Cell-wall carbohydrates and their modification as a resource for biofuels

Cell walls also contain functional proteins. Enzymatic activities in cell walls include: •Oxidative enzymes - peroxidases•Hydrolytic enzymes - pectinases, cellulases•"Expansins" - enzymes that catalyze cell wall "creep" activity General functions of cell wall enzymes include:
galacturonic acid
Pectic acid with salt bridges
4. Pectin - polymer of around 200 galacturonic acid molecules - many of the carboxyl groups are methylated (COOCH3) - less hydrated then pectic acid but soluble in hot water - another major component of middle lamella but also found in primary walls
carbohydrate polymers影响因子

carbohydrate polymers影响因子Carbohydrate polymers, commonly referred to as “starch,” is an important macronutrient found in plants. The macromolecules of carbohydrate polymers play a vital role in human health and nutrition as an energy source and as a structural component of plant cells. Additionally, carbohydrate polymers are also utilized in various industries for a variety of uses.The primary factor that affects the macromolecular structure of carbohydrate polymers is the source of the raw material. Starch can be derived from a variety of plant sources such as corn, wheat, potatoes, and rice and the macromolecular structure of the starch molecules differs accordingly. The size, shape, and arrangement of the macromolecules are of distinct importance since they are intimately associated with the biochemical and nutraceutical properties of starch molecules.In general, starch molecules are primarily based on two distinct types of macromolecules, amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is composed of straight-chain glucose molecules, while amylopectin is composed of branched glucose molecules. The ratio of amylose to amylopectin can vary significantly between different sources which may have an influence on properties such as solubility, viscosity, swelling, and water absorption and retention capacities.Another factor that affects the macromolecular structure of carbohydrate polymers is the chemical processing methods employed. Starch molecules can be modified by enzymatic processing and other chemical treatments resulting in different physical characteristics such as increased solubility and stability, improved sensitivity to water and lower viscosity. Chemical processing can also be used to produce a gelling agent when carbohydrates are treated with anionic detergents.Lastly, the environment in which starch molecules are processed can also have an impact on their macromolecular structure. For instance, changes in temperature and pH levels can alter the structure of the molecules. In addition, other environmental conditions such as the presence of light, oxygen, and ultraviolet radiation can also affect the conformation of the molecules.In conclusion, there are a variety of different factors which can influence the macromolecular structure of carbohydrate polymers. Depending on the source of starch, the chemical processing methods employed and the environment in which it is processed, the physical properties and properties associated with nutritional and functional features ofstarch can be altered. Therefore, it is important to understand the interactions between these factors in order to develop novel products with appropriate qualities.。

植物细胞的基本构造英文回答:Plant Cell Basic Structure.Plant cells are eukaryotic cells, meaning they have a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. They are also unique in their possession of a cell wall, chloroplasts, and a large central vacuole.Cell Wall.The cell wall is a rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane and provides support and protection. It is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin. The cell wall also contains pores that allow water and nutrients to enter and exit the cell.Cell Membrane.The cell membrane is a thin, flexible layer that surrounds the cytoplasm. It controls the movement of substances into and out of the cell. The cell membrane is composed of a phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins.Cytoplasm.The cytoplasm is the gel-like substance that fills the cell. It contains all of the cell's organelles, including the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.Nucleus.The nucleus is a membrane-bound organelle that contains the cell's DNA. DNA is the genetic material that controls all of the cell's activities. The nucleus also contains the nucleolus, which is a small structure that produces ribosomes.Endoplasmic Reticulum.The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membranesthat folds and transports proteins. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes, which are small structures that assemble proteins. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of lipids and carbohydrates.Golgi Apparatus.The Golgi apparatus is a stack of flattened membranes that modifies and packages proteins. Proteins are transported from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus, where they are sorted and packaged into vesicles. The vesicles then transport the proteins to their final destination.Mitochondria.Mitochondria are small, bean-shaped organelles that produce energy for the cell. They are often called the "powerhouses of the cell." Mitochondria contain their own DNA, which is different from the DNA in the nucleus.Chloroplasts.Chloroplasts are green organelles that contain chlorophyll, a pigment that absorbs light energy from the sun. Chloroplasts use the light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose, a sugar molecule that provides energy for the cell.Vacuole.The vacuole is a large, membrane-bound organelle that stores water, salts, and other molecules. The vacuole also helps to maintain the cell's shape and turgor pressure.中文回答:植物细胞的基本结构。
动植物细胞比较练习英文版 compare animal and plants cell

Comparing Plant And Animal Cells/video?v=Hmwvj9X4GNYPlant Cellsshape - most plant cells are squarish or rectangular in shape.amyloplast (starch storage organelle)- an organelle in some plant cells that stores starch. Amyloplasts are found in starchy plants like tubers and fruits.cell membrane - the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell, but is inside the cell wall. The cell membrane is semipermeable, allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others.cell wall - a thick, rigid membrane that surrounds a plant cell. This layer of cellulose fiber gives the cell most of its support and structure. The cell wall also bonds with other cell walls to form the structure of the plant.chloroplast - an elongated or disc-shaped organelle containing chlorophyll. Photosynthesis (in which energy from sunlight is converted into chemical energy - food) takes place in the chloroplasts. chlorophyll - chlorophyll is a molecule that can use light energy from sunlight to turn water and carbon dioxide gas into glucose and oxygen (i.e. photosynthesis). Chlorophyll is green.cytoplasm - the jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located.Golgi body - (or the golgi apparatus or golgi complex) a flattened, layered, sac-like organelle that looks like a stack of pancakes and is located near the nucleus. The golgi body modifies, processes and packages proteins, lipids and carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for "export" from the cell. lysosome - vesicles containing digestive enzymes. Where the digestion of cell nutrients takes place. mitochondrion - spherical to rod-shaped organelles with a double membrane. The inner membrane is infolded many times, forming a series of projections (called cristae). The mitochondrion converts the energy stored in glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a high energy molecule, for use by cell. nuclear membrane - the membrane that surrounds the nucleus.nucleolus - an organelle within the nucleus. Ribosomal RNA is produced here, then exported into the cytoplasm where it forms the ribosomes.nucleus - The nucleus is a spherical body surrounded by the nuclear membrane. It contains mostly DNA in chromosomes. The nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell (by controlling protein synthesis). The nucleolus is found within the nucleus.ribosome - small organelles composed of RNA. Are sites of protein synthesis.rough endoplasmic reticulum - (rough ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted sacks that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). Rough ER is covered with ribosomes that give it a rough appearance. Rough ER transport materials and produces proteins (which are sent to the Golgi body, or inserted into the cell membrane).smooth endoplasmic reticulum - (smooth ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted tubes that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). It produces lipids (fats) and membrane proteins; smooth ER buds off from rough ER, moving the newly-made proteins and lipids to the Golgi body for further processing and to the membranes.vacuole - a large, membrane-bound space within a plant cell that is filled with fluid, mostly water. Most plant cells have a single vacuole that takes up much of the cell. It helps maintain water balance and the shape of the cell.vesicle - a small, membrane-bound space that helps to transport material in/out or within the cell. Some are storage vessels. eg. proteins produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum are transported by vesicles produced at the tips of the rough ER, to the golgi body, for processing.Animal Cellshape - most animals cells are roundish or irregular in shape.cell membrane - the thin layer of protein and fat that surrounds the cell. The cell membrane is semipermeable, allowing some substances to pass into the cell and blocking others.centriole - during cell division in animal cells, two pairs of centrioles form from microtubules at each end of the cell. The two centrioles are arranged perpendicular to each other. Microtubules formed in the centriole grow into spindle fibers which then attach to replicated chromosomes and assist in separating them during mitosis.cytoplasm - the jellylike material outside the cell nucleus in which the organelles are located.Golgi body - (also called the golgi apparatus or golgi complex) a flattened, layered, sac-like organelle that looks like a stack of pancakes and is located near the nucleus. The golgi bodymodifies, processes and packages proteins, lipids and carbohydrates into membrane-bound vesicles for "export" from the cell.lysosome - vesicles containing digestive enzymes. Where the digestion of cell nutrients takes place. mitochondrion - spherical to rod-shaped organelles with a double membrane. The inner membrane is infolded many times, forming a series of projections (called cristae). The mitochondrion converts the energy stored in glucose into ATP (adenosine triphosphate), a high energy molecule, for use by the cell.nuclear membrane - the membrane that surrounds the nucleus.nucleolus - an organelle within the nucleus. Ribosomal RNA is produced here, then exported into the cytoplasm where it forms the ribosomes.nucleus - The nucleus is a spherical body surrounded by the nuclear membrane. It contains mostly DNA in chromosomes. The nucleus controls many of the functions of the cell (by controlling protein synthesis). The nucleolus is found within the nucleus.ribosome - small organelles composed of RNA. Are sites of protein synthesis.rough endoplasmic reticulum - (rough ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted sacks that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). Rough ER is covered with ribosomes that give it a rough appearance. Rough ER transport materials and produces proteins (which are sent to the Golgi body, or inserted into the cell membrane).smooth endoplasmic reticulum - (smooth ER) a vast system of interconnected, membranous, infolded and convoluted tubes that are located in the cell's cytoplasm (the ER is continuous with the outer nuclear membrane). It produces lipids (fats) and membrane proteins; smooth ER buds off from rough ER, moving the newly-made proteins and lipids to the Golgi body for further processing and to the membranes.vacuole - fluid-filled, membrane-surrounded cavities inside a cell. The vacuole fills with food being digested and waste material that is on its way out of the cell. Smaller than plant cell vacuole. vesicle - a small, membrane-bound space that helps to transport material in/out or within the cell. Some are storage vessels. eg. proteins produced in the rough endoplasmic reticulum are transported by vesicles produced at the tips of the rough ER, to the golgi body, for processing.Name________________Comparing Plant And Animal Cells VENN DiagramDirections: Fill in the VENN Diagram to compare PLANT CELLS to ANIMAL CELLS. Use the words in the word box. Add descriptions to show the differencescell membrane cell wall chloroplast cytoplasm shape nucleus ribosome vacuole centriole mitochondriaPLANT CELL ANIMAL CELL。
医学英语新教程 王兰英 第一单元 课文原文+翻译

第一课细胞结构及细胞转运机制1 所有的生物都是由细胞和细胞外基质构成的。
All living organisms are made of cells and cell products. This simple statement, called the Cell Theory, was first proposed over 150 years ago. You may think of a theory as a guess or hypothesis, and sometimes this is so. But a theory is actually the best explanation of all the available evidence. All of the evidence science has gathered so far supports the validity of the Cell Theory.2 细胞是多细胞生物最小活的亚单位,比如人。
Cells are the smallest living subunits of a multicellular organism such as a human being. A cell is a complex arrangement of the chemicals; is living; and carries out specific activities. Microorganisms, such as amoebas and bacteria, are single cells which function independently. Human cells, however, must work together, and function interdependently. Homeostasis depends upon the contributions of all of the different kinds of cells.3人类细胞在大小、形状和功能上有所不同。

