



参加考试 - ESwitching Final Exam - CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线 (版本 4.0)剩余时间正在显示第 1 页,共 4页下一页>页跳转<上一页1 以下哪项参数用于唯一标识一个无线网络,使其与其它网络区分开来?SSID OFDMWEPDSSS2 分层网络模型具有哪三项优点?(选择三项。

)带宽争用现象减少物理布局范围减小网络的容错能力提高无需配线间无需第三层功能管理和故障排除工作简化3在将 Catalyst 交换机迁移到其它 VTP 管理域之前,应该进行哪三项任务?(选择正确的 VTP 模式和版本。


从新域中的 VTP 服务器上下载 VTP 数据库。

配置新域内的 VTP 服务器,使其识别该交换机的 BID。

重置 VTP 计数器,使交换机可与新域内的其它交换机同步。



)它只在第 2 层使用。


它消除了网络拓扑中的第 2 层环路。

它限制了端口上所允许的有效 MAC 地址的数量。

它使 VLAN 信息得以传播到网络中的其它交换机。

5下列哪种方法可建立用于配置 Linksys WRT300N 无线接入点的管理连接?与接入点关联,然后与接入点建立超级终端会话。


在接入点所在的 IP 子网内的计算机上的 web 浏览器中输入接入点的默认修改与接入点连接的计算机的 TCP/IP 属性,使其与接入点处于同一个网机以建立连接。


源地址并非 0019.d2e4.d9f7 的帧进入接口 Fa0/24 时会发生什么情况?Fa0/24 会变为 error-disabled(错误-禁用)状态。


Fa0/24 端口 LED 会关闭。



























)由于许多学生带着自己的平板电脑和智能手机去学校访问学校资源,大学里的IT 人员最有可能需要重新设计的网络区域是什么?家庭用户必须要有哪种网络类型访问才能进行网上购物?一位分支机构办公室的员工正在为客户创建报价。


该员工将要访问哪种类型的网络?下列哪两种连接选项可以为家庭办公室中的计算机提供始终在线的高带宽Internet 连接?(选择两项。

)下列哪两个Internet 连接选项不需要建筑物铺设物理电缆?(请选择两项。







正确答案:byod将每个描述与网络通信形式配对请将每个特征对应的internet连接类型进行匹配将每个定义与安全目标配对操作软件内核的作用是什么?网络管理员与交换机建立远程CLI 连接对其实施管理时,需要确保用户ID、密码和会话内容的保密性。

应当选择哪种访问方法?当在安全环境下执行初始配置时,下列哪个程序可用来访问Cisco 2960 交换机?哪个命令或组合键让用户返回命令层级中的上一级?某台路由器具有有效的操作系统,且NVRAM 中存储有配置文件。




第一部分:单项选择题1. 以下哪种设备可用于实现广域网?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 防火墙D. 网桥正解:A2. 哪一个网络层协议是用于将MAC地址转换为IP地址?A. ARP协议B. TCP协议C. UDP协议D. ICMP协议正解:A3. 网络安全中,以下哪项是确保数据在传输过程中不被窃取或修改的安全措施?A. 机密性B. 完整性C. 可用性D. 可验证性正解:B4. 在OSI模型中,下列哪层负责对收到的数据进行重新组装和排序?A. 传输层C. 数据链路层D. 物理层正解:A5. 哪种类型的地址可以用于从源到目的地的识别和路由?A. 物理地址B. MAC地址C. IP地址D. 逻辑地址正解:C第二部分:多项选择题1. 选择下列关于TCP传输协议的正确说法。

(可多选)A. TCP使用可靠性较低的UDP协议B. TCP的流控制指令有多种方式C. TCP在传输层实现D. TCP提供无连接服务正解:B、C2. 在主机间进行通信时,哪个MAC地址首先被使用?A. 源主机的MAC地址B. 目的主机的MAC地址C. 网关的MAC地址D. 路由器的MAC地址正解:C3. 下列哪个网络拓扑结构最好的容错性?A. 星形拓扑C. 总线型拓扑D. 带环形拓扑正解:A4. 以下哪个选项是网络安全的最佳实践?A. 使用复杂的密码并定期更改B. 允许所有用户访问系统C. 共享所有文件和文件夹D. 手动分配IP地址正解:A5. 哪种网络协议可以在发送方和接收方之间创建安全的数据连接?A. SSLB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP正解:A第三部分:简答题1. 请简要解释网络拓扑结构。




CCNA3 思科第三学期 v3.0 ESwitching Chapter 7最新答案

CCNA3 思科第三学期 v3.0 ESwitching Chapter 7最新答案

下例哪两个条件使802.11g 比802.11a 应用广泛?(选择两项。

)802.11a 的缺点在于范围比802.11g 窄。

2.4 GHz 频段不像5 GHz 频段那么拥挤。

802.11a 更易受常见商用设备的RF 干扰。

802.11a 所用的调制技术比802.11g 的昂贵。

802.11g 向下兼容802.11b,但802.11a 却不行。


)802.11i 使用3DES 进行加密。

开放式身份验证不使用客户端检验或AP 检验。

802.11i 协议与WPA 的功能相同。

802.11i 包含用于企业身份验证的RADIUS 服务器。

无线客户端首先与AP 关联,然后接受身份验证以接入网络。

窗体底端3窗体顶端下列哪种安装方法可用于连接新的无线网络?仅在接入点上设置WEP在接入点以及与其相连的每台设备上设置开放式访问在接入点上设置完全加密,但在与其相连的每台设备上设置开放式访问在WLAN 的每台设备上设置完全加密,但在接入点上设置开放式访问窗体底端请参见图示。


