Unit 8【复习课件】七年级英语下册单元复习(人教版)

【易错点】there be 后跟两个或两个以上的主语时, be 动 词的形式要与离它最近的主语的数保持一致, 即“就近原 则”。
考题;—___A____ an amusement center, some restaurants
and hundreds of stores in the shopping mall.
1. —___Is____ _t_h_e_r_e__ a hospital near here?
这附近有医院吗? —Yes, there is. 是的, 有。
2. The pay phone ____i_s___ _a_c_r_o_s_s__ __f_ro_m____ the library.
7. I love to ___w_a_t_c_h_ the monkeys ___c_li_m_b__in_g_ around.
8. ___T_o____ ___g_et____ __th_e_r_e___, I usually walk out and
turn right on Bridge Road. 要到达那儿, 我通常步行出去, 在大桥路向右拐。
there be 句型表示“某地有某人或某物”。 其构成是: There be + 人或物+ 地点状语(常由介词短语构成).
there be 句型的肯定句式中, 主语通常在be 动词之后。 如果句子的主语是单数可数名词或不可数名词, be 动词 用is; 如果句子的主语是可数名词复数, be 动词用are。 e. g. There is some milk in the bottle. 瓶子里有些牛奶。
16. along prep. 沿着
最新人教版初中七年级英语下册Unit 8第八单元课件PPT

pay phone
1a Match the words with the places in the picture.
1. post office __f___ 2. police station _a__ 3. hotel ____e_____ 4. restaurant ___i___ 5. bank _____c_____ 6. hospital ____b___ 7. street ____h_____ 8. pay phone ____g__ 9. park _____d______
• 2. Mum is going to the bank . She wants to get some money.
• 3. —Shall we go shopping?
—OK, but I have to go to the p
first. I want to mail the letter foromsty moftfhiecer.
Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?
Section A
Period 2 2a ~ 2d
1. —Is your school on the New Street? —Yes. It’s ac_ro_s_s_____ from the pay phone.
• 6. The p_a_y____ phone is between the library and

1c Make the conversations with your partner about the places in 1a.
Is there a hospital near here?
Yes, there is. It’s on Bridge Street.
Is there a post office near here? Yes, there is. It’s on Long Street.
e.g. Can you swim across the river? 你能游过这条河吗?
2. in front of 意为“在……前面”(在某 范
e.g. There is a car in front of the house. 在房子前一辆小汽车。
【辨析】in the front of “在……前面” (在
2. The park is _a_c_ro_s_s_f_r_o_m__ the bank. 3. The hospital is _o_n_ Bridge Street. 4. The pay phone is _n_e_x_t_t_o_ the post office. 5. The restaurant is _in__f_ro_n__t _o_f the post office. 6. The hotel is _b_e_h_i_n_d_ the police station.
front of, behind, between…and)来写 五个句子,描述一下你生活中常见的 单位的位置。
阅读Grammar Focus部分,完成下列句子。
1. 附近有银行吗? _I_s_t_h_e_re__a_b__a_n_k_n_e_a_r__h_e_re_?___________
新人教版七年级英语下unit8课件 sectionA-3a-3c

3b Look at the map in 3a and write
three sentences.
The bank is next to the hospital and across from the park. 1.___________________________________ The bank is between the hospital and the post office on New Street. ____________________________________ 2.The park is between Center Street and ___________________________________ New Street. ____________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ There is a restaurant on North Street.
Look at the map and pictures below. Ask and answer.
Where’s the …?
It’s …
hotel bank Bridge supermarket post office
pay phone
-Where is …? -It is … -Is there a …? -Yes, …
1. 附近有一个公园吗?是的,在旅馆和 邮局之间有一个。 Is there a park near here? Yes, there is. It’s between the hotel and the post office.

