演讲的艺术 chapter 5
The art of effective communication between a speaker (or writer) and anThe ability to respect diversity and toFocused, organized thinking about such things as the logicalideals, the soundness of evidence, and the differences between’s messageThe sum of a person’s knowledge, experience, goals, values, andhormone released into the bloodstream in response to physical orMental imaging in which a speaker vividly pictures himself or herselfStealing ideals or language from two or three sources andFailing to give credit for particular parts of a speech that areTo restate or summarize an author's ideals in one's own wordsstatement in the introduction of a speech that identifies theA method of speech organization in which the main pointsA method of speech organization in which the main points divide theA word or phrase that indicates when the speaker has finished one thoughtpresented from a brief set of notesa speechWhat a speaker wants the audience to rememberthe audience foremost in mind at every step ofThe tendency of people to be concerned above all with their own value,Audience characteristics such as age, gender, education,Questions that require responses at fixed intervals along a scale ofthat allow respondents to answer however theymaterials used to support a speaker's ideas. The threeA story, narrative, or anecdote developed at some length toa speech together in a particular way to achieve aThe major points developed in the body of a speech. Most speechesmethod of speech organization in which the main pointsmethod of speech organization in which the main points follow amethod of speech organization in which the first mainof a problem and the second main point presents aA method of speech organization in which the main points divide theA word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one thoughtstatement in the body of the speech that summarizes theA very brief statement that indicates where a speaker is in the speech or thatA question that the audience answers mentally rather than outstatement in the introduction of a speech that identifies the课后练习Chapter 4Topic :Studying abroadGeneral Purpose:To persuadeSpecific Purpose:To persuade the audience to study abroad will enhance your personal development,academic development,and career development.Central Idea:Main points: I. You should study abroad because it will enhance your personal development.II. You should study abroad because it will enhance your academic developmentIII. You should study abroad because it will enhance your career development.Topic : Events in triathlonGeneral purpose: To informSpecific purpose: To inform the audience of the three events in triathlon : swimming, cycling and running.Central Idea:Main points:The first event in triathlon is swimmingThe second event in triathlon is cycling.The third event in triathlon is running.I. The first major cause of airplane crashes is pilot error.II. The second major cause of airplane crashes is weather. Topical OrderIII. The third major cause of airplane crashes is mechanical failure.I. The peak of Mount Kilimanjaro has an arctic climate with snow,ice,,and violent winds.II. The middle of Mount Kilimanjaro has a rain forest climate with lush vegetation and diverse animal species.III. The base of Mount Kilimanjaro has a bushland climate with pastures and farming communities. Spatial OrderI. The Chinese film industry began in the early 20th century.II. The first golden period of Chinese cinema occurred during the 1930s.III. The second golden period occurred in the years after World War II.IV. The Chinese film industry was scaled back during the 1960s and 1970s.V. Today Chinese films are in another golden period of international acclaim.Chronological Order。
01 思维导图
03 目录分析 05 精彩摘录
02 内容摘要 04 读书笔记 06 作者介绍
世纪 技巧
本书告诫年轻人,比事业成功更重要的是首先要学会生活,也就是说,为自己寻找最佳的生活方式极其重要。 新的世纪为我们提供了广阔的舞台,也为人们提供了更多的施展自己才能的机会,值得人们去努力奋斗、积极进 取,也足以使那些不思进取、裹足不前的人振奋精神,去获取辉煌的成功!
