Smoothing DCT compression artifacts




蓝宝石插件中英文对照2011-11-05 20:40GenArts SapphireSapphire Adjusts1.S_ClampChroma(色度和亮度的钳位调整)2.S_DuoTone(双色调渐变的色彩替换)3.S_Gamma(RGB反差系数调整,不错)4.S_Hotspots(可控高亮区域的调整,不错)5.S_HueSatBright(一个HSL色彩空间调色器)6.S_Monochrome(灰度化,不错)7.S_Threshold(针对各色彩通道的对比度强化)8.S_Tint(双色调的着色器)2.Sapphire Blur+SharpenS_Blur(多种方式的模糊,不错)S_BlurChannels(多种方式的通道模糊)S_BlurChroma(少见的色度模糊,不错)S_BlurMoCurves(带有变形效果的运动模糊)S_BlurMotion(区域运动模糊效果,不错)S_DefocusPrism(带有色散的虚焦模糊)S_EdgeBlur(边缘模糊,用于字幕的效果不错)S_GrainRemove(降噪,速度较快)S_RackDefocus(可调项较多的虚焦模糊)S_RackDfComp(双层的虚焦模糊合成)S_Sharpen(简单的锐化)S_SoftFocus(柔焦效果)S_ZDepthCueBlur(模拟变焦模糊,不错)Sapphire CompositeS_EdgeFlash(加光的层叠加效果)S_Layer(多种混合方式的层叠加效果)S_MathOps(多种数学运算方式的层混合效果)S_MatteOps(通道边缘噪声处理,多用于抠像)S_MatteOpsComp(处理通道噪声并进行层叠加)S_ZComp(Z方向的层叠加效果)Sapphire DistortS_Distort(自定义镜头变形效果,不错)S_DistortBlur(带有模糊的自定义镜头变形效果)S_DistortChroma(带有色散的自定义镜头变形效果)S_DistortRGB(带RGB通道分离的自定义镜头变形效果,好)S_Shake(镜头震动效果)S_WarpBubble(噪波变形效果)S_WarpBubble2(双重的噪波变形效果)S_WarpChroma(连续的色相扭曲,可以模仿某些空间观测的色散效果,好)S_WarpDrops(自定义的水波纹效果,不错)S_WarpFishEye(鱼眼镜头效果)S_WarpPerspective(平面图像的透视叠放,好)S_WarpPolar(圆盘状扭曲)S_WarpPuddle(较简单的水波纹效果)S_WarpPuff(以自身为镜头层的液化变形)S_WarpRepeat(复制自身并进行平均化,不错)S_WarpTransform(多种线性变形效果的综合)S_WarpV ortex(漩涡变形,好)S_WarpWaves(波动变形)S_WarpWaves2(双重的波动变形)Sapphire LightingS_DropShadow(简单的阴影)S_EdgeRays(边缘光效果)S_Glare(虹状眩光效果)S_Glint(光斑效果)S_GlintRainbow(虹色星光效果)S_Glow(光晕效果)S_GlowAura(条纹光斑效果)S_GlowDarks(暗区加光效果)S_GlowDist(透射加光效果)S_GlowEdges(边缘加光效果)S_GlowNoise(加光噪波效果)S_GlowOrthicon(超正析摄象管效果,增强了边缘对比并降低亮度)S_GlowRainbow(多层色散透射效果)S_GlowRings(彩色光环效果,不错)S_LensFlare(镜头眩光效果)S_LensFlareAutoTrack(仿真镜头眩光效果,不错)S_Rays(光芒放射效果)S_SpotLight(聚光灯效果)S_Streaks(胶片曝光效果,类似加光的运动模糊)Sapphire RenderS_Clouds(简单的云状噪波)S_CloudColorSmooth(杂色噪波)S_CloudsMultColor(彩色云状噪波)S_CloudsPerspective(有景深的云状噪波)S_CloudsPsyko(色散噪波效果)S_CloudsVortex(漩涡状噪波)S_Gradient(简单的线性渐变色填充)S_GradientRadial(环形渐变色填充)S_Grid(网格效果)S_Sparkles(星光镜效果)S_TextureCells(细胞噪波效果)S_TextureChromaSpiral(带有色散的螺旋状噪波效果)S_TextureFolded(褶皱噪波效果)S_TextureMoire(摩尔纹效果)S_TextureNoiseEmboss(水面反射效果)S_TextureNoisePaint(水彩笔触噪波,不错)S_TexturePlasma(电离噪波效果)S_TextureSpots(点状噪波,不错)S_TextureWeave(编织物效果)S_Zap(闪电效果)S_ZapFrom(放射闪电效果)S_ZapTo(闪电充填效果)Sapphire Stylize S_AutoPaint(油漆效果)S_BandPass(放射线余辉效果)S_Diffuse(弥散效果)S_EdgeColorize(边缘加色效果)S_EdgeDetect(突出边缘效果)S_EdgeDetectDouble(双重的突出边缘效果)S_EdgesInDirection(方向性的突出边缘效果)S_Emboss(浮雕效果)S_EmbossDistort(变形浮雕效果)S_EmbossGlass(带有色散的变形浮雕效果)S_EmbossShiny(加光的浮雕效果)S_Etching(雕版印刷效果)S_FilmEffect(模仿胶片效果,有少量模板)S_FlysEyeCircles(圆形复眼效果)S_FlysEyeHex(六角形复眼效果)S_FlysEyeRect(矩形复眼效果)S_Grain(噪点效果)S_GrainStatic(随机噪点效果)S_HalfTone(双色点阵效果)S_HalfToneColor(彩色点阵效果)S_HalfToneRings(双色环形纹理效果)S_JpegDamage(模仿JPEG压缩造成的图像损失)S_Kaleido(多边形万花筒效果)S_KaleidoPolar(圆形万花筒效果)S_Mosaic(可调项较多的马赛克效果)S_PseudoColor(热成像效果)S_PsykoBlobs(水面油渍效果)S_PsykoStripes(条纹油渍效果)S_ScanLines(模仿电视效果)S_ScanLinesMono(模仿黑白电视效果)S_Sketch(手绘效果)S_Solarize(负片效果)S_Zebrafy(扭曲的单色底片效果)S_ZebrafyColor(带有色彩漂移和扭曲的底片效果)S_ZFogExponential(指数增长的蒙雾效果)S_ZFogLinear(线性增长的蒙雾效果)Sapphire TimeS_Feedback(延迟视频回馈效果)S_FeedbackBubble(带有变形的延迟视频回馈效果)S_FieldRemove(去场工具)S_Flicker(随机闪烁效果)S_FlickerMatch(同步闪烁效果)S_FlickerMatchMatte(指定区域的同步闪烁效果)S_FlickerMatchColor(对色彩通道的同步闪烁效果)S_FlickerMchMatteColor(同时带有变色和蒙板的同步闪烁效果)S_FlickerRemove(去除闪烁)S_FlickerRemoveMatte(指定区域的消除闪烁)S_FlickerRemoveColor(去除色彩闪烁)S_FlickerRmMatteColor(去除指定区域的色彩闪烁)S_FreezeFrame(跳帧效果,不错)S_GetFrame(静帧效果)S_JitterFrames(随机抽帧效果)S_MotionDetect(帧变化检测,好)S_NearestColor(检测指定的色彩部分)S_RandomEdits(帧乱序播放,好)S_ReverseClip(帧反序播放)S_ReverseEdits(指定区段帧的反序播放,不错)S_TimeAverage(指定帧平均合成,类似于追迹效果)S_TimeDisplace(动态贴图替换)S_TimeSlice(参数与时间有关的帧切分效果)S_TimeWarpRGB(色偏移效果)S_Trails(追迹效果)S_TrailsDiffuse(带有像素扩散的追迹效果)Sapphire TransitionsS_DissolveBlur(模糊过渡,不错)S_DissolveBubble(液化过渡,不错)S_DissolveDiffuse(像素扩散过渡)S_DissolveLuma(各种亮度过渡)S_DissolvePuddle(水波纹过渡,不错)S_DissolveSpeckle(可控斑点过渡)S_DissolveStatic(随机像素过渡)S_DissolveV ortex(漩涡过渡)S_DissolveWaves(波浪过渡)S_WipeBlobs(气泡转场,不错)S_WipeBubble(液化划像,不错)S_WipeCells(细胞结构过渡)S_WipeChecker(网格划像)S_WipeCircle(圆形划像)S_WipeClock(扇形划像)S_WipeClouds(云雾转场,少见)S_WipeDiffuse(像素扩散划像)S_WipeDots(点阵划像)S_WipeDoubleWedge(双楔形划像)S_WipeFourWedges(四楔形划像)S_WipeLine(线性划像)S_WipePixelate(随机像素块划像)S_WipeRectangle(矩形划像)S_WipeRings(多重环形划像)S_WipeStar(星形划像)S_WipeStripes(条纹划像)S_WipeTiles(多边形划像)S_WipeWedge(楔形划像)。



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菲利普Series 7000电子剃须刀说明说明书

菲利普Series 7000电子剃须刀说明说明书

Shaver series 7000SkinGlide RingsGentlePrecisionPRO BladesSmartClick precision trimmerSmartClean SystemS7710/26Smooth glide, sensitive shavePhilips’ no 1 on sensitive skin*The Philips series 7000 protects against the key signs of skin irritation. SkinGliderings with anti-friction coating enable the shaver to glide effortlessly across yourface. Its blades cut close and protect skin, even with 3-day stubble.Designed for maximum skin comfortSkinGlide rings with anti-friction coating for smooth glide5 direction flex heads follow contours with less pressureAquatec gives you a comfortable dry or refreshing wet shaveA close and smooth shaveBlades protect skin and cut close even with 3-day stubbleEasy to useIntuitive display with 3-level battery indicator50 minutes of cordless shavingComes with a 2-year guaranteeShaver can be rinsed clean under the tapGet the most out of your shaverEven-up your mustache and sideburnsKeep your shaver like new with SmartCleanHighlightsSkinGlide ringsExperience a more comfortable shave with anti-friction SkinGlide rings coated with microspheres. Thousands of tiny glass-like rounded spheres reduce friction and surface resistance between the shaver and the skin.This gives the shaver a smooth, easy glide and helps protect against skin irritation.GentlePrecision PRO bladesOur updated cutting system has skin protection technology, designed to only cut hair not skin.V shaped blades guide the skin away from the blades for a close smooth shave - even on 3-day stubble.5-direction Dynamic Flex HeadsOur shaver heads flex easily in 5 directions,gently following all the contours of the face and neck. Less pressure is needed to shave closely and skin stress is minimized.Aquatec Wet & DryAdapt your shave routine to your needs. With the Aquatec Wet & Dry, you can go for a comfortable dry shave or a refreshing wet shave. You can shave with gel or foam even under the shower.3 level battery indicatorThe shaver's intuitive display shows relevant information, enabling you to get the bestperformance out of your shaver: 3-level battery indicator - cleaning indicator - battery low indicator - replacement head indicator - travel lock indicator50 minutes of cordless shavingThe energy-efficient, powerful lithium-Ion battery system gives you two convenient options: Charge it for an hour for up to 50minutes of shaving time, or a quick charge for one full shave. All Shaver series 7000 models are designed to operate only in cordless mode to ensure safety in wet environments.Fully washable shaverSimply open the shaver head to rinse it thoroughly under the tap.Built to lastWe back this Philips shaver with a 2-year guarantee. Our Series 7000 shavers aredesigned for performance and durability.iF DESIGN AWARD 2016Shaver series 7000iF DESIGN AWARD 2016Red Dot Award 2016: WinnerShaver series 7000Red Dot Award 2016:WinnerSpecificationsShaving PerformanceSkinComfort: SkinGlide Rings, SkinProtection System, AquaTec Wet & DryShaving system: GentlePrecisionPRO Blades Contour following: 5-direction DynamicFlex HeadsAccessoriesSmartClick: Precision trimmer SmartClean: Cleans, Charges, Lubricates, Cleaning cartridge (included)Pouch: Travel pouch PowerRun time: 50 min / 17 shavesCharging: 1 hour full charge, Quick charge 5min for 1 shaveBattery Type: Lithium-ionAutomatic voltage: 100-240 VMax power consumption: 5.4 WStand-by power: 0.15 WEase of useDisplay: 3 level battery indicator, Battery lowindicator, Cleaning indicator, Replace shavingheads indicator, Travel lock indicatorWet & Dry: Wet and dry useCleaning: Fully washableOperation: Cordless use, Unplug before useDesignHandle: Ergonomic grip & handlingFrame color: Argus bronzeFront color: White mattService2-year guaranteeReplacement head: Replace every 2 yrs withSH70* Philips' no.1 on sensitive skin - compared to other Philipsshavers© 2021 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Issue date 2021‑06‑23 Version: 7.6.1EAN: 08 71010 37379 57 。

