Freeze-Out Parameters in Central 158AGeV Pb+Pb Collisions
Kinetic freeze-out with resonances动力学冻结和共振-PPT课件
Calculate primordial and resonance spectra at the same kinetic freezeout temperature.
Have resonance spectra decay; treat 2 body, 3 body and consecutive decays.
– flat rapidity – box source profile: β= βS(r/R)n Particles included: – , K, p, K*, K0S, ω , η, η’, ρ, s, Σs, Ω
Particles included in the fit (0-5%, 200 GeV Au-Au):
Levente Molnar, Purdue University
p spectra
• Main contribution: , , • Inclusive and primordial spectrum shapes are similar • Gradual increase towards low pT
Levente Molnar, Purdue University
- spectra
• Main contribution: ρ, , , ’, Δ • At low pT: ρ, contributes significantly • At higher pT: ρ dominates
Levente Molnar, Purdue University
Model description
Technologies and technical devices for annual regulated flooding of a productive strataKadyrov Ramzis RakhimovichUfa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch of the University in the City of Oktyabrsky, RussianFederationE-mail: ****************Kuleshova Lubov SergeevnaUfa State Petroleum Technological University, Branch of the University in the City of Oktyabrsky, RussianFederationE-mail: ****************Fattakhov Irik GalikhanovichUfa State Petroleum Technological University,Branch of the University in the City of Oktyabrsky, Russian FederationE-mail: ****************Abstract – Different systems of stratal flooding by mineral or fresh water into oil bearing formation are used today to enhance reservoir recovery. At low temperatures, 25 degrees below zero and lower, there is a great possibility of freezing of the well head equipment due to cyclic flooding or separate horizontal flooding, lessening injection capacity of the well, emergency stops in flooding, due to water pipe breakage or power cutting off. Besides the wells, crossover bends from water injection wells to the pipe header, and stagnation zones of the embedded in grooves pipes can freeze. According to expert estimation of PJSC “Tatneft” specialists, the amount of frozen injection stations is more than 500 wells per year. Due to the urgency of the issue technological measures have been developed to prevent oil-field equipment freezing.Keywords – freezing prevention; oil-field equipment; annual regulated flooding.I.I NTRODUCTIONNowadays, PJSC “Tatneft” uses reservoir pressure maintenance system (RPMS) with complex structure of reservoir engineering, including great amount of water injection wells (about 10 thousands), with injection capacity 100 m3/day, working from cluster pump stations (CPS), equipped with centrifugal pumps. The distance between CPS and water injection wells is about 2 km, and the distance from treating facilities to CPS varies from several up to thirty kilometers. Besides for enhanced oil recovery system pressure maintenance upgrades are used. Non-stationary flooding is the most effective method. It is especially difficult to use during winter periods especially in emergency downtime, caused by injection well head freezing. According to expert estimation, up to nine oil-gas producing installations of PJSC “Tatneft,” up to 800 water-injection wells are idle during winter because of freezing, as well as many parts of water-injection wells are switched off to avoid their heads freezing. That is why taking preventive measures from injection well heads and water pipes freezing is acute.We suggest a method of preventing injection well heads freezing by non-stationary flooding and its perspective annual utilization on the example of oil-deposits of PJSC “Tatneft”, PJSC JSOC “Bashneft” and PJSC OC “Rosneft”, and operation clustering for water shut–off.To analyze stability of field development with non-stationary flooding seasonality coefficient ϕ[1] was suggested which is determined by formula:,sX)XX(nn/Xniinii=−−=∑∑==12111ϕWhere n is a sample amount; X is a variable; X is observed mean, s is standard deviation.All analyzed data should be in a standardized view. A threshold value of the seasonality coefficient is number 10, derived from observational error method, inaccuracy mean value (based on the analyzed set number parameters) in oil industry (also it evidences minimal process variability) not more than 20%. As it follows from the analysis, the least values correspond to injected water volume Q inj, providing drainage injection Q inj/Q wpl and the water cut of the product B. Average value showed that the rest of the parameters have value more than 10, though Q inj and B nearly 3-8 times less [2]. This fact evidences necessity to control seasonal changes and proves irregularity in non-stationary injection system at winter period of operation.Every year due to irregularity in cyclic flooding, forced stoppage of water-injection wells due to emergency or other reasons of idle hours the oil companies PJSC “Tatneft”, PJSC JSOC “Bashneft” and PJSC OC “Rosneft” produce about 34 thousand tons of oil less, for four years it is more than 137 thousands of oil tons less. Besides well head freezing water injection wells are intentionally stopped, in order to function in summer otherwise if they freeze they will thaw only in the middle of June.International Conference "Actual Issues of Mechanical Engineering" (AIME 2018)Nowadays, liquid thermal insulation of pipes, containers and well heads is used as well as traditional heat insulating materials. But even this modern way of insulating in low temperatures, water injection stoppage, lowering of injection capacity prevents well heads freezing from 1 to 3 days and nights. To provide operation of water injection well for longer period it is necessary to use additional sources of heat such as pipage of relic warm earth, application of pipe tracers and others. [3].In order to heat water injection wells heads with natural earth warmth in winter convection heat interchangers have been designed.In central parts of Russia at the depth of 1, 6 m there is a zone of stable positive temperatures. With the depth temperature increases gradually so the optimal depth for placing a convection heat interchanger is 2,5-3 m. Picture 1 shows the model of a convection heat interchanger for heads heating, with a radiator in the heated zone. Its advantage is large contact surface with earth with simple production [4, 5].Fig. 1.Convective heat interchanger: 1 – head heating case; 2 – rubber hose; 3 – descending line; 4 – rising line; 5 – radiatorThe designed construction of the convection heat interchanger for water injection wells head heating was tested in January–February in the laboratory of TatNIPIneft R&D Institute. For this, two shotholes with the diameter 400 mm and depth of 3 meters were made in the open ground.Two convectional heat interchangers were placed into them. At the surface the upper part of the heat interchanger was covered with a cap to prevent heat loss.The tests were conducted in January – February at temperatures from 9 degrees below zero to 22 degrees below zero. The temperature inside the cap and outside the cap was fixed daily. The observation was done through thick organic glass. The tests showed that during outer temperature changes the temperature inside the heating case was never lower 0°С. Dynamics of temperature changes in the interval from 0 to 2°С above zero at the surface of the heater case proves reliability of the designed device and applicability of the earth warmth for well head heating [6, 7]. Convectional heat interchangers for transmitting earth warmth to injection tree KT-SH-114 and КТ-S-48 were designed basing on these tests [8].Also, the way to prevent injection well heads from freezing with the use of saving and using earth warmth has been developed (fig. 2) [9]; as well as the manual for the prevention of injection well heads freezing.This method provides stable functioning of the injection well head tree during seasonal temperature lowering below zero degrees. In case of emergency or any other stoppage and temperature lowering the process of convectional heat transfer takes place from the earth to the injection tree. Successful testing of the conventional heat interchangers has been done at the wells [10].Fig. 2.Two circuit convectional head heat interchanger: I – Upper contour of binding; II – lower contour of binding; 1 – injection head tree; 2 – first heat interchanger; 3 – second heat interchanger; 4 – water pipe; 5 – upper master valve; 6, 7 – valves for connecting and disconnecting the first and the second heat interchanger; 8, 9 – pipeIn case of exhausting of the warmth of the surrounding area another way of water injection heads heating was suggested – with the help of the heating trace. Heat transfer with periodic electrical heating of the circulating water by electrical heater was developed and tested. It was conditioned by the fact that at 4°Сabove zero water has maximum density and convection is impossible. The scheme of earth heat utilization with periodic utilization of electrical heaters is shown in picture 3. After reaching the temperature, at which water circulation by convection is possible (from +5 °С), heating elements are automatically switched off by a controller.This method was tested at 9 wells of NGDU “Aznakayevskneft”, “Yamashneft, PJSC “Tatneft”, each of them had heating strips with further insulating. The test results showed that heaters ENGL are not suitable for long – term heating, and the efficiency of heaters 31 FSR-2ST is 80 % (for enhancing their productivity up to 100 % heatcontrollers and independent systems of protection fromoverload current should be used).Fig. 3. Assembling scheme of the heating strip on the injection tree and necessary equipment: 1 –injection tree; 2 – left upper arm of the binding contour; 3 – right arm of the binding contour; 4 – left lower arm of the binding contour; 5,6 – heating strip; 7 – control unit; 8 – central valve; 9 – insulating material «ROCKWOOL»; 10 – temperature sensorIn order to improve the existing flooding system a new technological scheme has been suggested. This scheme is based on the perspectives of annual cyclic water pumping into water injection well (picture 4), involving connecting to low-pressure flow passages of electrical submersible centrifugal pump, in a shot hole close to water injection well and water passage [6]. The pumping fluid is fed to the pump suction of the electric centrifugal pump (ECP) through the low pressure flow passage, and the outlet side is connected with injection wells.To avoid corrosion wear and shot hole case destruction because of fluid freezing during idle time in cold seasons, resulting in ECP destruction, it has been suggested to install an intermediate leak–proof column. The space between it and a casing column should be filled with rust-preventive non-freezing fluid (oil with non-freezing additive), which will avoid metal corrosion.This technology allows water injecting into one or several wells in the pressure range from 8,5 to 19,0 MPa with the discharge from 20 to 1000 m 3/day, in other words, applying ECP annually as injection pump tree with possibility to group wells according to their intake capacity and injection pressure.Fig. 4. Electric centrifugal pump installation in a shot hole with an intermediate column (case): 1 –intermediate leak tight column; 2 – elliptic bottom of the leak-tight column; 3 – casing column; 4 – inner sectional pipe; 5 – lifting pipe; 6 – ECP; 7 – but-end teeth of the inner side of the section pipe; 8 – cross separation of the inner sectional pipe with the inclined blades; 9 – fillets; 10 – leading pipe lineAs formation – pressure maintenance system has many recommendations and conditions, one issue remains important - how to prevent intake tunnels from freezing in winter time. This issue is especially acute in emergency well stops or during utilization of cyclic flooding system in cold season. It is suggested to summarize temperature distribution in culverts and over land water passages with the use of designed software “Astan” and “Esten” [11].Software “Astan” is a tool for calculating water final temperature of culverts. For calculation ground thermal conductivity is taken as equal 0,289 kkal/(hour ·m ·°C), and earth heat emission is 6,948 kkal/(hour ·m 2·°C). Upon data feeding completion pipe heat emission coefficient at a given moment of water passage utilization can take values in the range 0,003-21 kkal/m 2·hour ·degrees (the last is for extreme weather conditions, for example, strong wind).On the completion of entering necessary variants number we receive information for every case (it corresponds to the table line) about possible water freezing and final water temperature. In particular it shows the starting point of water freezing; freezing imaginary period, for the case when the water passage is longer; or complete freezing coordinate. According to the tests, initial water temperature change varies from 10 to 70 °С, air temperature lowered from minus 5 to minus 25 °С. Water freezing temperature is taken as constant and equal 0 °С, that is, water is taken as fresh as mineral waters have lower degree of freezing [12]. Tables of final water temperatures have been received for feedingwater passage for all combinations with denoting (if necessary) coordinates of icing beginning (in meters from the pipeline beginning) or expected water freeze (coordination derivation of complete freezing, measured in meters).The received data show that additional heating of water pumped into water passages is necessary (especially for surface water passages) [13]. It is found that for culverts the carrier temperature 20 °Сis cost effective. Also, it is recommended to use outer insulation for water flows, in particular insulating paints, that will decrease heat loss and is not difficult to apply and maintenance. It has been found that even in extreme conditions (such as strong winds the heat loss is 21 Wt·m2·°С) complete freezing of the water passage will happen at the length of more than 3,5 km. For heating water passage it is suggested to use heating capacity of the accompanying gases (corresponding calculations have been done with assumptions) for flare that will increase water pumping efficiency and decrease taxation for gas flaring into atmosphere. In particular, there are such possibilities at NGDU “Yamashneft” and others.II.CONCLUSIONWe can make the following conclusions:1. It is found that the main enhancing factor of oil layers development by water pumping is providing possibility of annual regulated flooding (by using earth heat and abnormal properties of water density) and limitation of the associated water inflow into oil producing wells.2. A new method of oil development enhancing is suggested. It is based on statistical analysis and combines complex use of monitoring computer technologies of cyclic flooding efficiency with providing annual regulated water pumping into productive layers and water shut-off works in wells.3. Complex of technologies and technical devices is designed reservoir pressure maintenance system functioning by fresh and mineral water flooding in negative temperatures. This complex provides annual cyclic functioning.4. Methodological grounds are developed, as well as functioning principles; devices for accumulating and transporting earth heat are designed for injection well head heating.5. The technological scheme of reservoir pressure maintenance by an electric centrifugal pump in the shot hole, placed close to water injection well, below soil freezing point and connected at the feeding end of the electric centrifugal low pressure water conducting passage of the pump, which prevents injection well head freezing, reducing energetic and material costs has been designed at NGDU “Yamashneft” PJSC “Tatneft”.6. The mobile complex for electro-heating of well head water injection equipment and adjusting parts of the culverts has been designed, tested and produced basing on the new effective, small-size transformer, providing reduction of maintenance costs in comparison with traditional application of heating by vapor-movable device.7. Basing on the comparative operation efficiency testing of protection from freezing of the well head equipment, water injection wells and adjusted ground surface pipe-lines, the efficiency of self-regulating electro-heating stripes type 31 FSR-2CT and insulating paints has been proved.References[1]H. Pei, Z. Shu, G. Zhang, J. Ge, P. Jiang, Y. Qin, X. Cao,Experimental study of nanoparticle and surfactant stabilized emulsion flooding to enhance heavy oil recovery, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 163, №4, pp. 476-483, 2018.[2]T. Lu, Z. Li, Y. Zhou, C. Zhang, Enhanced Oil Recovery of Low-Permeability Cores by SiO2 Nanofluid, Energy and Fuels, Vol. 31,№5, pp. 5612-5621, 2017.[3]T. Lu, Z. Li, Y. 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HT2系列低温瘦壁加热 制冷风扇盘管单元安装、操作和维护手册说明书
HT2-0420IN UNITED STATES: 260 NORTH ELM ST . WESTFIELD, MA 01085 800-465-8558 / FAX (413) 564-5815IN CANADA: 7555 TRANMERE DRIVE, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, L5S 1L4 (905) 670-5888 / FAX (905) 670-5782SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................. 2SECTION 2: SAFETY PRECAUTIONS .................................. 2SECTION 3: SPECIFICATIONSSpecification Table (3)Working Conditions ..................................................................... 3 Overall Dimensions (3)SECTION 4: INSTALLATIONInstallation Precautions ............................................................... 4Installation: Positioning the Unit .................................................. 4Minimum Clearances ................................................................... 4Floor Installation .......................................................................... 5Water Connections ...................................................................... 6Condensate Discharge ................................................................ 7Venting Air .. (7)SECTION 5: START-UP AND OPERATIONControl Function .......................................................................... 8Setting Temperature .................................................................... 9-10Usage of Remote Control ............................................................ 11-12Adjustable Parameters . (12)SECTION 6: MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLE SHOOTINGMaintenance ................................................................................ 13-14Trouble Shooting ......................................................................... 14SECTION 7: WIRINGWiring Diagram ............................................................................ 15-16WARRANTY (18)MODEL HT SERIES INSTALLATION, OPERATION & MAINTENANCEMANUALLow TemperatureThinWall Heating/Cooling Fan CoilUnits up to 1 Ton Capacity2Section 1: IntroductionSection 2: Safety PrecautionsThank you for choosing the ThinWall water fan coil. The products strictly comply with design and production standards to provide high quality operation, perfect performance, high reliability and good adaptability.These units are designed to operate at water temperatures below 160°F. Operating at temperatures above 160°F may result in severe damage to the product and void the warranty.Read this installation and maintenance manual carefully before installing and starting up the appliance. All repair or maintenance work must be performed by the technical service department or by professionally qualified personnel. Do not modify or attempt to repair the appliance as this could cause serious injury and void the manufacturer’s warranty.This instruction manual must always accompany the appliance. If it is lost or damaged, contact the local manufacturer technical service center.Failure to comply with these recommendations will void the warranty.• This appliance must be installed by an authorized installer.• All repair or maintenance work must be performed by a professionally qualified personnel.• All repair or maintenance work must be performed in the manufacturer’s specified period and times.• Use genuine standard spare parts from the manufacturer for any necessary repairs.To prevent injury to the users and others and avoid damage tothe unit or other property, use the heat pump properly. Read this manual carefully and understand the following information. The following terms are used throughout this manual and bring attention to the presence of potential hazards or to importantinformation concerning the product:Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death, serious injury orsubstantial property damage.Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death, serious injury orsubstantial property damage.Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor injury or property damage.Used to notify of special instructions on installation, operation or maintenance which are important to equipment but not related to personal injury haz -ards.In case of water leaks, turn the master switch of the system to “OFF” and close the water taps. As soon as possible call the manufacturer’s technical service department @ 1-800-465-8558 or professionally qualified personnel. Do not attempt to personally repair the appliance.If the unit is not used for a long time, you should:• Power off the unit.• If there is no anti-freeze protection, drain out the water.Figure 1Packing listScrew capScrewBracketsCode ComplianceFan coil unit installation must conform to the requirements of the local authority having jurisdiction, or in the absence of such requirements, to the National Board of Fire Underwriters regulations. Fan coil unit meets ETL listing requirement.All electrical wiring must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code ANSI/NFPA No. 70-latest edition and any additional state or local code requirements. If an external electrical source is utilized, the fan coil unit, when installed, must be electrically grounded.3Section 3: SpecificationsSpecification TableWorking Conditions(1) Heating ambient temperature: 41-84.2°F, Inlet water temperature: 95-158°F.