高职 高 专 学 生英 语 素 质 拓展 运行 机 制
— —
以承 德 石 油 高 等 专 科 学 校 为 例
魏 战 刚
( 承德 石 油高 等专科 学校 社 科 与数理部 , 河 北 承德 0 6 7 0 0 0 )
摘要 : 从 高职高专学生特点出发 , 探 讨 了英 语 素质 拓展 的概 念 、 必要性和可行性 , 并 以 承 德 石 油 高 等 专 科 学 校 为例 , 对英 语 素 质 拓 展 运 行 的 体 制 机 制 进 行 了系 统 化 整 体 化 研 究 和 构 建 。 关键词 : 英语素质拓展 ; 运行; 英 语 风 暴
随着经 济全 球化 的推进 和我 国综 合 国力 的增强 , 许 多企业 对外 交往 日益频 繁 , 对员 工英语 方 面 的业
务 素质 要求 也越 来越 高 。但 由于受应 试教 育等 因素 的影 响和 制 约 , 大 学生 的英语 整 体 素 质仍 远 远不 能 满 足社 会和 经济 发展 。应试 能力 虽强 , 应 用能力 却 差 , 看 得懂 , 却 听不 明 白, 更 说 不 出来 , 在 一 定 程度 上 成 了中看不 中用 的 “ 银样蜡枪头” … 。大 学 生英 语 素质 提 高无 非 两 个 途 径 : 课堂努力学 , 课外刻苦练。 就 高 职高专 学生 而言 , 随着 入学 门槛 降低 以及 9 0后 学生 自身特 点等 原 因 , 和本 科生 比, 高职 高专 学 生在
I SS N 1O08 — 94 46
承 德
油 高
专 科
学 报
第 1 5卷 第 1期 ,2 0 1 3年 2月
Vo 1 . 1 5, No . 1, Fe b.2 01 3
Brief Introduction of CDPC(Version of2009)承德石油高等专科学校简介(2009年简短版中英文)Chengde Petroleum College(CDPC)is a public higher vocational college with a history of105years,which is inherited from Beiyang Technical College founded in 1903in Tianjin,the earliest higher technical and vocational school of China,also the birthplace of the“work-integrated learning”idea.It moved to Chengde city,a famous historical city with beautiful scenery in1958.In2007,CDPC was honored as “National Demonstration Higher Vocational Institution under Key Construction”by both Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance.承德石油高等专科学校是中央与地方共建,以河北省人民政府管理为主的普通高等学校,始于1903年在天津创办的“北洋工艺学堂”,是我国兴办最早的高等工业职业院校,是“工学结合”办学理念的发源地。
CDPC covers an area of80ha including two campuses,and the building area is 260thousand square meters.The equipment of teaching and scientific research values 70,640thousand dollars,and the library book collection is more than800thousand volumes and1,500kinds of Chinese and foreign periodical are subscribed.The college establishs16teaching departments,including41specialties,most of which are polytechnics,and offers continuing education and on-the-job training as well. CDPC recruits students from almost throughout the country,with a total number of 9726full-time,4500part-time students at present.学校占地面积1200亩,校舍建筑面积26万平方米;教学科研仪器设备7064万元;图书馆藏书80余万册,收订期刊1500余种;体育场地面积116000平方米。
学校英文名称为Chengde Petroleum College(英文缩写为CDPC)。
❖ Department of Accounting
❖ 化学系 ❖ Department of Chemistry
❖ 东方语言学系
❖ Department of Oriental Languages & Literature
English College
❖ 科学院
❖ 职业学校
English College
❖ 材料(cáiliào)工程系 ❖ Department of Materials Engineering ❖ 地理系 ❖ Department of Geography
❖ 地质系 ❖ Department of Geology ❖ 电机工程系 ❖ Department of Electrical Engineering
English College
English College
❖ 浙江越秀外国语学院是经国家教育部批准建立的全日制普通本科外国 语学院,开设有英语、日语、韩语、法语、德语、俄语、西班牙语(xī bān yá yǔ)、阿拉伯语、意大利语等九个外语语种30余个外语及相关涉外 专业,是浙江省开设外语语种最多、外语人才培养规模最大的外语类 院校。
❖ Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign languages is a full-time institute of tertiary education established under the consent of the National Ministry of Education. It is unique in Zhejiang Province for its dedication to and specialty in foreign languages teaching.
