



aim,purpose,goalaim: [ eim ]n. 目标,对准v. 对准目标,打算词形变化:动词过去式:aimed 过去分词:aimed 现在分词:aiming 第三人称单数:aims例句与用法:1. He aims to be a successful writer.他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。

2. What is your aim in life?你的生活目标是什么?3. My remarks were not aimed at you.我的话不是针对你的。

4. I aimed at the target but hit the wall.我瞄准了目标射击,但却打在了墙上。

英英解释:名词aim:1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions同义词:purpose, intent, intention, design2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)同义词:object, objective, target3. the action of directing something at an object4. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies同义词:bearing, heading动词aim:1. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment 同义词:take, train, take aim, direct2. propose or intend同义词:purpose, purport, propose3. move into a desired direction of discourse同义词:drive, get4. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public 同义词:calculate, direct5. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal同义词:target, place, direct, point6. direct (a remark) toward an intended goal7. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal同义词:draw a bead on, aspire, shoot forgoal: [ gəul ]n. 目标,终点n.球门;得分例句与用法:1. You'd better set a goal before you start the drill.练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。



英语专四常见词辨析:不同“目的”用法也不同aim, goal, purpose, end, target, object这些名词均有“目标、目的”之意。

1.aim :从本义“靶子”引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。

例如:You aim too low. (你志向太低。

)2.goal :指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。

例如:When he at last arrived in Rome he felt he had reached his goal.(当他终于抵达罗马时, 他感到自己已达到了目的。

)3.purpose :普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实际的目标。

例如:He returned to his homeland with the purpose of serving his own people.(他返回祖国, 意在为祖国人民服务。

)4.end :指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。


例如:Do the ends justify the means?(只要目的正当就可以不择手段吗?) :指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。


例如:What's the target readership of this paper? (这份报纸以哪些人为读者对象?)6.object :强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。

例如:Our object is to get at the truth. (我们的目的是弄清事实真相。




aim,purpo‎se,goalaim: [ eim ]n. 目标,对准v. 对准目标,打算词形变化:动词过去式‎:aimed‎过去分词:aimed‎现在分词:aimin‎g第三人称单‎数:aims例句与用法‎:1. He aims to be a succe‎ssful‎ write‎r.他的目标是‎成为一个成‎功的作家。

2. What is your aim in life?你的生活目‎标是什么?3. My remar‎k s were not aimed‎at you.我的话不是‎针对你的。

4. I aimed‎at the targe‎t but hit the wall.我瞄准了目‎标射击,但却打在了‎墙上。

英英解释:名词aim‎:1. an antic‎i pate‎d outco‎m e that is inten‎d ed or that guide‎s your plann‎e d actio‎n s同义词:purpo‎se, inten‎t, inten‎ti on, desig‎n2. the goal inten‎ded to be attai‎n ed (and which‎i s belie‎v ed to be attai‎n able‎)同义词:objec‎t, objec‎t i ve, targe‎t3. the actio‎n of direc‎t i ng somet‎h i ng at an objec‎t4. the direc‎t i on or path along‎whi ch‎somet‎h i ng moves‎o r along‎whi ch‎i t lies同义词:beari‎n g, headi‎n g动词aim‎:1. aim or direc‎t at; as of blows‎, weapo‎n s, or objec‎t s such as photo‎g raph‎i c equip‎m ent 同义词:take, train‎, take aim, direc‎t2. propo‎se or inten‎d同义词:purpo‎se, purpo‎rt, propo‎se3. move into a desir‎e d direc‎t i on of disco‎u rse同义词:drive‎, get4. speci‎fi cal‎l y desig‎n a produ‎ct, event‎, or activ‎i t y for a certa‎i n publi‎c 同义词:calcu‎l ate, direc‎t5. inten‎d (somet‎h i ng) to move towar‎d s a certa‎i n goal同义词:targe‎t, place‎, direc‎t, point‎6. direc‎t (a remar‎k) towar‎d an inten‎d ed goal7. have an ambit‎i ous plan or a lofty‎goal同义词:draw a bead on, aspir‎e, shoot‎ forgoal: [ gəul ]n. 目标,终点n.球门;得分例句与用法‎:1. Y ou'd bette‎r set a goal befor‎e you start‎ the drill‎.练习开始前‎,你最好设定‎一个目标。



