9 13德国法院批准欧洲纾困基金German backing for ESM fund lifts stocksRisk assets enjoyed another positive session after Germany’s highest court gave the go-ahead for Europe’s new bailout fund, removing a significant obstacle to efforts to resolve the region’s debt crisis.德国最高法院批准欧洲新纾困基金,消除了解决欧债危机道路上的一大障碍,带动风险资产经历又一个价格上涨的交易日。
But the initial wave of buying that followed the news – which sent European stocks to a 14-month high and the euro to a four-month peak above $1.29 – subsequently showed signs of fizzling out as the grim economic reality facing the region continued to cast a shadow over the markets.但是,由于欧元区严峻的经济现实继续给市场蒙上阴影,上述消息传出后的最初一波买入潮——将欧洲股市推高至14个月高位,亦将欧元汇率推高至1欧元兑1.29美元的四个月高位——随后显示消退迹象。
Nevertheless, there was a palpable sense of relief at the decision by Germany’s constitutional court to reject a petition to prevent the country from signing up to the European Stability Mechanism, the region’s permanent financial rescue fund.然而,对于德国宪法法院驳回有关阻止该国参与欧洲稳定机制(ESM)的请愿的判决,各方明显松了一口气。
金融英语双语阅读三篇下面店铺为大家带来金融英语双语阅读,欢迎大家学习!金融英语双语阅读:投资银行业务Investment banking describes the activities of a firm conducted when serving as an intermediary between an issuer of securities and the investing public.Most of these activities are related to what is called “underwriting” whereby an investment bank commits to buy the new issue shares of a company for resale tothe investing public. The majority of investment banks also maintain brokerage and trading operations for institutional and retail clients. As an investment bank,a company can use one of several agreements when assisting a company going through the process of issuing shares to the public. Investment banks will usuallyundertake one of the following arrangements when assisting a company in the issuance of shares: firm commitment, best efforts, or all or none. Not all of thesemethods guarantee that the initial public offering of stock will be successful.投资银行业务描述的是一家公司作为证券发行者和投资大众的中间人进行服务活动。
FT中文网旨在为中国的商务人士和决策者们提供来自英国《金融时报》(Financial Times) 的权威性全球财经新闻、分析以及评论。
华尔街日报》中文网络版(The Wall Street Journal Chinese Online Edition)是道琼斯公司旗下的唯一在线中文财经出版物,向全球华语读者提供最重要的商业与财经资讯,并于每个工作日全天24小时更新。
《华尔街日报》中文网站刊登的内容来自公司旗下的《华尔街日报》、《远东经济评论》、《巴伦周刊》、财智月刊以及Market Watch等。
[FT(金融时报)双语阅读] FinancialTimes
Better Place in China dealBetter Place, the electric car infrastructure[ˈinfr əˌstrʌktʃə] (n.结构,基础设施)company, announced its firstdeal with a carmaker in China, potentially the biggest future market for battery-powered cars.电动汽车基础设施制造商Better Place日前宣布了与中国汽车制造商签订的首项协议,中国有潜力成为未来电池驱动型汽车的最大市场。
The US company signed a memorandum[ˌmeməˈrændəm](n.备忘录;记录)of understanding on Saturday with Chery Automobile, China's biggest independent carmaker, to develop prototype s[ˈprəutətaip]( n.原型) for electric vehicles to be used in regional ['ri:dʒənəl]( adj. 当地的,地区的,局部的,方言的) sate-sponsored pilot projects.这家美国公司与中国最大的独立汽车制造商奇瑞(Chery)于周六签订了一项谅解备忘录,将在地方政府支持的试点项目中,合作开发电动汽车原型。
The cars will have switchable batteries that can be removed and replaced with recharged ones at swap[swɔp]( n.交换) stations of the type Better Place is building in countries including Israel and Denmark.这些汽车将配有可更换电池,可在电池更换站卸掉旧电池,换上充满电的电池。
金融英语双语阅读两篇下面店铺为大家带来金融英语双语阅读,希望大家喜欢!金融英语双语阅读:货币形式Fiat money has not only no particular value in use, it doesn't even really have a value in exchange except that which is decreed that it would have.名义货币不仅仅没有什么特别的价值,而且在商品的交换中它本身根本没有价值。
