
托福独立口语Task1:Describe a behavior that many people may do in public that you find inconsiderate.Task2:Many people think that students study course materials more effectively by taking exams, while others think that students learn more effective through doing other activities such as writing paper or completing projects, which do you think is more effective for students to learn.托福综合口语Task3:阅读内容:标题:Run more campus buses原因1:现在的候车时间太长原因2:可以避免更多学生校内开车听力内容:态度: 赞成原因1:现在的校车间隔时间确实过长,导致女生会上课迟到(部分课程在校园两端)原因2:校车间隔时间长会导致学生开车,现在的油费很贵;因此增开更多的校车可以让学生少开车并省钱。
Task4:阅读内容:标题:elation effect定义:当人们的所获报酬增多时,人们会提高工作质量或工作效率。

1. 阅读部分
- 题目1:
- 阅读材料:《城市化对环境的影响》
- 问题:城市化如何影响空气质量?
- 答案:城市化导致工业和交通排放增加,从而降低了空气质量。
- 题目2:
- 阅读材料:《海洋生物多样性》
- 问题:为什么珊瑚礁对海洋生物多样性至关重要?
- 答案:珊瑚礁提供了丰富的栖息地和食物来源,是许多海洋生
2. 听力部分
- 题目1:
- 听力材料:《校园生活》
- 问题:学生在图书馆遇到了什么问题?
- 答案:学生找不到需要的参考书。
- 题目2:
- 听力材料:《气候变化》
- 问题:教授提到了哪些气候变化的影响?
- 答案:教授提到了极端天气事件的增加和海平面上升。
3. 口语部分
- 题目1:
- 问题:描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
- 答案:我最喜欢的季节是秋天,因为秋天天气凉爽,而且秋天
- 题目2:
- 问题:你更喜欢在线课程还是传统课堂学习?
- 答案:我更喜欢传统课堂学习,因为这样可以与老师和同学面对面交流。
4. 写作部分
- 题目1:
- 问题:是否应该限制儿童使用电子设备的时间?
- 答案:是的,应该限制,因为过度使用电子设备可能会影响儿童的社交技能和身体健康。
- 题目2:
- 问题:描述一个你认为可以改善公共交通系统的方法。
- 答案:增加公共交通的班次和覆盖范围,同时提高服务质量,可以改善公共交通系统。

5月6日托福口语真题解析2017年5月6日托福口语考题回忆Task 1 The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a new space to it. Which space do you recommend to add in your dormitory?1.Cafe2.Study room3.Game roomSample Answer:I suppose most of us would like to have a new study room. There are two reasons.直接明确,表明我支持哪一个观点,有两个支持论点。
The first reason is it can help us study. Nowadays, GPA becomes more and more important for college students. Good grades can help us in getting an ideal job after graduation.First是逻辑词,让论述结构清晰,简介明了地引出第一个原因,举一个细节例子——学习好了有利于找工作。
The second reason is during the final exams, an additional study place will be necessary for us. At that time there will be crowds of people getting up early to study in our library. It will be difficult to have a seat in there. So if we can have an additional study room in our dormitory, it will be much more convenience when our library is full of people.Second和First一样,作为逻辑词使论述层次更清晰。

2.Auklet可能接触sea stars的时候,感染了sea stars病毒,导致Auklet死亡。
Sample Answer:The writer presents three reasons to explain why auklets in America died off. However, the professor demonstrates a different idea that these reasons are all unconvincing.To question the first reason presented in the passage that auklets might die from starvation because of their large population and the relative little food, the professor points out that the balance between the number of a species and the food availability could actually be balanced. Therefore, even we assume that auklets would need to compete with each other for food because the number of them had increased in the previous summer and some of them didn’t win that competition and died, the food then would be enough for those auklets that had remained alive. In this case, theywould not completely die out.Another important point showed in the reading material is that auklets might be infected by some deadly virus from sea stars. But the professor presents a conflicting idea that scientist didn’t find this kind of virus in auklets’body. It is strange that they got infected by virus but didn’t had any in their body. The second reason in the reading passage is wrong again.Finally, the professor states that zooplankton still could not be the reason for auklets’die-off. Because there are other sea animals that also feed on zooplankton but they are not affected. This challenges the third theory made by the writer who says that the drop of zooplankton’s quality caused the die-off of auklets.(248 words)独立Do you agree or disagree: It is impossible to always be completely honest with your friends?Sample Answer:题目分析:同意不同意类中的单一论述题。
2017 年 05 月 06 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年05 月06 日托福考试真题解析托福阅读Passage one主题:Photography and Pictorial Weekly 内容回忆:第一段描述electrotype 这种新兴科技使得杂志能够更快的被打印出来,并使得Pictorial weekly 这种型号较大的新闻杂志发展起来,该杂志往往有很多的illustration 插画。
第二段描述使得pictorial weekly 发展起来的第二个关键因素就在于photography。
daguerreotype 这种早期的相片的出现使得早起相片里常见的人像广为流传,能让艺术家在离肖像模特十分远的地方也能够按照杂志里的图片做出画作。
第五段说,插画的主题从comic 变得更为formality. 虽然comic 的倾向仍然在部分杂志里有所保留,但是新的趋势是更为注重节制,礼节(propriety ).词汇题:1.Plentiful- abundant2.Emergence-development3.Routinely-often4.Distinctive-characteristicPassage two主题:Effects of Predation on distribution of species 内容回忆:本文共四段。
第一段讲了有实验表明当被引入了predator 的时候,prey 就会被predator 捕食殆尽,然而因为是人为条件下的结果,我们有理由认为在自然环境中并非如此。
因为predator 会失去自己的food resource 之一,所以会选择将prey 保留到可持续的水平。
第2 段说明了捕食影响物种分布的第一种方式是prey switching。
在某种prey 比较少时,就会转向其它的猎物。

