Morphometric discrimination of wild from farmed Dybowski's frog(Rana dybowskii) based on hind
Natural disasters are events that occur naturally and cause significant damage to life, property,and the environment.They can be sudden and unexpected,or they may develop gradually over time.Here is a detailed essay on the topic of natural disasters,discussing their types,causes,impacts,and how we can prepare for and mitigate them.IntroductionNatural disasters have been a part of our planets history,and they continue to shape our world in various ways.They are a stark reminder of the immense power of nature and the vulnerability of human societies.The essay will explore the different types of natural disasters,their causes,the devastating effects they have on communities,and the steps that can be taken to reduce their impact.Types of Natural Disasters1.Earthquakes:Sudden movements of the Earths crust cause these seismic events,which can lead to widespread destruction,especially in densely populated areas.2.Tsunamis:Triggered by underwater earthquakes,volcanic eruptions,or landslides, tsunamis are massive waves that can inundate coastal areas,causing significant loss of life and property.3.Hurricanes and Typhoons:These are tropical cyclones that form over warm ocean waters and bring heavy rains,strong winds,and storm surges,leading to flooding and damage.4.Floods:Excessive rainfall,snowmelt,or dam failures can cause floods,which can submerge large areas,disrupt transportation,and lead to waterborne diseases.5.Droughts:Prolonged periods of low precipitation can lead to water scarcity,crop failures,and famine,affecting both humans and wildlife.6.Volcanic Eruptions:The release of molten rock,ash,and gases from the Earths interior can cause widespread devastation,including air travel disruptions and longterm climate effects.ndslides and Mudslides:These occur when soil,rock,and other debris move down a slope,often due to heavy rainfall or earthquakes,causing damage to infrastructure and loss of life.Causes of Natural DisastersNatural disasters are caused by a combination of geological,meteorological,and hydrological processes.The Earths tectonic activity,climate patterns,and water cycles are some of the primary drivers behind these events.Human activities,such as deforestation and urbanization,can exacerbate the conditions that lead to natural disasters.Impacts of Natural DisastersThe impacts of natural disasters are multifaceted,affecting not only human lives but also the economy,infrastructure,and the environment.They can lead to:Loss of life and injuriesDestruction of homes and businessesDisruption of essential services like healthcare and educationEconomic losses due to damage and the cost of recoveryLongterm environmental damage and ecosystem disruptionPreparation and MitigationTo reduce the impact of natural disasters,it is crucial to invest in preparedness and mitigation strategies.Some of these include:1.Early Warning Systems:Developing and implementing systems that can predict and provide early warnings of impending disasters,allowing for timely evacuation and preparation.2.Infrastructure Resilience:Designing and constructing buildings and infrastructure that can withstand the forces of natural disasters,such as earthquakeresistant buildings and floodresistant barriers.nd Use Planning:Implementing land use policies that avoid building in highrisk areas,such as floodplains or earthquakeprone zones.munity Education:Educating communities about the risks of natural disasters and how to respond effectively during and after such events.5.Emergency Response Plans:Establishing robust emergency response plans that include the coordination of resources,evacuation procedures,and postdisaster recovery efforts.ConclusionNatural disasters are an inevitable part of our existence on Earth.While we cannot prevent them,we can take proactive steps to minimize their impact.By understanding the causes,preparing for the inevitable,and investing in mitigation strategies,we can build more resilient communities that are better equipped to face the challenges posed by nature.It is a collective responsibility to ensure that our actions today contribute to a safer and more sustainable future for all.。
S tud y o n th e Ed g e Effe c t of O rth op te ra n C om m u n ity i n N i n g x ia H e la n M o u n ta i nHE H a i 2m i n g 1,Y AN G G u i 2ju n 2,HE L i 2ro n g 2,WAN G Xi n 2p u3,431.Sci e nce and Tech no l o gy Dep a rt m e nt,N i ng xi a U nivers i ty,Yi nchua n 750021;2.Schoo l o f L i fe Sc i en ce ,Yi nchua n 750021;3.Schoo l o fAg ri cu lt u re,N i n gxi a U n i ve rs it y,Yi nchua n 750021; 4.Ke y Labo ra t o ry f o r R es t o rat i o n a nd R econ s tru cti o n o f D eg raded Eco sy s t em i n No rth 2we s tern C h i na of M i n is try o f Edu ca ti o n,Yinchuan 750021Ab s t ra ct [O bject i ve]The s tudy a i m ed t o d iscus s the i nfl uen ce s o f ed ge effect on o rtho p t e ran comm un it y i n ea st s l o p e o f Helan Mo un t a i n.[M eth od ]Sam p l e s a re co l l e cted by u s i ng samp l e zo ne m e t ho d.The d i ffe ren t sp ecies o f o rt hop terans i n d i ffe ren t hab i ta ts are reco rded.[Resul t]Th e p ercen tage of O ed i po di d ae,C atan t op i dae and Pamp hg i dae i n t o t a l are 42.65%,29.15%a nd 12.76%re sp ecti ve l y .From scat t e red g ras s 2l a nd i n teri o r t o e dge and then t o des ert g ras s l an d,abun dance i n crea se i n t u rn,bu t d i ve rs it y i n the edge is the h i ghe s t .The d i vers i ty i nde x o f o r 2thop t e ran comm un i ty decrea se w i th the dis t a nce aw ay fr om edge i nc rea s i ng.The ri chne ss chang es w it h the dis t a nce aw ay fr om the edge.The re are 4t ype s o f edg e effect s i n cl ud i ng ha bitat gene ralis t,hab it a t gene ra l is t edge e xp l o it e r,hab i ta t spec i a l is t e dge exp l o i te r and h abitat s p ec i alist edge a vo i de r i n the sca ttered g ras s l an d 2d es ert gra s s l and eco t on e acco rd i ng t o Sisk a nd M arg ul e s πs crit e ri o n.