关键词:C语言;特点;指针;字符串;结构1 引言21世纪是计算机信息化的时代。
2 C语言的特点在计算机逐渐普及的今天,C语言的运用仍然具有十分广阔的应用领域,并且逐渐成为近几年高级程序设计中较为流行的设计语言之一。
该书由著名编程大师Brian W.Kernighan和Dennis M.Ritchie合著,是一本关于C语言程序设计的典型参考书。
该书由著名程序设计专家Brian W.Kernighan和Rob Pike合著,是一本关于C语言高级程序设计的参考书。
三、《The C++ Programming Language》
该书由著名编程大师Bjarne Stroustrup著,是一本关于C++编程语言的参考书。
877 c语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用参考书目
877 c语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用参考书目
2.C 语言程序设计的参考书目
在计算机科学的领域中,C 语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用是两个非常重要的主题。
2.C 语言程序设计的参考书目
以下是一些建议的C 语言程序设计的参考书目:
- 《C 程序设计语言》(K&R C):这本书被广泛认为是学习C 语言的经典教材,它由Brian Kernighan 和Dennis Ritchie 共同撰写。
- 《C Primer Plus》:这本书是一本较为全面的C 语言入门教材,适合初学者使用。
- 《C 语言程序设计教程》:这本书由清华大学出版社推出,适合有一定编程基础的读者学习。
- 《数据库系统概念》:这本书是数据库领域的经典教材,由C.J.Date 撰写,涵盖了数据库系统的基本概念和原理。
- 《数据库原理与设计》:这本书由清华大学出版社推出,适合初学者学习数据库设计的基本原理和方法。
- 《SQL 基础教程》:这本书是一本较为实用的SQL 教程,适合学习数据库查询语言的读者。
主要参考文献[1]Jeannette M. Wing. Computational Thinking[J]. Communications of the ACM,2006,49(3): 33—35.[2]孙家广.计算机科学的变革[M].中国计算机学会通讯[M],2009,5(2):6—9.[3]陈国良,董荣胜.计算思维与大学计算机基础教育[M].中国大学教学2011.[4]孙连科,许薇薇.C程序设计[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2013.[5]曹哲,刘军,等.C语言程序设计[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2013.[6]陈明晰,谢蓉蓉.C程序设计[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2013.[7]王曙燕,曹锰,王春梅,等.C语言程序设计[M].北京:科学出版社,2008.[8]刘志铭,杨丽,等.C语言入门经典[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2013.[9]杨路明.C语言程序设计教程[M].北京:北京邮电大学出版社,2011.[10]孔浩,张华杰,陈猛.C指针编程之道[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2011.[11]侯俊杰,深入浅出MFC[M].武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2001.[12]David JKnglinski,Scot Wingo.Visual C++6.0技术内幕(第5版)[M].北京:希望电子出版社,2001.[13]鲍有文,等.C程序设计(二级)样题汇编[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2000.[14]陈维兴,林小茶.C++面向对象程序设计教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2002.[15]成岩,周露,杨嘉伟.C++语言与应用基础[M].北京:科学出版社,2002.[16]冯博琴,刘路放.精讲多练C语言[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社,1997.[17]高枚,杨志强,许丽华.C语言程序设计教程[M].上海:同济大学出版社,2001.[18]顾元刚等.C语言程序设计教程[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2004.[19]黄维通,姚瑞霞.Visual C++程序设计教程[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2001.[20]李春葆.C程序设计教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2004.[21]李凤霞.C语言程序设计教程[M].北京:北京理工大学出版社,2001.[22]李剑.Visual C++.NET实用教程[M].北京:人民邮电出版社,2002.[23]刘加海.高级语言程序设计[M].浙江:浙江大学出版社,2002.[24]卢凤双,张律.C语言程序设计案例教程[M].北京:北京科海电子出版社,2002.[25]齐勇等.C语言程序设计[M].修订本.西安:西安交通大学出版社,1999.[26]谭浩强.C程序设计(第二版)[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2002.[27]王斌君,卢安国.面向对象的方法学与C++语言[M].西安:西北大学出版社,2000.[28]杨健霑.C语言程序设计[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社,2002.[29]姚庭宝.C语言及编程技巧[M].长沙:国防科技大学出版社,2001.[30]张毅坤,曹锰,张亚玲,等.C语言程序设计教程[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社,2003.[31]郑莉,刘慧宁,孟威.C++程序设计教程[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2001.[32]Consor Sexton.C++简明教程[M].张红译.北京:机械工业出版社,1998.372。
参考文献1:C Primer Plus作者:Stephen Prata 出版年份:2013年这本书是C语言学习和参考的经典之作。
参考文献2:C Programming Absolute Beginner’s Guide作者:Greg Perry、Dean Miller 出版年份:2013年这本书适合初学者,尤其是没有编程经验的读者。
参考文献3:C Programming Language作者:Brian W. Kernighan、Dennis M. Ritchie 出版年份:1988年这本书是C语言的经典之作,由C语言的创始人之一Dennis M. Ritchie和著名计算机科学家Brian W. Kernighan共同编写。
此外,该书还介绍了C 语言的一些高级特性和编程技巧,为读者在课程设计中提供了很多灵感和技术支持。
参考文献4:The C Programming Language (ANSI C Version)作者:Brian W. Kernighan、Dennis M. Ritchie 出版年份:1988年这本书是前面提到的《C Programming Language》的ANSI C版本。
四、教学资源为了支持教学内容和教学方法的实施,丰富学生的学习体验,我们将选择和准备以下教学资源:1.教材:《C程序设计语言》(K&R)、《C Primer Plus》等。
877 c语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用参考书目
877 c语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用参考书目
1.介绍C 语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用
C 语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用是计算机科学中非常重要的两个领域。
C 语言是一种广泛使用的编程语言,其良好的性能和灵活性使其成为许多其他编程语言的基础。
对于学习C 语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用的学生和专业人士来说,选择一本好的参考书是非常重要的。
1.《C 程序设计语言》(K&R C):由Brian W.Kernighan 和Dennis M.Ritchie 编写,是C 语言程序设计的经典教材。
2.《C Primer Plus》:由Stephen Prata 编写,是一本全面的C 语言入门教材,适合初学者使用。
3.《数据库系统概念》:由C.J.Date 编写,是数据库领域的经典教材,详细介绍了数据库系统的基本概念和原理。
4.《数据库原理与设计》:由Steve Heller、Jiawei Han 和James
F.Naughton 编写,是一本数据库设计的教材,涵盖了数据库设计的基本原则和方法。
以上参考书目都是各自领域内的经典之作,对于学习和理解C 语言程序设计和数据库原理及应用有很大的帮助。
二、C语言参考文献2018以后的整理1. 《C程序设计语言(第3版)》作者:(美)Brian W. Kernighan (美)Dennis M. Ritchie出版社:人民邮电出版社出版时间:2018-07简介:本书是C语言经典著作的第三版,全面介绍了C语言的基本概念、语法和常用函数库。
2. 《C和指针》作者:Kenneth Reek出版社:机械工业出版社出版时间:2019-05简介:本书对C语言中的指针概念进行了全面解析,包括指针的定义、运算和应用等方面。
3. 《C Primer Plus(第6版)》作者:Stephen Prata出版社:机械工业出版社出版时间:2018-11简介:本书是C语言入门经典教材的第六版,全面介绍了C语言的基本知识和应用技巧。
4. 《C语言程序设计教程》作者:(俄罗斯)Yakov Perelman出版社:电子工业出版社出版时间:2018-08简介:本书是C语言程序设计教程的经典教材,全面介绍了C语言程序设计的基本概念、语法和应用。