0 4
第9章慷慨 激昂:演讲 鼓动人心的 技巧
0 6
第11章临 场应变:控 制现场气氛 的技巧
0 5
第10章语 言修辞:强 化演讲艺术 的技巧
目录分析Βιβλιοθήκη 1第1章前言第 2 章 以 预 致 胜 :2
演讲的准备与 主题确立
3 第3章丰富精当:
演讲选材的艺 术
4 第4章严谨完整:
演讲词结构安 排的艺术
5 第5章先声夺人:
演讲开头的艺 术
0 1
第6章铿锵 刚劲:演讲 的结尾艺术
0 2
第7章以理 服人:演讲 的说服力技 巧
二:练声法第一步,练气.首先要学会用气. 吸气:吸气要深,小腹收缩,整个胸部要撑开,尽量把更多的气吸进去.注意吸气时不要提肩. 呼气:呼气时要慢慢地进行.要让气慢慢地呼出.呼气时可以把两齿基本合上.留一条小缝让气息慢慢地通过. 学习吸气与呼气的基本方法,你可以每天到室外、到公园去做这种练习,做深呼吸,天长日久定会见效。
第二步,练声.在练发声以前先要做一些准备工作.先放松声带,用一些轻缓的气流振动它,让声带有点准备,发一些轻慢的声音,千万不要张口就大喊大叫,那只能对声带起破坏作用. 声带活动开了,我们还要在口腔上做一些准备活动.我们知道口腔是人的一个重要的共鸣器,声音的洪亮、圆润与否与口腔有着直接的联系,所以不要小看了口腔的作用。
One of your first assignments will be to present an introductory speech, either a speech of self-introduction or a speech introducing a classmate. Focus the speech on a limited number of ideas and be creative in developing them. Use interesting supporting materials and present them in colorful, descriptive language.
stage fright is an issue for public speakers in all countries. Rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright, you should try to transform it into positive energy. To some extent, this will happen naturally as you gain experience as a speaker, but you should also think positively, prepare thoroughly, visualize yourself giving a successful speech, remember that most nervousness is not visible to the audience, and think of your speech as communication rather than as a performance in which you must do everything perfectly
演讲的艺术卡耐基演讲的艺术卡耐基演讲的艺术卡耐基演讲的艺术卡耐基《卡耐基经典:演讲的艺术》 - 编辑《卡耐基经典:人性的弱点》是20世纪最伟大的成人教育家戴尔?卡耐基开办演讲培调班时期的内部训练教程。
《卡耐基经典:演讲的艺术》 - 内容简介《卡耐基经典:人性的弱点》包含了很多战胜胆怯、建立自信的高明方法。
《卡耐基经典:演讲的艺术》 - 作者简介戴尔?卡耐基,美国“成人教育之父”。
《卡耐基经典:演讲的艺术》 - 媒体评论成功其实如此简单,只要你遵循卡耐基先生这些简单适用的人际标准,你就能获得成功。
演讲的艺术 chapter 5
![演讲的艺术 chapter 5](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2451f313964bcf84b9d57b22.png)
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© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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Group Membership
• Group affiliations of your audience may provide excellent clues about your listeners’ interests and attitudes.
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• Audience-centeredness- Keeping the audience foremost in the mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation. • Keep several questions in mind:
Slide 13
• The larger the audience, the more formal your presentation must be.
• Audience size will have the greatest impact on your delivery, but it may also affect your language, choice of appeals, and use of visual aids.
演讲的艺术智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下浙江工业大学浙江工业大学第一章测试1.演讲是指在公众场合,以有声语言为主要手段,以为辅助手段,针对某个具体的问题,非常地、完整地发表自己的见解和主张,阐明事理或者抒发情感,进行( )、的一种语言交际活动。
()A:对 B:错答案:错4.演讲从传播内容划分可以分为政治演讲、社会生活演讲、司法演讲和学术演讲等。
()A:对 B:错答案:对5.演讲的有哪些功能?()A:情感交流功能B:引导舆论功能C:传播知识功能D:宣传鼓动功能答案:情感交流功能;引导舆论功能;传播知识功能;宣传鼓动功能第二章测试1.以下哪种情景更适合背诵式演讲()。
()A:错 B:对答案:对4.演讲中所使用的证据和论证,并不适用于其他沟通场合。
()A:错 B:对答案:错5.语气是演讲者()等起伏变化的语音形式。
()A:对 B:错答案:错4.张颂先生曾说过:语气,是思想感情支配喜爱具体语句的声音形式。
()A:对 B:错答案:对5.除了常规的呼吸,还有三种辅助的呼吸方法,分别是()。
演讲的艺术_第五章 成功演讲——让听众与你共鸣
![演讲的艺术_第五章 成功演讲——让听众与你共鸣](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ef17483967ec102de2bd8952.png)
演讲的艺术 chapter
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© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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• Direct quotation • Paraphrase
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
Tea is popular.