[C on clus i on ]The re se arch p rov i de s da t a an d theo retical ba s i s fo r t he b i od i ve rs it y p ro tect i o n,devel opm en t a nd ut i li zati o n o f o rtho p t e ran ,and t he d evel opm en t o f co n se rva ti o n bi o l o 2gy .Key w o rds O rt hop tera;Edg e effec t ;D i vers i ty;Sca ttered gra s sland 2de se rt gra s s l and Eco sys tem ;He l an M oun ta i nR D , M ,S y M y f ,N y x T S (N T 22)32x @y The re se a rch o n the beha vi o ra l re spo nse s or se l e ct trends o f spe c i e s to ha bita t edge is ve ry i m po rta nt t o unde r 2stand the edge e ffec t [1].The re ac ti o ns t o the e dge a re va ri e d a cco rdi ng to t he bi o l o g i ca l a nd e xte rna l co nditi o ns,a nd m any othe r fa cto rs.B ec ause i n se c ts a re hi ghl y sen siti ve t o habita t cha nge s,som e i n sec ts a re use d a s environ m enta l i ndi ca 2t o rs [2,3].O rthop t e ra n i n e a st sl ope of He lan M ounta i n a re m a inl y distribu t e d in sc a tte red gra ssland and de se rt g ra ss 2l and .Through the s t udy o f e dge e ffec t fo r o rthop te ra i nse ct comm unitie s i n e a st sl ope of He l a n Mo un t a in,we discus s the diffe re nc e s am ong di ffe ren t o rthop te ran sp ec i e s t o the sam e ty p e of edge re a cti on so tha t we could ca rry ou t p reve nti o n a nd con tro l li ng wo rk rea sonab l y a nd app rop ri a te ly on the l o 2cu st,p re se rve a nd m a inta i n the e xisti ng ba l a nce of the e co 2system sta te ,a nd give ce rta in da ta a nd theo re ti c a l ba sis t o bi odive rsity con se rva ti on .E xp e ri m e n ta l S ite sR e se a rch a rea is l o ca te d in Ningxi a He l a n M ounta i n Na 2ti ona l Na ture R e se rve ,no rthwe st of N i ngxi a ,whi ch borde rs Inne r M ongoli a Autonom ous Re gi on i n we st a nd no rth,a nd sp i ns t he tem pe ra te steppe and de se rt i n the t wo vege ta ti o n re gi ons .Annua l a ve ra ge t em pe ra ture is -0.8℃,a nnua l a v 2e rage sunsh i ne i s ove r 3000h,fro st 2free pe ri od a re 128-175days,a ve rage ra i nfa l l is be t w e e n 200-400mm ,and a nnua l e vapo ra ti o n i s ove r 2000mm.S ca tt e re d gra ssl a nd a nd de se rt gra ss l and a re the i m po rtan t ve ge ta ti on i n ea s t sl ope of He l a n M oun ta i n .Sc a tte red gra ss l and is m a i nl y distri buted i n a lt .1500-2100m i n a ri d l ow 2mo un t a i n .Xe ri c shrub such a s U l 2m us g l a uce sc en s,P runu s m ongolica a nd A j a ni a fruti cul o sa a re spa rse l y dis tri buted,wh il e S ti pa ,Se t a ri a viri dis a nd A rt e 2m isi a su t d i gita ta e t a l .a re grow i ng th i ckl y .Ave rage ra infa ll is 250-300mm.De se rt gra ssland is i n a lt .1200-1500m ,a ve rage tem pe ra ture is 8℃,a ve rage ra infa ll is 200-250mm.M a ny pa rts of the bed r o ck e xpo se s,soil is infe rtil e si 2e ro zem.M a i n ve ge t a ti on type s a re S ti pa gra sse s,xe ri c a nd de se rt xe ri c sem i 2sh rubs a j a ni a.In a dditi on,fo re land p l uvi a l fan gra ss l and is i nc lude d .Re sea rch p l ots a re l o c a ted i n the geographica l coordi na te s of 105°56′-106°03′E,38°27′-39°50′N,e l e va ti o n ra nge i s 1400-1600m.It is the tran si 2ti ona l re gi on o f sc a tte red gra ssland a nd de se rt gra s sl a nd.M e th o d sE xp e ri m en ta l de s ignF i ve sam p l e zo ne s w it h t he width of 5m we re se l e c ted i n the ve rtica l dire c ti on of the edge.The inte rva l be t we e n eve ry zone w a s 10-20m ,9p l o ts we re cho sen i n e a ch zone.The a re a of the pl o t se l e c ted i n sca tt e re d g ra ss l a nd,de se rt g ra s s 2l a nd a nd edge l a nd wa s 5m ×5m.The inte rva l be t w ee n e a ch p l o t wa s 20m.S pec ifi c samp li ng prog ram is shown i n F i g.1(show i ng t w o zone s )[4-7].Samp li ng wo rks we re conduc te d be t we en June and August in 2008.Ac co rd i ng to the di ffe ren t spe c i e s a nd habita ts i n cap turing p roce ss,we u se d ne tm e th 2od,fre e 2ha nd c ap t u re and trapp i ng m e thod e tc .I nse ct spe c i 2m e ns we re b r o ught bac k to the l a b afte r the po isoning,i den ti 2fied a nd reco rde d t he spe c i e s a nd qua ntiti e s of orthop te ra n a cco rding t o the l ite ra ture m onograph [8].F x (I ;II )D y R f M f f 2Agri cu l tu ral Sc i ence &Techno l o gy,2010,11(2):113-116,145C op yright κ2010,I nf o r m at i o n I n s ti tu t e of HAAS.All ri gh ts res erved.Ani m a l S ciencee ce i ve d:ecem be r 242009Accep t e d:a rch 192010uppo rted b i n i s tr o Educa ti o n ew C en tur E ce ll en t al e n ts chem e C E 070470.C o rre spo n di n g au tho r .E m ail :w ang i npu i g.1E pe ri m en t p l o ts de s i gn :scatte red g ras s l an d :d es ert g ras s l an d a ta an a l s i sich ne ss o sp ec ies ea su rem ent o the nu m be r o sp ec i e s i n comm uniti e s,ofte n c ha ra cte rized w ith"S".S ha nno n2W ie ne r d ive rs ity inde x(H′) H′=-∑P i l nP iH′is the Sha nno n2W i e ne r di ve rsity inde x;P i is the p ro2 po rti on o f i th ta xa i ndividua l num be rs i n the t o ta l i ndi vidua l nu m be rs.S is the nu m be r o f spe c i e s i n comm un i ty.E ve nn es s ind ex(E) E=H′/l o g2(S)o r E=H′/ln(S)E is t he e venne ss i nde x i n t he form ul a.D om ina nc e Ind ex(D) B e rge r2P a rke r i nde x is adop ted.D=Nm a x/NTD is the dom i na nce i ndex i n the fo r m u l a;Nm ax i s the popula ti on of dom i na nt spe c i e s;NT is the popul a ti on of a ll ty p e spe c i e s i n comm un i ty.Com m u nity s i m ila rity ind ex S i m il a ri ty coe ffi c i e nt fo r m ula ra ised by Ja c ca rd(1901)is a dop ted:q=c/(a+b-c)I n the fo r m ula,q is t he comm unity inde x;c is the com2 mo n spec ie s i n sam p l e A and B;a is the tota l spe c i e s in sam2 pl e A;b is the t o ta l spe c i e s i n sam p l e B.Sp e c ie s ab unda nc e va lue The t o ta l num be r o f i ndi vidua l spe c i e s pe r25m2i n eve ry sam p l e i s counte d a s the abun2 dance of e ac h i nse c t.I