Breaking up


break up 的种种意思

break up 的种种意思

当你看到break up 是不是只想到它只会被用来跟别人分手呢?其实不然,它是一个意义丰富的且可分的短语动词。

一、break up 后不加宾语,例如:1、粉碎;破碎The ship broke up on the rocks.船触礁撞碎了。

The falling rocket broke up before it hit the ground.坠落的火箭在落地前就解体了。

延申词义,某人变得虚弱;垮掉He was breaking up under the strain.过度的劳累使他快要垮了。

2、(婚姻)结束Their marriage has broken up.他们的婚姻已经破裂。

She had a string of lovers before her marriage finally broke up.在她的婚姻最终破裂之前,她很多恋人。

3、散开;解散The meeting broke up at eleven o'clock.会议在十一点散会。

A neighbour asked for the music to be turned down and the party broke up.因为一个邻居要求把音乐音量调低,聚会便散了。

4、(学校)期终放假When do you break up for Christmas?你们什么时候放假过圣诞节?We broke up for the holidays in June.我们六月停课去度假。

5、捧腹大笑或痛哭I always break up when I hear her sing. She is so bad!我每次听到她唱歌就笑得不行。

她唱得太难听了!My mother was fine this morning, but she really broke up at the funeral. 我妈妈今天早上很好,但她在葬礼上真的分手了。

口语:Break 10 解

口语:Break 10 解

口语:Break 10 解“Break”作为英文中的一个常用词,能够与很多词语搭配形成短语,表达丰富的含义,今天我们就来学习一些吧。

1. break up 分手/解散Four months ago , my girlfriend and I broke up.四个月前,我和我的女朋友分手了。

The police had to employ force to break up the crowd.警察不得不使用武力驱散人群。

2. break down 精神崩溃/毁坏The machine must break down at this busy hour.正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。

He finally break down under the four-hour’s strain.在四小时的压力下他终于坚持不了。

3. break in 破门而入Robbers often break in at midnight.强盗经常在半夜破门而入。

4. break out 出皮疹/爆发His efforts were brought to naught when the war broke out.战争爆发,使他的一切努力付诸东流。

bring to naught: 使化为乌有,使成泡影;使毁灭The baby broke out in a rash.婴儿全身出了一片红疹。

rash :n. [皮肤] 皮疹;突然大量出现的事物5. break off 休息一下/暂停Let’s break off work for a few mi nutes.我们把工作暂停几分钟。

6. break through 突破/穿过The sun broke through the clouds.太阳冲破云层出来了。

We hope to break through soon in the fight against AIDS.我们希望在与艾滋病的斗争中很快有所突破。











Breaking最初发明于纽约的Bronx区,当时许多DJ带着唱盘机和喇叭在街头广泛举行各种音乐派对并形成风潮,逐渐越来越多的人开始习惯于在派对音乐中没有歌词的间奏部分跳舞,于是众多DJ中一个名为Kool Herc的佼佼者发明了将两张唱盘的间奏部分拼接起来以获得更长的跳舞时间的方式,并由此产生了Break Beat这种音乐形式。

而在这种间奏时间里跳舞的人就被称之为间奏男孩Break Boy,即B Boy,而B Boy所跳的舞蹈便被称之为B Boying,并在之后的商业化宣传中被称为Breaking并通行至今。

街舞breaking教学街舞breaking教学运动特点折叠编辑本段Breaking的大致路线折叠Breaking的大致路线分Style和PowerMove这分别是Old School,我相信大家都问过一个问题:哪个更重要?对这个问题,众说纷云。

最后只能说两个同样重要,然而大多数Bboy的认同这说法结果产生了后者,在Style里加上了Move、PowerMove(StyleMove),在PowerMove里面加上了Combo(PowerMoveCombo)等...的就是New School。

[Yehudi Too][分开以后 (Breaking Up)]歌词

[Yehudi Too][分开以后 (Breaking Up)]歌词

分开以后 (Breaking Up)2019-03-05作曲 : Yehudi Too作词 : Yehudi Too编曲:Yehudi TooHOOK:in my dream get your luvLeave me leave my heart来我胸口听听变如履薄冰你失去我的真心in my dream get your luvLeave me, leave my heart发出离别讯号分别的预告曾情侣款的G-SHOCKVOX1:当你走后的房间开始变得乱在凌晨的club 嗨 with my friendsi am so sad!我添了很多新欢也尝遍了未知也筹备了新专但一切也不出我所料你的肩膀也有了新的依靠一起看过电影的片段还在我脑海围绕才发现自己没有习惯还在胡闹童话变成风tokyo的梦每天录音室里醒来没有行踪说我脾气不好对你不够尊重其实只是我的薪水不够用给你买包时候的你拍着手一起做过的坏事像是animal祝你不靠别人也能抬起头b****快收手对你没所求HOOK:in my dream get your luvLeave me leave my heart来我胸口听听变如履薄冰你失去我的真心in my dream get your luvLeave me leave my heart发出离别讯号分别的预告曾情侣款的G-SHOCKVOX2:ya无尽的累无尽的废无尽的夜里无尽的黑你逃离我的世界却钻进我的梦你再没出现过在我的iPhone我的发型换了心情变了对你的承诺你也别再惦着iam okay 我也不再恋旧慢慢去习惯没你在我左右You used to call me on my cell phone Late night when you need my love 但我分开后再没接到过你的电话我猜你过的不算差祝你在外面继续的玩很久喝到凌晨两点半也不收手b**** is troubleb**** is trouble真心被偷走b**** do u knowHOOK:in my dream get your luv Leave me leave my heart来我胸口听听变如履薄冰你失去我的真心in my dream get your luvLeave me leave my heart发出离别讯号分别的预告曾情侣款的G-SHOCK。



