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Airport Handling ManualEffective 1 January—31 December 201838NOTICEDISCLAIMER. The information contained in thispublication is subject to constant review in the lightof changing government requirements and regula-tions. No subscriber or other reader should act onthe basis of any such information without referringto applicable laws and regulations and/or withouttak ing appropriate professional advice. Althoughevery effort has been made to ensure accuracy, theInternational Air Transport Association shall not beheld responsible for any loss or damage caused byerrors, omissions, misprints or misinterpretation ofthe contents hereof. Furthermore, the InternationalAir Transport Association expressly disclaims anyand all liability to any person or entity, whether apurchaser of this publication or not, in respect ofanything done or omitted, and the consequencesof anything done or omitted, by any such person orentity in reliance on the contents of this publication.Opinions expressed in advertisements appearing inthis publication are the advertiser’s opinions and donot necessarily reflect those of IATA. The mentionof specific companies or products in advertisementdoes not imply that they are endorsed or recom-mended by IATA in preference to others of a simi-lar nature which are not mentioned or advertised.© International Air Transport Association. AllRights Reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced, recast, reformatted or trans-mitted in any form by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, record-ing or any information storage and retrieval sys-tem, without the prior written permission from:Senior Vice PresidentAirport, Passenger, Cargo and SecurityInternational Air Transport Association800 Place VictoriaP.O. Box 113Montreal, QuebecCANADA H4Z 1M1Airport Handling ManualMaterial No.: 9343-38ISBN 978-92-9229-505-9© 2017 International Air Transport Association. All rights reserved.TABLE OF CONTENTSPage Preface (xv)Introduction (xvii)General (1)AHM001Chapter0—Record of Revisions (1)AHM011Standard Classification and Numbering for Members Airport Handling Manuals (2)AHM012Office Function Designators for Airport Passenger and Baggage Handling (30)AHM020Guidelines for the Establishment of Airline Operators Committees (31)AHM021Guidelines for Establishing Aircraft Ground Times (34)AHM050Aircraft Emergency Procedures (35)AHM070E-Invoicing Standards (53)Chapter1—PASSENGER HANDLING (91)AHM100Chapter1—Record of Revisions (91)AHM110Involuntary Change of Carrier,Routing,Class or Type of Fare (92)AHM112Denied Boarding Compensation (98)AHM120Inadmissible Passengers and Deportees (99)AHM140Items Removed from a Passenger's Possession by Security Personnel (101)AHM141Hold Loading of Duty-Free Goods (102)AHM170Dangerous Goods in Passenger Baggage (103)AHM176Recommendations for the Handling of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (105)AHM176A Acceptance and Carriage of Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM) (106)AHM180Carriage of Passengers with Communicable Diseases (114)AHM181General Guidelines for Passenger Agents in Case of SuspectedCommunicable Disease (115)Chapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING (117)AHM200Chapter2—Record of Revisions (117)AHM210Local Baggage Committees (118)AHM211Airport Operating Rules (124)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter2—BAGGAGE HANDLING(continued)AHM212Interline Connecting Time Intervals—Passenger and Checked Baggage (126)AHM213Form of Interline Baggage Tags (128)AHM214Use of the10Digit Licence Plate (135)AHM215Found and Unclaimed Checked Baggage (136)AHM216On-Hand Baggage Summary Tag (138)AHM217Forwarding Mishandled Baggage (139)AHM218Dangerous Goods in Passengers'Baggage (141)AHM219Acceptance of Firearms and Other Weapons and Small Calibre Ammunition (142)AHM221Acceptance of Power Driven Wheelchairs or Other Battery Powered Mobility Aidsas Checked Baggage (143)AHM222Passenger/Baggage Reconciliation Procedures (144)AHM223Licence Plate Fallback Sortation Tags (151)AHM224Baggage Taken in Error (154)AHM225Baggage Irregularity Report (156)AHM226Tracing Unchecked Baggage and Handling Damage to Checked and UncheckedBaggage (159)AHM230Baggage Theft and Pilferage Prevention (161)AHM231Carriage of Carry-On Baggage (164)AHM232Handling of Security Removed Items (168)AHM240Baggage Codes for Identifying ULD Contents and/or Bulk-Loaded Baggage (169)Chapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING (171)AHM300Chapter3—Record of Revisions (171)AHM310Preparation for Loading of Cargo (172)AHM311Securing of Load (174)AHM312Collection Sacks and Bags (177)AHM320Handling of Damaged Cargo (178)AHM321Handling of Pilfered Cargo (179)AHM322Handling Wet Cargo (180)AHM330Handling Perishable Cargo (182)AHM331Handling and Protection of Valuable Cargo (184)AHM332Handling and Stowage of Live Animals (188)AHM333Handling of Human Remains (190)Table of ContentsPageChapter3—CARGO/MAIL HANDLING(continued)AHM340Acceptance Standards for the Interchange of Transferred Unit Load Devices (191)AHM345Handling of Battery Operated Wheelchairs/Mobility AIDS as Checked Baggage (197)AHM350Mail Handling (199)AHM351Mail Documents (203)AHM353Handling of Found Mail (218)AHM354Handling of Damaged Mail (219)AHM355Mail Security (220)AHM356Mail Safety (221)AHM357Mail Irregularity Message (222)AHM360Company Mail (224)AHM380Aircraft Documents Stowage (225)AHM381Special Load—Notification to Captain(General) (226)AHM382Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP Format and NOTOC Service) (231)AHM383Special Load—Notification to Captain(EDP NOTOC Summary) (243)AHM384NOTOC Message(NTM) (246)Chapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING (251)AHM400Chapter4—Record of Revisions (251)AHM411Provision and Carriage of Loading Accessories (252)AHM420Tagging of Unit Load Devices (253)AHM421Storage of Unit Load Devices (263)AHM422Control of Transferred Unit Load Devices (268)AHM423Unit Load Device Stock Check Message (273)AHM424Unit Load Device Control Message (275)AHM425Continued Airworthiness of Unit Load Devices (279)AHM426ULD Buildup and Breakdown (283)AHM427ULD Transportation (292)AHM430Operating of Aircraft Doors (295)AHM431Aircraft Ground Stability—Tipping (296)AHM440Potable Water Servicing (297)AHM441Aircraft Toilet Servicing (309)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter4—AIRCRAFT HANDLING AND LOADING(continued)AHM450Standardisation of Gravity Forces against which Load must be Restrained (310)AHM451Technical Malfunctions Limiting Load on Aircraft (311)AHM453Handling/Bulk Loading of Heavy Items (312)AHM454Handling and Loading of Big Overhang Items (313)AHM455Non CLS Restrained ULD (316)AHM460Guidelines for Turnround Plan (323)AHM462Safe Operating Practices in Aircraft Handling (324)AHM463Safety Considerations for Aircraft Movement Operations (337)AHM465Foreign Object Damage(FOD)Prevention Program (340)Chapter5—LOAD CONTROL (343)AHM500Chapter5—Record of Revisions (343)AHM501Terms and Definitions (345)AHM503Recommended Requirements for a New Departure Control System (351)AHM504Departure Control System Evaluation Checklist (356)AHM505Designation of Aircraft Holds,Compartments,Bays and Cabin (362)AHM510Handling/Load Information Codes to be Used on Traffic Documents and Messages (368)AHM513Aircraft Structural Loading Limitations (377)AHM514EDP Loading Instruction/Report (388)AHM515Manual Loading Instruction/Report (404)AHM516Manual Loadsheet (416)AHM517EDP Loadsheet (430)AHM518ACARS Transmitted Loadsheet (439)AHM519Balance Calculation Methods (446)AHM520Aircraft Equipped with a CG Targeting System (451)AHM530Weights for Passengers and Baggage (452)AHM531Procedure for Establishing Standard Weights for Passengers and Baggage (453)AHM533Passengers Occupying Crew Seats (459)AHM534Weight Control of Load (460)AHM536Equipment in Compartments Procedure (461)AHM537Ballast (466)Table of ContentsPageChapter5—LOAD CONTROL(continued)AHM540Aircraft Unit Load Device—Weight and Balance Control (467)AHM550Pilot in Command's Approval of the Loadsheet (468)AHM551Last Minute Changes on Loadsheet (469)AHM561Departure Control System,Carrier's Approval Procedures (471)AHM562Semi-Permanent Data Exchange Message(DEM) (473)AHM564Migration from AHM560to AHM565 (480)AHM565EDP Semi-Permanent Data Exchange for New Generation Departure Control Systems (500)AHM570Automated Information Exchange between Check-in and Load Control Systems (602)AHM571Passenger and Baggage Details for Weight and Balance Report(PWR) (608)AHM580Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Statement (613)AHM581Unit Load Device/Bulk Load Weight Signal (615)AHM583Loadmessage (619)AHM587Container/Pallet Distribution Message (623)AHM588Statistical Load Summary (628)AHM590Load Control Procedures and Loading Supervision Responsibilities (631)AHM591Weight and Balance Load Control and Loading Supervision Training and Qualifications (635)Chapter6—MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY (641)AHM600Chapter6—Record of Revisions (641)AHM610Guidelines for a Safety Management System (642)AHM611Airside Personnel:Responsibilities,Training and Qualifications (657)AHM612Airside Performance Evaluation Program (664)AHM615Quality Management System (683)AHM616Human Factors Program (715)AHM619Guidelines for Producing Emergency Response Plan(s) (731)AHM620Guidelines for an Emergency Management System (733)AHM621Security Management (736)AHM633Guidelines for the Handling of Emergencies Requiring the Evacuation of an Aircraft During Ground Handling (743)AHM650Ramp Incident/Accident Reporting (745)AHM652Recommendations for Airside Safety Investigations (750)AHM660Carrier Guidelines for Calculating Aircraft Ground Accident Costs (759)Airport Handling ManualChapter7—AIRCRAFT MOVEMENT CONTROL (761)AHM700Chapter7—Record of Revisions (761)AHM710Standards for Message Formats (762)AHM711Standards for Message Corrections (764)AHM730Codes to be Used in Aircraft Movement and Diversion Messages (765)AHM731Enhanced Reporting on ATFM Delays by the Use of Sub Codes (771)AHM780Aircraft Movement Message (774)AHM781Aircraft Diversion Message (786)AHM782Fuel Monitoring Message (790)AHM783Request Information Message (795)AHM784Gate Message (797)AHM785Aircraft Initiated Movement Message(MVA) (802)AHM790Operational Aircraft Registration(OAR)Message (807)Chapter8—GROUND HANDLING AGREEMENTS (811)AHM800Chapter8—Record of Revisions (811)AHM801Introduction to and Comments on IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement(SGHA) (812)AHM803Service Level Agreement Example (817)AHM810IATA Standard Ground Handling Agreement (828)AHM811Yellow Pages (871)AHM813Truck Handling (872)AHM815Standard Transportation Documents Service Main Agreement (873)AHM817Standard Training Agreement (887)AHM830Ground Handling Charge Note (891)AHM840Model Agreement for Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) (894)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS (911)AHM900Chapter9—Record of Revisions (911)AHM901Functional Specifications (914)AHM904Aircraft Servicing Points and System Requirements (915)AIRBUS A300B2320-/B4/C4 (917)A300F4-600/-600C4 (920)A310–200/200C/300 (926)A318 (930)A319 (933)Table of ContentsPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)A320 (936)A321 (940)A330-200F (943)A330-300 (948)A340-200 (951)A340-300 (955)A340-500 (959)A340-600 (962)Airbus350900passenger (965)AIRBUS A380-800/-800F (996)ATR42100/200 (999)ATR72 (1000)AVRO RJ70 (1001)AVRO RJ85 (1002)AVRO RJ100 (1003)B727-200 (1004)B737–200/200C (1008)B737-300,400,-500 (1010)B737-400 (1013)B737-500 (1015)B737-600,-700,-700C (1017)B737-700 (1020)B737-800 (1022)B737-900 (1026)B747–100SF/200C/200F (1028)B747–400/400C (1030)B757–200 (1038)B757–300 (1040)Airport Handling ManualPageChapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)B767—200/200ER (1041)B767—300/300ER (1044)B767—400ER (1048)B777–200/200LR (1051)B777–300/300ER (1055)Boeing787800passenger (1059)BAe ATP(J61) (1067)Bombardier CS100 (1068)Bombardier CS300 (1072)CL-65(CRJ100/200) (1076)DC8–40/50F SERIES (1077)DC8–61/61F (1079)DC8–62/62F (1081)DC8–63/63F (1083)DC9–15/21 (1085)DC9–32 (1086)DC9–41 (1087)DC9–51 (1088)DC10–10/10CF (1089)DC10–30/40,30/40CF (1091)EMBRAER EMB-135Regional Models (1092)EMBRAER EMB-145Regional Models (1094)Embraer170 (1096)Embraer175 (1098)Embraer190 (1100)Embraer195 (1102)FOKKER50(F27Mk050) (1104)FOKKER50(F27Mk0502) (1106)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM904Aircraft Doors,Servicing Points and System Requirements for the Use of Ground Support Equipment(continued)FOKKER70(F28Mk0070) (1108)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1110)FOKKER100(F28Mk0100) (1112)IL-76T (1114)MD-11 (1116)MD–80SERIES (1118)SAAB2000 (1119)SAAB SF-340 (1120)TU-204 (1122)AHM905Reference Material for Civil Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1125)AHM905A Cross Reference of IATA Documents with SAE,CEN,and ISO (1129)AHM909Summary of Unit Load Device Capacity and Dimensions (1131)AHM910Basic Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1132)AHM911Ground Support Equipment Requirements for Compatibility with Aircraft Unit Load Devices (1136)AHM912Standard Forklift Pockets Dimensions and Characteristics for Forkliftable General Support Equipment (1138)AHM913Basic Safety Requirements for Aircraft Ground Support Equipment (1140)AHM914Compatibility of Ground