
赫拉神话故事中英⽂版 在古希腊神话中有⼀位⼥⼦,她就是赫拉,关于她,你⼜知道多少呢?下⾯我们就来看看这篇中英⽂版赫拉的故事吧! 英⽂: Hera (Greek: Rho alpha, English: Hera) is the goddess of marriage and childbirth in ancient Greek mythology and one of the third gods of the twelve generation of Olympus. The second generation of the gods and gods, the daughters of chriones and Rhea, the co governers who shared power with Jose, Jose's elder sister and seventh wives. Her name means "Lady", "hostess" and "noble woman" in ancient Greek. Hera is very beautiful, with a pair of bright and insight into the big eyes, the arms white as lily, a beautiful curly hair from the crown below, showing a dignified and peaceful spirit. As the father and father of Zeus, Hera is very loyal to her love and family. Hera, the seventh wife of Jose, was also the wife of the queen who was officially sealed on Mount Olympus. As soon as Hera was born, he was swallowed with his brother and sister (except Jose) by his father. Later, in the middle of his life, Cunnus and his Zeus spit out. In the battle with the Titans, REIA sent Hera to rearing Hera with the Russian kappa - epsilon and /Tethys, and said Hera was raised by the season goddess of Arcadia's demenus or orboa. Zeus had long loved her beautiful sister Hera, and summoned up courage to ask her sister Hera for love, but she was refused. Unwilling to fail, Jose's brother came up with a strategy to turn himself into a wet cuckoo and fly to Hera for help. Hera put the cuckoo in his chest to warm the cuckoo out of the heart of young and simple pity, when Jose made a prototype and forced Hera to take advantage of Hera's confusion. After that, Hera had to accept Jose and Jose promised her as the only day to share power with the two. For his brother's wife. Jose and Hera secret combination 300 years later, Jose will declare this matter to the gods. In the wedding feast of Zeus and Hera, the mother of Gaia gave the golden apples of the holy garden. Hera is jealous of a cousin of his own, that is, the goddess of the goddess who married Jose before himself, but it is strange that Hera, his aunt and Jose's second wife, have a better relationship with the goddess, and Hera even called TEMIs (Lady Themis). Hera never betrayed her husband, even though his gay Zeus was constantly on the back of his lawful wives to seduce other women or goddesses, forcing those women to have their children for their own private birth. While loyal to love, Hera is a very jealous woman. She hates everyone who has close contact with her husband. She uses her power and status to punish those women and their children. Hera's jealousy was so great that she not only did not let go of her rival, but was also intolerable to things related to her rival. 中⽂: 赫拉(希腊语:Ἥρα、英语:Hera),是古希腊神话中的婚姻与⽣育⼥神和第三代天后,奥林匹斯⼗⼆神之⼀。

古希腊诗人—赫西俄德的著作《神谱》中则把赫拉称为“脚穿金鞋的赫拉(gold-shod Hera)”;在荷马史诗中,她被称为“白臂女神赫拉(white-armed goddess Hera)”、“金座女神赫拉(golden-seated goddess Hera)”以及“牛眼睛的天国王后(简称天后)(ox-eyed Queen of Heaven)”,形容坐在黄金宝座上的天后赫拉异常美丽,拥有一双炯炯有神和洞察一切事物的大眼睛,臂膀洁白如百合,一头秀美的卷发从王冠下边泻出,流露出威严而安详的神情。
赫拉是克洛诺斯之女,宙斯的姐姐和妻子;她主管婚姻和生育,是妇女的保护神;赫拉气质高雅, 容颜美丽,且对伴侣忠贞不渝,无愧于天后的地位,但她的善妒亦闻名于世,因此,赫拉和宙斯经常发生激烈争吵,不过,通常宙斯的花言巧语又总能让他们和好如初. 赫拉的象征是孔雀,因为这种有着五彩缤纷羽毛、体现着满心星斗的鸟是美丽壮观的夜空的象征,而天空正是天后赫拉光彩照人的脸庞。
马和牛是他的圣物. (4)冥王哈帝斯(hades):宙斯,波塞冬,得墨忒尔的兄长,主管冥界,力量很强,但性格平和。

And then...THE GREEK AND
When Love was born, order and beauty began to flourish. Love created Light and Day. Earth was created. – She was the solid ground, but also a personality. The Earth bore Heaven to cover her and be a home for the gods.
A joke of the punishment of Zues
In the beginning...
The same:was Chaos (shapeless nothingness)
THE GREEK AND ROMAN Different:Chaos had two children: –Night (darkness) –Erebus (death) “All was black, empty, silent, endless.” Mysteriously, Love was born of darkness and death.
2. survival of Ancient Greek art works, including sculptures and ancient Greek painting on the bottle and ancient architectural remains of the mural
3. Later excavation of archaeological artifacts unearthed in

双语希腊神话故事《雅典娜》雅典娜女神是古希腊宗教和神话中的女神,也称为帕拉斯·雅典娜,是希腊神话中的奥林波斯十二神(Twelve Olympians)之一。
On one occasion Zeus suffered a bad headache.All the gods,including Apollo,the god of medicine ,had tried uselessly to offer an effective treatment .Then the father of gods and men asked Hephaestus to open his head.This the god of the fire did.To the wonder of all the Olympians,a goddess,well-grown and full-armed,came out of Zeus' head.The goddess was giving off light and splendor. She was Athena,goddess of wisdom and knowledge and patroness of Athens .The story of Athena becoming patron goddess of Athens concerns the struggle between the goddess and Poseidon.When the city of Athens was first built by a Phoenician ,both Poseidon and Athena competed for the honour of naming it.It was then agreed that whoever offered the most useful object for men would become the patron of the city.Poseidon struck the ground with his trident and produced a horse,whereas Athena had an olive tree to present,a symbol of peace and plenty.As the horse was regarded as struggle and sorrow, Athens was named after the goddess,who soon took the city under her protection.Athena was the goddess of arts and crafts and woman' s handiwork.She was so skilled with her hands that she tolerated no challenge to her skill in this respect . A Lydian maid,Arachne by name,did not seem to think much of Athena's skill,for she frequently talked big that she could beat the goddess if she had the chance to do so.The goddess was quite angry.Dressed up as an old woman,she went to advise Arachne to be modest.But the ignorant crafts woman bravely asked the goddess herself to come down and compete with her.At this the goddess took off her disguise and accepted the competition. The two women immediately set about making different designs.While the goddess worked on the story of her rivalry with Poseidon,Arachne began to make a delicate web.When both pieces were finished,Arachne saw,to her surprise,that she had been beaten,forthe goddess' design was infinitely better.She felt so shamed that she tied a piece of silk to hang herself.But Just before she breathed her last breath the goddess changed her into a spider and let her weave forever.有一次,宙斯得了严重的头痛症。
Hercules’ choice