Lignin Composition and Structure in Young versus Adult Eucalyptus globulus Plants1Jorge Rencoret,Ana Gutie´rrez,Lidia Nieto,J.Jime´nez-Barbero,Craig B.Faulds,Hoon Kim,John Ralph,A´ngel T.Martı´nez,and Jose´C.del Rı´o*Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologı´a de Sevilla,Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas, E–41080Seville,Spain(J.Rencoret,A.G.,J.C.d.R.);Centro de Investigaciones Biolo´gicas,Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas,E–28040Madrid,Spain(L.N.,J.J.-B.,C.B.F.,A.T.M.);and Departments of Biochemistry and Biological Systems Engineering and Department of Energy Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center,University of Wisconsin,Madison,Wisconsin53706(J.Rencoret,H.K.,J.Ralph)Lignin changes during plant growth were investigated in a selected Eucalyptus globulus clone.The lignin composition and structure were studied in situ by a new procedure enabling the acquisition of two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (2D-NMR)spectra on wood gels formed in the NMR tube as well as by analytical pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.In addition,milled-wood lignins were isolated and analyzed by2D-NMR,pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,and thioacidolysis.The data indicated that p-hydroxyphenyl and guaiacyl units are deposited at the earlier stages,whereas the woods are enriched in syringyl(S)lignin during late lignification.Wood2D-NMR showed that b-O-4#and resinol linkages were predominant in the eucalypt lignin,whereas other substructures were present in much lower amounts. Interestingly,open b-1#structures could be detected in the isolated lignins.Phenylcoumarans and cinnamyl end groups were depleted with age,spirodienone abundance increased,and the main substructures(b-O-4#and resinols)were scarcely modified.Thioacidolysis revealed a higher predominance of S units in the ether-linked lignin than in the total lignin and,in agreement with NMR,also indicated that resinols are the most important nonether linkages.Dimer analysis showed that most of the resinol-type structures comprised two S units(syringaresinol),the crossed guaiacyl-S resinol appearing as a minor substructure and pinoresinol being totally absent.Changes in hemicelluloses were also shown by the2D-NMR spectra of the wood gels without polysaccharide isolation.These include decreases of methyl galacturonosyl,arabinosyl,and galactosyl (anomeric)signals,assigned to pectin and related neutral polysaccharides,and increases of xylosyl(which are approximately 50%acetylated)and4-O-methylglucuronosyl signals.Plant cell walls are composed mainly of three struc-tural polymers,the carbohydrates cellulose and the hemi-celluloses and the aromatic polymer lignin.The lignin polymer provides mechanical support to the plant.In addition,it waterproofs the cell wall,enabling trans-port of water and solutes through the vascular system, and plays a role in protecting plants against patho-gens.Lignin is a complex polymer synthesized mainly from three hydroxycinnamyl alcohols differing in their degree of methoxylation:p-coumaryl,coniferyl,and sinapyl alcohols(Higuchi,1997;Boerjan et al.,2003;Ralph et al.,2004a).Each of these monolignols gives rise to a different type of lignin unit called p-hydroxy-phenyl(H),guaiacyl(G),and syringyl(S)units,re-spectively,when incorporated into the polymer.The amount and composition of lignins vary among taxa, cell types,and individual cell wall layers and also with environmental conditions.Softwood lignin con-sists almost exclusively of G-type lignin,while hard-wood lignin also consists of S units(H units being minor components).After their synthesis,the lignin monomers are transported to the cell wall,where they are polymerized in a combinatorial fashion by free radical coupling mechanisms in a reaction mediated by peroxidases and/or laccases,generating a variety of structures and linkages within the polymer(Boerjan et al.,2003;Ralph et al.,2004a).Wood(secondary xylem)is produced seasonally at the periphery of the trunk by the vascular cambium(De´jardin et al.,2010). Lignin deposition is one of thefinal stages of xylem cell differentiation and mainly takes place during secondary thickening of the cell wall.Lignification starts in the middle lamella and cell corners and proceeds toward the lumen,filling up pores in the al-ready deposited polysaccharide network(Donaldson, 2001;Boerjan et al.,2003).The relative abundance of the different linkages formed depends on the relative1This study was supported by the Spanish project AGL2005–01748,the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientı´ficas(project nos.200640I039and201040E075),the European Union projects BIORENEW(grant no.NMP2–CT–2006–026456),WALLESTER (grant no.PIEF–GA–2009–235938),and LIGNODECO(grant no. KBBE–244362),the Department of Energy Great Lakes Bioenergy Research Center(grant no.BER DE–FC02–07ER64494),and the Spanish Ministry of Education(postdoctoral fellowship to J. Rencoret).*Corresponding author;e-mail delrio@irnase.csic.es.The author responsible for distribution of materials integral to the findings presented in this article in accordance with the policy described in the Instructions for Authors()is: Jose´C.del Rı´o(delrio@irnase.csic.es)./cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.110.167254contribution of the particular monomers to the po-lymerization process as well as on steric hindrances and chemical interactions in the growing wall.There-fore,the differences in the timing of monolignol de-position and the changes in cell wall ultrastructure during growth would regulate lignin composition and structure during lignification.A main challenge in elucidating the structure of lignins is in obtaining high-yield isolation from wood in a chemically unaltered form(the same applies to hemicellulose polysaccharides).Several lignin isola-tion procedures have been developed,but it is well recognized that the different procedures,including the reference milled-wood lignin(MWL),yield only a part of the native lignin in wood and may not be represen-tative of the whole lignin.Indeed,it has also been demonstrated that MWL can undergo some structural modifications during isolation,especially during the milling process,and often contains some amount of “contaminating”compounds(such as lignin-linked carbohydrates;Fujimoto et al.,2005;Guerra et al.,2006; Hu et al.,2006;Balakshin et al.,2008).Because lignin is intimately interpenetrating the other major compo-nents(cellulose and hemicelluloses),it is obvious that its truly native form can only be studied by analytical methods applicable directly on the whole plant mate-rial.For this purpose,in this paper,the wood samples were analyzed in situ by two-dimensional(2D)-NMR spectroscopy and pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(Py-GC-MS).The use of these techniques avoids isolation procedures that may lead to partial or modified polymer extraction.For in situ NMR analy-ses,a recent approach has been developed that con-sists of swellingfinely ground plant material in deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO-d6;Kim et al., 2008;Rencoret et al.,2009)or DMSO-d6:pyridine-d5 (4:1;Kim and Ralph,2010)and forming a gel directly in the NMR tube,which is readily amenable to NMR analysis.Heteronuclear single quantum correlation (HSQC)NMR of these gels has been shown to be an efficient method for the rapid in situ analysis of lignin in plants without the need of prior isolation.The method requires only low amounts of sample and can be used for rapid characterization of the major struc-tural features of plant lignins(i.e.interunit linkages and H-G-S composition),also providing information on the hemicellulose polysaccharides.Py-GC-MS is another powerful tool for the in situ characterization of plant constituents,especially lignin(Ralph and Hatfield,1991;Rodrigues et al.,1999;del Rı´o et al., 2005;Rencoret et al.,2007).Wood lignin is pyrolyzed to produce a mixture of relatively simple phenols,which result from cleavage of ether and certain carbon-carbon linkages.These phenols retain their substitu-tion patterns from the lignin polymer,and it is thus possible to identify compounds from the H,G,and S lignin units.The aim of this paper is to elucidate the changes produced in the composition and structure of the lignin in eucalypt wood with maturation and includes analyses of young plants and adult trees.This knowl-edge is important not only for providing additional insight into the mechanisms of lignin deposition but also for the industrial processing of wood for pulp, chemical,or biofuel production,as the lignin compo-sition and structure greatly influence the delignifica-tion reactions(Gonza´lez-Vila et al.,1999;del Rı´o et al., 2005).For this purpose,samples of Eucalyptus globulus wood from the same clone(to avoid genetic variations within species)were collected at different stages of growth(1month,18months,and9years)and the composition and structure of their lignins were thor-oughly investigated.A combination of the above-mentioned2D-NMR and Py-GC-MS of whole wood samples was used for the in situ study of lignin changes.In order to obtain further insights into their structures and compare with the results from the in situ analyses,MWL was also isolated from the differ-ent woods and analyzed by NMR,pyrolysis,and thioacidolysis.As far as we know,this is thefirst report describing in situ structural analyses of wood lignin during tree growth using a combination of2D-NMR and other techniques.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONAfter a general analysis of wood composition in E. globulus plants of different ages(young and adult trees from a clonal plantation),the changes in lignin(and hemicellulose)during growth were analyzed in situ by a combination of Py-GC-MS and2D-NMR of whole wood,and the results were compared(and comple-mented)with those obtained from lignins(MWL) isolated from the same samples.Wood Composition during Eucalypt GrowthThe contents of the main wood constituents(i.e.ace-tone extractives,water-soluble material,Klason lignin, acid-soluble lignin,crystalline cellulose,amorphous glucan,xylan,arabinan,galactan,mannan,rhamnan, fucan,total uronic acids,and ash)in the selected E. globulus clone at different stages of growth are sum-marized in Table I.The total lignin content(Klason lignin plus acid-soluble lignin)increased during growth(from16%in the1-month-old sample to25% in the9-year-old wood),whereas the content of other constituents(namely acetone extractives,water-soluble material,and ash)decreased with maturity.Interest-ingly,there is also a great variation in the composition of polysaccharides(from neutral sugar analysis)dur-ing maturation,with a depletion of Ara,Gal,and Man and a progressive enrichment of Xyl.The amount of crystalline cellulose has the highest content(37%)after 18months,while that of amorphous glucan was lower and showed a progressive increase during growth. Finally,the uronic acid content was the highest after 1month(7%)and showed only a moderate decrease during growth.Variations in the uronic acid natureRencoret et al.during growth are discussed after the NMR analyses below.Py-GC-MS of Whole Woods and Their Isolated Lignins Py-GC-MS,although not a fully quantitative tech-nique,has been successfully used to analyze the relative H-G-S composition of lignin in different hard-woods,including eucalypt wood(Rodrigues et al., 1999;Yokoi et al.,1999,2001;del Rı´o et al.,2005; Rencoret et al.,2007,2008).Pyrograms from the euca-lypt wood samples after different growth periods and their corresponding MWLs are shown in Figures1and 2,and the identities and relative molar abundances of the released lignin-derived compounds are listed in Table II.The pyrolysis of the different eucalypt woods re-leased both carbohydrate-and lignin-derived com-pounds.Among the latter,guaiacol-and syringol-type phenols,derived from the G and S lignin units,were identified,including guaiacol(compound2),4-vinyl-guaiacol(8),syringol(11),4-methylsyringol(14),4-vinyl-syringol(22),4-allylsyringol(25),trans-4-propenylsyringol (32),syringaldehyde(34),and trans-sinapaldehyde (49).In addition,significant amounts of compounds derived from H lignin units,such as phenol(1), methylphenols(3and4),and dimethylphenol(6), could be detected after pyrolysis of the youngest wood,although some of them can also derive from polysaccharides(Ralph and Hatfield,1991).The H-G-S composition of the lignin in the different woods, obtained from the molar areas of all the lignin-derived compounds,is shown in Table II.In all samples,the S-type phenols were released in higher abundances than the respective G-type phenols,with a S-G ratio ranging from1.4in the youngest wood to3.8in the oldest wood.The amount of H-type compounds from the youngest wood(9%)decreases during maturation(to only2%in the oldest wood).This indicates that H units are depositedfirst,followed by G and then S units,in agreement with previous microautoradiogra-phy and microspectroscopy studies in other plants (Terashima et al.,1986).An increase of lignin S-G ratio with plant maturity has also been reported after Py-GC-MS of nonwoodyfibers(Mazumder et al.,2005). This difference in timing of monolignol deposition would also be responsible for the within-tree variation of the S-G ratio observed in Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood(Ona et al.,1997;Yokoi et al.,1999).Pyrolysis of the MWLs isolated from the different E. globulus woods(Fig.2)released a similar distribution of lignin-derived compounds as from their respective woods,although the content of H units was lower (Table II).This is especially evident in the case of the MWL isolated from the1-month-old wood.However, we must note that MWL may reflect only the most accessible part of the native lignin in the plant,which may be depleted in highly condensed H lignin units. In any case,the same trend observed in the pyrolysis of woods,which indicates an increase of S lignin units and a decrease of H and G lignin units with maturity, was also observed in the pyrolysis products of MWL, supporting the in situ analysis and confirming a monolignol deposition order of H,G,and then S during E.globulus lignification.2D-NMR of Wood Gels and Their Isolated LigninsThe eucalypt wood samples from different growing periods were analyzed by2D-NMR(in the gel state)to overcome the drawbacks associated to polymer isola-tion,namely low yield and artifact formation,and the spectra were compared with those from the lignins (MWL)isolated from the same woods.The HSQC spectra of the different woods,and their MWLs,are shown in Figures3and4.Carbohydrate signals were predominant in the spectra of the whole wood.They included correlations in the range d C/d H 60to85/2.5to5.5,which partially overlapped with lignin signals,and the well-resolved anomeric corre-lations in the range d C/d H90to110/3.5to6.0.How-ever,lignin signals were also clearly observed in the HSQC spectra,including that of the youngest wood with the lowest lignin content.On the other hand,the spectra of the MWL presented mostly lignin signals that,in general terms,matched those observed in the HSQC spectra of the woods.Lignin and carbohydrate contours in the HSQC spectra were assigned by comparison with the litera-ture(A¨mma¨lahti et al.,1998;Ralph et al.,1999,2004b; Capanema et al.,2001,2004,2005;Balakshin et al.,2003, 2005;Liitia¨et al.,2003;Ha et al.,2005;Golovchenko et al.,2007;Ibarra et al.,2007a,2007b;del Rı´o et al., 2008,2009;Kim et al.,2008;Rencoret et al.,2008,2009; C¸etinkol et al.,2010;Kim and Ralph,2010;Ralph and Landucci,2010).The main lignin correlation assign-ments are listed in Table III,and the main lignin substructures found in the different eucalypt woods are depicted in Figure5.The assignments of the main carbohydrate signals are listed in Table IV.Table I.Abundances(%)of the main constituents of E.globuluswood at different growth stagesConstituents1Month18Months9YearsAcetone extractives8.60.50.6Water-soluble extracts 6.6 1.4 2.2Klason lignin13.017.519.8Acid-soluble lignin 2.7 5.2 4.7Cellulose(crystalline)25.036.729.9Glucan(amorphous)11.415.016.2Xylan12.214.017.1Arabinan 2.7 1.2 1.5Mannan0.90.40.4Rhamnan0.70.40.5Fucan0.30.10.1Uronic acids7.4 5.9 5.8Ash in Young and Adult Eucalypt PlantsSide Chain Region of the HSQC Spectra:Analysis of Interunit Linkages in LigninThe side chain region of the spectra gave useful information about the interunit linkages present in lignin.All the spectra showed prominent signals corresponding to b-O-4#ether units(substructure A). The C a-H a correlations in b-O-4#substructures were observed at d C/d H71to72/4.7to4.9ppm,while the C b-H b correlations were observed at d C/d H84/4.3and 86/4.1ppm for substructures linked to G and S units, respectively.The C g-H g correlations in b-O-4#sub-structures were observed at d C/d H59/3.4and3.7ppm, partially overlapped with other signals.In addition, strong signals for resinol(b-b#)substructures(B)were observed in all spectra,with their C a-H a,C b-H b,and the double C g-H g correlations at d C/d H85/4.7,54/3.1, and71/3.8and4.2,respectively.Phenylcoumaran (b-5#)substructures(C)were also found,although in lower amounts,the signals for their C a-H a and C b-H b correlations being observed at d C/d H87/5.5and54/ 3.5,respectively,and that of the C g-H g correlation overlapping with other signals around d C/d H63/3.7. Finally,small signals corresponding to spirodienone (b-1#/a-O-a’)substructures(D)could also be ob-served in the spectra,their C a-H a,C a#-H a#,C b-H b, and C b#-H b#correlations being at d C/d H82/5.1,87/4.4, 60/2.8,and79/4.1,respectively.Other small signals observed in the side chain region of the HSQC spectra corresponded to C b-H b correlations(at d C/d H84/5.2) of b-O-4#substructures bearing a C a carbonyl group (F)and the C g-H g correlation(at d C/d H62/4.1)as-signed to p-hydroxycinnamyl alcohol end groups(I). The HSQC spectra of the isolated MWL also reflected the same side chain signals observed in the spectra of the whole woods,although they were better resolved and some new signals were observed.These included small signals corresponding to C b-H b correlations(atdC/d H55/2.8)of conventional open b-1#substructures (E;Lundquist,1987)that were observed only in the MWL spectra.Some aliphatic(nonoxygenated)cross-signals appeared in the d C/d H10to40/0.5to2ppm region(not included in Fig.4),which were especially abundant in the1-month sample and couldincludecutin-like material(Deshmukh et al.,2005)or other polymethylenic structures.Aromatic Region of the HSQC Spectra:Analysis ofLignin UnitsThe main cross-signals in the aromatic region of the HSQC spectra corresponded to the aromatic rings of the different lignin units.Correlations from S,G,and H lignin units could be observed in the spectra of whole wood and their MWLs.The S lignin units showed a prominent signal for the C2,6-H2,6correlation at d C/d H 104/6.7,while the G units showed different correlations for C2-H2(d C/d H111/7.0),C5-H5(d C/d H115/6.7and 7.0),and C6-H6(d C/d H119/6.8).Signals corresponding to C2,6-H2,6correlations in C a-oxidized S lignin units(S#) were observed at d C/d H107/7.3and107/7.2.Signals of H lignin units at d C/d H115/6.7and128/7.2for C3,5-H3,5 and C2,6-H2,6respectively,were only detected in the HSQC spectra of the youngest wood sample(1month), in agreement with the higher presence of H units shown by Py-GC-MS.An extra and well-resolved sig-nal was also detected at d C/d H109/7.1in this sample (in both wood and MWL)that was tentatively assigned to a G-type structure.Olefinic cross-signals of fatty acid structures with one/two double bonds,similar to those from oleic acid(d C/d H130/5.3)and linoleic acid(d C/d H 128/5.3and130/5.3),were also identified(Fig.4).They probably originate from the cutin-like structures men-tioned in the previous section.The cross-signal of pyridine used to form the wood gels was also observed (d C/d H around124/7.3).Summary of Changes in Lignin Structure as Revealedby2D-NMRThe relative abundances of the H,G,and S lignin units,and those of the main interunit linkages(re-ferred to as per100aromatic units and as a percentage of the total side chains),calculated from the HSQC spectra of the whole woods and of their respective MWLs,are shown in Table V.The H-G-S composition and the S-G ratio(ranging from1.2in the youngest wood to3.3in the oldest one)are in closeagreementwith the data obtained by Py-GC-MS,indicating a decrease of H and G units and an increase of S lignin units during lignification.The content of H lignin in the isolated MWL was lower than in the respective wood samples,as already observed by Py-GC-MS.With respect to the different linkage types,all the lignins showed a predominance of b-O-4#units(A and F;69%–72%of total side chains)followed by b-b# resinol-type units(B;16%–19%)and lower amounts of b-5#phenylcoumaran-type(C;1%–5%)and b-1#spiro-Table II.Identification and relative molar abundance(%)of the lignin-derived compounds identified in the Py-GC-MS of E.globulus wood at the different growth stages and from their isolated MWLspounds1Month18Months9Years Wood MWL Wood MWL Wood MWL1Phenol 5.5 4.0 3.6 3.5 3.83Methylphenol0. 2.97.3 1.7 3.5 2.2 3.06Dimethylphenol0. 1.9 4.5 3.9 4.9 3.39Eugenol0. 5.4 2.3 3.1 2.5 2.7 2.5144-Methylsyringol 2.60.7 2.40.8 1.916Propynylguaiacol0.40.40.5 2.9 3.2 2.3 1.90.2 2.120Vanillic acid methyl ester0. 1.60.8 1.30.6 1.3224-Vinylsyringol12.68.714.6 6.612.3 6.923Guaiacylacetone0.8 2.40.4 3.4 1.6 3.5 1.726Propiovanillone0. 1.10.0 1.028cis-Propenylsyringol 1.9 1.0 2.1 1.9 1.9 2.029Propynylsyringol0.50.6 1.8 1.7 2.4 1.130Propynylsyringol0.30.40.9 1.2 1.10.731Vanillic acid0. 6.4 3.011.2 6.511.47.133Dihydroconiferyl alcohol0. 1.8 5.5 4.610.4 5.29.135Homosyringaldehyde0.00.00.7 2.3 3.2 3.136Syringic acid methyl ester0. 1.4 2.6 2.6 4.2 3.5 4.338trans-Coniferyl alcohol 1.30.8 1.6 1.1 1.440Syringylacetone 2.2 2.3 2.3 1.4 3.0 1.541Propiosyringone0.70.90.7 1.10.9 1.042Syringyl-3-oxo-propanal0. 1.20.3 1.144Syringic acid0. alcohol0.60.2 1.10.4 1.20.546cis-Sinapyl alcohol0. alcohol 1.849trans-Sinapaldehyde0.7 2.0 4.8 6.0 5.7 5.7Total H9.4 2.6 1.90.7 1.90.8Total G38.542.021.227.520.424.3Total S52.155.476.971.877.674.9 Rencoret et al.dienone-type (D;1%–5%)units.The conventional open b -1#structures (E;Lundquist,1987),which were ob-served only in the MWL samples,ranged from 1%to 2%.Some interesting information could be obtained from the wood NMR data.First,it is clear that the changes in monolignol availability during growth influence not only the unit composition but also af-fect the abundances of some interunit linkages.For example,despite the relative percentage of the b -O -4#linkages remaining relatively constant with growth,their abundances per aromatic unit slightly increases (from 46to 50linkages per 100aromatic units),and the same happens with the b -b #resinol-type structures (which increase from 10to 12linkages per 100aro-matic units),probably as a consequence of the increase of S units.Interestingly,the ratio between theabun-Figure 3.HSQC NMR spectra (d C /d H 45–135/2.5-8.0ppm)of the E.globulus wood samples at different growth stages after forming a gel in DMSO-d 6:pyridine-d 5(4:1).See Table III for lignin signal assignment and Figure 5for the main lignin structures identified.The assignments of the carbohydrate signals are listed in Table IV.Figure 4.HSQC NMR spectra (d C /d H 45–135/2.5-8.0ppm)of the MWLs isolated from the E.globulus wood samples at different growth stages.See Table III for lignin signal assignment and Figure 5for the main lignin structures identified.Olefinic cross-signals of unsaturated fatty acid structures (U F )were also identified.Lignin in Young and Adult Eucalypt Plantsdances of b-O-4#and b-b#resinol-type structures seems to remain more or less constant along lignifica-tion.The spirodienone-b-1#ratio also increased during growth(from0.8to3.2).In contrast,the abundance of phenylcoumaran structures decreases with lignifica-tion,which is most probably related to the decrease in G lignin observed.On the other hand,a small but continuous oxidation of the C a of the lignin side chain (from one to four C a oxidized b-O-4#linkages per100 aromatic units)occurs during lignification,probably as a result of wood aging.Finally,the abundance of cinnamyl alcohol end groups decreases with lignifica-tion,as also observed by Py-GC-MS.Hemicellulose PolysaccharidesThe HSQC spectra also reveal differences in the carbohydrates present in eucalypt wood after the different growth periods,which are observed in two differentiated regions of the spectra:the aliphatic-oxygenated region and the region corresponding to the anomeric correlations(Fig.3).The aliphatic-oxy-genated region shows strong signals from carbohy-drates,including naturally acetylated hemicelluloses. Among them,signals from O-acetylated xylans(3-O-acetyl-b-D-xylopyranoside[X#3]and2-O-acetyl-b-D-xylopyranoside[X#2])and,at the earlier stages of growth,O-acetylated mannans(2-O-acetyl-b-D-man-nopyranoside[M#2])were observed.Other signals in this region correspond to C2-H2,C3-H3,C4-H4,and C5-H5correlations of xylans(b-D-xylopyranoside[X2,X3, X4,and X5]),which overlap with unassigned cross-signals of other pentose and hexose polysaccharide units(note that crystalline cellulose is practically“in-visible”in the HSQC spectra of the wood gels due to its reduced mobility),and the C4-H4correlation for 4-O-methyl-a-D-GlcUA(U4).However,the main differences are observed in the carbohydrate anomeric region of the spectra,which have been depicted in detail in Figure6.The main C1-H1correlation signals in this region,which are listed in Table IV,were assigned according to Kim and Ralph (2010),together with some additional references for pectin(Ha et al.,2005;Golovchenko et al.,2007, Hedenstro¨m et al.,2008).Cross-signals from arabinans (Ar1and Ar1(T)),mannans(M1),galactans(Ga1),xylans (X1,a X1(R),and b X1(R)),and glucans including non-crystalline cellulose(Gl1),as well as signals from O-acetylated mannans and xylans(M#1and X#1)and from the4-O-methyl-a-D-glucuronic(U1)and galact-uronic(UGA1)acids(the latter forming part of pectin as the methyl ester)are readily apparent and well resolved in this region of the spectra.A small signal ofa-Rha(R1)units was also observed,especially in the 18-month-old wood.Interestingly,the signals of arab-inans,mannans,and galactans,which are observed inTable III.Assignments of the lignin13C-1H correlation signals in the HSQC spectra of E.globuluswood at the different growth stages and their isolated MWLsLabels d C/d H AssignmentppmC b53.5/3.46C b-H b in phenylcoumaran substructures(C)B b53.5/3.06C b-H b in resinol substructures(B)E b55.0/2.75C b-H b in b-1#substructures(E)-OMe55.6/3.73C-H in methoxylsA g59.4/3.40and3.72C g H g in b-O-4#substructures(A)D b59.6/2.75C b-H b in spirodienone substructures(D)I g61.3/4.09C g-H g in cinnamyl(sinapyl/coniferyl)alcohol endgroups(I)C g62.5/3.72C g-H g in phenylcoumaran substructures(C)B g71.0/3.83and4.19C g-H g in resinol substructures(B)A a71.7/4.86C a-H a in b-O-4#substructures(A)D b#79.3/4.11C b#-H b#in spirodienone substructures(D)D a81.2/5.09C a H a in spirodienone substructures(D)A b(G)83.5/4.28C b-H b in b-O-4#linked to a G unit(A)F b83.8/5.23C b-H b in oxidized(C a=O)b-O-4#substructures(F)B a84.8/4.67C a-H a in resinol substructures(B)D a#84.8/4.75C a#H a#in spirodienone substructures(D)A b(S)85.8/4.11C b-H b in b-O-4#linked to a S unit(A)C a86.8/5.46C a-H a in phenylcoumaran substructures(C)S2,6103.8/6.69C2,6-H2,6in etherified syringyl units(S)S#2,6106.6/7.32and7.19C2,6-H2,6in oxidized(C a=O)phenolic syringyl units(S#)G2110.9/6.99C2-H2in guaiacyl units(G)D2#113.2/6.27C2#H2#in spirodienone substructures(D)H3,5114.9/6.74C3,5-H3,5in p-hydroxyphenyl units(H)G5/G6114.9/6.72and6.94;118.7/6.77C5-H5and C6-H6in guaiacyl units(G)D6#118.9/6.09C6#H6#in spirodienone substructures(D)H2,6128.0/7.23C2,6-H2,6in p-hydroxyphenyl units(H)Rencoret et al.。

