1. 直接翻译法:按照源语言的语法和用词,直接翻译为目标语言,然后再根据目标语言的语法规则修改翻译结果,使其通顺、准确。
2. 自由翻译法:在保持源语言信息的基础上,以目标语言的习惯表达和文化为考虑,进行自由、流畅的翻译。
3. 文化对比法:对源语言和目标语言的语言和文化进行比较,并考虑它们之间的差异性、相似性,以便更准确地翻译过程。
4. 文化调整法:在进行翻译的过程中,将原话稍微加以修改,使其更符合目标语言文化的表达方式和惯用语言,并达到更好的传达效果。
1. 文字翻译:将一种语言的书面文字转译为另一种语言的文字,包括文学作品、商业文件、科技论文等。
2. 口译翻译:将一种语言的口头言语转译为另一种语言的口头言语,在会议、活动、演讲等场合中进行。
3. 机器翻译:利用计算机程序进行翻译,通过自动翻译系统实现将一种语言的文字或口译转化为另一种语言。
4. 本地化翻译:将产品、服务或软件等进行适应目标市场的语言、文化和法规等方面的调整,以满足特定受众的需求。
5. 笔译翻译:通过文字工具将一种语言的文字转译为另一种语言的文字,常见于文学作品、正式文件、学术论文等。
6. 口译翻译:将一种语言的口头言语转译为另一种语言的口头言语,常见于会议、活动、演讲等场合。
7. 同声传译:实时将演讲者的口语内容转译为另一种语言,通过设备供听众即时听到对应的翻译。
8. 口译陪同翻译:通常用于陪同外国客户逛街购物、旅游观光等活动,为客户提供语言沟通服务。
70.重视 attach great importance to…
71.社会地位 social status
72.把时间和精力放在…上 focus time and energy on…
73.扩大知识面 expand one’s scope of knowledge
74.身心两方面 both physically and mentally
78.缓解压力/ 减轻负担 relieve stress/ burden
79.优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.
80.与…比较 compared with…/ in comparison with
81. 相反 in contrast / on the contrary.
14.就…达到绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on…
15.有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons
16.双方的论点 arguments on both sides
17.发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important role in…
54.在一定程度上 to some extent/ degree / in some way
55. 理论和实践相结合 integrate theory with practice
56. …必然趋势 an irresistible trend of…
57.日益激烈的社会竞争 the increasingly fierce social competition
34.为社会做贡献 make contributions to the society
1.有志者,事竟成.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart./Where there is a there is a way.2.千里之行,始于足下.The longest journey begins with the first step.3.积少成多.Every little helps.4.满招损,谦受益.Pride hurts,modesty benefits.5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获.Nothing is to be got without pain but povert6.伟业非一日之功/冰冻三尺非一日之寒.Rome was not bult in a day.7.一寸光阴一寸金,寸今难买寸光阴.Lost years are worse than lost dollars.8.自助者天助.God helps those who help themselves.9.欲速则不达.More haste,less speed.10.台上一分钟,台下十年功.One minute on the stage needs ten years practice stage.11.好的开端是成功的一半.Well begun is half done.12.酒好不怕巷子深.Good wine needs no bush.13.成功源于勤奋.Industry is the parent of success.14.英雄所见略同.Great minds think alike.15.熟能生巧.Practice makes perfect.16.静水流深.Still waters run deep.17.滴水穿石.Little stone fell great oaks.18.前事不忘,后事之师.The membrance of the past is the teacher of the fut19.君子之交淡如水.A hedge between keeps friendship green.20.机不可失,时不再来.Take time while time is,for time will away.21.集思广益.Two heads are better than one.22.未雨绸缪.Provide for a rainy day.23.真金不怕火炼.True blue will never strain.24.必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀.You have to believe in yourself.That's secret of success.25.燕雀安知鸿鹄之志.A sparrow cannot understand the ambition of a swan.26.身正不怕影子歪.A straight foot is not afraid of a crooked shoe.27.天涯何处无芳草.There is plenty of fish in the sea.28.大智若愚.Cats hind their paws.29.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量.Judge not a book by its cover.(Never judge appearances.)30.有情人终成眷属.All shall be well,Jack shall have jill.31.海内存知己,天涯若比邻.The world is but a little place,after all.32.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾.It is better to be a head of dog than a tail of a l33.良药苦口.A good medicine tastes bitter.34.知识就是力量.Knowledge is power.35.金钱不是万能的.Money is not everything.36.时不我待.Time and tide wait no man.37.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲.A young idler,an old beggar.38.趁热打铁.Strike while the iron is hot.39.天生我才必有用.Every man has his price.40.看破生死的人能成大事.He who sees through life and death will meet with success.41.世上无难事,只要肯登攀.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.42不入虎穴,焉得虎子.Noting venture,noting gain.43.不鸣则已,一鸣惊人.It never rains but it pours.44.胜者为王,败者为寇.Losers are always in the wrong.45.谋事在人,成事在天.Man proposes,God deposes.46.众人拾柴火焰高.Many hands make light work.47.不经风雨,怎能见彩虹. No cross, no crown.48.没有付出,就没有收获.No pain, no gain.49.不进则退.Not to advance is to go back.50.No way is impossible to courage.勇者无惧.51. 闪光的不一定是黄金.All is not gold that glitters./All that glitters is gold.52.The strong pass of the enemy is like a wall of iron,yet with firm str we are conquring its summit.雄关漫道真如铁,而今迈步从头越.53.My journey is long and winding, I will keep on exploring my way far and w 路漫漫其修远兮,我将上下而求索.54.