between Scylla and Charybdis
having to choose between two evils
“ between a rock and a hard place ”.
Example: He wanted to be on good terms with both his wife and his
ThanScylla and Charybdis
between Scylla and Charybdis
典出希腊神话。Scylla(斯库拉)和Charybdis(卡律布狄斯)是荷马史诗 《奥德赛》中的两个女妖,分别居住在墨西拿(Messina)海峡两岸。
Scylla原是一位美貌少女,为海神格劳科斯(Glaucus)所爱,后遭她的情敌女 巫喀尔刻(Circe)嫉妒,被变成一个面目狰狞的妖怪:12只脚6个头,每张嘴 里长有3排牙齿,脖颈长如蛇,鸣声似恶犬。Scylla住在墨西拿海峡意大利一 侧的岩洞中,若有船只靠近,一下可以吞掉6个人。
在对岸靠西西里岛的一株无花果树下住着女妖Charybdis,她每天吞吐海水3 次,形成巨大漩涡,过往船只无不遭殃。
Hercules’ choice
the reward of toil in preference to pleasure “宁可吃苦,不愿享乐” ,是伟大无私、永存不朽的选择 。
Greece 英文介绍希腊神话、爱琴海

Santorini, you may have a good impression of Greece.you can enjoy sunlight,blue sky ,sunset and white house.
Mykonos is called “ Closest to paradise ”.It has the most beautiful islands in the world.
cloud gatherer,who holds the terrible thunderbolt. His bird the eagle, his tree is
the oak .
He is married to Hera but,is famous for his many
affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break
the god of light.
Artemis(阿尔忒弥斯): the goddess of chastity,virginity,the hunt,
the moon,and the natural environment.
the Greek virgin goddess of reason,
Then we talk about the scenery of Greece
Mountains and hills account for eighty percents area of Greece,so this country become one of the most beautiful and mountainous country in the Europe.
Greek Myty希娜神话中英文简介

