


(2)同一组等产量线中任两条不能相交; (3)斜率一般为负,为边际技术替代率。 生产中的无差异曲线,表示客观的产量。表
3、边际技术替代率 (MRTS)
在维持产量水平不变的条件下,增加一 单位某种生产要素投入量时所减少的另一 种要素的投入数量。实际上是等产量曲线 的斜率。
两个要素变化,其它要素不变 Q = f( 2个变动要素 )
QQ1 2
二、一种变动投入的生产函数 ——短期生产函数
以一元生产函数分析一种可变生产要素的生产,考察 短期生产的规律和生产不同阶段的特点;
(一)形式 (二)总产量、平均产量和边际产量 (三)要素报酬递减规律 (四)生产要素合理的投入区域。
利润=总收入(产出量与其价格之积)-总成本(使用的生产 要素数量与其价格之积)
2.生产要素:是指从事生产所必须投入的各种人力、物力、财 力等经济资源。包括四种:土地、资本、劳动、企业家才能。
第一节 厂 商
一 、生 产
造具有效用的商品或劳 务的过程,也就是把生 产要素或资源变为商品 或劳务的过程。也称为 把投入(input)变为产 出(output)的过程。


注意:在既定的技术条件下,生产函数是确定的,技术条件变化,生 产函数会相应变化。 对固定投入比例函数,要素配合比例是固定不变的,各种要素彼此不 能替代,因此产量的变动在各要素既定比例的变化中实现。
固定投入比例的生产函数:表示在每一个产量水平上任何一对要 素投入量的比例都是固定不变的。用函数式表示: Q=min(
Q=f(L, K )
我们现在来考察一下,当资本固定不变,而劳动投入可变的情 况下,厂商如何通过增加劳动投入来提高产量。
总产量:使用一定量的某种要素投入所获得的产量总和。即 TPL=Q=f(L)=APL•L 平均产量:平均每单位变动要素投入所能生产的产量。即 APL=TPL/L= f(L)/L 边际产量:每增加一单位变动要素投入所增加的总产量。即 MPL=TPL/L或MPL = dTPL/dL
MPL MPK 即: w r MPK r
5. 生产要素的最优组合

w r MPK r
MPL w5. Leabharlann 产要素的最优组合当 MP w

MP r
时,说明一单位成本的 支出,用
来购买劳动所得的边际 产量大于用来购买资本 获得的边际产量,因此 ,厂商会扩大劳动投入 量,减少资本投入量, 直到 MP w
例如:农业生产中劳动量、水 或者肥料等要素的投入。 原因:任何一种产品的生产技 术都要求各个要素投入之间有 适当的比例,这意味着要素之 间的替代是有限制的。
5 4 3



Actual Price 27$
Quantity demanded 6
A Demand Curve
Actual Price
Quantity Demanded

The Demand Curve
Demand Curve: Relationship between the quantity of a good that buyers are willing to buy and the price of the good. The demand curve slopes downward
Buyers always have budget constraints in terms of money Buyer Choices: Given their self-interest and limited budget, buyers choose to purchase goods that maximize their benefit per unit of money.
The necessary condition for buyer to purchase additional one unit of good X
MU X ( X , Y ) PX PY MUY ( X , Y )
The necessary condition for seller to produce or sell additional one unit of good Y
Part 2
Analysis of Competitive Markets
Chapter 4: Supply and Demand Chapter 5: The Efficiency Analysis of Competitive Markets





A CTI V E L E A R N I N G1:Demand curve A.The price of iPodsfallsB.The price of musicdownloads fallsC.The price ofcompact discs falls17Draw a demand curve for music downloads. What happens to it in each of the following scenarios? Why?A C T I V E L E A R N I N G1:A. price of iPods falls 18Price ofmusicdown-loadsQuantity ofmusic downloadsA C TI V E L E A R N I N G1:B. price of music downloads falls 19Price ofmusicdown-loadsQuantity ofmusic downloads A C T I V E LE A R N I N G 1: C. price of CDs falls 20Price ofmusicdown-loadsQuantity ofmusic downloadsA CTIV E L E A R N I N G2:Supply curve 33Draw a supply curve for taxreturn preparation software.What happens to it in eachof the following scenarios?A.Retailers cut the price ofthe software.B. A technological advanceallows the software to beproduced at lower cost.C.Professional tax return preparers raise the price of the services they provide. A C T I V E L E A R N I N G2:A. fall in price of tax return software 34Price oftax returnsoftwareQuantity of taxreturn softwareA CTI V E L E A R N I N G2:B. fall in cost of producing the software 35Price oftax returnsoftwareQuantity of taxreturn software A C T I V E L E A R N I N G2:C. professional preparers raise their price 36Price oftax returnsoftwareQuantity of taxreturn softwareACTIV E L E A R N I N G3:Changes in supply and demand 54Use the three-step method to analyze the effects of each event on the equilibrium price and quantity of music downloads.Event A: A fall in the price of compact discsEvent B: Sellers of music downloads negotiate areduction in the royalties they must payfor each song they sell.Event C: Events A and B both occur.5556A C T I V E L E A R NI N G 3: C. fall in price of CDs AND fall in cost of royalties 57。

西方经济学 微观部分 第四章 效用Ch04_Utility

西方经济学  微观部分  第四章   效用Ch04_Utility

Utility Functions
• U(x1,x2) = x1x2, so U(2,3) = 6 > U(4,1) = U(2,2) = 4; that is, (2,3) (4,1) ~ (2,2).
Utility Functions
• U(x1,x2) = x1x2 • Define V = U2. (2,3) (4,1) ~ (2,2).
Utility Functions & Indiff. Curves
Utility Functions & Indiff. Curves
• An indifference curve contains equally preferred bundles.
• Equal preference same utility level. • Therefore, all bundles in an indifference curve have the same utility level.
Utility Functions & Indiff. Curves
Utility U6 U5 U4 U3 U2 U1 x1
• Comparing all possible consumption bundles gives the complete collection of the consumer’s indifference curves, each with its assigned utility level. • This complete collection of indifference curves completely represents the consumer’s preferences.



因此,研究消费者行为理论就是要研究消 费者如何用自己有限的收入获得最大化效 用,即使自己的欲望得到最大的满足。因 此,消费者行为理论也叫做效用理论。在 西方经济学理论中,对消费者行为的研究 采用了两种不同的分析方法:一种是以基 数效用论为基础的边际效用分析;一种是 以序数效用论为基础的无差异曲线分析。 现代西方经济学界,比较流行的是无差异 曲线分析。
总效用(total utility,简记为TU)是指消费者在 一个特定时间内消费一定数量的某种商品所获得 的满足程度的总和。
边际效用(marginal utility,简记为MU)是指消
4.1 基数效用理论
4.1.1效用的涵义 ❖ 效用大小的测度 ❖ 消费者消费某种商品或劳务能满足欲望的程度高
就是效用大,反之,就是效用小。因此,这里说 的效用不同于商品的使用价值。 ❖ 十九世纪和二十世纪初流行于西方的基数效用论 认为,效用可以用基数(1,2,3,…)来衡量, 计算效用大小的单位被称为效用单位(util)。
一个饲养牲畜的农民有比他自己需要消费 的更多的动物要屠宰,除了由它们所得到 的货币以外,边际效用是很低的或者是负 的。同样,一个面包师有很多的面包,以 至于除了他自己消费的以外,每只面包的 边际效用是很低的或者是负的。面包和肉 进行交换使得双方都可以得到比他们自己 原来的产品能够提供的更多的边际效用的 产品。
如果总效用函数为多元函数, TU=f(X,Y,Z…)则可假定



