cruise Control 定速控制,巡行控制CC Catalytic Converter触媒转化器CC Converter Clutch 扭力转换器离合器?CCCComputer Command Control 电脑指令控制CCCS ComputerControlled Cooling System 电脑控制冷却系统?CCD Computer Control Dwell 电脑控制点火闭角?CCEGRCoolant Controlled Exhaust Gas?Recirculation冷却剂控制废气再循环CCEVS Coolant Control Engine Vacuum Switch冷却水温控制引擎真空开关?CCEVV Coolant Control EngineVacuum Valve 冷却水温控制引擎真空阀?CCIVCoolant Control Idle EnrichmentValve 却水温控制怠速增浓阀?CCM CentralControlModule 中央控制模块(中央电脑)?CCOCatalytic Converter forOxidation氧化触媒转换器CCOT Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube 循环离合器限流孔?CCOT Cy cling Clutch (Orifice) Turbo 循环离合器涡轮增压CCPControlled Canister Purge控制碳罐净化CCP Charcoal CanisterPurge活性碳罐净化CCRCatalytic ConverterReduction还原催化废气净化器?CCRMConstant Control Relay Module定控制继电器模组CCROCatalytic Converter for Reductionand Oxidation三元触媒转换器CCRO CatalyticConverter Rhodium氧化,还原催化废气净化器?CCS Control led Combustion System 燃烧控制系统CCU Cruise Control Unit定速控制电脑盒CCWCounterclockwise 逆时针方向?CDComputer AidedDesign电脑辅助设计CD Candera 烛光?CDCapacity Discharge (electronic ignition)电容放电式电子点火?CDCompact Disc光盘?CD CapacitorDischarge(ignition)电容器放电(点火_)?CD Cofficientof Drag 空气阻力系数CD-REGVLVCrankcase DepressionRegulator Valve 曲轴箱真空调节器阀?CD-ROM CompactDisc ReadOnly Memory CD只读存储器CDI Capacitive Discharge Ignition电容放电式点系统?CDI Controlled Direc tInjection(system) 可控直喷系统CDY Chassis Dynamometer底盘测功计?CEAB Cold Eng ine Air Bleed 冷引擎空气排放CEC Computerized EmissionControl 电脑废气控制?CEC Combined Emission control(Valve)组合废气控制阀?CEC C omputerized Engine Control 电脑引擎控制CEC CoordinatingEuropean Council (standards)欧洲标准协会CELO ColdEngineLock-Out 冷机锁定CEMComposite Electro-Chemical Material复合电化学材料CENT Center中心CES Clutch EngagedSwitch 离合器啮合开关?CES Coast ingEnricherSystem 减速浓化系统?CESSCold Engine Sensor Switch 冷引擎传感器开关?CF C enter of Floatation浮心CFCentrifugal Force离心力?CF Conversion Factor 转换系数CFCutting Fluid切削液?CF Confer比较.对照?CF Cubic Feet立方英尺?CFCounter Fire 逆火?CFI Central FuelInjection 中央喷射系统?CFI CrossFi re Injection 多缸同时点火喷油?CFICentrolFuelInjection 节气门上方燃油喷射系统?CFI Continuous(throttle body)Fuel Injection 连续燃油喷射系统?CFRP Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics 碳纤维强化塑料CFSCoastingFuel Cut System 强制怠速工况燃油切断系统CH.O ChokeOpenner自动阻风门CHACharge 充电?CHBChoke Braker 阻风门开度限制器?CH G.Charge 进气或充电?CHK Check 核对,检查?Chk.Eng. Chec kEigine 检查引擎(灯)CHNGChange 交换CHO Choke Opener 阻风门开启器?CHRG Charging 进气,充电?CHT Cylinder HeadTemperature汽缸盖温度CHU CentigradeHeat Unit 热量单位?Ch Vlv CheckValve单向阀?CI Cubi cInches立方英寸CICompression Ignition压缩式点火CICompression Ignition Engine 压缩点火引擎CI CubicInches 立方英寸CI Cast Iron 铸铁CI Compression Ignition压燃?CIDCubic Inch Displacement 立方英寸排气量CID CylinderIdentification Sensor 气缸识别传感器?CID Cylinder Identification 汽缸识别?Cig Cigarette 香烟?Cig Ltr Cigarette Lighter点烟器Circ Circuit电路?Circ Brkr Circuit Breaker 电路断电器CIS Continuous Injection System 连续喷射系统CIS-E Continuous Injection System Electronic 电子控制连续喷射CK-VLV Check Valve 止回阀,单向阀CKD Completely Knocked Down完全拆散的,全解体的CKDL-VLV CheckDelayValve单向延迟阀?CKP Cran kshaft Position 曲轴位置?CKPS Crankshaft Position Se nsor曲轴位置传感器?Ckt. Circuit 电路,回路CLClosed Loop 闭环,闭路?CLCentral Line 中心线?CL CarLoad车辆载荷CLClass 等级. 种类CL Clearance 间隙CL CraneLoad 吊车起重量CL Chlorine 氯CLA Chemilumineceut Analyzer 光化学分析仪?CLC ConverterLocking Clutc h转换器锁定离合器CLCC Closed LoopCarburetor Control 闭环式化油器控制?Clch Clutch离合器CLD, CLA Chemiluminecent Detector(Analyzer)光化学分析仪?CLEC Closed Loop Emission Control 闭路废气控制CLKClock 时钟CLRC Clearance 间隙,空隙, 游隙Clmn. Coloumn 柱Clmt.Climate气候CLR Clear清除?CLR Current-Limiting Resistor限流电阻器CLS Closed Loop反馈控制?Clstr.Cluster 群,组CLTBI Closed Loop Throttle Body Injection 闭路回馈式单点喷射?CMCentimeter 厘米CMCenter of Mass 质量中心?CM Control Motor 控制马达CMET Coated Metal镀层金属CMH ColdMixtureHeater 冷车混合汽加热器?CMO Conventi onal Mineral Oil 常规矿物润滑油?CMPCamshaft Position 凸轮轴位置?CMPS Camshaft Positi on Sensor凸轮轴位置传感器Cmpnstr. Compensator 补偿器?Cmptr.Computer电脑CMVSS Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard加拿大车辆安全标准CN ChangeNotice更改通知?CNCLD Concealed 隐藏式?CNG Compressed Natural Gas Automobile 天然气燃料汽车CNGCompressedNatural Gas 压缩天然气?CNT Constant 常数,恒量.恒定的?Cntr. Central orCenter 中心,中央?CNTRL Control 控制Cnvnc.Convenience便利,方便?CO Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳CO ChokeOpener 阻风门助开器?Co-Ax. Co-Axial 同轴?CO2 Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳?COC Conventional Oxidation Catalyst 普通氧化触媒COD Cash On Delivery 交货付款CODChemical Oxygen Demand化学耗氧量COE Cab Over Engine驾驶舱在引擎上?Colng.Coolng 冷却?Colnt. Coolant冷却液?Comb.Combination综合,组合?COMPCompressoror Compartme nt 压缩机或舱、室Comp.Compressor 压缩机Compens Compensation补偿Compt. Compartment 室?CON. ROD Connecting Rod连杆Cond.Condenser 电容器,冷凝器?Conn.Connector orConnection 连接器或接头CONT Continued连续?CONT. Control 控制?CONVConverter转换器CONV Convertible 敞蓬车Convs.Conversion 换算CORP Corporation 协会,社团,公司,企业Count. Counter 计数器(转数表)COV ControlValve 控制阀?CP Candera Power烛光CP Canister Purge 碳罐净化?CP Centre ofPressure压力中心?CP Crankshaf tPosition曲轴位置?CP CondensationProduct 冷凝物,浓缩物CP Carriage Paid 运费已付CP Chemical Pure 化学纯CP CircularPitch (齿轮)分度圆周节?CP ConstantPressure 等压,常压,恒压,稳定压力CPCV CanisterPurge Control Valve 碳罐净化控制阀?CPMCycles Per Minute 每分钟转数?CPPS Clutch Padel Position Switch离合器踏板位置开关CPRV Canister PurgeRegulator Valve 滤筒净化调节阀?CPS Canister PurgeSolenoid碳罐净化电磁阀?CPS Central Power Supply 集中电源供应CPSCrankPosition Sensor 曲轴位置传感器?CPS Cent ral Power Supply 中央电源?CPS Crankshaft Position Sensor 曲轴位置传感器?CPS Cycle Per Second 每秒周期数?CP SControl Pressure System 压力控制系统CPT Convertible PowerTrain 可变式传动系?CPU Cen tral ProcessingUnit 中央控制单元?CPUComputer 电脑CPV CanisterPurge Valve碳罐净化阀?CPV Constant Pre ssure Valve 定压阀CPVVV Choke PulldownVacuum Vent Valve阻风门真空强制通风阀?CRCrossroad 交叉路,十字路CRContraction Ratio压缩比CRECorrosionResistant防腐的,耐蚀的CRES CorrosionResistant Steel 耐蚀钢?CRK CrankingSignal 曲轴起动信号Crnr. Corner 角?CRNRNG Cornering 转向?CRO Cathode-RayOscilloscope 阴极射线示波器?CRS C hoke Return System 阻风门回位系统?CRS ChildRestraint System 儿童专用安全装置CRSCoasting Richer System 强迫怠速工况混合气加浓系统CRS Coolant Recovery System 密闭式冷却系统CRT Cathode Ray Tube阴极射线管CRTC Cathode Ray Tube Controller阴极射线管控制器CRVCoasting Richer Valve惯性(怠速)加浓(补偿)阀?CSA Cold Start Advance冷机起动提前装置CSC Coolant SpakConrol 冷却水点火控制?CSCSColdStartControl Solenoid冷车起动控制电磁阀?CSD Constant Speed Drive 等速传动?CSE GND Case Ground外壳接地CSPM Cold StartProgram Modifier 冷起动程序修正器?CSSCalibration Select Switch 校正选择开关CSSACold StartSpark Advance 冷车起动点火提前?CSSH ColdStart Spark Advance Hold(system) (福特)冷起动点火提前控制系统?CSU Crank Angle SelectingUnit曲轴转角自动调节装置?CT Cold Temperature冷车温度?CT Conventional Ther mactor 传统热反应器CT Cam-Train凸轮系?CT Closed Throttle关闭的节气门CTA Computer-Aided Test计算机辅助测试CTA Constant Temperatuer HotWire Anemometer常温热线风速计?CTAV Cold Temperature ActuatedVacuum 冷车温度动作真空?CTD Contrlolled Traction Differential 可控制(调整)牵引力差速器CTOCoolantTemperatureOverride 