MOBOTIX S16B DualFlex双眼伸展相机说明书

MOBOTIX S16B DualFlex双眼伸展相机说明书

-40 to +60°C Technical SpecificationsMOBOTIX S16B DualFlexFlexible. Virtually Invisible Flush-Mount Dual-Lens Camera.The S16B from MOBOTIX is a weatherproof system that stands out first and foremost for the extremely flexible installation options it offers. Two sensor modules are connected to the concealed camera housing via cables up to three meters long. This makes it possible to discreetly monitor two neighboring rooms with just a single camera.◼Mx6 system platform 2nd generation, with MxBus, H.264 and ONVIF compatibility◼Recording on an internal MicroSD card (4 GB as standard)◼Diverse installation options and mounting accessories for sensor modules◼Max. length of each sensor module cable: 3 m◼Microphone can be used in sensor module◼Additional microphone and speaker connections◼Integrated shock detector◼Weatherproof and robust camera housing (IP66, IK06)Camera Variants S16B DualFlexFlexible and modular system: The S16B camera module (Body) Mx-S16B can be fitted with one or two sensor modules free of choice (day/ night/thermal). MOBOTIX sensor cables are available with a length from 0.5 to 3 m (1.6 to 9.8 ft.). Additionally MOBOTIX offers three different S16B Complete Sets (Mx-S16B-S1, Mx-S16B-S2, Mx-S16B-S3) with one or two hemispheric sensor modules and 2 m (6.6 ft) long sensor cables. S16B Body Mx-S16BS16B Complete Set 1 (Body + 1x Mx-O-SMA-S-6D016 + accessories)Mx-S16B-S1S16B Complete Se 2 (Body + 2x Mx-O-SMA-S-6D016 + accessories)Mx-S16B-S2S16B Complete Set 3 (Body + 1x Mx-O-SMA-S-6D016 + 1x Mx-O-SMA-S-6N016 +accessories)Mx-S16B-S3Hardware S16B DualFlexLight sensitivity in lux at 1/60 s and 1/1 s Day sensor (Color): 0.1/0.005 luxNight sensor (B/W): 0.02/0.001 lux Thermal sensor modules NETD typ. 50 mK, < 79 mK, IR range 7,5 to 13,5 μmTemperature measuring range for thermal sensor modules High Sensitivity: -40 to 160°C/-40 t0 320°FLow Sensitivity: -40 to 550°C/-40 to 1022°F Optical image sensor (color or B/W sensor)1/1.8“ CMOS, 6MP (3072 x 2048), Progressive Scan Microprocessor i.MX 6 Dual Core incl. GPU (1 GB RAM, 512 MB Flash)H.264 Hardware Codec Yes, bandwidth limitation available; output image formatup to QXGAProtection class S16B camera module (body)IP66 and IK06Protection class S16B with 6MP sensor mdoulesIP66 with all modules incl. Thermal; IK04 with B036 to B237; IK07 with B016;BlockFlexMount: IP30/no IK classIntended use Not for use in hazardous areas (Ex area)Ambient temperature (range, incl. storage)-40 to 60°C/-40 to 140°F (cold boot from -30°C/-22°F)BlockFlexMount: 0 to 50°C/32 to 122°F Internal DVR, ex works 4 GB (microSD)Microphone Part of sensor module/BlockFlexMount (not part of sensor modules with CS-Mount or B500 super tele lens)or with accessory (e.g., ExtIO or AudioMount)Technical data for external microphone2,0 V, 2,2 kOhm, sensitivity –35 ± 4 dB,e. g., Panasonic Microphone Capsule WM61 Speaker With accessory (e.g., SpeakerMount)Technical data for external speaker Max. power output 400 mW at 8 Ohm impedance,e. g., Visaton Speaker K36WP or K50WP16bit/16kHz HD wideband audio (Opus codec)Yes (live and audio messages) Passive infrared sensor (PIR)NoTemperature sensors/shock detector (tamper detection)Yes/YesPower consumption (typically at 20°C/68°F)7.5 WattsPower consumption with one/two thermal sensor module(s) (typically at 20°C/68°F)1.5 W per thermal sensor module, 2.5 W possible over the short term; can only be used together with an S16B bodyPoE Class (IEEE 802.3af)Class 2 or 3 (variable), factory setting: class 3;S16B with thermal sensor always requires class 3 Interfaces Ethernet 100BaseT/MxBus/USB Yes (MxRJ45 and LSA+ rail)/Yes/Yes Interfaces external microphone/speaker Yes/YesInterface RS232With accessory (MX-232-IO-Box)Mounting options Wall, ceiling, hidden insatllation; extensive selection ofmounting accessories available Dimensions Mx-S16B (height x width x depth)130 x 115 x 33 mmWeight Mx-S16B430 gHardware S16B DualFlex Housing Mx-S16B PBT-30GF, color: whiteHousing thermal sensor modules l (not PTMount)Module housing: black anodized aluminum Pressure plate: V2A stainless steel Lens and protective glass lens: germaniumStandard accessory Mx-S16B Screws, dowels, allen wrench, module key, cable strap,0.5 m ethernet patch cable, Quick Install Detailed technical documentation > Support > Download Center Online version of this document > Support > Download Center MTBF> 80,000 hoursCertifications EN55022:2010; EN55024:2010; EN50121-4:2006 EN61000-6-1:2007; EN 61000-6-2:2005EN61000-6-3:2007+A1:2011EN61000-6-4:2007+A1:2011AS/ NZS CISPR22:2009+A1:2010CFR47 FCC part15BProtocolsIPv4, IPv6, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, RTP, RTSP, UDP, SNMP, SMTP, DHCP (client and server), NTP (client and server), SIP (client and server) G.711 (PCMA and PCMU)and G.722Manufacturer‘s warranty (since May 2018) 3 yearsImage Formats, Frame Rates, Image Storage S16B DualFlex Available video codecs MxPEG/MJPEG/H.264Image formatsFreely configurable format 4:3, 8:3, 16:9 or customized format (Image Cropping), such as 2592x1944 (5MP), 2048x1536 (QXGA), 1920x1080 (Full-HD), 1280x960 (MEGA)Multistreaming YesMulticast stream via RTSP YesMax. image format optical sensor modules (dual image from both sensors)2x 6MP (6144 x 2048)Max. image format thermal sensor module336 x 252 (Pixel Pitch 17 μm), scalable up to 3072 x 2048 Max. frame rate thermal sensor or thermal + optical sensor module9 frames per secon (fps)Max. frame rate optical sensor module (fps, only single core used)MxPEG: 42@HD(1280x720), 34@Full-HD, 24@QXGA,15@5MP, 12@6MP, 6@2x 6MP MJPEG: 26@HD(1280x720), 13@Full-HD, 9@QXGA, 5@5MP,4@6MP, 2@2x 6MPH.264:25@Full-HD, 20@QXGANumber of images with 4 GB microSD (internal DVR)CIF: 250,000, VGA: 125,000, HD: 40,000, QXGA: 20,000,6MP: 10,000General Functions S16B DualFlexTemperature measurement of 2x2 pixels in the center of the image (Thermal Spot)Only with thermal sensor module (incl. TR)TR temperature measurement in the whole image area Only with thermal sensor module TR Event trigger for temperatures above or below a limit between-40 to 550°C/-40 to 1022°F Only with thermal sensor module (incl. TR) Digital zoom and pan YesONVIF compatibility Yes (Profile S, audio support with camera firmwareV5.2.x and higher)Genetec protocol integration YesProgrammable exposure zones YesSnapshot recording (pre/post-alarm images)YesContinuous recording with audio YesEvent recording with audio YesGeneral Functions S16B DualFlex Time and event control/flexible event logic Yes Weekly schedules for recordings and actions Yes Event video and image transfer via FTP and email Yes Playback and QuadView via web browser Yes Bidirectional audio in browser Yes Animated logos on the image Yes Master/Slave functionality Yes Privacy zone scheduling Yes Customized voice messages Yes VoIP telephony (audio/video, alert)Yes Remote alarm notification (network message)Yes Programming interface (HTTP-API)YesDVR/Storage Management Inside camera via microSD card, externally via USB device and NAS, different streams for live image and recording, MxFFS with archive function, pre-alarm an post-alarm images, monitoring recording with failure reportingCamera and data security User and group management, SSL connections, IP-based access control, IEEE802.1x, intrusion detection, digitalimage signatureMxMessageSystem: Sending and receiving of MxMessages YesVideo Analysis S16B DualFlex Video motion detector Yes MxActivitySensor YesVideo Management So ft ware S16B DualFlex MxManagementCenter Yes Mobile MOBOTIX App YesOverview: Available Sensor Modules For S16:Sensor Modules and BlockFlexMounts Day, 6MP image sensor (color 3072 x 2048), IP66, IP66 (sensor modules) and IP30 (BlockFlexMounts)Sensor Module Day with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°), white Sensor Module Day with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°), black BlockFlexMount Day with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6D016 Mx-O-SMA-S-6D016-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6D016Sensor Module Day with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°), white Sensor Module Day with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°), black BlockFlexMount Day with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6D036 Mx-O-SMA-S-6D036-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6D036Sensor Module Day with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°), white Sensor Module Day with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°), black BlockFlexMount Day with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6D041 Mx-O-SMA-S-6D041-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6D041Sensor Module Day with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°), white Sensor Module Day with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°), black BlockFlexMount Day with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6D061 Mx-O-SMA-S-6D061-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6D061Sensor Module Day with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°), white Sensor Module Day with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°), black BlockFlexMount Day with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6D079 Mx-O-SMA-S-6D079-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6D079Sensor Module Day with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°), white Sensor Module Day with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°), black BlockFlexMount Day with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6D119 Mx-O-SMA-S-6D119-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6D119Sensor Module Day with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°), white Sensor Module Day with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°), black BlockFlexMount Day with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6D237 Mx-O-SMA-S-6D237-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6D237Sensor Module Day with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°), white Sensor Module Day with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°), black BlockFlexMount Day with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6D500 Mx-O-SMA-S-6D500-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6D500Sensor Module Day with CS-Mount (no lens), white Sensor Module Day with CS-Mount (no lens), black BlockFlexMount Day with CS-Mount (no lens)Mx-O-SMA-S-6DCS Mx-O-SMA-S-6DCS-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6DCSSensor Module Day with CSVario-Objektiv B045-100-CS, white Sensor Module Day with CSVario-Objektiv B045-100-CS, black BlockFlexMount Day with CSVario-Objektiv B045-100-CS Mx-O-SMA-S-6DCSV Mx-O-SMA-S-6DCSV-b Nur SelbstmontageSensor Modules and BlockFlexMounts Night, 6MP image sensor (B/W 3072 x 2048), IP66), IP66 (sensor modules) and IP30 (BlockFlexMounts)Sensor Module Night with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°), white Sensor Module Night with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°), black BlockFlexMount Night with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6N016 Mx-O-SMA-S-6N016-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6N016Sensor Module Night with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°), white Sensor Module Night with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°), black BlockFlexMount Night with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6N036 Mx-O-SMA-S-6N036-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6N036Sensor Modules and BlockFlexMounts Night, 6MP image sensor (B/W 3072 x 2048), IP66), IP66 (sensor modules) and IP30 (BlockFlexMounts)Sensor Module Night with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°), white Sensor Module Night with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°), black BlockFlexMount Night with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6N041 Mx-O-SMA-S-6N041-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6N041Sensor Module Night with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°), white Sensor Module Night with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°), black BlockFlexMount Night with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6N061 Mx-O-SMA-S-6N061-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6N061Sensor Module Night with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°), white Sensor Module Night with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°), black BlockFlexMount Night with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6N079 Mx-O-SMA-S-6N079-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6N079Sensor Module Night with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°), white Sensor Module Night with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°), black BlockFlexMount Night with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6N119 Mx-O-SMA-S-6N119-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6N119Sensor Module Night with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°), white Sensor Module Night with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°), black BlockFlexMount Night with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6N237 Mx-O-SMA-S-6N237-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6N237Sensor Module Night with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°), white Sensor Module Night with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°), black BlockFlexMount Night with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6N500 Mx-O-SMA-S-6N500-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6N500Sensor Module Night with CS-Mount (no lens), white Sensor Module Night with CS-Mount (no lens), black BlockFlexMount Night with CS-Mount (no lens)Mx-O-SMA-S-6NCS Mx-O-SMA-S-6NCS-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6NCSSensor Module Night with CSVario-Objektiv B045-100-CS, white Sensor Module Night with CSVario-Objektiv B045-100-CS, black BlockFlexMount Night with CSVario-Objektiv B045-100-CS Mx-O-SMA-S-6NCSV Mx-O-SMA-S-6NCSV-b Nur SelbstmontageSensor Modules and BlockFlexMounts Nigth with Longpass filter (LPF), 6MP image sense sensor (B7W: 3072 x 2048), IP66 (sensor modules) and IP30 (BlockFlexMounts)Sensor Module Night+LPF with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with Fisheye lens B016 (180° x 180°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6L016 Mx-O-SMA-S-6L016-b Nicht verfügbarSensor Module Night+LPF with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with Ultra Wide lens B036 (103° x 77°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6L036 Mx-O-SMA-S-6L036-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6L036Sensor Module Night+LPF with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with Super Wide lens B041 (90° x 67°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6L041 Mx-O-SMA-S-6L041-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6L041Sensor Module Night+LPF with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with Wide lens B061 (60° x 45°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6L061 Mx-O-SMA-S-6L061-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6L061Sensor Module Night+LPF with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with Standard lens B079 (45° x 34°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6L079 Mx-O-SMA-S-6L079-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6L079Sensor Module Night+LPF with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with Tele lens B119 (31° x 23°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6L119 Mx-O-SMA-S-6L119-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6L119Sensor Module Night+LPF with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with Distant Tele lens B237 (15° x 11°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6L237 Mx-O-SMA-S-6L237-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6L237Sensor Module Night+LPF with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with Super-Tele lens B500 (8° x 6°)Mx-O-SMA-S-6L500 Mx-O-SMA-S-6L500-b Mx-O-SMA-B-6L500Sensor Module Night+LPF with CS-Mount (no lens), white Sensor Module Night+LPF with CS-Mount (no lens), black BlockFlexMount Night+LPF with CS-Mount (no lens)Nicht verfügbar Nicht verfügbar Mx-O-SMA-B-6LCSSensor Modules Thermal, NETD 50 mK, measuring range -40 to 550 °C, IP66 (all)Thermal Sensor Module with metal housing, lens T079 (45° x 32°)Mx-O-SMA-TS-T079 Thermal Sensor Module with metal housing, lens T119 (25° x 19°)Mx-O-SMA-TS-T119Sensor Modules Thermal, NETD 50 mK, measuring range -40 to 550 °C, IP66 (all)Thermal Sensor Module with metal housing, lens T237 (17° x 13°)Mx-O-SMA-TS-T237 PTMount Thermal, lens T079 (45° x 32°), white Mx-O-SMA-TP-T079 PTMount Thermal, lens T119 (25° x 19°), white Mx-O-SMA-TP-T119 PTMount Thermal, lens T237 (17° x 13°), white Mx-O-SMA-TP-T237 PTMount Thermal, lens T079 (45° x 32°), black Mx-O-SMA-TP-T079-b PTMount Thermal, lens T119 (25° x 19°), black Mx-O-SMA-TP-T119-b PTMount Thermal, lens T237 (17° x 13°), black Mx-O-SMA-TP-T237-brange -40 to 550 °C, IP66 (all) Sensor Modules Thermal with Thermal Radiometry (TR), NETD 50 mK, measuring rangeThermal Sensor Module TR with metal housing, lens R079 (45° x 32°)Mx-O-SMA-TS-R079 Thermal Sensor Module TR with metal housing, lens R119 (25° x 19°)Mx-O-SMA-TS-R119 Thermal Sensor Module TR with metal housing, lens R237 (17° x 13°)Mx-O-SMA-TS-R237 PTMount Thermal TR, lens R079 (45° x 32°), white Mx-O-SMA-TP-R079 PTMount Thermal TR, lens R119 (25° x 19°), white Mx-O-SMA-TP-R119 PTMount Thermal TR, lens R237 (17° x 13°), white Mx-O-SMA-TP-R237 PTMount Thermal TR, lens R079 (45° x 32°), black Mx-O-SMA-TP-R079-b PTMount Thermal TR, lens R119 (25° x 19°), black Mx-O-SMA-TP-R119-b PTMount Thermal TR, lens R237 (17° x 13°), black Mx-O-SMA-TP-R237-bStandard Delivery Mx-S16BS16 with two PTMount ThermalAttention – Special Export Regulations For Thermal Cameras Apply!Cameras with thermographic image sensors (“thermographic cameras”) are subject to special U.S. and ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulation) export regulations:According to currently valid export regulations from the U.S. and ITAR, cameras with thermographic image sensors or their component parts cannot be exported to countries that have been embargoed by the U.S./ITAR. The corresponding delivery ban also applies to all individuals and institutions included on “The Denied Persons List” (see under Policy Guidance > Lists of Parties of Concern). These cameras and their installed thermographic image sensors are not to be used for the design, development, or production of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons or installed in these systems.Link to the Thermal End User Statement on MOBOTIX WebsiteDimension in mm。