相同点:结构上都有细胞膜、细胞壁(成分不同)、细胞质、核糖体,组成上都有DNA、RNA、蛋白质、水、糖类、脂类等等The same point: the structure has a cell membrane, cell wall (different components), cytoplasm, ribosomes, the composition of both DNA, RNA, protein, water, carbohydrates, lipids, etc.不同点:细胞和真菌的不同点:生物类型、结构、大小、增殖方式和名称上都有不同:different points Biological type, structure, size, proliferation, and the name has a different way一、生物类型First, no bacteria membrane surrounding the nucleus formation, are prokaryotes; fungi membrane surrounding formation nucleus, are eukaryotes.一是就有无成形的细胞核来看:细菌没有核膜包围形成的细胞核,属于原核生物;真菌有核膜包围形成的细胞核,属于真核生物。
The second is the number of cells on the formation of biological point of view: All bacteria constituted by a single cell, single-cell organisms; fungi both constituted by a single cell, single-cell organisms (such as yeast), there are also constituted by a plurality of cells multi-cell organisms (such as fungi, molds, etc.).二、细胞结构细菌和真菌都具有细胞结构,属于细胞型生物,在它们的细胞结构中都具有细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质,但却存在诸多不同,具体表现在:一是细胞壁的成分不同:细菌细胞壁的主要成分是肽聚糖,而真菌细胞壁的主要成分是几丁质。

