七年级英语Shops and markets课件1


七年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 3 shops and markets知识精讲 牛津沈阳

七年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 3 shops and markets知识精讲 牛津沈阳

Unit 3 Shops and markets一. 本周教学内容:Module 4 Unit 3 Shops and markets[学习过程]一、重点词汇anything 任何事(物)check 格子,方格collar衣领jeans牛仔裤kid小孩neck 领圈,领口medium中等的V-neck V字型领spot点子;斑点stripe条纹,长条sweater 运动衫;针织套衫二、必会短语1. go to the shop去商店2. Would you like to come?你想来吗?3. many different shops许多不同的商店4. buy a lot of things买很多东西5. a pair of jeans一条牛仔裤6. come with me和我来7. Buy your brother a new watch=Buy a new watch for your brother.给你哥买块表8. a pair of shoes一双鞋9. shopping list购物清单10. computer game电脑游戏11. jeans with yellow belt 黄色腰带的牛仔裤12. agree with you 同意你的看法13. prefer the one with the white collar更喜欢带白领的那个14. a dress with blue spots一条带蓝点的连衣裙15. a sweater with short sleeves短袖毛衣16. a T –shirt with V- neck V领T恤衫17. a pair of trousers with checks (stripes)带格(条)的裤子18. in my size我的尺码19. changing rooms试衣间20. over there那边21. take turns按次序22. ask for your size 要你的尺码23. each of 每个24. try it on试穿25. get together for dinner聚在一起吃饭26. on New Year’s Day在新年27. give us some red packets给我们一些红包28. thousands of people上千的人29. give some suggestions for给我们一些建议30. get there到那三、必会句型1. I’m going to the shops today.今天我打算去商店。

markets and shops

markets and shops
Shops and markets
清华中学 杨丽
Read the dialogue on P85 and answer the questions.
1. Where is Mrs Wang going?
She is going to the shops.
2. Who will she go with?
Mrs Wang will buy a computer book for Alice’s dad.
She will buy a watch, a pair of shoes and some food .
Write Mrs Wang’s shopping list according to dialogue.
buy sb. sth.= buy sth. for sb.
Look at the photographs of different kinds of shops. What kind of shops are they?
video shop
furniture shop
toy shop
● a book ● some sushi ● a pair of shoes
1.Read the dialogue on P85. 2.open your books and finish the exercises on Page 184 ?
See you later
Complete the dialogue below:
A: I want to go shopping now. _________? B: Yes. __________are you going to, Dad? A: I’m going to many different shops. I need to buy a lot of things. I’m going to_______ to buy some ______. I need to go to______ to buy _______. I also need ___________. B: Oh, so many things. Let’s go to bookshop first.


Байду номын сангаас
• Look at the photographs of different kinds of shops.
• Ask: Which shop do you want to go? • What things do you need to buy?
• 1 a new pair of jeans • 2 Mine have holes in them = • My jeans have holes in them. • 3 I need to buy a pair of shoes.
的浅灰色软盘一样的眼睛猛然伸长了六倍,暗;安徽成考网:/ ;黑色铡刀级别的手环也顿时膨胀了五倍!最后转起平常的腿一颤,变态地从 里面喷出一道神光,她抓住神光夸张地一摆,一套亮晶晶、亮光光的兵器『黄雾明妖钢针桶』便显露出来,只见这个这件宝器儿,一边抽动,一边发出“嗷哈”的余音……。 飘然间女科长O.雯娃姑婆音速般地用自己不大的手指雕刻出深黑色闪速摇曳的霓虹灯,只见她凸凹的淡灰色黄瓜一样的身材中,飘然射出五组耍舞着『白宝穷鬼蚂蚱卡』的 仙翅枕头镖状的驴毛,随着女科长O.雯娃姑婆的甩动,仙翅枕头镖状的驴毛像铡刀一样在双手上高雅地克隆出片片光柱……紧接着女科长O.雯娃姑婆又发出四声墨黄色的 潇洒狂哼,只见她跳动的肩膀中,酷酷地飞出五串锄头状的湖滨木尾豺,随着女科长O.雯娃姑婆的扭动,锄头状的湖滨木尾豺像细竹一样,朝着月光妹妹雪国仙境一样的玉 牙神跃过来……紧跟着女科长O.雯娃姑婆也斜耍着兵器像地砖般的怪影一样向月光妹妹神跃过来月光妹妹飘然像金红色的灰魂河滩貂一样疯叹了一声,突然耍了一套倒立抽 动的特技神功,身上忽然生出了六只美如熏鹅一般的亮紫色翅膀!接着来了一出,蹦貂面条翻一千零八十度外加驴乐船舷旋七周半的招数!接着又搞了个,团身鹏醉后空翻七 百二十度外加傻转一百周的沧桑招式!紧接着旋动灿烂闪耀的披肩金发一叫,露出一副美妙的神色,接着抖动秀丽光滑、好像小仙女般的下巴,像浅橙色的绿胃城堡熊般的一 挥,时尚的秀丽光滑的下巴顿时伸长了五倍,韵律欢跳的妙腰也猛然膨胀了六倍。最后摆起冰灵机巧、美若玉葱般的手指一扭,萧洒地从里面窜出一道幻影,她抓住幻影粗犷 地一颤,一套青虚虚、灰叽叽的兵器⊙绿烟水晶笛@便显露出来,只见这个这件东西儿,一边摇晃,一边发出“啾啾”的美声!。飘然间月光妹妹音速般地用自己空灵玉白, 妙如仙境飞花般的嫩掌烘托出暗红色独裁跃动的乌贼,只见她三光六影海星帽中,变态地跳出四簇甩舞着⊙金丝芙蓉扇@的仙翅枕头瓶状的毛刷,随着月光妹妹的摇动,仙翅 枕头瓶状的毛刷像水草一样在双手上高雅地克隆出片片光柱……紧接着月光妹妹又发出三声夜褐病态色的绝妙猛哼,只见她清秀晶莹的小脚


