


具有国际先进水平的软开关技术使电源高效率,低噪声,高可靠性;整机效率高 于85%。
◇ 可靠性高 具有短路保护、过载保护、过热保护、过压保护、过流保护和独立的温度检测保
护电路。 采用先进的静噪技术,创造安静舒适的工作环境 ◇ 远端测量
远端测量功能可用于补偿输出端子到负载之间的电压降。 ◇ OVP 过电压保护
1.2 主要技术特点
◇ 符合中国国家军用标准
GJB572-88《飞机地面电源供电特性及一般要求》的要求 ◇ 符合民用航空行业标准
MH/T 6018-1999《地面静态电源》的要求 ◇ 符合中国国家军用标准
GJB 181A-2003《飞机供电特性》的要求 ◇ 规格多
输出电压0~600V、输出电流0~2000A 、输出功率0-60KW(单机)之内任选。 ◇ 稳压稳流
DLC6000 系列 程控直流稳压稳流电源
首先,感谢您采用至茂 DLC6000 系列直流电源。
DLC系列大功率稳压稳流直流电源采用国际先进的软开关逆变技术,以德国西 门子IGBT和非晶磁芯为核心器件研制而成,本电源提供了高度稳定的输出电压及电 流,并且提供了极大的便利性,以利于各种的运行模式。本电源提供了可安装于19 寸机柜或桌面机型。本产品配置了10圈精密电位器,用于电压及电流的调整。同时 也提供了数字电压,电流表,使用者可以在设定值,实际值或OVP过电压保护值中 切换。它具有有超高的准确性、高精确度、高稳定性等优良电子特性;所以在研究 单位、在实验室,作为可调电源或是生产线上作为产品寿命测试的固定电源。它确 实是最好的选择。再则它更具有完善的保护线路、与遥控线路;更能满足使用者简 单、方便的使用需求。

Eaton 9372-FB 冗余字段总线屏蔽器说明书

Eaton 9372-FB 冗余字段总线屏蔽器说明书

Eaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, Luton Beds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************© 2016 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. EPS9372-RD Rev 6November 2016The 9372-FB Redundant Fieldbus Barriers are field-mounted wiring hubs that create up to six intrinsically safe spur connections from a high-energy trunk, for connection to suitably certified F oundation ™ fieldbus H1 instruments. They may be installed in Zone 1 (gas) or Zone 21 (dust) hazardous areas, with the trunk wiring implemented using suitably protected cable and increased safety (Ex e) connection facilities.Each enclosure system uses duplicated Fieldbus Barriermodules in a redundant configuration to achieve significantly higher system availability than equivalent ‘simplex’ units. The 9372-FB may therefore be selected for critical process applications where failure of the Fieldbus Barrier wouldotherwise result in unacceptable downtime or lost production. It is also ideal for use in Fieldbus Safety Instrumented Function (SIF) networks in which nuisance trips cannot be tolerated. Failure annunciation to the host control system is provided by means of an integrated F oundation ™ fieldbus device with Digital Input Function Block capability.In common with conventional Fieldbus Barriers , eachintrinsically safe spur is capable of supporting a FISCO or ‘Entity’ certified fieldbus device located in a Zone 0 or 1hazardous area. The short-circuit protected spurs aregalvanically isolated from the trunk and require no protective ground connection in the field.The 9372-FB redundant fieldbus barrier is based on ourrevolutionary 9370-FB range of products , which are supplied9372-FB rangeRedundant fieldbus barrier enclosures, 5/6 spuras complete, factory-assembled enclosure systems that do not require additional wiring, customised housings or complex ancillary components. Electrical and mechanical aspects of the design are integrated, providing the industry’s first complete, ergonomic solution for ‘High Energy Trunk’ applications in hazardous areas.Uniquely , the key modular components of the system (Fieldbus Barrier, Terminator and Surge Protectors) may be ‘hot-plugged’ by design and without gas-clearance procedures or separate isolating switches. This virtually eliminates the risk associated with hazardous area maintenance activities, speeds modulereplacement and avoids the need for specialist operator training.Optional features include pluggable surge protection components for the fieldbus trunk and individual spurs.Connection facilities with generous room for cable managementare provided within the Fieldbus Barrier enclosure for the trunk and spur wiring.For added flexibility , a redundant-capable enclosure can be specified part-populated with one 6-spur module (model no. 9375-FB). This permits future upgrading from simplex to redundant mode simply by plugging in an additional Fieldbus Barrier module and optional alarm module.The 9372-FB Fieldbus Barrier is bus powered and requires no additional power supply in the field. When used with a fieldbus host control system, power for the trunk may be provided by redundant power supplies.• For For F oundation ™ fieldbus networks in hazardous areas• Redundant configuration for super-high system availability• Complete enclosure systems for up to 6 intrinsically safe spur connections • Failure alarm direct to host control system via integrated fieldbus device• Mount in Zone 1 (gas) or 21 (dust) with spurs connected into Zone 0• Compatible with FISCO and Entity certified fieldbus instruments• Ergonomic mechanical design• Pluggable system components, without ‘gas free’ constraints• Optional, integrated surge protection for trunk and spursSee Note***(Surge protection products shown are not included as standard)1Power dissipation (max.)2.5W (all spurs at 32mA)Fieldbus terminatorPlug-in module (part number 9378-FT) supplied with each 9372-FB or 9375-FB enclosure.Provides 100Ω + 1μF according to IEC 61158-2 - see separate specification Trunk surge protectionPlug-in module (part number 9376-SP) - see separate specification Reverse polarity protectionYesFailure alarmFailure of either 9377-FB-R barrier module in redundant mode is annunciated over F oundation ™ fieldbus via state change of DI Function Block in 9379-ALM alarm module (standard in 9372-FB enclosure)ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSTrunk wiring terminalsType: Ex e Spur field wiring terminalsType: 3-way, pluggable Grounding of cable screens (trunk & spurs)(Configured with wire connections in the Trunk Terminal Assembly)Trunk and spur cable shields are not interconnected within 9377-FB-R module.Equipotential earth/ground connection facilityM10 earth/grounding stud on side wall of enclosureBARRIER LED INDICATORSTrunk Power (PWR)* See ordering information** 9372-FB supports 5 spurs, 9375-FB supports 5 spurs when alarm module is fitted or 6 spurs, when alarm module not fitted. Total of 12 spurs supported for 2 x 9375-FB with no alarm module fitted.*** The FF-846 Isolated Device Coupler registration does not include tests for hardware redundancy. Although operation of the redundancy mechanism has been thoroughly tested, registration of the redundant capability is not implied by the application of the Foundation’s checkmark.SPECIFICATIONSPURS9372-FB* Redundant 5-spur9375-FB* Redundant-enabled 6-spurNo. of spurs5 (6th spur allocated to alarm module)6No. of 9377-FB modules installed21 (upgradableto 2)Current per spur 0 - 32mA 0 - 32mA Total currentall spurs (max.)160mA 192mACurrent limit per spur (max.) 45mA Spur short-circuit current (max.) 4.5mA Spur voltage @ 20°C ≥ 10V @ 40mA No-load voltage12V min.Number of field devices1 per spurMaximum spur length120m (depending on the number of spurs per fieldbus segment)Galvanic isolation (to EN 60079-11)Trunk to spurs: 1.5kV (test voltage)Spur to spur: no isolationSpur surge protectionPlug-in module (part number FS32) - see separate specificationTRUNKData rate31.25kBaudData transmission between trunk and spurspassive, no repeater function Number of trunk connections2 (in & out), internally connectedMaximum number of 9377-FB-R modules per segment2 redundant pairs (total 10 spurs**)Input voltage range (trunk)16–32V DCVoltage drop (trunk in to trunk out)0VMaximum rated current (trunk in to trunk out)5A Low voltage monitoringInput voltage < 16V, spurs de-energizedTypical DC current consumption for 9372-FB (mA)2PHYSICAL NETWORKSIEC61158-2F oundation ™ fieldbus H1Profile type (according to FF-816)Type 163 (isolated device coupler) FF-846***ORDERING INFORMATIONOrder as:9372-FB-xx-XX5-spur Redundant Fieldbus Barrier enclosure system with two 9377-FB-R Fieldbus Barrier modules and one 9379-ALM alarm module installed.9375-FB-xx-XX5/6-spur Fieldbus Barrier enclosure system with one 9377-FB-R Fieldbus Barrier module installed. (Upgradable to redundant operation by addition of a second 9377-FB-R module and optional 9379-ALM alarm module).Where xx =PS (pluggable screw terminal connectors) PC (pluggable spring clamp connectors)Where XX =SS – 316L Stainless SteelPP – Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP) - Black (Note: All enclosures are pre-wired and include a 9378-FT Fieldbus terminator module)9377-FB-R Fieldbus Barrier module, 6-spur, pluggable 9379-ALM Alarm module9378-FT Fieldbus terminator, pluggable9376-SP Trunk surge protection module, pluggable FS32Spur surge protection module, pluggableCABLE GLANDSThe following M20 cable glands are Ex e equipment certified, better than IP65 rated and suitable for use with the 9370-FB range of Fieldbus Barriers. They can be supplied separately and are available to order using the following part numbers.Order No.Manufacturer and Type Description (Qty 1)FCS-1000-P20Jacob 50.620 PASWL/Ex Plastic glandFCS-1000-C20Capri 816694Nickel-plated brass glandFCS-1000-A20Capri 846694Armoured nickel-plated brass gland FCS-1000-S20Capri 816699Stainless steel glandFCS-1000-R20Capri 846699Armoured stainless steel glandASSOCIATED LITERATUREInstruction Manual - GRP enclosuresINM9370-RD-PP Instruction Manual - stainless steel enclosuresINM9370-RD-SSHAZARDOUS AREA APPROVALSLocation of equipmentSafe area or Zone 1 IIC T4 or Zone 21 hazardous area Location of connected spur equipmentSafe area or Zone 0 IIC hazardous area Certification markingE II 2(1)GD Ex d e ib mb [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gb Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db Certificate numbersBaseefa09ATEX0185X IECEx BAS09.0082X Safety description (spurs)U o= 17.5V I o peak = 246mA I o continuous = 215mA P o = 912mW U i = 17.5V C i = 0L i = 0Spurs in accordance with FISCO standard IEC 60079-11ENVIRONMENTALAmbient temperature (system)Ambient temperature (9377-FB-R module)–40°C to +75°C Relative humidity< 95%, non-condensing Electromagnetic compatibilityEN 61326 – 1:2006NAMUR NE 21Shock & VibrationVibration:BS EN 60068-2-6: 2008 Test Fc: 1g BS EN 60068-2-64: 1995 Test Fh: 1g Shock:BS EN 60068-2-27: 1993 Test Ea: 15gMECHANICALMaterials* See ordering informationEnclosure sizes - see dimension drawings for detailsGRP, 5 spurs** 554 x 271x 136mm Stainless steel, 5 spurs** 428 x 271x 130mm** See footnote on page 2Mounting position (recommended)On vertical plane, with glands and breather on underside Cable/Breather entriesTrunk: M20 x 2; Spurs: M20 x 6 Breather: M20 x 1Enclosures are pre-fitted with a breather and Ex e nickel-plated brass plugs in all cable gland holes . These must be replaced only with Ex e equipment certified cable glands capable of maintaining the IP level of the enclosure type. See ordering information for gland options.ProtectionStainless steel enclosures (937x-FB-xx-SS): IP66GRP enclosures (937x-FB-xx-PP): IP66Intrinsically safe terminals : IP20Ex e terminals: IP30Figure 1 - Illustrating spur redundancy and use of optional Alarm module3EUROPE (EMEA): +44 (0)1582 723633 ********************THE AMERICAS: +1 800 835 7075*********************ASIA-PACIFIC: +65 6 645 9888***********************The given data is only intended as a productdescription and should not be regarded as a legal warranty of properties or guarantee. In the interest of further technical developments, we reserve the right to make design changes.Eaton Electric Limited,Great Marlings, Butterfield, Luton Beds, LU2 8DL, UK.Tel: + 44 (0)1582 723633 Fax: + 44 (0)1582 422283E-mail:********************© 2016 EatonAll Rights ReservedPublication No. EPS9372-RD Rev 6November 20169372-FB-xx-PP 9375-FB-xx-PPGRP EnclosureMounting holes: 6.5mm slot,12mm head max.9372-FB-xx-SS 9375-FB-xx-SSStainless Steel Enclosure Mounting holes: Ø 10.8mmDIMENSIONS (mm)4。



