Unit 4 earthquake 公开课一等奖课件 高中英语

How can we foretell earthquakes?
Now let’s see what may happen before an earthquake comes.
Discussion: (competition)
Please look at the pictures on Pre-reading and try to mention the signs of an earthquake.
19、别因为落入了一把牛毛就把一锅奶 油泼掉 ,别因 为犯了 一点错 误就把 一生的 事业扔 掉。— —蒙古 20、许多人之所以在生活中一事无成, 最根本 原因在 于他们 不知道 自己到 底要做 什么。 在生活 和工作 中,明 确自己 的目标 和方向 是非常 必要的 。只有 在知道 你的目 标是什 么、你 到底想 做什么 之后, 你才能 够达到 自己的 目的, 你的梦 想才会 变成现 实。
孙老师说,杨蕙心学习效率很高,认真执行老师 的复习要求,往往一个小时能完成别人两三个小 时的作业量,而且计划性强,善于自我调节。此 外,学校还有一群与她实力相当的同学,他们经 常在一起切磋、交流,形成一种良性的竞争氛围。
谈起自己的高考心得,杨蕙心说出了“听话” 两个字。她认为在高三冲刺阶段一定要跟随老师 的脚步。“老师介绍的都是多年积累的学习方法, 肯定是最有益的。”高三紧张的学习中,她常做 的事情就是告诫自己要坚持,不能因为一次考试 成绩就否定自己。高三的几次模拟考试中,她的 成绩一直稳定在年级前5名左右。
Unit 4
Warming up & Pre-reading
Nan’ao Middle School Liu Xiaoling
Free talk: Have you ever experienced any natural disasters?
Now let’s see what may happen before an earthquake comes.
Discussion: (competition)
Please look at the pictures on Pre-reading and try to mention the signs of an earthquake.
19、别因为落入了一把牛毛就把一锅奶 油泼掉 ,别因 为犯了 一点错 误就把 一生的 事业扔 掉。— —蒙古 20、许多人之所以在生活中一事无成, 最根本 原因在 于他们 不知道 自己到 底要做 什么。 在生活 和工作 中,明 确自己 的目标 和方向 是非常 必要的 。只有 在知道 你的目 标是什 么、你 到底想 做什么 之后, 你才能 够达到 自己的 目的, 你的梦 想才会 变成现 实。
孙老师说,杨蕙心学习效率很高,认真执行老师 的复习要求,往往一个小时能完成别人两三个小 时的作业量,而且计划性强,善于自我调节。此 外,学校还有一群与她实力相当的同学,他们经 常在一起切磋、交流,形成一种良性的竞争氛围。
谈起自己的高考心得,杨蕙心说出了“听话” 两个字。她认为在高三冲刺阶段一定要跟随老师 的脚步。“老师介绍的都是多年积累的学习方法, 肯定是最有益的。”高三紧张的学习中,她常做 的事情就是告诫自己要坚持,不能因为一次考试 成绩就否定自己。高三的几次模拟考试中,她的 成绩一直稳定在年级前5名左右。
Unit 4
Warming up & Pre-reading
Nan’ao Middle School Liu Xiaoling
Free talk: Have you ever experienced any natural disasters?