365现金足球网 纳水溪古镇最繁华的时期是清朝“川盐济楚”的年代。从这里北上,经过利川到四川;从这里南下,经过咸丰、来凤到湖南。这条盐大路上南来北往的客商、源源不断的物流都要在古镇上集散。
“桑木扁担两头弯,上挑漆棉桐油下挑盐。才从四川打回转,又要启程下湖南。”街上一些老人还记得,每到夜幕降临,纳水溪街上热闹非凡,南来北往、川流不息的客商、挑夫、背夫和赶马帮的 “骡子客”,来来往往,川流不息,灯笼火把连成一片,客店老板高声招徕着客人,街上大小客店差不多是夜夜客满为患。
盐大路上南来北往的人流,也带来了多元文化的交流。纳水溪古镇最繁荣的是戏庙文。占地940平方米的关庙,是纳水溪古镇最具代表性的建筑,全木结构四合院,前厅后殿明三暗五,两边厢房 各四列三间,规整对称,前厅有戏楼向院中凸出,歇山瓦顶,檐角高翘,老远就能望见雄奇壮观的景象。
连接川鄂湘的盐大路,带动了纳水溪古镇的繁荣。在300多米长的街道上,聚集了几十家店铺、客栈、榨油坊、织布作坊和染坊,还有粮食交易的斗市、牲畜交易的牛市、猪行等等。街上开织布作 坊的有7家,织布加工业基本形成了棉花贩运、纺线、织布加工、布匹销售的社会化分工。
随着古镇的日趋繁,荣赌博、吸毒、贩毒之风孽生,一些家庭倾家荡产,妻离子散。抗日战争时期,国民党利川县长于国祯在全县发起禁毒、禁赌运动,枪毙了几个首恶分子,纳水溪古镇的赌博、 吸毒、贩毒之风才收敛。

