福布斯:巴茨管理黯然离职 未能打动华尔街
还未找到继任者,就解雇现在的CEO,谁将是雅虎CEO的继任者?被解雇的CEO 是否意味着职业生涯的结束?无“板凳”的巴茨一般而言,国际化的大公司在关键岗位应该有继任管理计划,来学习和发展组织内部的高潜人才,创造内部优秀人才库,以获得当前和未来所需的核心能力。
为何雅虎董事会显然在没有物色好“板凳”人选的情况下就炒掉了巴茨?DDI 资深顾问倪汇钟告诉《第一财经日报》,“这可能是两害相权取其轻的做法。
但董事会能否找到一个合适的人选? 雅虎是家新闻媒体公司,同时也是一家互联网技术公司,要CEO都具备这两个方面的背景,确实不好找人。
以下为IT界年轻富豪榜榜单情况(顺序按年龄排列):马克·扎克伯格( Mark Zuckerberg )年龄:25岁净收入:40亿美元在去年金融危机中名次下滑的扎克伯格再次成为世界上最年轻的亿万富翁。
田中良和( YoshikazuTanaka )年龄:33岁净收入:14亿美金第二位世界最年轻的亿万富翁是田中良和(YoshikazuTanaka)。
塞吉·布林( Sergey Brin )年龄:36岁净收入:175亿美金谷歌合伙创始人使他一跃成为世界上排名第24位的富翁。
炸掉你的人力资源部!!!《财富》杂志的专栏作家托马斯.斯图沃特(Thomas A. Stewart)在他的文章中写道:“在你的公司中存在着一个暖洋洋的、昏昏欲睡的,就像是克娄巴特拉(古埃及艳后,用毒蛇自杀)胸脯上的毒蛇一样的东西,这个东西就是你公司中的一个部门。
我们只想从上述几个鲜有人提出的问题出发,给大多数“暖洋洋、昏昏欲睡的”HR 们提个醒,给那些对HR 又爱又恨的老板和CEO 们提个醒。
可是,我们随便打开一个人才招聘网站来看一看,你就知道负责招聘的HR 是多么的随意和不严谨,残缺不全的信息结构,蹩脚的职责描述和资格说明,甚至有的公司H R 完全照抄同业公司的招聘说明——最简单的事情却做的最糟糕,或许他们并不缺乏专业能力,但他们一定是缺乏专业精神!你若曾经通过公开招聘的方式获得过几份工作,那么请回想一下,他们是如何对待求职者的?从电话通知和现场接待的礼仪,到面试考察的技术水平,有几个HR 向你展示了他的人本精神和职业水准,给你留下了良好的专业印象?事实上,不多。
“激情集团”消失了 我是1964年以设计⼈员的⾝份进⼊索尼的。
《金融学》答案第四章 货币的时间价值与现金流贴现分析
CHAPTER 4THE TIME VALUE OF MONEY AND DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSISObjectives∙To explain the concepts of compounding and discounting, future value and present value.∙To show how these concepts are applied to making financial decisions.Outline4.1Compounding4.2The Frequency of Compounding4.3Present Value and Discounting4.4Alternative Discounted Cash Flow Decision Rules4.5Multiple Cash Flows4.6Annuities4.7Perpetual Annuities4.8Loan Amortization4.9Exchange Rates and Time Value of Money4.10Inflation and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis4.11Taxes and Investment DecisionsSummary∙Compounding is the process of going from present value (PV) to future value (FV). The future value of $1 earning interest at rate i per period for n periods is (1+i)n.∙Discounting is finding the present value of some future amount. The present value of $1 discounted at rate i per period for n periods is 1/(1+i)n.∙One can make financial decisions by comparing the present values of streams of expected future cash flows resulting from alternative courses of action. The present value of cash inflows less the present value of cash outflows is called net present value (NPV). If a course of action has a positive NPV, it is worth undertaking.∙In any time value of money calculation, the cash flows and the interest rate must be denominated in the same currency.∙Never use a nominal interest rate when discounting real cash flows or a real interest rate when discounting nominal cash flows.How to Do TVM Calculations in MS ExcelAssume you have the following cash flows set up in a spreadsheet:A B1t CF20-1003150426053706NPV7IRRMove the cursor to cell B6 in the spreadsheet. Click the function wizard f x in the tool bar and when a menu appears, select financial and then NPV. Then follow the instructions for inputting the discount rate and cash flows. You can input the column of cash flows by selecting and moving it with your mouse. Ultimately cell B6should contain the following:=NPV(0.1,B3:B5)+B2The first variable in parenthesis is the discount rate. Make sure to input the discount rate as a decimal fraction (i.e., 10% is .1). Note that the NPV function in Excel treats the cash flows as occurring at the end of each period, and therefore the initial cash flow of 100 in cell B2 is added after the closing parenthesis. When you hit the ENTER key, the result should be $47.63.Now move the cursor to cell B7to compute IRR. This time select IRR from the list of financial functions appearing in the menu. Ultimately cell B7 should contain the following:=IRR(B2:B5)When you hit the ENTER key, the result should be 34%.Your spreadsheet should look like this when you have finished:A B1t CF20-1003150426053706NPV47.637IRR34%Solutions to Problems at End of Chapter1.If you invest $1000 today at an interest rate of 10% per year, how much will you have 20 years from now,assuming no withdrawals in the interim?2. a. If you invest $100 every year for the next 20 years, starting one year from today and you earninterest of 10% per year, how much will you have at the end of the 20 years?b.How much must you invest each year if you want to have $50,000 at the end of the 20 years?3.What is the present value of the following cash flows at an interest rate of 10% per year?a.$100 received five years from now.b.$100 received 60 years from now.c.$100 received each year beginning one year from now and ending 10 years from now.d.$100 received each year for 10 years beginning now.e.