冲突管理 英文版


Conflict Management_Managers Materials_冲突管理工作坊May 2018_TK

Conflict Management_Managers Materials_冲突管理工作坊May 2018_TK
Conflict Management Workshop for Managers 冲突管理工作坊
Training Workshop Outline 培训大纲
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Exercise 1 – List down 5 types of conflicts in workplace练习1列出工作场所5种类型 的冲突 Workshop objectives 工作坊目标 Conflict Management – Introduction 冲突管理-介绍 Definition of conflicts 冲突的定义 What are conflicts? 什么是冲突 Sources of conflicts 冲突源 Levels and types of conflicts 冲突的级别和类型 Exercise 2 – Differences in perceptions of conflict 练习2-对冲突认识的差异 Differences in Perception of conflicts 冲突感知的差异 Functional and Dysfunctional conflicts功能性和功能失调性冲突 Conflict management styles冲突管理方式 How to handle conflicts?如何处理冲突 Exercise 3 – Conflict resolution 练习3-解决冲突 Exercise 4 – True or False练习4 - 对或错 Exercise 5 – Causes and Sources of conflicts练习5 - 冲突的起因和来源
“Smooth Seas Do Not Make Skillful Sailors” 平静的大海造就不了娴熟的水手。



处理冲突的8个小诀窍中英译文处理冲突的8个小诀窍中英译文8 Secrets People Good At Mastering Conflicts Never Told YouMastering conflicts is a skill that sets leaders and successful managers apart from their peers. The art of resolving conflict in a professional and productive manner are able to get big projects done, keep customers happy, and get ahead. When you know how to effectively handle conflict, both your personal and professional life benefit. The ability to handle conflict has a massive impact on your success and your emotional intelligence.处理冲突是一项能把领导和成功的管理者与他们的同龄人区分开的技能。




1.They Know How To Recognize Conflict他们知道该怎样认识冲突Identifying conflict in the workplace and other settings is the first key to mastering it effectively. Ignoring conflicts is rarely helpful. Different people and organizations manifest conflict in different ways and it takes time to learn about these points. For example, conflict in a process driven company may look like slowed decision making and silences. In contrast, conflict at a rapidly growing startup company may involve shouting matches (and more!). Learning to identify conflict is what makes certain people stand out at conflict resolution.在工作场所和其它环境下定义冲突是有效处理冲突的第一个关键。



A Process Model of Conflict
1. Latent Conflicts: These are the underlying causes of conflict situations.
• Functional interdependence • Allocational interdependence
What is Conflict?
• Three definitions: 1. Two systems (persons, groups, firms, nations) are in conflict when they interact directly in such a way that the actions of one tend to prevent or compel some outcome against the resistance of the other.
– Conflict requires that managers analyze their goals. – Conflict creates dialog among employees. – Conflict fosters creative solutions.
• Without conflict, firms would stagnate.
Two Explanations for the Felt Component in Conflicts
2. An employee may become personally involved with the firm. Their self-image may rely on job successes or failures. Felt conflict may be shown through fear, threat, mistrust, and hostility. Use nondefensive communication when managing felt conflict.




Shows good will Establishes friendship

No one gets what they want May feel like a dead end

6CollaborFra bibliotektion
Everyone “wins” Creates good feelings
Tips for Managing Workplace Conflict

Build good relationships before conflict occurs Do not let small problems escalate; deal with them as they arise Respect differences Listen to others’ perspectives on the conflict situation Acknowledge feelings before focussing on facts Focus on solving problems, not changing people If you can’t resolve the problem, turn to someone who can help Remember to adapt your style to the situation and persons involved

Hard to achieve since no one knows how Often confusing since players can “win” something they didn’t know they wanted

组织行为学第10章 冲突与冲突管理

组织行为学第10章 冲突与冲突管理



2.建设性冲突(constructive conflict):又称功能正常的冲突,是指对组织有积极影响的冲突。

3.破坏性冲突(destructive conflict):又称功能失调的冲突,是指对组织有消极影响的冲突。

4.目标冲突(goal conflict):指由于冲突主体内部或冲突主体之间存在着不一致或不相容的结果追求所引发的冲突。

5.认知冲突(cognitive conflict):指由于冲突主体内部或冲突主体之间存在不一致的看法、想法和思想而导致的冲突。

6.情感冲突(emotional conflict):由于冲突主体内部或冲突主体之间情感上的不一致而引发的冲突。

7.程序冲突(procedure conflict):指由于冲突主体内部或冲突主体之间存在不一致或不相容的优先事件选择——过程顺序安排而产生的冲突。

8.关系型冲突(Relational conflict):指由于人际关系问题而导致的冲突。

9.竞争策略(competing strategy):又称强制策略,为满足自身的利益而无视他人的利益的一种“我赢你输”的策略。

10.回避策略(avoiding strategy):既不满足自身的利益也不满足对方的利益,试图置身于冲突之外,无视不一致的存在,或保持中立,以“退避三舍”,“难得糊涂”的方式来处理冲突。

