Unit 4第5课时
英语教材解读人教九年级上册Unit 4 Section B 第5课时(2a-2f)
parents. She advised them to talk with their son in person. So his parents took a 24-hour train and a 5-hour bus ride to get to their Li Wen's school.
1.Why did his parents move to the city? To look for jobs.
2.What decision did his parents make after Li Wen became less interested in studying? They made the decision to send Li Wen to a boarding school.
For parents: We should have much more communication our kids. It's very important for us to be there for our children.
1. It is hard to believe that he used to have
3.Did the conversation with his parents change his life? Yes, it did.
人教新目标八年级英语上册Unit 4第5课时Section B3a-Self Check同步教学课件
The best place to go is Center Park. Because I can swim and climb the hill. I can fly kites and take a walk in the woods.
Beijing is the most popular city for visitors. 语法:To learn to use the superlatives to describe people or city. 文化意识:引导对家乡的热爱之情。 思维品质::培养逻辑化、结构化表达最爱之物的能力。 学习能力:Write about your town and the best things or places there.
3a. Read the article about Greenwood Park. Fill in the blanks with the correct superlative forms of the adjectives and adverbs in the box.
crowded creative good fast quietly Greenwood Park is __t_h_e__b_e_st_place to go to on weekends. I always finish my breakfast _f_a_s_te_s_t_on Saturdays because I want to get to Greenwood Park before 10:00 a.m. to meet my friends. The park is _t_h_e_m__o_st__c_ro_w__d_e_dplace on weekends because almost everyone goes there to see the street performers. Some people think they are boring, but I think they are _t_h_e_m__o_st__c_re_a_t_iv_e_ people. However, the place where you can enjoy your time t_h_e__m_o_s_t_q_u_i_e_t_ly_ is at one of the small coffee shops near the park. You can read or relax there. There is somethinWghfyordeoveesrtyhoenwe raitter go Greenwood Park.
Unit4 Going Outing第5课时(教案)
广东版英语五年级下册Unit4第5课时教案课题Going Outing 单元Unit4 学科英语年级五下学习目标读懂More reading and writing文本,完成练习,了解世界各地“地铁”的说法。
重点理解More reading and writing文本。
教学过程教学环节师生活动Warm-up/ Lead-in 1. 呈现语音部分单词,让学生说出al的发音。
2. 播放Song activity部分歌谣,进行课堂热身。
3. 请学生进行头脑风暴,说出自己知道的交通方式。
4. 呈现图片,请学生填上合适的频度副词及交通方式。
—How do you go to school?—I ______ ______ to school.多呈现几组,帮助学生复习所学的频度副词及交通方式词汇。
Presentation 1. 呈现More reading and writing部分图片,学生回答问题:How do they go to school?2. 告知学生:There are different names for the subway all over the world.请学生听录音,回答问题:How many different names for the subway in the text?然后请学生自己在书上“地铁”的把每一种说法圈起来。
3. 分别呈现每一幅图片及文本,帮助学生了解世界各地“地铁”的说法。
讲解MTR和MRT的全称:MTR:Mass Transit RailwayMRT: Mass Rapid Transit…Homework 1. 听录音,熟读课文。
2. 预习Unit5 Story&V ocabulary。
板书Unit4 Going Outing第5课时MTR:Mass Transit RailwayMRT: Mass Rapid Transitlive in underground metro callferry渡轮,强调规则的来回运输的船。
【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit 4 第5课时 Section B2 2a—2f(练习题)