(2) Cooling ambient temperature: 48.2-95°F, Inlet water temperature: 41-68°F.ModelHTW-87HTW-135HTW-196HTW-246HTW-320Heating Capacity*BTU/H 870013500196002460032000Water Flow Rate GPM 1.0 1.5 2.2 2.8 3.5Pressure Drop PSI 1.5 1.8 3.8 4.0 4.1Cooling Capacity**TONS 1/41/23/41 1 1/4Water Flow Rate GPM 0.8 1.5 1.9 2.6 3.3Pressure Drop***PSI 1.6 1.94 4.1 4.4Air Volume CFM 94188270340381NoiseDB (A)3032373941Power Supply 120V/1PH/60HzPower Input W 1216202430Water In/Out NPT 3/4DrainINCH 5/8Net DimensionsLength INCH27-1/235-1/243-3/851-1/859-1/16Width5 1/8Height (with feet)****27 5/8Shipping Dimensions Length INCH 29-1/83744-7/852-13/1660-5/8Width 7-1/8Height28-11/16Net Weight LBS 3544536273Ship WeightLBS4051606879* Heating: Entering Water Temp. 158°F ** Cooling: Entering Water Temp. 45°F *** PSI x 2.31 = Ft/Head**** If not using feet accessory subtract 3.5" from total height and maintain clearances as noted in Figure 3Overall Dimensions (Inches)Unit Model HTW-320HTW-87HTW-135HTW-196HTW-24635.2427.36A(inch)43.1150.9958.86Figure 2Section 4: InstallationInstallation PrecautionsTo ensure that the installation is performed correctly carefully follow the instructions indicated in this manual. Failure to follow instructions indicated not only can cause malfunctions of the appliance but also void the warranty.It is important that the electrical installation is made in accordance with local codes, respects the data indicated in the technical sheet and is correctly grounded.The appliance must be installed in a position that allows for routine maintenance, such as filter cleaning.The system inlet water temperature must not exceed 160°F. Failure to comply can severly damage the unit and will void the warranty.Positioning the UnitAvoid installing the unit in close proximity to:-positions subject to exposure of direct sunlight -in proximity to sources of heat-in damp areas or places with probable contact with water -in places with oil fumes-places subject to high frequencies Removal of Side Panel (Fig. 4)Dismount the upper grill (Fig. 4 Ref. A) by unscrewing the screws.Lift the cover (Fig. 4 Ref. B) that protects the screw (Fig. 4 Ref. C) and unscrew it. Move the side panel slightly and lift it out.Wall installation or vertical floorUsing the paper template, trace the position of the wall (Fig. 5). Use a suitable drill to make the holes with and5Section 4: Installation (continued)Floor InstallationIf installing the unit on the floor, the footing should be mounted (Feet sold seperately as optional equipment): First, lay down the unit and match up the screw holes (Ref. Fig. 8 Item A/B/C/D), finally apply four screws to each side to affix the feet. (See Fig. 7and Fig. 8).Figure 7Figure 86Section 4: Installation (continued)Do not over-tighten the screws so that the brackets can be adjusted with a level (Fig. 9).Then fully tighten the four screws to block the two brackets.Connection methods for flexible water connectors Figure 12 Connecting method IFigure 13 Connecting method IIFlexible connector of water inletFlexible connector of water outlet Flexible connector of water inletFlexible connector of water outlet7Section 4: Installation (continued)Condensate DischargeWhen mounting the condensation discharge device, connect a pipe (Fig. 14 Ref. C) for the discharge of the liquid (Fig. 14 Ref. B) and sealing properly. The condensate discharge network must be suitably sized(minimum inside pipe diameter 5/8").If the condensation needs to be discharged into a container, it must be open to the atmosphere and the tube must not be submerged in water to avoid problems of adhesiveness and counter-pressure that would interfere with the normal outflow.Evacuating air while filling the systemStart filling by slowly introducing water to the system. Use a screwdriver to unscrew the side air vent valve (Fig. 15 Ref. A). When water starts coming out of the air vent of the appliance, close it and continue filling until each reaching the desired pressure for the system. Check the hydraulic seal of the gaskets for leaks.It is advisable to repeat these operations after the appliance has been running for a few hours and periodically check the pressure of the system.Figure 14Figure 15Section 5: Usage age5.1 Function Description of Wire ControllerPower: Power on/off, cancel, return.89Section 5: Usage (continued)A . ON/OFF5.2 Usage of wire controllerB. Mode switchAutoCoolingDehumidifyingPressTurn on/off the units by pressing the power button for 0.5s.Press mode button to switch modes. There are five modes for you to choose: Auto, Cooling, Dehumidifying, Ventilation, and Heating.Press CoolingIndoor temp. will show up after target temp. flashes for 5s.At dehumidifying orventilation mode, indoor temp. keeps showing up, while at other modes, indoor temp. will not show up until target temp. flashes for 5s.o.allynal5.2 Usage of Wire Controller77°F77°F77°F64°F77°FSection 5: Usage (continued) ageD.Fan speed settingPress .At the main interface, press to switch fan speed to low, medium, or high.PressC.Temp.settinga.Fan speed switchAt the main interface, press or to start changing target temp, and press or again to increase or decrease the temp. value.Presschange target temp.If 5s no operation, yoursetting will be savedautomatically and thedisplay will go back to maininterface.Press.Press.b.Switch the wind speed to hastePress for 5s toturn on haste windspeed.Press again toturn to normal speedlevel.Attention: At Auto and Dehumidifying mode, the fan speed will be adjusted automatically according to the ambient temp.Or Or To64°F66°F77°F 77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F1011Section 5: Usage (continued)Press orto switch hours from 1 to 11.Press again to switch topowering on timer setting.Press or to switch hours from 1 to 11.Press to enter sleepmode.Press to finish yoursetting.ageE. Timer and sleep modeAt the main interface,Press for 2s toenter powering off timer setting.Attention:During the setting, if 5s no operation, your setting will be savedautomatically and the display will go back to main interface.77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F12Section 5: Usage (continued)interface, press and at the same Press andat the same time.If 3s no operation, the display will go back to main interface.Attention: Users can only check the parameter, but can not change it.Press for 5s to lock the keyboard.Press for 5s again to unlock the keyboard.Press to turn on air vent.Press to turn off air vent.Press or to switch the fault number.Press to turnto the main interface.Press to turnto the fault interface.5.77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F77°F64°FNote: Users can view the Keyboard lock (G) and Air Vent (H) parameters but cannot change.13Section 5: Usage (continued)Using the Remote ControlPOWER ON/OFFPress this key to start up or shut down the unitMode SwitchPress this key to switch the mode among Auto, Cooling, Dehumidifying, Ventilating and Heating.Fan SpeedPress this key to switch the fan speed among High, Medium, Low and Auto.Press this button to increase the set value.Press this button to decrease the set value.Take out the batteries if you do not use the remote control for a long period of time. Take out the batteries for 35 minutes if there is a failure in the program of the remote controller. After 35 minutes, replace the batteries and the remote control should resume operation.FunctionAUTO14Section 5: Usage (continued)Functioning of “F.Cool” and “F.Heat”By pressing the key “F.Cool”, the system will automatically set to the cooling mode with high fan speed.By pressing the key “F.Heat”, the system will automatically set to the heating mode with high fan speed. Time SettingPress and hold the keyuntil the time value flashes, then you can adjust the current time value by press the key “+” or “-“. To save the setting above, press thekey again.Timing Start-Up or Timing Shut-DownThis key is available only when the unit is POWEROFF, with no interruption of power supply.TIME ON/1 One hour after setting Timing Start-Up, the unit will automatically start up.The number shown indicates amount of hours prior to start up.This key is available when the unit is POWER ON.TIME OFF/1 One hour after setting Timing Shut-Down, the unit will automatically shut down.The range of timing is from 1 hour to 11 hours. If the setting value is over 11 hours, the time setting will be cancelled.Sleep Function(1) To start or cancel the sleep function, please press the key .(2) The sleep function can only be set in the heating or cooling mode.(3) When the sleep function is activated, the icon will be shown at the top right corner of the LCD screen on the remote. Meanwhile, the “TIME OFF ” and “7” will be shown at the lower right corner of the LCD screen. This means the unit will automatically shut down 7 hours after the setting. To change the timing number or to cancel the timing function, press the key .(4) 1 hour after setting the sleep function, the fan speed will automatically change to the low fan speed. To change(5) 2 hours after setting the sleep function in the cooling mode, the set temperature will increase 1°C or about 2°F per hour. (6) 3 hours after setting the sleep function in the heating mode, the set temperature will decrease 1°C or about 2°F per hour. Switch to Celsius or Fahrenheit Press thekey.LED Screen Light Up or NotTo illuminate or shut off the LED Screen press the key.ParameterDescriptionRange Default Details1Max Temp Set Point 15.8°F-204.8°F 86°FMaximum Allowable Set-Point2Min Temp Set Point 15.8°F-204.8°F 46.4°F Minimum Allowable Set-Point 3Cooling Target Temp Between Parameter 1 and 278.8°F Set-Point for Cooling 4Heating Target TempBetween Parameter 1 and 368°FSet-Point for Heating5Auto Mode Cooling Target Temp Between Parameter 1 and 478.8°F Auto Set-Points are only allowed to be set through the parameters. Not on front controller 6Auto Mode Heating Target Temp Between Parameter 1 and 568°F 7Coil Temp Limit for Fan (Heating)41°F-104°F77°F The fan will not operate if coil temp reaches parameter 7 set-point8Coil Temp Limit for Fan (Cooling, Yes/No)0-110=No 1=Yes; The fan will not operate if coil temp is higher than 68°F9Continuous Fan Speed 0-100=No 1=Yes; The fan will run continous at the selected speed on controller1024v Output for Zone Valve0-110=No 1=Y es; If No, then no 24v output will be available on board for zone valves. If Y es then 24v output will be available with max current of .25amps11In-Floor Radiant Present 0-100=No 1=Yes; If no then temp sensor will operate appropriately. If Yes; then temp sensor on coil will adjust to heat from floor 12°C/°F0-100=°C/ 1=°F15Lock set-points button0-100=No 1=Yes; If Yes; then set-point buttons are locked at temperature set. If no then set-points can be adjusted 16Remote Controller work with button locked?0-110=No 1=Yes; Remote control will or will not be able to adjust set-points if buttons are locked.20Intermittent Fan in Standby Mode 0-110=No 1=Yes; If set to No then fan motor will stop when set-point is achieved. If set to Yes; then fan motor will run for 1 minute every 15 minutes to sample air and circulate until unit receives next demand call.Adjustable ParametersTo access parameter settings, hold "M" button (on unit) until unit "beeps". Use arrow keys to navigate the menu's. To select a parameter press the "M" key. Once parameter is adjusted, allow controller to time out in order to save.15Section 6: Maintenance and Trouble ShootingMaintenanceCut off power supply before cleaning or maintaining the unit.For reliable service and comfort, it is suggested to maintain and clean the unit every 6 months.Take the following steps to clean the filter regularly:(1) Remove clip from square hole (Fig. 16), remove the filter (Fig. 17 and 18).(2) Wash the filter (Fig. 19). Figure 17Figure 1816Section 6: Maintenance and Trouble Shooting (continued)(3) Set the filter net and the air return grill to the original place. (Fig. 20).(4) Clean up the outer unit with a soft, damp rag (Fig. 21). To protect the paint-coat of the unit, do not use a rough sponge or corrosive detergent. Trouble ShootingCode MalfunctionCauseMeasuresP4Indoor ambient temperature sensor Ambient temperature sensor is in open circuit or short circuit Check or replace the ambient temperature sensor P5Coil temperature sensor Coil temperature sensor is in open circuit or short circuit Check or replace the coil temperature sensor E0Filter cover safetyMissing or loose fan guardReplace lower fan guard and ensure it's properly closed17Section 7: WiringNO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Signal Cn2CN3CN5Cn6TEMP1OUT1ACL ACN NET1Meaning Fan outputContral the heat pump model Contral the heat pump ON/OFF Remote switchTo ambient and coil temperature Water valve Live wire Neutral wireTo wire controllerLimited Warranty ThinWall Fan CoilThe Manufacturer warrants to the original owner at the original installation site that the Product will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period not to exceed five (5) years from startup. If upon examination by the Manufacturer the Product is shown to have a defect in material or workmanship during the warranty period, the Manufacturer will repair or replace, at its option, that part of the Product which is shown to be defective. This limited warranty does not apply:(a) if the Product has been subjected to misuse or neglect, has beenaccidentally or intentionally damaged, has not been installed, maintained or operated in accordance with the furnished written instructions, or has been altered or modified in any way.(b) to any expenses, including labor or material, incurred during removalor reinstallation of the Product.(c) to any workmanship of the installer of the Product.This limited warranty is conditional upon:(a) shipment, to the Manufacturer, of that part of the Product thought tobe defective. Goods can only be returned with prior written approval from the Manufacturer. All returns must be freight prepaid.(b) determination, in the reasonable opinion of the Manufacturer, thatthere exists a defect in material or workmanship.Repair or replacement of any part under this Limited Warranty shall not extend the duration of the warranty with respect to such repaired or replaced part beyond the stated warranty period.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, A ND A LL SUCH OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED AND EXCLUDED FROM THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE MANUFACTURER BE LIABLE IN ANY WAY FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF A NY NATURE WHATSOEVER, OR FOR A NY A MOUNTS IN EXCESS OF THE SELLING PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR A NY PARTS THEREOF FOUND TO BE DEFECTIVE. THIS LIMITED WARRANTY GIVES THE ORIGINAL OWNER OF THE PRODUCT SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS. YOU MAY ALSO HAVE OTHER RIGHTS WHICH MAY VARY BY EACH JURISDICTION.1819IN UNITED STATES: 260 NORTH ELM ST. WESTFIELD, MA 01085 800-465-8558 / FAX (413) 564-5815IN CANADA: 7555 TRANMERE DRIVE, MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, L5S 1L4 (905) 670-5888 / FAX (905) 670-5782。
User’ manualCondensing wall hung system boilerG.C.N : 47-116-51 (24 kW) G.C.N : 47-116-52 (30 kW)G.C.N : 47-116-53 (38 kW)CLAS HECLAS HE 24CLAS HE 30CLAS HE 38The code of practice for the installation,commissioning & servicing of central heating systemsuser’ manualDear Customer,Thank you for choosing an ARISTON boiler.We guarantee that your boiler is a reliable and technically sound product.This manual provides detailed instructions and recommendations for proper installation, use and maintenance.Remember to keep this manual in a safe place for future reference i.e. by the gas meter.Your local MTS Servicing Centre is at your complete disposal for all requirements.The installation and first ignition of the boiler must be performed by qualified personnel in compliance with current national regulations regarding installation, and in conformity with any requirements established by local authorities and public health organisations.After the boiler has been installed, the installer must ensure that the end user receives the declaration of conformity and the operating manual, and should provide all necessary information as to how the boiler and the safety devices should be handled.This appliance is designed to produce hot water for domestic use. It should be connected to a heating system and anetwork for domestic hot water, both of which must be compatible with its performance and power levels.The use of the appliance for purposes other than those specified isstrictly forbidden. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any damage caused by improper, incorrect and unreasonable use of the appliance or by the failure to comply with the instructions given in this manual.Installation, maintenance and all other interventions must be carriedout in full conformity with the governing legal regulations and the instructions provided by the manufacturer. Incorrect installation can harm persons,animals and possessions; the manufacturinga result.In theevent of any maintenance or otherstructural work inimmediate vicinity of the ductsor flue gas exhaust devices andtheir accessories, switch the appliance off by switching the external bipolar switch to the “OFF” position and shutting off the gas valve. When the work has been completed, ask a qualified technician to check the efficiency of the ducting and the devices.If the boiler should be out of use for a prolonged period, it is recommended that the electrical power supply be disconnected and that the external gas cock be closed. If low temperatures are expected, the boiler and system pipe work should be drained in order to prevent frost damage.Turn the boiler off and turn the external switch “OFF” to clean theexterior parts of the appliance.Do not allow children or inexperienced persons to use the appliance without supervision.CE labellingThe CE mark guarantees that the appliance conforms to the follow-ing directives:- 90/396/CEErelating to gas appliances - 2004/108/CEErelating to electromagnetic compatibility - 92/42/CEErelating to energy efficiency - 2006/95/CEErelating to electrical safetyGUARANTEEThe appliance is guaranteed for 4 months from the date of purchase.Aristons only obligation under the guarantee will be to repair or repla-ce the faulty appliacnce at Aristons discretion. This will be carried out where the fault arises from within defects in the appliance, caused either by material or workmanship of the manufacturer.This guarantee does not protect malfunction or damage arising from incorrect installation, commissioning or maintenance procedures as laid out in the installation and servicing manual, inefficient flue system, poor or incorrect electricicty, wrong gas supply or pressure, tampering by inexperienced persons and any other cause not directly due to manufac-ture.MTS (GB) Limited cannot accept responsibility for any cost arising from repair or maintenance carried out by any third party.Service under the guarantee does not affect the expiry date of the gua-rantee. The guarantee on parts and appliances which are exchanged ends when the guarantee on the original appliance expires.This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.You must have your boiler serviced at the end of the first year to validate your guarantee for the second year.Safety regulationsKey to symbols:Failure to comply with this warning implies the risk of personal injury, in some circumstances even fatalFailure to comply with this warning implies the risk of damage, in some circumstances even serious, to property, plants or animals.Do not perform operations which involve opening the ap-pliance.Electrocution from live components.Personal injury caused by burns due to overheated components, or wounds caused by sharp edges or protrusions.Do not perform operations which involve removing the ap-pliance from its installation space .Electrocution from live components.Flooding caused by water leaking from disconnected piping.Explosions, fires or intoxication caused by gas leaking from discon-nected piping.Do not damage the power supply cable.Electrocution from live uninsulated wires.Do not leave anything on top of the appliance.Personal injury caused by an object falling off the appliance as a result of vibrations.Damage to the appliance or items underneath it caused by the object falling off as a result of vibrations.Do not climb onto the appliance.Personal injury caused by the appliance falling.Damage to the appliance or any objects underneath it caused by the appliance falling away from its installation space.Do not climb onto chairs, stools, ladders or unstable supports to clean the appliance.Personal injury caused by falling from a height or cuts (step ladders shutting accidentally).Do not attempt to clean the appliance without first switching it off and turning the external switch to the OFF position.Electrocution from live components.Do not use insecticides, solvents or aggressive detergents to clean the appliance.Damage to plastic and painted parts.Do not use the appliance for any use other than normal dome-stic use.Damage to the appliance caused by operation overload.Damage caused to objects treated inappropriately.Do not allow children or inexperienced individuals to operate the appliance.Damage to the appliance caused by improper use.If you detect a smell of burning or smoke coming from the appliance, discon-nect it from the electricity supply, turn off the main gas valve, open all windows and call for assistance.Personal injury caused by burns, smoke inhalation, intoxication.If there is a strong smell of gas, turn off the main gas valve, open all windows and call for assistance.Explosions, fires or intoxication.user’ manualControl PanelInitial operating proceduresIf the boiler is installed inside the apartment, make sure that all provisions relating to the air inlet and room ventilation (in compliance with current legislation) are respected.Check the water pressure on the display regularly and make sure that the figure is between 0.6 and1.5 bar when the system is cold. If the pressure is just under the minimum value the display will request a filling procedure.Re-establish the correct pressure by filling loop.If the pressure drops very frequently, there may be a water leak at some point in the system. If this is the case a plumber should be contacted.Ignition procedurePress the ON/OFF button on the control panel to switch on the boiler. The display shows:C - Central heating request c - Heating post-circulation d - Domestic hot water request H - Hot water post-circulation F - Circulation pump anti-freeze protection enabled - burner anti-freeze protection enabledThe second and third figures indicate:- the flow temperature when no heating requests have been made - the flow temperature in central heating mode- the temperature of the hot water in domestic hot water mode - the flow temperature in anti-freeze mode.Auto FunctionThe AUTO function serves to optimise boiler performance, while maintaining an optimum radiator temperature and maximum user comfort. It ensures the building stays at the ideal temperature, whilst saving energy.The principle is that the water temperature at the boiler outlet is automatically adjusted, depending on the interior ambient temperature.Legend :1. Display . R eset button. R ed indicator locking light4. O range indicator C OmfORt fonction5. Pressure gauge6. Heating temperature regulation knob7. button _8. m enu /O k button (Programming key) 9. e sC button 10. button +11. Domestic Hot Water adjustment knob 1 . Time clock1 . ON/OFF button14. Blue indicator burner ON15. Y ellow indicator A utO fonction16. A utO button (To active Thermoregulation) 17. C OmfORt buttonuser’ manualWinter or summer functionTurn the heating button 6to select the desired operating mode (winter or summer). In winter mode every heating is shown on the display by the heating temperature.Summer mode is set by putting the button 6 in position (hea-ting off).Adjusting the heatingIt is possible to set the temperature of the heating water by adjusting the knob 6. By placing the indicator somewhere between min. and max. a temperature may be obtained which varies from about 0°C to about 45°C (low temperature) and about 5°C to about 8 °C (high temperature).adjusting the knob 11The value set previously will flash on the display.user’ manual COMFORT functionTo activate the comfort mode it is necessary to press the comfortbutton 17, this will be indicatd by a yellow light 4. The comfortmode has priority over any other heating request.There are two settings for the comfort mode (they can be adjustedin the parameters menu):1. As soon as DHW is drawn, the secondary heat exchanger is keptwarm for 0 mins.. As soon as DHW is drawn, the secondary heat exchanger is keptwarm permanently.Switching off the heating. The boiler switches in sanitary mode only and indicating theset temperature.Stand byClose the gas tap.user’ manualAppliance shut-off conditionsThe boiler is protected from malfunctions by means of internal checks performed by the electronic P.C.B., which stops the boiler from operating if necessary. In the event of the boiler being shut off in this manner, a code appears on the control panel display which refers to the type of shut-off and the reason behind it.Two types of shut-off may occur:Safety shut-offThis type of error is “volatile”, which meansthat the boiler starts up again automaticallyas soon as the problem which caused theshut-off is removed. The display will flash”Err” and the error code.In fact, as soon as the cause of the shut-off disappears, the boiler starts up again and continues to operate normally.While the boiler is shut off for safety reasons, it is possible to attempt to restore normal operation by switching the appliance off and on again using the ON/OFF button on the control panel.If the boiler still indicates a safety shut-off, switch it off. Make sure the external electric switch is in the OFF position, close the gas tap and contact a qualified technician.Safety shut-off due to insufficient water pressureIf the water pressure inside the heating circuit is insufficient, the boiler will perform a safety shut-off. (See table).To re-pressurise the boiler, it will be necessary to connectthe silver flexible hose supplied to the two isolating points underneath the boiler, once the hose is connected, open up both of the black quarter turn handles, once the pressure reads 1.5 bar on the display, close both handles and disconnect the hose .If the pressure drops very frequently, there may be a water leakat some point in the system. If this is the case please contact your installer and ask them to check it.Operation shutdownThis type of error is “non volatile”, which means that it is notErr and the errorcodeIn this case the boiler does not restart automatically, but it maybe reset by pressing the button. If the problem manifestsitself again after several attempts to reset the appliance, contact aqualified technician.IMPORTANTIF THIS SHUTDOWN OCCURS FREQUENTLY, CONTACT ANAUTHORISED SERVICE CENTRE FOR ASSISTANCE. FOR SAFETYREASONS, THE BOILER WILL ALLOW A MAXIMUM OF 5 RESETOPERATIONS TO TAKE PLACE IN 15 MINUTES (INDIVIDUALPRESSES OF THE BUTTON).Operation shutdown error tableAnti-frost Device.The anti-frost function acts on the central heating flow temperature probe,independently from other settings, when the electrical supply is turnedon.If the primary circuit temperature falls below 8°C the pump will run forminutes.After the two minutes of circulation (fixed) the boiler will check the fol-lowing:a) if the central heating flow temperature is > 8°C, the pump stops;b) if the central heating flow temperature is between 4 and 8°C, the pumpwill run for another two minutes;c) if the central heating flow temperature is < 4°C, the burner will fire(heating position) at minimum power until the temperature reaches°C, the burner will go off and the pump will continue to run for twominutes.The anti-frost device activates only when (with the boiler operating cor-rectly):- the system pressure is correct,- the boiler is electrically powered,- there is a supply of gas.Display Description1 01Overheating5 01No flame detection1 0Insufficient circulation1 041 051 061 0705P.C.B error06P.C.B error07P.C.B erroruser’ manual Auto button - Temperature adjustment activationThe AUTO function enables boiler operation to be adapted toenvironmental conditions and to the type of system it is installedon.Comfortable temperature is reached inside the room in the quickestway possible, without wasting money, energy or efficiency, whilesubstantially reducing the amount of wear experienced by thecomponents.Your installer will advise you on the devices connectable tothe boiler and will program it according to the system.In normal boilers the water temperature inside the heating elementsis usually set to a high value (70-80°C), thereby ensuring effectiveheating during the few really cold winter days. It then becomesexcessive on less cold days (of which there are many) more typicalof the autumn and winter seasons. This leads to excessive roomheating after the thermostat has been switched off, resulting inenergy waste and uncomfortable conditions inside the room.The AUTO function “takes control” of the boiler and selects the bestoperating regime based on environmental conditions, externaldevices connected to the boiler and the performance required. Itconstantly decides at which power level to operate based on theenvironmental conditions and the room temperature required.Change of gas typeOur boilers are designed to function either with Natural Gas (meth-ane) or L.P.G. gas. If you need to change from one gas to the other,one of our Authorised Service Centres must be contacted to con-vert the appliance.MaintenanceSchedule an annual maintenance check-up for the boiler with acompetent person.Correct maintenance always results in savings in the cost ofrunning the system.Failure to arrange an annual service for the appliance will invalidatethe second year of the manufacturers guarantee.0010096900 - 1 / 007Commercial subsidiaries: MTS (GB) Limited Professional Team Limited MTS BuildingSuites 9 & 10, Plaza 56Hughenden Avenue Blanchardstown Corporate Park High Wycombe Ballycoolin Bucks HP1 5FTDublin 15Telephone: (01494) 755600 Telephone: (01) 810 7 Fax: (01494) 459775Fax: (01) 810 7 7Internet: /uk Internet: /ie E-mail:****************.com E-mail:****************.com Technical Advice: 0870 41 8180 Technical Advice: (01) 4 7 01 1 CustomerService************Customer Service: (01) 4 7 01 1。
