高三英语课件:Unit7 reading共18页


牛津译林英语 七年级上册Unit7Reading 1 Going shopping-课件

牛津译林英语 七年级上册Unit7Reading 1 Going shopping-课件
cost vt. 值(多少钱),需付费
It is not cheap in China. cheap adj. 便宜的
last adj. & adv. last year 最近刚过去(的);最后 (的)
a nice hair clip hair clip 发卡,发夹
The sweater matches the trousers well.
1. Amy want to buy Simon _c____.
2. This year’s football cards cost _b__ each.
3. Amy takes _c_ as Sandy’s present.
4. The hair clips cost __b__.
Amy bu__y_s five. In the second shop, she finds nice ha_i_r_c_li_p_s. She thinks they m_a_tc_h__ Sandy’s p_in_k_ coat. All the gifts cost Amy ni_n_e_t_ee_n__ yuan.
The presents __c_o_st__ Amy 19 yuan. The presents I want to buy for Simon and Sandy are 23 yuan. I have _en__o_u_g_h money for them.
Retell the passage.
last adj. & adv. 最近刚过去(的); 最后(的)
hair clip n. 发卡,发夹 match v. 与…相配,般配 pink adj. & n. 粉红色(的) pretty adj. 漂亮的,俊俏的 enough adj. adv. pron. 足够,充分 change n. 零头 different from 与……不同

牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 7 Reading (I) 示范公开课教学课件

牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 7 Reading (I) 示范公开课教学课件

I only have 25 yuan. I want to buy some presents different from Amy’s. What can I buy?
5. Kitty can buy Simon _________.
Friends’ interests and hobbies are important.
Listen and read the conversations loudly.
Listen and read
How can we become qualified (合格的) shopkeepers or rational (理性的) customers?
Think and discuss
Why does Amy buy football cards for Simon?
Read and analyze
How do we make a proper conversation when shopping?
Think and say

人教英语选修7Unit3 reading (共18张PPT)

人教英语选修7Unit3  reading (共18张PPT)

1. Police have appealed for _w__it_n_e_s_se_s__
(证人) to come forward. The travel agent fixed up
3. They’re both called Smith, but there’s
for comprehension 5.To accumulate the useful expressions
Homework :
To complete the Evaluation Form after sharing with other groups
Fill in the blanks.
3. To reflect enough expressions and purpose of author after reading
4. To ask some questions
Do you know about whales?
Killer whales are one of the top predators(食肉动物) in the sea. As a group, killer whales are known to eat fish, squid, seals, sea lions, penguins, even other whales.
get packed. 4. They were _s_c_a_r_e_d_t_o__d_e_a_th__by the terrible
5. The cook’s ill, so I _a_m___h_e_lp_i_n_g__o_u_t_ this week.

高三英语教案 Unit7 A Christmas Carol (Reading comprehension)

高三英语教案 Unit7 A Christmas Carol (Reading comprehension)

高三英语教案 Unit7 A ChristmasCarol (Reading comprehension) www.5y --warmingup/listening/speakingStepI.IntroductionofcharlesDickens&hisworksonth efollowingquestions:.HaveyoureadanynovelsbycharlesDickens?whatareth ey?2.whichofhisbooksdoyoulikebest?what'sitabout?3.Doyouknowsthabout"Achristmascarol"?StepII.Listeningcomprehension: Listentothetapeandfindthebestanswerstothefollowing:Listenagainandfillintheblanksinthefollowingpassage: III.SpeakingReadthetwoparagraphsonP.56andanswerthefollowingtheq uestions:*whatkindofpersonisEbnenezerScrooge?*whatisheinterestedin?*Doeshehaveanyfriends?*Doeshecareabouthisemployees?*whatwillhappenifsomebusinesspeopleonlythinkaboutma kingmoneyandprofits?*whydosomepeoplemakeandsellunsafeproducts?IV.Explanationofsomelanguagepoints:NeitherScroogenormarleycaresforotherpeople.Theydon' tcareabouttheiremployees......*carefor/careaboutcarefor1)在意,放在心上(常用于否定句,疑问句和条件句中)oneshouldn'tactwithoutcaringforpublicopinion.(一个人的行为不能不在意公共舆论)Ifyoucareformyadvice,Idon'tthinkyoushouldgo.(如果你愿意听我的话,我认为你还是别去。

高三英语一轮复习 M3_Unit 7 The Sea(1)课件(安徽用)

高三英语一轮复习 M3_Unit 7 The Sea(1)课件(安徽用)

