P ar t 大学英语四级考试2023年12月真题(第3套)及真题详细解析I W r i t i n g (30 m i nu t e s )D i re c t i o n s : S u pp o se t h e un i v ers i t y n e w s p a p e r i s i n v i t i n g su b m i s s i on s f r o m t h e s t u d e n t s f o r i t s c o m i n ge di t i on o n w h a t i n t h e i r u n i v e rs i t y i m p re sse s t h em m os t . Y o u a r e n o w t o wr i t e a n e ss a yf o r su b m i s s i on .Y o u w i l l h a v e 30 m i n u t e s t o w r i t e t h e e ss a y . Y o u s h o u l d wr i t e a t l e as t 120 w o r d s b u t n o mo r e t h a n 180w o r d s.L i s t e n i n g C o m p re h e ns i o n P ar t I Ⅱ(25 m i n u t e s )特别说明:由于多题多卷,官方第三套真题的听力试题与第二套真题的一致,只是选项顺序不同,因此,本套试卷不再提供听力部分。
R e a d i n g C o m p re h en s i o n P a r t Ⅲ(40 m i n u t es )S e c t i o n A D i rec t i o ns : I n t h i s sec t i o n , t h e r e i s a p a s s a g e w i t h t en b l a n k s . Y o u are re q u i r e d t o se l e c t o n e w or d f o r e a c h b l an k f r om a l i s t o f c h o i c es g i v e n i n a w o r d b a n k f o ll o w i n g t h e p as a g e . R e a d t h e p a ss a g e t h r o u g h c a r e f u l l y b e r o r e m a k i n g y o ur c h o i c e s . E a c h c h o i c e i n t h e b an k i s i d e n t i i e d b y a l e t t e r P l e as e m a r k t h e c o r r e s p on di n g l e t e r f o r e a c h i t e m o n A n s w e r S h ee t 2 w i t h a s i n g l e li n e t h r o u g h t h e ce n t re . Y o u m a y no t u se a n y o f t h e wor d s i n t h e b a n k m ore t h a n o n ce .W h en p eo p l e s e t o u t t o i m p r o v e t h e i r h e a l t h , t h e y us ua l l y t a k e a f a m ili ar p a t h : s t a r t i n g a h e a l t h y d i e t , g e t t i n g b e t t e r s l ee p , an d d o i n g r e g u l a r e x e rc i s e . E ac h o f t h e s e b e h av i o r s i s i m p o r t an t , o f co urs e , b u t t h e y a l l 26 o n p h y s i c a l h ea l t h —a n d a g r o w i n g b o d y o f r e s e ar c h s u g g e s t s t h a t s oc i a l h e a l t h i s j us t as , i f n o t m o re , i m p o r t an t t o 27 w e l l -b e i n g .O n e r ece n t s t u d y p u b l i s h e d i n t h e j o u m a l P L OS ON E , f o r e x am p l e , f o un d t h a t t h e s t r en g t h o f a p er s o n 's s oc i a l c i r c l e w as a b e t t e r 28_ o f se l f -r e p o r t e d s t r e ss , h a pp i n e ss an d w e l l -b e i n g l e v e l s t h a n fi t n e ss t ra c k e r d a t a o n p h y s i c a l ac t i v i t y , h ear t ra t e an d s l e e p . T h a t fi n di n g s u gg es t s t h a t t h e “29 se l f ” r e p r ese n t e d b y e n d l ess am o un t s o f h ea lth d a t a d o e sn 't t e l l t h e w h o l e 30T h e r e 's a l so a q u a li f e d se l f , w h i c h i s w h o I am , w h a t a r e m y ac t i v i t i es , m y s oc i a l n e t w o r k , an d a l l o f t h e s e i n an y o f t h e s e meas u rem e n t s .as p ec t s ar e n o t 31T hi s id ea i s s u p p o r t e d b y p l e n t y o f 32 r e s e ar c h . S t u di e s h ave s h o w n t h a t s o c i a l su pp o r t -w h e t h er i t c omes 33 a ss o c i a t e d w i t h b e t t e r m e n t a l an d p h y s i c a l h e a l t h . A r i c h f r o m f r i en d s , f a m i l y m e m b e r s o r a s p o us e -i s s oc i a l l if e , t h e s e s t u d i e s su g g es t , ca n l o we r s t r ess l e ve l s ,i m p r o ve m oo d , e n co u ra g e p os i t i v e h ea l t h b e h a v i o r s a n d d i scou ra g e d a ma g i n g o n es , b oo s t h ea r t h e a l t h a n d i m p r o ve i ll ne ss 34 ra t e s .S oc i a l i s o l a t i o n , m eanw h il e , i s li n k e d t o hi g h er ra t e s o f p h y s i c a l di s e a s e s an d men t a l h ea l t h con d i t i o ns .I t 's a s i g n if i can t p ro bl e m ,35 s i n ce l o n e li n es s i s eme r g i n g as a w i d e s p r e a d p u b l i c h e a l t h p r o b l e m i n m a n y c o u n t r i e s .·2023年12月四级真题(第三套)·19。
2021年6月大学英语四级真题3PartⅠWriting第1题、Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write an essay titled"Are people becoming addicted to technology?".The statement given below is for your reference.You should write at least 120words but no more than180words.Numerous studies claim that addiction to technology is real and it has the same effect on the brain as drug addiction.参考答案:Are people becoming addicted to technology?The rapid development of technology has brought profound changes almost in every aspect of people's lives and numerous studies have shown that people are becoming more and more addicted to technology.For my part,it is true that many people are becoming addicted to technology.In the first place,those who are under pressure in real life and work are more likely to release their stress and seek spiritual relief in virtual world by playing computer games or chatting with others on WeChat.Wherever you go,be it in a subway or on the street,you can see Phubbers whose eyes seem glued to the screen of their smart phones.In the second place,impelled by inborn inertia,many people tend to finish their physical tasks with the help of technology. The more they resort to technology,the more addicted they become to technology.All in all,it is an indisputable fact that people are becoming more addicted to technology,owing to the fact that it can release their psychological and physical pressure.答案解析:1.Wherever you go,be it in a subway or on the street,you can see Phubbers whose eyes seem glued to the screen of their smart phones.本句中wherever引导地点状语从句,也可视为让步状语从句。
听力:3. B)She has had babies before.4. C)It was smooth.5. D)It was built above the sea-water.6. B)Replace the restaurant's wooden deck.7. C)She posted its picture on Facebooks.8. D)Duck hunting remains legal in many parts of the world.9. A) Droughts.10. B) Their neat is not that popular.11. D)They poisoned wild ducks inlarge numbers.12. A) Have her house repainted.13. B) How much the work will cost.14. C) Stay somewhere else.15. B)Painting a house involves more trouble than she thought.16. A) To cultivate good habits.17. B)Create an ideal study environment for them.18. C)Start with something they enjoy.19. A) Workers who meet its body weight standards.20. D) Unfair.21. C)Encourage healthy behaviors.22. A)It has not done enough to help left-handed children.23. D)They tend to have more difficulties in learning.24. D)Keep track of left-handed children's school performance.25. B)Why their numbers are so high.第二套1.B)She was coughing all the time.2.c)Through a surgical operation.3.D)It ran away into a nearby forest.4.A)They rebuilt the fencing around their farm.5.D)The loss of gold from an airplane.6.A)lt made an emergency landing.7.C)They will be questioned by the police.8.B)For future training purposes.9.C)To get her money back for the returned chair.10.D)She was issued a new card.11.C)Update her bank card details on the company's website.12.A)He is feeling exhausted.13.B)Order a delivery.14.D)lt is too spicy.15.C)She is too picky about food16.A)Owner's personalities affect their cats'behavior and wellbeing.17.B)Provide their pets with the best care.18.D)Further investigation.19.B)Running is the best exercise for extending one's life.20.A) Improving their brain function.21.D)They were less affected by sad movies.22.A)He is a tour guide.23.C)He observed his client's life and habits.24.D)A house of a unique design.25.B)They are copies built to the architect's designs.写作第一套【D i r e c t i o n s】Suppose your school is organizing an orientation program(新生训练;新生练习)to help the freshmen adapt to the new environment and academic studies. You are nowto write a proposal, which may include its aim, duration, participants and activities.【参考范文】Dear Student Union,Learning that our school will hold an orientation program to help freshmen become accustomed to the new environment and academicstudies, I am writing to introduce my proposal concerningthis program.Firstly I suppose all of freshmen are welcome to join in this activity on September 9th. From 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m., a senior student would teach freshmen how to be independent, such as making decisions on how to allocate time and how to spend money, and doing somecleaning on their own. Besides, freshmen could be taught howto develop a good habit of self-teaching and how to arrange their schedule. In the afternoon, freshmen might take active partin a collective activity, where they could makemore communication with their classmates so asto help them smoothly adapt to the new environment.I hope you will find my proposal useful, and I would be ready to discuss further details with you .Yours,Zhang Wei 第二套【D i r e c t i o n s】Suppose your university student union is planning to hold a speech contest. You are now to write a proposal for organizing the contest. The proposal may include the topic, aim, procedure and selection of contestants. You will have 30 minutes to write the proposal.【参考范文】Dear Student Union,I am so glad to hear that a speech contest with the purpose of enriching college students’ life would be held in our school next month. As a member of Student Union, I would like to give some advice to make the activity go more smoothly.Firstly, if we could choose a suitable speech subject, such as the employment prospect, the management of free time or some related with students’ life, it would contribute to the attraction of more students. Secondly, the contest could last for about 2-3 hours and we could invite Professor Zhang as the judge to give comments to each contestant. Lastly, as the selection of contestants, I suppose every student in our school could submit application but we should have an interview of first around and define the final 10 competitors.I hope the suggestions above would be useful and practical for you. For any question on the proposal, please feel free to write to me.Yours,Li Hua第三套【Directions】Suppose you have just participated in a school project of collecting used books on campus. You are now to write a report about the project, which may include its aim, organizers, participants and activities. You will have 30 minutes to write the report. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.【参考范文】Last week, a project of collecting used books was held in our school and it was a huge success .The project was launched by the Student Union last Monday and it lasted for a whole week, aiming to gain students’ attention to second- hand books and inspire them to make the best of used things. It was started from registering basic personal information online, including name, department and the numberof books one would like to give away. Then students could brought their books to the Students Activity Center every day at any time during 8:00 am to 17:00 pm, after which they could get a gift such as pens and notebooks.There were more than 500 students participating in the activity and more than 1000 books were collected. The books were displayed at the Students Activity Center for all students in need.阅读【快速阅读1】There's a stress gap between men and women36.H] Like Ms,Li, many women try to manage the added stress to reach what Dr Joyce said was an unattainable ideal. "Some professional women aim to do it all They want to reach the top of the corporate ladder and fly like super-mom,"she said.…….37.[E] ference,however, is in the nature and scope of these responsibilities in the home ent in particular,"Dr Joyce said. For example, the United Nations reported that nearly three times as much unpaid domestic work as men.……38.[C]It's a common story-one we frequently ridicule and readily dismiss, for example, by claiming that women tend to complain more than men, despite the growing sum of re-search that underlines the problem.·…39.[K] Disconnecting from work and home responsibilities is also obviously important. But it's much casier said than done. It is important to understand what causes your stress in the first place.40.[F] it's not just inside he home, though. Research from Nova Southeastern University found that female managers were more likely than male managers to. display <surface. acting> or forcing emotions that are not wholly felt.41.[I] The stress problem extends beyond mental health when you consider the link between stress a anxiety and heart health.Worse,most of what we know about heart dis-ease comes from studies involving men.……42.[B] Ms. Li said her stress led to sleeplessness. When she did sleep, she experienced"problem-solving dreams,"which left her feeling unrested when she woke up. After I became a first-time mother,I quickly realized i was so busy caring for other people and work that I felt like I'd lost myself,…43.[G] Surface acting is a prime example of "e emotional labor"a concept that the writer Jess Zimmerman made familiar in a 2015 essay. The essay sparkeda massive thread, on the Internet community blog Meta Filter.……44.[J]The good news is, women are more likely than men to take charge of their stress and manage it, the American Psy-chological Association reports. The concept of self-care,at its core, is quite simple."…45.[D]e difference is not really news to me,as a clinical psy-chologist said Erin Joyce,….【快读阅读2】Why it matters that teens are reading less?36.[E] That may be true, but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.…37.[B]Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time.Paper books are being ignored, in favor of screens.…38.[G] Indeed, the number of senior high school students who said they had not read any books for pleasure in the last year was one out of three by 2016.That is triple the number from two decades ago.……39.[D] If teens are spending so much time using electronic devices, does that mean they have to give activities?Maybe not.Over the years,many scholars have insisted that time online does not necessarily take away time spent engaging with traditional media or on other activities.……40.[A] Most of us spend much more time with digital media than we did a decade ago.But today's teens have grown up with smartphones. Compared with teens a couple of de-cades ago, the way they interact with traditional media like books and movies is fundamentally different.…41.[H] This might present problems for young people later on. When high school students go on to college, their past and current reading habits will influence their academic per-formance.·.42.[C] Teens did not always spend that much time with digi-tal media. Online time has doubled since 2006, and social media use has moved from a periodicactivity to a daily one in the same period. By 2016, nearly nine out of ten young women in the 12th grade said they visited social media sites 43.[F]But the treads related to movies are less disturbing compared with the change in how teens spend their time. Research has revealed an enormous decline in reading.In 1980, about 60 percent of senior high school students said they read a book, newspaper or magazine every day that was not assigned for school. By 2016, only 16 percent did.·····44.[B] Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time. Paper books are being ignored, in favor of screens.…45.[E] That may be true,but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.… 【快读阅读3】Why it matters that teens are reading less?36 [E] That may be true, but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.…37 [B]Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time.Paper books are being ignored, in favor of screens.…38 [G] Indeed, the number of senior high school students who said they had not read any books for pleasure in the last year was one out of three by 2016.That is triple the number from two decades ago.……39 [D] If teens are spending so much time using electronic devices, does that mean they have to give activities?Maybe not.Over the years,many scholars have insisted that time online does not necessarily take away time spent engaging with traditional media or on other activities.……40 [A] Most of us spend much more time with digital media than we did a decade ago.But today's teens have grown up with smartphones. Compared with teens a couple of de-cades ago, the way they interact with traditional media like books and movies is fundamentally different.…41 [H] This might present problems for young people later on. When high school students go on to college, their past and current reading habits will influence their academic per-formance.·42 [C] Teens did not always spend that much time with digi-tal media. Online time has doubled since 2006, and social media use has moved from a periodicactivity to a daily one in the same period. By 2016, nearly nine out of ten young women in the 12th grade said they visited social media sites 43 [F]But the treads related to movies are less disturbing compared with the change in how teens spend their time. Research has revealed an enormous decline in reading.In 1980, about 60 percent of senior high school students said they read a book, newspaper or magazine every day that was not assigned for school. By 2016, only 16 percent did.44 [B] Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time. Paper books are being ignored, in favor of screens.