Why do I need to review and accept Disclosures?
Disclosures contain important terms and conditions that apply to your application and note.
What is Back-Up Withholding? What is FATCA?
How do I fund my Ford Interest Advantage The initial investment must be processed as an external transfer
note when using the online application from an existing bank account. A check investment is not
Ford Employees are provided the option to fund their Ford Interest Advantage note using payroll deduction.
Ford Interest Advantage Online Note Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions and Help Information
Why do I need to provide a Driver's License or State ID?
The Driver's License or State ID is used as a form of identification verification.
商贷还款表 4 (上浮5%)
贷款 年利率 等额本息 等额本金 递减 年限 (%) 每月还款 首月还款 到期一次还清 6.30 1 445.27 470.48 2.24 2 6.46 306.30 331.59 1.49 3 6.46 238.17 264.33 1.17 4 6.72 196.69 222.67 0.93 5 6.72 169.90 196.20 0.80 6 6.88 150.33 176.36 0.68 7 6.88 135.73 161.48 0.60 8 6.88 124.44 149.91 0.53 9 6.88 115.48 140.65 0.48 10 6.88 108.20 133.07 0.43 11 6.88 102.19 126.76 0.40 12 6.88 97.14 121.42 0.37 13 6.88 92.87 116.84 0.34 14 6.88 89.20 112.87 0.32 15 6.88 86.03 109.40 0.30 16 6.88 83.26 106.33 0.28 17 6.88 80.84 103.61 0.27 18 6.88 78.70 101.17 0.25 19 6.88 76.80 98.98 0.24 20 6.88 75.10 97.00 0.23 21 6.88 73.59 95.19 0.22 22 6.88 72.23 93.54 0.21 23 6.88 71.01 92.03 0.20 24 6.88 69.90 90.65 0.19 25 6.88 68.90 89.36 0.18 26 6.88 67.98 88.18 0.18 27 6.88 67.16 87.07 0.17 28 6.88 66.40 86.05 0.16 29 6.88 65.71 85.09 0.16 30 6.88
二、贷款方案1. 贷款对象:年满18周岁,具有完全民事行为能力的中华人民共和国公民。
2. 贷款额度:根据消费者的信用状况、还款能力及购车需求,贷款额度最高不超过购车总价的80%。
3. 贷款期限:贷款期限最长不超过5年(60个月)。
4. 贷款利率:按照中国人民银行同期贷款基准利率执行,如有浮动,根据市场情况进行调整。
5. 还款方式:等额本息还款法,每月还款金额固定。
6. 贷款流程:(1)客户向合作经销商提出贷款购车申请;(2)合作经销商对客户进行初步审核,并将符合条件客户的资料提交给贷款机构;(3)贷款机构对客户进行信用评估,审核通过后,与客户签订贷款合同;(4)客户按照合同约定,向贷款机构支付首付款;(5)贷款机构将贷款金额发放至合作经销商账户;(6)合作经销商为客户办理车辆购置税、保险等手续,并将车辆交付客户;(7)客户按照合同约定,按时还款。
7. 合作金融机构:本项目与国内知名金融机构合作,为客户提供安全、可靠的贷款服务。
三、风险管理1. 客户信用评估:贷款机构将对客户的信用状况进行严格评估,确保客户具备还款能力。
2. 贷款担保:客户需提供一名具备还款能力的担保人,以提高贷款安全性。
3. 贷款保险:为客户提供贷款信用保险,降低贷款风险。
4. 贷后管理:贷款机构将对贷款客户进行定期回访,了解客户还款情况,确保贷款安全。
四、优惠政策1. 首付比例优惠:客户首付比例越高,贷款利率越低。
2. 贷款手续费减免:合作经销商将减免部分贷款手续费,减轻客户负担。
3. 购车礼包:购车客户可获得价值5000元的精品礼包。
DDS内核 ..................................................................................... 19 12位DAC输出............................................................................ 20 DAC校准输出............................................................................ 20 重构滤波器 ................................................................................ 20 时钟输入(REF_CLK/REF_CLK) ............................................ 21 PLL锁定指令.............................................................................. 22 输出幅度键控(OSK)................................................................. 22 数字斜坡发生器(DRG) ........................................................... 23 省电控制..................................................................................... 27 编程和功能引脚............................................................................. 28 串行编程 .......................................................................................... 