Sample Answer:Both the reading passage and the lecture discuss the functions of the shafts found in the Great Pyramid. However, the lecture questions the accuracy of the theories proposed in the reading one by one.In the first place, whereas the author argues that the shafts are built for ventilation, the speaker refutes this for two reasons. Firstly, unlike the higher shafts, the shafts of the lower chamber are unable to reach the outer wall, which makes it impossible to bring in fresh air. Secondly, since the four shafts are quite similar, they are likely to have the same function. But in this case, only two of them are capable of bringing in fresh air, while the others are not. For these reasons, the lecturer asserts that these shafts are not for ventilation.In the second place, the lecturer discounts the reading passage’s claim that there’s a link between the shafts and the alignment of stars. He goes on to say that theconnection between stars and gods didn’t appear until the later period of ancient Egypt. Nevertheless, the pyramid was built during the earlier years and the star alignment theory simply didn’t exist at that time. This directly contradicts the reading passage which states that the shafts are built for religious reasons.The final point on which the author and the lecturer disagree with each other is whether the shafts are built in order to help king’s soul travel to afterlife. The reading makes the claim that these shafts are likely to be passageways for the king’s soul. In contrast, the lecturer contends it doesn’t necessarily mean the passageway should be an actual shaft. He gives an example of other pyramids building symbolic passageways for their dead kings, which indicates that ancient Egyptians believed souls could easily cross through walls and did not need any actual passageway. This goes against the idea in the reading passage.(315 words)独立Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child(5-10 years old)?1.being helpful2.Being honest3.Being well organized解题思路:选being helpful1.可以帮助到他人,获得他人的认可2.自己同时获得成就感,培养正确价值观3.这个年龄段的小孩很难做到完全照顾自己,良好的组织能力对他们而言有些难度Sample Answer:Childhood is the golden age of people’s lives because it is a time of physical growth and great leaps forward intellectually and socially. Being helpful, honest and well organized are values that parents and educators try to instill in children from a very young age, but I would argue that among these values, honesty would be the most important one to share with a young child.First and foremost, honesty is the cardinal principle of conducting oneself. Imparting honesty into children can hold them accountable for their behavior and teach them how to distinguish right from wrong from a young age. Unlike adults, children are normally unaware of the consequence of telling lies, and teaching them the value of honesty can help them realize how to act with integrity and confidence. For example, children who are conscious of being honest are more likely to contribute positively to the whole society in the future and will never defraud their clients and customers in workplace. In contrast, students who are dishonest may plagiarize other people’s thesis and fail to achieve success even though they perform well at school.Besides, being honest can help us win the trust and respect from others, even from those who are unfamiliar with us. It is widely known that childhood is an important period for children to learn lifelong social and emotional skills they need. Therefore, making them capable of being honest helps children learn how to behave in a more socially acceptable way. Just imagine, an honest child always gets along well with everyone at school, with a bunch of good friends around him. When he grows up, people are more willing to collaborate with him as well as to give him a hand when he gets into troubles. On the contrary, a dishonest child will be looked down upon by others and be regarded as a public enemy.Undeniably, being helpful and well organized are both important qualities, which do benefit children in their own way. The young generation can learn responsibility and find enjoyment in helping others. But the fact is, 5 to 10-year-old children are too young to be able to take care of themselves, not to speak of giving a hand to other people. As for the organizational skill, it just makes little sense since kids of that age are naturally active and naughty. Overemphasis on children’s organizational ability would have an adverse impact on their growth. If children are required to be well organized at any time, their creativity and imagination will be stifled.To sum up, I’m not saying that being helpful and well-organized are of no use, but compared to the importance of honesty, these two values can be crossed off the priority list.(456 words)。

2017年5⽉6⽇托福机经回忆(页版) 2017年5⽉6⽇考试ETS还是把题库⾥的⽼题⼤量地拼盘测试。
A卷 阅读部分,四篇⽂章,三篇⽼题,⼀篇新题。
第⼀篇Mapping the World,重复2016.10.16⼤陆题; 第⼆篇Parental Care by Frogs,重复2016.11.13⼤陆题; 第三篇Lighting in Museums,重复2016.09.11和2015.06.27; 第四篇;Atmosphere of Planets(新题,今天的加试阅读题) 阅读部分四篇⽂章,也就是今年⽐较常见的阅读加试。
B卷 Urban Development in the United States in the Nineteenth Century 重复2014.11.23(加场)和2014.04.27 Sea Life Adaptation in the Deep Ocean 重复 2015.06.27 Surface Fluids on Venus and Earth 重复2015.03.07A卷,2014.04.12和2013.07.20 C卷 Weeklies—electrotype新兴技术使得杂志能快速打印 美国电⼒系统重复 2015.11.21 A卷和2014.8.23A卷 Early Ideas of Continental Drift 重复 2015.11.21 B卷 Predator-Prey Cycles D卷 The Atmospheres of Planets 新题,加试 The Collapse of the Maya 重复 2014.10.18 The Origin of Coral Reefs 重复 2016.06.25 和 2014.06.21 Causes of Industrialization in the United States 重复 2016.06.04。
2017 年 05 月 13 日托福考试真题解析

2017 年05 月13 日托福考试真题解析托福阅读Passage one主题:Body temperature 内容回忆:本文共8 段。
第 1 段动物需要保持体温,还需要将热量传输到表面皮肤。
第 2 段产生热量的是少部分器官,比如人体中的chest,abdomen,brain 产生的热量就占所有热量的72%。
第3 段运动的时候,会产生更多的热量,要比平时多上十多倍的热量,主要是肌肉产生。
第4 段说的内部温度也不是都一样的,inner 的温度保持恒定,但是器官直接也有温度差,可能会有0.5 度的差别。
第5,6 段主要讲热量是怎么传输到表面的。
词汇题:1.uniform = constant2.considerably = greatly3.significance = importance4.roughly = approximatelyPassage two主题:The north long-neck turtle 内容回忆:第1 段介绍了生活在澳洲热带的long-neck turtle,它们的栖息地非常地特殊,会随着干湿两季的不同,改变栖息地;第 2 段讲到研究者们找了两年也没有找到这种龟的栖息地,但是当地的土著人知道,他们知道这种龟会将蛋产在水下。
为了验证这个说法,研究者在水下放了很多radio transmitter,turtle 下蛋的时候,transmitter 会附在蛋上,结果真的发现,long-neck turtle 会在水下14-17 米的泥下下蛋;第3 段讲为什么turtle 会选这里下蛋,这和它们生存的环境有关,它们生存的环境没有稳定的水,干湿两季是主要原因。
第 4 段讲到为什么这种龟下蛋在水下,蛋可以生存下来,不同于别的蛋,它们的蛋特别抗压。

L1: 艺术
课窝教育 ∙ 版权所有
讲座主要介绍了如何保存油画,光对于画作会产生伤害。首先介绍了紫外线 (ultraviolet)因为波长短所以能量大,会破坏颜料里的有机物,就像太阳晒伤皮肤一样, 所以可以采取过滤这种光线的装置来保护油画。然后介绍了红外线(infrared)会产生热 量,导致周围环境温度变高,颜料和木头画框开裂从而造成破坏。但是我们必须要有光来 欣赏作品,所以伤害无法避免。后续又说到如果没有光线照射的话,油画会有 yellowish ,smoky 的 appearance,且一面有光线照射和一面没有光线照射的油画,光的破 坏作用在两面的对比很明显。
关于校园活动的话题是托福听力必考内容之一,考生在备考时应注意分场景把常见的 话题梳理一遍,如本次考试涉及的社团话题,应重点听清楚社团想做的活动内容和目的为 何。同时提到较为学术的内容时,需要更加细致的记笔记,如本文中提到另一位教授的诗 歌风格需要认真记录。最后提醒各位考生,对话部分的主旨题偶尔会出现在文章的靠后位 置,关注学生是否提到信号词“我来是为了…”不要盲目的选择开头内容。
3. segregated = separated
Passage Three
题目:Beginning of the Planet Formation
内容回忆:本文共 5 段
第一段,讲到太阳系的水星,金星,地球和火星都是类地行星,即它们的内部主要都 是有岩石土壤之类的物质组成。该段引出探讨这几种行星形成之初的情形。最初的时候, 主要是一些气围绕着一个圆盘(disc)旋转,同时也绕着太用公转。这些 disc 主要是些颗粒 物,但数量很少,不到 2%。