Tea is second only to
quantities of water as the world’s most
tea are
consumed beverage. More
consumed tea is consumed each year
by people than all other
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
Slide 15
Evaluating Electronic Information
• Purpose • Expertise • Objectivity • Accuracy • Timeliness
around the manufactured drinks in
the world put together,
including coffee,
chocolate, soft drinks and
alcohol. Total tea
consumption is 4 billion
kilograms annually.
• It helps you prepare
the speech.
• Decide what you’ll say in
the introduction, how you will organize the main points and supporting materials in the body, and what you’ll say in the conclusion.
Guidelines for the Preparation Outline
• State the specific purpose and central idea.
• Label the introduction, body, and conclusion.
• Use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation.
relationships among the speaker’s ideas.
State Main Points and Subpoints in Full Sentences
• A skimpy preparation outline is of little value.
• Stating main points and subpoints in full sentences will ensure that you develop your ideas fully.
• Pie graph: a graph that highlights segments of a circle to show simple distribution patterns.
• Preparation outline: a detailed outline developed during the process of speech preparation that includes the title, specific purpose, central idea, introduction, maiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ points, subpoints, connectives, conclusion, and bibliography of a speech.
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
Slide 3
Methods of Delivery
• Reading from a manuscript • Reciting from memory • Speaking impromptu • Speaking extemporaneously
• Pause: a momentary break in a vocal delivery of a
Effectively pause between every though pattern
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
Vocal Variety
• Pronunciation and articulation
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
Slide 9
Speakers’ Body
• Personal appearance • Eye contact • Gesture • Movement
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
your own voice always sound louder to you your own voice always sound louder to you than to a listener.
the speed at which a person speak
*A word or phrase that indicates when a speaker has finished one thought and is moving on to another.
*Transitions state both the idea the speaker is leaving and the idea he or she is coming up to.
•Signposts are very brief statements that indicate exactly where you are in the speech.
•Another way to accomplish the same thing is to introduce your main points with a question.
Internal summaries:
•A statement in the body of the speech that summarizes the speaker's preceding point or points.
•Such summaries are usually used when a speaker finishes a complicated or particularly important main piont or set of main points.
•Besides using signposts to indicate where you are in the speech,you can use them to focus attention on key. ideas.(do this with a simp9 le
演讲的艺术 书
![演讲的艺术 书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/69c0c4bb710abb68a98271fe910ef12d2bf9a95b.png)
《演讲的艺术》是一本关于演讲技巧和方法的书籍,作者是美国著名演讲家戴尔·卡耐基(Dale Carnegie)。
这本书的字数超过了 400 字,具体的字数可能因为不同的版本和排版而有所差异。
The Art of Public Speaking Chapter5 公众演讲的艺术
![The Art of Public Speaking Chapter5 公众演讲的艺术](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1f331823e2bd960590c677e8.png)
The Art of Public SpeakingCHAPTER 05 THE VOICEThe dramatic critic of The London Times once declared that acting is nine-tenths voice work. Leaving the message aside, the same may justly be said of public speaking.A rich, correctly-used voice is the greatest physical factor of persuasiveness and power, often over-topping the effects of reason.But a good voice, well handled, is not only an effective possession for the professional speaker, it is a mark of personal culture as well, and even a distinct commercial asset.There are three fundamental requisites for a good voice:1. EaseThe secret of good voice is relaxation. The air waves that produce voice result in a different kind of tone when striking against relaxed muscles than when striking constricted muscles. Try this for yourself. Contract the muscles of your face and throat as you do in hate, and flame out "I hate you!" Now relax as you do when thinking gentle, tender thoughts, and say, "I love you." How different the voice sounds.In practising voice exercises, and in speaking, never force your tones. Ease must be your watchword. The voice is a delicate instrument, and you must not handle it with hammer and tongs. Don't make your voice go--let it go. Don't work. Let the yoke of speech be easy and its burden light.Your throat should be free from strain during speech, therefore it is necessary to avoid muscular contraction. The throat must act as a sort of chimney or funnel for the voice, hence any unnatural constriction will not only harm its tones but injure its health.Nervousness and mental strain are common sources of mouth and throat constriction, so make the battle for poise and self-confidence for which we pleaded in the opening chapter.But how can I relax? you ask. By simply willing to relax. Hold your arm out straight from your shoulder. Now--withdraw all power and let it fall. Practise relaxation of the muscles of the throat by letting your neck and