So fiat money is money which is intrinsically worthless. And its value exists by virtue of the fact that it is generally acceptable. And fiat money, needless to say, is one of the most mysterious inventions of the human mind, and no economist has managed to explain exactly why it is that people will generally accept something as valuable when it clearly has no value other than that which it is decreed to have.因此,名义货币从它的本质来说实际上一钱不值。
A credit instrument is an obligation. And it's used as money because it has value. And the value that it has, of course, is a value which is based upon its credit-worthiness, in other words, how much credit or how much credence people give to the promise which is actually written down. What I'm receiving or using as an instrument for money purposes is somebody else's obligation. Their preparedness to do something for me which might be to give me fiat money. That could be the promise which is incorporated in the cheque or the bill of exchange.信用手段是一种契约。
2011年08月12日06:24 AMChina should let its currency rise. Such has been the desperate, decade-long complaint from the US and its politicians. China’s manipulation of its currency is a popular scapegoat both for the financial crisis and for the extinction of US manufacturing.An appreciation is plainly in China’s urgent interests. And the rest of the world, including the US, is beginning to grasp that it has reason to fear the consequences if it does. On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, China’s authorit ies at one point allowed the Renminbi to appreciate against the dollar by a greater percentage than in any two-day period since its managed rise first started in 2005. These moves remain tiny; but they combine with official criticism of the US, a growing need to combat Chinese inflation and much Chinese commentary favoring a change of policy to suggest that the renminbi may soon be allowed to take flight. A widening of its trading bands might be a first incremental step.Unlike the first managed appreciation, from 2005 to 2008, the current “appreciation” has done nothing to help domestic inflation. By tying to the dollar, a currency sinking like a stone, the renminbi has depreciated against all currencies on a trade-weighted basis, JPMorgan data show. A drastic shift is needed. That will mean exporting its inflation. It also means buying fewer treasuries, or even selling some, which would in turn counteract any efforts at “quantitative easing” – buying bonds to keep US yields low.The dollar would probably tumble, and treasury yields rise. Other effects are less clear. The Australian dollar, long a proxy for Chinese growth, might suffer if China slows, as might other commodity-driven currencies but much depends on China’s own decisions.China’s external rese rves are enough, even at current prices, to buy all the gold ever produced. It will be hard to shift policy without causing a big displacement elsewhere in the world. Correcting this global imbalance may be necessary but it will not be easy.Lex专栏:美国担心人民币升值?中国应该让人民币升值——美国及其政界人士为此声嘶力竭地抱怨了10年。