break[breik]vt. & vi.打破, 折断, 弄坏vt.破坏, 违反;终止, 中断;透露, 说出;打破(纪录)vi.破晓, 突然出现n.裂口, 裂缝; 破裂;间歇, 中间休息英汉双向大词典break 英[breik] 美[brek] 过去式:broke 过去分词:broken 现在分词:breaking 复数:breaks 易混淆的单词:Break基本释义词组习语同反义词相关资料vt. & vi.1.打破, 折断, 弄坏vt.1.破坏, 违反2.终止, 中断3.透露, 说出4.打破(纪录)5.(使)破,裂,碎6.弄坏;损坏;坏掉7.弄破;使流血8. 违犯;背弃9.稍停;暂停10. 打断;中断11. 强行终止;破坏12.逃脱;挣脱13.(被)摧毁,削弱14.使心碎;使十分悲伤;使孤寂15.(常指好天气)突变16.破译;破解17.换成零钱;找开18. 露出缝隙;散开19.开始;(风暴)发作20.透露;传开21.(因激动)变调22.(指男孩在13 或14 岁时嗓音)变粗,变粗浑23.(波涛)拍岸,迸溅24.去掉,戒除,放弃(习惯);使放弃习惯;纠正(常与of连用)25.使降职,把…降级,革职,把…撤职26.使穷困,使耗尽资金,耗尽;使破产27.破…而入;辟出(路径等);冲破(障碍等)28.强行越(狱),越出,跳出;(强行)逃走;挣断(锁链等);从…挣脱29.【军事】使(士兵等)离开编队,打乱(队形等),使溃散;使不规则,使不整齐30.减少,削弱(雨雪量、风力等),(以阻隔等)减弱…的势头,减轻(打击等)的力度,减弱(影响)31.【新闻学】发表,公布,发布(消息等)32.【法律】通过法律手续使(遗嘱)失效,(以正当司法手续)废弃(遗嘱)vi.1.破晓, 突然出现2.爆裂,胀破3.坏掉,破掉,破坏,被损坏(常与away,off或from连用)4.(军队等)溃散;散开,散去5.强行进入,闯入;侵入(常与in, in upon, into或through连用)6.突破,猛闯,急冲,冲出(常与for连用)7.中止,中断,停顿,打断(常与in, into, forth或from连用)8.(价格)突然下跌,陡降,(尤指证券)暴跌,猛跌,狂泻;财政收入下降;(银行等)倒闭;破产9.(嗓音)突变;(男嗓音)发生青春期粗浑突变,突然变得不好听;突然转向10.(感情)表露(into)11.突然形成(或产生);事情(或消息)传开12.(波浪)拍击(海岸),(浪)冲击,(波浪)卷碎,破碎n.1.裂口, 裂缝; 破裂2.间歇, 中间休息3.课间休息4.间断;暂停5.(电视或电台节目的)插播广告的间隙6.短期休假7.(持续一段时间的状况的)改变,终止,中断8.间隔;缝隙9.机会;机遇10.破裂;骨折11.接发球得分12. 接连击中;接连击中所得的分数13.(无篷)四轮大马车14.(用以训练幼马的)车架子及物动词vt. & 不及物动词vi.1.打破, 折断, 弄坏Glass breaks easily.玻璃易碎。

break turn call put set turn 等14个常用词组!

break turn call put  set turn 等14个常用词组!

一、BREAK1. break away(from) 突然离开,放弃;(与……)脱离eg: The wing of the plane broke away in mid-air and the plane crashed.机翼在空中脱落,飞机坠落了。

Can’t you break away from old habits? 你不能戒除旧习惯吗?2. break down vi. 损坏;(汽车)抛锚;失败vt. 分解(强调物理变化)eg: Negotiations have broken down. 谈判已经破裂了。

The car/ engine broke down. 汽车/引擎坏掉了。

Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.糖和淀粉在胃里被分解。

3. break in/into 闯入, 打断, 开始工作eg: His house was broken into in the midnight.半夜有人闯入他家。

4. break off 中断, 折断, 突然停止, 脱落, 暂停, 断绝, 解除eg: He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话还没说完就中断了。

break off an engagement / conversation 突然解约/ 终止谈话5. break out (fire, disease, war, violence)突发, 爆发,相当于不及物动词,不带宾语,也没有被动语态。

Eg: A fire broke out during the night. 晚上发生一场火灾。

6. break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束, 衰落, 分解(强调化学变化), 变坏, 驱散eg: The gathering broke up in disorder. 聚会一哄而散。

