Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 评估版


用于 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 的

用于 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 的

用于 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 的 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration 版本 3.1安装指南注、小心和警告注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。

小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。

警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。

版权所有,2009 – 2015 Dell Inc. 保留所有权利。


Dell™和 Dell 徽标是 Dell Inc. 在美国和/或其他司法管辖区的商标。


2015 - 05Rev. A00目录1 简介 (4)2 前提条件 (5)配置用于查找和握手的帐户 (5)配置到 WMI 的用户访问 (5)为 DCOM 提供用户权限 (6)为 DCOM Config WMI 提供用户权限 (6)设置命名空间安全并授予权限 (6)通过 Dell Provisioning Server 验证用户权限 (7)提供共享和文件夹权限 (7)软件的前提条件和要求 (7)组件特定的前提条件 (9)使用防火墙启用或禁用 WMI 流量 (11)为用户提供读取和执行权限 (12)3 安装 DLCI for Configuration Manager (13)要安装 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration for Configuration Manager (13)安装 DLCU 和 DPS (14)仅安装 DLCU (15)仅安装 DPS (15)在启用了用户帐户控制的系统上使用 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration (16)在启用了 UAC 的系统上安装 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration for ConfigurationManager (16)使用安装程序中的修复选项 (17)从早期版本升级 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration for Configuration Manager (17)升级的前提条件 (17)将 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration for Configuration Manager 从版本 3.0 升级到版本3.1 (18)使用安装程序中的修改选项 (19)安装先前未安装的功能 (19)删除先前已安装的功能 (19)卸载 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration for Configuration Manager (20)4 故障排除 (21)在系统中安装 Dell Provisioning Service (DPS) 期间出错 (21)使用 WinPE 3.0 在 Dell 第 13 代 PowerEdge 服务器上部署操作系统 (21)31简介Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration Version 3.1 For Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Installation Guide(用于 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 的 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration 版本 3.1 安装指南)提供有关安装、升级和卸载 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration (DLCI) for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 的软件前提条件和要求的信息。



SCCM产品功能介绍SCCM产品功能介绍概述System Center Configuration Manager 2007 是 Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 的下⼀个版本。

Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 通过启⽤安全的和可伸缩的操作系统和应⽤程序部署以及所需的配置管理,提⾼系统安全性以及提供有关服务器、桌⾯计算机和移动设备的全⾯资产管理,可有助于提⾼ IT 部门的效率。

Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 现在全⾯⽀持使⽤ Windows 操作系统(现在包括Vista SP1 和 Windows Server 2008)进⾏管理,将客户反馈、功能集成与 Intel vPro 技术集成,并改进资产智能功能。

System Center Configuration Manager 提供了针对主要 IT 领域的系统管理⼯具:资产智能Configuration Manager 2007 提供的资产智能技术可让 IT 管理员始终清楚他们拥有哪些硬件和软件资产、谁正在使⽤这些硬件和软件资产以及这些硬件和软件资产的位置,从⽽让组织更好地管理其 IT 基础结构和资产。

软件分发Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 软件分发可简化将应⽤程序和更新分发给企业⽹络内的桌⾯计算机、服务器、便携式电脑和移动设备这⼀复杂任务。

软件更新管理Configuration Manager 2007 软件更新管理可简化将更新传送到企业内的 IT 系统并管理更新这⼀复杂任务。

IT 管理员可以将针对 Microsoft 产品、第三⽅应⽤程序、⾃定义内部业务线应⽤程序、硬件驱动程序和系统 BIOS 的更新传送到各种设备,包括桌⾯计算机、便携式电脑、服务器和移动设备。

报表Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007提供了包含120多种预建报告模板在内的Web报告服务,以及在管理⼈员控制下利⽤⾃定义报告对上述预建报告进⾏扩展的选择。

Citrix XenApp 6 常见问题FAQ

Citrix XenApp 6 常见问题FAQ
● 适用于闪存的HDX MediaStream - 支持将闪存内容从服务器重定向 到用户PC上,减少服务器资源消耗,提高用户获得的性能。
● 适用于USB存储器的HDX Plug-n-Play - 使用户可以在他们的PC上连 接USB 1、2和U3盘,并自动将它们映射到服务器托管的应用会话中。
● HDX WAN优化 - 持续对象缓存可保存Windows对象或位图,最大限度 地减少这些对象在托管的应用会话中的重新传输。
对于那些正在使用或计划使用App-V的微软客户,XenApp应用流应如何 定位?
思杰以前所谓的应用流目前已被一个称为应用虚拟化的更广泛术语所取代。 在XenApp中,应用虚拟化支持集中管理单个应用镜像,并将其交付给多个终 端设备,以供Windows和非Windows终端设备在线或离线使用。在XenApp 6 中,应用虚拟化通过思杰和微软技术实现,可为客户提供更广泛的按需应用 交付选项。
● HDX RealTime协作 - 使用Microsoft Office Communicator (OCS)和 VoIP软电话实现实时音频和视频协作。
● HDX RealTime音频 - 可为用户提供“CD质量”的音频,而所使用的带宽 可减少约90%。
XenApp如何与Microsoft App-V一起运行? 有了Microsoft App-V Plug-in for Citrix Receiver之后,管理员现在可以充分利用 他们在Microsoft Application Virtualization上的投资,支持更广泛的用户和应用 访问方式。实现这种集成后,就能够向未得到有效管理和不受管理的终端设备 ( 如 在 BYOC 场 景 下 ) 以 及 非 Windows 终 端 设 备 ( 如 Mac 或 Android 移 动 设 备)交付App-V序列。这主要通过两个主要组件实现:App-V插件和App-V双 模通道。