…45 [E] That may be true,but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media grows. Large surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.…【仔细阅读1】With obesity now affecting 29% of the population in England, and expected to rise to 35% by 2030, should we now recognise it as disease?46. C)It should be regarded as a genetic disease47. D)It results from a lack of self-control48. A)Obese people would not feel responsible to take any action49. B)It is too inclusive and thus lacks clarity50.D)It may do little good to patients.Nationwide, only about three percent of early childhood teach- ers are male in the U.s51.C)It is negatively impacted by a lack of male teachers52. A)The importance of broadening children's horizons53. D)Many of them feel prejudiced against socially and culturally54. A)Higher pay.55. B)Taking measures to attract prospective male teachers to work in the field【仔细阅读2】As many office workers adapt to remote work, cities may undergo fundamental change if offices remain under-utilized.46. C)It benefits employers at the expense of employees.47.D)It negatively impacts productivity.48.A)To provide convincing data for serious discussion.49.c)Employers' gain from remote working should go to employees as compensation.50.A) It should be avoided if possible.The human thirst for knowledge is the driving force behindour successful development as a species.51. B)It is the force that pushes human society forward.52.A)It motivates people to seek information.53.D)They work in conjunction with the environment.54.B)They prefer to go after all that is novel.55.A) The cost of humans' curiosity to explore.【仔细阅读3】Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touch someone?46.C)Its absence might suggest a lack of warmth in interpersonal relationships.47.D) How close the communicators' relationships are.48.B)They take touching as a cultural norm in social interactions.49.A)Men can show friendship in public through physical affection.50.D)Take other people's preference into consideration.From climate change to the ongoing pandemic(大流行病)and beyond, the issues facing today's world are increasingly com-plex and dynamic.Pm51.A)lt faces problems that are getting more varied and compli-Cated.52.C) People are divided about the nature of interest.53.D)How a growth mindset of interest can contribute to cro ss-disciplinary thinking.54.C)Making innovative products needs multidisciplinary prod-ucts.55.B)Broadening their interests.【选词填空1】The sheets are damp with sweat.You're cold,but your heart is..26.G)fear27.C)avoid28.H)limited29.D)aware30.B)answer31.O)typically32.J)result33.L)rigorous34.K)review35.M)tend【选词填空2】It is commonly believed that the great English dramatist and poet.26.E)exact27.C)conclusively28. L)scarcity29.H)position30.J)probably31.B)classical32. M)senior33.D)emergence34.A)captured35.I)precision【选词填空3】Many people believe that commitment are the foundations of ... 26.O)unique27.I)possess28. D)endure29. C)confused30.J)presence31.B)assess32.F)genius33.A)acknowledge34.M)surprising35.G)highly翻译【第一套】大运河(Grand Canal)是世界上最长的人工河,北起北京,南至杭州。
该系统将春夏季节渗入(seep into)地下的大量雨水及积雪融水收集起来,通过山体的自然坡度引到地面,用于灌溉农田和满足人们的日常用水需求。
【参考译文】Karez is a water conservancy system in the arid region of Xinjiang,where wells are connected by underground channels.The system collects large amounts of rainwater and snowmelt that seep into the ground in spring and summer,and brings it to the surface through the natural slope of the mountain.The rainwater is used to irrigate farmland and meet people’s daily water needs. Karez protects natural resources and the ecological environment by reducing evaporation of water from the surface which does little damage to the surface.Karez embodies the wisdom of our people to live in harmony with nature and it is a great contribution to human civilization.2.都江堰都江堰(Dujiangyan)坐落在成都平原西部的岷江上,距成都市约50公里,始建于公元前三世纪。
2021年12月全国大学英语四级真题及答案(三)一、听力部分::News Report One(1)A 22-year-old Chinese woman who suffered from a persistent cough was shocked to learn that she had a piece of chicken bone lodged in her lung.The unnamed woman from the province of Shandong started have coughing problems when she was 7 or 8 years old.For 14 years,she made numerous hospital visits.However,no doctor could identify any problem.Her uncontrollable coughing was a mystery.Finally,the woman got a full body scan at a hospital in the city of Qingdao.This special medical procedure revealed she had a chicken bone stuck in herlung.(2)Doctors performed surgery and removed the bone.The simple procedure went smoothly and the woman has recovered fully with the bone finally removed from her lung,the woman is very happy that she no longer suffers from that annoying cough.1.What was the woman’s problem?2.How was the woman’s problem eventually solved?News Report Two(3)A white shape named Prickles that ran away from an Australian farm during the 2013 bush fires recently returned home.According to farmer Alice Gray,Prickles was only a lamb when she ran away.The bush fires that hit the area back then destroyed a large part of her family’s massive property.They thought Prickles had died in the fire.But instead,the young sheep escaped into a 200-acre forest near the farm.(4)Once the fires were over,the family had to fix the damage done to the farm as it was such a large property,which included rebuilding about 40 kilometers of fencing.It was this huge fencing that prevented Pickles from finding her way back.Over the years,the family spotted her a few times.They even recorded her with cameras installed to monitor the activity.But when they knew Pringles was alive,they couldn’t find her and never expected her t o return by herself.Seven years later,they were proven wrong.3.What does the news say about the white sheep Prickles?4.What the family do of the bush fires?News Report Three(5)Tons of gold have fallen out of the sky in Russia after a cargo plane malfunctioned in midair this morning.The aircraft was carrying 265 million pounds worth of gold and diamonds,when the door flew open,sending the precious metal back to earth.According to the official news agency,Russian authorities have recovered more than 170 gold bars weighing 20 kilograms each.The plane was traveling from Yakutsk airport in a major diamond producing region to the city Krasnoyarsk in Siberia.(6)However,the aircraft made an emergency landing in Magan after began losing some of its valuable cargo.Reports suggest some bars of gold were scattered up to fifteen miles away from the airport.Nine tons of gold on plane AN12 belonged to a gold mine company.Police have sealed off the runway and say it is unclear if it was an accident or an attempted robbery.(7)Technical engineers who worked on the plane prior to takeoff are reportedly going to be questioned by the police.5.What is the news report mainly about?6.What did the aircraft do when the incident happened?7.What does the news report say about the technical engineers who worked on the plane before takeoff?Conversation One8.Why does the man have this conversation with the man recorded?His job is related to the customer service.9.What is the woman’s purpose of calling to the furniture company?She wants to know when she can get her money back.10.What does the woman say about her bank card?The new bank card will be sent to her on Tuesday,and the bank may has canceled the old one before the man made the payment.11.What does the man advise the woman to do?She needs to update the card details directly on the website.Conversation Two12.Why isn’t the man going to cook?He’s worn out.13.What does the man say he’ll do on his phone?He’ll use the food delivery app on his phone.14.What does the woman think of the Indian food?That’s not the kind of the hot she means.She needs something mild.15.What does the man think of the woman?She’s really difficult to please.Passage One(16)A new study carried out by the university of Lincoln has found a link between the personalities of cat owners and the behavior and wellbeing of their cats.The findings suggest that just as apparent personality can affect the personality of a child,the same is true for a cat and its owner.Owners defined as individuals with high levels of anxiety,fear,anger,depression and loneliness were more likely to have cats with behavioral issues.Such cats display more aggressive and anxious behavioral styles as well as more stress related sickness.They will also more likely to have an ongoing medical condition and be overweight.The research also found that mentally well-adjusted owners had come from happier and healthier cats.Researchers explained that many owners regard their pets as a family member and form close social bonds with them.(17)The majority of owners want to provide the best care for their pets and is therefore possible that pets could be affected by the way their owners interact with and manage them.The study highlights an important relationship between our personalities and the well-being of our pets.(18)Further research is needed to investigate the cause of nature of this relationship and look at how owners’personalities are directly influencing their pet’s behavior and well-being.It is possible that the well-being of pets is driven by the underlying nature of the owner not simply by their conscious decisions and behaviors.16.What do we learn from the new study by the University of Lincoln?17.What does the passage say most pet owners want to do?18.What does the passage say i t’s still needed to understand the effects of owners’personalities on their pets?Passage Two(19)One 50-minute run can add seven hours to your life.This was a claim made by The Times last week.The claim was based on a new review of studies about the effects of running.The reviewconcluded that an average runners live three years longer than non-runners and that running does more to extend life than any other form of exercise.But there’s more to running than its health benefits.(20)Research published in recent years have shown that running changes your brain and mind in some fascinating ways from increasing your brain function to regulating your emotions.However,the precise effects vary according to whether you engage in short fast running or long distance r unning.For example,in one study,researchers compared participants’ability to learn new words after several minutes of intense running,and after 40 minutes of gentlerunning,participants were able to learn 20 percent faster after the intense running and they showed a superior memory when tested again a week later.In another study,researchers asked volunteers to jog for 30 minutes and then showed them clips from a sad movie.Participants who usually struggled to handle negative emotions were more intensely aff ected by the sad clips just as you’d expect.But crucially,this was less so if they had completed the 30 minutes jog.(21)The researchers said moderate exercise appears to have helped those participants to be less vulnerable to the impact of the sad movie.19.What did the new review of studies claim?20.What is one effect that running has on people according to recent research?21.What did another study find about the participant after they had a 30 minutes jog?Passage ThreeWelcome to the tour of the Hill House.This house built in 1904 is one of the most well-known works of Charles Hill,the famous architect.It was designed and built for local entrepreneur and his family.Before starting the tour,let me give you a brief introduction about the design of this amazing building.(23)Prior to beginning his design,the architect spends sometime in the client’s old home,observing their life and studying their habits.This meant that he could design the house according to the needs of the family.(24)The client’s main desi re was to have a home with unique design,so the architect was given complete freedom.The building style is radically different from what was the fashion of the period.At the time,most large homes were constructed of timber and brick.This one,however,is made of concrete,a novel construction material in those days.The interior of the house,including the fittings and furniture,was also designed by the same person.Most of the furniture you will see is original and in good condition.However,(25)both pieces in th e children’s bedrooms are copies built to the designs of the architect.Fortunately,all the blueprints for both the building and its contents have been preserved,so we’ve been able to replace badly damaged furniture.Let’s begin our tour,starting from the ro oms.22.What do we learn about the speaker?He is the guide of the tour.23.What dis the architect do before beginning his design?24.What did the architect’s client mainly want?25.What do we learn about the pieces of furniture in the children’s bedrooms?1.D)He did an unusual good deed2.C)Give some money to the waiter3.A)Whether or not to move to the state's mainland4.B)It costs too much money5.A)To investigate whether people are grateful for help6.C)They held doors open for people at various places7.B)Most people express gratitude for help8.C)To enquire about solar panel installation9.D)He has a large family.10.B)The cost of a solar panel installation11.D)About five years12.A)At a travel agency13.D)She wanted to spend more time her family.14 D)Two weeks.15.A)Choosing some activities herself16.D)Pay a green tax upon arrival17.A)It has not been doing a good job in recycling.18.B)To ban single-use plastic bags and straws on Bali land.19.D)Its population is now showing signs of increase20.C)Commercial hunting21.D)To seek breeding grounds22.C)They consume less milk these days23.A)It is not as healthy as once thought24.C)They lack the necessary proteins to digest it25.B)It provides some necessary nutrients二、选词填空∶Many people believe that commitment are the foundations of..26.O)unique27.)possess28.D)endure29.C)confused30.J)presence31.B)assess32.Flgenius33.A)acknowledge34.M)surprising35.G)highly三、信息匹配部分:Why it matters that teens are reading less?36.[E]That may be true,but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media rge surveys con-ducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.37.<B>Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time.Paper books are being ignored,in favor of screens.…….38.[G]Indeed,the number of senior high school students who said they had not read any books for pleasure in the last year was one out of three by 2016.That is triple the number from two decades ago.……39.[D]If teens are spending so much time using electronic devices,does that mean they have to give activities?Maybe not.Over the years,many scholars have insisted that time online does not necessarily take away time spent engaging with traditional media or on other activities.…40[.A]Most of us spend much more time with digital media than we did a decade ago.But today's teens have grown up with pared with teens a couple of de-cades ago,the way they interact with traditional media like books and movies is fundamentally different.…41.[H]]This might present problems for young people later on.When high school students go on to college,their past and current reading habits will influence their academic per-formance.….42.[c]Teens did not always spend that much time with digi-tal media.Online time has doubled since 2006,and social media use has moved from a periodic activity to a daily one in the same period.By 2016,nearly nine out of ten young women in the 12th grade said they visited social media sites every day.……43.[F]But the treads related to movies are less disturbing compared with the change in how teens spend their time.Research has revealed an enormous decline in reading.In 1980,about 60 percent of senior high school students said they read a book,newspaper or magazine every day that was not assigned for school.By 2016,only 16 percent did.44.<B>Analysis of surveys of over one million teens in the United States collected since 1976 reveals a major shift in how teens are spending their leisure time.Paper books are being ignored,in favor of screens.……45.[E]That may be true,but that still does not tell us much about what happens across a whole generation of people when time spent on digital media rge surveys conducted over the course of many years tell us that American youth are not going to the cinema nearly as often as they did in the past.….四、仔细阅读部分:Have you ever wondered how acceptable it is to hug or touchsomeone?46.C)Its absence might suggest a lack of warmth in interpersonal relationships.47.D)How close the communicator‘s relationships are.48.B)They take touching as a cultural norm in social interactions.49.A)Men can show friendship in public through physical affection.50.D)Take other people's preference into consideration.From climate change to the ongoing pandemic(大流行病)and beyond,the issues facing today's world are increasingly complex and dynamic.51.A)It faces problems that are getting more varied and compli-cated.52.C)People are divided about the nature of interest.53.D)How a growth mindset of interest can contribute to crossdisciplinarythinking.54.C)Making innovative products needs multidisciplinary products.55.B)Broadening their interests.六、翻译部分:坎儿井(Karez)是新疆干旱地区的一种水利系统,由地下渠道将水井连接而成。
