Week 3 Webquest task Document 1需要放




JavaScriptWebComponents应用全指南JavaScript Web Components 应用全指南Web Components 是一种由 W3C 提出的技术框架,它能够将页面中的元素、样式和行为进行组合打包,从而形成可重用的组件。

而 JavaScript 刚好是实现 Web Components 需要的语言之一。

本篇文章将会为你介绍使用 JavaScript 实现 Web Components 的全部指南。

1. 简要了解 Web Components首先,我们需要了解 Web Components 的基本概念。

它由三个技术组成:自定义元素、影子 DOM 和 HTML 模板。


影子 DOM 包含了自定义元素内部的元素,但不会影响到外部 DOM。

HTML 模板则是用来渲染出自定义元素的内容。

Web Components 主要有两个优点:一是可以实现页面元素的重用,提高开发效率;二是可以实现模块化开发,减少代码冗余。

2. 使用 JavaScript 实现接下来,我们讲讲如何使用 JavaScript 实现 Web Components。

首先,我们需要在页面中导入 polyfill。

Polyfill 是一种JavaScript 库,它能够在不支持某些功能的浏览器中,模拟这些功能的实现。

因为 Web Components 的一些功能,比如自定义元素和影子 DOM,在某些浏览器中并不支持,因此需要导入 polyfill 来实现这些功能。

在导入 polyfill 之后,我们需要创建自定义元素。

创建自定义元素,需要使用 document.registerElement 方法。


以创建一个自定义按钮为例:```javascriptvar CustomButton = document.registerElement('custom-button', { prototype: Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype)});```这段代码创建了一个名为 custom-button 的自定义元素,该元素继承了 HTMLButtonElement 的原型链。


Igor computes a wave’s X values.
Point number
X value 0
Igor stores a wave’s data values in memory.

技术教育期末作业 webquest 教案

技术教育期末作业 webquest 教案

技术教育期末作业 WebQuest 教案什么是 WebQuest?WebQuest是一种使用互联网作为学习工具的教学策略。




为什么要使用 WebQuest?WebQuest是一种新的教学策略,它将现代的互联网技术融入到学习中。





采用WebQuest教学策略,不但可以提高学生的技术水平和实践能力,而且可以让学生更好地了解实际的应用场景和经验知识, 增强学生的实践体验。
















There are several ways to measure speed and several metrics to choose between. Lighthouse andWebPageTest are two very good tools, but here we will initially focus on WebPageTest and calculate the correlation between speed and conversions with the help of Google Analytics.This is how you measure speed in :●Enter the url of the page you want to test●Chose a test location as close to your market as possible●Chose connection, for example 3G Fast for Europe or 4G if you only sell in countries with very good network connections (remember that networks in the countryside seldom are as good as in the big cities)●Click the tab Chrome and tic “Emulate Mobile Browser” + “Capture Lighthouse Report”●Click “Start test”To your analytics teamStep 1: Start tracking speed1Check your speedFrom the results of the test in WebPageTest, see if you reached these targets for a test on 3G Fast:●Start Render: <2sWhen the first dot of content shows on the screen ●Speed Index: <3000How many milliseconds it takes to load the content above the fold ●Load Time: <5sWhen the page is visually complete ●Bytes In (Page Weight): <1MbDid you reach the targets? If not, alert company stakeholders and help the developers get resources to fix speed issues. Use this site to calculate how much revenue you lose2Set targetsConversion rates alter depending on campaigns andseasonality, but since the same campaigns reach both mobile and desktop, you can divide the mobile conversion rate with the desktop conversion rate and see if the mobile site is becoming stronger regardless of campaigns. This metric is called Rel mCvR (Relative Mobile Conversion Rate).●Use this script to check the correlation between page load times and Rel mCvR○Go to File > Make a copy ○Go to tab Report Configuration, changeView ID to the id of your Google Analytics view (see image to the right)○Install this Google Analytics Add-on ○Go to Add-ons > Google Analytics > Runreports ○The result is shown in the graph tab3Check correlation with conversionsRegular reports on speed and its correlation with conversionsis the key to success.●Make sure the stakeholders get the report on correlation between speed and Rel mCvR●Make sure the engineers receive or do regular tracking of speed●Make sure the creative team start tracking all new pages and make them below 1Mb4Set up reporting within the companyLab data vs field dataWebPageTest gives so called lab data since the test is performed in a controlled environment. If you want to calculate thecorrelation between speed and conversions, it can be easier to use Google Analytics. GA uses field data (Real User Monitoring) so it may change depending on which market your business focuses on and the level of Wi-Fi/4G/3G/2G. Thereby, WebPageTest is better for giving a detailed speed metric, while GA can be used when you look at big changes over several months. Learn more about lab and field dataHere you’ll find your View IDStep 2: Optimize imagesincrease in revenue optimisation of images .“The most optimised image is the non-existing image” Removing images can lead to fewer complications and less maintenance.You should consider:●Removing unused and unnecessary images ●Prioritising loading hero images first ●Use CSS effects and animations where possible ●Use web fonts instead of encoding text in images Start working with image prioritizationOne reason: there’s no downside . Your site speed improves, which impacts both your search engine ranking and your conversions on the site.Run a Lighthouse Audit to identify your opportunities.Every byte counts!Etsy discovered that 160KB of additional images caused their bounce rate to increase 12% on mobile devices1Source: Lara Hogan, "Designing for Performance", 2014.Optimize your images todayIn our research , we found that the number of images on a page was the second greatest predictor of conversions. Optimizing images is a fast and cost-effective way to experience results, but in order to make speed optimization long-term sustainable, you need to add Site Speed as a KPI across your organisation. Learn more about KPI setting and performance budgets hereMake Speed a KPINext, make sure your images are formatted correctly:●JPEGs for pictures●PNGs for transparencies ●Use SVGs if possible, and ●GIFs for animationsUse progressive JPEG for images over 10k bytes, and beginexploring Next-Gen Formats , such as JPEG 2000, JPEG XR, and WebP.Learn more about selecting the right image format2Choose the right formatPNJPGWEBPOptimising images can help you achieve the largest byte savings and performance improvements for your website.●Compress images and remove metadata●Experiment with quality settings for your formats ●Server side resizing of images ●Enable GZIP compression for files●Use automated tools for image optimization ●Use responsive images to adjust to screen sizesDive deeper into this image optimization checklist 3Compress and resize Once everything else is in place, you need to make sure that your images are delivered as fast as possible.●Lazy loading: Loading images only when needed ●Multi-serving images : Serve different image versions to different devices. Use srcset and the browser will figure out which image is best●Placeholders : Display placeholders while loading ●Enable caching: Beneficial for returning visitorsLearn more about loading4Use loading techniquesStep 3: Optimizethe critical rendering paththe below steps need to be taken.●Speed Index in WebPageTest tells you if the contentabove the fold loads fast. Are you below 3000? Ifnot, you need to optimize the code.●Time to Interactive in Lighthouse shows you howfast visitors can interact with the content. Alsocheck Speed Index here.●Review how your resources are being cached●Make sure you use a CDN, especially if you sellinternationally●Shift to HTTP2 which makes it possible to loadmore resources at the same time1Extra recommendationsCheck metricsRun an audit with Lighthouse to get recommendations aboutwhat to fix within the code. Each recommendation isconnected to a link to learn more.Use Chrome DevTool to go through your code and see whereyou have bottlenecks. Here you can learn how to audit yourcode.2Since CSS is a render-blocking resource, it’s important to gothrough your CSS and only load what is needed on the page– check if you can inline. You can use media types and queriesto unblock rendering of the CSS that can be loaded later.Learn more about render-blocking CSS3Optimize CSS●JavaScript can also be render-blocking, so makesure you only load the necessary resources andthen use defer or async for anything that can beloaded later.●Does every script have an owner and is being used?If not, you might be able to clean some out●Go through your tag manager and check if there’sanything you can clean out here●Talk to your marketing department regardingmeasurement scripts. Are all tools being used? Is itpossible to use one measurement provider insteadof two or three? Work together and try to findopportunities.More about render-blocking JS and JS optimization3Optimize JavaScriptNeed time and resources to solve speed?Use the Impact Calculator to calculate how muchyour business will gain。