Microsoft®System Center Configuration Manager2007资产信息将盘存数据转化为信息,同时提供丰富的报告,这有助您优化软件和硬件的使用,包括在不断变化的资产条件的基础上,与知识动态更新进行“实时”连接。




Microsoft® System Center Configuration Manager 2007包括硬件和软件清单以及软件计量功能,可以帮助企业IT部门准确了解他们有什么样的软硬件资产,谁在使用,以及他们在哪里。


这些信息对正在策划Windows Vista升级策略的部门来说是极为重要的。

通过使用Configuration Manager 2007,企业可以对其IT资产作出明智的决定,以提高IT 的运行效率并减轻法规遵从风险。


"实时" 连接可以使资产情报能够识别新的、不断变化的系统,并在变化的基础上动态地更新IT管理员的知识。

通过新的基于Internet的客户端管理(IBCM)功能,System Center Configuration Manager 2007使那些很少或间歇连接到公司网络的设备盘存信息能够进行安全更新。

通过提供网络基础设施的准确印象,Configuration Manager 2007可以帮助企业的IT部门管理整个IT资产生命周期,方便地支持、升级和迁移规划、软件整合、许可证分配以及实现更多功能。



SCCM日志文件列表SCCM(System Center Configuration Manager)是一种用于管理和部署企业级IT系统的软件。



1. SCCM日志文件的位置和命名规则SCCM的日志文件存储在服务器的特定目录下,其默认位置为:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs。


下面是一些常见的SCCM日志文件及其命名规则:- CAS.log:此日志文件记录了SCCM的内容分发和复制活动。

- ClientIDManagerStartup.log:此日志文件记录了客户端ID管理器的启动过程,包括生成和分配客户端ID。

- ContentTransferManager.log:此日志文件记录了内容传输管理器的活动,包括下载和分发软件包。

- execmgr.log:此日志文件记录了执行管理器的活动,包括软件部署和程序运行。

- LocationServices.log:此日志文件记录了客户端位置服务的活动,包括查找和连接到管理点。

- PolicyAgent.log:此日志文件记录了策略代理的活动,包括策略评估和分发。

- Smsdbmgr.log:此日志文件记录了SCCM数据库管理器的活动,包括数据库备份和恢复。

- Wsyncmgr.log:此日志文件记录了软件更新同步管理器的活动,包括更新发布和同步。

2. SCCM日志文件的功能和用途每一个SCCM日志文件都有其特定的功能和用途,下面是对常见的日志文件功能的详细描述:- CAS.log:此日志文件记录了内容分发和复制活动,可以用于排除软件包分发和复制的问题。


centreon 配置流程

centreon 配置流程

centreon 配置流程Centeron Configuration Process1.System Setup: Begin by setting up the Centeron system, including hardware installation and network connectivity.2.Software Installation: Install the Centeron software on the designated server or computer. Ensure that all necessary dependencies are met.3.Database Configuration: Configure the database settings for storing monitoring data. This may involve setting up a database server, creating databases, and configuring access permissions.4.Sensor Integration: Integrate sensors or monitoring devices with the Centeron system. This includes configuring communication protocols, such as Modbus or SNMP, and setting up sensor parameters.5.Dashboard Customization: Customize the Centeron dashboard to display relevant monitoring metrics and alerts. This may involve creating widgets, setting up dashboards for different users or departments, and configuring alert thresholds.6.Alarm Configuration: Configure alarm settings to trigger notifications or alerts based on predefined thresholds or conditions. This ensures timely response to critical events oranomalies.7.Data Logging Configuration: Set up data logging to record monitoring data over time. This includes defining data retention policies, storage locations, and backup Management: Create user accounts and define access levels and permissions for different users or user groups. This ensures that only authorized personnel can access sensitive monitoring data.9.Testing and Calibration: Test the Centeron system to ensure that sensors are properly integrated, data is accurately logged, and alarms are triggered as expected. Calibrate sensors if necessary to ensure accurate measurement.10.Training and Documentation: Provide training to users on how to use the Centeron system effectively. Document the configuration settings, procedures, and troubleshooting steps for future reference.中文描述:Centeron 配置流程1.系统设置:开始进行Centeron 系统的设置,包括硬件安装和网络连接。