人教版七年级英语下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?一、单词回顾1、 post [pəʊst]邮政2、 office['ɒfɪs]办公室3、 post office邮局4、 police [pə'liːs]警察5、 police station ['steɪʃən]警察局6、 hotel [həʊ'tel]旅店;酒店7、 restaurant['restrɒnt]餐馆 8、 bank [bæŋk]银行9、 hospital['hɒspɪt(ə)l]医院 10、street[striːt]大街11、pay[peɪ] 付费 12、payphone ['peifəun]付费电话13、near[nɪə]在……附近 14、across [ə'krɒs]过;穿过15、across from在……对面 16、front [frʌnt]前面17、in front of在……前面 18、behind [bɪ'haɪnd]在……后面19、town [taʊn]镇;市镇 20、around [ə'raʊnd]到处;大约21、north[nɔːθ]北;北方;北方的 22、along[ə'lɒŋ]沿着23、go along沿着(这条街)走 24、turn[tɜːn]转向;翻25、right [raɪt]向右边;右边 26、left [left]向左边;左边27、rurn right向右、左转 28、crossing ['krɒsɪŋ]十字路口29、neighborhood['neɪbə,hʊd]街区;街坊30、spend [spend]花(时间、钱等)31、spend time花时间 32、climb[klaɪm]爬33、road [rəʊd]路 34、often ['ɒf(tə)n] 时常;常常35、air [eə]空气 36、sun shine阳光37、free[friː]免费的 38、enjoy [ɪn'dʒɒɪ]享受;喜爱39、enjoy reading['riːdɪŋ]喜欢阅读 40、easily ['iːzɪlɪ]容易地41、money['mʌnɪ] 钱二、本单元重要知识点。

Whereis 1.Excuseme.__________thepayphone? Howcan getto 2.Excuseme.________I_______thelibrary? howtogetto 3.Excuseme.Canyoutellme____________thelibrary? thewayto 4.Excuseme.Canyoutellme__________thelibrary? Isthere nearhere aroundhere intheneighborhood 5.______alibrary________/____________/_____________?
XingfuStreet supermarket bank
turnrightatthesecondcrossing CenterST goalongCenterStreet
restaurant? bank? park?
3.ontheright/left意为“在右面/在左面” onone’sright/left意为“在某人的右面/左面” e.g.在右面有一家银行。 Thereisabankontheright. 沿着这条路走,图书馆就在你的左面。 Walkdownthisroadandthelibraryis onyourleft. 4.atthefirstcrossing在第一个十字路口 e.g.在第二个十字路口向右拐。 Turnrightatthesecondcrossing.

Where are the pay phones?
They’re between the post office and the library.
Is there …near here? 这附近有……吗? Where is the …? ……在哪里? Do you know the way to …? 你知道去……的路吗? Which is the way to …? 哪一条是去……的路? How can I get to …? 我怎样才能到达……?
in 在...里面
It’s in the box.
It’s on the box.
on 在...上面
It’s under the box.
under 在...下面
in front of.... 在...里面
It’s _i_n_f_r_o_n_t_o_f___the box.
It’s _b_e_h_i_n_d_the box.
between...and.. 在....和…之间
阅读Grammar focus部分,完成下列句子。
1. 附近有银行吗?____I_s__t_h__e__r_e___a___b_a__n__k___n_e__a__r_ here?
2. 是的。它在中心街上。
银 Wh行er在e’哪s t里he?bank?
它It’紧s n挨ex着t t邮o t局he。post office.
公 Wh园er在e’哪s t里he?park? 付 Wh费er电e 话ar在e t哪he里pa?y phones?
英语单词拆分趣味快速记忆课件ppt人教版七年级下册 Unit8

right [raɪt] adv. 向右边 n. 右边 分析:rig-日光、htft] adv. 向左边 n. 左边 分析:le-乐、ft-斧头
turn right / left 向右/左转
crossing [ˈkrɒsɪŋ],[ˈkrɔ:sɪŋ] n. 十字路口 分析:cr-超人、o-鸡蛋、s-蛇、sing-唱歌
along [əˈlɒŋ],[əˈlɔ:ŋ] prep. 沿着 分析:a-一(条)、long-龙
go along (the street) 沿着(这条街)走
turn [tɜ:(r)n] v. 转向、翻 分析:tu-兔、r-草、n-门
across [əˈkrɒs],[əˈkrɔ:s] adv. & prep. 过、穿过 分析:ac-AC米兰、r-草、o-球、ss-两条蛇
across from 在……对面
front [frʌnt] n. 前面 分析:fr-夫人、o-乒乓球、nt-泥土
bank [bæŋk] n. 银行 分析:ba-八、nk-内裤
hospital [ˈhɒspɪtl],[ˈhɑ:spɪtl] n. 医院 分析:h-椅子、os-欧式、pit-皮套、al-阿狸
in front of 在……前面
behind [bɪˈhaɪnd] prep. 在……后面 分析:be-有、hi-你好、nd-牛顿