5. 《The C Programming Language(ANSI C Version)》作者:(美)Brian W. Kernighan (美)Dennis M. Ritchie出版社:Prentice Hall出版时间:2018-09简介:本书是C语言经典著作的ANSI C版本,全面介绍了C语言的基本知识和应用技巧。
附件一外文原文Object-Orientation and C++C++ is just one of many programming languages in use today. Why are there so many languages? Why do new ones appear every few years? Programming languages have evolved to help programmers ease the transition from design to implementation. The first programming languages were very dependent on the underlying machine architecture. Writing programs at this level of detail is very cumbersome. Just as hardware engineers learned how to build computer systems out of other components, language designers also realized that programs could be written at a much higher level, thereby shielding the programmer from the details of the underlying machine.Why are there such a large number of high-level programming languages? There are languages for accessing large inventory databases, formatting financial reports, controlling robots on the factory floor, processing lists, controlling satellites in real time, simulating a nuclear reactor, predicting changing atmospheric conditions, playing chess, and drawing circuit boards. Each of these problems requires different sets of data structures and algorithms. Programming languages are tools to help us solve problems. However, there is not one programming language that is best for every type of problem. New programming languages are often developed to provide better tools for solving a particular class of problems. Other languages are intended to be useful for a variety of problem domains and are more general purpose.Each programming language imparts a particular programming style or design philosophy on its programmers. With the multitude of programming languages available today, a number of such design philosophies have emerged. These design philosophies, called programming paradigms, help us to think about problems andformulate solutions.1.Software Design through ParadigmsWhen designing small computer programs or large software systems, we often have a mental model of the problem we are trying to solve. How do we devise a mental model of a software system? Programming paradigms offer many different ways of designing and thinking about software systems. A paradigm can be thought of as a mental model or as a framework for designing and describing a software system's structure. The model helps us think about and formulate solutions.We can use the mental model of a paradigm independently from the programming language chosen for implementation. However, when the chosen language provides constructs and mechanisms that are similar to those that are found in the paradigm, the implementation will be more straightforward. Usually, there are several languages that belong to a paradigm. For this reason, a programming paradigm is also considered a class of languages.A language does not have to fit into just one paradigm. More often, languages provide features or characteristics from several paradigms. Hybrid languages, such as C++, combine characteristics from two or more paradigms. C++ includes characteristics from the imperative and procedural paradigms -- just like its predecessor language, C -- and the object-oriented paradigm.THE IMPERATIVE PARADIGM. The imperative paradigm is characterized by an abstract model of a computer with a large memory store. This is the classic von Neumann model of computer architecture. Computations, which consist of a sequence of commands, are stored as encoding within the store. Commands enable the machineto find solutions using assignment to modify the store, variables to read the store, arithmetic and logic to evaluate expressions, and conditional branching to control the flow of execution.THE PROCEDURAL PARADIGM. The procedural paradigm includes the imperative paradigm, but extends it with an abstraction mechanism for generalizing commands and expressions into procedures. Parameters, which are essentially aliases for a portion of the store, were also introduced by this paradigm. Other features include iteration, recursion, and selection. Most mainstreams programming today is done in a procedural language.The procedural paradigm was the first paradigm to introduce the notion of abstraction into program design. The purpose of abstraction in programming is to separate behavior from implementation. Procedures are a form of abstraction. The procedure performs some task or function. Other parts of the program call the procedure, knowing that it will perform the task correctly and efficiently, but without knowing exactly how the procedure is