2021英语四级仔细阅读真题及答案(卷三)在四级考试中,仔细阅读占有举足轻重的地位,那么你想知道刚结束的四级考试仔细阅读的难度怎样吗?下面学习啦我为大家带来2021英语四级仔细阅读真题及答案〔卷三〕,供大家参考阅读!2021英语四级仔细阅读真题2:In agrarian(农业的),pre-industrial Europe, youd want to wake up early, start working with the sunrise, have a break to have the largest meal, and then youd go back to work, says Ken Albala, a professor of history at the University of the Pacific, Later, at 5 or 6, youd have a smaller supper.This comfortable cycle, in which the rhythms of the day helped shape the rhythms of the meals, gave rise to the custom of the large midday meal, eaten with the extended family, Meal are the foundation of the family, says Carole Couniban. a professor at Millersville University inPeensylvania, so there was a very important interconnection between eating together and strength-eating family ties.Since industrialization, maintaining such a slow cultural metabolism has been much harder. With the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be stuffed into a lunch bucket or bought at a food stand. Certainly, there were benefits. Modern techniques for producing and shipping food led to greater variety and quantity, including a tremendous, increase in the amount of animal protein and dairy products available, making us more vigorous than our ancestors.Yet plenty has been lost too, even in cultures that still live to eat. Take Italy. Its nosecret that the Mediterranean diet is healthy, but it was also a joy to prepare and cat.Italians, says Counihan, traditionally began the day with a small meal. The big meal came at around 1 p.m. In between the midday meal and a late, smaller dinner came a small snack. Today, when time zones have less and less meaning, there is littletolerance for offices closing for lunch, and worsening traffic in cities means workers cant make it home and back fast enough anyway. So the formerly small supper after sundown becomes the big meal of the day. the only one at which the family has a chance to get together. The evening meal carries the full burden that used to bespread over two meals says Counihan52.【题干】What do we learn from the passage about people in pre-industrialEurope?【选项】A.They had to work from early morning till late at night.B.They were so busy working that they only ate simple meals.C.Their daily routine followed the rhythm of the natural cycle.D.Their life was much more comfortable than that of today.【答案】A【解析】,pre-industrial Europe, youd want to wake up early, start working with the sunrise, have a break to have the largest meal, and then youd go back to work,53 【题干】What does Professor Carole Counihan say about. pre-industrialEuropean families eating meals together?【选项】1/ 2A.It was helpful to maintaining a nations tradition.B.It brought family members closers to each other.C.It was characteristic of the agrarian culture.D.It enabled families to save a lot of money.【答案】B【解析】Meal are the foundation of the family, says Carole Couniban. a professor at Millersville University in Peensylvania,54.【题干】What does cultural metabolism(Line 1 ,Para. 3) refer to?A.Evolutionary adaptation.B.Changes in lifestyle.C.Social progress.D.Pace of life.【答案】D【解析】With the long midday meal shrinking to whatever could be stuffed intoa lunch bucket or bought at a food stand. Certainly, there were benefits.55.【题干】What does the author think of the food people eat today?A.Its quality is usually guaranteed.B.It is varied, abundant and nutritious.C.It is more costly than what our ancestors ate.D.Its production depends too much on technology.【答案】B【解析】Modern techniques for producing and shipping food led to greatervariety and quantity, including a tremendous, increase in the amount of animalprotein and dairy products available, making us more vigorous than our ancestors.56.【题干】What does the author say about Italians of the old days.【选项】A.They enjoyed cooking as well as eating.B.They ate a big dinner late in the evening.C.They ate three meals regularly every day.D.They were expert at cooking meals.【答案】A【解析】Its no secret that the Mediterranean diet is healthy, but it was also a joy to prepare and cat.2/ 2。
2021年12月大学英语四级考试真题答案与详解(第3套)Part ⅠWriting这是一篇四级考试中常见的议论文.话题围绕“Never go out there to see what happens,go out there to make things happen.”这句话展开,要求考生进行评论,同时在题目要求中也明确给出了作文主题the importance of being participants rather than mere onlookers in life.考生应该明确这一主题,并围绕其展开论述.一、点明主题:不做看客,要做实践者(being participants instead of onlookers in life)二、分析原因三、提出问题和建议主题词汇put…into practice将……付诸实践carry out执行;实现gain获得accumulate积累gradually逐渐地make a progress取得进步theory理论action行动would rather…than比起……更情愿……stand by袖手旁观句式拓展1.For some people, watching what happens to others is good enough to learn a lesson, while for others, only practicing by themselves can finally make them get the real skills in对一些人而言,看发生在别人身上的事情足以让他们吸取教训,而对于其他人而言,他们只有亲身实践才能最终得到生活中的真正技能.2.No matter how many authentic theories you've got before,nothing will happen until you put them into practice.无论你曾经接受了多少权威的理论,若不付诸实践,一切都无济于事.Part ⅡListening ComprehensionM: I don't know what to do with Timmy. This morning I found orange juice spilled all over the kitchen floor.W: Don't be so hard on him. He's only four.Q: What does the woman mean?C.四个选项中出现了children,careful,juice和Timmy等词,故推测本题考查的内容与孩子的行为相关.对话中,男士抱怨说他都不知道该拿蒂米怎么办了,今天早上,他发现桔子汁在厨房洒了一地,而女士则说,别对蒂米太严厉了,他才四岁.由此可见,女士认为男士不用小题大做,故答案为C..2.W: Excuse me, sir. I would like to know about the fitness training program in your club.M: I'll have you speak with the director in charge of new accounts.Q: What is the woman interested in?A.四个选项均为名词短语,且出现了fitness,job,computer和club 等词,故推测本题考查的内容与健身或者工作相关.对话中,女士向男士询问俱乐部健身锻炼的事情,男士则说他会带着女士去找专门负责新会员的经理.由此可知,女士是对俱乐部健身锻炼感兴趣,故答案为A..3.W: It's really cold in this apartment. Can we turn up the heat a little bit?M: Sorry. I've run out of money and can hardly pay the fuel bill. Maybe you'd better put on a sweater.Q: what does the man mean?B.四个选项中出现了sweater,save,fuel bills和heating等词,故推测本题考查的内容与寒冷天气以及取暖相关.对话中,女士说她觉得很冷,问能不能把暖气开大一点,而男士则表示抱歉,说自己没钱了,都快付不起燃料费账单了,建议女士穿上毛衣.由此可知,男士想要节省燃料费,故答案为B.4.M: I'm sorry, Miss. But you have to come with me to the security office. The video cameras in our shop have recorded everything you did.W: No, no. I...I didn't do anything. I'll call the police if you dare insult me.Q: What does the man think the woman was doing?A.四个选项均为动名词短语,且出现了theft,pictures,shopping和camera等词,故推测本题考查的内容与商店里发生的事情相关.对话中,男士要将女士带到保安室去,并说商店里的摄像头已经把女士所做的事都录下来了,而女士则表示自己什么都没有做,如果男士敢侮辱她的话,她就报警.由此可知,男士认为女士偷了商店里的东西,故答案为A.5.M: I think you ought to see a doctor right away about that cough.W: Well, I'll wait a few more days.I'm sure I'll get over it soon.Q: What do we learn about the woman?B.选项均以she开头,且出现了medicine,doctor和cough等词,故推测本题考查的内容与女士的健康状况相关.男士说女士应该马上去看医生,而女士则说再等几天,她相信自己的咳嗽很快就会好的.由此可知,直到本对话发生时,女士都还没有去看医生,故答案为B..6.M: I've heard that Pamela made quite a few mistakes in her lab report.W: Well, she wouldn't have if she hadn't been in such a hunt to get it done.Q: What does the woman imply?D.四个选项均提到了Pamela,且出现了report,hurry,writing和mistakes等词,故推测本题考查的内容与帕米拉的报告相关.对话中,男士说他听说帕米拉的实验报告出了很多错,而女士则说,如果她不是那么急着做完的话,就不会出这么多的错.由此可知,帕米拉实验报告中的错误本来是可以避免的,故答案为D..7.M: We'd better check out before 12 o'clock, Marry. And now there are only 30 minutes left.W: Let's hurry up. You go pay the bill and I'll call the reception to have our luggage taken downstairs.Q : Where did this conversation most probably take place?C.四个选项均是表示地点的介词短语,故推测本题考查的内容与对话发生的地点相关.对话中,男士说他们最好能在中午l2点之前退房,现在只剩半小时了,女士建议加快速度,并让男士去付账,她自己给前台打电话,叫人把行李送到楼下.由此可知,对话发生的时候,两人还没有开始办理退房手续,还在宾馆的房间里,故答案为C..8.W: Have you ever heard this speaker before?Q: what does the man say about the speaker?D.四个选项均以she开头,且出现了college,works,speech和message 等词,可以推测本题考查的内容与女士的情况相关.对话中,女士问男士以前是否听过这个演讲者的讲座,男士说他听过,并认为这位演讲的女士很棒,她不仅将自己的观点表达得很清楚,而且讲得很有趣.由此可知,这位女演讲者擅长传达自己想要传达的信息,故答案为D.. Conversation OneM: (8) What should I do about Mr. Romero? Remember? He said it was important and couldn't wait. I think he may want you for that new movie he's directing.W: That's absolutely correct.(9) Now, we have to fit him in somewhere. Uh...what does Monday morning look like?M: That doesn't look so good. You have a make-up session starting at 6:00, then filming starts at 8:00, and that's going to take the whole morning.W: Well, what's after that?M: (10) You have lunch with your agent to discuss the awards ceremony and you'll have to meet him at one o'clock at the restaurant.M: Well, now, don't forget you got a three-o'clock appointment with your fashion designer.W: That's right. You know he's showing the latest fashions from Japan? You know that loose-fitting look?Those clothes are so in this year.M: At 4:30 you have an appointment with your hairdresser. Then at 7:00, you have dinner with a journalist. Now remember, be nice to that guy.W: Do I have to? That won't be easy and it's likely to run late. How does Tuesday look?M: Well, you have to spend the whole morning at the photographer's. They are taking photos to publicize your new movie.W: What about the afternoon? Am I free then?M: Let me see...Yes, you are free after 3:30.W: Then you can set up a meeting with Mr. Romero at 4:00.M: OK.(11) I'll get on it right away.预览三道题各选项,其中出现了the woman’s appointment,her travel,awards ceremony和make-up session等词,因此推测对话内容可能与女士的工作安排相关.9.What are the speakers doing?A.对话开头男士说罗梅罗先生急着见女士,可能是想让女士出演他导演的新电影,女士说一定得把他安排进来.由此可以推断,对话中的两人正在安排女士的时间,好让她能够与罗梅罗先生见面,故答案为A..10.What is the woman going to discuss with her agent over lunch on Monday?B.对话中,男士告诉女士她周一需要和自己的经纪人吃午饭,讨论一下关于颁奖仪式的事情,故答案为B..11.What do we learn from the conversation about the man?C.对话中,男士和女士一起讨论女士的日程安排,从第一句罗梅罗先生想要让女士出演他导演的新电影可知,女士是位电影演员,而男士对女士的日程安排非常了解,并且由最后一句可知,男士服从女士的安排.综合这些内容可以推断出,男士是女士的助理,故答案为C..Conversation TwoM: I'm phoning up about this job you advertised in the paper. This...er...young sales manager?W: Oh, yes.M: I'd like to apply for it. Would you send me an application form?W: (12) No. You simply send in a written application, a letter.M: Can you tell me a bit more about the job?W: (13) Well, we are very looking for someone who isn't too concerned about working fairly long hours.M: What do you mean by long hours?W: (13) This is a job which does, as the advertisement says, have travel possibilities, and very often, one would be away at weekends, for instance.M: Oh. What kind of money are you paying then?W: (15) Well, this is to be negotiated. Uh, it depends partly on your experience and education. Perhaps you can tell me briefly what that is?M: I've just left school and got A level in geography.W: Oh, I see.M: (14) And it's the travel that appeals to me. That's why I'm inquiring about the job. W: Yes, I see. What sort of a salary were you thinking in terms of?M: Starting off, I thought it would be something like £500 a week?W: Well, send in a written application and then we'll consider your case along with all the other applicants.M: All right. Many thanks. Goodbye.W: Bye.预览四道题各选项,其中出现了interview,application,experienced,pay和working hours等词,由此推测对话可能与工作求职相关.12.What does the woman say an applicant should do first to apply for the job?B.对话开头,男士表示他对女士公司销售经理的职位感兴趣,请女士给她发一份申请表,而女士则让男士直接寄一封书面的求职申请信.因此,如果男士想要申请这份工作,他首先应该做的就是寄一份书面申请信,故答案为B.. 13.What kind of a person is the company looking for?D.对话中女士明确说,他们需要能够长时间工作的员工,而当男士要求她再进一步解释的时候,她说这份工作经常需要在周末出差.由此可知,这份工作需要能够在非正常工作时间加班,故答案为D.14.What does the man like most about the job?A.对话中,男士明确表示职位广告中出差这一要求吸引了他,这也正是他想要得到这份工作的原因,故答案为A..15.What does the woman say about the salary if the man is accepted by the company?D.对话中男士问到了薪水问题,而女士回答说这还有待讨论,部分取决于男士的工作经历以及教育背景.由此可以推断,即使男士得到了这一职位,他的薪水待遇也不是明确规定好了的,而是得再商议,故答案为D..Passage OneBut that shouldn't be too surprising. Any really profitable supermarket knows that it should keep its clocks well hidden.预览四道题各选项,由选项中出现的customers,shelves,buy,shoppinglists和bargains等词,可以推测短文可能与购物行为相关.16.Why are essential goods displayed in totally different parts of the supermarket?B.短文开头提到,超市希望顾客看到尽可能多的商品,这就是为什么他们会把生活必需品分散摆放的原因,故答案为B..17.Where are goods with a high profit margin usually found?C.短文中提到,利润高的商品所摆放的位置都是顾客容易够到的地方,也就是在那些容易接触到的货架上,故答案为C.18.What does the speaker say about supermarket goers?A.短文中提到,虽然很多人在去超市之前会列一张购物清单,但还是有60%左右的购买行为是在购物现场决定的.因此,大部分去超市购物的人都有冲动消费的行为,故答案为A.19.What shouldn't be too surprising according to the speaker?D.短文临近结尾时提到了一次采访,接受采访的顾客通常感觉自己仅在超市里待了半个小时,而实际上他们已经待了超过45分钟了.因此,调查发现,顾客在超市中没有了时间感,而这一现象并不奇怪,故答案为D.Passage Two(20) When Matty Sallin was working on a degree in art and technology at university, he got an interesting assignment in electronics class: Create something for the house hold. He decided to create an alarm clock."Everybody has to use an alarm clock of some kind every day, and it's extremely unpleasant!" he says.(21)He asked different people what they'd like to wake up to instead of a noisy alarm. A lot of them said, "The smell of bacon." (22) So Sallin invented a new kind of alarm clock: a wooden box with a pig face and a digital clock that uses the smell of cooking bacon rather than sound to wake someone up. He explains, "There's nodanger of burning, because I built it carefully. It uses light bulbs instead of a flame for cooking and turns off automatically after ten minutes." Just a few easy steps are required to set the "alarm"."What you do is put in a couple of frozen strips the night before," says Sallin. Bacon is preserved, so there is no danger of its spoiling overnight."If you set the alarm for 8: 00, it will turn on at 7: 50 and slow cook for ten minutes under the bulbs," he says. Then the bulbs turn off and a fan blows the smell out through the nose of the pig."So instead of an alarm, you smell yourself awake," says Sallin."Then you can open the door on the side and pull the bacon out and eat it."预览三道题各选项,由选项中出现的designs,clocks,alarm clock,pig face,automatic mechanism和manufacturing process等词,可以推测短文的内容与某种闹钟的创新设计相关.20.What was Matty Sallin doing when he created an alarm clock?C.短文一开始就说,马蒂·赛尔林在大学攻读艺术和技术学位时,曾有一项有趣的任务是发明家用器具,因此,他决定发明一个闹钟.由此可知,他当时还在读大学,故答案为C.21.What did Matty Sallin do before making the new type of alarm clock?D.短文中提到,在马蒂·赛尔林决定设计一款新闹钟时,他先征求了不同的人关于闹钟的想法,然后才开始动手制作,故答案为D..22.What makes the newly invented alarm clock so unique?C.短文提到,在征求了多人的意见后,赛尔林发现人们对闹钟感到最不满的是它吵闹的叫醒方式,而且人们最希望在受到烤腌肉香味的诱惑中醒来,所以,他才自己动手创造出了一款能够定时烤制腌肉,然后将香味散发出去,使人从梦中醒来的闹钟,故答案为C..Passage ThreeThe first kind of loneliness is temporary. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention. (23) The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation, for example, a divorce or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, itusually does not last for more than a year. Unlike the second type, the third kind ofloneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause.(24) People who experience habitual loneliness have problem socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many of them think there is little or nothing they can do about it.预览三道题各选项,其中出现了大量带有负面含义的词,如cannot mixwell,irrationally annoy,depend heavily on,blame others,doubt和psychologically weak等,并且第23题的各选项中还出现了treatment一词,据此推断本文可能与某种不正常的精神状态相关.23.What does the speaker say about situational loneliness?A.短文中提到了三种类型的孤独,其中第二类为情景孤独,而短文中在对这一类孤独的介绍中指出,它通常是由于环境的变化所引起的,故答案为A..24.What problem will people have if they experience habitual loneliness?A.短文中在提到habitual loneliness时说,那些经历习惯性孤独的人在社交方面存在问题,无法亲近他人,也就是说,他们不合群,不能与他人融洽地交往,故答案为A..25.Why do some people suffer loneliness according to psychologists?B.短文末尾部分提到,心理学家发现,虽然孤独的人可能有许多社交,但他们有时觉得自己应该有更多的社交,他们质疑自己的受欢迎程度.故答案为B..26.locked away.此处应该填人动词的过去分词或词组,与句中的typed并列,构成被动语态.locked away意为“把……锁起来”.27.forgotten此处应该填入动词过去分词构成的形容词,表示状态.forgotten意为“被遗忘的”.该句指出,个人信息放在那里多年,根本就没有重见天日的机会.因此,它们是“被遗忘的”.28.Responsible for.该空所在句是一个倒装句,其正常语序应该是The astonishingly 29development in recent years of the computer has been 28 the change.所以该空应该填人一个形容词或词组作表语.responsible for意为“对……负责,对……承担责任”.29.swift.此处应该填入形容词,被副词astonishingly修饰的同时,修饰名词development,合在一起,表示“惊人地快速发展”.swift意为“快速的”.30.collected.此处应该填入动词的过去分词,与is一起构成被动语态.collected意为“收集”.31.institutions.此处应该填入一个名词,被lending修饰.institutions意为“机构”.ernment agencies.此处应该填入一个名词或名词词组,与前面的名词或词组并列.government agencies意为“政府机构”.33.invasion .此处应填入一个名词,被形容词frightening修饰.invasion意为“侵犯”.34.efficient.此处应填入一个形容词,被前面的副词increasingly修饰.efficient意为“有效率的”.35.questioned.此处应填人一个形容词或动词分词形式作people的后置定语.questioned意为“被问到的”.Part ⅢReading Comprehension名词:B. amount量;F. differences区别;G. favorite特别喜爱的东西;O. theories 理论动词:A. advocate提倡,主张;C. confirmed确认,批准;H. happening发生;K. obtaining获取;M. protest抗议;N. rejected拒绝,驳回.形容词:D. crazy发狂的,发疯的;E. definite确定的;G. favorite最喜欢的副词:I. immediately马上,立即;J. naturally自然地;L. primarily主要地36.G.favorite.形容词辨析题.该空前面是所有格形式baby’s,后面是名词toy,故推测空格处为形容词.根据常识推断,婴儿的玩具一般都是他们喜欢的,故答案为favorite“最喜欢的”.备选形容词中,crazy“发狂的,发疯的”和definite“确定的”均与句意不符,可以排除.37.M.protest.动词辨析题.该空前面是情态动词may,故空格处应填入动词原形.根据下文可知,孩子认为妹妹分到了更多果汁,因此一定会表示不满,由此确定protest“抗议”为答案.备选动词中,只有两个动词原形,而advocate意思为“主张”,不符合句意,可以排除.38.B.amount.名词辨析题.该空前面为冠词the,后面为介词of,故推测空格处应填入名词.根据句意:4岁大的孩子也许会抗议说妹妹分到了更多果汁,仅仅是因为玻璃杯的形状不同,而不是果汁的——.形状不同,也许容量是一样的,由此确定amount“量”为答案.备选名词中,differences“不同”和theories“理论”均不符合句意,可以排除.39.O.theories名词辨析题.空格前为形容词child-sized,空格后为介词about,故推测该空格处为名词.根据句意:孩子们就像一些很棒的小科学家一样,总是会验证他们孩子们般大小的事物运转的——.由此可知,theories“理论”符合句意,故为答案.备选名词differences“区别”不符合句意,可以排除.40.I.immediately.副词辨析题.空格前是will,空格后是test,故该空格处应填入副词.联系上下文,孩子一而再地把勺子扔到地上,直到父母说不再捡起,随后,孩子便有了各种疑问,故可知孩子会马上验证父母的话.由此确定immediately“马上,立即”为答案.备选副词中,naturally“自然地”和primarily"主要地”均不符合句意,可以排除.41.D.crazy.形容词辨析题.空格前为drive you,可以联想到固定结构drive sb.+ adj..根据上文可推知,孩子扔勺子继而试探家长的反应,并不是为了让他们抓狂,由此确定crazy“发狂的,发疯的”为答案.备选形容词definite“确定的”不符合句意,可以排除.42.F. differences.名词辨析题.空格前为those,空格后是系动词are,故空格处应填人名词.上文提到,she is learning that her desires and yours Can differ“她正是在了解她的需求和你的需求是会不同的”,此处指不同之处,所以differences“区别”为答案.43.J. naturally.副词辨析题.空格前为主语abilities和动词unfold,根据句子结构可判断空格处为副词.该句句意为:孩子们的认知能力会像花朵一样绽放,可知这一定是个自然的过程,由此确定naturally“自然地”为答案.备选副词primarily“主要地”不符合句意,可以排除.44.H. happening动词辨析题.空格前为what else is,空格后为介词短语,故推测该空格处为动词的分词形式或形容词.上文指出,孩子们的认知能力像花朵绽放一样,与生命中其他——的事情毫无关联.备选项中,happening“发生”符合句意,故为答案.备选的动词分词形式中,confirmed意思是“确认,批准”;obtaining意思是“获取”;rejected意思是“拒绝,驳回”,形容生活中的事情都太过于具体,不符合句意,可以排除.45.N. rejected.动词辨析题.空格前是have been,空格后是or modified,故该空格处应填入动词的过去分词.根据句意,尽管多年来他的很多具体结论被——或是修改,他的想法仍然启发了全世界研究者们的诸多研究.由此确定rejected“拒绝,驳回”为本题答案.备选动词过去分词中,confirmed意思为“确认,批准”,不符合句意,可以排除.46.The author was advised against theimproper use of figures of speech.作者被建议不要使用不合适的修辞.由题干中的figures of speech定位到文章I段画线处.47.The author's mother taught him a valuable lesson by pointing out lots of flaws in his seemingly perfect essay.作者的母亲通过指出他看似完美的论文中的错误,给他上了宝贵的一课.由题干中的flaws和perfect essay定位到文章C.段画线处.48.Awritershouldpolishhiswriting repeatedly so as to get closer to perfection.一个作家应该反复打磨自己的作品,从而更加接近完美.由题干中的repeatedly和perfection定位到文章K段画线处.作家们一生中也许会经历一段无法创作的时期。