放空管 附件 火灾自动报警系统 自动喷淋系统
(焊接的)长肉 清根 反面气刨 打底焊道 背压式调节阀(自力式) 反冲洗回流泵 反冲洗罐 反冲洗水罐 布式硬度 球阀 (截面较小的)圆钢方钢六角钢等 统计用的柱状图 靠船件 驳船强度及稳性 (管件的)加厚段 母材、基本金属 基本设计 碱性焊条 蓄电池间 底面回声 坐底式钻井船 边界条件 船艏 箱形梁 箱形节点 拉筋 手镯式阳极
air blower air compressor air driven pump air hoister air manifold air tight test air-hose aircraft obstruction beacon alarm buzzer alarm horn aliphatic polyurethanel allowable(working)stress Aluminum alloy anode Aluminum ingot aluminum paint aluminum sheet ambient air temperature ambient temperature anchor block anchor bolt anchor ground anchor pile anchor profile/pattern anchor rack anchoring buoy angle of incidence angle of reflection angle probe method angle steel angle valve associated gas at the option of A atmospheric diving system =unpressuriz(喷砂用的)磨料 砂纸 交流发电机 交流发动机 加速腐蚀试验 合格准则 (焊接)工艺孔 生活动力平台 按照 乙炔 酸性焊条 防酸水泥 添加剂 遵守(动词) 遵守(名词) 相邻立柱 荷载的不利组合 不利条件 航空无线电 建造批准 上述的 船艉绞车 搅拌器 阳极芯子 阳极端面几何形状 阳极寿命 阳极电位
MikroTik RouterOS Manual Interface LTE说明书
05/03/2019Manual:Interface/LTE - MikroTik Wiki Applies to RouterOS:v6+,v5.12+Manual:Interface/LTEFrom MikroTik Wiki < Manual:Interface Contents 1Summary 2LTE Client 2.1Properties 2.2APN profiles 2.3Scanner 2.4User Info command 2.4.1Properties (Up to 6.40)2.5User at-chat command 3Quick setup example 4Passthrough Example 5Dual SIM Example 6Tips and Tricks 6.1Find device location using Cell information 6.2Using Cell lock 6.3Cell Monitor 7Troubleshooting7.1Locking band on Huawei and other modems7.2mPCIe modems with RB9xx series devices7.3Modem firmware upgrade7.4Avoiding tethering speed throttlingSummaryPackage: systemSupport for Direct-IP mode type cards only. (QMI Support may be possible in future)To enable access via a PPP interface instead of a LTE Interface, change direct IP mode with /port firmware set ignore-directip-modem=yes command and a reboot. Note that using PPP emulation mode you may not get the same throughput speeds as using the native lte interface.LTE ClientSub-menu: /interface lteProperties PropertyDescription allow-roaming (yes | no ; Default: no )Enable data roaming for connecting to other countries data-providers.Note all LTE modems support this feature apn-profiles (string ; Default: default )Which APN profile to use for this interface band (integer list ; Default: "")Frequency band used in communication LTE Bands and bandwidths(https:///wiki/LTE_frequency_bands#Frequency_bands_and_channel_bandwidths)comment (string ; Default: "")Descriptive name of an item Tanzania Set-up 5Mar2019see:/interface lte apn add name=Tigo apn=tigoWeb /interface lte set network-mode=3g,lte lte1 % worked for us/interface lte apn-profiles=1 % wrong syntaxꔉConnecting Koye FECHE - 1Nov2019wine = winbox.exe neighbourhood (LTE) - admin, no passwd/interface lte apn add name=ETC apn=/interface lte set network-mode=3g,lte lte1% in user interface, set modus to 3G,LTE %# inbetween /interface lte info lte1 => EGPRS :-(Test if devices can see. 10.5.50.x (connection to Mikrotik LNCC)disabled (yes | no; Default: yes)Whether interface is disabled or not. By default it is disabled.mac-address (MAC; Default: "")Media Access Control number of an interface.modem-init (string; Default: "")Modem init string (AT command that will be executed at modemstartup)mtu (integer; Default: 1500)Maximum Transmission Unit. Max packet size that LTE interfacewill be able to send without packet (string; Default: "")Descriptive name of the (3g | gsm | lte; Default:3g,gsm,lte)Select/force mode for LTE interface to operate withoperator (integer; Default: "")used to lock device to specific operator full PLMN number is used forlock consisting from MCC+MNC. PLMN codes (https://en.wikipedi/wiki/Public_land_mobile_network)pin (integer; Default: "")SIM Card's PIN code.APN profilesAll network related settings are moved under profiles, starting from RouterOS 6.41Sub-menu:/interface lte apnProperty Descriptionadd-default-route (yes | no)Whether to add default route to forward all traffic over the LTEinterface.apn (string)Service Provider's Access Point Nameauthentication (pap | chap | none; Default:none)Allowed protocol to use for authenticationdefault-route-distance (integer; Default: 1)Sets distance value applied to auto created default route, if add-default-route is also selectedip-type (ipv4 | ipv4-ipv6 | ipv6; Default: )Requested PDN typeipv6-interface (; Default: )Interface on which to advertise IPv6 prefixname (string; Default: )APN profile namenumber (integer; Default: )APN profile numberpassthrough-interface (; Default: )Interface to passthrough IP configuration (activates passthrough) passthrough-mac (MAC; Default: auto)If set to auto, then will learn MAC from first packet password (string; Default: )Password used if any of the authentication protocols are active use-peer-dns (yes | no; Default: yes)If set to yes, uses DNS recieved from LTE interfaceuser (integer)Username used if any of the authentication protocols are active ScannerIt is possible to scan LTE interfaces with /interface lte scan commandAvailable read only properties:Property Descriptionduration (integer)Duration of scan in secondsfreeze-frame-interval (integer)time between data printoutnumber (integer)Interface number or nameUser Info commandIt is possible to send special "info" command to LTE interface with /interface lte info command.Properties (Up to 6.40)Property Descriptionuser-command (string; Default: "")send a command to LTE card to extract useful information, e.g. withAT commandsuser-command-only (yes | no; Default: )User at-chat commandIt is possible to send user defined "at-chat" command to LTE interface with /interface lte at-chat command.[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*mrd_imei\?"output: *MRD_IMEI:356159060388208OKYou can also use "at-chat" function in scripts and assign command output to variable.[admin@MikroTik] > :global "lte_command" [/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*mrd_imei\?" as-value ][admin@MikroTik] > :put $"lte_command"output=*MRD_IMEI:356159060388208OKQuick setup exampleStart with network settings -Warning: This guide is for RouterOS versions starting from 6.41Start with network settings - Add new connection parameters under LTE apn profile (provided by network provider):/interface lte apnadd name=profile1 apn= authentication=chap password=web user=webSelect newly created profile for LTE connection:/interface lte set [find] apn-profiles=profile1LTE interface should appear with running (R) flag:[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte printFlags: X - disabled, R - running0 R name="lte1" mtu=1500 mac-address=AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AAFrom RouterOS=>6.41 DHCP client is added automatically. If it's not added - add a DHCP Client to LTE Interface manually:/ip dhcp-clientadd default-route-distance=1 disabled=no interface=lte1If required, add NAT Masquerade for LTE Interface to get internet to the local network:/ip firewall natadd action=masquerade chain=srcnat out-interface=lte1After interface is added, you can use "info" command to see what parameters client acquired (parameters returned depends on LTE hardware device):[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte info lte1 oncestatus: call in progresspin-status: no password requiredfunctionality: fullmanufacturer: Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.model: ME909u-521revision: 12.631.07.01.00current-operator: vodafone EScurrent-cellid: 44436007access-technology: Evolved 3G (LTE)signal-strengh: -79 dBmframe-error-rate: n/aearfcn: n/aimei: 860461024123456imsi: 234012555034981uicc: n/arssi: -79dBmrsrp: -109dBmrsrq: -13dBsinr: -1dB[admin@MikroTik] >Passthrough ExampleStarting from RouterOS v6.41 some LTE interfaces support LTE Passthrough feature where the IP configuration is applied directly to the client device. In this case modem firmware is responsible for the IP configuration and router is used only to configure modem settings - APN, Network Technologies and IP-Type. In this configuration the router will not get IP configuration from the modem. The LTE Passthrough modem can pass both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses if that is supported by modem. Some modems support multiple APN where you can pass the traffic from each APN to a specific router interface.Passthrough will only work for one host. Router will automatically detect MAC address of the first received packet and use it for the Passthrough. If there are multiple hosts on the network it is possible to lock the Passthrough to a specific MAC. On the host on the network where the Passthrough is providing the IP a DHCP-Client should be enabled on that interface to. Note, that it will not be possible to connect to the LTE router via public lte ip address or from the host which is used by the passthrough. It is suggested to create additional connection from the LTE router to the host for configuration purposes. For example vlan interface between the LTE router and host.To enable the Passthrough a new entry is required or the default entry should be changed in the '/interface lte apn' menu Examples.To configure the Passthrough on ether1:[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte apn add apn=apn1 passthrough-interface=ether1[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte set lte1 apn-profiles=apn1To configure the Passthrough on ether1 host 00:0C:42:03:06:AB:To configure multiple APNs on ether1 and ether2:[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte apn add apn=apn1 passthrough-interface=ether1[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte apn add apn=apn2 passthrough-interface=ether2[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte set lte1 apn-profiles=apn1,apn2To configure multiple APNs with the same APN for different interfaces:[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte apn add name=interface1 apn=apn1[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte apn add name=interface2 apn=apn1 passthrough-interface=ether1[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte set lte1 apn-profiles=interface1[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte set lte2 apn-profiles=interface2Dual SIM ExampleFor some boards with dual SIM slots (like LtAP mini) it is possible to alternate between cellular providers. Follow this link - Dual SIM Application, to see an example how to change SIM slot based on roaming status with help of RouterOS scripts and scheduler.Tips and TricksThis paragraph contains information for additional features and usage cases.Find device location using Cell informationOn devices using R11e-LTE International version card (wAP LTE kit) some extra information is provided under info command (from 6.41rc61)current-operator: 24701lac: 40current-cellid: 2514442PropertyDescription current-operator (integer ; Default: )Contains MCC and MNC. For example: current-operator: 24701breaks to: MCC=247 MNC=01lac (integer ; Default: )location area code (LAC)current-cellid (integer ; Default: )Station identification numberValues can be used to find location in databases: Cell Id Finder (http://cellidfi/cells/findcell)Using Cell lockIt is possible to lock R11e-LTE International version modem and R11e-4G equipped devices to exact LTE tower. LTE info command provides currently used cellular tower information:phy-cellid: 384earfcn: 1300 (band 3, bandwidth 20Mhz, cqi 8)PropertyDescription phy-cellid (integer ; Default: )Physical Cell Identification (PCI) of currently used cell tower.earfcn (integer ; Default: )Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number [admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte apn add apn=apn1 passthrough-interface=ether1 passthrough-mac=00:0C:42:03:06:A[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte set lte1 apn-profiles=apn1Exact tower location as well as available bands and other information can be acquired from mobile carrier or by using online services:CellMapper (https:///map)By using those acquired variables it's possible to send AT command to modem for locking to tower in current format: for R11e-LTEAT*Cell=<mode>,<NetworkMode>,<band>,<EARFCN>,<PCI>where<mode> :0 – Cell/Frequency disabled1 – Frequency lock enabled2 – Cell lock enabled<NetworkMode>0 – GSM1 – UMTS_TD2 – UMTS_WB3 – LTE<band>Not in use, leave this blank<EARFCN>earfcn from lte info<PCI>phy-cellid from lte infoTo lock modem at previously used tower at-chat can be used:/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*Cell=2,3,,1300,384"After reboot or modem reset, all set on locks are lost. Cell data can be also gathered from "cell-monitor".for R11e-4GAT%CLCMD=<mode>,<mode2>,<EARFCN>,<PCI>,<PLMN>AT%CLCMD=1,1,3250,244,\"24705\"where<mode> :0 – Cell/Frequency disabled1 – Cell lock enabled<mode2> :0 - Save lock for first scan1 - Always use lock(after each reset modem will clear out previous settings no matter what is used here)<EARFCN>earfcn from lte info<PCI>phy-cellid from lte info<PLMN>Mobile operator codeAll PLMN codes available here (https:///wiki/Mobile_country_code) this variable can be also left blank To lock modem to the cell - modem needs to be in non operating state, easiest way for R11e-4G modem is to add CellLock line to "modem-init" string:/interface lte set lte1 modem-init=AT%CLCMD=1,1,3250,244,\"24705\"Multiple cells can also be added by providing list instead of one tower informatin in following format: AT%CLCMD=<mode>,<mode2>,<EARFCN_1>,<PCI_1>,<PLMN_1>,<EARFCN_2>,<PCI_2>,<PLMN_2>For example to lock to two different PCIs within same band and operator:/interface lte set lte1 modem-init="AT%CLCMD=1,1,6300,384,\"24701\",6300,385,\"24701\"Cell MonitorCell monitor allows to scan available nearby mobile network cells:[admin@MikroTik] > interface lte cell-monitor lte1PHY-CELLID BAND EARFCN RSRP RS11 B3 1300 -107dBm -175306 B1 150 -115dBm -195 373 B3 1300 -111dBm -195 374 B3 1300 -111dBm -195 384 B1 150 -106dBm -12 384 B7 2850 -115dBm -175 384 B20 6300 -97dBm -195 Gathered data can be used for more precise location detection or for Cell lock.TroubleshootingEnable LTE logging:[admin@MikroTik] > /system logging add topics=lteCheck for errors in log:[admin@MikroTik] > /log print11:08:59 lte,async lte1: sent AT+CPIN?11:08:59 lte,async lte1: rcvd +CME ERROR: 10search for CME error description online,in this case: CME error 10 - SIM not insertedLocking band on Huawei and other modemsTo lock band for Huawei modems /interface lte set lte1 band="" option can't be used.It is possible to use AT commands to lock to desired band manually.To check all supported bands run at-chat command:[admin@MikroTik] /interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT^SYSCFGEX=\?"output: ^SYSCFGEX: ("00","03","02","01","99"),((2000004e80380,"GSM850/GSM900/GSM1800/GSM1900/WCDMA BCI/WCDMA BC (3fffffff,"All Bands")),(0-2),(0-4),((800d7,"LTE BC1/LTE BC2/LTEBC3/LTE BC5/LTE BC7/LTE BC8/LTE BC20"),(7fffffffffffffff,"All Bands"))OKExample to lock to LTE band 7,[admin@MikroTik] /interface lte set lte1 modem-init="AT^SYSCFGEX=\"03\",3FFFFFFF,2,4,40,,"Change last part 40 to desired band specified hexadecimal value where:4 LTE BC340 LTE BC780000 LTE BC207FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF All bandsetcAll band HEX values and AT commands can be found in Huawei AT Command Interface Specification guide (http://do /download/downloadCenter?downloadId=29741&version=72288&siteCode=)Check if band is locked:[admin@MikroTik] /interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT^SYSCFGEX\?"output: ^SYSCFGEX: "03",3FFFFFFF,0,2,40OKFor more information check modem manufacturers AT command reference manuals.mPCIe modems with RB9xx series devicesFor mPCIe modems to work in RB9xx series devices it is required to set the USB type to mPCIe, this can be done using the following command:/system routerboard usb set type=mini-PCIeIn case your modem is not being recognized after a soft reboot, then you might need to add a delay before the USB port is being initialized. This can be done using the following command:/system routerboard settings set init-delay=5sModem firmware upgradeStarting from RouterOS version 6.44beta20 it is possible to upgrade modems firmware.Firmware update is only available for R11e-LTE and R11e-4G modems.Firmware upgrade can only be done through working mobile connection - it will download approx 5.5MB firmware file. Firmware upgrades usually includes small improvements in stability or small bug fixes that can't be included into RouterOS.Check currently used firmware version by running:[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte info lte1 once-----revision: "MikroTik_CP_2.160.000_v008"-----Check if new firmware is available:[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte firmware-upgrade lte1installed: MikroTik_CP_2.160.000_v008latest: MikroTik_CP_2.160.000_v010Upgrade firmware:[admin@MikroTik] > interface lte firmware-upgrade lte1 upgrade=yesstatus: downloading via LTE connection (>1min)Whole upgrade process may take up to 10 minutes, depending on mobile connection speed.After successful upgrade issue USB power-reset, reboot device or run AT+reset command, to update modem version readout under info command:[admin@MikroTik] > /interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+reset"Avoiding tethering speed throttlingSome operators (TMobile, YOTA etc.) allows unlimited data only for device SIM card is used on, all other data coming from mobile hotspots or tethering is highly limited by volume or by throughput speed. Some sources (https://www.reddi /r/hacking/comments/54a7dd/bypassing_tmobiles_tethering_data_capthrottling/) have found out that this limitation is done by monitoring TTL (Time To Live) values from packets to determinate if limitations need to be applied (TTL is decreased by 1 for each "hop" made). RouterOS allows changing the TTL parameter for packets going from the router to allow hiding sub networks. Keep in mind that this may conflict with fair use policy./ip firewall mangleadd action=change-ttl chain=postrouting new-ttl=set:65 out-interface=lte1 passthrough=yesMore information: YOTA (https:///en/post/238351/), TMobile (https:///r/mikrotik/comment s/acq4kz/anyone_familiar_with_configuring_the_ltap_us_with/)[ Top | Back to Content ]Retrieved from "https:///index.php?title=Manual:Interface/LTE&oldid=32954"Categories: Manual VPN InterfaceThis page was last edited on 28 February 2019, at 15:45.。
A B(be)subject to… 经受…(in) duplicate 一分两式(to be) buttered (焊接的)长肉(to) drive piles 打桩4:1 taperd transition bevel 四比一过渡坡口AA resulting formB 由B导致AA-60 fire door A-60级防火门abrasive (喷砂用的)磨料abrasive paper 砂纸AC generator 交流发电机AC motor 交流发动机accelerated corrosion testing 加速腐蚀试验acceptance criteria 合格准则access hole(for welding) =cope hole (焊接)工艺孔accommodation and power platform(APP) 生活动力平台according to=in accordance with=in line with =as per =in the light of 按照acetylene gas 乙炔acid electrode 酸性焊条acid proof cement 防酸水泥additive 添加剂adhere to 遵守(动词)adherence to 遵守(名词)adjacent columns 相邻立柱adverse combination of loads 荷载的不利组合adverse condition 不利条件aeronautical radio system航空无线电AFC(approved for construction) 建造批准aforementioned 上述的aft winch 船艉绞车agitator 搅拌器a-hundred-year return period 百年一遇air blower 鼓风机air compressor 空压机air driven pump 气动泵air hoister 气动绞车air manifold 气包air tight test 气密性试验aircraft obstruction beacon 航空障碍灯air-hose 风带alarm buzzer 报警蜂鸣器alarm horn 报警喇叭aliphatic polyurethanel 脂肪族聚氨脂漆allowable(working)stress 许用应力Aluminum alloy anode 铝合金阳极Aluminum ingot 铝锭aluminum paint 银粉漆aluminum sheet 铝皮ambient air temperature 环境气度ambient temperature 环境温度anchor block 地锚块anchor bolt 地脚螺拴anchor ground 锚地anchor pile 锚桩anchor profile/pattern 涂桩表面的粗糙度anchor rack 锚架anchoring buoy 锚泊浮筒angle of incidence 入射角angle of reflection 折射角angle probe method超声波斜射探伤angle steel 角钢angle valve 角阀anode core 阳极芯子anode end face geometry 阳极端面几何形状anode life 阳极寿命anode potential 阳极电位anode stand-off post 支架式阳极的立柱anodic resistance 阳极电阻anticorrosive paint 防锈漆anti-electrostatic floor 防静电地板antipollution measures 防污染措施API specified requirements API规定的要求apparent batter 视斜度applicable API specification API适用范围approach-departure sector 直升飞机起落扇行区appurtenance =attachment =accessory =auxiliary 附件arc air gouging 碳弧气刨arc cutting 电弧切割arc strike 弧击argon arc welding 氩弧焊argon arc welding machine 氩弧焊机articulated tower mooring system 铰接塔系泊系统artificial island 人工岛as per 按照as-built 完工as-built dossier 完工资料as-built drawing 完工图as-built drawing 完工图as-rolled 轧制状态assemble 组装(动词)assembly 组装(名词)associated gas 伴生气at the option of A 按A的意愿Atmospheric diving system =unpressurized diving system 常压潜水系统atmospheric vent 放空管attachments 附件auto fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统automatic spraying system 自动喷淋系统Bback chipping 清根back gouging 反面气刨backing weld 打底焊道backpressure regulator (self contained) 背压式调节阀(自力式) backwash return pump 反冲洗回流泵backwash surge tank 反冲洗罐backwash tank 反冲洗水罐Ball hardness 布式硬度ball valve 球阀bar (截面较小的)圆钢方钢六角钢等bar chart 统计用的柱状图barge bumper 靠船件barge strength and stability 驳船强度及稳性barrel (管件的)加厚段base metal 母材、基本金属basic design 基本设计basic drawing 基本设计图basic electrode =lime type covered electrode 碱性焊条battery room 蓄电池间beam depth 梁高beam path distance 超声波发射程距bearing strength of the ground 地基承载力bearing stress 支撑应力before welding is initiated 始焊前bending moment 弯矩bending stress 弯曲应力bevel 坡口bevel angle 坡口面角度beveling/chamfering 开坡口bid / tender for … 投标bid ddrawing 招标图纸bid drawing 招标图纸bilge / fire pump 舱底污水-消防两用泵bilge alarm system污水报警系统blast cleaning喷砂除锈blind flange 盲法兰blind spectacle flange 快速盲法兰blow count 打桩的锤击数blow out preventer system(BOP system) 防喷器系统blowdown vessel 排放罐blowhole;gas pore 气空blowout preventer stack 防喷器组boat landing 登船平台bolt,nut and washer 螺栓、螺母及垫片bolted connection 螺栓连接boom 吊机扒杆boom angle 吊臂倾斜角bore hole 镗孔boss with plug 带有丝堵的管座bottom echo 底面回声bottom sitting drilling platform 坐底式钻井船boundary condition 边界条件bow 船艏box beam 箱形梁box type joinnt 箱形节点brace 拉筋bracelet anode 手镯式阳极branch member 支杆breathing apparatus , respirator 防毒面具bridge 栈桥bridge (overhead) crane 天车吊brittleness 脆性brush coating 用毛刷涂漆buckle fastener 绑带build-up girder 组合梁bulb angle 球扁钢bulk head 隔板,舱壁buoyant turret mooring 浮筒转塔式系泊burn through 烧穿burner 气焊工burr and flashing 飞边毛刺business and management 经营管理butterfly valve 蝶阀butt-welded seam 对接焊缝Ccable layer 敷缆船cable rack / tray 电缆托架caisson 沉箱caisson washing pump 洗船泵caisson-type platform 沉箱式平台can (管件的)段cantilever beam 悬臂梁cantilever jack-up rig 悬臂自升式钻井船cantilever well module 悬臂式井口模块cap beam 帽梁capped steel 半镇静钢capsizing lever 倾覆力臂capsizing moment = overturn moment 倾覆力矩carbon arc air gouging 碳弧气刨carbon dioxide cylinder 二氧化碳气瓶carbon equivalent 碳当量carbon-dioxide(CO2) arc welding 二氧化碳气体保护电弧焊cargo master system 货油舱总监控系统cargo tank cleaning machine 洗舱机carrier (搬运)小车carry out = perform = conduct =execute 进行、执行catenary anchor leg mooring(CALM) 悬链锚腿系泊cathodic protection 阴极保护cellar deck 底甲板cellar shutdown panel(CSDP) 井口系统关断盘cement grout 水泥浆cementing vessel 固井船center line 中心线center of buoyancy 浮心center of floatation 漂心center of gravity 重心center punch 冲子central control room(CCR) 中央控制室central processing platform 中心处理平台centrifugal pump 离心泵centrifuger 离心机ceramic fibres 防火陶棉ceramic tiles 瓷砖certifying authority 第三方检验机构chain block 倒链chair with arm-rests 带扶手的半软椅chamfering 开坡口channel steel 槽钢charpy-V notch energy 夏比V形缺口韧性值charpy-V notch impact test 夏比V形缺口冲击试验chart datum 海图基准面check randomly 抽检check valve 止回阀checkered plate 花纹板chemical composition 化学成分chemical injection package 化学注入撬chemical injection system 化学药剂注入系统chemical seal 化学密封chipping hammer 敲渣锤chisel 风铲chord member 弦杆Christmas tree 采油树circumference 周长circumferential weld 环焊缝classification survey 入级检验clean water injection pump 清水注入泵clean water surge tank 清水缓冲罐clearance 间隙client 业主、顾客close drain tank 闭式排放罐closed drain pump 闭式排放泵closed / open circuit 闭/开路closed drain tank 闭式排放罐clustered well heads 丛式井口CO2 cylinder unit CO2气瓶组CO2 extinguisher CO2灭火器coal tar epoxy paint 含焦油环氧涂料coaming 档水扁钢coating 涂装coating interval 涂装间隔coefficient 系数cold formed pipe 冷卷管cold shut 冷隔cold work 冷加工、冷作collapse ring 加强环板column 立柱combustible gs detector 可燃气体探测器come-along 手搬葫芦commercial blast cleaning 普通级喷砂除锈commissioning 调试compile and maintain a document 编制和保存文件complete penetration groove weld 全熔透坡口焊completion riser 完井立管complex with 符合(名词)comply with 符合(动词)composite rockwool ceiling复合岩棉天花板composite rockwool panel复合岩棉板concentric reducer同心大小头conceptual design 概念设计conceptual drawing概念图纸concrete platform 混凝土平台condensate drum 冷凝液罐condensing water 冷凝水conductor隔水套管conductor guide套管导向cone 大小口、锥体conform to = stick to = adhere to符合、遵守connection 