复旦大学21世纪大学新英语长篇阅读2翻译阅读内容:女性能顶国际政治半边天的时代“We’ve had enough of these boys messing about.” This is what Anna Soubry, UK’s former business minister, said earlier last month, offering her backing of Theresa May in the running to become the UK’s next prime minister.“我们受够了这些男生们的捣乱了。
Soubry was indicating that it was time for women to step up to “clear up the mess created by the men”.索布里指出,是时候让女性们走到台前,收拾这些男性们制造出来的混乱了。
Women are starting to take power in more and more important positions in recent years.近几年,女性在职场中逐渐身居要职。
According to a new list compiled by Agence France Presse(AFP), the world’s 10 most powerful women who made their way above the “glass ceiling”–the invisible barrier that keeps women from rising beyond a certain level in hierarchy 法新社最近就列出了突破“玻璃天花板”(在社会阶层中阻碍女性晋升的无形壁垒)的世界十大女强人,includes the US’ first female presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, head of the US Federal Reserve Janet Yellen, and Director-General of the World Health Organization, Margaret Chan.美国首位女性总统候选人希拉里•克林顿、美国联邦储备委员会主席珍妮特•耶伦,世界卫生组织总干事陈冯富珍都位列其中。
chinadaily经济类新闻 中英对照版 口译必备
【Top News】>Daughters more popular英媒:房价削中国重男风High property prices and economic development have begun to erode China's traditional preference for sons, leading to a rise in the number of Chinese parents who say they want a daughter, the Financial Times of London reported Tuesday. The conventional wisdom - that China is a land of unwanted girls - is being changed as urbanization erodes the advantage of having sons to work the fields and support parents in old age. Rising property prices are also driving the change because Chinese families must traditionally buy an apartment for a son before he marries. As a result, Internet chat groups have sprang up where women exchange advice on how to conceive girls.英国《金融时报》2日称,中国的高房价和经济发展开始削弱人们重男轻女的传统风气,越来越多的父母表示更喜欢女儿。
2010/5/3Dubai World in line for $9.5bn injectionDubai unveiled a long awaited debt-restructuring plan yesterday, pledging to inject $9.5bn into the troubled conglomerate Dubai World, most of which will go to its developer Nakheeland spur[spə:](n.刺激(物),激励vt.激励,鞭策,促进) the emirate's economy.迪拜昨日公布了一项外界期待已久的债务重组计划,承诺将向陷入困境的企业集团迪拜世界(Dubai World)注资95亿美元,其中大部分资金用于为其旗下房地产部门Nakheel纾困,并刺激该酋长国经济增长。
The state support includes $3.8bn from the Dubai government over the next three years and the remaining $5.7bn from a $10bn loan granted by neighbouring Abu Dhabi.政府援助中有38亿美元将由迪拜政府在未来3年分期支付,剩余的57亿美元来自邻居阿布扎比酋长国提供的100亿美元贷款。
Dubai's reputation as the Gulf's financial and commercial hub has takena battering ['bætəriŋ]( n. 损坏,破坏,重创)since it surprised financial markets in November by asking to restructure $26bn in debts. Yesterday's plan was broadly welcomed as domestic stock markets rose and the cost of insuring against a default fell.去年11月迪拜要求对260亿美元的债务进行重组,震惊了全球各地的金融市场,该地作为海湾金融与商业中心的声望随之遭受重创。
financial time
中国加息令人关注通胀China rate move turns focus on rising prices英国《金融时报》杰夫•代尔(Geoff Dyer)北京报道字号背景For some weeks, Chinese officials have been complaining about the impact of loose monetary policy in the US on economies in thedeveloping world.几周来,中国官员们一直在抱怨美国宽松货币政策对发展中经济体的影响。
With the decision on Tuesday to raise interest rates for the first time in almost three years, it is now clear why.周二,中国在近三年来首次决定加息,使中国官员们抱怨的理由变得明显起来。