ANPEC reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability or manufacturability without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify before placing orders.•Three-Phase Full-Wave Sensor-Less Drive Method •Adjustable Forced Commutation Frequency(for Start-up)•Built-In External PWM Speed Control•Built-In Quick Start Function•FG (Rotation Speed Detection) Output (for APX9365A)RD (Lock Detection) Output (for APX9365B)1/2FG (Rotation Speed Detection) Output (for APX9365C)•Soft Switching Circuit (for Noise Reducing)•Power Saving Function (PWM Duty Input is 0%)•Built-In Lock Protection and Auto Restart Function •Thermal Shutdown Circuit•Lead Free and Green Devices Available (RoHS Compliant)The APX9365A/B/C provides all the circuitry for sensor-less speed control of three-phase brushless DC motor.The controller functions include start-up circuit, back-EMF commutation control, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)speed control, lock protection, and thermal shutdown circuit.The APX9365A/B/C is suitable for both game machine and CPU cooler that need silent drivers. It is available in VTDFN3x3-10 package.FeaturesGeneral DescriptionApplications•Motor Driver For Silent Fan MotorsPin ConfigurationCOM 310 VO UO 1VCC 2FR 59 WO7 PWM 8 FG/ RD/ 1/2FG VTDFN3X3-10(TOP VIEW)FN 46 OSC= Exposed Pad (connected to the ground of power)Ordering and Marking InformationNote: ANPEC lead-free products contain molding compounds/die attach materials and 100% matte tin plate termination finish; which are fully compliant with RoHS. ANPEC lead-free products meet or exceed the lead-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J -STD-020D for MSL classification at lead-free peak reflow temperature. ANPEC defines “Green” to mean lead-free (RoHS compliant) and halogen free (Br or Cl does not exceed 900ppm by weight in homogeneous material and total of Br and Cl does not exceed 1500ppm by weight).(Note 1)Note1: Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recom-mended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Thermal CharacteristicsNote 2: θJA is measured with the component mounted on a 55mm x 40mm x 1.6mm glass epoxy board (two-layer) in free air.Recommended Operating ConditionsElectrical Characteristics (VCC=5V, T A =25°C, unless otherwise specified)Electrical Characteristics (Cont.) (VCC=5V, T A =25°C, unless otherwise specified)Typical Operating CharacteristicsVCC Supply Current vs. VCC Supply Voltage0.511.522.53V C C S u p p l y C u r r e n t (m A )VCC Supply Voltage(V)VCC Supply Current vs. VCC Supply VoltageVCC Supply Voltage(V)V C C S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )20406080100120Output Saturation Voltage vs. Output CurrentOutput Current (mA)O u t p u t S a t u r a t i o n V o l t a g e (m V ) Pin Low Voltage vs. Sink CurrentFG Pin Sink Current (mA)F G P i n L o w V o l t a g e (V ) Power Dissipation vs.Ambient TemperatureM a x i m u mP o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (m W )Ambient Temperature (o C)Operating WaveformsRotation Mode Waveform (NORMAL)CH1: V UO , 5V/div, DC CH2: V VO , 5V/div, DC CH3: V WO , 5V/div, DC CH4: I UO , 200mA/div, DCTime: 5ms/divRotation Mode Waveform (PWM)CH1: V UO , 5V/div, DC CH2: V VO , 5V/div, DC CH3: V WO , 5V/div, DC CH4: I UO , 200mA/div, DC Time: 5ms/divLock Protection Waveform (Lock)LockCH1: V UO , 5V/div, DC CH2: V VO , 5V/div, DC CH3: V WO , 5V/div, DC CH4: I UO , 500mA/div, DC Time: 2s/div Lock Protection Waveform (Release)ReleaseCH1: V UO , 5V/div, DC CH2: V VO , 5V/div, DC CH3: V WO , 5V/div, DC CH4: I UO , 500mA/div, DC Time: 2s/divPin DescriptionBlock DiagramFR PWMCOMVO WOFNTypical Application CircuitNote : D1 is to prevent the damage from the power reverse connection.V INFunction DescriptionPWM Speed ControlIt is possible to change rotation speed of the motor by switching high side output transistor. The on-duty of switching depends on the signal from input to PWMterminal. (See Figure 1 PWM Input Waveform)V PWMV UOFigure 1. PWM Input WaveformQuick StartThis IC disables the lock protection function when the PWM input keeps low level for more than 2ms. (See Fig-ure 2 Quick Start Waveform)V PWMLock ProtectFigure 2. Quick Start WaveformFG OutputThe FG pin is an open-drain output, connecting a pull up resistor to a high level voltage for the speed detection function. When UO pin voltage switches to high, the FG is high (switch off) and the UO pin voltage switches to low then FG is low (switch on). The FG output only works insensor- less mode. (See Figure 3 FG Output Waveform)V UOFGFigure 3. FG Output WaveformSoft SwitchThe APX9365A/B/C is equipped with a soft switch func-tion to make phase current become more gentle, which can reduce the noise of motor in switching interval.Lock Protection and Automatic RestartThe APX9365A/B/C provides the lock protection and au-tomatic restart functions to prevent the coil burnout while the fan is locked. As the fan is locked, the IC will come into start-up operation for 1 second. Then, the IC will switch to lock protection mode to close output driver for 6seconds. After lock protection mode, the IC switches to start-up operation again. If the locked condition still remains, the lock-and-restart process will be recurred until the locked condition is released.Thermal ProtectionThe APX9365A/B/C has thermal protection. When inter-nal junction temperature reaches 160o C, the output de-vices will be switched off. When the IC’s junction tem-perature cools down 30o C, the thermal sensor will turn on the output devices again, resulting in a pulsed output during continuous thermal protection.Application InformationInput Protection Diode & CapacitorIt is necessary to add a protection diode (D1) to prevent the damage from the power reverse connection. However,the protection diode will cause a voltage drop on the sup-ply voltage. The current rating of the diode must be larger than the maximum output current. For the noise reduc-tion purpose, a capacitor (C1) is connected between VCC and GND. (see Typical Application Circuit) It’s suggested that C1 should be placed as close as possible in the VCC pin.OSC CapacitorThe capacitor connects from OSC pin to GND can be determined the frequency of force commutation. The op-timal design of the frequency could make sure the motor start-up in succeed. Its capacitance from 1000pF to 3300pF is recommended.FG/RD ResistorThe value of FG/RD resistor could be decided by the fol-lowing equation:For example:V CC = 5V, I FG/RD = 5mA, V FG/RD = 0.2V, R FG/RD = 0.96k ΩThe value of resistor in the range of 1k Ω to 10k Ω is recommended.Thermal ConsiderationRefer to “Maximum Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temp-erature”, the IC is safe to operate below the curve and it will cause the thermal protection if the operating area is above the line. For example, T A = 75°C, the MSOP-10 pack-age maximum power dissipation is about 0.48W. The power dissipation can be calculated by the following equation:()CCCC UO VO UO CC D I V I V V V P ×+×−−=For example:V CC = 5V, I CC = 3mA, I OUT = 250mA, V UO = 4.85V,V VO = 0.15V, then P D = 0.09WThe GND pin provides an electrical connection to the ground and channeling heat away. The printed circuit board (PCB) forms a heat sink and dissipates most of the heat into ambient air.FG/RDFG/RDCC FG/RD I V V R −=FIL CapacitorThe capacitor connects between FN and COM pin to filter the noise when phase change to make sure phase change correctly. Its capacitance from 10nF to 100nF is recommended.Package InformationVTDFN3x3-10S Y M B O L MIN.MAX.0.600.000.180.302.20 2.700.051.40A A1b D D2E E2e L MILLIMETERS A30.20 REFVTDFN3x3-100.300.501.750.008 REF MIN.MAX.INCHES0.0240.0000.0070.0120.0870.1060.0550.0120.0200.500.0690.0200.0020.50 BSC0.016 BSC 0.200.008K2.903.100.1140.1222.90 3.100.1140.122(mm)Devices Per UnitCarrier Tape & Reel DimensionsSECTION B-BSECTION A-ATaping Direction InformationVTDFN3x3-10USER DIRECTION OF FEEDClassification ProfileClassification Reflow ProfilesTable 1. SnPb Eutectic Process – Classification Temperatures (Tc)Reliability Test Program。




