刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十周)bureaucratic structure and p
刘亚平 专业英语 administrative刘亚平 专业英语(第八周)entralization and political power
– One reason people are shouting so loudly today is that it’s far from where they are to where the power is. Power should be brought closer to them rather than exercised from remote centers.
More Representative Administrative Agencies
• One type of proposal for making administrative agencies more representative is traditional in character: situating spokesmen for the interests affected in strategic positions within the organizations.
• It takes a bureaucrat to control a bureaucrat.
More Representative
Administrative Agencies
• The most sweeping expression of the unrest over lack of representativeness is the growing demand for extreme administrative decentralization, frequently coupled with insistence on local clientele domination of the decentralized organizations.
More Representative Administrative Agencies
• One type of proposal for making administrative agencies more representative is traditional in character: situating spokesmen for the interests affected in strategic positions within the organizations.
• It takes a bureaucrat to control a bureaucrat.
More Representative
Administrative Agencies
• The most sweeping expression of the unrest over lack of representativeness is the growing demand for extreme administrative decentralization, frequently coupled with insistence on local clientele domination of the decentralized organizations.
刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration
what is there to prevent us from entering it?
• Whoever would effect a change in a modern constitutional government must first make public opinion willing to listen and then see to it that it listen to the right things.
the history of administration as a science
• It is better to be untrained and free than to be servile and systematic. Still there is no denying that it would be better yet to be both free in spirit and proficient in practice.
The Study of Administration
Woodrow Wilson
• President of Princeton University
• President of United States
Key Point
• We need to study administration. • Administration is the most obvious part of
Why administration is needed now?
• This is why there should be a science of administration which shall seek to straighten the paths of government, to make its business less unbusinesslike, to strengthen and purify its organization, and to crown its dutifulness.
• Whoever would effect a change in a modern constitutional government must first make public opinion willing to listen and then see to it that it listen to the right things.
the history of administration as a science
• It is better to be untrained and free than to be servile and systematic. Still there is no denying that it would be better yet to be both free in spirit and proficient in practice.
The Study of Administration
Woodrow Wilson
• President of Princeton University
• President of United States
Key Point
• We need to study administration. • Administration is the most obvious part of
Why administration is needed now?
• This is why there should be a science of administration which shall seek to straighten the paths of government, to make its business less unbusinesslike, to strengthen and purify its organization, and to crown its dutifulness.
刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语(第十周)bureaucratic structure and personality
Bureaucratic Structure and Personality
Rohe Structure of Bureaucracy The Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy Structural Sources of Overconformity Primary versus Secondary Relations Problems for Research
• Formality is manifested by means of a more or less complicated social ritual which symbolizes and supports the pecking order of the various offices. Such formality, which is integrated with the distribution of authority within the system, serves to minimize friction by largely restricting official contact to modes which are previously defined by the rules of the organization. Ready calculability of others’ behavior and a stable set of mutual expectations is thus built up. • Moreover, formality facilitates the interaction of the occupants of offices despite their private attitudes toward one another.
Rohe Structure of Bureaucracy The Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy Structural Sources of Overconformity Primary versus Secondary Relations Problems for Research
• Formality is manifested by means of a more or less complicated social ritual which symbolizes and supports the pecking order of the various offices. Such formality, which is integrated with the distribution of authority within the system, serves to minimize friction by largely restricting official contact to modes which are previously defined by the rules of the organization. Ready calculability of others’ behavior and a stable set of mutual expectations is thus built up. • Moreover, formality facilitates the interaction of the occupants of offices despite their private attitudes toward one another.
刘亚平 专业英语 toward a new public administration
Classic Public Administration emphasizes developing and strengthening institutions which have been designed to deal with social problems. The Public Administration focus, however, has tended to drift from the problem to the institution.
A fundamental commitment to social equity means that new Public Administration attempts to come to grips with Dwight Waldo’s contention that the field has never satisfactorily accommodated the theoretical implications of involvement in “politics” and policy-making.
New Public Administration seeks not only to carry out legislative mandates as efficiently and economically as possible, but to both influence and execute policies which more generally improve the quality of life for all.
Toward a New Public Administration
George Frederickson
最新-刘亚平 专业英语 public administration theory and separation of powers-精选文档-PPT文档资料
Public administrators are now liable for damages if they knew or reasonably should have known that an action taken abridged someone’s constitutional rights.