)MAC 地址过滤可防止无线帧的内容成为可查看内容。


禁用接入点广播SSID 可防止接入点被发现。

特定制造商生产的AP 的默认SSID 人所共知,因此可能被用来进行恶意无线连接。

在无线客户端上手动添加网络并设置已知SSID 后,无论当前是否广播该SSID,用户都可以查看该网络。



为此问题设计解决方案的第一步是什么?这可能是因RF 信道重叠引起的,因此技术人员检验每个接入点上正在使用的信道,并更换为不重叠的信道。





哪一个口令可让管理员进入特权执行模式?c isco1c isco2c isco3c isco请参见图示。

假设所有交换机的网桥优先级值都那么哪台交换机将当选为生成树拓扑的根桥?C at-AC at-BC at-CC at-D请参见图示。











)S1-Central>enable S1-Central#reloadS1-Central>enable S1-Central#eraseflash:S1-Central>enable S1-Central#deleteflash:S1-Central>enable S1-Central#configureterminal S1-Central(config)#novlan2S1-Central>enable S1-Central#configureterminal S1-Central(config-if)#interfacefastethernet0/1S1-Central(config-if)#switch请参见图示。



CCNA1全书练习题(所有章节chapter1至11)CCNA Exploration: 网络基础知识(版本4.0)第2章1. TCP/IP 网络接入层有何作用?A.路径确定和数据包交换B. 数据表示、编码和控制C. 可靠性、流量控制和错误检测D. 详细规定构成物理链路的组件及其接入方法E. 将数据段划分为数据包2.在封装过程中,数据链路层执行什么操作?A. 不添加地址。

B. 添加逻辑地址。

C. 添加物理地址。

D. 添加进程的端口号。

3. 请参见图示。

下列哪组设备仅包含终端设备?A. A、C、DB. B、E、G、HC. C、D、G、H、I、JD. D、E、F、H、I、JE. E、F、H、I、J4. 下列哪些陈述正确指出了中间设备在网络中的作用?(选择三项)A. 确定数据传输路径B. 发起数据通信C. 重新定时和重新传输数据信号D. 发送数据流E. 管理数据流F. 数据流最后的终止点5. 下列哪三项陈述是对局域网(LAN) 最准确的描述?(选择三项)A. LAN 通常位于一个地域内。

B. 此类网络由由一个组织管理。

C. LAN 中的不同网段之间一般通过租用连接的方式连接。

D. 此类网络的安全和访问控制由服务提供商控制。

E. LAN 为同一个组织内的用户提供网络服务和应用程序访问。

F. 此类网络的每个终端通常都连接到电信服务提供商(TSP)。

6. 通过检查网络层报头可以确定什么?A. 本地介质上的目的设备B. 用于到达目的主机的路径C. 将要通过介质传输的比特D. 创建数据的源应用程序或进程7. 哪种设备被视为中间设备?A. 文件服务器B. IP 电话C. 笔记本电脑D. 打印机E. 交换机8. OSI 模型各层从最高层到最低层的正确顺序如何?A. 物理层、网络层、应用层、数据链路层、表示层、会话层、传输层B. 应用层、物理层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、表示层C. 应用层、表示层、物理层、会话层、数据链路层、传输层、网络层D. 应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层E. 表示层、数据链路层、会话层、传输层、网络层、物理层、应用层9. 请参见图示。




)BCFA.入侵防御系统B.反间谍软件C.防病毒软件D.访问控制列表E.电力线网络F.防火墙2.哪个表达准确定义了术语“拥塞”?DA.网络数据传送能力的一项衡量标准B.限制硬件或软件故障对网络的影响的一种方法C.管理网络资源使用率的一套技术D.网络资源需求超出可用容量的一种状态3.下列哪种说法正确描述了云计算的特征?DA.企业可以直接连接到 Internet,而不需要使用 ISPB.需要投资新的基础设施才能访问云。

C.设备能够通过现有电线连接到 Internet。

D.通过订阅可以使用 Internet 访问应用程序。


5.哪两个 Internet 解决方案可以为 LAN 上的计算机提供始终在线的高带宽连接?(请选择两项。

)BEA.卫星B.DSLC.移动电话D.电话拨号E.电缆6.要求使用复杂的强密码是为了实现下列哪个网络安全目标?BA.确保冗余B.确保数据保密性C.确保访问的可靠性D.维护通信完整性7.下列有关 LAN 和 WAN 两者关系的说法,哪两项是正确的?(请选择两项。