冷却水温过热控制CTPS Closed ThrottlePosition Switch 关闭节气门位置开关CTR Critical Temperature Resistance临界温度电阻?Ctrl. Control控制,控制器?Ctrlld Controlled 控制CTS Coolant Temperature Sensor冷却水温传感器?CTSCoolant TemperatureSwitch 水温开关?CTSWH Closed T hrottle Switch 节气门关闭开关?CTSY Courtesy门控灯?CTSY. C ourtesy 副, 反,对?CTTS CoolantTemperature Thermo Switch水温温控开关CTVS Choke Thermal Vacuum Switch 阻风门热控真空开关?CU Control unit电脑盒,控制器?Cu.In. CubicInches 立方英寸?CUBCubic立方?CURR Current电流CV ConstantVelocity 定速,等速CV CheckValve 单向阀?CVCheck Valve止回阀CV CoastingValve 滑行阀?CVConstant Velocity 定速, 等速CV ConstantVelocityJoint等速接头CV Control Valve 控制阀CV Calorific Valve 热值?CVCombat Vehicle 战斗车辆?C VCommercial Vehicle商用车辆,营运车辆CV Convertible 活动顶篷小客车CVConstant Volume Specific Heat 等容比热CVCritical Viscosity 临界粘度CVCConstant Vacuum Control 真空恒定控制CVC ConstantVoltageControl定电压控制?CVCCCompound Vertex ControlledCombussion 复合涡流控制式燃烧?CVCC ConstantVolume CombustionChamber等容燃烧室?CVRTContinuously Variable Ratio Transmission无级调速变速器?CVSConstant Volume Sampling定容量取样?CVS3PCold Vacuum Spark,3-Port冷车起动真空点火3孔式?CVSCC CoolantVa cuumSwitch Cold Closed 水温温控真空开关冷车关闭?CVSCO Coolant VacuumSwitch Cold Open水温温控真空开关冷车打开CVT Contiuously Variable Transmission无级变速器CVU Continuously-Variable Unit 无级变速器?CWClockwise顺时针方向CW Continuous Wave连续波,等幅波?CYCopy 副本,复制品?CYL Cylinder 气缸,油缸,圆柱?CYL Cylindrical圆柱形的D ?DDrive 驱动,行驶D Drive前进档?D *Diameter*Discharge*Drive*Dual *Double *直径*放电*驱动*双重*复式D&MDriving and Maintenance 驾驶与维修?D/O DeliveryOrder 提货单?Dam pDamper 阻尼器,缓冲器DAR Drive Axle Ratio驱动桥减速比?DASDistributor A dvanceSolenoid分电盘点火提前电磁阀?DASS Diesel Additive Supply System 柴油添加剂自动加添系统?DATA+DataPositive正线(自诊)DATA- Data Negative负线(自诊)DB Decibel 分贝DBCDual Bed Catalytic 双层触媒转换?DBP Drawbar Pull 拉杆拉力?DBW Drive-by-Wire索控式DC Direct Current直流电DC Digital Control 数位控制?DC DropCenter Rim深底钢圈?DC DeadCenter 死点DCELDirectCurrentLuminescence电流直接照明?DCHDual-Circuit Hydraulic System 双管路液压制动系统DCI Direct CylinderInjection直接喷入气缸(汽油喷射)?DCL Data Communications Link 数据交换连线DCLVDecelerationValve 减速阀DCM DirectCurrent Motor直流马达DCM/C-VLV DecelerationMixture Control Valve减速混合比控制阀?DCS Deceleration Control System 减速控制系统?DCTO Dual Coolant Temperature Override 双水温过热控制?DCV DecelerationControl Valve 减速控制阀?DCV Downdraft ConstantVacuum Carburettor 下吸式等真空化油器DD DualDistributors 双分电盘?DD Direct Drive 直接驱动?DDC Direct Digital Control 直接数字控制?Dual Diaphragm Distributor双膜片分油盘?DDV DistributorDecel Valve 分电盘减速阀De-Ice De-Icer 除冰装置?De-ice.De-Ice除冰DEC Digital Engine Control 数位引擎控制Decel Deceleration减速?DECS Daihatsu Economical Clean-Up System(大发)汽车经济式净化系统?DEEDi gital Engine Electronic发动机数字式电子控制单元?DEFDefrost er除雾器?DEFDieselExhaustFilter 柴油机的排气过滤器?Def Defrost er除霜器?DEF.DefoggerorDefroster除雾或除霜?DEFI Digital Electronic Fuel Injection数字式电子燃油喷射系统Defog Defogger除雾器?DegDegree度Del Delay 延迟DELO Diesel EngineLubricating Oil柴油机润滑油DERM Diagnostic Energy Reserve Module 自诊备用电源模块DesigDesignation 指明,标明,目标DET Detached 拆开的,分开的DET Detail零件.细目.详图.详细?DETDetection 检波.检测DET Dtector 检波器.探测仪Deton. Detonation 爆震,敲缸?DETRNT. Deterrent制止?DF Design Formula设计公式DF Direction Finding 测向.定向?DF Defogging去雾DFDrive Fit推入配合?DFF Direct Fuel Feed(injector)直接供油DFI Digital Fuel Injection 数字式汽油喷射?DFIP/D Diesel Distribution-Type Fuel Injection Pump柴油机分配式燃油喷射泵DftDefeat缺点,不良,损坏DG DoubleGlass双层玻璃?DG Double Groove双槽DI DecelerationIdle减低怠速?DI DirectInjection直接喷射DI Defense Industry 国防工业DI Deicing 防冻.去冰?DI Direction Indicator 方向指示器DI DieselIndex 柴油指数?DI.B Disk Brake 盘式制动器?DiagDiagnostic 诊断DIC Driver Information Center 行车电脑中心DIDVDual Ignition Delay Valve 双点火延迟阀?Diff Differential 差速器,差动的Dig. Digital 数字式?DIGRO DigitalReadout数字读出Dim Dimmer变光器?DINDeutsch Industrial德国工业标准规格?Dir Direction orDirectional 方向,定向,引导DIRSIDeposit Induced RunawaySurfaceIgnition表面点火方式DIS DirectIgnition System 直接点火系统?DIS Discharge放电DIS Distribution IgnitionSystem分电盘式点火系统DIS Doppler Inertial System多普勒惯性系统DISDigital Idling Stabilization数字式怠速稳定系统?DIS DistributorlessIgnition System无分电器点火系统?DIS Dual Induction System 双进气系统DispDisplay 显示DISTDistribution分配?DISTDistributor 分电器,分油盘?DITDirect Injection Turbocharged直喷式涡轮增压柴油机DITA Direct Injection Turbocharged Aftercooled 直喷式涡轮增压后冷柴油机?DIX. Deluxe豪华型?DIY Do-It-Yourself 自己动手维修车辆?DKBLU DarkBlue深蓝色DK GRN Dark Green深绿色DLDatumLevel 基准面DL Dead Load静载荷,静重,自重?DL Drawing List图纸清单?D LCData Link Connector自诊接头?DLI Distributorless Ignition无分电盘式电子点火DLL Design Limit Load 设计极限载荷?DLR Driving LampsR elay 行驶灯继电器DLSDigitalIdling Stabilization(unit) 数字式怠速稳定装置DLV DeflectionLimitin Volume 变形极限区?Dlx Deluxe 豪华型(高级的)Dly Delay延迟DM Diesel Moderate 柴油机用中级润滑油DMDehydrogenatedMixture 脱氢混合物?DM DesignManual设计手册DMDevelopment Milestone 发展里程碑DM Differential Motor差绕电动机?DM DriveMagnet 驱(启)动磁铁?DMEDigital MotorElectronics 数字电子引擎DMS Dual Manifold System 双歧管系统?DMS DistributorModulator System 分电盘调节系统Dn.Down 下,向下Dnshft Downshift 低档位,降档?DOCDirectOperating Cost 直接操作费用?DOD Departmentof Defense (美国)国防部?DOHC Double OverheadCams haft 双顶置凸轮轴?DOL DataOutput Line数据输出线DOT Department ofTransportation(US) 美国运输局?DP Dashpot 减速缓冲器DPDevelopment Prototype 开发原型.研制原型?DP DampProofing 防潮的,不透水的DP Data Processing数据处理?DP Dead Point死点.止点?DPDew Point露点?DP Diametral Pitch (齿轮)径节DP. CHAMBERDepression Chamber (三菱)化油器车滑轮增压控制装置?DPA DelayedPort Admission(system)延迟气口进气系统?DPADistributor PumpAssembly 分配式喷油泵总成DPBDual Power Brake 双管路助力制动DPCData ProcessingCenter数据处理中心DPDDual PointDistributor双白金分电盘DPDT Double-PoleDouble-Throw 双刀双掷(开关)?DPF DieselParticulate Filter 柴油机微粒过滤器?DPI Dual Plug Inhibit双塞抑制装置?DPSTDouble-Pole Single-Throw双刀单掷(开关)?DPTDepartment部.科.系.车间?DRDrive Ran ge 前进级DRDouble Reduction 两级减速?Dr Door门DR.B Drum Regulation Braker鼓式制动器DRB-II Diagnostic Readout Box诊断专用机?DRCV D istributorRetard Con trol Valve 分电盘延迟控制阀DRL Daytime Running Lmps 日间运转灯?DropDropping 电压降,降落,滴油DRS Distributor RetardSolenoid 分电盘迟滞电磁阀?DrvrDriver 驾驶员DS Distributor Spark 分电盘点火DS Detonation Sensor 爆震感知器DS Diesel Severe柴油机用高级润滑油DS Data Set数据组DSDesignSpecification 设计参数.设计说明书DS DrawingSummary 图纸一览表?DS-II Duraspark II 电子点火(第二代)DSC Doctor of Science理学博士?DSCC DigitalSpark ControlComputer 数字式点火控制计算机?Dsl Diesel柴油Dsl Diesel 柴油车DSM Design StandardsManual设计标准手册DstncDistance 距离DTDate日期?DTDescrepancy Tag误差标签DTDoubling Time 双倍时间?DT DoubleTire双轮胎?DTC Diagnostic TroubleCo de故障码?DTM Decel Throttle Modulator节流门减速调制器DTM Diagnostic TestMode 诊断测试模式?DTMS Diagnostic TestMode Selector 诊断测试模式选择器?DTP Department of Transport(UK)英国运输局?DTR DutyType Rat ing 负载型定额?DTS Detailed Test Specification详细试验说明书?DTVSDistributorThermal VacuumSwitch 分电盘温控真空开关?DV Decel Valve 减速阀DV Delay Valve 延迟阀DV Diverter Valve 分流阀?DVDevice装置.设备DV-TW DelayValve-Two Way二段式延迟阀?DVAC Distributor Vacuum Advanc eControl Valve分电盘真空提前控制阀DVAS Distributor Vacuum Advance Solenoid分电盘真空提前电磁阀?DVB Delay Vacuum Bypass System (福特)点火延迟。