The marriage is breaking up. 婚姻濒临破裂。

break up的用法及短语

break up的用法及短语

break up的用法及短语一、Break up的基本用法Break up是一个常见的短语动词,可以表示多种含义和用法。



此外,break up也可用于描述人际关系的终结。

1.1 分裂、解散或结束整体或团体在这个意义上,break up通常带有以以下几种方式使用:(1)当涉及到分裂国家或团体时:The Soviet Union broke up into 15 different countries.(2)当谈论结束一场会议或集会时:The conference broke up at noon.(3)当形容夫妻关系的终结时:They decided to break up after five years of marriage.1.2 打破、拆散或摧毁某物在这方面,break up可能表示以以下方式使用:(1)当描述人们打碎物品时:She accidentally broke the vase while cleaning.(2)当指摧毁冰块为更小的部分时:Use a hammer to break up the ice cubes.(3)当形容天空中云层消散时:The sun came out and began to break up the clouds.二、Break up的常见短语搭配除了基本用法之外,break up还有许多常见的短语搭配,用于表达不同的含义和情境。

2.1 Break up with这个短语搭配通常表示结束某种人际关系,特别是恋爱或婚姻关系。

例如:- They broke up with each other after a series of arguments.- He decided to break up with his girlfriend because he felt they were growing apart.2.2 Break up into这个短语搭配表示将整体分割或分解成更小的部分。

01.Break 以break为中心的短语

01.Break  以break为中心的短语
Suger and starch are broken down in the stomach.
He had to hold her back as she tried to break for the door.
Burglars had broken in our house while we are away.
He broke off a chocolate and give it to me.
Britain threatens to break off diplomatic relations.
They have broken off the engagement.
The son breaks though at last in the afternoon.
He had managed to break through his reserve.
The ship broke up on the rocks.
He just makes me break up.
When a person who is talking on the phone breaks up, you can’t hear them clearly because the signal has been interrupted.






例句有:1、He fell through the window, breaking the glass...他撞破玻璃从窗口摔了下去。

2、She broke a leg in a skiing accident...她在一次滑雪事故中摔断了一条腿。

3、Once you've broken the seal of a bottle there's no way you can put it back together again...一旦你撕开瓶子的密封条,你就无法再把它复原。

4、When the clutch broke, the car was locked into second gear...离合器失灵后,汽车只能在二挡行驶。

5、We didn't know we were breaking the law.我们不知道自己在犯法。

6、She broke free by thrusting her elbow into his chest.她用肘猛击他的胸部,挣脱了出来。

7、Hugh broke the silence. 'Is she always late?' he asked...休打破了沉默,问道:“她总是迟到吗?”8、n 1959, Akihito broke with imperial tradition by marrying a commoner...明仁天皇在1959年打破皇室传统,娶了一位平民女子为妻。


(4)坍塌,坏掉;Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night.由于爆炸,昨夜这座
(5)失败,破裂;Your plan has broken down. What a pity!你的计划失败了,真遗憾!Why did
the peace talks break down?为什么和谈失败了?
么时候爆发的?I have heard that a quarrel broke out between them.我听说他们之间爆发了争
吵。More than one hundred fires broke out in our city last year.去年我市发生了一百多起火灾。
6. break away from打破陈规;奋力挣脱;放弃习惯You must break away from these old
(6)崩溃;After a long time of hard work,he almost broke down.长时间艰苦劳动之后,他
(7)分解This matter will break down in water.这种物质在水中会分解。
2. break up
驱散。The police broke up the crowd (the meeting)。
11. break forth突然发出,爆发,迸发,发作The crowd broke forth in cheers.欢呼声从
12. break in two使破成两半When I hit the ball,my bat broke in two.击球时我的球拍断

Breaking Up Like a Man-如何像男人一样分手(The Tao of Badass)

Breaking Up Like a Man-如何像男人一样分手(The Tao of Badass)