一分价钱一分货.You get what you pay off.55.眼见为实.Seeing is believing.56.无风不起浪.Where there's smoke without fire.57.哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗.Where there's oppression there's resistance.58. 祸兮福所依,福兮祸所伏.All the Evils to be considered with the Good, is in them, and with that worse attends them.59.Make your whole year's plan in the spring and the whole day's plan in morning.一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨.60.细节决定成败.Details is the key to success.61.A man loves his sweetheart the most,his wife the best,but his mother longest.男人对他的情人最爱,对他的妻子最好,而对他母亲的爱最长久.62.A big tree falls not at the first stroke.一斧子砍不倒大树.63.Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.早睡身体好.64.Ask not what your country can do for you;Ask what you can do for your coun 不要问你的国家能为你做什么,而要问你能为你的国家做什么.65.Repent,for the kingdom of heaven is near.忏悔吧,因为天国已经不远了.66.Rejoicing in hope, patienting in trabulation.从希望中得到快乐,在磨难持坚韧.67.Never put off until tomorrow what may be done today.今日事今日毕.68.Something attempted,something done.没有尝试,就没有成功.69.Hope for the best,prepare for the worst.好处着想,坏处准备.70.Great hope makes great man. 伟大的思想造就伟大的人.71.A rolling stone gathers no moss.滚石不聚苔,转行不聚财.72.When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入乡随俗.73.Knowledge is a measure, but practise is the key to it.知识是珍宝,而实获取它的钥匙.74.Lost time is never found again.光阴一去不复返.75.Difficulties strengthen the mind, as labour does the body.劳动强体,磨智.76.Behind bad luck comes good luck.塞翁失马,焉知非福.77.All for one, one for all.我为人人,人人为我.78.Treat other people as you hope they will treat you.己所不欲,勿施于人79.Suspicion is the poison of friendship.怀疑是对友谊所下的毒药.80.He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最美.81.Follow your own course, and let people talk.走自己的路,让别人说去吧82.Initiative is doing the right thing without being told.主动性就是在没告诉时做正确的事情.83.Think twice before acting.三思而后行.84.Adversity reveals genius, fortune conceals it.苦难显才华,好运藏天知.85.The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.水能载亦能覆舟.86.Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.宁为鸡头,不为凤尾87.A stitch in time saves nine.防微杜渐.88.Diamond cuts diamond.强中更有强中手.89.The early bird catches the worm.捷足先登.90.Whatever you go, go with all your heart.无论做什么事,一定要全力以赴.91.The good seaman is known in bad weather.惊涛骇浪,方显英雄本色.92.Where there is life, there is hope.留得青山在,不怕没柴少.93.All thing are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难.94.Life is not all roses.人生并不都是康庄大道.95.Heaven never seals off all the exits.天无绝人之路.96.Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?97.Reading is always profitable.开卷有益.98.A gentleman acts on behalf of an understanding friend,as a woman makes her beautiful for her lover.士为知己者用,女为说悦己者容.99.Actions speak louder that words.事实胜于雄辩.100.Mastery of work comes from diligent application, and success depond forethought.业精于勤,行成于思.1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
1. 文学翻译:文学翻译是将一篇文学作品从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。
2. 技术翻译:技术翻译是将科技类、工程类或专业类文章、文件或手册等从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。
3. 口译翻译:口译翻译是通过听懂一种语言并即时将其翻译成另一种语言。
4. 笔译翻译:笔译翻译是将书面材料从一种语言翻译成另一种语言,主要包括文件、报告、新闻文章、小说等。
5. 法律翻译:法律翻译是将与法律相关的文件、合同、法规等从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。
6. 商务翻译:商务翻译是将商务文件、会议记录、商务信函等从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。
翻译有三种方式: 直译法、意译法和笔译法。
1. 直译法:直译法也被称为字面翻译,是将源语言的每个词和句子都按照字面意思翻译成目标语言,不考虑语法和习惯表达。
2. 意译法:意译法是将源语言的内容理解后,按照目标语言的表达方式和文化习惯进行转述。
3. 笔译法:笔译法是通过笔和纸的方式将源语言的内容转化为目标语言的过程。
译文翻译大全 Translation DictionaryAAccount 账户;账号Accurate 准确的Achievement 成就;成绩Action 行动;作用Adapt 适应;改编Address 地址Advantage 优势Advertising 广告BBalance 平衡;余额Beauty 美丽;美妙Behavior 行为;举止Bold 大胆的;勇敢的Book 书籍;本子CCareful 仔细的Challenge 挑战;难题Championship 冠军赛Character 字符;角色Church 教堂DData 数据;资料Debt 债务Decision 决定;抉择Description 描述;描写 Design 设计;布置EEducation 教育Electricity 电Employment 雇佣;就业 Energy 能量;力量Engineer 工程师FFamiliar 熟悉的Fashion 时尚;潮流Finance 金融;财政Forgive 宽恕;饶恕Freedom 自由;自主GGift 礼物Goal 目标;目的Golf 高尔夫Government 政府;行政 HHabit 习惯;习性Hall 大厅;厅堂Harmful 有害的Healthy 健康的History 历史IIdentity 身份;本质 Income 收入;收益Interest 兴趣;利息 Interview 面试;会谈 Involve 包含;牵扯JJob 工作;职务Judge 审判;裁定KKitchen 厨房;厨具Knowledge 知识;学问 LLanguage 语言Liberty 自由;豁达Lifestyle 生活方式Logic 逻辑;推理MMajor 专业;主要Mark 标志;印记Material 物质;材料Mile 英里;里程NNature 自然;本质Negative 负面的;消极的 Notice 通告;注意OObject 物体;目标Opinion 意见;看法Organization 组织;机构 PPayment 付款;费用Performance 表演;表现 Pollution 污染;环境污染 Position 位置;姿势QQuantity 数量;量Question 问题;疑问RRace 种族;人种Religion 宗教;信仰Response 回应;答复Reward 奖励;报酬SService 服务;业务Skill 技能;技巧Social 社会的;社交的 Solution 解决方案;溶液 TTeacher 老师;教师Technique 技术;方法Team 团队;组织Technology 技术;科技 Thought 思想;想法UUnit 单位;部门University 大学VValuable 有价值的Victory 胜利;成功 Vision 视觉;远见WWorth 价值;可取之处 XX-ray X光YYard 码;院子Year 年;一年ZZone 区域;地带。