证伪主义的 普遍化
分析工具的 数理化
布劳格在其《经济学方法论》中将20世纪经济学方法的演变历史归纳为一句话:“证伪主义者,整个20世纪 的故事”(注:〔英〕马克·布劳格:《经济学方法论》,北京大学出版社1990年版)。发生于19世纪的证伪主 义与实证主义的较量,同样贯穿于20世纪经济学发展的始终。
博弈论重塑了微观经济学的独占理论。对外部性问题的忽略是古典经济致命的缺陷,从而对外部性问题的研 究大大促进微观经济学的发展。从古诺、贝特朗到张伯伦,经济学家逐步认识到:现实中绝大多数市场竞争需要 用寡占理论解释。
经济社会中,每个人都是根据他所掌握的信息作出决策。但非对称信息环境是常态。所谓非对称信息环境, 指的是一些人具有他人不掌握的信息。信息经济学研究的就是非对称信息下行为个体的最优决策,主要研究两方 面问题,一是不完全信息下的经济分析,核心是“信息成本”和最优信息搜寻;二是非对称信息下的经济分析。
显示偏好理论是由萨缪尔逊率先提出的,后经霍撒克(H·S·Houthakker)、里克特(M·K·Richer)等 人的补充逐步成体系。它的产生导源于传统需求理论的效用不可检测性。在传统的微观需求理论中,消费者实现 效用最大化商品组合的选择行为,只有在消费者效用函数已知且具有良好性质时才易分析。但实际生活中却并非 如此,因为效用或偏好不能被直接观察、能直接被观察的只是消费者的选择行为。如果能找到选择行为与偏好之 间的某种关系,进而言之,如果消费者的“选择”能显示“偏好”,那么,需求理论和偏好理论就可建立在可观 察的消费者行为的基础上,这就为检验消费者行为与最大化公理的一致性提供了可能。显示偏好理论的基本思想 正在于此。
在风险大量存在的市场上,如何有效选择资产征状组合以回避风险就变得十分重要,因此,对保险市场、证 券市场、期货合同等问题的研究,就成为微观经济理论一个十分活跃的分支。尤其是20世纪60、70年代以来,随 着认知心理学和其他心理学分支的发展,人们开始对古典经济学理性假设和预期效用理论进行检验,结果发现: 在确定条件下,理性公理假设成立,而在模糊或不确定条件下,人们的行为常常违背公理性假设。

ch04 收入效应与替代效应

ch04 收入效应与替代效应

X2 最初预算线 A D X’2 初始选择 最终选择 最终预算线 移动 转动后的预算线 转动 X’1 B E C X1
纯替代效应是由相对价格变化而引起的 消费需求的变化 讨论纯替代效应的时候要控制实际收入 变化的影响, 变化的影响,即先将这个消费者的收入 调整, 调整,调整后的收入刚好能够按照新的 价格购买原来的消费组合。 价格购买原来的消费组合。
(用绝对量表示的Slutsky方程) 用绝对量表示的Slutsky方程) Slutsky方程
Slutsky方程的推导 方程的推导
∆p1 = −∆m / x1
∆x1 ∆x1 ∆x1 = + ∆p1 ∆p1 ∆p1
s m
得出Slutsky方程 ∆x1 = ∆x1 − ∆x1 x 方程 得出 1
中级微观经济学 Intermediate microeconomics
Lecture 4 替代效应与收入效应
价格效应 Hicks方法 方法 Slutsky方法 方法 几个例子 一般化的Slutsky方程 方程 一般化的
一个商品的价格变化对需求带来的影 价格效应( 响 —— 价格效应(price effect) ) 替代效应( 替代效应(substitution effect) ) 收入效应( 收入效应(income effect) )
替代和收入效 应同方向作用 ,正常商品 替代效应>收入效应 替代效应 收入效应 低档商品 替代效应<收入效应 替代效应 收入效应 吉芬商品
大多数商品是正常商品, 大多数商品是正常商品,替代效应与收 入效应作用方向一致。 入效应作用方向一致。 正常商品的需求曲线是向下倾斜的 (downward slopping)。 )。 需求法则: 需求法则:如果一种商品的需求随着收 入的增加而增加, 入的增加而增加,那么这种商品的需求 一定随着价格的上升而下降。 一定随着价格的上升而下降。
































Ch04 经济增长1一、名词解释索洛增长模型稳定状态资本的黄金规则水平二、选择题1.下面关于资本的边际产量MPK的哪些说法是错误的()A.MPK = f(k + 1) - f(k) B.MPK随K增加而减少C.当资本量低时,MPK很小D.MPK等于生产函数y = f(k)的斜率。

2.如果资本可平均使用50年,那么折旧率为():A.50%,或每年0.5 B.0.5%,或每年0.005C.2%,或每年0.02 D.0.02%,或0.00023.如果生产函数Y = F(K, L)为规模收益不变,那么():A.F(zK, zL) = zY B.F(K/L, 1) = Y/LC.y = f(k), y为每个工人的产出,k为每个工人的资本量D.以上都对4.如果y = k1/2, s = 0.4,折旧率d = 20%,那么稳定状态的人均资本水平为()A.4 B.8 C.2 D.25.资本的黄金规则水平是()的最大化A.人均消费水平B.人均产出C.人均消费增长率D.人均产出增长率6.一个初始处于稳定状态的经济提高储蓄率,到达新的稳定状态后()A.人均产出增长更快于以前B.人均产出水平高于以前C.人均资本不变D.以上都对三、问答题1.为什么一个经济决策者会选择黄金规则的资本水平?2.决策者会选择其资本高于黄金规则稳定状态的稳定状态吗?会选择其资本低于黄金规则稳定状态的稳定状态吗?解释之。