earthquake公开 课课件
,a click to unlimited possibilities
01 添加目录标题 02 课件概览 03 地震基础知识 04 地震预警与救援 05 地震防范与减灾
06 地震科学研究
第一章课件概览第二章Fra bibliotek课件封面
标题: earthquake 公开课课件
火山地震:由于火 山岩浆活动、气体 爆炸等引起的地震
塌陷地震:火山岩 浆活动或地下岩洞 崩塌引起的地震
人工地震:由于地 下核爆炸、大规模 爆炸等人为活动引 起的地面振动
地震波的分类:分为体波和面波,体波又分为P波和S波,面波分为L波 地震波传播方式:地震波传播有折射、反射、绕射等现象 地震波传播速度:在不同介质中传播速度不同,通常在固体中传播速度最快 地震波对地表的影响:地震波对地表造成破坏,产生地表破裂、喷砂、冒水等现象
建筑布局:合 理规划建筑物 的布局,避免 建筑物之间相
建筑细节:加 强建筑物的细 节设计,如增 加抗震缝、加 强建筑物的支
制定家庭防震计划 准备必要的防震物品 确定安全的避难场所 学习正确的避险姿势和自救互救方法
制定应急预案:学校和社区应制定地震应急预案,明确应急组织、通讯联络、疏散路线、紧 急避难场所等。
副标题:地震 科普知识
封面图片:一 张与地震相关 的图片,如地 震后的场景或 地震预警图标
课件封面 课程介绍 地震基本知识 地震预警与避险 地震救援与重建 课程总结
,a click to unlimited possibilities
01 添加目录标题 02 课件概览 03 地震基础知识 04 地震预警与救援 05 地震防范与减灾
06 地震科学研究
第一章课件概览第二章Fra bibliotek课件封面
标题: earthquake 公开课课件
火山地震:由于火 山岩浆活动、气体 爆炸等引起的地震
塌陷地震:火山岩 浆活动或地下岩洞 崩塌引起的地震
人工地震:由于地 下核爆炸、大规模 爆炸等人为活动引 起的地面振动
地震波的分类:分为体波和面波,体波又分为P波和S波,面波分为L波 地震波传播方式:地震波传播有折射、反射、绕射等现象 地震波传播速度:在不同介质中传播速度不同,通常在固体中传播速度最快 地震波对地表的影响:地震波对地表造成破坏,产生地表破裂、喷砂、冒水等现象
建筑布局:合 理规划建筑物 的布局,避免 建筑物之间相
建筑细节:加 强建筑物的细 节设计,如增 加抗震缝、加 强建筑物的支
制定家庭防震计划 准备必要的防震物品 确定安全的避难场所 学习正确的避险姿势和自救互救方法
制定应急预案:学校和社区应制定地震应急预案,明确应急组织、通讯联络、疏散路线、紧 急避难场所等。
副标题:地震 科普知识
封面图片:一 张与地震相关 的图片,如地 震后的场景或 地震预警图标
课件封面 课程介绍 地震基本知识 地震预警与避险 地震救援与重建 课程总结

3. What problems did the survivors face ?
Shortages of food, water and fuel.
The number of people who were killed rose to more than fifty thousand.
The number of people who were killed reached more than fifty thousand. Please translate the following sentences using attributive clauses. 在一起山体滑坡中被掩埋的18名小学生全部遇难。 18 elementary school students who are buried in a landslide are all dead. It这is是a n彝ew良_发d_i_s生_a_s的_t_e新_r 灾_w_难_h_i。_chha/tphpaented in Yiliang county.
The number of people who were killed rose to
news item
more than fifty thousand.
3. What caused the spread of disease? A lack of _f_o_o_d__ ,c_l_ea_n__w_a_t_erand_m__e_d_ic_a_l_s_upplies
A huge earthquake and tsunami destroyed a large
news item 2 part of northeastern Japan last week.
Shortages of food, water and fuel.
The number of people who were killed rose to more than fifty thousand.
The number of people who were killed reached more than fifty thousand. Please translate the following sentences using attributive clauses. 在一起山体滑坡中被掩埋的18名小学生全部遇难。 18 elementary school students who are buried in a landslide are all dead. It这is是a n彝ew良_发d_i_s生_a_s的_t_e新_r 灾_w_难_h_i。_chha/tphpaented in Yiliang county.
The number of people who were killed rose to
news item
more than fifty thousand.
3. What caused the spread of disease? A lack of _f_o_o_d__ ,c_l_ea_n__w_a_t_erand_m__e_d_ic_a_l_s_upplies
A huge earthquake and tsunami destroyed a large
news item 2 part of northeastern Japan last week.