59 color property 60 color temperature meter 61 preferences
62 standard white 63 false color 64 image recording quality 65 recording image quality 66 recording pixel count 67 image protection and erase 68 image recording format 69 recording media 70 cloudy 71 creative zone 72 processing 73 processing parameters 74 optical viewfinder 75 active AF point indicator 76 merge 77 frame
126 tab sheet 127 [Remove checkmark] button 128 autoflash system
129 noise reduction for long exposures 130 communication 131 TIFF format 132 TTL auto white balance 133 TTL 3 point AiAF (1 point measurement is possible) 134 apply 135 digital AF/AE SLR 136 digital signature 137 digital zoom 138 digital terminal 139 digital exposure compensation 140 digital exposure compensation amount
transmitting images to or from a CF card (while 141 connecting to a computer) 142 Design rule for Camera File system (sRGB143 cDoemsipglniarnutl)e for Camera File system, DPOF-compliant

海康威视 DS-2CD3B46G2T-IZHS(Y) 4 MP DarkFighter Varifo

海康威视 DS-2CD3B46G2T-IZHS(Y) 4 MP DarkFighter Varifo

DS-2CD3B46G2T-IZHS(Y)4 MP DarkFighter Varifocal Bullet Network CameraEmpowered by deep learning algorithms, Hikvision AcuSense technology brings human and vehicle targets classification alarms to front- and back-end devices. The system focuses on human and vehicle targets, vastly improving alarm efficiency and effectiveness.Hikvision has been dedicated to develop products with security since established. Hikvision always follows security by design principle and has adopted many methods of security technologies into our product development lifecycle, including terminal security, data security, application security, network security, and privacy protection. In the meantime, the securitytechnologies used by Hikvision are all in compliance with local applicable laws and safety regulations. These securitymeasures could enhance product's cyber security protection capability and protect your devices as well as your data from malicious cyber attacks.⏹Supports Hikvision Embedded Open Platform (HEOP) and importing third party applications⏹Supports 1.5 Tops computing power, 60 MB system memory, 400 MB smart RAM, and 2 GB eMMC storage for sharingresources⏹High quality imaging with 4 MP resolution⏹Excellent low-light performance with DarkFighter technology⏹Focus on human and vehicle targets classification based on deep learning⏹Efficient H.265+ compression technology⏹Clear imaging against strong back light due to 140 dB WDR technology⏹Motorized varifocal lens for easy installation⏹Audio and alarm interface available⏹Water and dust resistant (IP67) and vandal-resistant (IK10)⏹-Y: Anti-Corrosion - NEMA 4X: NEMA 250-2014SpecificationCameraImage Sensor 1/1.8" Progressive Scan CMOSMax. Resolution 2688 × 1520Min. Illumination Color: 0.0014 Lux @ (F1.4, AGC ON), B/W: 0 Lux with IRDay & Night IR cut filterShutter Time 1/3 s to 1/100,000 sAngle Adjustment Pan: 0° to 355°, tilt: 0° to 90°, rotate: 0° to 360°LensLens Type Varifocal lens, motorized lens, 2.8 to 12 mm and 8 to 32 mm optionalFocal Length & FOV 2.8 to 12 mm: horizontal FOV 114° to 41.8°, vertical FOV 59.3° to 23.6°, diagonal FOV 141.3° to 48.1°8 to 32 mm: horizontal FOV 42.5° to 15.2°, vertical FOV 23.4° to 8.7°, diagonal FOV 49.7° to 17.3°Aperture 2.8 to 12 mm: F1.4; 8 to 32 mm: F1.7 Lens Mount IntegratedFocus Auto, Semi-auto, ManualDepth of Field 2.8 to 12 mm: 1.5 m to ∞8 to 32 mm: 7.5 m to ∞Iris Type P-iris DORIDORI 2.8 to 12 mm: D: 60 to 149 m, O: 23.8 to 59.1 m, R: 12 to 29.8 m, I: 6 to 14.9 m 8 to 32 mm: D: 150.3 to 400 m, O: 59.7 to 158.7 m, R: 30.1 to 80 m, I: 15 to 40 mIlluminatorSupplement Light Range 2.8 to 12 mm: up to 60 m; 8 to 32 mm: up to 80 m IR Wavelength 850 nmSmart Supplement Light YesSupplement Light Type IRHEOPOpen Resources Memory: 60 MB, Smart RAM: 400 MB, eMMC: 2 GBComputing Power 1.5 TOPSOpen Capability HEOP 2.0 OpendevSDKDeep Learning Structure Caffe, PyTorch, TensorFlow, PaddlePaddle, ONNX Programming Language C, C++VideoMain Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (2688 × 1520, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720) 60 Hz: 30 fps (2688 × 1520, 1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720)Sub-Stream 50 Hz: 25 fps (1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 640 × 360) 60 Hz: 30 fps (1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 640 × 360)Third Stream 50 Hz: 10 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 640 × 360) 60 Hz: 10 fps (1920 × 1080, 1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 640 × 360)Fourth Stream 50 Hz: 10 fps (1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 640 × 360) 60 Hz: 10 fps (1280 × 720, 640 × 480, 640 × 360)Video Compression Main stream: H.265/H.264/H.264+/H.265+, Sub-stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEG,Third stream: H.265/H.264,Fourth stream: H.265/H.264/MJPEGVideo Bit Rate 32 Kbps to 8 MbpsH.264 Type Baseline Profile, Main Profile, High ProfileH.265 Type Main ProfileBit Rate Control CBR, VBRScalable Video Coding (SVC) H.264 and H.265 encodingRegion of Interest (ROI) 5 fixed regions for main stream and sub-stream Target Cropping Yese-PTZ Support Preset and Auto Tracking settings AudioAudio Compression G.711/G.722.1/G.726/MP2L2/PCM/MP3/AAC-LC Audio Type Mono soundAudio Bit Rate 64 Kbps (G.711ulaw/G.711alaw)/16 Kbps (G.722.1)/16 Kbps (G.726)/32 to 192 Kbps (MP2L2)/8 to 320 Kbps (MP3)/16 to 64 Kbps (AAC-LC)Audio Sampling Rate 8 kHz/16 kHz/32 kHz/44.1 kHz/48 kHz Environment Noise Filtering YesNetworkProtocols TCP/IP, ICMP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, DHCP, DNS, DDNS, RTP, RTSP, NTP, UPnP, SMTP, IGMP, 802.1X, QoS, IPv4, IPv6, UDP, Bonjour, SSL/TLS, PPPoE, SFTP, ARP, SNMP, WebSocket, WebSockets, SRTPSimultaneous Live View Up to 6 channelsAPI ONVIF (Profile S, Profile G, Profile T), ISAPI, SDK, ISUPUser/Host Up to 32 users3 user levels: administrator, operator, and userSecurity Password protection, complicated password, HTTPS encryption, 802.1X authentication (EAP-TLS, EAP-LEAP, EAP-MD5), watermark, IP address filter, basic and digest authentication for HTTP/HTTPS, WSSE and digest authentication for Open Network Video Interface, RTP/RTSP over HTTPS, control timeout settings, security audit log, TLS 1.1/1.2/1.3, host authentication (MAC address)Network Storage NAS (NFS, SMB/CIFS), Auto Network Replenishment (ANR),Together with high-end Hikvision memory card, memory card encryption and health detection are supported.Client iVMS-4200, Hik-Connect, Hik-CentralWeb Browser Plug-in required live view: IE 10, IE 11,Plug-in free live view: Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+, Edge 89+, Local service: Chrome 57.0+, Firefox 52.0+, Edge 89+ImageImage Parameters Switch YesImage Settings Rotate mode, saturation, brightness, contrast, sharpness, gain, white balance, adjustable by client software or web browserDay/Night Switch Day, Night, Auto, Schedule Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) 140 dBImage Enhancement BLC, HLC, 3D DNR, DefogSNR ≥ 52 dBPrivacy Mask 4 programmable polygon privacy masks InterfaceAlarm 3 inputs, 3 outputs (max. 24 VDC/24 VAC, 1 A)Audio 1 input (line in), two-core terminal block, max. input amplitude: 3.3 Vpp, input impedance: 4.7 KΩ, interface type: non-equilibrium,1 output (line out), two-core terminal block, max. output amplitude: 3.3 Vpp, output impedance: 100 Ω, interface type: non-equilibriumEthernet Interface 1 RJ45 10 M/100 M self-adaptive Ethernet portOn-Board Storage Built-in memory card slot, support microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC card, up to 512 GB Reset Key YesRS-485 1 RS-485 (Half duplex, HIKVISION, Pelco-P, Pelco-D, self-adaptive)Power Output 12 VDC, max. 100 mAEventBasic Event Motion detection (support alarm triggering by specified target types (human and vehicle)), video tampering alarm, exceptionSmart Event scene change detection, audio exception detection, defocus detection, unattended baggage detection, object removal detectionLinkage Upload to FTP/NAS/memory card, notify surveillance center, send email, trigger alarm output, trigger recording, trigger capture, audible warningDeep Learning FunctionFace Capture Yes People Counting YesPerimeter Protection Line crossing, intrusion, region entrance, region exitingSupport alarm triggered by specified target types (human and vehicle)GeneralPower 12 VDC ± 25%, 1.20 A, max. 14 W, 24 VAC ± 20%, 1.03 A, max. 14 W, two-core terminal block,PoE: IEEE 802.3at, Class 4, max. 17 WMaterial Aluminum alloy bodyDimension Ø105 mm × 340.7 mm (Ø4.1" × 13.4")Package Dimension 385 mm × 190 mm × 180 mm (15.2" × 7.5" × 7.1")Weight Approx. 1455 g (2.9 lb.)With Package Weight Approx. 2256 g (4.9 lb.)Storage Conditions -40 °C to 60 °C (-40 °F to 140 °F). Humidity 95% or less (non-condensing) Startup and OperatingConditions-40 °C to 60 °C (-40 °F to 140 °F). Humidity 95% or less (non-condensing) General Function Heartbeat, anti-banding, mirror, flash log, password reset via email, pixel counterLanguage 33 languages: English, Russian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Greek, German, Italian, Czech, Slovak, French, Polish, Dutch, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Croatian, Slovenian, Serbian, Turkish, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese (Brazil), UkrainianHeater YesApprovalEMC FCC: 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B,CE-EMC: EN 55032: 2015, EN 61000-3-2:2019, EN 61000-3-3: 2013+A1:2019, EN 50130-4: 2011 +A1: 2014,RCM: AS/NZS CISPR 32: 2015,IC: ICES-003: Issue 7,KC: KN32: 2015, KN35: 2015Safety UL: UL 62368-1,CB: IEC 62368-1: 2014+A11,CE-LVD: EN 62368-1: 2014/A11: 2017,BIS: IS 13252 (Part 1): 2010/IEC 60950-1: 2005, LOA: IEC/EN 60950-1Environment CE-RoHS: 2011/65/EU,WEEE: 2012/19/EU,Reach: Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006Protection IP67: IEC 60529-2013, IK10: IEC 62262:2002Anti-Corrosion Protection -Y: NEMA 4X (NEMA 250-2018)⏹Typical ApplicationHikvision products are classified into three levels according to their anti-corrosion performance. Refer to the following description to choose for your using environment.With -Y model: MODERATE PROTECTIONWithout -Y model: NO SPECIFIC PROTECTION.Level DescriptionTop-level protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where professional anti-corrosion protection is a must. Typical application scenarios include coastlines, docks,chemical plants, and more.Moderate protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas with moderate anti-corrosion demands. Typical application scenarios include coastal areas about 2kilometers (1.24 miles) away from coastlines, as well as areas affected by acid rain.No specific protection Hikvision products at this level are equipped for use in areas where no specific anti-corrosion protection is needed.⏹Available ModelDS-2CD3B46G2T-IZHS(8-32mm)(H)DS-2CD3B46G2T-IZHS(2.8-12mm)(H)DS-2CD3B46G2T-IZHSY(8-32mm)(H)DS-2CD3B46G2T-IZHSY(2.8-12mm)(H)⏹Dimension⏹Accessory⏹With -Y Model:⏹IncludedDS-1260ZJ-ACJunction Box⏹OptionalDS-1275ZJ-YVertical Pole MountWithout -Y Model:⏹IncludedDS-1260ZJJunction Box ⏹OptionalDS-1276ZJ-SUSCorner MountDS-1275ZJ-SUSVertical Pole MountDS-1275ZJ-S-SUSVertical Pole Mount。

Adobe After Effects 7.0英文详解

Adobe After Effects 7.0英文详解

Adobe After Effects 7.0英文详解AE层模式介绍在时间线上,通过按下时间线窗口左下角不同的层展开/折叠开关按钮,可以展开层控制和层模式面板,按下快捷键F4,时间线窗口会在层面板和层模式面板之间进行切换,在层模式面板Mode栏中可以选择不同的层叠加方式:Normal正常模式、Dissolve溶解模式、Dancing Dissolve动态溶解模式、Darken变暗模式、Multiply正片叠底模式、Linear Burn线性加深模式、Color Burn颜色加深模式、Classic Color Burn为兼容早版本的Color Burn模式、Add增加模式、Lighten变亮模式、Screen屏幕模式、Linear Dodge线性减淡模式、Overlay叠加模式、Soft Light柔光模式、Hard Light强光模式、Liner Light线性加光模式、Vivid Light清晰加光模式、Din Light阻光模式、Hard Mix强光混合模式、Difference差别模式、Classic Difference兼容老版本的差别模式、Exclusion排除模式、Hue色相模式、Saturation饱和度模式、Color颜色模式、Luminosity高度模式。