1941克林贝尔The Permeability Of Porous Media To Liquids And Gases

1941克林贝尔The Permeability Of Porous Media To Liquids And Gases

air might be of no significance or even definitely misleading. The question to be discussed here, however, is whether porous media in which no changes in the internal structure take place will show different permeability constants to different fluids. I t has been a point of much discussion in the literature' whether the walls of small capillaries, a s they occur in porous media, are able to adsorb molecules to such a n extent a s to build up more or less .rigid layers several molecules thick. Such adsorbed layers would reduce the effective pore diameter to a different degree for different liquids and, a s a consequence, the permeability of a porous mass would depend on the nature of the liquid. Some authors8 prefer to speak about an increase in viscosity of the liquid with a decreasing distance to the solid wall-which amounts, of course, to the same thing.









具有以下特点:1. 通用性较强,可以直接替换其它厂家氧量分析仪。

2. 大屏幕蓝底白字LCD显示。

3. 全中文操作菜单(出口产品可以提供英文菜单)。

4. 氧量量程0-25%内自由设定(最低量程0-5%)。

5. 温度采用PID控温,恒温点700℃和750℃(可现场选择)。

6. 可设置氧量上、下限报警指示,温度上、下限报警指示。

7. 本底电势一键校正。

8. 可用标准气在线校准。

9. 4-20mA标准电流输出与主电路光电隔离,可直接远传进入DCS系统。

10. 多种故障信息提示。


VACUUBRAND 品牌化学膜泵产品说明书

VACUUBRAND 品牌化学膜泵产品说明书

Chemie-MembranpumpenÖlfreie, chemiebeständige Membranpumpen für das Fördern von aggressiven Gasen und Dämpfen.Unübertroffene Langzeitperformance – selbst bei aggressiver ChemieChemie-MembranpumpenBei dieser Pumpentechnik ist der Schöpfraum durch eine Membrane hermetisch vom Antriebsraum getrennt. Sie zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Kondensatverträglichkeit aus. Zwei-, drei- und vierstufige Pumpen haben darüber hinaus ein Gasballastventil für alle Arbeiten mit leicht kondensier-baren Dämpfen. Membranpumpen sind ölfrei, verbrauchen kein Wasser und erzeugen weder Abwasser noch Altöl.Typischer Einsatzbereich für Chemie-Membranpumpen ist das Pumpen von chemisch aggressiven Gasen und Dämpfen, wie z.B. an Rotationsverdampfern, Vakuumtrockenschrän-ken und vielen anderen Laboranwendungen. Chemie- Membranpumpen von VACUUBRAND sind Pumpen in kompromissloser Chemie-Ausführung: Sie haben durch den Einsatz hochwertiger Fluorkunststoffe eine hervorragende chemische Beständigkeit durchgehend von der Saugseite bis zur Druckseite.2Vakuum für das Labor■Chemiebeständig ■Langlebig■EffizientChemiebeständigVACUUBRAND Chemie-Membranpumpen sind kompromiss-los chemiebeständig – selbst bei aggressiven Chemikalien. Sämtliche medienberührten Teile sind aus ausgewählten Fluorkunststoffen gefertigt. Sie zeichnen sich durch hervorragende chemische Beständigkeit und geringe Materialanhaftung aus.LanglebigVACUUBRAND Chemie-Membranpumpen bieten unübertrof-fene Langzeitperformance – selbst bei rauen Bedingungen. Dank hochwertiger Fluorkunststoffe, präziser Fertigungsver -fahren und 100 % Qualitätskontrolle garantieren VACUUBRAND Chemie-Membranpumpen kompromisslose Chemiebeständigkeit, lange Wartungsintervalle und jahrelange Zuverlässigkeit.EffizientPunktgenau, effizient und leise – VARIO®-Membranpumpen regeln das Vakuum bedarfsgerecht über die Motordreh-zahl. In Kombination mit dem VACUU·SELECT® Controller schaffen sie optimale Voraussetzungen für reproduzierbare Prozesse. Parameter und Prozessschritte lassen sich ganz einfach per Touch-Display einstellen und speichern.Technische Highlights3Typische Anwendungen■Trocknung■Rotationsverdampfung ■Vakuumkonzentration ■Filtration■Lokale Vakuumnetzwerke■Reaktoren & Syntheseanwendungen■Vorvakuum für TurbomolekularpumpenVACUUBRAND Chemie-Membranpumpen sind kompromiss-los chemiebeständig – selbst bei aggressiven Chemikalien. Sämtliche medienberührten Teile sind aus ausgewählten Fluorkunststoffen gefertigt. Diese zeichnen sich durch her -vorragende chemische Beständigkeit und geringe Material-anhaftung aus.VACUUBRAND Chemie-Membranpumpen stehen für einzigartige, jahrelange Zuverlässigkeit selbst bei rauen Chemieanwendungen. Um dies zu erreichen, verwenden wir eine spezielle Membrantechnologie und hochwertige Materialien.4Chemiebeständig und langlebigDie am meisten beanspruchten Bauteile werden in einem aufwändigen mehrstufigen Fertigungsverfahren produziert. Dabei wird ein stabiler Metallkern mit chemiebeständigen Fluorkunststoffen umspritzt. Als Ergebnis mehrjähriger Dauertests geben wir für unsere Pumpen eine Membran-lebensdauer von typischerweise 15.000 Betriebsstunden an. Dank der wartungsfreundlichen Konstruktion lassen sich Membrane und Ventile auch einfach wechseln.VACUUBRAND Chemie-Membranpumpen laufen daher mit minimalem Wartungsaufwand über viele Jahre hinwegabsolut zuverlässig.Die in dieser Tabelle aufgeführten Daten stammen aus verschiedenen Quellen. Für die Richtigkeit der Angaben kann VACUUBRAND keine Gewähr übernehmen. Aufgrund der Vielfalt möglicher Einflussfaktorensollten diese nur als Leitfaden dienen. Es können keine Rechtsansprüche daraus abgeleitet werden.VACUU·SELECTVACUU·SELECT, der innovative Vakuum-Controller, macht Ihre Prozesse einfach und effizient. Wählen Sie Ihre Anwen -dung aus vordefinierten Vakuumabläufen oder erstellen Sie im Handumdrehen Ihren individuellen Prozess. Das intuitive VACUU·SELECT Bedienkonzept macht‘s möglich.■Intuitive Bedienung per Touch-Display■Anwendungseditor für individuelle Prozesse■Vordefinierte Vakuumabläufe■Favoritenmenü für häufig verwendete Prozesse■Vollautomatische Verdampfungen auf KnopfdruckVARIOVARIO-Pumpen regeln das Vakuum punktgenau über die Motordrehzahl. Auf diese Weise lassen sich kürzeste Prozesszeiten und reproduzierbare Ergebnisse realisieren. Die Pumpe läuft nie schneller als nötig. Das spart Strom, verlängert die Wartungsintervalle und macht die Pumpe flüsterleise.Bei Wahl der Anwendung …Automatische Verdampfung“ findet der Vakuumregler VACUU·SELECT in Kombination mit unseren VARIO Pumpen den Siededruck des Lösemittels oder auch mehrere Siedepunkte eines Lösemittelgemisches vollautomatisch und passt das Vakuum kontinuierlich an den Prozessverlauf an – bis zum Prozessende.