Support Equipment with Aircraft Types (1145)AHM915Standard Controls (1147)AHM916Basic Requirements for Towing Vehicle Interface(HITCH) (1161)AHM917Basic Minimum Preventive Maintenance Program/Schedule (1162)AHM920Functional Specification for Self-Propelled Telescopic Passenger Stairs (1164)AHM920A Functional Specification for Towed Passenger Stairs (1167)AHM921Functional Specification for Boarding/De-Boarding Vehicle for Passengers withReduced Mobility(PRM) (1169)AHM922Basic Requirements for Passenger Boarding Bridge Aircraft Interface (1174)AHM923Functional Specification for Elevating Passenger Transfer Vehicle (1180)AHM924Functional Specification for Heavy Item Lift Platform (1183)AHM925Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Conveyor-Belt Loader (1184)AHM925A Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Ground Based in-Plane LoadingSystem for Bulk Cargo (1187)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM925B Functional Specification for a Towed Conveyor-Belt Loader (1190)AHM926Functional Specification for Upper Deck Catering Vehicle (1193)AHM927Functional Specification for Main Deck Catering Vehicle (1197)AHM930Functional Specification for an Upper Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1201)AHM931Functional Specification for Lower Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1203)AHM932Functional Specification for a Main Deck Container/Pallet Loader (1206)AHM933Functional Specification of a Powered Extension Platform to Lower Deck/Container/ Pallet Loader (1209)AHM934Functional Specification for a Narrow Body Lower Deck Single Platform Loader (1211)AHM934A Functional Specification for a Single Platform Slave Loader Bed for Lower DeckLoading Operations (1213)AHM936Functional Specification for a Container Loader Transporter (1215)AHM938Functional Specification for a Large Capacity Freighter and Combi Aircraft TailStanchion (1218)AHM939Functional Specification for a Transfer Platform Lift (1220)AHM941Functional Specification for Equipment Used for Establishing the Weight of aULD/BULK Load (1222)AHM942Functional Specification for Storage Equipment Used for Unit Load Devices (1224)AHM950Functional Specification for an Airport Passenger Bus (1225)AHM951Functional Specification for a Crew Transportation Vehicle (1227)AHM953Functional Specifications for a Valuable Cargo Vehicle (1229)AHM954Functional Specification for an Aircraft Washing Machine (1230)AHM955Functional Specification for an Aircraft Nose Gear Towbar Tractor (1232)AHM956Functional Specification for Main Gear Towbarless Tractor (1235)AHM957Functional Specification for Nose Gear Towbarless Tractor (1237)AHM958Functional Specification for an Aircraft Towbar (1240)AHM960Functional Specification for Unit Load Device Transport Vehicle (1242)AHM961Functional Specification for a Roller System for Unit Load Device Transportation on Trucks (1245)AHM962Functional Specification for a Rollerised Platform for the Transportation of Twenty Foot Unit Load Devices that Interfaces with Trucks Equipped to Accept Freight ContainersComplying with ISO668:1988 (1247)AHM963Functional Specification for a Baggage/Cargo Cart (1249)AHM965Functional Specification for a Lower Deck Container Turntable Dolly (1250)AHM966Functional Specification for a Pallet Dolly (1252)Chapter9—AIRPORT HANDLING GROUND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS(continued) AHM967Functional Specification for a Twenty Foot Unit Load Device Dolly (1254)AHM968Functional Specification for Ramp Equipment Tractors (1256)AHM969Functional Specification for a Pallet/Container Transporter (1257)AHM970Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Potable Water Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1259)AHM971Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Lavatory Service Vehicle with Rear orFront Servicing (1262)AHM972Functional Specifications for a Ground Power Unit for Aircraft Electrical System (1265)AHM973Functional Specification for a Towed Aircraft Ground Heater (1269)AHM974Functional Specification for Aircraft Air Conditioning(Cooling)Unit (1272)AHM975Functional Specifications for Self-Propelled Aircraft De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1274)AHM976Functional Specifications for an Air Start Unit (1278)AHM977Functional Specification for a Towed De-Icing/Anti-Icing Unit (1280)AHM978Functional Specification for a Towed Lavatory Service Cart (1283)AHM979Functional Specification for a Towed Boarding/De-Boarding Device for Passengers with Reduced Mobility(PRM)for Commuter-Type Aircraft (1285)AHM980Functional Specification for a Self-Propelled Petrol/Diesel Refueling Vehicle forGround Support Equipment (1287)AHM981Functional Specification for a Towed Potable Water Service Cart (1289)AHM990Guidelines for Preventative Maintenance of Aircraft Towbars (1291)AHM994Criteria for Consideration of the Investment in Ground Support Equipment (1292)AHM995Basic Unit Load Device Handling System Requirements (1296)AHM997Functional Specification for Sub-Freezing Aircraft Air Conditioning Unit (1298)Chapter10—ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR GROUND HANDLING OPERATIONS (1301)AHM1000Chapter10—Record of Revisions (1301)AHM1001Environmental Specifications for Ground Handling Operations (1302)AHM1002Environmental Impact on the Use of Ground Support Equipment (1303)AHM1003GSE Environmental Quality Audit (1305)AHM1004Guidelines for Calculating GSE Exhaust Emissions (1307)AHM1005Guidelines for an Environmental Management System (1308)Chapter11—GROUND OPERATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM (1311)AHM1100Chapter11—Record of Revisions (1311)AHM1110Ground Operations Training Program (1312)Appendix A—References (1347)Appendix B—Glossary (1379)Alphabetical List of AHM Titles (1387)IATA Strategic Partners..............................................................................................................................SP–1。
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NVIDIA Nsight Systems v11.5 用户指南说明书
v11.5 | October 2021Nsight SystemsUser's GuideOverviewNVIDIA® Nsight™ Systems provides developers a system-wide visualization of an applications performance. Developers can optimize bottlenecks to scale efficiently across any number or size of CPUs and GPUs; from large servers to our smallest SoC. For further optimizations to compute kernels developers should use Nsight Compute or to further optimize a graphics workloads, use Nsight Graphics.See Nsight Systems documentation.Nsight Systems v11.5 | iiNoticeThis document is provided for information purposes only and shall not be regarded as a warranty of a certain functionality, condition, or quality of a product. NVIDIA Corporation (“NVIDIA”) makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document and assumes no responsibility for any errors contained herein. NVIDIA shall have no liability for the consequences or use of such information or for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. This document is not a commitment to develop, release, or deliver any Material (defined below), code, or functionality.NVIDIA reserves the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and any other changes to this document, at any time without notice. Customer should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.NVIDIA products are sold subject to the NVIDIA standard terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, unless otherwise agreed in an individual sales agreement signed by authorized representatives of NVIDIA and customer (“Terms of Sale”). NVIDIA hereby expressly objects to applying any customer general terms and conditions with regards to the purchase of the NVIDIA product referenced in this document. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document.OpenCLOpenCL is a trademark of Apple Inc. used under license to the Khronos Group Inc.TrademarksNVIDIA and the NVIDIA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. Other company and product names may be trademarks of the respective companies with which they are associated.Copyright© 2007-2021 NVIDIA Corporation & affiliates. All rights reserved.NVIDIA Corporation | 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051。
Bulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit B
Technical DataOriginal InstructionsBulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Bulletin Number 140MTTopic PageProduct Overview2Features2Standards Compliance and Certifications2Catalog Number Explanation3Product Selection3Accessories4Specifications6Approximate Dimensions7Additional Resources9Bulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Product OverviewBulletin 140MT enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers (MPCBs) consist of a Bulletin140MT MPCB in a metallic Type 1/3/3R/4/12 enclosure.Bulletin 140MT MPCBs or Motor Protective Switching Devices (MPSDs) are UL Listed asManual, Self-Protected Combination Motor Controllers (Type E) and Manual MotorControllers (with approvals for Suitable as Motor Disconnect and Suitable for use inGroup Installation).When they are cULus Listed as Manual, Self-Protected Combination Motor Controllers,the 140MT MPCBs provide all of the necessary NEC/CEC requirements for the protectionand control of individual motor branch circuits without additional branch circuitprotective devices.According to UL 60947-4-1, CSA C22.2 No.60947-4-1, these devices may provide thefollowing control and protection functions.•Disconnect for motor branch circuit•Short-circuit protection (magnetic protection)•Overload protection (thermal protection)•Manual switching (motor control means)Features• Current range 0.1…25 A• cULus Listed for control and protection of motor loads-Motor disconnect-Short-circuit and overload protection-Motor switching (magnetic)Standards Compliance and Certifications•Enclosure types 1/3/3R/4/12•cULus Listed:-UL60947-4-1-CSA C22.2,No.60947-4-1Bulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Catalog Number ExplanationCatalog Number ExplanationProduct Selection140MT-F -CA16X a baBBulletin NumberCurrent Range [A]Code DescriptionCode Description 140MT-FMetal enclosed C/D framesCA16X 0.10…0.16CB16X 1.0…1.6DB25X 1.6…2.5DB40X 2.5…4.0DB63X 4.0…6.3DC10X 6.3…10DC16X 10…16DC20X 14.5…20DC25X18 (25)Table 1 - Motor Protective Switching DevicesRated Operational Current (I e ) [A]Motor Current Adjustment Range [A]Nominal Magnetic Trip Current [A]Max Short-circuit Current [kA]Max. 3-phase Hp Ratings (1)(1)Horsepower/kW ratings shown are for reference. The final selection of the MPCB/MPSD depends on the actual motor full load current.Max. kW, 3-Phase — AC-3(1)Cat. No.EnclosureSize480Y/277V 600Y/347V 200V 230V 480V 600V 230V 400/415V 500V 690V3PH 1PH 25 A Frame Size0.160.10…0.16 2.2 3.46550————— A 10.63…1.014216550——0.50.750.180.250.370.55140MT-F-CB10X A 1.6 1.0…1.622346550——110.250.550.75 1.1140MT-F-CB16X A 2.5 1.6…2.5355365300.50.75 1.520.370.75 1.1 1.8140MT-F-DB25X A 4 2.5…4.05684653011330.75 1.5 2.23140MT-F-DB40X A 6.3 4.0…6.3881326530 1.5255 1.5 2.234140MT-F-DB63X A 10 6.3…101402106530337.510 2.24 6.37.5140MT-F-DC10X A 1610…16224336653035101547.51013140MT-F-DC16X A 2014.5…2028042065—57.51520 5.5101117140MT-F-DC20X A 2518…2535052550—7.57.51520 5.5111522140MT-F-DC25X ABulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers AccessoriesAccessoriesTable 2 - Auxiliary ContactsX = Contact Closed; O = Contact Open (2)Connection Diagram Reference:Table 3 - Shunt Trip UnitsConnection Diagram Reference:I >>140M/MT Operator Overload (thermal) Trip Short-circuit (magnetic) TripI >>140M/MT Operator Overload (thermal) Trip Short-circuit (magnetic) TripBulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers AccessoriesTable 4 - Trip Contacts(2)Connection Diagram Reference:Table 5 - Undervoltage Trip UnitsConnection Diagram Reference:I >>140M/MT Operator Overload (thermal) Trip Short-circuit (magnetic) TripI >>140M/MT Operator Overload (thermal) Trip Short-circuit (magnetic) TripBulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers SpecificationsSpecificationsTable 6 - Motor Protection Circuit Breaker General DataAttribute140MT-C 140MT-D Standards compliance cULusUL 60947-4-1, CSA C22.2, No. 60947-4-1Rated Insulation Voltage U iUL/CSA[V]600Y/347VRated Impulse Withstand Voltage U imp Pollution degree3Main circuits U imp /Overvoltage Category 6 kV/III, 8 kV (Disconnect)Auxiliary circuits U imp /Overvoltage Category6 kV/III Rated Frequency [Hz]45-65Life Span Mechanical[operations]100,000Electrical (I e max.)[operations]100,000Switching Frequency [operations/hour]max. 25Ambient Temperature Storage [ °C ( °F)]-40…+85 (-40…+185)Operation [ °C ( °F)]-25…+40 (-13…+104)Climatic resistance Operating Humidity/Moisture heat (60068-2-3)5…95% Non-condensing Site Altitude [m]to 2000 N.N. (6561 ft)Protection ClassIP2X from all directionsResistance to Shock, Transport (60068-2-27)ON 15 G/11 ms OFF 30 G/11 ms Resistance to Vibration, Operation (60068-2-6) 5 G Rated Thermal Current I th up to 40 °C (104 °F) ambient temperature [A]0.1…320.63…40Rated Supply Current I e [A]0.1 (25)0.63 (40)Dependence on Temperature 40 °C (104 °F)[A]no reduction Phase-loss Protection Differential release Trip class10 fixed setting Magnetic Release Fixed setting Release current (±20%)[A]14 x I e max.(1)(1)I e max. = maximum values of setting ranges; see ratings.Total Power loss P vCircuit Breaker at rated load/operating temp.