Stencil Alpha:Alpha通道模式Stencil Luma:亮度模式Slihouette Alpha:Alpha通道轮廓Slihouette Luma:亮度轮廓Alpha Add:Alpha添加Luminescent Premul:冷光模式。

AE的视频转场特效Transition切换Block Dissolve块面溶解Card Wipe卡片擦拭Gradient Wipe渐变擦拭Iris Wipe星形擦拭Linear Wipe线性擦拭Radial Wipe径向擦拭Venetian Blinds百叶窗Transition Completion转场完成度Block Width块状的宽度Block Height块状的高度Feather羽化Soft Edges(Best Quality)边缘羽化AE风格化的使用Effect/Stylize风格化Brush Strokes画笔描边Color Emboss彩色浮雕Emboss浮雕Find Edges查找边缘Glow辉光Mosaic马赛克Motion Tile粗糙边缘Scatter扩散Strobe Light闪光灯Texturize纹理化Threshold阈值AE精彩文字特效Effect/Text文字Basic Text 基本文字头Number 数字Path Text 路径文字Time Code 时码AE抠像的使用Effect/Keying键控Color Difference Key色彩差异键控(有些没有)Color Key色彩键控Color Range色彩范围Linear Color Key线性色彩键控Luma Key亮度键控Color Tolerance相近颜色Edge Thin边缘收缩Edge Feather边缘羽化AE特效中的产生及扭曲Effect/Generate产生4—Color Gradient四色渐变Advanced Lightning高级闪电Audio Spectrum声谱Audion Waveform声波Beam光束Cell Pattern单元图案Checkerborad棋盘格Circle圆形Ellipse椭圆Eyedropper Fill滴管填充Fill填充Fractal分形Grid网格Lens Flare镜头光斑Lightning闪电Paint Bucket油漆桶Radio Waves电波Ramp 渐变Scribble涂写Stroke描边Vegas勾画Write—on书写Effect/Distort扭曲Bezier Warp贝塞尔曲线弯曲Bulge凸凹镜Corner Pin边角定位Displacement Wap置换贴图Liquify液化Magnify放大Mesh Warp网格变形Mirror镜像Offset位移Optics Compensation镜头变形Polar Coordinates极坐标转换Reshape变形Ripple波纹Smear涂抹Spherize球面化Transform变换Turbulent Displace剧烈置换Twirl 扭转Warp弯曲Wave Warp波浪变形AE图片的调色Effect/Color Correction调色Auto Color自动色彩Auto Contrast自动对比度Auto Levels自动色阶Brightness&Contrast亮度/对比度Broadcast Colors广播级颜色Change Colors转换色彩Change to Colors定向转换色彩Change Mixer通道混合Color Balance色彩平衡Color Balance(HLS)HLS色彩平衡Color Link色彩链接Color Stabilizer色彩稳定(有的没有)Colorama彩色Curves曲线Equalize均衡Exposure暴光Gamma/Pedestal/Gain伽马/基色/增益Hue/Saturation色相/饱和度Leave Color色调分离Levels色阶Levels(Individual Contronls)个体控制Photo Filter照片滤镜PS Arbitrary Map 映像Shadow/Highlight阴影/高光Tint染色AE中的杂点和颗粒特效Noise&Grain杂点和颗粒Add Grain增加颗粒Dust&Scratches梦尘与划痕Fractal Noise分形噪波Match Grain条形颗粒Median中值Noise噪波Noise Alpha:Alpha噪波Noise HLS:HLS噪波Noise HLS Auto:自动HLS噪波Remove Grain降噪仿真特效Simulation仿真Card Dance卡片舞蹈Caustics折射反射Foam 汽泡Partcle Playground粒子运动场Shatter爆炸Wave World波纹音频特效Audio音频Backwards倒放Bass&Treble低音和高音Reverb回声Delay延迟Stereo Mixer立体声混合Flange&Chorus变调和合声Tone音质High—Low Pass高低音过滤Modulatox调节器Parametric EQ:EQ参数通道特效Channel通道Alpha Levels:Alpha色阶Arithmetic运算Blend混合Calculations计算Channel Conbiner通道混合Compound Arithmetic复合计算Invert反转Minimax扩亮扩暗Remore color Matting删除蒙版颜色Set Channels设置通道Set Matte设置蒙版Shift Channels转换通道Solid Composite固态合成AE中模糊与锐化及透视特效Effect/Blur&Sharpen模糊与锐化Box Blur立方体模糊Channel Blur通道模糊Compound Blur混合模糊我Directional Blur方向模糊Past Blur快速模糊Gaussian Blur高斯模糊Lens Blur镜头模糊Radial Blur径向模糊Reduce Interlace Flicker消除交错闪烁Sharpen锐化Smart Blur智能模式Unsharp Mask反遮罩锐化Effect/Perspective透视3D Glasses:3D眼镜Basic 3D:基本三维Bevel Alpha:Alpha倒角Bevel Edges:边缘倒角Drop Shadow:投影Radial Shadow径向投影。



Premiere Pro cs4英汉对照1、Adjust(调整/校正)Auto color 自动颜色Auto contrast 自动对比度Auto levels 自动色阶Convolution kernel 卷积内核Extract 提取Levels 色阶Lighting effects 照明效果ProcAmp 基本信号控制Shadow/Highlight 阴影/高光2、Blur & Sharpen (模糊/锐化)英文中文备注Antialias 消除锯齿Camera blur 摄像机模糊Channel blur 通道模糊Compound blur 复合模糊Directional blur 定向模糊Fast blur 快速模糊Gaussian blur 高斯模糊Ghosting 残像sharpen 锐化Sharpen edges 锐化边缘Unsharp mask 非锐化遮罩3、Channel(通道)英文中文备注Arithmetic 数学运算Blend 混合Calculations 运算Compound arithmetic 复合数学运算Invert 反向/倒置Set matte 设置磨砂Solid composite 固态合成4、Color correction(颜色调整)英文中文备注Brightness & contrast 亮度与对比度Broadcast color 广播级颜色Change color 更改颜色Change to color 转换到颜色Channel mixer 通道混合Color balance 色彩平衡Color balance(HLS)色彩平衡Equalize 色彩均化Fast color corrector 快速色彩校正Leave color 分色Luma corrector 亮度校正Luma curve 亮度曲线RGB color corrector RGB 色彩校正RGB curves Rgb 曲线Three-way color corrector 三路色彩校正Tint 染色Video limiter 视频限幅器5、Distort(扭曲)英文中文备注Bend 弯曲Corner pin 边角固定Lens distortion 镜头扭曲Magnify 放大Mirror 镜像Offset 偏移Spherize 球面化Transform 变换Turbulent Displace 紊乱置换Twirl 旋转扭曲Wave warp 波形弯曲6、GPU Effects(GPU特效)Page Curl 卷页Refraction 折射Ripple Circular 波纹(圆形)7、Generate(生成)4-color gradient 四色渐变Cell pattern 蜂巢图案Checkerboard 棋盘Circle 圆Eyedropper fill 吸色管填充Grid 网格Lens Flare 镜头光晕Lightning 闪电Paint Bucket 油漆桶Ramp 渐变Wrtie-on 书写8、Image control (图像控制)英文中文备注Black & white 黑白Color balance(RGB)色彩平衡Color match 色彩匹配Color pass 色彩传递Color replace 色彩替换Gamma correction 灰度系数Gamma校正9、Keying (键控)Alpha adjust Alpha调整Blue screen key 蓝屏键Chroma key 色度键Color key 颜色键Difference Matte key 差异遮罩Eight-point Garbage Matte key 8-点无用信号遮罩Four-point Garbage Matte key4-点无用信号遮罩Image Matte key 图像遮罩键Luma key 亮度键Non red key 非红色键RGB difference key RGB差异键Remove matte 移除遮罩sixteen-point Garbage Matte key16-点无用信号遮罩Track matte key 轨道遮罩键10、Noise & Grain (杂波与颗粒)英文中文备注Dust & scratches 灰尘与划痕Median 中值Noise 杂波Noise alpha 杂波AlphaNoise HLS 杂波HLSNoise HLS Auto 自动杂波HLS11、Perspective (透视)英文中文备注Basic 3d 基本3DBevel alpha 斜角AlphaBevel edges 斜角边Drop shadow 阴影Radial shadow 径向阴影12、Render(渲染)英文中文备注Ellipse 椭圆形13、stylize(风格化)英文中文备注Alpha glow Alpha辉光Brush strokes 笔触Color emboss 彩色浮雕Emboss 浮雕Find edges 查找边缘Mosaic 马赛克Posterize 极坐标化Replicate 复制Roughen edges 边缘粗糙Solarize 曝光过度Strobe light 闪光灯Texturize 材质Threshold 阈值14、Time(时间)英文中文备注Echo 重影Posterize time 抽帧Time Warp 时间偏差15、Transform(变换)英文中文备注Camera view 摄像机视图Crop 裁剪Edge feather 羽化边缘Horizontal flip 水平翻转Horizontal hold 水平保持Roll 滚动Vertical flip 垂直翻转Vertical hold 垂直保持16、Transition(过渡)英文中文备注Block dissolve 块溶解Gradient wipe 渐变擦除Linear wipe 线性擦除Radial wipe 径向擦除Venetian blinds 百叶窗17、Utility(实用)Cineon converter Cineon转换18、video(视频)Timecode 时间码19、生成Shine 发光。

Splendid Moments Creator P50 11th C R E A T O R P

Splendid Moments Creator P50 11th C R E A T O R P

Create Splendid MomentsCreator P50 is the best designer’s desktop PC. With a compactdimension, it fits all of your studios to make your great ideas cometrue; Creator P50 is designed for multi-tasking & pro-level creatorsto work with a workflow acceleration.Picture and logosSELLING POINTSCreator P50 11thWindows 10 Home - MSI recommends Windows 11 Pro for businessFREE Upgrade to Windows 11*Up to the 11th generation Intel® Core™ i7 processorsThe latest MSI GeForce® RTX Graphics CardDual Channel Memory with DDR4 Boost Technology provides the most smooth & fastest real-time previewsThunderbolt 4 (Optional) delivers the fastest, most versatile connection to any dock, display, or data device & NASConnect and rapidly transfer data over a network with the high-bandwidth and low-latency 2.5G Ethernet LAN.Wi-Fi 6E puts more emphasis on transmission security with speed up to 2.4GbpsSupport 5K2K Creating ExperienceExclusive Software – MSI Center & Creator OSD4.72 liters in size, the most compact desktop PC for creators*Upgrade timing may vary by device. Features and app availability may vary by region. Certain features require specific hardware (see https:///en-us/windows/windows-11-specifications).1.1x Thunderbolt 4 (Optional)2.1x Headphone-out / 1x Mic-in3.2x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A4.3x Audio Jacks5.1x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A / 1x RJ45 (2.5G) / 1x KensingtonLock6.1x USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type-C / 1x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-A7.1x DC inSPECIFICATIONModel Part No9S6-B93712-071MKT Name Creator P50 11TCMKT Spec Creator P50 11TC-071PL Color ID1/White-White-WhiteOperating Systems Operating Systems Windows 11 ProProcessor CPU Number Intel Core i7-11700CPU Clock 2.5GHzCPU Cores8TDP65WCache16 MB Intel® Smart Cache Threads16CPU Cooler Air coolingChipset Chipsets B560Discrete Graphics VGA I/O Port HDMI,DPx3,EP8VGA MKT Name GeForce RTX 3060 AERO ITX 12G GPU1 VRAM Size12GMemory Memory Size32GB(16GB*2) Memory Type DDR4 SDRAM Memory Speed1600(3200)MHz Module Type SO-DIMM Memory Slot (Total/Free)2/0Max Capacity Max 64GBStorage SSD Size1TBHDD1 Size1TB*1SSD Config1TB*1SSD Interface PCIe GEN3x4 w/o DRAM NVMe SSD Form Factor M.2-2280 M-KEYM.2 slots (Total/Free)1/0HDD1 RPM7200RPMHDD1 Form Factor 2.5 inch 7mmHDD1 Interface SATA GEN33.5" Drive Bays (Total/Free)0/2.5" Drive Bays (Total/Free)1/0ODD(Type)N/AODD Height N/AODD Type N/ACommunications LAN Intel I225-VWLAN INTEL/AX210.NGWG.NV WLAN Version802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2x2+BT BT Version 5.2Audio Audio Chipset Realtek ALC1220P Audio Type 5.1 Channel HD AudioI/O Ports (Front)Thunderbolt Optional USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A2 Audio Mic-in1 Audio Headphone-out1I/O Ports (Rear)USB 3.2 Gen 2x2 Type C (R)1 USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type A (R)2 RJ451 Audio jack3Power Power330W Power Certification N/A Formfactor N/A Type ADAPTORIn The Box Keyboard Interface N/A Mouse Interface N/A Power Cord1 AC Adaptor1 Warranty Card1 Quick Guide4 User Manual N/A VESA Mount kit N/A Keyboard N/A Mouse N/ARegulatory Compliance Operating, Storage Temperature0° C ~ 35° C ; -20° C ~ 60° C Operating, Storage Humidity0% ~ 85%;0% ~ 90% Regulatory ComplianceFCC(Class B)CB/CEUL(CUL)BSMIVCCIRCM(C-Tick)Dimension & Weight Product Dimension (WxDxH) (mm)N/AProduct Dimension (WxDxH) (inch)N/AInside Carton Dimension (WxDxH) (mm)N/AInside Carton Dimension (WxDxH) (inch)N/AOuter Carton Dimension Standard (WxDxH) (mm)449 x 174 x 304 Outer Carton Dimension Standard (WxDxH) (inch)17.68 x 6.85 x 11.97 Weight (Net kg) 3.4Weight (Gross kg) 6.6Liter 4.72Warranty Warranty24months。