$100 each year beginning one year from now and continuing forever.e.PV = $100 = $1,000.104.You want to establish a “wasting” fund which will provide you with $1000 per year for four years, at which time the fund will be exhausted. How much must you put in the fund now if you can earn 10% interest per year?SOLUTION:5.You take a one-year installment loan of $1000 at an interest rate of 12% per year (1% per month) to be repaid in 12 equal monthly payments.a.What is the monthly payment?b.What is the total amount of interest paid over the 12-month term of the loan?SOLUTION:b. 12 x $88.85 - $1,000 = $66.206.You are taking out a $100,000 mortgage loan to be repaid over 25 years in 300 monthly payments.a.If the interest rate is 16% per year what is the amount of the monthly payment?b.If you can only afford to pay $1000 per month, how large a loan could you take?c.If you can afford to pay $1500 per month and need to borrow $100,000, how many months would it taketo pay off the mortgage?d.If you can pay $1500 per month, need to borrow $100,000, and want a 25 year mortgage, what is thehighest interest rate you can pay?SOLUTION:a.Note: Do not round off the interest rate when computing the monthly rate or you will not get the same answerreported here. Divide 16 by 12 and then press the i key.b.Note: You must input PMT and PV with opposite signs.c.Note: You must input PMT and PV with opposite signs.7.In 1626 Peter Minuit purchased Manhattan Island from the Native Americans for about $24 worth of trinkets. If the tribe had taken cash instead and invested it to earn 6% per year compounded annually, how much would the Indians have had in 1986, 360 years later?SOLUTION:8.You win a $1 million lottery which pays you $50,000 per year for 20 years, beginning one year from now. How much is your prize really worth assuming an interest rate of 8% per year?SOLUTION:9.Your great-aunt left you $20,000 when she died. You can invest the money to earn 12% per year. If you spend $3,540 per year out of this inheritance, how long will the money last?SOLUTION:10.You borrow $100,000 from a bank for 30 years at an APR of 10.5%. What is the monthly payment? If you must pay two points up front, meaning that you only get $98,000 from the bank, what is the true APR on the mortgage loan?SOLUTION:If you must pay 2 points up front, the bank is in effect lending you only $98,000. Keying in 98000 as PV and computing i, we get:11.Suppose that the mortgage loan described in question 10 is a one-year adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), which means that the 10.5% interest applies for only the first year. If the interest rate goes up to 12% in the second year of the loan, what will your new monthly payment be?SOLUTION:Step 2 is to compute the new monthly payment at an interest rate of 1% per month:12.You just received a gift of $500 from your grandmother and you are thinking about saving this money for graduation which is four years away. You have your choice between Bank A which is paying 7% for one-year deposits and Bank B which is paying 6% on one-year deposits. Each bank compounds interest annually. What is the future value of your savings one year from today if you save your money in Bank A? Bank B? Which is the better decision? What savings decision will most individuals make? What likely reaction will Bank B have? SOLUTION:$500 x (1.07) = $535Formula:$500 x (1.06) = $530a.You will decide to save your money in Bank A because you will have more money at the end of the year. Youmade an extra $5 because of your savings decision. That is an increase in value of 1%. Because interestcompounded only once per year and your money was left in the account for only one year, the increase in value is strictly due to the 1% difference in interest rates.b.Most individuals will make the same decision and eventually Bank B will have to raise its rates. However, it isalso possible that Bank A is paying a high rate just to attract depositors even though this rate is not profitable for the bank. Eventually Bank A will have to lower its rate to Bank B’s rate in order to make money.13.Sue Consultant has just been given a bonus of $2,500 by her employer. She is thinking about using the money to start saving for the future. She can invest to earn an annual rate of interest of 10%.a.According to the Rule of 72, approximately how long will it take for Sue to increase her wealth to $5,000?b.Exactly how long does it actually take?SOLUTION:a.According to the Rule of 72: n = 72/10 = 7.2 yearsIt will take approximately 7.2 years for Sue’s $2,500 to double to $5,000 at 10% interest.b.At 10% interestFormula:$2,500 x (1.10)n = $5,000Hence, (1.10)n = 2.0n log 1.10 = log 2.0n = .693147 = 7.27 Years.095310rry’s bank account has a “floating” interest rate on certain deposits. Every year the interest rate is adjusted. Larry deposited $20,000 three years ago, when interest rates were 7% (annual compounding). Last year the rate was only 6%, and this year the rate fell again to 5%. How much will be in his account at the end of this year?SOLUTION:$20,000 x 1.07 x 1.06 x 1.05 = $23,818.2015.You have your choice between investing in a bank savings account which pays 8% compounded annually (BankAnnual) and one which pays 7.5% compounded daily (BankDaily).a.Based on effective annual rates, which bank would you prefer?b.Suppose BankAnnual is only offering one-year Certificates of Deposit and if you withdraw your moneyearly you lose all interest. How would you evaluate this additional piece of information when making your decision?SOLUTION:a.Effective Annual Rate: BankAnnual = 8%.Effective Annual Rate BankDaily = [1 + .075]365 - 1 = .07788 = 7.788%365Based on effective annual rates, you would prefer BankAnnual (you will earn more money.)b.If BankAnnual’s 8% annual return is conditioned upon leaving the money in for one full year, I would need tobe sure that I did not need my money within the one year period. If I were unsure of when I might need the money, it might be safer to go for BankDaily. The option to withdraw my money whenever I might need it will cost me the potential difference in interest:FV (BankAnnual) = $1,000 x 1.08 = $1,080FV (BankDaily) = $1,000 x 1.07788 = $1,077.88Difference = $2.12.16.What are the effective annual rates of the following:a.12% APR compounded monthly?b.10% APR compounded annually?c.6% APR compounded daily?SOLUTION:Effective Annual Rate (EFF) = [1 + APR] m - 1ma.