Greek MythologyThe beginning of the worldChaosGaea (Earth) and Uranus (Heaven)Their children --- the original Titans, a group of mighty beings who rules the world.Cronus became leader of the Titans. Scared of being overthrown, Cronus, ate his children.Rhea pretended to give Cronus a child to eat, but it was really a stone. She took Zeus away and raised him secretly. Zeus grew to be a mature Titan. He challenged Cronus, won, and freed his siblings from Cronus’ belly.Zeus and his siblings became the mighty Olympians.The OlympiansZeusthe god of the heaven and ruler of the Olympian godslord of the sky, the rain god and the cloud gathererHis wielded thunderboltHis bird was the eagle, his tree the oak.HeraQueen of Heaventhe supreme goddess, goddess of marriage and childbirthHer sacred animals are the cow and the peacock.Apollothe son of Zeus and Leto; The Greek god who personified youthful masculinity, and a god of many roles.the god of light and sunthe god of archery(剑术)the god of music and poetrythe god of truth and prophesy(预言), is famous for his oracle at DelphiHis tree was the laurel. The crow his bird. The dolphin his animal.AthenaThe goddess of intelligent activity, arts and warThe daughter of Zeus. She was born from the head of Zeus.The goddess of the city, handicrafts, and agriculture.The embodiment of wisdom, reason, and purityHer tree is the olive. The owl is her bird.Artemisthe goddess of the hunt, animals, childbirth and moon; daughter of Leto and twin sister of ApolloAphroditeThe goddess of love, desire and beautyThe patroness of sailorsThe myrtle(香桃木)is her tree. The dove, the swan, and the sparrow her birds.Her favorite lover is the god of war, Ares.Other Gods and Goddesses to KnowPrometheusPrometheus was one of the Titans known for his wily intelligence. Prometheus is the creator of humankind. He created the first man from clay(陶土). After that, Athena(雅典娜)gave the man soul and holy life.He stole the sacred fire from the gods and gave it to mankind, and severely punished for it. As punishment for these Prometheus’s rebellion acts, Zeus also ordered the creation of Pandora (the first woman) as a means to deliver misfortune into the house of man, or as a way to cheat mankind of the company of the good spirits.Having done lots of benefits to human, Prometheus is widely glorified by people. Now Prometheus is used to describe someone who is willing to help others or who is willing to sacrifice himself for others’ sake.Eros ( Cupid): son of Aphrodite and AresIdiom: Under the rose means in secret; privately; confidentially私下地;秘密地SirensSirens were evil creatures who lived on a rocky island, singing in beautiful voices in an effort to lure sailors to shipwreck and death.OdysseusFamous hero of the Trojan wars, who on the sea trip home offends Poseidon, who raises wind and sea to keep him from getting home. Homer, the blind poet recounts all of adventures the Odysseus and his crew have. The poem "Odyssey" and the one about the Trojan wars,"The Illiad" are the longest poems in the Western world. The two compose Homeric epic. Odysseus is renowned for his guile and resourcefulness, and is hence known as Odysseus the Cunning. He is most famous for his Trojan Horse trick..Musesthe goddesses of inspiration, learning, the arts, and culture.The daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne. They inspired and presided over the different creative arts. They are Calliope (the muse of epic poetry), Clio (history), Erato (love poetry), Euterpe (lyric poetry), Melpomene (tragedy), Polyhymnia (sacred song), Terpsichore (dance), Thalia (comedy), and Urania (astronomy).StoriesZeus and EuropaAt first sight of Europa, Zeus is instantly overcome by her beauty and grace. He assumes the form of a glorious white bull and swims to her.Europa climbs upon his back for a little ride. As soon as she is safely seated, the bull moves toward the sea. They together cross the water eventually to the island of Crete. Upon arriving in Crete, Zeus finally casts off his disguise and reveals his divine identity to Europa. The mortal woman then becomes yet another of the god's lovers.From this princess Europa the continent of Europe acquired its name.Heracles / HerculesHeracles was the son of Zeus who and the mortal woman Alcmene. Zeus decided to let the infant Heracles suckle on his divine wife Hera's milk when she was asleep, an act which would endow the baby with godlike qualities. When Hera woke up and realized that she was breastfeeding an unknown infant, she pushed him away and the spurting milk became the Milky Way.Later, Hera drove Heracles into rage. As a result, he killed his wife and children, and then sentenced to carry out the 12 labors.Idiom: a Herculean task means an extremely difficult task requiring great strength or effort to accomplishApollo and DaphneEros, very angry at Apollo for making fun of his archery skills, caused him to fall in love with the nymph Daphne. Daphne prayed to her father, the river god Peneus to help her and was changed into a laurel tree, which became sacred to Apollo. Later, laurels gradually became the symbol of victory and success.Idiom: win /gain one’s laurel Win/Gain Laurels获得荣誉;赢得声望Look to One's Laurels爱惜名声;保持记录Rest on One's Laurels坐享清福;光吃老本Nine Planets in the Solar System地球Earth (Gaea)水星Mercury金星Venus火星Mars木星Jupiter土星Saturn天王星Uranus海王星Neptune冥王星PlutoIdioms from the mythsApple of discordIn classical mythology, an apple thrown into a banquet of the gods and goddesses by the goddess Discord, who had not been invited. The apple had "For the Fairest" written on it. When three goddesses claimed it, the choice among them was referred to the handsome Paris, prince of Troy.Paris chose Aphrodite over Hera and Athena. The latter two had hoped to bribe him with power and victory in battle, but Aphrodite offered the love of the most beautiful woman in the world. This was Helen of Sparta, who became infamous as Helen of Troy when Paris subsequently eloped(私奔)with her. In the ensuing Trojan War, Hera and Athena were implacable enemies of Troy while Aphrodite was loyal to Paris and the Trojans.apple of discord: the root of the trouble 争端(祸根)Helen of Troy: dangerous beauty 红颜祸水judgment of Paris:不爱江山爱美人Heel of Achilles / Achilles’ heelAchilles was the greatest warrior on the Greek side in the Trojan War. When he was an infant, his mother tried to make him immortal by bathing him in a magical river, but the heel by which she held him remained vulnerable. Eventually he was wounded in the heel by an arrow and died shortly thereafter.Achilles’ heel: a small but fatal weakness, a vulnerable point要害, 致命伤,最大的弱点Greek giftsThe Greeks used a large, hollow horse made of wood to win the Trojan War. The Greeks hid soldiers inside it, left it outside the gates of Troy, and set sail, apparently for Greece. The Trojans took the bait. That night the Greek army returned to Troy. The men inside the horse emerged and opened the city gates for their companions.Greek gift: gifts from enemies 黄鼠狼拜年,不安好心; 图谋害人的礼物, 危险的礼物The Trojan Horse: hidden danger 木马计;暗藏的危险;奸细Pandora’s box (jar)After Prometheus' theft of the secret of fire, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create the woman Pandora as part of the punishment for mankind. Pandora was given many seductivegifts from other Gods. For fear of additional reprisals(报复), Prometheus warned his brother Epimetheus not to accept any gifts from Zeus, but Epimetheus did not listen, and married Pandora. Pandora had been given a large jar and instructed by Zeus to keep it closed, but she had also been given the gift of curiosity, and ultimately opened it. When she opened it, all of the evils, ills, diseases, and burdensome labor that mankind had not known previously, escaped from the jar, although Pandora was quick enough to close it again and keep one value inside: hope.Pandora’s box (jar): the origin of disaster 潘朵拉的盒子(坛子), 祸患之源Sphinx’s riddleIn Greek mythology the Sphinx was a monster with the face and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion, and wings. Sphinx waylaid travelers on the roads near the city of Thebes, and would kill any of them who could not answer the riddle: “Which creature in the morning goes on four legs, at mid-day on two, and in the evening upon three, and the more legs it has, the weaker it be?” When Oedipus gave the correct answer, the Sphinx hurled herself over the cliff to her death in the sea below.Sphinx’s riddle: Chinese puzzle斯芬克斯的谜题, 难解之谜Oedipus complex: mother complex 恋母忌父情结Penelope’s webPenelope waited 20 years for her husband, Odysseus, to return from the Trojan War.During his absence , she fended off suitors by promising to choose one when she finished weaving a shroud for her father-in-law. But at every night she unraveled what she had woven during the day.Penelope’s web: stalling tactics / time wasting tactics 故意拖延的策略;永远完不成的任务Midas’ hand/touchKing Midas was granted one wish by the god Dionysus. Greedy for riches, Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. He soon regretted his request. When he tried to eat, his food became inedible metal. When he embraced his daughter, she turned into a golden statue. On the instruction of Dionysus, he washed in a river and lost his touch of gold.Midas’ han d / The Midas Touch: the ability to be successful, especially the ability to make money easily米达斯之手, 点金手NarcissusNarcissus was a beautiful youth in classical mythology who fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. Because he was unable to tear himself from the image, he wasted away and died.Narcissus: self-love, self-complacence 自恋, 自爱,自我陶醉,孤芳自赏者Story of Echo and NarcissusIn-class exercisesA. Helen of TroyB. Trojan horsesC. Greek giftsD. Pandora’s box (jar)E. An apple of discordF. Heel of AchillesG. Narcissus H. Sphinx’s riddleI. A Penelope's Web J. Midas’ hand / touchK. Under the Rose1. He threw us_________________, we soon quarreled again.2. It is unfair that historians always attribute the fall of kingdoms to___________.3. The shortage of fortitude is his ____________.4. This question is as puzzling as ____________..5. He is always buying you expensive clothes, I'm afraid they are __________ for you.6. The superpowers are always sending the ___________ to many countries in the world7. Mr. Jones made a long speech at the meeting. Everyone else thought it_____________.8. Most people speak of him as a real ________.9. John Lawrence has the ___________. Every enterprise he takes part in is highlyprofitable.10. Reform is _____________; opening up the system can lead to a loss of economic andpolitical control.11. The senator told me ________ that there is to be a chance in the cabinet.Key: 1.E 2. A 3.F 4. H 5. C 6. B 7. I 8. G 9. J 10. D 11. K补充材料Cultural Differences between Chinese and Greek MythsReasons for these differenceWorship of Virtue (Morality) VS Worship of Strength/IntelligenceCollectivism VS Individualism。