View of individual
View the individual as part of an aggregate group. Identifies the individuals interests as being similar or identical to those of others considered to be within the same group or category. In this view of the individual, personality exists, but it is conceptualized in collective terms.
public administration theory and separation of powers
By David Rosenbloom
public administration theory and separation of powers
Introduction The managerial approach to PA The political approach to PA The legal approach to PA The separation of powers Future suggestions
The managerial approach to PA
刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration精品文档
The Study of Administration
Woodrow Wilson
• President of Princeton University
• President of United States
Key Point
• We need to study administration. • Administration is the most obvious part of
– They made themselves too efficient to be dispensed with, too smoothly operative to be noticed, too enlightened to be inconsiderately questioned, too benevolent to be suspected, too powerful to be coped with.
constitution than to frame one.
why administration is needed now?
• In brief, if difficulties of governmental action are to be seen gathering in other centuries, they are to be seen culminating in our own.
• It is this even more reasonable preference which impels us to discover what there may be to hinder or delay us in naturalizing this much-to-be-desired science of administration.
Woodrow Wilson
• President of Princeton University
• President of United States
Key Point
• We need to study administration. • Administration is the most obvious part of
– They made themselves too efficient to be dispensed with, too smoothly operative to be noticed, too enlightened to be inconsiderately questioned, too benevolent to be suspected, too powerful to be coped with.
constitution than to frame one.
why administration is needed now?
• In brief, if difficulties of governmental action are to be seen gathering in other centuries, they are to be seen culminating in our own.
• It is this even more reasonable preference which impels us to discover what there may be to hinder or delay us in naturalizing this much-to-be-desired science of administration.
刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration
of government. • Why? • In early times, the great and only question was:
who shall possess power? • In our time, it is getting to be harder to run a
constitution than to frame one.
– And the third is that in which the sovereign people undertake to develop administration under this new constitution which has brought them into power.
• The science of administration is the latest fruit of that study of the science of politics which was begun some twenty-two hundred years ago.
• Why until now? • Political writers care only about the constitution
• There is scarcely a single duty of government which was once simple which is not now complex; government once had but a few masters; it now has scores of masters. Majorities formerly only underwent government; they now conduct government.
who shall possess power? • In our time, it is getting to be harder to run a
constitution than to frame one.
– And the third is that in which the sovereign people undertake to develop administration under this new constitution which has brought them into power.
• The science of administration is the latest fruit of that study of the science of politics which was begun some twenty-two hundred years ago.
• Why until now? • Political writers care only about the constitution
• There is scarcely a single duty of government which was once simple which is not now complex; government once had but a few masters; it now has scores of masters. Majorities formerly only underwent government; they now conduct government.
刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration
– The first of these periods is that of absolute rulers, and of an administrative system adapted to absolute rule;
– The second is that in which constitutions are framed to do away with absolute rulers and substitue popular control, and in which administration is neglected for these higher concerns;
• 3. To determine just what are the best methods by which to develop it, and the most clarifying political conceptions to carry with us into it.
• The science of administration is the latest fruit of that study of the science of politics which was begun some twenty-two hundred years ago.
– Hard to make progress because single person who was sovereign was generally either selfish, ignorant,timid or a fool; the many, the people, who are sovereign have no single ear which one can approach.
– The second is that in which constitutions are framed to do away with absolute rulers and substitue popular control, and in which administration is neglected for these higher concerns;
• 3. To determine just what are the best methods by which to develop it, and the most clarifying political conceptions to carry with us into it.
• The science of administration is the latest fruit of that study of the science of politics which was begun some twenty-two hundred years ago.
– Hard to make progress because single person who was sovereign was generally either selfish, ignorant,timid or a fool; the many, the people, who are sovereign have no single ear which one can approach.
刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语ower and administration
• Victory at the polls does not yield either a clear-cut grant of power or a unified majority support for a coherent program.
• Integration of the administrative structure through an over-all purpose in terms of which tasks and priorities can be established is an emergency phenomenon. In ordinary times the manifold pressures of our pluralistic society work themselves out in accordance with the balance of forces prevailing in Congress and the agencies.
• Much of administrative thought, when it does not assume the value of coordination for coordination’s sake, operates on the assumption that there must be something akin to Rosseau’s volonte generale (公共意志) in administration to which the errant volonte de tous (个人意志) of the bureaus can and should be made to conform. The answer for Rousseau was enlightened dictatorship or counting the votes.
刘亚平 专业英语 administrative刘亚平 专业英语entralization and political power
More Representative Administrative
• More unorthodox, but swiftly gaining acceptance, is the concept of a centralized governmental complaint bureau, clothed with legal powers of investigation, to look into citizen complaints against administrative agencies and to correct inequities and abuses.