Integrated 3-Axis Motion Controller/DriverController GUI ManualV2.0.xESP301 Controller GUI Manual EDH0282En1030 — 01/17iiESP301 Controller GUI Manual Table of Contents1.0Introduction (1)1.1Purpose (1)1.2Overview (1)2.0Installation (2)2.1Install ESP301 Graphical User Interface (2)2.2Launch GUI (2)3.0User Interface (3)3.1Configuration (3)3.2Axis (4)3.3Main (5)3.4Jog (7)3.5Parameters (8)3.6Diagnostics (9)3.7About (10)Service Form (11)EDH0282En1030 — 01/17iiiESP301 Controller GUI Manual EDH0282En1030 — 01/17ivESP301 Controller GUI ManualESP301Integrated 3-AxisMotion Controller/Driver1.0Introduction1.1PurposeThe purpose of this document is to provide instructions on how to use the ESP301graphical user interface (GUI).1.2OverviewThe ESP301 GUI is a graphical user interface, that allows the user to control Newportstages with the ESP301 controller (execute motion, configure stages, etc.).EDH0282En1030 — 01/171ESP301 Controller GUI Manual 2.0Installation2.1Install ESP301 Graphical User InterfaceFollowing are steps to install the ESP301 GUI:•For 32 bit, Select and launch “ESP301 Utility Installer Win32.exe”. For 64 bit,Select and launch “ESP301 Utility Installer Win64.exe”.• A window opens up showing Install welcome page.•Click on “Next”.• A window opens up allowing destination folder selection. By default it is showingC:\.•Click on “Next”.•Ready to install window opens up. Click “Install”.•Then installation starts, wait for completion. Click on “Finish” to finalize theinstallation.32 bit installer will install “mandInterface.dll” in GAC_32 folderand 64 bit installer will install the dll in GAC_64 folder.NOTELabVIEW users can add a reference of the command interface dll from GACduring VI creation.2.2Launch GUIFrom Windows “START” menu, select “All Programs\Newport\MotionControl\ESP301\ESP301 Utility”.EDH0282En1030 — 01/17 2ESP301 Controller GUI Manual 3.0User Interface3.1ConfigurationThe Configuration tab allows the user to view and / or change information related to thelogging configuration and the instrument settings. Read only values are displayed forthe log file name and the log file path.The logging level may be changed to any of the settings in the drop-down list on theright hand side. Trace is the most detailed of the settings and when this setting isselected, the GUI logs everything. Critical Error is the least detailed of the settings andwhen selected, the GUI will only log errors that are defined to be critical.The polling interval defines the number of milliseconds between each time the GUIpolls the ESP301 for the latest information. The user may change the polling intervalby entering a value.The Save button saves the current settings to the configuration file.EDH0282En1030 — 01/173ESP301 Controller GUI ManualConfigurable settingsThe following table describes all the settings that can be changed by the user.3.2AxisThe combo box at the top of the window allows the selection of axes (1 to 3).EDH0282En1030 — 01/17 4ESP301 Controller GUI Manual3.3MainThe Main tab displays the main controls in the GUI like a virtual front panel. It isupdated each time the polling interval timer expires.“Initialization and Configuration”In the “Initialization and Configuration” area, the first button switches between theLocal and Remote states. The second button turns the motor: ON or OFF and StopMotion. The Home button commands the stage to go to the home position. The lastbutton “Save Pos.” memorizes the current positions in the combo box. As soon as a newposition is memorized, this is displayed in the trace.“Current Position”In the “Current Position” area, the current position is displayed in a text box andvisualized in a slider. The slider limits are defined with the ends of run. An LED showsthe current controller state. When you move the mouse over the LED, the controllerstate is displayed in an information balloon.“Incremental Motion / PR-Move Relative”In the “Incremental Motion / PR-Move Relative” area, two steps can be defined. Foreach step, a relative move is made in the negative direction or a positive direction.EDH0282En1030 — 01/175“Cyclic Motion” and “Target position / PA-Move Absolute”In the “Cyclic Motion” area, a motion cycle is configured with a number of cycles (Cycle) and a specified time in milliseconds (dwell). The motion cycle gets the defined target positions from the “Target position / PA-Move Absolute’ area to perform the cycle.In the “Target position / PA-Move Absolute” area, two target positions can be defined. The “Go to” button executes the absolute move to go to the specified target position.“Motion Configuration Values”In the “Motion Configuration Values”, the current ends of run and the velocity are displayed in a disabled text box: “Minimum end of run”, “Maximum end of run” and “Velocity”. These ends of run and the velocity can be modified and saved with the “Set” button.Memorized positionsThe combo box memorizes the positions using the “Save Pos.” button. Each of these positions can be renamed or deleted. To execute an absolute move to go to one of these memorized positions, select one item of the combo box and click on “Go to” button. When the mouse moves over to the combo box, the positions of the selected memorized position are showed in an information balloon.Rename a memorized position: Select an item from the combo box, edit the position name to change it and click on the “Rename” button to save the new position name. Delete a memorized position: Select an item from the combo box, right-click on the mouse and select the “Delete” menu to delete the selected memorized position.3.4JogThe Jog tab allows entry of the position value in the Jog mode.“Initialization and Configuration”In the “Initialization and Configuration” area, the first button switches between theLocal and Remote states. The second button “Save Pos.” allows memorizes the currentpositions in the combo box. As soon as a new position is memorized, this is displayed inthe trace.“Current Position”In the “Current Position” area, the current position is displayed in a text box andvisualized in the slider. The slider limits are defined with the ends of run. An LEDshows the current controller state. When you move the mouse over the LED, thecontroller state is displayed in an information balloon.“Jog Motion”In the “Jog Motion” area, an indefinite move (MV) can be performed in either thenegative direction or a positive direction. Motion starts when a button is held down andstops when the button is released.“Jog Velocity”In the “Jog Velocity” area, the jog velocity can be defined. Keep in mind that theslider’s scale is logarithmic.Memorized positions (defined by axis)The combo box memorizes the positions using the “Save Pos.” button. Each of thesepositions can be renamed or deleted. To execute an absolute move to go to one of thesememorized positions, select one item of the combo box and click on “Go to” button.When the mouse moves over to the combo box, the positions of the selected memorizedposition are showed in an information balloon.Rename a memorized position: Select an item from the combo box, edit the positionname to change it and click on the “Rename” button to save the new position name.Delete a memorized position: Select an item from the combo box, right-click on themouse and select the “Delete” menu to delete the selected memorized position.3.5ParametersThe Parameters tab display and allows changes tothe parameters of the instrument.3.6DiagnosticsThe Diagnostics tab allows the user to enter instrument commands and to view thehistory of commands sent and the responses received. This list of commands and thesyntax of each command can be found in the user’s manual for the instrument.A file of commands can be sent line by line to the instrument with the “SendCommand file” button.3.7AboutThe About tab displays information about the GUI and the connected instrument. Itdisplays the GUI name, version, and copyright information. It also displays theinstrument model and instrument key (serial number).Service FormYour Local RepresentativeTel.: __________________Fax: ___________________Name: _________________________________________________ Return authorization #: ____________________________________ Company:_______________________________________________ (Please obtain prior to return of item)Address: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________ Country: ________________________________________________ Phone Number: __________________________________________ P.O. Number: ____________________________________________ Fax Number: ____________________________________________ Item(s) Being Returned: ____________________________________Model#: ________________________________________________ Serial #: ________________________________________________Description: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Reasons of return of goods (please list any specific problems): ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________North America & Asia Newport Corporation 1791 Deere Ave.Irvine, CA 92606, USA SalesTel.: (800) 222-6440e-mail:*****************Technical Support Tel.: (800) 222-6440e-mail:****************Service, RMAs & Returns Tel.: (800) 222-6440e-mail:*******************EuropeMICRO-CONTROLE Spectra-Physics S.A.S 9, rue du Bois Sauvage 91055 Évry CEDEX FranceSalesTel.: +33 (0) e-mail:******************Technical Supporte-mail:***********************Service & ReturnsTel.: +33 (0) Newport Online at: 。



给大家分享关于Waves效果器各个效果器的中文名称!AudioTrack waves的通道条效果器,是一款均衡器/压缩器/门限器的组合C1 comp 压缩器C1 comp gate 压缩/门限的组合C1 comp SC 旁链压缩器(应用于广播等场合)C1 gate 门限DeEsser 消除齿音效果器Doppler 多普勒声效变速效果器Doppler 2Doppler 4Engima 英格吗迷幻效果器Guitar Amp stereo 吉他音箱模拟效果器IDR 数码分辨率增加效果器,waves自己开发的噪声整型/抖动算法,转换采样深度时用来减小数字背景随机噪声L1-ultramaximizer L1/L2/L3都是限制器,区别一个比一个猛,L1可以放在分轨作限制,L2、L3是母带用的。

L1-ultramaximizer+L2 母带限制器MaxxBass 低音增强器MaxxVolume stereo 动态处理器MetaFlanger 镶变效果器MondoMod 空间回旋效果器PAZ Analyzer 频谱图形效果器(相位显示/频谱仪的组合)PAZ Frequency 示波器PAZ Meter 电平表PAZ Position 相位显示器Q1 -paragraphic EQ Q系列都是均衡器,从扫频用的Q1到10段的Q10,满足各种需要Q10-paragraphic EQ 十段均衡效果器Q2 -paragraphic EQQ3 -paragraphic EQStomp 2 stereoStomp 4 stereoStomp 6 stereoVcomp stereoVEQ3 stereoVEQ4 stereoZ-Noise stereoC4 waves的著名多段动态处理器IR-L Efficient 空间效果IR-L FullIR1 Efficient 采样混响效果器IR1 FullL3 MultiMaximizer 多段母带限制器L3 UltraMaximizerLinEq Broadband 六段均衡器LinEq LowbandLinMBQ4-Paragraphic EQ Q系列都是均衡器,从扫频用的Q1到10段的Q10,满足各种需要Q6-Paragraphic EQQ8-Paragraphic EQRAxxRBass 低音增强RComp 文艺复兴插件包里的压缩效果器RDeEsser 文艺复兴插件包里的消除齿音REQ 2 bands 文艺复兴插件包里的均衡器REQ 4 bandsREQ 6 bandsRVox 文艺复兴插件包里的人声自动压缩器S1-Imager 立体声增强效果器S1-MS MatrixS1-ShufflerSuperTap 2-Taps Mod 打点延迟效果器SuperTap 6-Taps ModTrueVerbUltraPitch 3-Voice 人声变调效果器UltraPitch 6-VoiceUltraPitch ShiftX-Click 去除噼啪声X-Crackle 去除爆破音X-Hum 降低气声X-Noise 降噪Morphoder 卷积变音效果器,这个效果器非常有意思,它可以根据你定制的midi信号将处理的波形进行卷积调制,产生机器一样的怪异声音,特别适合一些迷幻音乐呵呵Q-CloneRChannelRVerb 文艺复兴混响器SoundShifter P 变调效果器TransX Multi 同样是相位效果的一种,改变声音的特性TransX Wide 频段修整效果器Tune Stereo。

Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor插件用户手册说明书

Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor插件用户手册说明书

You have been issued the latest operative technology, the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin, developed by the industrial military contractor, Shadow Hills Industries. You are to decelerate audio material, for encrypted transmission, to other operatives deployed in theater. This ground- b reaking technology employs the Shadow Hills electrolu-minescent optical attenuator and discrete voltage controlled amplifier sections, for a two stage deceleration process. Coupled with side chain filtering and a transformer switching matrix, the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor is the most advanced system for limiting temporal and transient proportions ever issued to operatives.OverviewThe Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor Plugin is a faithful 1:1 model of the corresponding hardware version, offering all its non- l inear behavior and analog sound quality in the digital domain. As is standard in all equipment deployed by Shadow Hills, the Mastering Compressor boasts discrete op- a mp technology, custom- d esigned transformers, and a signal path devoid of any IC‘s. The unit houses two linkable channels of two separate compressors, which can be operated independently, or in a chain. The first compressor in the circuit is the Optical Section. Utilizing electrolu-minescent optical attenuator, the circuit provides gain reduction with a very musical two- s tage recovery. The second compressor in the circuit is the Discrete Section, which is powered by our discrete voltage- c ontrolled amplifier in a feed- f orward mode. By the versatility of its features and the precision of its controls, the Discrete Section capably finishes the job started by the Optical Section. However, the coup de grace lies in the final processing stage of the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor. Each channel is equipped with three distinctive output transformers, which can be toggled via the Transformer Select Switch, effectively changing the frequency response and distortion characteristics of the entire unit.1Hardwire BypassThe operation of the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor is controlled by a series of toggle switches. When flipped to “IN”, the “Hardwire Bypass” switch engages the line amp and output transformer circuitry. When flipped to “OUT”, the inputs are directly connected to the outputs with no processing. The Optical, Discrete, and Side Chain switches function in an identical manner – “IN” engages the corresponding circuit, and1“OUT” bypasses it. In order for the compressors to operate, the hardwire bypass must be “IN”, however the hardwire bypass can be engaged with the compressors “OUT”. This allows audio to be colored by our discrete op- a mp and custom transformer technology at unity gain, even when no compression is desired, turning the Mastering Compressor into an effective tone shaping tool.1Stereo OperationThe Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor can operate in Dual Mono or Stereo. While in Dual Mono, each side has independent operation and all of the controls on both sides are active. In Stereo, the left- h and controls operate all of the Mastering Compressor’s features with the right-hand controls not having any effect and the green light bulbs reflecting the left- h and settings. The only exception is the Meter Select Switch, which remains independent on both channels. This facilitates viewing a combination of gain reduction and output, or the two different stages of compression simultaneously while in Stereo.2MeteringThe Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor is equipped with two VU meters for proper visual analysis of audio processing. Each VU meter has the capability of displaying optical gain reduction, discrete gain reduction, and output level, as determined by the position of the “Meter Select” switch. When used on mono signals, the two VU meters can be used to display the gain reduction of both compressors simulta-neously. The same goes for linked Stereo mode. It is only in Dual Mono mode that the VU meters show gain reduction independently for both channels. The internal reference level corresponding to 0 VU can be set in the “About” dialog, which is brought up by clicking on any of the two meters.3Magic EyeThe green, glowing Magic Eye tube at the bottom of the unit is the final component in the metering system. When both VU Meters are in “Output” mode, the Magic Eye displays a mono signal in its top quadrant.1 2 31Transformer Switching MatrixYou have remarkable control over the tone and vibe of your musicthanks to three switchable output transformers. This matrix switchesthe selected transformers in and out of the circuit. The various materialcompositions, size and methods of winding impart different frequencyand distortion characteristics as well as the transient limiting caused bythe magnetics. The ability to switch between the different transformerselections, equates to being able to switch in the final gain stages fromdifferent vintage consoles and providing remarkable flexibility.Besides its obvious use on the stereo master buss and stereo subgroups,we highly recommend to use the mono version of the MasteringCompressor Plugin on individual tracks, adding coloration to vocals, electric bass or guitar.2Transformer ChoicesTop Position: NickelThe cleanest position with the least distortion. This position has a subtleaccentuation of ultra- h igh frequencies.Middle Position: Ironordered harmonic distortion, resulting in a very musical upper low frequency boost. Bottom Position: Steel The most distorted selection with an extremely tight boost in the low frequencies. Mastering the Transformer Switching Matrix involves a certain learning curve and the sonic differences between the three transformers can be more or less obvious depending on the audio signal running through. In general, differences are most easily heard on “busy” mixes with rich low end and sizzling high frequencies – like a real drum kit with open hi hats or dance mixes. Listening through a big speaker system will also help to get a feel for each transformer as they primarily affect the very low end of the frequency spectrum.3Side Chain Filter The Side Chain Filter switch engages a high- p ass filter on the side chains of both the optical and discrete compressors. No signal below 90Hz will affect the amount of compression applied. Thus the Side Chain Filter can help to reduce unwanted “pumping” artifacts, as the compressors will 132Optical SectionThe Optical Section is the first gain reduction circuit in the Mastering Compressor. The compressor is characterized by its very musical compression circuit featuring a slow attack and a two- s tage release. The initial eighty percent of compression is released very quickly, whilst the remaining twenty percent takes over a second to recover, varying slightly with the amount of attenuation applied. Modeling the Optical Section with its unique electro- l uminescent optical attenuator was certainly the biggest challenge during the production of the Mastering Compressor Plugin.1Optical GainThis control provides post- c ompression make- u p gain or attenuation using a 24- p osition rotary switch. The gain control provides greater accuracy around unity gain, which occurs roughly at position “7”, and offers coarser adjustment towards more extreme settings. 2Optical ThresholdThis control determines at what input level compression begins to occur. The compressor operates with a fixed ratio of 2:1, so compression is achieved by lowering the threshold into a range in which it begins to attenuate. Minimum compression occurs at “1” and maximum compression occurs at “24”.Discrete SectionThe Discrete Section is the final gain reduction circuit in the Mastering Compressor. It achieves compression by means of our custom, discrete voltage- c ontrolled amplifier. Due to the breadth of the controls, the discrete compressor is extremely versatile and can be configured to attain a variety of sounds.3Discrete GainThis control provides post- c ompression make- u p gain or attenuation using a 24- p osition rotary switch. The gain control provides greater accuracy around unity gain, which occurs roughly at position “7”, and offers coarser adjustment towards more extreme settings.1231Discrete ThresholdThis control determines at what input level compression begins to occur. Minimum compression occurs at “1” and maximum compression occurs at “24”.2Discrete RatioThis control determines the amount of compression achieved when the input signal reaches the threshold. A ratio of “1.2” means that for every 1.2 dB of input over the threshold, 1 dB will be outputted. At “2”, 1 dB will be outputted for every 2 dB of input over the threshold, etc. When the dial is set to “Flood”, a ratio of 20:1 occurs.3Discrete AttackThis control determines how quickly the compressor engages attenuation once the threshold has been reached. Each setting is in milliseconds.4Discrete RecoverThis control determines how quickly the compressor disengages attenuation once the threshold has no longer been reached. Each setting is in seconds. At “Dual” the compressor mimics the two-stage recovery of the optical section.In UseIn the vocal chain, on the master fader or the drum buss, the S.H.M.C’s two- s tage compression and transformer matrix will impart its unique sound quality and character upon your best work to take you to new levels of creativity. Sometimes there is no finer chain for female vocals than the optical cell with medium compression, side chain filter out and nickel transformer selection from the output matrix. The optical will soothe as it adjusts sultry voices as only this combination can deliver. The nickel transformer adds that ultra high frequency 70’s hi- f i sheen like a subtle air band.Mastering is the most subtle use of the Mastering Compressor. Dial in one dB of optical gain reduction and two dB of discrete gain reduction. Select a ratio of 1.2:1, an attack time of thirty milliseconds and a recover time of .1 seconds. Set the side chain filter to “In” and select the transformer matrix to taste.Another application of the Mastering compressor is to bypass the optical and discrete cell and to pass the signal through the transformer matrix only, for the color it imparts. If you record dry electric bass or guitars2143through a DI box for re- a mping or use of amp simulation software, try the transformer matrix as the last part of your signal chain before going into the amp.The Mastering Compressor’s flexibility and precision of controls will enable you to apply any type of compression you can imagine, on purpose, every time.Evading Enemy CaptureShould the probability of its capture be greater than not, it is the duty of the operative so issued to destroy the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor to keep the technologies contained therein from falling into the wrong hands and thus forfeiting our advantage to the enemy. The following instruc-tions are offered for the proper destruction and disposal of the Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor, should it become your duty.First, use a torque screwdriver to remove the nine 6/32 screws from the top cover. Inside, along the bottom of the unit, are the two main audio boards. On each of the audio boards are the Shadow Hills Operational Amplifiers. There are six total. These op- a mps attach to the audio boards by six pins. Pull each op- a mp out vertically - they are friction- l ocked, so no desoldering is required. Once removed, break off each of the six pins and crush the op- a mp circuit board with the heel of your boot. If time permits, incinerate all pieces after crushing, and then bury or scatter the ashen remains. Remove the eight screws securing each audio board to the chassis with a Philips screwdriver and pull the boards out. Cut all wires several times, in a random fashion, so that the former lengths can not be determined.The transformers connected to the audio boards and chassis must be shot through their cores, and the windings unraveled, their lamination separated, bent, and scattered some distance away. The audio boards should be crushed under heel, then folded or ripped, and then incinerated according to the previously described method. The 8/32 screws that attach the front panel chassis should be removed. The tube and meter glass should be smashed and the meter pointers broken off. The panel should be bent or folded, and then placed inside the chassis and either buried at least six feet deep, or exploded by a grenade or other means.Top Toolbar1Undo / RedoYou can undo and redo changes you made to the controls of the Plugin at any time. The UNDO / REDO will work for as many as 32 steps. This makes experimenting and tweaking knobs easy. If you don´t like what you did... just undo it.2Settings (A/B/C/D)The Plugin offers four internal settings (A/B/C/D) which will be stored with every preset. So, one preset can contain up to four settings. You may use similar settings with more or less compression in one setup / preset.Now, the SETTINGS can be automated in your DAW! This way it´s possible to use different sounds for your lead vocals or drums in various sections of the song. Automate the A/B/C/D settings, and you can still tweak knobs of the individual settings without overriding multiple parameters in your DAW, which would be time-consuming.3Copy / PasteTo set up variations of similar sounds you don´t have to dial in the settings sound, just with less compression, as setting B.• Simply press COPY while you are in setting A.• Switch to setting B by pressing ‘B’ in the settings section.• Press PASTE, now setting B is identical to setting A.• Reduce the compression on the B setting.Now you can switch between A & B and decide which one sounds best or automate different settings for various sections of your session.4Key In - External SidechainYou can route an External Sidechain signal to the plugin Dynamics if your DAW supports this. When engaged, the Compressor will react to the External Signal instead of the input signal of the plugin.5SC FilterHigh-Pass Filter for the Compressor Sidechain.6MixControls the amount of unprocessed signal being blended with the processed (compressed) signal, effectively providing the option of parallel compression.412356。






1. 构造MT780由一个低音乐器和一个中央处理器组成。


2. 功能MT780提供了许多不同类型的效果,包括合唱、均衡、延迟、压缩、放大和混响等。

以下是一些常见的功能:- 合唱:将一个或多个声音合并成一个整体,以产生更平滑的声音效果。

- 均衡:对每个频率进行加权,以平衡声音的色调和音量。

- 延迟:延迟声音的时间,以产生延迟效果。

- 压缩:压缩声音的频率,以减小音量和增加压缩感。

- 放大:放大声音的音量,以增加音量和声音的深度。

- 混响:将声音混合在一起,以产生更广泛的声音效果。

3. 使用MT780可以通过调整旋钮和按钮来使用。

以下是一些基本的使用方法:- 调整音高:通过旋转低音乐器上的音高旋钮来调整音高。

- 调整音量:通过旋转中央处理器上的音量旋钮来调整音量。

- 选择效果:通过单击相应按钮来选择所需的效果。

- 调整参数:通过在控制按钮上反复滑动来调整参数。







astcenc 参数

astcenc 参数

astcenc 参数引言:ASTCENC 是一个用于编码和解码 ASTC(Adaptive Scalable Texture Compression)纹理的开源工具。

ASTC 是一种用于压缩纹理的算法,可以在保持高质量的同时,减小纹理的内存占用。

ASTCENC 提供了一系列参数,可以用来控制纹理压缩的质量和性能。

本文将介绍 ASTCENC 的参数及其作用。

正文:1. ASTCENC 参数分类ASTCENC 的参数可以分为三大类:编码参数、解码参数和性能参数。

1.1 编码参数编码参数用于控制纹理压缩的质量和压缩率。

1.1.1 Block Size(块大小)ASTCENC 支持多种块大小,包括 4x4、5x4、5x5、6x5、6x6、8x5、8x6、8x8、10x5、10x6、10x8、10x10、12x10、12x12 等。



1.1.2 Rate(比特率)Rate 参数用于控制编码的比特率,即每个像素使用的比特数。



1.1.3 Quality(质量)Quality 参数用于控制编码的质量。



1.2 解码参数解码参数用于控制纹理解码的质量和性能。

1.2.1 Filter(滤波器)Filter 参数用于控制解码时使用的滤波器类型。

ASTCENC 支持多种滤波器类型,包括最近邻插值、双线性插值和三次样条插值。


1.2.2 Dither(抖动)Dither 参数用于控制解码时使用的抖动算法。






Nik插件是一款强大的后期处理工具,其中的优秀插件“Nik Collection”中有一个名为“Analog Efex Pro”的插件,可以非常方便地达到古典柔焦的效果。


首先,我们需要安装并打开Nik Collection插件,然后选中要进行处理的照片。

在弹出的“Analog Efex Pro”界面中,我们可以看到左侧的工具面板上有许多可用的工具和滤镜,我们将重点关注其中的几个来实现古典柔焦的效果。

第一步:选择“Glamour Glow”滤镜Glamour Glow滤镜能够为照片增添一层柔和的光晕效果,使照片显得更加柔和和具有光泽。



第二步:调整“Soft Focus”(柔焦)效果为了达到古典柔焦的效果,我们需要给照片增加一定的柔焦效果。

在工具面板中找到“Soft Focus”工具,并点击应用。



第三步:使用“Film Type”(胶片类型)滤镜借助胶片类型滤镜,我们可以模拟传统胶片的色调和纹理效果。






核磁伪影模体操作流程English Answer:Materials:Phantom.MRI scanner.Software for image processing and analysis.Steps:1. Prepare the phantom. The phantom should be designed to mimic the anatomy of interest and should contain different materials with varying magnetic properties.2. Place the phantom in the MRI scanner. The phantom should be positioned in the scanner according to the desired imaging plane.3. Acquire MRI images. A series of MRI images should be acquired using different imaging parameters, such as repetition time (TR), echo time (TE), and flip angle.4. Process the MRI images. The MRI images should be processed to remove noise and artifacts.5. Analyze the MRI images. The processed MRI images should be analyzed to identify and characterize the different types of artifacts present.Common types of MRI artifacts:Motion artifacts are caused by movement of the patient or the scanner during the imaging process.Chemical shift artifacts are caused by differences in the magnetic susceptibility of different tissues.Susceptibility artifacts are caused by the presence of metal objects in the imaging field.Flow artifacts are caused by the movement of blood or other fluids in the imaging field.Gibbs ringing artifacts are caused by sharptransitions in the image intensity.Uses of MRI artifact phantoms:Development of new MRI techniques. Artifact phantoms can be used to develop and test new MRI techniques to minimize the effects of artifacts.Quality assurance. Artifact phantoms can be used to assess the quality of MRI images and to ensure that the scanner is operating properly.Education. Artifact phantoms can be used to teach students and technologists about the different types of MRI artifacts and how to avoid them.中文回答:核磁伪影模体操作流程。



劲舞团:AE自带插件中英文对照作者:来源:责任编辑:真真227日期:2006-12-183D Channel (3D通道)3D Channel Extract-------------3D通道扩展Depth Matte--------------------深厚粗糙Depth of Field-----------------深层画面Fog 3D-------------------------3D 雾化ID Matte-----------------------ID 粗糙Adjust (调整)Brightness & Contrast----------亮度与对比度Channel Mixer------------------通道混合器Color Balance------------------色彩平衡Color Stabilizer---------------色彩稳压器Curves-------------------------曲线Hue/Saturation-----------------色饱和Levels-------------------------色阶Levels (Individual Controls)---色阶 (分色RGB的控制) posterize----------------------色调分离Threshold----------------------阈值Audio (音频)Backwards----------------------向后Bass & Treble------------------低音与高音Delay--------------------------延迟Flange & Chorus----------------边缘与合唱团 *High-Low Pass------------------高音/低音Modulator----------------------调幅器Parametric EQ------------------EQ参数Reverb-------------------------回音Stereo Mixer-------------------立体声混合器Tone---------------------------音调Blur & Sharpen (模糊与锐化)Clannel Blur-------------------通道模糊Compound Blur------------------复合的模糊Directional Blur---------------方向性的模糊Fast Blur----------------------快污模糊Gaussian Blur------------------高斯模糊Radial Blur--------------------径向模糊Sharpen------------------------锐化Unsharp Mask-------------------锐化掩膜 *Channel (通道)Alpha Levels-------------------ALPHA 层通道Arithmetic---------------------运算Bland--------------------------柔化Cineon Converter---------------间距转换器Compound Arithmetic------------复合运算Invert-------------------------反向Minimax------------------------像素化Remove Color Matting-----------去除粗颗粒颜色 *Set Channels-------------------调节通道Set Matte----------------------调节粗糙度Shift Channels-----------------转换通道Distort (变型)Bezier Warp--------------------Bezier 变型Bulge--------------------------鱼眼Displacement Map---------------画面偏移Mesh Warp----------------------网状变形Mirror-------------------------镜像Offset-------------------------偏移量Optics Compensation------------光学替换 (可制作球体滚动效果)Polar Coordinates--------------极坐标Reshape------------------------重塑Ripple-------------------------涟漪Smear--------------------------涂片Spherize-----------------------球型变形Transform----------------------变换Twirl--------------------------旋转变形Wave Warp----------------------波型变形Expression Controls (表达式控制)Angle Control------------------角度控制Checkbox Control---------------复选框控制Color Control------------------颜色控制Layer Control------------------图层控制Point Control------------------锐化控制Slider Control-----------------滑块控制Image Control (图像控制)Chaner Color-------------------改变颜色Color Balance (HLS)------------色彩平衡 (HLS)Colorama-----------------------着色剂Equalize-----------------------平衡Gamma/Pedestal/Gain------------GAMMA/电平/增益Median-------------------------中线PS Arbitrary MapPS-------------任意的映射Tint---------------------------去色Keying (键控制)Color Difference Key-----------差异的色键Color Key----------------------色键Color Range--------------------色键幅度Difference Matte---------------不同粗粗糙 (以粗颗粒渐变到下一张图)Extract------------------------扩展Inner Outer Key----------------内部、外部色键Linear Color Key---------------线性色键Luma Key-----------------------LUMA键Spill Suppressor---------------溢出抑制器Matte Tools (粗糙工具)Matte Cloker-------------------粗糙窒息物 *Simple Choker------------------简单的窒息物 *Paint (油漆)Vector Paint-------------------矢量油漆Perspective (透视)Basic 3D-----------------------基本的3DBevel Alpha--------------------倾斜 ALPHABevel Edges--------------------倾斜边Drop Shadow--------------------垂直阴影Render (渲染)4-Color Gradient---------------4色倾斜度Advanced Lightning-------------高级闪电Audio Spectrum-----------------音频光谱Audio Waveform-----------------音频波形Beam---------------------------射线Cell Pattern-------------------单元模式Ellipse------------------------椭圆Fill---------------------------填充Fractal------------------------分数维Fractal Noise------------------粗糙的分数维Grid---------------------------网格Lens Flare---------------------镜头光晕Lightning----------------------闪电Radio Waves--------------------音波Ramp---------------------------斜面Stroke-------------------------笔划 (与stylize-write on功能类似) Vegas--------------------------维加斯Simulation (模拟)Particle Playground------------粒子运动场Shatter------------------------粉碎Stylize (风格化)Brush Strokes------------------笔刷Color Emboss-------------------颜色浮雕Emboss-------------------------浮雕Find Edges---------------------查找边缘Glow---------------------------照亮边缘Leave Color--------------------离开颜色Mosaic-------------------------马赛克Motion Tile--------------------运动平铺Noise--------------------------噪音Roughen Edges------------------变粗糙边Scatter------------------------分散Strobe Light-------------------匣门光 *Texturize----------------------基底凸现Write-on-----------------------在.....上写 (与render-stroke功能类似)Text (文本)Basic Text---------------------基本的文本Numbers------------------------数字文本Path Text----------------------路径文本Time (时间)Echo---------------------------回响Posterize Time-----------------发布时间Time Difference----------------时间差别 *Time Displacement--------------时间偏移Transition (转场)Block Dissolve-----------------块溶解Gradient Wipe------------------斜角转场Iris Wipe----------------------爱丽斯转场 (三角形转场)Linear Wipe--------------------线性转场Radial Wipe--------------------半径转场Venetian Blinds----------------直贡呢的遮掩 (百叶窗式转场)Video (视频)Broadcast Colors---------------广播色Reduce Interlace Flicker-------降低频闪Timecode-----------------------时间码。