Breaking Up Like a ManBreaking UpLike a ManWhat happens when you realize that you need to end a relationship? If you want to date like a badass, you’re going to have to learn how to break up like a badass too.There are a lot of rules that men need to follow during the breakup phase. The first thing you have to remember is an important paradox: a man will not be able to attract the right woman forhim until he’s worked out his insecurities, but he will not be ableto get rid of his insecurities until he’s dated a lot of women and learned to overcome them. Like it or not, you will have many failed relationships before you find the right one. It’s impossible for anyone to learn how to be in a successful relationship without having experienced several of them.If you’re expecting to finish reading this book, walk outside, find the woman of your dreams, and marry her, you’re setting yourselfup for disappointment. That’s not going to happen. This book is teaching you skills, not an easily learned lesson. Like all skills, what you learn here has to be practiced over and over again before you’ll be able to do it well. You’re going to continue to date people while you’re working on getting over your insecurities, and during that timenotesyou’re going to make mistakes. Maybe you’ll be in a monogamous relationship with a woman you should have been in a polyamorous relationship with, or maybe the timing will be off and your relationship won’t be viable.Mistakes are an inevitable part of learning, so you’re going to have to know how to handle them in effective ways. When you’re in a relationship that you know won’t work out, you need to know how to break up like a man and move on with your life.One of the major rules that you’ll have to follow is that you should leave every woman you date better than you found her. Let’s say that every man in the world dates 4 women before finding the woman he wants to marry (a very conservative number). That means that every woman in the world will have 4 failed relationships before she finds her ideal partner. Any time you break up with a woman in a negative way, you make it harder for the man who should be with her to meet her because she’ll become increasingly closed off to the ideas of socializing, dating, and forming relationships. We’re in this together – as a species, as men – so we need to do our best to help others out. A woman should be open when she meets the man who is perfect for her, not terrified that she’s going to have her heart broken. If you keep breaking up with women in a way that is negative and hurtful, you’re making them insecure and angry, and making it difficult for the men of their dreams to connect with them.So stop being a dick, and don’t do that anymore.In addition to always doing your best to leave a woman better than you found her, you must recognize that relationships are inherentlynotesselfish. You must leave any relationship you are not happy in. No exceptions. You can try to work the problems out, but if the woman is not willing to budge on the issues that are important to you, you have to leave.As humans, we enter relationships because they make us happy; never try to fool yourself into thinking it’s only about making someone else happy. If making a woman happy made you feel like crap, you wouldn’t be in a relationship with her! We are motivated to do things because they make us feel good. Even though giving money to a charity or a homeless person seems like a selfless act, we do it because we like the way it makes us feel. If we felt like we were drowning every time we gave money to charity, no one would ever do it.Has anyone ever told you “the only thing that’s constant is change?” Relationships are no exception. If you find yourself in a relationship in which your growth has stagnated despite your best effort to continue growing, or in which there’s no growth on the woman’s part, the relationship will either end because you will terminate it or it will end on its own. The more time that passes between the moment when you realize that a relationship is doomed and the moment it actually ends, the less likely it is that she will find the man who is the right person for her.Because change is the only constant, you can usually determine if a relationship was good after you’ve ended it better than you can determine its quality while you’re in it. What your ex-girlfriend becomes after the breakup will tell you what you did with her that was right, and what you did with her that was wrong. If she improvesin some way post-breakup, it’s likely that you held her back fromnotesimproving while you were together. Perhaps you were too jealous, or maybe you didn’t reward her. There are a number of possible ways you could have been holding her back without realizing you were doing it.If a woman lets herselfgo after a break up and ends up worse off than she was within the relationship, she depended on you for growth. In an ideal world, the woman you date should feel confident enough after things have ended with you to move on and continue growing. This rests entirely on how you break up.A break up that places blame on someone (either you or her) will end poorly for both people involved. It might seem easier to say “It’s not you, it’s me” – and it might feel good to say “It’s not me, it’s you” – but the truth is that neither of those explanations is usually right. More often than not, either both people are responsible for the dissolution of a relationship or outside forces are to blame. Sometimes you might find yourself in a situation in which you know you need to break up with someone but you can’t handle the pressure of doing so. Maybe you know that your relationship doesn’t have the logical attraction that we discussed in the chapter on polyamory, but it still makes you feel good enough that you want to continue it. In that case, you have to keep this in mind: you can either be a part of the transition in her life, or you can be part of her future. Without logical attraction, you cannot be both. If your lives are going in different directions, you must decide between two options. You can separate so that she can change while you’re apart and have the possibility of getting back together later on, or you can stay togetherfor the time being with the knowledge that you will separate afternotes her transition. This is what it all comes down to: do you want to be happy in the short term and sacrifice your chance for happiness in the long term? Or do you want to have a greater chance of being happy in the long term at the expense of short term happiness?In most cases, the best way to give a relationship a chance to work out in the future is to end it now while leaving the door open for a later reunion. Allow her to change and grow, and if you’re still around when her transition is finished you can begin a relationship again. You will only take steps up after ending a relationship – one relationship tenet that you can never forget is that the girl you date next will always be better, in one form or another, than the one you just dated.The difference between a good break up and a bad one lies in communication and acceptance. To break up well, you must tell a woman why you are ending a relationship, but must accept her and make her feel wanted during the process. Break it down as much as possible. If you can do this, you will have a successful, positive break up. Refusing to do one or both of those things will devastate the break up process every single time, I guarantee it. Unfortunately, you might occasionally find that a relationship ends badly even if you know you both gave acceptance and communicated well. Cut your losses and move on if this ever happens to you. Life isn’t always perfect.The key to a successful break up is to be logical during the process. It’s very, very difficult to be logical at a time when you are feeling emotional, but you must override your emotions if you want to end arelationship on a positive note. As we discussed earlier, only one halfnotesof your brain works at a time. If you’re thinking with your emotional brain, your logical brain will be completely overwhelmed. That