人教版九年级全一册Unit 4 第5课时Section B22a—2f(1069)1.A re s ta u ra n t h ad o nce f a llen u po n ha r d time s.O n ly f ive1we r e le f t:th e ma n a ge ra n d fo u r o the r s, a ll o ve r60 ye a r s o ld.In th e to wn n ea r the re s ta u r an t the r e live d a s u c ce s s f u l b us in e s s ma n who was go o d a tma n a g in g b u s in e s s,s o th e ma n ag e r 2to a sk th e bu s in e s s ma n if h e c ou ld o ff e r an ya d vic e th a t mig h t s a ve th e re s ta u ra n t.Th e ma n a g e r a nd th e bu s ine s s ma n ta lk e d f o r a long p e r io d o f time,bu t wh e n h e wa s a sk e d f o r a d vic e,th eb u s in e s sma n3f o r a wh ile a n d the n sa id,“I h a ve n o ad vic e to g ive.T h e o n ly th in g I c a n tell yo u is th a t th e s a ve r is o n e o f yo u.”T h e ma n a ge r,re tu r nin g to th e re s ta u ra n t 4 ,to ld th e o the r pe o p le wh a t th eb u s ine s s ma n ha d sa id.In the mo n th s th a t 5,the o ld r e s taur a n t wo rk e r s th ou g h tc a r e f u lly o f th e wo rd s o f the bu s in es s ma n,“T he sa ve r is on e of us?”th e y a s k edth e ms e lve s.A s th e y th o ug h t a b ou t th is p os s ib ilit y,th e y a ll b e g an to tr ea t ea c h o the rwit h6re s p ec t(尊重).A nd th in k in g th a t e a ch o f th e ms e lve s mig h t b e th e sa ve r, the y a ls o be g an to tr e a t th ems e lve s with mo r e c a re.A s time we n t b y,p e o ple c o min g to th e r e s tau r a n t 7tha t s o me r e s p ec t an d wa r mk in dn e s s we r e a r o un d th e f ive o ld me mb e r s o f th e s ma ll r e s ta u ra nt.Ha r d lyk n o wing 8, mo r e p e op le be g an to co me b a c k to th e re s ta ur a n t.Th e y b e g a n to b r ing th e ir f r ien d s,a n d their s b ro u gh t mo r e f r iend s.Two9 la te r,the s ma l l re s ta u ra nt h a d o nc e a g a in be c o me a b ig fo o d c o mp an y,th an k s to the bu s ines s ma n's10,the yu n de r s to od tha t it wa s th e y th e ms e lve s th a t we r e the s a ve r s.(1)A.c o ok sB.wa ite rsC.me mb e r sD.c u s to me r s(2)A.h o pe dB.be ga nC.a llo we dD.d e c id e d(3)A.s to p pe dB.r e fu s edC.r es te du gh e d(4)A.a n g r ilyB.ho pe f u llyC.live lyD.n e r vo u s ly(5)A.fo llo win gB.fo llo we dC.go ingD.g o ne(6)A.s tra n geB.s imila rC.s tr on gD.sp e c ia l(7)A.re c e ive dB.ad vis e dC.f e ltD.wish e d(8)A.wh a tB.ho wC.wh yD.wh e n(9)A.ye a r sB.da ysC.ho u r sD.min u te s(10)A.a d vic eB.wo rd sC.me th od sD.su c ce s s2.Sc h oo ls us u a lly g iv e s tu de n ts s ta tio ne r y,s u c h a s b oo k s, p en s, pe n c il bo xe s, e tc.o rc e r tif ic a te s(证书) fo r th e ir go od p er f o r ma n ce a t sc h oo l.B u t H a ng z ho u Hu ix ing M id d le S c ho o l in Zh e jian g is th in k ing ou ts id e th e bo x.It h a s r e wa rd e d s tu d en ts with g r e enve g e ta b le s!O n De c.3, 2018, 40 s tu d e n ts re c e ive d a s pe c ia l p r ize f r o m th e s ch o o l.Th e p r iz e wa s f r e s h g re e n ve ge ta b le s.Th e s ch oo l s a id it h o pe d tha t th e s tud e n ts wo u ld gr o w lik e th e ve g e ta b le s—ind e pe nde n t(自力更生的) a nd hu mb le(谦逊的).T he ve g e ta b le s we re g r o wn b y te a c h e r s with th e he lp o f a n a d van c ed auto ma tic ir r ig a tio n s ys te m(自动灌溉系统).T h e s tu d en ts we r e su rp r is e d whe n the y r e c e ive d th e ve g e tab le s.S h ou X in pe n g, 13, was a little u p s e t a t f ir s t.