■Weniger Zeit an der Apparatur, mehr Zeit für andere A ufgabe n■Manuelles Nachregeln entfällt■Kein Überschäumen und Probenverlust■Flüsterleiser Betrieb■Deutlich verringerter Energieverbrauch■Verlängerte Wartungsintervalle■Kürzere Prozesszeiten (bis zu 30% gegenüber einer Z we ipunktre ge lung)■Reproduzierbare ErgebnisseEffizient5BasisausführungÖlfreie, chemiebeständige Membranpumpe für das Fördern von aggressiven Gasen und Dämpfen.Ohne RegelungDer saugseitige Abscheider (AK) fängt flüssige und feste Bestandteile (Kondensat oder Partikel) aus dem Ansaug-strom vor der Pumpe auf. Der druckseitige Emissionskon-densator (EK) ermöglicht nahezu 100 % Lösemittelrückge-winnung.Mit ZweipunktregelungMit dem VACUU·SELECT Controller regeln Sie Vakuum und Prozessschritte intuitiv per Touch-Display. Die Zweipunkt-regelung erfolgt durch automatisches Öffnen und Schließen e ine s Saug l e itungsve ntils.Mit VARIO-RegelungMit dem VACUU·SELECT Controller regeln Sie Vakuum und Prozessschritte intuitiv per Touch-Display. Die VARIO-Rege-lung erfolgt durch Anpassung der Motordrehzahl. Sie ist punktgenau, maximal effizient und besonders leise.Varianten6Klassische Zweipunktregelung durch Ventilsteuerung■Regelung durch Öffnen und Schließen eines E le ktromagne tve ntils■Automatische Siedepunkterkennung■Pumpe läuft durchgängig■Vakuum wird zwischen den beiden Ventilschaltpunkten i nnerhalb des definierten Hysteresebereichs gehaltenPunktgenaue VARIO-Regelung durch Drehzahlsteuerung■Regelung über die Motordrehzahl der Pumpe■Pumpe läuft immer nur so schnell wie nötig Deutlich verringerter Energieverbrauch Flüsterleiser BetriebVerlängerte Wartungsintervalle■Punktgenaues VakuumKürzere Prozesszeiten (bis zu 30 % Ersparnis gegenübereiner Zweipunktregelung)■Vollautomatische Verdampfung auf Knopfdruck durch zuverlässige Siededruckerkennung und kontinuierliche Nachführung über die komplette Prozessdauer Kein Überschäumen und ProbenverlustManuelles Nachregeln entfälltRegelverfahren7DruckZeitDruckZeitVARIO ®Rechnen Sie einfach in verschiedene gebräuchliche Einheiten um!Der VACUU·SELECT Vakuum-Controller unterstützt zwei Regelverfahren: Die klassische Zweipunktregelung durch Ventilsteue -rung und die VARIO-Regelung durch Drehzahlsteuerung des Motors. Die Vorteile der VARIO-Funktionen sind in Verbindung mit einer VARIO Chemie-Membranpumpe nutzbar.BasisausführungChemie-Membranpumpen sind ideal für kontinuierliches, ölfreies Pumpen aggressiver Gase und Dämpfe und erfüllen höchste Ansprüche. Das innovative VACUUBRAND-Design kombiniert hohes Saugvermögen mit einem sehr guten Endvakuum. Die abgepumpten Gase und Dämpfe kommen nur mit optimal chemikalienbeständigen Fluorkunststoffen in Berührung. Durch das bewährte PTFE-Sandwichdesign der Membranen wird eine hohe Membranlebensdauer erreicht.8■Hervorragende Chemikalien- und Kondensat - v e rträglichke it■Hohes Saugvermögen bis nahe an das Endvakuum■Gutes Endvakuum auch mit geöffnetem Gasballastventil■Sehr leiser und vibrationsarmer Betrieb■Lange Membranlebensdauer, wartungsfreier AntriebOhne Regelung■Alle Vorteile der Basisausführung■Ausführungen mit AK: Schutz der Pumpe vor Partikeln u nd Flüssigke itströpfche n■Ausführungen mit EK: ausgezeichnete Umwelt-verträglichkeit durch effiziente Lösemittelrückgewinnung■Synchro-Varianten ermöglichen gleichzeitiges Betreiben v on zwei Anwendungen, mit individuellen Regelmöglich-keiten. Hierbei vermeiden die integrierten zuverlässigen R ückschlagventile eine gegenseitige Beeinflussung.Diese Vakuumpumpen finden ein breites Anwendungsgebiet zum Evakuieren, Eindampfen und Abpumpen von Gasen und Dämpfen in chemischen, biologischen und pharmazeuti-schen Laboren. Der saugseitige Abscheider (AK) aus Glas mit Schutzbeschichtung hält Partikel und Flüssigkeitströpfchen zurück. Der druckseitige Emissionskondensator (EK) ist besonders wirksam und kompakt. Er ermöglicht die nahezu 100 % Rückgewinnung von Lösemitteln, deren wirtschaft -liche Wiederverwendung und aktiven Schutz der Umwelt.Synchro-Varianten ermöglichen den parallelen Betrieb zweier Prozesse mit nur einer Pumpe. Jeder Vakuuman-schluss ist mit einem manuellen Durchflussregelventil zumSteuern des effektiven Saugvermögens ausgestattet.9Mit Zweipunktregelung■Alle Vorteile der Basisausführung bzw. der Varianten o hne Re ge lung■Vakuum-Controller VACUU·SELECT mit intuitiver B e die nobe rfläche■Regelung durch Öffnen und Schließen eines E le ktromagne tve ntils■Controller findet den Siededruck selbstständig und h ält diesen konstant■PC 520 select und PC 620 select: Parallele Regelung von zwei verschiedenen Vakuumprozessen mit einem VACUU·SELECT möglichBei ventilgesteuerten Pumpständen erfolgt die Vakuumrege-lung durch Ansteuerung von chemiebeständigen Magnet-ventilen. Die Vakuumpumpe läuft permanent im Hinter -grund. Bei Verdampfungsprozessen werden die Siedepunkte selbstständig erkannt. Mit den Pumpständen PC 520 select und PC 620 select ist es sogar möglich, mit einemVACUU·SELECT zwei verschiedene Vakuumprozesse parallel zu regeln. In diesem Fall sind für jeden Prozess ein separates Magnetventil und ein Vakuumsensor eingebaut.Die Pumpstände PC 511 select und PC 611 select besitzen jeweils einen Vakuumanschluss für elektronische und einen für manuelle Regelung, wodurch ebenfalls eine parallele Regelung zweier verschiedener Vakuumprozesse ermöglicht wird. Alle Pumpstände sind zusätzlich mit saugseitigem Abscheider (AK) und druckseitigem Emissionskondensator(EK) ausgestattet.10Mit VARIO-Regelung■Alle Vorteile der Basisausführung bzw. Varianten ohne R e ge lung■Vakuum-Controller VACUU·SELECT mit intuitiver B e die nobe rfläche■Unübertroffene Langzeitperformance und k ompromisslose Che mie be ständigke it■Vollautomatische Verdampfung auf Knopfdruck dank Siededruckerkennung und kontinuierlicher Nachführung■Flüsterleiser Betrieb mit deutlicher verringerter Drehzahl■Minimale Betriebskosten durch geringen Energie-verbrauch, Ölfreiheit und lange Wartungsintervalle■Ideal für chemische Prozesse, die präzises Vakuum erfordernVARIO-Pumpen und Pumpstände regeln das Vakuum punktgenau über die Drehzahl der Vakuumpumpe. Die Kombination aus drehzahlgeregelter VARIO Chemie-Membranpumpe und dem neuen Vakuum-Controller VACUU·SELECT macht die Chemie-Pumpstände VARIO select zur optimalen Lösung für sehr anspruchsvolle chemische Prozesse, die präzises Vakuum erfordern. Die Pumpstände sind zusätzlich mit saugseitigem Abscheider (AK) und druckseitigem Emissionskondensator (EK) ausgestattet.1120999010 © 2022 V A C U U B R A N D G M B H + C O K G · P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y · 06/2022VACUUBRAND GMBH + CO KG Alfred-Zippe-Str. 4 97877 Wertheim T +49 9342 808 5550F +49 9342 808 5555*******************VACUUBRAND ist Teil der Brand Gruppe, die mit ca. 1.000Mitarbeitern weltweit hochwertige und innovative Labor-geräte, Vakuumpumpen und –systeme entwickelt, produ-ziert und vertreibt.Mit rund 280 hoch motivierten und quali fi zierten Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern fertigen wir weltweit die umfassendste Produktfamilie zur Vakuum e rzeugung, -messung und -regelung für den Grob- und Feinvakuum-bereich im Labor.Alles mit einem Ziel:Ihre Prozesse im Labor und in der Technik zuverlässig, sicher und effizient zu machen. Deshalb verpflichten wir uns zu kontinuierlicher Innovation, erst k lassiger Performance und herausragender Qualität.Bestes Engineering ist der Schlüssel zu Produkten und Lösungen, die für Qualität, Langlebigkeit und Zuverlässigkeit bekannt sind. Innovative Technologie, hochwertige Materialien und umfangreiche Tests sorgen dabei für einzig-artige Leistung – entwickelt und produziert in Deutschland. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen finden unsere Experten die beste Lösung für Ihre Anwendung und begleiten Sie mit erst-klassigem Service: +49 9342 808 5550BrandTech Scientific, Inc.Essex, CT. United States of America ******************BRAND (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.Shanghai, China **************.cn BRAND Scientific Equipment Pvt. Ltd.Mumbai, India************************.in www.brand.co.in。