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager的Dell

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager的Dell

用于 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 的 Dell Server Deployment Pack 版本 2.0安装指南注、小心和警告备注: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。

小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。

警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。


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本文中涉及的商标:Dell™、Dell 徽标、Dell Precision™、OptiPlex™、Latitude™、PowerEdge™、PowerVault™、PowerConnect™、OpenManage™、EqualLogic™、Compellent™、KACE™、FlexAddress™、Force10™及 Vostro ™是 Dell Inc. 的商标。

Intel®、Pentium®、Xeon®、Core®及 Celeron ®是 Intel Corporation 在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。

AMD®是注册商标,AMD Opteron™、AMD Phenom™及 AMD Sempron ™是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商标。

Microsoft®、Windows®、Windows Server®、Internet Explorer®、MS-DOS ®、 Windows Vista ®及Active Directory®是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家/地区的的商标或注册商标。

Microsoft System Center 2022 数据中心管理系统说明书

Microsoft System Center 2022 数据中心管理系统说明书

©2022 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary. To learn more about System Center 2022, please visit /System-CenterProduct OverviewMicrosoft System Center 2022 brings cloud learnings to the datacenter, enabling seamless management of complexenvironments. With comprehensive monitoring, hardware and virtual machine provisioning, robust automation, and configuration management, System Center 2022 offers a simplified datacenter management experience. Stay in control of your IT resources across the datacenter and the cloud.Datacenter and Standard Editions OverviewDatacenter Edition for managing highly virtualized servers. Standard Edition for managing non-virtualized or lightly virtualized servers.System Center 2022 EditionsDatacenter StandardOSEs / Hyper-V Containers Unlimited 2 Windows Server Containers UnlimitedUnlimitedConfiguration Manager • • Data Protection Manager • • Endpoint Manager • • Operations Manager • • Orchestrator • • Service Manager • • Virtual Machine Manager••Price *$3,607$1,323*Assumes a 16 core 2-processor server. Actual customer prices may vary.System Center 2022 Standard and Datacenter Editions Licensing ModelsThe System Center 2022 licensing model for Standard and Datacenter will be the same as 2019 with server and client management licenses. As with System Center 2019, the 2022editions will be differentiated by virtualization rights only. Licenses are required only for the endpoints being managed. No additional licenses are needed for customers with SQL Server StandardEdition. The server management licensing of System Center 2022 will be based on physical cores. The core-based licensing will align with the Windows Server 2022 model to provide a consistent licensing metric for managed VMs.Server Management Licenses + Client Management LicensesServer Management Licenses (server MLs) are required formanaged devices that run server operating system environments (OSEs). System Center 2022 server MLs will be core based. To license the OSEs under management, all physical cores must be licensed in the server being managed.• A minimum of 8 core licenses is required for each physical processor in the server and a minimum of 16 core licenses required for each server.• Standard Edition provides rights to manage up to 2 OSEs when all physical cores in the server are licensed. Multiple licenses can be assigned to the same cores to manage additional OSEs.CMLS : Client Management Licenses (CML) are required for managed devices that run non-server OSEs. CMLs are available on a per-OSE or per-user basis.How to license System Center 2022 server management licenses by physical cores• License all physical cores in the server being managed • Minimum of 8 core licenses required for each physical processor• Minimum of 16 core licenses required for each server • Core licenses will be sold in packs of two• Eight 2-core packs will be the minimum required to license eachphysical server.• Standard Edition provides rights for up to two OSEs or Hyper-Vcontainers when all physical cores in the server are licensed. For every two additional VMs, all cores in the server have to be licensed again. • Existing customer’s servers under Software Assurance will receive coregrants as required, with documentation.Number of 2-core pack licenses needed**(Minimum 8 cores/processor; 16 cores/server)Physical cores per processor24 6 8 101 8 8 8 8 8 28 8 8 8 10 41616161620Licensed at 8 core minimum per processor Additional licensing required**System Center 2022Standard and Datacenter Editions Licensing DatasheetStandard may need additional licensing if using more than 2 OSEs。


16.云计算本质上是基于互联网向用户提供IT( )大服务。
BSystem Center可以管理异构平台
CSystem Center virtual Machine Manager 主要管理虚拟化
DSystem center configuration Manager 不可以管理虚拟化环境
13.基于光纤交换机的( )是利用Fibre Channel Switch为主干,建成的交连网络系统。
35.你正在设计一个Windows Azure存储数据。你的应用程序以下需求:
•数据存储系统必须支持超过500 GB的存储的数据。
A.使用Windows Azure队列。
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戴尔生命周期控制器集成 3.3 版发行说明说明书