5月27日托福阅读真题回忆2017年5月27日托福阅读真题回忆Passage One学科分类:History题目:Venice: An Empire on the Sea内容回忆:1.Water is the source of prosperity in Venice. Venice has several natural advantages.2. Apart from natural advantages, Venice’s achievement intrade also contributes to its success.3. Government’s power and Venice style of republicanism4. Commercial families词汇题:1.lucrative-profitable2.distinctions-differences3.elaborate-complicated4.persuasively-convincingly Passage Two学科分类:Technology题目:The Print Revolution内容回忆:1.宗教革命与打印机息息相关。
2. printing与papermaking的联系3. printing与goldsmithing的联系4. printing依然spread widely5.详细说明了printing revolution带来的种种影响词汇题:1.allied-relatedpilations-collections3.dispersed-spreadPassage Three学科分类:Zoology题目:Effects of Plate Tectonics on Species内容回忆:1.Plate Tectonics主要影响climate和地理2.形成的province越多,物种多样性越高3.对于wind和sea currents有影响,从而影响物种分布4.南方物种被北方来的迁徙类物种代替,而南方却很少迁徙到北方去。

5月20日托福阅读真题回忆2017年05月20日托福阅读考题回忆Passage One学科分类:History题目:Dynastic Egypt and the Nile River内容回忆:本文共三段。
词汇题:1.Relentless=without pause2.Encountered=came into contact with3.Mobilize=put into action4.Remarkable=impressivePassage Two学科分类:History题目:Electric lighting and the American Home内容回忆:本文共六段。
第一段讲了家庭用电改变了美国民众的生活;第二段讲了19世纪晚期,设计师如何通过颜色及室内构造使得用gas照明的Victorian house更加安全美观;第三段讲了设计师意识到了用电的优势,并尝试在用电照明的房屋中使用更多的明亮的色彩等方式让房屋更加明亮安全;第四段讲了设计师们为了控制装修成本,不得不想办法改变房屋的大小和数量;第五段讲了bungalow的出现和迅速推广;第六段讲了家庭用电促进了人们更多的在家读书。
词汇题:1.Properties=characteristics2.Substantially=significantly3.Allegedly=supposedly4.Apparent=obviousPassage Three学科分类:Zoology题目:Elephant use of infrasound内容回忆:本文共五段。
第一段讲了infrasound在自然界中的运用;第二段和第三段都讲了infrasound的最早发现;第四段讲了雌性大象如何用infrasound吸引雄性大象交配;第五段讲了infrasonic communication在象群中的其他运用。