GEHO PUMPS®隔膜泵安装、操作、维护手册A部分Weir Netherlands b.v.P.O. Box249,5900 AE Venlo,the Netherlands Egtenrayseweg 9, NL-5928 PH Venlo注册号:电话:+31(0)77 3895200 传真:+31(0)77 3824844 电子信箱:************ www.weir.nl安装、操作和维护手册泵的型号项目P.O.号:ZPM 1700 ::资料号:版权® Weir Netherlands b.v. 2003Weir Netherlands是本手册中说明书和图纸版权的所有者。


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前言本ZPM1700型活塞隔膜泵由Weir Netherlands b.v. 开发,符合特定要求并且完全适合于用户的应用。








消防专业英语词汇表A部分<1> abandonment 离弃(指见死不救的行为)<2〉 abatement of smoke 消减烟雾(法)<3> ABC extinguisher [消]ABC灭火器(能用来扑灭A、B、C类火灾的灭火器)<4> ABC method 心肺复苏法<5> ABC powder extinguishing agent [消]ABC 干粉灭火剂(适用于扑救A类、B类和C类火灾的干粉灭火剂) 〈6> ablation characteristics 烧蚀特征<7〉 ablation of melting body 熔融物体的烧蚀〈8> ablation—product radiation 烧蚀生成物的辐射<9> abnormal combustion 异常燃烧(发动机爆震,早燃等不正常的总称)〈10> abnormal condition 反常情况,不正常状态,非正常状态<11> absolute temperature 绝对温度<12〉 absolute temperature scale 绝对温标<13〉 absorbed gas 吸收状态气体(或瓦斯)〈14> absorbent for confining spills 限制溢出物蔓延的吸收性材料〈15> Acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度〈16> Acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度<17〉 Accessible Means of Egress 易通行的疏散通道<18> Accident due to quality 质量事故〈19〉 Accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度<20> Accommodation stairway 简易楼梯<21〉 acousto-optic effect 声光效应〈22> Added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率<23〉 Addressable alarm system 可编程(址)报警系统<24〉 Adjustable piston valve 活动式汽阀〈25〉 Adjustable pressure limiting valve 可调限压阀〈26〉 Adjustable retrictor valve 可调节流阀<27> Aerial extinguisher 航空灭火装置<28〉 Aerial ladder fire truck 云梯消防车〈29〉 Afterbirth—like crystal 胞状晶〈30〉 Agricultural fire pump 农用消防泵<31〉 Air inlet 进风口〈32> Air lift pump 气泡泵〈33> Air pressure balance for fire control 均压防灭火〈34> Air-foam fire branch 空气泡沫枪<35〉 Air-lift pump 气升泵〈36> Airport crash fire vehicle 机场消防车<37〉 Alarm 报警<38〉 Alarm (in control room) (控制室内)报警<39> Alarm and protection system 报警保护系统<40〉 Alarm device 报警装置〈41> Alarm display panel 报警显示器<42〉 Alarm for voltage 电压报警器<43> Alarm gamma ray survey 报警器伽玛测量〈44〉 Alarm of fire 火灾警报〈45〉 Alarm pressure 报警压力〈46> Alarm signal 报警信号<47> Alarm system 报警系统<48〉 Alarm unit 报警单元〈49> Alcohol resistant foam concentrate 抗溶泡沫液<50> Alert data 报警数据<51〉 Amino group powder 氨基干粉〈52> An1quan2fang1mian4de5wei1xian3 安全方面的危险〈53> Analog warning accuracy 模拟报警精度〈54〉 analog warning test 模拟报警试验〈55> analogue detection and alarm system 模拟量探测报警系统〈56> Ancient and rare trees 古树名木〈57〉 Annular pressure loss 环空泵压损失〈58> Anti-burning mechanical draft cooling tower 阻燃型冷却塔<59〉 Anti-collision warning device 防碰报警装置<60> Appliance carrying fire vehicle 器材消防车<61> Aqueous film forming foam concentrate 水成膜泡沫液<62〉 arc resistance 耐电弧性〈63〉 Area of Refuge 避难区域〈64> Areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心〈65> Arson 放火〈66〉 Automatic explosion suppression system 自动抑爆系统〈67〉 Automatic fire a1arm system 火灾自动报警系统〈68> Automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统<69〉 automatic fire equipment 自动消防设备〈70> Automatic fire signa1 自动火灾信号<71> automatic light control 自动光强控制装置<72〉 Automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 自动喷水灭火系统<73〉 Auxiliary fire vehicle 后援消防车<74〉 average deviation 平均偏差〈75> Average pump pressure 平均泵压〈76〉a。



说明书信息部件号:01.54.456438-10 发行时间:2014 年4 月版权©深圳市理邦精密仪器股份有限公司2014 声明本说明书为操作、保养和维修产品的参考资料。






注册信息医疗器械生产企业许可证编号:粤食药监械生产许20010086 号粤制00000556 号产品注册证号:国食药监械(准)字2014 第3210404 号执行标准号:YZB/国0681-2014 产品名称:病人监护仪产品型号:iM50、iM60 、iM70、iM80制造商的责任理邦仪器仅在下列情况下才认为应对仪器的安全性、可靠性和性能负责,即:装配操作、扩充、重调、改进和维修均由理邦仪器认可的人员进行,相应房间的电气安装环境符合国家标准,以及仪器按照操作指导进行使用。