CHAPTER 4 INDIVIDUAL AND MARKET DEMAND1. Explain the difference between each of the following terms:a. a price consumption curve and a demand curve;A price consumption curve identifies the utility maximizing combinations of two goods as the price of one of the goods changes. When the price of one of the goods declines, thebudget line will pivot outwards, and a new utility maximizing bundle will be chosen. Theprice consumption curve connects all such bundles. A demand curve is a graphical relationship between the price of a good and the (utility maximizing) quantity demanded ofa good, all else the same. Price is plotted on the vertical axis and quantity demanded on thehorizontal axis.b. an individual demand curve and a market demand curve;An individual demand curve identifies the (utility maximizing) quantity demanded by oneperson at any given price of the good. A market demand curve is the sum of the individual demand curves for any given product. At any given price, the market demand curveidentifies the quantity demanded by all individuals, all else the same.c. an Engel curve and a demand curve;A demand curve identifies the quantity demanded of a good for any given price, holding income and all else the same. An Engel curve identifies the quantity demanded of a good forany given income, holding prices and all else the same.d. an income effect and a substitution effect;The substitution effect measures the effect of a change in the price of a good on theconsumption of the good, utility held constant. This change in price changes the slope of thebudget line and causes the consumer to rotate along the current indifference curve. The income effect measures the effect of a change in purchasing power (caused by a change inthe price of a good) on the consumption of the good, relative prices held constant. Forexample, an increase in the price of good 1 (on the horizontal axis) will rotate the budget linedown along the indifference curve as the slope of the budget line (the relative price ratio) changes. This is the substitution effect. This new budget line will then shift inwards to reflect the decline in purchasing power caused by the increase in the price of the good. Thisis the income effect.3. Explain whether the following statements are true or false.a. The marginal rate of substitution diminishes as an individual moves downward alongthe demand curve.This is true. The consumer will maximize his utility by choosing the bundle on his budgetline where the price ratio is equal to the MRS. Suppose the consumer chooses the quantity ofgoods 1 and 2 such that P 1P 2MRS . As the price of good 1 falls, the price ratio becomes a smaller number and hence the MRS becomes a smaller number. This means that as the priceof good 1 falls, the consumer is willing to give up fewer units of good 2 in exchange foranother unit of good 1.b. The level of utility increases as an individual moves downward along the demandcurve.This is true. As the price of a good falls, the budget line pivots outwards and the consumer isable to move to a higher indifference curve.c.Engel curves always slope upwards.This is false. The Engel curve identifies the relationship between the quantity demanded of agood and income, all else the same. If the good is inferior, then as income increases, quantitydemanded will decrease, and the Engel curve will slope downwards.5. Which of the following combinations of goods are complements and which are substitutes? Could they be either in different circumstances? Discuss.a. a mathematics class and an economics classIf the math class and the economics class do not conflict in scheduling, then the classes couldbe either complements or substitutes. The math class may illuminate economics, and theeconomics class can motivate mathematics. If the classes conflict, they are substitutes.b. tennis balls and a tennis racketTennis balls and a tennis racket are both needed to play a game of tennis, thus they arecomplements.c. steak and lobsterFoods can both complement and substitute for each other. Steak and lobster can compete, i.e.,be substitutes, when they are listed as separate items on a menu. However, they can alsofunction as complements because they are often served together.d. a plane trip and a train trip to the same destinationTwo modes of transportation between the same two points are substitutes for one another.e. bacon and eggsBacon and eggs are often eaten together and are, therefore, complementary goods. Byconsidering them in relation to something else, such as pancakes, bacon and eggs can functionas substitutes.7. Which of the following events would cause a movement along the demand curve for U.S.-produced clothing, and which would cause a shift in the demand curve?a. the removal of quotas on the importation of foreign clothesThe removal of quotas will shift the demand curve inward for domestically-produced clothes,because foreign-produced goods are substitutes for domestically-produced goods. Both theequilibrium price and quantity will fall as foreign clothes are traded in a free marketenvironment.b. an increase in the income of U.S. citizensWhen income rises, expenditures on normal goods such as clothing increase, causing thedemand curve to shift out. The equilibrium quantity and price will increase.c. a cut in the industry’s costs of producing domestic clothes that is passed on to the market in theform of lower clothing pricesA cut in an industry’s costs will shift the supply curve out. The equilibri um price will fall andquantity will increase. There is a movement along the demand curve.9. Suppose that the average household in a state consumes 800 gallons of gasoline per year. A 20-cent gasoline tax is introduced, coupled with a $160 annual tax rebate per household. Will the household be better or worse off under the new program?If the household does not change its consumption of gasoline, it will be unaffected by the tax-rebate program, because in this case the household pays 0.20*800=$160 in taxes and receives$160 as an annual tax rebate. The two effects would cancel each other out. To the extent thatthe household reduces its gas consumption through substitution, it must be better off. Thenew budget line (price change plus rebate) will pass through the old consumption point of 800gallons of gasoline, and any now affordable bundle that contains less gasoline must be on ahigher indifference curve. The household will not choose any bundle with more gasolinebecause these bundles are all inside the old budget line, and hence are inferior to the bundlewith 800 gallons of gas.11. Explain which of the following items in each pair is more price elastic.a.The demand for a specific brand of toothpaste and the demand for toothpaste in general.The demand for a specific brand is more elastic since the consumer can easily switch toanother brand if the price goes up.b.The demand for gasoline in the short run and the demand for gasoline in the long run.Demand in the long run is more elastic since consumers have had more time to adjust to thechange in price.1. An individual sets aside a certain amount of his income per month to spend on his two hobbies, collecting wine and collecting books. Given the information below, illustrate both the price consumption curve associated with changes in the price of wine, and the demand curve for wine.The price consumption curve connects each of the four optimal bundles given in the tableabove. As the price of wine increases, the budget line will pivot inwards and the optimalbundle will change.4. a. Orange juice and apple juice are known to be perfect substitutes. Draw the appropriate price-consumption (for a variable price of orange juice) and income-consumption curves.We know that the indifference curves for perfect substitutes will be straight lines. In this case,the consumer will always purchase the cheaper of the two goods. If the price of orange juice isless than that of apple juice, the consumer will purchase only orange juice and the priceconsumption curve will be on the “orange juice axis” of the graph (point F). If apple juice ischeaper, the consumer will purchase only apple juice and the price consumption curve will beon the “apple juice axis” (point E). If the two goods have the same price, the consumer will beindifferent between the two; the price consumption curve will coincide with the indifferencecurve (between E and F). See the figure below.Assuming that the price of orange juice is less than the price of apple juice, the consumer willmaximize her utility by consuming only orange juice. As the level of income varies, only theamount of orange juice varies. Thus, the income consumption curve will be the “orange juiceaxis” in the figure below.4.b. Left shoes and right shoes are perfect complements. Draw the appropriate price-consumption and income-consumption curves.For goods that are perfect complements, such as right shoes and left shoes, we know that theindifference curves are L-shaped. The point of utility maximization occurs when the budgetconstraints, L1 and L2 touch the kink of U1 and U2. See the following figure.In the case of perfect complements, the income consumption curve is also a line through thecorners of the L-shaped indifference curves. See the figure below.6. Two individuals, Sam and Barb, derive utility from the hours of leisure (L) they consume and fromthe amount of goods (G) they consume. In order to maximize utility they need to allocate the 24 hours in the day between leisure hours and work hours. Assume that all hours not spent working areleisure hours. The price of a good is equal to $1 and the price of leisure is equal to the hourly wage. We observe the following information about the choices that the two individuals make:Graphically illustrate Sam’s leisure demand curve and Barb’s leisure demand curve. Place price on the vertical axis and leisure on the horizontal axis. Given that they both maximize utility, how can you explain the difference in their leisure demand curves?It is important to remember that less leisure implies more hours spent working at the higher wage. Sam’s leisure demand curve is downward sloping. As the price of leisure (the wage)rises, he chooses to consume less leisure to spend more time working at a higher wage tobuy more goods. Barb’s leisure demand curve is upward sloping. As the price of leisurerises, she chooses to consume more leisure since her working hours are generating more income. This difference in demand can be explained by examining the income andsubstitution effects for the two individuals. The substitution effect measures the effect of thechange in the price of leisure, keeping utility constant (the budget line will rotate around the current indifference curve). Since the substitution effect is always negative, a rise in theprice of leisure will cause both individuals to consume less leisure. The income effectmeasures the change in purchasing power caused by the change in the price of leisure. Here, when the price of leisure (the wage) rises, there is an increase in purchasing power (the newbudget line will shift outwards). Assuming both individuals consider leisure to be a normalgood (this is not a necessary assumption for Sam), then the increase in purchasing powerwill increase demand for leisure. For Sam, the reduction in leisure demand caused by the substitution effect outweighs the increase in demand for leisure caused by the income effect.For Barb, her income effect is larger than her substitution effect.7. The director of a theatre company in a small college town is considering changing the way he prices tickets. He has hired an economic consulting firm to estimate the demand for tickets. The firm has classified people who go the theatre into two groups, and has come up with two demand functions. The demand curves for the general public (Q gp ) and students (Q s ) are given below.Q gp =500-5PQ s =200-4Pa. Graph the two demand curves on one graph, with P on the vertical axis and Q on the horizontal axis. If the current price of tickets is $35, identify the quantity demanded by eachgroup.Both demand curves are downward sloping and linear. For the general public, the vertical intercept is 100 and the horizontal intercept is 500. For the students, the vertical interceptis 50 and the horizontal intercept is 200. The general public demands Q gp =500-5(35)=325tickets and the students demand Q s =200-4(35)=60 tickets.b. Find the price elasticity of demand for each group at the current price and quantity.The elasticity for the general public is εgp=-5(35)325=-0.54 and the elasticity for the students is εgp =-4(35)60=-2.33. If the price of tickets increases by one percent then the general public will demand .54% fewer tickets and the students will demand 2.33% fewertickets.c. Is the director maximizing the revenue he collects from ticket sales by charging $35 for eachticket? Explain.No he is not maximizing revenue since neither one of the calculated elasticities is equal to –1.Since demand by the general public is inelastic at the current price, the director could increase the price and quantity demanded would fall by a smaller amount in percentageterms, causing revenue to increase. Since demand by the students is elastic at the currentprice, the director could decrease the price and quantity demanded would increase by alarger amount in percentage terms, causing revenue to increase.d. What price should he charge each group if he wants to maximize revenue collected from ticketsales?To figure this out, find the formula for elasticity, set it equal to –1, and solve for price and quantity. For the general public:εgp =-5PQ=-15P=Q=500-5PP=50Q=250.For the students:εs =-4PQ=-14P=Q=200-4PP=25Q=100.9. The ACME Corporation determines that at current prices the demand for its computer chips has a price elasticity of -2 in the short run, while the price elasticity for its disk drives is -1.a. If the corporation decides to raise the price of both products by 10 percent, what will happen toits sales? To its sales revenue?We know the formula for the elasticity of demand is:EQP P=%%∆∆.For computer chips, E P = -2, so a 10 percent increase in price will reduce the quantity sold by20 percent. For disk drives, E P = -1, so a 10 percent increase in price will reduce sales by 10percent.Sales revenue is equal to price times quantity sold. Let TR1 = P1Q1 be revenue before the pricechange and TR2 = P2Q2 be revenue after the price change.For computer chips:∆TR cc = P2Q2 - P1Q1∆TR cc= (1.1P1 )(0.8Q1 ) - P1Q1 = -0.12P1Q1, or a 12 percent decline.For disk drives:∆TR dd = P2Q2 - P1Q1∆TR dd = (1.1P1 )(0.9Q1 ) - P1Q1 = -0.01P1Q1, or a 1 percent decline.Therefore, sales revenue from computer chips decreases substantially, -12 percent, while thesales revenue from disk drives is almost unchanged, -1 percent. Note that at the point on thedemand curve where demand is unit elastic, total revenue is maximized.b. Can you tell from the available information which product will generate the most revenue forthe firm? If yes, why? If not, what additional information do you need?No. Although we know the responsiveness of demand to changes in price, we need to knowboth quantities and prices of the products to determine total sales revenue.10. By observing an individual’s behavior in the situations outlined below, determine the relevant income elasticities of demand for each good (i.e., whether the good is normal or inferior). If you cannot determine the income elasticity, what additional information might you need?a. Bill spends all his income on books and coffee. He finds $20 while rummaging through a usedpaperback bin at the bookstore. He immediately buys a new hardcover book of poetry.Books are a normal good since his consumption of books increases with income. Coffee is anormal or neutral good since consumption of coffee did not fall when income increased.b. Bill loses $10 he was going to use to buy a double espresso. He decides to sell his new book at adiscount to his friend and use the money to buy coffee.Coffee is clearly a normal good.c. Being bohemian becomes the latest teen fad. As a result, coffee and book prices rise by 25percent. Bill lowers his consumption of both goods by the same percentage.Books and coffee are both normal goods since his response to a decline in real income is todecrease consumption of both goods.d. Bill drops out of art school and gets an M.B.A. instead. He stops reading books and drinkingcoffee. Now he reads The Wall Street Journal and drinks bottled mineral water.His tastes have changed completely, and we do not know exactly how he would respond toprice and income changes. We need more information regarding his new level of income, andrelative prices of the goods to determine the income elasticities.11. Suppose the income elasticity of demand for food is 0.5, and the price elasticity of demand is –1.0. Suppose also that Felicia spends $10,000 a year on food, the price of food is $2, and her income is $25,000.a.If a sales tax on food were to cause the price of food to increase to $2.50, what wouldhappen to her consumption of food? (Hint: Since a large price change is involved, youshould assume that the price elasticity measures an arc elasticity, rather than a pointelasticity.)The price of food increases from $2 to $2.50, so arc elasticity should be used:.We know that E P = -1, P = 2, ∆P = 0.5, and Q=5000. We also know that Q2, the new quantity, is Thus, if there is no change in income, we may solve for ∆Q:-1=∆Q0.5⎛⎝⎫⎭2+2.525,000+5,000+∆Q()2⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪⎪⎪.By cross-multiplying and rearranging terms, we find that ∆Q = -1,000. This means that she decreases her consumption of food from 5,000 to 4,000 units.b.Suppose that she is given a tax rebate of $2,500 to ease the effect of the sales tax.What would her consumption of food be now?A tax rebate of $2,500 implies an income increase of $2,500. To calculate the response of demand to the tax rebate, use the definition of the arc elasticity of income..We know that E I= 0.5, I = 25,000, ∆I = 2,500, Q = 4,000 (from the answer to 11.a). Assuming no change in price, we solve for ∆Q.0.5=∆Q2,500⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪25,000+27,50024,000+4,000+∆Q()2⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪⎪⎪.By cross-multiplying and rearranging terms, we find that ∆Q= 195 (approximately). This means that she increases her consumption of food from 4,000 to 4,195 units.c.Is she better or worse off when given a rebate equal to the sales tax payments? Draw agraph and explain.Felicia is likely to be better off after the rebate. The amount of the rebate is enough to allow her to purchase her original bundle of food and other goods. Recall that originally she consumed 5000 units of food. When the price went up by fifty cents per unit, she needed an extra 5000*$0.50=$2,500 to afford the same quantity of food without reducing the quantity of the other goods consumed. This is the exact amount of the rebate. However, she did not choose to return to her original bundle. We can therefore infer that she found a better bundle that gave her a higher level of utility. In the graph below, when the price of food increases, the budget line will pivot inwards. When the rebate is given, this new budget line will shift outwards. The bundle after the rebate is on that part of the new budget line that was previously unaffordable, and that lies above the original indifference curve.13. Suppose you are in charge of a toll bridge that costs essentially nothing to operate. The demand for bridge crossings Q is given by P =15-12Q . a. Draw the demand curve for bridge crossings. The demand curve is linear and downward sloping. The vertical intercept is 15 and thehorizontal intercept is 30.b.How many people would cross the bridge if there were no toll? At a price of zero, the quantity demanded would be 30. c. What is the loss of consumer surplus associated with a bridge toll of $5?If the toll is $5 then the quantity demanded is 20. The lost consumer surplus is the area below the price line of $5 and to the left of the demand curve. The lost consumer surplus canbe calculated as (5*20)+0.5(5*10)=$125.d. The toll bridge operator is considering an increase in the toll to $7. At this new higher price, how many people would cross the bridge? Would the toll bridge revenueincrease or decrease? What does your answer tell you about the elasticity of demand?At a toll of $7, the quantity demanded would be 16. The initial toll revenue was $5*20=$100.The new toll revenue is $7*16=$112. Since the revenue went up when the toll was increased, demand is inelastic (the increase in price (40%) outweighed the decline in quantitydemanded (20%)).e. Find the lost consumer surplus associated with the increase in the price of the tollfrom $5 to $7.The lost consumer surplus is (7-5)*16+0.5(7-5)(20-16)=$36.。