戴尔生命周期控制器集成 3.3 版发行说明说明书

Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration Version 3.3 for Microsoft System Center Configuration ManagerRelease NotesRelease Type and DefinitionDell Lifecycle Controller Integration for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 3.3 Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration (DLCI) for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager enables the administrators to use the Configuration Manager console to apply the remote enablement capabilities of Dell Lifecycle Controller (LC), available as part of the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC).Version3.3Release DateJanuary 2017Previous Version3.2ImportanceOPTIONAL: Dell recommends the customer review specifics about the update to determine if it applies to your system. The update contains changes that affect only certain configurations, or provides new features that may or may not apply to your environment. Platform(s) AffectedFor information about supported platforms, see “Supported Target Systems and operating systems” under “What is supported.”What is SupportedHardware and Software RequirementsFor information about the hardware and software requirements; installing and uninstalling Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration 3.3, or upgrading from Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration 3.2, see the Installation Guide, which is part of the Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration 3.3 download package.Supported Target Systems and Operating SystemsFor a list of supported Dell systems that you can use as target systems and the operating systems that you can deploy on these target systems, see the “Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration Version 3.3 for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager User’s Guide”.What’s NewThis release of DLCI for Configuration Manager provides support for the following:•Support for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Version 1610.•Support for Agent-free properties for configuration manager.•Support for deployment of Windows 2016, ESXI 6.0 U2, and RHEL 6.8.•Support for 64-bit firmware update.Important Notes•DLCI 3.3 has minimum prerequisite of Windows Server 2008 SP2 for the site systems and server running Dell Provisioning Service (DPS).•When you deploy an operating system on a target system with iDRAC configured in a shared network mode, the Windows PE environment may fail to startup on the network drivers, causing the system to restart before reaching the task sequence.•If the Lifecycle Controller of a system is in use, then the system is not discovered.•If the Lifecycle Controller of the target system is locked by another process, then the following error message is displayed in the following path <Microsoft Configuration Manager installation \XmlStorage\Extensions\DLCPlugin\DLCTaskManager.log file: folder>\AdminConsole "Lifecycle Controller is being used by another process."•If you do not enter the service tag name of the target system correctly, the discovery and handshake fails and the following error message is displayed: "[Server Name] - Handshake - getCredentialsInternal(): [Server Name]: NOT AUTHORIZED: No credentials returned."•During Discovery and Handshake, the DPS.log displays an empty Site code: followed by a cryptography exception. You can ignore this.•During Discovery and Handshake, the DPS.log displays numerous messages createDellCollecions() Either Connection Mgr param is NULL or Collection not yet created. You can ignore this.•The System Viewer utility does not display the latest RAID configuration. To view the latest configuration, re-launch the System Viewer utility.•The modular systems cannot use the hostname in the path to the Common Internet File System (CIFS) share, but monolithic systems can use the hostname. For modular systems use the IP address instead of hostname.•After deploying Non-Windows OS using DLCI the service tag of system name is displayed as hostname in configuration manager console.Limitations•DLCI for System Center Configuration Manager 2012 does not support operating system deployment on Dell PowerEdge R330, R230, T330, and T130 Platforms.•When you deploy Red Hat Enterprise Linux or ESXi OS on servers having iDRAC on shared Lan on Motherboard (LOM), the deployment may fail. To resolve this, disable STP on the PowerEdge switches (ports connecting to the Shared LOM port directly) and enable Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), PortFast, or FastLink on those switches.•If the Windows PE environment is unresponsive while running an operating system deployment, the system may have run out of memory. By default, Windows PE allocates 32 megabytes (MB) of writeable memory, known as scratch space. You can increase the scratch space up to 512 MB.2•Before upgrading to DLCI version 3.3, ensure that all the scheduled firmware update jobs are either completed or deleted.•During installation of DLCI, the Configuration Manager credentials specified are not validated. Installation succeeds, and an errorin import.log indicates the same. Use Dell Provision Service (DPS) configure utility (import.exe) to specify the correctcredentials before proceeding with discovery of servers.•The Advertise option does not display in an existing task sequence after uninstalling and reinstalling DLCI for Configuration Manager. To advertise the task sequence, edit the task sequence and correct if there are any errors.•If Active Directory (AD) authentication is used for communicating with iDRAC on modular servers, ensure that the iDRAC version is upgraded to 3.32. Affected version: DLCI 3.3 with 11G iDRAC 3.30 (or earlier).