2.252017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆Task 1The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why.l A theater performance by the student actorsl A concert provided by professional musicianl A lecture from a professorSample Answer:Well, as a student, I will choose a theater performance by the student actors. For one thing, this kind of activ ity will improve their cooperation skills. To be more specific, atheater performance includes the whole process of organizing, participating, and promoting an event. Whether the student director or the actor take the responsibility to achieve his/her duty, so this is a great opportunity for them to learn how to deal with other people. Moreover, a performance could greatly inspire them to be more creative. Imean, in order to make a good show, students may have lots of difficulties to cope with, so they have to be flexible to face any emergency. As a result, they may come up with lots of new ideas to make it. Because of these two reasons, I believe this is the best choice. (140 words)Task 2Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why?Sample Answer:Of course I agree with this idea. Firstly people are bound to be different. We have various family background as well as education background even though we are friends. So it is quite naturally that there come up different ideas toward one problem. For example I like watching movie in the movie theatre while my best friend Amy hate sitting in the dark place. But I never require her to go with me; we are still very close friends. Also, the friend who holds a different attitude with me sometimes could inspire me to think from another way. Maybe a very sharp discussion can lead me to an inspiring idea. After all, the experiences and knowledge of one person is limited. For me, I like the friend who are differ from me. (132 words)Task 3阅读标题:Create a Student Magazine原因1: Students spend a lot of time on their paper, and some of them have high quality. So we need a magazine to publish those good quality papers.原因2: Publish students’ paper can share information about their academic achievement and provide them confidence听力态度:Approval原因1:There are a lot of paper, we can select some of them to publish on a magazine. This will be an encouragement for the students.原因2:Other students will be able to find useful material from these paper and they can learn how to organize their own paper.Sample Answer:The student in the letter suggests that school should create a Student Magazine because they need a magazine to publish those good quality papers written by students and in this way students can share information about their academic achievement and provide them confidence. The man in the conversation totally agrees with this idea because for one thing, there are a lot of papers for them to select some of them to publish on a magazine, especially those good quality ones. This will be a great encouragement for the students. For another thing, other students will be able to find useful materials from these papers so they can learn how to organize their own paper. Considering those benefits, the man thinks it is a good idea. (125 words)Task 4阅读标题:Life Stage of Animal Migration定义:In different life stages, some animal need to migrate to various places to live, because of the diet and safety. When they are young, they may safe and have enough food in the original place. However, if they grow older, the original place may have threads from the predators and the food may be insufficient.听力例子:Anglerfish lay eggs in deep sea. Then, the eggs will float to the surface of the sea, where the younger Anglerfish can enjoy enough food and sunlight. But when they grow older, they predator will be a great threat to them, so they will migrate to the deep sea. Sample Answer:Life Stage of Animal Migration means in different life stages, some animal need to migrate to various places to live because of the diet and safety. When they are young, they may safe and have enough food in the original place while they may migrate to other places when their lives are threatened by their predators. The professor takesanglerfish as an example. The anglerfish lay eggs in deep sea. Then the eggs will float to the surface of the sea where the younger anglerfish can enjoy enough food and sunlight. But when they grow older, their predator will be a great threat to them, which means the original place which means that the food may be insufficient for them to live on. As a result, they will migrate to the deep sea to survive. (135 words)Task 5问题:The girl moved to a new apartment, and the window glass was broken when her friend help her hanging a picture to the wall. They need to replace the glass, but it is expensive.解决方案1:Her friend and she share the cost of window glass.优点1:it is not much money if they share the cost. Only 50 dollar each.缺点1:Her friend came to help her and does not break it purposely. She feels it’s unfair for her friend.解决方案2:She will cover the whole cost.优点2:it will be fair for her friend and she will feel better.缺点2:100 dollar is expensive for her.Sample Answer:The woman‟s problem is that she just moved to a new apartment, but the window glass was broken when her friend help her hanging a picture on the wall. They need to replace the glass, but it is quite expensive. There are two solutions, the first is that she and her friend could split the cost of window glass which is only 50 dollar for each person but she feels it‟s unfair for her friend. The other solution is that she will cover the whole cost but 100 dollar is expensive to her. I prefer she take the second solution for sure. For one thing, her friend didn‟t break the window purposely and it was a great f avor that the friend helped her. Moreover, money is not a big problem comparing with her friend‟s kindness and maybe she could do some part-time job to make the money back which is not that difficult. (153 words)Task 6话题:Business Networks要点1:We are in a business network. Different people engage in various occupations. They have different knowledge and skills.例子1:A woman running a restaurant may have friends or customers engaged in various occupations. When she needs an accountant, she will find one from her business network. She will trust more on the accountant whom she knew than those she does not know.要点2: In a business network, we not only trust the people from our own networks, we also trust the persons who are recommended by the people we knew.例子2: The women will introduce one of her friends to another, who may need the professional help but does not know a person in his/her own network.Sample Answer:In the lecture, the professor mainly talks about two aspects of business networks. The first point is people may have different knowledge and skills from business networksbecause they engage in various occupations. For example, a woman running a restaurant may have friends or customers engaged in various occupations. When she needs an accountant, she will find one from her business network. She will trust more on the accountant whom she knew than those she does not know. The second point is that in a business network, we not only trust the people from our own networks, we also trust the persons who are recommended by the people we knew. Also take the woman as an example, she will introduce one of her friends to another, who may need the professionalhelp but does not know a person in his/her own network. (142 words)2017年01月14日托福口语考题回忆Task 1You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose?1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner)2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read3. Read a selection of poemSample Answer:Among the three presentation choices, I would choose to act out a play with my partner. As a literature major, I have been deeply entranced by dramas, accordingly, I'd rather consider acting as a form of amusement than regarding it as a job. To illustrate, I remember the first year in college, I made a rather unusual decision to deliver a performance on Shakespeare's Drama-Hamlet at New Year‟s party instead of participating in student‟s choir in singing. As a result, the decision paid off since I was granted an acting position at city's drama club, as a reward for my authentic and impressive performance. Ever since then, acting has become part of my daily ritual for my passion and adoration for it never dies out. (125 words)Task 2Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?Sample Answer:I am in favor of working in a large corporation rather than a small firm because large corporations often are ruled and governed by stable regulations whereas small firm often undergoes management transformations in which causing employees time to adjust and adapt to the new leaderships. Take my brother Jim as an illustration, he used to work as a high-tech personal in a petite firm which was specializing in virtual reality technology. Initially he was so passionate about the job that he barely took any weekends off for his own pleasure, he was so determined that he'd be promoted with such exceptional skills and professionalism. But he was wrong, after a few years, he was spiritually and psychically worn out because the management seats were constantly going through changes and his promotions were never brought up on the agenda because the new supervisors always bring their own personals to take charge in company affairs. Consequently, Jim had no choice but to quit the old firm and join an elite corporation that has business dealings nationwide, his excellent work has soon to be spotted by the management and he was granted promotion in a short term. Therefore, I'm inclined to listen to my brother Jim and work in a large company with stable leadership. (213 words)Task 3阅读标题:Weekend Art Workshop原因1:This will provide students whose majors are not art a relaxed environment to learn art without concerning about grade.原因2:This will give art-majored students more opportunities to practice.听力态度:不同意原因一:学习目前已经有艺术类选修课程,是不评分的。

and why.
1. 更 方 便 学 生 的 生 活 和 学 习 2. 为 学 校 节 约 资 金 3. 让 步 ,学 生 的
独立 At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect daily life of everyone on campus, such as how many hours that the libraries should be ope what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But
at some universities, experts are hired to make this decisions,
students almost never involved. Which approa月 20 日托福写作真题
2017 年 05 月 20 日 托福写作考题回忆 综合 阅读:针对海洋生物大量死亡,提出了三种理论 1. 他们住在 lagoon 里,跟海洋连接,有海水流进去,后来发生地震 切断了与海洋的连接,导致水干了,他们就都死。 2. 致死的病毒导致的。并类比了,现在 dolphin 的例题,他们也是 病毒致死的 3. algal boom.海藻疯长,小的动物吃海藻,海藻产生毒素,捕食者 又吃小动物,所以都被毒死了。 听力:阅读三种理论站不住脚 1. 如果水干了的话,会产生 minerals ,但是实际上并没有发现,所以 阅读的假设不成立。 2. 病 毒 也 不 可 能 。因 为 病 毒 不 可 能 导 致 大 面 积 的 生 物 死 亡 ,它 只 会 想 象 一个种类,不同的动物种类差异太大。 3. 海藻确实可以产生毒素,但是问题是有一些并不吃动物的食草动物, 但是它们也死亡了,所以对于这一点,不能得到合理的解释。
2017年05月20日 托福听力考题


新托福口语Task2题目:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: it is okay for people to use surgery to change their appearance. Please include details and examples in your explanation.新托福口语Task2解析:Task2是去年7月的一道新题。
参考表达born with defects, like cleft lip 兔唇get disfigured 毁容boost confidence 提升自信climb up the career ladder(这个表达在what is life really like in Japan中讲过)enhance career prospects 提升职业前景反对整容:a.内在美永远比外表更重要。
参考表达inner beauty always outweighs the appearanceget addictive 上瘾carry a risk 有风险新托福口语Task2范文一:I'm definitely against it as beauty is in the eye of beholders, after all you have done to impress others, at the end you find no one appreciating and you start to think if it's worth the risk and pain all over again.Plus it makes everyone look the same, now when i go out i figure out right away who has been under knife. this unnatural look says it all!And now with all kinds of makeup techniques, people are able to look the way they want, so why suffer when things can work out just like that, most importantly its more natural!新托福口语Task2范文二:Well, personally, I think it is acceptable for people to undertake plastic surgery based on the following reasons. T o begin with, when someone is having a plastic surgeries, the money will be paid to the surgeons and also to those who work in that place, like the janitors, repairmen, cashier and the receptionists. In short, it can boast the economy by creating more jobs. Additionally, some people are not happy with their appearance, and a better body and facial appearance will help build up their confidence and they certainly have the right and freedom to decide what they do with their body. I mean, it doesn't hurt to have the plastic surgeries as long as the party involved can afford it.新托福口语Task2范文三:To be honest, I’m ok with this. Changing the way people look has become a part of their daily topics. I always hear people around me talk about having a plastic surgery in South Korea,like breast implants or double-fold eyelids. Even I want to make my chin look pointy. You may think I am crazy, but tell you the truth, if some people don’t get it done, they will lose their precious chances. For example, when two girls are taking a job interview. Girl A looks really normal, actually when she is surrounded by the crowd, you won’t even notice her. And Girl B has ever done a plastic surgery on her nose, cheeks and eyebrows, and she’s perfect in most men’s eyes. So, whom do you think will get the job? Girl B of course. I’m not being judgmental, I’m just telling the cruel facts.下载全文。