母亲 母校
为什么我的眼里常含着泪水? 因为我对这土地爱得深沉!
承德石油高专是什么样的学校? 承德石油高专的大学文化是什么?
大学生:爱学校、爱老师、爱老师; 教 师:爱学校、爱岗位、爱学生。
承德石油高等专科学校是中央与 地方共建、以河北省人民政府管理 为主的一所普通高等职业院校。
教师主编出版国家级和教育部高职高专规划教材48部 4部教材荣获教育部“全国普通高校优秀教材”奖
学校建有28个具备真实生产或仿真生产条件的,设 备先进、软硬配套,融教学、实训、职业技能鉴定和技 术研发等多种功能于一体的校内实训中心。
中央职业教育数控技术实训基地 河北省职业教育石油化工生产技术实训基地 PLC应用技术实训基地 承德市创业培训基地
• 石油——深厚的石油石化行业依托背景,与石油石化行
• 文化——学校位于历史文化名城,学校校园美丽,有深
学校标志寓意“工学 并举、崇尚实践、道 艺兼修、敬业乐群”。 “1903”为建校年份。
办学传统 办学特色 办学定位
每年招生4000人左右,河北录取78%, 2012年理科平均409分,文科平均422分。 位居全省前列。
• 质量——学校悠久的办学历史和较高的办学质量深入人
心,按照“严细实新”的校风培育人,要求严、规格高、 质量优;
• 就业——良好的就业口碑,出口带动入口,我校连续十
年就业率和就业质量位居河北省同类院校前列,毕业生供 不应求,用人单位大批提前预定,毕业生普遍发展好、待 遇高,涌现了一大批知名校友;
ISSN 1008-9446 承德石油高等专科学校学报第20卷第2期,2018年4月C N13-1265/T E Journal of Chengde Petroleum College Yol.20,N〇.2,Apr.2018借鉴德国优秀职教经验,培养具有国际视野的技术技能型人才田辉,王文成,邹克武,李明,刘春哲,李卫权(承德石油高等专科学校机械工程系,河北承德067000)摘要:为了引进德国优秀职教经验提升技术技能型人才培养质量,承德石油高等专科学校与安哈尔特应用技 术大学合作办学,联合进行机械制造与自动化专业人才培养。
校级层面建立合作办学项目管理委员会,统筹人才培养全过程,健全合作机制;采用外籍专家、中方受训教师、外籍专家+助教等多种授课形式,完善师资建 设、提升教学水平;强化德式元素,优化课程开发及学生管理体系。
合作办学成效显著:推动学校工程教育水 平的整体提升,完善专业人才培养体系,创新教育教学方法,提升人才培养质量。
关键词:职业教育;技能型人才;人才培养;授课模式中图分类号:b648.9 文献标志码:A文章编号=1008-9446(2018)02-0057-04Training Technical Talents witli International View byLearning German Experience in Vocational Education TIAN Hui,WANG Wen-cheng,ZOU Ke-wu,LI Ming,LIU Chun-zhe,LI Wei-quan (Department of Mechanical Engineering,Chengde Petroleum College,Chengde067000,Hebei,China) Abstract:Based on the excellent experience of vocational education u m College and Hochschule Anhalt come togetlier to educate and train technical ring in mechanical manufacturing and automation.On the school level,the Cooperative EducationProject Management Committee(C E P M C)i s founded to control the whole talent training process,and to improve the cooperation mechanisms.Various teaching forms are used,including teaching byforeign experts in Germany,teaching by trained local teachers in Chinese,and teaching byeign experts and their Chinese assistant.By strengthening German teaching and training elements,optimizing curriculum development and student management system,cooperative education has achieved remarkable results:the overall engineering education performance i s promoted.The trainingsystem for professional talents has been improved;many innovations about t i i e educating and trainingmethods have been applied.The quality of personnel training i s significantly enhanced.K e y w o r d s:vocational education;technical skilled talent;personnel training;teaching mode随着市场经济全球化的不断深人,我国倡导的“一带一路”战略影响力不断扩大,先进的装备制造技术已成为国家的核心竞争力。
Toward a Brighter Future for All
Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to ___________ you to this university. Your current achievement is the __________ of years of hard work. Here, you may encounter things you do not expect. But remember: Your future success is built on a solid ____________ of the past.