head fall forward. Roll the upper part of your body around, with the waist line acting as a pivot. Let your head fall and roll around as you shift the torso to different positions. Do not force your head around--simply relax your neck and let gravity pull it around as your body moves.Again, let your head fall forward on your breast; raise your head, letting your jaw hang. Relax until your jaw feels heavy, as though it were a weight hung to your face. Remember, you must relax the jaw to obtain command of it. It must be free and flexible for the moulding of tone, and to let the tone pass out unobstructed.All the activity of breathing must be centered, not in the throat, but in the middle of the body--you must breathe from the diaphragm. Note the way you breathe when lying flat on the back, undressed in bed. You will observe that all the activity then centers around the diaphragm. This is the natural and correct method of breathing. By constant watchfulness make this your habitual manner, for it will enable you to relax more perfectly the muscles of the throat.The next fundamental requisite for good voice is2. OpennessIf the muscles of the throat are constricted, the tone passage partially closed, and the mouth kept half-shut, how can you expect the tone to come out bright and clear, or even to come out at all? Sound is a series of waves, and if you make a prison of your mouth, holding the jaws and lips rigidly, it will be very difficult for the tone to squeeze through, and even when it does escape it will lack force and carrying power. Open your mouth wide, relax all the organs of speech, and let the tone flow out easily.Start to yawn, but instead of yawning, speak while your throat is open. Make this open-feeling habitual when speaking--we say make because it is a matter of resolution and of practise, if your vocal organs are healthy.The final fundamental requisite for good voice is3. ForwardnessA voice that is pitched back in the throat is dark, sombre, and unattractive. The tone must be pitched forward, but do not force it forward. You will recall that our first principle was ease. Think the tone forward and out. Believe it is going forward, and allow it to flow easily. You can tell whether you are placing your tone forward or not by inhaling a deep breath and singing ah with the mouth wide open, trying to feel the little delicate sound waves strike the bony arch of the mouth just above the front teeth. The sensation is so slight that you will probably not be able to detect it at once, but persevere in your practise, always thinking the tone forward, and you will be rewarded by feeling your voice strike the roof of your mouth. A correct forward-placing of the tone will do away with the dark, throaty tones that are so unpleasant, inefficient, and harmful to the throat.Close the lips, humming ng, im, or an. Think the tone forward. Do you feel it strike the lips?Hold the palm of your hand in front of your face and say vigorously crash, dash, whirl, buzz. Can you feel the forward tones strike against your hand? Practise until you can. Remember, the only way to get your voice forward is to put it forward.H ow to Develop the Carrying Power of the VoiceIt is not necessary to speak loudly in order to be heard at a distance. It is necessary only to speak correctly. Edith Wynne Matthison's voice will carry in a whisper throughout a large theater. A paper rustling on the stage of a large auditorium can be heard distinctly in the furthermost seat in the gallery. If you will only use your voice correctly, you will not have much difficulty in being heard. Of course it is always well to address your speech to your furthest auditors; if they get it, those nearer will have no trouble, but aside from this obvious suggestion, you must observe these laws of voice production: Remember to apply the principles of ease, openness and forwardness--they are the prime factors in enabling your voice to be heard at a distance.Do not gaze at the floor as you talk. This habit not only gives the speaker an amateurish appearance but if the head is hung forward the voice will be directed towards the ground instead of floating out over the audience.Voice is a series of air vibrations. To strengthen it two things are necessary: more airor breath, and more vibration.Breath is the very basis of voice. As a bullet with little powder behind it will not have force and carrying power, so the voice that has little breath behind it will be weak. Not only will deep breathing--breathing from the diaphragm--give the voice a better support, but it will give it a stronger resonance by improving the general health.Usually, ill health means a weak voice, while abundant physical vitality is shown through a strong, vibrant voice. Therefore anything that improves the general vitality is an excellent voice strengthener, provided you use the voice properly. Authorities differ on most of the rules of hygiene but on one point they all agree: vitality and longevity are increased by deep breathing. Practise this until it becomes second nature. Whenever you are speaking, take in deep breaths, but in such a manner that the inhalations will be silent.Do not try to speak too long without renewing your breath. Nature care for this pretty well unconsciously in conversation, and