ndi vi dua l a ve rage of fi ve p l o ts w ith a ce rta i n distance away from the edge is shown a s the sp ec i e s a bunda nce va lue[5].R e s u lts a n d A n a lys isCom p os ition o f O rthop te ran C omm un itySpe c i m e ns o f4874orthop te ra n w e re collec te d a nd i den2 ti fied a s28spe c i e s,be l o ng i ng to9fam ili e rge st num be r of i ndi vi dua ls a re O ed i p odida e,C a tan t opida e a nd P am pha gi2 dae,a ccoun ti ng fo r42.65%,29.15%a nd12.76%in to t a lo r2 t hop te ra n re spe c ti ve l y,they a re the dom i na nt sp ec i e s i n the su rve y a re a(F i g.1);Foll owe d by A rcyp te ri da e,a c counti ng fo r7.29%i n t o ta l o rthop te ran.B radyporida e,Te tri go i dae, Conocep ha l ida e,P yrgom o r p hi da e a nd Ac ri di da e a re the com2 mo n spe c i e s i n t he surve y a rea,a cco unti ng fo r1%-5%.In a ll co ll e c ted spe cie s,C a lli ptam us ba rba rus ba rba rus, r2 ba ru s,O eda leu s i nfe rna lis and O.deco rus a sia ti c us a re the dom i na nt spe cie s in the surve y a re a,a cco un ti ng fo r53.48% i n tota l.D ive rs ity of O rthop te ra n Com m u n ityThe edge of sca tte red g ra s sl a nd a nd de se rt gra ssland is the comm on e dge ha bit a t type s e xi s t e d in e a st sl op e of He l a n M oun ta i n.Acco rdi ng t o the distance awa y from edge,45re2 se a rc h p l o ts(5samp l e zo ne s,ea ch zone conta i n s9p l o ts) a re ga the re d t o three gr o up s:sca tte re d gra ssl a nd habita t (p l o ts s1t o s15)conta ins three dista nce group s(40m,60m a nd80m)de ep i n t o the sc a tte red gra s sl a nd inte ri or.D e se rt g ra ss l a nd ha bita t(p l o ts s31t o s45)co nta i n s three dista nce g r o up s(40m,60m a nd80m)de ep int o the de se rt gra ssl a nd i nte ri o r;Edge l a nd habita t(p l o ts s16t o s30)co nta i ns t he o th2 e r th re e d i s tance group s(e dge l a nd,deep i nto the sca tte re d g ra ss l a nd i nte ri o r fo r25m,de ep i nto the de se rt gra ssland in2 te ri o r fo r25m)(Ta bl e2).O rthopte ra n di ve rsity inde x i n edge l a nd is sli ghtl y h i ghe r tha n t he t w o adjac en t e co system s,a nd de se rt gra ss l and inte ri or is hi ghe r tha n sca tte re d gra ss l a nd in2 te ri o r.The re i s s i gni fi c an t diffe re nc e in H′i ndex be t we en edge l a nd a nd sca tte re d gra ssl a nd(P<0.05),but no si gni fi c an td i ffe re nce be t w ee n e dge l a nd a nd de se rt gra s sl a nd(P>0.05).B e ca use the re a re so m a ny suitab l e ha bita t fra g m e nts fo r o rt hop te ra n i n sca tte re d g ra ss l a nd,no t on l y the surviva l of l ocus ts a re re stricte d,but a lso t he sp re a d a nd distr i bu ti on of them a re li m ited,so the di ve rsity is l ow.Tre nd s of e ve nne s s E is a s foll ow s:sca tte re d gra ssl a nd>e dge l a nd>de se rt g ra ss l a nd.Tab le1 Sp eci e s com po s i t i o n in su rvey area sFam i l y S p ec i e sA mo2untP e rce n2tage∥% B radypori da e Zi chya p i ec hockii Ce j cha n250.51Zi chya a l a san i ca B2B i e nk1142.34 Conocepha li da e Conoc epha l us c hi nens i s Re dtenbac he r781.60 Te tri goi dae Fo r mosa te tti x he l a nshane nsis Zhe ng410.84P a ra t e tt ix uva r ovi S eme nov701.44 Pampha gi da e Hap l otr op i s ne i m ongol e nsis Yi n1232.52F i lchne re ll a be i cki Ramme1362.79F i lchne re ll a he l a nsha nens i s Zhe ng1022.09P se udo t m e t his bra chypte rus Li480.98P se udo t m e t his a l a sha ni cus B.2B i enko1493.06Eo t me thi s ho l ane nsis Zheng e t G ow641.31 Pyrgomo r p hi da e Atra c t omorpha s i ne nsis Bo li v a r641.31 C a t a nt opida e O xya a de nt a ta W i ll e m se721.48Ca ll i p t amus ba r ba rus ba rba rus Go sta76215.63Ca ll i p t amus ba r ba rus(Co sta)52310.73 A rcypte ri da e Cho rthi p pu s a l bonemus Che ng e t Tu2074.25Cho rthi p pu s hsi a i Cheng e t Tu1483.04 O e di p odi da e O eda l e us de corus a si a ti cu s B.B i e nk o63813.09O eda l e us i nf e r na li s Sa ussure68414.03Anga ra c ri s rhodop a(Fisc he rW a l he i m)891.83Bryodema koz l oviB.B i e nk o1643.36Bryodeme l l a ho l de re ri ho l de re ri(Kr a uss)1553.18Bryodema n i g r opte ra Zheng e t G ow1072.20Ce l e s ska l o z uboviA de l.581.19Comp so r h i p i s da vi di ana(S aus sure)1072.20Sp hi ngono t us ni ngsi a nu s Zhe ng e t G ow360.74Lep t opte rni s grac il is(Eve rsma nn)410.84 Ac ri d i da e Ac ri da c i ne re a(Thunbe rg)691.42 T o ta l4874100 Ta b l e2 D i ve rs it y index o f o rthop t e ran comm unity i n s urvey a reaR i chn es s of spec i es(S)D i ve rsity i nde x(H′)E ven nes s i ndex(E)Dom i nance i nde x(D) Scatte red g ras s l and SG16 2.16050.78320.2924 Edge l and SG2DG25 2.84350.87670.1633De se rt gras s l and D G28 2.79760.84040.2183 S i m il a rity of o rt hop te ra n i n sca tte re d gra ssl a nd,edge l a nd and de se rt g ra ss l a nd a re shown i n Table3.De se rt gra ss l and ind i ca te s a hi gh si m il a rity with edge l a nd and m iddle y Sy B f y(f f2ond com po ne nts is92.32%)(F i g.2),we fi nd t ha t the re a re g re a t di ffe rence am ong sca tte red g ra ss l a nd i n te ri o r,e dge l a nd a nd de se rt gra ssland i nte ri o r,no ove rl ap i n the so rti ng m ap,y T22 y411Ag ri cu l tu ral Sc i ence&Tech no l o gy Vo l.11,No.2,2010dis si m i la rit w ith sca tt e re d g ra ss l a tte re d gra ssl a nd show s l o w s i m ila rit with e dge l a nd.a se d on the PCA o o rthop te ra n comm unit com po siti o n a ccum ula ted va riance contri bu ti on ra te o the irst a nd se c but de se rt gra s sl a nd is re l a tive l c l o se t o e dge l a nd.he re sult show s tha t orthop t e ra n i n de se rt gra ss l a nd ha s the t e nd e nc t o sp re a d t o sca tte re d gra s sl a nd.Ta b l e 3 The s i m il a rit y co effi cient o f o rtho p t e ran i n d i ffe ren t hab it a tsScatte red gras s l andEdge g ra s sl a nd De se rt gra s sland Scatte red g ras s l and 10.52000.4643Edge g ra ss l and 0.520010.8929De se rt gras s l and0.46430.89291F ig.2 The PCA o rd i na ti on o f O rt hop