2017年5⽉13⽇托福⼝语真题解析2017年05⽉13⽇托福⼝语考题回忆Task 1There is going to have students’ TV show. Which show would you like to watch. Please Give your reasons.A. Interview school leadersB. Students’ debate on political and social topicsC. Comedy about school lifeTask 2Some people want to change their appearance, even by surgery. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.Task 3阅读标题:mentor program原因1:可以知道职业规划的知识原因2:为以后的就业做准备听⼒态度:反对原因1:学⽣现在已经很忙,没有时间。
原因2:学⽣会可以获得相关的知识Task 4阅读标题:skimming定义:skimming是指⼀些科技,创新的产品新出的时候,⾼售价。
Task 5问题:男孩⼉纠结下午的时间安排,⼀⽅⾯下午⽣物⽼师要在家⾥办party,庆祝学期结束。
另⼀⽅⾯,历史学科的final paper 要上交了,可是男孩昨天电脑坏了,只能匆忙完成,需要下午再补充检查。

5月27日托福口语真题回忆2017年5月27日托福口语真题回忆Task 1Your friend has just moved to a new city and is nervous about making new friends. What advice would you give your friend?Task 2You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can eitherwill you choose?Task 3阅读标题:Dormitory Study Rooms好处:原因1:Lounges for entertaining aren’t suitable for studying because it is very noisy there for the students who want to read.原因2:Equipping the study room with computers and printers would be better and convenient to student.听力态度:同意原因一:如果在个人宿舍,室友会看电视聊天会很吵。
如果有专门的study room 就可以看书什么的。
如果他们需要用的话就要去student center,但有时他们会很晚student center都关门了。
Task 4标题:Rational Ignorance定义:When people decide to buy something less important, they are not willing to take time and energy to consider carefully because they think it is not worthy.听力例子:The professor uses his own example to illustrate this. When he bought his car, he used to spend a lot of time doing research. But when he bought batteries, even there are five brands and they are different in some ways, he didn’t read the descriptions or ask sales questions. He just picked up the first one he saw and paid.问题:The woman’s friend is going to give a speech on graduation ceremony and is nervous about it. So she wants the woman to attend the ceremony so she will feel more confident. But woman will finish her exams one week earlier that that and she already bought flight ticket.解决方案1:She can reschedule the flight.优点1:She can attend her friend’s graduation ceremony.缺点1:She needs to pay extra 75 dollars and many other expenses.解决方案2:She can help her friend prepare the speech before she goes.优点2:She can go home as planned. Preparing in advance will help her friend avoid to be nervous on the ceremony.缺点2:Her friend will be disappointed because her friend really wants her to attend the graduation ceremony.Task 6话题:Plants avoid sunlight要点1:other objects例子1:When vines seek for trees or building, they grow in dark shadow until they surpass the top of the tree or building.要点2:moisture例子2:Bean plants will turn their leaves side up, exposing the thin edge to the intense sunlight to avoid losing too much water in the middle of the day.。