(1 + .12)12 - 1 = .1268 = 12.68%12b.(1 + .10)- 1 = .10 = 10%1c.(1 + .06)365 - 1 = .0618 = 6.18%36517.Harry promises that an investment in his firm will double in six years. Interest is assumed to be paid quarterly and reinvested. What effective annual yield does this represent?EAR=(1.029302)4-1=12.25%18.Suppose you know that you will need $2,500 two years from now in order to make a down payment on a car.a.BankOne is offering 4% interest (compounded annually) for two-year accounts, and BankTwo is offering4.5% (compounded annually) for two-year accounts. If you know you need $2,500 two years from today,how much will you need to invest in BankOne to reach your goal? Alternatively, how much will you need to invest in BankTwo? Which Bank account do you prefer?b.Now suppose you do not need the money for three years, how much will you need to deposit today inBankOne? BankTwo?SOLUTION:PV = $2,500= $2,311.39(1.04)2PV = $2,500= $2,289.32(1.045)2You would prefer BankTwo because you earn more; therefore, you can deposit fewer dollars today in order to reach your goal of $2,500 two years from today.b.PV = $2,500= $2,222.49(1.04)3PV = $2,500= $2,190.74(1.045)3Again, you would prefer BankTwo because you earn more; therefore, you can deposit fewer dollars today in order to reach your goal of $2,500 three years from today.19.Lucky Lynn has a choice between receiving $1,000 from her great-uncle one year from today or $900 from her great-aunt today. She believes she could invest the $900 at a one-year return of 12%.a.What is the future value of the gift from her great-uncle upon receipt? From her great-aunt?b.Which gift should she choose?c.How does your answer change if you believed she could invest the $900 from her great-aunt at only 10%?At what rate is she indifferent?SOLUTION:a. Future Value of gift from great-uncle is simply equal to what she will receive one year from today ($1000). Sheearns no interest as she doesn’t receive the money until next year.b. Future Value of gift from great-aunt: $900 x (1.12) = $1,008.c. She should choose the gift from her great-aunt because it has future value of $1008 one year from today. Thegift from her great-uncle has a future value of $1,000. This assumes that she will able to earn 12% interest on the $900 deposited at the bank today.d. If she could invest the money at only 10%, the future value of her investment from her great-aunt would only be$990: $900 x (1.10) = $990. Therefore she would choose the $1,000 one year from today. Lucky Lynn would be indifferent at an annual interest rate of 11.11%:$1000 = $900 or (1+i) = 1,000 = 1.1111(1+i)900i = .1111 = 11.11%20.As manager of short-term projects, you are trying to decide whether or not to invest in a short-term project that pays one cash flow of $1,000 one year from today. The total cost of the project is $950. Your alternative investment is to deposit the money in a one-year bank Certificate of Deposit which will pay 4% compounded annually.a.Assuming the cash flow of $1,000 is guaranteed (there is no risk you will not receive it) what would be alogical discount rate to use to determine the present value of the cash flows of the project?b.What is the present value of the project if you discount the cash flow at 4% per year? What is the netpresent value of that investment? Should you invest in the project?c.What would you do if the bank increases its quoted rate on one-year CDs to 5.5%?d.At what bank one-year CD rate would you be indifferent between the two investments?SOLUTION:a.Because alternative investments are earning 4%, a logical choice would be to discount the project’s cash flowsat 4%. This is because 4% can be considered as your opportunity cost for taking the project; hence, it is your cost of funds.b.Present Value of Project Cash Flows:PV = $1,000= $961.54(1.04)The net present value of the project = $961.54 - $950 (cost) = $11.54The net present value is positive so you should go ahead and invest in the project.c.If the bank increased its one-year CD rate to 5.5%, then the present value changes to:PV = $1,000= $947.87(1.055)Now the net present value is negative: $947.87 - $950 = - $2.13. Therefore you would not want to invest in the project.d.You would be indifferent between the two investments when the bank is paying the following one-year interestrate:$1,000 = $950 hence i = 5.26%(1+i)21.Calculate the net present value of the following cash flows: you invest $2,000 today and receive $200 one year from now, $800 two years from now, and $1,000 a year for 10 years starting four years from now. Assume that the interest rate is 8%.SOLUTION:Since there are a number of different cash flows, it is easiest to do this problem using cash flow keys on the calculator:22.Your cousin has asked for your advice on whether or not to buy a bond for $995 which will make one payment of $1,200 five years from today or invest in a local bank account.a.What is the internal rate of return on the bond’s cash flows? What additional information do you need tomake a choice?b.What advice would you give her if you learned the bank is paying 3.5% per year for five years(compounded annually?)c.How would your advice change if the bank were paying 5% annually for five years? If the price of thebond were $900 and the bank pays 5% annually?SOLUTION:a.