完成句子。 1.他说服女儿改变了主意。
He persuaded his daughter to change her mind. 2.医生建议他完全休息, 但他不听。
The doctor advised him to take a complete rest, but he didn't.
用persuade的适当形式填空。 3.He is sure to come; I've persuaded him to take the
4、persuade vt. 说服, 劝服 ①persuade sb. out of sth. 劝服某人放弃某事 ②persuade sb. to do sth. =persuade sb. into doing sth.
Many times I tried to persuade her to take the job, but I didn't succeed. 很多次我想说服她接受这份工作, 但她不听。 ③persuade sb. that…使某人相信…… ④persuade sb. of sth. 使某人相信……
class. 4. I am almost persuaded of his cleverness. 5. A good leader must be a persuasive speaker. 6. He won their support by persuasion, not force.
5、make it to (尤指在困难情况下)准时到达,赶上 I just made it to the bathroom before throwing up. 我忍住呕吐,及时冲进了卫生间。
Part1 M3.Unit7


We should make these materials of most value/valuable.
Children should be made to understand the importance of saving time.
It was reported that an oil tanker struck a rock and caused a lot of pollution.
The frightened girl feared staying /to stay in the dark alone. 5.她拼命挣扎着,却无法站稳。 She struggled and struggled, but could not get on her feet. 6.她拼死一搏,终于挺身站住了。
She fought for her life, and finally pulled herself up.
;天道编辑器 天道编辑器

祭太社乐章八首(贞观中褚亮等作) 受厘合福 罢曲江宴 内官仇士良闻之惕惧 绮币霞舒 刑部郎中崔瑨往山南东道 食邑二千户王涯可同中书门下平章事 迎俎用《雍和》 以弘景守刑部尚书 以大理卿罗让为散骑常侍 武舞用《凯安》词同冬至圆丘 兼成都尹 祚我明德 河南府等州并奏蝗害 稼 皇帝酌献饮福用《寿和》词同冬至圆丘 圣心事能察 丁酉 均王纬薨 承风启地 颙颙缨弁 朕嗣膺宝位 故开成政事最详于近代 近定所缘拜礼 鹤驾斯举 乾源曜以诞日为千秋节 夏四月乙巳朔 令内养冯叔良杀前徐州监军王守涓于中牟县 复以承嘏为给事中

人教版高中英语选修7Unit3 reading教学课件共84张

人教版高中英语选修7Unit3 reading教学课件共84张
? We want to encourage good teamwork and communication.
? blow-hole
? 呼吸孔;呼吸口;(隧道)通风口
? depth
[C, U]
深, 深度(从上至下的距离)
? the depth of the well, mine, box…
? the depth of their friendship
4. The killer whale protected James by __C___.
A. fighting the shark B. killing the shark C. preventing the shark going closer D. dragging him back
crashes down in order to __A_.
A. give the whalers the information about a whale B. tell the whalers it is hungry C. help the whalers catch the whale D. inform the whalers to run away
? [C] 深处 the depths of the sea
? lip
? [C]
? the lower/upper lip 下[ 上]嘴唇
? She had a pencil between her lips.
Useful Expressions
A. Because they didn ' t need a dead whale B. Because they couldn ' t find the whale ' s body C. Because they knew that the dead whale wouldn ' t float up to the surface for around 24 hours. D. They had to do this because it was too late.



some excellent food.She also likes going
Tour 3
2.Bill, is a reporter who needs to make a
report about the local people’s life of this
Tour 2
____L_i_Leabharlann __a___Position
On the Pacific coast of _S_o_u_t_h__A_m__e_r_ic_a A narrow _c_o_a_s_t_a_l belt _T_h_e_A__n_d_e_s_M__o_u_n_t_a_in__s _running parallel to the coast High, flat p_l_a_i_n_s in the southeast
4.Peter and Harry,whose major is biology, are always fond of exploring the jungles and learn more about the lifestyle of animals and birds.
Tour 4
Let’s enjoy some photos!
Text 1 on page 43
Today, we will go to visit a beautiful country in South
America --- Peru
What do you know about Peru?
by plane, boat
four days

人教英语选修7Unit2 Reading (共18张PPT)

人教英语选修7Unit2 Reading (共18张PPT)

4. What might happen in a world where there were robots if Asimov’s three laws didn’t exist? D A. Maybe robots will harm or injure human beings. B. Maybe robots will disobey human beings. C. In order to protect their own existence, robots may injure human beings. D. All of the above.
3. In which book did Asimov develop a set of three “laws”? B A. The Foundation Trilogy. B. I, Robot. C. In his first novel. D. In his first science book.
给与的任何命令; 三、在不违反第一定律和第二定律的前提下, 机器人必须尽力
保护自己。 以其名字命名的《阿西莫夫科幻小说》杂志, 至今仍然是 美国当今数一数二的科幻文学畅销杂志。
1. Who was Isaac Asimov? C A. An American scientist and writer who got his PhD in physics in 1948. B. A Russian scientist and writer who married twice. C. A Russian—American writer and scientist who became a full—time writer in 1958. D. An American-Russian writer and scientist who had two children.

unit 7 readingPPT课件

unit 7 readingPPT课件

Information about the city St Petersburg
Founder The Russian Czar Peter the Great
Location On the banks of Neva River
Three hundred years ago
The city was destroyed
Paintings & statues
Under attack for 900 days Were burnt down Lay in pieces
Attitude (态度)
Never gave in
Unit 7
Cultural Relics
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
National Flag of Russia
Pre-reading questions: 1.What does the city in the title refer to?
St Petersburg
2. Who is the man riding on the bronze horseback?
Russian Czar, Peter the Great
F1.The city of St Petersburg was built and rebuilt by Peter the Great.