)ABA.与 LAN 连接内部终端设备相比,WAN 连接 LAN 的带宽速度较低。

B.WAN 通常通过多个 ISP 运营,而 LAN 通常由一个组织或个人运营C.WAN 必须是公共的,而 LAN 可以由公有或私有实体拥有。

N 和 WAN 均能连接终端设备。

E.Internet 属于 WAN。





1当设备从一个网络或子网移至另一个网络或子网时,下列哪两项陈述是正确的?(选择两项)必须重新分配第 2 层地址。


设备使用同一个第 2 层地址仍可正常工作。


必须重新分配第 3 层地址才能与新的网络通信。


假设图示中的网络已收敛,即路由表和ARP 表均完整,主机 A 将在发往www 以太网帧目的地址字段中放入以下哪个MAC 地址?00-1c-41-ab-c0-0000-0c-85-cf-65-c000-0c-85-cf-65-c100-12-3f-32-05-af3数据链路层帧尾有何主要作用?定义逻辑拓扑提供介质访问控制支持帧错误检测传送帧的路由信息4请参见图示。

PC 正在向笔记本电脑发送帧。

离开RouterB 时,帧中包括的源MAC 地址和源MAC - PC源MAC - RouterA 的S0/0源MAC - RouterB 的Fa0/1源IP - PC源IP - RouterA 的S0/0源IP - RouterB 的Fa0/15在网络中实现第2 层协议时应该考虑哪三个因素?(选择三项)所选的第 3 层协议网络的地址范围传输层定义的PDU物理层实现要连接的主机数量网络层编址?介质共享应用进程逻辑拓扑中间设备的功能7以太网帧中的前导码有何作用?作为数据的填充位用于同步计时用于标识源地址。



流量从PC 路由到笔记本电脑时,会进行多少次CRC 计算?12468169有关物理拓扑和逻辑拓扑的陈述,下列哪一项正确?逻辑拓扑始终与物理拓扑相同。









CCNA思科考试答案(全)第 1 章考试1一家拥有10 名员工的小型公司使用单个LAN 在计算机之间共享信息。

哪种类型连接适合此公司?由当地电话服务提供商提供的拨号连接能够使公司方便且安全地连接员工的虚拟专用网络通过当地服务提供商建立的私有专用线路通过当地服务提供商提供的宽带服务(如DSL)答案:4解析:对于这种小型办公室,比较适合通过被称为数字用户线路(DSL) 的常见宽带服务实现Internet 连接,这种服务由当地的电话服务提供商提供。



如果公司员工需要通过Internet 与公司联系,则采用虚拟专用网。

2哪种网络情况需要使用WAN?员工工作站需要获取动态分配的IP 地址。

员工在出差时需要通过VPN 连接到公司电子邮件服务器。


员工需要访问托管在其建筑物内DMZ 中的公司Web 服务器上的网页。

答案:2解析:当出差的员工需要通过WAN 连接到公司电子邮件服务器时,VPN 将通过WAN 连接在员工笔记本电脑与公司网络之间创建一个安全隧道。

通过DHCP 获取动态IP 地址是LAN 通信的功能。

在企业园区的不同建筑物之间共享文件可通过LAN 基础设施来实现。

DMZ 是企业LAN 基础设施内一个受保护的网络。

3以下哪项描述了WAN 的特征?WAN 和LAN 在同一地理范围内运行,但有串行链路。

WAN 网络归运营商所有。

所有串行链路均被视为WAN 连接。

WAN 可提供到园区主干网的终端用户网络连接。

答案:2解析:WAN 可用于将企业LAN 互连到远程分支机构站点LAN 和远程工作人员站点。

WAN 归运营商所有。

虽然WAN 连接一般通过串行接口实现,但并不是所有串行链路均连接至WAN。


4电路交换WAN 技术的两个常见类型是什么?(请选择两项。





这种网络安全性更低,不可扩展,而且那些同时充当客户端和服务器的设备可能性能更差正确答案:1解析:正确答案: 3.5解析:选择网络介质的条件包括:所选介质可以成功传送信号的距离、要安装所选介质的环境、必须传输的数据量和速度以及介质和安装的成本。







当设备连接到有线网络时,有线LAN 会受BYOD(自带设备)影响。

使用大学无线LAN 的设备多为平板电脑和智能手机。

大学生主要使用无线WAN 来访问他们的手机运营商网络。

.正确答案:2解析:由于通过Internet 可以联系在线供应商,所以家庭用户通过Internet 进行网上购物。



家庭用户并不一定使用LAN 来访问Internet。

例如,PC 可以通过调制解调器直接连接到ISP。



正确答案:2和4解析:电缆和DSL 均能实现高带宽、始终联网,并提供到主机计算机或LAN 的以太网连接。





11请参见图示。 图中的所有网络都带有 /24 前缀。 假设网络中的所有路由器均已获知所有路由,哪个地址最适合总结图中的网络? 4
2网络地址 192,168,100,128
4广播地址 192,168,100,157
5广播地址 192,168,100,159
3 CIDR 对网络有哪两项好处? (选择两项。) 14
13请参见图示。主机 A 被分配了 IP 地址。此子网还能另外支持多少台联网设备? 5
2பைடு நூலகம்09
14当在 Cisco 路由器上配置 NAT 时,内部本地 IP 地址是什么? 3
1内部主机显示给外部网络的 IP 地址
2外部主机显示给内部网络的 IP 地址
11请参见图示。路由器 A 和路由器 B 上配置了 EIGRP 且禁用了自动总结。应用到路由器 A S0/0/0 接口上的哪条命令会手动总结发往路由器 B 的 EIGRP 通告中的网络? 2