11.妥协策略(compromise strategy:妥协实质上是一种交易,又称为谈判策略,指的是一种适度满足自己的关心点和他人的关心点,通过一系列的谈判、让步、讨价还价来部分满足双方要求和利益的冲突管理策略。

12.迁就策略(accommodating strategy) :又称克制策略或迎合策略,当事人主要考虑对方的利益或屈从于对方意愿,压制或牺牲自己的利益及意愿。























Conflict Management Styles
give up some ideas and demand that others do the same –Look for “common ground”
–A strategy for finding an expedient solution. –Resolution is mutually acceptable for all parties. A temporary settlement for complex issues. Group goals outweigh assertive strategies. Individuals of equal status are equally committed. –Compromise works towards partially satisfying both parties, but each party must honor the resolution for continued satisfaction.
–Most preferred strategy during initial stages. –Individuals fail to address the conflict. Nothing to lose. Lack of time. Inappropriate time or place. Individuals are angry. Emotional involvement. –Postponing a resolution hinders group progress.



冲突管理及案例冲突管理冲突管理(Conflict Management)冲突的概念冲突是指人们由于某种抵触或对立状况而感知到的不一致的差异。










一此冲突支持群体的目标;并能提高群体的工作绩效,它们是具有建设性的功能正常的冲突(functional conflict)。

但也有一些冲突阻碍了群体的工作绩效,它们是具有破坏性的功能失调的冲突(dysfunctional conflict)。











management functions: planning、organizing、leading、controlling.2.管理角色〔management roles〕、①人际关系角色:挂名首脑、领导者、联络者Interpersonal:figurehead、leader、liaison②信息传递角色:监听者、传播者、发言人Informational: monitor、disseminator、spokesperson③决策制定角色:企业家、混乱驾驭者、资源分配者、谈判者Decisional: entrepreneur、disturbance handler、resource allocator、negotiator3、管理技能〔management skills〕概念技能、沟通技能、效果技能、人际技能Conceptual、communication、effectiveness、interpersonal4、组织的特点①有明确的目的〔distinct purpose〕②有人员构成〔people〕③有精细的结构〔deliberate structure〕第二章1、管理理论〔management theories〕:科学管理〔scientific management〕一般行政管理理论〔general administrative theorists〕定量方法〔quantitative approach〕组织行为〔organizational behavior〕系统观〔systems approach〕权变理论〔contingency approach〕第三章1、管理万能论〔omnipotent view of management〕管理象征论〔symbolic view of management〕2、组织文化的七个维度〔dimensions〕关注细节,成果导向,员工导向,团队导向,进取性,稳定性,创新与风险承受力Attention to detail, outcome orientation, people organization, team organization, aggressiveness, stability,innovation and risk taking 3、文化传播给员工的途径:故事,仪式,有形信条,语言Stories,ritual,material symbols,language4、创新的文化的特点①.挑战与参与〔challenge〕②. 自由〔freedom〕③. 信任和开发〔trust and openness〕④. 计划时间〔idea time〕⑤. 幽默〔playfulness/humor〕⑥. 冲突解决〔conflict resolution〕⑦. 讨论〔debates〕⑧. 冒险〔risk taking〕第六章1、决策制定过程〔the decision-making process〕①.识别决策问题〔identification of a problem〕②.确定决策标准〔identification of decision criteria〕③.为决策标准分配权重〔allocation of weight to criteria〕④.开发备份方案〔development of alternatives〕⑤.分析备份方案〔analysis of alternatives〕⑥.选择备择方案〔selection of an alternatives〕⑦.实施备择方案〔implementation of the alternatives〕⑧.评估决策结果〔evaluating decision effectiveness〕2、决策制定的错误〔decision-making errors and biases〕:自负〔overconfidence〕后见〔hindsight〕自利型〔self-serving〕沉没成本〔sunk costs〕随机性〔randomness〕典型性〔representation〕有效性〔availability〕框架效应〔framing〕证实〔confirmation〕选择性认知〔selective perception〕锚定效应〔anchoring effect〕即时满足〔immediate gratification〕4、计划工作〔planning〕:①、定义组织目的〔defining the organization’s goals〕②、制定全局战略〔establishing an overall strategy〕③、开发一组广泛的相关计划〔developing plans〕5、计划的目的〔purposes of planning〕:①、它给出了管理者和非管理者努力的方向〔planning provides direction to managers and nonmanagers alike〕②、它通过迫使管理者具有前瞻性来降低不确定性〔planning reduce uncertainty by forcing managers to look ahead, anticipate change, consider the impact of change, and develop appropriate responses〕③、计划可以减少活动的重复和浪费〔planning minimizes waste and redundancy〕④、计划设定目标和标准,可以用于控制〔planning establishes the goals or standards used in controlling〕6、计划和绩效〔planning and performance〕①正式的计划工作通常带来较高的绩效、较高的资产回报率,以与其他积极的财富Formal planning is associated with positive financial results such as higher profits, higher return on assets, and so forth.②计划工作的质量以与实现计划的适当措施,通常要比计划工作本身对绩效的贡献更大Doing a good job of planning and implementing those plans play a bigger part in high performance than does the extent and amount of planning done.③正式计划并不必然的导致至高绩效,外部环境的影响通常是更关键的Formal planning didn’t lead to higher performance, the external environment often was the culprit.④计划与绩效的关系还受到计划时间结构的影响。