31 控制接口——串行I/O.............................................................. 31 通用串行I/O操作...................................................................... 31 指令字节..................................................................................... 31 串行I/O端口引脚功能描述 .................................................... 31 串行I/O时序图 .......................................................................... 32 MSB/LSB传输 ............................................................................ 32 并行编程(8/16位)........................................................................... 33 寄存器图和位功能描述................................................................ 34 寄存器位功能描述 ................................................................... 39 外形尺寸 .......................................................................................... 45 订购指南..................................................................................... 45
付款金额 100,000.00 400,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 789.00 70,000.00 450,000.00 450,015.50 19,577.17 50,000.00 50,000.00 1,206.00 200,000.00 900.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 900.00 30,000.00 20,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 300,000.00 1,350.00 600,000.00 300,000.00 600,020.50
收款人 王国鹭 郭志勇 涂瑞金 卓少瑜 王国鹭 王国鹭 杨丽珍 李庆良 王国鹭 邬宇水 王国鹭 王国鹭 林燕冰 陈立元 陈立元 洪艳治 王国鹭 洪艳治 王国鹭 邬宇水 涂瑞金 柯桂龙 甘如驰 丁明聪 何惠青 曾毅龙
所在银行 农行 农行 农行 现金支票0004619 现付 现付 工行 现付 农行 农行 农行 现付 现付 现付 现金支票00044631 农行 建行 农行 农行 现金支票00044634 农行 农行 现金支票00044635 农行 农行 建行 工行 现金支票00044644 建行 建行 第 5 页,厦门华美轻工业发展有限公司 刘设计 雷凌 涂瑞金 翁彦晖 张永安 林建文 曾作为 雷凌 李庆良 王美云 王美云 魏允镇 翁彦晖
所在银行 农行 承兑汇票 现付 承兑汇票 承兑汇票 交行 建行 工行 农行 建行 农行
用途 设计费 付酒店设计费 空调预付款 合同预付款 第二批合同保证金 蓝宝石 华美电费11月 消防首笔进度款 结构设计费 空调首批进度款 室内设计费 华美10月电费24302.15水费202 红旗订金 付红旗修车款 付红旗修车款 修车款 维修费(小魏) 红旗车款 付酒店设计费 付红旗车 水电费 华美12月电费20863.82和11月水费231 钢材用款 消防款 消防 钢材用款 室内设计费 空调第二批进度款
I: 月还款额计算公式 D=AxBx(1+B)^C/[(1+B)^C-1]
还贷期数 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123
当月利息(元) ¥822.50 ¥820.43 ¥818.35 ¥816.26 ¥814.17 ¥812.06 ¥809.95 ¥807.83 ¥805.70 ¥803.56 ¥801.42 ¥799.26 ¥797.10 ¥794.93 ¥792.75 ¥790.56 ¥788.37 ¥786.16 ¥783.95 ¥781.73 ¥779.50 ¥777.26 ¥775.01 ¥772.75 ¥770.48 ¥768.21 ¥765.93 ¥763.63 ¥761.33 ¥759.02 ¥756.70 ¥754.37 ¥752.03 ¥749.69 ¥747.33 ¥744.96 ¥742.59 ¥740.20 ¥737.81 ¥735.41 ¥732.99
A: 贷款总额
C: D:
还款期数 月还款额
¥210,000.00 0.391667% 240 ¥1,351.34
E: 还款总额(元)
F: 年利率
G: 利息总额(元)
H: 利息总额计算公式 G=Ax[BxC-1)x(1+B)^C& 月还款额计算公式 D=AxBx(1+B)^C/[(1+B)^C-1]
详情如下:车型厂商指导价(万元)4S店报价(万元)优惠幅度现车情况福克斯两厢10.48~15.39 10.48~15.39 货款两年期零利率有现车福克斯两厢售价:7.38万-17.49万查看最新报价品牌:长安福特相关:综述参数图片经销商报价口碑油耗论坛价格波动分析:福克斯销售情况一直保持平稳态势,现推出贷款两年期零利率的活动,感兴趣的朋友不妨店内详细了解一下。
核定座位数5投保司机是投保乘客是12.88万实际价值12.88万0%2016年1月1日玻璃产地国产2016年1月10日折扣系数0.952011年7月1日2011年12月31日2016年1月10日2016年12月31日类别投保标准保费折后保费是12.88万5661.35%2304.802189.56是50万1601.001520.95司机2万82.0077.90乘客1万/座104.0098.80是12.88万1200.50%764.00725.80否12.88万0.000.00否12.88万0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否10万0.000.00是345.72328.43是240.15228.14是27.9026.51是152.80145.16否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.00否A 款0.000.00否0.000.00否300900.000.00否进口费率区间15%-60%0.000.00否0.000.00否0.000.0056225341法定保险是12.29509503606572629166512000家庭自用汽车整备质量玻璃单独破碎险是0.41%1000015%9座及9座以下非营运客车(含越野车)基本险投保险别车辆损失险车损免赔额特约条款附加险不计免赔特约条款-特约条款-费率短期(新车)10000-未缴短期应缴起期新增设备损失险0.26%缴税止期车上责任险不计免赔--短期应缴止期缴税起期救援费用特约条款交强险多次事故免赔率特约条款商业险车辆种类-投保金额/赔偿限额-道路污染责任险车辆类型交强险车辆种类小型普通客车--5000010%-万--2%20% 车 船 税 及 保 费 总 计车 船 税商 业 险 合 计保 费 总 计车辆用途0.19%家庭自用车自燃损失险初次登记日期第三者责任险涉水损失险全车盗抢险6座以下全车盗抢险不计免赔6座以下客车福建分公司-1.35%2000车 船 税0.00%1.20%0.12%5.00%0.00%缴费期限状态备 注0.00%5000精神损害抚慰金责任险起保日期-换件特约条款车损险不计免赔交强险浮动比例尊敬的客户:本报价单只作为保险公司给您报价的依据。