$995 x (1+i)5 = $1,200.(1+i)5 = $1,200$995Take 5th root of both sides:(1+i) =1.0382i = .0382 = 3.82%In order to make a choice, you need to know what interest rate is being offered by the local bank.b.Upon learning that the bank is paying 3.5%, you would tell her to choose the bond because it is earning a higherrate of return of 3.82% .c.If the bank were paying 5% per year, you would tell her to deposit her money in the bank. She would earn ahigher rate of return.5.92% is higher than the rate the bank is paying (5%); hence, she should choose to buy the bond.23.You and your sister have just inherited $300 and a US savings bond from your great-grandfather who had left them in a safe deposit box. Because you are the oldest, you get to choose whether you want the cash or the bond. The bond has only four years left to maturity at which time it will pay the holder $500.a.If you took the $300 today and invested it at an interest rate 6% per year, how long (in years) would ittake for your $300 to grow to $500? (Hint: you want to solve for n or number of periods. Given these circumstances, which are you going to choose?b.Would your answer change if you could invest the $300 at 10% per year? At 15% per year? What otherDecision Rules could you use to analyze this decision?SOLUTION:a.$300 x (1.06)n = $500(1.06)n = 1.6667n log 1.06 = log 1.6667n = .510845 = 8.77 Years.0582689You would choose the bond because it will increase in value to $500 in 4 years. If you tookthe $300 today, it would take more than 8 years to grow to $500.b.You could also analyze this decision by computing the NPV of the bond investment at the different interest rates:In the calculations of the NPV, $300 can be considered your “cost” for acquiring the bond since you will give up $300 in cash by choosing the bond. Note that the first two interest rates give positive NPVs for the bond, i.e. you should go for the bond, while the last NPV is negative, hence choose the cash instead. These results confirm the previous method’s results.24.Suppose you have three personal loans outstanding to your friend Elizabeth. A payment of $1,000 is due today, a $500 payment is due one year from now and a $250 payment is due two years from now. You would like to consolidate the three loans into one, with 36 equal monthly payments, beginning one month from today. Assume the agreed interest rate is 8% (effective annual rate) per year.a.What is the annual percentage rate you will be paying?b.How large will the new monthly payment be?SOLUTION:a.To find the APR, you must first compute the monthly interest rate that corresponds to an effective annual rate of8% and then multiply it by 12:1.08 = (1+ i)12Take 12th root of both sides:1.006434 = 1+ ii = .006434 or .6434% per monthOr using the financial calculator:b.The method is to first compute the PV of the 3 loans and then compute a 36 month annuity payment with thesame PV. Most financial calculators have keys which allow you to enter several cash flows at once. This approach will give the user the PV of the 3 loans.Note: The APR used to discount the cash flows is the effective rate in this case, because this method is assuming annual compounding.25.As CEO of ToysRFun, you are offered the chance to participate, without initial charge, in a project that produces cash flows of $5,000 at the end of the first period, $4,000 at the end of the next period and a loss of $11,000 at the end of the third and final year.a.What is the net present value if the relevant discount rate (the company’s cost of capital) is 10%?b.Would you accept the offer?c.What is the internal rate of return? Can you explain why you would reject a project which has aninternal rate of return greater than its cost of capital?SOLUTION:At 10% discount rate:Net Present Value = - 0 + $5,000 + $4,000 - $11,000 = - 413.22(1.10)(1.10)2 (1.10)3c.This example is a project with cash flows that begin positive and then turn negative--it is like a loan. The 13.6% IRR is therefore like an interest rate on that loan. The opportunity to take a loan at 13.6% when the cost of capital is only 10% is not worthwhile.26.You must pay a creditor $6,000 one year from now, $5,000 two years from now, $4,000 three years from now, $2,000 four years from now, and a final $1,000 five years from now. You would like to restructure the loan into five equal annual payments due at the end of each year. If the agreed interest rate is 6% compounded annually, what is the payment?SOLUTION:Since there are a number of different cash flows, it is easiest to do the first step of this problem using cash flow keys on the calculator. To find the present value of the current loan payments:27.Find the future value of the following ordinary annuities (payments begin one year from today and all interest rates compound annually):a.