AIM(AOL Instant Messenger)是美国在线公司(AOL)开发的一种即时通讯软件。






1. 用户在AIM客户端上输入要发送的消息,并选择一个或多个目标用户。

2. 客户端将消息发送给AIM服务器。


3. AIM服务器接收到消息后,根据目标用户的信息,将消息传递给相应的用户。


4. 目标用户的AIM客户端接收到消息并进行展示。


5. 回复的消息会经过类似的过程,从目标用户的客户端发送到服务器,然后再传递给发送方。






aim的短语aim表示瞄准; 对准; 踢向; 挥向的意思,那么你知道aim的短语有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了aim的短语,希望对你有帮助哦!aim的短语:give aim报告射靶结果report the results of shooting, standing aside far awayThe soldier is giving aim to his official. 士兵正给长官报告射靶结果。

have an aim有目标,有雄心 have purpose, have ambitionHe has a high aim in life. 他人生目标很高。

take aim (at)瞄准 get ready to hitTake aim! Fire!瞄准!放!The captain orders “Take aim”, finally.船长终于下令“瞄准”。

She takes good aim.她射得准。

with the aim of以…为目标,其目的是为了 as a purpose with sthHe invested his money with the aim of providing himself with an income when he retired.他投资是为了保证自己退休以后能有收入。

The competition was started with the aim of encouraging young writers.我们开展此项竞赛以鼓励新的年轻作家为目的。

without aim无目的 no purposeThe girl does everything without aim.这个姑娘办事没目标。

You cannot go through life without any aim at all.你不能毫无目的地混一辈子。

词汇搭配:~+介词aim in life 人生的目标aim of the course 这门课程的目的动词+~accomplish the aim 实现目的achieve one's aim 达到自己的目的affect aim 影响目标applaud aim 称赞目的attain one's aim 达到目的avoid aim 取消目标baffle aim 阻挠,妨碍目标实现calculate aim 评价,估计目标形容词+~accurate aim 精确的目标altered aim 改变了的目标altruistic aim 利人的目标ambitious aim 雄心勃勃的目标apparent aim 明显的目标basic aim 基本的目的careful aim 仔细瞄准aim的短语例句:1. Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.共和党的战略家正尖锐地攻击民主党的参议员。



aim,purpose,goalaim: [ eim ]n. 目标,对准v. 对准目标,打算词形变化:动词过去式:aimed 过去分词:aimed 现在分词:aiming 第三人称单数:aims例句与用法:1. He aims to be a successful writer.他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。

2. What is your aim in life?你的生活目标是什么?3. My remarks were not aimed at you.我的话不是针对你的。

4. I aimed at the target but hit the wall.我瞄准了目标射击,但却打在了墙上。

英英解释:名词aim:1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions同义词:purpose, intent, intention, design2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)同义词:object, objective, target3. the action of directing something at an object4. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies同义词:bearing, heading动词aim:1. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment 同义词:take, train, take aim, direct2. propose or intend同义词:purpose, purport, propose3. move into a desired direction of discourse同义词:drive, get4. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public 同义词:calculate, direct5. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal同义词:target, place, direct, point6. direct (a remark) toward an intended goal7. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal同义词:draw a bead on, aspire, shoot forgoal: [ gəul ]n. 目标,终点n.球门;得分例句与用法:1. You'd better set a goal before you start the drill.练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。



aim的同义词和例句aim有目标;瞄准;旨在;致力等意思,那么你知道aim的同义词有哪些吗?下面为大家带来aim的同义词和例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!aim同义词:aim, goal, purpose, end, target, object, objectiveaim同义词辨析:这些名词均有"目标,目的"之意。

aim 从本义"靶子"引申而来,侧重比较具体而明确的目标,但常指短期目标。

goal 指经过考虑和选择,需经坚持不懈的努力奋斗才能达到的最终目标。

purpose 普通用词,既指以坚决、审慎的行动去达到的目的,又指心中渴望要实际的目标。

end 指心目中怀着的某种目的,强调结果而非过程。


target 指射击的靶,军事攻击目标。


object 强调个人或需求而决定的目标、目的。

objective 与object基本同义,但语义更广泛,指具体或很快能达到的目的,也可指军事目标。

aim的例句:1. Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.共和党的战略家正尖锐地攻击民主党的参议员。

2. Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.他们最终的目标是为匈牙利建立起市场经济体制。

3. In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy's ship.在海战中目标就是击沉敌船。

4. The magazine's aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.该杂志的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。




接下来小编在这里给大家带来aim的用法,我们一起来看看吧!aim用法用作动词(v.)用作不及物动词S+~(+A)He aimed carefully before he let the arrow fly.他仔细瞄准后才把箭射出去。

Rick told me it was hard luck he had aimed too high.里克告诉我他目标定的太高是件倒霉的事。

So you're going to be Prime Minister when you grow up? You are aiming high.你长大后要做总理? 你雄心不小。

We should go all out and aim high.我们应当鼓足干劲,力争上游。

用作及物动词S+~+n./pron.He aimed the gun carefully.他用枪仔细瞄准。

He aims a violent blow upon her.他对准她下了重击。

S+~+to-vI aim to be an engineer.我有志成为一名工程师。

I aim to be friendly.我是想友好相待的。

Harry aims to become a computer expert.哈利立志成为一名计算机专家。

I aim to finish up this job.我打算结束这项工作。

用作名词(n.)His aim was very good〔excellent〕.他瞄得很准。

His aim with a gun isn't as good as his aim with a bow.他用枪不如用弓瞄得准。

The gunner's aim was on target.枪手瞄准了靶子。

His aim was so poor that he missed the lion.他的瞄准很差,没打中狮子。

aim purpose goal用法区别

aim purpose goal用法区别

aim,purpose,goalaim: [ eim ]n. 目标,对准v. 对准目标,打算词形变化:动词过去式:aimed 过去分词:aimed 现在分词:aiming 第三人称单数:aims例句与用法:1. He aims to be a successful writer.他的目标是成为一个成功的作家。

2. What is your aim in life?你的生活目标是什么?3. My remarks were not aimed at you.我的话不是针对你的。

4. I aimed at the target but hit the wall.我瞄准了目标射击,但却打在了墙上。

英英解释:名词aim:1. an anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions 同义词:purpose, intent, intention, design2. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable)同义词:object, objective, target3. the action of directing something at an object4. the direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies同义词:bearing, heading动词aim:1. aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment同义词:take, train, take aim, direct2. propose or intend同义词:purpose, purport, propose3. move into a desired direction of discourse同义词:drive, get4. specifically design a product, event, or activity for a certain public同义词:calculate, direct5. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal同义词:target, place, direct, point6. direct (a remark) toward an intended goal7. have an ambitious plan or a lofty goal同义词:draw a bead on, aspire, shoot forgoal: [ gəul ]n. 目标,终点n.球门;得分例句与用法:1. You'd better set a goal before you start the drill.练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。



回答瑞⽂问答2021-10-07aim 的⽤法aim ⽤作动词的基本含义是指⽤武器或类似物“瞄准”要射击的⽬标,可⽤作不及物动词,也可⽤作及物动词。


扩展资料 aim 的⽤法 ⼀、aim ⽤作动词 1.aim 的基本含义是指⽤武器或类似物“瞄准”要射击的⽬标,引申可表⽰“针对”某⼈〔物、事物〕或者以某物作为其既定的⽬标、⽬的。

aim 还可表⽰“计划”或“打算”。

2.作“瞄准”解时,aim 是不及物动词;作“以…瞄准…”或“针对”解时, aim 是及物动词,以枪、箭或话语、批评等词作宾语,⽽以at 引起的短语表⽰⽬的物。

3.aim 作“以…为⽬标”“计划”“打算”解时抱有很明确的⽬的`,并常指正为之努⼒或争取。

(1)可⽤作不及物动词,其后接介词at 或for 引起的短语; We should go all out and aim high. 我们应当⿎⾜⼲劲,⼒争上游。