“I th o ug h t the p r ize s wo u ld b e mo r e ex p en s ive.I c o u ld n't b e lie ve it wh e n th e y g a ve me ve g e tab le s,” he s a id.“Bu t a f te r th e te a ch e r s e x p la in e d th e me a n ing o f th e p r ize,I u nd e r s to o d wh a t it me an t.It wa s a s p ec ia l g if t for u s.”Wa ng J ian in g,13,fe lt e x c i ted.“Wh a t we r e c e ive d wa s no t ju s t ve g e ta b le s,bu t p ra is e f r o m th e s c h o o l,” s he s a id.S h e u s ed th e ve g e tab le s to co o k a me a l f o r h e r f a the r, a s h is b ir th d a y wa s c o min g u p.O th e r s tu d en ts als o u se d the ir ve g e ta ble s to co ok the ir o wnd is he s.In f a c t,r e war d ing s tud e n ts with f oo d is c ommo n in f o re ig n c ou ntr ie s.“If we ge t th e h ig h es t s co r e in a su b je c t, o u r te a ch e r s will re wa r d u s with a ll k inds o f s n ac k s,” sa id P an J iac h en, a C h ine s e s tud e n t in th e US.“A t th e b eg in n ing o f e ve ry s e me s te r, th e h ig h e st s c o r e r s in d iff e r en t s ub je c ts a re in vite d to ha ve a f r e e b r ea k f a s t,” s a id Zh ao C h en xu a n, a C h ine s e s tu de n t in C an a d a.(1)Ha ng z ho u Hu ix ing M id d le S ch oo l g a ve go o d s tu de n ts f o r th e ir go o dp e r f o r ma n ce.()A.s ta tio n e r yB.ce r tif ic a te sC.gr e en ve g e ta b le sD.so me b oo k s(2)W ha t do e s th e p r ize o f th is s ch oo l me a n?()A.In d ep en d en t an d h umb le.B.S u r p r ise d a nd up s e t.C.E xc ite d a n d s pe c ia l.D.Ha r d-wo r k ing an d cr e a tive.(3)W ho g r e w the s e veg e ta b le s?()A.P a r en ts.B.Tea c he r s.C.S tu de n ts.D.Fa r me r s.(4)Wan g J ia n ing u s e d th e r e wa r d to.()A.c o ok h e r o wn d is h esB.bu y s o me s n a c ks f or h e r se lfC.bu y a s p e c ia l g if t fo r h e r f a the rD.c o ok a me a l f o r h e r f a th e r(5)Th e la s t p a ra g r ap h te lls u s.()A.h o w th e tea c he r s rewa r d s tud en ts in o th e r c o un tr i e sB.wh y s tu d en ts a re r ewa r d e d with g r e en veg e ta b le sC.r e wa r d ing s tu d en ts with f o od is c o mmo n in Ca na d aD.re wa r d in g s tu d en ts with c e r tif ic a tes is commo n n o w3.M a r y h a te s s wimmin g,s o s he s g o es s wimmin g with h e r f r ie nd s.4.Th e b o y g o t a f u ll ma r k in th e e xa m.H is p a r en ts we re p o f h im.5.Th e wo ma n wa s ill, s o s he wa s a f ro m th e me e tin g.6.(1)He ma y n o t b e ab le to co me be c au s e o f h is po o r h e a lth.(2)We a lwa ys o ur mo th e r la n d b ec au s e it is g e ttin g s tr o ng e r an d s tro n ge r.(3)M y p a r e n ts a r e th ink in g o f se n d in g me to a.(4)E liza b e th tr ie s h e r b e s t to p r ep a r e f o r th e te s t,s h e ma y f a il.(5)I lis ten in g to th e E n g lish p ro g ra m.7.很难相信他以前是一个害羞的男孩。
Test your eyesight
What is mom doing?
She is writing an e-mail.
What is brother doing?
He is listening to music.
A: Hello.
B: Hello John, this is Wuyifan. What are you doing?
Q1:What is Chenjie doing?
Q2:What is Mom doing?
Nina Mom
A: Hello. B: Hi. This is …. Can I speak to your mom, please. A: She’s …. Please hold on. B: Thank you. A: Mom, there is a call for you. C: Thank you.