webquest教案‎实例webques‎t教案实例‎名称:《探索生‎命》技能目标:‎能熟练运用搜索引擎,‎运用拾荒式搜索模式收‎集所需资料;能熟练运‎用FrontPage‎制作主题网站;能熟练‎运用Word编写研究‎小报告;能运用Poe‎r Point制作专题‎汇报演示文稿;能熟练‎运用软盘存储资料,e‎b quest教案实例‎。





‎案例介绍:(‎W ebQuest简介‎: WebQues‎t是一个以调查研究为‎导向的学习活动,在这‎个活动中,部分或者所‎有能够让学习者进行交‎互的信息都是来自因特‎网的资源,有些甚至还‎提供了录像参考资料。

‎每一个Webques‎t 的核心是一个开放性‎问题。

这个问题设定了‎W ebquest的清‎晰目标,鼓励学生回顾‎原先掌握的知识,激发‎学习者进一步探索的动‎机。







以下是关于Webquest模式的组成部分和设计要点的简述:1. 介绍:Webquest模式的第一部分是介绍。



2. 任务:Webquest模式的第二个部分是任务。



3. 过程:Webquest模式的第三个部分是过程。



4. 资源:Webquest模式的第四个部分是资源。



5. 评估:Webquest模式的第五个部分是评估。



6. 结论:Webquest模式的最后一个部分是结论。



在设计Webquest模式时,需要注意以下几个要点:1. 任务的确定应该具有挑战性,不能太简单也不能太难。

2. 过程中的步骤应该详细说明,以便学生能够理解和跟随。

3. 资源应该是可靠的,有用的,并且易于访问。

4. 评估标准应该与任务相关且明确。

5. 结论应该是清晰的,易于理解,并且具有实际意义。








1. 情境情境描述了学习任务的背景和学习者需要解决问题的原因。



2. 任务任务是学习者需要完成的具体任务或项目。



3. 信息信息提供支持任务所需的材料。




4. 评估评估是衡量学习者完成任务的方式。



1. 明确任务目标,保证任务有操作性。

2. 提供丰富、有趣、具有挑战性的情境描述,以吸引学习者的兴趣。

3. 针对合适学习者的级别和兴趣水平,提供合适的任务要求和材料,并确保任务有足够的难度和深度。

4. 明确评估标准和反馈机制,以评价和支持学习者的学习成果。

5. 鼓励学习者之间的合作和互动,以实现共同学习的目标。

6. 引导学习者关注信息质量,以提高信息的可信度和可用性。

7. 鼓励学习者在学习过程中发现问题,并为他们提供解决问题的空间和机会。

8. 在整个任务过程中,不断地激励和支持学习者的自主学习和探索。


Project Web App 快速入门指南说明书

Project Web App 快速入门指南说明书

Create projects in Project Web App Quick Start GuideCreate projects to plan your workAs a project owner, a lot of your time in Project Web App will be spent planning work in the Project Center, shown here. You can add new SharePoint task list projects, or create more detailed enterprise projects, to schedule the work happening in your organization.Switch between tabsThere may be multiple tabs on theribbon, to change betweendifferent sets of actions. Each tabcontains groups of related buttonsthat you can use to interact withthe page content.Take action with the ribbonThe ribbon is the toolbar that you use to perform actions on what’s currently in the main display area.Switch between pages and views The Quick Launch lists the main views and pages that you are able to access. You can click these links to navigate to different areas of Project Web App.Do stuff here!The main display area containsinformation about your projectsand tasks. This is the main focus ofeach page and is where you willenter and review data.This is you…Click your name to get to your personal page, where you can see a list of all tasks assigned to you across Project Web App, SharePoint, and Outlook.See the big pictureYour organization may choose todisplay all projects, or key projects,on the timeline.All projects, one listThe Project Center lists multipleprojects going on in yourorganization. Click project namesin the list on the left, or view theprojects with associated datesusing the Gantt chart on the right.Create an enterprise project1.Click Projects on the Quick Launch.2.Click Projects > New > Enterprise Project , or choose oneof your organization’s templates.3.Fill out the form, and then clickProject > Save .To move between pages in the form, save first,and then click Previous or Next .Once your project is created, you might need to click Submit to kick off an approval process.Create a SharePoint Task List project1.Click Projects on the Quick Launch.2.Click Projects > New > SharePoint Tasks List , or choose oneof your organization’s templates.3.Type a name for your new project, and then click Create .4.Once the project site is created, click Editto add tasks.Add an existing task list to the Project Center1.Click Projects on the Quick Launch.2.Click Projects > Add SharePoint Sites .3.Choose the check box for the site, choose the Tasks List,and then and click Add .SharePoint Task List ProjectGreat for simple projects .Viewable in Project Web App.Changes are made on the project site , outside of Project Web App.Enterprise ProjectGreat for more complex projects , with dependencies on people, deliverables, or other projects.Changes are made in Project Web App .What kind of project do I need?Don’t forget to publish!At first, you are the only one who can see your project. Once you’ve added tasks and assigned them to team members, publish your project so that others can see it too.Already started a project as a task list?Here’s how to add it to Project Web App.vWhat’s this symbol mean?This symbol means that the task list is syncing withProject Pro. Once the task list is added to the Project Center, open it in Project Pro to finish setting things up.Add tasks to a project1.Click Projects on the Quick Launch.2.Click the name of a project in the list.3.Click Task> Edit.4.Click Schedule under your project nameon the Quick Launch.5.Add your new task to the bottom ofthe list.Add tasks and projects to the timeline 1.Click the row for the task or project that youwant to add to the timeline.2.Do one of these:On the Schedule page, clickTask> Add to Timeline.In the Project Center, clickProjects> Add Project orAdd Tasks.Indent or outdent tasksCreate a hierarchy of tasks in your project byindenting some tasks below others.Click Task> Indent or Outdent.Link tasks together1.Click the row for the first task, and thenclick the row for the task that can’t startuntil the first one has finished.2.Click Task> Link Tasks.Publish a projectWhen you’re ready to share your project with others, click Task> Publish on the Schedule page.If you have no other changes,click Task> Close .Have your tasks listed in another file? Try copying and pasting! Want to insert a new task between two tasks? Click a row header, and then click Tasks> Insert. Want to change how it looks? Click the timeline……and then click the Timeline tab. Click a bar on the timeline, and then use the options on the Timeline tab to make changes.。