2024年上半年明检考试(金融专员)\n(满分:100分)1、请问在车贷中年费率通常是以一年期利息与()的百分比计算 [单选题] *A、费用B、本金(正确答案)C、车价答案解析:B2、请问等额本息汽车金融产品的特点之一是只有首付款和()两部分。
[单选题] *A、等额利息B、等额月供(正确答案)C、等额本金答案解析:B3、请问等额本息汽车金融产品特别适合那类人员? [单选题] *A、包工头B、农民C、有固定收入人士(正确答案)D、无固定收入人士答案解析:C4、请问贷款首付一般指的是按揭购车中车价减去()的首次购车费用 [单选题] *A、利息B、费用C、贷款金额(正确答案)答案解析:C5、请问汽车金融贷款期限一般最长为()? [单选题] *A、24期B、36期C、48期D、60期(正确答案)答案解析:D6、请问每期只还利息,尾款再还本金的还款方式对应的是那种金融产品? [单选题] *A、等额本息产品B、等额本金产品C、气球贷产品(正确答案)答案解析:C7、在现实工作场景中,会有客户要求先提走车辆再办理抵押登记。
您碰到这种情况会如何处理?() [单选题] *A、先让客户提走,待客户上完牌后再抵押B、必须上完牌,办理抵押后再放车(正确答案)C、收取小额抵押保证金后放车D、等客户上完牌再放车,后续再办抵押答案解析:B8、在现实工作场景中,当怀疑客户提供的银行流水有造假嫌疑时,我们可采用下面哪些方面来鉴别?() [单选题] *A、打电话到银行询问流水的真实性B、通过流水的打印日期查看真伪C、选择其中金额较大的交易,询问客户对业务的了解程度,通过观察客户的回答判断真伪(正确答案)D、查询打印流水的银行是否真实存在答案解析:C9、关于“金融信息客户跟踪管理表”的功能,描述正确的是?() [单选题] *A、可以看出销售顾问的金融渗透率B、可以看出分车型的渗透率C、可以了解客户的资质D、可以了解客户的申请、审批进度(正确答案)答案解析:D10、您认为以下选项中符合在证券公司购买一年期债券所获得的收益率是? [单选题] *A、1-4%(正确答案)B、4-10%C、>10%D、>12%答案解析:A11、您认为以下选项中符合互联网金融稳健型产品一年期收益率的是? [单选题] *A、0.3-2%B、2-5%(正确答案)C、5-10%D、>10%答案解析:B12、请问在客户完成按揭订车以后,为便于和客户沟通,让客户了解按揭办理情况,我们建议建立包括客户、销售顾问和金融顾问的()。
万元利率上浮10%后 月还款金额/壹万元 期限 基准年利率(%) 5年 201.59元 一至三年(含) 6.65 6年 174.14元 三至五年 6.90 7年 154.64元 五年以上(含) 7.05 8年 140.12元 9年 128.92元 10年 120.04元 11年 112.84元 12年 106.91元 备注:1、以上还款金额按照基准利率计算,仅供参考。 13年 101.94元 2、按揭还款方式为等额本息法。 3、借款申请人贷款期限原则上根据申请人的还款能力而定,且贷款到 14年 97.75元 15年 94.16元 期时年龄男不超过65周岁、女不超过60周岁,最低借款期限5年。 16年 91.06元 4、月还款额不能超过家庭月收入的50%,例如:A月供1250.00元,则A 17年 88.37元 家庭月收入必须大于2500.00元。 18年 86.02元 19年 83.95元 20年 82.13元
福特蓝优惠-金色认证限制有限担保(Ford Blue Advantage - Gold Certif
Ford Blue Advantage – Gold Certified Limited Warranty (“Limited Warranty”) coverage is provided by Ford Motor Company on eligible pre-owned vehicles. Ford Motor Company will provide for repair or replacement of covered components on the vehicle during the Limited Warranty period in accordance with the following terms, conditions and limitations.Gold Certified Limited Warranty Coverage:1. Comprehensive Coverage:Provided for 12 months or 12,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the expiration of the Ford New-VehicleLimited Warranty or the date of your Ford Blue Advantage – Gold Certified Vehicle purchase (whichever comes later). Coverage is not as extensive as that provided under the New-Vehicle Limited Warranty. See the New-Vehicle Limited Warranty Owner’s Guide for details.2. Powertrain Coverage:Provided for 7 years or 100,000 miles (whichever comes first) from the original Ford New-Vehicle Limited Warrantystart date.3. Deductible:Repairs completed under any remaining Ford New-Vehicle Limited Warranty coverage (if applicable) have a $0 standarddeductible per repair visit. Repairs completed under this Limited Warranty have a $100 standard deductible per repair visit.4. 