CCNA 思科网络章节考试题及答案《网络规划和布线》

CCNA 思科网络章节考试题及答案《网络规划和布线》

《网络规划和布线》在IPv4 环境中,路由器根据什么信息在不同的路由器接口之间转发数据包?目的网络地址源网络地址源MAC 地址公认端口目的地址OSI 第3 层封装期间添加什么信息?源MAC 地址和目的MAC 地址源应用程序协议和目的应用程序协议源端口号和目的端口号源IP 地址和目的IP 地址在无连接系统中,下列哪项陈述是正确的?发送数据包之前联系目的设备。




IP 数据包的哪个字段用于防止无限循环?服务类型标识标志生存时间报头校验和路由器使用网络层地址的哪个部分转发数据包?主机部分广播地址网络部分网关地址请参见图示。

如果使用图示中的网络,下列哪一项将成为192.133.219.0 网络中主机A 的默认网关地址?如果主机上的默认网关配置不正确,对通信有何影响?该主机无法在本地网络上通信。




默认网关有何作用?用于物理连接计算机和网络为计算机提供永久地址标识计算机所连接的网络标识网络计算机的逻辑地址,并且是网络中的唯一标识允许本地网络计算机和其它网络中的设备通信的设备标识哪种路由使用的信息需要手动输入路由表中?动态内部静态标准如果目的网络未列在Cisco 路由器的路由表中,路由器可能会采取哪两项措施?(选择两项)路由器发送ARP 请求以确定所需的下一跳地址。


路由器将数据包转发到ARP 表所示的下一跳。



将主机分组到同一个网络时应考虑哪些关键因素?(选择三项)网关用途物理编址软件版本地理位置所有权以下哪一项是路由表条目的组成部分?路由器接口的MAC 地址第 4 层目的端口号目的主机地址下一跳地址下列哪些中间设备可用于在网络之间实施安全保护?(选择两项)路由器集线器交换机防火墙接入点网桥大型网络存在哪三个常见问题?(选择三项)广播太少性能下降安全问题管理职责受限制主机标识协议兼容性请参见图示。

cisco CCNA官方第三学期第三章官方测试题和答案

cisco CCNA官方第三学期第三章官方测试题和答案


当管理员输入no vlan 1命令时,收到错误消息。

此命令为什么产生错误消息?在任何情况下都不能删除VLAN 1。

只能通过删除vlan.dat 文件来删除VLAN 1。

只有删除VLAN 1 的所有端口后才能删除VLAN 1。

只有将VLAN 1 的角色分配给其它VLAN 后,才能删除VLAN 1。

2网络管理员希望将大楼A 中的主机划分到编号分别为20 和30 的VLAN 中,下列关于VLAN 配置的说法中哪两项正确项。

)可以为这些VLAN 命名。

VLAN 信息保存在启动配置中。

手动创建的非默认VLAN 必须使用扩展范围的VLAN 编号。

网络管理员可在全局配置模式或VLAN 数据库模式下创建VLAN。

两个VLAN 都可命名为BUILDING_A 以与处于不同地理位置的其它VLAN 区分。

3下列有关802.1q 中继协议的说法中哪项正确?802.1q 是Cisco 专有协议。

802.1q 帧通过MAC 地址映射到VLAN。

802.1q 不需要重新计算原始帧的FCS。

802.1q 对通过接入端口转发出去的帧不会执行操作。

4下列哪两种说法正确描述了VLAN 的优点?(选择两项。

)VLAN 通过调节流量控制和窗口大小来提升网络性能。

VLAN 使交换机可通过VLAN ID 过滤将数据包路由到远程网络。

VLAN 通过减少交换机上所需的物理端口数量来降低网络开销。

VLAN 通过识别有权访问敏感数据和应用程序的用户来提升网络安全性。

VLAN 将网络划分为较小的逻辑网络,这降低了网络对广播风暴的敏感性。


SW1 和SW2 是将要安装到图中所示拓扑中的新交换机。

交换机SW1 的Fa0/1 接口已将中继模式配置为“打于交换机SW1 和SW2 之间形成中继链路的说法中哪项正确?交换机SW2 的Fa0/2 接口如果支持DTP,则会协商成为中继链路。