3 21 7.5 7
4 28 7
5 34 6
6 38 4
7 38 0
8 37 -1
西方经济学第4章 13
总产量TP(total product) :投入一定量的某种生产 要素所生产出来的全部产量。
平均产量AP(average product ) :平均每单位某种 生产要素所生产出来的产量。
具体: (1)企业内部的多种契约、监督和激励。其运行需要
成本。 (2)企业规模过大导致信息传导过程中的缺损。 (3)隐瞒信息、制造虚假和传递错误信息 。
企业的扩张是有限的。 企业扩张的界限:内部交易成本=市场交易成本
1、厂商的组织形式. (1) 个人企业:单个人独资经营的厂商组织 。 (2)合伙制企业:两个人以上合资经营的厂商组织 。 (3)公司制企业:按公司法建立和经营的具有法人资
格的厂商组织 。(无限责任公司、有限责任公司、两合 公司、股份有限公司)
西方经济学第4章 10
技术系数: 生产一定量某种产品所需要的各种生产要素的配合比例。
分为可变和固定技术系数。 可变技术系数:生产一定量产品
所需的各种要素的配合比例可变, 表明要素之间可以相互替代。 固定技术系数:生产一定量产品 只存在唯一一种要素配合比例, 即要素之间不可替代,要素投入 必须按同一比例增减。
生产同样产量,可 采用劳动密集型( 多用劳动少用资本 ),也可采用资本 密集型(多用资本