APX9312 TSSOP20 pin-out

12v Application circuit
VI N 3 3 uF 1u f /2.2u f
VCC 5V R E G 1 uF
Open drain
5V R E G
U 330 V W
Hall elem ent
5V R E G
10 n F
儘可能靠近 IC
R sense
SS 2.2n f
SC 3.3n f
CT 1.0u f

24v Application circuit
HU 10nf
儘可能靠近 IC

TSSOP-20 Package outline



ANPEC reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability or manufacturability without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify before placing orders.•Three-Phase Full-Wave Sensor-Less Drive Method •Adjustable Forced Commutation Frequency(for Start-up)•Built-In External PWM Speed Control•Built-In Quick Start Function•FG (Rotation Speed Detection) Output (for APX9365A)RD (Lock Detection) Output (for APX9365B)1/2FG (Rotation Speed Detection) Output (for APX9365C)•Soft Switching Circuit (for Noise Reducing)•Power Saving Function (PWM Duty Input is 0%)•Built-In Lock Protection and Auto Restart Function •Thermal Shutdown Circuit•Lead Free and Green Devices Available (RoHS Compliant)The APX9365A/B/C provides all the circuitry for sensor-less speed control of three-phase brushless DC motor.The controller functions include start-up circuit, back-EMF commutation control, Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)speed control, lock protection, and thermal shutdown circuit.The APX9365A/B/C is suitable for both game machine and CPU cooler that need silent drivers. It is available in VTDFN3x3-10 package.FeaturesGeneral DescriptionApplications•Motor Driver For Silent Fan MotorsPin ConfigurationCOM 310 VO UO 1VCC 2FR 59 WO7 PWM 8 FG/ RD/ 1/2FG VTDFN3X3-10(TOP VIEW)FN 46 OSC= Exposed Pad (connected to the ground of power)Ordering and Marking InformationNote: ANPEC lead-free products contain molding compounds/die attach materials and 100% matte tin plate termination finish; which are fully compliant with RoHS. ANPEC lead-free products meet or exceed the lead-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J -STD-020D for MSL classification at lead-free peak reflow temperature. ANPEC defines “Green” to mean lead-free (RoHS compliant) and halogen free (Br or Cl does not exceed 900ppm by weight in homogeneous material and total of Br and Cl does not exceed 1500ppm by weight).(Note 1)Note1: Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recom-mended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Thermal CharacteristicsNote 2: θJA is measured with the component mounted on a 55mm x 40mm x 1.6mm glass epoxy board (two-layer) in free air.Recommended Operating ConditionsElectrical Characteristics (VCC=5V, T A =25°C, unless otherwise specified)Electrical Characteristics (Cont.) (VCC=5V, T A =25°C, unless otherwise specified)Typical Operating CharacteristicsVCC Supply Current vs. VCC Supply Voltage0.511.522.53V C C S u p p l y C u r r e n t (m A )VCC Supply Voltage(V)VCC Supply Current vs. VCC Supply VoltageVCC Supply Voltage(V)V C C S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )20406080100120Output Saturation Voltage vs. Output CurrentOutput Current (mA)O u t p u t S a t u r a t i o n V o l t a g e (m V ) Pin Low Voltage vs. Sink CurrentFG Pin Sink Current (mA)F G P i n L o w V o l t a g e (V ) Power Dissipation vs.Ambient TemperatureM a x i m u mP o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (m W )Ambient Temperature (o C)Operating WaveformsRotation Mode Waveform (NORMAL)CH1: V UO , 5V/div, DC CH2: V VO , 5V/div, DC CH3: V WO , 5V/div, DC CH4: I UO , 200mA/div, DCTime: 5ms/divRotation Mode Waveform (PWM)CH1: V UO , 5V/div, DC CH2: V VO , 5V/div, DC CH3: V WO , 5V/div, DC CH4: I UO , 200mA/div, DC Time: 5ms/divLock Protection Waveform (Lock)LockCH1: V UO , 5V/div, DC CH2: V VO , 5V/div, DC CH3: V WO , 5V/div, DC CH4: I UO , 500mA/div, DC Time: 2s/div Lock Protection Waveform (Release)ReleaseCH1: V UO , 5V/div, DC CH2: V VO , 5V/div, DC CH3: V WO , 5V/div, DC CH4: I UO , 500mA/div, DC Time: 2s/divPin DescriptionBlock DiagramFR PWMCOMVO WOFNTypical Application CircuitNote : D1 is to prevent the damage from the power reverse connection.V INFunction DescriptionPWM Speed ControlIt is possible to change rotation speed of the motor by switching high side output transistor. The on-duty of switching depends on the signal from input to PWMterminal. (See Figure 1 PWM Input Waveform)V PWMV UOFigure 1. PWM Input WaveformQuick StartThis IC disables the lock protection function when the PWM input keeps low level for more than 2ms. (See Fig-ure 2 Quick Start Waveform)V PWMLock ProtectFigure 2. Quick Start WaveformFG OutputThe FG pin is an open-drain output, connecting a pull up resistor to a high level voltage for the speed detection function. When UO pin voltage switches to high, the FG is high (switch off) and the UO pin voltage switches to low then FG is low (switch on). The FG output only works insensor- less mode. (See Figure 3 FG Output Waveform)V UOFGFigure 3. FG Output WaveformSoft SwitchThe APX9365A/B/C is equipped with a soft switch func-tion to make phase current become more gentle, which can reduce the noise of motor in switching interval.Lock Protection and Automatic RestartThe APX9365A/B/C provides the lock protection and au-tomatic restart functions to prevent the coil burnout while the fan is locked. As the fan is locked, the IC will come into start-up operation for 1 second. Then, the IC will switch to lock protection mode to close output driver for 6seconds. After lock protection mode, the IC switches to start-up operation again. If the locked condition still remains, the lock-and-restart process will be recurred until the locked condition is released.Thermal ProtectionThe APX9365A/B/C has thermal protection. When inter-nal junction temperature reaches 160o C, the output de-vices will be switched off. When the IC’s junction tem-perature cools down 30o C, the thermal sensor will turn on the output devices again, resulting in a pulsed output during continuous thermal protection.Application InformationInput Protection Diode & CapacitorIt is necessary to add a protection diode (D1) to prevent the damage from the power reverse connection. However,the protection diode will cause a voltage drop on the sup-ply voltage. The current rating of the diode must be larger than the maximum output current. For the noise reduc-tion purpose, a capacitor (C1) is connected between VCC and GND. (see Typical Application Circuit) It’s suggested that C1 should be placed as close as possible in the VCC pin.OSC CapacitorThe capacitor connects from OSC pin to GND can be determined the frequency of force commutation. The op-timal design of the frequency could make sure the motor start-up in succeed. Its capacitance from 1000pF to 3300pF is recommended.FG/RD ResistorThe value of FG/RD resistor could be decided by the fol-lowing equation:For example:V CC = 5V, I FG/RD = 5mA, V FG/RD = 0.2V, R FG/RD = 0.96k ΩThe value of resistor in the range of 1k Ω to 10k Ω is recommended.Thermal ConsiderationRefer to “Maximum Power Dissipation vs. Ambient Temp-erature”, the IC is safe to operate below the curve and it will cause the thermal protection if the operating area is above the line. For example, T A = 75°C, the MSOP-10 pack-age maximum power dissipation is about 0.48W. The power dissipation can be calculated by the following equation:()CCCC UO VO UO CC D I V I V V V P ×+×−−=For example:V CC = 5V, I CC = 3mA, I OUT = 250mA, V UO = 4.85V,V VO = 0.15V, then P D = 0.09WThe GND pin provides an electrical connection to the ground and channeling heat away. The printed circuit board (PCB) forms a heat sink and dissipates most of the heat into ambient air.FG/RDFG/RDCC FG/RD I V V R −=FIL CapacitorThe capacitor connects between FN and COM pin to filter the noise when phase change to make sure phase change correctly. Its capacitance from 10nF to 100nF is recommended.Package InformationVTDFN3x3-10S Y M B O L MIN.MAX.0.600.000.180.302.20 2.700.051.40A A1b D D2E E2e L MILLIMETERS A30.20 REFVTDFN3x3-100.300.501.750.008 REF MIN.MAX.INCHES0.0240.0000.0070.0120.0870.1060.0550.0120.0200.500.0690.0200.0020.50 BSC0.016 BSC 0.200.008K2.903.100.1140.1222.90 3.100.1140.122(mm)Devices Per UnitCarrier Tape & Reel DimensionsSECTION B-BSECTION A-ATaping Direction InformationVTDFN3x3-10USER DIRECTION OF FEEDClassification ProfileClassification Reflow ProfilesTable 1. SnPb Eutectic Process – Classification Temperatures (Tc)Reliability Test Program。

