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( )15.--Can you help me open the window?
A.You are welcome B.That’s great
C.No problem
D.Thanks so much
15.C问句句意为:你能帮我把窗户打开吗? You are welcome意为“不客气”,是对感潮的回答: That’s great意为”太棒了“:No problem意为”没间题”, 表示愉快地答应别人请求:Thanks so much意为”非常 感密”。结合语境可知,本题选择C项。
当你走出我们的房子时,左转。是布里奇街。走过警察局和城市喷泉。 然后你可以看到一座过河的桥穿过桥。在河的另一边,右转。你左边有 新的邮局。体育中心挨着邮局。你不会错过的。
At3:00p.m.,l’ll__ 24__ you at the sports center.Let’s have some ice-cream after you finish__25__.Have fun.
( )14. I enjoy______my bike in the mountains. A.riding B.rides C.to ride D.ride
14.A句意为:我喜欢在山里骑自行车。enjoy作动词,意 为”享受;喜爱”,后加动词时,应该用动词-ing形式,矩 语 enjoy doing sth.意为”喜欢微某事”。故选A项。
( )13.There is not a post office______here. A.in B.near C.from D.on
13.B句意为:这用近没有邮局。in意为”在…里”:near意 为”在…附近”;from意为从”,一般与to搭配使用;意为” 在……上面”。结合语境可知,本题选择B项
( )3. She spends much time_______the work. A.do B.to do C.doing D.does
3.C句意为:她花费了很多时间做这项工作。 spend time( in)doing sth.意为“花费时间做某事”,为固定用法 。故选择C项。
( )4. Linda is very beautiful. She_______her mother. A.looks after B.looks at C.looks like D.looks for
( )11.There_______many animals on my uncle,s farm now. A.am B.is C.are D.be
11.C句意为:现在我叔叔的农场上有许多动物。 There be 句型中be动词形式的选择应遵循“就近原则”,根据 many animals可知,应选择C项。
4.C句意为:琳达很漂亮。她看起来像她的妈妈.look after 意为”照看;照顾”; look at意为”看”;look like意为”看起来 像”;look for意为”寻找”.结合语境可知,本题选择C项。
( )5. Few people and cars are on the road, so the road is_______. A.quiet B.clean C.bus D.new
5.A句意为:路上几乎没有人和汽车,所以马路很安静。 quiet意为”安静的”,符合语境,故选A项。
( )6.________English well, he practices speaking English every day. A.Learn B.Learning C.To Learn D.Learns 6.C句意为:为了学好英语,他每天练习说英语。分析句子 结构可知,此处为动词不定式放在句子开头表示目的。故 选择C项。
( )9. Joe don’t need to pay for the bus ticket. It's_______the children under 120cm to take a bus. A.easy B.bad C.free D.lazy
9.C句意为:乔不必支付公共汽车票的费用。120厘米以下的儿童乘 公共汽车免费。easy意为”容易的”bad意为”坏的”;free意为”免费” 意为”懒惰的”。结合第一句可知,本题选择C项。
( )24.A.call B.remember C.meet D.watch
( )25.A.reading B.writing C.singing D.exercising
24.C句意为:在下午3点,我将在体育运动中心见你。根据语境,可知此处应选 C项。 25.D句意为:你运动完之后,我们去吃一些冰激凌。在体育运动中心应该是做运 动,故选D项
大家好!我叫萨利。我是一个美国女孩,但我现在 住在大连。这是中国一个非常美丽的城市。它在海边 。每年,许多人来到这里享受美丽的大海。
Our house is in the center of the city. It is on a very busy street. There are many shopping centers here and manypeople like doing some shopping here. Behind our house there is a park. It is not very big but very clean. Many kids like to play games with their parents in the park.Next to our house is a restaurant. The food in it is very nice.Sometimes after work, my parents take me to the restaurant to have ameal. I enjoy living here!
( )12--What fruit do you like best? --My______fruit are apples.