The Market Forces of Supply and DemandWHAT’S NEW IN THE THIRD EDITION:This chapter has been completely rearranged and rewritten.LEARNING OBJECTIVES:By the end of this chapter, students should understand:what a competitive market is.what determines the demand for a good in a competitive market.what determines the supply of a good in a competitive market.how supply and demand together set the price of a good and the quantity sold.the key role of prices in allocating scarce resources in market economies.CONTEXT AND PURPOSE:Chapter 4 is the first chapter in a three-chapter sequence that deals with supply and demand and how markets work. Chapter 4 shows how supply and demand for a good determines both the quantityproduced and the price at which the good sells. Chapter 5 will add precision to the discussion of supply and demand by addressing the concept of elasticity —the sensitivity of the quantity supplied and quantity demanded to changes in economic variables. Chapter 6 will address the impact of government policies on prices and quantities in markets.The purpose of Chapter 4 is to establish the model of supply and demand. The model of supply and demand is the foundation for the discussion for the remainder of this text. For this reason, time spent studying the concepts in this chapter will return benefits to your students throughout their study of economics. Many instructors would argue that this chapter is the most important chapter in the text.THE MARKET FORCES OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND52 Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and DemandKEY POINTS:1.Economists use the model of supply and demand to analyze competitive markets. In a competitivemarket, there are many buyers and sellers, each of whom has little or no influence on the market price.2.The demand curve shows how the quantity of a good demanded depends on the price. According tothe law of demand, as the price of a good falls, the quantity demanded rises. Therefore, the demand curve slopes downward.3.In addition to price, other determinants of how much consumers want to buy include income, theprices of substitutes and complements, tastes, expectations, and the number of buyers. If one of these factors changes, the demand curve shifts.4.The supply curve shows how the quantity of a good supplied depends on the price. According to thelaw of supply, as the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied rises. Therefore, the supply curve slopes upward.5.In addition to price, other determinants of how much producers want to sell include input prices,technology, expectations, and the number of sellers. If one of these factors changes, the supply curve shifts.6.The intersection of the supply and demand curves determines the market equilibrium. At theequilibrium price, the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied.7.The behavior of buyers and sellers naturally drives markets toward their equilibrium. When themarket price is above the equilibrium price, there is a surplus of the good, which causes the market price to fall. When the market price is below the equilibrium price, there is a shortage, which causes the market price to rise.8.To analyze how any event influences a market, we use the supply-and-demand diagram to examinehow the event affects equilibrium price and quantity. To do this we follow three steps. First, we decide whether the event shifts the supply curve or the demand curve (or both). Second, we decide which direction the curve shifts. Third, we compare the new equilibrium with the initial equilibrium.9.In market economies, prices are the signals that guide economic decisions and thereby allocatescarce resources. For every good in the economy, the price ensures that supply and demand are in balance. The equilibrium price then determines how much of the good buyers choose to purchase and how much sellers choose to produce.CHAPTER OUTLINE:I. Markets and CompetitionChapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 53A. Definition of market: a group of buyers and sellers of a particular good orservice.B. Definition of competitive market: a market in which there are many buyers andmany sellers so that each has a negligible impact on the market price.C. Competition: Perfect and Otherwise1. Characteristics of a perfectly competitive market:a. The goods being offered for sale are all the same.b. The buyers and sellers are so numerous that none can influence themarket price.2. Because buyers and sellers must accept the market price as given, they are oftencalled "price takers."3. Not all goods are sold in a perfectly competitive market.a. A market with only one seller is called a monopoly market.b. A market with only a few sellers is called an oligopoly.c. A market with a large number of sellers, each selling a product that isslightly different from its competitors‘ products, is called monopolisticcompetition.D. We will start by studying perfect competition.II. DemandA. The Demand Curve: The Relationship between Price and Quantity Demanded1. Definition of quantity demanded: the amount of a good that buyers arewilling and able to purchase.2. One important determinant of quantity demanded is the price of the product.a. Quantity demanded is negatively related to price. This implies that thedemand curve is downward sloping.b. Definition of law of demand: the claim that, other things equal,the quantity demanded of a good falls when the price of thegood rises.54 Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand3. Definition of demand schedule: a table that shows the relationshipbetween the price of a good and the quantity demanded.4. Definition of demand curve: a graph of the relationship between theprice of a good and the quantity demanded. a. Price is generally drawn on the vertical axis.b.Quantity demanded is represented on the horizontal axis.Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 55B. Market Demand Versus Individual Demand1.The market demand is the sum of all of the individual demands for a particular good or service.2.The demand curves are summed horizontally —meaning that the quantities demanded are added up for each level of price.3.The market demand curve shows how the total quantity demanded of a good varies with the price of the good, holding constant all other factors that affect how much consumers want to buy.C.Shifts in the Demand Curve1. The demand curve shows how much consumers want to buy at any price,holding constant the many other factors that influence buying decisions.2. If any of these other factors change, the demand curve will shift.a. An increase in demand can be represented by a shift of the demandcurve to the right.b.A decrease in demand can be represented by a shift of the demand curve to the left.3.Income56 Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demanda.The relationship between income and quantity demanded depends on what type of good the product is.b.Definition of normal good: a good for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to an increase in demand.c.Definition of inferior good: a good for which, other things equal, an increase in income leads to a decrease in demand.4. Prices of Related Goodsa.Definition of substitutes: two goods for which an increase in theprice of one good leads to an increase in the demand for the other.b.Definition of complements: two goods for which an increase in the price of one good leads to a decrease in the demand for the other.5. Tastes6.Expectationsa. Future Incomeb.Future Prices7. Number of BuyersD.Case Study: Two Ways to Reduce the Quantity of Smoking Demanded1.Public service announcements, mandatory health warnings on cigarette packages, and the prohibition of cigarette advertising on television are policies designed to reduce the demand for cigarettes (and shift the demand curve to the left). 2.Raising the price of cigarettes (through tobacco taxes) lowers the quantity of cigarettes demanded.Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 57a. The demand curve does not shift in this case, however.b. An increase in the price of cigarettes can be shown by a movementalong the original demand curve.3. Studies have shown that a 10% increase in the price of cigarettes causes a 4%reduction in the quantity of cigarettes demanded. For teens a 10% increase inprice leads to a 12% drop in quantity demanded.4. Studies have also shown that a decrease in the price of cigarettes is associatedwith greater use of marijuana. Thus, it appears that tobacco and marijuana arecomplements.III. SupplyA. The Supply Curve: The Relationship between Price and Quantity Supplied1. Definition of quantity supplied: the amount of a good that sellers arewilling and able to sell.a. Quantity supplied is positively related to price.b. Definition of law of supply: the claim that, other things equal, thequantity supplied of a good rises when the price of the goodrises.2. Definition of supply schedule: a table that shows the relationshipbetween the price of a good and the quantity supplied.3. Definition of supply curve: a graph of the relationship between the priceof a good and the quantity supplied.58 Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and DemandB.Market Supply Versus Individual Supply1. The market supply curve can be found by summing individual supply curves.2. Individual supply curves are summed horizontally at every price.3.The market supply curve shows how the total quantity supplied varies as the price of the good varies.Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and Demand 59C. Shifts in the Supply Curve1. The supply curve shows how much producers offer for sale at any given price, holding constant all other factors that may influence producers‘ decisions about how much to sell.2. When any of these other factors change, the supply curve will shift.a. An increase in supply can be represented by a shift of the supply curve to the right.b.A decrease in supply can be represented by a shift of the supply curve to the left.3. Input Prices4.Technology5. Expectations6. Number of SellersIV. Supply and Demand Together A.Equilibrium 1. The point where the supply and demand curves intersect is called the market‘s equilibrium.2.Definition of equilibrium: a situation in which the price has reached the level where quantity supplied equals quantity demanded.60 Chapter 4/The Market Forces of Supply and DemandDefinition of equilibrium price: the price that balances quantity supplied and quantity demanded.4.The equilibrium price is often called the "market-clearing" price because both buyers and sellers are satisfied at this price.5.Definition of equilibrium quantity: the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded at the equilibrium price.6. If the actual market price is higher than the equilibrium price, there will be asurplus of the good.a. Definition of surplus: a situation in which quantity supplied isgreater than quantity demanded.b.To eliminate the surplus, producers will lower the price until the marketreaches equilibrium.7. If the actual price is lower than the equilibrium price, there will be a shortage ofthe good.a. Definition of shortage: a situation in which quantity demanded isgreater than quantity supplied.b.Sellers will respond to the shortage by raising the price of the good untilthe market reaches equilibrium. Array8. Definition of the law of supply and demand: the claim that the price ofany good adjusts to bring the supply and demand for that good intobalance.B.Three Steps to Analyzing Changes in Equilibrium1. Decide whether the event shifts the supply or demand curve (or perhaps both).2. Decide in which direction the curve shifts.3.Use the supply-and-demand diagram to see how the shift changes the equilibrium price and quantity.A.Example: A Change in Demand — the effect of hot weather on the market for ice cream.ALTERNATIVE CLASSROOM EXAMPLE:Go through these examples of events that would shift either the demand or supply of #2 lead pencils:▪ an increase in the income of consumers▪ an increase in the use of standardized exams (using opscan forms) ▪ a decrease in the price of graphite (used in the production of pencils) ▪ a decrease in the price of ink pens ▪ the start of a school year▪ new technology that lowers the cost of producing pencilsD.Shifts in Curves versus Movements Along Curves 1.A shift in the demand curve is called a "change in demand." A shift in the supply curve is called a "change in supply."2.A movement along a fixed demand curve is called a "change in quantity demanded." A movement along a fixed supply curve is called a "change in quantity supplied."E.Example: A Change in Supply — the effect of a hurricane that destroys part of the sugar-cane crop and drives up the price of sugar.F.In the News: Mother Nature Shifts the Supply Curve1.Newspaper articles about specific industries can give students practice understanding the things that affect supply and demand.2.This is an article from The New York Times that describes the effect of a freeze on the citrus market.G.Example: A Change in Both Supply and Demand —the effect of both hot weather and an earthquake which destroys several ice cream factories on the market for ice cream.H. Summary1. When an event shifts the supply or demand curve, we can examine the effectson the equilibrium price and quantity.2. Table 4 reports the end results of these shifts in supply and demand.V. Conclusion: How Prices Allocate Resources A. The model of supply and demand is a powerful tool for analyzing markets.B.Supply and demand together determine the price of the economy‘s goods and services. 