implemented.THE PROCEDURAL PARADIGM WITH ADTs.DATA ABSTRACTION is concerned with separating the behavior of a data object from its representation or implementation. For example, a stack contains the operations Push, Pop, and IsEmpty. A stack object provides users with these operations, but does not reveal how the stack is actually implemented. The stack could be implemented using an array or a list. Users of the stack object do not care how the stack is implemented, only that it performs the above operations correctly and efficiently. Because the underlying implementation of the data object is hidden from its users, the implementation can easily be changed without affecting the programs that use it.When we design algorithms, we often need a particular data type to use in order to carry out the algorithm's operations. The design of an algorithm is easier if we simply specify the data types of the variables, without worrying about how the actual data type is implemented. We describe the data type by its properties and operations and assume that whatever implementation is chosen, the operations will work correctly and efficiently. Types defined in this way are called ABSTRACT DATA TYPES (ADTs).The use of abstract data types makes the design of the algorithm more general, and allows us to concentrate on the algorithm at hand without getting bogged down in implementation details. After the algorithms have been designed, the actual data types will need to be implemented, along with the algorithms. Recently, procedural languages have been extended to support the definition of new data types and provide facilities for data abstraction.THE OBJECT-ORIENTED PARADIGM. The object- oriented paradigm retains much of the characteristics of the procedural paradigm, since procedures are still the primary form for composing computations. However, rather than operate on abstract values, programs in the object-oriented paradigm operate on objects. An object is very similar to an abstract data type and contains data as well as procedures.There are three primary characteristics of the object-oriented paradigm. We have already described the first, ENCAPSULATION, the mechanism for enforcing data abstraction. The second characteristic is INHERITANCE. Inheritance allows new objects to be created from existing, more general ones. The new object becomes a specialized version of the general object. New objects need only provide the methods or data that differ because of the specialization. When an object is created (or derived) from another object, it is said to inherit the methods and data of the parent object, and includes anynew representations and new or revised methods added to it.The third and final characteristic of object-oriented programming is POLYMORPHISM. Polymorphism allows many different types of objects to perform the same operation by responding to the same message. For example, we may have a collection of objects which can all perform a sort operation. However, we do not know what types of objects will be created until run-time. Object-oriented languages contain mechanisms for ensuring that each sort message is sent to the right object.Encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism are considered the fundamental characteristics of object-oriented programming and all object-oriented languages must provide these characteristics in some way. Not surprisingly, languages support these characteristics in very different ways. Smalltalk, C++, Objective-C, and Lisp with CLOS (the Common Lisp Object System) are all examples of object-oriented languages, and each provides support for encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.Constructing an object-oriented program involves determining the objects that are needed to solve the problem. The objects are then used to construct computations that define the behavior of the software system. Message passing is the fundamental interaction mechanism among objects. Messages (from other objects or programs) are sent to objects to inform them to perform one of their operations.Objects are responsible for maintaining the state of their data. Only the object may modify its internal data. Objects may themselves be implemented via other sub-objects. Implementing an object involves a recursive process of breaking it into sub-objects until at some level the objects and methods defined on them are primitives. At this point, the methods and data consist of elements that can be implemented using the basic constructs provided by the programming language.One of the most important aspects of the object-oriented paradigm is how it changes our way of thinking about software