Brief introduction of Greek mythology:They’re mythologies about Greek’s God, hero, nature and universe history. They’re the spirit production of primitive society and the earliest literature form of Europe. Before 8 BC, they’re known by Oral transmission. Then, some people(such as Homer and Hesiod赫西俄德) collected them and divided them into two sections--------God stories and hero legends. Most of Greek mythologies came from Greek literature, including Iliad and Odyssey of Homer's Epic, Hesiod’s Theogony (《神谱》)and Aeschylus’( 埃斯库罗斯) and E uripides’ (欧里庇得斯)dramas. The most famous Greek mythologies are Trojan War, Odysseus's travel(奥德修斯的游历) and Oedipus tragedy (俄狄浦斯的悲剧)..希腊神话源于古老的爱琴文明,和中国商周文明略有相像之处。

一源于希腊罗马神话中众神名字英语词汇一源于希腊罗马神话中众神名字地英语词汇现代英语中 ,不少词汇来源于希腊罗马神话中众神地名字,至今仍起着重要地作用 .典型地词源试举如 :1、Flora: 古希腊罗马神话中地花神.她嫁给了西风之神Zephyr, 丈夫送给她一座满是奇花异草地园子 .春天时 ,Flora 和丈夫 Zephyr 手挽手在园子里漫步 ,他们一路走过地地方百花齐放.Flora 在现代英语里指代“植物”. 衍生词 :flower,flour, flourish, floral, florist.2、Muses( 缪斯>:希腊神话中掌管艺术地诸神 .共九位,分别是历史、抒情诗、喜剧 (牧歌、田园诗 >、悲剧、歌舞、爱情诗、颂歌、天文、史诗 .Muses 地艺术衍生出单词 music,Muses 收藏艺术品地地方就是museum. 艺术带来地快乐便是a- muse,amusement. b5E2RGbCAP3、Pan( 潘>:牧神和森林之神,受打扰时会大声吼叫 .衍生词panic( 惊慌,恐慌 >.4、Titan( 泰坦>:曾统治世界地巨人族地一员 .Titan 在现代英语里指代高大强壮地人, 重要人物 .衍生词titanic 意指巨大地, 极大地.“泰坦尼克号”即以此命名 .5、Zephyrus( 泽费罗斯 >:西风之神 .衍生词 :zephyr( 西风,和风,微风 >.p1EanqFDPw6、Atlas:希腊神话中Titans(泰坦>巨神之一,因背叛Zeus(宙斯>被罚在世界地西边尽头以双肩扛天 .16世纪地理学家麦卡脱把 Atlas 擎天图作为一本地图册地卷首插图 .后人争相效仿 , atlas 从此有了地图、地图集、身负重担地人地含义 .其他衍生词 :Atlantic. DXDiT a9E3d7、Ceres: 庄稼保护神 . 古罗马遭受大旱 ,教士们求助女巫占卜 ,占卜地结果是要立一位新地女神Ceres, 向她供奉,这样她就会给大地带来雨水 .此后 ,Ceres 就变成了庄稼地保护神 .cereal 从拉丁语变化而来 ,意即“of Ceres 属”于谷物女神地 .衍生词:cereals( 谷类,早餐麦片>.RTCrpUDGiT8、Cronos: 宙斯地父亲 .害怕子女反抗自己,曾吞食自己地后代 .就像无情地时间 ,吞噬一切 . 因此字根“chron意”指“time. 衍”生词:chronic( 耗费时间地,慢性地> 。

Heracles,son of zeus and alcmene,the most famous of all the heroes in Greek mythology.1 as a baby, he killed two serpents which sent by Hera 2 Heracles's choice,pleasure and virtue 3 killed his wife and children to purify himself."Twelve labors of Heracles",killing the Nemean lion,the nine-headed Hydra.
Theseus,son of Poseidon,and Aethra 1 found the sword and sandals by lifting the rock 2 Theseus killed the minotaur in the labyrinth.
The Odysseus,son of Laertes and Anticlea and one of suitors of Helen,he married Penelope,and was father of Telemachus,he fights over his adverse fate for his simple wish to return home.joining the Trojan war,took ten years to go home,underwent the Lotus-Eaters the terrors of the underworld,the Sirens,Polyphemus with a single glaring eye in his forehead.