Current Dissatisfaction
• America is not wanting in arrangements for representation.
• Why is there dissatisfaction with these arrangements?
– Fundamentally because substantial (though minority) segments of the population apparently believe the political, economic, and social systems have not delivered to them fair shares of the system’s benefits and rewards and because they think they cannot win their appropriate shares in those benefits and rewards through the political institutions around the country as these are now constituted.
刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration
Why administration is needed now?
• This is why there should be a science of administration whichpaths of government, to make its business less unbusinesslike, to strengthen and purify its organization, and to crown its dutifulness.
• Why is it harder for democracy to organize administration than for monarchy?
– An individual sovereign will adopt a simple plan and carry it out directly; the people will have a score of differing opinions. They can agree upon nothing simple.
What is there to prevent us from entering it?
• The field of administration is a field of business. It is removed from the hurry and strife of politics. It is a part of political life only as the methods of the counting-house are a part of the life of society; only as machinery is part of the manufactured product. But it is, at the same time, raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail by the fact that through its greater principles it is directly connected with the lasting maxims of political wisdom, the permanent truths of political progress.
• This is why there should be a science of administration whichpaths of government, to make its business less unbusinesslike, to strengthen and purify its organization, and to crown its dutifulness.
• Why is it harder for democracy to organize administration than for monarchy?
– An individual sovereign will adopt a simple plan and carry it out directly; the people will have a score of differing opinions. They can agree upon nothing simple.
What is there to prevent us from entering it?
• The field of administration is a field of business. It is removed from the hurry and strife of politics. It is a part of political life only as the methods of the counting-house are a part of the life of society; only as machinery is part of the manufactured product. But it is, at the same time, raised very far above the dull level of mere technical detail by the fact that through its greater principles it is directly connected with the lasting maxims of political wisdom, the permanent truths of political progress.
刘亚平 专业英语 刘亚平 专业英语bureaucratic structure and personality 共24页
• The ideal type of such formal organization is bureaucracy and, in many respects, the classical analysis of bureaucracy is that by Max Weber.
• Bureaucracy involves a clear-cut division of integrated activities which are regarded as duties inherent in the office. A system of differentiated controls and sanctions is stated in the regulations. The assignment of roles occurs on the basis of technical qualifications which are ascertained through formalized, impersonal procedures. Within the structure of hierarchically arranged authority, the activities of “trained and salaried experts” are governed by general, abstract, and clearly defined rules which preclude the necessity for the issuance of specific instructions for each specific case. The generality of the rules requires the constant use of categorization, whereby individual problems and cases are classified on the basis of designated criteria and are treated accordingly. The pure type of bureaucratic official is appointed, either by a superior or through the exercise of impersonal competition; he is not elected.
• Bureaucracy involves a clear-cut division of integrated activities which are regarded as duties inherent in the office. A system of differentiated controls and sanctions is stated in the regulations. The assignment of roles occurs on the basis of technical qualifications which are ascertained through formalized, impersonal procedures. Within the structure of hierarchically arranged authority, the activities of “trained and salaried experts” are governed by general, abstract, and clearly defined rules which preclude the necessity for the issuance of specific instructions for each specific case. The generality of the rules requires the constant use of categorization, whereby individual problems and cases are classified on the basis of designated criteria and are treated accordingly. The pure type of bureaucratic official is appointed, either by a superior or through the exercise of impersonal competition; he is not elected.
2019年最新-刘亚平 专业英语 the study of administration-精选文档-精选文档
the history of administration as a science
• It is better to be untrained and free than to be servile and systematic. Still there is no denying that it would be better yet to be both free in spirit and proficient in practice.
• It is this even more reasonable preference which impels us to discover what there may be to hinder or delay us in naturalizing this much-to-be-desired science of administration.
• 1. To take some account of what others have done in the same line; that is to say, of the history of the study.
• 2. To ascertain just what is its subject matter.
The Study of Administration
Woodrow Wilson
• President of Princeton University
• President of United States
Key Point
• We need to study administration. • Administration is the most obvious part of
• It is better to be untrained and free than to be servile and systematic. Still there is no denying that it would be better yet to be both free in spirit and proficient in practice.
• It is this even more reasonable preference which impels us to discover what there may be to hinder or delay us in naturalizing this much-to-be-desired science of administration.
• 1. To take some account of what others have done in the same line; that is to say, of the history of the study.
• 2. To ascertain just what is its subject matter.