systems. Systems are thought of as consisting of individual entities that are responsible for carrying out their own operations. Each object is conceived and implemented as self-contained. Such a model facilitates software design (and later implementation) because objects often model conceptual real-world entities. Designing systems using the object-oriented paradigm results in software systems that behave and appear more like their real-life counterparts.2. The Object-Oriented Characteristics of C++ENCAPSULATION in C++. C++ extends C with a facility for defining new data types.A class is like a C struct, but contains data as well as methods. In addition, C++ provides different levels of access to the members of a class in order to control how the members of a class can be manipulated from outside the class.Recall that the importance of data abstraction is to hide the implementation details of a data object from the user. The user only accesses the object through its PUBLIC INTERFACE. A C++ class consists of a public and private part. The public part provides the interface to the users of the class, while the private part can only be used by the functions that make up the class.C++ provides keywords to indicate which members of a class are hidden and which are part of its public interface. The members of the hidden implementation are marked in sections beginning with the keyword private. The public interface part of the class follows the keyword public. By default, the declarations within a class are private, meaning that only the member functions (and friends) of the class have access to them.A class definition does not allocate any memory. Memory is allocated when an arrayobject is created through a variable declaration. Constructors and destructors provide the initialization and clean up of an object. When an object is declared, the constructor is called to initialize the memory used by the object. The destructor performs any clean-up for the object when the object goes out of scope and is destroyed.Note that we didn't really hide the implementation details from the user. C++ does not provide a way to completely exclude all of the details of the underlying implementation, since the private part of the class must be included with the class definition it is useful to relax the access to variables within a class, particularly under inheritance. Often derived classes need easy access to the private members of their parent classes. C++ defines the keyword protected for this purpose. Protected members can be accessed by the member functions of a class as well as by member functions of derived classes. However, like private members, protected members cannot be accessed by user programs.One final note about objects. Recall that message passing is the fundamental means for communication among objects. When we write i < () we are effectively sending a message to the a2 array object to determine the size of the array and return it. In actuality, no message is really sent. C++ emulates message passing through the use of function calls. The compiler ensures us that the correct function will be called for the desired object. So, in C++ you can think of message passing as function calls.Object-orientation has become a buzzword with many meanings. It is a design methodology, a paradigm (a way of thinking about problems and finding solutions), and a form of programming. As a design methodology, we can use object-oriented techniques to design software systems. But it is more than a design methodology, it is a whole new way of thinking about problems. Object-oriented design allows us to thinkabout the actual real-world entities of the problem we are attempting to provide a solution for. Beginning the design with concepts from the real- world problem domain allows the same concepts to be carried over to implementation, making the design and implementation cycle more seamless.Once a design has been conceived, a programming language can be chosen for implementation. By factoring out the inheritance relationships from the object hierarchies discovered during design, one can even implement the system in a traditional, non- object-oriented language. However, using an object-oriented language, such as C++, makes it easier to realize the design into an implementation because the inherent relationships among objects can be directly supported in the language.Languages such as C++ are considered hybrid languages because they are multi-paradigm languages. C++ is an object- oriented extension of C and can be used as a procedural language or as an object-oriented language. In this issue, we continue our tour of the object-oriented