Work hard and aim high! 奋发图强! (2)也可⽤作及物动词,接动词不定式作宾语或⽤于be aimed at 结构。

S+~+ n./pron. He aimed the gun carefully. 他⽤枪仔细瞄准。

⼆、aim ⽤作名词 1.aim ⽤作名词时含义上与⽤作动词时相同,⼀是表⽰“瞄准(的动作)”,⼆是表⽰“⽬标,⽬的”。

2.aim 作“瞄准”解时是不可数名词,其前不⽤冠词; 作“⽬的”解时, aim 是可数名词,其前可加不定冠词或数词。

3.aim 在指“旨在”时,后常接at 和动名词,或接不定式。

上⼀篇: 下⼀篇:。



用aim造句子(一)用AIM造:创作者的秘籍AIM是什么?•AIM(Artificial Intelligence Model)是一种人工智能模型,可以帮助创作者提高创作效率,提供创意灵感以及改善创作过程。



















aim的过去式和用法例句aim的过去式和其他时态:过去式: aimed 过去分词: aimed 复数: aims 现在分词: aiming aim的用法: aim的用法1:aim的基本意思是指用武器或类似物“瞄准”要射击的目标,引申可表示“针对”某人〔物、事物〕或者以某物作为其既定的目标、目的。


aim的用法2:作“瞄准”解时, aim是不及物动词; 作“以…瞄准…”或“针对”解时, aim是及物动词,以枪、箭或话语、批评等词作宾语,而以at引起的短语表示目的物。


可用作不及物动词,其后接介词at或for引起的短语; 也可用作及物动词,接动词不定式作宾语或用于be aimed at结构。

aim的过去式例句: 1. we aimed the microscope at a likely looking target. 我们把显微镜对准了一个看起来合适的目标。

2. his message was aimed at the undecided middle ground of israeli politics. 他所传达的信息针对的是以色列政局中尚未表态的中间派。

3. the new measures are aimedat tightening existing sanctions. 新措施旨在加强现行的制裁。

4. their range of leisurewear is aimedat fashion-conscious 13 to 25 year-olds. 他们的休闲服系列瞄准的是追求时髦的13到25岁青少年。

5. i kept the gun aimed squarely at his eyes. 我一直将枪径直瞄准他的双眼。

6. the government rushed through legislation aimed at mafia leaders. 政府匆忙通过了针对黑手党首领的立法。




He aims at mastering English.(英国)He aims to master English.(美国)在使用aiming时,英国人常接不定式,不过要尽量避免 at ...ing的格式;take aim(瞄准)和take good aim里不加冠词an或a;和aim搭配的介词不可以随意互换。

Her aim in visiting the school was to see the library.句中的in不可换成of。

She visited the school with the aim of seeing the library.句中的with不可换成for。

aim英语例句:1. Republican strategists are taking particular aim at Democratic senators.共和党的战略家正尖锐地攻击民主党的参议员。

2. Their ultimate aim was a market economy for Hungary.他们最终的目标是为匈牙利建立起市场经济体制。

3. In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemys ship.在海战中目标就是击沉敌船。

4. The magazines aim is to discuss topical issues within a Christian framework.该杂志的宗旨是在基督教框架下讨论时下的热门话题。

5. In the squash court his chief aim is to flatten me.在壁球场上他的主要目标就是击败我。



aim标准指的是自动识别和移动协会(aim Global)的标准,这是一个国际贸易协会和移动环境中自动识别、数据收集和联网的全球权威。








外教一对一英语常用词用法详解大词典——aimaimv. (aims; aimed; aiming)双解释义1.vt. & vi.(以…)瞄准; 针对 point (a gun etc.) towards; send, direct a blow or object at sb/sth2.vt. & vi.以…为目标〔目的〕 have as an intention; try, direct one's efforts3.vt. & vi.计划,打算 hope to reach one's purpose; plan基本要点1.aim的基本意思是指用武器或类似物“瞄准”要射击的目标,引申可表示“针对”某人〔物、事物〕或者以某物作为其既定的目标、目的。