24-Hour Roadside Assistance: The following services are provided by either Cross Country Motor Club Inc. or Cross Country California Inc.To request Roadside Assistance or for customer inquiries/claims, call Ford Roadside at 800-241-3673 or write to Ford Roadside atP.O. Box 9145, Medford, MA 02155. Roadside service includes:• Flat tire change • Travel expense reimbursement up to $1,000 for up to five days when the• Battery jump starts breakdown occurs 100 miles or more from your residence• Towing assistance up to $100 • Destination assistance covers taxi, shuttle or rental car expense up to $75 for• Lockout assistance emergency transportation to the immediate destination• Out-of-fuel assistance5. Rental Car Reimbursement: If your vehicle is inoperative and must be kept overnight for a covered repair performed under this LimitedWarranty, the Manufacturer’s Limited Warranty or a Ford Motor Company recall/customer satisfaction program, you may be eligible for reimbursement of receipted expenses for a rental car or for alternate public transportation (including but not limited to Uber, Lyft, etc.) for up to $40 per day (including tax) for up to five days or until repair is complete, whichever comes first.6. Where to Go for Repairs: To obtain repairs or services under this Limited Warranty on Ford products, we require that you return to your sellingdealer or any other Ford franchised dealership in the United States. You can call 800-392-FORD to find the nearest Ford Dealership. For an emergency repair, you may use other repair or service facilities if all local Ford or Lincoln Dealerships within a 25-mile radius are closed.7. Repairs: All repairs will be made with authorized new or remanufactured parts or other parts we authorize. Your dealer will repair, replace orservice all covered components that are found to be defective in factory-supplied materials or workmanship during the applicable warranty period based on this Limited Warranty. If parts are unavailable, we may offer you a cash settlement equivalent to the cost of parts or repair.Ford Motor Company reserves the right to review the requested repair or service or inspect the vehicle before performing any service or repairs.8. Loss Limits: Our liability for any one (1) repair visit shall not exceed the current retail value of your vehicle immediately prior to the breakdown.Retail value is to be determined by “National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) Guide” or other nationally published vehicle valuation guide, taking into consideration the location, mileage and condition of the vehicle. We will only participate in a repair and have no obligation to remit payment in lieu of repair. All benefits are subject to this limit of liability.9. Care of Vehicle:To obtain coverage or reimbursement under this Limited Warranty, you must: (i) properly operate and maintain theGold Certified Limited Warranty Covered Items – Powertrain Coverage:Unless otherwise excluded herein, the following items are covered.Engine – Cylinder block and internal lubricated parts, seals and gaskets, the cylinder heads, manifold (exhaust, intake and bolts), factory-installed turbocharger/supercharger units, timing chain (gears or