The Gods of Olympus
Greek Mythology is a group of traditional tales told by the ancient Greeks about t he deeds of gods and heroes and their r elations with ordinary human beings.
Hera-Queen of the gods
• Zeus' wife and sister. • Goddess of marriage and childbirth who takes special care of married women. • Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelity.
Thank you!
6. Hephaestus (god of fire) 7. Ares / Mars (god of war ) 8. Aphrodite / Venus (goddess of love and beauty ) 9. Athena / Minerva (goddess of wisdom and beauty) 10. Apollo (god of the sun) 11. Artemis / Diana (goddess of the moon ) 12. Hermes / Mercury (Zeus’s herald, god of business and traveling )
The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods. Greek gods can be divided into several groups. The earliest group was Titans, led by Cronus. The most powerful group was the Olympian. The Olympians are a group of 12 gods who ruled after the overthrow of the Titans. All the Olympians are related in some way. They are named after their dwelling place called Mount Olympus.
希腊神话 赫拉人物英文 介绍

Chief Function:the goddess of women,life and marriage Special signs:peacock,pomegranate,cow
Known for jealous and venfeful
Items:crown and veil Rule:Mount Olympus Children:Hebe,Ares,Hephaestus andቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱHermes
Greek mythology: The golden apple
The events that led to the Trojan War began long before the war itself did. It started with the marriage between Peleus and Thetis, a mortal and a sea-goddess. Almost all gods and goddesses were invited to this rare event except Eris , the goddess of discord. The angered goddess crashed the wedding banquet and threw a Golden Apple inscribed "For the Fairest" among the goddesses.
Marriage with Zeus
The honeymoon Set off on a journey to Greek island of Samous The honeymoon lasts 300 years

house, and cared for me and took me from Rheia, at that time when Zeus of the wide
brows drove Kronos underneath the earth and the barren water.“
Pausanias, Description of Greece 8. 22. 2 : 2 "The story has it that in the old Stymphalos [in Arkadia] dwelt Temenos, the son oa--Fostering
According to some accounts, Hera was raised by sea divinities Oceanus and Tethys, or reared by Temenos in Arkadia, or by Horae, Goddess of Seasons.
• Zeus tricked her by changing himself into a poorly Cuckoo. • Hera’s nurturing instincts were triggered and she took the cuckoo to her breast to
keep it warm. • Zeus then changed himself back into a God and raped her, which made the
Image of Hera
Role of Hera Sacred Plants and Animals of Hera Juno in Rome
Life of Hera--Birth

希腊罗马神话之Hera简介英文版HERA (JUNO).Hera, the eldest daughter of Cronus and Rhea, was born at Samos, or, according to some accounts, at Argos, and was reared by the sea-divinities Oceanus and T ethys, who were models of conjugal fidelity. She was the principal wife of Zeus, and, as queen of heaven, participated in the honours paid to him, but her dominion only extended over the air (the lower aerial regions). Hera appears to be the sublime embodiment of strict matronly virtue, and is on that account the protectress of purity and married women. Faultless herself in her fidelity as a wife, she is essentially the type of the sanctity of the marriage tie, and holds in abhorrence any violation of its obligations. So strongly was she imbued with this hatred of any immorality, that, finding herself so often called upon to punish the failings of both gods and men in this respect, she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive. Her exalted position as the wife of the supreme deity, combined with her extreme beauty, caused her to become exceedingly vain, and she consequently resented with great severity any infringement on her rights as queen of heaven, or any apparent slight on her personal appearance.The following story will signally illustrate how ready she was to resent any slight offered to her.At the marriage of the sea-nymph Thetis with a mortal called Peleus, all the gods and goddesses were present, except Eris (the goddess of Discord). Indignant at not being invited, she determined to cause dissension in the assembly, and for this purpose threw into the midst of the guests a golden apple with the inscription on it "For the Fairest." Now, as all the goddesseswere extremely beautiful, each claimed the apple; but at length, the rest having relinquished their pretensions, the number of candidates was reduced to three, Hera, Athene, and Aphrodite, who agreed to appeal to Paris for a settlement of this delicate question, he being noted for the wisdom he had displayed in his judgment upon several occasions. Paris was the son of Priam, king of Troy, who, ignorant of his noble birth, was at this time feeding his flocks on Mount Ida, in Phrygia. Hermes, as messenger of the gods, conducted the three rival beauties to the young shepherd, and with breathless anxiety they awaited his decision. Each fair candidate endeavoured to secure his favour by the most tempting offers. Hera promised him extensive dominions; Athene, martial fame and glory; and Aphrodite, the loveliest woman in the world. But whether he really considered Aphrodite the fairest of the three, or preferred a beautiful wife to fame and power, we cannot tell; all we know is that to her he awarded the golden apple, and she became ever after universally acknowledged as the goddess of beauty. Hera, having fully expected that Paris would give her the preference, was so indignant that she never forgave him, and not only persecuted him, but all the family of Priam, whose dreadful sufferings and misfortunes during the Trojan war were attributed to her influence. In fact, she carried her animosity to such an extent that it was often the cause of domestic disagreements between herself and Zeus, who espoused the cause of the Trojans.Among the many stories of these frequent quarrels there is one connected with Heracles, the favourite son of Zeus, which is as follows:--Hera having raised a storm at sea in order to drive him out of his course, Zeus became so angry that he hung her in the clouds by a golden chain, and attached heavy anvils to herfeet. Her son Hephaestus tried to release his mother from her humiliating position, for which Zeus threw him out of heaven, and his leg was broken by the fall.Hera, being deeply offended with Zeus, determined to separate herself from him for ever, and she accordingly left him and took up her abode in Euboea. Surprised and grieved at this unlooked-for desertion, Zeus resolved to leave no means untried to win her back again. In this emergency he consulted Cithaeron, king of Platea, who was famed for his great wisdom and subtlety. Cithaeron advised him to dress up an image in bridal attire and place it in a chariot, announcing that this was Platea, his future wife. The artifice succeeded. Hera, incensed at the idea of a rival, flew to meet the procession in great anger, and seizing the supposed bride, she furiously attacked her and dragged off her nuptial attire. Her delight on discovering the deception was so great that a reconciliation took place, and, committing the image to the flames, with joyful laughter she seated herself in its place and returned to Olympus.Hera was the mother of Ares (Mars), Hephaestus, Hebe, and Eileithyia. Ares was the god of War; Hephaestus, of Fire; Hebe, of Youth; and Eileithyia presided over the birth of mortals.Hera dearly loved Greece, and indeed always watched over and protected Greek interests, her beloved and favourite cities being Argos, Samos, Sparta, and Mycenae.Her principal temples were at Argos and Samos. From a remote period she was greatly venerated at Olympia, and her temple there, which stood in the Altis or sacred grove, was five hundred years older than that of Zeus on the same spot. Some interesting excavations which are now going on there have brought to light the remains of the ancient edifice, whichcontains among other treasures of antiquity several beautiful statues, the work of the famous sculptors of ancient Greece. At first this temple was built of wood, then of stone, and the one lately discovered was formed of conglomerate of shells.In the Altis races were run by young maidens in honour of Hera, and the fleetest of foot received in token of her victory an olive-wreath and a piece of the flesh of the sacrifices. These races, like the Olympic Games, were celebrated at intervals of four years, and were called Her? A beautiful robe, woven by sixteen women chosen from the sixteen cities of Elis, was always offered to Hera on these occasions, and choral songs and sacred dances formed part of the ceremonies.Hera is usually represented seated on a throne, holding a pomegranate in one hand and a sceptre surmounted by a cuckoo in the other. She appears as a calm, dignified matron of majestic beauty, robed in a tunic and mantle, her forehead is broad and intellectual, her eyes large and fully opened, and her arms dazzlingly white and finely moulded.The finest statue of this divinity was that by Polycletus at Argos.Her attributes are the diadem, veil, sceptre, and peacock.The first day of every month a ewe-lamb and sow were sacrificed to Hera. The hawk, goose, and more particularly the peacock were sacred to her. Flocks of these beautiful birds generally surround her throne and draw her chariot, Iris, the Rainbow, being seated behind her.Her favourite flowers were the dittany, poppy, and lily.JUNO.Juno, the Roman divinity supposed to be identical with the Greek Hera, differed from her in the most salient points, forwhereas Hera invariably appears as the haughty,unbending queen of heaven, Juno, on the other hand, is revered and beloved as the type of a matron and housewife. She was worshipped in Rome under various titles, most of which point to hervocation as the protectress of married women. Juno was believed to watch over and guard the life of every woman from her birth to her death. The principal temples dedicated to her were in Rome, one being erected on the Aventine, and the other on the Capitoline Hill. She had also a temple on the Arx, in which she was worshipped as Juno Moneta, or the warning goddess. Adjacent to this shrine was the public mint. On the 1st of March a grand annual festival, called the Matronalia, was celebrated in her honour by all the married women of Rome, and this religious institution was accompanied with much solemnity.。