Chinese policymakers have been divided between those concerned about inflation and those worried about weak demand.中国的政策制定者分为两个阵营,一部分人担忧通胀,另一部分人则担心需求疲弱。
The decision to opt for the blunt instrument of higher interest rates suggests the focus is firmly on preventing an asset bubble being fuelled by international liquidity that is already abundant – even before the possible extension ofquantitative easing in the US.采用加息这一“重武器”的决定似乎表明,目前的重点明确放在防止资产泡沫上;国际上已经相当充裕的流动性正在滋长这种泡沫,且不提美国还有可能延长定量宽松。
[FT(金融时报)双语阅读] FinancialTimes
Better Place in China dealBetter Place, the electric car infrastructure[ˈinfr əˌstrʌktʃə] (n.结构,基础设施)company, announced its firstdeal with a carmaker in China, potentially the biggest future market for battery-powered cars.电动汽车基础设施制造商Better Place日前宣布了与中国汽车制造商签订的首项协议,中国有潜力成为未来电池驱动型汽车的最大市场。
The US company signed a memorandum[ˌmeməˈrændəm](n.备忘录;记录)of understanding on Saturday with Chery Automobile, China's biggest independent carmaker, to develop prototype s[ˈprəutətaip]( n.原型) for electric vehicles to be used in regional ['ri:dʒənəl]( adj. 当地的,地区的,局部的,方言的) sate-sponsored pilot projects.这家美国公司与中国最大的独立汽车制造商奇瑞(Chery)于周六签订了一项谅解备忘录,将在地方政府支持的试点项目中,合作开发电动汽车原型。
The cars will have switchable batteries that can be removed and replaced with recharged ones at swap[swɔp]( n.交换) stations of the type Better Place is building in countries including Israel and Denmark.这些汽车将配有可更换电池,可在电池更换站卸掉旧电池,换上充满电的电池。
2010/8/23Intel looks to secure McAfee takeoverIntel yesterday unveiled[ˌʌnˈveil] (vt.揭露)a $7.7bn acquisition of McAfee, the USsecurity software company, in a move prompted by the rising threat from viruses as the internet spreads to more mobile devices and everyday appliances.英特尔(Intel)昨日宣布,将斥资77亿美元收购美国安全软件公司McAfee。
The purchase is set to turn the world’s largest chipmaker into one of the leaders in security extending Intel’s reach into internet-connected devices from tablet computers and handsets to televisions and fridges.这宗收购将把全球最大的芯片制造商打造为安全领域的领先企业之一,让英特尔能够把触角延伸到各类连接至互联网的设备——从平板电脑、手机到电视和冰箱。
However, coming on the heels of(adv. 紧跟) an antitrust(adj. 反托拉斯的, 反垄断的)settlement with US regulators, thedeal raised fresh concerns about Intel’s ability to dominate part of the tech world by “baking” security into its chips, which are used in most personal computers.然而,这宗在英特尔与美国监管部门达成反垄断和解后不久宣布的交易,再次引发了人们的担心——他们担心英特尔能够通过把安全软件嵌入其芯片,来垄断科技业的部分领域。
FinancialTerms(4) 财务术语 ( 汉英比较 )股东权益 equityinterest股东权益小组【证监会】ShareholdersGroup【SFC】股息率 dividendyield股息单 dividendwarrant股票出借人 stocklender股票承押人 stockpledgee 股票非流动化 immobilisationofsharecertificate股票非实物化 dematerialisationofsharecertificate股票按贷财务活动sharemarginfinancing股票借贷 stockborrowingandlending股票借贷数额资料页【大利市】stockborrowingandlendingpositioninformationpage【Teletext】股票期货 stockfutures股票期权 stockoption;equityoption股票期权系统TradedOPtionsSystem(S)股票期权参考教育站StockOptionsReferenceEducator(SCORE)股票期权从业员专业课程ProfessionalCourseforEquityOptionsPractitioners股票登记费 scripfee股票贷出户口 StockLendingAccount股票送还stockreturn股价不动时回报standstillreturn股价敏感资料 price-sensitiveinformation股权equityinterest;shareholding芝加哥交易所ChicagoBoardofTrade(CBOT) 芝加哥商品交易所ChicagoMercantileExchange(CME)芝加哥期权交易所ChicagoBoardOptionsExchange(CBOE) 近价盘 aboutorder金银业贸易场ChineseGoldandSilverExchangeSociety金银证券交易所TheKamNganStockExchange金融大改革【英国】 BigBang 【 