belt), flywheel, valve covers, oil pan, timing chain cover, oil pump, water pump, thermostat and thermostat housing. (Exceptions: Fuel-injection components are not covered.)Transmission – Transmission case and all internal parts, including torque converter and transfer case (all internal parts), seals, gaskets and transmission control module.Front-Wheel Drive – Front drive housing and rear axle housing for AWD (including all internal parts), universal and constant velocity joints, axle shafts, locking rings (four-wheel-drive vehicles), seals and gaskets, and automatic front locking hubs (four-wheel drive).Rear-Wheel Drive – Drive axle housings and front axle housing for 4x4 (including all internal parts), universal and constant velocity joints, axle shafts, seals and gaskets, and driveshafts.Gold Certified Limited Warranty Covered Items – Comprehensive Coverage:All failures are covered except for those items excluded herein.What Is Not Covered by This Limited Warranty:A) Repairs covered by manufacturer recalls, insurance or in-force warranty or warranty provided by an insolvent manufacturer or insurer, even ifrepair coverage has been denied;B)Repairs to any engine, transmission and final-drive components for damages caused by an aftermarket (non-factory-installed) part,including but not limited to: turbocharger, supercharger, compressed natural gas (CNG), liquid propane gas (LPG), nitrous oxide fuel system modification or any other performance-enhancing powertrain components, including but not limited to racing parts or accessories;C)Repairs caused by loss of lubricants or fluids or contamination of oil, fluids or fuel. Repairs caused by continued operation of the vehicle afterloss of lubricant or fluids or contamination of oil, fluids or fuel;D)Repairs caused by: (1) improper or unauthorized service procedures, collisions or other physical damage to the vehicle; (2) damage causedby a foreign object; (3) unreasonable use (including driving over curbs, overloading or using the vehicle as a stationary power source);(4) continued use with an obvious failure; (5) damage from fire or explosions, road hazards, other casualty losses; or (6) losses due tonegligence, including racing;E)Failures caused by: (1) alterations or modifications of the vehicle, including the body, chassis or electronic components, after the vehicleleaves the control of the manufacturer; (2) any part designated for “off-road only’’ that is not installed by the manufacturer, including, but not limited to, lift kits, oversized tires, roll bars and performance-enhancing powertrain components; (3) tampering with the vehicle or the emissions system and components; (4) installation or use of any mechanical or electrical part not approved, certified or authorized by the vehicle’s manufacturer or any failure caused by aftermarket (non-factory-approved) PCM reprogramming;F)Repairs made to the vehicle that are required due to a condition that existed prior to the purchase or transfer of this Agreement;G)Repairs or services caused by lack of required or recommended maintenance;H)Scheduled maintenance services;I)Repairs needed to a covered part caused by the failure of a non-covered