植物细胞壁组成物质The composition of the plant cell wall is a complex and fascinating topic that plays a crucial role in thestructure and function of plants. Composed primarily of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, the plant cell wall provides strength, support, and protection to plant cells. This intricate network of molecules also contributes to various physiological processes, such as cell expansion, cell-to-cell communication, and defense against pathogens. Understanding the composition of the plant cell wall is essential for comprehending the biology of plants and their interactions with the environment.Cellulose, the main component of the plant cell wall,is a long-chain polymer made up of glucose units. It forms microfibrils that are embedded in a matrix of hemicellulose and pectin. Cellulose provides structural integrity to the cell wall and gives plants their rigidity. It is a remarkable molecule that can withstand tremendous mechanical stress, allowing plants to grow upright andresist external forces. The arrangement and orientation of cellulose microfibrils determine the mechanical properties of the cell wall, making it adaptable to different tissues and plant species.Hemicellulose, another major component of the plant cell wall, is a heterogeneous group of polysaccharides. It surrounds and interacts with cellulose microfibrils, providing cross-linking and stability to the cell wall structure. Hemicellulose also plays a role in regulating cell expansion and plant growth. Different types of hemicellulose can be found in various plant tissues, reflecting their specific functions and requirements. For example, xyloglucans are prevalent in primary cell walls and are involved in cell expansion, while xylans are abundant in secondary cell walls and contribute to their strength and rigidity.Lignin, a complex phenolic polymer, is a crucial component of the secondary cell wall. It provides additional strength and water impermeability to the cell wall, allowing plants to withstand mechanical stresses andresist microbial attack. Lignin also contributes to the woody nature of plant tissues, enabling the formation of sturdy structures like tree trunks. However, lignin poses challenges in the utilization of plant biomass for various industrial applications, such as biofuel production, due to its recalcitrant nature and resistance to degradation.Besides cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin, the plant cell wall also contains other components such as pectin, proteins, and various minor polysaccharides. Pectin is a complex polysaccharide that acts as a glue, binding cells together and providing flexibility to the cell wall. Proteins are crucial for cell wall synthesis, remodeling, and signaling. They contribute to the structural integrity of the cell wall and participate in various physiological processes. Minor polysaccharides, such as arabinogalactans and arabinans, are involved in cell wall assembly and modification.The composition of the plant cell wall is not static but can change in response to developmental and environmental cues. For example, during cell expansion, thecomposition and arrangement of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin may be modified to accommodate the growth of the cell. Similarly, in response to pathogen attack, the cell wall can undergo structural changes to strengthen its defense mechanisms. Understanding these dynamic changes in the composition of the plant cell wall is crucial for developing strategies to enhance plant growth, improve crop yield, and protect plants against diseases and pests.In conclusion, the plant cell wall is a complex and dynamic structure composed of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, pectin, proteins, and minor polysaccharides. This intricate network of molecules provides strength, support, and protection to plant cells, allowing them to grow upright and resist external forces. The composition of the cell wall can change in response to developmental and environmental cues, reflecting the adaptability and resilience of plants. By unraveling the composition and functions of the plant cell wall, scientists can gain valuable insights into plant biology and develop innovative strategies to enhance plant growth and protect crops.。
The Cell Wall 细胞壁

The Cell WallA novel ty song of more than 50 years ago listed food items the writer said he disliked. Each verse ended with the line, “I like bananas because they have no bones!” Indeed, bananas and all plants differ from larger animals in having no bones or similar internal skeletal structures. Yet large trees support branches and leaves weighing many tons. They can do this because most plant cells have either rigid walls that provide the support afforded to animals by bones or semi-rigid walls that provide flexibility. At the same time, the walls protect delicate cell contents within. When millions of these cells function together as a tissue, their collective strength is enormous. The first cell structure discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665 was the cell wall, and among plant cell structures observed with a microscope, the cell wall is the most obvious because it defines the shape of the cell. Many of the prepared specimens observed with a microscope in plant biology are merely stained remnants of once-living cells. But the vast diversity of cell walls within and among species tells a story about the structure and function of each cell. For instance, epiderma cells, which form a thin layer on the surfaces of all plant organs, often have unusual shapes and sizes. Thick-walled cells of wood help to transport water without collapsing.The main structural component of cell walls is cellulose, which is composed of 100 to 15,000 glucose monomers in long chains, and is the most abundant polymer on earth. As a primary food source for grazing animals and at least indirectly for nearly all other living organisms, it could be said that most life on earth relies directly or indirectly on the cell wall. Humans also depend on cell walls because they provide clothing shelter, furniture, paper, and fuel.In ad dition to cellulose, cell walls typically contain a matrix of hemicellulose, pectin and glycoproteinsA flexible primary wall, consisting of a fine network of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, and glycoproteins, is laid down on either side of the middle lamella. Reorganization, synthesis of new molecules, and insertion of new wall polymers lead to rearrangement of the cell wall during growth. Secondary walls, which are produced inside the primary walls, are derived from primary walls by thickening and inclusion of lignin, a complex polymer.。

1. Introduction The marine green seaweed genus Ulva is poorly utilized and only a small part of its biomass is used as edible seaweeds [1]. Periodically, particular species overgrow as "green-tides" in eutrophicated areas (Brittany, Venice lagoon) and create ecological and economical problems [2]. One particularly interesting feature of Ulva is their richness in cell-wall polysaccharides, which can be used for their functional a n d / o r biological
2. Experimental
MateriaL--Algae were collected at Piriac (Pointe du Castelli, Loire-Atlantique, France) in May 1993 and were tentatively identified as Ulva "rigida" from the morphology and collection site. The seaweeds were freed from attached impurities, washed thoroughly with tap water, dried in a current of air at 60°C and ground to a flour in a Waring Blender. Extraction ofpolysaccharides.--The algal flour was extracted sequentially with hot sodium oxalate solution, hot water, 1 M and 4 M KOH solution at 20°C. Sodium oxalate extraction.--The dried weed (372 g) was suspended in 3.8 L of 0.05 M sodium oxalate solution (pH 6) and stirred for 1.5 h in a boiling water bath. The suspension was diluted by the addition of 3 L of sodium oxalate solution prior to centrifugation (20 min, 14,740g). The residue was re-extracted with 3.8 L of boiling sodium oxalate for a further 1 h and then with 5 L of boiling deionized water for 2 h. The last slurry was filtered through a fritted-glass G-4 filter (porosity 5 - 1 5 / z m ) and the residue washed thoroughly with deionized water. The combined extracts (sodium oxalate and water) and water washings were ultrafiltered (Mw cutoff 30 kDa, Amicon hollow fibre cartridges) and the retentate (3 L) was precipitated in 3 vol 95% ethanol. The precipitate was recovered by centrifugation (20 min, 14740g), washed thoroughly with 80% ethanol, 95% ethanol, and acetone, and finally dried over P205 in vacuo (A; yield 76.4 g). The residue was extracted sequentially at room temperature with 3 L of 60%, 80%, 95% ethanol and acetone. The pale-yellow solid (B) was air-dried and then dried in vacuo over P205 (yield 142 g). Alkaline extract.--Extraction with 1 M and 4 M KOH solution were performed

2007年,英国牛津大学的刘骥陇等在研究果蝇U 小体和P 小体(U 小体和P 小体是真核生物细胞质中的无膜细胞器)的功能关系时,用4种针对Cup (P 小体中的一种蛋白质)的抗体,对雌性果蝇的卵巢组织进行免疫组织化学染色,染色结果除了预期标记上的P 小体外,还标记出了长条形的丝状结构[1]。
最初是抗Cup 抗体不纯产生假象,意外发现的细胞蛇,而采用亲和层析纯化后的抗Cup 抗体无法再DOI:10.16605/ki.1007-7847.2020.10.0258细胞蛇的研究进展收稿日期:2020-10-22;修回日期:2020-11-19;网络首发日期:2021-07-27基金项目:宁夏自然科学基金项目(2020AAC03179);国家自然科学基金资助项目(31560329)作者简介:李欣玲(1999—),女,广西贵港人,学生;*通信作者:俞晓丽(1984—),女,宁夏银川人,博士,副教授,主要从事干细胞与生殖生物学研究,E-mail:********************。
细胞蛇是由三磷酸胞苷合成酶(cytidine triphosphate synthetase,CTPS)聚合而成的无膜细胞器,其形成过程及功能在不同类型的细胞中不尽相同。
例如:细胞蛇能促进癌细胞增殖,并使患者病情恶化;过表达的细胞蛇可抑制神经干细胞增殖,影响大脑皮层发育;在卵泡细胞中,细胞蛇相当于CTPS 的存储库,在卵子发生过程起到促进细胞增殖和代谢的作用。

专利名称:CELL WALL DERIVATIVES FROM BIOMASS AND PREPARATION THEREOF发明人:VERSALI, Marie-France,CLERISSE,Fabienne,BRUYERE, Jean-Michel,GAUTIER,Sandrine申请号:EP2003001375申请日:20030212公开号:WO03/068824P1公开日:20030821专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:In a first aspect, the present invention relates to a method for isolating cell wall derivatives from fungal or yeast biomass. According to this method, chitin polymers or chitin-glucan copolymers can be obtained. In another aspect, the invention relates to a method for preparing chitosan from chitin. The invention further relates to chitin polymers, chitin-glucan polymers and chitosan polymers obtainable by the methods according to the invention. Moreover, the invention relates to the use of chitin polymers, chitin-glucan copolymers or chitosan polymers obtainable by the method according to the present invention in medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, nutraceutical, food, textile, cosmetic, industrial and/or environmental applications.申请人:VERSALI, Marie-France,CLERISSE, Fabienne,BRUYERE, Jean-Michel,GAUTIER, Sandrine地址:BE,BE,BE,BE,BE国籍:BE,BE,BE,BE,BE代理机构:BRANTS, Johan, Philippe, Emile 更多信息请下载全文后查看。
糖苷水解酶 进化 生物学

糖苷水解酶进化生物学英文回答:Glycosyl Hydrolases: Evolutionary Perspectives in Biology.Glycosyl hydrolases (GHs) are a large and diverse group of enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds. They play crucial roles in various biological processes, including carbohydrate metabolism, cell wall degradation, and immune response. The evolutionary history of GHs has been extensively studied, providing insights into their functional diversity and the evolution of complexbiological systems.GHs are classified into several families based on their sequence homology and catalytic mechanisms. Each family exhibits distinct substrate specificities and physiological functions. The evolution of GH families has been driven by gene duplication and divergence, resulting in the emergenceof new enzymes with specialized functions.The diversification of GHs has been shaped by environmental pressures, particularly the need to adapt to different carbohydrate sources. For example, the expansion of plant biomass during the Carboniferous period presented new challenges for organisms to access carbohydrates. In response, a variety of GHs evolved to break down complex plant polysaccharides, such as cellulose and hemicellulose.GHs also play important roles in the evolution of symbiotic relationships. For example, the evolution of GHs in the digestive tracts of herbivorous animals has facilitated the breakdown of plant material and the acquisition of nutrients. Similarly, the evolution of GHsin microorganisms has enabled the formation of symbiotic relationships with other organisms, such as plants and insects.The study of GH evolution has not only providedinsights into the diversity and function of these enzymes but has also contributed to our understanding of theevolution of complex biological systems. GHs illustrate how enzymes evolve in response to environmental pressures and play crucial roles in the adaptation and diversification of organisms.中文回答:糖苷水解酶,生物学中的进化视角。