●G o d s:T h e o l d t h e o g o n y——t h e T i t a n sCronus(克罗诺斯): God of the sky.Rhea(瑞亚): Goddess of time.Oceanus(俄刻阿诺斯): God of water.Tethys(泰西斯):Goddess of the sea.Wife of Cronus.Crius(克瑞斯): God of growth。
Lapetus (伊阿佩托斯): God of soul.Father of Prometheus、Atlas、Epimetheus and MenoetiusPhoebe(福柏): Goddess of the moon. Leto与阿斯特瑞亚之母。
Coeus (科俄斯): God of intelligence.Themis (忒弥斯): Goddess of order and justice.Second wife of Zeus.时序三女神母Mnemosyne(谟涅摩叙涅): God of memory。
Firth wife of Zeus.Mother of the ninth Muse. Hyperion(许配利翁): God of light.Thea(忒亚): Wife of Hyperion.The old theogony——the GodsZeus(宙斯): the god of the sky.Zeus King of the sky and the earth. Ruler of the Olympian gods. He was the rain god , and the cloud gatherer,who holds the terrible thunderbolt. eagle, His bird the eagle, his tree is the oak . He is married to Hera but,is famous for his many affairs. He is also known to punish those that lie or break oaths.Hera(赫拉): Zeus' wife and sister. Queen of the gods. Goddess of marriage and childbirth and takes special care of married women.Most stories concerning Hera have to do with her jealous revenge for Zeus‘s infidelities.Poseidon(波塞冬): Brother of Zeus . God of the sea , protector of all waters. His weapon is a trident , which can shake the earth , and shatter any object.He is second only to Zeus in power among the gods.He was widely worshiped by seamen。

关于她的神话故事英文版Title: The Mythical Tale of HerOnce upon a time, there lived a woman whose beauty surpassed that of any other being in the realms. Her name was whispered with reverence, akin to the legends of old, and her tale became an eternal fable, woven through the tapestry of time.Chapter 1: The Enigma UnveiledIn a quaint village nestled amidst rolling meadows, the story of Her began, shrouded in mystery. She emerged from the depths of a mythical forest, her radiant presence captivating all who beheld her ethereal form. With golden tendrils cascading down her back and eyes that mirrored the depths of an ocean, she was an enigma awaiting unraveling.Chapter 2: The Alluring PowersAs tales of Her's alluring powers spread, people journeyed great distances to seek her favor. The touch of her hand was believed to heal any ailment, while her mere presence could soothe the most troubled hearts. It was said that with a simple word, she possessed the ability to conjure miracles. Legends whispered that her voice echoed through the heavens, enchanting the gods themselves.Chapter 3: The Forbidden LoveAmidst the adoration she commanded, there was a forbidden love that sprouted in the heart of a brave warrior. Despite knowing the consequences of pursuing such affection, he found himself unable to resist Her enchantment. Their clandestine meetings beneath the moonlit sky became the stuff of whispered tales, fueling the imagination of those who reveled in forbidden romances.Chapter 4: The Battle of Good and EvilIn the kingdom ruled by a tyrannical king, darkness cast its oppressive shadow. The people lived in fear, longing for liberation. It was during this turbulent period that Her true purpose was revealed. She possessed the incredible power to sway the tides of fate and ignite hope in even the darkest of times. A prophecy foretold that only through Her intervention could the oppressed overthrow their oppressors and reclaim their freedom.Chapter 5: The Epic QuestWith Her guiding the way, a band of unlikely heroes set forth on a perilous quest. They traversed treacherous terrain, confronted monstrous creatures, and encountered tests of courage. Through the trials and tribulations, a unique bond formed between the heroes, as they realized the true strength of unity in the face of adversity.Chapter 6: The Final ConfrontationAs the heroes reached the fortress of the malevolent king, they found themselves face to face with unimaginable evil. A battle ensued, echoing through the corridors of time. It was then that Her true power manifested in all its glory. The skies trembled, and the earth shook beneath her feet. With each strike, the forces of darkness weakened, until finally, the tyrannical king met his ultimate end.Chapter 7: The Legend Lives OnWith the liberation of the kingdom, peace and prosperity once again graced the land. The heroes returned as celebrated legends, forever immortalized in the annals of history. Her tale became an enduring legend that would be passed from generation to generation, inspiring hope and reminding all that even in the darkest of times, miracles can manifest.Epilogue: The Eternal LegacyAnd so, the myth of Her lives on, existing as an eternal legacy of beauty, love, and hope. Her story transcends time, reminding us of the unwavering power within each of us. Just as She rose above her mortal existence, we too can strive to become legends in our own right, leaving an indelible mark on the world around us.Note: This article is a fictitious exploration of a mythical tale and does not represent any actual person or historical event.。

