student should choose their majors to meet the needs of society选择专业适应社会需要比个人喜好更重要

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Dear Mr. President, the referee, you argue Friends, Ladies and gentlemen, good evening!


Today, our view is that students choose a professional to adapt to the needs of society is more important than individual preferences, and now , please allow me to do a detailed exposition of it.




(Let me first explain what the election of a professional?

In the market economy, employment, the choice of the first social enterprise choice. Students should be thinking about is how to adapt to social and business needs. Only in this context, it may achieve their pursuit of value: money, access to social recognition, etc. to achieve the ideal life. In this sense, the personal desire to be in a subordinate position; employment purposes should be simple --- to accept the selection, with social


First, for we colleague students, choosing our majors is not only for policy, economy and culture of the whole society, but for environment and feasibility of work, Those involved closely with the social needs


Second, choosing major should think about the general situation, Once our interests conflict with the needs of society, we should choose the overall situation.


Third, College students has become a thing of the past professional counterparts, only to meet the needs of the community is the most feasible and most appropriate approach


Vice, If the person just keep the focus on their preferences, their needs to live, to work, to learn, but did not realize he was just this sea of a society quite small waves, then the individual can gradually away from the Social, consumer Almost unconsciously his own, and finally can only sigh as she painted on the end.


In detail: Society needs the equivalent of the human body, an individual needs the equivalent of a cell body, then, when a neuron dies, the body without a loss, but because out of the cell to the environment for their survival apoptosis. This is a very good description of: the community can reject a person, but can not leave the social and personal existence.


social needs of the undergraduate career choice is more important:

Society from primitive tribes to the present high degree of social civilization, and every step of the process of development requires different talents, different ideas, whether it is noble. Or inferior, only each person based on reasonable needs of the community to determine their own direction of development, be possible to truly integrate into the community, could truly be made for the social contribution of its power.



You might ask: does not exactly constitute a society of a man it? Individual is not based on it?


Of course, I do not deny that, but today's debate is more personal and social needs which is more important, provided that: personal and social needs already exists, you have said does not exist is not the scope of our discussion today



(Needs of the community decided to professional needs, the professional knowledge to set the main direction of a direct impact on students, professional skills, professional quality, which directly affect the student's career; for example, universities in recent years, new professional emerging, emerging professional needs of the community better proof of employment of college students the importance of career Effect.>

For example: In recent years known as the University of popular medical profession is also one hot industry, millions of students to choose medical profession, for what reason? Undeniably, of which there must be utilitarian factors, according to