细胞的组成英语作文Title: The Composition of Cells。
Cells are the fundamental units of life, possessing a remarkable complexity and diversity despite their microscopic size. Understanding the composition of cells is essential to grasp the intricacies of life processes. In this essay, we delve into the components of cells and their functions.1. Cell Membrane: The cell membrane, also known as the plasma membrane, is a vital structure that encloses the cell, separating its internal environment from the external surroundings. Composed primarily of lipids and proteins, the cell membrane regulates the passage of substances in and out of the cell through selective permeability.2. Cytoplasm: Within the cell membrane lies the cytoplasm, a gel-like substance consisting of water, enzymes, salts, and various organic molecules. Thecytoplasm serves as a medium for metabolic reactions and houses cellular organelles.3. Nucleus: Often referred to as the control center of the cell, the nucleus contains the cell's genetic materialin the form of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Surrounded by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope, the nucleus regulates gene expression and houses the nucleolus, responsible for ribosome synthesis.4. Organelles: Cells contain various membrane-bound organelles, each with specific functions. These include:Mitochondria: Known as the powerhouse of the cell, mitochondria generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through cellular respiration, providing energy for cellular activities.Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): The ER plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and lipid metabolism. Rough ER is studded with ribosomes involved in protein synthesis, while smooth ER is involved in lipid synthesis and detoxification.Golgi Apparatus: Responsible for processing, packaging, and distributing proteins and lipids synthesized in the cell.Lysosomes: Contain enzymes responsible for breaking down waste materials and cellular debris through hydrolysis.Vacuoles: Found predominantly in plant cells, vacuoles store water, nutrients, and waste products, contributing to turgor pressure and cell enlargement.Chloroplasts: Exclusive to plant cells, chloroplasts conduct photosynthesis, converting light energy into chemical energy in the form of glucose.5. Cytoskeleton: The cytoskeleton is a dynamic networkof protein filaments that provides structural support, facilitates cellular movement, and plays a role in intracellular transport. It consists of three main components: microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.6. Cell Wall: Present in plant cells, fungi, and some bacteria, the cell wall is a rigid structure located outside the cell membrane. Composed primarily of cellulose in plants, chitin in fungi, and peptidoglycan in bacteria, the cell wall provides structural support and protection.7. Extracellular Matrix (ECM): In animal cells, the ECM is a complex network of proteins and carbohydrates surrounding cells. It provides mechanical support, regulates cell behavior, and facilitates cell-to-cell communication.Understanding the composition of cells elucidates the intricate processes underlying life and serves as the foundation for advances in various fields, including medicine, biotechnology, and genetics. From the microscopic realm of cells emerges the macroscopic complexity of life, embodying the marvels of biological organization and function.。

生物做看植物细胞作文600字英文回答:Plant cells are fascinating structures that play a crucial role in the growth and development of plants. They are unique in many ways and have several distinct features that set them apart from animal cells.Firstly, plant cells have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose. This cell wall provides structural support and protection for the cell. It helps the plant to maintain its shape and prevents it from collapsing under its own weight. Animal cells, on the other hand, do not have a cell wall and rely on other mechanisms to maintain their shape.Secondly, plant cells contain chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis. Chloroplasts contain a green pigment called chlorophyll, which captures sunlight and converts it into energy. This energy is then used to produce glucose, which is the main source of energy for theplant. Animal cells do not have chloroplasts and rely on consuming other organisms for energy.Thirdly, plant cells have large central vacuoles. These vacuoles play a vital role in maintaining the turgidity of the plant cell. They store water, ions, and other substances, and help regulate the osmotic pressure within the cell. Animal cells also have vacuoles, but they are much smaller and serve different functions.Lastly, plant cells have plasmodesmata, which are microscopic channels that connect adjacent cells. These channels allow for the exchange of nutrients, water, and other substances between cells. Animal cells do not have plasmodesmata and rely on other mechanisms forintercellular communication.Overall, plant cells are unique and specialized structures that enable plants to carry out essential functions such as photosynthesis, growth, and reproduction.中文回答:植物细胞是一种令人着迷的结构,对植物的生长和发育起着至关重要的作用。

17种元素对植物的作用Plants require various elements for their growth and development. These elements, also known as nutrients, play crucial roles in the overall health and functioning of plants. There are 17 essential elements that are necessary for plant growth, each with its own specific functions and significance. In this response, I will explore these elements and their effects on plants from multiple perspectives.Firstly, let's discuss the primary macronutrients: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Nitrogen is essential for the formation of proteins, enzymes, and chlorophyll, which are vital for plant growth and photosynthesis. Phosphorus is involved in energy transfer and storage, as well as promoting root development and flowering. Potassium aids in enzyme activation, osmoregulation, and overall plant vigor.Moving on to secondary macronutrients, calcium (Ca) isessential for cell wall formation, membrane integrity, and proper root development. Magnesium (Mg) is a key component of chlorophyll and plays a crucial role in photosynthesis. Sulfur (S) is involved in protein synthesis, enzyme activation, and the formation of vitamins and hormones.Next, let's delve into the micronutrients. Iron (Fe) is necessary for chlorophyll synthesis and electron transport in photosynthesis. Manganese (Mn) participates in enzyme activation and assists in the breakdown of carbohydrates. Zinc (Zn) is crucial for the synthesis of growth hormones and DNA, while copper (Cu) is involved in photosynthesis and enzyme activation. Boron (B) plays a role in cell wall formation and seed development, and molybdenum (Mo) is required for nitrogen fixation and enzyme activity.Furthermore, nickel (Ni) is involved in nitrogen metabolism and urease activity, while chlorine (Cl) aids in osmoregulation and photosynthesis. Cobalt (Co) is necessary for nitrogen fixation in legumes, and sodium (Na) helps maintain osmotic balance in plants.Each of these elements has specific functions and deficiencies or excesses can have detrimental effects on plants. For instance, nitrogen deficiency results in stunted growth and yellowing of leaves, while excess nitrogen can lead to excessive vegetative growth and reduced fruiting. Phosphorus deficiency manifests as poor root development and delayed maturity, while excess phosphorus can cause nutrient imbalances and environmental pollution.In conclusion, the 17 essential elements have diverse functions and are vital for the growth and development of plants. They play critical roles in various physiological processes, including photosynthesis, enzyme activation, and hormone synthesis. Understanding the significance of these elements allows us to better comprehend the complex requirements of plants and enables us to optimize their growth and productivity.。

Carbohydrates and GlycobiologyCarbohydratesCarbohydrates represent a great class of biomolecules. More than half of the organiccarbon on Earth is stored in just two carbohydrate molecules--starch and cellulose, both of which are polymers of glucose.They are such termed because their general formulas can all be written in a simple form as (CH2O)n or derivatives of it. Another term used to describe sugar-based molecules is rooted in the word "saccharide" (from the Latin, saccharum, meaning sugar).Carbohydrates as food & structural elementsThe major energy cycle of the biosphere depends largely on carbohydrate metabolism. Ribose and deoxyribose sugars form part of the structural framework of RNA and DNA. Polysaccharides are structural elements in the cell walls of bacteria and plants. They are involved in cell-cell recognition. They are linked to many proteins and lipidsMajor classes of carbohydrates1. Monosaccharides: glucose,fructose 2. Oligosaccharides: sucrose, lactose 3. PolysaccharidesHomopolysaccharides: cellulose, glycogen Heteropolysaccharides: bacterial cell wall, with more than one monosaccharide in the repeating unit.Cotton fiber consists of cellulose that is a polysaccharide with physical and chemical properties desirable qualities for textiles.Aldoses and KetosesAldehyde vs. KetoneThe smallest sugar--trioseThe carbonyl group is at an end of the carbon chain, or in an aldehyde group, the monosaccharide is an aldose; anywhere else, a ketose.ChiralityChiral carbons or chiral centers stereoisomersKey point: One carbon center with four different side groups.Three-carbon sugar (aldose) has one chiral centerAldoses with two chiral centersThree chiral centersStereoisomers with n chiral centers=2n Four chiral centers can yield 16 isomers of D- and Lforms together.Ketose with three carbonsKetose withD or L is determined by the chiral center with highest numberMutual epimers: differ only around one carbon D-mannose vs. D-glucose D-glucose vs. D-galactoseenantiomersSome sugars can exist in their Lforms. L-Arabinose is one example.Review of the terminology of sugar stereoisomersEnantiomers: D and L forms of a monosaccharide are nonsuperimposable mirror images Anomers: stereosiomers that differ only in configuration at the anomeric carbon, e.g., α- and β-D-glucose Conformational isomers: they differ in three-dimensional conformation, such as boat and chair formsCyclic structures in monosaccharidesFor simplicity, sugars are presented as aldoses or ketoses in straight chain forms, as shown above. However, in aqueous solution, monosaccharides with five or more carbon atoms in the backbone occur predominantly as cyclic structures.(α-D-glucose)Formation of hemiacetals or hemiketalsPyranoseFuranoseHaworth projection and Fisher ProjectionSubstituent drawn to the left in Fisher’s is drawn above the ring.Formation of cyclic glucose creates an additional chiral carbon. Two anomeric isomers: α and β α: hydroxyl group on the same side of highest numbered asymmetric carbonSummary: Main features of carbohydrates1. the existence of at least one asymmetric center 2. linear or ring structure 3. Formation of polymers through glycosidic bonds 4. the ability to form hydrogen bonds with water or other moleculesGlycosides and glycosidic bondsα-D-Glcp (1−>2) β-D-FrufGlycosidic BondSucrosePyranose Carbon 1 in α-D-glucose Carbon 2 in β-D-fructoseFuranoseLactoseGalβ(1Æ4)GlcDisaccharidesα1 1α linkageSugar derivativesSugar acids Sugar alcohols Deoxy sugars Sugar esters Amino sugarsDeoxy sugarSugar esters: important in metabolismcarbonyl group of a sugar to hydroxyl group. The resulting polyhydroxy compounds are called alditols. Important ones include erythritol, D-mannitol, and Dglucitol (sorbitol).Alditols: They are made by reducing theSorbitolWhen sorbitol accumulates in the lens of an diabetic’s eyes, it can lead to the formation of cataracts. This explains why diabetics can have blind symptom. Sorbitol cannot be digested by bacteria, so it can be used to keep foods fresh. It can cause diarrhea— for ease of constipation.Sugar acidsThe production of a red precipitate of Cu2O is a classic sugar test---Fehling’s test that was used to test for excess sugar in urine of diabetics. The sucrose does not react with Fehling's reagent. Sucrose is a disaccharide of glucose and fructose. Most disaccharides are reducing sugars, sucrose is a notable exception, for it is a nonreducing sugar. The anomeric carbon of glucose is involved in the glucose- fructose bond and hence is not free to form the aldehyde in solution.Fehling’s testFehling’s Reaction with cupric ion (CuSO4) as catalyst, yielding cuprous ion Cu2O). Oxidation of the aldehyde group yields gluconateWhy fructose, and the ring form of monosaccharides can be a reducing sugar?Although fructose does not contain an aldehyde group, it can isomerise into an aldose. Because they're in equilibrium with the open form, any monosaccharide molecule that's in a ring form will, within a fraction of a second, be in the open form and, thus, be able to react with the oxidizing agent.Acidic sugarsAmino sugars and their derivatives。