有关于Div_Css布局,JS_Html网页制作的种种笔记两本书——《CSS网站布局实录》《javascript征途》,一个网站——W3school,大概的翻阅浏览了一下,记录四部分如下:目录目录 (1)张淳老师Notes (1)Html (1)Css (2)Javascript (4)摘录 (6)W3shool (6)《CSS网站布局实录》 (7)案例Model (8)Question (11)张淳老师NotesHtml一、基本规范二、元素分类块状元素:可定长宽高Div h1-h6 p pre ul/li/ol form fieldset legend noframes noscript内联函数:紧挨着A b ado big br button cit code dfn em i img input kbd label map object q samp script selectsmall span strike strong sub sup textarea tt var三、常用元素divspanph1-h6ul li oldl dt ddimg scr alttable tr tdformmethod: GET POST action:input text(设定name值) password hidden reset checkbox(radio)image file (文件上传)button and so onCss1Chapter一、使用方法:选择符{属性:值}二、在网页中应用样式CSS1、内敛样式2、内部样式3、外部样式<link herf=”” type=”text/css” rel=”stylesheet”三、前置id class1、类型选择符2、*3、#p4、.p5、包含选择符div span6、子对象选择符div>p>span>#a1/span>#a17、相邻选择符+8、属性选择符p[class]9、属性值空格匹配10、前置匹配^ p[class^=”0”]11、后缀匹配$ p[class$=”0”]12、子字符匹配* p[class*=”0”]13、连字符匹配群组选择符p,ul{....}伪类选择符:link/:visited/:active/:hover/:focus/:first-child对象:fisrt-letter :fisrt-line2Capter一、常用的布局属性div 随时调用HeightWidthPostion: relative/absolute/fixed/static(default)○1top○2left○3right○4botton○5z-index:0 default二、max-height/min-height/max-width/min-width三、float:left,right clear:left/right/both/botton/top四、overflow hidden –x –y五、inline(只有块状元素有长宽大小)/block/inline-block六、display none visible\visibility:hidden visibleMargin 外边距三要素Padding内编剧Border 边框3Capter常用值一、颜色二、绝对单位in cm mm三、相对单位em ex{代表一个小写x的高度} px像素pt(屏幕变大不变其值)pica四、百分比width 30% 相对于页面的宽度一、URL 关于字体二、关于字体大小font-size三、其他字体样式Font-weight:normal/bold/bolder/lighterFont-style:normal/italic/oblique 后两种斜字体Text-transform:capitalize首字母大写/uppercase/lowercase/inerit继承Text-decoration:none normal overline underline blink and so onFont缩写:font:font-style font-variant font-weight font-size [/line-height] font-family *当line-height不设定时,行高不会从父级继承,而是default 1段落排版一、首行样式Text-indent: 首行缩进em二、对齐Text-align:center left rightVertical-align:三、行距Line-heightOverflow:visible auto hidden scrollWhite-break:normal break-all keep-allWord-warp:normal/break-word文本流向1.框架layout-flow:2.Writing-mode:lr-tb/tb-rl3.Direction:rtl/ltr/inherit4.Input-align:right5.Unicode-bid:normal/bidi-overirde/embed背景background1.Background color image:url() repeat –x –y atachment: scroll/fixed position:5Capter继承一、不具有继承性的属性二、优先级简单选择符,内嵌式>class选择符>id选择符条件编译一、各种注译二、修饰关键字\t \te gt gte三、例子列表样式List-style-image/position/type滤镜.....Javascript*,null.....0 逻辑flase 除了undefined=null 其他不等、2.“123”==123 “0123”==0123 (X)3.“123”===123是一个常量运算符复杂数据Object谈谈事件原理*事件流事件冒泡与捕获事件Document DOM BOM事件分布1.UI(BOM)事件onload事件2.脚本事件Onover3.鼠标事件OnmousedownOnclick深入控制事件event对象6Capter内置函数()unescape()/encodeURI()decodeURI()/(“”)(“”) 确定窗口(””,””)()数()当成公式算出来7....1.math对象2.date对象一个延迟的例子:基本数据类型的对象表现1.Number 对象2.属性.prototype3.方法4.String常用eg charcadeat/indexof/lastindexof/match(regexp)/search(regexp)/slice()/split()/..... 5.其他对象数组array 1.属性length/prototype 2.方法.....6.Windows对象BOM?属性:docment history navigator方法:alert prompt open settimeout setinterva confirm focus blurBom?7.Docmnet 对象属性:title bgcolor fgcolor location cookie方法:open close focus write writh8.Navigator对象9.Location 对象属性:方法:reload刷新replace10.History 对象属性:length方法:back forword go11.Screen 对象属性:...方法:DOM——可以把他认为是页面上数据和结构的一个树形表示,不过页面当然可能并不是以这种树的方式具体实现!摘录W3shool<b>注释:</b>这些标签常用于显示计算机/编程代码。




一个完整的WebQuest 包括六大设计要素:














WebQuest名词解释1. 简介WebQuest是一种基于互联网的教学方法,旨在帮助学生通过探索和发现网络资源来解决问题。

它是由美国教育技术专家Bernie Dodge于1995年提出的,并很快在教育界得到广泛应用。


2. WebQuest的特点•任务驱动:WebQuest以一个明确的任务为核心,学生需要通过自主探索和研究来解决问题。










3. WebQuest的步骤WebQuest通常包括以下几个步骤:3.1 任务介绍在这一步,教师会向学生介绍任务的背景和目标,激发学生的兴趣,并帮助他们理解任务的重要性和意义。

3.2 角色分配教师会将学生分为小组,并为每个小组分配不同的角色。



3.3 资源探索在这一步,学生将利用互联网或其他资源来探索相关信息。


3.4 信息整理学生需要将收集到的信息进行整理和归纳。












例如,下面的代码会将网页的标题修改为"我的网页":```javascriptdocument.documentElement.querySelector("title").textContent = "我的网页";```三、修改样式和添加样式通过documentElement,我们可以轻松地访问和修改文档的样式。

例如,我们可以通过下面的代码将整个网页的背景颜色修改为红色:```javascriptdocument.documentElement.style.backgroundColor = "red";```除了修改样式,我们还可以通过documentElement来动态地添加样式。





"document" 是指在网页编程中用来表示整个 HTML 文档的对象。

它是 JavaScript 中的一个内置对象,常用于访问和操作网页中的

首先,我们可以使用 document 对象来访问和操作 HTML 元素。

比如,我们可以使用 document.getElementById() 方法通过元素的ID 来获取特定的元素,然后对其进行操作,比如改变其内容、样式

另外,document 对象也可以用来创建新的 HTML 元素,比如使
用 document.createElement() 方法可以创建一个新的元素节点,

除此之外,document 对象还可以用来操作整个文档的结构,比
如可以使用 document.write() 方法在文档中写入内容,或者使用document.getElementById() 方法来获取整个文档中的某个特定的