features of C++.3. The Object-Oriented Features of C++INHERITANCE in C++. One of the major strengths of any object-oriented programming language is the ability to build other classes from existing classes, thereby reusing code. Inheritance allows existing types to be extended to an associated collection of sub-types.Recall that one of the key actions of object-oriented design is to identify real-world entities and the relationships among them. When a software system is designed, a variety of objects arise, which may be related in one way or another. Some classes may not be related at all. Many times it makes sense to organize the object classes into aninheritance hierarchy. Organizing a set of classes into a class hierarchy requires that we understand the relationships among the classes in detail. Not all class relationships dictate that inheritance be used.C++ provides three forms of inheritance: public, private, and protected. These different forms are used for different relation- ships between objects. To illustrate these different types of inheritance, let's look at several different class relationships.The first relationship is the IS-A relationship. This type of relationship represents a specialization between types or classes. IS-A inheritance holds for two classes if the objects described by one class belongs to the set of objects described by the other more general class. The IS-A relationship is the traditional form of inheritance called subtyping. The subtype is a specialization of some more general type known as the supertype. In C++, the supertype is called the base class and the subtype the derived class.To implement the IS-A relationship in C++ we use public inheritance. When public inheritance is used the public parts of the base class become public in the derived class and the protected parts of the base class become protected in the derived class.To implement the HAS-A relationship in C++ we use either composition or private inheritance. For example, a stack can be implemented using an array. We can either use the stack as a data member (composition) or derive the stack class from the array class using private inheritance.It is also possible to use inheritance to achieve a containership relationship between two classes. Private inheritance is used when the inheritance is not part of the interface; the base class is an implementation detail. Under private inheritance, the public and protected parts of the base class become part of the private part of the derived class. Users of the derived class cannot access any of the base class interface. However,member functions of the derived class are free to use the public and private parts of the base class. When used this way, users cannot write code that depends on the inheritance. This is a powerful way of preserving your ability to change the implementation to a different base class.One other form of inheritance, which is very rarely used is protected inheritance. Protected inheritance is also used to implement HAS-A relationships. When protected inheritance is used, the public and protected parts of the base class become protected in the derived class. So, you may wish to use protected inheritance when the inheritance is part of the interface to derived classes, but not part of the interface to the users. A protected base class is almost like a private base class, except the interface is known to derived classes.It is best to use composition where possible. In cases where you must override functions in a base class then by all means use inheritance. Only use public inheritance if your derived class is indeed a specialization of the base class, otherwise, private inheritance should be used. Needlessly using inheritance makes your system harder to understand.In summary, a class specifies two interfaces: one to the users of the class (the public interface) and another to implementers of derived classes (the union of public and protected parts). Inheritance works almost identically. When the inheritance is public, the public interface of the base class becomes part of the public interface to users of the derived class. When the inheritance is protected, the public and protected parts of the base class are accessible to the member functions (the implementation) of the derived classes, but not to general users of the derived classes. Finally, when inheritance is private, the public and protected parts of the base class are only accessible to theimplementer of the class, but not to users or derived classes.POLYMORPHISM in C++. Polymorphism is the last of the three fundamental primitives of object-oriented programming and the most important. Together