1. 语言翻译:语言翻译是最常见的翻译概念。
2. 文化翻译:文化翻译指的是在翻译过程中涉及到的文化元素的传递。
3. 专业翻译:专业翻译是指在特定领域或专业领域内进行的翻译活动。
4. 机器翻译:机器翻译是指使用计算机和自动化技术进行翻译的过程。
5. 口译翻译:口译翻译是一种将口头语言转换为另一种口头语言的翻译形式。
常用英语词汇以及它们的中文翻译1.Hello -你好2.Goodbye -再见3.Thank you -谢谢4.Sorry -对不起5.Yes -是的6.No -不是7.Please -请8.Hello/Hi -你好/嗨9.How are you? -你好吗?10.Fine -很好11.Good morning -早上好12.Good afternoon -下午好13.Good evening -晚上好14.What's your name? -你叫什么名字?15.My name is... -我的名字是...16.Nice to meet you -很高兴认识你17.See you later -待会儿见18.See you tomorrow -明天见19.Love -爱20.Like -喜欢21.Apple -苹果22.Banana -香蕉23.Orange -橙子24.Book -书25.Pen -钢笔26.Paper -纸27.Map -地图28.Chair -椅子29.Table -桌子30.Sofa -沙发31.Bed -床puter -电脑33.Phone -电话34.Key -钥匙35.Watch -手表36.Car -小汽车37.Bus -公交车38.Train -火车39.Plane -飞机40.Ship -船41.Hat -帽子42.Shoes -鞋子43.Shirt -衬衫44.Pants -裤子45.Coat -外套46.Glasses -眼镜47.Cup -杯子48.Plate -盘子49.Fork -叉子50.Knife -刀51.Spoon -勺子52.Bottle -瓶子53.Umbrella -雨伞54.Hatchet-斧头55.Camera-照相机56.Picture-图片;照片57.Song-歌曲58.Movie-电影59.Game-游戏;比赛ugh-笑;发笑61.Cry-哭泣;喊叫62.Happy-快乐的;幸福的;满意的;乐意的;心甘情愿的。
1.爱屋及乌:Love me, love my dog.2.百闻不如一见:Seeing is believing.3.比上不足比下有余:worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst.4.笨鸟先飞:A slow sparrow should make an early start.5.不眠之夜:white night6.不以物喜不以己悲:not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses7.不遗余力:spare no effort; go all out; do one's best8.不打不成交:No discord, no concord.9.拆东墙补西墙:rob Peter to pay Paul10.辞旧迎新:bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new11.大事化小小事化了:try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all12.大开眼界:open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener13.国泰民安:The country flourishes and people live in peace14.过犹不及:going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little15.功夫不负有心人:Everything comes to him who waits.16.好了伤疤忘了疼:once on shore, one prays no more17.好事不出门恶事传千里:Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.18.和气生财:Harmony brings wealth.19.活到老学到老:One is never too old to learn.20.既往不咎:let bygones be bygones21.金无足赤人无完人:Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.22.金玉满堂:Treasures fill the home.23.脚踏实地:be down-to-earth24.脚踩两只船:sit on the fence25.君子之交淡如水:the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green26.老生常谈陈词滥调:cut and dried, cliché27.礼尚往来:Courtesy calls for reciprocity.28.留得青山在不怕没柴烧:Where there is life, there is hope.29.马到成功:achieve immediate victory; win instant success30.名利双收:gain in both fame and wealth31.茅塞顿开:be suddenly enlightened32.没有规矩不成方圆:Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.33. 每逢佳节倍思亲:On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones far away.It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most.34.谋事在人成事在天:The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. Man proposes, God disposes.35.弄巧成拙:be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself36.拿手好戏:masterpiece37.赔了夫人又折兵:throw good money after bad38.抛砖引玉:a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale39.破釜沉舟:cut off all means of retreat;burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end40.抢得先机:take the preemptive opportunities41.巧妇难为无米之炊:If you have no hand you can't make a fist. One can't make bricks without straw.42.千里之行始于足下:a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step43.前事不忘后事之师:Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future.44.前人栽树后人乘凉:One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests.One sows and another reaps.45.前怕狼后怕虎:fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind hesitate in doing something46. 强龙难压地头蛇:Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies.47.强强联手:win-win co-operation48.瑞雪兆丰年:A timely snow promises a good harvest.49.人之初性本善:Man's nature at birth is good.50.人逢喜事精神爽:Joy puts heart into a man.51.人海战术:huge-crowd strategy52.