Exercise 3,4,5, 6, 7 on Page 9-12.
Exercise 9, 10,11 on page 14-15
NewHorizonCollegeEnglish ,3rd Edition, Book 1
Guide the Ss to set a proper goal for life.
•To cherish the college experience;
•To make use of the opportunities for learning;
•To develop more interests;
•To read as widely as possible
2.Pre-reading activities
•valuable life lessons, such as teamwork, leadership, or civic (公民) responsibility.
Chengde Petroleum CollegeChengde Petroleum College, which once belonged to the China National Petroleum Corporation, is jointly sponsored and managed by the local and central Hebei Provincial Government. The central mission of the college is to promote the Technical and Engineering Departments, as this is the construction model for colleges of higher engineering.Our college is one of the oldest colleges in China. It originally grew out of "Beiyang Crafts School" and was founded in the City of Tianjin in 1903. In 1958, it moved to the historical city of Chengde where we presently reside.Chengde Petroleum College is composed of seven departments: Mechanical, Automobile, Electrical and Electronics, Computer, Thermal, Chemical and Management Engineering. Among these seven departments, we have thirty-one majors for students to choose from. Each of these seven departments is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, which provide a good basis for comprehensive training and educational development. We have on-site training basis for welding, electrical engineering, electronics, computer and network, automobile and diesel engine technology, modern machinery, thermal engineering, industry test and control, and fine chemical engineering. At present, our campus covers a total area of 13.28 hectares, and the residence buildings belonging to the school cover a total of 110 thousand square meters. The total fixed asset of the college exceeds 117 million yuan. Among them, the total value of instruments and equipment for teaching scientific research exceeds 40 million yuan. In addition, our library is the state's secondary service center of CNKI. The library currently has over 600,000 books and 1500 domestic and foreign periodicals.Currently, there are 609 teachers and staff members employed by the school, among which, there are approximately 190 professors and associate professors. At present, one-third our teaching staff has a Masters or Doctorate Degree. In addition, our college engages foreign teachers from America and Canada every year.Our college's motto has been unity, diligence, rigor, and practicality. We continuously exceed the educational reform and teaching standards and make positive attempts to seek out new models for cultivating a learning environment. This has resulted in a good reputation for our graduates, due to the educational reform and teaching standards that have made our college recognize among institution s of higher learning.In addition to oil companies, our graduates are employed by many of the top domestic and joint-enterprises. Each year these companies send their recruiters to select our graduates.Our graduates are popular among the top enterprises for their down-to-earth theory; know ledge, engineering skills and sense of creativeness.。
Value Engineering0引言随着国家经济的发展和社会对技术型人才需求的增加,高等职业教育在我国高等教育中扮演的角色越来越重要。
1坚持注重实效,构造 多维坐标制 分级分期学生管理体制从横向方面,机械系对学生实施了分年级管理,增强了教育的针对性。