美高森美中等规模PolarFire FPGA可与AD9371宽带RF收发器互操作

美高森美中等规模PolarFire FPGA可与AD9371宽带RF收发器互操作

美高森美中等规模PolarFire FPGA可与AD9371宽带RF收发器互操作佚名【期刊名称】《单片机与嵌入式系统应用》【年(卷),期】2017(17)11【摘要】美高森美公司(Microsemi Corporation)宣布其成本优化和低功耗的中等规模PolarFire可编程逻辑器件(FPGA)现在可以通过JESD204B接口与Analog Devices公司的AD9371宽带集成射频(RF)收发器互操作。

AD9371提供双通道发送器和接收器,集成合成器和数字信号处理功能,考虑使用这款器件的客户能够使用美高森美的PolarFire FPGA来连接并与JESD204B互操作,同时获得超越竞争器件的更低功耗实施方案。

【总页数】1页(P88-88)【关键词】RF收发器;FPGA;互操作;等规;宽带;可编程逻辑器件;Devices;数字信号处理【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TN83【相关文献】1.美高森美较大功率和较高电压MOSFET器件瞄准RF和宽带通信应用——VRF2944在50V供电电压下提供业界最高输出功率 [J], 郑畅2.美高森美与Tamba合作开发新型PolarFire器件 [J],3.美高森美和Athena用于PolarFire“S级”FPGA器件的TeraFire硬件加密微处理器提供先进安全特性 [J],4.美高森美携手Intrinsic ID为PolarFire FPGA提供SRAM-PUF [J],5.ADI公司用于WiMAX终端的高集成度RF收发器推动宽带无线接入的部署——两款新型直接变频收发器提供高集成度和优异的RF性能使低成本WiMAX终端具有扩展的覆盖范围和改进的服务质量 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

PR9376 说明

PR9376 说明

The head of PR 9376 is a differential sensor consisting of two magnetosensitive semi-conducter resistors which are connected in series and mounted above a small perma-nent magnet. Two resistors of the transdu-cer-electronic part complete this configurati-on into a Wheatstone Bridge which con-trols a following DC-swiching amplifier withfast push-pull short cicuit proof output.Application:The RPM Transducer PR 9376is ideally suited for contactless measurement of rotational frequency of ferromagnetic machinery components. Universal de-sign, simple mounting and excellent cha-racteritics enable it to be used in a wide range of applications both in industry as well as in laboratories.In combination with certain electronicequipment for evaluation purposes,e. g. the epro RMS 700 or MMS 6000Rotational Speed Monitoring System, awide range of tasks can be solved, suchas measuring, monitoring, supervision, orcontrol of rotational forward/reversedetection, slip, gear ratio or backlash etc.Due to high resolution, fast internal elec-tronic and the sharp edged output pul-ses the PR 9376 is suitable for mea-surement of extremly high as well as verylow rotational speeds with high resolution.Further applications are e. g. signal-ling approximation of passing or side-ways approaching machinery parts foralarming, switching, counting mechani-cal events or passing components, etc.•Rugged construction•≥20 kHz frequency range•1.5 mm mechanical resolution(modulus 1)•High output pulse voltage•1 µs pulse rise/fall time•Short circuit proof output•Temperature range -30...+100 °CRPM TransducerPR 9376Operation and construction:Technical Data:Principle measurement :Differential magnetic field sensor Triggering:Contactless by mechanical triggermarks Material of triggermarks:soft ferromagnetic iron or steel Trigger frequency range:0... ≥20 kHz Permissible gap:≤1.5 mm at material St 37 (see diagram)Dimensional limits of triggermarks:Standard toothed wheel modulus ≥1at evolute toothing and material St 37Special trigger wheel: see diagram Output:Short circut proof push-pull output stage. Loud can be connected to meas.zero or supply.Output pulse voltage:at 100 (2.2) KΩ load and 12 V supply HIGH ≥10 (7) V LOW ≤1 (1) V Pulse rise and fall time:<1 µsat not load and all the frequency range Dynamic output resistance:<1 KΩPermissible load:resistive ≥400 Ωcapacitive ≤30 nF SupplySupply voltage:8...31.2 V DC 34 V for max. 1 s without damage Permissible ripple:≤10 % of suppl. Voltage Current consumption:≤25 mA at 25 °C, 24 V supply and no load Mechanics:Stainless steel housing; encapsulated electronic circuit; sensor head material ofsynthetic resin reinforced by an enclosed brass tube; cable is teflon insulated, with or without flexible metal protection tube.Dimensions:(see also diagram)diameter:14 mm length of transducer: ≤124 mm length of cable: 3 mWeight with / without package:PR9376/00330 g / 210 g PR 9376/20530 g / 410 g inclusive mounting setEnvironmental conditions:Temperature:Reference 25 °COperating range 30 °...+100 °C Limit for max. 30 s.without damage 120 °CStorage temperature -40 °...+100 °C Protection:IP 66 according to DIN 40050* The output becomes high impedance (no current flow) at low-level if its load is connected to meas.zero, or at HIGH-level if its load is connected to the ing RPM Transducer PR 9376 for re-ference measurement:(1 pulse per turn)If PR 9376 is used for reference measure-ment, i. e. with only one mark on the shaft for collar, following hints are important:Order numbers:PR 9376/00 RPM Transducer without metal cable protection: ...................................................................................................9408-09376001PR 9376/20 RPM Transducer with metal cable protection:..........................................................................................................9408-09376201When a triggermark of soft ferromagne-tic iron or steel approaches the transdu-cer at right-angles (i. e. from the side) it disturbs the magnetic field of the inter-nal magnet, this unbalances the bridge and switches the output voltage to HIGH. The signal is kept on HIGH until the rear edge of the triggermark passes the sensor and causes an unbalance of the bridge in the opposite direction.The output signal is a pulsed voltage with sharp pulse edges. So capacitive coupling to subsequent electronic equip-ment is even possible at lowest trigger frequencies.High quality electronic circuitry en-capsulated in a robust stainless steel housing and the Teflon insulation of the connection cable (if necessary additio-nally protected by a flexible metal tube)ensure a trouble free operation even in harsh industrial environments. The plain transducer surface allows simple oil proof and watertight installation by means of standard cable glands.Positioning of the transducerTriggermark dimensional limits(dimensions in mm)Dimensions PR 9376/20, PR9376/00,Mounting set (dimensions in mm)Circuit diagramm PR 9376/20, PR9376/00PR 9376/20PR 9376/00Mounting SetD u e t o c o n t i n u e d r e s e a r c h a n d p r o d u c t d e v e l o p m e n t ,e p r o r e s e r v e s t h e r i g h t t o c h a n g e t h e s e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s w i t h o u t n o t i c e .。

MOXA EDS-208A 系列 8 埠輕巧型非網管乙太網路交換器说明书

MOXA EDS-208A 系列 8 埠輕巧型非網管乙太網路交換器说明书

EDS-208A系列8埠輕巧型非網管乙太網路交換器特色與優點•10/100BaseT(X)(RJ45連接器)、100BaseFX(多模/單模、SC或ST連接器)•備援雙12/24/48VDC電源輸入•IP30鋁製外殼•堅固耐用的硬體設計,非常適合環境嚴苛場域應用(Class1Div.2/ATEXZone2),、運輸應用(NEMA TS2/EN50121-4/e-Mark)以及海事環境(DNV/GL/LR/ABS/NK)•-40至75°C工作溫度範圍(-T型號)認證簡介EDS-208A系列8埠工業級乙太網路交換器支援IEEE802.3和IEEE802.3u/x,具有10/100M、全/半雙工、MDI/MDI-X自動感測功能。


此系列交換器專為嚴苛工業環境所設計,例如海事(DNV/GL/LR/ABS/NK)、軌道沿線、高速公路或行動應用(EN50121-4/NEMA TS2/e-Mark),或危險場所(Class1Div.2/ATEX Zone2),並且符合FCC、UL和CE標準。