Can I speak to…,please?
Please hold on.(请稍等)
She is washing clothes.
A: Can I speak to your …, please? B: She is …,Please hold on. A: Thank you.
Mom, there’s a call for you.
What is she doing?
She is answering the phone.
What is he doing?
He is answering the phone.
What are they doing?
They are cooking dinner.
What is she doing?
Unit 4 第5课时 ( B 3a-SC) 分层作业-试题版-七年级上册(人教新目标)
Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?Section B 3a-SC 分层练习基础达标一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.They are having lunch(在吃午饭)at the t .2.—Is this his pen?—I don't k .3.I (认为)she is a good girl.4.It's not my grandparents' bed. (他们的)bed is in that room.5.There are three ______ (apple) on the table.二、根据中文提示填空Good afternoon, friends,I'm Jack, and my brother is Jim. Please 1.(来) to my home. I think I'm 2. (整洁的), but Jim is not. Look at my 3.(房间). My tape player, my radio, my clock and my model plane are 4.(在……上) the desk. 5.(在哪里) are my books? They are in the bookcase. And my schoolbag is on the 6.(椅子).Look at Jim's things. His things are always 7.(到处). Some books are on the sofa, and some are 8.(在……下) the table. Where is his hat? Do you know? Is it on his 9. (头)? Oh, no, it's on 10.(我们的) parents' bed.Do you like Jim? Please tell me.能力提升一、单选题1.—Is the baseball on the bed?—No, ______. It's ______ the bed.A.it isn't; onB.it isn't; underC.it is; underD.it is; on2. —Are these _______ books?。
3. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 例句: From now on, we must stop throwing the rubbish into the river. 从现在起,我们必须停止往河里倒垃圾。 仿写: 从现在起,我们必须停止浪费水。 ________________________________________________ From now on, we should stop wasting water. 4. cut down 砍掉 例句: If people cut down all the trees here, it will become desert. 如 果人们砍掉所有的树木,这里就会变成沙漠。 仿写: 我们一定(yīdìng)要保护好树木,不能砍伐,不能在树上写字。 ________________________________________________ _W_e__s_h_o_u_l_d__p_r_o_te_c_t__th_e__t_re_e_s_,_a_n__d_w__e_s_h_o__u_ld_n__’t_c_u_t__d_o_wn the trees or write on them.
________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
1. The students are playing basketball in the park.(就画线部分提
一、写作仿写 1. if... 如果…… 例句:People will get sick if they take in too much smog. 如 果吸入太多的烟雾,人们会不舒服。 仿写: (1)如果你撒谎,我们(wǒ men)就不再是朋友。 _I_f _y_o_u_t_e_l_l _a_l_ie_,_w_e__w_i_ll_n_o__t _b_e_f_r_ie_n_d_s__a_n_y_m__o_r_e_. _______ (2)如果发现山上有火灾,要立刻拨打119(火警电话)。 ________________________________________________ If you find a fire in the mountains, you should call 119 at once.
PEP五年级英语上册 Unit 4 What can you do?第5课时
Yes,I can.I can do some kung fu,too!
What can you do?
I can cook the meals.
What can she do? She can sweep the floor.
What can he do? He can water the flowers.
3. 我有“把食品装罐”的意思
He cans jam.
4. 我还可以表示能力,意思是“能、会”
Can you spell the word “pencil”?
What can it do? It can fly.
What can they do?
They can clean the windows.
Are you helpful at home? Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.
Can you…? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
play chess
[ t∫es ]
Hello! Boys and girls!
I’m Robot!
Guess! What can I do?
1、Can Robot make the bed? 2、Can Robot set the table? 3、Can Robot play chess?
Can you set the table? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Can you do the dishes? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.
Remember to rinse off the detergent.