General Information Name Gender Male Nationality China Birthplace Mianyang Birthdate Political Status League member Education College degree Height 168Major Ocean oil and gasengineeringHealth ExcellentGraduateSchoolSouthwest Petroleum University Telephone E-mail LinguisticCapability Cet-6ComputerCapabilityNCRE-2Frequent user of Word, Excel,PowerPoint, Access and Cad,etc.hobbies Body building and swimmingSocialPracticeCover LettersDear sir or madam,First, extend the deepest respect to your industrious work, with heartfelt thanks for your taking time to leaf through my resume from your busy schedule, giving an opportunity for my self-presentation.I'm Lin Xingyang from Mianyang. After three years' learning, I have acquired many knowledge in the petroleum area. And when I have finished my education ,I was engaged in the gas storage in Jiangshu province.With the constant seeking at every stage of life, I've gradually formatted honesty-centered, reasoning-oriented and virtue-foremost character, with traits of being confident but less arrogant, steady and enthusiastic, full of the vigor and freshness.Second, as Aries is my constellations, I love adventure and new things like it. During my university ,I have joined the Young Volunteers Association , and when I went to work ,I took part in the local volunteers association. Though it, I have learned a lot of social knowledge and make some friends with compassion and get the awards by the association. In the part time ,I like body building and swimming.Though the two years of work , I felt the knowledge in my college time can’t solve the problems in the work ,such as the protection of gas storage and how to design and construct a safe gas storage. Therefore I resort to get the help from the swpu and hope to solve the problems by myself.Last, during the postgraduate period, I study every subjects with my heart , so achieve good results. The average score is 88. Although my English is not particularly good, my English score in the PEE is 69 and CET-6 is 459,which the read score is 217.I know ADNOC cooperate with many international companies, so I want to get the knowledge from the frontiers. I wish I could get the chance and contribute to my power for my country.Your thinking of the time, my choice of the life.Sincerely Yours,Lin Xingyang。
School of Safety Engineering of CUMT Now the College are operating together with :
• National Engineering Research Center of Coal Mine Gas control
• Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Gas and Fire under the Chinese
Under 35 years old Professor Associate Professor 1 10 11 22 36—45years old 7 13 9 29 46—60years old 12 4 0 16 Above 60 years old 1 0 0 1 Total 21 27 20 68
School of Safety Engineering
of CUMT Presentation
School of Safety Engineering of CUMT
1952,BeiJing Institute of Mining Coal Mine Ventilation and Safety Teaching and Research Section. 2007,Safety Engineering College of CUMT was founded.
low damage
new engineering
Sudden disaster and accident emergency rescue new engineering
Promote the wastes low emission
Low emission
Brief Introduction of CDPC(Version of 2009) 承德石油高等专科学校简介(2009年简短版中英文)Chengde Petroleum College (CDPC) is a public higher vocational college with a history of 105 years, which is inherited from Beiyang Technical College founded in 1903 in Tianjin, the earliest higher technical and vocational school of China,also the birthplace of the “work-integrated learning” idea. It moved to Chengde city, a famous historical city with beautiful scenery in 1958. In 2007, CDPC was honored as “National Demonstration Higher V ocational Institution under Key Construction” by both Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance.承德石油高等专科学校是中央与地方共建,以河北省人民政府管理为主的普通高等学校,始于1903年在天津创办的“北洋工艺学堂”,是我国兴办最早的高等工业职业院校,是“工学结合”办学理念的发源地。
CDPC covers an area of 80 ha including two campuses, and the building area is 260 thousand square meters. The equipment of teaching and scientific research values 70,640 thousand dollars, and the library book collection is more than 800 thousand volumes and 1,500 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodical are subscribed. The college establishs 16 teaching departments, including 41 specialties, most of which are polytechnics, and offers continuing education and on-the-job training as well. CDPC recruits students from almost throughout the country, with a total number of 9726 full-time, 4500 part-time students at present.学校占地面积1200亩,校舍建筑面积26万平方米;教学科研仪器设备7064万元;图书馆藏书80余万册,收订期刊1500余种;体育场地面积116000平方米。