毒血。赫拉克勒斯穿上袍 子,袍子立刻贴在身上,皮 肉火烧火燎,疼痛难耐。为 结束痛苦,他下令将他抬到 火葬柴堆上,然后点火自 焚。得伊阿尼拉这才意识到 自己已铸成大错,追悔莫 及,于是自缢身亡。赫拉克 勒斯死后被众神接到奥林匹 斯山,成为不朽的神灵,并 与青春女神赫柏结为夫妇。
Hercules married Deianira Iole(伊奥勒) was fond of him suspected Deianira poisoned Hercules burned
他是赫斯珀里得斯的父亲,赫 拉克勒斯想通过他取得金苹 果。阿特拉斯同意帮忙,但 条件是在他去取金苹果期间, 赫拉克勒斯得暂时代替他肩 负天界。赫拉克勒斯答应了 这个条件,但阿特拉斯取回 金苹果后,不肯接收回他自 己的重担。赫拉克勒斯用计 使他重新把天界扛回肩上。 据另一种说法,是赫拉克勒 斯去了花园,在杀死恶龙后 把金苹果掠走献给了欧律斯 透斯。
克勒斯娶了卡吕冬国王的女儿 得伊阿尼拉。一天,他和妻子 来到一条河边,那里有马人涅 索斯背负旅行者过河。赫拉克 勒斯自己涉水过河,将妻子交 给了涅索斯。不料马人试图劫 持她,赫拉克勒斯听到她的呼 救声,用带有许德拉毒血的箭 射伤了涅索斯。狡猾的马人临 死前劝得伊阿尼拉保留一些他 的血液,一但她的丈夫有了外 心,将此血液涂在他的衣服上 就可使他回心转意。
第十:取回赫斯珀里得斯的 金苹果
这些金苹果是赫拉结婚时 大地之母该亚的赠礼,保存在 世 界尽头的一座花园里。结金苹果的 那棵树由赫斯珀里得斯和一条恶龙 看守。这项任务及其困难,因为赫 拉克勒斯不知道金苹果在何地所以 他经过一番历险他来到非洲的 阿特拉斯山。阿特拉斯是与奥 林匹斯众神作战的提坦巨神之 一,战败后被罚肩负天界。

Quarrels & Revenge
• • always quarreling. emotional disputes escalate into political action(政变) hung her in the clouds by a golden chain, and attached heavy anvils (铁砧) to her feet. took revenge
• Changed a cow by Zeus • Argus watched her strictly • Hera sent a gadfly to bite her
• Hera changed her into a bear
• Hera let Artemis hunt her
Queen Gods
(Oh! What a miserable goddess!)
• Rhea and coronus’ daughter • Sister of Zeus • Chief function: the goddess of women, life and marriage • Special signs :peacock, pomegranate(石榴), cow • Known for jealous and vengeful
• Callisto was changed into the Big Bear