hotel New Street post office
Is there a clothes store near here?
Long Street park bookstore bank
restaurant police station clothes store
Do you know your neighborhood?
I live near a supermarket. My parents
usually shop there. There is a big park
across from the supermarket. I often
exercise at the park because I love the
her and her friends when they are fighting. 3. What does John like to do at the park?
He likes to do exercise at the park.
4. John thinks the best things do not need money. Do you
Is there a hotel near here?
Long Street park bookstore bank
hotel New Street post office
Is there a restaurant near here?
Long Street park bookstore bank
Group work Read the passages carefully. Then write more questions and give your answers. For example:

in your neighborhood?
Is there a
in your neighborhood?
How to get to Cuihu Park?
➢ Go along the street and turn right at the first turning.
➢ Walk along the road and turn left when you see a hospital.
Make a conversation. Is there a supermarket near here? Yes, there is. Go along Bridge Street and turn left at the library. The supermarket is on the right. So I go along Bridge Street and turn left at the library. Yes! Got it! Thanks.
There are some trees in my school. There are some flowers in my school. There are three buildings in my school. There is a big playground in my school. There is a library in my school.
➢ Cuihu Park is down the street on your right.
➢ The park is across from a restaurant.
Look and answer.
Where is the supermarket? Where is the park? Where is the hotel?
人教版七年级英语下册8单元Isthereapostofficenear here?第2课时PPT课件

Grammar Focus
Is there a bank near here?
Yes, t是he的re,is有. I。t’它s在on中C心e街nte上r。Street.
Are there any restaurants near here?
Yes, there是’的s ,on邮e局in的fr前on面t 有of一th个e 。post office.
B: Yes, it is. C: Is it across from restaurant? B: No, it isn’t. D: Is it in front of the bank? the long street?
Is it next to the hotel?
课堂导入 Whe旅re馆’在s 哪th里e h?otel? It’s behind the police station. Whe银re行’在s 哪th里e b?ank? It’s next to the post office.
课堂导入 Where’s the park? It’s acro它ss在fr银om行对th面e b,a旅nk馆, b的e后hin面d。the hotel. Where are the pay phones? They’re be它tw们ee在n邮th局e 和po图st书o馆ffi之ce间a。nd the library.
例: 这儿附近有银行吗? (分别作肯否回答) Is there a bank in the neighborhood? Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.
3.该句型中be动词人称或数的变化与离它最近的名词保持一致。如果有 两个或更多的名词,be动词要与它最靠近的名词保持一致,即遵循“就 近原则”。
初中英语 七年级下册 Unit8 SectionB(2a-selfcheck)课件

often air sunshine
/'ɒfn/, /'ɔːfn/ /eə/, /er/
v.爬 n.路 adv.时常;常常 n.空气 n.阳光
enjoy reading
生活中,一生中 一生;终生 在某人的一生中
4. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there.
adj.免费的 v.享受;喜爱 喜欢阅读 adv.容易地 n.钱
2a Check (√) the places near your home. Tell your
partner where they are.
clothes store√ post office
bookstore√ bank
on the left
on the right
Look and say
How can he get to the post office.
Hale Waihona Puke BankLibrary
Hotel supermarket
Post office
Bridge street
Pay phone
There is a clothes store and a bookstore near my home. The bookstore is across from my house. The clothes store is next to the bookstore.

often read books there with my friends. On the right of the supermarket is a 19. restaurant . The food is very delicious there.
front of在……的前面,指在物体内部的前面。根据语境,司机
( C )9.[2023·枣庄期末]—
there any pay
phonesnear here?
—Yes, there A. Is; is
one behind the library. B. Are; are
B. No, there isn’t
C. Yes, it is
D. No, it isn’t
三、按要求完成句子。(每空一词) 11. There is a woman in the house.(改为复数句)
There are women in the house. 12. There is a big pool in the hotel.(改为一般疑问句并作
( C )6. —
is the bank?
—It’s behind the hotel.
A. When

4. There be的就近原则
There is a book and some pens on the table. There are some pens and a book on the table.
补充:there be 与 have/has的区别
There be: 表示某地有某物(客观存在) have/has:表示“有”(事物所属) I have a white cat. There is a white cat under the tree.
There is some water in the bottle. 否定句: There isn't any water in the bottle.
一般疑问句:Is there any water in the bottle? 肯定回答: Yes, there is. 否定回答: Yes, there isn't.
一. 句子翻译:
1. 房子前面有一辆汽车。 There is a car in front of the house.
2. 你们班上有多少学生? How many students are there in your class?
3. 冰箱里没有面包了。 There isn't any bread in the fridge.
初一年级 U8 There be
1. There be句型的含义
表示某地有某物(客观 存在)
2. There be句型的结构
1. There is +a/an+单数可数名词+介词短语 2. There are +(some)+复数可数名词+介词短语 3. There is +(some)+不可数名词+介词短语