UK】金融工具financialinstrument金融中介现象 financialintermediation金融中介机构 /集体 financialintermediary金融市场financialmarket《金融市场检讨报告》ReportonFinancialMarketReview金融行动专责委员会FinancialActionTaskForce(FATF)《金融服务法令》【英国】FinancialServicesAct【 UK】金融服务网络 FinNet 金融租借 *financiallease金融基建督导委员会TheSteeringCommitteeontheEnhancementofFinancialInfrastructure金融期货financialfutures金融机构financialinstitution金边证券gilt-edgedsecurities长仓 longposition;bullposition附带自动对盘终端机用家 additionalAMSterminaluser附寄结单服务的股份独立户口【中央结算系统】StockSegregatedAccountwithStatementService[CCASS]附带履行买卖盘【伦敦交易所】 contingentorder 【 LSE 】附属公司 subsidiary附属贷款subordinatedloan「非上市可交易」股份 "tradingonly"stocks非中介化disintermediation非市场庄家的交易 non-market-makingtransaction非正常项目 abnormalitem非成立为有限公司的注册人士unincorporatedregisteredperson非改日平仓交易overnighttrade非及时数据delayeddata 非受监管刊行人unregulatedissuer非所有者权益变动表statementof"non-ownermovementinequity"非金钱佣金softcommission非金钱利益 soft-dollarbenefits非履行董事 non-executivedirector特别重要的收买事项 verysubstantialacquisition非现货月恒生指数期货合约non-spotmonthHangSengIndexfuturescontract非登记持有人non-registeredholder非结算的期权买卖参加者 / 非结算参加者 / 【期权买卖】Non-ClearingOptionsTradingParticipant;Non-ClearingParticipant(NCP)【 optionstrading】非经常项目 extraordinaryitem非认可负债non-rankingliabilities非整手买卖盘 round-lot-plusorder。
全球央行转向投资股市Central banks pour money into equities 英国《金融时报》拉尔夫•阿特金斯伦敦报道字号背景中文评论打印电邮收藏微信腾讯微博新浪微博Central banks around the world, including China’s, have shifted decisively into investing in equities as low interest rates have hit their revenues, according to a global study of 400 public sector institutions.根据一份针对400家公共部门机构的全球调查,全球央行(包括中国央行)已决定性地转向投资股市,因低利率影响了它们的收入。
“A cluster of central banking investors has become major players on world equity markets,” according to a report to be published this week by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, a central bank research and advisory group. The trend “could potentially contribute to overheated asset prices”, it warns.央行研究和咨询机构——官方货币与金融机构论坛(Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum)将于本周发表的一份报告称,“一些央行投资者已变成全球股市的主要参与者。
ft组织架构 -回复
ft组织架构-回复FT组织架构是指英国《金融时报》(Financial Times)的内部组织结构。
FT隶属于日本媒体集团尼克斯控股公司(Nikkei Inc.),但其编辑独立于尼克斯控股公司之外。
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2010/5/3Dubai World in line for $9.5bn injectionDubai unveiled a long awaited debt-restructuring plan yesterday, pledging to inject $9.5bn into the troubled conglomerate Dubai World, most of which will go to its developer Nakheeland spur[spə:](n.刺激(物),激励vt.激励,鞭策,促进) the emirate's economy.迪拜昨日公布了一项外界期待已久的债务重组计划,承诺将向陷入困境的企业集团迪拜世界(Dubai World)注资95亿美元,其中大部分资金用于为其旗下房地产部门Nakheel纾困,并刺激该酋长国经济增长。
The state support includes $3.8bn from the Dubai government over the next three years and the remaining $5.7bn from a $10bn loan granted byneighbouring Abu Dhabi.政府援助中有38亿美元将由迪拜政府在未来3年分期支付,剩余的57亿美元来自邻居阿布扎比酋长国提供的100亿美元贷款。
backward. Dubai World's problems have caused some paralysis[pəˈrælisis](n.瘫痪,中风), and once it's behind us we will see a pick-up(好转).”迪拜世界的问题导致一些领域出现瘫痪,一旦它的问题得到解决,我们就能看到经济出现起色。
”The proposals would extendmaturities[məˈtjuəriti]( n. 成熟,(支票等的)到期) on bank loans and inject cashinto the businesses, in the hope that(怀着 ... 希望,希望能) the holding company could be transformed into a cash-generating enterprise within five to eight years. Nakheel's 2010 and 2011bonds[bɔnd]( n.联系;粘合剂;债券;合同v.(使)粘合)will be paid in full, as longas the proposals are adopted by a majority of the stakeholders.注资提案将对银行贷款进行展期,并向迪拜世界旗下多个公司注入现金,以期控股公司能够在5到8年的时间里转型成一个产生现金的企业。