SampleAnswer:Whenitcomestothedecreaseofseaturtle’spopulation,thereadingputsforwardthreesolutionsto preventthistendencR.However,allthesethreesolutionsareregardedasinvalidinthelistening. First,theideathatbuildingametalfencewillwork.Notasitputsinthereading,thelisteningarguest hatthementalfencewillhinderthedevelopmentofmagneticfieldwhicheRertsinfluenceonthegr owthofthelittleseaturtles.ThelisteningfurtherillustratesthatseaturtlesrelRonmagneticfieldto navigate,findfoodandmatesaswellasfindasuitableplacetolaReggs.WithoutafullRdevelopedm agneticfield,theRcannotliveandreproduce. Astothesecondmeasureofabanoftheplasticbags,thelisteningstillrefutesit.Asamatteroffact,th erearealreadRthousandsofplasticbagsinthesea,which,althoughdecomposingintosmallpiece s,stillposegreatthreattoseaturtles.Therefore,thebanofplasticbagsisnotthepoint. LastlR,thereadingcallsontotransformthetraditionalfishingnetsintothosecatchingonlRfishbut notseaturtles.UnfortunatelR,thethirdsolutionisnotabletoworkwell.ThelisteningeRplainsthatt hefishermenwillrefusetousethetransformedfishingnetsfortheRwillcatchfewerfishandthusget adecreasedincome.Eventhoughrelevantlawsareenacted,thefishermenwillapplRthetradition alfishingnetsbeforereplacingthemwiththetransformedfishingnetsonshore.(247words)独立Rouarehelpingtoselectaleaderforastudentorganizationoragroup.DoRouthinkaperson'shone stisthemostimportantcharacteristicforbeingaleader?SampleAnswer: RegardlessoftheincreasinglRcomplicatedrelationshipsamongmodernpeople,honestRisstillre gardedasthemostcherishedcharacteristicwhenitcomestoevaluatingothersaroundus.Therefo re,itisnotbeRondoureRpectationthatsomeonegivesprioritRtohonestRwhenselectingaleaderf orastudentorganization.AccordingtomRpreferenceandeRperience,thereareothertwofactors thataremoreworthnoticing.Tobeginwith,theabilitRtoplanandorganizeisthemostessentialcharacteristicforastudentleade rforthesakeofasmoothprogressofthestudentaffairs.Inotherwords,competentleadersarethos ewithdetailedplansandcleargoalsintheirmind.Otherwise,thewholegroupwilleasilRgetlostont hewaRandlosetheimpetustostrivefortheircommongoals.BRmakingadetailedplanandcarrRin gitoutstepbRstep,agroupleaderisnotonlRcapableofpushingforwardandcompletethepresetpr ojectsbutalsoabletokeeptheteammembersawaRfromdistrustandanRietR.ForeRample,ifalea derofEnglishAssociationisgoingtoconductanEnglishspeakingcontest,heisrequiredtofigureou ttheconcreteprocessofaspeakingcontest,thecostrelatedtotheappliedfacilitiesaswellastheass ignmentforeachindividualinthegroup.Besides,whetherthecandidateforthestudentleadermasterstheartofcommunicationisalsowor thnoticing.ItisnodenRingthattheleaderofastudentorganizationiseRposedtovariouschancest ointeractwithgroupmembersencompassingstudentsofdistinctpersonalitRtraits.Therefore,itisofparamountimportancefortheleadertobepossessedwiththeabilitRtorelatewellwithothers .MoreimportantlR,onlRbRwellcoordinatingtherelationsamongtheteammemberscanthestude ntleaderbecapableofensuringthesmoothprogressoftheorganization.Toillustrate,ifconflictsar iseamongteammembersduringtheprocessofcrucialprojects,theleaderhastheobligationtopro perlRsettlethedisagreementbRskillfullRcalmingthemdownwithmaRbewittRwordsandthenta kemeasurestocopewiththeproblems.AdmittedlR,itisindisputablethathonestRshouldnotbeneglectedintermsofchoosingaleader.Aft erall,honestRhasalottodowithobtainingtrustandcreatingaharmoniousatmosphereamongthe wholegroup.ItisnaturalthatpeopleusuallRrelRonanhonestpersonwithoutreservation.Nevert heless,itisstillnotwiseenoughtoregarditasthemostcrucialfactorintermsofchoosingaleaderfor studentorganizationsforhonestRdoesnottestifR toone’sabilit Randcompetenceindealingwithg roupprojects.Tosumup,takingtheabilitRofplanningandorganizingaswellascommunicationskillsintoconside ration,itistoorashtoputhonestRfirstwhenchoosingaleaderforstudentorganizations.(469word s)2017年01月14日托福写作考题回忆综合Whetherthethreemethodstostopsnakeheadsfromspreadingisfeasible.Reading:Thereadingraisesthreemethodstostopthespreadofsnakeheadfishbecauseitthreatenstheeco sRstem.1.Makinglawstopreventpeoplefromtransportingsnakeheadfish.Somepeopleinthefishmarket willillegallRtransportorreleaseunsoldsnakeheadfish.catingfisherstocatchsnakehead.IftheRrecognizethatpeopleactuallRcaneatsnakehead asafoodsource,theRwillcatchmanRtoeatandtosell.3.Researchingsomepoisontokillthesnakehead.Thoughpoisonwillalsokillnativefishesintherive r,peoplecanrestocknativefishes.Listening: ThelisteningcontradictsallmethodsproposedbRtheauthorofthepassageandpointsouttheirpot entialproblems.1.Evenifpeopledonottransportthesnakehead,thespreadwillstillcontinue.Thereasonisthatthe rearealreadRmanRsnakeheads,andthesesnakeheadswillmovetootherriversevenwithouthu man'sefforts,becausetheRcanliveandmoveonlandaslongastheRaremoist.catingfisherstocatchsnakeheadwillnothelpstopthespreadofsnakehead.ConverselR,itm aRleadtotheincreaseofsnakehead.BecausewhenfishersrealizetheRcanmakeprofitbRcatchin gsnakehead,theRwillintroducesnakeheadtootherwaterbodiesandraisesnakeheadinordertoc atchmoresnakehead,eventhisisillegal.3.Itistruethatnativefishescanberestocked;however,poisonwillalsokillsomeinsectsandmicroo rganisms,whichcannotberestocked.So,nativefishesthatfeedontheseinsectsandmicroorganis mscannotgrowtotheiroriginalsize.Thisisirreversible.SampleAnswer: Thereadingpassageandlecturebothtalkabouthowtostopthespreadofsnakeheadsandtheprof essorcontradictsallthosemethodmentionedinthepassagerespectivelR. Thefirstsolutionistomakelawstopreventpeoplefromtransportingsnakeheadfish,accordingtot hepassage.Howevertheprofessorgivesoppositeviewpointthatevenifpeopledonottransportth esnakeheads,thespreadwillstillcontinue,becausetherearealreadRmanRsnakeheadsandtheR willmovetootherriversbRmovingonlandaslongastheRaremoist.Inotherwords,whetherpeople transportthemornot,theRwillstillestablishtheirpopulation.SecondlR,theprofessorfightsagainsttoteachfisherstocatchsnakeheads.ActuallR,whenfishers realizedthattheRcanmakeprofitbRthiswaR,theRwillintroducesnakeheadtootherwaterbodies andraisetheminordertocatchmore,whichmaRconverselRleadtotheincreaseofsnakehead. Astothevirus,professoralsoshowshisstrongdisapproval.Eventhoughthenativefishescanberes tocked,thepoisonwillkillsomeinsectsandmicroorganisms,whichcannotberestocked.Thenther ecomestoanirreversibleconsequencethatthenativefishes,whichfeedontheseinsectsandmicr oorganisms,cannotgrowtotheiroriginalsize.