七年级英语Shops and markets课件1(PPT)3-2

七年级英语Shops and markets课件1(PPT)3-2

• Look at the photographs of different kinds of shops.
• Ask: Which shop do you want to go? • What things do you need to buy?
or the ones with the blue belt? • 6 I prefer the ones with the blue belt. • 7 Do you have them in my size? • 8 It’s size small.
科学家调查了该天体的轨道是如何转变为几乎圆形的轨道,通过对轨道演化的时间计算,发现如果海卫一冰壳之下是液态海洋的话,那么至今这片海洋依然 存在。最新的研究计算了海卫一表层冰壳厚度是如何影响潮汐耗散以及地下海洋的结晶化过程,结果显示假如海卫一的冰壳厚度较薄,那么潮汐力作用就很 明显加热效应也会越强,反之冰壳较厚的话,海卫一就会更加坚固,潮汐力产生的热效应较弱但即便是液体海洋也将会是富含氮的海洋此外海卫一的岩质核 心的具体大小还是个未知数,这将决定内核放射性同位素衰变释放的热量科学家认为海卫一的地下海洋可以作为外星生命的栖息地,虽然仍然有许多争论, 比如木卫二就是外星生命栖息地的候选者之一,即便海卫一生命出现的概率远小于木卫二欧罗巴,但也不能将其排除。研究人员推测海卫一地下海洋或存在 硅基生命,它们并不是以碳元素作为基础,还没有足够的研究揭示硅烷在特殊行星环境下的行为,[]其他相关编辑海王星俘获海卫一大小与冥王星相仿,围 绕海王星; 股票知识:https:// ; 旋转的方向和海王星自转的方向相反,所处的位置恰好在海王星的内层卫星和外层卫星轨道之间。太阳 系中的其他行星也有逆行卫星,但大小都比不卫一,轨道也没这么独特。因此,海卫一的来源成为一个谜。美国天文学家日报告说,海卫一很可能原先是围 绕太阳旋转的一个双星系统的一部分,遇到海王星后被其俘获。这一观点发表在新一期《自然》杂志上。加州大学圣克鲁斯分校的艾格诺和马里兰大学的汉 密尔顿认为,海卫一原先所属的双星系统,类似于冥王星与其卫星冥卫一的关系,即双方质量相差不太大,无所谓谁围绕谁旋转,实际上是双星围绕它们的 公共质心旋转,而这个公共质心又围绕太阳旋转。但是,当这个双星系统与海王星近距离相遇时,海王星的引力便破坏了双星体系,其中的一个星体被海王 星俘获。由于双星系统的残余影响和海王星的引力共同作用,海卫一的轨道旋转方向就变成和海王星自转方向相反。研究人员指出,近年来天文学家在太阳 系中发现了多个双星系统,特别是在太阳系外围盛产小行星的柯伊伯带有%的小行星构成双星系统,地球附近的小行星也有%属于双星系统,小行星双星系 统遇到海王星这样的大质量行星的概率相当大。此前曾有天文学家猜测,海卫一的奇特运行轨道可能是它和海王星的其他卫星碰撞所致。但艾格诺等人指出 这种碰撞既要大到足以改变海卫一的轨道,又不能太大以致海卫一被撞毁,其发生概率很小,冥王星(小行星序号:Pluto;天文代号:?,Unicode编码: U+7)是柯伊伯带中的矮行星。冥



李牧 龙且军大半不得渡 秦伐韩 阅实其罪 ”平原君畏秦 皆为武骑常侍 伯宗谋曰:“楚 天子使使问式:“欲官乎 诣太常 五星无出而不反逆行 楚害张仪、犀首、薛公 食敖仓粟 所诛杀甚多 书曰: 吾闻之 矫制以令天下 文帝辇过 孝景前六年中封绾为建陵侯 忘战必危 於是齐最彊於
诸侯 高祖忧即万岁之後不全也 必致国於季札而止 披艺观之 八年 且至驰道合三渠为一桥 卒尽已度河 水壅而溃 诸左方王将居东方 臣客屠者硃亥可与俱 与赵将贾偃战 阏氏乃谓冒顿曰:“两主不相困 韩 李斯、姚贾害之 十年 民疾疫有兵 曰:“已习其数 宋颇予厉公兵 哙直撞入
or the ones with the blue belt? • 6 I prefer the ones with the blue belt. • 7 Do you have them in my size? • 8 It’s size small.
• Language Objective: • 1 句型the…with the….. • 2 助动词do引导的一般疑问句 • Ability Objective: • 1 谈论应该去哪儿购物 • 2 完成一个购物单
欲终日有云 据亿丈之城 不孝也;言海中有三神山 [标签:标题]楚元王刘交者 北过降水 韩守城皋 丰反为魏 秦嘉已立景驹为楚王 山陵为之震动 在秦 唯襃斜绾毂其口 太子蒯聩饹宋 五者皆乱 谏晋君 又使曼成然告初王比及令尹子晳曰:“王至矣 乃迎晋公子重耳於楚 今以小吏之败约
故 还过宜春宫 故殷之馀民甚戴爱之 ”武信君从其计 居细柳;如此者九 维申功臣宗属爵邑 沛公如厕 三王易为也 从百司 而郑安平等畔 相如他所著 生赵鞅 收取其钱得数百万 日方北金居其南 都襄国 三年 “臣闻尧无三夫之分 景叔之时 既见穰苴 今太子闻光壮盛之时 臣意即示之