ISSN1008机446承德石油高等专科学校学报第21卷第3期,2019年6月CN13-1265/TE Journal of Chengde Petroleum College Vol.21,No.3,Jun.2019对职业院校石油化工技术专业推行现代学徒制的思考蒋定建,方晓玲(克拉玛依职业技术学院,新疆克拉玛依833699)摘要:现代学徒制是职业院校一种全新的人才培养模式,为职业教育的发展注入了新的活力,高职教育人才培养模式迎来新的发展机遇和途径"通过分析传统人才培养模式存在的不足,对石油化工技术专业开展现代学徒制试点工作进行了思考,从合作企业的遴选、人才培养模式的建立、教学组织与实施、师资队伍的建立与管理等方面提出了具体的思路和举措"关键词:职业院校;石油化工技术;现代学徒制中图分类号:G712文献标志码:A文章编号:1008-9446(2019)03-0072-04Reflections on Modern Apprenticeship in PetrochemicalTechnology Specialty in Vocational CollegesJUNG Ding--ian,FANG Xito-ling(Karam a y Vocotional&Technicoi College,Karam a y833699,Xinjiang,China)Abstract:Modern apprenticeship is a brand-new talent training mode in vecotOnal colleges,which ineectsnew eita eity into the de ee eopment o e eocationa eeducation,and the ta eent t oaining mode in higher veco/onal educotion ushet in new development opportunities and ways.By analyzing the Vho otcomingVo ethe t oaditiona epe oVonne et oaining mode,thi pape oponde oVon thepieotwook oemod-eon appoenticeVhip in pet oochemica etechno eogy Vpecia ety,and put eoowaod Vome conc oete ideaVand meaVuoeVon theVeeection oecoopeoatieeenteopoieV,the eVtab ei hment o epe oVonne et oaining mode, theooganiiation and impeementation oeteaching,and the eVtab ei hment and management o eteaching Vta e.Key words:vecotOnal colleges;peWochemicol technolooy;modern apprenticeship随着石油石化产业的快速发展,如何培养企业“用得上、留得住、干得好”的技术技能型人才,已经是当前职业院校必须解决的一个问题。
介绍石油本校的作文英文Title: Exploring the Realm of Petroleum Education at Our Esteemed Institution.In the vast landscape of academic pursuits, few fields are as dynamic and vital as petroleum engineering. Our institution, a beacon of excellence in this domain, stands tall, fostering a culture of innovation and discovery. This essay aims to delve into the rich tapestry of our petroleum education, highlighting its unique features, illustrious history, and impactful contributions to the global energy landscape.The journey of our petroleum education begins with a robust foundation in the fundamental principles of geology, physics, and chemistry. These disciplines form the bedrock of our understanding of the complex geological formations that harbor the earth's oil and gas reserves. Our curriculum is designed to instill a solid theoretical background while fostering practical skills through hands-on experience in laboratories and fieldwork.The heart of our petroleum education lies in its state-of-the-art facilities. Our laboratories are equipped with cutting-edge technology, enabling students to conduct research in areas such as enhanced oil recovery, reservoir engineering, and petroleum geosciences. These facilities are not mere tools; they are platforms for exploration, experimentation, and the pursuit of knowledge.Our faculty, a ver.。
介绍石油本校的作文英文英文回答:Petroleum, a natural resource that has played a pivotal role in shaping modern civilization, is a complex and fascinating substance. Derived from the remains of ancient marine organisms, it is found deep within the Earth's crust and is composed primarily of hydrocarbons.Petroleum has been utilized by humans for centuries, with its primary use being as a source of energy. From powering vehicles to generating electricity and heating homes, petroleum has become an indispensable part of our daily lives. Its versatility extends beyond energy, as it is also used as a feedstock for the production of countless products, including plastics, pharmaceuticals, and fertilizers.The extraction and production of petroleum involves a complex process that begins with exploration. Geologistsand geophysicists use various techniques to locate oil and gas reservoirs beneath the Earth's surface. Once areservoir is identified, drilling rigs are used to bore down into the rock formations and extract the petroleum.Petroleum production can have significant environmental impacts, including air pollution from the combustion of fossil fuels, water pollution from drilling and extraction operations, and land degradation from the construction of oil and gas infrastructure. However, advancements in technology and the development of more environmentally conscious practices have helped to mitigate these impacts.The global petroleum industry is a major economic driver, with countries rich in petroleum resources benefiting significantly from its exploitation. However, the fluctuating nature of oil prices can lead to economic volatility, and the industry has faced challenges in recent years due to the transition towards renewable energy sources.