[W]4 (11)4…14Main Disconnect Switch ApplicationYes, with accessoriesBulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Approximate DimensionsApproximate DimensionsDimensions are in millimeters (inches) and are not intended to be used for manufacturing purposes.Enclosure Style ATable 7 - MPCB Connecting CharacteristicsTable 8 - Enclosure SpecificationsDescription140MT-F Construction Material MetalStructure Finish Painted textured light gray Ingress Rating IP66 (Type 1/3/3R/4/12)HandleIP66 Protection Type 1/4/4X/12, Interlock override capabilityHandle LockingFor 3 padlocks 4…8 mm (5/16 in.) in diameterAmbient Temperature0…+40 °C (32…+104 °F)Storage Temperature Range -50…+80 °C (-58…+176 °F)Altitude2000 m (6561 ft)Bulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Approximate Dimensions Notes:Bulletin 140MT Enclosed Motor Protection Circuit Breakers Technical DataAdditional ResourcesThese documents contain additional information concerning related products from Rockwell Automation.You can view or download publications at .ResourceDescriptionMotor Protection Circuit Breaker and Motor Circuit Protector Specifications, publication 140-TD005Provides assistance with selecting a motor protection circuit breaker, including catalog number explanation, specifications, wiring diagrams, accessories, and product dimensions.UL Standards Listing for Industrial Control Products, publication CMPNTS-SR002Assists original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with construction of panels, to help ensure that they conform to the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories.American Standards, Configurations, and Ratings: Introduction to Motor Circuit Design, publication IC-AT001Provides an overview of American motor circuit design based on methods that are outlined in the NEC.Industrial Components Preventive Maintenance, Enclosures, and Contact Ratings Specifications, publication IC-TD002Provides a quick reference tool for Allen-Bradley industrial automation controls and assemblies.Safety Guidelines for the Application, Installation, and Maintenance ofSolid-state Control, publication SGI-1.1Designed to harmonize with NEMA Standards Publication No. ICS 1.1-1987 and providesgeneral guidelines for the application, installation, and maintenance of solid-state control in the form of individual devices or packaged assemblies incorporating solid-state components.Industrial Automation Wiring and Grounding Guidelines, publication 1770-4.1Provides general guidelines for installing a Rockwell Automation industrial system.Product Certifications website, .Provides declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.Publication 140-TD006A-EN-P - June 2022Rockwell Automation SupportUse these resources to access support information.Documentation FeedbackYour comments help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to improve our content, complete the form at .Technical Support Center Find help with how-to videos, FAQs, chat, user forums, and product notification Knowledgebase Local Technical Support Phone Numbers Locate the telephone number for your Literature LibraryFind installation instructions, manuals, brochures, and technical data Product Compatibility and Download Center (PCDC)Download firmware, associated files (such as AOP, EDS, and DTM), and access product release Automation maintains current product environmental compliance information on its website at .Allen-Bradley, expanding human possibility, and Rockwell Automation are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc.Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş. Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752, İçerenköy, İstanbul, Tel: +90 (216) 5698400 EEE Yönetmeli ğine Uygundur。
物流专业术语范围本标准确定了物流活动中的基本概念术语、物流作业术语、物流技术装备与设施术语、物流管理术语及其定义.本标准适用于物流及相关领域的信息处理和信息交换,亦适用于相关的法规、文件;引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文;本标准出版时,所示版本均为有效;所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性;GB/T 1992--1985 集装箱名词术语neq ISO 830:1981GB/T 4122;1--1996 包装术语基础CB/T 17271--1998 集装箱运输术语中文索引AABC分类管理....................................6.9安全库存.......................................4.16B班轮运输.......................................5.34搬运...........................................4.22包装...........................................4.25保管...........................................4.12保税仓库.......................................5.5报关...........................................5.40报关行.........................................5.41C仓库...........................................5.1仓库布局.......................................6.4.仓库管理.......................................6.3叉车...........................................5.19储存...........................................4.11船务代理.......................................5.36D大陆桥运输.....................................5.33单元装卸.......................................4.24第三元物流.....................................3.25电子订货系统...................................6.10电子数据交换...................................3.31定量订货方式...................................6.7定牌包装.......................................4.27定期订货方式...................................6.8定制物流.......................................3.26堆码...........................................4.21F发货区.........................................5.14废弃物物流.....................................3.19分拣...........................................4.37G公路集装箱中转站...............................5.28 供应链.........................................3.29供应链管理.....................................6.21供应商库存.....................................6.26供应物流.......................................3.15共同配送.......................................4.35国际多式联运...................................5.32国际货物运输保险...............................5.39 国际货运代理...................................5.37国际铁路联运...................................5.31国际物流.......................................3.24H海关监管货物...................................5.7换算箱.........................................5.24回收物流.......................................3.18货场...........................................5.16货垛...........................................4.20货架...........................................5.17J集货...........................................4.39集装化.........................................4.31集装箱.........................................5.23集装箱货运站...................................5.29.集装箱码头.....................................5.30集装箱运输.....................................4.7集装运输.......................................4.6计算局付诸订货系统.............................6.25 监管仓库.......................................5.6拣选...........................................4.38检验...........................................4.43进出口商品检验.................................5.42 经常库存.......................................4.15经济订货批量...................................6.6K控湿储存区.....................................5.11.库存...........................................4.14库存控制.......................................6.5库存周期.......................................4.17.库房...........................................5.8快速反应.......................................6.22L冷藏区.........................................5.9冷冻区.........................................5.10冷链...........................................4.42理货...........................................5.38立体仓库.......................................5.3联合运输.......................................4.2连续库存补充计划...............................6.24 料棚...........................................5.15零库存技术.....................................6.13.流通加工.......................................4.41绿色物流.......................................3.20M门到门.........................................4.8P配送...........................................4.34配送需要计划...................................6.17 配送中心.......................................4.36配送资源计划...................................6.18 拼箱货.........................................4.10Q企业物流.......................................3.21企业资源计划...................................6.20 前置期或提前期.............................4.18全集装箱船.....................................5.26S散装化.........................................5.32社会物流.......................................3.22生产物流.......................................3.16收货区.........................................5.13输送区.........................................5.20甩挂运输.......................................4.5T特种货物集装箱.................................5.25铁路集装箱.....................................5.27. 托盘...........................................5.18托盘包装.......................................4.30 W温度可控区.....................................5.12 无形损耗.......................................3.33 物料需要计划...................................6.15 物流...........................................3.2物流成本.......................................3.7.物流成本管理...................................6.14. 物流单证.......................................3.13 物流管理.......................................3.8物流活动.......................................3.3物流技术.......................................3.6物流联盟.......................................3.14 物流模数.......................................3.5物流企业.......................................3.12 物流网络.......................................3.10 物流信息.......................................3.11 物流战略.......................................6.1物流战略管理...................................6.2. 物流中心.......................................3.9物流资源计划...................................6.19. 物流作业.......................................3.4物品...........................................3.1物品储备.......................................4.13. X箱式车.........................................5.22销售包装.......................................4.26 销售物流.......................................3.17 虚拟仓库.......................................5.4虚拟物流.......................................3.27Y业务外包.......................................6.27 有效客户反应...................................6.23 有形损耗.......................................3.32 运输...........................................4.1运输包装.......................................4.29. Z增值物流服务...................................3.28 整箱货.........................................4.9直达运输.......................................4.3直接换装.......................................4.33制造资源计划...................................6.16中性包装.......................................4.28中转运输.......................................4.4装卸...........................................4.23准时制.........................................6.11准时制物流.....................................6.12自动导引车.....................................5.21自动化仓库.....................................5.2租船运输.......................................5.35组配...........................................4.40英文索引AABC classification......................................6.9 Article.................................................3.1Article reserves........................................4.13 Assembly................................................4.40 Automatic guided vehicle AGV .........................5.21 Automatic warehouse.....................................5.3.BBar code................................................3.30Boned warehouse.........................................5.6Box car.................................................5.22CCargo under custom's supervision........................5.8 Chill space.............................................5.9Cold chain..............................................4.42 Combined transport......................................4.2 Commodity inspection....................................5.42 Computer assisted ordering CAO .......................6.25 Container...............................................5.23 Container freight station CFS ........................5.29 Container terminal......................................5.30 Container transport.....................................4.7 Containerization........................................4.31 Containerized transport.................................4.6 Continuous replenishment program CRP .................6.24 Conveyor................................................5.20Cross docking...........................................4.33 Customized logistics....................................3.26 Customs broker..........................................5.41 Customs declaration.....................................5.40Cycle stock.............................................4.15D Distribution............................................4.34 Distribution center.....................................4.36 Distribution logistics..................................3.17 Distribution processing.................................4.41 Distribution requirements planning DRP ...............6.17 Distribution resource planning DRP II ................6.18 Door-to-door............................................4.8Drop and pull transport.................................4.5EEconomic order quantity EOQ ..........................6.6 Efficient customer response ECR ......................6.23 Electronic data interchange EDI ......................3.31 Electronic order system EOS ..........................6.10 Enterprise resource planning ERP .....................6.20 Environmental logistics.................................3.20 Export supervised warehouse.............................5.7 External logistics......................................3.22FFixed-interval system FIS ............................6.8Fixed-quantity