$100 per year for 10 years at 9%.b.$500 per year for 8 years at 15%.c.$800 per year for 20 years at 7%.d.$1,000 per year for 5 years at 0%.e.Now find the present values of the annuities in a-d.f.What is the relationship between present values and future values?SOLUTION:Future Value of Annuity:e.f.The relationship between present value and future value is the following:FV = PV x (1+i)n28.Suppose you will need $50,000 ten years from now. You plan to make seven equal annual deposits beginning three years from today in an account that yields 11% compounded annually. How large should the annual deposit be?SOLUTION:You will be making 7 payments beginning 3 years from today. So, we need to find the value of an immediate annuity with 7 payments whose FV is $50,000:29.Suppose an investment offers $100 per year for five years at 5% beginning one year from today.a.What is the present value? How does the present value calculation change if one additional payment isadded today?b.What is the future value of this ordinary annuity? How does the future value change if one additionalpayment is added today?SOLUTION:$100 x [(1.05)5] - 1 = $552.56.05If you were to add one additional payment of $100 today, the future value would increase by:$100 x (1.05)5 = $127.63. Total future value = $552.56 + $127.63 = $680.19.Another way to do it would be to use the BGN mode for 5 payments of $100 at 5%, find the future value of that, and then add $100. The same $680.19 is obtained.30.You are buying a $20,000 car. The dealer offers you two alternatives: (1) pay the full $20,000 purchase price and finance it with a loan at 4.0% APR over 3 years or (2) receive $1,500 cash back and finance the rest at a bank rate of 9.5% APR. Both loans have monthly payments over three years. Which should you choose? SOLUTION:31.You are looking to buy a sports car costing $23,000. One dealer is offering a special reduced financing rate of 2.9% APR on new car purchases for three year loans, with monthly payments. A second dealer is offering a cash rebate. Any customer taking the cash rebate would of course be ineligible for the special loan rate and would have to borrow the balance of the purchase price from the local bank at the 9%annual rate. How large must the cash rebate be on this $23,000 car to entice a customer away from the dealer who is offering the special 2.9% financing?SOLUTION:of the 2.9% financing.32.Show proof that investing $475.48 today at 10% allows you to withdraw $150 at the end of each of the next 4 years and have nothing remaining.SOLUTION:You deposit $475.48 and earn 10% interest after one year. Then you withdraw $150. The table shows what happensAnother way to do it is simply to compute the PV of the $150 annual withdrawals at 10% : it turns out to be exactly $475.48, hence both amounts are equal.33.As a pension manager, you are considering investing in a preferred stock which pays $5,000,000 per year forever beginning one year from now. If your alternative investment choice is yielding 10% per year, what is the present value of this investment? What is the highest price you would be willing to pay for this investment? If you paid this price, what would be the dividend yield on this investment?SOLUTION:Present Value of Investment:PV = $5,000,000 = $50,000,000.10Highest price you would be willing to pay is $50,000,000.Dividend yield = $5,000,000 = 10%.$50,000,00034. A new lottery game offers a choice for the grand prize winner. You can receive either a lump sum of $1,000,000 immediately or a perpetuity of $100,000 per year forever, with the first payment today. (If you die, your estate will still continue to receive payments). If the relevant interest rate is 9.5% compounded annually, what is the difference in value between the two prizes?SOLUTION:The present value of the perpetuity assuming that payments begin at the end of the year is:$100,000/.095 = $1,052,631.58If the payments begin immediately, you need to add the first payment. $100,000 + 1,052,632 = $1,152,632.So the annuity has a PV which is greater than the lump sum by $152,632.35.Find the future value of a $1,000 lump sum investment under the following compounding assumptions:a.7% compounded annually for 10 yearsb.7% compounded semiannually for 10 yearsc.7% compounded monthly for 10 yearsd.7% compounded daily for 10 yearse.7% compounded continuously for 10 yearsa.$1,000 x (1.07)10 = $1,967.15b.$1,000 x (1.035)20 = $1,989.79c.$1,000 x (1.0058)120 = $2,009.66d.$1,000 x (1.0019178)3650 = $2,013.62e.