aim 还可表示“计划”或“打算”。

2.作“瞄准”解时, aim是不及物动词; 作“以…瞄准…”或“针对”解时, aim是及物动词,以枪、箭或话语、批评等词作宾语,而以at引起的短语表示目的物。


可用作不及物动词,其后接介词at或for引起的短语; 也可用作及物动词,接动词不定式作宾语或用于be aimed at结构。

词汇搭配~+名词~ a blow (对…)打击~ a fire 把火力对准~ a gun 用枪对准~ a missile 把导弹瞄准~ a pistol 把枪对准~ a stone 抛掷石头~ an arrow 用箭对准~ criticism 使批评针对…外教一对一 ~ satire 使讽刺针对…~+副词~ high向上瞄准,雄心很大~ low 志向太低~ straight 直接对准~ ambitiously 有野心地打算~ apparently 明显地以…为目标~ basically 以…为基本目的~ carefully 仔细瞄准~ confessedly 自己承认地打算~ consciously 自觉地以…为目的~ deliberately 故意针对~ fictitiously 虚构地打算~ fundamentally 以…为基本目标~ futilely 徒劳地打算~ generously 大方地打算~ heroically 英雄般地打算~ immediately 立即打算~ impossibly 不可能以…为目的~ instructively 有益地针对~ irrelevantly 不相关地打算~ laudably 值得赞许地以…为目的外教一对一 ~ loftily 崇高地打算~ logically 合理地打算~ modestly 谦逊地打算~ murderously 极其危险地定目标于~ poetically 理想地以…为目标~ primarily 首先针对~ principally 主要地打算~ radically 根本地打算~ soberly 审慎地打算~ solely 目的完全在于~ unselfishly 无私地打算~ uselessly 无用地以…为目的~ vainly 无结果地以…为目标~+介词~ above瞄得过高~ at瞄准~ at a deer 瞄准一只鹿~ at a lion 对准一头狮子~ at a tiger对准一只老虎~ at a wolf 对准一匹狼~ at being perfect 力求完美~ at perfection 力求完美外教一对一 ~ at quick scoring 为了迅速取胜~ for计划,打算句型例句用作不及物动词▲S+~(+A)He aimed carefully before he let the arrow fly.他仔细瞄准后才把箭射出去。





远大目标:aim的常见用法全搜罗The important thing in life is to have a at Aim, and the determination to attain it.——Goethe人生重要的在于确立一个伟大的目标,并有决心使其实现。

——歌德一、你知道aim有几种含义吗?n.1.目标,目的[C]Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.生活无目标犹如航海没有指南针。

2.瞄准;对准[U]A good archer is not known by his arrows, but his aim.好弓手的美名并不是来自他的弓箭,而来自他的瞄准。

v.1.对准目标;把…对准[I,T]This anti-smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers.这场反吸烟运动主要是针对青少年的。

2.目的在于;打算[I,T]We must aim for world peace in the long term.我们要致力于持久的世界和平。

3.引导[T]The soldier aims a missile at that island.士兵把导弹导向那个小岛。

二、词义辨析:表示“目的、目标”的还有哪些词呢?aim, goal, purpose, end, target, object, objective这些名词均有“目标、目的”之意。









一、aim作为不及物动词1. 目标作为不及物动词,aim强调个人或组织在某个方向上的目标或打算。

例如:He aims to be a successful businessman in the future.(他打算将来成为一个成功的商人)The company aims for a 10% increase in sales this year.(公司力争今年销售额增长10%)2. 准确瞄准aim还可以指准确地对准目标进行瞄准,例如在射击或投掷等活动中。

例如:The archer aimed carefully before releasing the arrow.(弓箭手在射箭前仔细瞄准)The basketball player aimed for the hoop and scored a three-pointer.(篮球运动员瞄准篮筐得分三分球)3. 企图aim也可以表示某人企图或试图达到某种结果或效果。