Driver is in the front of the car.司机在汽车的前面。
Jim sits behind me, so I sit________ him.
A. at the end of
B.in front of
C. in the front of D.in the middle of
1.excuse me,对不起,打扰一下 excuse me ,用于事前请他人帮忙或会干扰到别人的情况 sorry,用于犯错误后或不能满足对方要求表示歉意 用excuse me和sorry填空 -____1____Where is the park, please? -____2_____I don't know. I'm new here. 1.Excuse,me 2.Sorry
2. How can I help you?需要我帮忙吗? 这是向他人伸出援手,主动提供帮助的话。 类似的句子还有: How could I help you? May/can/ could I help you? Do you need any help? Is there anything I can do for you? What can I do for you?
What’s this? It’s a police station.
What’s this? It’s a post office.
What’s this? It’s a pay phone.
What’s that?
It’s a library.
1.police station警察局
police是集合名词,表示复数意义,其后不可再加-s police前面通常加定冠词则the,police做主语是谓语动词通常要用复数形式。 policeman 复数:policemen男警察, policewoman 复数:policewomen女警察 The police go downtown(市中心) every month. 警察每个月都去市中心 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空 警察正在公园里寻找丢失的小孩,两个女警察在树下面。 The police __1__(be)looking for the lost child in the park. And two __2___ (police) are under the tree.

between… and…
Where is the pay phone? It’s between the post office and the library.
next to
Where is the pay phone?
It’s next to the library.
across from
---Is there a post office near here? ---Yes, there is. It’s on Bridge Street.
There is a post office on Bridge Street.
There is a pay phone on Bridge Street.
park restaurant Supermarket
2a Match the sentences with the pictures.
Write each number in the box.
4 6 2 3 5 1
2b Listening
1.The police station is ________ the restaurant and the between
Where is the pay phone? It’s behind the library.
A:Is there …? B:Yes, there is. A:Where is the …? B:It’s on/across from/ near…
Restaurant park Post Office Bridge Street
across from 2.The park is ____________ the bank. on 3.The hospital is _______ Bridge Street. next to 4. The pay phone is ______ the post office. 5.The restaurant is in front of the post office. _________ behind 6.The hotel is ______ the police station.
人教版英语七年级下册 Unit 8 Section B(2a-Self Check)课件

Lisa’s neighborhood
1. Where’s Lisa’s favorite place? Her favorite place is the library.
2. Why does Lisa like the library best? Because it’s very quiet and she enjoys reading there.
Let’s talk about your neighborhood.
3b Draw a map of your neighborhood and write about it. These questions may help you.
1.Where do you live? 2.What’s your favorite place in your neighborhood? Why? 3.How do you get there from your home?
Lisa I live in a noisy neighborhood. There is a post office between my house and a clothes store. But my favorite place is the library. It is very quiet and I enjoy reading there. When I read books, time goes quickly! You can get to the library easily. Just go down North Road and turn left. It is across from the park.
3. What are the best things in life for John? Are they free? They are clean air and sunshine. They don’t need money, so they’re free.
新人教版七年级英语下unit8课件 PPT 3

1. Translate the sentences into English.
1) 邮局在哪里?在超市旁边。
2) 这附近有图书馆吗?有, 在第五大街上。 3) 银行在哪里?在旅馆和电子游戏中心。 4) 附近有公园吗?有, 在学校对面。 5) 电话亭在哪里?在邮局旁边。
2.Write how you get to school from your home.
A ________________________
B ________________________
1c Listen again. Fill in the blanks.
A: Excuse me. Is there a ________ near here? B: Yes, there is. Just go ________ Bridge Street and turn _____ when you see the library. Go along Long Street and it’s on the _______. It’s ____________ _____________ the supermarket and across from the __________. A: Thanks! And is there a restaurant near the __________? B: Yes. __________ along New Street. ___________ right at the first crossing and the restaurant is on your left, _________ __________ the pay phone. A: Thank you very much. B: You’re welcome.
人教版七年级下册英语Unit 8