董监高利益冲突管理制度 (中英双语版)

董监高利益冲突管理制度 (中英双语版)



To effectively prevent conflicts of interest between the company's directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel, promote the standardized development of the company's business, and prevent acts that harm the interests of the company and its shareholders, this procedure is formulated. This procedure is applicable to the directors (excluding independent directors), supervisors, and senior management personnel (including the general manager, financial officer, board secretary, etc.) of the company and its holding subsidiaries, abbreviated as "directors, supervisors, and senior executives".二、定义Definition利益冲突:指当公司董事、监事、高级管理人员在履行公司(含分支机构) 职务所代表的公司利益与其自身的利益之间存在冲突,可能损害公司和其股东权利的情形。

谈判与冲突管理英文版试题答案CH 1 Quiz Questions

谈判与冲突管理英文版试题答案CH 1 Quiz Questions

Chapter One Quiz Questions[Answers to multiple choice questions are included on the page following the quiz.] Multiple Choice:1. Negotiation is most productively viewed asA. manipulating the behavior of others.B. tricking others.C. attempting to get the better of others.D. all human interaction.2. Negotiation is used toA. influence others’ emotions.B. effect others’ behaviors.C. change others’ attitudes.D. all of the above.3. Which of the following statements are true?A. Negotiation is a game.B. Negotiation is an art.C. Negotiation is a science.D. Negotiation is primarily the use of power-over tactics.4. Negotiation performance encompasses which of the following?A. Personality characteristics.B. Perception.C. Needs.D. Individual skills.5. Negotiation is always the appropriate action to pursue wheneverA. you have been disadvantaged by someone.B. you are asked by someone to negotiate a matter.C. you wish things were different.D. there is potential for mutual beneficial exchange.6. Feeling as though you lost in a negotiation effort most likely means that:A. you undertook a collaborative approach.B. you were tricked by the other party.C. you adopted a competitive attitude toward the interaction.D. you inadequately prepared for the negotiation.7. A fertile ground for negotiation skill practice is in personal settings and issues,because,A. we will be naturally most effective when we have an emotional interest inthe result.B. opportunities abound for continual thought and development.C. the outcome is less important.D. that is where our ego is most involved.8. The more our ego is involved in a negotiation,A. the more control we have over the interaction.B. the more unconscious factors may affect our behavior.C. the greater the challenge of self-control.D. None of the above.9. Sociological and psychological theories provide insight that will assist in our negotiation skill development, becauseA. psychological theories assist in understanding how we think and act.B. sociological theories assist in understanding conflict and other dynamicsof human interaction.C. they assist in understanding individual differences that affectcommunication.D. All of the above.10. The two best general paths to improve your negotiation effectiveness are:A. to follow the model of someone who has negotiated for many years.B. to find a book that lists the rules of negotiation.C. to learn how to know yourself and others, learn how to assess andunderstand conflict, learn how to communicate effectively in all contexts,learn principles of persuasion, and learn how to prepare for specificnegotiations.D. to increase your critical thinking ability and your emotional intelligence. Essay Questions:11. Explain why it is useful or appropriate to consider all human interaction to be negotiation. Alternatively, explain why such a perspective is not correct or useful.12. Identify two things that you personally consider to be non-negotiable.13. Identify and briefly describe an interaction to which you were a party today and how that interaction constituted a negotiation on any party’s part.14. Identify three unconscious factors that may affect your negotiation effectiveness and explain why or how that phenomenon may occur.Chapter One Quiz Multiple Choice Question Answers:1. D2. D3. B&C4. All5. D6. C is the best answer. D is an additional acceptable answer.7. B&D8. B&C9. D10. C&D。