A.clean B.favorite C.terrible D.delicious
12.B句意为一你最喜欢什么水果?一一我最喜欢的水果是 苹果。 clean意为“干净的” favorite意为”最喜欢的”: terrible意为“糟糕的”delicious 意为”美味的。结合问 句可知,本题应选B项。
( )7.--Excuse me._______is the post office? --About 500 meters away from here. A.What B.How C.Where D.When
7.C句意为:--打扰一下,邮局在哪?--离这大概500米远。 根据语境可知,此处为对地点进行提问,故选C项.
( )10.Tom is very tall, so he can get the apples on the tree. A. reall B.easily C.hardly D.usually
10.B句意为:汤姆很高,所以他可以很容易地摘到了树上 的苹果。really意为”真正地”;easily意为”客易地” hardly意为”几乎不”:usually意为“通常地”。结合语 境可知,本题选择B项。
下午3点,我会在体育中心和你见面。运动结束后我们吃点冰淇淋。 玩得开心。
三、阅读理解(40分) A
Hello, everyone! My name is Sally. I am an American girl, but I live in Dalian now. It is a very beautiful city in China. It is near the sea. Every year, many people come hereto enjoy the beautiful sea.
1290123.BAC句o意n o为n:e’s当然在你le你后河不ft走你的能意出可另错为我以一过“们在边它在的河右。某房上 转m人i子看 。s的s时见源自文库前意左,一 面为边左座 说“”转桥 的错,。是过为根本 过”固据文 桥,定语是 ,符搭境给 所合配及” 以语。空你 此境前(处。的米应o)该u“是r可指知路在应,河选所的B以另项。 选一择 边A。项。
( )1. Please sit between Jim and________. A.she B.I C.he D.me
1.D between……and…..表示“在……和…..之间”,and 连接两个并列成分;between为介词,其后要用人称代词 的宾格形式。故选D项
Dear Sammy,
I'm__16__I can't go to the sports center with you today. Your grandmother is not feeling __17__. I have to take her to the hospital. Let me__18__ you the way to the sports center.
( )2. Just walk along this road and turn______.The
hotel is_______.
B.left; on the left
C.on the left ;left D.left; to the left
2.B句意为:就沿着这条路一直走,然后左转。旅馆就在左 面。turn left/light意为"向左/右转”,为固定短语; on the left/light意为“在左/右面”,为固定短语,表示方位。 结合语境,本题选择B项。
亲爱的萨米, 对不起,我今天不能和你一起去体育中心。你奶奶身体不舒服。
When you walk out of our __19__,turn left. It's Bridge Street. Walk past the police station and the City Fountain.Then __20__ can see a bridge over a river Cross the bridge.At the other side(边) of the __21__, turn right. There is anew post office __22__ your left. The sports center is next tothe post office. You can't __23__ it. ( )19.A.school B.house C.office D.hospital ( )20. A.you B.I C.we D.they ( )21. A.street B.park C.river D. library ( )22.A.in B.on C.at D.from ( )23.A.miss B.see C.forget D.visit
( )16.A.sad B.sorry C.tired D.busy
( )17. A.happy B.well C.quiet D.warm
( )18.A.say B.speak C.tell D.read
1678.BC句 根sa意据y意为后为:一”我句说很“”I抱h,歌av强今e 调t天o说不ta的k能e内和h容e你r ,t去ot体tehlle育.意h运o为s动p“i中t对al心.某了可人。知说根此”据处sp后表ea示k 文“作" 感 及觉物I h不动av舒词e服时to”表ta,示ke“whl在讲er此某to处种th作语e 形言ho容”sp词,ita,后l.意跟可为表知”示此健语处康高应的该”词表。;示故te抱l选l意。B为项。 “告诉;说”, tell sb.sth.意为“告诉某人某事";read意为 “阅读”。根据语境可知应选C项。
( )8.-What do you think of the house? --It's big and nice. But I don't have enough_______ to buy it. A.time B.money C.luck D.air
8.B句意为:一你认为这个房子怎么样?一一它很大很漂 亮。但是我没有足够的钱买它。根据空前的 don’t have enough和空后的 to buy it可知,此空应填 money,意为 “钱”。故选B项。