总之,document 对象在网页编程中起着非常重要的作用,它提
供了丰富的方法和属性,可以让开发者轻松地操作和控制整个 HTML 文档的内容和结构。

希望这些信息能够帮助你更好地理解 document 对象的用法。

OASIS Web门户用户手册说明书

OASIS Web门户用户手册说明书

Part I General InformationPart I General InformationDisclaimer==================================================================================The information of this document serves for education, training and/or on-boarding purposes only. HKEx assumes no responsibility for any errors, omissions or conflicts with clearing house rules, procedures and other official notice/circulars. Also, all examples in this document are used for illustration purposes only, and should not be considered the results of actual market circumstances. All matters pertaining to specifications herein are made subject to further revision and are superseded by official HKEx rules.==================================================================================Part I General Information Amendment LogUpdated Date Document /SectionDescriptionMay 2014 Part I, section 2, 3 and4-Revise the Part I section 2 and 4 to reflect the changesdue to launch of client clearing-Revise the access profile type available for ClearingMembers-Remove Hutchison Global Communications Limited(HGC) as Accredited Vendors of SDNet/2Dec 2014 Part I, section 4 -Additional access level“selfservice_documentdownload”May 2016 Part I, section 3 -security best practices for usage in OASIS Web PortalOct 2016 Part I, section 4 -Two additional access level “selfservice_limitenq” and “selfservice_loginonly”Mar 2021 Part I, section 4 -One additional access level “whatif_ClearingMemberID”-Remove access level “selfservice_loginonly”Aug 2022 -Housekeeping changesOASIS Web Portal User ManualPart I General Information Table of Contents1.I NTRODUCTION (5)2.S YSTEM O VERVIEW (7)2.1. Framework Overview (7)2.2. OASIS Operating Hours (7)2.3. Functions and Key Features (8)3.T ECHNICAL R EQUIREMENTS (10)3.1. Connection Requirements (10)3.2. Software Requirements (11)3.3. Computer Virus / Worm Security Measures (11)3.4. Prohibited Actions on OASIS System (12)4.A CCESS C ONTROL AND U SER A CCOUNT M ANAGEMENT (13)4.1. Access Control (13)4.2. User Account Management (14)Part I General Information 1.IntroductionOASIS stands for "OTC Account Services Information System" which is a Web Portal provided by OTC Clear to its Clearing Members to manage the collateral holdings and obligations with OTC Clear.This OASIS Web Portal User Manual aims to enable the Clearing Members of OTC Clear to make full and efficient use of OASIS by providing instructions for using the system's functions (user account administration, collateral request submission, and historical collateral requests enquiry and report retrieval).All instructions and activities in OASIS are subject to the respective Rules and Procedures of OTC Clear. ContentsThe Web Portal User Manual covers all available functions on OASIS. It is divided into five sections:Part I:⏹General & System Related Information of OASISPart II to V⏹Using OASIS1. User Account Administration2. Collateral Management3. Margin SimulatorThis Web Portal User Manual will be subject to further amendments and changes to cover the continuous expansion of OASIS’ services.For any suggestions and comments about the content of the Web Portal User Manual, please contact: Operations DepartmentOTC Clearing Hong Kong Limited30/F, One Exchange Square,8 Connaught Place, CentralHong KongHotline : 2211-6506Fax : 2427 2211Part I General Information HotlinesThe following hotlines are available to answer Clearing Members' enquiries on matters related to OASIS and its operations:General Enquiries:Tel. No. : 2211 6506Email Address : ***********************.hkService Hours : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to FridayOASIS Collateral Management Hotline:Tel. No. : 2211 6501Service Hours : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to FridayOASIS Margin Simulator Hotline:Tel. No. : 2211 6062Service Hours : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to FridayTechnical Enquiries:Tel. no. : 2211 6526Service Hours : 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to FridayPart I General Information2.System Overview2.1.Framework OverviewThe following diagram shows the connectivity between OTC Clear’s Clearing System (OCASS) and OASIS.Diagram1. Connection of OTC Clearing System and OASISAs shown in the diagram, Clearing Members need a PC (dedicated PC is recommended due to security concern) connecting OASIS via the Securities and Derivatives Network (SDNet).SDNet is a consolidated network infrastructure designed to support multiple market system networks. Currently, SDNet supports many of the existing market systems of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEx) including the Hong Kong Futures Automated Trading System (HKATS) and the Derivatives Clearing and Settlement System (DCASS). Please refer to “Section 3 Technical R equirement” for application and the installation details.After completing the installation of SDNet and connection to OASIS, Clearing Members will be provided with two URLs, one for logging on to collateral management portal and another for margin simulator portal.2.2. OASIS Operating HoursThe operating hours of OASIS are:7:30 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., every OTC Clear Clearing Day 1Please note not all functions of OASIS are available throughout the operating hours. A number of functions on OASIS have different operating hours and are detailed in the corresponding sections of PART II to IV.1means, at any time, each day appearing on the OTC Clear