世上无难事只要肯攀登:Where there is a will, there is a way.53.世外桃源:a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world;54.死而后已:until my heart stops beating55.岁岁平安:Peace all year round.56.上有天堂下有苏杭:Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth57.塞翁失马焉知非福:Misfortune may be an actual blessing.58.三十而立:A man should be independent at the age of thirty.At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself.59.升级换代:updating and upgrading (of products)60.四十不惑:Life begins at forty.61.谁言寸草心报得三春晖:Such kindness of warm sun, can't be repaid by grass.62.水涨船高:When the river rises, the boat floats high.63.时不我待:Time and tide wait for no man.64.杀鸡用牛刀:break a butterfly on the wheel65.实事求是:seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts66.说曹操,曹操到:Talk of the devil and he comes.67.实话实说:speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it is68.实践是检验真理的唯一标准:Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.69.山不在高,有仙则名:No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy.70.韬光养晦:hide one's capacities and bide one's time71.糖衣炮弹:sugar-coated bullets72.天有不测风云:Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue73.团结就是力量:Unity is strength.74.跳进黄河洗不清:eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name.75.歪风邪气:unhealthy practices and evil phenomena76.物以类聚,人以群分:Birds of a feather flock together.77.往事如风:The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.78.望子成龙:hold high hopes for one's child79.屋漏又逢连阴雨:Misfortunes never come singly. When it rains it pours.80.文韬武略:military expertise; military strategy81.唯利是图:draw water to one's mill82.无源之水,无本之木:water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots83.无中生有:make create something out of nothing84.无风不起浪:There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire.85.徇私枉法::bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends86.新官上任三把火a new broom sweeps clean87.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后:Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.88. 蓄势而发:accumulate strength for a take-off89.心想事成:May all your wish come true90.心照不宣:have a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding91.先入为主:First impressions are firmly entrenched.92.先下手为强:catch the ball before the bound93.像热锅上的蚂蚁:like an ant on a hot pan94.现身说法:warn people by taking oneself as an example95.息事宁人:pour oil on troubled waters96.喜忧参半:mingled hope and fear97.循序渐进:step by step98.一路平安,一路顺风:speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest99.严以律己,宽以待人:be strict with oneself and lenient towards others100.鱼米之乡:a land of milk and honey101.有情人终成眷属:Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well.102.有钱能使鬼推磨:Money makes the mare go. Money talks.103.有识之士:people of vision104.有勇无谋:use brawn rather than brain105.有缘千里来相会Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.106.与时俱进:advance with times107.以人为本:people oriented; people foremost108.因材施教:teach students according to their aptitude109. 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼:to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight.110.欲速则不达:Haste does not bring success.111. 优胜劣汰:survival of the fittest112.英雄所见略同:Great minds think alike.113.冤家宜解不宜结:Better make friends than make enemies.114.冤假错案:cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases.115.一言既出,驷马难追:A real man never goes back on his words.116.招财进宝:Money and treasures will be plentiful117.债台高筑:become debt-ridden118.致命要害:Achilles' heel119. 众矢之的:target of public criticism120.知己知彼,百战不殆:Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.121. 纸上谈兵:be an armchair strategist122.纸包不住火:Truth will come to light sooner or later.123.左右为难:between the devil and the deep blue sea。
1. 谷歌翻译(Google Translate):提供多种语言之间的在线翻译服务,包括中文和英文。
2. 微软必应翻译(Bing Translator):微软公司提供的在线翻译工具,支持多种语言互译。
3. 有道翻译(Youdao Translation):网易旗下的在线翻译平台,提供中英互译和其他多语种翻译。
4. 百度翻译(Baidu Translate):百度公司的在线翻译服务,支持多种语言翻译。
5. 腾讯翻译君(Tencent QQ Tranlator):腾讯公司开发的在线翻译工具,支持多种语言互译。
6. DeepL翻译(DeepL Translator):使用人工智能技术进行翻译,被评价为准确度较高的在线翻译工具。
7. 汉程网:根据您的信息,这个网站也提供优质的在线翻译及英汉词典服务。
随着科技的发展,机器翻译(Machine Translation)也成为了翻译领域的重要分支。
英语短语及翻译英语短语及翻译精选1. hello.你好!2. good morning.早晨好!3. i'm john smith.我是约翰、史密斯。
4. are you bill jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?5. yes,i am.是的,我是。
6. how are you?你好吗?7. fine,thanks.很好,谢谢。