means that you need to learn how to increase the influence of your logical brain at times when you are feeling emotional.Instead of trying to calm yourself down (which doesn’t really work), focus on thinking about the situation in a logical manner. When you cannot control your mind directly, you can often use your body to control it for you. Arrange your body so that it’s in a position that makes you more powerful and allows you to have more control over your interaction and over yourself.You have to be careful with this because your emotional brain will try to trick you into thinking you’re being logical when you aren’t. Your mind will start forming excuse processes, which seem logical because your emotional brain trains you to think they are when they actually are not.Before I go into more detail about that, I want to take a moment to talk about divorce. Hopefully you haven’t and will never have to go through a divorce, but there are valuable lessons to be learned from the experience. Many, many men make mistakes that unnecessarily make an already-difficult situation even more difficult.One of these common mistakes is that divorced men have a tendency to attract women that are the exact opposite of their former wives. When you first get back in the game, your focus should be building your skills back up, not trying to find a replacement for your ex. If finding a replacement is your goal, you’ll end up attracting women who have all the same positive qualities as your former spouse, and exaggerated versions of her negative qualities. The big problem herenotesis that you’ve found yourself another extreme, and you’ll be just as unhappy with the new woman as you were with your ex. Don’t repeat history. No man wants to revisit his problems over and over again, yet it happens often because we are responsible for creating the problems in our relationships. It’s a man’s job to frame and balance a relationship, so if the relationship goes awry a man who is playing the male gender role can only blame himself. If you don’t learn how to frame a relationship so that it is successful, you will keep repeating yourself…multiple divorces, multiple breakups, countless failed relationships…That can’t happen. You won’t live long enough, even if you live to be 200 years old, to have a healthy relationship in spite of continuously repeating the mistakes of your past. Learn from every mistake, or all of your actions are nothing more than wastes of your money and time. A mistake is worth it if your take a useful lesson from it.At one point in my life, I worked as a day trader. Though I knew nothing about the stock market in the beginning, I did very well. After a while, however, I feel victim to a scam that was popular in the industry at the time. I lost $15,000 in the span of two days. When I looked at the situation, I realized I could frame it in one of two ways: I could either think of it as losing $15,000, or I could think of it as learning a $15,000 lesson. Was there a lesson to be learned from my mistake that was worth $15,000? Absolutely! I learned that I affect the market. I’d never realized before that when I was trading, other people could see what I was doing and made decisions based on what they saw. I realized how passively we tend to look at life. When we walk into a bar, wenotespay attention to almost nothing. We don’t notice that everyone else is reacting to the things we do and say.People aren’t always what they seem. A guy who is obnoxious may just think the whole world is out to get him. If a monster had a session with a psychiatrist, he would probably say “I don’t know what’s going on! Everyone in the world is afraid, and lonely, and weak. Everyone hates everyone else. They’re all terrified of talking to other people. What’s going on?” A monster would have that view of the human world because it’s all he sees. When humans encounter a monster, their natural reaction is to scream and run away, not befriend him! What the monster doesn’t realize is that he is affecting the behavior of the humans, and that’s what creates his reality. You might not realize that you are always affecting the market when you’re in a relationship. Everything you do causes your partner to react, so instead of just reading the reaction you have to be aware of what you did to cause it. You’ll never know how to control an interaction if you can’t do this. That lesson was worth $15,000 to me because without it, I never would have learned how to calibrate my businesses so that I never made that mistake again.In neurolinguistic programming, there are two theories regarding the types of control you can have over yourself. One school of thought claims that if you lead your body, your mind will follow. If you make your body act a certain way, your emotions and your mind will fall in line with those movements. The second theory states that if you lead your mind, your body will follow. You can control your body by controlling your mind.notes For the sake of discussion, we’re going to refer to losing control of your mind as “losing your mind” in this chapter. When you lose your mind, you have to find your body. You can use your body to regain control over your mind by putting your body in a position that will trigger a thought process that will link an emotion to the way your body is moving. The simplest example of this is that if you force yourself to smile, you’ll actually start to feel happier.The opposite is also true. If you’re acting weak, you can remind yourself to feel stronger and your body will naturally assume a more dominant pose. Normally we have more control over our bodies than we do over our minds, so checking in with your body during a very emotional time like a break up is very important. You must have dominant, confident body language when you are ending a relationship because you will lose your mind otherwise.There are a few things you must do before you begin the process of breaking up with a woman. The first thing you need to do is clear up a large amount of time, because breaking up usually take four times longer than you think it will. You can’t break up with a woman and immediately leave, or you will leave her in an emotional state in which she feels unaccepted and abandoned. A horrendous storm might follow, but a badass will sit through it. Budget a couple of hours for this process.Next, make sure that you have something quiet to do post-break up, preferably with a friend. After a break up, you’re going to experience an intense series of emotions. In the beginning you’ll feel free and relieved that everything is over with, but after a while you’ll starting feeling alone and scared. Because a part of you had an emotionalnotesassociation with the woman and she’s now gone, your feelings will vacillate between jumping up high and sinking down low. Many of your feelings are anchored to her, so when you start feeling excited, your excitement will trigger a memory of her and you will become sad again. As new experiences come along, your anchors will reset and your emotions will even out.Don’t celebrate a break up. Don’t throw a party. Don’t put yourself back on the dating scene immediately. It’s not healthy, and forcing yourself to be social will not make you feel good. A break up isn’t a cause for celebration; it’s a time for reflecting on your successes and failures and for thinking about your next move in light of the new lessons you’ve learned. Obsessing over finding a rebound girl is massively detrimental to this process.Another huge, huge rule is that you should always break up in person. Obviously there are some situations in which this will be completely impossible, but otherwise you must abide by this rule. Phone, email, Facebook, texts, instant messenger – none of these are appropriate ways to break up with someone. Not only is it impersonal, you won’t be able to control whether or not the woman feels accepted or denied if you’re not present. A break up is a scary thing for a woman to go through, so you need to be there for her. Besides, the reason you’re in that situation in the first place is that you did not take charge during the