•If the host system has the Lifecycle Controller version 1.5, ensure that while configuring user name as part of the iDRAC configuration, the user name length is fewer than 16 characters. Affected version: DLCI 3.3 with 11G Lifecycle Controller 1.5.•If the host system is Dell’s 11th generation of the PowerEdge server and has the Lifecycle Controller version 1.5, Redundant Array of Independent Disk configuration of H200 controller using DLCI 3.3 does not work correctly. Upgrade to the Lifecycle Controller firmware version 1.5.1. Affected version: DLCI 3.3 with 11G Lifecycle Controller 1.5.•While applying minimum bandwidth on the Qlogic Partitionable NIC cards, if the summation of minimum bandwidth on all partitions of a port reaches more than 100 the apply operation fails. Ensure that you apply ‘0’ on all partitions as minimum bandwidth before applying any other values.•BIOS Configuration fails when it is completed for the second time if Dell’s 11th generation of the PowerEdge server has either 1.9 (monolithic) or 3.4 (modular) version of the iDRAC firmware. Ensure that you upgrade the iDRAC firmware level to 1.92 (monolithic) or 3.42 (modular).•Dell recommends that you delete and reimport the server from Configuration Manager before installing a Non-Windows operating system on the server which is already having Windows OS installed and Configuration Manager client configured.•If you deploy the Windows server operating systems on Dell’s 11th generation of the PowerEdge servers where drivers were already applied from Lifecycle Controller, then few device drivers may not work or are unavailable. As a workaround, manually update drivers or in Task Sequence in the server where you deployed the OS, as a fallback for the option Apply Drivers from the Lifecycle Controller use option Apply Driver Package.•Before installing the DLCI version 3.3, if the servers were discovered or imported, then after installation must rediscover or reimport the servers. The Node ID Property is displayed on the Dell out-of-band controllers properties page.•DLCI Auto discovery does not work with iDRACs (version Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 protocol. As a workaround, ensure that you have TLS 1.1 available in the system where you have installed DLCI.•DLCI Auto discovery does not work with iDRACs (version TLS 1.2 custom certificate.•Ensure that the password does not contain an @ character in it, while using CIFS share. Else, firmware update may fail.•Auto-discovery job fails with iDRAC version and later, if DPS is installed on Windows 2016. For resolutions, see RequirementsConfiguration Manager Version 1610, or System Center 2012 R2 SP1 Configuration Manager, or System Center 2012 SP2 Configuration Manager, or System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager, or System Center 2012 SP1 Configuration Manager, or System Center 2012 Configuration Manager.InstallationBrowse to the folder where the files are extracted and see the installation guide.Installation InstructionsExtract Files:1.Click Browse, and then navigate to the self-extractable .zip file that you downloaded.2.Double-click on the .zip file to extract the downloaded package.3.Click Continue.4.Specify the location to extract the files.5.Click OK to extract files. After the files are extracted All files were successfully unzipped message is displayed.6.Click OK to exit.3Installation and Configuration NotesFor installation or update procedure-related information, see the “Dell Lifecycle Controller Integration Version 3.3 for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Installation Guide”.Accessing Documents from Dell Support SiteYou can access the required documents in one of the following ways:•Using the following links:–For Enterprise Systems Management documents — /openmanagemanuals–For all Systems Management documents — /softwaresecuritymanuals–For Remote Enterprise Systems Management documents — /esmmanuals–For Client Systems Management documents — /clientsystemsmanagement–For Serviceability Tools documents — /serviceabilitytools–For OpenManage Connections Enterprise Systems Management documents — /OMConnectionsEnterpriseSystemsManagement–For OpenManage Connections Client Systems Management documents — /connectionsclientsystemsmanagement •From the Dell Support site:a.Go to /support/manuals.b.Under General support section, click Software & Security.c.In the Software & Security group box, click the required link from the following:–Serviceability Tools–Enterprise Systems Management–Client Systems Management–Remote Enterprise Systems Management–Connections Client Systems Managementd.To view a document, click the required product version.•Using search engines:–Type the name and version of the document in the Search box.Contacting DellNOTE: If you do not have an active Internet connection, you can find contact information on your purchase invoice, packing slip, bill, or Dell product catalog.Dell provides several online and telephone-based support and service options. Availability varies by country and product, and some services may not be available in your area. To contact Dell for sales, technical support, or customer service issues:1.Visit /support.2.Select your support category.3.Verify your country or region in the Choose a Country/Region drop-down menu at the top of page.4.Select the appropriate service or support link based on your need.Copyright © 2017 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. Dell, EMC, and other trademarks are trademarks of Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries. Other trademarks may be trademarks of their respective owners.4。