双语希腊神话:阿瑞斯Son of Zeus and Hera,Ares was appointed god ofwar.Hewas terrible and majestic ,and his marchshook the world.Of all the major gods atOlympus,he was the most hateful,loving struggleand war and ever thirsty for blood .On the otherhand he signified courage and victory in battle,andwas devoutly worshipped by soldiers going towar.Prayers were addressed to him before the warand spoils presented at his altar after it.He was the one god who ever had to submit to thepower ofhis inferiors .At one time lack of tact andgood udge ment led to his shame.He was fighting with two giants,and finding himself nomatch for the two monstrous creatures,laid down hisarms and was imprisoned in chains. Hewas set free in the end by the artful Hermes,but not before he had suffered all the humiliations.He was as thoughtless as he was unkind .A son of Poseidon's,attempting to kidnap hisdaughter,made the war-god unhappy,so that he killed the youth Without he sitation.Inretaliation ,Poseidon dragged him before a group of Athenian judges for trial.The court washeld on a hill outside Athens.Ares presented his case and was declared innocent . The hill wasever after called Areopagus,“the hill of Ares”,and the judges receivedthe names ofAreopagitae.阿瑞斯,宙斯和赫拉之子,被委任为战神。
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HERA (JUNO).Hera, the eldest daughter of Cronus and Rhea, was born at Samos, or, according to some accounts, at Argos, and was reared by the sea-divinities Oceanus and Tethys, who were models of conjugal fidelity. She was the principal wife of Zeus, and, as queen of heaven, participated in the honours paid to him, but her dominion only extended over the air (the lower aerial regions). Hera appears to be the sublime embodiment of strict matronly virtue, and is on that account the protectress of purity and married women. Faultless herself in her fidelity as a wife, she is essentially the type of the sanctity of the marriage tie, and holds in abhorrence any violation of its obligations. So strongly was she imbued with this hatred of any immorality, that, finding herself so often called upon to punish the failings of both gods and men in this respect, she became jealous, harsh, and vindictive. Her exalted position as the wife of the supreme deity, combined with her extreme beauty, caused her to become exceedingly vain, and she consequently resented with great severity any infringement on her rights as queen of heaven, or any apparent slight on her personal appearance.The following story will signally illustrate how ready she was to resent any slight offered to her.At the marriage of the sea-nymph Thetis with a mortal called Peleus, all the gods and goddesses were present, except Eris (the goddess of Discord). Indignant at not being invited, she determined to cause dissension in the assembly, and for this purpose threw into the midst of the guests a golden apple with the inscription on it "For the Fairest." Now, as all the goddesses were extremely beautiful, each claimed the apple; but at length, the rest having relinquished their pretensions, the number of candidates was reduced to three, Hera, Athene, and Aphrodite, who agreed to appeal to Paris for a settlement of this delicate question, he being noted for the wisdom he had displayed in his judgment upon several occasions. Paris was the son of Priam, king of Troy, who, ignorant of his noble birth, was at this time feeding his flocks on Mount Ida, in Phrygia. Hermes, as messenger of the gods, conducted the three rival beauties to the young shepherd, and with breathless anxiety they awaited his decision. Each fair candidate endeavoured to secure his favour by the most tempting offers. Hera promised him extensive dominions; Athene, martial fame and glory; and Aphrodite, the loveliest woman in the world. But whether he really considered Aphrodite the fairest of the three, or preferred a beautiful wife to fame and power, we cannot tell; all we know is that to her he awarded the golden apple, and she became ever after universally acknowledged as the goddess of beauty. Hera, having fully expected that Paris would give her the preference, was so indignant that she never forgave him, and not only persecuted him, but all the family of Priam, whose dreadful sufferings and misfortunes during the Trojan war were attributed to her influence. In fact, she carried her animosity to such an extent that it was often the cause of domestic disagreements between herself and Zeus, who espoused the cause of the Trojans.Among the many stories of these frequent quarrels there is one connected with Heracles, the favourite son of Zeus, which is as follows:--Hera having raised a storm at sea in order to drive him out of his course, Zeus became so angry that he hung her in the clouds by a golden chain, and attached heavy anvils to her feet. Her son Hephaestus tried to release his mother from her humiliating position, for which Zeus threw him out of heaven, and his leg was broken by the fall.Hera, being deeply offended with Zeus, determined to separate herself from him for ever, and she accordingly left him and took up her abode in Euboea. Surprised and grieved at this unlooked-for desertion, Zeus resolved to leave no means untried to win her back again. In this emergency he consulted Cithaeron, king of Platea, who was famed for his great wisdom and subtlety. Cithaeron advised him to dress up an image in bridal attire and place it in a chariot, announcing that this was Platea, his future wife. The artifice succeeded. Hera, incensed at the idea of a rival, flew to meet the procession in great anger, and seizing the supposed bride, she furiously attacked her and dragged off her nuptial attire. Her delight on discovering the deception was so great that a reconciliation took place, and, committing the image to the flames, with joyful laughter she seated herself in its place and returned to Olympus.Hera was the mother of Ares (Mars), Hephaestus, Hebe, and Eileithyia. Ares was the god of War; Hephaestus, of Fire; Hebe, of Youth; and Eileithyia presided over the birth of mortals.Hera dearly loved Greece, and indeed always watched over and protected Greek interests, her beloved and favourite cities being Argos, Samos, Sparta, and Mycenae.Her principal temples were at Argos and Samos. From a remote period she was greatly venerated at Olympia, and her temple there, which stood in the Altis or sacred grove, was five hundred years older than that of Zeus on the same spot. Some interesting excavations which are now going on there have brought to light the remains of the ancient edifice, which contains among other treasures of antiquity several beautiful statues, the work of the famous sculptors of ancient Greece. At first this temple was built of wood, then of stone, and the one lately discovered was formed of conglomerate of shells.In the Altis races were run by young maidens in honour of Hera, and the fleetest of foot received in token of her victory an olive-wreath and a piece of the flesh of the sacrifices. These races, like the Olympic Games, were celebrated at intervals of four years, and were called Her? A beautiful robe, woven by sixteen women chosen from the sixteen cities of Elis, was always offered to Hera on these occasions, and choral songs and sacred dances formed part of the ceremonies.Hera is usually represented seated on a throne, holding a pomegranate in one hand and a sceptre surmounted by a cuckoo in the other. She appears as a calm, dignified matron of majestic beauty, robed in a tunic and mantle, her forehead is broad and intellectual, her eyes large and fully opened, and her arms dazzlingly white and finely moulded.The finest statue of this divinity was that by Polycletus at Argos.Her attributes are the diadem, veil, sceptre, and peacock.The first day of every month a ewe-lamb and sow were sacrificed to Hera. The hawk, goose, and more particularly the peacock were sacred to her. Flocks of these beautiful birds generally surround her throne and draw her chariot, Iris, the Rainbow, being seated behind her.Her favourite flowers were the dittany, poppy, and lily.JUNO.Juno, the Roman divinity supposed to be identical with the Greek Hera, differed from her in the most salient points, for whereas Hera invariably appears as the haughty,unbending queen of heaven, Juno, on the other hand, is revered and beloved as the type of a matron and housewife. She was worshipped in Rome under various titles, most of which point to hervocation as the protectress of married women. Juno was believed to watch over and guard the life of every woman from her birth to her death. The principal temples dedicated to her were in Rome, one being erected on the Aventine, and the other on the Capitoline Hill. She had also a temple on the Arx, in which she was worshipped as Juno Moneta, or the warning goddess. Adjacent to this shrine was the public mint. On the 1st of March a grand annual festival, called the Matronalia, was celebrated in her honour by all the married women of Rome, and this religious institution was accompanied with much solemnity.。