system FQS ............................6.7Fork lift truck.........................................5.19Freeze space............................................5.10Full container load FCL ..............................4.9Full container ship.....................................5.26 G Goods collection........................................4.39Goods shed..............................................5.15Goods shelf.............................................5.17Goods stack.............................................4.20Goods yard..............................................5.16HHanding/carrying........................................4.22 Humidity controlled space...............................5.11IIn bulk.................................................4.32Inland container depot..................................5.28 Inspection..............................................4.43 Intangible loss.........................................3.33Internal logistics......................................3.21 International freight forwarding agent..................5.37 International logistics.................................3.24 International multimodal transport......................5.32 International through railway transport.................5.31 International transportation cargo insurance............5.39Inventory...............................................4.14 Inventory control.......................................6.5 Inventory cycle time....................................4.17JJoint distribution......................................4.35Just in time JIT .....................................6.11Just-in-time logistics..................................6.12 LLand bridge transport...................................5.33Lead-time ..............................................4.18Less than container load LCL .........................4.10 Liner transport.........................................5.34 Loading and unloading ..................................4.23 Logistics...............................................3.2Logistics activity......................................3.3Logistics alliance......................................3.14 Logistics center........................................3.9 Logistics cost..........................................3.7Logistics cost control..................................6.14 Logistics documents.....................................3.13 Logistics enterprise....................................3.12 Logistics information...................................3.11 Logistics management....................................3.8 Logistics modulus.......................................3.5 Logistics network.......................................3.10 Logistics operation.....................................3.4 Logistics resource planning LRP ......................6.19 Logistics strategy......................................6.1 Logistics strategy management...........................6.2 Logistics technology....................................3.6MManufacturing resource planning MRP II ...............6.16 Material requirements planning MRP ...................6.15 Military logistics......................................3.23NNeutral packing.........................................4.28OOrder cycle time........................................4.19Order picking...........................................4.38 Outsourcing.............................................6.27PPackage/packaging.......................................4.25 Packing of nominated brand..............................4.27 Pallet..................................................5.18 Palletizing.............................................4.30QQuick response QR ....................................6.22RRailway container yard..................................5.27 Receiving space.........................................5.13 Returned logistics......................................3.18SSafety stock............................................4.16Sales package...........................................4.26 Shipping agency.........................................5.36 Shipping by chartering..................................5.35 Shipping space..........................................5.14 Sorting.................................................4.37Specific cargo container................................5.25 Stacking................................................4.21 Stereoscopic warehouse..................................5.4 Storage.................................................4.12 Storehouse..............................................5.2 Storing.................................................4.11Supply chain............................................3.29 Supply chain management SCM ..........................6.21 Supply logistics........................................3.15T Tally...................................................5.38Tangible loss...........................................3.32 Temperature controlled space............................5.12 Third-part logistics TPL .............................3.25 Through transport.......................................4.3 Transfer transport......................................4.4 Transport package.......................................4.29 Transportation..........................................4.1 Twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU ......................5.24 UUnit loading and unloading..............................4.24VValue-added logistics service...........................3.28 Vendor managed inventory VMI .........................6.26 Virtual logistics.......................................3.27Virtual warehouse.......................................5.5W Warehouse...............................................5.1 Warehouse layout........................................6.4 Warehouse management....................................6.3ZZero-inventory technology...............................6.133.基本概念术语3.1 物品article经济活动中涉及到实体流动的物质资料3.2 物流logistics物品从供应地向接收地的实体流动过程;根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合;3.3 物流活动logistics activity物流诸功能的实施与管理过程;3.4 物流作业logistics operation实现物流功能时所进行的具体操作活动;3.5 物流模数logistics modulus物流设施与设备的尺寸基准;3.6 物流技术logistics technology物流活动中所采用的自然科学与社会科学方面的理论、方法,以及设施、设备、装置与工艺的总称;3.7 物流成本logistics cost物流活动中所消耗的物化劳动和活劳动的货币表现;3.8 物流管理logistics management为了以最低的物流成本达到用户所满意的服务水平,对物流活动进行的计划、组织、协调与控制;3.9 物流中心logistics center从事物流活动的场所或组织,应基本符合以下要求:a 主要面向社会服务;b物流功能健全;c完善的信息网络;d辐射范围大;e少品种、大批量;f存储\吞吐能力强;g物流业务统一经营、管理;3.10 物流网络logistics network物流过程中相互联系的组织与设施的集合;3.11 物流信息logistics information反映物流各种活动内容的知识、资料、图像、数据、文件的总称;3.12 物流企业logistics enterprise从事物流活动的经济组织;3.13 物流单证logistics documents物流过程中使用的所有单据、票据、凭证的总称;3.14 物流联盟logistics alliance两个或两个以上的经济组织为实现特定的物流目标而采取的长期联合与合作;3.15 供应物流supply logistics为生产企业提供原材料、零部件或其他物品时,物品在提供者与需求者之间的实体流动; 3.16 生产物流production logistics生产过程中,原材料、在制品、半成品、产成品等,在企业内部的实体流动;3.17销售物流distribution logistics生产企业、流通企业出售商品时,物品在供与需方之间的实体流动;3.18 回收物流returned logistics不合格物品的返修、退货以及周转使用的包装容器从需方返回到供方所形成的物品实体流动;3.19 废弃物物流waste material logistics将经济活动中失去原有使用价值的物品,根据实际需要进行收集、分类、加工、包装、搬运、储存等,并分送到专门处理场所时形成的物品实体流动;3.20 绿色物流environmental logistics在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现对物流环境的净化,使物流资料得到最充分利用;3.21 企业物流internal logistics企业内部的物品实体流动;3.22 社会物流external logistics企业外部的物流活动的总称;3.23 军事物流military logistics用于满足军队平时与战时需要的物流活动;3.24 国际物流international logistics不同国家地区之间的物流;3.25 第三方物流third-part logistics TPL由供方与需方以外的物流企业提供物流服务的业务模式;3.26 定制物流customized logistics根据用户的特定要求而为其专门设计的物流服务模式;3.27 虚拟物流virtual logistics以计算机网络技术进行物流运作与管理,实现企业间物流资源共享和优化配置的物流方式; 3.28 增值物流服务value-added logistics service在完成物流基本功能基础上,根据客户需要提供的各种延伸业务活动;3.29 供应链supply chain生产及流通过程中,涉及将产品或服务提供给最终用户活动的上游与下游企业,所形成的网链结构;3.30 条码bar code由一组规则排列的条、空及字符组成的,用以表示一定信息的代码;同义词:条码符号bar code symbolGB/T 4122.1-1996中4.173.31 电子数据交换electronic data interchange EDI通过电子方式,采用标准化的格式,利用计算机网络进行结构数据的传输和交换;3.32 有形消耗tangible loss可见或可测量出来的物理性损失、消耗;3.33 无形消耗intangible loss由于科学技术进步而引起的物品贬值;物流作业术语4.1 运输transportation用设备和工具,将物品从一地点向另一地点运送的物流活动;其中包括集货、分配、搬运、中转、装入、卸下、分散等一系列操作; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.174.2 联合运输combined transport一次委托,由两家以上运输企业或用两种以上运输方式共同将某一批物品运送到目的的运输方式;4.3 直达运输through transport物品由发运地到接收地,中途不需要换装和在储存场所停滞的一种运输方式;4.4中转运输transfer transport物品由生产地运达最终使用地,中途经过一次以上落地并换装的一种运输方式;4.5 甩挂运输drop and pull transport用牵引车拖带挂车至目的地,将挂车甩下后,换上新的挂车运往另一个目的地的运输方式; 4.6 集装运输containerized transport使用集装器具或利用捆扎方法,把裸装物品、散粒物品、体积较小的成件物品,组合成为一定规格的集装单元进行的运输;4.7 集装箱运输container transport以集装箱为单元进行货物运输的一种货运方式; GB/T17271-1998中3.2.14.8 门到门door-to-door承运人在托运人的工厂或仓库整箱接货,负责运抵收货人的工厂或仓库整箱交货;GB/T 17271-1998中3.2.14.9 整箱货full container load FCL一个集装箱装满一个托运人同时也是一个收货人的工厂或仓库整箱交货;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 拼箱货less than container load LCL一个集装箱装入多个托运人或多个收货人的货物;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 储存storing保护、管理、贮藏物品; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.24.12 保管storage对物品进行保存及对其数量、质量进行管理控制活动;4.13 物品储存article reserves储存起来以备急需的物品;有当年储存、长期储存、战略储备之分;4.14 库存inventory处于储存状态的物品;广义的库存还包括处于制造加工状态和运输状态的物品;4.15 经常库存cycle stock在正常的经营环境下,企业为满足日常需要而建立的库存;4.16 安全库存safety stick为了防止由于不确定性因素如大量突发性订货、交货期突然延期等而准备的缓冲库存; 4.17 库存周期inventory cycle time在一定范围内,库存物品从入库到出库的平均时间;4.18 前置期或提前期lead time从发出订货单到货物的时间间隔;4.19 订货处理周期order cycle time从收到订货单到将所订货物发运出去的时间间隔;4.20 货垛goods stack为了便于保管和装卸、运输,按一定要求分门别类堆放在一起的一批物品;4.21 堆码stacking将物品整齐、规则地摆放成货垛的作业;4.22 搬运handing/carrying在同一场所内,对物品进行水平移动为主的物流作业;4.23 装卸loading and unloading物品在指定地点以人力或机械装入运输设备或卸下; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.54.24 单元装卸unit loading and unloading用托盘、容器或包装物见小件或散装物品集成一定质量或体积的组合件,以便利用机械进行作业的装卸方式;4.25 包装package/packaging为在流通过程中保护产品、方便储运、促进销售,按一定技术方面而采用的容器、材料及辅助物等的总体名称;也指为了达到上述目的而采用容器、材料和辅助物的过程中施加一定技术方法等的操作活动; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.14.26 销售包装sales package又称内包装,是直接接触商品进入零售网点和消费者或用户直接见面的包装;4.27 定牌包装packing of nominated brand买方要求卖方在出口商品/包装上使用买方指定的牌名或商标的做法;4.28 中性包装neutral packing在出口商品及其内外包装上都不注明生产国别的包装;4.29 运输包装transport package以满足运输贮存要求为主要目的的包装;它具有保障产品的安全,方便储运装卸,加速交接、点验等作用; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.54.30 托盘包装palletizing以托盘为承载物,将包装件或产品堆码在托盘上,通过捆扎、裹包或胶粘等方法加以固定,形成一个搬运单元,以便用机械设备搬运; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.174.31 集装化containerization用集装器具或采用捆扎方法,把物品组成标准规格的单元货件,以加快装卸、搬运、储存、运输等物流活动;4.32 散装化containerization用专门机械、器具进行运输、装卸的散装物品在某个物流范围内,不用任何包装,长期固定采用吸扬、抓斗等机械、器具进行装卸、运输、储存的作业方式;4.33 直接换装cross docking物品在物流环节中,不经过中间仓库或站点,直接从一个运输工具换载到另一个运输工具的物流衔接方式;4.34 配送distribution在经济合理区域范围内,根据用户要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流活动;4.35 共同配送joint distribution由多个企业联合组织实施的配送活动;4.36 配送中心distribution center从事配送业务的物流场所或组织,应基本符合下列要求:a 主要为特定的用户服务;b 配送功能健全;c 完善的信息网络;d 辐射范围小;e 多品种、小批量;f 以配送为主,储存为辅;4.37 分拣sorting将物品按品种、出入库先后顺序进行分门别类推放的作业;4.38 拣选order picking按订单或出库单的要求,从储存场所选出物品,并放置指定地点的作业;4.39 集货goods collection将分散的或小批量的物品集中起来,以便进行运输、配送的作业;4.40 组配assembly配送前,根据物品的流量、流向及运输工具的载质量和容积,组织安排物品装载的作业; 4.41 流通加工distribution processing物品在从生产地到使用地的过程中,根据需要施加包装、分割、计量、分拣、刷标志、拴标签、组装等简单作业的总称;4.42 冷链cold chain为保持新鲜食品及冷冻食品等的品质,使其在从生产到消费的过程中,始终处于低温状态的配有专门设备的物流网络;4.43 检验inspection根据合同或标准,对标的物品的品质、数量、包装等进行检查、验收的总称;物流技术装备与设施术语5.1 仓库warehouse保管、储存物品的建筑物和场所的总称;5.2 库房storehouse有屋顶和围护结构,供储存各种物品的封闭式建筑物;5.3 自动化仓库automatic warehouse由电子计算机进行管理和的控制,不需人工搬运作业,而实现收发作业的仓库;5.4立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse采用高层货架配以货箱或托盘储存货物,用巷道队垛起重机及其他机械进行作业的仓库; 5.5 虚拟仓库virtual warehouse建立在计算机和网络通讯技术基础上,进行物品储存、保管和远程控制的物流设施;可实现不同状态、空间、时间、货主的有效调度和统一管理; 5.6保税仓库boned warehouse经海关批准,在海关监管下,专供存放未办理关税手续而入境或过境货物的场所;5.7 出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse经海关批准,在海关监管下,存放已按规定领取了出口货物许可证或批件,已对外买断结汇并向海关办完全部出口海关手续的货物的专用仓库;5.8 海关监管货物cargo under custom's supervision在海关批准范围内接受海关查验的进出口、过境、转运、通关货物,以及保税货物和其他尚未办结海关手续的进出境货物;5.9 冷藏区chill space仓库的一个区域,其温度保持在0'C~10.C范围内;5.10 冷冻区freeze space仓库的一个区域,其温度保持在0'C以下;5.11 控湿储存区humidity controlled space仓库内配有湿度调制设备,使内部湿度可调的库房区域;5.12 温度可控区temperature controlled space温度可根据需要调整在一定范围内的库房区域;5.13 收货区receiving space到库物品入库前核对检查及进库准备的地区;5.14 发货区shipping space物品集中待运地区;5.15 料棚goods shed供储存某些物品的简易建筑物,一般没有或只有部分围壁;5.16 货场goods yard用于存放某些物品的露天场地;5.17 货架goods shelf用支架、隔板或托架组成的立体储存货物的设施;5.18 托盘pallet用于集装、堆放、搬运和运输的放置作为单元负荷的货物和制品的水平平台装置;GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.275.19 叉车fork lift truck具有各种叉具,能够对货物进行升降和移动以及装卸作业的搬运车辆;5.20 输送机conveyor对物品进行连续运送的机械;5.21 自动导引车automatic guided vehicle AGV能够自动行驶到指定地点的无轨搬运车辆;5.22 箱式车box car除具备普通车的一切机械性能外,还必须具备全封闭的箱式车身和便于装卸作业的车门; 5.23 集装箱container是一种运输设备,应满足下列要求:a 具有足够的强度,可长期反复使用;b 适于一种或多种运输方式运送,途中转运时,箱内货物不需换装;c 具有快速装卸和搬运的装置,特别便于从一种运输方式转移到另一种运输方式;d 便于货物装满和卸空;e 具有1立方米及以上的容积;集装箱这一术语不包括车辆和一般包装; GB/T 1992-1985中1.15.24 换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU又称标准箱;Twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU以20英尺集装箱作为换算单位;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 特种货物集装箱specific cargo container用以装运特种物品用的集装箱; GB/T 4122.1-1996中1.15.26 全集装箱船full container ship舱内设有固定式或活动式的格栅结构,舱盖上和甲板上设置固定集装箱的系紧装置, 便于集装箱左翼及定位的船舶;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 铁路集装箱场railway container yard进行集装箱承运、交付、装卸、堆存、装拆箱、门到门作业,组织集装箱专列等作业的场所;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 公路集装箱中转站inland container depot具有集装箱中转运输与门到门运输和集装箱货物的拆箱、装箱、仓储和接取、送达、装卸、堆存的场所;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 集装箱货运站container freight station CFS拼箱货物拆箱、装箱、办理交接的场所;5.30 集装箱码头container terminal专供停靠集装箱船、装卸集装箱用的码头;GB/T GB/T 17271-1998中3. 