System Center Configuration Manager 2007安装步骤

System Center Configuration Manager 2007安装步骤

System Center Configuration Manager 2007安装步骤基于Windows Server 2008 R2服务器,并使用SQL Server 2008 R2数据库。

安装系统功能与角色1.安装“远程差分压缩”2.安装“后台智能传送服务(BITS)”3.安装“WebDAV”4.安装“WSUS”扩展AD架构1.打开位于Configuration Manager 2007 安装文件的\SMSSETUP\BIN\I386 目录中的ConfigMgr_ad_schema.ldf 文件,然后编辑该文件以定义要扩展的Active Directory 根域。

该文件中文本DC=x 的所有实例都必须替换为要扩展的域的完整名称。

例如,如果要扩展的域的完整名称命名为,则文件中DC=x 的所有实例应更改为DC=widgets,DC=microsoft,DC=com。

2.Ldifde-I -f ConfigMgr_ad_schema.ldf -v -j <存储日志文件的位置>配置证书服务,并为SCCM2007服务器申请站点服务器签名证书1.安装AD CS证书服务,重启服务器2.创建站点服务器签名证书3.打开证书模板控制台,复制“计算机”条目,并确保选中“Windows 2003 Server,EnterpriseEdition”。

名称输入“ConfigMgr 站点服务器签名证书”,在“颁发要求”选项卡中选择“CA 证书管理程序批准”,在“使用者名称”选项卡中单击“在请求中提供”,在“扩展”选项卡中,选择“应用程序策略”,删除“客户端身份验证”和“服务器身份验证”,添加“文档签名”。


在“启用证书模板”对话框中,选择刚创建的新模板“ConfigMgr 站点服务器签名证书”,然后单击“确定”5.申请站点服务器签名证书6.(在成员服务器上执行)复制以下代码到一个文本文件中:[NewRequest]Subject = "CN=The site code of this site server is <站点代码>"MachineKeySet = True[RequestAttributes]CertificateTemplate = “ConfigMgr 站点服务器签名证书”7.使用名称sitesigning.inf 保存文件8.打开命令窗口,键入下列命令:certreq -new sitesigning.inf sitesigning.reqcertreq -submit sitesigning.req sitesigning.cer(在CA中执行)在“选择证书颁发机构”对话框中选择颁发CA,并看到RequestId:<号码>显示,记下此号码在“证书颁发机构”的“挂起的申请”中,颁发上述号码的证书9.(在SCCM2007服务器上执行)certreq -retrieve <号码>sitesigning.cer在“选择证书颁发机构”对话框中选择颁发CAcertreq -accept sitesigning.cer。

System Center 2012 功能概述

System Center 2012 功能概述

概述System Center 2012预发布产品可按照您的需求,为生产基础架构、可预期应用程序,以及云计算提供通用管理体验,帮助您的组织实现IT即服务。


通过识别出您的业务所必需的应用程序,System Center 2012产品提供了深入的应用洞察力,并通过以服务为中心的方法帮助您提供可预期应用服务。

概览IT 组织面临着日益严峻的消费化挑战。



Configuration Manager有助于 IT 授予用户所需的设备和应用程序,从而提高生产效率,并维持必要的控制以保护公司资产。

它提供了一种统一的基础结构,用以管理移动、物理和虚拟环境,从而使 IT 可以基于用户标识、连接性和设备细节提供和控制用户体验。

通过 Configuration Manager,您可以使用期待已久的世界级库存、操作系统部署、更新管理、评估和设置强制执行,除此之外,新版本还将提供: Configuration Manager帮助您为用户提供生产力所需的设备与应用程序,同时保持企业的规范和控制。


Configuration Manager提供了一个统一的基础设施,让您可以基于身份、连接性和设备对移动、物理和虚拟环境交付并管理用户体验。

Configuration Manager还有助于通过简化的管理工具让您更具效率并且改善合规性。

优势Configuration Manager 在统一的基础设施中,跨越企业与消费设备,为用户交付受管理的丰富用户体验来确保用户的生产力将变得更加容易。



SCCM2012配置和设置教程一:准备好一个域架构环境,需要一台DC,一台server系统,一台windows 7二:建立活动目录容器1:在DC机上打开ADSI编辑器,鼠标右键ADSI编辑器,连接到默认命名上下文。


2:打开左侧页面,找到CN=System鼠标右键新建对象3:创建对象为container (容器)4:输入容易的名字,名字一定要设置为System Management然后点击下一步完成。








2:安装sql,第一步在服务器管理器里面打开添加角色和功能,安装NET Fram ework 3.5.安装SQL记得打开防火墙的1433端口和4022端口。






安装完成后需要安装2:安装SCCM之前可以输入一条命令,查看设置有没有错误,打开下载好的scc m下载文件,输入e:\smssetup\bin\x64\prereqchk.exe /local其中的E盘代表插入SCCM盘符的。



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戴尔 EMC OpenManage 集成 for Microsoft System Center V

戴尔 EMC OpenManage 集成 for Microsoft System Center V

用于系统中心配置管理器和系统中心虚拟机管理器的 Dell EMC OpenManage Integration for Microsoft System Center V7.1安装指南注、小心和警告注: “注”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。