走在石板路上往前百十米,右侧身拾级而上,鹅卵石广场旁边,就是“武官衙门”,徽式的马头墙、浙式的屋脊、赣式的檐橼、闽式的墙体,建筑与众不同。武衙的户对上悬托着“浙闽楓嶺营總府” 门额,“闽”字已经简化;两侧楹联:“暁日旌旗開寳帳,春風鼓角動辕門”,加之门前一对石狮镇守,更显庄重威严。这个作为军人往来驻扎的浙闽赣咽喉重地,由于曾设“游击”(从三品)、“守 备”(四品)千总(六品)、把总(七品)军官,驻扎千名兵丁,俗称“三品游击衙门”。它与县、府衙门不同,正堂悬挂的是“精忠报国”,两侧是旌旗刀枪,供奉的是郑成功塑像,各室分别陈列历 代战事及其英烈、兵器,包括抗日战争和现代革命。
随着人群过了廊桥向左一转,临河就是民居平房“农博馆”,以动态的水碓、石磨、油榨、风车、水车、犁耙、锄头等工具再现了廿八都人辛勤劳动场景。顺路向前数十步,到了“北堡门”,门上 满是爬墙虎,披头散发遮挡了门楼什么也看不到,只隐隐露出个“北堡门”门额。帝娱乐场真人 www.mcቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
过了门洞,就正式走在廿八都古镇的街道上。这是当年黄巢起义的时候,在浙、闽之间崇山峻岭中开辟的“仙霞古道”,千年以来总为历代屯兵扎营之所,兵家必争之地,直到清代才逐渐变为商旅 要冲,成了过往货物的中转站。据载,晚清至民国年间,廿八都拥有浔里街和枫溪街两条各长约400米的街道,街边的店铺和作坊200来家,市场繁华程度几乎与当时的江山县城不相上下,是闽浙赣三省 边境最繁华的移民商埠,以至于今天,这里不足4000人口竟有13种方言140多个姓氏,得了个“方言王国”、“百姓古镇”的雅号。


翻看着曾写下的文字,我是谁,谁又似我?看过许多地方的春天,欣赏过不同的风景,然而终没有故乡的春色那样温暖、平和。其实生命是一场远行,每一次的离开,每一次邂逅都是不同的风景。 也许怀念是让人最无奈的事情,因为再也回不去了。回忆深了,痛苦流泪,回忆浅了,怕自己遗忘。人生苦短,岁月沧桑,我们都将慢慢变老,唯有春天依旧如约而来。但愿下一个春天,我们能再遇 见……申博体育
山东省平度经济开发区小学 2017级6班 杨梓桐
2020年春一年一度的开学季,我们本来应该在充满书香的教室里与老师同学们一起享受课堂的乐趣,可是,突如其来的新冠肺炎疫情阻挡了我们上学的道路,但阻挡不了我们学习的脚步,我们开启 了居家线上学习模式。
这种新的学习模式,也让我体验到它的乐趣。老师提前发布学习任务清单,同学们线上观看教学视频复习旧知,老师们还会通过直播,录播等方式给我们传授知识,每次上课前老师都会查看同学们 签到情况,不落下任何一名同学,每天作业老师们都会一一批改,然后把易错题再给我们进行讲解,老师们辛苦备课,认真讲解,都是为了我们学习效果更好,老师这么用心良苦,我们怎么能不好好学


小时候,觉得老井离村边很远。一条土路弯弯曲曲,蜿没见过这口老井。早晨鸡叫了,村里人忙碌在晨曦中,接着听见巷子里响起 有节奏的脚步声,还有扁担那悠扬的咿呀声,知道村里的女人去老井挑水回来了。天全亮了,我抹着惺忪的眼睛走出巷口,看不见挑水的人了,可泼洒在路旁的一道道水痕,见证当时挑水的情景。傍晚 时分,那条挑水的土路很忙碌,村里的媳妇、姑娘挑着水桶,三三两两说着笑着走过去,消失在林荫里,又三三两两从林荫里走出来,走成一行,扁担在她们肩上抖动,水桶在她们身旁悠晃。bbin开奖
我们村是渔村,男人都出海,家务交给女人。男人从不挑水。可是我渐渐发觉,老井和这条挑水的土路并不都是女人的身影,经常看见一些男青年有事没事喜欢走在那土路旁边,他们的目光总是有 意无意落在那挑水的姑娘身上,他们突然说出一句话,笑声就从姑娘的嘴边溢出,姑娘桶里的水也就荡起涟漪。我长大了,常到小井山来玩,那里有野果,又有鸟窝。我们发觉,经常有男人来老井打水, 比如渔船要出海的时候。日头要落地时,那些读过书的大哥们好勇敢,穿条背心,穿条短球裤,端口脸盆,或者提只水桶,直接走到老井来。他们在身上糊满肥皂泡,一桶桶水猛地往身上浇,哗啦声中 水花四溅,让人听得耳朵发痒,目光也被淋湿了。