(207words)独立AsastudentofuniversitRthathasalongbreakbetweenuniversitRsemesters,theuniversitRrequir esallstudentstodooneofthefollowingforonemonthduringthebreak:1、StudentsmusttakeacourseonthesubjectthathasnodirectconnectiontotheirmajorsofstudR(Fo reRample,astudentmajoringinengineeringmaRtakecourseinfineartsorsocialscience.)2、StudentsmustvolunteertoworkintheuniversitR’scitRortheirhometownstoimprovesomeaspectsoflifeofthecitRortheirowntown.(ForeRample, studentsmaRhelplocalprimarRschoolchildrenwiththeirhomework.) WhichonedoRouthinkismorebeneficialforstudentsintheiruniversitR?WhR?eRourOWNwords,doNOTusememorizedeRamples. SampleAnswer: ThereislargequantitRofstudentswhospendtheirsparetimetodovolunteerworkmainlRasacons equenceoftherequirementofcreditorsomeworkingeRperience.Still,thattotallRmakesnosense .EventhoughIamnotauniversitRstudentsnow,giventhechoice,Iwouldchoosetolearnsomekno wledgethatdifferentfrommRownmajor. WiderangeofsocialcircleisthefirstbenefitwhentheRlearnvarioussubjects.Allwhatwedointhes ocietRlikestartingabusinessandfulfilltheambitionincareerdependonabundantsocialresources .Thesocialcircle,whichprovidesthegreatesthelpinpromotingourworkandlife,needstobesetup whenweareintheuniversitR.VariousclassesareeRactlRthewaRthatcreatechancesforustomee tfriendsinvariousfields.OnthecontrarR,ifrestrictedinownworld,wegetalongwithsmallrangeof friendswhosharethesameskillsandknowledge.Whenwemeetsometroubleinfuturecareer,it’s merelRimpossibletocooperatewiththem.Forthesakeoffuturedevelopment,makingfriendsthr oughthiswaRisagreatopportunitRtoeRpandourpoolofcompanions. Asidefrommakingfriendswhoareseparatefromourcoresocialcircle,anotheradvantageisthatw hatwelearninotherfieldsmaRhavegreatcontributionstoouroriginalmajor.Thereisnosuchsubje ctthatcanestablishwithoutanRotherfield.Iamasociologicalstudents,whowereaskedtolearnso mestatisticsthatseemsirrelevantbutactuallR,helpmealotwhenIdosomesocialresearches.Imi ghtnotfinishmRthesisbeforegraduationiftheprofessorhadnotaskustotakestatisticscourses.Ir eallR don’tseean Rthingwrongwiththestudentstakingthecoursesthathavenoconnectionwithth eirmajorwhethertheRaretrulRinterestedinitorjustforthesakeofannualpaperoreRaminations. TwoRearsago,IinterviewedsomeofthosestudentswhRtheRtookvolunteerworkinholidaRs,Ifo undtheleadingreasonwasthattheRwantedtoaccumulateworkingeRperiences.Itsoundsreaso nablebutactuallR,moststudentsapplRforthejobthatisfarawaRfromwhattheRdidvoluntarilRbe fore.AccordingtoarecentsurveRconductedbRmRprofessor,whoisaspecialistinresearchofemp loRment,nomorethan7%involvedstudentschoosetheirfinaljobaswhattheirsocialpracticedida ndmostofthemhavetotallRdifferentideasfromtheiroriginalthoughtswhentheRwereincampus. SincetheworkingeRperiencefromvolunteerhasnobusinesstotheirfinalcareer,whatistheration alebehindthischoice? ThereisnothingwrongwithdoingvolunteerworkinholidaR.Forthebestfuturedevelopment,tho ugh,learningdifferentknowledgeandskillsisthebetterwaRtoenrichourlife.(469words)2017年01月14日托福写作考题回忆综合Whetherthethreemethodstostopsnakeheadsfromspreadingisfeasible.Reading:Thereadingraisesthreemethodstostopthespreadofsnakeheadfishbecauseitthreatenstheeco sRstem.1.Makinglawstopreventpeoplefromtransportingsnakeheadfish.Somepeopleinthefishmarket willillegallRtransportorreleaseunsoldsnakeheadfish.catingfisherstocatchsnakehead.IftheRrecognizethatpeopleactuallRcaneatsnakehead asafoodsource,theRwillcatchmanRtoeatandtosell.3.Researchingsomepoisontokillthesnakehead.Thoughpoisonwillalsokillnativefishesintherive r,peoplecanrestocknativefishes.Listening: ThelisteningcontradictsallmethodsproposedbRtheauthorofthepassageandpointsouttheirpot entialproblems.1.Evenifpeopledonottransportthesnakehead,thespreadwillstillcontinue.Thereasonisthatthe rearealreadRmanRsnakeheads,andthesesnakeheadswillmovetootherriversevenwithouthu man'sefforts,becausetheRcanliveandmoveonlandaslongastheRaremoist.catingfisherstocatchsnakeheadwillnothelpstopthespreadofsnakehead.ConverselR,itm aRleadtotheincreaseofsnakehead.BecausewhenfishersrealizetheRcanmakeprofitbRcatchin gsnakehead,theRwillintroducesnakeheadtootherwaterbodiesandraisesnakeheadinordertoc atchmoresnakehead,eventhisisillegal.3.Itistruethatnativefishescanberestocked;however,poisonwillalsokillsomeinsectsandmicroo rganisms,whichcannotberestocked.So,nativefishesthatfeedontheseinsectsandmicroorganis mscannotgrowtotheiroriginalsize.Thisisirreversible.SampleAnswer: Thereadingpassageandlecturebothtalkabouthowtostopthespreadofsnakeheadsandtheprof essorcontradictsallthosemethodmentionedinthepassagerespectivelR. Thefirstsolutionistomakelawstopreventpeoplefromtransportingsnakeheadfish,accordingtot hepassage.Howevertheprofessorgivesoppositeviewpointthatevenifpeopledonottransportth esnakeheads,thespreadwillstillcontinue,becausetherearealreadRmanRsnakeheadsandtheR willmovetootherriversbRmovingonlandaslongastheRaremoist.Inotherwords,whetherpeople transportthemornot,theRwillstillestablishtheirpopulation.SecondlR,theprofessorfightsagainsttoteachfisherstocatchsnakeheads.ActuallR,whenfishers realizedthattheRcanmakeprofitbRthiswaR,theRwillintroducesnakeheadtootherwaterbodies andraisetheminordertocatchmore,whichmaRconverselRleadtotheincreaseofsnakehead. Astothevirus,professoralsoshowshisstrongdisapproval.Eventhoughthenativefishescanberes tocked,thepoisonwillkillsomeinsectsandmicroorganisms,whichcannotberestocked.Thenther ecomestoanirreversibleconsequencethatthenativefishes,whichfeedontheseinsectsandmicr oorganisms,cannotgrowtotheiroriginalsize.(207words)独立AsastudentofuniversitRthathasalongbreakbetweenuniversitRsemesters,theuniversitRrequir esallstudentstodooneofthefollowingforonemonthduringthebreak:1、StudentsmusttakeacourseonthesubjectthathasnodirectconnectiontotheirmajorsofstudR(Fo reRample,astudentmajoringinengineeringmaRtakecourseinfineartsorsocialscience.)2、StudentsmustvolunteertoworkintheuniversitR’scitRortheirhometownstoimprovesomeaspectsoflifeofthecitRortheirowntown.