The buildings will be destroyed
The bridges will fall down
The water pipes will crack and burst
Fast Reading
Read the text quickly to get some general information from the text.
ngshan, Hebei Province
Disaster: Before the earthquake: Damage:
A big earthquake
Many strange things __________________happened in ruins A large city lay______.
hake which destroyed the city. Later began to s____,
that afternoon, another big earthquake struck Tangshan. More people were killed or injured and
ell down. Soldiers were called in to more buildings f__
the chickens and pigs
mice fish
1.At _____ am, the __________ earthquake of the 20th century began . 2._______ burst from holes in the ground. 3.Hard hills of the rock became rivers of ____. 4.________ covered the ground like red autumn leaves. 5.Two _______ and most of the bridges fell. 6.The railway tracks were now ________pieces of _______. 7.______ now filled the wells instead of water. 8.Water,food,and __________ were hard to get.
Unit7 Earthquake 公开课一等奖课件 高中英语

earthquake-destroyed water pipe
broken water pipes
earthquake damage
in Chinatown
the destroyed church
damaged warehouse
refugees fleeing along the Street
青 春 风 采
692分(含20分加分) 语文131分 数学145分 英语141分 文综255分
毕业学校:北京二中 报考高校:
北京大学光华管理学 院
北京市文科状元 阳光女孩--何旋
来自北京二中,高考成绩672分,还有20 分加分。“何旋给人最深的印象就是她 的笑声,远远的就能听见她的笑声。” 班主任吴京梅说,何旋是个阳光女孩。 “她是学校的摄影记者,非常外向,如 果加上20分的加分,她的成绩应该是692 。”吴老师说,何旋考出好成绩的秘诀 是心态好。“她很自信,也很有爱心。 考试结束后,她还问我怎么给边远地区 的学校捐书”。
孙老师说,杨蕙心学习效率很高,认真执行老师 的复习要求,往往一个小时能完成别人两三个小 时的作业量,而且计划性强,善于自我调节。此 外,学校还有一群与她实力相当的同学,他们经 常在一起切磋、交流,形成一种良性的竞争氛围 。
谈起自己的高考心得,杨蕙心说出了“听话 ”两个字。她认为在高三冲刺阶段一定要跟随老 师的脚步。“老师介绍的都是多年积累的学习方 法,肯定是最有益的。”高三紧张的学习中,她 常做的事情就是告诫自己要坚持,不能因为一次 考试成绩就否定自己。高三的几次模拟考试中, 她的成绩一直稳定在年级前5名左右。

Main idea: An earthquake happened in Tangshan on July 28, 1976
2. Find out the topic sentence ;
divide the whole passage into 3 parts and match the main idea of each part .
How the army helped the people in Tangshan?
☆ The army organized teams to dig out
those who were trapped and to bury those who were trapped.
☆ Miners were rescued from the coal ☆ Shelters were built for survivors
fall down
burst destroy
lay in ruins
Buried in bricks
cut off
Fall down
People , injured ,buried in bricks. 受伤的
The city lay in ruins.
4. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. think of 想起,考虑 think little of 不重视,忽视
2. To tell you the truth, I ______________ think poorly of Tom, who is very lazy and never knows what to do .
2. Find out the topic sentence ;
divide the whole passage into 3 parts and match the main idea of each part .
How the army helped the people in Tangshan?
☆ The army organized teams to dig out
those who were trapped and to bury those who were trapped.
☆ Miners were rescued from the coal ☆ Shelters were built for survivors
fall down
burst destroy
lay in ruins
Buried in bricks
cut off
Fall down
People , injured ,buried in bricks. 受伤的
The city lay in ruins.
4. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. think of 想起,考虑 think little of 不重视,忽视
2. To tell you the truth, I ______________ think poorly of Tom, who is very lazy and never knows what to do .