Unit 8词组:1. would like 要,想要2. what kind of noodles 哪种面3. a bowl of noodles 一碗面条4. beef noodles 牛肉面5. what size 多大尺寸6. a medium bowl 一个中碗7. orange juice 桔子汁8. green tea 绿茶9. ice cream 冰淇淋10. House of dumplings 饺子馆句型:I’d like some noodles. 我想吃点面条What kind of noodles would you like ? 你想要那种面条?Beef and tomato noodles, please. 西红柿牛肉面。
What size bowl of noodles would he like? 他要多大碗的面条?He’d like a small/medium/large bowl of noodles 他想要一个小/中/大的面条。
We have some great specials! 我们有非常棒的特价饺子。
Special 1 has beef and onions, and is just RMB 10 for 15. 特价是牛肉,洋葱(陷),10元人民币就可以买到15个。
Come and get your dumplings today! 今天来那饺子。
注意:Would you like some …? 中some 不变。
回答:Yes, please. No, thanks.Would you like to ….?回答:Yes, I’d love/like to.名词:表示人,事物,地点,或抽象概念的名称的词。
可数名词有单复数,复数加s, 不可数名词用法同单数写作:Wouldn’t you like some pizzas? Please come to the House of Pizza. There are all kinds of pizza here, small ones, medium ones and large ones. We also have two specials. One is onions and salad, and the other is tomatoes potatoes and cheese. The prices are quite reasonable. Welcome to the House of Pizza. I think you will like them.Unit 9词组:1. do one’s homework 做家庭作业 2. play soccer 踢足球3. clean the room 打扫房间4. go to the beach 去海边5. play tennis 打网球6. go to the movies 去看电影7. on Saturday morning 在周六上午8. visit grandmother 探望奶奶9. study for the science test 为科学考试而学习10. stay at home 呆在家里11. have a party 举行晚会12. do some reading 读书13. practice English/doing 练习英语/做某事14. play the guitar 弹吉它15. study geography 学习地理16. go to the library 去图书馆17. last week 上周18. go shopping 去购物19. play computer games 玩电子游戏20. write a new song 写一首新歌21. an interesting talk show 一个有趣的访谈节目22. go out for a walk 去散步23. play with 同….玩24. look for 寻找25. do some reading 阅读26. spend the weekend 度周末句型:What did you do last weekend? 上周末你干什么了?I played volleyball. 我打排球了。