Clearing Days Calendar that is in effect at such timeClearing Members’ PCOTC Clearing System (OCASS)Margin SimulatorPortalCollateral ManagementPortalOASIS connection frameworkSDNet Network EnvironmentPart I General Information 2.3.Functions and Key FeaturesOASIS has the following main functions to facilitate Clearing M embers’ daily operations:User account administration portal⏹Maintenance Functionso Create new usero Lock/unlock usero Reset password of user⏹Enquiry Functionso Enquire status of usero Enquire general setting of the portalCollateral management portal⏹Maintenance Functionso Submit collateral deposit/withdrawal requestso Fulfill margin calls requirement⏹Enquiry Functionso Enquire collateral account movemento Enquire the status of collateral deposit/withdrawal requestso Enquire margin calls⏹Reporting Functionso Retrieval of various types of reports2, including:▪Trade reports▪Settlement reports▪Margin reports▪Market Data reportsMargin simulator portal⏹Simulation Functionso Simulating margin requirement for a single tradeo Simulating margin requirement for a portfolioKey features of the three portals:User account administration portal⏹An interactive web browser terminal providing online user account creation/modificationand enquiry of user account status via a secured network2 Please refer to the Report Usage Guide for more details on the specifications of each report published by OTC Clear, the guidance for interpreting the contents therein, and the frequency of publication of each such report.Part I General Information⏹"Maker-Checker" mechanism to ensure user account/modifications are initiated andapproved by different users.Collateral management portal⏹An interactive web browser terminal providing online input, enquiry and report downloadvia a secured network⏹"Maker-Checker" mechanism to ensure collateral deposit / withdrawal requests arecreated and approved by different users.Margin simulator portal⏹Clearing Member-friendly interface allowing users to manually input trade details or adopt“bulk upload” (for portfolio) approach for margin simulation⏹Display margin requirement before and after the simulation for easy analysis of the impactto the existing portfolioPart I General Information3.Technical Requirements3.1.Connection RequirementsClearing Members are connected to the OASIS through Securities and Derivatives Network 2 (SDNet/2) infrastructure. SDNet/2 is provided by different network vendors to the Clearing Members. HKEx has defined a set of commercial and technical requirements for the SDNet/2 infrastructure. Through a comprehensive accreditation process, initially, 2 vendors have been appointed to provide SDNet/2 network services. These Accredited Vendors are (in alphabetical order): Hong Kong Telecommunications (HKT) Limited (also known as PCCW) and Wharf T&T Limited (Wharf T&T). To apply for SDNet/2, Clearing Members should first approach the Accredited Vendors and get the SDNet/2 application form and information. The Accredited Vendors’ contact numbers and email addresses are set out in the SDNet/2 Information Pack. Clearing Members should compare offers from the Accredited Vendors, read carefully all the terms and conditions as specified on the application form and the relevant material before completion of the application form. For general enquiry on the application process, interested party can contact the technical hotline in Part I section 1.Clearing Members may apply either single link connection (without resilience) or dual links connection for their backup site. However from system resilience perspective, dual links connection should be installed for the production site. The bandwidth requirement for 1 to 2 concurrent OASIS user(s) is 1M and for 3 to 4 concurrentOASIS users is 2M. Also, OASIS users should access the portal via SDNet/2 using a dedicated PC. Clearing Members should ensure thesecurity of information transmission and LAN switch for dual links or multiple dedicated PC connections.The following two diagrams show the dual links and single link connection communication network setup.Option 1: Dual links connection (for production site) Remark: Hub is required for dual links connection.Options 2 : Single link connection SDNet/2SDNet/2 Access RouterCat6 UTP CablesClient TerminalsManaged by PCCWPart I General Information3.2.Software RequirementsOASIS Users’ PC specifications:Recommended configurations for an OASIS user PC are as follows:Items DescriptionsFor MS Windows 7 Professional:HardwareConfiguration-Processor: Intel Core i5 2400 /3.1GHz-Memory: 4GB-Local Hard Disk: 500GBSoftwareOperating System (OS):Configuration-MS Windows 7 Professional-Browser: best viewed by Internet Explorer 9.0 (IE 9.0)-Java Runtime Environment : JRE 6.0puter Virus / Worm Security Measures/security best practicesComputer virus or worms are one of the concerns in the security measures of computer system. Various security measures have been employed in OASIS to protect it from computer virus or worms attacks. Besides, there are other potential sources of computer virus or worms e.g. use of external storage device in Clearing Member's PC for downloading OASIS information or uploading files to conduct simulation. Clearing Members should take the following precautionary measures for the OASIS users' PCs:Part I General Information Virus protectionInstall anti-virus software on OASIS users’ PCs and regularly update the virus definitions from the vendor. If OASIS user is using a dedicated PC without Internet connection, in some case, the vendor may make available the definition files daily in the