节点、连接consumption rate 阳极消耗率continuous beam 连续梁continuous double fillet weld双面连续贴角焊continuous weldings连续焊contract合同contraction stress收缩应力contractor 承包商contractor(合同供方)control valve (accessories handwheel) 带手轮的控制阀control valve assembly 控制阀总成coordinates 坐标系coordination 协调cope hole (焊接)工艺孔corrective and preventive action 纠正和预防措施correlation curve 相关曲线corrosion allowance 腐蚀余量corrosion coupon 腐蚀挂片corrosion protection 防腐corrugated plate interceptor 斜板分离器couplant UT用的耦合剂coupling 连轴器、管箍crack 裂纹crane barge,crane vessel起重机crane support吊机支撑crater 焊口crawler crane履带吊车criteria(验收)标准cross angle 交叉角cross section横截面crow bar撬杆cruciform bollard 单十字带缆柱crude cooler 原油冷却器crude filter 原油过滤器crude heat exchanger原油换热器crude loading /export pump原油外输泵crude loading pump原油装载泵crude oil drain tank原油排放舱crude preheat exchanger 原油预热器crude suction strainer原油吸入滤器crude transfer pump原油输送泵cup support 垫墩curing time (油漆的)固化时间current capacity (阳极的)电流容量current density(阳极的)电流密度current direction 海流方向curvature radius 曲率半径customer (比较purchaser) 客户(签合同后,客户变需方)cut by torch 以火焰切割cut off 割除、割除物cutoff allowance 切割裕量cutting plan 排版图cutting sheet单件图DDAC curves 距离-振幅曲线daily diesel filter日用柴油滤器damage_prone connection 易破坏的节点damper , dampener 减振器DC generator 直流发电机ddry chemical extinguisher 干粉式灭火器Decibel (dB) 分贝deck beam 甲板梁deck cover 甲板敷料deck crane 甲板吊车deck floor plate 甲板板deck water seal unit甲板水封装置deep freeze compressor 深冷压缩机deepwater jacket 深水导管架defect /default /disconnection 缺陷deflection 挠度dehydration degassing vessel 脱水除气器dehydration preheater脱水预热器dehydrator feed pump电脱水供给泵delivery of materials 材料交货derrick barge 回转式起重船desander 除砂罐design basis 设计基准design drawing详细设计图design parameters 设计参数detail 详图detail design详细设计develop /establish a document编制文件dew point露点DFT(dry film thickness) 干膜厚度diagonal brace 斜拉筋dial gauge 百分表diaphragm 隔板diaphragm valve隔膜阀die stamp 钢印diesel filter coalescer 柴油过滤净化装置diesel generator set柴油发动机diesel oil daily tank with heater 柴油日用罐(带加热器)diesel pump 柴油泵diesel storage tank with heater 柴油储罐(带加热器)diesel storage tank 柴油储罐diesel tank 柴油罐diesel transfer pump 柴油输送泵differential pressure control valve 差压控制阀diffuser 布风器dihedral angle 二面角dimensional checks 尺寸校验direct /alternating current arc welding 直/交流电弧焊direct current emergency supply直流应急电源disassembling拆除discontinuity缺陷displacement oil tank 置换油罐distortion from welding 焊接变形distress signals 遇险呼救信号diver 潜水员diver support vessel潜水作业船document approval and issue 文件的批准和下发documentation文件编制dog 组装用的刀把dolphin 系缆柱domestic sea water pump 生活海水泵double agent facility 双介质灭火装置double bevel groove K形坡口double bollard 双柱带缆柱double groove 双面坡口double plate 垫板、包板double probe method 双探头法doulbe bed 双层床doulbe V groove 双面V形坡口(X形坡口)down hill welding 下向焊drain pit 排水池draught gauge 吃水标尺drawing and specification 图纸及技术规格书drawing types 图纸种类dredger 挖泥船drift pin 心轴、销子drift test 管流试验、管线试通drill 钻头drilling module 钻井模块drilling platform 钻井平台drilling template 钻井基盘drillship ,drilling ship 浮式钻井船driving voltage 驱动电压dryer 烘箱dry-type tree 干式采油树during the course of fabrication 在制造过程中during the life of structures 结构寿命期间dye penetrant inspection 着色检验dynamic-positioning rig 动力定位钻井船Eearth lead 地线eccentric reducer 偏心大小头echo height 回波高度edge crimping (卷管的)压头edge preparation 坡口加工effective throat thickness 焊缝计算厚度elbow 弯头electric dehydrator 电脱水器electric desalter 电脱盐器electric drill 手电钻electric heater 电加热器electric submersible pump 电潜泵electrical connection 导电连接electric-hydraulic valve 电-液操作阀electrochemical property 电化学特性electrode 电焊条electrode covering 焊条药皮electrode holder 焊把、焊钳electrolyte 电解质electro-slag welding 电渣焊接elevation(EL) 标高、立面图elongation 延伸率emergency air compressor 应急空压机emergency ballast control system 应急压载控制系统emergency BOP recovery system 防喷器紧急回收系统emergency generator 应急发电机emergency light 应急照明灯emergency power station 应急电站emergency shutdown 紧急关断emergency shutdown system(ESD) 应急关断系统emergency switch board 应急开关柜emergency switch room 应急配电间emery cloth 金刚砂布emulsion transfer pump 乳化油输送泵engine room 动力舱、机舱engineering geotechnical vessel 工程地质船engineering vessel 工程船舶entire length 全长equal angle 等边角钢equation 公式equipment base 设备底座erection 安装ERW(electric resistance welding) 电阻焊escape route 逃生路线essential variable 焊接基本参数excess of weight 超重existing structure 已有结构explosion proof equipment 防暴设备exposure distance 防火距离extent of defect in % 缺陷百分率extent of inspection 检验范围extent of repair 返修率external surfaceof brace 拉筋的外表面extra margin of stress 应力裕量Ffabricated wide flange shape 焊接成的宽翼缘型钢fabrication aids 制造辅助物(如临时吊点)fabrication design 加工设计fabrication drawing 加工设计图fabrication phase 制造阶段fabrication sequence 制造顺序fabrication yard 制造场地face bend test 表面弯曲试验facsimile transceiver 传真收发两用机fastener 紧固件fatigue damage 疲劳破坏field assembly 空间组队、现场组对field mating point 海上对接点(如导管架与组块对接点)field splice 现场拼接field weld 现场焊缝fiexed platform 固定式平台fiexed tower SPM 塔系泊fifty year return period 五十年一遇file 锉刀filler metal 填充金属final fabrication tolerance 最终制造公差finish coat 面漆first coat 底漆finished product 成品finite element analyses 有限元分析fire alarm siren 火灾警笛fire and gs detecting system 火灾-可燃气探测系统fire control panel 消防控制盘fire damper 防火风闸fire door closer,fire proof door 防火门fire extinguishing system 消防系统fire fighting water, fire water 消防水fire foam hadrant 消防泡沫拴fire hose station ,hose box 消防箱fire monitor 消防炮fire panel 火灾-可燃气报警显示盘fire proof wall ,fire wall 防火墙fire protected plastic tiles 防火塑料地板fire protection wall 防火墙fire station 消防软管箱fire waater hose rock 消防水软管fire water deluge system 大水量灭火系统fire water hydrant 消防水拴fire water jockey pump 消防水增压泵fire water lift pump 消防水提升泵fire water pump 消防水泵fire water/foam monitor 消防炮(水或泡沫)fire-fighting vessel ,fire boat 消防船fireman box 消防员箱first aid kit 急救箱first stage hydrocyclone 一级水力旋转器first stage separator 一级分离器fitter 组装工fit-up 坡口组对fixed crude oil washing machine 固定式原油清洗机fixed drilling platform 固定式钻井平台flame arrester 阻火器flame cutting 火焰切割flame cutting droplets and debris 火焰切割形成的熔滴和料头flame cutting machine 火焰切割机flame cutting torch 火焰割枪flammability limits 可燃度极限flange 冀缘、法兰flare assembly 火炬总成flare boom 火炬臂flare drum 闪蒸罐flare pilot gas 火炬引燃器flare scrubber 火炬分液器flare tower 火炬塔flat bar 扁钢flat plate anode 扁阳极flat position / downhand welding 平焊flat wekding 平焊flaw 裂纹flaw detectability 缺陷检测灵敏度flaw echo 缺陷回声flexible hose 柔性软管flexible riser 挠性立管floater controlled valve 浮球控制阀floating cargo hose浮式输油软管floating loading hose浮式装油软管floating oil production and storage unit(FPSU)浮式生产储油装置floating oil storage unit 浮式储油装置floating production ,storage and off-loading tanker 浮式生产储油外输轮floating production platform 浮式生产平台floating state 漂浮状态flooding 注水floppy disk 软盘flow chart 流程图flow indicator(FI) 流量显示器flow quantity recorder(FQ) 累计流量计flow swith 流量开关flux 焊药flux cored arc welding(FCAW) 药芯焊flux-cored electrode 管状焊条flux-cored wire 药芯焊丝foam extinguishing system 固定式泡沫灭火系统foam monitor 泡沫炮foam station 泡沫站fog horn ,fog signal 雾笛folding bed 折叠床folding chair 折叠椅foot print 被交位置foot valve 底阀forecastle 艏楼foreman 领班forged steel(FS) 锻钢fork lift 铲车,叉车forming 压制成型forming of plates into tubular 由板卷成管formula /equation of carbon equivalent 碳当量公式four way valve 四通阀fracture toughness 断裂韧性frame structure 梁格结构free water knockout vessel 流离水分离器fresh water pressure vessel 淡水压力罐fresh water pump 淡水泵fresh water tank pump 淡水罐fresh water tank with electric heater 淡水罐(带加热器)friction coefficient 摩擦系数fuel gas compressor packge 燃气压缩机撬fuel gas heater 燃料气加热器fuel gas scrubber 燃气洗涤器fuel gas treatment package燃料气处理撬fuel oil drain tank燃料油排放罐fuel pump 燃油泵full coupling 全螺纹的接头full penetration weld 全溶透焊缝funnel-shaped guide喇叭口状导向furnace熔炉、加热炉fusible plug 异熔塞fusion/bond line 熔合线Ggantry crane 龙门吊gap gauge 间隙尺gas bottle 气瓶gas cutting 气割gas cutting machine with magnetic wheels 磁轮式气割机gas detector 可燃气体探测器gas injection module 注气组块gas metal arc welding 熔化极气体保护焊gas metal arc welding (GMAW) 熔化极气体保护焊gas tungsten metal arc welding (GTAW) 钨极气体保护焊gas tungsten metal arc welding (GTAW) 钨极气体保护焊(含氩弧焊)gas turbine generator set 燃汽轮机发电机组gas turbine power generator 燃汽轮机发电机gas welding 气焊gasket 垫圈gate valve 闸阀geophysical survey vessel 物探船girders and webs 水平绗材和垂直绗材girth weld 环缝global positioning system (GPS) 全球定位系统globe valve (normally clsoed) 截止阀(常闭)glycerin 甘油gouging 气刨graphite crucible 石墨坩埚grating 格栅gravity damper 重力风闸gravity platform 重力式平台gravity type foundation 重力式基础grease 黄油、润滑油grind 打磨grinder 砂轮机grinding 打磨(名词)grinding machine 砂轮机grit 石英砂grit blasting 喷丸除锈groove 熔池groove angle 坡口角ground flush 磨平gs export facility天然气外输设备guard filter 保护滤器guide funnel 导向喇叭口guide structure 导向结构gusset 节点板、筋板guyed tower platform拉索塔平台Hhalf nipple 一端带螺纹的接头halogenated hydrocarbon cylinder 卤化烃瓶halogenated hydrocarbon cylinder local panel 卤化烃就地控制盘halogenated hydrocarbon cylinder local panel 卤化烃就地控制盘halogenated hydrocarbon fire extinguishing system 卤化烃灭火系统hammer 锤子hand operated pump 手动泵hand winch 手动缆绳车handrail 栏杆hard hat 安全帽hardener 固化剂hauling to the front 牵引至码头前沿hazardous area 危险区heat affected zones(HAZ) 热影响区heat detector 热探测器heat exchanger 热交换气heat medium drain tank 热介质排放罐heat number 炉号heat traced pipeline 伴热管线heat treater 加热热处理器heat treatment 热处理heater 加热器heater treater 热处理器heater treater feed pump 热处理器供热泵heating medium boiler package 热介质锅炉撬heating medium circulating package 热介质循环撬heating medium collection tank 热介质收集罐heating medium diesel daily tank 热介质从柴油日用罐heating medium drain pump 热介质排放泵heating medium drain tank 热介质排放罐heating medium expansion vessel 热介质膨胀罐heating medium make-up pump 热介质再启动泵heating medium oil , thermal oil 传热介质油heating medium storage tank 传热介质油储存罐heating,ventilation and air conditioning system(HAV) 采暖、通风、空调系统heave wall section 厚壁段heavy can 节点加厚段heavy duty coating 厚层防腐heavy plate 厚板heavy wall pipe 厚壁管helideck 直升机甲板helmet 安全帽hex head bolt 六角头螺栓high /low pressure switch(PSHL) 高-低压开关high concentration gas alarm 高浓度可燃气报警high pressure condensate tank 高压凝析油罐high pressure flare 高压火炬high pressure separator(HP separator) 高压分离器high strength steel 高强度钢high-low 错皮histogram (统计用)直方图hold 待定hold point (检验的)停点holder 焊钳holiday detector 气孔探测仪horizontal distance 水平距离horizontal position welding 横焊horizontal welding横焊hose 软管hose assembly 软管总成hose connection 软管接头hose handling crane软管起升吊机hose reel 软管轮hot dip galvanizing热浸锌hot water pressure vessel with electric heater热水压力罐(带加热器)hot work 明火作业H-shape H型钢human life and property 人民生命财产hydrant 消火栓hydraulic pile_driving hammer 液压打桩锤hydraulic press 液压机hydrostatic/hydraulic test 水压试验hyperbaric diving system =pressurized diving system 高压潜水系统Iice-breaker 破冰船if (when)necessary 若有必要ignitor 点火器immersion suit 防寒救生衣impact resistance 耐冲击性impressed-current protection system 外加电流保护系统in accordance with 按照in any jacket plane 在任意导管架平面内in line with 按照in the light of 按照inclined stair 斜梯include but not limited to 包括但不限于included /groove angle 坡口角度inclusion 夹杂物incomplete fusion 未熔合incomplete penetration 未焊透inflatable liferaft气胀式救生筏inlet gas generator package 惰性气体发生器撬inorganic Zine primer 无机锌底漆in-process inspection 工序间的检验inside diameter(ID) 内径inspection 检验inspection criteria 检验标准installation site 安装现场instrument air receiver 仪表空气接受器instrument capillary tube 仪表控制管线instrument master control room 仪表总控制室insulating flange 绝缘法兰insulation 保温insulation(heat traced) 保温加伴热intact / damage stability interference 完整/破损稳性(杆件之间的)相碰,打架intergranular corrosion 晶间腐蚀intermediate strength steel 中强度钢intermittent welding 断续焊internal and external beveling 内外坡口internal diameter 内径internal quality audits 内部质量审核internal stress 内应力interpass temperature 层间温度intersected pipe 被交管intersection line 相贯线invitation for bid =call for bid 招标Jjack 千斤顶jacket 导管架jacket cap 导管架帽jacket handling 导管架扶正jacket launching and upending 导管架下水及竖立jacket launching barge 导管架下水驳船jacket leg 导管架腿柱jacket leveling 导管架调平jacket lifted on and off the barge 吊上及吊下驳船的导管架jacket lifting eye 导管架吊耳jacket modification 导管架改造jacket panel 导管架片jacket panel assembly 导管架片组对jacket positioning 导管架定位jacket securing 导管架固定jacking state 升降状态jacking system 升降系统jack-up rig 自压式钻井船jockey pump 供消防水干管的补给水泵joint can 节点加厚joint detail 节点详图J-tube J形管junction box(explosion proof) 接线箱(防暴型)Kkey plan 总图、索引图killed steel 镇静钢kingpost 将军柱Llack of fusion 未融合lack of penetration 未焊透ladder 直梯ladle analysis 熔炼分析lamellar tearing 层状撕裂lap 焊缝盖面lap welding 搭接焊lateral load 侧向荷载launch / cargo barge 滑道式/装载式驳船launch way and rocker 滑道和摇臂launching and uprighting of a jacket 导管架的下水和直立launching truss 下水珩架lay barge 铺管船lead sections and subsequent add-ons of piles 首桩及后续桩段leak test 密封性试验(试漏)leg 桩腿、导管leg of a fillet weld (角焊缝)焊角高度level 水平仪level gauge (with drain) 液位仪(带排放)life boat 救生艇life boat davit ,davit 吊艇架life buoy 救生圈life jacket 救生衣life raft ,life float 救生筏lift calculation 吊装计算lifting gear 吊艇机lifting load 起吊荷载lifting lug 吊点lifting padeye 吊点lifting up of panel structure 单片起吊light type combustible gas detector 轻质可燃气体探测器line pipe 管线管line throwing apparatus 抛绳装置liquid trap 液体捕集器living quarter 生活块LNG carrier ,LNG tanker 液化天然气运输船loading arm 输油臂loading flexible hose 柔性装载软管loadout and seafastening 装船固定local deformation 局部变形local stress 局部应力longitudinal seam / weld 纵焊缝low explosion limit(LEL) 爆炸下限low heat input 底热量输入low hydrogen type electrode 底氢型焊条low pressure scrubber 底压气净化器low stress round nosed die stamp 底应力圆头钢印lower deck 下甲板lub oil drain tank 润滑油排放罐lub oil tank with heater 润滑油罐(带加热器)lubricant oil transfer pump 润滑油传输泵lug 吊耳Mmachinery deck 机械甲板machining 机加工macrosectin] 宏观断面magnetic particle and suspension 磁粉和悬剂magnetic particle technique 磁粉检验magnetic particle techniuqe(MT) 磁粉探伤main boiler 主锅炉main deck 主甲板main generator set 主发电机组main process line 主要工艺管线main switch room 主变电间main transformer room 主变压器室make-up drawing 造管图manhole 人孔manifold 管汇manned platform 驻人平台manual / hand welding 手工焊manufacture's instruction 产品使用说明marine growth 海生物marine radio system 海事通讯系统marine transportation 海运marking 做标记,划线marking and cutting 划线下料mat support jack-up rig 沉垫自升式钻井船material 材质,材料material identification 材料标识material list 材料表material storage 材料储存material substitution 材料代用material take off 材料估算单material traceability 材料跟踪maximun iperating water depth 最大工作水深may 可以(任意性的)mean sea level(MSL) 平均海平面mechanical property 机械性能mechanical test 机械性能试验medium pressure separator (MP separator) 中压分离器member 杆件member drawing (杆件的)单件图member number 杆件号metacenter 稳心metal lash 钢板网mezzanine deck 夹层甲板,半甲middle deck 中甲板mild steel 底碳钢mill 钢厂mill certificate 厂家的材质证书mill scale 钢材出厂时的表面氧化皮mill sheet 制造工艺规程表mineral slag 矿渣miscellaneous items 附件mismatch = high-low 错皮mobile drilling platform / rig 移动式钻井平台mobile radio system 移动式无线电系统model test 模型试验module 组块mold 模具mold lofting 放样moment 力矩moment of inertia 惯性矩moment of longitudinal inclination 纵倾力矩moment of transverse inclination 横倾力矩mooring bit 系缆柱mooring cable 系泊缆绳mooring dolphin 系缆柱mooring head 系泊头mooring template 系泊基盘mooring yoke 系泊刚臂motor operated valve 电动阀move to yard front 移至码头前沿mudline 泥线mudmat 防沉板multihead metering pump 多头计量泵multipass welding 多层焊multiple lift 多台吊车联合起吊multi-point mooring,spread mooring 多浮筒系泊系统multi-purpose epoxy 多用途环氧漆multi-supported beam 连续梁multi-well template system 多井基盘系统Nnavigational light导航灯NC(numerical-control) cutting machine数控切管机near white metal接近金属白色needle valve 针阀nipple对丝node can接点段nominal diameter公称直径non-combustible不可燃物质non-conformance不一致事项nondestructive examination(NDE) 无损检验nondestructive testing 无损检验nonskid ceramic mosaic 外观检验normal practice 通常作法normalize 正火normally open /close valve 常开/常闭阀notch toughness 缺口韧性NRL(naval research laboratory) drop weight test NRL落锤试验nut 螺母Oobsolete document 作废文件oceanographic research vessel 海洋调查船offshore drilling installation 海上钻井设备offshore drilling rig 海上钻井装置offshore hook-up 海上连接offshore installation 海上安装offshore installation site 海上安装现场offshore oil exploration 海洋石油勘探offshore platform 海洋平台offshore structure 海洋结构物oil boom, oil fence 围油栅oil concentration (污水)含油浓度oil depot 油库oil fence reel 围油栅卷筒oil moisture content 油雾含量oil pollution 石油污染oil recovery vessel 污油回收船oil spill 溢油oil storage ,loading and transportation equipment 储油、装油与输油设备oil storage barge 储油轮oil treatment facility 油处理设施oil water transfer pump 污油水传送泵oily water tank 含油污水仓one-line diagram 单线图onshore fabrication 陆上预制open drain pump 开式排放泵open drain tank 开式排放罐open drain tank with heater 开式排放罐(带加热器)open firing point 明火点operating condition 作业条件operating state 作业状态operation draft 作业吃水orifice plate 孔板流量计original 原稿out of roundness 椭圆度outside diameter(OD) 外径ovality 椭圆度over coating intervals 复涂间隔over head crane 天车吊overboard 舷外overhanging beam 悬臂梁overhead position welding 仰脸焊overhead welding 仰脸焊overlap 焊瘤overlapping joint 搭接节点owner 业主Oxyacetylene gas welding 氧-乙炔气焊oxyacetylene welding 氧乙炔焊oxygen cylinder 氧气瓶oxygen hose 氧气带Ppackaged air conditioner 空调机撬块packer 封隔器padeye 吊点paint brush 油刷子paint roller 油漆滚子painter 油漆工panel assembling 平面组对,单片组对parasitic echo 干扰回声parent steel 母材past successful practice 以往成功的作法pedestal crane 基座式吊机pedestal crane 平台用吊机peening 捶击penetrant technique 渗透检验penetrant technique(PT) 渗透检验perimeter 周长periodical survey 定期检验permissible stress 许用应力perpendicularity of pipe end 管端垂直度personnel protection 人身保护phenolic paint 酚醛树脂涂料Philips driver 十字螺丝刀phthalic paint 苯二甲酸涂料pig launcher 清管器发射器pig receiver 清管接受器pile cap 桩帽pile driving records 打桩纪录pile driving refusal 拒锤点pile extracting 拔桩pile foundation 桩基pile guide 桩导向pile penetration 桩的贯入度pile section / segment 桩段pile sleeve 桩套筒pile spacer 扶桩间隙块pile washing out 冲桩piling 打桩piling barge 打桩船pilot house 驾驶室pinhole 针尖状气孔pipe diameter 管径pipe fitting 管件pipe rack 管子托架pipe shoe 管子支撑pipe wrench 管钳pipeline 管线、管道pipeline laying barge 铺管船piping and instrument diagram(P&ID) 管线仪表图plain end 无螺纹管端plan 平面图、布置图plasma arc cutting(PAC) 等离子弧切割plasma arc welding(PAW) 等离子弧焊接plate girder 板梁plate type heat exchanger 板式换热器platform 平台platform positioning on the site 导管架的现场定位platform -to-shore radio system 平台--海岸无线电系统pliers 钳子plug 丝堵plug valve 旋塞阀plumment 铅坠plus or minus 2 正负2pneumatic binary signal 双向气动信号pneumatic lines 气控管线pneumatic operated valve 气动操作阀pneumatic operated with manual reset valve 手动复位气动阀pneumatic test 气压试验polarization potential (阳极的)极化电位polarization steel 极化铁polyurethane paint 聚氨酯涂料porosity 密集气孔port 左舷port hole 舷窗portable extinguisher 手提式灭火器portable two-way radio 双向无线电话positioner 定位器positioning 定位positive displacement flow meter 容积式流量计positive flow meter 正位流量计postweld heat treatment 焊后热处理pot life (油漆的)混合期限power wire bruch 电动钢丝刷preheat temperature 预热温度preheater 预热器pressure differential flow meter 差压流量计pressure gauge 压力表pressure regulation valve 压力调节阀pressure regulator(external tap) 压力调节阀(阀外引压)pressure relief valve 压力释放阀pressure safety valve 压力安全阀pressure vessels 压力容器primary structrural member 主结构杆probe 探头procedure qualification record(PQR) 焊接工艺评定process 工序process drain 工艺排放process module 工艺模块。
nVent Raychem HWAT 混合热水系统规格指南说明书
SCOPEThis specification describes an energy efficient system fortemperature maintenance of a domestic potable hot water supply.GENERALThe domestic hot water supply has been designed as a hybridsystem, with recirculation loops on the main supply pipesoptimised by the use of a self-regulating heating cable systemon all branch pipe run outs, known as nVent RAYCHEM HWATas manufactured by nVent.The system shall be complete with self-regulating heatingcables, advanced energy efficient controller and cold appliedcomponents for interconnection and termination.All electrical system components shall be sourced from a singlemanufacturer, under no circumstances shall any components beinstalled other than those supplied by the cable manufacturer, toensure system integrity and meet warranty requirements.The manufacturer shall offer an extended warranty of 10 years for heating cables and components and 2 years for controllers, subject to the system being designed, installed, tested and commissioned strictly to their requirements. The warranty shall be extended to 12 years on heating cables/components and 6 years on controls when installed by the manufacturer or by a trained installer recognised by them. All subject to the completion of the online warranty registration.The system shall be capable of being designed within a BIM model and the manufacturer shall provide a BIM add-in for Autodesk Revit MEP to automate the design process.The heating cables, controls and system components shall be CE marked and certified according to EN codes by BSI, VDE, CSTB, SEV, ÖVE and fulfil the hygiene requirements of DGVW and SVGW.Document submittal shall include all of the following: data sheets (for heating cables, interconnection/termination components and controller), system design guide, typical system schematic drawings, controller wiring diagrams, system installation and operation manual, along with approval certificates upon request.SELF-REGULATING HEATING CABLESThe self-regulating heating cables shall be specifically designed for this application, tested and approved to IEC 62395 andIEEE 515.1, suitable for use with 20A circuit breakers and with a minimum bend radius less than or equal to 10mm.The manufacturer shall demonstrate minimum 40 year experience in producing self-regulating heating cables and beISO-9001 registered.The manufacturer shall provide an extensive global reference list for this application, including installations that have been in operation for over 15 years.The self-regulating heating cables shall be qualified and tested to demonstrate a useful lifetime in excess of 40 years.The construction of the self-regulating heating cables shall include a conductive polymer core (qualified for hot water temperature maintenance), modified polyolefin electrical insulation (radiation cross-linked, to ensure long life expectancy), laminated aluminium foil layer (to protect the heater core from chemical ingress), tinned copper braid with minimum 70% coverage and modified polyolefin over jacket printed with cable model, batch number and metre marks (for ease of installation within maximum circuit length).[Select One Option][Option 1]The self-regulating heating cable shall be nVent RAYCHEM HWAT-R and provide pipe maintained temperatures in the range 50-65°C [Option 2]The self-regulating heating cable shall be nVent RAYCHEM HWAT-M and provide pipe maintained temperatures in the range 50-55°C INTERCONNECTION AND TERMINATION COMPONENTSInterconnection and termination shall be with cold applied insulation displacement connectors and gel type end seals, which are UV resistant, IP68 and 65°C rated, suitable for 2500Vdc insulation resistance test, with Torx head fittings for ease of installation and both audible & visual installation confirmation, known as RayClic, manufactured by nVent.THERMAL INSULATIONInsulation selection and thickness shall be strictly in accordance with the self-regulating heating cable system design guide,with variations in ambient temperature fully considered. Insulation sections shall be applied without delay after the heating cable installation, affixed with suitable warning labels less than 3 m apart on alternate sides and visible from all sections.ENERGY EFFICIENT, CONTROL SYSTEM[Select One Option](Option 1)Multi-Circuit, Multi-Application Distributed Digital Control SystemAll hot water temperature maintenance circuits shall be controlled and monitored using a centralised control system with distributed power and control modules, known as nVent RAYCHEM ACS-30, complete with integrated HWAT ECO, manufactured by nVent.The centralised control system shall provide pre-programmed parameters to provide concurrent control for heating cables used for hot water temperature maintenance, pipe freeze protection, flow maintenance, surface snow melting, roof and gutter de-icing and floor heating applications.The control & monitoring system shall be modular for easy design and include:[select some or all of the following product modules]User Interface Terminal (UIT): a colour touch-screen central user interface terminal for control and monitoring up to 260 heating cable circuits, known as ACS-30-EU-UIT2, manufactured by nVent [always included in the system]Power Connection Module (PCM): to provide distributed power connection, control and monitoring of heating cable circuits, and integrated electrical protection, known as ACS-30-EU-PCM2, manufactured by nVent [at least 1 PCM shall be included in the system, up to 52 PCMs may be connected to each UIT]Remote Monitoring Modules (RMM): to measure additional temperatures for control and monitoring of heating cable tracing circuits, known as ACS-30-EU-Moni-RMM2-E, manufactured by nVent [up to 16 RMM modules may be controlled via a single UIT, with up to 8 RTDs per RMM]The centralised control system shall have the following functions:Multiple circuit, multiple heating cable applicationsModular design and installation - to provide total flexibility, including any future building modificationsControl and monitoring of up to 260 heating cable circuits - through a single user interface terminal (UIT)Central programming through the UIT3 user programmable alarm relays for user specified communication of alarm conditionsProtoNode high performance protocol gateway connection to allow translation from native ModBus to BacNet protocols Distributed power control modules (PCMs) - for placement throughout the building or group of buildings, to provide power connection, circuit protection and integrated control & monitoring in proximity to all required heating cable applications and to limit the power cabling neededPCMs with 1 sensor input per circuit for individual circuit temperature monitoringRemote monitoring modules (RMMs) - to measure additional temperatures for control and monitoringRMMs with up to 8 additional resistance temperature detectors (RTDs)UIT communication with up to 52 PCMs and up to 16 RMMsPCMs shall additionally• Provide 5, 10 or 15 circuits with integrated electrical and circuit protection (either 20A or 32A)• Contain control logic circuitry to ensure continuity of heating cable operation in the event of power failure orcommunication failure with the UIT• Provide circuit by circuit monitoring of line or ambient temperature, energy consumption, energy usage pattern andground fault/earth fault detection• Enable circuit by circuit alarm function, with the UIT providing details of the alarm, the circuit(s) affected and capture automatically in the event log.