如何处理人际关系中的冲突英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Handle Conflicts in Interpersonal RelationshipsConflict is a normal part of any relationship, whether it be with a friend, family member, colleague, or romantic partner. It is important to learn how to handle conflicts effectively in order to maintain healthy and positive relationships. Here are some strategies for handling conflicts in interpersonal relationships:1. Communication is key: One of the most important aspects of handling conflicts is effective communication. Be open and honest about your feelings and listen carefully to the other person's perspective. Avoid making assumptions and be willing to compromise.2. Stay calm: It can be easy to become emotional during a conflict, but it is important to stay calm and composed. Take deep breaths and try to remain objective. Remember that conflicts are a natural part of relationships and can often be resolved with patience and understanding.3. Seek to understand: Try to put yourself in the other person's shoes and understand where they are coming from. Ask questions to clarify their perspective and show empathy towards their feelings. Understanding the other person's point of view can help to de-escalate the conflict.4. Focus on the issue, not the person: When conflicts arise, it is important to focus on the specific issue at hand rather than attacking the other person. Avoid making personal attacks or bringing up past grievances. Stick to the facts and address the problem in a constructive manner.5. Find common ground: Look for areas of agreement and common ground that can help to resolve the conflict. Focus on finding a solution that is mutually beneficial and meets the needs of both parties. Be willing to compromise and negotiate in order to find a resolution.6. Take a break if necessary: Sometimes conflicts can become heated and it may be necessary to take a break in order to cool off. If emotions are running high, suggest taking a break and returning to the conversation when both parties are calmer and more rational.7. Seek outside help if needed: If conflicts persist and it is difficult to resolve them on your own, consider seeking outsidehelp from a counselor, mediator, or trusted third party. A neutral party can help to facilitate communication and find a resolution that is fair to both parties.In conclusion, conflicts are a natural part of relationships and learning how to handle them effectively is essential for maintaining healthy and positive connections with others. By practicing effective communication, staying calm, seeking to understand the other person's perspective, focusing on the issue, finding common ground, and being willing to compromise, conflicts can be resolved in a constructive and respectful manner. Remember that conflicts can provide an opportunity for growth and understanding in relationships, and handling them effectively can lead to stronger and more resilient connections with others.篇2How to Handle Conflicts in Interpersonal RelationshipsConflicts are a natural and inevitable part of any interpersonal relationship. Whether i t’s with a friend, family member, coworker, or romantic partner, disagreements are bound to happen. It’s how we handle these conflicts that can determine the health and longevity of our relationships. In thisarticle, we will discuss some effective strategies for resolving conflicts in interpersonal relationships.1. Communication is key: The most important aspect of handling conflicts in interpersonal relationships is open and honest communication. It’s crucial to express your thoughts and feelings in a clear and respectful manner, and to listen to the other person’s perspective as well. Avoiding communication or resorting to passive-aggressive behaviors will only exacerbate the conflict.2. Identify the root cause: It’s important to identify the underlying issues that are causing the conflict. Ask yourself and the other person what the real issue is, and try to address it directly. Sometimes conflicts are merely symptoms of deeper problems, such as unresolved emotions or unmet needs.3. Practice empathy: Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand their perspective. Empathy can help you see the situation from a different angle and find common ground for resolution. Acknowledge the other person’s feelings and validate their expe rience, even if you don’t agree with their point of view.4. Keep your emotions in check: When emotions run high, conflicts can escalate quickly. It’s important to stay calm andcomposed during disagreements, and to avoid saying or doing things that you may regret later. Take a step back if needed, and give yourself time to cool off before continuing the conversation.5. Find a compromise: In many cases, conflicts can be resolved through compromise. Both parties should be willing to give a little in order to find a solution that works for everyone involved. Be open to alternative solutions and be willing to negotiate to reach a mutually acceptable outcome.6. Seek outside help: If conflicts persist and you are unable to resolve them on your own, consider seeking help from a mediator, therapist, or counselor. A neutral third party can provide perspective and guide you through the process of resolving the conflict in a healthy and productive way.7. Learn from the experience: Every conflict is an opportunity for growth and learning. Take the time to reflect on the situation and analyze what went wrong, so that you can avoid similar conflicts in the future. Use the experience to strengthen your communication skills and improve your relationships.In conclusion, conflicts in interpersonal relationships are normal and can be managed effectively with the right approach. By practicing open communication, empathy, and compromise, and seeking outside help when needed, you can resolve conflictsin a healthy and constructive manner. Remember that conflicts are a natural part of any relationship, and it’s how we handle them that ultimately defines the strength of our connections with others.篇3How to Handle Conflicts in Interpersonal RelationshipsConflicts are a natural part of any relationship, whether it's between friends, family members, colleagues, or romantic partners. How we handle conflicts can determine the strength and longevity of our relationships. Here are some tips on how to effectively deal with conflicts in interpersonal relationships:1. Communicate openly and honestly: The key to resolving conflicts is communication. Be willing to express your thoughts and feelings openly and honestly, and listen to the other person's perspective without judgment. Communication is essential for understanding each other's point of view and finding a mutually acceptable solution.2. Choose the right time and place: It's important to choose the right time and place to address conflicts. Avoid discussing sensitive issues in public or when either party is upset or stressed.Find a quiet and neutral space where both parties can calmly discuss the issue at hand.3. Focus on the issue, not the person: When dealing with conflicts, it's important to focus on the issue at hand and not attack the other person personally. Avoid making accusatory or inflammatory remarks, and instead, stick to discussing the specific behavior or action that is causing the conflict.4. Practice active listening: Active listening is a crucial skill in resolving conflicts. Give the other person your full attention, show empathy and understanding, and ask clarifying questions to ensure you understand their perspective. Repeat back what you heard to confirm your understanding and show that you are listening.5. Find common ground: Look for areas of agreement or common goals that you and the other person share. Focus on finding solutions that benefit both parties and promote a sense of teamwork and collaboration. Avoid getting caught up in winning the argument and instead, work towards a compromise that satisfies both sides.6. Take a break if needed: If emotions are running high and a resolution seems out of reach, it's okay to take a break and revisit the issue later. Give yourself and the other person time to cooloff and reflect on the situation before continuing the conversation. Remember that conflicts are normal and can often be resolved with time and perspective.7. Seek outside help if necessary: If conflicts persist and you are unable to resolve them on your own, consider seeking outside help from a therapist, mediator, or counselor. A neutral third party can provide an objective perspective and help facilitate communication between you and the other person.Remember, conflicts are a normal part of relationships and can be an opportunity for growth and understanding. By practicing effective communication, active listening, and empathy, you can navigate conflicts in your interpersonal relationships and strengthen your connections with others.。