tera n comm un i t i esO rthop te ra n d ive rs ity w ith d iffe re n t d is ta nc e aw a y f rom e dgeW e compa re the d i ve rsit y o f o rthop te ran a nd the com po 2siti on o f spe c i e s with di ffe ren t dista nce awa y from edge ,the re sults a re shown i n Fig .3.The re is a te nde nc y tha t the di ve r 2sity o f o rthop te ra n comm unity de c re a se s w ith t he d i s tance a 2wa y from e dge i nc rea si ng both i n sca tte re d gra s sl a nd o r de s 2e rt gra ss l and .The d i ve rs it y of sca tte re d g ra ss l a nd 80m awa y from e dge dec rea se 0.9542com pa red w ith e dge l a nd,but the re is no s i gni fican t di ffe re nce of di ve rsity i n de se rt g ra ss 2l and w ith t he dista nce aw ay from edge inc rea si ng .Sp ec i e s com po siti o n of o rthop te ran comm un i ti e s in sc a tte red gra ssl a nd dec rea se with the dista nce awa y fr om e dge inc re a s i ng .16spe c i e s a re co ll ec te d i n sc a tte red gra s sl a nd 40m aw ay from e dge ,a ccounting fo r 57.14%i n t o ta l am oun t in survey a rea ;13sp ec i e s a re co ll e c ted i n sca tte re d gra ssland 80m awa y from e dge ,a cco un ti ng fo r 46.42%i n t o t a l am ount;Sp ec i e s com po siti o n of o rthop t e ra n comm uniti e s i n de se rt gra ssl a nd i nc rea se w ith the dista nce awa y from e dge i nc rea si ng .All spe c i e s c an be fo und i n de se rt g ra ss l a nd 40m aw ay from edge.F ig.3 Comm unity d i vers i ty and n um be r o f spec i e s o f O rthop 2teran i n d i ffe ren t edg e di a tanceE dg e e ffe c t of C om m un ityEdge effe ct of comm unity is ge ne ra l ity in eco t one e co sys 2t em.Thr o ugh the s t udy of edge e ffec t,we coul d unde rstand t he e dge i m pa c t on t he spe ci e s distri buti on pa tte rn and fo r m a ti on,f y,y,y S M [],y f ff 2de se rt g ra ss l a nd e cotone (F ig .4).Eo t m e this ho l a ne ns i s,Zi c hya p i ec hockii ,P se udot m e t his bra chy p te rus a nd Sphin 2gonotu s n i ngsi a nus be l o ng t o hab it a t spe cia list e dge avo i de r .The se ki nds of i n se c ts adap t t o d i s tri bute i n de se rt xe ri c ve ge 2ta ti on w it h e xpo sed be drock i n m a ny pa rts a nd i nfe rtil e de se rt g ra ss l a nd,no distribu ti on i n the edge of sca tt e re d gra ssland 2de se rt gra ss l and .P seudo t m e this a l a sha nicus be l ongs to ha bi 2ta t sp ec i a l ist edge e x p l o i te r,distri buti ng in de se rt gra ssl a nd a nd e dge l a nd .Zi chya a l a sa ni ca ,Co nocepha lus ch i ne ns i s,F il chne re l la be i c ki ,B ryodem a koz l ovi and B ryodem e ll a ho l 2de re ri ho l de re ri be l o ng t o hab i ta t gene ra list edge e xpl o ite r,the y a dap t t o distribu t e i n the edge shrub zone of sca tte re d g ra ss l a nd 2de se rt g ra ss l a nd .It is m o re suitable fo r the ir su rvi v 2a l beca use of the abunda nt food a nd cha nge d m ic r o 2envir o n 2m e nt i n e dge land a nd becom e the i de a l e co l o g i ca l p l a ce com 2pa red with the ha bita t i nte ri o r .For m o sa te tti x he l a nsha ne ns i s,P a ra te tti x uva rovi ,Atra ctomo rpha s i nen sis,O xya a den t a ta,Ca l li p tam u s ba rba rus ba rba ru s,C a ll i p tam u s ba rba rus,C ho r 2thi pp us a l bonem us,C ho rt h i p pu s hs i a i,O e da l e us de co rus a si 2a ti cu s,Oe da l e us infe rna lis,C e le s ska l oz ubo vi,Com p so rhi p is da vi di a na,Lep top te rnis g ra c i lis,Ac ri da cine re a ,Hap l o tr op is ne i m ongo l e nsis,Anga ra cris rhodopa and B ryodem a ni g r op 2te ra be l ong t o ha bita t gene ra list,the y d i s tri bute i n sca tte re d g ra ss l a nd 2de se rt g ra ss l a nd a nd edge land w it h e xten si ve a 2dap tab i lity .The i ndi vi dua l c an succ e ssfu ll y c ro ss the bo unda 2ri e s be t we e n fragm e nts a nd a dap t the cha nge d e nviron m en t d i ffe re nt fr om the inte rna l hab i ta t .The y rega rd t his type of ha bita t a s a ne a r 2homo ge neous w it h s m a ll envir onm e nta l c ha nge ,ha ving no si gni fica nt e ffe ct o n t he ir survi va l .B ut they do n πt show a ve ry uniform distribu ti on of adap tab i lity i n sca t 2te re d g ra s sl a nd 2de se rt g ra ss l a nd a nd e dge l a nd.W hen the d i s t a nce awa y from e dge i nc rea se s,the amo unt of Ca l li p ta 2m u s ba rba rus ba rba rus a nd C a lli p tam us ba rba rus i nc re a se i n de se rt g ra s sl a nd i ncre a se ,but de c re a se i n sca tt e re d g ra s s 2l a nd.The dis tri buti o n of O eda leu s de co ru s a si a ti c us a nd O e da leu s i nfe rna lis show oppo site trend w ith t hem.The d i s tri 2buti o n of Hap l o trop is ne i m ongo l e nsis,F il chne re lla he lan s 2hane nsis,Anga ra c ris rho dop a and B ry odem a ni grop t e ra i n sca tt e re d g ra ss l a nd is few.D is c u s s io nThe s tudy shows tha t o rt hop te ra n comm unity ha s s i gn i fi 2c ant di ffe rence s be t w e e n sca tte red g ra ss l a nd a nd de se rt g ra ss l a nd.The re a re appa re nt di ffe re nti a ti o n i n e dge land a nd sca tt e re d gra ss l a nd comm unit y com pos iti on,be i ng a m ixtu re of f o re st spe cie s and de se rt gra ss l a nd spe c i e s .Edge a nd de se rt gra s sl a nd comm unity com pos iti on a re si m il a r .B a sed on the compo siti on a ttri bute so rt of orthop te ra n comm uniti e s,orthop t e ra n i n de se rt gra ssland have the t e nd 2e nc y t o sp re a d t o the sca tte re d g ra s sl a nd .Edge e ffe ct of o rthop te ra n dec re a se s w ith the dista nce awa y from edge i ncre a si ng .Spe c i e s com po siti on of o rt hop te r 2a n comm un i ti e s in sca tte re d gra ssland de cre a se s w it h the d is 2tance aw ay fr om e dge inc re a s i ng,w hi le show i ng the oppo site trend i n de se rt gra ss l and .The re is no endem i c spe c i e s i n sca tt e re d g ra ss l a nd .The re a re 4ty p e s of e dge e ffe c ts for o rthopte ran i n sca t 2te re d gra s s 2de se rt gra ssl a nd e co t o ne.The a na l ysis of d i ffe r 2x f ff f ff x ff [35]N