In the farmyard
water, rose and fell; walls, cracks; smelly gas chicken, pig, too nervous to eat;
mice, ran out; fish, jumped out;
In the sky In the city
A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep
Task 2 Reading Comprehension
What is the main idea of the passage?
the main idea of the report
1.The passage mainly talks about a/an _e_a_r_th__q_u_a_k_e(what)that happened in _T_a_n_g_s_h_a_n_ (where)on July 28, in
Task1: Guess words
What will happen when an earthquake happens?
Huge crack cut across houses,roads and canals
The railway tracks became useless pieces of steel.
saw bright lights; heard the sound of plane; water pipes cracke were asleep as usual;
focus on part2 (para2&3)
begin 15seconds end
1. When did the earthquake happen?
water, rose and fell; walls, cracks; smelly gas chicken, pig, too nervous to eat;
mice, ran out; fish, jumped out;
In the sky In the city
A Night the Earth Didn’t Sleep
Task 2 Reading Comprehension
What is the main idea of the passage?
the main idea of the report
1.The passage mainly talks about a/an _e_a_r_th__q_u_a_k_e(what)that happened in _T_a_n_g_s_h_a_n_ (where)on July 28, in
Task1: Guess words
What will happen when an earthquake happens?
Huge crack cut across houses,roads and canals
The railway tracks became useless pieces of steel.
saw bright lights; heard the sound of plane; water pipes cracke were asleep as usual;
focus on part2 (para2&3)
begin 15seconds end
1. When did the earthquake happen?

3.Hard hills of the rock became rivers of _d_i_r_t. 4._B__r_ic_k__s_ covered the ground like red
even no planes
cr- acked and burst
Para. 2-3
1.At _3_:_4_2_ am, the _g_r_e_a__t_e_s_t_ earthquake of
the 20th century began .
2._S_t_e__a_m_ burst from holes in the ground.
3.The army came to help the survivors,
bringing hope for a new life.Paragraph
Read the text quickly to find out which paragraph(s) the following sentences are about.
3.The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a ne- w life.Paragraph 4 8
1.People in Tangshan were warned of the
earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night. 2.People in Beijing also felt the earthquake. 3.More than 400 000 people were killed in the
4.Many rescue workers and doctors were
even no planes
cr- acked and burst
Para. 2-3
1.At _3_:_4_2_ am, the _g_r_e_a__t_e_s_t_ earthquake of
the 20th century began .
2._S_t_e__a_m_ burst from holes in the ground.
3.The army came to help the survivors,
bringing hope for a new life.Paragraph
Read the text quickly to find out which paragraph(s) the following sentences are about.
3.The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a ne- w life.Paragraph 4 8
1.People in Tangshan were warned of the
earthquake and didn’t go to bed that night. 2.People in Beijing also felt the earthquake. 3.More than 400 000 people were killed in the
4.Many rescue workers and doctors were

2.The earquake destroyed the city of Tangshan and shocked the people very much. Paragraph 2&3
3.The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life.Paragraph
Para.1. What strange things happened before
Tangshan Earthquake?
Things water in the well well walls chickens and pigs
mice fish sky
sound water pipes
What happened rose and fell deep cracks, smelly gas
4.Many rescue workers and doctors were
trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.
5.People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan.
autumn leaves.
5.Two _d_a_m__s__ and most of the bridges fell. 6.The railway tracks were now _u_s_e_l_e_s_s_pieces of _s_t__e_e_l_. 7._S_a__n_d_ now filled the wells instead of water.
1.People in Tangshan were warned of the
3.The army came to help the survivors, bringing hope for a new life.Paragraph
Para.1. What strange things happened before
Tangshan Earthquake?
Things water in the well well walls chickens and pigs
mice fish sky
sound water pipes
What happened rose and fell deep cracks, smelly gas
4.Many rescue workers and doctors were
trapped under the ruins during the aftershock.
5.People tried to get fresh water from under the ground in Tangshan.
autumn leaves.
5.Two _d_a_m__s__ and most of the bridges fell. 6.The railway tracks were now _u_s_e_l_e_s_s_pieces of _s_t__e_e_l_. 7._S_a__n_d_ now filled the wells instead of water.
1.People in Tangshan were warned of the