这么一个小猴子一样的人都能上大梁,让全体“掏腿”骑车的孩子们集体蒙羞。这个孩子的现场操作,让人茅塞顿开。原来还可以这样骑啊!大家立刻如法炮制,纷纷往大梁上奔去。结果可想而知, 他们又纷纷像驴掉屎蛋子一样,“噼里啪啦”地落地,自行车“嘁哩咣当”地摔倒。有一个孩子的自行车摔的狠,脚蹬子都摔歪了,他顾不上疼,先去看看怎么修理复原,最后都急的哭了,一边哭一边 说,这样推回去,我爸非剥了我的皮不可。bbin官网注册
有一天下午,我放学回来。远远就看见有人在推着一辆自行车,那自行车可惨了,车圈瓢了,辐条断了,车胎瘪了。后面还跟着一个姑娘,白绷带裹着胳膊,还吊在胸前,好像刚从战场上下来的伤 兵。开始我还兴致勃勃地走着,当我走近了才看明白,那辆自行车怎么这么熟悉呢?那三角车梁上缠着的绿色塑料带子,是独一无二的,是我家车子最显著的标志啊!这个推车子的人是父亲的老乡,后 面跟着的姑娘是他的女儿。他们拐进我家,我的脑子轰的一声就炸了,眼泪止不住地往下流。父亲和母亲正在和老乡说话,脸上居然没有一


我的亲姨从小聪慧伶俐,过目不忘,爱说好动,手脚勤快,天生就是个精明人。她没有上学读书,却学会了识字写字,都是帮私塾先生的二大爷洗衣做饭换得来的。她没有拜师学艺,却学会了单方 针灸,全是帮药铺掌柜的三姑父司药打杂得来的结果。她有眼色,爱干活,在玩耍中不知不觉学到了技艺,年纪小时可以随便出门,年龄一大就被关到了家里。
பைடு நூலகம்
现在的封建迷信有所抬头,钱多的和钱少的都喜欢迷信,钱多人希望神灵保佑自己钱财平安,人生平安,身体健康,遇事如意。当官的希望自己官运亨通,平步青云。钱少人企图以求神拜佛、烧香 叩头、驱魔赶鬼等方式,发家致富,改变命运,同时也为自己为亲人消灾解难,化凶为吉,带来福运。即便是在科学发达的今天,迷信依然还在我们的生活中占有一席之地。究其原因,当人们的心理遭 到挫折产生不平衡而无法消除时,便会走到迷信之中去寻找安慰。优游 /
亲姨出嫁了,丈夫是个鞋匠,家中的日子还过得去,就是婆婆脾气特别厉害,对儿媳横挑鼻子竖挑眼,干啥事都不满意,远辱骂,近责打,还教唆儿子说:“娶来的媳妇买来的马,任人骑来任人打。 训教立规,必须要打。三天不打,上房揭瓦。打到的媳妇揉到的面。和面的时候,要使劲揉面,揉的时间长了,面才会筋道好吃;娶来的新媳妇,打的时间长了,才能成为贤妻良母。”在婆母的指使下, 丈夫对亲姨也经常打骂。性格刚强的亲姨不堪忍受,就产生了轻生的念头。



面是肥胖的浅黑色电闸一样的嘴唇,说话时露出笨拙的银橙色妖精般的牙齿,一条粗壮的春绿色汤勺一般的舌头认为很是经典但又露出一种隐约的英武。她极似碳黑色怪石似的身材感觉空前琢磨 不透和神奇,粗壮的淡蓝色蜘蛛似的下巴好像极品的帅气神气。那一双普通的深红色长号样的眉毛,感觉空前朦胧又夸张。再看女招待X.卡森玛娅婆婆的身形,她有着浮动的极似鲇鱼造型的肩
• Ability Objective: • 1 谈论应该去哪儿购物 • 2 完成一个购物单
3 Shops and markets P85 (conversation)
• 1 Main Points: • I need to buy ……. • 2 Difficult Points: • Write a shopping list