2021年12月英语四级考试真题试卷附答案(完整版 第3套)_3
2021年12月英语四级考试真题试卷附答案(完整版第3套)Part I Writing (30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay about a campus activity that has benefited you most. You should state the reasons and write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.注意:此部分试题在答题卡1上____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Part II Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)听力音频MP3文件,点击进入听力真题页面Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choices marked A),B),C)and D),anddecide which is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
大学英语四级名校密卷(10)(三)C) migrants D) explorers43. The secretary went through the typescript carefully to ____ all errors from it.A) abandon B) dischargeC) eliminate D) withdraw44. I have called ____ seeing if you would care to join our tennisclub.A) on account ofB) in the event ofC) with a view toD) with reference to45. To avoid an oil shortage more machines must ____solar energy.A) accelerate B) operateC) generate D) utilize46. After the serious forest fire, positive measures have been taken forthe ____of the forest.A) contribution B) conventionC) conservation D) conversion47. With her light hair and blue eyes Connie seems to ____her mother,but in her character she is more like her father.A) look after B) run afterC) take after D) seek after48. No sooner ____than the jeep started off.A) his luggage was loadedB) had his luggage been loadedC) loaded his luggageD) his luggage was being loaded.49. The president was ____ a bunch of flowers.A) provided with B) given withC) presented with D) supplied with50. Racial discrimination inevitably ____ the resistance of the broadmasses of the black people.A) call for B) call offC) call up D) call forth51. By no means ____ look down upon those who are inferior to us.A) we should B) we shouldn’tC) should we not D) should we52. It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldn’t ____all that Bobhad suffered in the past five years.A) live up to B) make outC) live through D) make up for53. When is the best moment to ____ the date of election to the newspaper?A) relieve B) relateC) release D) reveal54. Beethoven is my favorite musician, I regard him as ____other musician.A) superior toB) more superior toC) superior thanD) more superior than55. Anne can’t go to the movie tonight, because she is ____a Chinese test tomorrow morning.A) supposedly to haveB) supposed to haveC) supposedly to havingD) supposed to having56. The foreign visitors said that they wouldn’t mind ____.A) having a hard bed for the nightB) have a hard bed for the nightC) to have a hard bed for the nightD) they had a hard bed for the night57. You were very clever to ____ him. He had deceived the rest of us.A) see throughB) look throughC) look overD) join in with58. The ____ decision of the factory owners caused anger among the workers.A) realistic B) arbitraryC) reasonable D) objective59. ____as we were by the enemy ,we managed to march forward.A) Surrounding B) Having surroundedC) Surrounded D) Being surrounded60. She ____him everything she saw that night.A) couldn’t but tellingB) couldn’t but to tellC) couldn’t help to tellD) couldn’t help but tell61. Will you try to ____ when the ship leaves for Shanghai?A) get in B) look forC) find out D) search for62. There was no sleeping accommodation ____ to us for the night.A) available B) applicableC) attainable D) approachable63. The television show was ____by a special news report.A) cut off B) cut upC) cut down D) cut across64. The room ____he worked is now in good repair.A) in which B) in thatC) in where D) at that65. The use of fertilizers and improved methods of controlling plant andanimal diseases has ____farm production.A) supplemented B) soaredC) exaggerated D) boosted66. For the past few years, my reading ____ to newspapers.A) be limited B) has limitedC) was limited[DW]D) has been limited67. When you are camping, there are many inconveniences that have to be ____.A) put up with B) caught up withC) come up with D) kept up with68. Young people sometimes complain of not being able to ____with their parents.A) connect B) correspondC) associate D) communicate69. So forcefully ____that we were all convinced.A) he did speak B) he spokeC) did he speak D) that he spoke70. They were completely ____by the story he made up.A) taken on B) taken upC) taken in D) taken forPart ⅣShort Answer Questions(15 minutes)Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.It isn’t strictly true that one half of the world is rich and the other half ispoor. It’s one-third that is very rich and two-thirds that are very poor.People in the rich one-third don’t realize the enormous difference between them and the other two-thirds. A very simple example is that a fisherman in South America may be catching fish which is processed into pet food and yet his own children are not getting enough protein for their bodies to develop properly.Although a lot of the world’s natural resources like oil come from these poorer countries, we in the richer countries are probably using sixty times as much of these resources as a person in Asia or Africa. The richer countries are in a position to dictatethe supplies what kind of prices they are prepared to pay for these natural resources. In some cases, the prices have gone down. In others, they have remained steady. But the prices the richer countries get for their own exports have continued to rise. So they are getting richer and richer and the poorer countries are getting poorer.Questions:S1. What is the actual condition of rich countries and poor countries?__________.S2. Is there great difference between the rich countries and the poor countries?__________.S3. Who are using the greater part of the natural resources?__________.S4. How are the richer countries getting richer and richer?__________.S5. What is the best title for the passage?__________.Part ⅤWriting(30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My View on the Income Gap. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.1. 收入悬殊是当前社会的一种现象。
2021年12月大学英语四级考试真题(第三套)Part I Writing(30minutes) Directions:Suppose your school is organizing an orientation program to help the freshmen adapt to the new environment and academic studies.You are now to write a proposal,which may include its aim,duration,participants and activities.You will have30minutes to write the proposal.You should write at least120words but no more than180words.PartⅡListening Comprehension(25minutes)说明:由于2021年12月四级考试全国共考了两套听力,本套真题听力与前面两套内容相同,只是选项顺序不同,因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。
PartⅢReading Comprehension(40minutes) Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Many people believe that passion and commitment are the foundations of strong romantic relationships.But a relationship is made of two26individuals.And the personality traits (特性)these individuals27or lack can often make a relationship more—or less—likely to 28.Recent research has found that one trait in particular—humility(谦逊)—is an important indicator of successful relationships.Humility can sometimes be29with a lack of confidence.But researchers have come to realize that being humble generally indicates the30of deeply admirable personal qualities. Being humble means you have the ability to accurately31your deficiencies without denying your skills and strengths.For example,you might recognize that you are intelligent,but realize that you are not a32.Thus,humility leads to an honest view of one’s own advantages and shortcomings.Humble people do not ignore,avoid,or try to deny their limits or deficiencies. They can33mistakes,see value in things that are far from perfect and identify areas for improvement.Perhaps it is not34,then,that humility appears to be a huge asset to relationships.One study found that people tend to rate this quality35in their spouse.The study also found that someone who is humble is more likely to initiate a romantic relationship,perhaps because they are less likely to see themselves as“too good”for someone else.Thus,a humble partner might be your ideal partner.A)acknowledgeC)confusedD)endureE)extremelyF)geniusG)highlyH)permanentI)possessJ)presenceK)puzzledL)statusM)surprisingN)thoroughlyO)uniqueSection BDirections:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2.There’s a stress gap between men and women[A]“I used to work very hard.I love to create things,grow them and solve problems,”said MengLi,a successful app developer in San Francisco.“I didn’t really care about my mind and my body until they decided to go on strike.”[B]Ms.Li said her stress led to sleeplessness.When she did sleep,she experienced“problem-solving dreams,”which left her feeling unrested when she woke up.“After I became a first-time mother,I quickly realized I was so busy caring for other people and work that I felt like I’d lost myself,”she said.[C]It’s a common story—one we frequently ridicule and readily dismiss,for example,byclaiming that women tend to complain more than men,despite the growing sum of research that underlines the problem.Women are twice as likely to suffer from severe stress and anxiety as men,according to a2016study published in The Journal of Brain&Behavior.The American Psychological Association reports a gender gap year after year showing that women consistently report higher stress levels.Clearly,a stress gap exists.[D]“The difference is not really news to me,as a clinical psychologist,”said Erin Joyce,a womenand couples therapist in Los Angeles.“lt’s been well documented in extensive research over the years that prevalence rates for the majority of the anxiety disorders are higher in women than men.”Some people may argue that this is merely reported data,and they say many men feel the same pressures as women in terms of fulfilling responsibilities at work and home.In other words,we’re all really,really stressed.[E]“The difference,however,is in the nature and scope of these responsibilities in the homeenvironment in particular,”Dr.Joyce said.For example,the United Nations reported that women do nearly three times as much unpaid domestic work as men.The problem is.housework is often overlooked as work,even though it is often as laborious(or in some cases,more so)as any paid job.As the scholar Silvia Federici put it in1975,the unpaid nature of domestic work reinforces the assumption that"housework is not work,thus preventing women from struggling against it.”[F]It’s not just inside the home,though.Research from Nova Southeastern University found thatfemale managers were more likely than male managers to display“surface acting,”or forcing emotions that are not wholly felt.“They expressed optimism,calmness and sympathy even when these were not the emotions that they were actually feeling,”the study said.[G]Surface acting is a prime example of“emotional labor,”a concept that the writer JessZimmerman made familiar in a2015essay.The essay sparked a massive thread on the internet community blog MetaFilter.Hundreds of women spoke up about their own experience with emotional labor:the duties that are expected of them,but go unnoticed.These invisible duties become apparent only when you don’t do them.Like domestic labor, emotional labor is generally dismissed and not labeled work.But research shows it can be just as exhausting as paid work.Emotional labor can lead to difficulty in sleeping and family conflict.Sure,circumstantial stress,like losing a job,may lead to these same issues.But emotional labor is not circumstantial.It’s an enduring responsibility based on the socialized gender role of women.[H]Like Ms.Li,many women try to manage the added stress to reach what Dr.Joyce said was anunattainable ideal.“Some professional women aim to do it all.They want t0reach the top of the corporate ladder and fly like supermom,”she said.When women don’t reach this ideal, they feel guilty;and even more stressed.After her own struggle with this,Ms.Li took a step back and used her experience lo build Sanity&Self,a self-care app and platform for overworked women.“The realizations I had in that process helped me gain insights and ultimately got me ready to integrate self-care into my daily life,"she said.[I]The stress problem extends beyond menial health when you consider the link between stress,anxiety and heart health.Worse,most of what we know about heart disease comes from studies involving men.However,“there are many reasons to think that it’s different in women,”Harvard Medical School reported.For example,women are more likely to experience disturbed sleep,anxiety and unusual fatigue before a heart attack.Stress is so normalized that it is easy for women to shrug off those symptoms as simply the consequences of stress.Many women also do not experience chest pain before a heart attack the way men do,which leads to fewer women discovering problematic heart issues.Harvard reports that women are“much more likely than men to die within a year of having a heart attack”and “many women say their physicians sometimes don't even recognize the symptoms.”[J]The good news is,women are more likely than men to take charge of their stress and manage it, the American Psychological Association reports.The concept of self-care,at its core,is quite simple.“The basles of adequate sleep,healthy diet and exercise are a good place to start,”Dr.Joyce said.“Support from trusted relationships is vital.This includes professional support from various health and wellness providers if stress is becoming increasingly overwhelming.”K)Disconnection from work and home responsibilities is also obviously important.But it’s much easier said than done.It is important to understand what causes your stress in the first place.“Get really specific with what’s stressing you out,”Ms.Li said.“We often chalk up our stress to broad experiences like work.But work stress can take many different forms.Is a colleague being disrespectful of your time?Is a boss undermining your day-to-day control over decisionmaking?These are different causes of stress and can benefit from different kinds of self-care.”[L]Ideally,your spouse of partner will be supportive,rather than dismissive,of your stress.It is important to talk through these issues before they come to a head.