規格Ethernet Interface10/100BaseT(X)Ports(RJ45connector)EDS-208A/208A-T:8EDS-208A-M-SC/M-ST/S-SC Series:7EDS-208A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC Series:6All models support:Auto negotiation speedFull/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connection100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode SC connector)EDS-208A-M-SC Series:1EDS-208A-MM-SC Series:2100BaseFX Ports(multi-mode ST connector)EDS-208A-M-ST Series:1EDS-208A-MM-ST Series:2100BaseFX Ports(single-mode SC connector)EDS-208A-S-SC Series:1EDS-208A-SS-SC Series:2Standards IEEE802.3for10BaseTIEEE802.3u for100BaseT(X)and100BaseFXIEEE802.3x for flow controlOptical Fiber800Typical Distance4km5km40kmWavelength Typical(nm)13001310TX Range(nm)1260to13601280to1340 RX Range(nm)1100to16001100to1600Optical Power TX Range(dBm)-10to-200to-5 RX Range(dBm)-3to-32-3to-34 Link Budget(dB)1229 Dispersion Penalty(dB)31Note:When connecting a single-mode fiber transceiver,we recommend using anattenuator to prevent damage caused by excessive optical power.Note:Compute the“typical distance”of a specific fiber transceiver as follows:Linkbudget(dB)>dispersion penalty(dB)+total link loss(dB).Switch PropertiesMAC Table Size2KPacket Buffer Size768kbitsProcessing Type Store and ForwardPower ParametersConnection1removable4-contact terminal block(s)Input Current EDS-208A/208A-T,EDS-208A-M-SC/M-ST/S-SC Series:0.11A@24VDCEDS-208A-MM-SC/MM-ST/SS-SC Series:0.15A@24VDCInput Voltage12/24/48VDC,Redundant dual inputsOperating Voltage9.6to60VDCOverload Current Protection SupportedReverse Polarity Protection SupportedDIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet Interface Broadcast storm protectionPhysical CharacteristicsHousing AluminumIP Rating IP30Dimensions50x114x70mm(1.96x4.49x2.76in)Weight275g(0.61lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit)Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-10to60°C(14to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/24EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to1GHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:1kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMFHazardous Locations ATEX,Class I Division2Maritime ABS,DNV-GL,LR,NKRailway EN50121-4Safety UL508Shock IEC60068-2-27Traffic Control NEMA TS2Vibration IEC60068-2-6Freefall IEC60068-2-31MTBFTime2,701,531hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /tw/warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-208A Series switchDocumentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty card尺寸訂購資訊Model Name 10/100BaseT(X)PortsRJ45Connector100BaseFX PortsMulti-Mode,SCConnector100BaseFX PortsMulti-Mode,STConnector100BaseFX PortsSingle-Mode,SCConnectorOperating Temp.EDS-208A8–––-10to60°CEDS-208A-T8–––-40to75°CEDS-208A-M-SC71––-10to60°CEDS-208A-M-SC-T71––-40to75°CEDS-208A-M-ST7–1–-10to60°CEDS-208A-M-ST-T7–1–-40to75°CEDS-208A-MM-SC62––-10to60°CEDS-208A-MM-SC-T62––-40to75°CEDS-208A-MM-ST6–2–-10to60°CEDS-208A-MM-ST-T6–2–-40to75°CEDS-208A-S-SC7––1-10to60°CEDS-208A-S-SC-T7––1-40to75°CEDS-208A-SS-SC6––2-10to60°CEDS-208A-SS-SC-T6––2-40to75°C配件(選購)Power SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°Coperating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureWall-Mounting KitsWK-30Wall-mounting kit,2plates,4screws,40x30x1mmWK-46Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screws,46.5x66.8x1mmRack-Mounting KitsRK-4U19-inch rack-mounting kit©Moxa Inc.版權所有.2020年5月22日更新。



深圳市沛城电子科技有限公司地址:中国广东省深圳市南山区科技园北区清华紫光信息港B座三楼联系人:曾小姐电话:86-755-82990713(直线)总机:86-755-82993060传真: 86-755-82992851E-mail: pcmy2011@MSN:yinhualy@公司网址:阿里旺铺:沛城电子是茂达(ANPEC)授权一级代理商,1、MOSFET(MOS管)APM9435为一颗P-MOSFET,VDS耐压为30V,VGS耐压为25V,提供最大的连续电流为6.2A,在VGS=10V 时,最大导通阻抗为60mΩ,采用无铅的SOP-8封装,主要作为电源的开关和PWM的功率器件的应用,常用在车载电子、LCD、便携DVD等电子产品上. 替代市面上如 CEM9435、AP9435 、AF9435 、GE9435、 GT9435 、TM9435、 MT9435、 SD9435。

APM2300CAC,SOT23封装, N沟道 20V/6A兼容,AO3400,SI2300,ME2314,GN2300,……APM2301CAC,SOT23封装, P沟道 20V/6A, 800MA VIN 2.5-5.5 BUCK PWM,兼容AO3401 ,SI2301,LT3406,RT8008,RT8009,APS1006,MP2104……APM2306,SOT23封装,兼容ME2306,GV2314……APM4412为一颗N-MOSFET,VDS耐压为30V,VGS耐压为20V,提供最大的连续电流为12A,在VGS=10V 时,最大导通阻抗为12mΩ,采用无铅的SOP-8封装,主要作为电源的开关和PWM的功率器件的应用,常用在车载电子、LCD、便携DVD,电子调速器等电子产品上。

APM4953为一颗P-MOSFET,VDS耐压为30V,VGS耐压为25V,提供最大的连续电流为6.2A,在VGS=10V 时,最大导通阻抗为60mΩ,采用无铅的SOP-8封装,主要作为电源的开关和PWM的功率器件的应用,常用在车载电子、LCD、便携DVD等电子产品上.兼容SI4953,AP4953,STM9435,MT9435……APM9926,封装SOP/TSSOP-8,兼容N9926A,应用LED显示屏APM4550:封装SOP8,应用:笔记本,场效应管APM3095:封装SOT252,其他MOSFET(MOS管):APM4953KC SOP8 双P沟道 30V/5A兼容SI4953,AP4953,STM9435,MT9435……APM2305AC SOT23 沟道 16V/3.5A兼容 SI2305……APM3055LUC TO252 N沟 30V/20A兼容STD1703APM3023NUC TO252 N沟道 30V/30A兼容AOD408,AP40T03…APM3095PUC TO252 N沟道 30V/8AAP2014NUC TO252 N沟道 20V/40A兼容SOD434,AP9T18GAPM9410KC SOP8 N沟通道30V/8A,APM4435KC SOP8 P沟道 30V/8AAPM2506NUC TO252 N沟道 25V50A兼容 06N03,AO472,AP86T02, STD70N02,60N03…APM2509NUC TO252 N沟道 25V50A兼容09N03,AO452,AP72T02,STD90N02,70N03…APM7313KC SOP8 双N沟道 30V/6A兼容IRF7313,AO48002、PWM(DC-DC升/降压IC):DC-DC升压IC:APW7077AAPW7077A是一颗升压PWM控制器,超低的启动电压(0.9V),工作电压为(0.9V~5.5V),内置软启动和固定的300K频率,APW7077A本身的驱动能力为150mA,SOT-25封装,和AP1624,NCP1450,XC6368兼容。


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久茂自动化(大连)有限公司 403023 JUMO dTRANS p20 DELTA Ex d 压差

久茂自动化(大连)有限公司 403023 JUMO dTRANS p20 DELTA Ex d 压差

JUMO dTRANS p20 DELTA Ex d带防爆外壳的差压变送器简述JUMO DTRANS P20 Delta Ex d 压差变送器集最大精度和简单操作于一体,用于测量气体、蒸汽 和液体的压差。


防爆型“Ex ia (本安型)”允许设备安装到0区。


隔膜密封也可用于特定工艺技术应用(见数据单409772 至409784)。


一个易于使用的设置程序作为附件, 可通过接口启动操作。


根据2.0版DIN EN 61508/-1/-2,对具有4至20 mA 和HART®协议的压力变送器进行安全功能评 估,并由T ÜV Nord 认证。



“Ex ia ”防爆版本见数据表403022。


型号 403023流程图特点• 不锈钢外壳• SIL 认证(T ÜV Nord) • HART ®接口• 防爆 Ex d (气体和灰尘) 参考 ATEX 和EAC • 线性度 0.07 % • 带旋转按键使操作简单 • 设置程序• 带条形图的LCD 显示屏 • 显示选择测量单元 • 显示传感器温度 • 显示最大最小压力 • 电流发生器功能• 特征线和显示器也可用于调节测量流量认证/认证标识(见"数据单")数据单基本信息b JUMO接口不得用于潜在爆炸区域!在这种情况下,可通过旋转按键或HART®接口操作输入输出电源电源DC 12 至 36 V 机械特性环境条件b 在-40至-50°C范围内,设备必须持续运行。




华为公司软交换应用说明华为公司软交换系列产品从 99 开始开发, 2000 年开始逐步商用,至今为止,已 经在香港和记、重庆铁通等国内外实际网络上得到广泛的应用。

一、香港和记软交换商业网 香港和记利用华为公司软交换系列产品, 提供 IP Centrex、企业通信助理、点到点视频通信、视频会议等业务。

1. 组网图SoftX3000 MRS6000AppServerTMG8010(内置信令网关)H.248 香港和记IP承载网络H.248/MGCPE1/T1STPswitchSIPSIP/H.323AMG5000H.248 /MGCPPSTNH.323U-Path通信助理SIP phoneUniPhoneH.323 PphoneePhoneIAD系列POTS POTS香港和记软交换网络,利用和记宽频网的广覆盖特性,将软交换等核心 设备放置在中心机房,而接入网关 AMG5000、IAD、智能终端、视频电话 等设备则放置在中远大厦、中环广场、喜来登酒店等,向用户提供语音、数 据、多媒体综合业务。