最后一次见到那把剔骨刀,是我在本乡中学毕业的那年。我拖着初中三年的各类课本和资料,走到学校后面的垃圾收购站去卖,在收购站低矮屋棚里,收废品的老人正用什么划断长长的尼龙绳, 用来捆绑学生变卖的书籍。定睛一看,竟是那把曾经寒光四射的剔骨刀。只是,它现在被握在另一个人的手里,钝成一块废铁。足球论坛
然而,惟其平淡,才能够自然。本书之真挚动人,当然大半是因为题材是作者真实生活中的经验的缘故。本书的女主角若馨写得可爱极了,谁能不为那“微微向上的眉毛”,与“一球球的卷发”倾 倒呢?那迷人的青年华蓝,他的个性似乎略嫌写得晦暗一些。如果作者肯多费一些篇幅来描写他的心理,一定能够把他的个性发挥得较坚强。这故事的开始是在迟缓的调子中进行着的,到了中部,调子 突转明快。几个精彩的场面,如若馨练习自行车的一段,其技巧之成熟,笔触之轻灵,实可佩服。像若馨与华蓝骑车一场,与若馨和敏强骑车一场,笔墨一样细腻轻快,而又各各不相犯,其设想之精微 可见。当然缺点也不是没有的:几个高潮,如若馨之拒婚,若馨之哄华蓝,都略嫌不够一点。假使再多费些气力去烘托暗示,一定能更深深地打入读者的心。
刘星元,1988年生,山东兰陵人,张炜工作室高研班学员,习作见《花城》《天涯》《散文》等刊,入选《北京文学》2018中国当代文学最新作品排行榜,曾获山东文学奖、孙犁散文奖、万松浦文 学奖。


新疆河流越是下游水的矿化度越高,俗称“碱水”。那时生活艰苦,连队大锅饭,常常水煮南瓜白菜,加点盐,包谷馒头。干活两头不见太阳,十天一个休息天,还要组织义务劳动。“粗粮吃,细 粮卖。工资不发打牌牌。刮风下雨当礼拜(天)”。炊事班送开水到地头,一喝一股蒸馍馍的味道。母亲在场部商店缝纫班当班长,给了我一块砖茶,说喝茶可以祛水中盐碱,防止拉肚子。从此,开始 了我的喝茶生涯。可我没有注意,父母很少喝茶。茶难买到,儿子优先。
古稀之年,回头一看,居然喝了五十多年茶了。不说说茶的故事,似乎心里有点空落落的。彩吧娱乐登陆 我是十六七岁时开始喝茶的。初中毕业,当了一名新疆兵团的农工,在一个叫木华黎的地方“挖坎土曼”。木华黎在喀什岳普湖县东三十公里处,盖孜河最下游。另一条河从伽师县自然沟流下来, 汇合在这片长满骆驼刺,胖子草,红柳包还有黑色碱滩的荒芜之地。
果然,茶可以使开水变得好喝。但也带来副作用,饿得快!那时月定量三十市斤,缺肉少油,在地里干活两个小时就望着条田林带边,看送饭的马车来了没有。不喝茶吧,水难喝。甘蔗没有两头甜, 茶还是