交换机SW2 的Fa0/2 接口只有在静态配置为中继接口的情况下才能成为中继链路。



1CCNA 第三学期 期末While monitoring LAN traffic, a network technician notices an excessive number of broadcasts. Which two steps could be included in the processes that are needed to reduce the number of broadcasts onthe network? (Choose two.)Replace any existing hubs with switches.Add a Layer 3 device to route between networks.Subnet the existing IP network to create two networks.Increase the backbone speed by three times the current speed.Add additional switches and spread out the number of hosts evenly between them.2What advantage does cut-through switching provide?It enables QoSIt forwards frames quickly.It provides an analysis of frames.It allows reduction of traffic by using error checking to drop corrupt frames.3Refer to the exhibit. Which switch will be elected as the root bridge of the spanning tree topology?Cat-ACat-BCat-CCat-D4W hich stackable switch feature allows for interconnection of multiple switches and will provide a cost effective solution for networks that require high bandwidth and high availability?modular line cardsspecial backplane portdedicated gigabyte line portsaggregated FastEthernet ports5Refer to the exhibit. This switch is to be added to the production network. Which two facts about VLANs and VTP operation can be confirmed by this output? (Choose two.)The network administrator will be able to configure VLANs of local significance on this switch.VLANs can only be added to the VLAN database on this switch by a VTP advertisement.All VLANs that are configured on this switch will be sent to all other switches in the same VTP domain.This switch will drop all VTP advertisements that come from switches that are configured in the same VTP domain.Adding this switch to the network will cause no disruption in the VTP domain operations if the rest of the switches in the same VTP domain have a higher configuration revision number.6Refer to the exhibit. The hosts connected to switch SW1 are not able to communicate with the hosts in the same VLANs connected to switch SW2. What should be done to fix the problem?Configure VLANs with different VLAN IDs on switch SW2.Reconfigure the trunk port on switch SW2 with static trunk configuration.Introduce a Layer 3 device or a switch with Layer 3 capability in the topology.Apply IP addresses that are in the same subnet to the interfaces used to connect SW1 and SW2.7Refer to the exhibit. A new host needs to be connected to VLAN 3. Which IP address should beassigned to this new host? /28192.168.1.31 /28192.168.1.32 /28192.168.1.52 /28192.168.1.63 /288Refer to the exhibit. SW-T has been configured with a single trunking interface. Which VLANs will be allowed across the trunk?Only VLAN 1 will be allowed across the trunk.All configured VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.Only the native VLAN will be allowed across the trunk.Only the the management and native VLANs will be allowed across the trunk.Only VLANs that are configured on the VTP server in the domain will be allowed across the trunk.9Refer to the exhibit. How will switch S2 manage traffic coming from host PC1?S2 will drop the traffic, unless it is management traffic.S2 will tag the frame with VLAN ID 99 when it forwards it over the trunk link.S2 will leave the traffic untagged when it forwards it over a trunk link.S2 will tag the traffic with the highest VLAN ID value when it forwards it over the trunk link. 10Refer to the exhibit. Both switches are interconnected via a trunk link. Host A and host B are on the default VLAN but are not able to exchange traffic. What should be done to fix the problem?Allow all VLANs on the trunk link.Remove the native VLAN from the trunk.Include a router or switch with Layer 3 capabilities.Configure the same native VLAN on both ends of the trunk.11Refer to the exhibit. What does the term DYNAMIC indicate in the output that is shown?This entry can only be removed from the MAC address table by a network administrator.When forwarding a frame to the device with address 0060.5c5b.cd23, the switch does not have to perform a lookup to determine the final destination port.Only the device with MAC address 0060.5c5b.cd23 will be allowed to connect to port Fa0/18.The switch learned this MAC address from the source address in a frame received on Fa0/18.12W hy is MAC address filtering considered a poor choice in securing a WLAN?Available bandwidth is reduced.MAC addresses are easily spoofed.APs are more susceptible to DoS attacks.The payload encryption is easily broken.13How does a switch that is configured for 802.1Q trunking handle untagged frames that are receivedon a trunk port?The frames are dropped.The frames are assigned to the native VLAN.The frames are assigned to the default VLAN.The frames are assigned to the management VLAN.14Refer to the exhibit. Which three options correctly describe the router configuration that is shown?(Choose three.)An IEEE standard trunking protocol is in use.Interface Fa0/1 has been configured with subinterfaces.The shutdown command has been applied to interface Fa0/1.Interface Fa0/1.3 is mapped to the default management VLAN.The configuration is appropriate for a router-on-a-stick network design.An IP address should be applied to interface Fa0/1 for routing to occur.15RSTP is enabled in a switched network that is active and converged. Which switch port type assumesa discarding state on non-root switches?root portedge portalternate portdesignated port16What provides an authentication mechanism for 802.11-based wireless networks?DSSSOFDMSSIDWPA17W hat is the benefit of the auto-MDIX feature on a Cisco Catalyst switch?dynamically assigns a new management VLAN IDautonegotiates IP address information for initial management connectionsallows the use of straight-through patch cables regardless of connected device typesplaces a port immediately in the forwarding state to reduce the time for the spanning tree toreconverge18Refer to the exhibit. VTP pruning is enabled in the VTP domain that is shown. How will switch ST-1 handle Layer 2 broadcast traffic originating from host A on switch ST-C?It will be dropped.It will be forwarded out port Fa0/5 only.It will be forwarded out ports Fa0/5 and Fa0/10.It will be forwarded out ports