The Study of Administration
Woodrow Wilson
• President of Princeton University
• President of United States
Key Point
• We need to study administration. • Administration is the most obvious part of
刘亚平 专业英语 public administration theory and separation of powers
The central problem of contemporary pa theory is that it is derived from 3 disparate approaches to the basic question of what pa is.
It is unlikely that the 3 approaches can be synthesized without violating values deeply ingrained in the US political culture.
View of individual
View the individual as part of an aggregate group.
Identifies the individuals interests as being similar or identical to those of others considered to be within the same group or category.
View of the individual
An impersonal view of individuals
Employee: the individual characteristics of an employee occupying a position should have no bearing on the classification of the position.
public administration theory and separation of powers
By David Rosenbloom
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• The ideal type of such formal organization is bureaucracy and, in many respects, the classical analysis of bureaucracy is that by Max Weber.
• Bureaucracy involves a clear-cut division of integrated activities which are regarded as duties inherent in the office. A system of differentiated controls and sanctions is stated in the regulations. The assignment of roles occurs on the basis of technical qualifications which are ascertained through formalized, impersonal procedures. Within the structure of hierarchically arranged authority, the activities of “trained and salaried experts” are governed by general, abstract, and clearly defined rules which preclude the necessity for the issuance of specific instructions for each specific case. The generality of the rules requires the constant use of categorization, whereby individual problems and cases are classified on the basis of designated criteria and are treated accordingly. The pure type of bureaucratic official is appointed, either by a superior or through the exercise of impersonal competition; he is not elected.
• A formal rationally organized social structure involves clearly defined patterns of activity in which, ideally, every series of actions is functionally related to the purposes of the organization.
• In such an organization there is integrated a series of offices, of hierarchized statuses, in which inhere a number of obligations and privileges closely defined by limited and specific rules.
• The Structure of Bureaucracy • The Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy • Structural Sources of Overconformity • Primary versus Secondary Relations • Problems for Research
• Formality is manifested by means of a more or less complicated social ritual which symbolizes and supports the pecking order of the various offices. Such formality, which is integrated with the distribution of authority within the system, serves to minimize friction by largely restricting official contact to modes which are previously defined by the rules of the organization. Ready calculability of others’ behavior and a stable set of mutual expectations is thus built up.
• Moreover, formality facilitates the interaction of the occupants of offices te their private attitudes toward one another.
The structure of bureaucracy
• Official action ordinarily occurs within the framework of preexisting rules of the organization.
• The system of prescribed relations between the various offices involves a considerable degree of formality and clearly defined social distance between the occupants of these positions.
• Each of these offices contains an area of imputed competence and responsibility.
• Authority, the power of control which derives from an acknowledged status, inheres in the office and not in the particular person who performs the official role.
• Bureaucracy involves a clear-cut division of integrated activities which are regarded as duties inherent in the office. A system of differentiated controls and sanctions is stated in the regulations. The assignment of roles occurs on the basis of technical qualifications which are ascertained through formalized, impersonal procedures. Within the structure of hierarchically arranged authority, the activities of “trained and salaried experts” are governed by general, abstract, and clearly defined rules which preclude the necessity for the issuance of specific instructions for each specific case. The generality of the rules requires the constant use of categorization, whereby individual problems and cases are classified on the basis of designated criteria and are treated accordingly. The pure type of bureaucratic official is appointed, either by a superior or through the exercise of impersonal competition; he is not elected.
• A formal rationally organized social structure involves clearly defined patterns of activity in which, ideally, every series of actions is functionally related to the purposes of the organization.
• In such an organization there is integrated a series of offices, of hierarchized statuses, in which inhere a number of obligations and privileges closely defined by limited and specific rules.
• The Structure of Bureaucracy • The Dysfunctions of Bureaucracy • Structural Sources of Overconformity • Primary versus Secondary Relations • Problems for Research
• Formality is manifested by means of a more or less complicated social ritual which symbolizes and supports the pecking order of the various offices. Such formality, which is integrated with the distribution of authority within the system, serves to minimize friction by largely restricting official contact to modes which are previously defined by the rules of the organization. Ready calculability of others’ behavior and a stable set of mutual expectations is thus built up.
• Moreover, formality facilitates the interaction of the occupants of offices te their private attitudes toward one another.
The structure of bureaucracy
• Official action ordinarily occurs within the framework of preexisting rules of the organization.
• The system of prescribed relations between the various offices involves a considerable degree of formality and clearly defined social distance between the occupants of these positions.
• Each of these offices contains an area of imputed competence and responsibility.
• Authority, the power of control which derives from an acknowledged status, inheres in the office and not in the particular person who performs the official role.