• Connect to the UIT via RS-485 cable for communication, control & monitoring purposesThe control system shall be compliant with IEC61439 and be tested and CE approved to this standard.The integrated energy efficiency controller shall have the following functions:Adjustable maintenance temperatures in the range 50-65°CWater heater temperature sensor (HWS flow temp) and alarm systemIntegrated power off timer function with 7 day programmable temperature versus time function, 8 editable built-in building specific programs for temperature maintenance, thermal shock program (for use with HWAT R), automatic summer/winter time and leap year correctionVisible and audible alarm5" Colour touch screen user interfacePassword protectionIP54 rated(Option 2)Single Circuit, Single Application ControllerAll self-regulating heating cable circuits shall be controlled with an energy saving thermostat, known as HWAT-T55, manufactured by nVent.The controller shall have the following functions:Digital display for pipe temperature and alarmPipe sensing temperature control with preset temperatures (55°C or 50°C)Maximum circuit length 50m3 operation modes (ON/ECO/OFF)Built in timer for ECO modeDIN rail mountable (35mm)EXECUTIONDesign DeliverablesThe manufacturer shall be able to provide heat loss calculations and corresponding selection of self regulating heating cables with variations in ambient temperature and pipe size and thermal insulation fully considered, system layout and schematic drawings indicating power connections, tees and end seals, electrical schedules indicating cable length and circuit protection, controller configuration listing and wiring diagrams.Installation DeliverablesThe self-regulating heating cables shall be installed in accordance with the design plans, ‘straight traced’ (i.e. not spirally wound) within the manufacturers defined maximum circuit lengths, tested and commissioned strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Installation of thermal insulation shall be closely coordinated with the responsible sub-contractors.[Select One Option][Option 1]The system shall be installed, tested and commissioned by the manufacturer.[Option 2]The system shall be installed and tested by installers trained and recognised by the manufacturer and then commissioned by the manufacturer.[Option 3]The system shall be installed, tested and commissioned by installers trained and recognised by the manufacturer.[Option 4]The system shall be installed, tested and commissioned under periodical supervision by the manufacturer.Electrical ConnectionAll connections between the electrical supply, control panel and self-regulating heating cable circuits shall be installed by an approved electrical contractor. All self-regulating heating cable circuits shall be electrically protected by MCB (BS EN 60898 type C or D) and RCD (30 mA sensitivity, tripping within 100ms).ENGINEERING DRAWING NOTESThe domestic hot water supply has been designed as a hybrid system, with recirculation loops on the main supply pipes optimised by the use of a self-regulating heating cable system on all branch pipe run outs, known as nVent RAYCHEM HWAT as manufactured by nVent.Interconnection and termination shall be with cold applied insulation displacement connectors and gel type end seals, which are UV resistant, IP68 and 65°C rated, suitable for 2500Vdc insulation resistance test, with Torx head fittings for quality of closure and both audible & visual installation confirmation, known as RayClic, manufactured by nVent.The circuits shall be controlled via an energy saving, programmable controller[Select One](Option 1)ACS-30 as manufactured by nVent(Option 2)HWAT-T55 as manufactured by nVentThe self-regulating heating cables shall be installed in accordance with the design plans, ‘straight traced’ (i.e. not spirally wound) within the manufacturers defined maximum circuit lengths, tested and commissioned strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Installation of thermal insulation shall be closely coordinated with the responsible sub-contractors.Insulation selection and thickness shall be strictly in accordance with the self-regulating heating cable system design guide, with variations in ambient temperature fully. Insulation sections shall be applied without delay after the heating cable installation, affixed with suitable warning labels less than 3 m apart on alternate sides and visible from all sections.All connections between the electrical supply, control panel and self-regulating heating cable circuits shall be installed by an approved electrical contractor.©2018 nVent. All nVent marks and logos are owned or licensed by nVent Services GmbH or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. nVent reserves the right to change specifications without notice.AustraliaTel +61 2 97920250Fax +61 2 97745931United KingdomTel 0800 969 013Fax 0800 968 624************************India - NoidaTel +91 120 464 9500Fax +91 120 464 9548*******************IrelandTel 1800 654 241Fax 1800 654 240*****************India - MumbaiTel +91 22 6775 8800/01Fax +91 22 2556 1491*******************South East AsiaTel +65 67685800Fax +65 67322263UAETel +971 4 378 1700Fax +971 4 378 1777*******************。
METTLER TOLEDO XP 平衡器的实验室葡萄酒质量分析说明书
NewsBeverageWeighing and Analysis in the Laboratory6Ash content is an obligatory analysis required by European Commission regulations for certified wines prior to them entering the market place. The mineral content via the determination of residual ash following heat treatment is a typical differential weighing application readily available within METTLER TOLEDO’s XP balance embedded software.Ashes to Ashes, Wine to Wine Weighing Makes all the DifferenceThe Process of AshingThe quantification of ash is directly pro-portional to the mineral content of the wine. For example, if grapes are picked too early or have a high acid content then the neutralization processes involved in order to correct this may result in a high mineral concentration.The process of producing the ash follows the complete combustion of the dried wine extract. Typically, 25 ml of wine is pipetted into a platinum crucible and, after preliminary weighing, the wine is evaporated in a water bath, drying oven or under an infra red light. Any remaining extract can be burned off carefully with a Bunsen burner to complete the ashing. The crucible is then placed in a muffle oven at 550°C until the carbon is totallyburned away. On completion, the amount of ash remaining is quantified by weigh-ing the residual ash. The ash content must be calculated in g/l so if 25 ml of wine is dried and burned then the remaining ash in grams x 40 will give the amount of ash per liter of wine.The Balance of ChoiceTypical values of ash are between 1.2 and 4.0 g/l. If 25 ml of wine is tested a typical mass for residual ash would therefore be 30 mg (1.2 g / 40). The right balance can be selected using the METTLER TOLEDO GWP ® guideline to discover the mini-mum weight needed to meet the required accuracy. The XP404S with a capacity of 400 g is sufficient for all crucible weights and a typical minimum weight of 12 mgis an ideal balance for this application.2METTLER TOLEDO BeverageNews 6PublisherMettler-Toledo AGLaboratory & Weighing Technologies Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee, Switzerland ProductionSegment Marketing LAB SwitzerlandTechnical articles Mettler-Toledo AG– Laboratory & Weighing Technologies – Analytical Instruments 11794410 40.12Subject to technical changes. © Mettler-Toledo AG 08/08Printed in Switzerland.P r e c i s i o n B a l a n c e sAs well as the high performance require-ments and precise engineering, the ro-bustness and anti-corrosive coating of XP balances are prerequisites for a laboratory where acidic substances are used. Not only is the surface of the Excellence XP resis-tant to dirt and acids, the design is also soil resistant. The surface and edges are easy to clean in order to facilitate more weighing time and less cleaning time. The XP404S precision balance is exactly the right tool for this tricky task.} /xp-precision} /GWPGood Weighing Practice™ (GWP ®) is a guideline that offers improved control over your entire measuring process. Weighing recommenda-tions can be specifically tailored to quality requirements, risk and in-dustry regulations. Employees will immediately profit from the greatly simplified testing procedures which are designed to save time andcosts. Secure and traceable quality documentation is also automatical-ly available for auditors. Weigh without risk with GWP ®, complies easily with regulations and realize consistent high product quality.3METTLER TOLEDO BeverageNews 6M o i s t u r e A n a l y s i sOptimal Yield for Soluble CoffeeFreeze-drying, spray-drying and agglomeration are the drying technolo-gies applied by Deutsche Extrakt Kaffee GmbH to preserve the flavor of freshly roasted coffee beans in instant coffee. No matter which technol-ogy is chosen, moisture content monitoring is a must. METTLER TOLEDO instruments help to ensure that the moisture content remains between 2-5% in order to meet the legal requirements and simultaneously pro-vide a great coffee aroma.Process Control with Halogen Moisture AnalyzersDeutsche Extrakt Kaffee GmbH (DEK) supplies the German retail market with soluble coffee in various blends and quali-ties. Its manufacturing facility in Berlin produces coffee powder around the clock and adheres to HACCP and ISO 9001 standards. A concentrated coffee extract is transformed into a stable and soluble powder through either freeze-drying or spray-drying. During an additional step, the fine powder obtained by spray-drying can be agglomerated to form granules. During each of these processes, mois-ture is monitored at 30 minute intervals with user-friendly and robust METTLER-TOLEDO halogen moisture analysers for 24/7 operation in production environ-ments. The in-time delivery of data en-ables the operator to control the drying process by adjusting process parameters immediately should the need to adjust the moisture content arise.HR83 for Final Inspection and Batch Release Each production batch released by the QC laboratory includes moisture analysis from the HR83 halogen moisture analyzer to verify that the moisture is within the specified range of 3.5-4.6% as required by DEK’s quality control. This is below the maximum moisture content of 5% as defined by the food law and above 2% moisture, ensuring a full coffee taste. A regular check against the Karl Fischer titration reference method confirms that all halogen moisture analysers in produc-tion and lab environments work accurate-ly. It is this high level of accuracy that is needed to keep coffee as moist as allowed and as dry as required.} /moistureHR83 halogen moisture analyser4Q u i c k B r i x ™METTLER TOLEDO BeverageNews 6Home Brewing Made Better With Quick-BrixWhen it comes to home-brewing, quality is just as important as it is to the large commercial brewers. Local home-brewing competitions are becoming popular and weekend brewers are stepping up their produc-tion requirements. Letting friends and neighbors taste the beer to judge its quality is not enough when the target is the title of ‘home-brewer of the year’. In the case of Brandewie Brews, Mr. Scott Brandewie needed a reliable way to test his beer for competitions.The Art of BrewingAt the beginning of a brewing process, grain is grounded and then mixed with water. After one hour, the starch in the grain is converted to sugar. The liquid generated, called wort is drained from the grains through the grain bed. After the first runnings are collected, Brandewie uses the Quick-Brix to test the brix of the solution to ensure that this conversion has successfully taken place and within the expected range.The next process involves three to five gal-lons of water being added to the product Quick-Brix is used to ensure that the yeast has fermented out the sugar and convert-ed it to alcohol. “Prior to acquiring the Quick-Brix I would have to pull a sample in a test jar and use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity of my wort,” Brandewie continues, “this would require me to pull about a half a cup of the wort and place it in a test jar and float a hydrometer in it. The biggest problem with this was that I had to wait for the wort to cool and, with the number of samples I was pulling, this added up to a substantial reduction to the amount of final product.”Quick Brix - A Great Helper“I think, most importantly, the Quick-Brix has saved me time,” Brandewie continues. “I only need to put three or four drops of sample onto the prism andwith one keystroke the result can be read seconds later. It is so much easier thanThe SODZ is lo-cated in central Ohio and con-sists of about 60 members.Brandewie won the 2008 SODZ British Beer Fest out of over 300 beer about 180°C. The mix is tested again after 10 minutes with the Quick-Brix to ensure that the runnings do not dip below 3 Bx, which is equivalent to 1’010 grav-ity. A measurement any lower runs the risk of extracting tannins from the grain which can lead to a harsh after-taste in the brew.If this stage is successful, the runnings are combined into the brewpot and placed on the burner. A few drops of this mix-ture are again placed on the Quick-Brick to test the pre-boil gravity of the wort. Brandewie uses beersmith software which provides a pre-boil gravity target to be achieved. This allows him to adjust the amount of fermented sugar in the mix. If the Quick-Brix displays a measurement within a pre-defined range, Brandewie knows that he is on track. If the test is off, he will add malt extract to get the mixture back to the proper brix/gravity level.Finally the yeast is added to begin fer-mentation. Throughout this process, theMETTLER TOLEDO BeverageNews 6the old method. The required precision is“Brewing is an art form and the Quick-Brix is my paintbrush! It enables me to check my brews every step of the way and correct any problems that might pop up. It has made my hobby so much more ef-ficient, streamlined, and fun! The first beer that I made after I got the Quick-Brix won first prize at the Scioto, Olentangy and Darby Zymurgists (SODZ) BritishBeer Fest in Columbus Ohio. Without the to the Quick-Brix not only has my process improved, but my beer has improved too. You can't argue with results!”} /quickbrix6T G AMETTLER TOLEDO BeverageNews 6Storage Behavior of Maltodextrin Checked by TGA Sorption AnalyzerMaltodextrins are easily digestible carbohydrates that are widely used as food additives. They find general application as binders, stabiliz-ers, thickening agents and inhibitors in the production of foodstuffs. Besides this, they serve as a source of energy in nutritional beverages and high-energy and isotonic drinks for athletes and people engaged in sport. Maltodextrins are usually supplied as spray-dried powders. Their sensibility to moisture and therefore their storage stability can be checked using a TGA Sorption Analyzer.Maltodextrins are water-soluble carbohy-drate mixtures produced by the controlled hydrolysis of starch. A maltodextrin con-sists of monomers, dimers, oligomers and polymers of glucose. The percentage com-position depends on the degree of hydro-lysis and is characterized by the dextrose equivalent (DE). The value for maltodex-trins lies between 3 and 20.TGA Sorption Analysis of a MaltodextrinThe example in Figure 1 shows the dy-namic water vapor sorption curve of a maltodextrin sample with a DE of 6 mea-sured at a temperature of 30 °C. After drying at a relative humidity (RH) of less than 2% for several hours, the RH was increased in steps of 10% (final step 5%) to 85% RH. The time intervals be-tween the individual steps were chosen so that constant mass (equilibrium) was attained each time.The sorption isotherm in Figure 2 can be calculated from the dynamic sorption curve using the endpoint of each sorp-tion step and the Guggenheim, Anderson, deBoer (GAB) equation. This yields the following GAB parameters for the malto-dextrin (DE 6):P mon w ,w = 4.1 10-2 wt%, G C = 5.6, K = 0.97 and GAB A = 1.4 m 2 g -1,which are typical values for starch products. Furthermore, the sorption isotherm curve as empirical model pro-vides information about the interactionThe TGA Sorption AnalyzerFigure 1: Dynamic water vapor sorption on maltodextrin 6.Figure 2: Sorption isotherm for maltodextrin 6.7METTLER TOLEDO BeverageNews 6Mettler-Toledo AGLaboratory & Weighing Technologies Im LangacherCH-8606 Greifensee, SwitzerlandMettler-Toledo AGAnalytical Instruments Sonnenbergstrasse 74CH-8603 Schwerzenbach, Switzerland Your METTLER TOLEDO contact:For more informationWeighing Solutions and Analytical InstrumentsNew Products and Technologies From METTLER TOLEDOMETTLER TOLEDO delivers powerful solutions that simplify work in labo-ratories around the world. Combining our state-of-the-art technologies with our applicative competence, we have a strong value proposition to make: accurate results and productivity second to none.Manual Multi-channel PipettingIncrease productivity with the new Pipet-Lite Adjustable Spacer – the world’s only manual multi-channel pipette with adjustable spacing. Ideal for routine work in genomic, proteomic, tissue culture and cell culture applications, this pipette can easily alter the format spacing from 24-well to 96-well. Just a twist is all that’s required to change spacing!/PipetLite-SpacerOne Click ® water determination Simple & SecureWater determination in the beverage industry is made simple and secure with the new Karl Fischer titrators offering unique Touch Screen operation with user specific Short Cut buttons. Every user can start his or her routine tasks with One Click ®. The Solvent Manager is controlled by the titrator and exchanges the solvent and reagents without exposing the user to chemicals. The LabX titration laboratory PC software offers absolute data reliability, comprehensive docu-mentation and ease of /Karl-fischerBest Usability for Optimizing Pipette Calibra-tion Process – Thanks to Calibry v. 4.0The new Calibry 4.0 software offers ease-of-use and the fast calibration of single- and multi-chan-nel pipettes. A brand new user interface opti-mizes software use in all steps of the pipette cali-bration process. Calibration reports can be easily customized according to specific requirements. Automatic capture of environmental parameters ensures /pipcalHalogen Moisture Analyzer HB43-S – With 100+ Validated Food MethodsThe HB43-S combines METTLER TOLEDO halogen heating technology with analytical power. It is simple to operate, comes along with a rugged design and the integrated library offers applica-tion methods for 100+ food substances. /HB43Multi-Parameter Measurement Saves Time in Busy LaboratoriesThe revolution in the quality control of liquids. LiQC multi-parameter solution from METTLER TOLEDO allows the measurement of density, refractive index, conductivity, pH and color from the same sample. This naturally improves pro-ductivity and reduces sample waste. Additionally, LiQC optimizes lab workflow and facilitates LIMS integration. Biometric user management simpli-fies compliance and minimizes errors./LiQC。
冻结模型参数,进行微调的方法Freezing model parameters and fine-tuning is a common practice in machine learning, especially in the field of deep learning. When we freeze the parameters of a pre-trained model, we are essentially preventing them from being updated during the training process. This allows us to retain the knowledge encoded in the pre-trained model and only update a subset of the parameters to adapt to a new task or dataset. 这种方法在实际应用中很常见,特别是在深度学习领域。
One perspective to consider when deciding whether to freeze model parameters and fine-tune is the trade-off between computational resources and the specific task at hand. Fine-tuning a pre-trained model is more computationally expensive than using a fixed pre-trained model, as it requires additional training on the specific taskor dataset. However, the benefit is that fine-tuning can lead to better performance on the task at hand, especially when the pre-trained model is already well-suited for similar tasks. 因此,在决定是否冻结模型参数进行微调时,需要权衡计算资源和具体任务之间的关系。
霜的实验制备方法与流程The preparation of frost in a controlled laboratory setting can be a complex and challenging process. 霜的实验制备在控制的实验室环境中可能是一个复杂而具有挑战性的过程。
Frost formation occurs when water vapor in the air comes into contact with a surface that is at or below freezing temperature. 霜的形成发生在空气中的水蒸气接触到处于冰点或以下的表面时。
To replicate this natural phenomenon in a laboratory, several steps and specific conditions need to be met. 为了在实验室中复制这一自然现象,需要满足几个步骤和特定条件。
The first step in preparing frost in a laboratory setting is to create the right conditions for water vapor to condense and freeze. 在实验室环境中制备霜的第一步是创造水蒸气冷凝和冻结的正确条件。
This can be achieved by placing a surface at or below freezing temperature in a controlled environment with high humidity. 这可以通过将表面置于或低于冰点的温度,并放置在高湿度的控制环境中来实现。
Once the surface reaches the right temperature, water vapor in the air will begin to condense and form small ice crystals, which will eventually develop into a layer of frost. 一旦表面达到正确的温度,空气中的水蒸气将开始冷凝并形成小冰晶,最终形成一层霜。
Product information sheetCOMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2016Supplier’s name or trademark (a) (b) :BoschSupplier’s address (a)(b) :BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, Carl-Wery-Str. 34, 81739 Munich, Germany Model identifier (a) :KUL15AFF0Type of refrigerating appliance:Low-noise appliance:No Design type:Built-inWine storage appliance:No Other refrigerating appli-ance:NoGeneral product parameters:Parameter Value Parameter ValueOverall dimensions (milli-metre) (a) (b)Height820Total volume (dm3 or l)123 Width598Depth548EEI124Energy efficiency class F (c)Airborne acoustical noise emissions (dB(A) re 1 pW)38Airborne acoustical noiseemission class C (a)Annual energy consump-tion (kWh/a)180Climate class:Extended temperate,Temperate, SubtropicalMinimum ambient temper-ature (°C), for which the refrigerating appliance is suitable 10 (c)Maximum ambient temper-ature (°C), for which therefrigerating appliance issuitable38 (c)Winter setting YesCompartment Parameters:Compartment typeCompartment parameters and valuesCom-part-mentVolume(dm3 orl)Recommended temperat-ure setting for optimisedfood storage (°C)These settings shall notcontradict the storage con-ditions set out in Annex IV,Table 3Freezingcapacity(kg/24 h)Defrostingtype(auto-de-frost = A,manualdefrost =M)Pantry No----Wine storage No----Wine storage 2No----Wine storage 3No----Cellar No----Fresh food Yes108.04-A Chill No----0-star or ice- making No----1-star No----2-star No----3-star No----4-star Yes15.0-18 3.4M 2-star section No----Variable temperature com-partment ---(for 4-starcompart-ments) or --For 4-star compartmentsFast freeze facility YesFor wine storage appliancesNumber of standard wine bottles-Light source parameters (b)(d):Type of light source LEDEnergy efficiency class FMinimum duration of the guarantee offered by the supplier (a)(b) :24 monthsAdditional information (a)(b) :Weblink to the supplier’s website, where the information in point 4 of Annex II of Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2019 is found: /energylabel(a) this item shall not be considered relevant for the purposes of Article 2(6) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369.(b) changes to these items shall not be considered relevant for the purposes of paragraph 4 of Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2017/1369.(c) if the product database automatically generates the definitive content of this cell the supplier shall not enter these data.(d) as determined in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2015.。
01引言If I have seen further, it is by standingon the shoulders of giants.迁移学习在计算机视觉领域中是一种很流行的方法,因为它可以建立精确的模型,耗时更短。