处理团队冲突英文作文Dealing with team conflicts can be challenging, butit's important to address them head-on. One way to handle conflicts is to encourage open communication among team members. This can help to identify the root of the problem and find a solution that works for everyone.When conflicts arise, it's crucial to remain calm and composed. Emotions can run high during disagreements, but it's important to keep a level head and approach the situation with a clear mind. This can help to prevent the conflict from escalating further.Sometimes conflicts can stem from misunderstandings or miscommunications. In these cases, it's important to take the time to listen to all sides of the story and try to understand where each team member is coming from. This can help to clear up any confusion and find common ground.It's also important to address conflicts in a timelymanner. Ignoring or avoiding the issue can make it worse in the long run. By addressing conflicts promptly, you can prevent them from festering and causing more damage to the team dynamic.In some cases, it may be necessary to bring in aneutral third party to help mediate the conflict. Thiscould be a team leader, manager, or HR representative. Having an impartial mediator can help to facilitate a productive discussion and find a resolution that is fair to all parties involved.Ultimately, resolving conflicts within a team requires patience, understanding, and a willingness to work together towards a solution. By approaching conflicts with apositive attitude and a commitment to finding common ground, teams can overcome challenges and strengthen their relationships in the process.。



面对冲突我们要如何解决英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1When we face conflicts, it's important to stay calm and find a way to resolve them peacefully. Here are some tips on how to handle conflicts in a positive way:First, we should try to understand the other person's perspective. Maybe they have a different opinion or view on things, and it's important to listen to what they have to say. By understanding where they're coming from, we can find common ground and work towards a solution together.Second, we should express our own feelings and thoughts in a respectful manner. It's okay to disagree, but we should do so in a constructive way without resorting to name-calling or hurtful language. Communication is key in resolving conflicts, so it's important to express ourselves clearly and honestly.Third, we should be willing to compromise and find a middle ground. Sometimes we may not get everything we want, but by working together and finding a solution that benefits both parties, we can reach a resolution that is fair to everyone.Lastly, it's important to forgive and move on from the conflict. Holding grudges or staying angry will only make the situation worse. By forgiving the other person and letting go of negative feelings, we can all move forward and continue to have positive relationships.In conclusion, facing conflicts is a normal part of life, but it's important to handle them with maturity and respect. By listening, expressing ourselves calmly, compromising, and forgiving, we can resolve conflicts in a positive and peaceful way.篇2Hey guys, do you know how to solve conflicts? Today, let's talk about how we can deal with conflicts in a better way.First of all, it's important to stay calm when facing a conflict. Take a deep breath and try not to get too emotional. It's easy to say things we don't mean when we're upset, so it's best to take a moment to collect our thoughts before responding.Secondly, try to see things from the other person's perspective. Maybe they have a different point of view or have been hurt by something we said or did. By trying to understand where they're coming from, we can find a solution that works for both parties.Communication is key when it comes to resolving conflicts. We should express our feelings and listen to the other person's concerns. By having an open and honest conversation, we can work together to find a compromise that satisfies everyone involved.Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help if needed. Whether it's a teacher, parent, or friend, reaching out to someone for advice or support can help us navigate through the conflict and come to a resolution.Remember, conflicts are a normal part of life, but how we handle them can make all the difference. By staying calm, being empathetic, communicating effectively, and seeking help when needed, we can overcome conflicts and strengthen our relationships with others.