Fa0/5, Fa0/10, and Fa0/15.19Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator wants to allow both SSH and Telnet connections to Switch1. However, the SSH connections fail. What is the most likely cause of this problem?The RSA key has been removed.SSH has been configured on the wrong line.The transport input command is applied incorrectly.The domain name has been configured in the wrong configuration mode.20Refer to the exhibit. The devices in the network are operational and configured as indicated in the exhibit. However, hosts B and D cannot ping each other. What is the most likely cause of this problem?The link between the switches is up but not trunked.The Fa0/11 interface of Switch1 is not configured as a trunk.Hosts B and D are configured with IP addresses from different subnets.VLAN 20 and VLAN 30 are not allowed on the trunk between the switches.21Refer to the exhibit. Hosts A and B, connected to hub HB1, attempt to transmit a frame at the same time but a collision occurs. Which hosts will receive the collision jamming signal?only hosts A and Bonly hosts A, B, and Conly hosts A, B, C, and Donly hosts A, B, C, and E22 A network administrator implements inter-VLAN routing by configuring subinterfaces on a router.What is one important fact that must be considered?The physical interface must have an IP address configured.The subinterface numbers must match the VLAN ID number.The no shutdown command must be issued on each subinterface.The IP address of each router subinterface must be used as the default gateway for hosts on the corresponding VLAN.23W hat is the purpose of VLAN trunking?It improves network performance by reducing broadcast traffic.It selects the best path to transmit data in a switched network.It carries the traffic of multiple VLANs through a single link.It avoids spanning tree loops in a switched network.24Which parameter is used to uniquely identify one wireless network from another?SSIDOFDMWEPDSSS25W hich layers should support QoS in a hierarchical network?only the distribution and core layersonly the access and distribution layersthe access, distribution, and core layers26Refer to the exhibit. What does "FORWARDING" mean in the command output shown?The switch is sending and receiving data frames.The switch is receiving BPDUs, but not sending data frames.The switch is participating in an election process by forwarding the BPDUs it receives.The switch is receiving BPDUs and populating the MAC address table, but not sending data.27Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator is configuring RT1 for inter-VLAN routing. The switch is configured correctly and is functional. Host1, Host2, and Host3 cannot communicate with each other.Based on the router configuration, what is causing the problem?Interface Fa0/0 is missing IP address configuration information.IP addresses on the subinterfaces are incorrectly matched to the VLANs.Each subinterface of Fa0/0 needs separate no shutdown commands.Routers do not support 892.1Q encapsulation on subinterfaces.28Which switch forwarding method should be used on a network that employs frame classification based on an assigned Quality of Service (QoS) value?cut-throughfast-forwardfragment-freestore-and-forward29Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator has segmented the network into two VLANs. The connected hosts can only access resources in their own VLAN. What is the most scalable and cost effective solution to allow inter-VLAN communication in this network?Replace S1 with a router that has one FastEthernet interface for each PC.Add a second switch and divide the PCs so that each VLAN is connected to its own switch.Configure a router with two subinterfaces on one of its FastEthernet ports and connect it to S1 using a trunk link.Connect a router to a port on S1 and assign the IP address of VLAN1 to the connecting router interface.30Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator issues the show interfaces fastEthernet 0/8switchport command to check the status of the port. What can be concluded from the output?Port Fa0/8 is configured as a trunk with 802.1q encapsulation.Port Fa0/8 is configured as a trunk in VLAN 1.Port Fa0/8 is configured in access mode and associated with VLAN 1.31What will be the effect of the command S1# copy system:running-configtftp:// IOS will be copied to the TFTP server.The configuration file named tokyo-config will overwrite the startup configuration file on S1.The running configuration file on S1 will be saved via TFTP to a file named tokyo-config.The contents of NVRAM on S1 will become the startup configuration file on the tokyo switch.32W hich three statements are correct concerning the default configuration of a new switch? (Choose three.)It is configured in VTP server mode.STP is automatically enabled.The first VTY line is automatically configured to allow remote connections.VLAN1 is configured with a management IP address.All switch ports are assigned to VLAN1.The enable password is configured as cisco.33Refer to the exhibit. What would happen if the network administrator moved the network cable of Host A from interface Fa0/1 to Fa0/3 on switch SW1?Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the router is routing traffic between VLANs.Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, because port Fa0/3 has been manually assigned to VLAN 30.Host A remains a member of VLAN 10, because the switch provides dynamic VLAN assignment for the port.Host A maintains connectivity to all members of VLAN 10, because it is connected to the same physical network.Host A is no longer a member of VLAN 10, but because port Fa0/3 was unused, it is now amember of VLAN 1.34Refer to the exhibit. Switches S2 and S3 are properly connected using an ethernet cable. A network administrator has configured both switches with VTP, but S3 is unable to propagate VLANs to S2.What could be the reason for this?The VTP configuration revision is different on both switches.The VTP domains are different on both switches.VTP pruning is disabled.VTP v2 is disabled.35Refer to the exhibit. Users A and B are reporting intermittent connectivity problems. Pre-installation surveys showed strong signal strength from the AP locations to the client