人教版英语七年级下练习:第5课时 [Unit 4 Section B3 3a-Self Check]
第5课时[Unit 4 Section B3 3aSelf Check]Ⅰ.阅读短文,在没有汉语提示的空格处,根据首字母、音标或语境的提示填入1个适当的单词;在有汉语提示的空格处,填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整Dear Amy,I have many rules. At school, I must 1.f________ the rules. I have to arrive at school 2.________ time. I can't run in the hallways. I can't 3.____________ (听) music or fight with classmates in class. This is very important. I must 4.________ the school uniform. And I must have lunch in the dining hall. I must be quiet in the library. I can't 5.____________(外出) or eat outside. Before English class, I must 6.r________ more new words and practice reading English.At home, my mother is strict7.________ me. I can't keep my room dirty or be 8.________ /ˈnɔɪzi/. I9.____________(不得不) learn to make my bed. I must wash my hair every day. After dinner I can't relax. I must10.____________(清洗餐具) in the kitchen. I feel terrible. What about you?Good luck!Yours,Molly Ⅱ.用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子(每空仅限1个单词)11.Mike often ________ late for school.(arrive)12.There are many ________ in our school.(rule)13.________ eat in class.(not)14.Please ________ to me carefully.(listen)15.Jane always ________ a hat.(wear)16.She has to ________ quiet in the library.(be)17.My sister must do the ________ after dinner.(dish)18.He ________ sorry because he can't play computer games.(feel)19.You must ________ the bed after you get up.(make)20.She often ________ on weekends.(relax)Ⅲ.用can, have to, do的适当形式填空21.We ________ go out on school nights because we ________ stay at home to do homework.22.________ fight with your classmates.23.Gina ________ go to bed before 10:00 p.m. so that(以便) she ________ get up early the next morning.24.Jim, ________ be noisy. Your sister is sleeping.Ⅳ.单项填空()25.How does she ________ Shanghai?A.arrive in B.arrive atC.reach to D.gets to()26.I don't know what time he is ________ next Sunday.A.arriving B.arriving atC.reaching D.getting to()27.I am not happy because I have ________ rules in my family.A.too many B.much tooC.too much D.many too()28.Kate, ________ your homework here tomorrow.A.bring B.bringsC.to bring D.bringing()29.It's raining all day, so I ________ stay at home.A.must B.have toC.must to D.can()30.“No ________!” says the sign.A.smoke B.smokingC.smokes D.to smoke()31.—Don't eat in the classroom, Paul!—________.A.Sorry, I won't B.Yes, I doC.That's nice D.No, I don't()32.It's my father's habit to ________ a book before going to bed.A.watch B.seeC.read D.look()33.—It's going to rain. Remember ________ your umbrella with you when you go to school, dear.—All right, Mom. Bye!A.take B.to takeC.taking D.takesⅤ.完形填空Every school has its own rules.How many __34__ are there in your school?At some schools,the students __35__ to wear uniforms on school days. But many students don't like to wear school uniforms. They think the uniforms are the ugliest(最难看的) __36__ in the world. But schools don't allow students to wear __37__ own clothes at school. So some students draw cartoons or some famous singers on their __38__. They think it is very __39__ that everyone wears the same.It is very unfair that teachers and students wear __40__. But most of the students __41__ the rules. What do you think __42__ it? Do you __43__ your school uniforms?()34.A.students B.rules C.uniforms D.rulers()35.A.has B.must C.should D.have()36.A.clothes B.shirts C.skirts D.cloth()37.A.their B.they C.them D.themselves()38.A.schoolbags B.books C.uniforms D.desks()39.A.bored B.boring C.interesting D.interested()40.A.same B.differently C.different D.the same()41.A.follow B.agree C.listen D.listen to()42.A.of B.on C.by D.for()43.A.like B.make C.wash D.put onⅥ.