篇3Hey guys, do you ever have conflicts with your friends or classmates? It's totally normal to have disagreements sometimes, but the important thing is how we solve them. Here are some tips on how to deal with conflicts.First of all, communication is key! Talk to the person you're having a conflict with and try to understand their point of view.Listen to what they have to say and try to see things from their perspective. Remember, it's okay to disagree, but it's important to respect each other's opinions.If talking it out doesn't work, you can always ask for help from a teacher or a parent. They can help mediate the situation and find a solution that works for everyone. Sometimes having a third party involved can help keep things fair and calm.Another way to resolve conflicts is to compromise. This means finding a middle ground where both parties can be happy. Maybe you can take turns choosing a game to play at recess, or find a way to share a favorite toy. Compromise shows that you're willing to work together to find a solution.And finally, don't forget to forgive and move on. Holding onto grudges and staying mad at someone won't help anyone. It's important to forgive and forget, and focus on building a positive relationship with the person you had a conflict with.So remember, conflicts happen, but they don't have to ruin your day. By communicating, asking for help, compromising, and forgiving, you can solve conflicts in a peaceful and respectful way. Let's all work together to make our school a harmonious and happy place!篇4When we face conflicts, it's important to find ways to resolve them peacefully. Here are some tips on how to deal with conflicts in a positive way.First of all, we should try to understand the other person's point of view. Sometimes conflicts arise because we don't see things from the other person's perspective. By listening to their side of the story, we can better understand where they are coming from and find common ground.Secondly, it's important to communicate openly and honestly. Instead of getting angry or defensive, we should try to express our feelings calmly and respectfully. By communicating effectively, we can avoid misunderstandings and find solutions to the conflict.Another important step in resolving conflicts is to find compromises. This means finding a solution that works for both parties involved. By being willing to give a little and take a little, we can reach a resolution that is fair and satisfying for everyone.Finally, it's important to forgive and move on. Holding onto grudges and bad feelings will only make the conflict worse. Byletting go of our anger and resentment, we can create a more peaceful and harmonious relationship with the other person.In conclusion, facing conflicts is a natural part of life. By approaching conflicts with a positive attitude and a willingness to find solutions, we can resolve them in a peaceful and constructive way. Let's remember to communicate openly, listen to each other, find compromises, and forgive each other.篇5When we have a conflict with someone, it can be really hard to figure out how to solve it. But don't worry, there are some ways to help us resolve conflicts and make things better.First of all, we can try to talk it out with the person we are having a conflict with. We can calmly explain how we feel and listen to their side of the story too. It's important to be respectful and not yell or blame each other. By talking things out, we can understand each other better and find a solution together.If talking it out doesn't work, we can try to find a compromise. This means finding a solution that both sides can agree on. Maybe we can take turns doing something, or find a new way to solve the problem that works for both of us.Compromising is a great way to solve conflicts because it shows that we are willing to work together to find a solution.Another way to resolve conflicts is by asking for help from a teacher, parent, or other trusted adult. Sometimes, it can be hard to solve conflicts on our own and we need someone else to help us. They can listen to both sides of the story and help us find a fair solution.In conclusion, conflicts are a normal part of life, but it's important to know how to resolve them in a peaceful way. By talking it out, finding a compromise, and asking for help when needed, we can solve conflicts and make things better for everyone. Remember, it's always better to be kind and respectful, even when we disagree with someone.篇6When we face conflicts, it's important to stay calm and try to solve the problem by talking it out. Don't yell or fight with others, because that won't help solve anything. Here are some ways we can resolve conflicts in a peaceful and respectful way.First, listen carefully to the other person's side of the story. It's important to understand their perspective before we share our own. This shows that we respect their feelings and opinions.We should also try to use "I" statements instead of "you" statements when expressing our feelings. For example, instead of saying "You always make me mad," we can say "I feel upset when this happens."Next, we can try to find a compromise that works for both parties. Compromise means finding a solution that is fair and satisfies everyone involved. It may not be exactly what we want, but it's important to find a middle ground that both sides can agree on. This shows that we are willing to work together to find a solution.If the conflict is not resolved, it's okay to ask for help from a teacher, parent, or other adult. They can offer advice and help mediate the situation. It's important to remember that asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of maturity and a willingness to find a peaceful resolution.In conclusion, conflicts are a normal part of life, but how we handle them is what's important. By staying calm, listening, using respectful language, finding compromises, and asking for help when needed, we can resolve conflicts in a peaceful and positive way. Let's all work together to create a harmonious and respectful environment for everyone.。