国际铁路联运international through railway transport使用一份统一的国际铁路联运票据,由跨国铁路承运人办理两国或两国以上铁路的全程运输,并承担运输责任的一种连贯运输方式;5.32 国际多式联运international multimodal transport按照多式联运合同,以至少两种不同的运输方式,由多式联运经营人将货物从一国境内的接管地点运至另一国境内指定交付地点的货物运输;5.33 大陆桥运输land bridge transport用横贯大陆的铁路或公路作为中间桥梁,将大陆两端的海洋运输连接起来的连贯运输方式; 5.34 班轮运输liner transport在固定的航线上,以既定的港口顺序,按照事先公布的船期表航行的水上运输方式;5.35 租船运输shipping by chartering根据协议,租船人向船舶所有人租凭船舶用于货物运输,并按商定运价,向船舶所有人支付运费或租金的运输方式;5.36 船务代理shipping agency根据承运人的委托,代办与船舶进出有关的业务活动;5.37 国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent接受进出口货物收货人、发货人的委托,以委托人或自己的名义,为委托人办理国际货物运输及相关业务,并收取劳务报酬的经济组织;5.38 理货tally货物装卸中,对照货物运输票据进行的理点数、计量、检查残缺、指导装舱积载、核对标记、检查包装、分票、分标志和现场签证等工作;5.39 国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance在国际贸易中,以国际运输中的货物为保险标的的保险,以对自然灾害和意外事故所造成的财产损失获得补偿;5.40 报关customs declaration由进出口货物的收发货人或其代理人向海关办理进出境手续的全过程;5.41 报关行customs broker专门代办进出境保管业务的企业;5.42 进出口商品检验commodity inspection确定进出口商品的品质、规格、重量、数量、包装、安全性能、卫生方面的指标及装运技术和装运条件等项目实施检验和鉴定,以确定其是否与贸易合同、有关标准规定一致,是否符合进出口国有关法律和行政法规的规定;简称"商检";物流管理术语6.1 物流战略logistics strategy为寻求物流的可持续发展,就物流发展目标以及达成目标的途径与手段而制定的长远性、全局性的规划与谋略;6.2 物流战略管理logistics strategy management物流组织根据已制定的物流战略,付诸实施和控制的过程;6.3 仓库管理warehouse management对库存物品和仓库设施及其布局等进行规划、控制的活动;6.4仓库布局warehouse layout在一定区域或库区内,对仓库的数量、规模、地理位置和仓库设施、道路等各要素进行科学规划和总体设计;6.5 库存控制inventory control在保障供应的前提下,使库存物品的数量最少进行的有效管理的技术经济措施;6.6 经济订货批量economic order quantity EOQ通过平衡采购进货成本和保管仓储成本核算,以实现总库存成本最低的最佳订货量;6.7定量订货方式fixed-quantity system FQS当库存量下降到预定的最低的库存数量订货点时,按规定数量一般以经济订货批量为标准进行订货补充的一种库存管理方式;6.8 定期订货方式fixed-quantity system FIS按预先确定的订货间隔期间进行订货补充的一种库存管理方式;6.9 ABC分类管理ABC classification将库存物品按品种和占用资金的多少分为特别重要的库存A类、一般重要的库存B类和不重要的库存C类三个等级,然后针对不同等级分别进行管理与控制;6.10 电子订货系统Electronic order system EOS不同组织间利用通讯网络和终端设备以在线联结方式进行订货作业与订货信息交换的体系; 6.11 准时制just in time JIT在精确测定生产各工艺环节作业效率的前提下按订单准确的计划,消除一切无效作业与浪费为目标的一种管理模式;6.12 准时制物流just-in-time logistics一种建立在JIT管理理念基础上的现代物流方式;6.13 零库存技术zero-inventory logistics在生产与流通领域按照JIT组织物资供应,使整个过程库存最小化的技术的总称;6.14 物流成本管理logistics cost control对物流相关费用进行的计划、协调与控制;6.15 物料需要计划material requirements planning MRP一种工业制造企业内的物资计划管理模式;根据产品结构各层次物品的从属和数量关系,以每个物品为计划对象,以完工日期为时间基准倒排计划,按提前期长短区别各个物品下达计划时间的先后顺序;6.16 制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning MRP II从整体最优的角度出发,运用科学的方法,对企业的各种制造资源和企业生产经营各环节实行合理有效地计划、组织、控制和协调,达到既能连续均衡生产,又能最大限度地降低各种物品的库存量,进而提高企业经济效益的管理方法;6.17 配送需要计划distribution requirements planning DRP一种既保证有效地满足市场需要,又使得物流资源配置费用最省的计划方法,是MRP原理与方法在物品配送中的运用;6.18 配送资源计划distribution resource planning DRP II一种企业内物品配送计划系统管理模式;是在DRP的基础上提高各环节的物流能力,达到系统优化运行的目的;6.19 物流资源计划logistics resource planning LRP以物流为基础手段,打破生产与流通界限,集成制造资源计划、分销需要计划以及功能计划而形成的物资资源优化配置方法;6.20 企业资源计划enterprise resource planning ERP在MRP II 的基础上,通过反馈的物流和反馈的信息流、资金流,把客户需要和企业内部的生产经营活动以及供应商的资源整合在一起,体现完全按用户需要进行经营管理的一种全新的管理方法;6.21 供应链管理supply chain management SCM利用计算机网络技术全面规划供应链中的商流、物流、信息流、资金流等,并进行计划、组织、协调与控制;6.22 快速反映Quick response QR物流企业面对多品种、小批量的买方市场,不是储备了"产品",而是准备了各种"要素",在用户提出要求时,能以最快速度抽取"要素",及时"组装",提供所需服务或产品;6.23 有效客户反映efficient customer responseECR以满足顾客要求和最大限度降低物流过程费用为原则,能及时做出准确反应,使提供的物品供应或服务流程最佳化的一种供应链管理战略;6.24 连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program CRP利用及时准确的销售时点信息确定已销售的商品数量,根据零售商或批发商的库存信息和预先规定的库存补充程序确定发货补充数量和配送时间的计划方法;6.25 计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering CAO基于库存和客户需要信息,利用计算机进行自动订货管理的系统;6.26 供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory VMI供应商等上游企业基于其下游客户的生产经营、库存信息,对下游客户的库存进行管理与控制;6.27 业务外包outsourcing企业为了获得不单纯利用不、内部资源更多的竞争优势,将其非核心业务交由合作企业完成; 资料来源:http://vip.6to23/our56/study/html/tjzl/wlbz/wlglsy.htm。
FedEx Ship Manager 软件说明书
FedEx Ship Manager® SoftwareThe FedEx Ship Manager® software is an easy-to-install software application, through which you can access a full range of FedEx® shipping functions directly from your PC.Total Shipping ManagementFedEx Ship Manager® Software takes your shipping experience to awhole new level. With a full range of shipping functions alwaysavailable on your desktop, you can manage a multitude of FedExshipments easily, quickly, and conveniently. A single source for allyour FedEx shipping needs, FedEx Ship Manager® Softwareenables you to print shipping labels and reports, track packagestatuses online, send emails to customers, manage returns andmuch more.Features and BenefitsShipping: with easy-to-use, printable shipping labels, you canefficiently process U.S. and international shipments. FedEx ShipManager® Software speeds up the shipping process and eliminatesadditional connection time by enabling offline processing. You canalso use the application to print or email return labels and choose services such as FedEx Express®, FedEx Ground® or FedEx Ground® Economy for return shipments.FedEx Trade Link Doc Center™: Create your own commercial invoice electronically and save it as a special file to use it at a later stage within FedEx Ship Manager® Software.Hold File:Use Hold File to store information for pending shipments or for shipments you plan to repeat.Auto-Population of City and State: E nter the recipient’s ZIP code, and FedEx Ship Manager® Software automatically populates the city and state.Multiple-Piece Shipping Screen:Enter package dimensions for an international multiple-piece shipment, choose shipping and rating preferences for U.S. or international multiple-piece shipments and select “Identical packages” if some of the packages are exactly alike.Shipment Notifications: You can select multiple email notifications while processing a FedEx Express or FedEx Ground shipment:•Shipment notification: The shipment is on its way.•Exception notification: A critical shipping event has affected the shipment.•Delivery notification: T he shipment has been delivered.The email notifications can be sent to you, the recipient and up to two other people; and they are available in multiple languages and in HTML, text, and wireless formats.Status Tracking. locate a package with a few keystrokes, even without the tracking number. Track the status of return shipments via tracking number, the Return Material Authorization (RMA) number or your shipment history. You can also send proof-of-delivery confirmation to your recipient. FedEx Ground® Economy: A reliable, cost-effective way to ship low-weight, non-urgent packages to U.S. residential customers. By utilizing the entire FedEx Ground® delivery network, FedEx Ground Economy provides efficient package delivery to all U.S. residential addresses. Contact your account executive for details about this contract-only service.Hold at FedEx Location:Whether shipping with FedEx Express or FedEx Ground, hold at FedEx Location is a free service that enables you or your customers to hold their packages for convenient pickup at more than 1,800 FedEx Office locations in the U.S.FedEx® Electronic Trade Documents: Simplify your international shipping with electronic trade and customs forms. You no longer must print and attach trade documents to your shipments when using FedEx Express international services or FedEx International Ground®.Hazardous Materials:Ship hazardous items like dry ice and lithium batteries, with guidance to help you with Department of Transportation regulations.Reports:More than 25 flexible daily and customized reports provide essential information to manage your shipping activity more effectively.Databases:S tore thousands of names and addresses for fast, reliable shipping. Add information when you ship or import your address book.International Shipping:Complete and print Commercial Invoices for your FedEx Express and FedEx Ground shipments. Enter all information for international document shipments on a single screen, and help avoid shipment dealys by entering required information upfront. You can also reprint customs documents and international shipping labels.Networking:Install FedEx Ship Manager Software on a network server that supports up to five computers. You can share databases and ship packages from your own computer. FedEx® Integration Assistant:FedEx IntegrationAssistant helps you integrate FedEx Ship Manager Software with your existing accounting, customer service and order-management systems.Link to : With just a click, access timesaving features on , such as FedEx® Global Trade Manager and FedEx® Billing Online Plus. You can also schedule a shipment pickup. Recommended system and hardware requirements•Intel® i5 processor•8 GB RAM and 10 GB disk spaceDesktop versions:•Microsoft® Windows® 10•Microsoft® Windows® 10 Pro•Microsoft® Windows® 10 Enterprise•Microsoft® Windows® 11Server versions:•Microsoft® Windows® Server 2012 (Standard Edition)•Microsoft® Windows® Server 2012 R2 (Standard Edition)•Microsoft® Windows® Server 2016•FedEx Ship Manager is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.•Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 or later is a prerequisite for software installation•LAN or DSL internet access required•TLS 1.3 communication enabled•Microsoft® Internet Explorer® v 11•Available port if you are using thermal printer•Laser and/or inkjet printer for reports and labels•Screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels recommended (screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels minimum) •Adobe® Reader 8.1 or higherLAN ConnectivityFedEx has enhanced FedEx Ship Manager Software to allow LAN connectivity. While your FedEx Ship Manager Software system may be using a dial-up modem to connect to FedEx, it contains a network interface card that allows you to access FedEx via a high-speed LAN or DSL connection. However, you will need to make the necessary adjustments to your system to take advantage of this communication enhancement. Some of the benefits of switching to high-speed connectivity include:•Improved speed for tracking and end-of-day closeprocedures.•Reduced download time for new softwareversions, routing files, patches, rates, and trackingnumbers.•Increased reliability in uploading revenue files andreducing default billing that results when thereare communication issues with a phone line.•Increased integration options.•Flexible data access.•Access to https:///en-us/home.html•FedEx Global Trade Manager and Agent Filingfor Electronic Export Information (EEI), formerlyShipper’s Export Declaration (SED).Client SecurityFedEx Ship Manager Software equipment is secured by “hardening” the operating system to minimize services available. Devices on the Microsoft Windows XP operatingsystem (with Service Pack 2) have the Windows Firewall enabled. Anti-virus software and anti-spyware software are provided asan additional layer of protection. McAfee® anti-virus softwareand anti-spyware software have been incorporated into FedEx Ship Manager Software. Updates for new.dat files (virusdefinition files) are downloaded via FedEx servers to protect the FedEx Ship Manager Software devices from virus attacks. Formore information, contact your FedEx customer technology consultant.Customer SupportFedEx strives to provide excellent support to process, ship andtrack the status of all shipments. We provide the following customer assistance.User Guide:Whether it’s a simple reminder of how to use afeature or specific information about the software, this guide isthe first source for information.Help Text:The online help text explains how to use basic and advanced features of FedEx Ship Manager Software. Just click on the linked feature and a popup window displays with the requested information.:The icon takes you directly to detailed information about FedEx Ship Manager Software. From here, you can download the latest version of the software, the installation guide and other support documentation. While at ,you can also get service information, find drop-off locations, and request a pickup, order supplies and more.Customer Service:Call 1.800.GoFedEx(1.800.463.3339) for assistance or information aboutFedEx accounts.Technical Support. To reach technical support for FedEx Ship Manager Software, contact the FedEx Ship Manager Technical Support Center at 1.877.FDX A ssist (1.877.339.2774) Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. CST, and Saturday, 9 3 p.m. CST.For more information about FedEx Ship Manager Software,contact your FedEx account executive or go tohttps:///en-us/shipping/ship-manager/software.htmlAdobe and Reader are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows Vistaare registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United Statesand/or other countries.McAfee is a registered trademark of McAfee, Inc. United States Postal Service and USPS are trademarks of the United States Postal Service.。
4、集装箱运输中,货物装箱应注意哪些问题?5、简述航空分运单(HA WB)与主运单(MA WB)的区别。
对方开来信用证有关条款:“…credit available by the beneficiary’s draft(s) at sight, pay to The Standard Bank, Ltd. only …”(……由受益人开具的即期汇票,只限付给标准银行……),于9月13日将信用证所要求的单据向议付行交单议付。
9月29日开证行却提出如下单证不符:我信用证规定:“…The beneficiary’s draft(s) at sight, pay to The Standard Bank, Ltd. only …”(只限付给标准银行),你方提交的汇票却只是表示:“pay to The Standard Bank, Ltd.”(付给标准银行),漏“only”,违背了信用证规定。
Induction Hob 产品说明书