目录1 预期用途和安全信息 (1)1.1 预期用途 (1)1.2 安全信息 (1)1.3 监护仪上使用的符号的解释 (3)2 安装 (7)2.1 初始检查 (7)2.2 安装监护仪 (7)2.2.1 将监护仪置于水平台面上 (7)2.2.2 安装到墙上 (7)2.2.3 安装到台车上 (7)2.3 连接交流电源线 (7)2.4 检查监护仪 (8)2.5 检查记录仪 (8)2.6 设定日期与时间 (8)2.7 移交监护仪 (8)3 基本操作 (9)3.1 概况 (9)3.1.1 正面图 (9)3.1.2 背面图 (12)3.1.3 侧面图 (15)3.1.4 功能配置 (16)3.2 操作与浏览 (17)3.2.1 使用按键 (18)3.3.1 演示模式 (20)3.3.2 待机模式 (20)3.3.3 夜间模式 (20)3.4 更改监护仪设置 (20)3.4.1 调整屏幕亮度 (20)3.4.2 更改日期与时间 (21)3.5 调整音量 (21)3.5.1 设置键盘音量 (21)3.5.2 设置报警音量 (21)3.5.3 调整心跳音量 (21)3.6 检查监护仪版本 (21)3.7 联网监护 (21)3.8 设置语言 (22)3.9 了解屏幕 (22)3.10 触摸屏校准 (22)3.11 禁止触摸屏操作 (22)3.12 使用条形码扫描仪 (22)3.13 解决IBP 标名冲突 (23)4 报警 (24)4.1 报警分类 (24)4.1.1 生理报警 (24)4.1.2 技术报警 (24)4.1.3 提示信息 (24)4.2 报警级别 (24)4.3 报警控制 (25)4.3.1 设置参数报警 (25)4.3.2 报警音暂停 (26)4.3.3 静音 (26)4.5 探头脱落报警 (27)4.6 报警自检 (27)5 报警信息列表 (28)5.1 患者报警消息 (28)5.2 技术报警 (31)5.3 提示信息 (42)5.4 报警限范围 (43)6 管理病人 (48)6.1 接收病人 (48)6.1.1 病人类型和“起搏的”状态 (49)6.2 快速接收病人 (49)6.3 编辑病人资料 (49)6.4 更新病人 (49)6.5 中央监护系统 (50)7 用户界面 (51)7.1 设置界面风格 (51)7.2 选择参数 (51)7.3 更改波形 (51)7.4 更改界面布局 (51)7.5 观察趋势共存 (51)7.6 观察呼吸氧合图 (52)7.7 大字体界面 (52)7.8 它床观察 (52)7.8.1 打开它床观察窗口 (53)7.8.2 设置它床观察窗口 (53)7.11 默认配置 (54)8 监护ECG (55)8.1 概述 (55)8.2 安全信息 (55)8.3 ECG 显示 (56)8.3.1 更改ECG 波形大小 (56)8.3.2 更改ECG 滤波设定 (57)8.4 使用ECG 报警 (57)8.5 选择计算导联 (57)8.6 ECG 监护 (57)8.6.1 备皮以供粘贴电极 (57)8.6.2 连接心电图电缆 (58)8.7 选择导联类型 (58)8.8 安装电极 (58)8.8.1 3 导联的电极安放 (59)8.8.2 5 导联的电极安放 (59)8.8.3 12 导联的电极安放 (61)8.8.4 为外科患者推荐的ECG 导联连接 (62)8.9 ECG 菜单设置 (63)8.9.1 设置心率报警源 (63)8.9.2 智能导联脱落 (63)8.9.3 心跳音量 (64)8.9.4 ECG 监护类型 (64)8.9.5 设定起搏状态 (64)8.9.6 ECG 校准 (65)8.9.7 ECG 波形设置 (65)8.10 ST 分析 (65)8.10.2 ST 显示 (66)8.10.3 报警限设置 (66)8.10.4 确定ST 段分析点 (66)8.10.5 调整ISO、ST 测量点 (66)8.11 心律失常监护 (67)8.11.1 心律失常分析 (67)8.11.2 心律失常分析菜单 (68)8.12 12 导监护 (68)8.12.1 进入12 导监护界面 (68)8.12.2 12 导诊断回顾 (69)9 监护RESP (70)9.1 概述 (70)9.2 安全信息 (70)9.3 安放呼吸电极 (70)9.4 心脏重叠 (71)9.5 胸廓扩张 (71)9.6 腹式呼吸 (71)9.7 选择呼吸导联 (71)9.8 更改计算类型 (71)9.9 更改波形 (72)9.10 使用“呼吸”报警 (72)9.11 设置窒息报警时间 (72)10 监护SpO2 (73)10.1 概述 (73)10.2 安全信息 (73)10.3 SpO2 测量 (74)10.4 测量步骤 (74)10.6 调整报警限 (75)10.7 将SpO2/Pleth(体积描记)设为脉搏源 (75)10.8 设置脉搏调制音 (75)10.9 设置灵敏度 (75)10.10 SI(信号强度) (76)11 监护PR (77)11.1 概述 (77)11.2 设置PR 来源 (77)11.3 设置脉搏音量 (77)11.4 使用脉搏报警 (77)11.5 选择处于活动的报警源 (77)12 监护NIBP (78)12.1 概述 (78)12.2 安全信息 (78)12.3 介绍NIBP 测量 (79)12.4 测量的限制 (79)12.5 测量模式 (79)12.6 测量步骤 (80)12.7 操作提示 (80)12.8 肢体与心脏不在同一水平高度时对测量的修正 (81)12.9 NIBP 报警 (81)12.10 NIBP 复位 (81)12.11 NIBP 校准 (81)12.12 漏气检测 (82)12.12.1 漏气检测过程 (82)13 监护TEMP (84)13.1 概述 (84)13.2 安全信息 (84)13.3 温度测量设置 (84)13.4 计算温差 (84)14 监护IBP (85)14.1 概述 (85)14.2 安全信息 (85)14.3 监护步骤 (85)14.4 选择监护的压力 (86)14.5 压力传感器校零 (86)14.6 压力测量校零 (87)14.7 压力校零故障排除(以Art 为例说明) (87)14.8 IBP 压力校准 (87)14.9 压力校准故障排除 (89)14.10 IBP 报警 (89)14.11 更改IBP 波形标尺 (89)15 监护CO2 (90)15.1 概述 (90)15.2 安全信息 (90)15.3 监护步骤 (91)15.3.1 传感器校零 (91)15.3.2 旁流CO2 模块测量设置 (91)15.3.3 主流CO2 模块测量设置 (93)15.4 设置CO2 波形 (95)15.5 修正CO2 (95)15.7 设置窒息报警延迟 (96)16 监护AG (97)16.1 概述 (97)16.2 安全信息 (97)16.2.1 旁流式麻醉模块的安全信息 (97)16.2.2 主流式麻醉模块的安全信息 (99)16.3 监护步骤 (100)16.3.1 旁流式的监护步骤 (100)16.3.2 主流式的监护步骤 (102)16.4 设置窒息报警时间 (106)16.5 旁流式麻醉模块的工作状态 (106)16.6 