中文回答:石油,一种塑造现代文明的关键自然资源,是一种复杂而令人着迷的物质。
最新-承德石油高等专科学校 精品
![最新-承德石油高等专科学校 精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/42bd79376c175f0e7cd13752.png)
人才培养质量2012年度报告承德石油高等专科学校二○一二年十一月目录第一部分学校基本情况 (1)第二部分办学理念与人才培养目标 (3)第三部分人才培养工作特色举措与主要成效 (3)(一) 专业建设 (3)(二) 校企合作 (5)(三) 师资队伍建设 (6)(四) 课程建设 (9)(五) 实践教学 (12)(六) 教学管理 (14)(七) 学生管理 (17)(八) 社会服务 (18)(九) 文化建设 (19)第四部分人才培养质量状况 (20)(一) 在校生状况分析 (20)(二) 毕业生就业状况分析 (24)第五部分存在问题与对策 (24)第一部分学校基本情况承德石油高等专科学校始于1903年在天津创办的“北洋工艺学堂”,是我国兴办最早的高等工业职业院校之一。
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Chengde Petroleum College
Chengde Petroleum College, which once belonged to the China National Petroleum Corporation, is jointly sponsored and managed by the local and central Hebei Provincial Government. The central mission of the college is to promote the Technical and Engineering Departments, as this is the construction model for colleges of higher engineering.
Our college is one of the oldest colleges in China. It originally grew out of "Beiyang Crafts School" and was founded in the City of Tianjin in 1903. In 1958, it moved to the historical city of Chengde where we presently reside.
Chengde Petroleum College is composed of seven departments: Mechanical, Automobile, Electrical and Electronics, Computer, Thermal, Chemical and Management Engineering. Among these seven departments, we have thirty-one majors for students to choose from. Each of these seven departments is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, which provide a good basis for comprehensive training and educational development. We have on-site training basis for welding, electrical engineering, electronics, computer and network, automobile and diesel engine technology, modern machinery, thermal engineering, industry test and control, and fine chemical engineering. At present, our campus covers a total area of 13.28 hectares, and the residence buildings belonging to the school cover a total of 110 thousand square meters. The total fixed asset of the college exceeds 117 million yuan. Among them, the total value of instruments and equipment for teaching scientific research exceeds 40 million yuan. In addition, our library is the state's secondary service center of CNKI. The library currently has over 600,000 books and 1500 domestic and foreign periodicals.
Currently, there are 609 teachers and staff members employed by the school, among which, there are approximately 190 professors and associate professors. At present, one-third our teaching staff has a Masters or Doctorate Degree. In addition, our college engages foreign teachers from America and Canada every year.
Our college's motto has been unity, diligence, rigor, and practicality. We continuously exceed the educational reform and teaching standards and make positive attempts to seek out new models for cultivating a learning environment. This has resulted in a good reputation for our graduates, due to the educational reform and teaching standards that have made our college recognize among institution s of higher learning.
In addition to oil companies, our graduates are employed by many of the top domestic and joint-enterprises. Each year these companies send their recruiters to select our graduates.
Our graduates are popular among the top enterprises for their down-to-earth theory; know ledge, engineering skills and sense of creativeness.。