relationship – at least have the courage to take responsibility during the break up.You also cannot afford to put a break-up off, if you know you need to do it. Just get it over with. Tell her you need to talk to her, set up a time, and do it. The longer you wait, the worse off you both will be.notesDon’t waste your time by staying with someone you know you don’t have a future with. Don’t waste her time by keeping her from meeting the man who is right for her.Most of these rules apply to polyamorous relationships as well as monogamous relationships, though the effects of following them are usually less severe in polyamorous relationships because both partners understand from the beginning that the relationship is only temporary.Let’s talk a little bit about what causes a break up. It’s very easy to blame a break up on some things, but those are usually the things that you really shouldn’t place blame on! You might be inclined to blame it on yourself to make her feel better about the end of the relationship, or you might find yourself blaming her for everything to make yourself feel better. The truth is that it’s probably not entirely either person’s fault.To make your future break ups just a tiny bit easier, here’s a list of 4 things you can blame a break up on, and 3 things you can never blame a break up on:the Do’s* You’re not perfect for each other. This is a perfectly acceptable thing to blame a break up on because it’s probably true. I generally say “As far as we know, we only live one time. And because of that, it would be stupid for either of us to settle for anything less than perfect. We know we’re not perfect for each other, but I think you’re phenomenal and the man who is perfect for you is a very luckyguy.” This is a conversation you want to have before you’re evenconsidering breaking up with her, because seeding this idea early on in a relationship will make it easier to end the relationship later if something goes wrong.* It’s not the right time for the two of you to be together. In my experience, this is the second largest relationship-destroyer (the first being ego). When you try to force a relationship that lacks logical attraction, you ruin any chance the relationship has to be successful in the future. You have to break things off if you know that the timing isn’t right. It’s not your fault it’s not the right time, and it’s not her fault it’s not the right time – you simply have to let her know that a relationship might work out in the future, but isn’t right for the two of you at the moment.* The relationship lacks emotional attraction or rapport. Your relationship is based on superficial love if it is missing an emotional connection and isn’t polyamorous. Your job is to explain this toher in a way that she can easily understand. No, that does not mean creating a PowerPoint presentation about the consummate love triangle – whatever you say and do cannot feel impersonal and cold. Instead, let her know that the emotional attachment that you both need in an ideal relationship isn’t there, and won’t ever be there, because neither of you are willing to create it. Just be honest with her.* Your lives are not going in the same direction. This is a very specific logistical issue. If she knows she wants to go to college in another state, and you know you have to stay in this state for your job, your relationship is not going to work out! Let her go to college, let her date other people, and date other people yourself. She needsnotesto have the sexual validation and emotional fulfillment that you will not be able to provide her when you live in different states. It’s selfish of you to keep her from experiencing that.the Don’ts* “I’m not ready for a relationship.” This excuse limits you. What happens if you meet someone shortly afterwards who’s perfect for you in every single way? You might hesitate to date her because you just told your ex you’re not ready for a relationship. If an ex finds out that you immediately started dating someone new after you gave her this break up reason, she’ll lose her faith in you, lose her faith in men, and have to backwards-rationalize so that the break up was solely you’re fault. That’s not even close to leaving her better than you found her.* “I want to focus on my career.” You can focus on your career and date someone at the same time. The issue here isn’t that you’re unable to give your career the attention it requires, it’s that she is not supporting you where your career is concerned. You cannot date her if that’s the case. Again, if you use this and meet a girl soon afterwards, every woman you’ve said this too will come back to haunt you, and you’ll make it more difficult for other men to date your ex because she’ll now have new shields up as a result of your lie.* “I don’t want to be tied down.” It’s not necessarily the tying you down that matters – it’s who’s tying you down. If a woman is not the right person for you, then she’s not the right person for you. That’s it. Don’t blame the end of your relationship on something silly like not wanting to be tied to someone. A woman should never feel like you’ve lied to her.After a break up, you will be faced with several different challenges. Emotional anchors will repeatedly dredge up memories and feelings that are associated with your ex, making it difficult to get over her. Let’s say you used to go to an amusement park with her. Every time you see one or ride a roller coaster after your break up, you’ll be reminded of her.All of the emotional anchors that are tied to your ex must be replaced with new anchors. A simple way to do this is to go to an amusement park with a lot of other people, or visit one when you’re in a state of reflection. You’ll start to associate amusement parks with growth, or something else that will last a long time. There are also more active ways to rid yourself of anchors, but they involve a longer, more drawn out process and neurolinguistic programming. Lots of things can go wrong when you use NLP to tinker with your emotions, so I don’t necessarily condone it, but it is an option that’s available to you. Another challenge you will face is also linked to emotion. It will be very, very hard to keep yourself from giving in to your emotions in the wake of a break up, because your emotional brain will convince you that your feelings are the most important things in your life. Emotions are valuable, but so is your logic. You have to make a pact with yourself and the people supporting you that you will not fall victim to emotion. Remind yourself that you broke up with her for a reason – you don’t need to get back together with her to make yourself feel better!If you really find yourself hitting rock bottom, find a piece of paper and write down each one of her qualities that would eventually ruin your relationship. Write down that she was selfish, or that she putnotes too much pressure on you. Add every negative quality you can think of, and keep the paper around to refer to whenever you feel the need to. I don’t advocate using this technique often, but it can work for you if you’re in desperate need of relief.The last thing I want you to keep in mind is that it’s very likely that your relationship ended because you reversed gender roles. Your laziness probably lead you to playing the female gender role, which in turn forced her to take on the male gender role. This happens for one of two reasons: either you became tired of always having to be logical and make decisions and wanted a break, or she tested you and you failed the test. If she tries to take over the relationship to test your dominance, you can’t let her. She’ll blame you for making her feel like a man if you don’t pass the test and she has to assume the male gender role, and you’ll blame her for making you feel like a woman. The blame game always leads to break up.From now on, every time you’re tempted to burn your ex’s photos or tear up her letters, review this chapter for advice on how to break up like a man. A badass with women is a badass from the start of therelationship to the end!If you enjoyed this book, visitJoshua's site for a special offer.。