with inheritance, polymorphism brings the most power, in terms of run-time flexibility, to object-oriented programming. Polymorphism, which means many forms, provides a generic software interface so that a collection of different types of objects may be manipulated uniformly. C++ provides three different types of polymorphism: virtual functions, function name overloading, and operator overloading.The virtual function mechanism can only be invoked through the use of a base class reference or pointer.Recall that a base class pointer can point to an object of the base type or an object of any type that is derived from the base class.Virtual functions are also used to implement the logic gate hierarchy .The class gate is an abstract base class at the root of the inheritance hierarchy. A class is considered abstract when some of its virtual member functions do not have an implementation. These functions are assigned to be zero in the class classes must provide implementations for them.Another form of polymorphism found in C++ is function overloading. A function is said to be overloaded when it is declared more than once in a program. Overloading allows a set of functions that perform a similar operation to be collected under the same name. When there are several declarations of the same function, the compiler determines which function should be called by examining the return type and argument signature of the function call.When we define new data types, it is often useful to define standard operations thatare found in similar types. For example, a complex type also has addition and subtraction defined for it. We can use operator overloading so that the addition (`+') and subtraction (`-') operators work for complex objects just as they do for ints and floats.Operators are defined in much the same was as normal C++ functions and can be members or non-members of a class. Operators take one or two arguments and are called unary and binary operators accordingly. In C++, a member operator function is defined like an ordinary member function, but the name is prefixed with the keyword operator.C++ places a number of restrictions on operator overloading. Only the pre-defined set of C++ operators may be overloaded. It is illegal to define a new operator and then overload it. You cannot turn a unary operator into a binary operator or vice versa. Also, the following operators cannot be overloaded: scope operator (`::'), member object selection operator (`.*'), class object selector operator (`.'), and the arithmetic if operator (`?:').In the last two issues of ObjectiveViewPoint we have looked at how C++ supports the object-oriented paradigm.附件二外文资料翻译译文面向对象和C++C++是目前所利用的众多编程语言中的一种。
1. 《C语言程序设计实践教程》:这本书通过丰富的案例和实验,引导读者逐步掌握C语言的基本语法和编程技巧。
2. 《数据结构实践教程(C语言版)》:这本书结合实际应用,介绍了各种数据结构的基本概念和实现方法,并提供了大量的实验和案例分析。
3. 《单片机C语言实践教程》:这本书以单片机为应用背景,通过实例和
c 课程设计文献一、教学目标本课程的教学目标是让学生掌握C语言的基本语法、数据类型、运算符、控制结构、函数等基础知识,培养学生具备基本的编程能力和逻辑思维能力,使学生能够运用C语言解决简单的问题。
c语言数据结构和算法的书 -回复
1. 《数据结构(C语言版)》:严蔚敏、吴伟民著。
2. 《算法导论》:Thomas H. Cormen等著。
3. 《C和指针》:Kenneth A. Reek著。
4. 《C专家编程》:Peter van der Linden著。
5. 《C陷阱与缺陷》:Andrew Koenig, Barbara E. Moo著。
1. 《数据结构(C语言版)》- 邓俊辉:该书以C语言为例,
2. 《C和指针》- 金融派生物联合编写:该书介绍了C语言的
3. 《数据结构与算法分析—C语言描述》- Clifford A. Shaffer:该书全面介绍了数据结构和算法的基本概念和设计原则,包括数组、链表、树、图等,同时还给出了C语言实现的示例代码。
4. 《算法导论》- Thomas H. Cormen等:该书是计算机科学领
5. 《C语言实现数据结构》- Yoneda Sasaki,Robert L. Probert:该书通过具体的例子和实践演示了如何使用C语言来实现各
1. 简洁高效:C语言的语法简洁明了,易于学习和理解。
2. 可移植性强:C语言的编译器可以在各种不同的操作系统和硬件平
3. 支持底层编程:C语言可以直接访问计算机的底层硬件,因此可以
4. 丰富的库函数:C语言提供了大量的标准库函数,包括输入输出、
5. 面向过程的编程:C语言是一种面向过程的编程语言,它强调程序
6. 可扩展性强:C语言可以通过各种方式进行扩展,如使用宏定义、
1、谭浩强编著, C程序设计 1991年7月2、裘宗燕著,从问题到程序科学出版社,北京大学出版社,1999年4月。
8、《Turbo C 2.0实用大全》,常玉龙等编写,北京航空航天大学出版社,1994年9月。
12、《C语言编程常见问题解答》,[美]Paul S. R. Chishohm等著,张芳妮吕波译,清华大学出版社,11996年12月。
原创C语言课程设计参考文献有哪些1. Kernighan, B. W., & Ritchie, D. M. (1988). The C programming language. Prentice-Hall.《The C Programming Language》是由Kernighan和Ritchie于1978年编写的一本经典C语言教材。
2. Prata, S. (2013). C primer plus. Pearson Education.《C Primer Plus》是一本面向初学者的C语言教材,由Stephen Prata编写。
《C Primer Plus》是一本很好的参考书,可以帮助读者快速入门C语言的学习。
3. Deitel, H. M., & Deitel, P. (2018). C++ how to program. Pearson.《C++ How to Program》是C语言教材的经典之作,由Deitel兄弟编写。
4. Ritchie, D. M. (1993). The development of the C language. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 28(3), 201-208.这篇经典论文是C语言的设计者Ritchie介绍C语言发展历程的重要文章。
8、《Turbo C 2.0实用大全》,常玉龙等编写,北京航空航天大学出版社,1994年9月。
12、《C语言编程常见问题解答》,[美]Paul S. R. Chishohm等著,张芳妮吕波译,清华大学出版社,11996年12月。
13、《The C Programming Language》,by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie.,Pubilished by Prentice-Hall in 1988。
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