苦难;痛苦 电;电流;电学 灾难;灾祸 标题;头衔;资格
1.The earthquake was so big that most of the houses in the small village were completely destroyed (破坏).
2.After learning that the boys had been lost for almost 20 hours, the police sent out a rescue (营救) team to look for them.
to my cousin. When I came in, he ② was buried in reviewing
his lessons in his study. He got top marks in the final exam
and his parents ③ were proud of
him. However, he
管;导管 百万 运河;水道 蒸汽;水汽 污垢;泥土 极度的 幸存者;生还者;残存物 砖;砖块 水坝;堰堤
16.track n. 轨道;足迹;痕迹
17.mine n.
18.miner n.
19.shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处
20.reporter n. 记者 n.
6.congratulation n.祝贺;(复数)贺词→congratulate vt.祝贺 7.sincerely adv.真诚地;真挚地→sincere adj.真诚的;真挚的
1.We were shocked at the shocking news that he died suddenly yesterday.(shock)

Fast reading 1.Read paragraph1 and answer. (1 point for each)
△What? ○Where? ◇When?
• Disaster: Earthquake • Place: Tangshan, Hebei • Time: July 28, 1976
give milk again.
Байду номын сангаас
Careful reading
Part 3
Rescue work after the earthquake
Read Para4 carefully and finish true or false questions.(2 mins) two points for each
❖All of the city’s hospitals, 75% of its factories and buildings and 90% of its homes were gone.
❖___T_e_n_s_o__f _t_h_o_u_s_a_n_d___ of cows could never
必修一 Unit 4 Earthquake
Rules for this class
1.Divide students into ten groups 2. Have a competition in groups 3. Stand up when you discuss
What kind of disasters do you know?
Part 1
Signs before the earthquake
Read Para 1 carefully and find out what are the warning sighs before the earthquake? (3 mins)
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Optional(选做):Find more information about people help each other in the earthquake.
Thanks for your coming!
Page 16
__tr_e_seh_so_uoldr _p_oa_wy_es_rp_e_c_liia_nl_ea_st.tention to:
2. I 1sh.tohueldfo_r_mti_es_otfhevetreblesv(is动ion词t的o a形_式_t_a)_b_le__
2.If you’re on the road: use something hard to cover your head. avoid the trees and buildings.
Yes or No
3.If you’re at school: don’t be nervous but keep calm. hide under a desk or table. face the windows .
Theblraenakeston is that __m__ap____. medicine
4.Tmhoebrieleipsh_o_n_e _ in my bag bpeicctauuresse_of_f_a_m_il_y.
5,103021,086,000 0
mmmaaagggnnnitiiuttuudddeepe67e8.r0.yd0-67ea- .aye9raertahrqthuqaukaeke
4.If you’re in a building: open the door when it begins to shake. try to use lift. rush out without order.
New words
bookcase power lines
Write down the three verbs that are mentioned twice.
ourThiepa:ds with our hands. T
2. WWehmiluesltisctoevneinr go,uprsaeylvaettsebnytiohnidtiong
unde3r “smomuestf” es.
3. We must hold onto the furniture so it
the I am
and ___c_o_llmecytpersonal ___e_a_r_th_q_u_a_k_e__b. ag
DispMcousyssisbpleienirtesgmorsonfuaoprlsteh.aerptehrsqounaal keaertbhqaugakwe iblalg: S1:bcWoottrnlieteoafidwnoa:wtenr whatcyaonudlewsill put intomothney bSa2g:fcb13ollSo...ao__ttndha__keane_s_ntdd__uc__hp__o__aconldatespbaemrfasraku24pito..__u__t __th__et__orr__ceh__am(s手oednk电inc筒wiifneh)ey
youmcohbioleopsheotnhee 4 things. pictures of family S3-6: Give your reasons.
Spaomsspibllee:items for the personal earthquake bag: 1.I will choose_______, because________.