Chapter 3 MATTER, ENERGY AND LIFEEvery organism uses matter and energy from its environment and transforms them into structures and processes that make life possible.The physical and chemical principles that govern the universe also govern the composition and metabolic processes of living organisms.Organisms are made of inorganic compounds and organic compounds.MATTER AND FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLESMatter is anything that has mass and takes up space.Weight is a measurement of the pull of the Earth's gravity on an object.•Weight changes with distance.•Mass of an object is constant regardless of distance.Matter is transformed and recombined but it doesn’t disappear. This is the principle of conservation of matter.Elements are the simplest substances. They cannot be broken down into simpler substance by chemical reactions.An atom is the simplest portion of an element that retains its chemical properties.Each element has its own characteristic atom represented by a chemical symbol.Subatomic particles: protons, neutrons and electrons.The number of protons, atomic number, identifies the atom.Protons carry a positive electrical charge; neutrons are electrically neutral, and electrons are negative.The number of protons and neutrons determines the mass of the atom, atomic mass.The mass of the electron is 1/1800 of the mass of a proton or neutron, and it is disregarded in calculating the atomic mass of an atom.Isotopes of an element are atoms that have the same number of protons and different number of neutrons.Some isotopes are radioactive and are called radioisotopes.CHEMICAL BONDSAtoms may combine chemically, bond, to form molecules.Molecules of an element have atoms of the same kind, e.g. H2, N2.A chemical compound is made of different type atoms, e.g. H2O, Ca(OH)2.Molecular formulas describe the atomic composition of one molecule of the compound.The forces that hold atoms together are called chemical bonds.Each bond contains certain amount of energy called chemical energy. This energy can be released in certain chemical reactions.Bonds vary in stability. Some are stable and form strong bonds that require a lot of energy to break apart. Others are weak and break with very little energy.Atoms share electrons when they form covalent bonds.The carbon atom can form four covalent bonds making it possible to make the many complex molecules found in living organisms.Atoms with equal number of protons and neutrons are electrically neutral.IONS, ACIDS AND BASESAtoms can loose or gain electrons and become electrically charged in the process. These electrically charged atoms or molecules are called ions.•Atoms that gain an electron become negative, 1- charge, and are called negative ions.We say this atom is reduced.•Atoms that loose an electron become positive, 1+ charge, and are called positive ions.We say this atom is oxidized.Example: HCl can split into H+ and Cl-.Here the hydrogen atom gave up one electron to the chlorine atom and became positive, which is 1+ or H+; the chlorine atom gained one electron and its negative charges went up by one. It is now 1- or Cl-.Compounds that release hydrogen ions are called acids and those that combine readily with hydrogen ions are called bases.The pH scale describes the number of free hydrogen ions in a solution.• A pH of 7 is neutral; a pH less than 7 is acidic and above 7 is basic.•The scale is logarithmic, which means that a pH6 represent ten times more hydrogen ions in solution than pH7.Some ions like those of Na+ and Cl- can attract each other and form ionic bonds. These bonds could be very strong like those formed by sodium chloride, table salt.Water molecules form hydrogen bonds. These bonds give water some of its important chemical and physical characteristics.Substances that release hydrogen ions (H+) in water are called acids.Substances that readily bond with hydrogen ions (H+) are called bases or alkaline substances. The pH scale measures the concentration of hydrogen ions (protons) in a solution.It is based on the negative logarithm of its concentration of H+.Example: 10-6 concentration of H+ has a pH of 6; a concentration of 10-5 has a pH of 5, which is ten times stronger than pH 6.Notice that the concentration of H+ increases as pH declines.A pH of 10 has an acid concentration of 10-10 and a hydroxide concentration of 10-4. This is a basic or alkaline solution.7 is neutral. Below 7 is acid and above 7 is basic or alkaline.ORGANIC COMPOUNDSOrganic compounds are so named because they were thought to be produced only by living organisms.Organic compounds contain carbon.There are simple carbon compounds that are considered inorganic especially if they do not contain hydrogen, e.g. CO, CO2.Carbon atoms form chains and rings that form different organic molecules found in the body of plants and animals. These are called biomolecules.Lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids are the principal biomolecules.•Lipids (fats and oils) are important components of cell membranes.•Carbohydrates are sources of energy and also form part of supporting structures, e.g.cellulose forms the cell wall of plants.•Proteins are involved in the structure and function of cells, e.g. structure of cell membrane; enzymes are proteins.•Nucleic acids are very complex molecules. They store genetic information and direct the life processes.CELLS1. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function of all living things.2. All cells come from preexisting cells.All cells have a similar organization:•semipermeable plasma membrane that surrounds the cell•internal structures called organelles.•DNA that contains the genetic material..Organisms may be unicellular or multicellular.A membrane, the plasma membrane, surrounds cells.The plasma membrane is made of lipids, proteins and a few carbohydrates.The plasma membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell.Inside the cells there are "organelles" that perform different functions and permit the cell to operate.Enzymes are proteins that act as catalysts. These catalysts are specialized and permit life functions to take place.Metabolism is the sum of all the enzymatic reactions taking place in the body of an organism. ENERGYBasic conceptsEnergy is the capacity to do work.•Energy is measured in joules. One joule can move one kilogram one meter.• 1 kg = 2.2.pounds.Work is any change in the state or motion of an object.Energy can change form.Kinetic energy is the energy of motion.Potential energy is stored energy. It depends on the location and structure of matter.•Chemical energy stored is food (e.g. sugars) is a form of potential energy.Heat is the energy that can be transferred between objects of different temperature. It is the total amount of kinetic energy in a substance that its bulk is not moving.Temperature is the measure of the energy of motion of molecules.• A substance can have high heat content and low temperature!•Low average molecular speed.•Large mass with many moving molecules and atoms.ThermodynamicsThermodynamics regulates energy transfer.Matter is recycled. It changes forms but it is neither created nor destroyed.1. First law of thermodynamics.•Energy of the universe is constant.•Energy-mass cannot be created nor destroyed.•Energy may be transformed, e.g. from a energy in a chemical bond to heat energy.2. Second law of thermodynamics.When energy is converted from one form to another, some of the usable energy is converted to heat and is dispersed in the surroundings.At every step of energy transformation there is a loss of energy capable to do work.No one process that requires energy conversion is 100% efficient.All natural systems then to go from a state of order to toward a state of increasing disorder. Entropy or amount of disorder increases reflecting the loss of energy.There is less energy available at the end of a process than at the beginning.APPLICATION TO ORGANISMS:Organisms are highly organized both structurally and functionally.Constant maintenance is required to keep this organization and a constant supply of energy is required to maintain these processes.Energy is used by the cell to do work.If the energy supply is depleted the cell will die.ENERGY FOR LIFEThe sun is the ultimate source of energy for living organisms.A few ecosystems are based on energy derived from inorganic substances and the earth molten interior.ExtremophilesExtremophiles are organisms that live in severe conditions.Deep-sea hydrothermal vents provide energy to an ecosystem that lives in total darkness and under tremendous pressure.The energy source for this ecosystem is provided by inorganic molecules like hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen gas through a process called chemosynthesis.Most of these extremophiles are single celled organisms called archaea.Archaea are considered to be very primitive organisms and the conditions under which they live are thought to be similar to those in which life first evolved.Green plants get energy from the sunThe sun produces warmth and light, both of which are needed for living organisms.•Most organisms live within a narrow temperature range.•Light is composed of particles of energy that travel as waves.•Light is part of the electromagnetic spectrum, the entire range of electromagnetic radiation.Of the solar radiation that reaches the earth’s surface, 45% is visible light, 45% is infrared radiation and 10% is ultraviolet radiation.•30% is reflected back into space.•20% is absorbed by the atmosphere.•50% is absorbed by ground, water and vegetation.Less than 1% of the absorbed energy is used in photosynthesis. This small percentage is the energy base for all life on the biosphere.HOW PHOTOSYNTHESIS CAPTURES ENERGYPhotosynthesis converts radiant energy into useful, high quality chemical energy in the bonds that hold together organic molecules (food!).Photosynthesis can use mostly red and blue light. Green is reflected.Every point of the earth is illuminated for six months of the year:•Continuously during 6 months the polar summers.•Alternating 12 hours of darkness with 12 hours light in the tropics.Sunrays strike the earth obliquely in the higher latitudes.Sunlight is responsible for the flow of wind, ocean currents, weather patterns and the hydrological cycle.Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into chemical bond energy. It takes place in organelles called chloroplasts.6CO2 + 6 H2O + solar energy → C6H12O6 + 6O2Chlorophyll molecules in the chloroplasts trap light energy and start a series of chemical reactions that begin the process of photosynthesis.Photosynthesis begins with the split of water molecules, H2O, which releases oxygen into the atmosphere. This process happens only when light is present, from there comes the name light reactions of photosynthesis.The light-dependent reactions make high-energy molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and NADPH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate). These two types of molecules provide the energy for the next process, the light-independent reactions.Another set of reactions occurs independently of light. These are called the light-independent reactions.In these reactions, carbon dioxide is incorporated into small sugar molecules to make glucose, a high-energy sugar.Cellular respiration releases chemical energy found in substances.The energy released is used by the cell to make biomolecules, e.g. proteins, lipids, etc., and to do cellular work, e.g. movement.C6H12O6 + 6O2→ 6CO2 + 6 H2O + energy released Photosynthesis captures energy; respiration releases energy.LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION:Atoms → molecules → macromolecules → cells → tissues → organs → organ systems →organismsFROM SPECIES TO ECOSYSTEMSA population consists of all the members of a species living in a given area tat the same time. An ecological or biological community is a system made of species populations living and interacting in the same area.•Different species populations.•In the same area.•Interacting in spatial and trophic (feeding) relationships.Characteristics of the community are species composition, diversity, stratification and food chains.An ecosystem is a community of organisms and the physical environment interacting as a unit.ENERGY TRANSFER: FOOD CHAINS, FOOD WEBS AND TROPHIC LEVELS Photosynthesis is the base of the energy dynamics of an ecosystem, how organisms share food resources..Biomass refers to the amount of biological material produced in an ecosystem.The productivity of an ecosystem is measured by the amount of biomass produced.•The primary productivity of an ecosystem is the biomass produced by photosynthesis.•The secondary productivity of an ecosystem is the biomass produced by organisms that eat plants or other organisms.Energy is passed from organisms that carry on photosynthesis (plants, algae, bacteria) to organisms that feed on them, and which in turn are eaten by other organisms thus forming a linked feeding series, a food chain.Food chain refers to the sequence of organisms in a community on successive trophic levels and through which energy is transferred. It is a feeding series.In a community there are many food chainsThese chains interconnect to form a food web.Food webs are usually very complex involving hundreds of species.Trophic level is the position of an organism in the food chain.Producers or autotrophs make food from simple organic matter.•The largest group in a community.Consumers or heterotrophs obtain their food by eating other organisms.•Primary consumers or herbivores eat plants.•Secondary and tertiary consumers or carnivores eat other animals.•Omnivores eat both plant and animal materials.•Parasites, scavengers, detritivores and decomposers feed at all levels.•Decomposers or saprobes feed on dead organisms and wastes.Material available to saprobes include:•Dead animals (carrion): scavengers.•Feces and excreted organic compounds (detritus): detritivores.•Dead plants: logs, stumps, fallen leaves, dead roots: detritivores.•Overripe fruit.Fragments of these materials form detritus.The line between scavengers and predators is not always clear.•Many predators will eat carrion readily.•Switch from predation to scavenging and vice versa is common.Fungi and bacteria are decomposers and completer the final breakdown and recycling of organic materials.Without these decomposers, fungi and bacteria, matter would remain locked up in the bodies of dead plants and animals rather than being made available to successive generations of organisms.An ecological pyramid is formed when organisms in a community are arranged according to numbers.•Producers are the most numerous and are placed at the base of the pyramid.•The successive trophic levels decrease gradually. There are fewer deer than shrubs;less wolves than deer, etc.Primary consumers are next; secondary consumers follow; then tertiary consumers follow the secondary, etc.Remember that energy transfer is never 100% efficient. Some is always lost before and during the transfer.BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLESThere is a constant recycling of materials (matter) between the biotic and the abiotic components of ecosystems.HYDROLOGIC CYCLEThis is the movement of water between ocean, atmosphere and land. It constantly purifies and redistributes fresh water.Physical processes that make it possible are…•Evaporation: liquid is changed to gas (vapor).•Sublimation: change from solid to gas.•Condensation: gas changes to liquid.•Precipitation: falling of water in any of its phases upon the surface of the earth.Air can support so much water vapor at a given temperature.The Carbon cycle•There are two parts to the carbon cycle, the atmosphere and the water cycles.The Nitrogen cycle•Proteins require nitrogen.•Plants take it the form of ammonia and nitrate.•The nitrogen cycle involves the atmosphere and the soil.The Phosphorus cycle•Phosphorus is a component of phospholipids, nucleic acids and other macromolecules.•Soil solution contains about 3 x 10-6 % phosphorus but plants contain about 3% phosphorus.•There are a biotic (living) and abiotic (nonliving) portions of the cycle.•Most forms of phosphate are insoluble.The Sulfur cycle•Sulfur is a component of proteins, enzymes and other compounds.•It is rarely a limiting nutrient and is usually absorbed as sulfate.。