$1,000 x e.07x10 = $2,013.7536.Sammy Jo charged $1,000 worth of merchandise one year ago on her MasterCard which has a stated interest rate of 18% APR compounded monthly. She made 12 regular monthly payments of $50, at the end of each month, and refrained from using the card for the past year. How much does she still owe? SOLUTION:Sammy Jo has taken a $1,000 loan at 1.5% per month and is paying it off in monthly installments of $50. We could work out the amortization schedule to find out how much she still owes after 12 payments, but a shortcut on the financial calculator is to solve for FV as follows:37.Suppose you are considering borrowing $120,000 to finance your dream house. The annual percentage rate is 9% and payments are made monthly,a.If the mortgage has a 30 year amortization schedule, what are the monthly payments?b.What effective annual rate would you be paying?c.How do your answers to parts a and b change if the loan amortizes over 15 years rather than 30?EFF = [1 + .09]1238.Suppose last year you took out the loan described in problem #37a. Now interest rates have declined to 8% per year. Assume there will be no refinancing fees.a.What is the remaining balance of your current mortgage after 12 payments?b.What would be your payment if you refinanced your mortgage at the lower rate for 29 years? SOLUTION:Exchange Rates and the Time Value of Money39.The exchange rate between the pound sterling and the dollar is currently $1.50 per pound, the dollar interest rate is 7% per year, and the pound interest rate is 9% per year. You have $100,000 in a one-year account that allows you to choose between either currency, and it pays the corresponding interest rate.a.If you expect the dollar/pound exchange rate to be $1.40 per pound a year from now and are indifferentto risk, which currency should you choose?b.What is the “break-even” value of the dollar/pound exchange rate one year from now?SOLUTION:a.You could invest $1 today in dollar-denominated bonds and have $1.07 one year from now. Or you couldconvert the dollar today into 2/3 (i.e., 1/1.5) of a pound and invest in pound-denominated bonds to have .726667(i.e., 2/3 x 1.09) pounds one year from now. At an exchange rate of $1.4 per pound, this would yield 0.726667(1.4) = $1.017 (this is lower than $1.07), so you would choose the dollar currency.b.For you to break-even the .726667 pounds would have to be worth $1.07 one year from now, so the break-evenexchange rate is $1.07/.726667 or $1.4725 per pound. So for exchange rates lower than $1.4725 per pound one year from now, the dollar currency will give a better return.。
பைடு நூலகம்
上 . 歌 和 Fcbo 谷 aeok等竞 争对 手 的多 面
高管 主 动 另谋 高 就 。据 境 外 媒体 报 道 ,在 2 0 09年 5 月 出席雅 虎 分 析 师 电话 会 议 的 1 位公 司高 管 中 , 1 到
21 0 0年 1 1月底 只 有 6位 仍 然 在 岗 。到 2 1 0 0年 l 2
21 年 , 0 3 把该 公 司 的运 营利 润 提高 2%。据 4
对 手虎 视 眈 眈
20 年 , 将雅 虎 搜索 引擎 的运营 业 0 9 巴茨 务外 包给 了微 软 , 同期 限长达 十年 , 雅 合 这让 虎可 以专 注发 展其核 心 的显示广 告及 网站 性
能业 务 。 但是 雅虎 对用 户 的黏度 , 法与谷 歌 无 以及 Fcbo 、wt r 网站 相 比。 aeokT ie 等 t 调 研公 司 cm cr 数据 显示 ,00年 8 o Soe 21
/十 夹击 江 下 雅虎 取了 缩 f 下, 河日 的 采 压
『 ~ 开支的措施 以挽 回一些公 司业 绩
就 在 2 1 年圣 诞节 快要 到来 的 时候 , 00 雅 虎宣 布大 裁员 , 将解 雇 5 0 6 名员 工 。 意 味着 这 被 裁 的员 工要 在 这个 美 国最重 要 节 庆 中 , 彷 徨 面对失 业命 运 。 据雅 虎发 言人 介绍 , 裁员人
1941年,刚刚跨入11周岁,他便跃身股海,并购买了平生第一张股票。 1947年,沃伦·巴菲特进入宾夕法尼亚大学攻读财务和商业管理。但他觉得教授们的空头理论不过瘾,两年后转学到尼布拉斯加大学林肯分校,一年内获得了经济学士学位。 1950年巴菲特申请哈佛大学被拒之门外,考入哥伦比亚大学商学院,拜师于著名投资学理论学家本杰明·格雷厄姆。在格雷厄姆门下,巴菲特如鱼得水。格雷厄姆反对投机,主张通过分析企业的赢利情况、资产情况及未来前景等因素来评价股票。他传授给巴菲特丰富的知识和决窍。 1951年,21周岁的巴菲特获得了哥伦比亚大学经济硕士学位。学成毕业的时候,他获得最高A+。 1952年,巴菲特和苏珊·汤普森结婚,他们双方的父母是多年的老朋友。在西北大学读书时,苏珊和巴菲特的妹妹罗伯塔是住同一间宿舍的舍友。当巴菲特顺路拜访她并向她求婚时,苏珊离开了就读的大学和他结了婚。巴菲特夫人是在离巴菲特目前的家只有一个半街区的地方长大的。 1957年,巴菲特掌管的资金达到30万美元,但年末则升至50万美元。
2005年,雅虎以10亿美元和雅虎中国资产作为嫁衣,换取了阿里巴巴集团约40%的股权,因而间接享有了支付宝的部分权益,里昂证券分析师James Lee认为支付宝的这部分股权价值,在每股约16美元的雅虎股价中占到0.8美元。
Danaher-harvard business review 下(中文)
下半部分:英文原文8-17页Danaher Business System (DBS)At the core of Danaher’s operating model and acquisition strategy was the Danaher Business System (DBS). The firm’s investor presentations described DBS as “defining our high-performance culture. DBS is who we are and how we do what we do.” Outsiders noted that DBS “is a set of management tools borrowed liberally from the famed Toyota Production System. In essence it requires every employee, from the janitor to the president, to find ways every day to improve the way works get done.”34 While such programs were “de rigeur for manufacturers for years, the difference at Danaher (was) the company started lean in 1987, one of the earliest U.S. companies to do so, and it has maintained a cultish devotion to making it pay off.”35 The lean approach replaced a traditional “batch-and-queue” manufacturing system with a “single-piece flow” that minimized inprocess time and so reduced inventory and other overhead costs. “In a typical Danaher factory, floors are covered with strips of tape indicating where everything should be, from the biggest machine to the humblest trash can. Managers determine the most efficient place for everything, so a worker won’th ave to walk an extra few yards to pick up a tool, for instance.”36Danaher业务管理系统(DBS)Danaher的操作模型和并购计划的核心便是Danaher业务管理系统(DBS)。
【精编范文】卡罗尔·巴茨-word范文模板 (11页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==卡罗尔·巴茨篇一:雅虎CEO卡罗尔-巴茨被炒 CFO暂时接替工作雅虎CEO卡罗尔-巴茨被炒 CFO暂时接替工作雅虎宣布解除CEO卡罗尔·巴茨(Carol Bartz)职务,首席财务官Tim Morse 临时接替她的工作。
Bartz在写给员工的电子邮件说,雅虎主席Roy Bostock通过电话告诉了自己被炒的消息。