附录The development and feature ideasof high-speed capping machineAntibiotic vial capping machine as a kind powder, freeze-dried powderAnd water needle product line one of the main equipment, and its level of productivity, performanceThe merits, the level of operating costs on the economic benefits of pharmaceutical companies playCrucial role, especially in an increasingly competitive pharmaceutical industry todayDays, production equipment, pharmaceutical production and plays a leading role. However, in the pharmaceuticalEquipment, has introduced a new era, people raised in low-speed capping machineA higher demand. In this paper, in animal husbandry, the newly developed industrial companies in NanjingKGL400 type capping machine, for example, a new generation of high-speed capping machine of the studyHair ideas and characteristics, looking forward to the continuous development of such equipment to the domesticThe corresponding increase in productivity agents play a role.1 high-speed capping machine R & D ideas1.1 technology to promote the advent of high-speed type equipmentCapping machine as antibiotic cover glass and plastic composite (or aluminumCover) sealing equipment, after decades of domestic R & D and manufacturing, toTechnology continues to progress, continues to introduce new models. From the historical development of capping machineLook at the history of the early manual capping machine can only reach speeds of up to 60 bottles/ Rain, 20 century, gradually developed by the late 80's double-rolling knife or single-head Rolling three knives, three-headed rotary compression type rolling cutter, four-claw style clip such as intermittentCapping machine, its maximum speed of 160 bottles / min, usually of such intermittentCapping machine speed of 120 bottles / rain. Although these intermittent capping machine Improve the speed and reduce the labor intensity for the bottle, but poor control, speedDegrees are still low. The 20th century, late 90s, China in the digestion and absorptionOn the basis of foreign advanced technology research and development of long pole, long Mito'sForm of medium-speed capping machine, the speed reached 200 to 250 bottles / min, andIncluded, such as frequency control, emergency stop and other basic control functions, from a certain meaningJustice in line with the technological level and productivity was the demand.However, the country through years of extensive introduction of foreign advanced equipment andAccumulation of self-development, and manufacturing technology, the continual upgrading of product requirements, systemPharmaceutical companies are demanding productivity devices. Provided in people's cognitive levelThe case of the high, high yield, intelligent, beautiful appearance and other requirements will give capping machine a new connotation. To this end, the new high-speed capping machine is a new R & DTime, new technologies and new production requirements are the product of R&D of new high-speed capping machine.1.2 The accelerated development of the market demands the development of high-speed type equipmentFor market development should be required to issue the second side of the market point of view, these twoThe market is supporting each other, with the GMP certification in 2004 pharmaceutical companiesThe end of the hot market pharmaceutical machinery industry has come to an end. DateLater, with the vigorous development of the pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical equipment, used to a few buyersPharmaceutical machine market in the cognitive development of the initial products to a wish on the new demandsLook, just like the original computer's "Ben II" has developed into the "Pentium", asLike the same TV market (not the current mainstream flat screen, the current mainstream LCD screen). Thus, we can see the emergence of new pharmaceutical companies, new equipmentProcurement is a new direction, this time can not be saved once and for all equipment is dominate the marketplace.The face of today's local market demand plummeted drug situation, drugMachinery manufacturers do? I believe that the only way out is the courage to the face of new market and the environment, bold innovation, as soon as possible to narrow the kind in the worldProduct gaps, intensify technical strength reserves, expand publicity and salesAbility to provide high-quality, high performance, cost-effective products to customers, plus Great product packaging efforts, not only from the publicity, but also from the appearance of the equipmentSeize people's first vision.1.3 The labor and business productivity improvements also need high-speed type equipmentThe introduction ofWith the social progress and development, the traditional production model will change,Pharmaceutical companies, there is a major factor in labor and productivity,Can also be said that drug prices in today's competitive market, since the cost of the productA leading role. Reduce the labor and the principal means to improve productivityIs the use of high-speed, reliable and of the equipment, according to 400 bottles / min production speed of view, once the high-speed capping machine speed of not less than 400 bottles / min,If an area of rolling equipment, less than half covered Section, the corresponding area clean, emptyAdjusted to reduce the configuration and operation costs, mainly labor can reduce a person, It is estimated that 400 bottles / min high-speed capping machine will reduce production costs to runThe approximately l0 million / year. From this, 400 bottles / min high-speed cappingThe introduction of machines will play a reduced role of labor and increase productivity, and itsThe potential market will have a broader perspective.2 high-speed capping machine's basic structure and principleTo this end, the animal husbandry industry in Nanjing, absorb the international advanced technology extensivelyTechnique based on the pulse of the market closely and root out the potential of technology, in the autumn of 2004Quarter of Pharmaceutical Machinery Expo launched a set of high quality, high yield, high intelligence, High-image as one of the new generation of high-speed capping machine - KGL4o0High-speed capping machine.2.1 KGL400 high-speed capping machine structureKGL4oo high-speed capping machine structure shown in Figure 1.2.2 KGL400 high-speed capping machine the basic principles ofKGL400 high-speed capping machine with long pole-shaped style cappingType, the form of structural adjustment, easy maintenance, such as gifted and beautiful rolling mouthPoint. After a sub-containers, stopper the vials from the conveyor belt into a smooth sub-bottleScrew, was evenly divided into the bottle dial; high-speed oscillator through the hopper and To send the aluminum cover to cover rail station wearing a cap, wearing a bottle into the bottle cap dialAfter rolling into the cap system; around the central rotary capping system is hijab convex rollingWheel pressure, the cover pressed, and asked with a glass bottle began high-speed self-Block Turn, fixed rolled in the center of the disk knife Deep and gradually extruded aluminum cover, so thatWrap tightly in aluminum bottle cap; as rolling lid rotated to cam the highest point,With the glass moving away from the bottle aside from the dial out of the bottle into the bottle trackRoad to complete the capping operation. As a result of the eccentric adjustment mechanism Structure, capping the process of adjustment can be easily rolled eccentric displacement ofthe knife to achieveGood capping effect.3, the characteristics of high-speed capping machine3.1 high-yield and low costWith the growing size of pharmaceutical companies, people on the production line speedReliability and overall performance have become increasingly demanding. Powder, freeze-dried powder, anti-Plate glass of water, such as acupuncture frequency scale from 1 / 2 day of classes developed toTimes / day or even 3 flights / day high-speed operation. Among them, the freeze-dried powder injection of HealthBottlenecks in the production line equipment - freeze-drying machine is also bigger and bigger, is now availableDo 40mz, the appropriate antibiotics required for bacterial 7mL control the amount of glass bottles can beReached more than 8-3 bottles / batch to batch freeze-drying process each time the required capping4h between calculated (8-3 ÷4 = 2.08 million bottles / h), the capping machine should be able to achieve400 bottles / min is appropriate, the use of a 200 to 250 bottles / min, cappingMachine, you need 2 devices, so that the operator has brought the increase in plantHousing area increases, thereby increasing investment and production costs, but also increasesThe possibility of product cross-contamination.3.2 excellent performance, structure and manufacturing featuresNanjing Industrial Company in animal husbandry has been for many years been engaged in pharmaceutical machineryExperience, has developed a manual capping machine, opening and closing claw capping machine, single-pole longType capping machine, technical strength. R & D KGL400 are high-speed rollingCovered in the digestion and absorption machine is based on the latest technology, combined with national conditions dveloped.3.2.1 KGL400 high-speed capping machine's main performance parameters(1) Production capacity: 400 bottles / min (minimum);(2) aluminum cover directional error rate ≤3 ‰:(3) lack of bottle cap off the action is not completed: 100%;(4) The rate of broken bottles squeeze bottles ≤l ‰(qualified national standard control antibiotics, the glassBottles);(5) capping pass rate> / 99% (qualified national standard aluminum lid or plastic compositeCover.)3.2.2 KGL400 high-speed capping machine features of the structure and manufacturingFor the current domestic capping machine features, combined with similar foreign productsAdvantages, as exceed and treatment, optimization of the structure is as follows:(1) HeightPrecise size and stability of equipment operation to ensure the accuracy,To meet the high-speed, high-intensity performance requirements, ways to increase the zero Precision machining parts, select a well-known parts supplier.(2) Cange the dial for the network with BottleBelt Bottle has the advantage of low difficulty of processing, storage bottle capacity, no"Inverted bottle" phenomenon, especially in 2mL bottles, mesh belt and the rotary Bottle UnscramblerCompared advantage is obvious.(3) bottles with screw points for the bottle structureAdd track structure with the traditional conveyor belt compared to the screw points for bottles and bottle sructural advantage of the supply into the bottle the bottle is offset dial, effectively avoidThe "squeeze bottle" or "broken bottle" phenomenon.(4) to improve "for cover" structureTraditional aluminum cap feeder is convenient simple shock merits, but becauseTrajectory design, manufacturing and the difficulties it presents imperfections. AsTherefore, increased research and development, manufacturing and design is optimized at the trackManagement, and now the performance of vibration feeder is more superior, fast, anti-cap tickIn addition to the completion rate, low noise. Cooperation with professional firms, in addition to self-The body for many years production experience and technical strength, so that the "cover for" speed and efficiency has been greatly enhanced.(5) transmission structure optimizationThe traditional bottle rotation drive shaft driven by the bottle rotating gland, And its rotational stability of the poor, especially for antibiotic vial 2mLCover, then, could easily lead to some plastic composite cover plastic cover out of aluminum. IsOptimized to drive the bottle from the axis of rotation prop bottle, the actual production of proof of this statementStructure solves the above problems.(6) to reduce "the bottle" rate of broken bottlesThe aircraft in the "out of the bottle" of the structure to add a special patent, the bottle and Gland torn off more easily, can effectively prevent the two do not disengage the lead timeBroken bottles from the phenomenon of squeezing.3.3 IntelligentKGIA00 high-speed capping machine's control, PLC control,Its characteristics are:(1) can control the amount of the bottle and aluminum cap the number of controlCount by the bottle to achieve the bottle, cover the comprehensive control.(2) to send the track covered with aluminum cap removed reverse power detectionEnergy.(3) with the corresponding program automatically processing and fault indication, atPolice and other functions.(4) selection of world-class electrical components, improved reliability,And reliability. Simple, easy operation and scientific experiments, to ensure that the people Machine interaction and control of the reliability and practicality.3.4 beautiful, practical image designFrom the GMP requirements, the more attention to ease of maintenance, reliability,Design of the "balcony-style" table structure. And the selection of material on the surface, the surfaceProcessing and handling quality, stable nature of the equipment, the first visual effect is more refinedBenefits refinement.4 SummaryIn this paper, capping machine status and trends start in the animal husbandry of NanjingIndustrial company recently developed KGL400 type capping machine high-speed R & D Make an analysis of ideas, while research and development of high-speed type capping KGIA00Made a presentation machine features are aimed to the development of the capping machine, rawProduction and use some help in order to achieve the continuous development of such equipment and moreAdd perfect. Meanwhile, the newly developed animal husbandry and industrial companies in Nanjing's KGL400High-speed type of capping machine has been in Chongqing pharmaceutical drugs and many other units of the Friends of theUsed, reflecting the good, and that these units achieved good economic results.Hope that further domestic development of such devices, and the world with an earlytype of equipment standards.高速轧盖机的研发思路和特点轧盖机作为抗生素玻璃瓶类粉针剂、冻干粉针剂及水针生产线的主要设备之一,其生产率的高低、性能的优劣、运行成本的高低对制药企业的经济效益起着至关重要的作用,特别是制药行业竞争日趋激烈的今天,生产装备对制药生产起着主导作用。
Congo Kid ETC 控制台说明书
DISPLAY FUNCTION • Tabbed, mouseless navigation of graphical screens • All show data may be viewed on a single monitor • Tab layouts may be recorded to direct selects for quick recall • Browser -- File Management -- Show Data lists -- Patch displays and functions -- Help -- Images -- Movies (requires external speakers for audio) • Channel Displays -- Live, Blind, Preset, Sequence and Group Editors -- High-density views of channel data -- Format allows user to choose a packed Flexichannel-style view of channels -- Zoom allows user to define how many channels are viewed -- Current direction of fade and preview of next intensity move -- Color-coded intensity levels indicate source of HTP winner -- FCB indicators of changed or moving data -- Color mix indicators show current color output for LEDs and moving lights with color mix capability -- Channel number color indicates intensity-only or moving light channels • Channel Layouts -- 999 Channel Layouts -- User-defined topographical view of channels -- May include other types of data – Presets, Palettes, Groups, etc. -- Auto-selectable (visible layout changes based on current channel selection) • Attribute Displays -- Live Attributes with Formats to display current rig status -- Parameters may be edited directly in the Live Attributes tab -- Attribute Views in editors for viewing and editing parameter and time/delay data -- Individual parameter times may be set in the Attributes displays.
Table of ContentsApplications (3)Cautions/Warnings (3)Specification sheet (4)Chiller Component Overview (5)Installation (6)User Interface (7)Modifying Parameters (8)Setting Temperature Units (F︒ or C︒) (8)Modifying Set Point (St1) (8)Modifying Temperature Differentials (P1 ) (8)Modifying Operating Parameters (8)LIMITED WARRANTY POLICY (10)EXPRESS DISCLAIMER (10)WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS (10)RETURNS (10)REFUSAL OF WARRANTY CLAIM (10)ApplicationsThis owner’s manual is to be used for the following North Slope Chillers:Cautions/Warnings1.Power (ALWAYS check the Chiller Parameter tag and verify operational voltage before plugging in chiller)a.Only connect North Slope Chillers to a properly grounded circuitb.Never connect your North Slope Chiller to voltage that is outside the acceptable voltage range.Connecting your chiller to any voltage outside of these ranges will damage the compressor.i.110V model will operate on voltages between 100 ~ 130Vii.230V model will operate on voltages between 200 ~ 250Vc.Only use power sources that are 60Hz, running the chiller at 50Hz will void the warranty and willdamage the compressor2.Never run the pump dry, only turn on chiller after the fluid reservoir has been filled. Running the chiller withoutfluid will permanently damage the pump and void the warranty3.This chiller is air cooled and must have good ventilation. For proper function there must be a minimum of 1foot clearance on both sides and 2 foot clearance at the back of the chiller4.Flush chiller prior to use. North Slope Chillers tests every chiller on site prior to shipping. During testing NorthSlope Chillers uses a water/glycol mix to test their chillers. There will always be a small amount of water/glycol remaining in the system. Since not all glycols are compatible with each other and vary by manufacture eachchiller should be flushed with water for 10 minutes prior to use.Specification sheetwater/glycol mix to test their chillers. Since not all glycols are compatible with each other and vary by manufacture each chiller should be flushed with water for 10 minutes prior to use.Chiller Component Overview FRONTBACKInstallation1.Position chiller for use∙Place unit on a flat level surface in a well-ventilated area2.Connect inlet and outlet fluid hoses∙Confirm hoses are connected to proper inlet and outlet ports3.Fill the reservoir4.Connect to power∙Ensure you have the correct power supply before plugging in chiller5.Turn on chiller and adjust temperature controller∙See page 8 for instructions on how to adjust temperature controllerUser Interface*The above tables are from the ir33 Universale Carel Controller ManualModifying ParametersSetting Temperature Units (F︒ or C︒)1.Press and hold down the Prg and Set keys at the same time for 5 seconds. The display will then flash “0” askingfor password. Use the up and down arrow keys to select “77” for password. Press the set key to continue.2.Press the up and down arrow keys to move to parameter “c18”. Press the set key.e the arrow keys to select “0” for Celsius or “1” for Fahrenheit. Press the set key to continue.4.Press and hold down the Prg key for 5 seconds to save programming changes.Modifying Set Point (St1)1.Press and hold down the Prg and Set keys at the same time for 5 seconds. The display will then flash “0” askingfor password. Use the up and down arrow keys to select “77” for password. Press the set key to continue.2.Press the up and down arrow keys to move to the “St1” parameter. Press the set key.∙Warning: Adjusting “St2” will damage chiller.3.Press the up and down arrow keys to reach the desired temperature. Press the set key to continue.4. Press and hold down the Prg key for 5 seconds to save programming changes.Modifying Temperature Differentials (P1 )1.Press and hold down the Prg and Set keys at the same time for 5 seconds. The display will then flash “0” askingfor password. Use the up and down arrow keys to select “77” for password. Press the set key to continue.2.Press the up and do wn arrow keys to move to the “P1” parameter. Press the set key.∙Warning: Adjusting “P2” will damage chiller.3.Press the up and down arrow keys to reach the desired differential temperature. Press the set key.∙North Slope Chillers recommends a differential of 3︒ Fahrenheit. Anything less than that will void the warranty.4.Press and hold down the Prg key for 5 seconds to save programming changes.Modifying Operating Parameters1.Press and hold down the Prg and Set keys at the same time for 5 seconds. The displ ay will then flash “0” askingfor password. Use the up and down arrow keys to select “77” for password. Press the set key to continue.2.Press the up and down arrow keys to move to the desired parameter. Press set to continue.3.Press the up and down arrow keys to reach the desired value. Press set to continue.4.Press and hold down the Prg key for 5 seconds to save programming changes.∙Follow the above steps to change the following parameters for standard operationTrouble ShootingLIMITED WARRANTY POLICYManufacturer warrants Ready to Ship products sold as “new” to be free from defects in material a nd workmanship under normal and proper use and servicing for a period of the shorter of one (1) year from the date of purchase by a retail customer. MANUFACTURER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN FACT OR IN LAW, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE OTHER THAN THE LIMITED WARRANTY SET FORTH ABOVE.EXPRESS DISCLAIMERManufacturer MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE Products, EXCEPT AS SET FORTH ABOVE. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED.WARRANTY EXCLUSIONSExclusions from warranty consideration include, but are not limited to: normal wear and tear; abuse, misuse, or non-standard application; act of nature; lack of proper maintenance; unauthorized repair; unauthorized product modification. The user of the Manufacturer’s Products is expected to follow all operating instructions and make periodic checks and inspections to ensure the physical condition and performance of the Product(s). Neither Manufacturer, nor its representatives, assumes any responsibility for results of the use of the Products beyond the operation and performance of the Products themselves. Only the Manufacturer is authorized to make any warranty or representation and the customer may not rely on any other warranty or representation. All implied warranties are hereby disclaimed.RETURNSa. When any of Manufacturer’s Products have been authorized to return for any inspection, or replacement, it must be returned as specified in the Return Merchandise Authorization Form.b. A Manufacturer-issued Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number authorizing a product return must be acquired prior to sending any return. In addition, documentation of model, product serial number, dealer invoice number, dated proof of resale, and description of failure shall accompany all returns.c. All returns must come freight prepaid and in its original container, or in a manner conducive to proper shipping and handling procedures. Product(s) replaced, or shipped in accordance with manufacturers’ warranty policy for doing so will be returned freight prepaid.d. Manufacturer reserves the right to postpone, delay, or refuse warranty claim consideration for either unauthorized returns or returns made by dealers or distributors whose open and active accounts are past due or delinquent. The dealer or distributor agrees that no warranties or other guarantees on any products shall be made in excess of those made by Manufacturer. This agreement excludes Manufacturer or its representatives from all liability not covered in this Warranty.REFUSAL OF WARRANTY CLAIMManufacturer reserves the right to postpone, delay, or refuse warranty claim consideration for either unauthorized returns or returns made by a Distributor whose open and active accounts are past due or delinquent with respect this Agreement.。
黑暗世界:Chase Bliss Audio与Cooper FX与Keeley Electronic
can set this knob to control any of the five parameters individually or simultaneously (Mix, Dwell, Modify, Tone, Pre-Delay), and have it either modulate (Bounce) or ramp-and-hold (rise or fall) via dip switches in the back of the pedal. In this case, this knob controls the ramp time in which this takes place.MODIFYThis knob changes its function depending on which Dark channel program is active. In Mod mode, Modify controls the warble / hiss / broken-down-nature of a failing video cassette tape, turning clockwise increases all of these neat things. In Shim mode, Modify controls an octave that is mixed in to the reverb. Turn clockwise to introduce +1 octave and turn counterclockwise to introduce a -1 octave; noon has no pitch shifting mixed in. In Black mode, Modify controls the volume of the frozen audio. HALL | PLATE | SPRING TOGGLEThis toggle selects the reverb program that you’d like for the World channel. These algorithms are inspired by their beautiful, real-life reverb namesakes.DWELLSets the intensity of the World channel’s reverb, and the amount of time it takes to decay.PRE-DELAYThis controls the amount of space between the initial note attack, and when you start hearing world channel reverb reflections. Counterclockwise is 0ms and clockwise has a time of 200ms.MOD | SHIM | BLACK TOGGLEThis toggle selects the reverb program that you’d like for the Dark channel. Mod is a reverb inspired by Cooper FX’s Generation Loss, and is a warbly, wispy, degraded VHS emulator. Shim is a unique dual path reverb design with infinite-style Decay influenced by some elements of the Outward pedal. In this mode, one reverb path freezes a slice of your incoming audio while the other reverb path loops back its previously frozen slice. The reverb paths switch roles (from freezing, to loop playback) back and forth at a LFO rate dictated by the Decay knob; CCW is crazy fast and CW increases LFO time. In Black mode, audio is sampled and frozen based on your playing dynamics. When you play your instrument loudly, the previously frozen audio in the reverb loop will be erased and the newer sounds will be sustained infinitely. The threshold of this envelope-based effect is controlled by the Decay knob. The higher the Decay knob, the harder it will be to clear the frozen sound, and at fully CW the frozen sound will never be overwritten by any incoming audio.DECAY (RAMP)When you don’t have any dip switches assigned forramping, this control is known as the Decay knob for the Dark channel. This knob changes its function depending on what program is active. In Mod mode, Decay controls the reverb amount / time of decay. In Shim mode, the Decay knob controls the LFO time switching between the two reverb paths described above in the toggle section. Clockwise increases the LFO time. In Black mode, this knob controls the sensitivity for incoming audio to be frozen – at the max clockwise position no new audio is allowed in. If a dip switch is engaged for ramping, youThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.MIXSets the wet/dry mix on the device. Counterclockwise is full analog dry-through while turning the knob clockwise introduces an increasing amount of wet signal. Dry path is 100% analog. Dry is unity until the last bit of the sweep where it drops off entirely. The gain for both wet and dry paths can be set to taste via internal trimmers.TONEThis single knob is a global control for the completely separate tone algorithms on each channel. The Dark channel features a slightly resonant low pass filter on all three programs. The World channel employs a gentler, more traditional low pass filter with the Spring program having a slighter darker top end than Hall and Plate. PARA | D > W | W > D TOGGLEThis toggle is used only when both channels are active. “PARA” sets the channels in parallel, while the other two position set the channels in series. “D > W” means the Dark channel is cascaded in series into the World channel. “W > D” means the World channel is cascaded in series into the Dark channel.D & W BYPASS STOMPSActivates or bypasses each channel. These can be changed to a momentary bypass or momentary active via a dip switch in the back of the pedal if it is desired. This pedal allows for “True Bypass” via a relay, Buffered Bypass, or Buffered Bypass with Trails selectable via a dip switch in the back of the pedal.LOWER TOGGLEThis switch recalls presets. The right position recalls preset #1, the left position recalls preset #2. The middle position will always reflect wherever the knob positions, toggle positions, and dip switch positions are currently at. In order to save to the right preset slot, you hold down the right stomp (bypass) for 3 seconds, and then hold down both stomp switches simultaneously for another 3seconds. The LED blinks and your setting is saved. For the left slot, you do the same thing, but hold the left stomp first. If you recall a preset, and move a knob, you will notice that the LED above the toggle goes dim. This is to signify that something has changed on the preset. If you want to save this change in the preset, you will have to save it again.IN / OUT¼” mono input jack.EXP / CV¼” TRS jack for expression pedal (parameter selectable via dip switch in the back of the pedal). Tip goes to wiper. Can also be used for 0-5V Control Voltage (CV) on tip– the ring should be left floating in this case. There are many expression pedals that work with Chase Bliss Audio products, contact us for more info.MIDI¼” TRS jack. This can be used to interface the pedal with a Chase Bliss Midibox. There is much more information on this in the MIDI manual. In addition, this can be used as a secondary switch to activate / bypass channel D with a momentary normally open (NO) switch.POWER & OTHER INFOThis pedal consumes ~150mA and should be operated with a standard 2.1mm 9V DC center negative adapter with current supply capabilities of 200mA or more.If you use a “standard” outlet of 100mA, the pedal will not function properly. Input impedance of this device is 1M, and output impedance is less than 1k. EXPRESSION / CV CONTROL& DIP SWITCHESThe Mix, Dwell, Modify, Tone, and Pre-Delay dip switches in the left bank allow you to control parameters via Expression Pedal / CV. If you have something plugged into the EXP / CV jack but do not have any parameters selected via dip switch, you can control the Decay knob via expression or CV. It behaves like it has “rise” and “bottom” sweep dip switches engaged. Additionally, maxing out the Decay control in “Shim” mode acts as a freeze in this case.SETTING EXPRESSION /CV RANGEThe range of the expression / CV is controlled by the parameter knob position and the “Sweep” dip switch. For example, if you wanted an expression pedal to control the Mix parameter from 100% dry to a 50/50 mix, you would make sure the “Sweep” dip switch is in the bottom position and set the Mix knob around noon. If you need more wet signal, you simply turn the Mix knob clockwise. This will increase the maximum range of the expression pedal. This allows you to control multiple parameters with an expression pedal, but you can fine tune the range that you want for each parameter.Some of these concepts are much easier to explain and demonstrate on video, and I have many tutorials available on my youtube channel at /c/ChaseBlissAudio.We also love to hear from customers and answer questions so feel free to write us anytime at /contact.Thank you so much for purchasing this product and ENJOY!All presets created by Mason Stoops. Hear them at /chaseblissaudio。