“Women working outside of the home should make an effort to have a conscious conversation with their partners about more equitable sharing of household and family responsibilities,”Dr.Joyce said.36.Some career women who aim high tend to feel guilty if they fail to achieve their goals.37.The unpaid housework done by women is triple that done by men.38.It is reported that women consistently suffer more from severe stress than men.39.Women are advised to identify the specific causes of their stress so that steps can be taken to deal with it.40.One study showed hat women managers often expressed positive emotions that they didn’t really feel.41.Women tend to mistake signs of heart attacks for symptoms of stress.42.For a time an app developer in America was so busy attending to work and family that she suffered from sleeplessness.43.The emotional labor women do is noticed only when it is not done.44.Dr.Joyce suggests that apart from self-care,women should seek professional support if they experience severe stress.45.Some people believe that there may not exist a stress gap between men and women. Section CDirections:There are2passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions46to50are based on the following passage.As many office workers adapt to remote work,cities may undergo fundamental change if offices remain under-utilized.Who will benefit if working from home becomes the norm?Employers argue they make considerable savings on real estate when workers shift from office to home work.However,these savings result from passing costs on to workers.Unless employees are fully compensated,this could become a variant of parasitic(寄生的)capitalism,whereby corporate profits increasingly rely on extracting value from the public—and now personal—realm,rather than on generating new value.Though employers are backed by a chorus of remote work advocates,others note the loneliness,reduced productivity and inefficiencies of extended remote work.If working from home becomes permanent,employees will have to dedicate part of their private space to work.This requires purchasing desks,chairs and office equipment.It also means having private space dedicated to work:the space must be heated,cleaned, maintained and paid for.That depends on many things,but for purposes of illustration,I have run some estimates for Montréal.The exercise is simple but important,since it brings these costs out of the realm of speculation into the realm of meaningful discussion.Rough calculations show that the savings made by employers when their staff works from home are of similar value to the compensation workers should receive for setting up offices at home.What does this mean for offices in cities?One of two things may happen:Employers pass these costs onto employees.This would be a form of expropriation(侵占),with employees absorbing production costs that have traditionally been paid by the employer.This represents a considerable transfer of value from employees to employers.When employees are properly compensated,employers’real estate savings will be modest.If savings are modest,then the many advantages of working in offices—such as lively atmosphere, rapidity of communication,team-building and acclimatization(适应环境)of new employees—will encourage employers to shelve the idea of remote work and,like Yahoo in2013,encourage employees to work most of the time from corporate office space.46.What does the author say about working from home?A)It will become the norm sooner or later.B)It requires employees to adapt promptly.C)It benefits employers at the expense of employees.D)It will force cities to transform their infrastructure.47.Why do some people oppose working from home?A)It discourages team spirit.C)It undermines traditional values.B)It invades employees’privacy.D)It negatively impacts productivity.48.Why did the author run the estimates for Montréal?A)To provide convincing data for serious discussion.B)To illustrate the ongoing change in working patterns.C)To show the impact of remote working on productivity.D)To exemplify how remote working affects the economy.49.What can we conclude from the author’s calculations?A)There is no point in transferring office work to working from home.B)Employees can benefit as much from remote working as their employers.C)Employers’gain from remote working should go to employees as compensation.D)Effective measures should be taken to motivate employees to set up offices at home.50.What is the author’s opinion on working from home?A)It should be avoided if possible.B)It is only a temporary measure.C)It can reduce companies’real estate costs.D)It may affect employees’corporate loyalty.Passage TwoQuestions51to55are based on the following passage.The human thirst for knowledge is the driving force behind our successful development as a species.But curiosity can also be dangerous,leading to setbacks or even downfalls.Given curiosity’s complexity,scientists have found it hard to define.While pinning down a definition has proven tricky,the general consensus is it’s some means of information gathering.Psychologists also agree curiosity is intrinsically(内在地)motivated.Curiosity covers such a large set of behaviors that there probably isn’t any single“curiosity gene”that makes humans wonder about and explore their environment.That said,curiosity does have a genetic component.Genes and the environment interact in many complex ways to shapeindividuals and guide their behavior,including their curiosity.Regardless of their genetic makeup,infants have to learn an incredible amount of information in a short time,and curiosity is one of the tools humans have found to accomplish that gigantic task.Hundreds of studies show that infants prefer novelty.It’s what motivates non-human animals, human infants and probably human adults to explore and seek out new things before growing less interested in them after continued exposure.But curiosity often comes with a cost.In some situations,the stakes are low and failure is a healthy part of growth.For instance, many babies are perfectly proficient crawlers,but they decide to try walking because there’s more to see and do when they stand upright.But this milestone comes at a small cost.A study of12-to 19-month-olds learning how to walk documented that these children fell down a lot.Seventeen times per hour,to be exact.But walking is faster than crawling,so this motivates expert crawlers to transition to walking.Sometimes,however,testing out a new idea can lead to disaster.For instance,the Inuit people of the Arctic regions have created incredible modes to deal with the challenges of living in northern climates,but what we forget about are the tens of thousands of people that tried and failed to make it in those challenging landscapes.51.What does the author say about curiosity?A)It is too complex for non-scientists to understand.B)It is the force that pushes human society forward.C)It is a unique trait specific to the human race.D)It is often the major cause for human failures.52.What is the general understanding of curiosity?A)It motivates people to seek information.B)It is destined to transform human genes.C)It does people more good than harm.D)It underlies all human behaviors.53.What do we lean about how genes shape people’s behavior?A)They determine people’s way of thinking.B)They account for age differences in learning.C)They enable people to undertake massive tasks.D)They work in conjunction with the environment.54.What do numerous studies show about infants?A)They are far more curious than adults.B)They prefer to go after all that is novel.C)They have different interests than adults.D)They show non-human animal behaviors.55.What does the example of the Inuit people of the Arctic regions illustrate?A)The cost of humans’curiosity to explore.B)The incredible harshness of cold weather.C)The innovative ideas stemming from curiosity.D)The importance of learning from past failures.PartⅣTranslation(30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet2.坎儿井(Karez)是新疆干旱地区的一种水利系统,由地下渠道将水井连接而成。
2021年6月大学生英语四级真题试卷及答案(第三套)目录2021年6月大学英语四级真题试题三(完整版) ..................................................... ..........................................................1 答案 ...................................................... ......................................................... ......................................................... (16)2021年6月大学英语四级真题试题三(完整版)Part I Writing (30 minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutesto write an a short easy on the importance of writingability and how to develop it.You should write at least120 words but no more than 180 words.Part II Listening prehension(25 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear three newsreports. At the end of each news report, you will heartwo or three questions. Both the news report andquestions will be spoken only once. After you hearquestions, you must choose the best answer from the fourchoices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark thecorresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single linethrough the centre.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。
2021年6月英语四级真题试卷卷三Part ⅠWriting 写作Do Violent VideoGames IncreaseAggression ?(暴力电子游戏会增加攻击性吗?)Studies have shown that playingviolent videogames can increaseaggressive thoughts ,behaviors,and feelings in both the short -term and long -term.[2] Violentvideogames can also desensitizepeople to seeing aggressivebehavior and decrease prosocialbehaviors such as helping anotherperson and feeling empathy ( theability to understand others ). Thelonger that individuals areexposed to violent videogames ,the more likely they are to haveaggressive behaviors ,thoughts,and feelings . These effects havebeen seen in studies in bothEastern and Westerncountries .Although males spend more timethan females playing violent videogames ,violent videogameexposure can increase aggressivethoughts ,behaviors,and feelingsin both sexes.Part ⅡListening 听力Part ⅢReading 阅读Section A 词汇理解(完形填空)Nowadays you can't buy any hing without then being asked to provide ...26.E) experience27.B) commonplace28.J) routinely29.D) desperate30.H) prompted31.I) roughly32.K) shining33.0) wonder34.C) confess35.G) optionSection B信息匹配(长篇阅读)The start of highschool doesn't have to be stressful36.[E] In addition,studies find the first year of high school typically shows one of the greatest increases in depression of any year over the lifespan.37.[G] In one recent study,we examined 360 adolescents' beliefs about the nature of“smartness”-that is,their fixed mindsets about intelligence.38.[J] These findings lead to several possibilities that we are investigating further.39.[C] In the new global economy,students who fail to finish the ninth grade with passing grades in college preparatory coursework are very unlikely to graduate on time and go onto get jobs.40.[H] We also investigated the social side of the high school transition.41.[E] In addition,studies find the first year of high school typically shows one of the greatest increases in depression of any year over the lifespan. ...42.[D] The consequences of doing poorly in the ninth grade can impact more than students’ability to find a good job.43.[A] This month,more than 4 million students across the nation will begin high school.44.[I] Experiment results showed that students who were not taught that people can change showed poor stress respons-es.45.[F] Given all that’s riding on having a successful ninthgrade experience,it pays to explore what can be done to meet theacademic,social and emotional challenges of the transition to high school.Section C 仔细阅读2篇(阅读理解)Boredom has become trendy . Studies point to how boredom is good for creativity·46.A)It facilitates innovative thinking .47.A)A need to be left alone.48.C)It may prevent people from developing a genuine sense of community .49.B) Reflect on how they relate to others .50.D) Devote themselves to a worthy cause .Can you remember whatyou ate yesterday ? If asked,most people will be......51.A) Calorie consumption had fallen drastically over the de-cades52.A)People's calorie intake was far from accurately reported .53.B) They overlook the potential causes of obesity .54.B) The potential causes of snacking .55.B) Make sure people eatnon-fatteningfood.Part ⅣTranslation 翻译(汉译英)普洱(Pu'er)茶深受中国人喜爱,最好的普洱茶产自云南的西双版纳(Xishuangbanna),那里的气候和环境为普洱茶树的生长提供了最佳条件。
大学英语四级名校密卷(10)(一)Part ⅠListening Comprehension(20 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A) Two blocks. B) Five blocks.C) Three blocks. D) Four blocks.2. A) He suggests that she buy the sweater in another color.B) He suggests that she buy a jacket instead of the sweater.C) He suggests that she buy the sweater at its original price.D) He suggests that she buy the sweater on Friday.3. A) It was cleaned.B) There was a large sale.C) The employees had to work very late.D) There was a robbery.4. A) Be a bad boy.B) Eat too fast.C) Go to a game.D) Skip his lunch.5. A) A salesman.B) A telephone repairman.C) A plumber.D) An electrician.6. A) She didn’t understand what Eva was saying.B) Eva should have been more active.C) Eva didn’t seem to be nervous at all during her presentation.D) Eva needs training in public speaking lessons.7. A) Whether to change his job.B) Asking for a higher salary.C) Accepting a new secretary.D) Getting a better position.8. A) He could help her with the problems.B) He could go out together with her.C) She should go out for a while.D) She should do the problems herself.9. A) He objects her visit.B) The class is not worth visiting.C) To visit his class next Monday.D) The students will have their examination next Monday.10. A) At the railway station.B) At the customs.C) At the police station.D) At the post office.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of eachpassage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices markedA), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A) The national department of education.B) School boards.C) Public schools in the United States.D) Local control of school.12. A) Public schools are not the same throughout the United States.B) The school board members are not professional education.C) The federal department is not the same as a department of education in many other countries.D) The members of the school board serve without pay.13. A) He governs the local school district.B) He carries out policies of the governing board.C) He selects the superintendent of a school.D) He runs the business of the school.Passage TwoQuestions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) The local Sunday newspaper.B) The local Saturday newspaper.C) The local Friday newspaper.D) Not mentioned in this passage.15. A) Because the traveling expenses are high.B) Because the rents are too high for most people.C) Because it is easier to get familiar with the area.D) Because it is easier to join in the life of a city.16. A) The farther you live outside the city, the lower the rents will be.B) Traveling to and from is as expensive as living in the city.C) Many people start to look for houses from Saturday morning.D) In many cities the Sunday newspaper can be obtained late Saturday night.Passage ThreeQuestions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. A) Nine out of ten.B) One third.C) Even out of thirty.D) One fourth.18. A) The cat can reach their terminal speed.B) The cat does not change its final speed.C) His legs spread out and muscles absorb more force of impact.D) He will slow down and reduce the damage.19. A) Cats can change their position while falling.B) The force of impact with the ground over four legs is spread.C) Cats can land on their feet after falling.D) Their muscles can absorb more of the force of impact.20. A) Nine out of ten cats have a better chance of survival.B) What is the significance of the seventh floor?C) What’s the cats’ terminal speed?D) Most cats can survive when falling.Part ⅡReading Comprehension (35 minutes)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.Even if all the technical and intellectual problems can be solved, there are major social problems inherent in the computer revolution. The most obvious is unemployment, since the basic purpose of commercial computerization is to get more work done by fewer people. One British study predicts that “automation induced unemployment” in Western Europe could reach 16% in the next decade, but most analyses are more optimistic. The general rule seems to be that new technology eventually creates as many jobs as it destroys, and often more. “People who put in computers usually increase their staffs as well,” says CPT’s Scheff. “Of course,” he adds,“ one industry may kill another indust ry. That’s tough on some people.”Theoretically, all unemployed workers can be retrained, but retraining programs are not high on the nation’s agenda(议程). Many new jobs, moreover, will require an ability in using computers, and the retraining needed to use them will have to be repeated as the technology keeps improving. Says a chillingreport by theCongressional Office of Technology Assessment: “Lifelong retraining is expected to become the standard for many people.” There is already considerable evidence that the school children now being educated in the use of computers are generally the children of the white middle class. Young blacks, whose unemployment rate stands today at 50%, will find another barrier in front of them.Such social problems are not the fault of the computer, of course, but a consequence of the way the American society might use the computer. “Even in the days of the big, main-frame computers, when they were a machine for the few,” says Katherine Davis Fishman, author of The Computer Establishment, “it was a tool to help the rich get richer. It still is to a large extent. One of the great values lot the personal computer is that smaller firms, smaller organizations can now have some of the advantages of the bigger, organizations.”21. The closest restatement of “one industry may kill another industry”.