Internet for download. Clearing Members may download the updated virus definition file with a PC with Internet access, save the file in a disk or flash disk and install the update at the OASIS users’ PC.Microsoft OS patchRegularly review and install the latest Microsoft security patches in OASIS users’ PCs. Clearing Members may subscribe to Microsoft technical security notifications to keep up-to-dated about security vulnerability and patches available.If OASIS user is using a dedicated PC without Internet connection, Microsoft security patches can be downloaded from Microsoft Download Center (or Microsoft Update Catalogue) separately with a PC having Internet access. Clearing Members may then save the file in a disk or flash disk and install the patch.Security best practicesOASIS users are highly recommended to have their own personal workstation to access OASIS web portal. If OASIS users are sharing the workstation to access OASIS web portal, users should login the workstation using his/her own credentials. In addition, users are required to log out the OASIS web portal by clicking the “Log Out” link and then logout the workstation after use.3.4.Prohibited Actions on OASIS SystemClearing Members must not perform any unauthorised access or security scanning (no matter at network, system or application level) on OASIS and any related network device not owned by them. Any such attempt will be regarded as illegal access or malicious intrusion to OASIS.Part I General Information 4.Access Control and User Account Management4.1.Access ControlOASIS provides different access rights to ensure that only relevant information is accessible to the authorised users of Clearing Members. These include:•Clearing Member ID•User profile, which includes:▪user ID▪user access group assignmentClearing Member IDOTC Clear assigns a Clearing Member ID to each Clearing Member/Client upon the approval of its membership/setup request. For Clearing Member, it is a twelve-character code.Example: ABCDBANK001TFor Client, it is a code with 6 to 7 characters for the short name / short identifier of the client.Example: XXXXXXXUser ID:For each Clearing Member, OTC Clear will provide 4 user accounts with access to User account administration portal (“OASIS admin users”).A unique user ID is required for each user accounts for OASIS.User ID for OASIS admin users will be assigned by OTC Clear. It has the following syntax: admin[#]@[ClearingMemberID](e.g. admin1@ABCDBANK001T).User ID for OASIS users will be assigned by OASIS admin users. It has the following syntax: [UserName]@[ClearingMemberID] , where the maximum characters of UserName is 18(e.g.john_dow@ABCDBANK001T).User name is assigned by the OASIS admin user, please refer to Part II, Section 2.1 for creation of OASIS user accountsHKEx has the right to suspend or delete OASIS user as its discretionsPart I General InformationUser Access Group:All OASIS admin users share the same user access group while there are two types of access profile for OASIS user. Please refer to Table 4.2 for the functions available for the different access groups.er Account ManagementClearing Members can apply extra OASIS admin user accounts and/or increase the maximum number of OASIS user accounts by completing and submitting “OASIS User Account Maintenance Form” to OTC Clear. The form is available for download on the HKEx website.Upon the approval of the OASIS admin user account request, each OASIS Admin user will be assigned a unique User ID and a temporary password to logon to OASIS. Clearing Members are required to change the password at the first logon and every 90days.Clearing Member is responsible to manage its own list of OASIS users. Further details on the features available in OASIS User Account Administrative Portal to aid account management can be found in Part II of this user guide.Table 4.2 Functions available for different OASIS user access groups:User Access GroupsACCESSIBLE FUNCTIONS selfservice_clientadminselfservice_collateral_userselfservice_collateral_approverselfservice_documentdownloadselfservice_limitenqwhatif_ClearingMemberIDOASIS User Account Administration Portal View Status of OASISusersCreate new OASISusersAmend setting ofexisting OASIS user Lock/unlock existingOASIS userDownload Report on status of OASIS userAuthorise request on changes on OASIS userOASIS Collateral Management Portal MARGIN CALL Enquire Margin CallsIssuedSubmit change to settlemargin call in non-base currencies COLLATERAL DEPOSITView HistoricalCollateral DepositRequestCreate CollateralDeposit RequestPart I General Information Cancel CollateralDeposit RequestReject CollateralDeposit RequestAuthorise CollateralDeposit RequestCOLLATERALWITHDRAWALView HistoricalCollateral WithdrawalRequestCreate CollateralWithdrawal RequestCancel CollateralWithdrawal RequestReject CollateralWithdrawal RequestAuthorise CollateralWithdrawal RequestREPORT FUNCTIONSSearch HistoricalReportsDownload ReportsSettlement LimitEnquiry PortalSettlement LimitMonitoringOASIS MarginSimulator PortalWhat-if TradeCalculationWhat-if PortfolioCalculationClearing Members' ResponsibilitiesEach Clearing Member is responsible for informing OTC Clear of any subsequent changes to the list of authorised signatories in relation to any request to OTC Clear for OASIS access.It is the responsibility of each Clearing Member to control the access to OASIS by ensuring the security and confidentiality of the User IDs and passwords of its assigned users. Clearing Members shall be liable for all instructions inputted into OASIS via the OASIS Users ID assigned to them.。