part;J)Repairs to the vehicle if the odometer is altered, broken, repaired or replaced so that we cannot determine the actual mileage on the vehicle; K)Repairs to the vehicle necessary due to operation outside of the United States, Guam, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, American Samoa or Canada;L)Loss of use of the vehicle, loss of income, special or consequential damages, and personal expenses, such as motels, food, gas and mileage (except as provided by Roadside Assistance);M) Rental vehicle charges or fees such as mileage charges, drop-off fees, insurance or gasoline;N)Shop supplies and disposal of environmental wastes from the vehicle or fuel used during the repair of your vehicle or storage fees;O)Electrical failures on incandescent bulbs, halogen bulbs, high-intensity discharge (HID) and LED lamp assemblies;P)Service adjustments and cleaning/lubricating procedures, fixed (non-moving) body parts, bumpers, glass, moldings, ornamentation, paint, rust, sheet metal, structural underbody framework, sideview and rearview mirrors (glass and housing), rattles/squeaks/wind noise/odors/water leaks, tires, tune-ups, wheel balancing, wheel alignment, fogging/moisture of lamp assemblies, weather strips, wheels, wheel studs, wheel covers, convertible top and bow, fabric, liners, fasteners, carpets, dash pad, knobs, trim, upholstery, physical damage or cosmetic issues;Q)Damage caused by the environment and pollution, including airborne fallout, corrosion, chemicals, debris, tree sap, salt, hail, windstorm, lightning, freezing, flooding, earthquake, snow or ice;R)Damage caused by theft, vandalism, terrorism, riot or acts of war;S)All wear Items, including batteries of all types and cables, brakes (front hub, drums, shoes, linings, disc rotors, pads), exhaust system (includes catalytic converter) and software upgrades;T)Costs or expenses of failures not covered by this Agreement, including teardown, rental expense, inspection or diagnosis;U)The following vehicles and/or usage are not covered by this Agreement: all competitive-make vehicles, Foose F-150®, GT, Mustang®, all Roush performance-modified vehicles (except Stage 1 and Stage 2), Shelby® GT500KR™, GTS, Supersnake and any other Shelby performance- modified vehicles, Tonka, all Saleen modified vehicles, and Transit Connect® Electric, taxis, vehicles used for competitive driving, racing, off-road use, performance-modified vehicles, 4x2-equipped vehicles modified for 4x4/AWD capabilities, police, fire, ambulances and tow trucks; V)Branded vehicles or any vehicle that does not have a valid or recognizable VIN, or the New-Vehicle Limited Warranty is voided, in whole or part, by the manufacturer;W) Vehicles manufactured for sale outside the United States or Canada;X)Coil-over shock sometimes defined as a strut, unless MacPherson-style suspension component;Y)Repairs or services to aftermarket performance-enhancing powertrain components, including, but not limited to, Ford racing parts or accessories.FBA-G-LWS-22 12/22。
例如,如果车主的续保年限为 3 年,车辆年限为 5 年,那么保险金额加倍的比例就是 3/5=0.6。
也就是说,如果车主购买的保险金额为 10 万元,那么在续保时,保险金额将加倍为 10 万*0.6=6 万元。
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