8. how is helen?海伦好吗?9. she's very well,thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。
10. good afternoon,mr. green.午安,格林先生。
11. good evening,mrs. brown.晚上好,布朗夫人。
12. how are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?13. good night,john.晚安,约翰。
14. good-bye,bill.再见,比尔。
15. see you tomorrow.明天见。
16. come in,please. 请进!17. sit down. 坐下!18. stand up,please. 请站起来。
19. open your book,please. 请把书打开。
20. close your book,please. 请把书合上。
21. don't open your book. 别打开书。
22. do you understand?你明白了吗?23. yes,i understand. 是的,我明白了。
24. no,i don't understand. 不,我不明白。
25. listen and repeat. 先听,然后再重复一遍。
26. now read,please. 现在请大家读。
27. that's fine. 好得很。
28. it's time to begin. 到开始的时候了。
29. let's begin now. 现在让我们开始。
(in danger of)The house was on fire and the people inside were in danger of losing their lives.2.他买不起这么好的房子。
(afford to do)He cannot afford to buy such a nice house.3. 这个主意听起来也许有些怪,不过还真有点道理。
(make sense)Although this idea may sound strange, it does make sense.4. 约翰看起来是个好人。
(even so)John seems (to be) a nice person. Even so, I don’t trust him.英汉互译1. Even though the first McDonald’s restaurant sold only hamburgers and French fries, it still became a cultural symbol.虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它还是成为了一种文化象征。
2. These people are angry that the building is now in danger of being destroyed, along with their memories.这些人想到餐馆连同他们的美好回忆一起将被摧毁,感到很气愤。
3. They are using the earthquake as an excuse.他们在利用那次地震作借口。
4. Some think that McDonald’s real reason for wanting to close down the restaurant has nothing to do with money.有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的真正原因与金钱无关。
1. 直译(Literal Translation):直译是指将原文按照字面意思逐
2. 意译(Sense-for-sense Translation):意译是指根据原文的意
3. 言语贴切(Free Translation):言语贴切是指在翻译过程中,
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二 〇 〇 八 年 五 月外文文献翻译题 目:Trace ability in the food supply chain: Tracking progress 学生姓名:赵立波 学 院:管理学院 系 别:管理科学系 专 业:信息管理与信息系统 班 级:信管04-3 指导教师:刘俊华 副教授Trace ability in the food supply chain: Tracking progress It has been nine months since the introduction of the EU General Food Law Regulation (178 / 2002). Billed as one of the most comprehensive pieces of legislation to affect the supply chain, it stated that companies involved in the food supply chain must be able to identify and track every ingredient and food that they handle ‘on demand’.The Sudan 1 food scare case in February 2005 highlighted certain weaknesses of the legislation. Although the contaminated products were identified, questions remained over the length of time it took to trace the data of the contaminated products within the supply chain. The legislation did not insist manufacturers and suppliers needed to act immediately as ‘on demand’ might suggest and suppliers were not imposed a strict time frame. As a result of this ambiguity, it took the majority of supplier’s weeks to track the contaminated products.A combination of the legislation and the Sudan 1 case raises the question of what steps have been taken in 2005, if any, by suppliers in improving the ability to trace food ingredients in the supply chain and whether it will take another high profile case to invoke further changes in the industry.To deal with this challenge, internal trace ability systems should be developed to fully control the food products entering and leaving the supply chain. Internal trace ability of ingredients can reduce costs and limit damage through more targeted and quicker recalls. Most organizations using an integrated software system with trace ability functionality are able to dramatically reduce the time it takes to carry out a mock recall from days or weeks to a matter of hours. Furthermore, if manufacturers link trace ability and enterprise resource planning systems (ERP) to the process control systems on the factory floor, faulty products entering the supply chain can be stopped immediately, before they enter the manufacturing production process.Equally important is access to live information. Customer andconsumer confidence can be lost quickly if suppliers are not able to react instantly to food quality or safety issues and yet the food and beverage industry at large still lacks the ability to monitor and record information in real time. This