Breaking Up Long Sentences

Breaking Up Long Sentences

Referees do not usually have the time to decipher your sentences and work out the connections between the ideas contained therein. If they do not understand immediately, then this is likely to aggravate them.
Another reason for using short sentences is that we tend to read the beginnings and endings of sentences with more attention. Our eyes tend to be drawn to the white space between one sentence and another. If your sentence is long, the reader will miss important information contained in middle part.
This chapter shows you high to create shorter sentences.
Think above all about the reader
Whether they are Nobel Prize winners, Oxford professors, or first-year university students, all readers prefer sentences that they: • only need to read once • don’t have to read slowly because the sentence does not require inteneral surveys aimed at investigating whether stress increases in proportion to the number of children a couple has and each survey led to the same result, i.e. that there is no correlation, thus confirming the hypothesis that stress in the family is generally connected to factors other than size.




例如,look after意思是“照顾”,而不是“看后面”。



例如,look after变为looking after。


例如:Looking after children is not easy. 照顾孩子不容易。

I enjoy listening to music. 我喜欢听音乐。


例如:He is wearing a sleeping bag. 他穿着一件睡袋。

This is a washing machine. 这是一台洗衣机。


例如:He left without saying goodbye. 他没有说再见就走了。

While waiting for the bus, I met an old friend. 我在等公共汽车的时候遇到了一个老朋友。

By working hard, you can achieve your goals. 通过努力工作,你可以实现你的目标。


例如:My hobby is reading books. 我的爱好是读书。

She is good at playing the piano. 她擅长弹钢琴。





break用法和搭配break down:The telephone system has broke down.If law and order break down, anarchy will result. Her health broke down under the pressure of work. Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach. break in:(1)Please don’t break in on our conversa tion.(2)Robbers had broken in while were on holiday. break into:(1)His house was broken into last night.(2)As the President’s car arrived, the crowd broke into loud applause.break out:Fire broke out during the night.break through:(1)Scientists say they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.(2)People on strike broke through the police.break up解散;驱散;分裂;拆散;结束;使精神垮掉解散、散去:The meeting broke up at eleven o’clock..Police broke up the demonstration. 警察驱散了示威群众?。

The group broke up. 小组解散了。

The crowd broke up.人群散开了。

They break up the meeting.他们散会了。



分开是最好的选择英语作文Breaking Up is the Best Choice。

Breaking up is never easy, but sometimes it is necessary. When a relationship is no longer healthy or fulfilling, it is time to move on. It takes courage to end a relationship, but it can also be the best decision you ever make.There are many reasons why people choose to break up. Perhaps they have grown apart, or they have different goals and values. Maybe one person is not treating the other with respect, or there is a lack of trust. Whatever the reason, it is important to recognize when a relationship is no longer working.Staying in a bad relationship can be detrimental to your mental and emotional health. It can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and even depression. It can alsoaffect your physical health, causing stress and otherhealth problems. By breaking up, you can free yourself from these negative emotions and start to heal.Breaking up can also be beneficial for the other person. If you are not happy in the relationship, chances are they are not either. By ending the relationship, you are giving them the opportunity to find someone who is a better match for them. It may be difficult in the short term, but in the long term, it is the best decision for both of you.Of course, breaking up is never easy. It can be painful and emotional, and it can take time to heal. But it is important to remember that it is not the end of the world. You will move on, and you will find happiness again. In the meantime, take care of yourself and surround yourself with supportive friends and family.In conclusion, breaking up is never easy, but sometimes it is necessary. It takes courage to end a relationship,but it can also be the best decision you ever make. If you are in a relationship that is no longer healthy orfulfilling, it may be time to move on. Remember, youdeserve to be happy and fulfilled, and sometimes the best way to achieve that is to break up.。