ff f y ,x yz ff f y T 511HE Ha i 2m i ng e t a l .Study o n the Ed ge Effect o f O rt hop t e ran Comm un it y in Ningx i a He l a n M ou nta i n t h i s w i ll provi de a theo re ti ca l ba sis o r conse rva ti on bi o l og bi odi ve rsit bi ol ogi ca l contr o l a nd i nse ct p e stm a na gem ent .Acco rdi ng t o the c rite ri on ra ised b isk a nd a rgu l e s 9the re a re 4t p e s o e dge e ec ts i n the sc a tte red gra ssl a nd e nt t a a o o rt hop te ra n to e dge e e c t shows tha t re sults romd ie re nt ta a a re di e re nt -.e vill e e t a l .po i n ted tha t ba se d on the di e rence o t h is ana l s is we m u st e nsure the ta a wh il e a na l i ng the edge e ec t o bi o l o g .he conc ep tF i g.4 4t ype s of respo n se of O rtho p t e ran t o e dge"Anca nc e li ng 2out e ffe ct"we re propose d when the y ana l yze dorde rs taxa of inse c ts [10].The study fi nds tha t suc h p he nom e 2non e xists i n P am phagida e a nd O ed i p odida e ,it i ndica te s tha t dom i na nt popul a ti on m a y de te r m i ne the em e rge nce of t h is phe nom e non.The re fore ,the study of b i o l ogy rea c ti on t ype s t o e dge e ffec t ha s g rea t sign i fi ca nce on eco sys tem re s t o ra ti o n a fte r la rge 2sca le disturba nce a nd the e col ogica l re se a rc h inc l u 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r:HA C a i l i e s p o n s ib le t ra n s la to r:J i a n l i e s p o n s ib l e p ro o rea d e r:iao an14Ne t B e an s I D E5.0wa s deve l opm en t langua ge.The co rre 2spo nd i ng re tri e va l sys tem a i m i ng a t c rop p e sts w a s c re a te d a nd com pa re d w it h tra diti ona l se a rch e ngine (Ta bl e 1).The first 20e ffec ti ve info r m a ti on we re a dopte d .Ta b l e 1 Com pa rison o f re trieval sys tem p e rf o rm ance %D i s eas es and i n se ct p es ts Goo g l e B a i du Yahoo C I S B acte ri a l s talk r o t30352560Dac t y l ispa se ti fe ra (chap uis )30453570R ou nd spo t35352565He l o tr o pha l euco s ti gm a l aw is40553060 AC I S ga ve the fu l l con si de ra ti ons t o u se r re quirem e nt a ndit wa s cons truc te d on the ba s is of g ramm a r,sem a ntic a ndpragm a ti c.The re tri e va l e nvi ronm e nt and ta rge t w e re unde r 2st ood t o som e e xt e nt,the refo re ,the required i nfo r m a ti o n could be found mo re a cc ura te.C o n c lu s io n 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专题05 阅读理解D篇(2024年新课标I卷) (专家评价+三年真题+满分策略+多维变式) 原卷版
《2024年高考英语新课标卷真题深度解析与考后提升》专题05阅读理解D篇(新课标I卷)原卷版(专家评价+全文翻译+三年真题+词汇变式+满分策略+话题变式)目录一、原题呈现P2二、答案解析P3三、专家评价P3四、全文翻译P3五、词汇变式P4(一)考纲词汇词形转换P4(二)考纲词汇识词知意P4(三)高频短语积少成多P5(四)阅读理解单句填空变式P5(五)长难句分析P6六、三年真题P7(一)2023年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P7(二)2022年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P8(三)2021年新课标I卷阅读理解D篇P9七、满分策略(阅读理解说明文)P10八、阅读理解变式P12 变式一:生物多样性研究、发现、进展6篇P12变式二:阅读理解D篇35题变式(科普研究建议类)6篇P20一原题呈现阅读理解D篇关键词: 说明文;人与社会;社会科学研究方法研究;生物多样性; 科学探究精神;科学素养In the race to document the species on Earth before they go extinct, researchers and citizen scientists have collected billions of records. Today, most records of biodiversity are often in the form of photos, videos, and other digital records. Though they are useful for detecting shifts in the number and variety of species in an area, a new Stanford study has found that this type of record is not perfect.“With the rise of technology it is easy for people to make observation s of different species with the aid of a mobile application,” said Barnabas Daru, who is lead author of the study and assistant professor of biology in the Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences. “These observations now outnumber the primary data that comes from physical specimens(标本), and since we are increasingly using observational data to investigate how species are responding to global change, I wanted to know: Are they usable?”Using a global dataset of 1.9 billion records of plants, insects, birds, and animals, Daru and his team tested how well these data represent actual global biodiversity patterns.“We were particularly interested in exploring the aspects of sampling that tend to bias (使有偏差) data, like the greater likelihood of a citizen scientist to take a picture of a flowering plant instead of the grass right next to it,” said Daru.Their study revealed that the large number of observation-only records did not lead to better global coverage. Moreover, these data are biased and favor certain regions, time periods, and species. This makes sense because the people who get observational biodiversity data on mobile devices are often citizen scientists recording their encounters with species in areas nearby. These data are also biased toward certain species with attractive or eye-catching features.What can we do with the imperfect datasets of biodiversity?“Quite a lot,” Daru explained. “Biodiversity apps can use our study results to inform users of oversampled areas and lead them to places – and even species – that are not w ell-sampled. To improve the quality of observational data, biodiversity apps can also encourage users to have an expert confirm the identification of their uploaded image.”32. What do we know about the records of species collected now?A. They are becoming outdated.B. They are mostly in electronic form.C. They are limited in number.D. They are used for public exhibition.33. What does Daru’s study focus on?A. Threatened species.B. Physical specimens.C. Observational data.D. Mobile applications.34. What has led to the biases according to the study?A. Mistakes in data analysis.B. Poor quality of uploaded pictures.C. Improper way of sampling.D. Unreliable data collection devices.35. What is Daru’s suggestion for biodiversity apps?A. Review data from certain areas.B. Hire experts to check the records.C. Confirm the identity of the users.D. Give guidance to citizen scientists.二答案解析三专家评价考查关键能力,促进思维品质发展2024年高考英语全国卷继续加强内容和形式创新,优化试题设问角度和方式,增强试题的开放性和灵活性,引导学生进行独立思考和判断,培养逻辑思维能力、批判思维能力和创新思维能力。