(Line. 12, Para.1). is that ____.A) industries tend to compete with one anotherB) industries tend to combine into bigger onesC) one industry may increase its staff at the expense of anotherD) one industry might be driven out of business by another industry22. The word “chilling” (Line. 6, Para. 2) most probably means ____.A) discouraging B) convincingC) misleading D) interesting23. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?A) Computers are efficient in retraining unemployed workers.B) Computers may offer more working opportunities than they destroy.C) Computers will increase the unemployment rate of young blacks.D) Computers can help smaller organizations to function more effectively.24. From the passage it can be inferred that ____.A) all school children are offered a course in the use of computerB) all unemployed workers are being retrainedC) in reality only a certain portion of unemployed workers will be retrainedD) retraining programmes are considered very important by the government25. The major problem discussed in the passage is____.A) the importance of lifelong retraining of the unemployed workersB) the social consequences of the widespread use of computers in the United StatesC) the barrier to the employment of young peopleD) the general rule of the advancement of technologyPassage TwoQuestions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.We are all naturally attracted to people with ideas, beliefsand interests like our own. Similarly, we feel comfortable with people with physical qualities similar to ours.You may have noticed how people who live or work closely together come to behave in a similar way. Unconsciously,we copy those we are close to or love or admire. So a sportsman’s individual way of walking with raised shoulders is imitated by an admiring fan; a pair of lovers both shake their heads in the same way; an employee finds himself duplicatin g his boss’s habit of wagging a pen between his fingers while thinking.In every case, the influential person may not consciously notice the imitation, but he will feel comfortable in its presence. And if he does notice the matching of his gestures or movements, he finds it pleasing he is influencing people: they are drawn to him.Sensitive people have been mirroring their friends and acquaintances all their lives, and winning affection and respect in this way without being aware of their methods. Now, for people who want to win agreement or trust, affection or sympathy, some psychologists recommend the deliberate use of physical mirroring.The clever saleswoman echoes her lady customer’s movements, tilting her head in the same way to judge a color match, or folding her arms a few seconds after the customer, as though consciously attracted by her. The customer feels that the saleswoman is in sympathy with her, and understands her needs - a promising relationship for a sate to take place.。
Part I Writing ( 30 minutes)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay titled "Do violent video games lead to violence ? ". The statement given below is for your ref e re ne e . You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.A growing body of research finds that violent video games can make kids act aggressively in their real world relationships, causing an increase in violence.Part :U: Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)&�: Eil=f 2021 � 6 �IZQ���OO��TWI�l!Jrfl •*�;l'.lml!Jrfl!§fi!WI���fflfRJ,J=U!JZtl3i!flll¥�1EJ, 1!1 JtttE*�·-r:p�ff :m:�tll :$Part ISection AReading Comprehension ( 40 minutes)Directions: In this section , there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one. word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. &eh choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the correspondirtg letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once .Nowadays you can't buy anything without then being asked to provide a rating of a company's performance on a five-star scale.I've been asked to rate my "store�" on the EFTPOS terminal before I can pay. Even the most _J'J__ activities, such as calling Telstra or picking up a parcel from Australia Post, are followed by texts or emails with surveys asking, "How did we do?"Online purchases are � followed up by a customer satisfaction survey. Companies are so � for a hit of stars that if you delete the survey the company sends you another one.We're _lQ_ to rate our apps when we've barely had a chance to use them. One online course provider I use asks you what you think of the course after you've only completed � 2 per cent of it.Economist Jason Murphy says that companies use customer satisfaction ratings· because a � display of star feedback has become the nuclear power sources of the modem economy.However, you can't help but� if these companies are basing their business on fabrications (�:it it? 1t-�).I� that with online surveys 1 just click the� that's closest to my mouse cursor (it#) to get the damn thing off my screen. Often the star rating I give has far more to do with the kind of day I'm having than the purchase 1 just made.A)announceB)commonplaceC)confess-----maesperateE)experienceF) fascinatedG) o ptionH)promptedl)rou gh l yJ)routinelyK) shiningL)showeringM)variety-----N) voyage __ _0) wonder四级Section BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. &eh statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. &eh paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.Science of setbacks: How failure can improve career prospectsA)How do early career setbacks affect our long-term success? Failures can help us learn and overcome ourfears. But disasters can still wound us. They can screw us up and set us back. Wouldn't it be nice if there was genuine, scientifically documented truth to the expression "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger"?B)One way social scientists have probed the effects of career setbacks is to look at scientists of verysimilar qualifications. These scientists, for reasons that are mostly arbitrary, either just missed gettinga research grant or just barely made it. In social sciences, this is known as examining "near misses" and"narrow wins" in areas where merit is subjective. That allows researchers to measure only the effects of being chosen or not. Studies in this area have found conflicting results. In the competitive game of biomedical science, research has been done on scientists who narrowly lost or won grant money. It suggests that narrow winners become even bigger winners down the line. In other words, the rich get richer.C)A 2018 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, for example, followedresearchers in the Netherlands. Researchers concluded that those who just barely qualified for a grant were able to get twice as much money within the next eight years as those who just missed out. And the narrow winners were 50 percent more likely to be given a professorship.D)Others in the US have found similar effects with National Institutes of Health early-career fellowshipslaunching narrow winners far ahead of close losers. The phenomenon is often referred to as the Matthew effect� fosp1red-6y ilie Bible's-wisdom diaf fo t h o se who have, more will b e-given: There's-a -good explanation for the phenomenon in the book The Formula: The Universal Laws of Success by Albert Laszlo Barabasi. According to Barabasi, it's easier and less risky for those in positions of power to choose to hand awards and funding to those who've already been so recognized.E)This is bad news for the losers. Small early career setbacks seem to have a disproportionate effectdown the line. What didn't kill them made them weaker. But other studies using the same technique 四级have shown there's sometimes no penalty to a near miss. Students who just miss getting into top high schools or universities do just as well later in life as those who just manage to get accepted. In this case, what didn't kill them simply didn't matter. So is there any evidence that setbacks might actually improve our career prospects? There is now.F)In a study published in Nature Communications, Northwestern University sociologist Dashun Wangt racked more than 1 , 100 scientists who were on the border between getting a grant and missing out between 1990 and 2005. He followed various measures of performance over the next decade. These included how many papers they authored and how influential those papers were, as measured by the number of subsequent citations. As expected, there was a much higher rate of attrition (�g!) amongscientists who didn't get grants. But among those who stayed on, the close losers performed even better than the narrow winners. To make sure this wasn't by chance, Wang conducted additional tests using different performance measures. He examined how many times people were first authors on influential studies, and the like.G)One straightforward reason close losers might outperform narrow winners is that the two groups havecomparable ability. In Wang's study, he selected the most determined, passionate scientists from the loser group and culled (J1J �) what he deemed the weakest members of the winner group. Yet the persevering losers still came out on top. He thinks that being a close loser might give people a psychological boost, or the proverbial kick in the pants.H)Utrecht University sociologist Arnout van de Rijt was the lead author on the 2018 paper showing therich get richer. He said the new finding is apparently reasonable and worth some attention. His own work showed that although the narrow winners did get much more money in the near future, the actual performance of the close losers was just as good.I)He said the people who should be paying regard to the Wang paper are the funding agents whodistribute government grant money. After all, by continuing to pile riches on the narrow winners, the taxpayers are not getting the maximum bang for their buck if the close losers are performing just as well or even better. There's a huge amount of time and effort that goes into the process of selecting who gets grants, he said, and the latest research shows that the scientific establishment is not very good at distributing money. "Maybe we should spend less money trying to figure out who is better than who," he said, suggesting that some more equal dividing up of money might be more productive and more efficient. Van de Rijt said he's not convinced that losing out gives people a psychological boost;It may yet be a selection effect. Even though Wang tried to account for this by culling the weakest winners, it's impossible to know which of the winners would have quit had they found themselves on the losing side.J)For his part, Wang said that in his own experience, losing did light a motivating fire. He recalled a recent paper he submitted to a journal, which accepted it only to request extensive editing, and then reversed course and rejected it. He submitted the unedited version to a more respected journal and got accepted.K)In sports and many areas of life, we think of f a ilures as evidence of something we could have done better. We regard these disappointments as a fate we could have avoided with more careful 四级preparation, different training, a better strategy, or more focus. And there it makes sense that failures show us the road to success. These papers deal with a kind of failure people have little control over-rejection. Others determine who wins and who loses. But at the very least, the research is starting to show that early setbacks don't have to be fatal. They might even make us better at our jobs'.Getting paid like a winner, though? That's a different matter.36.Being a close loser could greatly motivate one to persevere in their research.37.Grant awarders tend to favor researchers alretJ.dy reco�ized i:11 their re�pective fif?Jd_38.Suffering early setbacks might help people improve their job performance.40.It is not to the best interest of taxpayers to keep giving money to narrow winners.41.Scientists who persisted in research without receiving a grant made greater achievements than thosewho got one with luck, as suggested in one study.42.A research paper rejected by one journal may get accepted by another.43.According to one recent study, narrow winners of research grants had better chances to be promotedto professors.44.One researcher suggests it might be more fruitful to distribute grants on a relatively equal basis.45.Minor setbacks in their early career may have a strong negative effect on the career of close losers. Section CDirections: There are 2 passa,ges in this section . F.ach passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on thebest choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage OneQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Boredom has become trendy. Studies point to how boredom is good for creativity and innovation, aswell as mental health. It is found that people are more creative following the completion of a tedious task.When people are bored, they have an increase in "associative thought"-the process of making newconnections between ideas, which is linked to innovative thinking. These studies are impressive, but inreality, the benefits of boredom may be related to having time to clear your mind, be quiet, or daydream.In our stimulation-rich world, it seems unrealistic that boredom could occur at all. Yet, there arevalid reasons boredom may feel so painful. As it turns out, boredom might signal the fact that you have aneed that isn't being met.Our always-on world of social media may result in more connections, but they are superficial and can��t in �h� _\\"_a_y_�f buildin� _a real se�� !'!_ b e longing. Feeling bored may signal the desire for a greater senseof community and the feeling that you fit in with others around you. So take the step of joining anorganization to build face-to-face relationships. You'll find depth that you won't get from your screen nomatter how many likes you get on your post.Similar to the need for belonging, bored people often report that they feel a limited sense ofmeaning. It's a fundamental human need to have a larger purpose and to feel like we're part of something 四级bigger than ourselves. When people are bored, they're more likely to feel less meaning in their lives. Ifyou want to reduce boredom and increase your sense of meaning, seek work where you can make a uniquecontribution, or find a cause you can support with your time and talent.If your definition of boredom is being quiet, mindful, and reflective, keep it up. But if you'restruggling with real boredom and the emptiness it provokes, consider whether you might seek newconnections and more significant challenges. These are the things that will genuinely relieve boredom andmake you more effective in the process.46.What have studies found about boredom?A)It facilitates innovative thinking.B)It is a result of doing boring tasks.C)It helps people connect with others.D)It does harm to one's mental health.47.What does the author say boredom might indicate?A)A need to be left alone.B)A desire to be fulfilled.C)A conflict to be resolved.D)A feeling to be validated.48.What do we learn about social media from the passage?A)It may be an obstacle to expanding one's connections.B)It may get in the way of enhancing one's social status.C)It may prevent people from developing a genuine sense of community.D)It may make people feel that they ought to fit in with the outside world.49.What does the author suggest people do to get rid of boredom?A)Count the likes they get on their posts.B)Reflect on how they relate to others.C)Engage in real-life interactions.D)Participate in online discussions.50.What should people do to enhance their sense of meaning?A)Try to do something original.B)Confront significant challenges.C)Define boredom in their unique way.D)Devote themselves to a worthy cause.Passage TwoQuestions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.Can you remember what you ate yesterday? If asked, most people will be able to give a vague description of their main meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner. But can you be sure you've noted every snack bar in your car, or every handful of nuts at your desk? Most people will have a feeling that they've missed something out.We originally had this suspicion back in 2016, puzzled by the fact that national statistics showed calorie consumption falling dramatically over past decades. We found reliable evidence that people were drastically under-reporting what they ate.Now the Office for National Statistics has confirmed that we are consuming 50% more calories than our national statistics claim.Why is this happening? We can point to at least three potential causes. One is the rise in obesity levels itself. Under-reporting rates are much higher for obese people, because they simply consume more food, and thus have more to remember.Another cause is that the proportion of people who are trying to lose weight has been increasing over time. People who want to lose weight are more likely to under-report their eating-regardless of whether they are overweight or not. This may be driven partly by self-deception or "wishful thinking''.The final potential cause is an increase in snacking and eating out over recent decades-both in terms of how often they happen and how much they contribute to our overall energy intake. Again, there is四级evidence that food conswned out of the home is one of the most poorly recorded categories in surveys.So, what's the message conveyed? For statistics , we should invest in more accurate measurement options. For policy, we need to focus on options that make it easy for people to eat fewer calories. If people do not know how much they are eating, it can be really hard for them to stick to a diet. Also, we should be looking for new ways to ensure what people eat wouldn't have much impact on their waistlines. If this works , it won't matter if they can't remember what they ate yesterday.51.What did the author suspect back in 2016?A)Calorie conswnption had fallen drastically over the decades.B)Most people surveyed were reluctant to reveal what they ate.C)The national statistics did not reflect the actual calorie conswnption.D)Most people did not include snacks when reporting their calorie intake.52.What has the Office for National Statistics verified?A)People's calorie intake was far from accurately reported.B)The missing out of main meals leads to the habit of snacking.C)The nation's obesity level has much to do with calorie intake.D)Calorie conswnption is linked to the amount of snacks one eats.53.What do we learn about obese people from the passa ge?A)They usually keep their eating habits a secret.B) They overlook the potential causes of obesity.C )They cannot help eating more than they should.D )They have difficulty recalling what they have eaten.54.What often goes unnoticed in surveys on food conswnption?A)The growing trend of eating out.B)The potential causes of snacking.C)People's home energy consumption.