Aidan Birkett, Dubai World's chiefrestructuring officer, hopes to finalise the plan within a few months.迪拜世界重组负责人艾丹•伯基特(Aidan Birkett)希望能在几个月内敲定重组计划。
Asian manufacturing gathers paceAsia's manufacturing activity continued to build up(vt. 建立,逐步增长,增进,加强,积累)steam in April in another sign that the region is leading the global recovery.4月份亚洲制造业活动继续展现强劲动力,再次表明该地区正在引领全球经济复苏。
The region's industrial production has been growing strongly as companiesrebuild inventories[ˈinvəntəri]( n.详细目录,存货清单)to satisfy rebounding随着企业重建库存以满足消费者的需求反弹,该地区的工业生产保持了强劲的增长。
consumer demand. The increase in demand is fuelling exports, the engine of growth for many of the region's economies.Monday brought a flurry['flʌri](n. 一阵疾风,阵雪,狂喜,忙乱) of purchasing managers' indices ['indisi:z]( n. 目录(指数,符号,指示器,参见号), index的复数。
) underlining(vt.在…下面划线;强调,使突出) the robustness of manufacturing. The Australian Industry Group-PwC performance of manufacturing index rose sharply to 59.8 from 50.5 in March. The April result was the highest achieved since May 2002 and significantly(adv. 较大地(重要地)) above the 50 point level which separates expansion from contraction.周一公布的一系列采购经理人指数,突显出制造业的充沛活力。
4月份,澳洲工业集团—普华永道(The Australian Industry Group-PwC)制造业指数从3月份的50.5大幅上升至59.8。
The HSBC/Markit Economics PMI for South Korea rose 1.5 points to 57.1.China's official PMI, released on Saturday, edged(v.侧着移动,徐徐移动)up to 55.7, although the HSBC/Markit Economics index fell to a six-month lowof 55.4.汇丰/ Markit Economics韩国采购经理指数上升1.5点,至57.1。
上周六公布的中国官方采购经理人指数微升至55.7,尽管汇丰/Markit Economics中国指数降至55.4的6个月低点。
门,区域).The strong expansion in manufacturing activity is raising inflation concerns, with some economists calling for tighter monetarypolicies.制造业活动的强劲扩张正引发通货膨胀担忧,一些经济学家呼吁政府收紧货币政策。
2010.5.5CHINESE BANKS SET TO INCREASE RESERVES(储备金)China's central bank said on 2 May that it will raise the amount banks must中国央行5月2日宣布上调银行存款准备金率,这是中国央行今年第三次出台hold in reserve for the third time this year, in the latest move by Beijing to cool its booming economy. 此类措施,也是北京方面冷却快速增长的中国经济的最新举措。
The increase comes after regulators ordered China's largest banks to re-examine their loan books and provideestimates[ˈestimət, ˈestimeit]( n.估计,估量;评价,看法vt.估计,估量) of their exposure[ikˈspəuʒə]( n.暴露,显露;揭发,揭露;曝光)to uncollateralised(无担保) loans, especially to provincial [prəˈvin ʃəl](adj. 省的,地方的,偏狭的)governments, according to Chinese bankers and analysts. If banks are unable to find assets tocollateralis(z)e [kə'lætərəlaiz](vt.(以 ... )作抵押,(以担保物)保证) these loans within the next few months they may be required to downgrade(vt.使降低,使降级) the loans, potentially leading toa spike[spaik](n.长钉,大钉)innon-performing assets on their books, analysts said.据中国银行业人士和分析师透露,本次上调存款准备金率之前,中国监管机构命令国内各大银行重新审视各自的贷款账目,并提供各自无担保贷款敞口的估算数额,尤其是对地方政府的无担保贷款敞口。
After reporting record profits in the first quarter, Chinese banks are under pressure to rein in lending and restrict loans to certain sectors and industries as Beijing attempts to calm the economy without causing growth tostall.在首季实现创纪录利润后,中国各银行正受到压力,要求它们减少放贷,尤其是限制对某些特定部门和产业放贷。