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He gives me _____ cakes. some
He doesn't give me ____ cakes. any Would you like _____ cakes? some Can I have _____ cakes? some
用 some 或 any 填空:
Sandy: It’s time for dinner, I am so hungry now.
6.There are some apples on the plate. 7.Mike is 1.35 meters tall.
How tall is Mike?
How many apples are there on the plate?
8.I’ll bring it here in a minute.
B Asking ‘wh-’ questions
We use ‘wh-’ questions to ask for information abou someone/something.
what----什么 I am reading. which----哪个人/哪种东西 I’d like this red one. who----人 He is our teacher. whose---- 谁的 The bag is mine. when----时间 My birthday is on 2nd May. where----地点 My pen is in the pencil case. why-----原因 I like dancing because it is fun.
“这是谁的书?” “是我弟弟的。”
when----Time (对时间提问)
e.g “When will you finish your homework?”
where----Place (对地点提问)
e.g “Where do you study?” “你在哪儿读书?”
“My name is Wang Li.” “我叫王丽。”
which----Thing oHale Waihona Puke Baidu person (对特定的人或事物提问)。
e.g “Which woman is your English teacher?”
“哪位是你的英 语老师?” “The woman in white.”
How soon will you bring it here?
Exercises :针对下列划线部分提问
• 1.We are going to Guilin. Where are you going? • 2.Chinese New Year this year is in February. When is Chinese New Year? • 3.Kitty is wearing a special costume. Who is wearing a special costume? • 4.I want a model train for Christmas. What do you want for Christmas?
Susan: Ok, I will go there this afternoon because I also need ______ more. some
村口督史(一定好臭啦) 迟佐道也香(顺便执埋村口督史啦) 川口督史(一定好臭啦!) 森山野仁(5知系米吃珍禽异兽既呢?)深山野人 武浅静 (甘大洗啊!) 边渡友次子(喇,下次记得带啦!) 条野太郎(.........) 条野太长(.........) 友舞紫菜(有啊,四洲既岩5岩?) 原本琴日香(活多日都好啊!) 池佐岛野香(顺便执埋村口果督啦!)
who----Person (对人提问)
e.g “Who will visit you tomorrow?” “My father.”
“明天谁来看你?” “我爸爸。”
whose----Possession (对人的所有关系提问) e.g “Whose book is this?” “It is my brother’s.”
“In Shanghai.”
why-----reason (对原因提问)
e.g “Why are you late?”
“你为什么迟到?” “Because I missed the bus.” “因为我没赶 上公共汽车。”
Let’s see the family of “how”
4. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week.
How often does Millie go to the Reading Club?
5.There are more than forty students in our class.
How many students are there in your class?
Q:Which one would you like,red or black? A:I’d like this red one. Q:Whose is the bag? A:The bag is mine. Q:When is your birthday? A:My birthday is on 2nd May. Q:Where is your pen? A:My pen is in the pencil case. Q:why do you like dance? A:I like dancing because it is fun.
C Using ‘some’/ ‘any’
We use ‘some’ or ‘any’ to talk about the amount of something.
Does he give you ____ cakes? any
Positive sentence
Negative sentence offer Request
any Lucy: I’m sorry. I don’t have _____ milk.
Sandy: That’s all right.
some Tom: Tomorrow is Teacher’s Day. Do you buy _____ flowers for your teachers?
any some Susan: No, I don’t buy _____ flowers, but I buy ______ cards. Look!
Tom: Wow, how beautiful they are. Where do you buy them?
Some Susan: ______ of them are from Suguo Supermarket and some from the shop near our school. ______ some some Tom: Could you buy ______ for me? I also need ______ but I am very busy today.
1. I go to school by bus.
How do you go to school?
2. She is twelve.
How old is she?
3. Jim plays with his dog for about two hours on Sunday.
How long does Jim play with his dog on Sunday?
some some Lucy: I have _____ pies. Would you like ______ pies?
Sandy: Yes, please. Lucy: Here you are.
Sandy: Oh, that’s very kind of you! Do you have any milk _____
• 5.Daniel is in the kitchen.
Where is Daniel? • 6.We celebrate Christmas by giving presents.
How do you celebrate Christmas ? • 7.My birthday is on 14th August. When is your birthday? • 8.I buy mooncakes because the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Why do you buy mooncakes? 9.We eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival. What do you eat at Dragon Boat Festival?
(Special questions)
疑问代词/副词(what, who, which, whom, whose, when, how, why, where ) + 动词 be/助动词do/情态 动词can+ 主语 + 动词。
回答时不用yes 或no,而要根据实际情 况回答。
what----Activity or thing (对行为和事物提问)。
e.g . 1. “What are you talking about?”
“We are talking about our family.”
“我们在谈论我们 的家庭情况。” 2. “What is your name?”