1.These prices serve as signals that guide the allocation of scarce resources in the economy.2.Prices determine who produces each good and how much of each good is produced.SOLUTIONS TO TEXT PROBLEMS:Quick Quizzes 1. A market is a group of buyers (who determine demand) and a group of sellers (who determinesupply) of a particular good or service. A competitive market is one in which there are many buyers and many sellers of an identical product so that each has a negligible impact on the market price.2. Here‘s an example of a demand schedule for pizza:The demand curve is graphed in Figure 1.Figure 1Examples of things that would shift the demand curve include changes in income, prices ofrelated goods like soda or hot dogs, tastes, expectations about future income or prices, and the number of buyers.A change in the price of pizza would not shift this demand curve; it would only lead us to movefrom one point to another along the same demand curve.3. Here is an example of a supply schedule for pizza:The supply curve is graphed in Figure 2.Figure 2Examples of things that would shift the supply curve include changes in prices of inputs liketomato sauce and cheese, changes in technology like more efficient pizza ovens or automaticdough makers, changes in expectations about the future price of pizza, or a change in thenumber of sellers.A change in the price of pizza would not shift this supply curve; it would only move from onepoint to another along the same supply curve.4. If the price of tomatoes rises, the supply curve for pizza shifts to the left because of theincreased price of an input into pizza production, but there is no effect on demand. The shift to the left of the supply curve causes the equilibrium price to rise and the equilibrium quantity todecline, as Figure 3 shows.If the price of hamburgers falls, the demand curve for pizza shifts to the left because the lower price of hamburgers will lead consumers to buy more hamburgers and less pizza, but there is no effect on supply. The shift to the left of the demand curve causes the equilibrium price to falland the equilibrium quantity to decline, as Figure 4 shows.Figure 3Questions for Review1. A competitive market is a market in which there are many buyers and many sellers of an identicalproduct so that each has a negligible impact on the market price. Other types of markets includemonopoly, in which there is only one seller, oligopoly, in which there are a few sellers that do notalways compete aggressively, and monopolistically competitive markets, in which there are many sellers, each offering a slightly different product.2. The quantity of a good that buyers demand is determined by the price of the good, income, theprices of related goods, tastes, expectations, and the number of buyers.3. The demand schedule is a table that shows the relationship between the price of a good and thequantity demanded. The demand curve is the downward-sloping line relating price and quantity demanded. The demand schedule and demand curve are related because the demand curve is simply a graph showing the points in the demand schedule.The demand curve slopes downward because of the law of demand—other things equal, whenthe price of a good rises, the quantity demanded of the good falls. People buy less of a goodwhen its price rises, both because they cannot afford to buy as much and because they switch to purchasing other goods.4. A change in consumers' tastes leads to a shift of the demand curve. A change in price leads to amovement along the demand curve.5. Since Popeye buys more spinach when his income falls, spinach is an inferior good for him.Since he buys more spinach, but the price of spinach is unchanged, his demand curve for spinach shifts out as a result of the decrease in his income.6. The quantity of a good that sellers supply is determined by the price of the good, input prices,technology, expectations, and the number of sellers.7. A supply schedule is a table showing the relationship between the price of a good and thequantity a producer is willing and able to supply. The supply curve is the upward-sloping linerelating price and quantity supplied. The supply schedule and the supply curve are relatedbecause the supply curve is simply a graph showing the points in the supply schedule.The supply curve slopes upward because when the price is high, suppliers' profits increase, sothey supply more output to the market. The result is the law of supply—other things equal,when the price of a good rises, the quantity supplied of the good also rises.8. A change in producers' technology leads to a shift in the supply curve. A change in price leads toa movement along the supply curve.9. The equilibrium of a market is the point at which the quantity demanded is equal to quantitysupplied. If the price is above the equilibrium price, sellers want to sell more than buyers want to buy, so there is a surplus. Sellers try to increase their sales by cutting prices. That continues until they reach the equilibrium price. If the price is below the equilibrium price, buyers want to buy more than sellers want to sell, so there is a shortage. Sellers can raise their price withoutlosing customers. That continues until they reach the equilibrium price.10. When the price of beer rises, the demand for pizza declines, because beer and pizza arecomplements and people want to buy less beer. When we say the demand for pizza declines, we mean that the demand curve for pizza shifts to the left as in Figure 5. The supply curve for pizza is not affected. With a shift to the left in the demand curve, the equilibrium price and quantityboth decline, as the figure shows. Thus the quantity of pizza supplied and demanded both fall.In sum, supply is unchanged, demand is decreased, quantity supplied declines, quantitydemanded declines, and the price falls.Figure 511. Prices play a vital role in market economies because they bring markets into equilibrium. If theprice is different from its equilibrium level, quantity supplied and quantity demanded are notequal. The resulting surplus or shortage leads suppliers to adjust the price until equilibrium is restored. Prices thus serve as signals that guide economic decisions and allocate scarceresources.Problems and Applications1. a. Cold weather damages the orange crop, reducing the supply of oranges. This can beseen in Figure 6 as a shift to the left in the supply curve for oranges. The newequilibrium price is higher than the old equilibrium price.Figure 6b. People often travel to the Caribbean from New England to escape cold weather, sodemand for Caribbean hotel rooms is high in the winter. In the summer, fewer peopletravel to the Caribbean, since northern climes are more pleasant. The result, as shownin Figure 7, is a shift to the left in the demand curve. The equilibrium price of Caribbeanhotel rooms is thus lower in the summer than in the winter, as the figure shows.Figure 7c. When a war breaks out in the Middle East, many markets are affected. Since much oilproduction takes place there, the war disrupts oil supplies, shifting the supply curve forgasoline to the left, as shown in Figure 8. The result is a rise in the equilibrium price ofgasoline. With a higher price for gasoline, the cost of operating a gas-guzzlingautomobile, like a Cadillac, will increase. As a result, the demand for used Cadillacs willdecline, as people in the market for cars will not find Cadillacs as attractive. In addition,some people who already own Cadillacs will try to sell them. The result is that thedemand curve for used Cadillacs shifts to the left, while the supply curve shifts to theright, as shown in Figure 9. The result is a decline in the equilibrium price of usedCadillacs.Figure 8 Figure 92. The statement that "an increase in the demand for notebooks raises the quantity of notebooksdemanded, but not the quantity supplied," in general, is false. As Figure 10 shows, the increase in demand for notebooks results in an increased quantity supplied. The only way the statement would be true is if the supply curve was a vertical line, as shown in Figure 11.Figure 10Figure 113. a. If people decide to have more children (a change in tastes), they will want larger vehiclesfor hauling their kids around, so the demand for minivans will increase. Supply won't beaffected. The result is a rise in both price and quantity, as Figure 12 shows.Figure 12b. If a strike by steelworkers raises steel prices, the cost of producing a minivan rises (a risein input prices), so the supply of minivans decreases. Demand won't be affected. Theresult is a rise in the price of minivans and a decline in the quantity, as Figure 13 shows.Figure 13c. The development of new automated machinery for the production of minivans is animprovement in technology. The reduction in firms' costs results in an increase in supply.Demand isn't affected. The result is a decline in the price of minivans and an increase inthe quantity, as Figure 14 shows.Figure 14d. The rise in the price of sport utility vehicles affects minivan demand because sport utilityvehicles are substitutes for minivans (that is, there is a rise in the price of a related good).The result is an increase in demand for minivans. Supply is not affected. In equilibrium,the price and quantity of minivans both rise, as Figure 12 shows.e. The reduction in peoples' wealth caused by a stock-market crash reduces their income,leading to a reduction in the demand for minivans, since minivans are likely a normalgood. Supply isn‘t affected. As a result, both price and quantity decline, as Figure 15shows.Figure 154. Technological advances that reduce the cost of producing computer chips represent a decline inan input price for producing a computer. The result is a shift to the right in the supply ofcomputers, as shown in Figure 16. The equilibrium price falls and the equilibrium quantity rises, as the figure shows.Figure 16Since computer software is a complement to computers, the lower equilibrium price of computers increases the demand for software. As Figure 17 shows, the result is a rise in both theequilibrium price and quantity of software.Figure 17Since typewriters are substitutes for computers, the lower equilibrium price of computers reduces the demand for typewriters. As Figure 18 shows, the result is a decline in both the equilibriumprice and quantity of typewriters.Figure 185. a. When a hurricane in South Carolina damages the cotton crop, it raises input prices forproducing sweatshirts. As a result, the supply of sweatshirts shifts to the left, as shownin Figure 19. The new equilibrium has a higher price and lower quantity of sweatshirts.Figure 19b. A decline in the price of leather jackets leads more people to buy leather jackets,reducing the demand for sweatshirts. The result, shown in Figure 20, is a decline in both the equilibrium price and quantity of sweatshirts.Figure 20c. The effects of colleges requiring students to engage in morning calisthenics inappropriate attire raises the demand for sweatshirts, as shown in Figure 21. The result is an increase in both the equilibrium price and quantity of sweatshirts.Figure 21d. The invention of new knitting machines increases the supply of sweatshirts. As Figure 22shows, the result is a reduction in the equilibrium price and an increase in the equilibriumquantity of sweatshirts.Figure 226. A temporarily high birth rate in the year 2005 leads to opposite effects on the price of babysittingservices in the years 2010 and 2020. In the year 2010, there are more 5-year olds who needsitters, so the demand for babysitting services rises, as shown in Figure 23. The result is ahigher price for babysitting services in 2010. However, in the year 2020, the increased number of 15-year olds shifts the supply of babysitting services to the right, as shown in Figure 24. The result is a decline in the price of babysitting services.Figure 23 Figure 247. Since ketchup is a complement for hot dogs, when the price of hot dogs rises, the quantitydemanded of hot dogs falls, thus reducing the demand for ketchup, causing both price andquantity of ketchup to fall. Since the quantity of ketchup falls, the demand for tomatoes byketchup producers falls, so both price and quantity of tomatoes fall. When the price of tomatoes falls, producers of tomato juice face lower input prices, so the supply curve for tomato juice shifts out, causing the price of tomato juice to fall and the quantity of tomato juice to rise. The fall in the price of tomato juice causes people to substitute tomato juice for orange juice, so thedemand for orange juice declines, causing the price and quantity of orange juice to fall. Now you can see clearly why a rise in the price of hot dogs leads to a fall in price of orange juice!Figure 258. a. Cigars and chewing tobacco are substitutes for cigarettes, since a higher price forcigarettes would increase the demand for cigars and chewing tobacco.b. An increase in the tax on cigarettes leads to increased demand for cigars and chewingtobacco. The result, as shown in Figure 25 for cigars, is a rise in both the equilibriumprice and quantity of cigars and chewing tobacco.c. The results in part (b) showed that a tax on cigarettes leads people to substitute cigarsand chewing tobacco for cigarettes when the tax on cigarettes rises. To reduce totaltobacco usage, policymakers might also want to increase the tax on cigars and chewingtobacco, or pursue some type of public education program.9. Quantity supplied equals quantity demanded at a price of $6 and quantity of 81 pizzas (Figure26). If price were greater than $6, quantity supplied would exceed quantity demanded, sosuppliers would reduce their price to gain sales. If price were less than $6, quantity demandedwould exceed quantity supplied, so suppliers could raise their price without losing sales. In both cases, the price would continue to adjust until it reached $6, the only price at which there isneither a surplus nor a shortage.。