SAE J1939-73
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS 5.2.2Suggested Diagnostic Support (5) Related Components (5) Related Components (5)5.2.3General Conditions for Diagnostic Procedures (6)5.3Security (6)5.3.1Data Link Security Strategy (7)5.3.2Data Link Access Examples (7) Read Data (7) Service Alternation (7) Permanent Alternation (7) Read Data (7) Service Alteration (7) Permanent Alteration (7)5.3.3Characteristics of Security (7)5.3.4Security Functional Requirements (7)5.4Diagnostic Connector (7)5.5Parameter Monitoring Requirements (7)5.6Diagnostic Trouble Code Definition (7)5.7Diagnostic Parameter Group (PG) Definitions (9)5.7.1Active Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DM1) (10) Indicator Lamp (14) Stop Lamp (14) Warning Lamp (14) Lamp (14) Parameter Number (SPN) (14) Mode Identifier (FMI) (15) Conversion Method (15) Count (17)5.7.2Previously Active Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DM2) (17)5.7.3Diagnostic Data Clear/Reset of Previously Active DTCs (DM3) (18)5.7.4Freeze Frame Parameters (DM4) (19) Frame Length (20) Frame Parameters (20)5.7.5Diagnostic Readiness (DM5) (20) Trouble Codes (21) Active Trouble Codes (21) Compliance (21) Monitored Systems Support/Status (21) Monitored Systems Support (22) Monitored Systems Status (23)5.7.6Continuously Monitored Systems Test Results (DM6) (23)5.7.7Command Non-Continuously Monitored Test (DM7) (25) Identifier (25)5.7.8Test Results for Non-Continuously Monitored Systems (DM8) (26) Type/Component Identifier (26) Value (26) Limit Maximum (26) Limit Minimum (27)5.7.9Oxygen Sensor Test Results (DM9) (27)5.7.10Non-Continuously Monitored Systems Test Identifiers Support (DM10) (27) Identifiers Supported (27)5.7.11Diagnostic Data Clear/Reset for Active DTCs (DM11) (28)5.7.12Emissions-Related Active Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DM12) (28)5.7.13Stop Start Broadcast (DM13) (30) Data Link (34) J1587 (34) J1922 (34) J1939 Network #1, Primary Vehicle Network (34) J1939 Network #2 (34) 9141 (35) J1850 (35), Manufacture Specified Port (35) J1939 Network #3 (35) Signal (36)6.Notes (36)6.1Marginal Indicia (36)Appendix A Failure Mode Identifier Codes (37)1.Scope—The SAE J1939 series of recommended practices are intended for light- and heavy-duty vehicle useson- or off-road as well as appropriate stationary applications which use vehicle derived components (e.g., generator sets). Vehicles of interest include, but are not limited to: on- and off-highway trucks and their trailers, construction equipment, and agriculture equipment and implements.The purpose of these documents is to provide an open interconnect system for on-board electronic systems. It is the intention of these documents to allow electronic devices to communicate with each other by providing a standard architecture.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—General information regarding this series of recommended practices is found inSAE J1939. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of the SAE J1939 publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J1587—Joint SAE/TMC Electronic Data Interchange Between Microcomputer Systems In Heavy-Duty Vehicle ApplicationsSAE J1939—Serial Control and Communications Vehicle NetworkSAE J1939-21—Data Link LayerSAE J1939-71—Vehicle Application LayerSAE J1979—E/E Diagnostic Test Modes2.1.2C ALIFORNIA A IR R ESOURCES B OARD (CARB) P UBLICATION—Available from Air Resources Board, Haagen-Smit Laboratory, 9528 Telstar Avenue, El Monte, CA 91731-2990. Telephone (818) 575-6800.Mail Out #95-03, January 19, 1995.OBD II, California code of regulations, Title 13, 1968.1: Malfunction and Diagnostics Systems Requirements, 1994 and subsequent model year passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium duty vehicles with feedback fuel control systems3.Definitions3.1Continuously Monitored Systems—Continuously Monitored Systems are those which are monitoredapproximately two times per second. Note that some continuous monitors may require many conditions to be true before monitoring can be performed.3.2Diagnostic Trouble Code—A 4 byte value that identifies the kind of trouble, the associated failure mode andits occurrence count.3.3Freeze Frame—A sampling of a group of parameters based on the occurrence of a diagnostic trouble code.3.4Malfunction Indicator Lamp (MIL)—The MIL is used to report trouble codes that are emissions related.Trouble codes that are not emissions related will not illuminate the MIL.3.5Non-Continuously Monitored Systems—System monitors that run once a trip. Trip, in this context, is asdefined by OBD II. It should be noted that there will be monitors that won’t run every trip (i.e., cold-start aid monitors may only run when the ambient temperature is below 10 °C (50 °F)).3.6Readiness Code (see DM5)—This is a code which is set once all of the emissions-related diagnostics havebeen performed. The readiness code shall be set before the completion of the cold portion of the Federal Test Procedure for Emissions Certification. Service tools can interrogate a controller to determine the state of the readiness code. If it is set, then the controller has had the opportunity to test all emissions-related diagnostics.For example, on engine start up, it is likely that an in-range type of diagnostic on the intake manifold pressure might require operation at speed and torque points beyond the idle condition. Therefore, if the system had its trouble codes erased and then the engine was restarted, the readiness code would not be set until the condition for the in-range intake manifold pressure tests had been executed. It is also expected that other tests, not just the intake manifold pressure, would need to be performed before the readiness code could be set. The readiness code shall not go to the not ready condition each time the vehicle is powered down.3.7Broadcast (see DM13)—Messages that are sent on a periodic basis without having to be solicited. In somecases, Broadcasts may be normally off and solicited to come on and then stay on until they are solicited to turn off.3.8Port (see DM13)—Defines the physical connection point(s) from a control module to a specificcommunications link.4.AbbreviationsDM1Diagnostic Message 1, Active Diagnostic Trouble CodesDM2Diagnostic Message 2, Previously Active Diagnostic Trouble CodesDM3Diagnostic Message 3, Diagnostic Data Clear/Reset For Previously Active DTCsDM4Diagnostic Message 4, Freeze Frame ParametersDM5Diagnostic Message 5, Diagnostic ReadinessDM6Diagnostic Message 6, Continuously Monitored Systems Test ResultsDM7Diagnostic Message 7, Command Non-Continuously Monitored TestDM8Diagnostic Message 8, Test Results For Non-Continuously Monitored SystemsDM9Diagnostic Message 9, Oxygen Sensor Test ResultsDM10Diagnostic Message 10, Non-Continuously Monitored Systems Test IDs SupportDM11Diagnostic Message 11, Diagnostic Data Clear/Reset For Active DTCsDM12Diagnostic Message 12, Emissions Related Active DTCsDM13Diagnostic Message 13, Stop Start BroadcastDTC Diagnostic Trouble CodeFTP Federal Test ProcedureMIL Malfunction Indicator LampNA Not applicablePID Parameter Identifier (SAE J1587 or SAE J1979)OBD II On Board Diagnostics IISee SAE J1939 for any terms and/or definitions not found in this document.5.Technical Requirements5.1General—The diagnostic definitions provided herein are intended to satisfy the needs of all potential users ofthe SAE J1939 network. These definitions are intended to be suitable for applications in any of the industry groups defined within SAE J1939. A broad range of capabilities are provided with provision made for future growth. Additional features, Parameter Groups and Parameter definitions will be defined over time; it is anticipated that this document will continuously evolve as long as the SAE J1939 network is an active Recommended Practice. Such growth will be implemented in such a way as to ensure backward compatibility with earlier versions. At the time of initial publication, many of these growth areas are identified but are yet to be defined. Such identification is provided so that the reader will be aware of those additions that are already planned for the document.5.2Overview of Diagnostic Requirements—The diagnostic requirements necessary to provide the type ofcapability our customers, our industry, and the regulatory bodies are demanding is outlined in 5.2.1. A description of the minimum requirements needed to satisfy regulatory requirements is contained in 5.2.2. A discussion of the general operating conditions for diagnostic procedures is defined in IAGNOSTIC C APABILITIES E NVISIONED—The following capabilities will be defined in this and futurepublications of this document:a.Security—Define a security scheme to be used on the serial data link that allows the industry standardservice tools to be able to perform tasks that are necessary during service procedures. This willinclude accessing diagnostic information, accessing vehicle configuration information, andrecalibrating control modules.b.Connectors—Define the connector to be used for connection to the vehicle SAE J1939 network forservice tools. This connector shall be defined in an applicable physical layer (i.e., SAE J1939/1x) asthe diagnostic connector.c.Diagnostic Status Message Support—Provide a set of messages that will allow the reading of faultinformation, clearing of fault information, monitoring of vehicle parameters, access to vehicle andcomponent configuration, and other related information.d.Diagnostic Test Support—Provide a capability that allows the service tool to put the various controllersinto specific test modes in order to determine proper subsystem operation.5.2.2S UGGESTED D IAGNOSTIC S UPPORT5.2.2.1Emission Related Components—As a minimum capability, all controllers using SAE J1939 that impactemissions and must comply with OBD II or OBD shall support the following functions: read diagnostic trouble codes (see DM1 and DM12); clear diagnostic trouble codes (see DM11 and DM3); read freeze frame data (see DM4); access to real-time information (see 5.5); access to last trip test results (see DM6);and system readiness code access (see DM5). In addition, they shall support SAE J1939-71 PGNs: 65262 (Engine Temperatures: Engine Coolant Temperature), 65265 (Cruise Control/Vehicle Speed: Wheel Based Vehicle Speed), 65270 (Inlet/Exhaust Conditions: Boost Pressure, Intake Manifold Temperature), 61443 (Electronic Engine Controller #2: Accelerator Pedal Position, Percent Load at Current Speed), 61444 (Electronic Engine Controller #1: Engine Speed), 60416 (Transport Protocol-Connection Management), 59392 (Acknowledgement Message), 59904 (Request PGN), and 60160 (Transport Protocol-Data Transfer). Related Components—To be determined in later revisions of this document.5.2.3G ENERAL C ONDITIONS FOR D IAGNOSTIC P ROCEDURES—These guidelines are necessary to ensure properoperation of both the test equipment and the vehicle during diagnostic procedures. Test equipment, when using messages defined in this document, should not affect normal operation of the vehicle except when that is the express purpose of the message.The off-board test equipment may request data without knowledge of which module on the vehicle will respond. These requests may also be directed to a specific device. The proper method should be used in order to reduce network traffic. In some vehicles, multiple controllers may respond with the information requested. In addition, a single module may send multiple responses to a single request. Any test device requesting information must, therefore, have provisions for receiving multiple responses.The on-board systems should respond to a request as defined in SAE J1939-21. With multiple responses possible from a single request, this allows as much time as is necessary for all modules to access the data link and transmit their response(s). If there is no response within this time period (i.e., 250 ms), the tool can either assume no response will be received, or if a response has already been received, that no more responses will be received.A tool should always wait for a response from the previous request, or “no response”time-out before sendinganother request. In no case should a request be sent in less than the times specified in SAE J1939-21 after the previous request.Destination specific requests require a response. If a request for a parameter group is not supported by the module and a destination specific request was used, a NACK is required (see SAE J1939-21 PGN 59392). If the request for a parameter group was sent to a global destination address and it is not supported by a given device, then that device must not NACK the request.Unless otherwise specified, parameter values should be formatted in accordance with the parameter ranges as defined by SAE J1939-71, section—To be determined in later revisions of this document. The following sections provide some thoughton the type of information that will have to be provided when security is defined.A uniform practice is planned to be provided for protecting vehicle modules from “unauthorized”intrusionthrough a vehicle communication link. This security shall not be used to limit the access to the capabilities defined in 5.7. The security system represents a recommendation for manufacturers and provides flexibility for them to tailor their system to their specific needs. The vehicle modules addressed are those that are capable of having solid-state memory contents altered external to the electronic module through a vehicle communication link. Improper memory content alteration could potentially damage the electronics or other vehicle controllers; risk the vehicle compliance to government legislated requirements; or risk the vehicle manufacturer's security interests.Proper “Unlocking”of the controller shall be a prerequisite to access certain critical on-board controller functions: the only access to the on-board controller permitted while in a “Locked”mode is through the product-specific software. This permits the product-specific software to protect itself and the rest of the vehicle control system from unauthorized intrusion.This document does not attempt to define capability or information that is under security; this is left to the controller manufacturer. The security system shall not prevent basic diagnostic communications between the external tool and the on-board controller.5.3.1D ATA L INK S ECURITY S TRATEGY—To be determined in later revisions of this document.5.3.2D ATA L INK A CCESS E XAMPLES—To be determined in later revisions of this document. Read Data—To be determined in later revisions of this document.Possible items include: Read emission related data, Read emission related diagnostic trouble codes,...etc. Service Alteration—To be determined in later revisions of this document.Possible items include: Cycle device on/off, Substitute sensor value,...etc. Permanent Alteration—To be determined in later revisions of this document. Read Data—To be determined in later revisions of this document.Possible items include: Read keyless entry parameters, Read executable code,...etc. Service Alteration—To be determined in later revisions of this document.Possible items include: Vehicle assembly plant verification tests involving parameters not normally used in service,...etc. Permanent Alteration—To be determined in later revisions of this document.Possible items include: Alteration of a vehicle emission calibration, Alteration of executable code,...etc. 5.3.3C HARACTERISTICS OF S ECURITY—To be determined in later revisions of this document.5.3.4S ECURITY F UNCTIONAL R EQUIREMENTS—To be determined in later revisions of this document.5.4Diagnostic Connector—A diagnostic connector will be defined in a SAE J1939 physical layer (SAE J1939/1x)document.5.5Parameter Monitoring Requirements—The parameter definitions shall be those of the referenced SAEJ1939 Application Layer document. Any parameter that has been defined in an applications layer document and is included in a Parameter Group (PG) shall be used for diagnostics. Therefore, if a parameter has already been defined, it will not be redefined for diagnostic purposes. In some cases, it will be necessary to identify a closely related parameter such as the value of the accelerator pedal sensor reading when the failure occurred rather than the current reading of the accelerator pedal sensor.5.6Diagnostic Trouble Code Definition—A Dialogistic Trouble Code (DTC) is made up of 4 elements. The 4elements are:a.Suspect Parameter Number (SPN)19 bitsb.Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) 5 bitsc.Occurrence Count (OC)7 bitsd.SPN Conversion Method (CM) 1 bitA diagnostic tool may also want to use the controller source address and the Name to determine whichcontroller is reporting the diagnostic information. This information is not needed to interpret the SPN but may be beneficial to have during the diagnostic process. Reference SAE J1939 for the Source Address and Name definitions.Diagnostic trouble codes are transmitted as 4 bytes per trouble code. See Figure 1. Those 4 bytes are interpreted as defined in 5.7.1. In an effort to provide continuity between the diagnostics defined in SAE J1587 to that of SAE J1939-73, the fault encoding format remains very similar. When possible, SAE J1587 PID numbers have been mapped one for one as SPNs.Examples of diagnostic trouble codesExample 1This is a SAE J1587 parameterSPN=91Suspect parameter is accelerator pedal positionFMI=3Failure mode is identified as voltage above normalOC=5Occurrence count indicates trouble has occurred 5 timesExample 2This is not a parameter communicated as an SAE J1587 PID. Therefore, it is assigneda number above 511.SPN=656Suspect parameter is engine injector number 6FMI=3Failure mode is identified as voltage above normalOC=2Occurrence count indicates trouble has occurred 2 timesExample 3Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) as transmitted in diagnostic messages (e.g., DM1) Given:Parameter "Pre-filter Oil Pressure," Suspect Parameter Number (SPN = 1208)Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) of 3Occurrence Count (OC) of 10All Fields of DTC sent in Intel Format (least significant byte first)SPN 1208= 4B816= 000 00000100 101110002 (19 bits)FMI 3= 316= 000112 (5 bits)OC 10= A16= 00010102 (7 bits)SPN Conversion Method (CM)= 02 (1 bit)FIGURE 1—DTC REPRESENTATION IN CAN DATA FRAME FOR DMI5.7Diagnostic Parameter Group (PG) Definitions—This section contains definitions of those parameter groupsthat will be used specifically for diagnostics. The format is a little different than the applications SAE J1939-71 layer in that the parameter definitions will follow each parameter group definition as a subsection under that parameter group.One of the goals of this diagnostic document is to satisfy the OBD II requirements. One of the documents that contains many of the OBD II requirements is SAE J1979. For that reason, Table 1 was created as a way of identifying how SAE J1939 satisfies the SAE J1979 requirements.A summary listing of all Diagnostic Modes and PIDs from SAE J1979 and their corresponding SAE J1939PGNs is provided (see Table 1).TABLE 1—SUMMARY OF DIAGNOSTIC MODE ASSIGNMENTSSAE Motor Vehicle Council SAE J1979FunctionsSAE J1979 DescriptionSAE MotorVehicle CouncilSAE J1979FunctionsSAE J1979 ModeSAE MotorVehicle CouncilSAE J1979FunctionsSAE J1979 PIDSAE Truck andBus Council SAEJ1939 Support ofThose FunctionsSAE J1939 DM(PGN)SAE Truck andBus CouncilSAE J1939Support of ThoseFunctionsPGN Description1Supported PIDs01 request41 response 00NA SAE J1939 provides a method for unavailableparameters to be identified.2Number of DTCs, MIL status and diagnosticmonitors supported andtheir status 01 request41 response01DM5(65230)ODB compliance, Previously active and activeDTC count, monitors supported and their status(diagnostic readiness)3Parameters related to theengine operation01 request41 response 3 to 1B16variousPGNsNormally provided PGs will be used to retrievethese parameters. For example, SAE J1939-71PGN 61444 contains engine speed.4Determine OBD typesupported (OBD II-ARB,OBD-Federal, OBD andOBD II, OBD 1, other)01 request41 response1C16DM5(65230)Tells which OBD support is provided5PIDs supported in freezeframe02 request42 response 00DM4(65229)Freeze frame definition and support covered inDM46DTC that caused freezeframe02 request42 response 02DM4(65229)Freeze frame PG tells what DTC caused it.7PID data value in freeze frame record 02 request42 response03 to0D16DM4(65229)Freeze frame PG contains all parameters (morethan one freeze frame can be supported)8Emission-related powertrainDTCs 03 request43 responseNA DM12(65236)Emission-related Active DTCs and lamp statusinformation9DM1(65226)Active DTCs and lamp status information10DM2(65227)Previously active DTCs and lamp status information11Clear emission-relateddiagnostic information04 request44 response NA DM11(62235)Clear diagnostic information for active DTCs5.7.1A CTIVE D IAGNOSTIC T ROUBLE C ODES (DM1)—The information communicated is limited to the currently active diagnostic trouble codes preceded by the diagnostic lamp status. Both are used to notify other components on the network of the diagnostic condition of the transmitting electronic component. The data contains the lamp status and a list of diagnostic codes and occurrence counts for currently active diagnostic trouble codes. This is all DTCs including those that are emissions related.The currently defined lamps (Malfunction Indicator Lamp, Red Stop Lamp, Amber Warning Lamp, and Protect Lamp) are associated with DTCs. If the transmitting electronic component does not have active DTCs, then the lamp status from that component will indicate that the lamps should be off. However, the component controlling the actual lamp illumination must consider the status from all components that use these lamps before changing the state of the lamps.There