can move away from us during the
ear. thquake.
Listen again and complete the passage below.
1.Go toToanfilol pinenthsepabclaenakws acyorfrreocmtly_b,_uy_iol_du_in_g_s_,
2.I’bdottlliekoeftwoapteurt ____c_a_nidnletso my earthmqounaekye
torch (手电筒)
3.Ycolouthwesill see _____ifnrumit y earthquakeknbiafeg.
ppeer r yyeeaar r
PagБайду номын сангаас 13
Where there is love, there is hope.
Required(必做):Tell more people around you how to survive in an earthquake.
What’s your feeling?
Page 1
What should we do if an earthquake happens?
Page 3
Yes or No
1.If you’re at home: hide under a heavy table or bed. sit in a corner near the doors or windows. put out the fire and turn off the gas.
1.Wdhriolpe l.istening, pay a2t.tecnotvieorn. to the key points a3n. dhodlod s.ome note-taking.
T or F
1.We must drop to the floor and cover
Thanks for your coming!
Page 16
__tr_e_seh_so_uoldr _p_oa_wy_es_rp_e_c_liia_nl_ea_st.tention to:
2. I 1sh.tohueldfo_r_mti_es_otfhevetreblesv(is动ion词t的o a形_式_t_a)_b_le__
2.If you’re on the road: use something hard to cover your head. avoid the trees and buildings.
Yes or No
3.If you’re at school: don’t be nervous but keep calm. hide under a desk or table. face the windows .
Theblraenakeston is that __m__ap____. medicine
4.Tmhoebrieleipsh_o_n_e _ in my bag bpeicctauuresse_of_f_a_m_il_y.
5,103021,086,000 0
mmmaaagggnnnitiiuttuudddeepe67e8.r0.yd0-67ea- .aye9raertahrqthuqaukaeke
4.If you’re in a building: open the door when it begins to shake. try to use lift. rush out without order.
New words
bookcase power lines
Write down the three verbs that are mentioned twice.
ourThiepa:ds with our hands. T
2. WWehmiluesltisctoevneinr go,uprsaeylvaettsebnytiohnidtiong
unde3r “smomuestf” es.
3. We must hold onto the furniture so it
the I am
and ___c_o_llmecytpersonal ___e_a_r_th_q_u_a_k_e__b. ag
DispMcousyssisbpleienirtesgmorsonfuaoprlsteh.aerptehrsqounaal keaertbhqaugakwe iblalg: S1:bcWoottrnlieteoafidwnoa:wtenr whatcyaonudlewsill put intomothney bSa2g:fcb13ollSo...ao__ttndha__keane_s_ntdd__uc__hp__o__aconldatespbaemrfasraku24pito..__u__t __th__et__orr__ceh__am(s手oednk电inc筒wiifneh)ey
youmcohbioleopsheotnhee 4 things. pictures of family S3-6: Give your reasons.
Spaomsspibllee:items for the personal earthquake bag: 1.I will choose_______, because________.
can move away from us during the
ear. thquake.
Listen again and complete the passage below.
1.Go toToanfilol pinenthsepabclaenakws acyorfrreocmtly_b,_uy_iol_du_in_g_s_,
2.I’bdottlliekoeftwoapteurt ____c_a_nidnletso my earthmqounaekye
torch (手电筒)
3.Ycolouthwesill see _____ifnrumit y earthquakeknbiafeg.
ppeer r yyeeaar r
PagБайду номын сангаас 13
Where there is love, there is hope.
Required(必做):Tell more people around you how to survive in an earthquake.
What’s your feeling?
Page 1
What should we do if an earthquake happens?
Page 3
Yes or No
1.If you’re at home: hide under a heavy table or bed. sit in a corner near the doors or windows. put out the fire and turn off the gas.
1.Wdhriolpe l.istening, pay a2t.tecnotvieorn. to the key points a3n. dhodlod s.ome note-taking.
T or F
1.We must drop to the floor and cover