Series 8, Induction hob withintegrated ventilation system, 80 cm, surface mount with framePXX875D57EIncluded accessories1 x Slider for unducted recirculation, 1 x Clean Air Plus odor filter Optional accessoriesHEZ9ES100 Espresso maker 4 cups, HEZ9FE280 Iron pan Ø 18 / 28 cm, HEZ9FF010 Flex Pan, large, HEZ9FF030 Flex Pan set, 3 pcs., HEZ9FF040 Flex Pan set, 4 pcs., HEZ9SE030 Set of 2 pots and 1 pan, HEZ9SE040 4 pieces Set, HEZ9SE060 6 pieces Set, HEZ9TY010 Teppan Yaki, HEZ9VDKE1 Exhaust kit, HEZ9VDKR0 Recirculation kit 2 L-bow (70cm), HEZ9VDKR1 Recirculation kit S and L-bow (60cm), HEZ9VDKR2 Recirculation kit 1x L-bow, HEZ9VDSB1 90° flat duct bend horizontal, HEZ9VDSB2 90° flat duct L vertical, HEZ9VDSB3 90° flat duct M vertical, HEZ9VDSB4 90° flat duct S vertical,HEZ9VDSI0 Adapter round-flat, HEZ9VDSI1 90° Adapter round-flat, HEZ9VDSM1 Straight tube 500mm, HEZ9VDSM2 Straight tube1000mm, HEZ9VDSS1 Connector sleeve (female), HEZ9VDSS2 Flex sleeve (female), HEZ9VEDU0 Acoustics Filter, HEZ9VRCR0 cleanAir recirculation replenishment fil, HEZ9VRCR1 Clean Air Plus odor filter (replacement), HEZ9VRPD1 Plinth Diffusor The induction hob with integrated ventilation module: combines best induction with best ventilation technology for perfect results.• Integrated ventilation module: extract steam and cooking odours at the source.• DirectSelect Premium: spacious and intuitive touch interface.• FlexInduction: more flexibility on your hob for large pots and pans.• PerfectAir sensor: Automatic control of the hood settings for maximum extractor performance with minimal noise.• PerfectFry: no more worries about scorching.Technical DataAppliance type: .................................................Cooking zone ceramic Installation type: ......................................................................Built-in Heating type: ....................................................................Electric hob Min. required niche size for installation (HxWxD): ....223 x 750-750 x 490-490 mmWidth of the appliance: ..........................................................816 mm Dimensions: ........................................................223 x 816 x 527 mm Dimensions of the packed product (HxWxD): .....430 x 940 x 660 mm Net weight: ..............................................................................27.1 kg Gross weight: ..........................................................................33.5 kg Residual heat indicator: ........................................................Separate Location of control panel: ..........................................................Front Basic surface material: ..................................................Glass ceramic Color of surface: ................................................Black, Stainless steel Color of frame: .............................................................Stainless steel Length of electrical supply cord: ..........................................110.0 cm Sealed Burners: ..............................................................................No heating with booster: ......................................................................All Power of 2nd heating element (kW): ........................................3.3 kW Maximum output air extraction: ...........................................500 m³/h Boost position output recirculating: ..................................595.0 m³/h Maximum output recirculating air: ........................................499 m³/h Boost position air extraction: ...............................................622 m³/h Noise level: ..............................................................69 dB(A) re 1 pW Odour filter: ...................................................................................No Air circulation: ..................................................................Convertible Voltage: .................................................................220-240/380-415 V Frequency: ............................................................................50-60 Hz Length of electrical supply cord: ..........................................110.0 cm Min. required niche size for installation (HxWxD): ....223 x 750-750 x 490-490 mmDimensions: ........................................................223 x 816 x 527 mm Dimensions of the packed product (HxWxD): .....430 x 940 x 660 mm Net weight: ..............................................................................27.1 kg Gross weight: ..........................................................................33.5 kg Included accessories: 1 x Slider for unducted recirculation, 1 x Clean Air Plus odor filterDelay Shut off modes: ....................................................30R_12E minSeries 8, Induction hob withintegrated ventilation system, 80 cm, surface mount with framePXX875D57EThe induction hob with integrated ventilation module: combines best induction with best ventilation technology for perfect results.- 80 cm: space for 4 pots or pans.Flexibility of cooking zones- 2 Flex zones: use cookware of any shape or size anywhere within the 40cm long zone.- Cooking zone front left: 200 mm, 240 mm, 2.2 KW (max. power 3.7 KW)- Cooking zone rear left: 200 mm, 240 mm, 2.2 KW (max. power 3.7 KW)- Cooking zone rear right: 200 mm, 240 mm , 2.2 KW (max power 3.7 KW)- Cooking zone front right: 200 mm, 240 mm, 2.2 KW (max. power 3.7 KW)Usage convenience- DirectSelect Premium touch control: directly control the power on the extra large illuminated touch bar (invisible when switched off). - Variable 17-stage power settings for each zone: precisely adapt the heat with 17 power levels (9 main levels and 8 intermediate levels).- Keep warm function: Keep Warm Function: keep dishes warm at preset low power level.- Timer for all zones- : switches off the cooking zone at the end of the time set (e.g. for boiled eggs).- Timer - shows how long the cooktop is in use- : an alarm sounds at the end of the time set (e.g. for pasta).- Count up timer per cooktop- : shows how much time has passed since starting the timer (e.g. for potatoes).Time saving & efficiency- PowerBoost function for all zones- : boil water faster thanks to 50% more energy than at the highest standard level.- PanBoost: heat up pans faster than at the highest standard level while protecting the pan coating.- Cooking zones will be automatically joined or separated based on the shape and size of the cookware placed.- MoveMode (3 levels): increase or decrease the power level simply by moving the pot forwards or backwards.- Automatic setting transfer: when moving a pot to a different cooking zone, this feature transfers all previous settings to the new zone at the touch of a button.- QuickStart function: when switching on, the hob automatically selects the cooking zone with cookware (when placed on a zone whilst the hob is off).- ReStart function: in case of unintentional switch-off, this feature restores all previous settings by switching on the hob again within 4 seconds.Cooking assistance- PerfectFry sensor with 5 temperature settings: prevents overcooking with the automatic temperature regulation of the integrated sensor.Connectivity- Home Connect enabled: check if the hob is switched off even when not at home, and find recipes or additional functions in the Home Connect app.Design- Profile trim (front facette with side trim)Safety- 2 stage residual heat indicator for each zone: indicates which cooking zones are still hot or warm.- Control panel lock: prevent unintended activation of the hob.- Freeze function: wipe overboiled liquids without unintentionally changing settings (blocking all touch buttons for 30 seconds).- Main on/off switch: switch off all cooking zones at the touch of a button.- Automatic safety shut off: for safety reasons, heating stops after a preset time if not used (possible to customise).- Energy consumption display: shows the electricity consumption of the last cooking process.Installation- Dimensions of the product (HxWxD mm): 223 x 816 x 527- Required niche size for installation (HxWxD mm) : 223 x 750 x (490 - 490)- Min. worktop thickness: 16 mm- Connected load: 7.4 KW- Power management options for 16A, 13A or 10A connection: limit the maximum power if needed (depends on fuse protection of electric installation).- Suitable for installation into a 60 cm base cabinetIntegrated ventilation downdraft system- Induction cooktop with fully integrated high-performance downdraft extractor.- Suitable for ducted or recirculated extraction configuration (incl. differentiated software modes). Installation accessories for unducted recirculation, among these four cleanAir odor filters and a telescopic slider element, are included in the cooktop. Accessories for other installation options are available, details in the planning notes.-- Aesthetically integrated fully flush air intake design with floating, heat resistant glass ceramics element for free movement and placement of cookware.- Ventilation system with 17 electronically controlled fan power levels and 2 Boost-/Intensive fan power levels (with automatic revert) via DirectSelect Premium touch control user interface. Sensor-based, smart, fully automatic mode of ventilation system: - - Automatic switch-on of ventilation system when a cooking zone is used.- - Sensor-based and cooktop-based, fully-automatic adjustment of power levels via advanced algorithm for maximum convenience.- - 3 possible sensitivity modes of algorithm for maximum convenience (Low-noise oriented, balanced,performance-oriented).- - Automatic delayed shut-off after cooking to erase residual odors after cooking (in specific ultra low-noise fan level, 12min in ducted extraction, 30min in recirculated extraction, can be shut-offmanually).- - Manual control possible via DirectSelect Premium touch control. - High-performance, low-noise blower with energy-effcienctBLDC-technology. High extraction rates at very low noises with pleasant noise frequencies through psycho-acoustically and aerodynamically optimized interieur with enclosed, non-visible blower. Highly pressuredrop resistant even with longer and more complex ductings.- Easy-to-detach and easy-to-clean grease filter and liquid collector unit:- - Convenient one-hand removal of unit via floating glass ceramics handle.- - Integrated, large-scale, high performance stainless-steel grease filters with 12 filtration layers and one black top layer for enhanced aesthetical integration. Grease filtration efficiency of 94 %.- - All parts of the unit are easy-to-clean, fully dishwasher safe and heat resistant.- - (Upper) Liquid collector unit with 200ml of capacity for standard accidental spillages or cooking condensate.- - Powerful drainage system for spillages that exceed 200ml of liquids.- - Liquid safety collector with additional capacity of 700ml for more severe accidental situations. Dishwasher safe. Easily accessible and detachable from below.- - Overall capturing capacity of 900ml (200ml + 700ml).- - Watertight blower system.- Ventilation system performance:- - Extraction performance in ducted extraction (according to EN 61591): min. normal setting 154 m3/h , max. normal setting 500m3/h , max. Boost-/Intensive setting 622 m3/h .- - Extraction performance in recirculated extraction (according to EN 61591): min. normal setting 132 m3/h , max. normal setting 499m3/h , max. Boost-/Intensive setting 595 m3/h.- - Noise level in ducted extraction (Sound power level according to EN 60704-3): min. normal setting 42 dB re 1 pW, max. normal setting 69 dB re 1 pW, max. Boost-/Intensive setting 74 dB re 1 pW.- - Noise level in recirculated extraction (Sound power level according to EN 60704-3. ): min. normal setting 41 dB re 1 pW, max. normal setting 68 dB re 1 pW, max. Boost-/Intensive setting 72 dB re 1 pW.- - Grease filter efficiency (according to EN 61591) 94 %.- Consumption data and energy efficiency (according to Regulation (EU) No 65/2014):- - Energy Efficiency Class: B (at a range of energy efficiency classes from A+++ to D).- - Fluid Dynamic Efficiency: A .- - Average energy consumption: 57 .- - Grease filtration effciency class: B .- - Noise min. normal setting & max. normal setting: 42 dB & 69 dB . - For recirculation configuration: 2 x 2 battery of directly integrated, high-performance cleanAir odor filters.- - Optimised odour reduction performance for cooking applications with complex odour molecules (e.g. fish).- - Large scale filter surface with high odour reduction capabilities.- - Lifetime of 360 hours of cooking (non-regenerative).- - Low-noise filters with optimised psycho-acoustics.- - Easy-to-access and easy-to-remove from above.- - Saturation indications for cleanAir odour filter via user interface notification and via the Home Connect app with a convenientreplenishment re-order option (replenishment cleanAir filter set HEZ9VRCR0).- For ducted extraction configuration: 2 x 2 sets of directly integrated, high-performance low-noise acoustic filters for significantly lower noise and improved psycho-acoustics.Planning & installation notes- Suitable for ducted or recirculated extraction installations in 4 different options (unducted, partly and fully ducted recirculation or ducted extraction). Installation accessories for unducted recirculation, among these four cleanAir odor filters and a telescopic slider element, are included in the cooktop. The included accessories allow easy and quick installations and can be planned in all worktop depths ≥60cm. For other types of installation, one of the following accessory kits is recommended:- HEZ9VDKR1 for partly-ducted recirculation in worktops of ≥60cm depth with max. worktop height of 960 mm. HEZ9VDKR0 forpartly-ducted recirculation in worktops of ≥70cm depth with max. worktop height of 960 mm.- HEZ9VDKE1 as starter kit for ducted extraction in worktops of≥60cm depth.- To complete the fully ducted extraction or to do any other individual recirculation planning different ducting accessories are available.- Planning suggestions:- - Installation is possible in island as well as wall oriented configurations.