Yahoo's board of directors has let CEO Carol Bartz go, and has named CFO Tim Morse as interim CEO while they search for a permanent CEO.雅虎董事会解除了CEO卡罗尔·巴茨(Carol Bartz)的职务,在董事会找到继任者之前,由首席财务官Tim Morse临时接替她的工作。
Yahoo’s board has made the decision fire Carol Bartz as the company’s CEO. Tim Morse, Yahoo’s CFO, has been named the interim CEO while the company searches for a new permanent CEO. This rumor came from AllThingsD and has since been confirmed by Yahoo and Bartz, but the company did not add any details surrounding the reasons behind the move.雅虎宣布解除CEO卡罗尔·巴茨(Carol Bartz)职务,首席财务官Tim Morse 临时接替她的工作。
企业管理专业必读书目1、一般管理《经理的职能》————(1938)巴纳德《动态的行政管理》————(1941)帕克.福列特《工业管理和一般管理》————(1949)法约尔《管理的原理与实践》————(1953)布鲁克《管理的实践》————(1954)德鲁克(管理之父)《管理工作的实质》————(1973)明茨伯格《管理:任务、职责和实践》————(1974)德鲁克《管理》————(1985)杰林和莫斯考《艰难的管理》————(1990)帕斯卡尔《独树一帜!》————(1993)塞姆勒2、管理方法《论机器和制造业的经济》————(1832)巴比奇《科学管理原理》————(1911)泰勒(泰罗)《动作研究》————(1911)吉尔布雷斯《专业化管理》————(1973)路易斯.埃兰3、质量管理《质量是免费的》————(1979)克罗斯比《工业管理和一般管理》————(1949)法约尔《质量的计划》————(1988)朱兰4、营销管理《营销中的改革创新》————(1962)列维特《营销管理》————(1967)科特勒《颠峰表现者:商业的新英雄》————(1986)加菲尔德《真理时刻》————(1987)卡尔松《建立一条顾客链》————(1990)施纳博格5、组织《进步中的工业》————(1931)穆尼和雷利《组织的科学原则》————(1938)厄威克《社会与经济组织理论》————(1947)韦伯《个性与组织》————(1957)阿基里斯《帕金森定律》————(1958)帕金森《我在美国通用汽车公司的年代》————(1963)斯隆《彼得原理》————(1969)彼得和赫尔《提升组织》————(1970)汤赛德《理解组织》————(1976)汉迪6、管理者《管理的新模式》————(1961)利克特《管理方格图》————(1964)布莱克和穆顿《理性管理者》————(1965)凯佩勒赫特里高《官僚主义的一般性原理》————(1976)雅克斯《称职的管理者》————(1982)博亚茨《一分钟经理》————(1982)布兰查德7、领导《君王论》————(1513)马基雅维里《我的生活和工作》————(1923)福特《管理行为》————(1947)西蒙《一个企业和他的信念》————(1963)沃特森《领导和有效管理》————(1974)菲德勒和钱姆斯《领导》————(1978)斯《情景领导》————(1984)赫西《领导者:掌管的策略》————(1985)本尼斯和纳纽斯《追求繁荣》————(1988)松下幸之助《管理的奥妙》————(1990)赞勒尼克8、组织行为《产业文明的人类问题》————(1933)梅奥《组织人》————(1956)怀特《企业的人事方面》————(1960)麦格雷戈《企业的行为理论》————(1963)赛叶特和马奇《组织学习》————(1978)阿基里斯和施翁《行动学习》————(1979)瑞万斯《管理队伍:他们成败的原因》————(1984)贝尔宾9、竞争《子兵法》————(公元前500年)子《竞争战略》————(1980)波特《重建我们的竞争优势》————(1884)海涅斯和威怀特《与时间竞争》————(1990)斯道克赫豪特《国家的竞争优势》————(1990)波特10、激励《激励因素》————(1959)赫茨伯格《激励与个性》————(1954)马斯洛《Z理论》————(1981)大主要的参考书(文化)《如何赢得朋友并影响他人》————(1937)卡耐基《公司文化》————(1982)迪尔和肯尼《组织文化与领导》————(1985)沙因11、战略《战略与结构》————(1962)钱德勒《公司战略》————(1965)安索夫《战略家的思想》————(1982)大前研一《战略与风格》————(1987)古尔德和坎布尔《公司层次的战略》————(1994)吉尔德,亚力山大和坎贝尔《战略计划的兴衰》————(1994)明茨伯格《为未来而竞争》————(1994)哈默尔和普拉哈拉德12、环境《国富论》————(1776)斯密《临时社会》————(1968)贝尼斯《不连贯的年代》————(1969)杜拉克《第三次浪潮》————(1980)托夫勒《大趋势》————(1982)奈斯比特《在聪明的机器年代》————(1988)伯夫《非理性的年代》————(1989)汉迪《改变世界的机器》————(1990)沃玛特、琼斯和鲁斯13、变革《革新的管理》————(1961)伯恩斯和斯道克《小既是美》————(1973)舒马赫《追求卓越》————(1982)彼得斯和沃特曼《变革大师》————(1983)坎特《混乱中的壮大》————(1987)彼得斯《第五项修炼》————(1990)圣吉《变革的力量》————(1990)科特《管理的解放》————(1992)沙因《重造企业》————(1993)钱匹和汉默《建立并延续》————(1995)科林斯和波里斯14、全球化《日本企业管理艺术》————(1981)帕斯卡尔和阿索斯《三位一体的力量》————(1985)大前研一《超越界限的管理》————(1989)巴特列特赫高沙尔《没有国界的世界》————(1990)大前研一《跨越文化的浪潮》————(1993)琼纳斯15、其它《横向思维的运用》————(1967)博诺《当巨人跳舞时》————(1989)坎特西方经济学名著:国富论/国民财富的性质和原因的研究........................... 关于财富的形成和分配的考察.........(法)杜尔哥..........................经济分析的基础....................(美)萨缪尔森.................通向奴役的道路....................(美)哈耶克...........................资本主义、社会主义和主义........(美)熊彼特经济学原理...........................人口原理...........................(美)马尔萨斯..........就业、利息和货币通论................(英)凯恩斯....................资本论.............................(德)卡尔.马克思.............国经济学名著:经济学精神..........................盛洪........................给点大智慧..........................彩虹......................走进风险的世界......................樊纲.................. 繁荣的必由之路......................曙光...............................谁妨碍了我们致富...............西方管理学名著:组织效能评价标准...................(美)西肖尔管理决策的新科学...................(美)西蒙工业文明的社会问题..................(美)梅奥.....................人类动机理论........................(美)马斯洛渴求成就............................(美)麦克利兰企业中人的方面........................(美)麦格雷戈组织结构与设计.......................(美)杰伊.洛希管理思想到演变......................(美)雷思管理的新模式.........................(美)利克特经理工作的性质美.....................(加拿大)明茨伯格组织与管理--系统与权变得的观点........(美)卡斯特、罗森茨韦克管理决策新论..........................(美)弗鲁姆管理:任务、责任、实施.................(美)德鲁克....................Z理论.................................(美)大..................经理人员的职能.........................(美)巴纳德.........................工业管理和一般管理......................(法)法约尔...........................经营管理通俗类著作:经营管理全集.............................(日)松下幸之助未来之路.................................(美)比尔.盖茨中国经营观念批判..........................言...........................家族财富--家族经营成功指引...............王学义长寿公司..................................(美)阿里.德赫斯...................子兵法与经营战略.........................周三多.......................MBA类教程:哈佛商学院MBA教程.......................圣丁,经济日报1998................组织行为学.............................(美)斯蒂芬.P.罗宾斯营销管理:分析、计划、执行和控制...........(美)菲利普.科特勒...................宏观经济学..................................(美)鲁迪格.多恩布什财务会计...................................言............................新知综览:资本运营论.................................炳贤................证券知识读本...............................周正庆.................第五项修练.................................彼得.圣吉..................人物传记与著述:艾柯卡自传.................................(美)艾柯卡...................信息就是信息.................................(美)不隆伯..........................巨人的智慧--与20位世界级商业领袖的对话...........(美)比尔.盖茨等.........................一个美国资本家的成长--世界首富沃伦.巴菲特传...........