tiffne 55mm 插件汉化名称这套插件包括:烟雾、去焦、扩散、双色调、模糊等多种特效,包含多种滤镜,主要是模仿各类相机镜头、光学试验过程、胶片颗粒、颜色修正等,大多和Ps版的功能一致,其中自然光和摄影特效非常好。


部分效果中英文对照:Black and White(黑白片效果)Bleach Bypass(类似于漂白的效果)Center Spot(点为中心的扩散模糊)Color Compensating(色彩补偿工具)Color Conversion(变色效果,有模板)Color Correct(细致的调色工具)Color Grad(线性的色调、明暗渐变效果)Color Spot(环形滤色镜效果)Color Temperature(好像是个色温调节工具)Cross Processing(胶片负冲效果)Day for Night(模仿白天拍摄夜景效果)Defocus(虚焦效果)Defog(去除烟雾等因素造成的模糊)Diffusion(柔光效果)Dual Tint(双重着色效果)Enhancing(暖色加重效果)Fast Blur(快速模糊)Faux Film(模仿胶片效果)Flashing(对比度细节调整)Fluorescent(用于修正荧光灯下色泽的偏绿)Fog(雾,调节麻烦)F-Stop(模仿光圈系数调色)GamColor, CineFilters, Naked Cosmetics(模仿各类GamProducts 公司的滤色镜效果)Gels(模仿各类滤色镜效果)Glow(高光效果)Gold Reflector(模仿金反射镜效果)Grain(模拟胶片噪点)Halo(暗化主体并打亮边缘)Infra-Red(模拟红外线摄影效果,结果为黑白胶片)Lens Distortion(修正镜头的失真,也可以模拟广角镜效果)Light!(模拟各类光照效果,内置模板)Light Balancing(色温校正工具)Low Contrast(补光以使暗部加亮)Mist, Warm Mist,Black Mist,Warm Black Mist(55mm特有的朦胧效果,其中Warm Mist偏暖色,而BlackMist效果较细致)Mono Tint(单色着色效果)ND Grad(中灰镜效果)Night Vision(夜视镜效果)Overexpose(模拟曝光过度)Ozone(利用分区曝光法理论进行图像的精细调节)Photographic Filters(模仿各类滤光镜效果)Polarizer(偏光镜效果,通常用于调节天空)Printer Points(胶片正片效果)Rack Focus(变焦效果)Radial Exposure(暗角修正)ReLight(加光效果)Rosco Calcolor, Cinegel, Cinelux,and Storaro Selection(模仿各类Rosco公司的滤色镜效果,内置镜头模板)Selection(选取工具)Selective Color Correct(选择区域调色)Selective Saturation(精细的饱和度调节工具)Silver Reflector(模仿银反射镜效果)Skin Smoother(去除皮肤皱纹及斑点)Soft Effects,Warm Soft Effects(柔化效果)Split Field(分割画面区域并对一侧进行模糊)Star(星光镜效果)Streaks(运动镜头造成的条纹效果)Strip Grad(条状滤色镜效果,适用于狭窄天空的调整)Sunset/Twilight(三重着色形成的落日效果)Telecine(模拟胶转磁的调色过程)Temperature(简单易用的色温调节器)Tint(着色器,支持HSV和HLS模型)Ultra Contrast(修正逆光下的前景黑暗)Vignette(暗角效果)Vari-Star(多点星光效果)Warm/Cool(冷暖色调整)。

浓眉眉目 视觉幻想器说明书

浓眉眉目 视觉幻想器说明书

VISUAL PRESENTERINSTRUCTION MANUALPlease read this instruction manual carefully before using this Visual Presenter and keep it for future reference.IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDSoperating instructions should be read before theappliance is operated.Retain Instructions The safety andoperating instructions should be retained forfuture reference.Heed Warnings All warnings on theproduct and in the operating instructions shouldbe adhered to.Follow Instructions All operating and useinstructions should be followed.Cleaning Unplug this product from the walloutlet before cleaning. Do not use liquidcleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp clothfor cleaning.Attachments Do not use attachments notrecommended by the product manufacturer asthey may cause hazards.Water and Moisture Do not use thisproduct near water - for example, near a bathtub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in awet basement, or near a swimming pool, and thelike.Accessories Do not place this product onan unstable cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table.The product may fall, causing serious injury to achild or adult, and serious damage to theproduct. Use only with a cart, stand, tripod,bracket, or table recommended by themanufacturer, or sold with the product. Anymounting of the product should follow themanufacturer's instructions, and should use amounting accessory recommended by themanufacturer.Ventilation Slots and openings in thecabinet are provided for ventilation and toensure reliable operation of the product and toprotect it from overheating, and these openingsmust not be blocked or covered. The openingsshould never be blocked by placing the producton a bed, sofa, rug, or other similar surface.This product should not be placed in a built-ininstallation such as a bookcase or rack unlessproper ventilation is provided or themanufacturer's instructions have been adheredto.Object and Liquid Entry Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out parts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.Servicing Do not attempt to service thisproduct yourself as opening or removing covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.Damage Requiring Service Unplug this product from the wall outlet and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:When the power-supply cord or plug is damaged.If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the product.If the product has been exposed to rain or water.If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that are covered by the operating instructions as an improper adjustment of other controls may result in damage and will often require extensive work by a qualified technician to restore the product to its normal operation.If the product has been dropped or damaged in any way.When the product exhibits a distinct change in performance - this indicates a need for service.Replacement Parts When replacement parts are required, be sure the servicetechnician has used replacement parts specifiedby the manufacturer or have the sameThe lightning flash with arrowhead symbol,within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated "dangerous voltage" within the product's enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. This marking is located at the bottom of product.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the product.SA 1965SA 1966characteristics as the original part. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire, electric shock or other hazards.Safety Check Upon completion of anyservice or repairs to this product, ask the service technician to perform safety checks to determine that the product is in proper operating condition.Heat The product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (including amplifiers) that produce heat.Use the Visual Presenter under the rated electrical conditions.Do not leave the Presenter under direct sunlight or by heaters, or the Presenter may be discolored, deformed, or damaged.Do not place the Presenter in any humid, dusty, windy or vibrating location. Use the Presenter in the following environmental conditions:Temperature:5°C~40°C (41°F~104°F)Humidity: 30~85% (No condensation)Use a soft, dry cloth for cleaning. Do not use any volatile solvent, such as thinner or benzine.Do not directly point the camera lens into the sun, or the camera may be damaged.Caring for the batteries:·If the Presenter is not used for a long time, take out the batteries from the case.·Do not use rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries.·Do not use new and old batteries, or batteries of different types together.·Do not try to recharge or short-circuit the batteries.1.Part Names and Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Appearance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Front Operation Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Rear Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Wireless Remote Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92. Wireless Remote Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113. Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114. Ssetting Up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Connection to the monitor and the projector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Connection to the RGB-in terminalConnection to the composite video-in terminal Connection to the S-video-in terminalRGB input signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Signal assignment Pin arrangementRGB output signal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Signal assignment (DSUB 15P shrinking terminal)Connection of analog RGB cableRestrictions on signal outputs (RGB composite video, S-video)Connecting the Desk-Top Presenter (HD-85XG). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165. Operation Procedures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Simple steps for presenting printed material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Simple steps for showing transparent material, such as overhead transparency or slide film . . . . . . . . 18Storing the Presenter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196. Various Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Input selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Table of video-in/out terminal selectionsResolution selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Zoom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Auto FocusPowered Manual FocusPosi/Nega conversion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Color/B&W selection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Image rotation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Iris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Video pointer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Pause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Enlarging the image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26LCD monitor bracket socket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26About the PC software "Image Mate for USB". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267. OSD (On-Screen Display). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Main menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Set menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 8. RS-232C Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31Setting up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Cable connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 RS-232C connector specifications (DSUB 9P). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Table of the communication commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Data format specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Transmission command (PC Visual Presenter)Response data format (Visual Presenter PC)Transmission specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 9. Troubuleshooting Hints. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3510. Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36GeneralCameraLightingSupplied accessoriesStorage Compartment22. Pause Button20. Color/B&W Selection Button24. Focus ButtonsComposite-Video (RCA pinjack)Part Name Function Reference Page 26Power Cord Receptacle [AC IN]To connect the power cord.27AC Outlet To supply power up to 400W (Not interlocked with the power switch).28DC Output Terminal To output 12VDC. Any applicable equipment up to 0.9A can be [OUTPUT]connected. The optional LCD Color Monitor (LM-5011N) orELMO Desk-top Presenter (HD-80XG) can be connected with thesupplied DC cable.Note: Do not connect any equipment other than ELMO HD-80XG.29Infrared Sensor The light receiver of the wireless remote control. When operatingthe Presenter from behind, aim the wireless remote control at thislight receiver.30Mouse Control Terminal To connect the supplied mouse.[MOUSE CONTROL]Note: A serial type mouse is connected.31RS-232C Terminal To connect a PC with an RS-232C cable to control the Presenter from [RS-232C]the PC.Note: This terminal is disabled if the USB terminal is usedfor controlling the Presenter.32USB Terminal To connect the supplied USB cable to control the image transfer and [USB]the Presenter by using the supplied CD-ROM [Image Mate for USB].Note: This terminal is disabled if the RS-232C terminal isused for controlling the Presenter.33Analog RGB Output Terminal To connect RGB input equipment, such as an LCD Projector and a [OUTPUT•RGB OUT]Multi-SYNC Monitor, to output the image.34Video-out Terminal To connect a NTSC/PAL conformable monitor, such as a TV [OUTPUT•S-VIDEO/VIDEO]monitor and the optional LCD Color Monitor (LM-5011N), toS-Video (mini DIN 4P)output the image.Composite-Video (RCA pinjack)35Audio-out Terminal To connect audio input equipment to output the audio.[OUTPUT•AUDIO]36Video-in Terminal 1Video signal from this terminal is output through the analog RGB [INPUT•RGB1]output terminal when input selection is set at RGB1.37Video-in Terminal 2Video signal from this terminal is output through the analog RGB [INPUT•RGB2]output terminal when input selection is set at RGB2.38Audio-in Terminal 1Audio signal from this terminal is output through the audio-out [INPUT•AUDIO (L / R)1]terminal when input selection is set at RGB1.39Audio-in Terminal 2Audio signal from this terminal is output through the audio-out [INPUT•AUDIO (L / R)2]terminal when input selection is set at RGB2.P.11 P.3142.45. IMAGE46.47.RGB2RGB1FARNEARConnect the mouse to the mouse control terminal on the rear panel.The mouse can control the display and movement of the OSD and video pointer.Reference Page·OSD P.27·Video pointer P.25(1)Unfold the lighting unit arms fully until they come to thedeadend. Unfold arm 1 and then arm 2 as illustrated.(2)Press the column lock release button, and raise the columnuntil the column lock release button returns to the original position. Make sure that the column has been locked properly.(3)Plug the power cord into the power cord receptacle of thePresenter and the AC outlet.34Connection to the S-video-in terminalConnect the S-video-out terminal (mini DIN 4P) of the Presenter to the S-video-in terminal of the monitor.For the S-video mode, use the supplied 4P mini DIN cable or an S-video connection cable available on the market. If the equipment to be used is provided with a Y/C separate connector, a conversion adapter is necessary.Connection of analog RGB cableSignal assignment (DSUB 15P shrinking terminal)109876123451112131415Analog 0.7V(p-p) 75ΩTTL level (positive / negative polarity)TTL level (positive / negative polarity)TTL level (positive / negative polarity)DSUB 15P shrinking terminal (Female)Pin arrangement12345Pin Video input (Red)Video input (Green)Video input (Blue)NC GNDRGBoutput signalRestrictions on signal outputs (RGB, Composite video, S-video)Note:The specifications with "" are not effective.1In operating the buttons on the front operation panel, the scroll function is prioritized. 2Pausing is released.3RED and BLUE inversely work in the manual mode.Use the DC OUT socket of the unit to connect ELMO HD-80XG.Note:When using the DC cable (supplied), AC adapter supplied with LM-5011N/HD-80XG is not used.Front operation panel Wireless remote control Front operation panelStoring the PresenterNote:The Presenter can not be stored with the LCD monitor(optional) attached. Before storing, detach the LCD monitor (optional) and monitor bracket (optional),if connected.(3)Fold down the lighting unit arms 3 and 4. Be sure to folddown arm 3 first as per the illustration.(2)Press the column lock release button, and fold down the maincolumn.Note:The illustration shows the storage position of thecolumn. Never apply excessive force to the column.1234(1)Turn OFF the power switch, and unplug the power cord andthe video cable.LightingThe upper lighting unit for presenting material such as printed matter and 3-D object, and the baselight for presentingtransparent material, such as slide, and negative film, are built in the Presenter.Depending on the material to be presented, press the button [UPPER]or [BASE]on the front operation panel or wireless remote control. The indication lamp will blink for a few seconds, and then the fluorescent lamp will light up.To turn OFF the lamp, press the button for the respective lamp.It has been so set before shipment that the lighting unit lights up when the power supply is turned ON.Notes:·It is impossible to have the upper lighting unit andthe baselight lit up together.·When the lightness of the material surface is notsufficiently high or a 3-D object is presented, a sharp image with good color rendering can be obtained with the upper lighting unit.·To reduce glare, attach enclosed stickers, asshown, to the outside ends, of toplights.Input selectionconnections.Press the input selection button the following page.Note:The Composite-Video Terminal and the S-Video Terminal receive the image from the main camera regardless of the input selection.Resolution selectionXGA SVGAbutton [MAIN/MODE]is pressed.built-in camera/mode button·····Array··Roughly bring the camera into focus manuallyVideo pointerWhen the pointer button [POINTER]on the wireless remote control is pressed or the left button of the mouse is clicked, the video pointer appears.The video pointer is moved by using the direction buttons on the wireless remote control or front operation panel of the Presenter or by clicking and dragging the left button of the mouse.When the pointer button [POINTER]on the wireless remote control is pressed or the left button of the mouse is clicked, the video pointer disappears.Note:The video pointer is switched to the moving pointerwhen the image is electronically magnified or rotated (90û / 270û ) and the screen is scrolled.PauseNote:Enlarging the imageTo double the image.When the button [2X]camera.the main camera.LCD monitorLCD monitor bracketLCD monitor bracket socketAbout the PC software "Image Mate for USB"When the application [Image Mate for USB] is installed, the following operation are enabled:· Image data transfer to the PC· Operation of the Presenter by the PCFor further detail, refer to the installation manual for the application [Image Mate for USB] and the file [manual.pdf]in the CD-ROM.Reference Page· USB/RS-232C selectionP.30Front operation panelWhen the left button of the mouse is clicked or the menu button [MENU]on the remote control is pressed, the OSD menu and the pointer appear.Each function item is set by using the mouse or the remote control buttons.Cable connection543219876123456789CD RXD TXD DTR SG DSR RTS CTS RICD RXD TXD DTR SG DSR RTS CTS RI (CI)123456789DSUB 9P (Female)54321DOS/V side: DSUB 9P (Female)Visual Presenter side(DSUB 9P)DOS/V side (DSUB 9P)Note:"" in the data column means that SPACE [20H] should be transmitted twice.Transmission Command (PC Visual Presenter)Each operation command is executed in ASCII code, and transmitted in a set of 7 bytes as follows:If the trouble still remains after checking the above, consult your dealer or an authorized ELMO service center.Supplied accessoriesOptions·LCD monitor bracketNote:The specifications are subject to change without notice.Dimensions and weight are approximate.Trademark AcknowledgementsVESA is a registered trademark of Video Electronics Standards Association.ELMO, VISUAL PRESENTER/Visual Presenter, FOCUSFREE, Image Mate are registered trademarks of Elmo Co., Ltd.ELMO CO., LTD.6-14, Meizen-cho, Mizuho-ku,Nagoya, 467-8567, JapanOVERSEAS SUBSIDIARY COMPANIESU.S.A.Elmo Mfg. Corp.1478 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803-5034Tel : (516)501-1400Fax : (516)501-0429E-mail:****************web : /Canada Elmo Canada Mfg. Corp.44 West Drive, Brampton, Ontario L6T 3T6Tel : (905)453-7880Fax : (905)453-2391E-mail:*******************Web : /Germany Elmo (Europe) G.m.b.HNeanderstr. 18, 40233 DüsseldorfTel : (0211)376051Fax : (0211)376630E-mail:******************web : in Japan6X1VHCN02。