通过市场价格变动调节供求关系,实现市场均衡的过程。当市场出现供 不应求或供过于求的情况时,价格机制会自动调整供求关系,使市场重 新达到均衡状态。
弹性描述了需求量或供给量对价格变动的敏感程度,包括需求弹性和供 给弹性。需求弹性反映需求量对价格变动的敏感程度,供给弹性反映供 给量对价格变动的敏感程度。
• 微观经济学简介 • 市场供需理论 • 消费者行为理论 • 生产者行为理论 • 市场结构与竞争策略 • 微观经济学应用
微观经济学:研究个体经济单位(家庭、企业等)的经济行为以及市场机 制下资源的配置和利用的科学。
微观经济学关注个体决策、市场结构和价格形成,以及它们对资源配置和 福利的影响。
在完全竞争市场中,企业追求 利润最大化,此时边际成本等 于边际收益,即MC=MR。
企业根据利润最大化条件确定 最优产量,实现利润最大化。
不同类型的企业(如完全竞争、 垄断竞争、寡头垄断和完全垄 断企业)在产量决策上存在差


• 相切仅仅是必要条件,而不是充分条件,除 非我们假设MRS 是递减的
– 如果 MRS 是递减的, 那么无差异曲线是严格凸 的
• 如果 MRS 不是递减的, 那么我们必须检查 二阶条件以保证我们获得的是最大值。
• 相切仅仅是一个必要条件
– 我们需要 MRS 是递减的
I py
pxx + pyy I
如果所有收入花费给 y, 这是所能够 买的数量
消费者仅仅能够承担阴影部分三 角形内的x和y的组合
如果所有收入花费给 x, 这是所能够买的数量
• 我们可以利用消费者的效用图来表示效 用最大化的过程
消费者可以通过重新配置他的预算做得 好于 A点
• 因此, 经济学家假设人们的行为是基于这 种计算
• 关于选择的经济学模型是极端自私的,而 现实中没有人的目标是完全自我为中心的
• 效用最大化模型没有禁止人们从 “做好 事”中获得满足
• 为了最大化效用, 在给定能够花费的收入 的条件下, 消费者将要购买商品和服务:
U / x1 U / x2 ... U / xn
MUx1 MUx2 ... MUxn
• 是消费支出额外增加一元的边际效用
– 收价格表示了消费者对于 最后一单位商品效用的评价
– 消费者愿意为最后一单位付多少钱
消费者不能获得 C 点,因为收入不够