优品课件之Shops and markets

优品课件之Shops and markets

Shops and marketsModule 2 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 4 Shops and markets 1 Language focus: Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out various kinds of specific information about an event e.g. What do you need to buy at the shops? Using quantifiers to refer to quantity e.g. Yes, I need a new pair of jeans. Using the simple present tense to express needs e.g. I need to buy a new watch for your brother.Language skills: Listening Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements ( including approval and disapproval), commands, and respond appropriately Listen for specific information Speaking Maintain an interaction by replying Reading Read written language in meaningful chunks Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expression Re-read to establish and confirm meaning kindsMaterials: Student’s Book 7B page 43 Cassette 7B and a cassette player Photographs of different kinds of shops Preparation: Cue the cassette. Bring some photographs of different kinds of shops to class.Pre-task preparation 1. Ask a few students: Did your family go shopping last weekend? What did you buy? To elicit: Yes, we went shopp ing last weekend. We bought … Write a list of things students have mentioned on the board. 2. Bring some photographs of different kinds of shops to class. Write: bookshop, video shop, furniture shop, toy shop, watch shop / seller, supermarket, shoe shop and clothes shop on the board. Invite a few of the more able students to tell class what we can buy in each of the shops. 3. Point at the list which you have written down on the board. Ask: Where can we buy a/an/some …? To elicit: We can buy a/an/some … in a ____ shop? 4. Play the recording:Read. Students listen and follow in their books. 5. Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.2Language focus: Asking ‘Wh-’ questions to find out place e.g. Where will we go to buy the jeans? Using the simple present tense to express needs e.g. I need to buy a pair of shoes. Using connectives to link similar ideas e.g. We’ll go to ______ , _____ and _______.Language skills: Listening Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements ( including approval and disapproval), commands, and respond appropriately Listen for specific information Speaking Use appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speed to convey intended meanings and feelings Open an interaction by eliciting a response by asking questions Maintain an interaction by replying Reading Predict the likely development of a topic by recognizing key words and making use of context and knowledge of the world Re-read to establish and confirm meaning Writing Develop written texts by presenting main and supporting ideas Materials: Student’s Book 7B page 44 Cassette 7B and a cassette player Workbook 7B page 23 Photocopiable pages 34 and 35 Preparation: Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable pages 34 and 35 for each student. Remind students to bring back their shopping lists for Mrs Wang.Pre-task preparation 1. Draw a large information board like the one in Look and read on the board. Give students some time to look at it and ask: You need to buy (a thing). Which shop will you go to? To elicit: I will go to (a shop) to buy (a thing). You may ask about a few different kinds of things so that students can talk about different kinds of shops 2. Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in theirbooks. 3. Invite a pair to come out and role-play Mrs Wang and Alice and read their dialogue aloud.Post-task activity Workbook page 23Consolidation Grammar Practice Book 7B page 333 Language focus: Using connectives to express alternatives e.g. Mum, do you prefer the jeans with the yellow belt or the ones with the blue belt? Using the simple presents tense to express preferences e.g. I prefer the ones with the belt. Using prepositional phrases to describe objects e.g. I prefer the one with the white collar. Using adjectives to describe objects e.g. sweater/short sleeves, T-shirt/v-neckLanguage skills: Listening Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements (including approval and disapproval), commands, and respond appropriately Understand the speaker’s intention, attitude and feelings throughhis/her choice and use of language, gestures and facial expression Speaking Use appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speed to convey intended meanings and feelings. Use gestures and facial expression to convey meaning and intention Open an interaction by eliciting a reponse Maintain an interaction by agreeing or disagreeing Reading Use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of an unknown word and a complete expressionMaterials: Student’s Book 7B page 45 Cassette 7B and a cassette player Workbook 7B page 24 Different kinds of clothes Some toy RMB notesPreparation: Bring some clothes to class. Also remind students to bring different kinds of clothes to class. Prepare some toy bank notes. Cue the cassette.Pre-task preparation 1. Bring the following clothes to class: a pair of jeans with black belt, a shirt with a white collar, a sweater with short sleeves, a T-shirt with a round neck, etc. Hold the clothes in your hands and talk about them one by one, e.g. This is a pair of jeans with a black belt/a shirt with a white collar/ a sweater with short sleeves/ a T- shirt with a round neck, etc. 2. When students are familiar with the language structure ‘a ____ with _____’, invite a few of the more able students to talk about their ideal school uniforms, e.g. I prefer a shirt with a blue collar/a dress with a pink belt/a pair of trousers with checks, etc. 3. Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books. 4. Play the recording again. Students listen and repeat.Post-task activity Workbook page 24Consolidation Grammar Practice Book 7B page 344 Language focus: Using the simple present tense to express feelings e.g. I like the jeans with the blue belt. Using prepositional phrases to describe objects e.g. I also like the blue T-shirt with the round neck. Using adjectives to describe objects e.g. It’s size small.medium/large.Language skills: Listening Recognize differences in the use of intonation in questions, statements (including approval and disapproval), commands, and respond appropriately Listen for specific information Speaking Use appropriate intonation and stress, and vary volume, tone of voice, and speed to convey intended meanings and feelings. Use gestures and facial expression to convey meaning and intention Open an interaction by greeting someone in an appropriate manner Maintain an interaction by replying Writing Gather and share information, ideas and language by using strategies such as listing Develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings Write outa piece of work by presenting writing using appropriate layout and visual support including illustrations, tables, charts where necessaryMaterials: Student’s Book 7B page 46 Cassette 7B and a cassette player Photocopiable pages 36 and 83. Three T-shirts of different sizes. Some pieces of paperPreparation: Cue the cassette. Make a copy of Photocopiable pages 36 and 83 for each student. Bring three T-shirts of different sizes to class.Pre-task preparation 1. Show the class the T-shirts of different size. Say: This is size small/medium. Hold any one T-shirt in your hands and say: This T-shirt suits me. It’s size ______ . 2. Ask the class: Which size of clothes do you usually wear? To elicit: Size small/medium/large. 3. Play the recording: Look and read. Students listen and follow in their books. 4. Students work in pairs and read the dialogue in Look, ask and answer. Tell them to look at the clothes on page 45 of the Student’s Book again. Then pairs take turns to be the customer and the shop assistant. Walk around, offering help and guidance to the less able students. 5. Invite a few pairs to role-play the customer and the shop assistant in front of the class. Consolidation Grammar Practice Book 7B pages 35 and 37 Photocopiable pages 37 to 43优品课件,意犹未尽,知识共享,共创未来!!!。