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Smoothing DCT Compression Artifacts N A.J.Ahumada,Jr.and R.HorngASA Ames Research Center,Moffett Field,CAI ABSTRACTmage compression based on quantizing the d image in the discrete cosine transform (DCT)omain can generate blocky artifacts in the out-s a put image.It is possible to reduce these artifact nd RMS error by adjusting measures of block g t edginess and image roughness,while restrictin he DCT coefficient values to values that would d i have been quantized to those of the compresse mage.We also introduce a DCT coefficient .amplitude adjustment that reduces RMS error INTRODUCTIONn i Lossy image compression in the DCT domai s achieved by the quantization of the DCTt i coefficients.The quantization of a single coefficien n a single block causes the reconstructed image to p differ from the original image by an error image roportional to the associated basis function in that -n block.Our goal here is to try to reduce the blocki ess without reducing the accuracy of the recon-struction.The sum of squared differences between adja-t cent block edge pixels is a measure of blockiness hat tends to increase with the amount of compres-k e sion.A similar measure taken away from the bloc dge provides an estimate of the blockiness in the t original image.Lowering the blockiness value to his estimate,while limiting coefficient change to b the quantization level,can reduce both apparent lockiness and RMS (root mean square)error.r s Weighting spatial frequency components by thei patial frequency and then summing their squared e i values give a measure of image roughness.Som mprovement results from rereducing the within-s h block image roughness if reducing the blockines as increased it.This method has been presented earlier.Here we also describe a DCT amplitude 1adjustment procedure that itself reduces RMS error a and improves the performance of the smoothing lgorithm.The goal of this project is the development of h algorithms for improving the quality of images that ave already been compressed by a JPEG-like b scheme in which the image is divided up intolocks,each block is converted to DCT coefficients,t and these coefficients are then quantized.In JPEG here follows a stage of lossless encoding that weignore for the present purpose.We assume that we q have the quantized coefficients and the matrix of uantization values.Our problem is to find an e i image that is more like the original image than th mage obtained simply by performing the inverse DCT on the quantized coefficients.Fig.1shows an original image.Fig.2shows t a that image after quantization and restoration withou ny de-blocking.Fig.3shows the corresponding .O images after our de-blocking algorithm is applied ur method can be described as follows:o 1)Adjust the amplitudes of the DCT coefficients t reduce the RMS error.2)Measure the blockiness of the image and estimate 3how blocky it should be.)Lower the blockiness to the estimate.e 4)Ensure that all DCT coefficients quantize to thos of the compressed image.s 5)If the within-block roughness of the image ha increased,restore it to its original value.e 6)Ensure that all DCT coefficients quantize to thos of the compressed image.In the rest of the paper,we make this descrip-r t tion more precise,show some quantitative results fo his image.and relate our work to that of others.e We conclude that if the quantization is strong nough to generate significant block artifacts,our d method gives moderate de-blocking and a small ecrease in the RMS image error.THEORYmThe DCT image transfor The discrete cosine transform (DCT)has.become a standard method of image compression 2,3b Typically the image is divided into 8×8-pixel locks,which are each transformed into 64DCT N coefficients.The DCT coefficients I ,of an N ×u ,v x ,y yblock of image pixels i ,are given b I =i c c ,u ,v =0,N −1,(1a)N −1x ,y x ,u y ,v 0N −1y =0u ,v x =ΣΣwherec =αcos(2Nπu[2x +1]),(1b)andx ,u u α= 2/N ,u >01/N ,u =0.(1c)u √ √D CT coefficient quantization-In JPEG quantization a coefficient is quan 2,3tized by the operationS =Round(Q I ).(2)u ,v vu ,v u ,u ,v l t The compressed image contains both the S for al he blocks and the Q .To retrieve the image,first t u ,v he DCT coefficients are restored (with their quanti-zation error)byI ˆ=S Q ,(3)u u ,v u ,v u ,v ,v where Q denotes the quantizer step size used for coefficient I .The blocks of image pixels are u ,v reconstructed by the inverse transform:)i ˆ=I ˆc c ,(4x ,y u =0N −1v =0N −1u ,v x ,u y ,v w ΣΣhich for this normalization is the same as the for-so ward transform.Our goal is to find better estimate f these coefficients.DCT coefficient amplitude adjustmentec The standard method of restoring th oefficient,using Eq.3,is equivalent to replacing i each coefficient by the center of the quantization nterval in which the original coefficient falls.The u distribution of the non-DC coefficients for a given ,v peaks at zero and decreases monotonically.e d For quantization intervals not including zero,th istribution of the original coefficients is denser at f t the end of the interval closer to zero.The mean o he distribution is the minimum mean squared error b reconstructor.For simplicity,we model the distri-ution of absolute amplitudes as exponential with .mean µ.We estimate µby the mean of the S u ,v u ,v yWe then replace S b S −0.5+µ−1−e e ,if S >0,−1/µu ,v µu ,v−1/u ,v u ,v )S ,if S =0,(5.,if S <0ee S +0.5−µ+1−u ,v−1/µ−1/µu ,v S i The dotted line in Fig.4shows the RM mprovement for the image in Fig.1as a function o 1of the level of quantization,which ranged from 5t 00in steps of 5.A constant quantization matrix -t was used.For moderately high levels of quantiza ion,the amplitude adjustment was not as effective.t Comparing the predicted means of the interval dis-ribution with the actual means,we find that Eq.5noverestimates the desired correction when the mea of the S is a small fraction.This is probably c u ,v aused by the poor fit of the exponential near zero,A where the actual distribution is measure of blockinesso Suppose i and i are the image values of tw 12pixels that are next to each other in the same row or t t column,but are in different blocks.We assume tha he blockiness of the compressed image is related to the fact that before compression,the values of i 1a 2nd i were usually similar,but they have beene t made more different by the quantization.We defin he edge variance E to be sum of the squared differences for all such pixel pairs.E =(i −i ),(6)Σ122The block edge variance E is our measure of imageblockiness.We estimate the desired value of the edge e p variance by computing the same measure for th ixels just inside the edge on either side and taking v the average.If this estimate is less than the edge ariance,we attempt to reduce the edge variance to o this value.This reduction is done in the direction f the gradient of edge variance and may not be n t completely achieved if the minimum reduction i his direction is above the next-to-edge variance.y a Adjusting the edge variance in this way onl lters the edge pixels.The problem has been s b reduced at the boundary,but a new problem ha een created inside the blocks.We attempt to f i reduce this problem by monitoring a measure o mage roughness in the blocks.s A global measure of intra-block roughnes Our measure of the intra-block roughness is d b the sum of squares of the DCT coefficients weighte y their spatial frequency,R =(u +v )I ,(7)u ,v22u ,v 2Σsummed over all blocks.By weighting each com-u +v ,we ponent I by its spatial frequency √ u ,v 22e v obtain a measure closely related to the total edg ariance inside the block.If this measure increases r after reducing the edge variance,we attempt toeturn it to its original value by changing it along its S gradient.moothing resultsThe solid line in Fig.4shows the ratio of the c RMS error in the smoothed picture to that of the ompressed image.It shows that the smoothing :i usually improved the accuracy of image restoration t improves the RMS error except in the case thatt he quantization is very low and the the next-to-edge i estimate is also low.Fortunately,in this case,the mage will only be slightly changed and there would be no apparent need for de-blocking.DISCUSSIONe g The present problem is a special case of th eneral problem discussed by Wu and Gersho ,4n o optimal decoding of an image under the assumptio f constrained encoding.They formalize the prob-e a lem as that of finding the image that minimizes th verage value of a distortion function.In an earlier f paper ,they applied this concept to the derivation o 5optimal additive contribution to the block for each )d possible level of each DCT coefficient.Their (NLI ecoder gave a 0.7dB improvement in mean square 0error on a diverse 23image training set and about .5dB improvement on new images.They report m apparent reduction in blockiness,but since the ethod was restricted to within blocks,it does not -m directly attack the problem.Our amplitude adjust ent is an application of this strategy to the single e DCT coefficient amplitudes.The use of thexponential distribution model removes the depen-c dence on amplitude and represents the effects of oefficient indices and quantization level to be d f represented by a single parameter easily estimate rom the quantized data.Stevenson has analyzed this problem from t 6,7he maximum a posterior (MAP)point of view.e p The goal is to find the image that maximizes th robability of the image given the quantized image.f Using a non-Gaussian Markov random field model or the image distribution,the resulting solution is s w the minimum of a roughness function similar to our ith the squaring operation replaced by a Huber n c operation in the space domain.The quantizatio onstraint is also enforced.The method appears to G c strongly reduce blocking for the Lena picture,JPE ompressed at 30to 1,but no quantitative measures b are reported.The Huber function is reported to be etter than the squaring operation at allowing edges i in the original image to persist through the smooth-ng.Our methods and results are similar to the d K iterative projection method of Yang,Galatsanos,an atsaggelos ,They also use edge variance and the q 8uantization constraint.They compute separate hor-t izontal and vertical edge variances and force them o their correct values in the original image by a t weighted averaging of edge pixels.They iterate hese two constraints in conjunction with the quanti-s zation constraint and range constraints in both the pace and DCT domains.Since the constraints areprojections onto convex sets,iterating them iss a guaranteed to terminate,since the original image i solution.They report a 1dB improvement in t r RMS error of reconstruction and strong apparen eduction in the blockiness for the 256×256Lena -t image when the PSNR for the original reconstruc ion was 27.9dB.Our method differs from their k s method mainly in the addition of the within bloc moothness constraint and the estimation of the edge variance.SUMMARYg D We have presented a method of estimatin CT coefficients from their quantized values and n t the quantization matrix,which are both included i he JPEG standard compressed image file.This m 2ethod of image reconstruction can reduce blocki-i ness and RMS error in DCT quantized images.It ncludes a simple method of DCT coefficient ampli-tude adjustment that reduces the RMS error itself.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSn a We appreciate the assistance of A.Watso nd J.Solomon.This work was supported by d N NASA RTOP Nos.199-06-31and 505-64-53an ASA Cooperative Agreement NAC 2-307with Stanford University.REFERENCESg 1. 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