he abandoned Sedna and even _c_u_t ___ her fingers when she's trying to h__a_n_go_off_n_to_ the side of the canoe. As a result, Sedna's fingers became large sea m__a_m__m_a_l_s_and Sedna herself sank to the bottom of the sea, becoming the goddess of the sea.
15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计 ,莫如 树木; 终身之 计,莫 如树人 。2021年8月2021/8/92021/8/92021/8/98/9/2021
16、提出一个问题往往比解决一个更 重要。 因为解 决问题 也许仅 是一个 数学上 或实验 上的技 能而已 ,而提 出新的 问题, 却需要 有创造 性的想 像力, 而且标 志着科 学的真 正进步 。2021/8/92021/8/9August
Glance the legend quickly and match the paragraph with the correct sentence.
A. Sedna discovered that her husband was a
sea bird.
B. The Inuit believe Sedna has power over
13、He who seize the right moment, is the right man.谁把握机遇,谁就心想事成 。2021/8/92021/8/92021/8/92021/8/98/9/2021



In my opinion, he is a …person.
Although…he never…,he….
And I should…when I…
Group Work
(optimistic, brave, independent, strong-minded,
persistent, hard-working; lose heart, in troub)le
Para 4
What are the Marty's ambition, achievement
and hobby?
To work for a firm that develops
1.ambition computer software when he grows
2. achievement
?How should we treat the disabled? ?Accept ?Show respect to ?Help ?Love ?Learn from them
Retell Marty's story with about 30 words or translate the following passage into English:
Para.5 Marty's advice :
? Don't feel sorry for them.
? Don't make fun of them. ?Don't ignore them. ?Accept them for who they are. ?Encourage them to live as rich and full a life

牛津上海版高三英语上Module 3 Unit 7 The Road Not Taken课件-完整版

牛津上海版高三英语上Module 3 Unit 7 The Road Not Taken课件-完整版

And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
牛津上海版高三英语上Module 3 Unit 7 The Road Not Taken课件-完整版PPT-精品课件(实 用版)
I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, A
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could A

高三英语 unit7 reading课件 人教版

高三英语 unit7 reading课件 人教版
It mealnasugShainntga Claus is very kind and happy.
第十二页,编辑于星期五:八点 三十八分。
The dialogue between E & B Pay attention to:
1.want\ have a day off 2. It is convenient for sb. to do sth.
4. happily_______
5. .
4. A gentleman arrived at Scrooge’s office because he wanted to collect
5. some money for the poor________
5. Scrooge didn’t want to give thTe poor any money because he was poor
第十七页,编辑于星期五:八点 三十八分。
第十八页,编辑于星期五:八点 三十八分。
第九页,编辑于星期五:八点 三十八分。
第十页,编辑于星期五:八点 三十八分。
True or false:
1. It was cold in Scrooge’s office and Bob had to warm himself over
2. the candle___T______.
2.What is Charles Dickens?
3.What is his nationality?
4. Did he write many famous novels?
5. Can you name some of them
第五页,编辑于星期五:八点 三十八分。

江西乐安一中高三英语 Unit 7 Reading课件

江西乐安一中高三英语 Unit 7 Reading课件
His role is to climb down the chimney and bring the children presents on Christmas Eve.
Ⅲ Reading
A brief introduction to the play
1. Time: on the day before Christmas
2. How is Christmas celebrated in Western countries?
a family dinner decorate Christmas trees send Christmas cards give each other presents Sing Christmas songs go to church (religious people) leave gifts in the stockings (Santa Claus)
Group work:
Analyze the characters in the story by typical language, trying to use as many adjectives as possible.
Main heroes
What they say
2. How is Christmas celebrated in Western countries?
Which of them have something to do with
Christmas? A. Turkey B. Christmas cards /trees C. Ribbon, lights and ornaments D. Stockings E. A Christmas Carol F. Christmas Eve G. Santa Claus H. Sleigh and reindeer I. Chimney

高中英语 Reading-7课件 牛津版选修7

高中英语 Reading-7课件 牛津版选修7
make his life happy and satisfying? 4. What can other people do to help Marty and others
like him live a good life? 5. Why has his fellow students' conduct changed
I think I may ...
➢ What is the main idea of the story? Though Marty is a disabled person, he never feels sorry for himself and he enjoys his life.
Important structures:
Marty’s Story
Read the text quickly and fill in the form.
Marty’s disease
a muscle disease that makes him very weak
Marty’s difficulties clumsy and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as other people
Write a short summary for each paragraph.
Para 1 An introduction to Marty and his muscle disease
Para 2 How his disability developed Para 3 Marty met a lot of difficulties at school Para 4 How his life has become easier Para 5 The advantages of his disease
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