makes it hard for manufacturers to have genuine control over their processes and effectively manage recalls. So, not only is it vital to have a trace ability policy and a reliable system in place, this system should also allow manufacturers have real time information in addition to the recording of historic data.In summary, a variety of systems exist to enable manufacturers to not only comply with legislation, but also to meet and exceed the demands of key retailers and to go even further in improving the speed and accuracy of trace ability throughout the supply chain. The question however, remains as to whether it will take another case, similar to Sudan 1, to enforce stricter changes and to speed up the adoption of such systems. Experience suggests that it is likely that most manufacturers have implemented some kind of trace ability processes already, if only to comply with legislation. The result of this low level of adoption is that many organizations will posses the basic processes to enable them to be legally compliant and no more.In terms of legislative progress, the simple fact is that new legislation is more often than not, reactive –in other words, national and European laws tend to be passed in response to events or driven by demand rather than in anticipation of future events or future demand. As a result, stricter regulation is unlikely to be passed unless there is consensus amongst the industry that it is required or another public crisis occurs within the supply chain.Going forward – achieving objectivesFor companies who have not made significant progress, it is crucial that they work towards establishing four key objectives.The first involves minimizing product safety risks by reducing manufacturing variability. Achieving a consistent number of reliablesuppliers is a key challenge for the industry given its nature, but if food manufacturers can work towards establishing a key number of consistent suppliers this will create significant progress in reducing food contamination cases.The second involves improving trace ability throughout the supply chain. This will entail linking the ERP system and establishing it as an operational system of record for the whole enterprise. Companies can take steps towards reducing recall liabilities with lot tracing. A complete ERP system that maps front and back office process can achieve this. For example, one of Ross’ customer’s trace ability times was reduced from a day to fifteen minutes. This involved an ERP implementation to encompass the manufacturing and financial process, bar code data collection, and a front-end customer relationship management system.The third route must establish and implement an executive led, cross –functional management program. Businesses still lack strategic planning capabilities. Getting this right is a key priority. If a company decides to move forward, it must involve the whole board and a strategic plan must be put in place. This involves understanding key business processes, putting a project plan in place, its implementation and successful roll out.The fourth route for suppliers must involve collaborating with customers, partners and regional agencies. Manual tracking and records still exist in the supply chain. This gives limited visibility affecting quality, inventory and cost control as well as the key elements of profitability and customer service.Industry movementCompanies involved in the food supply chain will have to move towards a business model where they can produce records immediately ‘on demand’. If they do not, the company will not stay in business, irrespective of the law. Routes are being taken but it is progressive. The legislation has not led to the changes it set out to mark. Another Sudan1 type casemay increase pressure but it is more important to understand individual business pressures, and work towards a watertight trace ability system. Only then will we achieve a full industry standard of identifying and tracking every ingredient on demand.The Food Supply Chain is one of the most complex and largest industry sectors in the world. Assuring risks like food safety and quality has always been one of the priorities of the different stakeholders like the