document.用法 -回复

document.用法 -回复




第一部分:什么是document对象?1.1 document对象的定义和作用document对象是指代表示整个HTML文档的对象,可以通过它来访问和操作文档中的元素、属性和方法。

1.2 document对象的创建在浏览器中打开HTML文档后,浏览器会自动创建一个document对象,它与当前打开的文档关联起来。


第二部分:document对象的常用属性和方法2.1 常用属性2.1.1 document.documentElement该属性返回文档的根元素(HTML元素),一般是<html>标签。


2.1.2 document.title该属性用于设置或获取当前文档的标题。


2.1.3 document.URL该属性返回当前页面的完整URL地址。


2.1.4 document.cookie该属性用于操作和获取当前文档的Cookie信息。


2.2 常用方法2.2.1 document.getElementById()这是一个用于获取指定ID的元素的方法。












没有道理说一个WebQuest 的资源中不可以包括教科书、录音带、与他人面对面的交流。



由于我们寻求的学习在布鲁姆目标分类学(Bloom’s Taxonomy)中处于较高层面,因此难以用多项选择测试题来测量,需要有一个评价量规(evaluation rubric)。







.net webbrowser用法

.net webbrowser用法

一、.NET WebBrowser控件简介.NET WebBrowser控件是一种能够嵌入到Windows窗体应用程序中的浏览器控件,它允许用户在应用程序中浏览网页内容。

这个控件基于Internet Explorer引擎,因此它能够支持大多数IE的功能和特性。

通过使用.NET WebBrowser控件,开发者可以实现在自己的应用程序中显示网页内容,而无需用户离开应用程序去打开外部浏览器。

二、.NET WebBrowser控件的基本用法1. 在窗体中添加WebBrowser控件要在窗体中添加WebBrowser控件,首先需要在Visual Studio的工具箱中找到WebBrowser控件,然后将其拖放到窗体中即可。

2. 加载网页使用WebBrowser控件加载网页十分简单,只需要通过控件的Navigate方法传入网页URL即可实现。

例如:webBrowser1.Navigate("");3. 获取当前网页URL开发者可以通过WebBrowser控件的Url属性获取当前正在浏览的网页的URL,从而实现在应用程序中显示当前网页的位置区域。

4. 前进和后退WebBrowser控件提供了GoBack和GoForward方法,可以让用户在浏览历史记录中进行前进和后退操作。

5. 控制浏览器的其他功能除了上述基本功能外,WebBrowser控件还提供了许多其他功能,例如刷新页面、停止加载、打印页面等。


三、.NET WebBrowser控件的高级用法1. 与JavaScript交互通过WebBrowser控件的Document属性,开发者可以获取当前网页的DOM结构,并且可以执行JavaScript代码来修改网页内容或与网页进行交互。