�-D)_People's chan �g diet ove!Jh�-��rs._______ _ 55.What does the author suggest policymakers do about obesity?A)Remind people to cut down on snacking.B)Make sure people eat non-fattening food.C)Ensure people don't miss their main meals.D)See that people don't stick to the same diet.Part N Translation( 30 minutes)Directions: For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English . You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.}kAt-CL ong j ing)Jl-#!t�,.i..�? tJ 1f � ij;��ifu:€r9*0:� O )£-Jl=-��i#€r9�F-*-� t:1 �?b-:it-&Ai r"1f � %,�"€r9:#� ,,f}:.1f � �*�*--it a9 >t.b fe.,,fJ;.ifg:5'r,ikJlJ a9 A..:if?..:M!*-:M! j O 1£-J!=-�:ii 1*'"+ .:r.tJ 1t' -:it--Yt� "iifi�ifll-:it-�-t ,� "iifi�tt.$.t1t.j: ,i!.�*:-f"�€r9 !l *-� .. ;ft�atfaJ �1M1t.:r. to 1£-J!=-�1; �tft!l-!-C �*�j#����a9�-!°o �1*'"�1£-Jl=-��M-f"���� .. ����o 四级Part I Writing-c/ m 1&5lilii!M:JF�'!ij ��= l=t!.-=friff�fillrJHt·l:i!flH�5l�F:mm i tt. Jt:i:J=tz ':r :-�-jJ l=t!.-=fr!ff����-jJ fiho :I'-----------------------------------------------------------' I : , -, Do violent video games" ! ! m 2&�1*�'B iiE l=t!.-=f ����-jJfi '-!B��[z51: ��fWcz.��B�#tl�jJ .� :lead to viole nc e ?--�-C)I rm11J Wf �l=f=t fI B .jJ lr h ; 1,f$1:t!.-=friff�hT fJHf-ihf ��fill 3'HfJj '.-, !U o 1 !: 1&5IJJ, Wf �l=f=t 1E�7-nfih ; ifJl�gijl=t!.-=fr!ff�JG�!l:JJ o f:JJ fi ho:I' -----------------------------------------------------------� I I I � -----------------------------------------------------------, I I L -C): $3&�ili}!i)l: :xt•nl=t!.-=fr!ff�I&i'M�lf'tio, ___________________________________________________________ / ��ra:x: ��,�-i:,Do violent video games lead to violence? [1]The explosive growth of video games in recent two decades [1],W�Wi�,5ltti�mJo has aroused grave social concern. [2] One of the main reasons is [21 [31 ��i'B,�: afJ it!.-=f W1xlt��JL1!that · many people worry violent video games could lead to m*��•n{rh o violence. [3] This is true, especially for child players.[4] For one thing, at a young age , children usually don't [4][5] 'Bl!ffl For one thing lO For another have good judgement and are prone to imitate the violent RM��ffif?t�.fJ��l¥.J��'�behaviours in games and regard them as being cool. [ 5] For ?X?t-000 another, many video games are full of violence to boost players'excitement , thus enhancing their appeal. [6] A growing nwnber of [ 61 flJ ffl ml § � >]( � ili 1¥.J i 'B ffl, :JF :uH-r a research proves that violent video games contribute to children's � ,-1rffiftts.M&BllfJ, �-1rffif f*JJM aggressive behaviors in their real life.:x1ii-g i¥.J JR. m �!N t �fl o [7]Considering many teenagers are spending a huge amount of [7]�itJJM�,�ttl�iJl.o time and money on video games, we need to be alert to the possibleharm of violent games that could be done to children.�liifflj[: game player W'f �m*electronic game it!. -=f Wf �venue *fi :lmEJrcater for ifl!it, mi )E emerge #}JM , ili JJM tournament �:f;j�spectator ��character A�, Jf:J @.manipulation �VA ,�t£physical and mental health � ,t,{S!-*enorm ous CR. ,t ,ftfl) �:xl¥.J, e :xl¥.J revenue (0i:O ,tfL;f:fJl¥.J)l&ft,l&A.punch ffl��ttf yell (jt��·�._'tyftf?.t�if(�rrff ):XP4, P 4�aggression :!& ttr 'i1:1f '-1bullying -� '·�si �� 1¥.Jq-=j-JgIm#& 2021 (tf: 6 JI 53四级Part ][Reading ComprehensionSection A' -ci ffiI-4f&i#.IY3J@i�x��tEM f F , !lLf::��1tffiSffi�1tf:��. fflI�l&JUiJ: ;: : ffif='W1ftl¥J�rfb�1tf:�mnf o ) : ,________ -----------------------------------------______ , llt:>e.:l:.�i#�7!i!1il� :." ---------------------------------------------------------Jsi!fii ffft l¥-J l'aJ R o '--i --C): ffi s a 5 [ Jf.l�*B9-irs -m ryj rfti *jg 1t -z.�� =f if:)j j j� 1,1ft O I '-------------------------------------------------------------' �--�����-� I ---------------------------------------------------------! ,. I I ,_ -c: ffi 6.13i:v.lfl::1f § cds�miJif93, !®!��ill 1¥J,�if=*!JZ,1(�0 '-------------------------------------------------------------' [ial�1Hlr1 .t iaJ: B ) commonplace 1ft JJi!,$!fM; E) experience t§.JJj; �ii:; G) option ��,�:g;f; M) variet y fifr�; �� {t ; N) voyage f.l;t:fr ; 0) wonder ·OOtl!)[; �:il!E i'gJ ffil: A) announce W{f.i ,0111; C) confess :ij.ti}..;fflEI; E) experience t§.JJj ;{*�Jlj; F) fascinated ��li.51,�1±; H) prompted i@.{!J!; 51 ®; K ) shining Lit:Yt, Lit"1E.; L) showering �ft ,flii ft; N) voyage f.lfi:�, :.llfi: ; 0) wonder ��9aJ:lH ;J�:¥1J·OOtW m�ffil: B) commonplace 1ft J]i!,a{J ,�J/l�ffif a{J; D) desperate ��#-�······a{]; g{gm_a{]; F) fascinated flt �1±a{] , flt Ii. 5 I f± a{] ; K ) shining ;1H±i a{]; :Yt� a{] ; 0) wonder ffl.:!ff a{J ,�ii: l¥J I.I ffil: I) roughly jc3&__t ; ffl.l.H&; J ) routinely fitl:fr:l:tk, •1:!J!'ift:l:tk ���-E )Ui5* �j IT] :2'. ;ff 15L r W � iiij ·�!JM.± 1t Jiu my Z Fo, fNJlt�;ff5l.t.�:11tA�WJ o Ui.>lJtlllr] *15J��: t£1"1�ZIDJ, �flt�*tE _ _ _ _ �F'1J�o_s � �J::X!� l2i i1fi"llttr_W.ft Q .·_Iii __ ffi-RAJ9al ,ii:J?X ml �*W !V.Fo, $•�:xtt*�R] a<J�:001tt:rr-isr=:xr-,-mz1t:!iJd®t�:xtm-1*�isiz?t, f5I Jlt�;ff5l.tl&:IJtA *�"1*ii:' �JJi"�Jla<J� WJ '�*ii��� E ) experience o 27.[:;f ,a ] W�iiu¥f.HJrJffioB)[ ii 5* �j IT] ;ff 1$1. the most , � W1 activities ZIDJ, fNJlt:2'.;ff 5l.t •�:11{AW�iiu o U! Sl �Jlr] *15J�� :l�P1!J!�ffl:a<Jffli;/J, IB�ff�ffi�-��ffi��-:k�I···-� •, -m�i&¥1Jm1�� � r f!J�#� �, ml f5J "�1f1 �11 �-z. � ?''a EEi :9l* a<J f91J r AI 9a1 , :it@ tfS � 111ftlJi!. a<J $ 'If , rN .tlt:2'. ;ff 5l.t 1& :11{ A *1f "1ft lJi!. a<J , tt-:tiB9" Jla<JW �W, �*g ��� B ) commonplace o28.[:;f ,ia] 1awm;f:JrJmo Im� 2021 J )[il*�JIT] :2'.;ff15Lr*15JEl<J1JHif are followed upZfaJ, fNJlt:2'.;ff5l.t•�:11tAIUWJ oCi!Sl�JIT] *15Jt.l�: �__tmJ�ZJ§"���?����•o ffl-R��,ml��M*W _f!Sffl�iSfit_! !��-�"1-m�J�tlJ�_o_ fNJlt:2'.��1& __:l:J tA. * 1f ":ti 1ft " Jl a<J IU iWJ , la iiij 't'n routinely "{il J:fr:l:tk ,'t/Jt#:1:&"ffl:�if/pJ �, ��*g ��o 29.[:;f ,ia] W�trtl*7$;f:JrJliMio D )Ui*¥UIT] :2'.;ff15LritJiiu so Z§, !2SIJ1t:2'.;ff5l.t.�:11tAJ�� Jiu oU!Sl.�JIT] *15J•�:liW,FJrv.Jfln*1$:lllJlj!*7ift/J•,�µJ��-N�1$1it-�o EEI15J�AJ9al,1i��µJ��im�1f:!:tk*tf ffi� l l:1m 1f1 � i Sf , rN � 11Mf1 �� #• � J®l � a<J if'.111-,fNJlt:2'.�5£1:'.1&:11{A **I"nHD a<J , �, •a<J".Jla<J W�iiu '�*g��� D) desperate o 30.[:;f ,ia] ift)'l:FJl!.Jffi o H)[ii5*�JIT] :S;!;ff,f$J.r b e i;/Jiiu are z.Fo' :S;!;ff5£1:'.1&:IJtAW� iiu �i;JJWJ El<J :xtil!JW :et o 6 Jj 54四级uut11J1r1 *1u•7'1 =�a1n7.tixJtlixJtl�m�-&!m -®mffl!fX14M, a1n•� �'t1rur ?t0m r-kiJ"i:iJ �, -�1:E�iW:�fl�lffi1:Ewt�1XJtl ixJ tl -&!ffl� !A M, •1m-0Ewt� 1r1(rr ?t, 129.ut:2 �6Ltm :!JtA *� ",00{5!' -OE-&!"• 51..a"1 w.J ' ii"j:*H!��7H)prompted a31.[� F,a] ltlw.Jmtfin!oD rnm�,tJ 1r1 ?t tJr kiJ-=f �� "i:iJ�,:2�FJr iE ms?t���m, ���:,t, 129.llt:2'.�6lt-�:!JtAltliiiJ oUi Sl�J 1r1 *1u •7'1=a -&!ffl tt B"J-�1£� i*� fl1�1ffi1£1$J=J.��7 2% B"J i*�)§", ·™fo]{$X1:t!r'1i*�B"J�r!o liJkiJ·"i:iJ� ,2%*16'� �tn B"J��, Ji HEdftfl IXJ tl IXJ tl -&!ffl �!A,129.llt:2'. �6Ltm :!JtA *� "-Jc�" •51.. a"1 iii] ,ii"j:*H!� � 7I)roughly a537�-�-*z itli iiJ J) routinely ��,g.1u•, 129.lltr-lF� o32.[�,ial %?i:tiiilmtfin!oK)[i! 5* i1J Iffi] :2'. �1ft .:P�JE%f i ii] a Z J§",�w.J display ZlW, 129.llt:2;f:l6Lt•�:1JtA%?i:tw.J aui Sl �1 1r 1 :2 � m 1£ ms ?t • 7'1 =129 7'1 -�__ &&& ffi B ti�7'1�1t�#f B"J� ,i:_,� njijj h*IL tl H J&fiJX"i:iJ�, !il�if?tffls"J�&&, 1m &&B#�A���*B"1�m,129.ut:2�6Ltm:1JtA *�"IJ�J�B"J".51..8"1%$w.J, Mc*H!��7'1 K)shining o 33.[�,�] �w.Jmtfin!o0)U!5!11Jiffi] :2'.�1ft.:P can't help but ��9:1,.fflffi!JEffl=i!IB, :2�6Ltm�A�iiiJffi{% oU! 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2020年12月英语四级真题及参考答案-三套全四级写作第一套Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on the change of communication. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.With the development of science and technology, we have witnessed the various huge changes of our daily life, among which, the change of communication is striking. However, people’s view on it never come to consensus. Concerning it, both communication online and offline have their merits.For one thing, no one denies that communication online brings great convenience to us, especially to those who have friends or relatives in remote areas. Because the change makes it possible for them to have frequent chat. And, the way we contact with others is diverse. Video calls and voice message can both meet modern people’s satisfaction. For another, the change is also making us disconnected. Due to the availability, people are gradually reluctant to have face-to-face communication with surrounding people, which is isolating us from the people we love.Given the factors above, the change of communication, we have to admit, is more like a double-edged sword. Neither do we discard it nor completely rely on it. Instead, we should make reasonable use of it so as to maximize its benefits.随着科学技术的发展,我们见证了我们日常生活中的各种巨大变化,其中沟通方式的变化是引人注目的。
2021年英语四级阅读理解习题及答案(卷十)If the population of the earth goes on increasing at its present rate, there will eventually not be enough resources left to sustain life on the planet.By the middle of the 21st century,if present trends continue, we will have used up all the oil that drives our cars,for example.Even if scientists develop new ways of feeding the human race,the crowded conditions on earth will make it necessary for lus to look for open space somewhere else. But none of the other planets in our solar system are capable of supporting life at present. One possible solution to the problem, however,has recently been suggested by American scientist, Professor Carl Sagan.Sagan believes that before the earth's resources are compleetely exhausted it will be possible to change the atmophere of Venus and so create a new world almost as large as earth itself. The difficult is that Venus is much hotter than the earth and there is only a tiny amount of water there.Sagan proposes that algae organisms that can live in extremely hot or cold atmospheres and at the same time produce oxygen,should be bred in condition similar to those on Venus.As soon as this has been done, the algae will be placed in small rockets. Spaceship will then fly to Venus and fire the rockets into the atmosphere .In a fairly short time, the alge will break down the carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon.When the algae have done theri work, the atmosphere will become cooler,but befor man can set foot on Venus it will be neccessary for the oxygen to produce rain. The surface of the planet will still be too hot for man to land on it but the rain will eventually fall and in a few years something like earth will be reproduced on Venus.1.Inte long run, the most insoluble problem caused by population growth on earth will probably be the lack of ______.a.foodb.oilc.spaced.resources2.Carl Sagan believes that Venus might be colonized from earth because _____a.it might be possible to change its atmosphereb.its atmosphere is the same as the earth'sc.there is a good supply of water on Venusd.the days on Venus are long enough3.On Venus there is a lot of ________.a.waterb.carbon dioxidec.carbon monoxided.oxygen4.Algae are plants that can____.a.live in very hot temperaturesb.live in very cold temperaturesc.manufacture oxygend.all of the above5. Man can land on Venus only when_______.a.the algae have done their workb.the atmosphere becomes coolerc.thereis oxygend.it rains there答案:CABDDPeople living on parts of the south coast of England face a serious problem. In 1993, the owners of a large hotel and of several houses discovered, to their horror, that their gardens had disappeared overnight. The sea had eaten into the soft limestone cliffs on which they had been built. While experts were studying the problem, the hotel and several houses disappeared altogether, sliding down the cliff and into the sea.Erosion (侵蚀) of the white cliffs along the south coast of England has always been a problem but it has become more serious in recent years. Dozens of homes have had to be abandoned as the sea has crept farther and farther inland. Experts have studied the areas most affected and have drawn up a map for local people, forecasting the year in whichtheir homes will be swallowed up by the hungry sea.Angry owners have called on the Government to erect sea defenses to protect their homes. Government surveyors have pointed out that in most cases, this is impossible. New sea walls would cost hundreds of millions of pounds and would merely make the waves and currents go further along the coast, shifting the problem from one area to another. The danger is likely to continue, they say, until the waves reach an inland area of hard rock which will not be eaten as limestone is. Meanwhile, if you want to buy a cheap house with an uncertain future, apply to a house agent in one of the threatened areas on the south coast of England. You can get a house for a knockdown price but it may turn out to be a knockdown home.1. What is the cause of the problem that people living on parts of the south coast of England face?A) The disappearance of hotels, houses and gardens.B) The experts’lack of knowledge.C) The rising of the sea level.D) The washing-away of limestone cliffs.2. The erosion of the white cliffs in the south of England ________.A) will soon become a problem for people living in central EnglandB) has now become a threat to the local residentsC) is quickly changing the map of EnglandD) can be stopped if proper measures are taken3. The experts’study on the problem of erosion can ________.A) lead to its eventual solutionB) provide an effective way to slow it downC) help to prevent it from worseningD) warn people whose homes are in danger4. It is not feasible to build sea defenses to protect against erosion because ________.A) it is too costly and will endanger neighbouring areasB) the government is too slow in taking actionC) they will be easily knocked down by waves and currentsD) house agents along the coast do not support the idea5. According to the author, when buying a house along the south coast of England, people should ________.A) be aware of the potential danger involvedB) guard against being cheated by the house agentC) take the quality of the house into considerationD) examine the house carefully before making a decision参考答案1. C2. B3. A4.B5. DAs a reliable travel agency, we really do try to describe our centers and accommodation as realistically as possible. All our Super Centers andMain Centers have been extensively investigated during the winter season 1975-1976. As a result we have first-hand information on the way in which hotels, life networks and ski schools, etc. operate during the season. We have not been able to investigate, at first hand, all our Independent Centers during the last