例如:The government aims to reduce poverty through various social programs.(政府试图通过各种社会计划来减少贫困)She aimed to impress the judges with her exceptional dance skills.(她试图通过自己出色的舞蹈技巧给评委留下深刻印象)二、aim作为及物动词1. 目标作为及物动词,aim可以指明某人或某事物是以某个目标为焦点。

例如:The marketing campaign aims the new product at young professionals.(市场营销活动针对年轻职业人士推广新产品)The charity organization aims their efforts at providing clean water to impoverished areas.(慈善组织旨在向贫困地区提供清洁水源)2. 打算瞄准aim还可以表示有意对准某个对象进行瞄准。

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才指目标。他们指出,Objective一词原意是流水线上生产出 的产品,把这个词引入教育领域,体现出用预期达到的教育结 果支配教育行动的思想。因此,教学目标是预期的、在具体情 景下学生行为变化的结果,是用“学生学会了什么”的说法来 表示的,通常是策略性的,是可观察、可明确界说、可测量、 可评价的,而且还有时间、情景等条件限制,是目的的具体化 。 *而“目的”一词含义往往与教育者的主观愿望等同,通常指某 一社会或国家为实现教育目的,在教学领域给教师提出一种概 括性的总体要求,因此它是一种应然状态的理想,一种方向、 指针,而且还隐含着有可能无法实现的意思,时间跨度也比较 长。
* Define specific outcomes or competencies to be achieved in terms of skills, content mastery, attitudes, or values. * Form the basis upon which to select or design instruction materials, content, or techniques.
*严格来讲,在教案中出现teaching aim应该翻译 为教学最终目标,这不是一堂课或一个单元能解 决的,而应该理解为一个学期或一本书的aims更 加合理; *goal是aim的子步骤,翻译成单元整体教学目标 更加合理; *objective受到时间限制,具有明确性,因此翻译 成课堂教学目标更加合理。当然,这三个词语具 有层级性,在不同的地方、不同的要求下可能应 用情况不同。
1. Dubin, F. & Olshtain, E. 1986. Course Design. UK:C.U.P. 2. 施良方,崔允漷.学理论:课堂教学的原理、策略与研究[M].上 海:华东师范大学出版社,1999:138-143. 3. 陈坚林.现代英语教学组织与管理[M].上海:上海外语教育出版 社,2000:78-80.
Байду номын сангаас
* 像Teaching aims,teaching goals,teaching objectives之类的词,不管是显性的还是隐性的主体都是 教师。英美国家的课程教案里很难找到类似teaching aims 之类的术语,描述课堂目标时几乎都使用objectives。
* 因此在描述目标时,合适的、贴近意思的词应该是 objectives (learning objectives)。这也体现了以学生为主 体。Objectives还可再分为behavioral objectives,skill ob-jectivities,content objectives,proficiency objectives,culture objectives等.
Aims Broad statement General intention
objectives specific precise
General hard to measure
* Provide the basis for determining or assessing when the instruction purpose has been accomplished .
* Provide a framework within which a learner can organize his efforts to complete the learning tasks.
Objectives are the primary building blocks of good curriculum design. They support the learning outcome in that each is a small step in arriving at what the learner is supposed to know or be able to do. Objectives:
陈坚林则认为Aims指的是笼统而远大的目标,是 最终的大目标。Goals是要达到的远期目标,如在 一定时期教会学生听、说、读、写四项英语语言 技能等。objectives指的是中短期目标,比Aims 更为直接和具体。还有学者把Goals和Aims称为 大目标,把Objectives称为小目标。 Dubin, F. & Olshtain, E. 1986. Course Design. UK:C.U.P. 书中将教育目标称为aim,课程目标称为 goal,大纲具体目标称为objective.
Tips: • An objective is a measurable, observable behavior of less than a day's duration; • A goal is the outcome of a series of successfully completed objectives, possibly measured over a series of days; • While an aim is an expression of a long-term purpose, usually over the course of one or more years. • (----Wikipedia)
Aims & Goals & Objectives
*1.Aim: (noun) the purpose of doing sth; what sb. is trying to achieve.目的;目标。 *2. Goal:(noun) something that you hope to achieve.目标,目的。