2. 采用的软交换设备部件: 软交换 SoftX3000:实现香港标准 PSTN 语音业务、IP Centrex 业务、 分组多媒体业务等 中继网关 TMG8010:VoIP 及宽带网/3G 视频业务网关AMG5000:宽窄带一体化接入网关 多媒体 PC 客户端软件 UniPhone:基于 PC 的视频电话业务及视频会议客户端 智能终端 Pintel SIP Phone: 除实现语音业务外,还提供消息类、上网浏览、Email 等增值业务 C&S 公司 H323 视频终端:除实现语音、视频通信业务外,还提供消息类、上网浏览、Email 等增值业务 MCU ViewPoint 8620:提供多媒体视频会议资源,一框可支持 128 路384Kbps 视频会议 MRS6000:提供 IVR(录音、放音、收号)及会议桥资源 多口 IAD:支持 2、4、8 POTS 口的以太网综合接入设备 U-Path 企业通信助理:实现企业电子秘书、通信管家、通信助理、企业门户功能3. 提供的业务:i. 基本 PSTN 业务 Anonymous Caller Rejection Appointment Service Automatic Call back CFU CFB CFNR CND-1 CND-2 CND per call blocking CND per call unblocking CT CW Call Forwarding of Call Waiting Calls Calling Name Display Conference Calling DDI Do not Disturb Do Not Disturb with PIN Duplex ringing Sequential Mode of HuntingCircular Mode of Hunting Random Mode of Hunting Immediately Hot Line Delay Hot Line IDD Security International Call Barring(Incoming) MCT Music On hold Remote Activation of Call Froward Selective Call Acceptance Selective Call Forwarding Selective Call Rejection Speed Dialingii. IP Centrex 业务 Barge-In Exempt Call restriction Direct Call pick up Distinct ringing Group pick up Group Speed Dialing Private numbering planiii. U-Path 企业通信助理业务 Advise Of Charge Barge-In CFU- Attendant Absentee Service CFB-Attendant CFNR-Attendant Call transfer Camp-On Recall Data management Do Not Disturb Monitoring Originating an outgoing call for user Recall Secrecy Set appointment service according to user's requirements Single Line Queueiv. 视频业务 Personal Video Communication Video ConferenceVideo Message Video Mail 二、重庆铁通软交换商业网 重庆铁通软交换商用网是采用华为公司基于软交换技术的 SoftX 组建的,是 软交换技术在铁通的电信网络上的首次实际商用。



常用 常用 常用 常用
视讯 监控 数字电视 1.3 音频产品 联络中心 IPPBX
二、有线网络 2.1 传送网 OptiX Metro5000 STM-64 MADM光传输系统 MSTP OptiX Metro 3000 STM-16 MADM/MSTP光传输系统 OptiX Metro 1000多业务传送系统 OptiX Metro 500 紧凑型STM-1 MSTP 光传输系统 OptiX OSN 1800系列 OTN OptiX OSN 8800系列 OptiX OSN 6800/3800 OptiX BWS 1600G LH/Metro WDM OptiX Metro6100/6040 OptiX OSN 900B Huawei OptiX OSN 500 OptiX OSN 9500 智能光交换系统 OptiX OSN 7500 智能光交换系统 OptiX OSN 3500 智能光传输系统 OSN OptiX OSN 3500 II智能光传输系统 OptiX OSN 2500 智能光传输系统 OptiX OSN 2000 增强型STM-1/STM-4 OptiX OSN 1500B 智能光传输系统 OptiX RTN 900系列 微波 OptiX RTN 600系列 iManager 系列产品 网管系统 U2000解决方案 应用软件 OptiX MDS 6600规划模拟系统 2.2 核心网 GSM/WCDMA移动软交换中心 SYNLOCK BITS同步网 媒体网关MGW GSM/WCDMA 归属位置寄存器 网关GPRS支持节点GGSN 服务GPRS支持节点SGSN 移动核心网 CDMA2000 移动软交换中心 CDMA2000 归属位置寄存器 CDMA2000 分组数据业务节点 CDMA2000 移动IP归属代理 CDMA2000 AAA服务器 计费网关CG U-SYS 全系列IAD综合接入设备 C&C08 STP U-SYS IADHatcher 终端孵化器 C&C08 数字程控交换机 U-SYS MA5800系列HFC接入设备 U-SYS VP8220多媒体可视电话 下一代网络 U-SYS OpenEye多媒体客户端软件 MediaX3600增强会议系统 U-SYS SoftX3000软交换



公司中文名主要代理或经营品牌联系方式七喜联业有限公司相关报道Mitsumi, Sony, NCC, Unison 852- 26992133852- 26870122(fax)环捷电子有限公司相关报道Fujitsu Microelectronic,Fujitsu Components,Fujitsu Media,CTC,DDK,Emuden,Kemet,NAIS,OKI & PDC852- 28149138852- 28149173(fax)弘忆国际股份有限公司相关报道TOSHIBA, Aurora, BenQ, ESMT, ETRON, GMT, OTI, Realtek, Niigata, Ritdisply, SigmaTel, Smartlink, mtech, Topro, TDMT****************.hk852- 2- 3432868852- 2- 3439194(fax)香港百特(集团)电子有限公司相关报道Atmel, Sipex, GAMMA, American Zettler, DUREL************.hk852- 27939783852- 27939851(fax)三达香港有限公司相关报道SAMT Samsung, Fairchild www.samtek.co.kr86- 21- 62076969深圳市亚特联科技有限公司相关报道混合分销商,授权品牌ALPS,SHINMEI,YAMAICHI,SART****************86- 755- 8367718886- 755- 83796511(fax)雅创台信电子有限公司相关报道授权分销商,主要代理品牌Murata、Toshiba、Epson、Panasonic、Rohm、Nichicon、Etron、Innofidei、Renergy、PLDS、DVS、Sharp、Tianma等******************86- 21- 5110977786- 21- 51109797(fax)苏州明友电子有限公司相关报道独立分销商,经销品牌AMD,ADI,Atmel,Agilent,AMP,Bourns,Epcos,Fairchild,IR,Kement,linear,Murata,Maxim,Molex,ON,NS,TI,TDK,tyco,Vishay,yageo86- 512- 6665636886- 512- 65368268(fax)时代益华(Achieva)元件中国有限公司相关报道Achieva,Altera,Dexcel,Dialight,Ecliptek,Elpida,Eupec,Finisar,Infineon,Intel,Osram,Qimonda AG,Seagate,Semtech,ZiLOG.sg852- 23419228852- 23413113(fax)英恒科技相关报道Atmel,ST,Microchip,Infineon,Switec,PDI 852- 26469030852- 26469373(fax)泰科源科技相关报道Samsung 86- 10- 5875268886- 10- 58752188(fax)三顾有限公司相关报道Alliance, Bluegiga, Conexant, TDK ********************.hk86- 10- 6857809986- 10- 68578098(fax)益登科技股份有限公司相关报道NVIDIA, Spansion, Broadlight, IC Media, IDT, Ikanos, OKI, Silicon Labs, WIS, Zarlink886- 02- 26578811北京乐华贝特微电子有限责任公司相关报道混合分销商,授权品牌SYNCMOS,经销NXP***************86- 10- 5869031186- 10- 58693112(fax)新进贸易(深圳)有限公司相关报道混合分销商,授权品牌3M,AATI,AMIC,AME,Delta,ISOCOM,Linear Systems,Crane,PDI,SunLED,Taiwan Semi,Torex等86- 755- 2518142686- 755- 86-755-82364864(fax)北京迈尔奇科贸有限公司相关报道授权分销商,授权品牌Power One *******************.cn86- 10- 6449977886- 10- 64499790(fax)江苏时讯捷通讯有限公司相关报道授权分销商,主要经营RAMTRON、Discera、AMS、MAXIM/DALLAS、ADI、AVAGO、TOSHIBA、FREESCALE等品牌。



目录GV220系列接口转换器 (1)NB110系列以太网桥 (3)FT160系列网管型光端机 (7)MP9400大客户专线接入平台 (11)MP9710多业务大客户专线接入平台 (16)EPAS360专线接入服务器 (23)GV220系列接口转换器GV220系列接口转换器包括GV220、GV220S两个型号,是迈普公司研发生产的G.703-V.35转换器,可实现G.703与V.35接口之间数据的转换。

GV220外观图产品特点⏹速率:GV220 提供N*64K (N=1~32)速率数据转换;GV220S 提供2Mbps透明数据传输⏹数据时钟沿反转:发送和接收数据时钟沿可为上升沿,也可为下降沿⏹多时钟源:支持内时钟、G.703外时钟、V.35外时钟⏹设置简便:使用DIP开关设置全部工作方式⏹监测直观:设备面板即可观测G.703、V.35接口信号状态⏹维护方便:全硬件实现,性能更稳定,无升级之忧技术规范描述GV220GV220S接口特性G.703接口传输速率:N×64Kbps(N=1~32)线路码型:HDB3码线路阻抗:75Ω(不平衡)/120Ω(平衡)接口标准:CCITT G.703标准V.35接口接口标准:DCE传输速率:N×64Kbps(N=1~32)接口标准:DCE传输速率:2Mbps物理指标外形尺寸(H×W×D):30mm×120mm×210mm 重量:约0.6Kg电源要求交流电源输入电压:交流160~240V/50HZ 适配器输入电流:≤0.04A整机功率:≤4W 直流电源输入电压:-40~-57V适配器输入电流:≤0.12A整机功率:≤4W定购信息产品型号描述GV220支持N*64K (N=1~32)速率数据转换,1个G.703接口、1个V.35接口,标配外置交流电源,可选直流电源模块GV220S 支持2Mbps透明数据传输,1个G.703接口、1个V.35接口,标配外置交流电源,可选直流电源模块GVPA077W外置交流电源模块,输入电压160~240V/50-60Hz,输出5V/1.4A,配GV220 GVPD066W外置直流电源模块,输入电压-40~-57V,输出5V/1.2A,配GV220AD8-1S003Y8W外置交流电源模块,输入电压100-240V/50-60Hz,输出5V/1.6A,配GV220S PWM10-DD48S5V310W外置直流电源模块,输入电压-40--57V,输出5V/1.6A,配GV220S典型应用网点路由器网点路由器GV220SGV220S用户中心路由器上图为GV220S/GV220的典型应用,通过GV220S/GV220与局端具有E1接口的设备(ATM、路由器或DDN节点机等)相连,实现V.35与G.703接口之间数据的2M透明转换。