season but all have been visited during the past three seasons. Should you need any more information about these centers we will try to get it for you. Our American centers have been investigated on our behalf by United Airlines Tours Department and by the U. S. tour operators who are assisting United and ourselves to offer you this novel program to the United States.Where possible we have eliminated the use of superlatives from the text (possibly making our brochure(小册子) less attractive to read than it might be) and have concentrated on as accurate a description as possible. Nevertheless you should bear in mind that your opinion and the opinion of our investigator might differ and there may be changes between the time of a visit by our investigator and the visit of one of our customers.We trust that it is evident to you that we have done all in our power to eliminate misdescription and that there really is no question of misrepresenta-tion on our part—either careless or otherwise. We welcome your constructive criticism—it is the best way we know of improving our brochures and ourservice. Although complaints are very expensive to handle, yourcomplaint or criticism will be thoroughly investigated and a refund (退赔) made if it is justified—none will be made if it isn"t. 26. The firm claims that all its winter sports centers have been the recent target of A.a program of personal visits B. intensive enquiries about facilities C. attempts to increase hotel accommodation D. an improved information service27. The "Independent Centers" were personally inspected_______.A. the year before lastB. three years agoC. between 1975 and 1976D. within the last three seasons 28. The program of tours to the United States appears to be_______. A. a new collaboration with U. S. travel firms B. newly taken over by U. S. tour operations C. a new independent venture D. organized by United Airlines29. Their brochure would be more attractive to read, they say, if_______. A. it were less truthful B. it used fewer superlatives C. it eliminated description D. it were more encouraged 30. The firm"s claim is that their program is improved by_______. A. helpful fault-finding by customersB. attractive description of the centers in every brochureC. a standard policy of prompt repaymentD. careful control of the hotels 答案:26. A 27. D 28. A 29. A 30. AAs a reliable travel agency, we really do try to describe our centers and accommodation as realistically as possible. All our Super Centers andMain Centers have been extensively investigated during the winter season 1975-1976. As a result we have first-hand information on the way in which hotels, life networks and ski schools, etc. operate during the season. We have not been able to investigate, at first hand, all our Independent Centers during the last season but all have been visited during the past three seasons. Should you need any more information about these centers we will try to get it for you. Our American centers have been investigated on our behalf by United Airlines Tours Department and by the U. S. tour operators who are assisting United and ourselves to offer you this novel program to the United States.Where possible we have eliminated the use of superlatives from the text (possibly making our brochure(小册子) less attractive to read than it might be) and have concentrated on as accurate a description as possible. Nevertheless you should bear in mind that your opinion and the opinion of our investigator might differ and there may be changes between the time of a visit by our investigator and the visit of one of our customers.We trust that it is evident to you that we have done all in our power to eliminate misdescription and that there really is no question of misrepresenta-tion on our part—either careless or otherwise. We welcome your constructive criticism—it is the best way we know of improving our brochures and our service. Although complaints are very expensive to handle, your complaint or criticism will be thoroughlyinvestigated and a refund (退赔) made if it is justified—none will be made if it isn"t. 26. The firm claims that all its winter sports centers have been the recent target of A. a program of personal visits B. intensive enquiries about facilities C. attempts to increase hotel accommodation D. an improved information service27. The "Independent Centers" were personally inspected_______.A. the year before lastB. three years agoC. between 1975 and 1976D. within the last three seasons28. The program of tours to the United States appears to be_______.A. a new collaboration with U. S. travel firmsB. newly taken over by U. S. tour operationsC. a new independent ventureD. organized by United Airlines29. Their brochure would be more attractive to read, they say, if_______.A. it were less truthfulB. it used fewer superlativesC. it eliminated descriptionD. it were more encouraged30. The firm"s claim is that their program is improved by_______.A. helpful fault-finding by customersB. attractive description of the centers in every brochureC. a standard policy of prompt repaymentD. careful control of the hotels答案:26. A 27. D 28. A 29. A 30. ASocial change is more likely to occur in societies where there is a mixture of different kinds of people than in societies where people are similar in many ways. The simple reason for this is that there are more different ways of looking at things present in the first kind of society. There are more ideas, more disagreements in interest, and more groups and organizations with different beliefs. In addition, there isusually a greater worldly interest and greater tolerance in mixed societies. All these factors tend to promote social change by opening more areas of life to decision. In a society where people are quite similar in many ways, there are fewer occasions for people to see the need or the opportunity for change because everything seems to be the same. And although conditions may not be satisfactory, they are at least customary and undisputed.Within a society, social change is also likely to occur more frequently and more readily in the material aspects of the culture than in the non-material, for example, in technology rather than in values; inwhat has been learned later in life rather than what was learned early; in the less basic and less emotional aspects of society than in their opposites; in the simple elements rather than in the complex ones; in form rather than in substance; and in elements that are acceptable to the culture rather than in strange elements.Furthermore, social change is easier if it is gradual. For example, it comes more readily in human relations on a continuous scale rather than one with sharp dichotomies. This is one reason why change has not come more quickly to Black Americans as compared to other American minorities, because of the sharp difference in appearance between them and their white counterparts.1.The passage is mainly discussing __________ .a.the necessity of social changeb.certain factors that determine the ease with which social changes occurc.two different societiesd.certain factors that promote social change2.______ is one of the factors that tend to promote social change.a.Joint interestb.Different points of viewc.Less emotional peopled.Advanced technology3.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?a.Social change tends to meet with more difficulty in basic and emotional aspects of society.b.Disagreement with and argument about conditions tend to slow down social change.c.Social change is more likely to occur in the material aspect of society.d.Social change is less likely to occur in what people learned when they were young.4.The expression "greater tolerance"(paragraph 1) refers to _____ .a."greater willingness to accept social change"b."quicker adaptation to changing circumstances"c."more respect for different beliefs and behavior"d."geeater readiness to agree to different opinions and ideas"5.Social change is less likely to occur in a society where people are quite similar in many ways because ________ .a.people there have got so accustomed to their conditions that they seldom think it necessary to changeb.people there have identical needs that can be satisfied without much difficultyc.people there are easy to pleased.people there are less disputed答案:b b b c aPsychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to old cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Some other researchers who study various aspects of mental life, maintain those rewards often destroy creativity byencouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others. The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary rewards sparks in grade-school children suggesting that properly presented inducements indeed aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal Personality and Social Psychology.“If they know they're working for a reward and can focus on a relatively challenging task, they show the most creativity,”says Robert Esenberger of the University of Delaware in Newark. “But it's easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards.”A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with uninspired students, Esenberger holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore falling grades.In earlier grades, the use of so-called token economics, in which students handle challenging problems and receive performance-based points toward valued rewards, shows promise in raising effort and creativity, the Delaware psychologist claims.1. Psychologists are divided with regard to their attitudes toward ____.A) the choice between spiritual encouragement and monetary rewardsB) the appropriate amount of external rewardsC) the study of relationship between actions andD) the effects of external rewards on students' performance2. What is the view held by many educators concerning external rewards for students?A) They approve of external rewards.B) They don't think external rewards.C) They have doubts about external rewards.D) They believe external rewards can motivate small children, but not college students.3. According to the result of the study mentioned in the passage, what should educators do to stimulate motivation and creativity?A) Give rewards for performances which deserve them.B) Always promise rewards.C) Assign tasks which are not very challenging.D) Be more lenient to students when mistakes are made.4. It can be inferred from the passage that major universities are trying to tighten their grading standards because they believe ____.A) rewarding poor performance may kill the creativity of students’B) punishment is more effective than rewardingC) failing uninspired students helps improve their overall academic standardsD) discouraging the students anticipation for easy rewards is matter of urgency5.Which of the following facts about “token economics”is not correct?A) Students are assigned challenging tasks.B) Rewards are given for good performances.C) Students are evaluated according to the effort they put into the task.D) With token economics, students’creativity can be enhanced.答案与解析:1. D心理学家认为外界的奖励对学生会有不同的影响。
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大学英语四级名校密卷(10)(三)C) migrants D) explorers 43. The secretary went through the typescript carefully to ____ all errors from it. A) abandon B) discharge C) eliminate D) withdraw 44. I have called ____ seeing if you would care to join our tennis club. A) on aount of B) in the event of C) with a view to D) with referen ___ to 45. To avoid an oil shortage more ___chines must ____solar energy. A) aelerate B) operate C) generate D) utilize 46. After the serious forest fire, positive measures have been taken for the ____of the forest. A) contribution B) convention C) conservation D) conversion 47. With her light hair and blue eyes Connie seems to ____her mother, but in her character she is more like her father. A) look after B) run after C) take after D) seek after 48. No sooner____than the jeep started off. A) his luggage was loaded B) had his luggage been loaded C) loaded his luggage D) his luggage was being loaded. 49. The president was ____ a bunch of flowers. A) provided with B) given with C) presented with D) supplied with 50. Racial discrimination inevitably ____ the resistan ___ of the broad ___sses of the black people. A) call for B) calloff C) call up D) call forth 51. By no means ____look down upon those who are inferior to us. A) we should B) we shouldn’t C) should we not D) should we 52. It suddenly ourred to Anne that money couldn’t ____all that Bob had suffered in the past five years. A) live up to B) ___ke out C) live through D) ___ke up for 53. When is the best moment to ____ the date of election to the newspaper? A) relieve B) relate C) release D) reveal 54. Beethoven is my favorite musician, I regard him as ____other musician. A) superior to B) more superior to C) superior than D) more superior than 55. Anne can’t go to the movie tonight, because she is ____ a Chinese te st tomorrow morning. A) supposedly to haveB) supposed to have C) supposedly to having D) supposed to having 56. The foreign visitors said that they wouldn’t mind ____. A) having a hard bed for the night B) have a hard bed for the night C) to have a hard bed for the night D) they had a hard bed for the night 57. You were very clever to ____ him. He had de___ived the rest of us. A) see through B) look through C) look over D) join in with 58. The ____ decision of the factory owners caused anger among the workers. A)realistic B) arbitrary C) reasonable D) objective 59. ____as we were by the enemy ,we ___naged to ___rch forward.A) Surrounding B) Having surrounded C) Surrounded D) Being surrounded 60. She ____him everything she saw that night. A) couldn’t but ___ing B) couldn’t but to ___C) couldn’t help to ___ D) couldn’t help but ___61. Will you try to ____ when the ship leaves for Shanghai?A) get in B) look for C) find out D) search for62. There was no sleeping aommodation ____ to us for the night. A) available B) applicable C) attainable D) approachable 63. The television show was ____by aspecial news report. A) cut off B) cut up C) cut down D) cut across 64. The room ____he worked is now in good repair. A) in which B) in that C) in where D) at that 65. The use of fertilizers and improved methods of controlling plant and ani ___l diseases has ____farm production. A) supplemented B) soared C) exaggerated D) boosted 66. For the past few years, my reading ____to newspapers. A) be limited B) has limited C) was limited[DW]D) has been limited 67. When you are camping, there are ___ny inconvenien ___s that have to be ____. A) put up with B) caught up with C) e up with D) kept upwith 68. Young people sometimes plain of not being able to ____with thei r parents. A) connect B) correspondC) associate D) municate 69. So for ___fully ____that we were all convin ___d. A) he did speak B) he spoke C) did he speak D) that he spoke 70. They were pletely____by the story he ___de up. A) taken on B) taken upC) taken in D) taken forPart Ⅳ Short Answer Questions(15 minutes) Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or inplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or plete the statements in the fewest possible words. It isn’t strictly true that one half of the world is rich and the other half is poor. It’s one-third that is very rich and two-thirds that are very poor. People in the rich one-third don’t realize the enormous differen ___ between them and the other two-thirds. A very ___ example is that a fisher ___n in South America ___y be catching fish which is pro ___ssed into pet food and yet his own children are not getting enough protein for their bo ___s to develop properly. Although a lot of the world’s natural resour ___s like oil e from these poorercountries, we in the richer countries are probably using sixty times as much of these resour ___s as a person in Asia or Africa. The richer countries are in a position to dictate the supplies what kind of pri ___s they are prepared to pay for these natural resour ___s. In some cases, the pri ___s have gone down. In others, they have re ___ined steady. But the pri ___s the richer countries get for their own exports have continued to rise. So they are getting richer and richer and the poorer countries are getting poorer. Questions: S1. What is the actual condition of rich countries and poor countries?__________. S2. Is there great differen ___ between the rich countries and the poor countries? __________. S3. Who are using the greater part of the natural resour ___s? __________. S4. How are the richer countries getting richer and richer? __________. S5. What is the besttitle for the passage? __________.Part Ⅴ Writing(30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a position on the topic My View on the Ine Gap. You should write at least 120 words, and base your position on the outline (given inChinese) below. 1. 收入悬殊是当前社会的一种现象。