- The product and its accessories comply with the Needle Flame Test (according to IEC 60695-11-5) and the V2 flammability class (according to UL94).- - The max. immersion depth is 223 mm below worktop surface.- - The appliance must be freely accessible from below (i.e. for accessing the lower liquid safety collector).- - No false floor is necessary below the cooktop with integrated downdraft ventilation system. The drawers and/or shelves in the floor unit must be removable. The backpanel of the floor unit can be kept - only a cut-out for the air outlet is needed (position and size can be taken from the installation instructions).- An installation with unducted recirculation requires a vertical aperture of min. 25mm behind the backpanel of the furniture. Suggested for ideal performance are 50mm.- The minimum worktop thickness is 16 mm for top mounted and flush installed appliances with the standard installation system. Installation in even thinner worktops is also possible with the spare part: content 626792.- - The overall appliance weight is 26kg - the bearing capacity and stability, in the case of very thin worktops in particular, must be supported using suitable substructures. The overall appliance weight and the worktop manufacturer's structural integrity specifications are to be taken into account.- - For partly ducted and unducted recirculation extraction installations, a return-flow aperture of ≥400cm² is to be respected in the plinth area. The aperture can be realized via outlet grids, lamella grids or subtly shortened plinths depending on the assortment of the kitchen furniture manufacturer.- - The air outlet on the backside of the appliance can directly be accessed with a male flat duct element (DN 150).- - The pressuredrop resistant blower allows longer and more complex ductings up to 8m with three 90° bows while keeping sufficient performance.- - When installing a ventilation hood with ducted extraction and a chimney-vented fireplace, the power supply line of the appliance needs a suitable safety switch. This is not required for configurations in recirculated extraction.- - In ducted extraction configuration a one-way flap (or backflow trap) with a maximum opening pressure of 65Pa should beinstalled.Series 8, Induction hob with integrated ventilation system, 80 cm, surface mount with framePXX875D57E。
警告 1. 防过猛过重操作按键; 2. 防灶具空烧; 3. 防通电拆卸和违嘱拆卸; 4. 防油杯油满外溢; 5. 防非专业人员拆检; 6. 禁止炉火直接烘烤油烟机。
使用方法 操Βιβλιοθήκη 界面描述产品信息型号
76 lbs(34.5 Kg)
油网及蝶翼板中的油脂沉淀物可能着火,绝不 在此产品附近使用明火。请不要在使用固体燃 料(比如木头或煤)的加热设备附近安装此产 品。禁止有飘飞的火花。 请避免在烟机下方使用会产生火焰的食品。 为降低灶台油火风险: 1. 绝不使灶台表面的器具在无人看管下高档位
运行。溢锅造成冒烟和可能起火的油脂外溢, 请在低档或中档设置下缓慢加热油脂。 2. 烹饪时请总是开启烟机。 3. 请清洁油烟机,叶轮、滤网上或在排烟管道 里不应积油。 4. 请使用合适尺寸的锅具。请总是使用与灶台 表面的器具尺寸吻合的炊具。 为降低灶烤一体机上方油火对人身伤害的危 险,请遵守以下说明: 1. 用合身的锅盖、烤板或金属托盘扑灭火焰, 然后关闭灶具。注意谨防烫伤。如果火焰未 立即熄灭,请疏散并报火警。 2. 油锅着火时,请立即关闭油烟机 ( 油烟机的 运行会助燃火势 )。立即采用有效的灭火措 施,如用金属封盖盖住明火、关闭燃气总阀、 使易燃物远离明火等。 3. 绝不拿起着火的锅具,您可能被烫伤。 4. 请勿用水,包括湿抹布或毛巾灭火,这样会 导致猛烈的蒸汽喷发。 仅在以下条件使用灭火器: 1. 当您上过基础的灭火器课程,并且已经知 道如何操作; 2. 当火较小并且控制在火源处; 3. 当您已打火警电话; 4. 当您背向出口时可救火。 人身伤害危险 此产品不适用于(包括儿童在内)身体、感知 或精神能力减弱或缺乏经验或知识的人群,除 非在对其安全负责的人监督或指导如何安全使 用此产品的情况下。孩童应受监管,确保其不 玩弄此产品。 油烟机可能有非常锋利的边,在进行安装、清 洁或修理时,谨防被油烟机内金属板快口等划 伤和擦伤。应佩戴合格的防护手套。 操作中可触及部分会变得很烫。绝不触摸变烫 的部分。保持儿童在安全距离以外。
FedEx Ship Manager API 标记交易集解析器开发者指南说明书
Ship Manager APITagged Transaction ParserDeveloper’s GuideTable of ContentsTABLE OF CONTENTS (2)FEDEX SHIP MANAGER API TAGGED TRANSACTION SET PARSER (3)I NTRODUCTION (3)T HE S TANDARD DLL I NTERFACE (3)Functions (3)T HE COM I NTERFACE (6)Names and IDs (6)Functions (6)Usage (8)FedEx Ship Manager APITagged Transaction Set ParserIntroductionThe Tagged Transaction Set Parser can be used to build Tagged Transaction Set (TTS) requests for passing to the FedEx Ship Manager API, and to parse the TTS responses returned from the API. It eliminates the need for the client program developer to be aware of the specific syntax rules of the TTS language. Standard DLL and COM interfaces are provided for Windows. Both reside in the same DLL, FDXParser.dll. The Solaris UNIX and LINUX interfaces reside in and libctsparser.a.The Standard Library InterfaceFunctionsOS Compatibility: Windows, Solaris UNIX, and LINUX.Parser Creation and Destructionvoid* WINAPI createParser();Creates an instance of the parser. Returns a pointer to that instance that must be passed into the other functions to work on that instance.void* WINAPI copyParser(void *parser);Creates a new instance of the parser with state equal to that of the given one.void WINAPI destroyParser(void *parser);Destroys the given parser. Must be called for every parser created, whether with createParser() or copyParser().Building/Parsingvoid WINAPI build(void *parser, char *transBuffer, long bufferSize, long *transLength);Constructs and returns a TTS request containing the fields (tag/value pairs) that have been set with the set functions. Places up to bufferSize bytes of the constructed request in the buffer at transBuffer. Places the total length of the request into thelong variable at transLength. If that total length exceeds bufferSize, then the buffer was not large enough.bool WINAPI parse(void *parser, const char *transaction, long *errorOffset);Parses characters in the buffer at transaction until a syntax error has been detected or a null character has been encountered. If a syntax error is found, returns false and places the offset into the buffer at which the error was found into the long variable at transLength. Otherwise, returns true. Note that the bool return type is a one-byte integral type.void WINAPI clear(void *parser);Removes all fields, whether gotten from set calls or from parsing a response.Accessing Transaction Typevoid WINAPI setTransactionType(void *parser, const char *type);Sets the TTS transaction type to the null-terminated string pointed to by the second argument. Note that TTS transactiontypes are NOT integers. All transaction types defined as of this writing happen to contain only the characters ‘0’ through ‘9’(some with leading ‘0’s), but there is no guarantee that that pattern will be maintained. The transaction type must be set with this function. It cannot be set by setting tag “0”.void WINAPI getTransactionType(void *parser, char *typeBuffer, long bufferSize, long *typeLength);Gets the currently set TTS transaction type. If called after parsing a response, that will be the transaction type of the response. Places up to bufferSize bytes of the transaction type in the buffer at typeBuffer. Places the total length of the transaction type into the long variable at typeLength. If that total length exceeds bufferSize, then the buffer was not large enough. If thetransaction type is not set, places a single null character in the buffer and sets the variable at typeLength to zero.Setting and Getting Text Valuesvoid WINAPI setField(void *parser, const char *tag, const char *value);Associates the given null-terminated text value with the given null-terminated tag.void WINAPI setFieldInstance(void *parser, const char *tag, const char *value, short index);Associates the given null-terminated text value with the instance of the given null-terminated multi-occurrence tag having the specified zero-based index. One would set the third instance, for example, by passing 2 as the index.void WINAPI getField(void *parser, const char *tag, char *valueBuffer, long bufferSize, long *valueLength);Gets up to bufferSize characters of the text value associated with the given tag into valueBuffer, and sets the variable atvalueLength to the total length of the value. If that length exceeds bufferSize, then the buffer was too small.void WINAPI getFieldInstance(void *parser, const char *tag, char *valueBuffer, long bufferSize, long *valueLength, short instance);As getField, but gets the instance having the specified zero-based index.Setting and Getting Binary Valuesvoid WINAPI setBinaryField(void *parser, const char *tag, const char *value, long valueLength);Associates the number of bytes specified in valueLength at the address given in value with the given null-terminated tag. This function must be used with tags that require binary data, including “188”, “411”, “1005”, “1367” and “1471”.void WINAPI setBinaryFieldInstance(void *parser, const char *tag, const char *value, long valueLength, short instance);As setBinaryField, but sets the instance having the specified zero-based index.void WINAPI getBinaryField(void *parser, const char *tag, char *valueBuffer, long bufferSize, long *valueLength);Gets up to bufferSize bytes of the stream of bytes associated with the given tag into valueBuffer, and sets the variable atvalueLength to the total length of the value. If that length exceeds bufferSize, then the buffer was too small. Must be usedwith tags that require binary data.void WINAPI getBinaryFieldInstance(void *parser, const char *tag, char *valueBuffer, long bufferSize, long *valueLength, short instance);As getBinaryField, but gets the instance having the specified zero-based index.Checking for Existence of Fieldsbool WINAPI fieldExists(void *parser, const char *tag);Returns true if and only if the given field (tag/value pair) exists. Note that the bool return type is a one-byte integral type.bool WINAPI fieldInstanceExists(void *parser, const char *tag, short instance);Returns true if and only if the instance of the given field having the specified zero-based index exists. Note that the bool return type is a one-byte integral type.short WINAPI getInstanceCount(void *parser, const char *tag);Returns the number of instances of the given field.Enumerating All Tagsvoid WINAPI enumerateTags(void *parser);Initializes a mechanism that will allow a sequence of calls to getNextTag() to be made to retrieve all of the tags that have been set (or parsed from a response).bool WINAPI getNextTag(void *parser, char *tagBuffer, long bufferSize, long *tagLength);Gets the next tag from the enumeration created by enumerateTags(). Returns false when there are no more tags to be gotten. Places no more than bufferSize characters of the tag into the buffer at tagBuffer. If the tag length placed into the variable at tagLength exceeds bufferSize, then the buffer was not large enough. Note that the bool return type is a one-byte integral type.UsageTypically, you would first call createParser(), which returns a handle that must be passed into the other functions. You then call setTransactionType(), passing the transaction type code of the transaction that you wish to construct, such as “021” for a shipping transaction (for those familiar with Tagged Transaction Set syntax: the transaction type is NOT set by setting tag “0”, nor should tag “99” ever be set). Then you call setField() to set the value for each TTS tag. You can find the tags appropriate for each type of transaction, and the valid values for them, in the most recent FedEx Tagged Transaction Guide. When you have set all the desired tags, call build() to create a request to send to FedEx via the FedEx Ship Manager API. After you receive a response from the API, pass it into the parse() function. Now you can call the get functions as needed to retrieve the values for the tags that you are expecting to find in the response. Finally, you need to destroy the parser by passing its handle to destroyParser().You can create multiple instances of the parser and use them concurrently. Because the parser is threadsafe, you can even use a single instance of it within multiple threads concurrently.The COM InterfaceNames and IDsClass Name – CTSParserProgID – Parser.CTSParser.1VersionIndependentProgID – Parser.CTSParserInterface Name – ICTSParserFunctionsOS Compatibility: Windows ONLY.Building/ParsingHRESULT Build([out,retval] BSTR *transaction);Constructs and returns a TTS request containing the fields that have been set with the set functions.HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT Parse([in] BSTR transaction, [out, retval] long *errorOffset);Parses the Unicode string in transaction, making values available for getting. If a syntax error is found, returns the offset at which the error occurred. If succeeds, returns offset of last character in transaction plus 1.HRESULT: E_FAIL if syntax error found, S_OK otherwiseHRESULT Clear();Removes all fields, whether gotten from set calls or from parsing a response.HRESULT: S_OKAccessing Transaction TypeHRESULT SetTransactionType([in] BSTR transactionType);Sets the TTS transaction. Note that TTS transaction types are NOT integers. All transaction types defined as of this writing happen to contain only the characters ‘0’ through ‘9’ (some with leading ‘0’s), but there is no guarantee that that pattern will be maintained. The transaction type must be set with this function. It cannot be set by setting tag “0”.HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT GetTransactionType([out,retval] BSTR *transactionType);Gets the currently set TTS transaction type. If called after parsing a response, that will be the transaction type of the response.If the transaction type is not set, returns an empty BSTR.HRESULT: S_OKSetting and Getting Text ValuesHRESULT SetField([in] BSTR tag, [in] BSTR value);Associates the given text value with the given tag.HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT SetFieldInstance([in] BSTR tag, [in] short index, [in] BSTR value);Associates the given text value with the instance of the given multi-occurrence tag having the specified