阅读理解Hi, I'm Rick. I'm a middle school student. There are a lot of rules in our school. Are the rules all terrible? I don't think so. Schools make rules for us. I think they are good for us. We must follow them.I get up at six thirty every morning, so I have a lot of time to eat breakfast. I wear uniforms at school, so I don't need time to choose(挑选) the clothes to wear. I don't take my mobile phone to school. So I can't play games on it, and I can study hard. I keep quiet in the library. So everyone can read books well. I play sports for an hour every day, so I can keep strong(强壮的) and healthy. I help my mother do housework(家务). She says I'm a good boy. I can only play computer games on weekends. It's good for my eyes. And I can do a lot of other things(其他事情), like playing soccer with friends and reading some interesting books. I go to bed early in the evening, so I'm always active(积极的) in class. Rules are really helpful.()44.Rick has a lot of time to eat breakfast every morning because he ________.A.likes eating breakfastB.gets up earlyC.doesn't go to schoolD.goes to school late()45.What can't Rick do at school?A.Wear his uniform.B.Use his mobile phone.C.Play soccer with his friends.D.Be active in class.()46.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Rick plays sports every day.B.Rick doesn't play computer games on weekdays.C.Rick can do some housework at home.D.Rick studies hard and goes to bed late in the evening.()47.What's the best title(题目) for the passage?A.Rules help me have a good lifeB.Getting up early is good for your healthC.We don't need rules in our lifeD.There are too many rules at schoolⅦ.选择正确的词义,将序号填在括号中。
Unit 4 Where’s the bird第五教时教学目标:1. 能综合运用本单元学习的词汇、语句。
2. 能用运用英语简单询问、介绍物体在什么地方。
教学准备:1. 多媒体、录音磁带、单词卡片2. 拍摄一些文具在不同位置的照片。
教学过程:A. GreetingsB. Sing a songWhere’s the song?C. Review1. 快速出示单词卡片,学生认读、拼写。
2. 绕口令读Sound time部分句子D. Do exercise参照教师用书本单元《补充习题》教师建议,指导学生完成练习。
E. Ticking time指导学生结合练习情况,对自己本单元的学习进行评价。
Unit6 单元测试卷一、请将下面句子中括号里的字母重新排列。
1. My father has big ________.(r,a,e, s)2. Mike has got small ________.(y, e, e, s)3. Please touch your ________.(t,e,o,s,)4. I have two ________.(l, e, g, s)二、请在B列中找到A列英文对应的中文,将他们连起来。
A B(1)long legs a. 大鼻子(2) small eyes b. 小眼睛(3) a big nose c. 长腿(4) cleaned teeth d. 洁白的牙齿(5) short hair e. 短头发三、读读下面Lucy对她爸爸妈妈的简单介绍,请将你认为正确的选项填入括号中。
My father ________ very tall(高) because he has ________ legs. There are ________ big eyes on ________ face. He hasbig ears, too. But his mouth is very ________. Mymother is not ________ tall. But she is very beautiful. She________ everyday. I like________very much.(1) A. am B.is C. are(2) A. long B. short C. two(3)A.too B. two C. to(4)A.his B.my C.her(5)A. big B. small C.lovely(6)A. very B. much C. her(7) A. smiling B. smile C. smiles(8)A. her B. She C. him四、下面句子中有些拼写错误,请将错误找出来并改正。
Unit 4 Space Exploration第5课时示范公开课教学课件【英语人教必修第三册】
They made people realise that our planet’s resources are limited.
Paragraph 1: Opinion: (for or against) Paragraph 2: Argument 1: Supporting details/Evidence:Paragraph 3: Argument 2: Supporting details/Evidence:Paragraph 4: Argument 3: Supporting details/Evidence:Paragraph 5: Conclusion:
Unit 4 Space Exploration
Period 5 Reading for Writing
Is exploring space a waste of time and money?
Space exploration is a waste of time and money.Reasons:Much more money, but little useful information;...
Revise your article again and polish the sentences.
Different viewpoints
The thesis statement
Unit4 my holiday第五课时教学设计一、教学设计思路本课时的主要教学内容是听、说、读、写句型:How did you go there? I went by…。
接下来,从看图说话引入Let’s try,给学生铺垫知识的过程。
然后,在学生通过Let’s try 初步了解本课时句型的基础上,教师仍然以上课时已经提到的哈尔滨作为话题引入本课时的对话教学。
二、教学目标(一)知识听、说、读、写句型:How did you go there? I went by…。
三、教学重难点重点:听、说、读、写句型:How did you go there? I went by…。
五、教学过程1.导入1)Daily greeting2)教师播放第二课时中的chant,学生根录音齐唱。
3)教师出示哈尔滨图片,T: Where did I go last winter? Do you remember?…T: Yes. I went to Harbin. How did I go there? Guess?…让学生猜测各种交通工具后,T: I went there by train.T: Where did you go on your holiday?…T: How did you go there?…首先让学生在实际语言运用中了解本课时句型。
人教版四年级英语RJ下册教学课件 第四单元 第5课时
Unit 4
At the farm
I love animals very much. Do you love animals? What animals do you know?