2018年第37卷第1期 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY AND ENGINEERING PROGRESS·189·化 工 进展三种不同原料中间相沥青的性质表征段春婷1,2,刘均庆1,徐文强1,梁朋1,郑冬芳1,王秋实1,宋怀河2(1北京低碳清洁能源研究所,北京102211;2 北京化工大学材料科学与工程学院,北京 100029) 摘要:为更深入地理解不同原料制备的中间相沥青的性质差别,从挥发分、饱和度、分子量分布、有序度的角度研究了以萘、煤沥青、精制煤液化沥青(DCLR )为原料的3种中间相沥青,分析手段包括偏光显微镜、元素分析、TGA 、红外光谱(FTIR )、MALDI-TOF MS 、XRD 、拉曼。
结果表明:萘系中间相沥青分子量最高且分布窄,挥发分低,饱和基团含量高,分子柔性大,平面性和规整性较差,分子堆砌紧密度较低,有序度较差,因此具有较低的软化点和广域流线型光学组织结构;煤系中间相沥青分子量较高,分布最宽,挥发分高,饱和度低,烷基侧链少,分子刚性和平面性较大,易堆积成紧密结构,因此具有较高的软化点,流动性差,较难形成流线型光学组织结构;DCLR 系中间相沥青分子量低且分布窄,挥发分较高,含有一定量的饱和基团,分子具有一定的韧性,分子刚性和规整性较好,有序度高,因此流动性较差,软化点较高。
关键词:中间相沥青;碳氢化合物;化学分析;饱和度;分布;有序度中图分类号:TB34;TF526+.3;TL214+.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000–6613(2018)01–0189–06 DOI :10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2017-0789Characterization of mesophase pitches made from three different rawmaterialsDUAN Chunting 1,2,LIU Junqing 1,XU Wenqiang 1,LIANG Peng 1,ZHENG Dongfang 1,WANG Qiushi 1,SONG Huaihe 2(1National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy ,Beijing 102211,China ;2College of Material Science andEngineering ,Beijing University of Chemical Technology ,Beijing 100029,China )Abstract :In order to better understand the influence of raw materials on mesophase pitch ,we synthesized three kinds of mesophase pitches with different raw materials (naphthalene ,coal tar ,direct coal liquefaction residue DCLR ),and the properties of volatile component ,saturation ,molecular ordering and molecular weight of the mesophase pitches were compared. The used analysis methods included polarizing optical microscope ,elemental analysis ,FTIR ,MALDI-TOF MS ,XRD ,TGA and Raman spectroscopy. The results indicated that :naphthalene based mesophase pitch (AR-MP )had higher molecular weight and narrower molecular weight distribution ,higher saturation ,lower volatile content and less compact structure than the other two pitches. AR-MP had a more linear structure ,and as a consequence ,lower soft point and finely dispersed flow texture. Coal tar based mesophase pitch (CT-MP ) has broader molecular weight distribution ,lower saturation ,higher volatile content. It had a more compact structures due to the more rigid and flat multiple-ring molecules. The CT-MP exhibited the highest soft point and the worst flow ability ,which made it difficult to form flow texture. DCLR based mesophase pitch (DCLR-MP )had narrow molecular weight distribution ,moderate saturation教授,研究方向为沥青、炭材料。
濒危物种的田野调查报告范文英文回答:Endangered Species Field Study Report.Introduction.Endangered species are those facing a high risk of extinction. Field surveys play a crucial role in understanding the status, distribution, and threats to these species. This report presents the findings of a field study conducted to assess the population of the critically endangered Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) in the Russian Far East.Methodology.The study was conducted using a camera trapping method.A total of 50 camera traps were deployed in the study area for a period of 3 months. The cameras were placed atstrategic locations to maximize the likelihood of capturing images of leopards. The data collected from the camera traps were analyzed using specialized software to identify individual leopards and estimate population size.Results.The camera trapping survey yielded a total of 1,200 images of animals, including 120 images of Amur leopards. The analysis of the images revealed that there are an estimated 80-100 Amur leopards remaining in the wild. The study also identified several factors that are threatening the survival of the species, including habitat loss, poaching, and prey depletion.Conclusion.The results of this field study provide valuable insights into the status of the Amur leopard population. The population is extremely small and faces numerous threats. Urgent conservation measures are needed to protect the remaining individuals and ensure the survival of thiscritically endangered species.中文回答:濒危物种田野调查报告。
Tigers,the majestic apex predators,are facing an alarming decline in their population due to various factors such as poaching,habitat loss,and humananimal conflict.As a species integral to the balance of ecosystems,it is crucial that we take steps to save these magnificent creatures.Here are some measures that can be implemented to ensure their survival:1.Habitat Conservation:Protecting and expanding the natural habitats of tigers is essential.This involves creating and maintaining protected areas,such as national parks and wildlife reserves,where tigers can live without the threat of human encroachment.2.AntiPoaching Measures:Poaching is a significant threat to tigers,driven by the demand for their body parts in traditional medicine and as trophies.Strengthening antipoaching laws and increasing patrols in tiger habitats can deter poachers and protect these animals.munity Involvement:Engaging local communities in conservation efforts is vital. By providing education about the importance of tigers and offering alternative livelihoods,communities can become allies in the fight against poaching and habitat destruction.4.Wildlife Corridors:Establishing wildlife corridors between fragmented habitats can help maintain genetic diversity among tiger populations.This connectivity allows tigers to move between areas,reducing inbreeding and increasing the chances of survival for the species.5.Captive Breeding Programs:In some cases,captive breeding programs can help increase the population of tigers.However,it is essential that these programs are managed responsibly and that the ultimate goal is to reintroduce these animals into the wild.6.International Cooperation:Since tigers are found in multiple countries,international cooperation is necessary to combat the threats they face.This includes sharing resources, expertise,and enforcing international laws against wildlife trafficking.7.Public Awareness Campaigns:Raising awareness about the plight of tigers