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翻译心得及翻译实践 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】









The main purpose of the article is to summarize the gains and experience after translating two materials. The material Hold Life in Awe and Veneration—Moby Dick under the View of Ecological Criticism has been translated from Chinese to English while the material Nature in the Contemporary American Novel has been translated from English to Chinese.

The article Hold Life in Awe and Veneration—Moby Dick under the View of Ecological Criticism analyses the novel Moby Dick under new view from aspect of ecocriticism. It criticizes the idea of anthropocen trism and human’s behavior com ing from anthropocentrism. This article also gets inspiration from conflict between Ahab and Moby Dick and the tragedy caused by this kind of conflict. Human must limit their desire and must learn to respect other livers and to live with natural word harmoniously. Only in this way, can the ecological tragedy and the death of both human and nature be avoided.

As for Nature in the Contemporary American Novel, it discusses contemporary American novel from aspects of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. It analyses the development of ecology in America and of methods used to analyze America novel, and also analyzes the history of ecocriticism and ecofeminism. At the same time, the article emphasizes the importance of ecocriticism and ecofeminism.

Having translated these two materials, I gain lot about the translation between Chinese and English. This article has been written from five parts which are “the description of the material for translating”, “searching for background informatio n”, “d ealing with sentences”,“words and phrases”, and “conclusion”. This article means to analyze problems and difficulties, which may happen in translating, on aspects such as passages, sentences, words and than to find out methods to solve those problems and difficulties. In this way, this article can be used as a kind of guide and accumulation in future translation works.

Key words: Translation ecocriticism ecofeminism