主流式麻醉模块的工作状态 (106)16.7 O2 补偿 (107)16.8 湿度影响 (107)17 冻结 (108)17.1 概述 (108)17.2 冻结状态的进入与退出 (108)17.2.1 进入冻结状态 (108)17.2.2 退出冻结状态 (108)17.3 冻结波形回顾 (109)18 回顾 (110)18.1 趋势图回顾 (110)18.1.1 挑选不同参数的趋势图显示 (110)18.1.2 调节幅度 (110)18.1.3 设定分辨率 (111)18.1.4 移动图形 (111)18.1.5 切换到趋势表 (111)18.1.6 在记录仪上输出趋势曲线 (111)18.2.1 设置分辨率 (111)18.2.2 移动图形 (111)18.2.3 切换到趋势图 (112)18.2.4 在记录仪上输出趋势表 (112)18.3 NIBP 回顾 (112)18.3.1 移动图形 (112)18.3.2 在记录仪上输出NIBP 回顾数据 (112)18.4 报警事件回顾 (112)18.4.1 移动图形 (112)18.4.2 选择特定参数的报警事件回顾 (112)18.4.3 设置时间索引 (113)18.4.4 在记录仪上输出报警事件回顾 (113)18.5 12 导诊断回顾 (113)18.5.1 删除分析结果 (113)18.5.2 诊断结果与波形之间的切换 (114)18.5.3 在记录仪上输出波形或分析结果 (114)19 计算和滴定表 (115)19.1 药物计算 (115)19.1.1 计算步骤 (115)19.1.2 计算单位 (116)19.2 滴定表 (116)19.3 血液动力学计算 (117)19.3.1 计算步骤 (117)19.3.2 输入参数 (117)19.3.3 输出参数 (117)20 记录 (119)20.1 记录仪的一般资料 (119)20.2 记录仪性能 (119)20.3 记录类型 (120)20.5 记录仪操作及状态信息 (121)21 其它功能 (124)21.1 护士呼叫 (124)21.2 无线网络 (124)21.3 在可移动存储设备上进行数据存储 (124)22 电池 (127)22.1 电池灯 (127)22.2 主屏幕上的电池状态信息 (127)22.3 检查电池性能 (127)22.4 更换电池 (128)22.5 电池回收 (129)22.6 电池的保养 (129)23 保养与清洁 (130)23.1 概述 (130)23.2 清洁 (130)23.3 消毒 (133)23.4 对其他附件进行清洁及消毒 (135)24 维护 (136)24.1 检查 (136)24.2 维护计划 (136)25 保修及售后服务 (137)25.1 保修 (137)25.2 售后服务 (137)26 电子信息产品污染控制 (138)26.1 标识 (138)26.2 有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量 (138)27.1 ECG 附件 (139)27.2 SpO2 附件 (141)27.3 NIBP 附件 (141)27.4 TEMP 附件 (142)27.5 IBP 附件 (142)27.6 CO2 附件 (142)27.7 GAS 附件 (144)27.8 其它附件 (145)A 产品规格 (146)A.1 监护仪类型 (146)A.2 监护仪规格 (146)A.2.1 物理规格 (146)A.2.2 工作环境 (146)A.2.3 显示器规格 (147)A.2.4 电池 (148)A.2.5 记录仪 (148)A.2.6 数据存储 (149)A.3 ECG 规格 (149)A.4 RESP 规格 (153)A.5 NIBP 规格 (154)A.6 SpO2 规格 (155)A.7 TEMP 规格 (155)A.8 IBP 规格 (156)A.9 CO2 规格 (157)A.10 AG 规格 (160)A.10.1 旁流 (160)A.10.2 主流 (163)B EMC 测试等级申明-指南和制造商的声明 (166)B.1 电磁发射 (166)B.2 电磁抗扰度 (166)B.3 电磁抗扰度 (167)B.4 推荐隔离距离 (169)C 出厂默认设置 (170)C.1 病人信息 (170)C.2 报警 (170)C.3 ECG (170)C.4 RESP (172)C.5 SpO2 (172)C.6 PR (172)C.7 NIBP (173)C.8 TEMP (173)C.9 IBP (174)C.10 CO2 (174)C.11 AG (175)D 术语一览表 (177)1 预期用途和安全信息1.1 预期用途产品性能结构以及组成:该产品由主机、相应功能附件(心电电缆、无创血压袖套、血氧传感器、体温传感器、二氧化碳气体测量组件、麻醉气体测量组件)组成。

FOTRIC 310系列热像仪说明书

FOTRIC 310系列热像仪说明书

手持热像仪够专业尖端硬件复杂环境精准测温-20℃~650℃该级别首次达到-20℃~650℃测温范围±2℃或±2%全量程测温精度±2℃或±2%-20℃~50℃严酷环境温度依旧精准运行±1℃全屏测温一致性±1℃Lynred Pico 二代+探测器测温更精准,图像更清晰,功耗更小,该级别首次达到-20℃-650℃的测温范围800万像素工业级CCD相机,在严苛工业环境,也能提供高清的可见光对比图像高通骁龙芯片功耗更小,运行更流畅,赛灵思FPGA芯片,为HawkAI打下坚实硬件基础建筑检测配电柜检测设备维护地暖检测TWB®高温差均衡成像FOTRIC自有技术,可以在高温差场景中,清晰显示所有目标的热梯度,即使极端检测环境,也无需调节温宽范围。

IREdge TM 图像增强FOTRIC自有技术。


(默认开启)自有专业分析软件FOTRIC AnalyzIR从图像、温度及时间的三维角度来进行测试分析。




T-DEF®专业功能画中画开机即拍对焦清晰是热像测温的基础,FOTRIC 310系列采用了免调焦设计,最小成像距离仅1m,配合自动温宽,开机即可拍摄热像图,无需繁琐设置。


FOTRIC 310系列深入用户市场,了解用户使用习惯,极简化操作页面设计,让用户可以做到无说明书即可开机检测,一探热像视界的奥秘。






氢氧化锆分子式1. 介绍氢氧化锆是一种无机化合物,化学式为Zr(OH)4。




2. 结构氢氧化锆的分子式为Zr(OH)4,它由一个锆离子(Zr4+)和四个氢氧根离子(OH-)组成。



3. 物理性质氢氧化锆是一种白色固体,外观类似于粉末或颗粒。

它的密度约为3.28 g/cm³,熔点约为270°C。




4. 化学性质氢氧化锆是一种碱性物质,可与酸反应生成相应的盐和水。

例如,氢氧化锆与盐酸反应生成氯化锆和水:Zr(OH)4 + 4HCl → ZrCl4 + 4H2O氢氧化锆还可以与其他金属离子反应生成沉淀。

例如,当氢氧化锆溶液与铵盐反应时,会生成白色的氢氧化锆沉淀:Zr(OH)4 + 4NH4+ → Zr(OH)4·4NH45. 应用5.1 催化剂氢氧化锆在催化剂领域有着广泛的应用。