Sound & Lighting Manufacturers ListHey, take a look at our new LED lites. They work anywhere standard Littlites work! MPALLEN & HEATH..................GL 3, GL 4..........................................................................18G-HIGL 2000, 3300....................................................................18GML 3000, 4000, 5000..........................................................18XR-HI 4 PINPA12-CP, PA20-CP, PA12, PA20, PA28............................18XR-HI-4GL-4000..............................................................................12X-4 (X 2)GL 2400, GL 2800..............................................................18XR-HI-4GL 3800, GL 4800..............................................................18X-HI-4MIX WIZARD......................................................................18X-HI-4 ALTAIR..................................ELECTRA SERIES............................................................12X-HI NGLEY...........................................................................XLR-4 PINSR 6000..............................................................................XLR-4 PINSR 4000..............................................................................18GAMERICAN DJ......................XDM-352, XDM 242, XDM-3633 COMMANDER................12G-HIQ2422/SX, Q-2422/X, Q-3433/SX, Q-SPANDASM STEUERUNGSTE........R2D2...................................................................................12X-HIDX33...................................................................................6G-HIAUDIO INDEPENDENCE.....PARAGON..........................................................................12 OR 18X AVOLITES.............................AZURE SHADOW, AZURE PANEL...................................12XR-HI (SPECIAL WIRING)PEARL 2000.......................................................................12X-HI (SPECIAL WIRING)SAPPHIRE 96, SAPPHIRE 2000........................................12XR-HI (SPECIAL WIRING)DIAMOND II AND III AND 4................................................12XR-HI (SPECIAL WIRING) BEHRINGER.........................EURODESK MX8000A, 9000A, UB2442FX-PRO..............18G-HIEURODESK MX3282A, 2442A...........................................12G-HIBI AMP..................................COLUMBIA & OLYMPIA.....................................................12G CARVIN.................................FX.......................................................................................12GDX1642,1642P,2442...........................................................18X-HIFX1244,1244P,1644,2444..................................................18GMX2488...............................................................................6V BNCSL24....................................................................................18X-HI CASE....................................PROFESSIONAL 1 & 2.......................................................12XR-HI CELCO..................................NAVIGATOR 3....................................................................12GAVIATOR............................................................................18XRSERIES II GOLD................................................................12GPATHFINDER.....................................................................12GPULSAR MASTER..............................................................12GEXPLORER.........................................................................12GVENTURA 1000..................................................................12XR-HIR2D2...................................................................................12X-HICOLOR TRAN.......................MADILLION 2 -3.................................................................18XR-HI 4 PININNOVATOR.......................................................................18XR-HIENCORE.............................................................................18XR-HI 4 PIN COMPULITE.........................SPARK, SABRE. OVATION4D, MICRON 4D,SPARK4D...12XR-HI OR 18XR-HISPARK TOP, SPARK, PHOTON, RAVE............................12XR-HI OR 18XR-HI CRATE..................................CSX SERIES......................................................................12G-HI OR 18G-HICREST AUDIO......................OLD STYLES......................................................................12GSP,TC,GT,LM, X-FOUR.....................................................12X-HIGTX,VX, LMX, V-12............................................................18XR-HICENTURY GT AND VX......................................................18X-HIX-EIGHT, X-MONITOR, X-VCA..........................................18X-HIHS-48+4..............................................................................18XR-HIXR-20, XR-24, XR-M...........................................................12G-HIHP-8....................................................................................18G or 18G-LEDHPW...................................................................................18G-HID & R.....................................MERLIN..............................................................................12XR-HIVISION................................................................................18XR-HIORION................................................................................18XR-HITRITON..............................................................................18XR 4 PINAXION.................................................................................18XR 4 PIN DDA.......................................CS3, CS8, CS12.................................................................18XR-HIFORUM, Q2........................................................................12X-HIINTERFACE........................................................................12GDEVON..............................SMX-2000..............................................................................12G-HI DOD...................................822XL, 822RM.......................................................................12G-HI1222XL, 1222RM....................................................................12G-HICM300, 350, 750, 1642..........................................................12G-HI DENON..............................SMX 200DJ............................................................................6G-HISMX 2000...............................................................................12G-HI DOVE.................................1Q 24.....................................................................................12GTS48D....................................................................................12G-HIE-MU..................................MP-7, XL-7, PX-7...................................................................12G-HI ELECTRA...........................18:8:2, 24:8:2, 32:8:2, 40:8:2,................................................12X-HI48:8:2.....................................................................................12X-HI ELECTRO VOICE/TELEX..BK 32 AND 43SERIES...........................................................12GEVT 52 SERIES.....................................................................12GELAN......................................................................................12-18G-HIINTERFACE CONSOLES......................................................18XR-HIVECTOR................................................................................12GPSX1000, 1600, 2200............................................................12 or 18X ETC....................................EXPRESS SERIES...............................................................18X-HIOBSESSION SERIES............................................................18XR-HI FENDER............................PX 2208..................................................................................12G-HIPX 2208D...............................................................................12G-HIPX 2212D...............................................................................12G-HIPX 2216D...............................................................................12G-HIMX-5200.................................................................................18G-HIMX 5232.................................................................................18G-HIFLYING PIG.......................WHOLE HOG 1 & 2...............................................................12XR-HI FROG.................................FROG 2, FROG 24/48, FAT FROG, FROG BOX,.................18XR-HIFAT FROG, BULL FROG, LEAP FROG, MAMBO FROG GLI.....................................PMX 7000, 8000, 9500, 9900.................................................12G-HIGEM SOUND.....................DS 9000, 9905, DSP-6PRO...................................................12G-HIDMX-6, 52..............................................................................12G-HIDMX-525, 1030 & 1070..........................................................12G-HIMX-5216,5224,5232, MP3-PRO.............................................12G-HI GEMINI..............................TURNTABLES.......................................................................12G-HIHIGH END..........................STATUS CUE,.......................................................................12 OR 18X-HIPOWER CUE.........................................................................12G INKEL.................................CMX 1664..............................................................................18G INNOVASON......................SY80......................................................................................18XR-HI-4 (X 4)SY48......................................................................................12X-HI (X 2) INTER M............................CMX 1264/1664/2464.............................................................18G-HIKENSINGTON.......................................................................18XR-HI-4 JANDS...............................ESPII-24,................................................................................18XR-HIESPII-48, 60...........................................................................18XR-HI (X2)EVENT 24..............................................................................18XR-HI (X2)EVENT 36,48, 408, 416.........................................................18XR-HI (X2)EVENT PLUS 48 AND 60......................................................18XR-HI (X2)JANDS HOG 250, 600...........................................................18XR-HI (X2)HOG 500................................................................................18XR-HIHOG 1000..............................................................................18XR-HI (X2) JUICE GOOSE...................RP-100, RP-200-L..................................................................12G LEPRECON LLC................850.........................................................................................12XR1500.......................................................................................12G1600.......................................................................................12G2000.......................................................................................18XR-HI3000.......................................................................................18XR-HILP-X24, LP-X48.....................................................................12XR-HI 4 PIN (2) LMI.....................................CH 200...................................................................................12GDESIGNER............................................................................12G LSC....................................FOCAL CONSOLES..............................................................12X-HIFOCAL TOURING DIMMING................................................12X-HIATOM.....................................................................................12XR-HIAXIOM....................................................................................12X-HIMAXIM S, MAXIM M..............................................................12XR-HIMAXIML, MAXIMXL, MAXIM XXL..........................................12XR-HI (2)LINEARTECH.................................SL-2600, SL-3100, SL-4600.......................................12G LIGHTRONICS...............................TL-2448......................................................................18G-HI LITEPUTER........................................................................................................................18G-LED MA..................................................GRAND MA, LIGHT COMMANDER 48/6..................18XR-HI (X2)LIGHT COMMANDER 24/6........................................18XR-HIGRAND MA LIGHT, GRAND MA ULTRA-LIGHT......18X-HIGRAND MA MICROLIGHT COMMANDER 12/2 19".................................18X-HILIGHT COMMANDER 12/2, SCANCOMMANDER 19"MACKIE1604...........................................................................18G-HIOTTO 1604................................................................6G-HISR 24-4 VLZ PRO, ONYX 1640...............................18G-HISR 40.8, SR 56.8,......................................................18X-HI-4 PINCFX12, 1642-VLZ, ONYX 1620.................................12G-HICFX16........................................................................18G-HICFX 18, CFX20..........................................................18G-HISR24-4 VLZ PRO.......................................................18G-HISR32-4 VLX PRO.......................................................18G-HIONYX 4880, ONYX 4080, ONYX 3280......................18X-HI-4 (X3)ONYX 2480................................................................18X-HI-4 (X2)TT24...........................................................................12X-HI-4ONYX 24-4.................................................................18G-HI MARTIN.........................................CASE CONTROLLER P1, P2....................................18XR-HICASE CONTROLLER P1+, P2+................................18XR-HICASE CONTROLLER PLAYBACK WING.................18XR-HI MIDAS.............................................MIDAS, XL3, XL200, XL250, LEGEND.....................18X-HIHERITAGE 1000, 2000, 3000...................................18XR-HIXL-4...........................................................................12G-HIVENICE,....................................................................18X-HI-4 PINVENICE,....................................................................18X-4-LED-ISOHERITAGE 4000, SIENA, VERONA..................................18XR-HIMOOG MUSIC...............................VOYAGER................................................................12X-HI MITEC.............................................EVENT......................................................................18X-HI NSI..................................................PMC, TC...................................................................18X-HIMEL, MLC, 7424, 7500, 7532....................................12, OR 18G-HI NUMARK.........................................DM 1600X..................................................................12G-HI PANASONIC...................................WR-SX-1...................................................................12G-HI PEAVEY..........................................24-FX, 32-FX.............................................................12G-HIS-24...........................................................................18G-HI PHONIC..........................................DX SERIES...............................................................18G-HI PULSAR..........................................MASTERPIECE.........................................................12G RACKMAN......................................INNOVATIONS.........................................................12G-HI RAMSA...........................................SX-1..........................................................................12G OR 12G-HIWR-S840...................................................................12 OR 18G-HIWR-C900..................................................................12 OR 18G-HIWR-4000...................................................................12 OR 18G-HIROSS MIXING................................RCS 2842..................................................................12X-HIPC 8400....................................................................12G802, 1202, 1602, 2402...............................................12GSEE FACTOR.................................LD-500, LD-1000.......................................................12XR-HI SPECIAL WIRING S OUNDCRAFT...............................EUROPA, SERIES 2, SERIES 5 MONITOR & FOH18XR-HI 4-PINVIENNA, VENUE, DELTA.........................................18G-HIK-3 AND SM12, SM20..............................................18X-HI-4 PINK-2, MH3, MH4..........................................................18XR-HI-4SPIRIT 8 (24-40 CHANNEL......................................18X-HI-4 PINSPIRIT LX-7..............................................................18X-HISPIRIT MONITOR (24-40 CHANNEL)......................18X-HI-4 PINGB-4/16, GB-4/24, GB-4/32, GB-4/40.......................18X-HI-4 (2)GB-2/16, GB-2/24, GB-2/32......................................18X-HI-4SOUND TECH4150, 306D, 308D, ST-122, PC 803, PC1250...........12G-HIPANORAMIC.............................................................12G-HIST 164.......................................................................18GDJ 252, 262D............................................................12G-HISOUNDTRAC.................................MEGAS STAGE........................................................18G-HIMEGAS 2..................................................................18X-HISEQUEL....................................................................18X-HISEQUEL 2.................................................................18X-HISOLO........................................................................18G-HISOLO 8.....................................................................18X-HI STRAND.........................................500 SERIES..............................................................18X-HI STUDIO MASTER...........................SHOW MIX................................................................12 OR 18G-HISTAGEMASTER.......................................................12 OR 18G-HI TAPCO............................................BLEND 16.................................................................18G-HITAC(TOTAL AUDIO CONCEPTS)..SR 6000....................................................................18X-HI TACTILE TECHNOLOGY...............M4000.......................................................................18G-HI TARGET.........................................Q 328+6....................................................................12X-HIL 160+5.....................................................................12X-HIL 244+5.....................................................................12X-HI TASCAM.........................................200, 300....................................................................12G THEATRELIGHT.............................ALL MODELS............................................................N/A ULTRALITE.....................................MISSION CONTROL VX2.........................................18XR-HIMISSION CONTROL 1024........................................18X-HIVARI-LITE.......................................ALL MODELS............................................................18X-HI VOCO PRO.....................................KJ6200,PKJ-9090 PRO, KJ7800 PRO......................12G-HI YAMAHA.........................................PM 2000....................................................................18G-HIPM 1800A..................................................................18XR-HI-4 PINPM 3000 & 3500........................................................18XR-HI-4 PINPM 4000. PM 6000....................................................18XR-HI-4 PINPM-5D, PM-5D-RH....................................................18XR-HI-4 PINM3000.......................................................................18XR-HI-4 PINM2500.......................................................................18XR-HI-4 PINMX12/6, MV12/6........................................................12X-HIMX20/6, MV20/6........................................................18X-HIEMX 5000..................................................................18X-HI9000 PRO KYBD.......................................................18XR-HI-4 PINDM 2000 Ver 2..........................................................18XR-HI-4 PIN ZERO 88.........................................FROG........................................................................12XR-HIFAT FROG................................................................18XR-HILEAP FROG..............................................................12XR-HIBULL FROG..............................................................12XR-HILIGHTMASTER XL...................................................18XR-HILIGHTMASTER XLS.................................................18XR-HIILLUSION, SIRIUS 250, 24.......................................12XR-HI3G LIMITED........................................................................................................................18X-HIRight Angle 4 Pin XLRP SeriesPermanentG SeriesBNC Connector4 Pin XLR 3 Pin XLRRight Angle3 Pin XLRFor questions on any Littlite product contact: Littlite/ LLC, P. O. Box 430, Hamburg, MI 48139-0430PH810-231-9373orFAX810-231-1631,******************,Limited Lifetime Warranty Made in the USA Copyright Littlite LLC 2006 Publication #28-1024 6/2006This information is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Please consult your owner's manual.。