she will do the same for you in platform speaking if you do not interfere with her premonitions.A certain very successful speaker developed voice carrying power by running across country, practising his speeches as he went. The vigorous exercise forced him to take deep breaths, and developed lung power. A hard-fought basketball or tennis game is an efficient way of practising deep breathing. When these methods are not convenient, we recommend the following:Place your hands at your sides, on the waist line.By trying to encompass your waist with your fingers and thumbs, force all the air out of the lungs.Take a deep breath. Remember, all the activity is to be centered in the middle of the body; do not raise the shoulders. As the breath is taken your hands will be forced out.Repeat the exercise, placing your hands on the small of the back and forcing them out as you inhale.Many methods for deep breathing have been given by various authorities. Get the air into your lungs--that is the important thing.The body acts as a sounding board for the voice just as the body of the violin acts as a sounding board for its tones. You can increase its vibrations by practise.Place your finger on your lip and hum the musical scale, thinking and placing the voice forward on the lips. Do you feel the lips vibrate? After a little practise they will vibrate, giving a tickling sensation.Repeat this exercise, throwing the humming sound into the nose. Hold the upper part of the nose between the thumb and forefinger. Can you feel the nose vibrate?Placing the palm of your hand on top of your head, repeat this humming exercise. Think the voice there as you hum in head tones. Can you feel the vibration there?Now place the palm of your hand on the back of your head, repeating the foregoing process. Then try it on the chest. Always remember to think your tone where you desire to feel the vibrations. The mere act of thinking about any portion of your body will tend to make it vibrate.Repeat the following, after a deep inhalation, endeavoring to feel all portions of your body vibrate at the same time. When you have attained this you will find that it is a pleasant sensation.What ho, my jovial mates. Come on! We will frolic it like fairies, frisking in the merry moonshine.P urity of VoiceThis quality is sometimes destroyed by wasting the breath. Carefully control the breath, using only as much as is necessary for the production of tone. Utilize all that you give out. Failure to do this results in a breathy tone. Take in breath like a prodigal; in speaking, give it out like a miser.V oice SuggestionsNever attempt to force your voice when hoarse.Do not drink cold water when speaking. The sudden shock to the heated organs of speech will injure the voice.Avoid pitching your voice too high--it will make it raspy. This is a common fault. When you find your voice in too high a range, lower it. Do not wait until you get to the platform to try this. Practise it in your daily conversation. Repeat the alphabet, beginning A on the lowest scale possible and going up a note on each succeeding letter, for the development of range. A wide range will give you facility in making numerous changes of pitch.Do not form the habit of listening to your voice when speaking. You will need your brain to think of what you are saying--reserve your observation for private practise.。
Chapter1 speaking in publicPeople throughout history have used public speaking as a vital means of communication and empowerment. Because you will live the rest of your life in a globalized world, the need for English public speaking will almost surely touch you at some time.To be successful giving speeches in English, you need to be culturally competent communicator. You must show respect for the cultural values and expectations of the people who come to hear you. This dose not mean that you have to devalue your own culture. There is no inherent conflict between being a competent English public speaker and being fully Chinese.Because public speaking involves the use of English as a working language, it requires critical thinking skills. Critical thinking helps you organize your ideas, spot weaknesses in other people’s reasoning, and avoid them in your own.There are many similarities between public speaking and conversation, but there are also important differences. First, public speaking requires more detailed preparation than ordinary conversation. Second, it requires more formal language. Third, it demands that speakers adjust their voices to the larger audience and work at avoiding distracting physical mannerisms and verbal habits.The speech communication process includes seven elements: speaker, message, channel, listener, feedback, interference, and situation. The interaction of these elements determines the outcome of any public speech.Chapter2 speaking confidently and ethicallystage fright is an issue for public speakers in all countries. Rather than trying to eliminate every trace of stage fright, you should try to transform it into positive energy. To some extent, this will happen naturally as you gain experience as a speaker, but you should also think positively, prepare thoroughly, visualize yourself giving a successful speech, remember that most nervousness is not visible to the audience, and