zero-based index.One would set the third instance, for example, by passing 2 as the index.HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT GetField([in] BSTR tag, [out,retval] BSTR *value);Gets the text value associated with the given tag into the BSTR at value.HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT GetFieldInstance([in] BSTR tag, [in] short index, [out,retval] BSTR *value);Gets the text value associated with the instance of the given tag having the specified zero-based index into the BSTR at value.HRESULT: S_OKSetting and Getting BinaryValuesHRESULT SetBinaryField([in] BSTR tag, [in] BSTR value);Associates the given binary data value with the given tag.HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT SetBinaryFieldInstance([in] BSTR tag, [in] short index, [in] BSTR value);Associates the given binary data value with the instance of the given multi-occurrence tag having the specified zero-based index. One would set the third instance, for example, by passing 2 as the index.HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT GetBinaryField([in] BSTR tag, [out,retval] BSTR *value);Gets the binary data value associated with the given tag into the BSTR at value.HRESULT: E_POINTER if pointer value is NULL, otherwise S_OKHRESULT GetBinaryFieldInstance([in] BSTR tag, [in] short index, [out,retval] BSTR *value);Gets the binary data value associated with the instance of the given tag having the specified zero-based index into the BSTR at value.HRESULT: E_POINTER if pointer value is NULL, otherwise S_OKChecking for Existence of FieldsHRESULT FieldExists([in] BSTR tag, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *result);Returns result of true if and only if the given field (tag/value pair) exists (has been set with a set function or has been parsed out of a response with parse()).HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT FieldInstanceExists([in] BSTR tag, [in] short index, [out,retval] VARIANT_BOOL *result);Returns result of true if and only if the instance of the given field having the specified zero-based index exists.HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT GetInstanceCount([in] BSTR tag, [out,retval] short *count);Returns the number of existing instances of the given field.HRESULT: S_OKEnumerating All TagsHRESULT EnumerateTags();Initializes a mechanism that will allow a sequence of calls to getNextTag() to be made to retrieve all of the tags that havebeen set (or parsed from a response).HRESULT: S_OKHRESULT GetNextTag([out, retval] BSTR *tag);Gets the next tag from the enumeration created by enumerateTags(). Returns an empty BSTR when there are no more tags to be gotten.HRESULT: S_FALSE if no tags remain to be gotten, S_OK otherwiseUsageThe usage of the COM interface is functionally equivalent to that of the standard DLL. However, there are of course nocreation/destruction functions, and no parser handle to be passed into the other functions. An instance of the COM class is created and its methods called.Function names are capitalized.Text strings are Unicode, passed as BSTRs. However, the BSTRs passed into and out of the binary versions of the set and get functions must NOT contain Unicode text strings or be treated as such. They contain raw binary data. Any binary data that you wish to pass into one of these functions must NOT be converted by the process whereby each ASCII character (byte) becomes a two-byte Unicode character, but rather, loaded directly into a BSTR using whatever facility the language being used offers for that purpose.The COM interface supports extended error information.。
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感谢 !招标单位: (盖印 )负责人: (署名、盖印 )日期:年代日【篇二: 08 版国际招标范本 (中英文 )】机电产品采买国际竞争性招标文件 the bidding documents for icbprocurement ofmechanic electronic products(第一册)(volume one)目录table of contents第一册volume one第 1 章招标人须知 ....................................................................................................... ........................ 1-5 section oneinstructions tobidders .............................................................................................. ... 1-5一、说明 ....................................................................................................... ..................................... 1-5aexplanation .......................................................................................1-5资本根源 source of.................................................1.funds ......................................................................................................... 1-52. 招标机构及合格的招标人 tendering agent for icb procurement of mechanic and electronic products and eligiblebidders ............................................................................................................... 1-53. 合格的货物和服务 eligible goods andservices ...................................................................... 1-64. 招标花费 cost ofbid........... .....................................................................................................1-6二、招标文件..................................................................................................................................... 1-6b the biddingdocuments ........................................................................................1-6............................5. 招标文件的编制依照与构成basis and content of bidding documents............................. 1-66. 招标文件的澄清 clarification of biddingdocuments .............................................................. 1-77. 招标文件的改正 amendment of biddingdocuments ............................................................... 1-7三、招标文件的编制 ......................................................................................................................... 1-88. 招标的语言 language ofbid .....................................................................................................1-89. 招标文件的构成 content comprising the bid........................................................................... 1-810.招标文件的编写 bidform ................................................................................................... ..... 1-911. 招标报价 bidprices ................................................................................................ ................... 1-912. 招标钱币 bidcurrency ............................................................................................ ................ 1-1013. 证明招标人合格和资格的文件 documents establishing bidder ’ s eligibility and qualifications1-1014 证明货物的合格性和切合招标文件规定的文件documents establishing goods, eligibility and conformity to bidding documents .............................................................................................. 1-11 15 招标保证金 bidsecurity ............................................................................................. ............. 1-12 16 招标有效期 period of validity ofbids .....................................................................................format and signing of 1-13 17招标文件的款式和签订bids ............................................................. 1-14四、招标文件的递交 ....................................................................................................... ................ 1-14d submission ofbids ................................................................................................... ....................... 1-14 18 招标文件的密封和标志sealing and marking of bids ............................................................ 1-14 19 投标截止期 deadline for submission ofbids ......................................................................... 1-15 20 迟交的招标文件 late bids 招标机构将拒绝并原封退回在本须知第19 条规定的截止期后收到的任何招标文件。
1.澳大利亚航运(A N L) 货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):ANL船公司名称(中):澳大利亚航运船公司标志:?2.船公司标志:?3. 中通海运 (CCL)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):CCL船公司名称(中):中通海运船公司标志:?4. 天敬海运 (CK line) 货物跟踪网址:船公司标志:?5.船公司标志:?6. 正利航业 (CNC)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):CNC船公司名称(中):正利航业船公司标志:?7.船公司标志:?8.船公司名称(中):北欧亚船公司标志:?9. 中海集运 (CSCL)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):CSCL船公司名称(中):中海集运船公司标志:?船公司标志:?货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):EMC,Evergreen 船公司名称(中):长荣海运船公司标志:?12. 阿联酋航运 (ESL,Emirates) 货物跟踪网址:船公司标志:?船公司标志:?14. 金星轮船 (Gold Star)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):Gold Star 船公司名称(中):金星轮船船公司标志:?船公司标志:?船公司名称(中):海文船务船公司标志:?17. 汉堡南美 (Hamburg Sud)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):Hamburg Sud 船公司名称(中):汉堡南美船公司标志:?船公司标志:?货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):Heung-A船公司名称(中):兴亚海运船公司标志:?20. 韩进海运 (HJ,HanJin) 货物跟踪网址:船公司标志:?船公司标志:?22. 现代商船 (HMM,Hyundai) 货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):HMM,Hyundai 船公司名称(中):现代商船船公司标志:?船公司标志:?船公司名称(中):神原汽船船公司标志:?25. 川崎汽船 (K-L,KLine)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):K-L,KLine 船公司名称(中):川崎汽船船公司标志:?船公司标志:?货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):KYOWA船公司名称(中):协和海运船公司标志:?28. 马士基航运 (Maersk) 货物跟踪网址:船公司标志:??船公司标志:?30. 南美邮船 (MARUBA) 货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):MARUBA船公司名称(中):南美邮船船公司标志:?船公司标志:?船公司名称(中):马士基所属近洋航线船公司标志:?33. 民生轮船 (Minsheng)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):Minsheng 船公司名称(中):民生轮船船公司标志:?船公司标志:?货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):MOL船公司名称(中):商船三井船公司标志:?36. 地中海航运 (MSC)货物跟踪网址:船公司标志:?船公司标志:?38. 尼罗河航运 (NDS,NileDutch) 货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):NDS,NileDutch 船公司名称(中):尼罗河航运船公司标志:?船公司标志:?船公司名称(中):新安通船公司标志:?41. 东方海外 (OOCL)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):OOCL船公司名称(中):东方海外船公司标志:?船公司标志:?货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):PIL船公司名称(中):太平船务船公司标志:?44. 宏海箱运 (RCL)货物跟踪网址:船公司标志:?船公司标志:?46. 萨姆达拉 (Samudera) 货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):Samudera 船公司名称(中):萨姆达拉船公司标志:?船公司标志:?船公司名称(中):德胜航运船公司标志:?49. 长锦商船 (Sinokor)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):Sinokor 船公司名称(中):长锦商船船公司标志:?船公司标志:?货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):SITC船公司名称(中):新海丰船公司标志:?52. 速达海运 (Speeda)货物跟踪网址:船公司标志:?船公司标志:?54. 德翔航运 (TSL,TS Lines) 货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):TSL,TS Lines 船公司名称(中):德翔航运船公司标志:?船公司标志:?船公司名称(中):澳门永发船公司标志:?57. 万海航运 (WHL,WanHai)货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):WHL,WanHai 船公司名称(中):万海航运船公司标志:?船公司标志:?货物跟踪网址:船公司名称(英):YML,Yangming 船公司名称(中):阳明海运船公司标志:?60. 以星航运 (ZIM) 货物跟踪网址:船公司标志:?。
发送方, 接收方:
注: 温度中,除正(+)负(-)号及小数点外,最多只能三位数字.
注: 危险货物闪点中,除正(+)负(-)号及小数点外,最多只能三位数字.
00 头记录 M1
01 其他接收方 C1
10 船舶信息 M1
11 装卸港信息 M1
50 集装箱信息 M1
59 疏箱信息 M1
51 提单号及货物信息 M1 M99
52 货物信息 M1
53 货物描述 M99
54 唛头 M99
55 危险品信息 C1
56 箱号信息 M1
99 尾记录 M1
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Special requirement of Shipping mark Front & back marks
Both side marks
Inner pack marks
Both side marks
Notice:Principle display
panel—its area,
size and letter,
and so on
Where, on the
ng, thedeclared
Legible and
Maximum retail
(MRP) labeling
panel—its area,
size and letter,
and so on
Month and Year of Import
If there is an inner warehouse pack, print these marks : If the primary packaging (the enclosure which directly contains
the retail product) has a capacity of five cubic centimetres (5
cc) or less, the principal display panel may be a card or tape
affixed firmly to the packaging and bearing the required
If the net quantity is declared in terms of weight, then Table I, below, gives the
required height of any numeral in the net
quantity markings.
If the net quantity is declared in terms of length, or number,then Table II,
below, gives the required height of any numeral
in the net quantity markings.
If printed normally, the letters in the primary packaging markings
are at least one millimetre (1 mm) high. If blown, formed,
moulded, embossed or perforated, the letters in the markings are
at least two millimetres (2 mm) high.
The width of letters and numerals are at least one-third (1/3) of
the height of the characters (does not apply to the numeral “1”
and the letters “i”, “I” and “l”).
All required declarations appear on the principal display panel.
NOTE: The area surrounding the declared quantity must be free
of printed information:
• above and below by a space equal to at least the height of the
numeral in the declared quantity;
• to the left and right by a space at least twice the height of
numeral in the the declared quantity.
The supplier ensures that all markings are legible and prominent.
• On a primary packaging label, for any retail sale price or net quantity which is printed, paint must be printed, painted or inscribed in a colour which conspicuously contrasts with the label’s • Any text in the label which is blown, formed or moulded on a glass or plastic surface does not • Any text in the label which is printed either in the form of handwriting or hand-script, must b For all products other than apparel, all other textiles, and food,
supplier labels the individual retail units with the maximum retail
price (MRP) label. Below is a sample for reference. For font size
and placement, and so on, please refer to the instructions above
and on the previous page.
ntity which is printed, painted or inscribed, the numerals
y contrasts with the label’s background.
or plastic surface does not need to be a contrasting colour. riting or hand-script, must be clear, unambiguous and legible.
ed, painted or inscribed, the numerals
label’s background.
does not need to be a contrasting colour. t, must be clear, unambiguous and legible.。