locations. Outside electricalIncrease the distance between the clients.Change the channel on AP-B to 6 or 11.Place AP-A and AP-B on the same wireless channel.36I n which mode is a VTP switch operating if it does not allow for the creation of local VLANs but it does accept VLAN updates from other switches in the same domain?clientrootservertransparent37Refer to the exhibit. The Layer 2 switching design that is shown has been implemented in a campus environment that is using Spanning Tree Protocol. All inter-switch links that are shown are trunks.Whenever an inter-switch link fails, the network takes nearly a minute to completely converge. How can the convergence time be reduced?Increase the capacity of the distribution and core trunk links to 10 Gb/s.Use Layer 3 switching on the core switch.Implement Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol.38Refer to the exhibit. Router R1 is properly configured for router on a stick inter-VLAN routing, but PC1 is unable to ping PC2. What needs to be done to resolve the problem?Rename VLAN1.Connect one more port of S1 to R1.Configure the Fa0/1 port of S1 as a trunk port.Move the Fa0/0 interface of R1 to another VLAN.39What is a result of improperly implementing a network with redundancy at Layer 2?an increase of unicast and multicast errors at Layer 3a decrease in the amount of broadcast trafficend device malfunction because of broadcast storms40W hy is it important that the network administrator consider the spanning-tree network diameter when choosing the root bridge?The network diameter limitation is 9.BPDUs may be discarded because of expiring timers.The cabling distance between the switches is 100 meters.The network diameter must be set to the number of meters of the cable between the root bridge and its farthest connected switch.41Refer to the exhibit. A network administrator needs to add IP phones to the network. To whichdevices should the IP phones connect?AS1 and AS2DS1 and DS2DS1, DS2, and CS1AS1, AS2, DS1, and DS242Which device or devices should have the Spanning Tree Protocol enabled to prevent host traffic from creating a broadcast storm?Core_S1Access_S2 and Access_S3Core_S1, Access_S2, and Access_S3Core_S1, Access_S2, Access_S3, and R143Refer to the exhibit. All edge ports are configured with the spanning-tree portfast command. Host1 is recently connected to port Fa0/1 on switch SW1 . Which statement is true about the status of port Fa0/1?The port will transition into blocking state.The port will transition immediately into forwarding state.The port will transition into blocking state and then immediately into forwarding state.The port will transition into blocking state and immediately transition through the listening and learning states.44A network administrator enables sticky learning on all access mode interfaces of a Catalyst switch, saves the configuration, then connects hosts to the switch. After the switch operates for several days, the administrator reboots the switch without saving the running configuration. What is the result?All previously learned MAC addresses are lost.The switch reverts to non-sticky dynamic learning.Connected hosts are no longer able to communicate with the switch.Previously learned sticky addresses are retained in the switch configuration.45The network administrator wants to configure a switch to pass VLAN update information to other switches in the domain but not update its own local VLAN database. Which two steps should the administrator perform to achieve this? (Choose two.)Reset the VTP counters.Configure VTP version 1 on the switch.Configure the VTP mode of the switch to transparent.Verify that the switch has a higher configuration revision number.Configure the switch with the same VTP domain name as other switches in the network.46Which statement regarding the service password-encryption command is true?The service password-encryption command is entered at the privileged EXEC mode prompt.The service password-encryption command encrypts only passwords for the console and VTY ports.The service password-encryption command encrypts all previously unencrypted passwords in the running configuration.To see the passwords encrypted by the service password-encryption command, enter the no service password-encryption command.47Refer to the exhibit. The network consists of four hubs and a switch. The hosts connected to each hub are assigned addresses in the respective VLAN as shown. PC1 on VLAN 1 becomes infected with a virus and initiates a continuous IP broadcast. Which hubs will receive the broadcasts?Hub AHubs A and BHubs A and CHubs A, B, C, and D48 A wireless LAN access point will convert traffic between which two frame encapsulation types?802.1 and 802.11802.3 and 802.11802.3 and 802.16802.5 and 802.1649I n the implementation of PVST+ in a specific VLAN where all switches have default spanning tree priorities, which spanning-tree command setting could be assigned to force one of the Catalyst switches to become and remain the root bridge?root primarypriority 8192priority 2048spanning-tree mode rapid pvst50Refer to the exhibit. The teacher host is connected to port Fa0/7 on switch STW. A student hasdecided to share access to the Internet by attaching a hub and laptop to STW as shown. What will be the result of the student making this connection?The Fa0/7 port of STW will be shutdown.The student will gain full access to the Internet.Both the teacher and student will be able to receive data but only the teacher will be able to send.The frames from the laptop will be dropped, but the teacher host will maintain connectivity with the network.51Refer to the exhibit. Switch SW2 was tested in a lab environment and then inserted into a production network without reloading its configuration. After the trunk link between SW1 and SW2 was brought up, all users lost connectivity to the network. What could be the source of the problem?All the VLANs were pruned from the trunk port between SW1 and SW2.SW1 and SW2 cannot be both set as VTP servers in the same VTP domain.VTP configuration revision number of SW2 was higher than the configuration revision number of SW1.The additional VLANs from SW2 created more VLANs than the VLAN database of SW1 could contain.。