retailers, food companies and food authorities. This is understandable because it involves the consumers directly and insufficient control can lead to high impact on the costs and brand image of food manufacturers and retailers. But recently, sustainability risks involving the environmental, social and ethical and animal healthcare issues get more and more attention.How to achieve assurance of sustainability?Once an organization has addressed its sustainability objectives, assurance can be achieved by a risk based approach. The sustainable aspects that are important for an organization can be part of a Hazard and Risk analysis that will identify the critical control points and address the control measures needed. When this is integrated in the risk based management system of the organization, the sustainability hazards and risks can be assured in the same way as food safety and quality risks. A supply chain approach is needed to identify all risks and assure that their control is at the right place.What is the influence for developing countries?There are two opinions on this. But for both, there is a difference between food companies that produce for their local market of those that produce for an international market. Specially when producing for the international market of retailers, food companies will get more and more pressure from their clients to meet sustainability requirements.The positive effect is that the companies can develop and improve themselves to get connection to international requirements and markets. An example is three hundred farmers in Thailand who were supported to meet an international standard for vegetables and now have entrance to the global market.The negative impact can be the difficulty for companies to meet these requirements and get entrance to the international markets. In some developing countries you see a few companies who achieve the high level of client requirements because of high investments, and hundreds of small companies who cannot meet this and have the risk to be beaten by this competition. Another example is the eight hundred million farmers in China. The Chinese government is having big problems to keep them active as farmers in the countryside. The difficulty to stay compatible drives them to the big cities. To avoid this, an approach where the smaller manufacturers are supported to meet the international requirements is needed.Are we prepared to pay the price for sustainable food products?This depends per country and specific consumers but in general consumers are not often willing to pay a higher price for sustainability. Partly this is understandable, because a number of sustainability issues are already normal expectations. Consumers expect that animal welfare and social/ethical responsibility is already assured. Often we see that the consumer is not aware of the assurance in practice. When examples of incidents are published the awareness and interest in sustainability suddenly grows. On the other side a growing number of sustainability requirements will increase costs in the supply chain. And someone has to pay this bill. It is a fact that when consumers are willing to pay higher prices for sustainable food the drive to implement this can grow faster. Getting consumers prepared to pay higher prices for sustainable food products is also a case of good manufacturing. Some bottles of mineral water have a higher price than a bottle of milk.But we also have to realize that not all sustainability improvements need to increase costs. Examples of decreasing costs are measures that reduce the use of energy or the recycling of water.Is sustainability a hype of a trend?Important issues like social responsibility, climate change, animal health and the reducing availability of sources, require strategy and objectives for sustainability. But in certain cases there is risk that under influence of the public opinion and nonscientific information it will become hype. Therefore close cooperation between stakeholders, good information for consumers and scientific approaches and evidenceis needed.So it is definitely a trend, but together we have to assure that it does not dissolve into hype!在食品供应链中的可追溯性:跟踪进展欧盟一般食品法律规制( 178 / 2002号法律)实施9个月以来。