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HARNESSING PLANT BIOMASS FOR BIOFUELS AND BIOMATERIALSCell-wall carbohydrates and their modification as a resource for biofuelsMarkus Pauly *and Kenneth KeegstraDepartment of Energy Plant Research Laboratory and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,Michigan State University,East Lansing,MI 48824,USAReceived 1December 2007;revised 5February 2008;accepted 8February 2008.*For correspondence (fax +15173539168;e-mail paulymar@).SummaryPlant cell walls represent the most abundant renewable resource on this planet.Despite their great abundance,only 2%of this resource is currently used by humans.Hence,research into the feasibility of using plant cell walls in the production of cost-effective biofuels is desirable.The main bottleneck for using wall materials is the recalcitrance of walls to efficient degradation into fermentable sugars.Manipulation of the wall polysaccharide biosynthetic machinery or addition of wall structure-altering agents should make it possible to tailor wall composition and architecture to enhance sugar yields upon wall digestion for biofuel fermentation.Study of the biosynthetic machinery and its regulation is still in its infancy and represents a major scientific and technical research challenge.Of course,any change in wall structure to accommodate cost-efficient biofuel production may have detrimental effects on plant growth and development due to the diverse roles of walls in the life of a plant.However,the diversity and abundance of wall structures present in the plant kingdom gives hope that this challenge can be met.Keywords:cell walls,polysaccharide biosynthesis,hemicellulose,biofuel.Plant cell walls are the most abundant renewable resource on this planetIt has been estimated that the net CO 2fixation by land plants per year is approximately 56·109tonnes (Table 1)(Field et al.,1998)and that the worldwide biomass production by land plants is 170–200·109tonnes (Lieth,1975).Of this amount,70%is estimated to represent plant cell walls (Duchesne and Larson,1989;Poorter and Villar,1997).Humans use these wall materials mainly in the form of wood for heat production (Table 2),and as a building material (timber),in the pulp and paper industry (Fenning and Gershenzon,2002),and as raw material in the textile industry, e.g.cotton fibers (/site/567/default.aspx;parameter settings:production quantity,cot-ton lint,world,2006).Taken together,only 2%of the plant cell-wall-based biomass is currently utilized by humans (Table 2).It is thus not surprising that interest in using this resource as a material for biofuels has increased in recent years (Schubert,2006).Important advantages of wall materials as feedstocks for biofuel production are their greatabundance and the fact that they do not serve as food for animals and humans as starch does,for example.All cell walls of higher plants contain cellulose,a homo-polymer of b -1,4-linked glucose units,mainly in the form of crystalline microfibrils as well as in an amorphous form (Carpita and McCann,2000).Walls also contain hemicellu-loses (Figure 1),such as substituted glucans,xylans and/or mannans,and anionic components such as the galacturonic acid-containing pectic polysaccharides.Walls may also contain polyphenols such as lignins,and,to a minor extent,structural proteins.The prevalence of polysaccharides in the wall is particularly advantageous for plants,as they are generated directly from the products of photosynthesis without the utilization of large amounts of nitrogen or phos-phorus,two macronutrients that frequently limit plant growth.Not all cell walls have the same polysaccharide composition When considering wall materials for the production of bio-fuels,one should be aware that walls from higher plantsª2008The Authors559Journal compilation ª2008Blackwell Publishing LtdThe Plant Journal (2008)54,559–568doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2008.03463.xdiffer quite substantially in content,both qualitatively and quantitatively.While the cell is still elongating,a primary wall is formed.Primary walls contain cellulose and a hydrated (65%water)matrix consisting of hemicelluloses and pectins,with some structural proteins (Brett and Waldron,1996).Based on their polysaccharide composition,primary cell walls are usually classified as type I or type II.Type I walls are present in dicots and non-commelinoid monocots;in addition to cellulose,they generally contain xyloglucan as the main hemicellulose and abundant amounts of pectic polysaccharides (Carpita and Gibeaut,1993).In type II walls,the walls of the Poales,such as the grasses,arabinoxylan is the major hemicellulose.In addition,type II walls contain a higher percentage of cellulose and only negligible amounts of pectins and proteins (Carpita,1996).Secondary walls,deposited once cell elongation ceases,are usually thicker than primary walls and may be deposited in a number of layers.Sec-ondary walls contain cellulose and arabinoxylan and/or glucomannans as the major hemicellulose (Brett and Waldron,1996).More importantly,in secondary walls,water is largely replaced by lignin,making them nearly impenetrable to solutes and enzymes.At the single-plant level,nearly all of the approximately 35different cell types can be distinguished based on their varying wall structures,as observed by microscopy (Carpita and McCann,2000),chemical composition analysis (Richmond and Somerville,2001)and labeling of wall polymers with specific antibodies (Willats et al.,2000).Hence,it is notTable 2Annual human utilization of plant cell walls Material ProductTonnes per year Wood Energy1.05·109WoodTimber,pulp and paper0.95·109Table 1Annual production of plant cell walls Production SourceTonnesAssimilated CO 2Land plants,net primary production 56·109Plant biomass Land,worldwide 170–200·109Cell wallsLand,worldwide150–170·109560Markus Pauly and Kenneth Keegstraª2008The AuthorsJournal compilation ª2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd,The Plant Journal ,(2008),54,559–568surprising that plant-wall feedstocks that could be used for biofuel production can differ quite significantly in their composition,even though the materials derive mainly from secondary walls(Figure2).In Table3,some of the prominent plant materials that could be used for biofuel production are listed.Although the numbers cannot be compared with each other because different methods were used to establish them,some general features become evident.The most dominant polysaccharide in these walls is cellulose,making up40.6–51.2%of the wall material.The next largest fraction comprises the hemi-celluloses,representing28.5–37.2%of the walls.Lignin occurs in these walls at a lower percentage(13.6–28.1%), with a more than twofold difference between walls of switchgrass,for example,and those of softwood.Viewed in greater detail,composition is seen to vary widely with regard to the hemicelluloses(Table3,and references cited therein;for structures,see Figure1).The grasses contain mainly arabinoxylan,but the degree of arabinosylation can vary greatly.Wheat straw contains the lowest degree of substitution,whereas sorghum xylans have an excep-tionally high degree of substitution(Verbruggen et al., 1995).Hardwood(from angiosperm trees)also contains mainly xylan,but with a negligible degree of arabinosy-lation.The xylans here are mainly substituted with glucuronic acid or4-O-methyl-glucuronic acid residues (Ebringerova and Heinze,2000).In contrast,softwood (from conifers)contains mannans such as O-acetylated galactoglucomannans(Capek et al.,2002)as their main hemicellulose,although ample amounts of xylans are also present.Most importantly,the differences and ranges of wall components and theirfine structures are also a result of the differences in tissues from which the feedstocks are derived(e.g.corn stover;Chundawat et al., 2007).Bottlenecks in utilizing cell-wall materials for biofuelsPlant cell-wall materials can be converted in a number of ways.One way is the combustion and gasification of plant material.The resulting CO and hydrogen gas(also called syngas)can be converted to hydrocarbons of various lengths via a catalyzed chemical reaction(Fischer–Tropsch process).Hydrocracking of the large hydrocarbons can be used to produce diesel fuels(Tijmensen et al.,2002).Here, the main objective from a cell-wall perspective is simplyan Table3Comparison of biomass feedstocksFeedstock a Cellulose Hemi cellulose Lignin Ash Protein Solubles ReferenceCorn stover b39.433.114.9ND 3.78.9Chundawat et al.(2007) Wheat straw34.922.521.39.4ND11.9Lynd et al.(1999)Rice straw41.631.512.514.4a ND ND Jin and Chen(2007) Miscanthus41.926.613.3 3.2ND15.0Magid et al.(2004) Sorghum(whole sorghumpith and bark)15.012.3 5.80.4ND66.5b Billa et al.(1997)Switchgrass(late cut) 4.7 4.6ND Lynd et al.(1999)Sugar cane48.631.119.1 1.2ND ND Sanjuan et al.(2001) Hardwood(beech;Fagus sylvatica)43.331.824.40.5ND ND Fengel and Wegener(1989) Softwood(spruce;Picia abies)40.431.128.00.5ND ND Fengel and Wegener(1989)Values have been adjusted to a percentage basis(dry weight).a Mainly silicate.b Mainly sucrose.ND,not determined in these studies.Cell-wall carbohydrates561ª2008The AuthorsJournal compilationª2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd,The Plant Journal,(2008),54,559–568increase in the production of biomass(cell walls)per hectare,irrespective of its wall composition,although a low water and ash content is desirable(Tijmensen et al., 2002).A more sophisticated approach in biofuel produc-tion involves the degradation of wall materials to mono-saccharides and subsequent fermentation to liquid fuels such as bioethanol(Schubert,2006).However,plants have evolved wall structures to accommodate their needs in completing their lifecycle,not to suit mankind’s desire to exploit this resource for the production of biofuels.As a result,cell walls are naturally resistant to breakdown by mechanical and microbial forces,which are precisely the processes needed for the cost-effective and efficient pro-duction of monosaccharides.Hence,one major objective is to make walls more accessible to degradation(Himmel et al.,2007;Houghton et al.,2006).We could achieve this goal by increasing water solubility and hence access of enzymes to polysaccharides.One way to do this would be to add de novo synthesized,water-soluble polysaccharides to existing cells,leading to a greater abundance of these polysaccharides in the wall.One alternative would be a shift in the ratio of less soluble polysaccharides to soluble ones.This objective would require:(1)for cellulose,an increase in the abundance of amorphous glucan chains rather than crystalline microfibrils;(2)for hemicelluloses, addition of side chains to decrease hydrogen bonding with cellulose microfibrils;and(3)for lignins,a general reduc-tion in their amount or amendment to a more easily degradable form(Akin,2007),for example by introduction of specific monolignols(Boerjan et al.,2003;Chen and Dixon,2007)and/or decrease of the existing lignin–hemi-cellulose linkages(Grabber et al.,2002).Another consid-eration is the fermentability of the wall degradation products,the resulting monosaccharides.Currently,the sugars most easily fermentable by yeasts are the hexoses, such as glucose and mannose,rather than the pentoses, although yeast and bacterial strains have been developed that can efficiently ferment pentoses(Chu and Lee,2007). Hence,an increased production of hexose-containing polymers such as cellulose,glucomannans and to some extent xyloglucan is more desirable than an increase in arabinoxylans,for example(see hexose and pentose annotation in Figure1).Depending on the fermentation-or catalyst-based chemical process(Huber et al.,2005)used to produce fuels,monosaccharide fermentation-inhibiting components,such as aliphatic acids(e.g.acetic acid)or phenolic compounds(Larsson et al.,1999)are present to varying degrees in the degraded biomass.One goal should be to reduce the abundance of such compounds to a minimum.All of the above-mentioned changes could be accom-plished by either manipulation of the plant biosynthetic pathways for the respective polymers and/or post-deposi-tion metabolism alterations in planta.Manipulation of the biosynthetic pathwaysThe natural variability in wall compositional quantity and quality(Figure2)suggests that there is an opportunity for altering the abundance of specific wall components without compromising the life cycle of a plant.Such a feat could be accomplished by manipulation of the biosynthesis of specific wall polysaccharides.The two most abundant polysaccharides of plant cell walls,cellulose and hemicellulose,are synthesized in different compartments by significantly different processes. Cellulose,generally the most abundant component in secondary cell walls(see Figure1),is synthesized at the plasma membrane by a complex machinery that we are just beginning to understand(Somerville,2006).Whereas the glucosyl residues come from UDP-glucose molecules that are present in the cytosol,the cellulose microfibrils are deposited into the extracellular wall matrix at a location adjacent to the plasma membrane(Somerville,2006).On the other hand,the hemicellulosic polysaccharides present are synthesized in the Golgi and packaged into secretory vesicles before delivery to the cell surface and incorporation into the wall matrix.The assembly events that combine these components into the composite that exists in the wall matrix are still poorly understood.The CesA proteins are thought to be the catalytic subunits of the cellulose synthase complexes(Somerville,2006). These proteins are encoded by a family of CesA genes that are found throughout the plant kingdom(Hazen et al.,2002; Richmond and Somerville,2000).Genetic studies have led to the conclusion that three CesA genes are needed for cellulose biosynthesis in primary cell walls(Persson et al., 2007b),and another set of three CesA genes is required for cellulose synthesis in secondary cell walls(Somerville, 2006).The three different CesA proteins are thought to cluster into a higher-order structure,which forms the rosette structure observed in the plasma membrane(Somerville, 2006).The rosettes containing multiple CesA proteins are thought to move in the plasma membrane in a direction that is defined by cortical microtubules,thereby producing cellulose microfibrils outside the plasma membrane.These microfibrils are deposited in a pattern that reflects the orientation of the cortical microtubules present on the cytosolic side of the plasma membrane(Paredez et al., 2006).Despite this emerging outline of how cellulose is deposited,many important issues remain unresolved. Genetic experiments provide evidence that additional pro-teins are involved in cellulose deposition(Lane et al.,2001; Pagant et al.,2002).One of these proteins has been shown to be a membrane-bound endoglucanase/cellulase and is thought to act as an editing/repairing protein during cellulose biosynthesis(Mølhoj et al.,2002).However,the precise roles of this and the other proteins are still not clear.562Markus Pauly and Kenneth Keegstraª2008The AuthorsJournal compilationª2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd,The Plant Journal,(2008),54,559–568Whether the encoded proteins are part of the rosette structure or whether they have other roles in cellulose deposition remain to be determined.As more is learned about the details of cellulose biosyn-thesis,it may be possible to alter these processes in ways that would render the walls more easily digestible