think of your speech as communication rather than as a performance in which you must do everything perfectly Because public speaking is a form of power, it carries with it heavy ethical responsibili ties. There are four basic guidelines for ethical speechmaking. The first is to make sure your goals are ethically sound. The second is to be fully prepared for each speech. The third is to be honest in what you say. The fourth is to put ethical principles into practice at all timesOf all the ethical lapses a speaker can commit, few are more serious than plagiarism lobal plagiarism is lifting a speech entirely from a single source. Patchwork plagiarism involves cutting and pasting a speech from a limited number of sources. Incremental pla giarism occurs when a speaker fails to give credit for specific quotations and paraphrases that are borrowed from other people Because it is so easy to copy information from the Internet, it poses special challenges with regard to plagiarism. If you don't cite Internet sources, you are just as guilty of plagia- rism as if you take information from print sources without proper citation. As you research your speeches, be sure to take accurate notes of the Internet sources you use so you can identify them in your speechChapter3 giving your first speechOne of your first assignments will be to present an introductory speech, either a speech of self-introduction or a speech introducing a classmate. Focus the speech on a limited number of ideas and be creative in developing them. Use interesting supporting materials and present them in colorful, descriptive language.When organizing the speech, make sure you have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Most introductory speeches fall naturally into chronological or topical order. Using clear transitions will help your audience follow you from point to point.Although you will write a complete manuscript or outline of your speech when preparing it, you should deliver it extemporaneously. This means you have rehearsed fully and can present your talk from a brief set of speaking notes. Concentrate on establishing eye contact with the audience and on speaking in a dynamic, engaged tonof voiceChapter4 selecting a topic and purposeThe first step in speechmaking is choosing a topic. If you have trouble picking a topic, you can use clustering, a personal inventory, or an Internet search to come up with something that is right for you.The general purpose of your speech will usually be to inform or to persuade. When your general purpose is to inform, your goal is to communicate information clearly, accurately, and interestingly. When your general purpose is to persuade, your goal is to win listeners over to your point of viewOnce you know your topic and general purpose, you must focus on a specific purpose statement that indicates precisely what your speech seeks to achieve. The specific purpose statement should (1) be a full infinitive phrase; (2) be worded as a statement, not a question:(3) avoid figurative language;(4) not be vague or general; (5) be appropriate for your audience; and(6) be achievable in the allotted time.The central idea is a concise statement of what you will say in your speech, and it usually crystallizes in your thinking after you have done your research and have decided on the main points. In most cases, it encapsulates the main points in a single declarative sentence Chapter5 analyzing the audienceGood speakers are audience-centered. When working on your speeches, keep three questions in mind: To whom am I speaking? What do I want them to know, believe, or do as result of my speech? What is the most effective way of composing and presenting my speech to accomplish that aim?People are egocentric. They typically approach speeches with one question uppermost in mind: "why is this important to me?" Therefore you need to study your audience and adapt your speech to their beliefs and interests.The major factors to consider in audience analysis are size, physical setting, demographic traits disposition toward the topic, disposition toward the speaker, and disposition toward the occasion, For speeches outside the classroom, you can get information about the audience by asking the person who invites you to speak. For classroom speeches, you can circulate an audience-analysis questionnaire.Once you complete the audience analysis, you must adapt your speech so it will be clear and convincing. Try to hear the speech as your listeners will. Anticipate questions and objections, and try to answer them in advance. When you deliver the speech, keep an eye out for audience feedback, and adjust your remarks in response. After the speech, think about your audience's response and about changes you would make if you were delivering the speech again。
演讲的艺术 chapter
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Slide 15
Evaluating Electronic Information
• Purpose • Expertise • Objectivity • Accuracy • Timeliness
Supporting Your Ideas
by Ada Pan Oct. 2012
Stephen E. Lucas
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
Purposes of Supporting Slide 2 Materials
around the manufactured drinks in
the world put together,
including coffee,
chocolate, soft drinks and
alcohol. Total tea
consumption is 4 billion
kilograms annually.