如何处理冲突英文作文英文回答:Conflict is an inevitable part of human interaction. It can arise from a variety of sources, including differences in values, beliefs, goals, and perspectives. While conflict can be destructive, it can also be an opportunity for growth and learning.There are a number of different strategies for dealing with conflict. Some common approaches include:Avoidance: This involves avoiding or ignoring the conflict altogether. While this may seem like an easy way to deal with conflict, it can actually lead to resentment and further problems down the road.Accommodation: This involves giving in to the demands of the other person. While this may seem like a quick way to resolve the conflict, it can lead to feelings ofresentment and dissatisfaction.Competition: This involves trying to win the conflict at all costs. While this may seem like an effective way to deal with conflict, it can damage relationships and lead to further conflict.Collaboration: This involves working together to find a solution that meets the needs of both parties. While this may seem like a difficult way to deal with conflict, it can lead to lasting solutions and stronger relationships.The best way to deal with conflict depends on the specific situation. However, there are some general principles that can be helpful in managing conflict effectively. These principles include:Communicating effectively: This involves listening to the other person's perspective and expressing your own views in a clear and respectful manner.Being open to compromise: This involves being willingto give and take in order to reach a mutually acceptable solution.Focusing on the underlying needs: This involves identifying the underlying needs or interests that are driving the conflict. Once these needs are identified, it becomes easier to find a solution that meets the needs of both parties.Dealing with conflict effectively can be a challenge, but it is an important skill for anyone who wants to build and maintain healthy relationships. By following these principles, you can increase your chances of resolving conflicts in a way that is productive and beneficial to all parties involved.中文回答:冲突是人际交往中不可避免的一部分。



英语作文-有效的冲突解决策略Conflict is an inevitable part of human relationships. Whether in the workplace, at home, or between nations, conflicts arise from differences in values, motivations, perceptions, ideas, or desires. However, when conflicts are managed effectively, they can lead to personal and collective growth, innovation, and stronger relationships. Effective conflict resolution strategies are essential for maintaining a harmonious and productive environment.Active Listening。

One of the most critical skills in conflict resolution is active listening. It involves fully concentrating on the speaker, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and remembering what is being said. This technique helps in validating the other person's perspective and demonstrates empathy, which can de-escalate tensions and lead to a more open dialogue.Emotional Intelligence。