ESwitching Chapter 1 - CCNA Exploration: LAN 交换和无线(版本4.0)1、分层网络设计模型中的哪一层称为互连网络的高速主干层,其中高可用性和冗余性是该层的关键?A.接入层B. 核心层C. 数据链路层D. 分布层E. 网络层F. 物理层2、分层网络设计模型中的哪一层提供了将设备接入网络的途径并控制允许那些设备通过网络进行通信?A. 应用层B. 接入层C. 分布层D. 网络层E. 核心层3、分层设计模型中的哪一层使用策略来控制网络流量的流动并通过在虚拟局域网 (VLAN) 之间执行路由功能来划定广播域的边界?A. 应用层B. 接入层C. 分布层D. 网络层E. 核心层4、从传统的公司网络架构迁移到完全融合网络后,很可能产生什么影响?A. 可将本地模拟电话服务完全外包给收费更低的提供商B. 以太网 VLAN 结构会简化C. 会形成共享的基础架构,因此只需管理一个网络。

D. QoS 问题会大大减轻5、语音数据流和视频数据流争夺带宽的问题会减轻。

应该在分层网络的哪一层或哪几层实现链路聚合?A. 仅核心层B. 分布层和核心层C. 接入层和分布层D. 接入层、分布层和核心层6、下列哪种说法正确描述了模块化交换机?A. 外形纤细B. 允许通过冗余背板进行交换机互连C. 物理特性固定D. 特性灵活多变7、下列哪项功能可在交换网络中通过合并多个交换机端口来支持更高的吞吐量?A. 收敛B. 冗余链路C. 链路聚合D. 网络直径8、在处于不同的 VLAN 中的设备间配置通信需要使用 OSI 模型中的哪个层?A. 第 1 层B. 第 3 层C. 第 4 层D. 第 5 层9、企业级交换机有哪两项特点?(选择两项。

)A. 端口密度低B. 转发速度高C. 延时水平高D. 支持链路聚合E.端口数量预先确定10、Cisco 三层式分层模型中的三层都支持哪两项功能?(选择两项。

)A. 以太网供电B. 在冗余中继链路之间进行负载均衡C. 冗余组件D. 服务质量E. 链路聚合11、网络管理员选择的交换机将在网络核心层工作。



单臂路由器 VLAN 间路由有哪三项特征(选择三项。

)需要使用 VTP需要使用子接口减少广播域的数量使用过多 VLAN 时会影响性能需要在路由器和至少一台交换机之间采用接入链路比用于 VLAN 间路由的其它方法更加经济规定至少要在路由器和交换机之间使用两个交换机端口2如果将允许使用中继链路的 VLAN 范围设置为默认值,表示允许哪些 VLAN仅管理 VLAN除扩展范围 VLAN 之外的所有 VLAN除 VLAN 1 和 VLAN 1002-1005 之外的所有 VLAN所有的 VLAN3请参见图示。



最近安装了 SW1 用于取代集线器。

主机 1 和主机 4 同时传送数据。



由于主机 1 和主机 4 都连接到交换机,因此不会发生冲突。

交换机将根据交换机 MAC 地址表中的信息将数据转发到相应的端口。

主机 2 和主机 3 会获分配更短的回退值,从而获得访问介质的优先权。

为了防止再发生冲突,交换机会在设定时间内阻塞与主机 2、主机 3 和主机 4 连接的端口。


网络管理员需要删除 east-hosts VLAN 并将属于该 VLAN 的交换机端口用到一个现有 VLAN 中。

如果要从 S1-Central 完删除 VLAN 2,同时保证交换机及其所有接口工作正常,应该使用哪两组命令(选择两项。

)S1-Central> enableS1-Central# reloadS1-Central> enableS1-Central# erase flash:S1-Central> enableS1-Central# delete flash:S1-Central> enableS1-Central# configure terminalS1-Central(config)# no vlan 2S1-Central> enableS1-Central# configure terminalS1-Central(config-if)# interface fastethernet 0/1S1-Central(config-if)# switchport access vlan 37请参见图示。



思科章节练习第二章到第七章试题及答案第二章1.下列哪些陈述正确指出了中间设备在网络中的作用?(选择三项) (135) 确定数据传输路径发起数据通信重新定时和重新传输数据信号发送数据流管理数据流数据流最后的终止点2.请选择关于网络协议的正确陈述。


135)定义特定层 PDU 的结构规定实现协议层功能的方式概述层与层之间通信所需的功能限制了对硬件兼容性的需要需要取决于协议层的封装过程杜绝厂商之间的标准化3.封装的两个功能是什么?(45选择两项)跟踪终端设备之间的延迟为通信提供统一的网络路径在传输前可以修改原始数据标识属于同一通信的数据片段确保数据片段可以转发到正确的接收端设备4.数据链路层封装添加的报尾信息有何主要功能?1支持差错校验确保数据按照顺序到达确保送达正确目的标识本地网络中的设备帮助中间设备进行处理和路径选择5.OSI 模型哪两层的功能与 TCP/IP 模型的网络接入层相同?(选择两项34)网络层传输层物理层数据链路层会话层6.什么是 PDU?4传输期间的帧损坏在目的设备上重组的数据因通信丢失而重新传输的数据包特定层的封装7.以下哪种特征正确代表了网络中的终端设备? 2管理数据流发送数据流重新定时和重新传输数据信号确定数据传输路径8.IP 地址为 的“手机A”已经与 IP 地址为 的“IP 电话1”建立了 IP 会话。

请根据图示回答,下列哪个设备类型是对无线设备“手机A”功能的最准确描述? 2目的设备终端设备中间设备介质设备9.下列哪三个标签正确标识了图示网段的网络类型?(236选择三项)网络 A -- WAN网络 B -- WAN网络 C -- LAN网络 B -- MAN网络 C -- WAN网络 A -- LAN10.下列哪三项陈述是对局域网 (LAN) 最准确的描述?(选择三项125)LAN 通常位于一个地域内。


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