can lead to increased support for conservation efforts.This can be done through educational programs,documentaries,and social media campaigns.8.Sustainable Tourism:Promoting responsible tourism that supports conservation efforts can provide an economic incentive for protecting tiger habitats.This includes ecotourismthat allows visitors to observe tigers in their natural environment without disturbing them.9.Research and Monitoring:Ongoing research is necessary to understand the behaviors, needs,and challenges faced by tigers.This information can guide conservation strategies and help monitor the effectiveness of current efforts.10.Legislation and Enforcement:Strengthening laws that protect tigers and ensuring their enforcement is crucial.This includes penalties for poaching and illegal trade in tiger parts.By implementing these measures,we can work towards a future where tigers continue to roam the wild,contributing to the rich biodiversity of our planet.It is our collective responsibility to ensure that future generations can witness the aweinspiring presence of these magnificent animals in their natural habitat.。
什么是BOT佚名【期刊名称】《中国公路》【年(卷),期】1995(000)003【摘要】辽宁省交通厅李丰等同志来信询问BOT方式的有关资料,本刊就这一问题进行解答如下——【总页数】1页(P14-14)【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F542【相关文献】1.Morphometric discrimination between females of two isomorphic sand fly species, Phlebotomus caucasicus and Phlebotomus mongolensis (Diptera:Phlebotominae) in endemic and non-endemic foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iran [J], Azad Absavaran;Mehdi Mohebali;Vahideh Moin-Vaziri;Alireza Zahraei-Ramazani;Amir Ahmad Akhavan;Fariba Mozaffarian;Sayena Rafizadeh;Yavar Rassi2.探讨CT对于卵巢交界性浆液性肿瘤(S-BOT)与交界性黏液性肿瘤(M-BOT)的鉴别诊断价值 [J], 杨庆芬3.Robot Position Control Using Force Information for Cooperative Work in Remote Robot Systems with Force Feedback [J], Satoru Ishikawa;Yutaka Ishibashi;Pingguo Huang;Yuichiro Tateiwa4.基于MATLAB Robotics Toolbox的Dobot机械臂运动规划 [J], 王智杰;杜宇凡;杨沫;秦涛5.CT检查S-BOT与M-BOT的影像学特征与诊断价值分析 [J], 熊礼照因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
当代欧洲著名的“左翼”政治哲学家斯拉沃热·齐泽克(Slavoj Zizek)提出了截然不同的看法,提出了“自然并不存在”的著名命题,主张警惕目前流行的环保行为为西方资本主义体制利用,变成资本主义发展的新契机,倡导面向社会主义的、激进的生态政治革命道路,引起学术界的高度关注。
美的一种大鹿) wolf狼grizzly略灰色的, 呈灰色的lynx[动] 山猫, 猞猁wolverine[动]狼獾,豹熊,狼獾皮snowshoe雪鞋hare野兔porcupine[动]豪猪, 箭猪squirrel松鼠proximity接近, 亲近habitat(动植物的)生活环境, 产地、栖息地, 居留地grouse松鸡, epiphyte附生植物, 真菌vine葡萄树, 蔓生植物lichen[植]青苔, 地衣, 苔藓mistletoe【植】 寄生intricate复杂的, 错综的, 难以理解的pollinate对...授粉flesh肉, (供食用的)兽肉, 肉体fleshy肉的, 肉体的, [植]肉质的, 丰满的papaya番木瓜树, 番木瓜果hush安静howl嚎叫, 怒号, 嚎哭hoot猫头鹰的叫声owl[动]猫头鹰, 枭loon[动物]潜鸟soloist独奏者, 独唱者incessant不断的, 不停的domestication驯养, 驯服, 教化herd牧人testimony证据, 证明, 证言, 口供heritage遗产, 继承权, 传统intrusion闯入, 侵扰trapping诱捕devastate毁坏lumber废物, 隆隆声木材pulp(水果的)果肉, 纸浆moss苔, 藓dwarf矮小的lace扎带子, 扎, 饰以花边cushion加衬垫spongy像海绵的, 柔软, 多孔而有弹性的mat席子, 垫子lichen[植]青苔, 地衣, 苔藓deforestation采伐森林, 森林开伐punctuate加标点于,不时打断强调, 加强soggy浸水的, 沉闷的peat泥煤, 泥炭块arctic北极的, 北极区的humus腐殖质thaw解冻, 融化perennial四季不断的, 终年的, 长期的, 永久的, (植物)多年生的solifluction泥流, 泥流作用netlike网状的, 形成网壮的polygonal多角形的, 多边形的textured织地粗糙的, 手摸时有感觉的, 有织纹的patchwork拼缝物, 拼缀物, 拼凑物sedge莎草musk麝香鹿bear熊fox狐狸, 狐皮, 狡猾的人weasel[动]鼬鼠, 黄鼠狼lemming[动] 旅鼠ptarmigan雷鸟松鸡类aerial航空的, 生活在空气中的swarm蜂群, 一大群nomadic游牧的pristine质朴的area范围, 区域, 面积, 地区, 空地marked有记号的, 显著的extraction抽出, 取出, [化]提取(法)萃取法, 抽出物, 摘要, 血统, [数]开方(法) airborne空运的, 空气传播的, 空降的pesticide杀虫剂; 农药, 防疫药radionuclide放射性核deposit存放, 堆积devastate毁坏cesium[化]铯Chernobyl切尔诺贝利[苏联乌克兰北部城市] render呈递, 归还, 着色, 汇报, 致使, 放弃, 表演, 实施consumption消费, 消费量, 肺病shatter打碎, 使散开, 粉碎, 破坏refuge庇护, 避难, 避难所mountainside山腹, 山腰fauna动物群, 动物区系, 动物志volcanism火山作用crust外壳, 硬壳, 面包皮【地质】地壳belt带子, 地带bead珠子, 水珠highland高地, 丘陵地带Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚(非洲东部国家) flat平坦的, 扁平的, 单调的Eurasian欧亚的, 欧亚人的Pyrenees比利牛斯山脉Caucasus高加索山脉, 高加索Himalayas喜马拉雅山脉note注意, 记录, 笔记steeper险峻的, 陡峭的topography地形, 地势, 地貌persistent持久稳固的bulk大小, 体积, 大批, 大多数, 散装sequence次序, 顺序, 序列interim中间的, 临时的, 间歇的extinct熄灭的, 灭绝的, 耗尽的teeter 蹒跚; 摇摆verge濒临边缘forge稳步前进, 铸造, 伪造equatorial近赤道的, 赤道的biota[生态]生物区lowland低地raw未加工的, 生疏的, 处于自然状态的forage草料; 饲料medicinal医学的, 药的, 有益的, 有帮助的pasture牧地, 草原, 牧场exploitation开发, 开采, 剥削, 自私的利用, 宣传, 广告degradation降级, 降格, 退化midlatitude中纬度convergence集中, 收敛alpine高山的, 阿尔卑斯山的recreation消遣, 娱乐compress压缩, 摘要叙述gradient梯度, 倾斜度, 坡度deplete耗尽, 使衰竭severity严肃, 严格, 严重, 激烈random任意的, 随便的, 胡乱的regular有条理的; 匀称的, 端正的clumped 集聚的dispersal散布, 分散, 消散, 驱散, 疏散population dynamics种群动态cohort 同生群fitness适合度interaction相互作用interference 冲突hydrologic data水文资料[数据] aquatic水的, 水上的, 水生的, 水栖的median中部, 当中, [数学] 中线, 中值reservoir水库, 蓄水池salinity盐分, 盐度marine海的, 海产的, kelp[植]海藻, 海藻灰coral珊瑚, 珊瑚虫estuary河口, 江口marsh湿地, 沼泽, 沼泽地mangrove[植]红树林pulse脉搏, 脉冲integrity正直, 诚实, 完整, 完全, 完整性composition成分, 合成物abyssal深渊的, 深海的hypolimnion湖下层, 均温层mesopelagic(海洋)中层的atoll环状珊瑚岛, 环礁eutrophic富营养的, 发育营养正常的metalimnion变相湖沼, 变温层barrier栅栏, 屏障insectivore食虫动物, 食虫植物neritic浅海的, 沿海岸浅水的bathypelagic深海区的, 居于深海区的fringing边缘现象, 散射现象, nonequilibrium不平衡的benthic深海底的gyre环流limnetic 淡水的hadal超深渊的, littoral海滨的, 沿海的oligotrophic(湖泊、池塘等) 贫营养的epipelagic[海洋]光合作用带的,上层的omnivore杂食动物的pelagic远洋的, 浮游的。
筛选 毒理学
In Vivo In Vitro
Radioimmunoassay HPLC-FL /DAD-MS GC-ECD-MS
生物降解、光降解 膜分离、活性炭吸附 臭氧氧化、紫外照射
活性 污泥
优点: 条件温和; 降解效果比 较好; 成本较低。
缺点: 需要收集; 缺少适合所 有的EDCs的 降解的微生 物菌种
Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl O 狄氏剂 Cl Cl
Cl Cl CH2Cl Cl CH2Cl Cl 毒杀芬
OH Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CH2O CH2O S O 硫丹 苯基苯酚
自然界中某些植物和菌类也能产生雌激素, 用这种玉米做饲料,母猪可因过量雌激素的刺 激而断奶,产生所谓“霉变玉米综合症”。
பைடு நூலகம்分泌干扰物相关化合物
按 照 对 的 认 识 程 度 分 类
已确认的 EDCs
莠去津 氯丹 十氯酮 DDD DDE DDT 开蓬 1,2-二溴三氯丙烷 氯苯三氯己醇 狄氏剂 二己基己烯雌酚 二恶因(2,3,7,8-) 硫丹 呋喃(2,3,7,8-) 林丹 甲氧氯 p-壬基酚 PCBs 毒杀酚 三丁基锡
烷基酚类与环氧乙烷反应后生成的烷基酚聚乙氧 基化合物(APE)是一类非离子表面活性剂,它在工业 上作为洗涤剂和分散剂,大量使用于纤维工业,造纸 业,化妆品及农药工业等中,APE结构式为:
APE 类物质进入污水处理系统时,容易在厌气微生 物作用下断链成游离的烷基酚,英国几条河流的污水出 口处的河床底泥和鱼类脂肪中均蓄积有这类有机化学物 质。烷基酚对人类的影响虽仍未确定,但只要河水中有 足够浓度,就会出现雌性化的鱼类。
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(31970250) ꎮ
This work was supported by a grant from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31970250) .