during processing to biofuels.For example,if one understood the details of how the glucan chains come together to form crystalline cellulose,it might be possible to modify this process such that cellulose microfibrils would have larger amorphous regions.The biosynthesis of hemicellulosic polysaccharides in the Golgi apparatus differs significantly from cellulose biosyn-thesis.In the case of the mannans,the backbone is synthe-sized by CslA proteins(Liepman et al.,2007)that have been identified in a number of species(Dhugga et al.,2004; Liepman et al.,2005,2007;Suzuki et al.,2006).Each plant species for which the complete genome is available has a small family of CslA genes that are part of the CesA superfamily.The CslA proteins produced in heterologous systems not only have the ability to synthesize mannan when GDP-mannose is present,they also have the ability to synthesize glucomannan when a mixture of GDP-mannose and GDP-glucose is present(Liepman et al.,2005,2007; Suzuki et al.,2006).Thus,the same protein is able to incorporate both sugars into the backbone in vitro,and it is likely that the same proteins produce both mannans and glucomannans in vivo.The degree of galactosylation of the mannan backbone has implications for mannan solubility.Mannans with a low degree of galactosyl substitution have limited solubility in water,whereas polymers with a high degree of substitution have important properties as emulsifiers(Reid et al.,1988). The galactosyltransferase enzymes that add side chains to the mannan and glucomannan backbones have been iden-tified and characterized(Edwards et al.,1999,2002).The levels of these enzymes appear to control the degree of substitution of the backbone,with the side chains being added in patterns that are described by hidden Markov models(Edwards et al.,2004).Altering the degree of side-chain substitutions will be vital in engineering more soluble mannans.The mannans are attractive candidates for enhancing wall composition with the aim of creating improved biofuel crops for several reasons.First,the genes and proteins needed for mannan biosynthesis have been identified.Second,the genes needed for mannan biosynthesis appear to be present in all land plants,although their expression levels are such that few mannans are present in the walls of most angio-sperms.However,mannans accumulate to high levels in the seeds of many plants,where they serve as storage carbo-hydrates(Meier and Reid,1982).During germination,seed-lings have the ability to rapidly degrade the mannans and use the resulting sugars as a source of carbon for early seedling development.Because the released sugars are all hexoses,they can easily speed up the central metabolism of the developing seedling.Given these circumstances,it may be possible to enhance mannan levels in vegetative tissues such that the polymers could be easily degraded after harvest to yield hexoses,which could be converted to biofuels more efficiently than the pentoses released from the more abundant xylans.Although xyloglucan is found mainly in the primary cell walls of many plants(Hayashi,1989),its biosynthesis is relevant to our general understanding of hemicellulose biosynthesis and therefore will be briefly summarized here. All the glycosyltransferases involved in synthesis of its side chains have been tentatively identified(see reviews by Scheible and Pauly,2004;Lerouxel et al.,2006).However,it remains unclear how the enzymes achieve the structural side-chain diversity found in this polymer.Cocuron et al.(2007)recently presented evidence that the glucan synthase required for making the backbone of xyloglucan is encoded by a CslC gene.When CslC genes were expressed in Pichia pastoris cells,the cells accumu-lated significant quantities of oligosaccharides containing b-1,4-linked glucosyl residues.When one of the xyloglucan xylosyltransferase genes,which is responsible for substitut-ing the glucan backbone with xylosyl residues(Faik et al., 2002),was co-expressed with the CslC gene,the cells produced large quantities of unsubstituted b-1,4-glucan (Cocuron et al.,2007).These observations provide evidence that these xylosyltransferase and glucan synthase enzymes interact to form a complex that has an impact on the nature of the resulting product,even though one of them does not exhibit any activity.Further work is needed to confirm this interesting hypothesis,as protein complexes involved in hemicellulose biosynthesis have yet to be discovered. Given that xylans are the most abundant hemicellulose present in the secondary walls of plants being considered for use in biofuel production(see Figure1),it is unfortunate that we know so little about their biosynthesis.Recently,several groups have begun to make progress in this difficult area. One of the most interesting observations comes from the work of Pen˜a et al.(2007),who examined the xylan polysac-charides present in two mutant lines of Arabidopsis that have irregular xylem phenotypes.First,these authors redis-covered an older,but little noticed,observation that xylan polysaccharides often have an unusual oligosaccharide at the reducing end.This oligosaccharide contains the glycosyl sequence4-b-D-Xyl-(1,4)-b-D-Xyl-(1,3)-a-L-Rha-(1,2)-a-D-GalA-(1,4)-D-Xyl.Because it is at the reducing end of the polysac-charide,it is possible that this oligosaccharide serves as the primer for chain initiation,if chain elongation occurs from the reducing end toward the non-reducing end,as is commonly hypothesized.Both of the mutants have reduced levels of xylan in the secondary walls of xylem elements, leading to the irregular xylem phenotype.Cell-wall carbohydrates563ª2008The AuthorsJournal compilationª2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd,The Plant Journal,(2008),54,559–568One of the mutants,irx9,has increased levels of the unusual oligosaccharide,but the chains containing it are shorter than in wild-type plants,suggesting that the IRX9 gene is involved in elongating the xylan chains.On the other hand,the other mutant,irx8,has little of the unusual oligosaccharide and lower quantities of xylan(Persson et al.,2007a);the xylan that is present is longer and more heterodisperse in size.These observations suggest that IRX8 may be involved in synthesizing the unusual oligosaccha-ride,which may serve as a primer in wild-type plants.These observations highlight the complexity of xylan biosynthesis, but offer some hope that these new observations can lead to an improved understanding of this important cell-wall polymer.As illustrated above,much is to be learned about the biosynthetic machinery of polysaccharides.We are just beginning to understand the carbonflux into the specific wall polysaccharides(Sharples and Fry,2007)and regulation of polysaccharide biosynthesis.Post-deposition wall changesAnother way to make wall structures more enzyme-acces-sible is to add‘loosening agents’through transgenic approaches.Such agents include the expansins,plant pro-teins that have been shown to induce the extensibility of plant tissues under stress(Cosgrove,2000).The precise mechanism of expansin action is unknown,but it is thought that they act at the interface of hemicellulose polymers and cellulose microfibrils(Cosgrove,2000).Proteins with a similar mode of action are the fungal swollenins,proteins that consist of a cellulose-binding domain and an expansin-like domain.They are thought to disrupt cellulose micro-fibrils without hydrolytic activity,i.e.the release of reducing sugars(Saloheimo et al.,2002).Adding expansins to wall materials can double the yield of sugars released by fungal cellulases(Cosgrove,2001a,b),and it is expected that swollenin might have a similar effect.Another class of proteins that could be used to make the wall more accessible is glycanases,in particular endoglucanases.Expression of a poplar endoglucanase in Arabidopsis leads to increased cell elongation and subsequent plant growth(Park et al.,2003).A similar effect was found when a fungal xyloglucanase(a xylo-glucan-specific endoglucanase;Pauly et al.,1999)was expressed in poplar(Park et al.,2004).This is not surprising,as this enzyme is the only protein other than expansin that is known to induce wall extension(Yuan et al.,2001).One effect in the transgenic poplar material is an observed increase in cellulose,which leads to material with higher hexose content.A side-effect of the enhanced growth of these transgenic plants is an increase in the photosynthetic canopy,potentially allowing more biomass to accumulate.Other agents that work on the hemicellulose–cellulose network are xyloglucan transglycosylases/hydrolases.This class of enzymes is thought to be involved in either incorporating newly synthesized hemicelluloses and/or remodeling existing hemicelluloses present in the wall by loosening/re-ligating xyloglucan(Fry et al.,1992;Nishitani, 1997).It has been demonstrated that xyloglucan transgly-cosylases/hydrolases are active in cell elongation and act at the cellulose/xyloglucan interface(Vissenberg et al.,2000, 2005).Manipulating the levels of this agent thus has the potential to loosen cell-wall structures.Other examples of glycanases that have been expressed in plants are pectin-degrading enzymes.Expression of a galactanase in potato tubers led to significant wall alteration (i.e.reduction of galactans),but had no effect on plant or tuber development(Sørensen et al.,2000).Interestingly,the tubers exhibited a marked change in physical tissue prop-erties(Ulvskov et al.,2005).In particular,the water-binding capacity was changed,indicating that removing pectin side chains would probably render such wall material less degradable.Agents that work on the hemicellulose–lignin interface, i.e.that break the covalent bonds between the polymers,can lead to more easily degradable wall materials.For example, expression of phenolic esterases improves the release of fermentable sugar(Akin,2007).Modification of plant cell walls will challengetheir biological functionAny strategy to improve wall materials in planta as feed-stocks for biofuels needs to take into account the possibility of functional‘failure’of the cell wall,which could be detri-mental to plant growth,leading to a concomitant reduction in wall biomass and ultimately threatening the very survival of the plant.Cell walls are important for structural integrity of the cell and indeed the whole plant.Through the evolutionary introduction of polyphenol incorporation into the wall, land plants were able to increase their sunlight-harvesting capacity by increasing the plant canopy,not only in terms of width,but also in terms of height,enabling the plant to compete with other plants for sunlight.A number of examples have demonstrated that altering walls can lead to structural concessions such as dwarfism(Desprez et al., 2007)and even to lethality(Goubet et al.,2003).Cell walls determine the shape of the cell,so altering them can lead to changes in morphology,such as an irregular xylem (Turner et al.,2007),that may be disadvantageous to water transport.Walls,in particular the pectinaceous middle lamellae,ensure attachment of the cells.A num-ber of mutants with altered pectic polysaccharides have been shown to have reduced cell adhesion(Bouton et al., 2002;Iwai et al.,2002;Krupkova et al.,2007),probably564Markus Pauly and Kenneth Keegstraª2008The AuthorsJournal compilationª2008Blackwell Publishing Ltd,The Plant Journal,(2008),54,559–568limiting the plant’s ability to withstand certain mechanical stresses(such as wind).On the other hand,wall materials from such plants might be more accessible to wall-degrading enzymes,making processing of these plants more rapid,easier,and thus more cost-effective.Another function of the wall is keeping plant pathogens such as bacteria and fungi away from the nutritious cytosolic content of the cells.In addition to a simple mechanical line of defense,walls contain signaling molecules that allow the plant cell to recognize a pathogen attack and to respond with various lines of defense(Cote and Hahn, 1994;Vorwerk et al.,2004).Alterations in wall composi-tion and architecture thus also introduce the possibility of increased susceptibility to pathogens,or endogenous release of wall-derived oligosaccharides might lead to disease symptoms.For example,expression of a fungal arabinanase in potato tubers led to a severely stressed plant morphology(Skjot et al.,2002),presumably through the release of apoplastic arabinan-oligosaccharides.This morphology was overcome when the enzyme was tar-geted to the Golgi apparatus instead of the apoplast. Targeting and retaining the arabinanase in the Golgi led to plants and tubers with unaltered appearance but with a significant decrease in pectic arabinans.In a few cases where inhibition of polysaccharide biosynthesis through genetic engineering of the glycan synthases was achieved,these alterations did not result in diminishment of pathogen resistance(Jacobs et al.,2003), and in some cases even increased resistance(Hernandez-Blanco et al.,2007).The plant cell wall is a dynamic entity that undergoes delicate metabolic changes during cell elongation and differentiation.Throughout the elongation process,the cell must balance loosening the wall with maintaining turgor pressure and cohesiveness of the wall structure.It is thought that metabolism of the hemicellu-loses interlacing cellulose microfibrils with wall-loosening enzymes such as endoglucanases,xyloglucantransglycos-ylases and expansins allows slippage of cellulose micro-fibrils and thus controlled cell elongation(Cosgrove, 2001a,b).As cells elongate,new cell-wall material is deposited(Refregier et al.,2004),probably leading to strengthening of the wall.Consequently,changing the abundance or structure of wall polymers may stiffen the wall to the extent that the cell cannot enlarge effectively, or may lead to mechanical failure and hence bursting of the cell during the elongation process.It has become clear that the plant cell has a hitherto unknown mecha-nism for monitoring wall integrity and compensating for change(Humphrey et al.,2007;Pilling and Ho¨fte,2003). Candidates for such a monitoring activity are plasma membrane-localized,wall-associated kinases(Wagner and Kohorn,2001),which that have been shown to bind to the pectin matrix in the apoplast(Kohorn et al.,2006). Recently,another plasma membrane-localized receptor has been identified that may also act as such a wall sensor(Hematy et al.,2007).Manipulating putative sens-ing mechanisms has the potential to overcome unex-pected wall structural changes,even though they might be beneficial,such as decreasing lignin content but increasing the relative content of cellulose(Hu et al., 1999).Concluding remarksOwing to the abundance of cell-wall material generated by plants,cell walls could play a prominent role in our quest for the reduced utilization of carbon dioxide-emit-ting fossil fuels.The scientific and technical challenges inherent in realizing this goal are enormous.The pro-duction of walls with tailored polysaccharide composition and structures is still in its infancy due to our lack of knowledge of polysaccharide biosynthesis and its regula-tion.Despite the above-mentioned difficulty of making the wall polysaccharides more degradable,the current recal-citrance of wall materials brings with it the advantage that harvested wall materials,unlike grains and fruits,can be stored relatively easily for extended periods without loss of yield prior to factory processing.Also,identification of specific bioenergy crop species with high biomass yields grown in various climatic regions has just begun,as have breeding programs for the increased production of biomass.ReferencesAkin,D.E.(2007)Grass lignocellulose–strategies to overcome recalcitrance.Appl.Biochem.Biotechnol.137,3–15.Billa,E.,Koullas,D.P.,Monties,B.and Koukios,E.G.(1997)Struc-ture and composition of sweet sorghum stalk components. 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