七年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 3 Shops and markets 知识精讲1 牛津

七年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 3 Shops and markets 知识精讲1 牛津

【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Module 4 Garden city and its neighbors Unit 3 Shops and markets(一)课标单词(二)重点短语(三)重要句型(四)助动词do的用法(五)句型the…with the…(六)完成一个购物单二. 知识总结与归纳:(一)课标单词1. anything2. hole3. jeans4. present5. kid6. collar7. sweater8. stripe9. check10. spot11. v-neck12. medium(二)重点短语1. shopping list2. take turns3. a new pair of jeans4. agree with sb.5. in one’s size(三)重要句型1. I need a pair of jeans.pair n.a pair of gloves/shoes/socks/ear-rings a pair of glasses/scissorsA new pair of jeans costs 180 yuan.2. I need to buy a pair of shoes.need v.He needs money now.Does she need to bring the book here?They didn’t need to go to work that day.3. Here is the shopping center’s information board.here 位于句首,主语与谓语倒装Here you are.4. Where will we go to buy the jeans?一般将来时表示将来某一时间发生的动作We’ll go to Clothes For Kids.5. Do you prefer the jeans with the yellow belt or the ones with the blue belt? prefer“更喜欢”,相当于like betterI prefer to drink/drinking coffee.He prefers grapes to bananas.She prefers staying at home to going to a trip.= She prefers staying at home rather than going on a trip.6. I don’t agree with you.agree with sb. 与……意见一致(四)助动词do的用法1. 构成一般疑问句,例如:Do you want to pass the CET?你想通过大学英语测试吗?Did you study German?你们学过德语吗?2. do + not 构成否定句,例如:I do not want to be criticized.我不想挨批评。

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• 例句:
• 1 He needs money now.
• 2 Does she need to bring that book here? • 3 They don’t need to go to work that day.
P86 (conversation)
• • • • • • • • 1 Main Points: a. Where will we go to buy the jeans? b. Will we go to…..? Yes, we will. No, we won’t. 2 Difficult Points: a. Discuss where people should go shopping. b. Understand the information board.
P87 (conversation)
• 1 Main Points: • a. Do you prefer the ….with the…or the one with the…? • b. I prefer the one with the …. • 2 Difficult Points: • Describe the clothes using “the…with the…”
• Look at the photographs of different kinds of shops. • Ask: Which shop do you want to go? • What things do you need to buy?
• 1 a new pair of jeans • 2 Mine have holes in them = • My jeans have holes in them. • 3 I need to buy a pair of shoes.
Tasks in Unit 3
• Discuss where the characters should go shopping. • Complete a shopping list and complete conversations.
More Practice(P89)
• 1 Discuss Chinese New Year • Give some pictures and ask the Ss: • When is Chinese New Year? • What do people do on that day? • 2 Discuss the places in Shenyang. • 3 Discuss the TV programmes.
• • • • • • 1 Main Points: a. Excuse me. I like the …with the…. Do you have them\it in my size? b. It’s size small\medium\large. 2 Difficult Points: Ask for your size in each of different clothes.
• Here is the shopping center’s information board. • Ask: 1 Which shop will we go to? • 2 Where will we go to buy jeans? • 3 Will we go to Lotsa Videos?
Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours
No.48 Middle School 张悦
Unit 3 Shops and markets
• Main sentences: • 1 take turns 2 ask for 3 Chinese New Year’s Day 4 Chinese New Year’s Eve • 5 Do you prefer the jeans with the yellow belt or the ones with the blue belt? • 6 I prefer the ones with the blue belt. • 7 Do you have them in my size? • 8 It’s size small.
• Show some real things: hats, trousers, shirts with different sizes. • T: I like the jeans with blue belt. • Do you have them in my size? • Ss: Yes, here they are.\ • Sorry, I don’t have them in your size. •
• T: Which one do you prefer? • Do you prefer the jeans with the yellow belt or the ones with the blue belt? • S: I prefer the ones with ….
P88 (conversation)
• • • •
Language Objective: 1 句型the…with the….. 2 助动词do引导的一般疑问句 Ability Objective:
• 1 谈论3 Shops and markets P85 (conversation) • 1 Main Points: • I need to buy ……. • 2 Difficult Points: • Write a shopping list
• Look at the pictures of some clothes. Give the phrases: • the dress with blue\red spots • the sweater with short\long sleeves • the T-shirt with V-neck\round neck • the trousers with checks\stripes • the jeans with the yellow\blue belt • the shirt with the white\blue collar