may be applications that require additional lamp definitions to accomplish their function (e.g., a lamp that indicates when cruise control is actively controlling would require a separate lamp in another PG).Transmission Rate: A DM1 message is transmitted whenever a DTC becomes an active fault and at a normal update rate of only once per second thereafter. If a fault has been active for 1 second or longer, and then becomes inactive, a DM1 message shall be transmitted to reflect this state change. If a different DTC changes state within the 1 second update period, a new DM1 message is transmitted to reflect this new DTC. To prevent a high message rate due to intermittent faults that have a very high frequency, it is recommended that no more than one state change per DTC per second be transmitted. Thus a DTC that becomes active/inactive twice within a 1 second interval, such as shown in Example Case 1, would have one message identifying the DTC becoming active, and one at the next periodic transmission identifying it being inactive. This message is sent only when there is an active DTC existing or in response to a request. Note that this Parameter Group will require using the “multipacket Transport” Parameter Group (reference SAE J1939-21) when more than one active DTC exists.12DM3(62228)Clear diagnostic information for previously active DTCs.13Oxygen sensor monitoring test results 05 request 45 response NADM9(65233)Report oxygen sensor test results14On board monitoring test results for Non-continuous monitored systems 06 request 46 responseNA DM10(65234)-Test IDs supported15DM7(58112)-Invoke test 16DM8(65232)-Test Results17On board monitoring test results for continuously monitored systems 07 request 47 responseNADM6(65231)Test results for premature DTCsTABLE 1—SUMMARY OF DIAGNOSTIC MODE ASSIGNMENTS (CONTINUED)SAE Motor Vehicle Council SAE J1979FunctionsSAE J1979 Description SAE Motor Vehicle Council SAE J1979 Functions SAE J1979 ModeSAE Motor Vehicle Council SAE J1979 Functions SAE J1979 PID SAE Truck and Bus Council SAE J1939 Support of Those FunctionsSAE J1939 DM(PGN)SAE Truck and Bus Council SAE J1939 Support of ThoseFunctions PGN DescriptionData Length:VariableData page:0PDU Format:254PDU Specific:202Default Priority:6Parameter Group Number:65226 (00FECA16)Byte:1bits 8-7Malfunction Indicator Lamp Statusbits 6-5Red Stop Lamp Statusbits 4-3Amber Warning Lamp Statusbits 2-1Protect Lamp StatusByte: 2bits 8-7Reserved for SAE assignment Lamp Statusbits 6-5Reserved for SAE assignment Lamp Statusbits 4-3Reserved for SAE assignment Lamp Statusbits 2-1Reserved for SAE assignment Lamp StatusByte: 3bits 8-1SPN, 8 least significant bits of SPN (most significant at bit 8) Byte:4bits 8-1SPN, second byte of SPN (most significant at bit 8)Byte: 5bits 8-6SPN, 3 most significant bits (most significant at bit 8)bits 5-1FMI (most significant at bit 5)Byte: 6bit 8SPN Conversion Methodbits 7-1Occurrence CountNOTE—When the occurrence count is not available, it should be set to all ones.EXAMPLE 1—The following illustrates the message format for when there are more than one diagnostic trouble code.Given:a=lamp statusb=SPNc=FMId=CM and OCMessage form will be as follows: a,b,c,d,b,c,d,b,c,d,b,c,d....etc. In this example, the transport protocol of SAE J1939-21 will have to be used to send the information because it requires more than 8 data bytes. Actually any time there is more than one fault, the services of the transport protocol will have to be used.EXAMPLE 2—The following illustrates the message format for when a request of the DM1 is made and there are zero active faults. In order for one of the currently defined lamps (Malfunction IndicatorLamp, Red Stop Lamp, Amber Warning Lamp, and Protect Lamp) to be on, an active DTC mustbe in existence.The original publication of this document defined that bytes 6 through 3 should be set to all oneswhen there are zero faults. This particular implementation is permitted but not preferred.Therefore, this is the Grandfathered Setting. Implementations are preferred to set bytes 6through 3 to all zeros. This is the Recommended Setting.Given:Byte 1bits 8-7=00bits 6-5=00bits 4-3=00bits 2-1=00Byte 2bits 8-7=11bits 6-5=11bits 4-3=11bits 2-1=11Grandfathered Setting Recommended Setting Byte 6-3SPN= 524287 - Indicates not available=0FMI= 31- Indicates not available=0OC=127- Indicates not available=0CM=1- Indicates not available=0Byte 7=255=255Byte 8=255=255。
pytorch实现冻结部分参数训练另⼀部分1)添加下⾯⼀句话到模型中for p in self.parameters():p.requires_grad = False⽐如加载了resnet预训练模型之后,在resenet的基础上连接了新的模快,resenet模块那部分可以先暂时冻结不更新,只更新其他部分的参数,那么可以在下⾯加⼊上⾯那句话class RESNET_MF(nn.Module):def __init__(self, model, pretrained):super(RESNET_MF, self).__init__()self.resnet = model(pretrained)for p in self.parameters():p.requires_grad = False #预训练模型加载进来后全部设置为不更新参数,然后再后⾯加层self.f = SpectralNorm(nn.Conv2d(2048, 512, 1))self.g = SpectralNorm(nn.Conv2d(2048, 512, 1))self.h = SpectralNorm(nn.Conv2d(2048, 2048, 1))...同时在优化器中添加:filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters())optimizer = optim.Adam(filter(lambda p: p.requires_grad, model.parameters()), lr=0.001, \betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08, weight_decay=1e-5)2) 参数保存在有序的字典中,那么可以通过查找参数的名字对应的id值,进⾏冻结查看每⼀层的代码:model_dict = torch.load('net.pth.tar').state_dict()dict_name = list(model_dict)for i, p in enumerate(dict_name):print(i, p)打印⼀下这个⽂件,可以看到⼤致是这个样⼦的:0 gamma1 resnet.conv1.weight2 resnet.bn1.weight3 resnet.bn1.bias4 resnet.bn1.running_mean5 resnet.bn1.running_var6 yer1.0.conv1.weight7 yer1.0.bn1.weight8 yer1.0.bn1.bias9 yer1.0.bn1.running_mean....同样在模型中添加这样的代码:for i,p in enumerate(net.parameters()):if i < 165:p.requires_grad = False在优化器中添加上⾯的那句话可以实现参数的屏蔽补充:pytorch 加载预训练模型 + 断点恢复 + 冻结训练(避坑版本)1、预训练模型⽹络结构 = 你要加载模型的⽹络结构那么直接套⽤path="你的 .pt⽂件路径"model = "你的⽹络"checkpoint = torch.load(path, map_location=device)model.load_state_dict(checkpoint)2、预训练模型⽹络结构与你的⽹络结构不⼀致当你直接套⽤上⾯公式,会出现类似unexpected key问题这种情况下,需要具体分析⼀下⽹络信息,再决定如何加载。
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a r X i v :n u c l -e x /9901009v 2 9 J u l 1999Freeze-Out Parameters in Central 158·A GeV208Pb+208Pb CollisionsM.M.Aggarwal,1A.Agnihotri,2Z.Ahammed,3A.L.S.Angelis,4V.Antonenko,5V.Arefiev,6V.Astakhov,6V.Avdeitchikov,6T.C.Awes,7P.V.K.S.Baba,8S.K.Badyal,8A.Baldine,6L.Barabach,6C.Barlag,9S.Bathe,9B.Batiounia,6T.Bernier,10K.B.Bhalla,2V.S.Bhatia,1C.Blume,9R.Bock,11E.-M.Bohne,9Z.K.B¨o r¨o cz,9D.Bucher,9A.Buijs,12H.B¨u sching,9L.Carlen,13V.Chalyshev,6S.Chattopadhyay,3R.Cherbatchev,5T.Chujo,14A.Claussen,9A.C.Das,3M.P.Decowski,18H.Delagrange,10V.Djordjadze,6P.Donni,4I.Doubovik,5S.Dutt,8M.R.Dutta Majumdar,3K.El Chenawi,13S.Eliseev,15K.Enosawa,14P.Foka,4S.Fokin,5V.Frolov,6M.S.Ganti,3S.Garpman,13O.Gavrishchuk,6F.J.M.Geurts,12T.K.Ghosh,16R.Glasow,9S.K.Gupta,2B.Guskov,6H.˚A .Gustafsson,13H.H.Gutbrod,10R.Higuchi,14I.Hrivnacova,15M.Ippolitov,5H.Kalechofsky,4R.Kamermans,12K.-H.Kampert,9K.Karadjev,5K.Karpio,17S.Kato,14S.Kees,9H.Kim,7B.W.Kolb,11I.Kosarev,6I.Koutcheryaev,5T.Kr¨u mpel,9A.Kugler,15P.Kulinich,18M.Kurata,14K.Kurita,14N.Kuzmin,ngbein,11A.Lebedev,5Y.Y.Lee,11H.L¨o hner,16L.Luquin,10D.P.Mahapatra,19V.Manko,5M.Martin,4G.Mart´ınez,10A.Maximov,6R.Mehdiyev,6G.Mgebrichvili,5Y.Miake,14D.Mikhalev,6Md.F.Mir,8G.C.Mishra,19Y.Miyamoto,14D.Morrison,20D.S.Mukhopadhyay,3V.Myalkovski,6H.Naef,4B.K.Nandi,19S.K.Nayak,10T.K.Nayak,3S.Neumaier,11A.Nianine,5V.Nikitine,6S.Nikolaev,6P.Nilsson,13S.Nishimura,14P.Nomokonov,6J.Nystrand,13F.E.Obenshain,20A.Oskarsson,13I.Otterlund,13M.Pachr,15A.Parfenov,6S.Pavliouk,6T.Peitzmann,9V.Petracek,15F.Plasil,7W.Pinganaud,10M.L.Purschke,11B.Raeven,12J.Rak,15R.Raniwala,2S.Raniwala,2V.S.Ramamurthy,19N.K.Rao,8F.Retiere,10K.Reygers,9G.Roland,18L.Rosselet,4I.Roufanov,6C.Roy,10J.M.Rubio,4H.Sako,14S.S.Sambyal,8R.Santo,9S.Sato,14H.Schlagheck,9H.-R.Schmidt,11Y.Schutz,10G.Shabratova,6T.H.Shah,8I.Sibiriak,5T.Siemiarczuk,17D.Silvermyr,13B.C.Sinha,3N.Slavine,6K.S¨o derstr¨o m,13N.Solomey,4S.P.Sørensen,20P.Stankus,7G.Stefanek,17P.Steinberg,18E.Stenlund,13D.St¨u ken,9M.Sumbera,15T.Svensson,13M.D.Trivedi,3A.Tsvetkov,5L.Tykarski,17J.Urbahn,11E.C.v.d.Pijll,12N.v.Eijndhoven,12G.J.v.Nieuwenhuizen,18A.Vinogradov,5Y.P.Viyogi,3A.Vodopianov,6S.V¨o r¨o s,4B.Wys l ouch,18K.Yagi,14Y.Yokota,14G.R.Young 7(WA98Collaboration)1University of Panjab,Chandigarh 160014,India2University of Rajasthan,Jaipur 302004,Rajasthan,India 3Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre,Calcutta 700064,India 4University of Geneva,CH-1211Geneva 4,Switzerland 5RRC “Kurchatov Institute”,RU-123182Moscow,Russia 6Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,RU-141980Dubna,Russia 7Oak Ridge National Laboratory,Oak Ridge,Tennessee 37831-6372,USA8University of Jammu,Jammu 180001,India 9University of M¨u nster,D-48149M¨u nster,Germany 10SUBATECH,Ecole des Mines,Nantes,France11Gesellschaft f¨u r Schwerionenforschung (GSI),D-64220Darmstadt,Germany 12Universiteit Utrecht/NIKHEF,NL-3508TA Utrecht,The Netherlands13Lund University,SE-22100Lund,Sweden 14University of Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305,Japan15Nuclear Physics Institute,CZ-25068Rez,Czech Rep.16KVI,University of Groningen,NL-9747AA Groningen,The Netherlands17Institute for Nuclear Studies,00-681Warsaw,Poland18MIT Cambridge,MA 02139,USA19Institute of Physics,751-005Bhubaneswar,India20University of Tennessee,Knoxville,Tennessee 37966,USA(Draft 2.0,February 8,2008)Neutral pion production in central 158·A GeV 208Pb+208Pb collisions has been studied in the WA98experiment at the CERN SPS.The π0transverse mass spectrum has been analyzed in terms of a thermal model with hydrodynamic expansion.The high accuracy and large kinematic coverage of the measurement allow to limit previously noted ambiguities in the extracted freeze-out parameters.The results are shown to be sensitive to the shape of the velocity distribution at freeze-out.25.75.Dw,24.10.Pa1Heavy ion reactions at sufficiently high energies pro-duce dense matter which may provide the necessary con-ditions for the transition from a hadronic state to a de-confined phase,the Quark-Gluon Plasma.Since afinite thermalized system without external containment pres-sure will necessarily expand,part of the thermal excita-tion energy will be converted into collective motion which will be reflected in the momentum spectra of thefinal hadrons.The dynamics of the expansion may depend on the presence or absence of a plasma phase.The strongly interacting hadrons are expected to decouple in the late stages of the collision.Their transverse momentum spec-tra should therefore provide information about the con-ditions of the system at freeze-out,in particular about the temperature and collective velocity of the system,if the thermal assumption is valid.The application of a thermal description is non-trivial. There is no reason to believe neither that chemical and kinetic freeze-out should be identical,nor that there should be unique thermal freeze-out temperatures for all hadrons,nor unique chemical freeze-out temperatures for allflavour changing reactions.It is likely that chemical equilibrium is not fully attained(see e.g.[1]),implying that chemical parameters will also influence momentum spectra through contributions from decays of heavier res-onances.Furthermore,it is not obvious that this problem should have a stationary solution since particle emission will occur throughout the full time evolution of the colli-sion and so,in principle,would require a full space-time integration with varying parameters.Most attempts to extract freeze-out parameters from experiment assume local thermal equilibrium andfit pa-rameterizations of hydrodynamical models to the exper-imental distributions[2–7].Already the earliest analy-ses[2]noted ambiguities infitting the hadron transverse mass spectra due to an anti-correlation between thefitted temperature,T,and transverseflow velocity,βT.Two-particle interferometric(HBT)measurements provide information on the spatial and temporal extent of the emission volume,but are also sensitive to the col-lective motion of the source(see e.g.[3,8,9]).Within a hydrodynamical parameterization of the source at freeze-out,the transverse two-particle correlations have been shown to be sensitive only to the ratioβ2T/T[3].Hence HBT analyses have aβT−T ambiguity which is roughly orthogonal to that resulting fromfits to the single par-ticle spectra.This fact has recently been used by the NA49collaboration to constrain the freeze-out param-eters to lie within the region βT =0.55±0.12and T=120±12MeV for central Pb+Pb collisions[6].Al-ternatively,a recent analysis ofπ+,K+,and K−distri-butions andπ+andπ−two-particle correlations mea-sured by the NA44collaboration for central Pb+Pb col-lisions using a9-parameter hydrodynamical modelfit[10] gave freeze-out parameters of βT =0.443±0.023and T=95.8±3.5MeV.These analyses suggest that a sin-gle set of freeze-out parameters can describe the hadron single particle distributions and two-particle correlations, with moderate temperature and large transverseflow ve-locity.On the other hand,various thermal model analyses of particle production ratios,especially strangeness pro-duction(see e.g.Ref.[11]for a recent summary),have indicated rather high chemical freeze-out temperatures.Use of integrated yields in these analyses allows to obtain conclusions on the temperature which are insensitive to the amount of transverseflow.In a recent analysis of re-sults at SPS energies,including Pb+Pb collisions,good agreement is obtained if partial strangeness saturation is assumed with a chemical freeze-out temperature of about 180MeV[12].A successful thermal interpretation of relativisticheavy ion collisions must provide an accurate descrip-tion of the pion spectra since pions provide the“thermal bath”of the late stages the collision.In this letter we discuss the extraction of thermal freeze-out parameters from the neutral pion transverse mass distribution for central158·A GeV208Pb+208Pb collisions.These data provide important constraints due to their accuracy and coverage in transverse mass.The analysis of theπ0spec-trum,within a particular hydrodynamical model,reveals the importance of the shape of the velocity distribution at freeze-out.The default shape,derived from a Gaus-sian spatial distribution,favors a large thermal freeze-out temperature,similar to temperatures extracted for chemical freeze-out,but in contradiction to conclusions obtained based on analyses of limited coverage particle spectra and HBT results[6,10,13].The CERN experiment WA98[14–16]consists of large acceptance photon and hadron spectrometers together with several other large acceptance devices which allow to measure various global variables on an event-by-event basis.The results presented here were obtained from an analysis of the data taken with Pb beams in1995 and1996.The10%most central reactions(σcentral≈630mb)have been selected using the transverse energyE T measured in the MIRAC calorimeter.Neutral pions are reconstructed via theirγγde-cay branch using the WA98lead-glass photon detector, LEDA,which consisted of10,080individual modules with photomultiplier readout.The detector was located ata distance of21.5m from the target and covered thepseudorapidity interval2.35<η<2.95.The general analysis procedure,described in[16],is similar to that used in the WA80experiment[7].The momentum dis-tributions are fully corrected for geometrical acceptance and reconstruction efficiency.The systematic error on the absolute yield is≈10%and increases sharply below p T=0.4GeV/c.An additional systematic error origi-nates from the uncertainty on the momentum scale of1%.The influence of this rises slowly for large p T and leads to an uncertainty on the yield of15%at p T=4GeV/c. 210101010110101010101010m T -m 0 (GeV/c 2)E d 3σ/d p 3 (m b c 3/G e V 2)FIG.1.Transverse mass spectra of neutral pions in cen-tral collisions (10%of min.bias cross section)of 158A GeV Pb+Pb.The invariant cross section of neutral pions is com-pared to a fitusinga hydrodynamicalmodel [5]including transverse flow and resonance decays,with the direct produc-tion and the contribution of ρdecays and all other resonances shown separately.The ratio of the fit to the data is shown in the inset.m 0is the π0mass.The measured neutral pion cross section from central Pb+Pb reactions as a function of m T −m 0is shown in Fig.1.Included is a fit with a hydrodynamical model [5]including transverse flow and resonance decays.This computer program calculates the direct production and the contributions from the most important resonances having two-or three-body decays including pions (ρ,K 0S ,K ⋆,∆,Σ+Λ,η,ω,η′).The code,originally intended for charged pions,has been adapted to predict neutral pion production.The model uses a gaussian transverse spatial density profile truncated at 4σ.The transverse flow rapidity is assumed to be a linear function of the radius.For all results presented here,a baryonic chemical potential of µB =200MeV has been used.The results are not very sensitive,however,to the choice of µB for the m T −m 0region considered here.This model provides an excellent description of the neutral pion spectra with a temperature T =185MeV and an average flow velocity of βT =0.213.These values are very similar to the parameters obtained with similar fits to neutral pion spectra in central reactions of160180200220240260280300320340T 0T l o c a l (M e V )FIG.2.The local inverse slope of the transverse mass spectrum of neutral pions in central collisions of 158A GeV Pb+Pb.The measured results (solid points)are compared to the hydrodynamical model best fit result (solid line;T =185MeV and βT =0.213,also shown in Fig.1)and to the other results given in table I.32S+Au [7].The 2σlower limit 1on the temperature is T low =171MeV and the corresponding upper limit onthe flow velocity is βuppT =0.253.The observed curvature at low m T is largely a result of resonance decay contributions.Performing a fit with only the direct contribution leads to T =142MeV and βT =0.301,with corresponding 2σlimits of T low =135MeVand βuppT =0.318,similar to other analyses which have neglected decay contributions [6,17].The larger average velocity which results in this case is due to the fact that all of the observed curvature must now be accounted for by transverse flow.The high statistical accuracy and large transverse mass coverage of the present π0measurement reveals the con-cave curvature of the π0spectrum over a large m T range,which constrains the parameters significantly.This is further demonstrated by studying the local slope at each m T .The local (inverse)slope is given byT −1local=− Ed 3σdm TEd 3σ1All limits given use the data for m T −m 0>2GeV /c 2as upper limits only to allow for additional hard-scattering contributions.3βTd N /d βT (a r b . u n i t s )FIG.3.Unnormalized multiplicity distributions as a func-tion of the transverse source velocity for the parameter sets given in table I.been fixed to larger values comparable to those obtained by Refs.[10]and NA49[6](sets 2and 3).The corre-sponding fit parameters are given in Table I.The com-parison demonstrates that while the large transverse flow velocity fits can provide a reasonable description of the data up to transverse masses of about 1GeV,they sig-nificantly overpredict the local slopes at large transverse mass.While application of the hydrodynamical model at large transverse mass is questionable,the model cannot overpredict the measured yield.The observed overpre-diction therefore rules out the assumption of large trans-verse flow velocities,or points to a deficiency in the model assumptions used in these fits.The curvature in the π0spectrum at large transverse mass is a result of the distribution of transverse veloci-ties.Although the spectrum is not directly sensitive to the spatial distribution of particle emission,within this model it is dependent indirectly on the spatial distribu-tion due to the assumption that the transverse rapidity increases linearly with radius.The large curvature at large transverse mass is due to high velocity contribu-tions which result from the tail of the assumed gaussian density profile [18].Figure 3shows the transverse source velocity distributions dN/dβT for the different parameter sets.2The curves labelled 1-3correspond to the calcu-lations in figure 2using a gaussian spatial profile.In addition,velocity profiles are shown for a uniform den-sity profile (set 4)and for a Woods-Saxon distribution:ρ(r )=12More precisely these are source emission functions inte-grated over all variables except the transverse velocity and the rapidity,i.e.they are weighted with the produced parti-cle multiplicity.with ∆/r 0=0.02(set 5).These are included in figures 2and 3.It is seen that the uniform density assumption truncates the high velocity tail resulting in less curvature in the pion spectrum,while the Woods-Saxon has a more diffuse edge at high βT .While the gaussian and uniform density assumptions have very different velocity profiles,it is interesting that both can provide acceptable fits to the pion spectrum with best fit results with similar βT and T parameters,which give similar effective temperatures,and which have similar velocity widths,βRMS ,as shown in Table -pared to the gaussian profile result,the best fit result us-ing the uniform profile gives a lower temperature of 178MeV and would lead to weaker limits of βuppT =0.42and T low=134MeV.Limits cannot be set using the Woods-Saxon profile due to increased fit ambiguity.If the data for m T −m 0>2GeV /c 2is used only as up-per limits,as explained above,a best fit result with T =129MeV and βT =0.42is obtained.The data presented here can be well described with high thermal freeze-out temperatures,similar to temper-atures which have been extracted for chemical freeze-out [12],and small transverse flow velocities.3On the other hand,if the larger velocities obtained in other analyses which have considered limited particle spectra together with HBT results [6,10,13]persist,then the present anal-ysis suggests much lower thermal freeze-out tempera-tures.For example,none of the different velocity profile assumptions used in this analysis allowed to reproduce the results of ref.[6]–all profiles studied require a tem-perature of 90MeV or less,if βT =0.55is assumed.The present data obviously provide important informa-tion on the shape of the freeze-out velocity distribution.A more extensive systematic study would require further guidance from full hydrodynamical calculations,which is beyond the scope of this paper.Recent hydrodynamical model calculations [19,20]have found reasonable agree-ment with transverse mass spectra within a broad range of assumptions.However,in these studies it was not at-tempted to limit the model parameters or assumptions by a rigorous comparison to the data.In summary,we have argued that hydrodynamical models which attempt to extract the thermal freeze-out parameters of relativistic heavy ion collisions must pro-vide an accurate description of the pion spectra,since pions most directly reflect the thermal evironment in the late stage of the collision.In particular,models,or parameter sets,which overpredict the observed pion yields,even at large transverse mass,can immediately be ruled out.We have demonstrated that the high accuracy neutral pion spectra with large transverse mass cover-TABLE I.Parameters for different hydrodynamical model fits to the neutral pion spectrum shown infigures2and3. The temperature T,average and RMS transverseflow ve-locity βT andβRMS are given together with the effective temperature T ef f=T/Set TβRMSχ2/dof(MeV)Gauss0.213±0.020230275±10.199386/19 Gauss0.527884178±130.09333.3/18214WS0.365+0.056−0.069age can constrain the thermal freeze-out parameters and model assumptions.Within the context of the hydro-dynamical model of Ref.[5],the default velocity profile favors large thermal freeze-out temperatures similar to the chemical freeze-out temperature determined for the same system[12].Only special choices of the velocity profile allow large average freeze-out velocities similar to those extracted from other recent analyses which consider also HBT results[6,10,13].On the other hand,the cor-responding freeze-out temperatures are then≈90MeV, significantly lower than other estimates.The present re-sults indicate that the determination of the freeze-out parameters remains an open question.It will be impor-tant to determine whether full hydrodynamical models can reproduce the high precision pion data and thereby constrain the assumed freeze-out hypersurface.We wish to thank Urs Wiedemann for assistance with the model calculations and valuable discussions.This work was supported jointly by the German BMBF and DFG,the U.S.DOE,the Swedish NFR and FRN,the Dutch Stichting FOM,the Stiftung f¨u r Deutsch-Polnische Zusammenarbeit,the Grant Agency of the Czech Repub-lic under contract No.202/95/0217,the Department of Atomic Energy,the Department of Science and Tech-nology,the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and the University Grants Commission of the Govern-ment of India,the Indo-FRG Exchange Program,the PPE division of CERN,the Swiss National Fund,the INTAS under Contract INTAS-97-0158,ORISE,Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(Specially Promoted Re-search&International Scientific Research)of the Min-istry of Education,Science and Culture,the University of Tsukuba Special Research Projects,and the JSPS Re-search Fellowships for Young Scientists.ORNL is man-aged by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation under contract DE-AC05-96OR22464with the U.S.De-partment of Energy.The MIT group has been supported by the US Dept.of Energy under the cooperative agree-ment DE-FC02-94ER40818.。