Do you know a farm? There are many animals at a farm.
Let' s go and have a look.
Look! This is a farm.So many animals.What can you see?
cow sheep
horse hen
cow sheep
horse hen巩固单词源自游戏一:老师说单词,同学们指图。游戏二:老师指图,同学们说单词。
四、Job Layout 1.将该部分的单词读给家长听。 2.默写抄写单词。
六、Achieving Standard Evaluation Ⅰ.补全单词。
h e n h or se sh e ep c o w
1.hen 2.horse 3.sheep 4.cow
hens horses sheep cows
游戏三:一个同学说任意一个单词,其 他人指出相应的图片
三、Practice 1.请一位同学拿一张复数形式的卡片站在前面, 不让全班看到正面是什么,其他人用Are they...? 来猜图片内容。猜错了,该同字要说:No, they aren’t.猜对了,说Yes, they are.
瑶海区第五中学七年级英语下册 4 Don't eat in class第5课时B 3a
I have to keep my hair short.
I have to wear the uniform at school.
I can’t watch TV before I practice the piano.
I can’t see friends on school days.
3b Put an × for the rules that you think are unfair.
Language points
1. I never have fun. 我从未过得快乐。
have fun
have fun doing sth. 开心地做某事
=have a good time / enjoy oneself
例:I have fun in the park. 我在公园玩得很开心。 =I have a good time in the park. =I enjoy myself in the park.
1. The woman is called Jill Green, so we can call
(称呼)her ______.
A. Mr. Green
B. Mrs. Jill
C. Miss Jill
D. Ms. Green
2. Don’t go into the classroom. The students are
4. speak English/English class _S_p_e_a_k__E_n__g_li_s_h_i_n__E_n_g_l_i_sh__c_l_a_s_s._________________ _W__e_m__u_s_t_/__h_a_v_e_t_o__s_p_e_a_k__E_n_g_l_is_h__i_n_E__n_g_l_is_h__c_la_s_s_.
英语四上Unit4 I can play basketball 第课5时教学设计
Step4:.Sing in groups
T: What can you do?(教师提问,检查学生掌握情况)
T: Boys and girls, first, let’s read after the story.
S: Yes.
2.Retell the story
T:Now, canyouretell the story?
S: Yes .
3.Act it out
Step5:Ticking e
Recite the Story time and Cartoon time.
Revise the new words.
Unit4 I can play basketball
Can you/he/she/they...?
I can…
2.Have a try(自编一段对话)
A:Hello,this is my friend…
I can…,she can…
Can you…?
Can she…?
A: Yes./No.
Step2:Review Story time
1.Read the story
2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:Can you/„?并且会用Yes,„can./No,„can’t来回答。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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仙洞中学七年级课改导学案 科目: 英语 编写人: 肖越 课题 Unit 4 Where ’s my schoolbag? 课型: 操练+展示+反馈 编号 : 201307010405 班级: 小组: 姓名:
第 1 页 共 1 页
Unit 4 Where ’s my schoolbag?
Period five 2a - 2c (P23)
【教师赠语】Two heads are better than one. 三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。
1. 完成书本P23的2a 部分。
2. 翻译下面句子或短语的意思。
1)I ’m tidy, but Gina is not. 2)in our room
4) 吉娜经常问。
1. Kate 爱整洁吗?她有哪些物品?它们都放在哪里?
(I ’m Kate. I’m tidy. My books and tapes are in the bookcase. My keys …) 2. Gina 爱整洁吗?她有哪些物品?它们都放在哪里?
(I’m Kate, and my sister is Gina. I ’m tidy, but Gina is not. Gina ’s books are everywhere —on her …)
根据2b 完成下面的表格。