2. 处理网页事件WebBrowser控件提供了许多事件,例如DocumentCompleted、Navigating等,开发者可以通过订阅这些事件来处理网页加载完成、用户点击信息等操作。

crontab web管理用法

crontab web管理用法

Crontab Web管理用法什么是Crontab?Crontab是一个在Unix和类Unix操作系统中常见的任务调度程序。






Crontab Web管理工具Crontab Web管理工具是基于Web界面的Crontab管理工具,它提供了更直观和友好的方式来管理和配置Crontab任务。


以下是一些常见的Crontab Web管理工具:1.Webmin:Webmin是一个功能强大且广泛使用的Web管理界面,它支持多种操作系统,并提供了一个模块来管理crontab。



Crontab Web管理工具的优势Crontab Web管理工具相比于传统的命令行方式,具有以下优势:1.可视化操作:通过Web界面,用户可以直观地查看和编辑任务,无需记忆复杂的命令和语法。

2.简化配置:Crontab Web管理工具提供了简单易用的表单和选项,使用户能够轻松配置任务的运行时间、命令和参数。


4.日志记录:一些Crontab Web管理工具还提供了任务执行日志记录功能,方便用户查看任务的执行情况和输出结果。



web释放技巧以下是一些常用的Web开发释放技巧:1. 压缩资源:对CSS和JavaScript文件进行压缩,减小文件大小,提高页面加载速度。


2. 图片优化:使用适当的图片格式(如JPEG、PNG、GIF),并压缩图片文件大小。


3. 缓存策略:设置合适的缓存头,使浏览器能够缓存静态资源。



4. 懒加载:对于页面上的大型图片或其他资源,可以使用懒加载技术,延迟加载它们,直到它们进入可视区域。


5. CDN加速:使用内容分发网络(CDN)来加速静态资源的传输。


6. 异步加载:将脚本标记为异步加载,以允许页面继续加载,而不必等待脚本的完全下载和执行。


7. 响应式设计:使用响应式设计来适应不同的设备和屏幕大小。


8. 使用合适的Web服务器:选择高效的Web服务器,如Nginx或Apache,以提供更快的页面响应速度和更好的性能。

9. 合并文件:将多个CSS文件或JavaScript文件合并成一个文件,减少HTTP请求次数,提高页面加载性能。

10. 减少重定向:尽量减少页面重定向,因为它会增加额外的网络请求和延迟。




chromiumwebbrowser用法《Chromium WebBrowser用法》一、基本用法1. 要使用Chromium WebBrowser,首先得确保你已经将它正确安装在你的设备上。



2. 在Chromium WebBrowser里输入网址可简单啦。



3. 浏览网页的时候,滚动鼠标滚轮就像你在翻阅一本超级有趣的电子书籍。


4. Chromium WebBrowser的书签功能超实用。



5. 搜索信息的时候,在搜索栏输入关键词就像你在跟浏览器说“嘿,帮我找找这个东西吧”。


二、固定搭配1. “Chromium WebBrowser + 插件(Extensions)”:插件就像是给浏览器穿上的超级战衣。


我跟朋友说这个的时候,朋友兴奋地说:“哇,那可太棒了,我最讨厌那些弹窗广告了!”2. “Chromium WebB rowser + 开发者工具(Developer Tools)”:对于那些懂点技术的人来说,开发者工具就像是一个魔法盒。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Week 3 Webquest task Document 1
/english/res_e/webcas_e/webcas_grid_e.htm?video_type=latest UNDERSTANDING THE WTO
What we do
The WTO is run by its member governments. All major decisions are made by the membership as a whole, either by ministers (who usually meet at least once every two years) or by their ambassadors or delegates (who meet regularly in Geneva).
While the WTO is driven by its member states, it could not function
without its Secretariat to coordinate the activities. The Secretariat
employs over 600 staff, and its experts — lawyers, economists,
statisticians and communications experts — assist WTO members on
a daily basis to ensure, among other things, that negotiations
progress smoothly, and that the rules of international trade are
correctly applied and enforced.
Trade negotiations
The WTO agreements cover goods, services and intellectual
property. They spell out the principles of liberalization, and the
pe rmitted exceptions. They include individual countries’
commitments to lower customs tariffs and other trade barriers, and
to open and keep open services markets. They set procedures for
settling disputes. These agreements are not static; they are
renegotiated from time to time and new agreements can be added
to the package. Many are now being negotiated under the Doha
Development Agenda, launched by WTO trade ministers in Doha,
Qatar, in November 2001.
Implementation and monitoring
WTO agreements require governments to make their trade policies
transparent by notifying the WTO about laws in force and measures
adopted. Various WTO councils and committees seek to ensure that
these requirements are being followed and that WTO agreements
are being properly implemented. All WTO members must undergo
periodic scrutiny of their trade policies and practices, each review
containing reports by the country concerned and the WTO
Dispute settlement
The WTO’s procedure for resolving trade quarrels under the D ispute
Settlement Understanding is vital for enforcing the rules and
therefore for ensuring that trade flows smoothly. Countries bring
disputes to the WTO if they think their rights under the agreements
are being infringed. Judgements by specially appointed
independent experts are based on interpretations of the
agreements and individual countries’ commitments.
Building trade capacity
WTO agreements contain special provision for developing countries, including longer time periods to implement agreements and commitments, measures to increase their trading opportunities, and support to help them build their trade capacity, to handle disputes and to implement technical standards. The WTO organizes hundreds of technical cooperation missions to developing countries annually. It also holds numerous courses each year in Geneva for government officials. Aid for Trade aims to help developing countries develop the skills and infrastructure needed to expand their trade.
The WTO maintains regular dialogue with non-governmental organizations, parliamentarians, other international organizations, the media and the general public on various aspects of the WTO and the ongoing Doha negotiations, with the aim of enhancing cooperation and increasing awareness of WTO activities.。