( )6.________English well, he practices speaking English every day. A.Learn B.Learning C.To Learn D.Learns 6.C句意为:为了学好英语,他每天练习说英语。分析句子 结构可知,此处为动词不定式放在句子开头表示目的。故 选择C项。
( )24.A.call B.remember C.meet D.watch
( )25.A.reading B.writing C.singing D.exercising
24.C句意为:在下午3点,我将在体育运动中心见你。根据语境,可知此处应选 C项。 25.D句意为:你运动完之后,我们去吃一些冰激凌。在体育运动中心应该是做运 动,故选D项
( )2. Just walk along this road and turn______.The
hotel is_______.
B.left; on the left
C.on the left ;left D.left; to the left
2.B句意为:就沿着这条路一直走,然后左转。旅馆就在左 面。turn left/light意为"向左/右转”,为固定短语; on the left/light意为“在左/右面”,为固定短语,表示方位。 结合语境,本题选择B项。
( )12--What fruit do you like best? --My______fruit are apples.
A.clean B.favorite C.terrible D.delicious
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( )6.________English well, he practices speaking English every day. A.Learn B.Learning C.To Learn D.Learns 6.C句意为:为了学好英语,他每天练习说英语。分析句子 结构可知,此处为动词不定式放在句子开头表示目的。故 选择C项。
( )15.--Can you help me open the window?
A.You are welcome B.That’s great
C.No problem
D.Thanks so much
15.C问句句意为:你能帮我把窗户打开吗? You are welcome意为“不客气”,是对感潮的回答: That’s great意为”太棒了“:No problem意为”没间题”, 表示愉快地答应别人请求:Thanks so much意为”非常 感密”。结合语境可知,本题选择C项。
( )7.--Excuse me._______is the post office? --About 500 meters away from here. A.What B.How C.Where D.When
7.C句意为:--打扰一下,邮局在哪?--离这大概500米远。 根据语境可知,此处为对地点进行提问,故选C项.
大家好!我叫萨利。我是一个美国女孩,但我现在 住在大连。这是中国一个非常美丽的城市。它在海边 。每年,许多人来到这里享受美丽的大海。
Our house is in the center of the city. It is on a very busy street. There are many shopping centers here and manypeople like doing some shopping here. Behind our house there is a park. It is not very big but very clean. Many kids like to play games with their parents in the park.Next to our house is a restaurant. The food in it is very nice.Sometimes after work, my parents take me to the restaurant to have ameal. I enjoy living here!
亲爱的萨米, 对不起,我今天不能和你一起去体育中心。你奶奶身体不舒服。
When you walk out of our __19__,turn left. It's Bridge Street. Walk past the police station and the City Fountain.Then __20__ can see a bridge over a river Cross the bridge.At the other side(边) of the __21__, turn right. There is anew post office __22__ your left. The sports center is next tothe post office. You can't __23__ it. ( )19.A.school B.house C.office D.hospital ( )20. A.you B.I C.we D.they ( )21. A.street B.park C.river D. library ( )22.A.in B.on C.at D.from ( )23.A.miss B.see C.forget D.visit
( )1. Please sit between Jim and________. A.she B.I C.he D.me
1.D between……and…..表示“在……和…..之间”,and 连接两个并列成分;between为介词,其后要用人称代词 的宾格形式。故选D项
下午3点,我会在体育中心和你见面。运动结束后我们吃点冰淇淋。 玩得开心。
三、阅读理解(40分) A
Hello, everyone! My name is Sally. I am an American girl, but I live in Dalian now. It is a very beautiful city in China. It is near the sea. Every year, many people come hereto enjoy the beautiful sea.
( )11.There_______many animals on my uncle,s farm now. A.am B.is C.are D.be
11.C句意为:现在我叔叔的农场上有许多动物。 There be 句型中be动词形式的选择应遵循“就近原则”,根据 many animals可知,应选择C项。
( )12--What fruit do you like best? --My______fruit are apples.
A.clean B.favorite C.terrible D.delicious
12.B句意为一你最喜欢什么水果?一一我最喜欢的水果是 苹果。 clean意为“干净的” favorite意为”最喜欢的”: terrible意为“糟糕的”delicious 意为”美味的。结合问 句可知,本题应选B项。
( )14. I enjoy______my bike in the mountains. A.riding B.rides C.to ride D.ride
14.A句意为:我喜欢在山里骑自行车。enjoy作动词,意 为”享受;喜爱”,后加动词时,应该用动词-ing形式,矩 语 enjoy doing sth.意为”喜欢微某事”。故选A项。
Dear Sammy,
I'm__16__I can't go to the sports center with you today. Your grandmother is not feeling __17__. I have to take her to the hospital. Let me__18__ you the way to the sports center.
( )16.A.sad B.sorry C.tired D.busy
( )17. A.happy B.well C.quiet D.warm
( )18.A.say B.speak C.tell D.read
1678.BC句 根sa意据y意为后为:一”我句说很“”I抱h,歌av强今e 调t天o说不ta的k能e内和h容e你r ,t去ot体tehlle育.意h运o为s动p“i中t对al心.某了可人。知说根此”据处sp后表ea示k 文“作" 感 及觉物I h不动av舒词e服时to”表ta,示ke“whl在讲er此某to处种th作语e 形言ho容”sp词,ita,后l.意跟可为表知”示此健语处康高应的该”词表。;示故te抱l选l意。B为项。 “告诉;说”, tell sb.sth.意为“告诉某人某事";read意为 “阅读”。根据语境可知应选C项。
( )2. Just walk along this road and turn______.The
hotel is_______.
B.left; on the left
C.on the left ;left D.left; to the left
2.B句意为:就沿着这条路一直走,然后左转。旅馆就在左 面。turn left/light意为"向左/右转”,为固定短语; on the left/light意为“在左/右面”,为固定短语,表示方位。 结合语境,本题选择B项。
( )8.-What do you think of the house? --It's big and nice. But I don't have enough_______ to buy it. A.time B.money C.luck D.air
8.B句意为:一你认为这个房子怎么样?一一它很大很漂 亮。但是我没有足够的钱买它。根据空前的 don’t have enough和空后的 to buy it可知,此空应填 money,意为 “钱”。故选B项。
( )3. She spends much time_______the work. A.do B.to do C.doing D.does
3.C句意为:她花费了很多时间做这项工作。 spend time( in)doing sth.意为“花费时间做某事”,为固定用法 。故选择C项。
( )4. Linda is very beautiful. She_______her mother. A.looks after B.looks at C.looks like D.looks for
( )9. Joe don’t need to pay for the bus ticket. It's_______the children under 120cm to take a bus. A.easy B.bad C.free zy
9.C句意为:乔不必支付公共汽车票的费用。120厘米以下的儿童乘 公共汽车免费。easy意为”容易的”bad意为”坏的”;free意为”免费” 意为”懒惰的”。结合第一句可知,本题选择C项。