interference due to similar reproductive biological characteristics. Fruits can be formed in
hand ̄pollination hybridization experiments of Sagittaria trifolia L. and S. pygmaea L.ꎬ but the
植物科学学报 2022ꎬ 40(6) : 762 ~770
http: //
Plant Science Journal
DOI:10 11913 / PSJ 2095-0837 2022 60762
唐莎莎ꎬ 费采虹ꎬ 杨聪ꎬ 尚书禾ꎬ 熊浩镧ꎬ 王欣怡ꎬ 汪小凡. 野慈姑和矮慈姑种间花粉传递与生殖干扰不对称性[ J] . 植物科学学报ꎬ 2022ꎬ 40
缘本地物种对可能为同域分布ꎬ 并占据相同的栖息
ꎮ 作为进化生态学研究关注的重要科学问题ꎬ
待深入研究ꎬ 以拓展对于物种间相互作用与共存机
优势ꎬ 但异种花粉管也能在雌蕊群中生长并进入胚
珠 [25] ꎮ 前期研究发现ꎬ 二者种间杂交能形成膨大
种群变为 异域的
不经过地理隔离,在同一区域形成新种。动物界少见,涵盖25%的植物物种。 德.弗理斯de Vries [荷兰] 1903年 发现 同域物种形成机制 多倍体 物种:来自一个亲本物种; 更多起源于两个种的杂交 同域物种形成机制 产生多种食用植物:燕麦、马铃薯、香蕉、花生、大麦、李子、苹果、甘蔗、咖啡和小麦。现代的小麦,是20多个物种杂交的结果
古球菌(Archaeosphaeroides) 名称含义:“古代球形的” 时代:超过30亿年前 化石产地:南非 大小:显微的 与原细菌发现于同样的黑色岩石中。这些球形的丝丝缕缕可能是现代蓝菌的近亲。
发育和进化革新 渐变的进化改造可能蕴含着种群中大量的遗传变化 另一方面,较少的遗传变化可以导致主要结构的改变 编码发育的基因在一个生物从合子到成体的变化过程中控制着变化的速率、时间及空间模式——小变化产生大影响 幼体发育( paedomorphosis) 美西螈的成体中保留有幼体的结构——如 外鳃 等 人类与黑猩猩幼体时头骨相似,但因为人类器官生长在发育过程中终止较晚,所以大脑比黑猩猩多生长几年
他经常被认作现代动物行为学的创立者之一,开发从一个早期世代开始的一种方法,包括他的老师Oskar Heinroth.Lorenz学习了本能行为在动物特别greylag鹅并且jackdaws.与鹅一起使用,他再发现了原则印(最初描述道格拉斯Spalding在19世纪)在行为nidifugous鸟。
与一起Nikolaas Tinbergen(Stefan Zeller),Lorenz开发了想法固有发布的机制解释本能行为(固定的行动样式)。
有三所Konrad Lorenz学院在奥地利;一在他的家庭豪宅被安置在Altenberg和另在他的领域驻地在Grünau。
在他的1973书,文明的人的八贪婪,Konrad Lorenz演讲以下矛盾:人从他的获取了对自然世界的加深的理解围拢他的所有好处,他的技术,化工和医疗进展,应该似乎缓和人痛苦…改为倾向于倾向人类的破坏(Gli奥多peccati capitali della nostra civiltà-文明的人的八贪婪,Adelphi edizioni,Milano1974年,p.26;引证从书的意大利语版本被翻译)。
第 29 卷第 3 期2023 年 8 月Vol. 29 No.3August 2023基于觅食能力分配搜索任务的侏儒猫鼬优化算法*张 宁1,王 勇1,2,张 伟1(1.广西民族大学 人工智能学院,广西 南宁 530006;2.广西混杂计算与集成电路设计分析重点实验室,广西 南宁 530006)摘 要:针对侏儒猫鼬优化算法存在的不足,提出一种基于觅食能力分配搜索任务的侏儒猫鼬优化算法。
首先采用tent 混沌自适应步长平衡全局搜索与局部开发;针对al⁃pha 组搜索盲目性问题,优化其移动方向及移动能力;针对侦察组算法移动方向存在误导性问题,增强其个体纠错能力,从而提升个体觅食能力;改进保姆组移动算法,提升种群的局部开发能力;最后提出一种新的种群觅食策略,平衡各算法之间调用策略,提升算法整体性能。
实验结果表明FADMO 的全局收敛精度与全局收敛速度均有明显提高,并适用于实际问题求解。
关键词:智能优化;侏儒猫鼬优化算法(DMO);觅食能力分配任务;支持向量机参数优化中图分类号: TP391 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1673-8462(2023)03-0074-120 引言由于群智能优化算法在科学、工程等诸多领域(如图像处理[1-2]、路径规划[3-4]、参数优化[5-6]等)已经得到了较好的应用,因而群智能优化算法的研究越来越受到国内外研究者的重视。
目前针对群智能优化算法的研究主要有:一种是原创性地提出群智能优化算法(如海鸥优化算法(SOA )[7]、麻雀搜索算法(SSA )[8]、学生心理优化算法(SPBO )[9]、黑寡妇优化算法(BWO )[10]、算术优化算法(AOA )[11]、阿奎拉优化算法(AO )[12]等);另一种是进一步完善现有群智能优化算法[13-15],并将其应用于解决工程等方面的实际问题。
研究目的02材料与方法植物小麦(Triticum aestivum)、玉米(Zea mays)、向日葵(Helianthus annuus)昆虫暗黑鳃金龟(Melolonthamelolontha)试剂RNA提取试剂、cDNA合成试剂、基因表达分析试剂等材料1方法23采用嗅觉行为实验法,将昆虫放置在含有不同植物挥发物的空气中,观察其行为变化。
罗布麻(Apocynum venetum L.)为夹竹桃科罗布麻属植物,在我国主要分布在西北、东北及华东等地区[1]。
1.2方法1.2.1罗布麻种子形态特性测定罗布麻种子长野生和人工种植罗布麻种子形态及解剖特征比较陈凤清,丛建民,林碧云,潘娜,王国强(白城师范学院,吉林白城137000)摘要:对比研究了吉林省白城地区野生罗布麻(Apocynum venetum L.)种子与人工栽培罗布麻种子的形态特征和解剖特征。
由树木年轮推断北美驯鹿迁移、野火和Nunavik猎手之间的长期相互作用Serge; Payette; Stéphane; Boudreau; Claude; Morneau; Nadia; Pitre; 王胜(译); 徐化成(校)【期刊名称】《《AMBIO-人类环境杂志》》【年(卷),期】2004(033)B12【摘要】北美不毛之地的驯鹿(Rangifer tarandus)群可达到相当的规模,并从北极苔原至北方针叶林进行大尺度的季节性迁移。
【总页数】5页(P458-462)【作者】Serge; Payette; Stéphane; Boudreau; Claude; Morneau; Nadia; Pitre; 王胜(译); 徐化成(校)【作者单位】加拿大魁北克市Laval大学植物生态学和古生态学教授; Laval大学植物生态学博士; 阿根庭土库曼市土库曼(Tucuman)大学境科学助理研究员; 不详【正文语种】中文【中图分类】S825【相关文献】1.根据树木年轮推断环境变化 [J], 王萍2.由树木年轮推断北美驯鹿迁移、野火和Nunavik猎手之间的长期相互作用 [J], Serge Payette; Stéphane Boudreau; Claude Morneau; Nadia Pitre; 王胜3.辽宁干旱半干旱地区树木年轮与降水量之间的相关性分析 [J], 董韦4.根据树木年轮推断环境变化 [J], 王萍5.基于树木年轮的弯曲河流河湾迁移速率估算 [J], 刘桉;刘成;何耘因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。