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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• Direct quotation • Paraphrase
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 Speaking in Public(教师用书持续更新中……)Section One: Chapter Teaching GuidePART ONE: TEACHING OBJECTIVES在学完这一章后,学生应该能够:•讨论演讲作为一门研究领域的悠久历史。
PART TWO: TEACHING SUGGESTIONS纵观历史,人们始终把演讲当成重要的交流工具。
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Physical Setting
• Do everything you can to control the influence of physical setting on your audience. • Look over the room yourself a few days prior to your speaking engagement, for a quick inspection. (Temperature, seating arrangements, noise, etc.) • Don’t let yourself be influenced by the poor physical setting. If your audience sees that you are energetic, alert, and involved with your topic, chances are they will forget their discomfort.
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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Group Membership
• Group affiliations of your audience may provide excellent clues about your listeners’ interests and attitudes.
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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• An astute speaker will be equally attuned to both the differences and the similarities between the sexes • Avoid using sexist language, almost any audience you address will contain both genders.
Key Terms
• • • • • audience-centered egocentrism demographic traits attitude fix-alternative questions scale question open-ended questions
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
The psychology of the a u d i e n c e Factors in audience analysis Adapting to the audience
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© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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Disposition Toward the Topic
• Interest – One of your tasks will be to assess their interest in advance and to adjust your speech accordingly. – If your topic is not likely to generate great interest, take special steps to get your classmates involved. • Knowledge – What is your listeners’ knowledge about your topic? – If your listeners know little about your topic- you will have to talk at a more elementary level. – If your listeners are well informed about your topic, you can take a more technical and detailed approach. • Attitude – If you know in advance the prevailing attitude among members of your audience, you can adjust what you say to what your audience needs to hear.
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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Demographic Audience Analysis
• Demographic Audience Analysis-Audience analysis that focuses on demographic factors such as as: • Age education economic standing • Gender (Appeal to communication styles)* • Racial, Ethnic, or Cultural Background* • Religion • Group Membership* • Two step process:
• Physical Setting* • Disposition Toward the Topic* • Disposition Toward the Speaker* • Disposition Toward the Occasion*
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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• The larger the audience, the more formal your presentation must be.
• Audience size will have the greatest impact on your delivery, but it may also affect your language, choice of appeals, and use of visual aids.
– Identifying the general demographic features of your audience. – Grouging the importance of those features to a particular speaking situation.
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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Situational Audience Analysis
• Situational Audience Analysis- Audience analysis that focuses on situational factors such as: • Size of the audience*
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• Audience-centeredness- Keeping the audience foremost in the mind at every step of speech preparation and presentation. • Keep several questions in mind:
Analyzing the Audience by Ada Pan 2012, 10
Stephen E. Lucas
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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Learning Objectives:
© 2007 Stephen E. Lucas. All rights reserved.
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The Psychology of Audiences
• Egocentrism- The tendency of people to be concerned above all with their own values, beliefs, and well-being. • Audience’s do not process a speaker’s message exactly as the speaker intends. Auditory perception is always selective. • Every speech contains two messages-the one sent by the speaker and the one received by the audience. • Listeners will hear and judge what you say on the basis of what they already know and believe. • You must relate your message to your listeners-show how it pertains to them, explain why they should care about it as much as you do.