失恋游戏名英文作文英文:Breaking Up Game。

Breaking up is never easy, especially when you have invested so much time and effort into a relationship. However, there is a game out there that can help you get over your ex and move on with your life. It's called the "Breaking Up Game."The game is simple. You start by writing down all the things that you loved about your ex and all the things that you disliked about them. Then, you play a game of "truth or dare" with yourself. You ask yourself questions about your ex and answer them truthfully. If you don't want to answer the question, you have to do a dare.For example, if you ask yourself, "Why did my ex break up with me?" and you don't want to answer, you might haveto do a dare like calling a friend and singing a song to them. The game is designed to help you confront your feelings about your ex and move on from them.Another aspect of the game is to focus on self-improvement. You can set goals for yourself, like learning a new skill or going on a trip, and work towards achieving them. This will help you focus on yourself and your own happiness, rather than dwelling on the past.Overall, the Breaking Up Game can be a helpful tool in the healing process after a breakup. It allows you to confront your feelings and focus on self-improvement, which can lead to a happier and healthier future.中文:失恋游戏。

鸡驱学校高一英语 短语break的用法

鸡驱学校高一英语 短语break的用法

妨努州忍劲市鸡驱学校高一英语短语break的用法请先看下面三道高考试题:1. The computer system _____suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. 〔卷〕A. broke downB. broke outC. broke upD. broke in解析:A由语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“坏了〞,因此填broke down。

2. To understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _____ into parts. 〔卷〕A. downB. upC. offD. out解析:A break... down在此意为“将……分解〞,符合语境逻辑。

3. I was still sleeping when the fire _____ , and then it spread quickly. 〔卷〕A. broke outB. put outC. came outD. got out解析:A由the fire与spread之间的语境逻辑可以推出该空表示“〔火灾〕发生〞,因此填broke out。


1. break down(1)破坏,毁掉;Who broke down the doors of our classroom? 谁把我们教室的门打坏了?(2)破除;The old rules must be broken down. 这些陈旧的规章制度必须废除。

(3)制服;The police tried to break down the prisoners’ opposition.警方设法制服囚犯的对抗。

(4)坍塌,坏掉;Because of explosion the bridge broke down last night. 由于爆炸,昨夜这座桥倒塌了。



常用动词短语大全break短语动词用法大全1. break away (from)(1) 突然逃掉或离开。

如:The thief broke away from the policeman. 小偷从警察那逃脱了。

(2) 断绝往来,脱离。

如:He broke away from all his old friends. 他同他所有的老朋友断绝了往来。

(3) 改掉(旧习惯),破除(旧作法)。

如:You must break away from such habits. 你必须改掉那些习惯。

2. break down(1) (机器、车辆等)坏了。

如:The car broke down after an hour’s driving. 车子开了一个小时就坏了。

(2) (计划、谈判等)失败。

如:Our plans have broken down. 我们的计划已失败了。

(3) (谈话、通讯等)中断。

如:He broke down as he was singing. 他没唱完就突然停住了。

(4) (健康、精神等)变坏。

如:Her health broke down under the pressure of work. 工作的压力把他的身体弄垮了。

3. break in(1) 突然进来,强行进入。

如:He broke in and stole my money. 他闯进来偷了我的钱。

(2) 插嘴,打岔。

如:He broke in with some ideas of his own. 他插话谈了自己的一些想法。

Please don’t break in on our conversation. 请不要打断我们的谈话。

The secretary broke in to say that a telegram had just arrived. 秘书插话说刚收到一个电报。

注:以上用法的break in 通常是不及物的,但有时也用作及物动词,带宾语,表示:训练某人(物),使某人(物)适应。

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As the song says, "breaking up is hard to do". But, believe it or not, breaking up is an important time in any relationship. A thoughtful, mature break up leaves you feeling optimistic about the future, while an angry or tearful end leaves only negativity and regret. So, if you want to dump your boyfriend or girlfriend, how do you do it? The first thing to do is decide where you're going to do it.
If you're not sure what you want, then you shouldn't yet be talking about breaking up! An end of a relationship needs closure. Both you and your ex should get things off your chests. Just make sure it's not hurtful or nasty. And then?
It has to be face to face, a phone call, text message or 'Dear John'' letter are cowardly ways out, and it should be somewhere private. Secondly, don't be fake. Classic break up phrases such as "It's not you, it's me", or, "It just wasn't meant to be", make you sound shallow. And don't tell him or her that you can still be friends or you just want to take a break if you never want to see them again! That just gives them false hope.
COour friends. Have fun. Buy yourself something nice. But don't contact your ex for at least two or three weeks and definitely do not jump right into a new relationship. "Rebound"" relationships are never a good idea.
Leave. Don't hang around. You've made the break it's time to start a new part of your life. And sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind, so get out of there! After you've broken up with someone, it's important to cheer yourself up.
"I honestly feel our relationship isn't working out"" "I think we should break up". And once you've broken the news, beware of the 'aftermath'! You don't know how your ex is going to react, so be ready for anything; anger, tears, screaming, or maybe just a cold, blank face. Just be sure not to comfort them or change your mind: if you really have decided it's time to break up, then be strong and do it.
Instead, tell the truth. Tell him or her you want to break up, and tell them why. Be fair, but not cruel. Use the words 'think', 'feel'' and 'honesty'' a lot to show him or her that you're sincere about your feelings and this really is the end. For example "The reason I'm breaking up with you is because you're not dependable enough""
In the end, if one person in the relationship wants out, breaking up is often the best thing for both people. How you end it is an important part of the recovery process. Try to make it as painless as possible.