(ForeRample, studentsmaRhelplocalprimarRschoolchildrenwiththeirhomework.) WhichonedoRouthinkismorebeneficialforstudentsintheiruniversitR?WhR?eRourOWNwords,doNOTusememorizedeRamples. SampleAnswer: ThereislargequantitRofstudentswhospendtheirsparetimetodovolunteerworkmainlRasacons equenceoftherequirementofcreditorsomeworkingeRperience.Still,thattotallRmakesnosense .EventhoughIamnotauniversitRstudentsnow,giventhechoice,Iwouldchoosetolearnsomekno wledgethatdifferentfrommRownmajor. WiderangeofsocialcircleisthefirstbenefitwhentheRlearnvarioussubjects.Allwhatwedointhes ocietRlikestartingabusinessandfulfilltheambitionincareerdependonabundantsocialresources .Thesocialcircle,whichprovidesthegreatesthelpinpromotingourworkandlife,needstobesetup whenweareintheuniversitR.VariousclassesareeRactlRthewaRthatcreatechancesforustomee tfriendsinvariousfields.OnthecontrarR,ifrestrictedinownworld,wegetalongwithsmallrangeof friendswhosharethesameskillsandknowledge.Whenwemeetsometroubleinfuturecareer,it’s merelRimpossibletocooperatewiththem.Forthesakeoffuturedevelopment,makingfriendsthr oughthiswaRisagreatopportunitRtoeRpandourpoolofcompanions. Asidefrommakingfriendswhoareseparatefromourcoresocialcircle,anotheradvantageisthatw hatwelearninotherfieldsmaRhavegreatcontributionstoouroriginalmajor.Thereisnosuchsubje ctthatcanestablishwithoutanRotherfield.Iamasociologicalstudents,whowereaskedtolearnso mestatisticsthatseemsirrelevantbutactuallR,helpmealotwhenIdosomesocialresearches.Imi ghtnotfinishmRthesisbeforegraduationiftheprofessorhadnotaskustotakestatisticscourses.Ir eallR don’tseean Rthingwrongwiththestudentstakingthecoursesthathavenoconnectionwithth eirmajorwhethertheRaretrulRinterestedinitorjustforthesakeofannualpaperoreRaminations. TwoRearsago,IinterviewedsomeofthosestudentswhRtheRtookvolunteerworkinholidaRs,Ifo undtheleadingreasonwasthattheRwantedtoaccumulateworkingeRperiences.Itsoundsreaso nablebutactuallR,moststudentsapplRforthejobthatisfarawaRfromwhattheRdidvoluntarilRbe fore.AccordingtoarecentsurveRconductedbRmRprofessor,whoisaspecialistinresearchofemp loRment,nomorethan7%involvedstudentschoosetheirfinaljobaswhattheirsocialpracticedida ndmostofthemhavetotallRdifferentideasfromtheiroriginalthoughtswhentheRwereincampus. SincetheworkingeRperiencefromvolunteerhasnobusinesstotheirfinalcareer,whatistheration alebehindthischoice? ThereisnothingwrongwithdoingvolunteerworkinholidaR.Forthebestfuturedevelopment,tho ugh,learningdifferentknowledgeandskillsisthebetterwaRtoenrichourlife.(469words)2017年02月18日托福写作考题回忆综合土星的卫星Titan有3个unusualfeatures难以解释。
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5月6日托福口语真题回忆:T1The university decides to remodel the dormitory and add a newI suppose most of us would like to have a new study room. There are two reasons.The first reason is it can help us study. Nowadays, GPA becomes moreand more important for college students. Good grades can help us ingetting an ideal job after graduation.First 是逻辑词,让论述结构清晰,简介明了地引出第一个原因,举一个细节例子——学习好了有利于找工作。
The second reason is during the final exams, an additional study placewill be necessary for us. At that time there will be crowds of peoplegetting up early to study in our library. It will be difficult to have a seat in there. So if we can have an additional study room in our dormitory, it willbe much more convenience when our library is full of people.Second 和 First 一样,作为逻辑词使论述层次更清晰。
T2All people should be required to stop working and retire by age 65.Do you agree or disagree?Personally, I agree with this proposal. There are two reasons.直接明确地表明支持还是不支持这个观点,然后用平行结构列举两个论点。
On the one hand, requiring people to retired at 65 can leave moreopportunity to young people. So it will be easier for the young to find a position.On the one hand,注意逻辑结构,引出第一个原因。
On the other hand, being forced to retire at 65 doesn‘t mean retiredpeople will do nothing and just stay at home. One can develop a newhobby different from his original job. For example, a math professor mayget interested in history after he regains enough time in retirement. Thusmay save people from life-long repetitive work and lead them into abrand new world.On the other hand,与 on the one hand 配套使用,适用于说明两个原因。
T3阅读标题:Laundry Room Renovation学生们抱怨空间太小,机器太少,等待时间长,所以决定把 Eastwoodbasement 扩建一下。
期间暂时停用,使用 Greenwood 的洗衣机。
听力态度:disagree原因 2:Greenwood 要绕过校园。
花费的时间很长,尤其是衣服多的,可能需要走好几次,花的时间更长In the passage, the university is going to have the laundry roomrenovated to add more laundry machine and dryers because studentsalways complain about long waiting time when using the laundry room. However, the man thinks it is unnecessary. His first reason is that students pour into the laundry room only at weekends. If they comeduring the weekdays, they don’t need to wait for so long. The second reason is the laundry room will shut up if it begins to be renovated. And students will have to take their laundries far away outside school to get them washed. It will be very inconvenient.T4定义:开放性的群体,对外来者不封闭的,而是愿意接受新成员的。
听力例子:雌性黑猩猩 chimpanzee 结束青春期后可能选择新的群体,就会带来自己以前学习到的知识和技能。
例如一个黑猩猩在以前的的群体里学习到可以用棍子去捅蚂蚁洞,诱使蚂蚁出来以吃的的群体里学习到可以用棍子去捅蚂蚁洞,诱使蚂蚁出来以吃This passage introduces a concept called permeable group. This notion means there are certain groups which are welcome to new comers. Andthus will lead to the spread of some useful behavior. In the lecture, the professor takes chimpanzee as an example. A female chimpanzee canmove from one group to another. And during its moving, it will teachother group members a practical technique to find food. That is a chimpanzee can thrust a stick into the ant hole. The ants will climb on the stick and then the chimpanzee can fetch back the stick and eat the antson it.T5问题: 男生看到一则以比较优惠的价格出售一个品牌鼓的广告,但是距离比较远,天气正冷,他需要乘车前往。
优点 1 : 可以多穿点衣服,让自己暖和点。
缺点 1 : 车的供暖系统坏掉了,要到下周才去修。
解决方案 2 : 租车In the conversation, the man wants to buy a drum from a person wholives an hour away. So he needs a car to get there. He has two solutions. The first one is using the car of his friend. However, it is winter and the car’s heating system has been broken. So it can be very cold this way. The second solution is to rent a car with good heating system but it will be much expensive. I suppose the first solution is better because even ifthe car has a bad heating system, the man can wear more clothes to keep warm. And also in this way, he can save some money for future use.T6例子 1:艺术老师授课的时候反馈时间应在教学期间内,以便学生可以及时练习所给的建议。
要点 2:focus on the work, not on the students themselves例子 2:学生如果画的不好,可以给出一些具体的建议,一边学生知道如何进步,比如告诉他色彩有哪些问题,而不是说他是个 bad painter。
The professor talks about two characteristics of effective feedback. The first characteristic is feedback must be properly timed. For example, in a painting class, teacher should give students feedback before the class is over. So the students can try recommended techniques in teacher’s feedback in their painting. The second characteristic is feedback should focus on students’ work, not on students themselves. For example, if a student use wrong color in his painting, the teacher should tell him to change another color in his future painting rather than just tell him he is a bad painter.5月6日托福写作真题回忆:综合阅读: 美国的一种叫 auklet 的海鸟出现了 die-off 的情况。