(美)罗杰.洛文斯坦...........................施振荣与电脑.............................周正贤......................................胡雪岩全传..................................高阳.......................... 传....................................中共中央文献研究室主编................ 传.................................(美)理查德.伊文斯.................拿破仑传..................................(德)艾密尔.陆德维希.................邱吉尔传...................................解力夫............................林肯传....................................(美)安娜.斯普劳尔...............社会知识类书籍史记资治通鉴全球通史..............诗词选...............西游记...............红楼梦...............三国演义................水浒转...................唐诗三百首..................宋词选美的历程................................傅雷家书....................................修身类书籍论人生......................(英)培根...........................人性的弱点...................(美)戴尔.卡耐基............. 西方哲学史......曾国藩家书..............中国人......................林语堂...............................菜根谭..........老子........论语........庄子......中国哲学史..............白话易经......................南怀谨..............社会契约论....................(法)卢梭.......................圣经战争论.........................(德)卡尔..克劳塞维茨...............................推荐书目大收购................布莱恩.伯乐、约翰.希利亚尔、正发.....................兰德诊断..............天地............................... 学问中国..............汀阳....................................邻家的百万富翁........托马斯.J.斯坦利、威廉.D.丹科.....................中国国有企业向何处去...詹国枢..............................................《中国企业家文库》第一卷--《研究失败》...当代中国、中国企业家杂志社.........企业蜕变...............经济管理,高哈特.................亚洲的出路.............久玲................................1.《有效的管理者》在这本薄薄的书里,现代管理学之父彼得?德鲁克提出一个重要的定律:管理者的效率,往往是决定组织工作效率的最关键因素。
是将 公司分拆成 三个 部分 , 分别 单独上市 , 而不是 像现在这样只有一 家上市公司。将复杂的资产分拆
命。在此之前 , 巴茨曾担 任知名图形处理软 件公司
欧 特 克 ( uo e k C O长 达 1 年 之 久 , 将 欧 特 A td s ) E 4 并
公 司 , 天宣 布 管 理 层 重 组 , 事 会 已任 命 蒂 姆 ・ 克 的收 入 翻 了两 番 。 今 董 莫
尔斯 ( C O) 现 F 为临 B C O, 1 , E 立即生效 , 将代替 卡 - 他
息 后 , 直 低 迷 的雅 虎 股 票 大 涨 63 。 一 .%
的势头下 , 雅虎越来越 丧失人们 的关注 , 广告 收入 随之流 失。
此外 , 巴茨 和 马 云 的 分 歧 , 阿 里 巴 巴 这块 优 让 质 资 产 无 法 转 化 为雅 虎增 长 的 动 力 ,股 东们 担 心 ,
“ 谷 女 王 ” 罗 尔 ・ 茨 ( ao B r ) 炒 鱿 硅 卡 巴 C rl at 被 z
鱼 了, 而且 , 然 是 在 电话 中被 炒 的 。 竟 9 月6日 , 当雅 虎 C O巴茨 接 通 来 自雅 虎 董 事 长 E
罗伊 ・ 博斯托克的电话 时,电话 的另一端出乎意料 小试牛刀 , 董事会也没有提出异议 。 8 1 个月后 , 当大
雅 虎 指 出 一 条 明路 。 埃 里 克 ・ 克 森 认 为 ,雅 虎 董 事 会 的 最 佳 策 略 杰
骂董事们是 “ 蠢蛋 ” 听起来像极 了江湖 上的 个人 恩 刨始 人埃里克 ・ , 杰克森在 《 华尔街 日报 》 上撰文 , 为 怨 。当然 , 巴茨嘴是痛 快 了 , 她有 可能 因此失 去 但 1 0 万美 元的遣散费 , 00 根据 双方合 同 中的“ 不诋毁
巴茨被辞职雅虎CFO暂时接任作者:暂无来源:《计算机世界》 2011年第35期编者按:上周业界稳中有变。
雅虎CEO卡罗尔·巴茨被解雇,让业界更关注雅虎的未来;今年安全软件的收入将增长13.7%;英特尔表示,Ultrabook 将占消费类笔记本电脑40%的份额,重塑PC 业。
美国在线职业互动网站Glassdoor的数据显示,巴茨目前内部支持率仅为33%,雅虎前CEO 杨致远离职时的支持率为43%。
今年全球安全软件收入将增长13.7%本报综合消息全球技术研究和咨询公司Gartner日前指出,2010年全球安全软件市场总值为165亿美元,而赛门铁克、迈克菲、趋势科技、IBM和CA五大公司仅占 44%的市场份额,五大供应商的总市场份额较之2006年的60%明显下降。
巴菲特走下神坛?作者:何春梅来源:《英才》2011年第05期3月30日之前,中美能源和NetJets公司董事长大卫·索科尔(David Sokol)一直是外界默认的巴菲特离开后伯克希尔的CEO人选。
在接受C N B C采访时,索科尔表示,在过去两年半时间里,他一直想要管理家族财富,创立一个“小伯克希尔”,更好地安排自己的时间。
这一出不禁让很多人都看得有些“晕”,伯克希尔到底发生了什么?80岁股神的神话还能延续多久?股神恋栈除了苹果CEO乔布斯之外,可能没有哪个C E O像巴菲特这样将自己与公司命运绑在一起。
美国机构投资者炮打“司令部”“一只500磅重的大猩猩会坐在哪儿?”这并不是一个“脑筋急转弯”的问题,而是美国的一句谚语,答案是:“它想坐在哪儿就会坐在哪儿!”近来,在很多美国大型上市企业如可口可乐、花旗集团、苹果电脑等公司管理层的眼里,重量级的机构投资者——掌管约1670亿美元资产的“加州公务员退休基金”(California Public Employees' Retirement System简称Calpers),就是一只很难缠的500磅重的大猩猩,它的屁股往股东席上一坐,往往就是公司麻烦的开始。
在购买了大量公司股份并成为大股东后,Calpers就开始旗帜鲜明地向所投资公司的企业治理“开炮”,他们前一段时间最辉煌的战果是:与迪斯尼公司创始人之侄罗伊·迪斯尼(Roy E.Disney)联手,在3月3日召开的迪斯尼年度股东大会上,令现任董事长兼CEO迈克尔·埃斯纳(Michael Eisner)颜面丢尽,被迫辞去了董事长职务。
上周末,Calpers通过全美最大的共同基金经理人代理投票顾问机构———机构股东服务公司(Institutional Shareholder Services简称ISS)发表声明称:在4月21日召开的年度股东大会上,他们将提出不应由同一人同时担任可口可乐的董事长与CEO职务的提案。
”被“炒”的硅谷铁娘子本刊记者/管 俊卡罗尔·巴茨:的印象。
巴茨到来前,欧特克 90%以上的营业收入来自AutoCAD三维辅助设计软件。
此外,她还担任英特尔、. All Rights Reserved.BUSINESS 商 界·访谈本栏目冠名:光明天使基金会思科等公司的董事会成员。
巴茨为业绩着急有失形象 雅虎营销转型前途依旧未卜
1.巴茨在雅虎的“七宗罪” [J],
2.广告营收拖累雅虎业绩低迷市场考验巴茨耐力 [J], 林艾涛
3.巴茨为业绩着急有失形象雅虎营销转型前途依旧未卜 [J], 文小西
4.雅虎新任CEO卡罗尔·巴茨:雅虎应积极投身新兴市场寻找增长机遇 [J],
5.普邦园林业绩下滑疲态已现跨界收购博睿赛思前途未卜 [J], 张婷
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卡罗尔-巴茨有很多借口,但她终究还是没能如愿拯救雅虎。据美国科技博客AllthingsD撰稿人卡拉-斯维什尔(Kara Swisher)透露,就任雅虎CEO两年半的巴茨已经离职。虽然这一消息并未得到雅虎的证实,但在Mashable发布的一份备忘录中,她的确表示自己已经被炒。斯维什尔称,雅虎正在为巴茨寻找继任者,该公司CFO蒂姆-莫斯(Tim Morse)将暂时接替巴茨。
帕金森(c-NoarthcoteParkinson)在其所著的《帕金森法则》(Parkinsons Law)中,写下这段话:“你有多少时间完成工作,工作就会自动变成需要那么多时间。”如果你有一整天的时间可以做某项工作,你就会花一天的时间去做它。而如果你只有一小时的时间可以做这项工作,你就会更迅速有效地在一小时内做完它。
现在的问题在于谁将接替她。候选者显然包括去年10月接管雅虎美洲业务的罗斯-莱文索恩(Ross Levinsohn)、新闻集团高管乔纳森-米勒(Jonathan Miller)以及新闻集团前总裁、屡次呼吁私募股权投资公司收购雅虎的彼得-切宁(Peter Chernin)。
相关链接:传雅虎CEO巴茨无意连任 2013携高管离职
时间管理(Time Management)
1 什么是时间管理
2 时间管理方法
3 最新的时间管理概念--GTD
4 时间管理的十一条金律[1]
5 时间管理案例分析
5.1 案例一:浅谈高校管理者的时间管理[2]
5.2 案例二:时间管理的小故事[3]
5.3 案例三:时间管理——华为成功之宝[4]
每年年末作出下一年度工作规划; 每季季末作出下季末工作规划;每月月末作出下月工作计划;每周周末作出下周工作计划
收集:就是将你能够想到的所有的未尽事宜(GTD中称为stuff)统统罗列出来,放入inbox中,这个inbox既可以是用来放置各种实物的实际的文件夹或者篮子,也需要有用来记录各种事项的纸张或PDA。收集的关键在于把一切赶出你的大脑,记录下所有的工作 。
整理:将stuff放入inbox之后,就需要定期或不定期地进行整理,清空inbox。将这些stuff按是否可以付诸行动进行区分整理,对于不能付诸行动的内容,可以进一步分为参考资料、日后可能需要处理以及垃圾几类,而对可行动的内容再考虑是否可在两分钟内完成,如果可以则立即行动完成它,如果不行对下一步行动进行组织 。
美国管理学者彼得·德鲁克(P·F·Drucker)认为,有效的时间管理主要是记录自己的时间,以认清时间耗在什么地方; 管理自己的时间,设法减少非生产性工作的时间; 集中自己的时间,由零星而集中,成为连续性的时间段。
GTD是Getting Things Done(完成每一件事)的缩写。来自于David Allen的一本畅销书《Getting Things Done》,国内的中文翻译本《尽管去做:无压工作的艺术》。