谈判与冲突管理英文版试题答案CH 6 Quiz Questions

谈判与冲突管理英文版试题答案CH 6 Quiz Questions

Chapter Six Quiz Questions[Answers to multiple choice questions are included on the page following the quiz.] Multiple Choice:1. The four general parts of the communication process include all of the followingexcept:A. Listening.B. Speaking.C. Complaining.D. Watching.2. In communication theory, the one who originates the message is:A. The source.B. The encoder.C. The channel.D. The decoder.3. In the communication process, the step that follows immediately after sending amessage is:A. Repeating it.B. Changing it.C. Decoding it.D. None of the above.4. In the communication process, the step that should follow after the receiverdecodes the message is:A. Sending the next message.B Walking away.C. Providing feedback.D. Sending the message again through another channel.5. In the communication process, which party initiates feedback?A. The sender.B. The receiver.C. The observer.D. No-one.6. The most important rule to follow in order to facilitate communication is to:A. Talk loudly.B. Talk often.C. Interrupt as soon as you think you don’t understand.D. Listen quietly.7. Filtering is:A. Cleaning the channel.B. Phrasing things in politically correct terms.C. Speaking and relating to the personalities involved.D. None of the above.8. Two basic rules for effective filtering are:A. Know yourself.B. Speak in the other’s language.C. Project yourself onto the other.D. Presume that the other sees what you see.9. Failure of the filtering process often results in:A. Better options.B. Anger and conflict.C. Termination of negotiation.D. None of the above.10. Which of the following statements are NOT true in negotiation communication?A. It is okay to answer a question with a question.B. It is okay to test the other’s veracity.C. It is a good idea to use conditional statements.D. It is not a good idea to be silent.Essay Questions:11. Explain the course of action you should take when conflict arises during anegotiation.12. Define the term kinesics and explain its role in negotiation. Be sure to identify thetwo primary things to watch during negotiation.13. Select two body movements, actions, or postures and explain their potentialmeaning and/or impact as well as what your response should be.Chapter Six Quiz Multiple Choice Answers:1. C.2. A&B3. C4. C5. A6. D7. C8. A&B9. B&C10. D。
























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Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Unitary and pluralistic frames of reference Unitary
One set of values, beliefs, commitments Shared understanding & commitment to objectives One source of leadership Team members - All pulling in the same direction Potential for harmony is assumed provided leader communicates well Disagreements è the result of misunderstanding Dissidents – the "rabble" hypothesis
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Stoking the fires
Doing things "by the book" Poor or dysfunctional communication Picking flights Sabotage & spoiling tactics Disregarding alienation & isolation Public (ritual) humiliation Highlighting faults & failures of others
Anne Mayden Nicoreta et al 1995
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Sources of conflict
Organisational hierarchy Competition for scarce resources Self-image & stereotypical views of others Differing goals & objectives Failures & resultant blame fixing Poor coordination of activities
Individual processes (aggressive and polite communication, conflict handling, competence) Ways of thinking about it (roles & identities, institutional pressures, cultural and organisational constraints, ethical boundaries) Interactive processes (formal negotiations, cultural & communication processes in international business, negotiation in crises, office resentments and clashes)
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Factors influencing the manner of resolution
Organisational climate & culture Habituation, custom & practice, status quo Personal or political interests Presence or absence of systems, policies & procedures for managing conflict Individual skill in conflict handling Willingness to compromise
Management, People & Organisations
Managing Conflicts of Interest
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Definition - Conflict
"a process which begins when one party perceives that the other is frustrated, or is about to frustrate, some concern of his (or her). Thomas, 1976 in B&H p634
"…. A process that has as its objective the ending of conflict between disagreeing parties". B&H pp 653
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & OrganisationsChris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Review an apparent source of conflict of interest in your organisation
Clients – who is affected? Actors – who are the leading players
and coordinative implications
Environment – what are the characteristics
of the environment in which this is played?
What are the conflicts & interests? How are they manifested (feelings & behaviour)? How would the conflicts normally be resolved? How do you think the participants perceive the resolutions in terms of degree of satisfaction ?
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Player attitudes
I win – you lose (aggressive) I lose – you win (passive) I lose – you lose (total war) I win – you win (assertive)
Beyond Contract (Fox 1974) agreements are "best we can get at the moment".
(individuals, groups and institutions)
Transformations (what is the content and
process? What is the ground that is being fought over?)
World-view – what is the wider perspective Organisation – what are the organisational
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Organisational policy and practice on conflict management
What would be the content and coverage of an organisational policy on conflict management? What policy areas? What norms and expectations in terms of behaviour?
Chris Jarvis
Management, People & Organisations
Attitudes towards conflict
A way of life War ("…all's fair in love & …..")
Attrition Coup de grace
Competition ("…we'll see who gets there first") Avoidance ("…leave well alone") Accommodation ("…no, after you") Compromise ("…split the difference") Collaboration ("…lets work this out together") B&H pp 564-656
Multiple values, beliefs, commitments and objectives Diverse perceptions and understandings Competing sources of leadership and loyalty Individuals & members of separate groups Pulling in different directions – all in same boat but…… Potential for disagreement + conflict is inherent. Natural distrust in management authority Right to challenge decisions and share power Representative participation > dissidents