5.2 陶瓷材料氢氧化锆也被广泛应用于陶瓷材料的制备中。



5.3 生物医学领域氢氧化锆在生物医学领域也有重要的应用。



azbil SDC35 36 数字显示调节器 说明书 设置篇

azbil SDC35 36 数字显示调节器 说明书 设置篇

19 PL II
20 WRe5-26
21 WRe5-26
22 Ni-NiMo
23 PR40-20
Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100 JPt100 Pt100
ev3 sp
ot1 out
display enter
安裝件 (附屬品)
使用上的注意事項 緊固附屬安裝件的螺絲,請在安裝件不活動的狀態下再擰一圈螺 絲後固定在儀表盤上。 過度擰緊螺絲會造成外殼變形。
● 盤開孔圖 ・C35
30以上 44+00.5
-200.0~+400.0℃ 46
-200.0~+200.0℃ 47



化学品安全技术说明书第一部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名:正戊烷;戊烷化学品英文名:n-pentane;pentane企业名称:生产企业地址:邮编: 传真:企业应急电话:电子邮件地址:技术说明书编码:第二部分成分/组成信息√纯品混合物有害物成分浓度CAS No.戊烷109-66-0第三部分危险性概述危险性类别:第3.1类低闪点液体侵入途径:吸入、食入健康危害:高浓度可引起眼与呼吸道粘膜轻度刺激症状和麻醉状态,甚至意识丧失。

















与氧化剂接触发生强烈反应, 甚至引起燃烧。














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· 706 ·2017 年 6 月Journal of CeramicsV ol.38 No.5Oct. 2017第 38 卷 第 5 期2017 年 10 月DOI:10.13957/ki.tcxb.2017.05.021Received date: 2017-01-15 Revised date: 2017-03-25Correspondent author: LUO X udong (1980-), male, Ph.D., Associate professor.E-mail:luoxudongs@收稿日期:2017-01-15。




ZrO 2纤维加入量对莫来石-10vol.%SiC晶须复合材料机械性能和抗热震稳定性的影响彭子钧 1,安 迪 1,2,罗旭东 1,2,张国栋 1,谢志鹏2(1.辽宁科技大学高温材料与镁资源工程学院,辽宁 鞍山 114051;2.清华大学新型陶瓷与精细工艺国家重点实验室,北京 100084)摘 要:为了提高莫来石复合材料的机械性能和抗热震稳定性,将ZrO 2纤维引入到莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料体系中,在N 2气氛中常压烧结制备莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料。

结果表明,ZrO 2纤维可以促进了莫来石复合材料的烧结,提高复合材料的断裂韧性和抗热震稳定性。

ZrO 2纤维的加入量为15wt.%时,材料的断裂韧性和抗热震稳定性到峰值,其断裂韧性为5.73 MPa •m 1/2,抗热震次数达到47次。

过量加入ZrO 2纤维导致其促烧结能力降低会对莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料的机械性能和抗热震稳定性产生不利影响。

关键词:莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料;ZrO 2纤维;机械性能;抗热震性能中图法分类号:TQ174.75 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1000-2278(2017)05-0706-05The Effect of ZrO 2 Fiber on the Flexural Toughness and Thermal ShockResistance of the Mullite-10%vol.SiC Whisker CeramicPENG Zijun 1, AN Di 1,2, LUO Xudong 1,2, ZHANG Guodong, XIE Zhipeng2(1.School of High Temperature Materials and Magnesium Resource Engineering,Liaoning University of Science and Technology, Anshan 114051,Liaoning, China; 2. State Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)Abstract:In order to improve the mechanical property and the thermal shock resistance of the mullite composite, the ZrO 2 fiber wasintroduced into the system of the mullite-SiC whisker composite which was prepared with the method of pressureless sintering in nitrogen. The result shows that introduction of ZrO 2 fiber can promote the sintering of the mullite composite,and enhance the fracture toughness property and the thermal shock resistance of the mullite composite.When the addition of ZrO 2 fiber was 15wt.%,the fracture toughness property of the composite that reached the highest,was 5.73MPa •m 1/2,and the thermal shock resistance of the composite that was maximum value,attained 47 times.The poor sintering resulted from the overmuch addition of ZrO 2 fiber has a negative performance impact of the mechanical property and the thermal shock resistance of the mullite-SiC whisker composite.Key words:the mullite-SiC whisker composite; ZrO 2 fiber; mechanical property; thermal shock resistance0 引 言莫来石复合材料是指主晶相为莫来石(3A12O 3-2SiO 2)的一类典型复合材料。




但是SiC晶须与莫来石基体存在物理化学不相容的问题,因此莫来石-SiC 复合材料的机械性能相比于传统的氧化物陶瓷(如ZrO 2陶瓷复合材料)要低,同时抗热震性能也不及莫来石-Si 3N 4复合材料[9]。



(如Zhang X把SiC晶须· 707 ·第 38 卷 第 5 期加入硼化物超高温陶瓷中研究对其抗热震性能的影响[11])本文根据Tian J和Shohu K提出的制备莫来石-SiC陶瓷的理论依据[12],制备莫来石-10vol.%SiC复合材料并向其中引入ZrO2纤维。


1 实 验本次实验以实验室制备的莫来石粉体[13]和国药集团化学试剂厂生产的SiC晶须(SiC whisker,AR,分子量40.0962)为主要原料。

以国药集团化学试剂厂生产的ZrO2纤维(ZrO2fiber,AR,平均直径5-8 μm,平均长度200 μm)、乙醇(CH3CH2OH,分子量46.07)为辅助试剂制备莫来石复合材料。



将混合后的物料放入QM-3SP4型行星球磨机中用湿法共磨,球磨时间24 h。

在60 °C干燥箱中烘干,干燥后的粉体用浓度为5%的聚乙烯醇为结合剂造粒并过1 mm筛。

用769YP-24B型压片机进行挤压成型,成型压力为6 MPa,试样规格为Φ20 mm×(3 - 4) mm。

将压制成型的试样在60 °C条件下干燥24 h,在1550 °C×2 h条件下进行烧成。

用Philips X’pert-MPD型X射线衍射仪(X-Ray diffraction,XRD)对烧后样品进行物相分析。

(Cu 靶Kα1辐射,电压为40 kV,电流为40 mA,扫描速率为4 °/min));用德国ZeissΣ IGMA场发射扫描电镜观察热震前后试样表面的微观结构;根据阿基米德排水法原理测定试样的体积密度及显气孔率,利用计算相对密度公式[14]来计算复合材料的相对密度;用压痕法测量断裂韧性,用方程式[15]来计算复合材料的断裂韧性;利用水冷法(1000 °C -室温)对烧后试样进行热震稳定性检测。

2 结果与讨论2.1 ZrO2纤维对莫来石-10 vol.%SiC复合材料机械性能的影响图1所示为ZrO2纤维对莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料的断裂韧性的影响。



在1550 ℃下加入15wt.%ZrO2纤维的莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料的KIC值最高是5.73 MPa•m1/2。






但在莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料中可以看出,在1550 ℃下烧成的试样相对密度随着ZrO2纤维含量的提高而逐渐增大,显气孔率逐渐降低,说明ZrO2纤维对于图1 ZrO2纤维的加入量对莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料断裂韧性的影响Fig.1 Effect of ZrO2content on flexural toughness of the mullite-SiC whisker composite2和显气孔率的影响Fig.2 The effect of ZrO2content on the relative densityand and apparent porosity of the mullite-SiC whisker composite彭子钧 等:ZrO2纤维加入量对莫来石-10vol.%SiC晶须复合材料机械性能和抗热震稳定性的影响· 708 ·2017 年 10 月渐降低,说明ZrO 2纤维对于莫来石-SiC晶须复合材料具有一定的促烧结作用。