小心: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。

警告: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。

© 2009 - 2019 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。


Dell、EMC 和其他商标是 Dell Inc. 或其附属机构的商标。


2019 - 01Rev. A001 OMIMSSC 简介 (5)2 OMIMSSC 组件 (6)3 安装或管理 OMIMSSC 的工作流程 (7)规划在 SCCM 上安装 OMIMSSC (7)规划在 SCVMM 上安装 OMIMSSC (7)Planning for upgrading OMIMSSC (8)从一个 OMIMSSC 设备迁移到另一个 OMIMSSC 设备 (8)4 OMIMSSC 的系统要求 (9)帐户权限 (9)OMIMSSC 的一般系统要求 (9)SCCM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展的系统要求 (10)SCVMM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展的系统要求 (10)网络要求 (10)5 安装和配置 OMIMSSC (12)从 Web 下载 OMIMSSC (12)Setting up OMIMSSC Appliance (12)登记多个 Microsoft 控制台 (13)启动 OMIMSSC 管理员门户以下载 OMIMSSC 组件 (13)安装 SCCM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (14)安装 SCVMM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (14)在 OMIMSSC 中登记 Microsoft 控制台 (14)从已登记的 Microsoft 控制台启动 OMIMSSC (15)在浏览器中添加 OMIMSSC IP 地址 (15)启动 SCCM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (15)启动 SCVMM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (16)6 OMIMSSC 许可 (17)上传许可证之后的选项 (17)新购买过程中的许可证文件 (17)堆叠许可证 (17)更换许可证 (18)重新导入许可证 (18)导入多个许可证 (18)强制执行措施 (18)升级许可证 (18)评估许可证 (18)在服务器查找后在 OMIMSSC 中占用许可证 (18)目录3将许可证导入到 OMIMSSC (18)查看许可证详情 (19)7 管理 OMIMSSC 及其组件 (20)查看 OMIMSSC 设备详细信息 (20)查看 OMIMSSC 用户管理 (20)查看或刷新已登记的控制台 (20)更改 OMIMSSC 设备密码 (20)修复或修改安装程序 (20)修复适用于 SCCM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (21)修复适用于 SCVMM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (21)在 OMIMSSC 管理员门户中修改 SCCM 和 SCVMM 帐户 (21)备份 OMIMSSC 设备 (21)执行 OMIMSSC 设备备份 (22)还原 OMIMSSC 设备 (22)还原 OMIMSSC 设备 (22)升级 OMIMSSC (23)关于服务包更新 (23)升级 SCCM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (25)升级 SCVMM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (25)重新引导 OMIMSSC 设备 (26)注销 OMIMSSC 设备 (26)卸载 OMIMSSC (26)从 OMIMSSC 中取消登记 Microsoft 控制台 (26)卸载适用于 SCCM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (27)卸载 SCVMM 的 OMIMSSC 控制台扩展 (27)其他卸载步骤 (27)移除设备 VM (28)8 访问 Dell EMC 支持站点上的文档 (29)联系戴尔 (29)4目录OMIMSSC 简介OpenManage Integration for Microsoft System Center (OMIMSSC) 提供集成到产品的 System Center 套件的功能。

SCCM2012 r2安装文档

SCCM2012 r2安装文档

System Center Configuration Manager(SCCM)2012 R2安装手册安装环境:硬件宿主机cpu :AMD X2 180内存:8G硬盘:2* 500G 7200转raid0虚拟机AD虚拟机:2颗虚拟CPU,1G内存,50G虚拟磁盘SCCM虚拟机:2颗虚拟CPU,4G内存,100G虚拟磁盘软件宿主机:windows server 2012 DatacenterAD虚拟机:windows server 2012 DatacenterSCCM虚拟机:windows server 2012 Datacenter安装前的准备工作AD和SCCM都需要安装的公用组件.net Framework 3.5组件AD服务器及SCCM服务器都需要做的事情修改服务器名称,设计固定IP地址及DNS地址加域,并且都默认采用域管理员登陆进行后续的操作。


部署SCCM先决条件先决条件之——域控端的准备工作1)扩展Active Directory架构首先,在SCCM服务器端,插入SCCM安装光盘,找到SMSSETU\bin\i386\ extadsch.exe,双击运行运行extadsch后,为了验证成果,可以打开C盘下的extadsch.log文件查看。


从文件内容可以判断,扩展架构成功2)分配SYSTEM容器权限然后在AD服务器,选择Active Directory用户和计算机,点击SYSTEM,右键,选择属性菜单点击安全,选择添加;点击对象类型,将其他默认勾选全部点掉,选择计算机在对象名称处,填写SCCM服务器名称,点击确定选择刚添加的SCCM服务器,然后点击高级,选中名为SCCM的主体,点击下面的编辑权限处选择全部勾选,应用于这个对象及全部后代,点击确定。

System Center Operations Manager 2007 的定价和许可

System Center Operations Manager 2007 的定价和许可

System Center Operations Manager 2007 的定价和许可Operations Manager 2007 的许可Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 需要为每台管理服务器购买服务器许可证,并为每台受管理的设备购买操作管理许可证(“OML”)。



通过批量许可证计划购买标准OML 的另一种方式是购买Microsoft System Center 服务器管理许可证(“SML”) 组合。

标准SML 现已面市,并包括适用于Operations Manager 的标准OML,以及适用于Microsoft® Systems Management Server (SMS)和System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM)的标准管理许可证。

标准SML为针对您的Windows 文件服务器获得System Center 服务器管理的价值提供了一种简单、便捷和具成本效益的方式。

企业SML将于2007 年第四季度面市,它将包括OML 和Data Protection Manager Management 许可证的企业版、System Center Configuration Manager 2007服务器管理许可证、以及System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007。

Operations Manager 2007 的定价说明:全部价格均为在美国国内购买的价格,并以美元结算。


Dell EMC 服务器部署包版本 4.1 安装指南说明书

Dell EMC 服务器部署包版本 4.1 安装指南说明书

用于 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 的 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack 版本 4.1安装指南8 2021注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。