安森美半导体携手伟诠电子推出全新世界级的高能效、高密度USB PD电源适配器方案

安森美半导体携手伟诠电子推出全新世界级的高能效、高密度USB PD电源适配器方案

安森美半导体携手伟诠电子推出全新世界级的高能效、高密度USB PD电源适配器方案NCP1568是一款高度集成的AC-DC脉宽调制()控制器,采纳ACF拓扑结构,包含零电压开关(ZVS),用于要求高功率密度和高能效的高频应用(高达1 MHz)。



可用法阅历证的超结FET或高性能氮化镓(GaN)FET 的ACF拓扑结构,外部器件更少,实现更高密度设计。




其特点是迅速的动态响应,30纳秒(ns)的传扬延迟适合高频工作,而5 ns的传扬延迟匹配确保率先市场的能效性能。

NCP51530提供十分强固的计划,不易受dv/dt(高达50 V/ns)和负瞬态的影响。

伟诠的USB PD控制器WT6615F支持USB PD 3.0规范和QC 3.0,用于USB Type-C DFP下行端口(源)充电应用,通过集成USB PD基带物理层、Type-C检测、并联稳压器、电压和检测、负载开关的MOSFET控制器和8位微处理器,最大限度地削减外部元件数,实现小形状和低物料单(BOM)成本,支持3 V至30 V的宽工作电压范围,无需外部,多次可编程的ROM可用于编辑程序代码及用户配置数据。


能效和性能测试按照最新的COC V5 Tier 2标准,待机功耗、平均能效和10%负载能效需达到以下规格。

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The APX9370 is a three phase full wave DC brushless
• Low Quiescent Current (6mA Typical)
motor driver with PWM variable speed control, current
• Built-In External PWM Speed Function
Typical Value 125 1
Unit °C/W
Recommended Operating Conditions
VCC Pin Supply Voltage Range
SET Pin Input Voltage Range
MIN Pin Input Voltage Range
• Lead Free and Green Device Available (RoHS thermal protection function. The APX9370 is available in
SSOP-16 package (see Pin Configuration).
VGND-0.3 to VCC
COMIN Pin Input Voltage
-0.3 to VCC
SET Pin Input Voltage (SET to SGND)
-0.3 to 7
MINT Pin Input Voltage (MINT to SGND)
-0.3 to 7
Ambient Temperature
Junction Temperature
Note 2: Refer to the typical application circuit
Range 4.5 to 15 0 to V5VREG 0 to V5VREG -40 to 90 -40 to 125
stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recom-
mended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device
16 GND 15 WO 14 5VREG 13 SS 12 CT 11 SC 10 COMOUT
9 FN
Ordering and Marking Information
Assembly Material Handling Code Temperature Range Package Code
Copyright © ANPEC Electronics Corp.
Rev. A.1 - Sep., 2013


Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)
Storage Temperature
Maximum Lead Soldering Temperature, 10 Seconds
-65 to 150
Note1: Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are
S-S Pin Withstand Voltage (S-S to SGND)
-0.3 to 7
FG Pin Output Voltage
-0.3 to 18
FG Pin Maximum Output Sink Current
Maximum Junction Temperature
CT Charge Current
CT Discharge Current
CT Charge/Discharge Current Ratio
Output Driver Saturation Voltage
FG Pin Low Voltage
OSC Charge Current
OSC Discharge Current
OSC Oscillation Frequency
CT Pin High Level Voltage
CT Pin Low Level Voltage
equate SS pin capacitor could reduce the peak current at
• Built-in Current Limit Circuit (2A Typical)
power on and lock-restart mode. The PWM control sys-
• Built-in Lock Protection and Auto Restart Function tem works depending on the comparison among the volt-
• Soft Start Function
age of SET, MIN, and OSC. The device is equipped with a
Thermal Characteristics
Symbol θJA
Parameter Thermal Resistance-Junction to Ambient (Note2)
Power Dissipation, TA=25°C
Note 2: Mounted on a board (60x38x1.6t mm, Glass epoxy).
reserves the right to make changes to improve reliability or manufacturability without notice, and advise customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify before placing orders.
Test Conditions
V5VREG 5VREG Pin Output Voltage
ICC1 Operating Current
OSC High Level Voltage
OSC Low Level Voltage
Unit V V V °C °C
Copyright © ANPEC Electronics Corp.
Rev. A.1 - Sep., 2013


Electrical Characteristics (VCC=12V, TA=25°C, unless otherwise specified)
• CPU Cooler Fans • Instrumentation Fans • Variable Speed Control Fans
Pin Configuration
VO 1 UO 2 VCC 3 MIN 4 SET 5 OSC 6 FG 7 COMIN 8
SSOP-16 (Top View)
APX9370 N :
XXXXX - Date Code
Note: ANPEC lead-free products contain molding compounds/die attach materials and 100% matte tin plate termination finish; which are fully compliant with RoHS. ANPEC lead-free products meet or exceed the lead-free requirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020D for MSL classification at lead-free peak reflow temperature. ANPEC defines “Green” to mean lead-free (RoHS compliant) and halogen free (Br or Cl does not exceed 900ppm by weight in homogeneous material and total of Br and Cl does not exceed 1500ppm by weight).