© 2019 - 2021 年 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。


Dell、EMC 和其他商标是 Dell Inc. 或其附属机构的商标。


章 1: 概览 (4)此版本中的新功能 (4)前提条件与要求 (5)支持的系统 (6)用于 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack 的 Configuration Manager、操作系统、AIK/ADK 支持值表 (6)安装 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (8)首次在系统上安装 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (8)升级 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (9)迁移至 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (9)使用 GUI 卸载 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (10)使用命令行安装、升级和卸载 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (10)安装 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (10)卸载 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (10)升级 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (11)使用 Configuration Manager Admin Console (11)故障排除 (12)PCI 设备驱动程序的运行状况显示为“严重” (12)使用控制面板卸载 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (12)在一个或多个 SMS 提供程序关闭时安装 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (12)使用 WinPE 3.0 在第 13 代 PowerEdge 平台上部署操作系统 (12)可能需要的其他 Dell 说明文件 (12)联系 Dell (13)访问 Dell EMC 支持网站上的支持内容 (13)目录3概览本指南提供了有关安装和卸载用于 Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 或 Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager(MECM) 的 Dell EMC Server Deployment Pack (DSDP) 的软件前提条件和要求的信息。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 评估版
SC Config Mgr 2007 R2 支持Windows Vista SP1 和Windows Server 2008,集成了针对应用程序虚拟化的支持,而且还提供了针对Configuration Manager 中最初附带的操作系统部署功能的更新。

文件名:ConfigMgr07R2Eval_RTM_C HS_6355.exe
下载大小:21.2 MB
以下是Configuration Manager 2007 R2 的新增功能:


∙Forefront Client Security 集成。

有关详细信息,请参阅―关于Forefront Client Security 与Configuration Manager 2007 R2 的集成‖。

∙SQL Reporting Services 报告。

提供从Configuration Manager 控制台管理、浏览和运行SQL Reporting Services 配置管理器报告的能力。


提供一组工具和Configuration Manager 2007 报告以便对客户端计算机的状态(有时称为―客户端运行状况‖)进行评估。


∙操作系统部署(OSD) 功能增强。

Configuration Manager 2007 R2 中包含以下功能增强:o未知的计算机支持—在Configuration Manager 2007 R2 中,您可以将操作系
统部署到使用PXE 服务点的计算机上,而无需事先将此计算机添加到
Configuration Manager 数据库中。


o多播部署— Configuration Manager R2 支持将操作系统映像多播到Windows



o OSD 功能集中还包含一项可指定有关―运行命令行‖任务序列操作的凭据的新功能。

这将为应根据特定帐户安装的应用程序(如SQL Server)提供―运行身份‖功能。

Configuration Manager 2007 支持运行使用Microsoft Application Virtualization 平台创建的序列应用程序。

无需在本地计算机上安装相应的软件应用程序,即可在C onfiguration Manager 2007 客户端计算机上运行虚拟应用程序包。

目标计算机必须运行Windows XP 或更高版本才能运行虚拟应用程序包。

Forefront Client Security 与 Configuration Manager 2007 R2 的集成
Microsoft Forefront Client Security 可提供适用于商业桌面计算机、便携式计算机和服务器操作系统的统一的病毒和间谍软件防护。

您可以使用Configuration Manager 2007 的所需的配置管理功能来监视Configuration Manager 2007 R2 网站管理的客户端上的Client Security 代理。

SQL Reporting Services 报告
Configuration Manager 2007 R2 SQL Reporting Services 提供了一组工具和资源,可帮助您从Configuration Manager 控制台使用SQL Reporting Services 的高级报告功能。

客户端状态报告Configuration Manager 2007 R2 中的客户端状态报告功能可提供有关Configuration Manager 2007 层次结构中的客户端计算机状态的最新信息。



OSD 还提供了任务序列,这将有助于加快对操作系统映像和其他Configuration Manager 2007 软件包的部署。

支持的操作系统:Windows 2000 Service Pack 4; Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise Edition (32-Bit x86); Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard Edition (32-bit x86);
Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1; Windows Server 2008 Enterprise; Windows
Server 2008 Standard; Windows Vista Business; Windows Vista Enterprise;
Windows Vista Ultimate; Windows XP Embedded; Windows XP Service Pack 2
System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 评估版
请注意:仅在SC Configuration Manager SP1 评估版产品上安装SC Configuration Manager 2007 R2 评估版。


1.单击―下载‖链接,并下载Configuration Manager 2007 R2。

2.在网站服务器和远程控制台上,双击下载的自解压缩CAB 文件。

3.提取CAB 文件后,双击splash.hta。


其他曾下载了Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R2 评估版的用户还同时下载了:
1.M icrosoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 评估版
2.M icrosoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 评估版
3.S ystem Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 – Evalua tion - 中文(简体)
4.M icrosoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 更新
5.M icrosoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2