市场上只有一个卖者,产品没 有替代品,进入市场非常困难

市场上存在大量的买者和卖者 ,产品具有差异性,资源流动
市场上只有少数几个卖者,产 品可能相似也可能不同,进入
在完全竞争市场上,每个厂商都是价格的接受者,他们按 照市场价格出售产品,无法控制市场价格。
市场需求曲线是向下倾斜的,而 供给曲线则根据厂商的成本状况 而定。垄断厂商会在边际收益等 于边际成本处进行生产。
在长期中,完全垄断市场上的厂 商可能会通过创新、广告等手段 来维持其垄断地位。由于缺乏竞 争压力,垄断厂商可能会获得超 额利润。
垄断竞争市场上的厂商既是价格的接受者也是价格的制定者。他们通过提供差异化的产 品来吸引消费者,并在一定程度上控制价格。
市场需求曲线和供给曲线对于单个厂商而言是向下倾斜的。厂商会在边际收益等于边际 成本处进行生产。
在长期中,垄断竞争市场上的厂商会不断进行产品创新和质量提升以保持竞争优势。由 于产品差异化程度较高,消费者福利也相对较好。
寡头市场上的少数几个厂商之间存在着相互依存的关系。 他们的决策会受到其他厂商决策的影响,因此需要进行博
微观经济学研究市场机制 如何调节个体经济单位的 经济行为,以及市场供求 关系如何决定价格。
微观经济学研究在给定资 源和技术条件下,如何有 效地配置资源以实现最大 的经济效益。
微观经济学运用实证分析方法, 通过观察和测量经济现象,建立 经济模型,对经济行为进行解释
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CHAPTER 4 INDIVIDUAL AND MARKET DEMAND1. Explain the difference between each of the following terms:a. a price consumption curve and a demand curve;A price consumption curve identifies the utility maximizing combinations of two goods as the price of one of the goods changes. When the price of one of the goods declines, thebudget line will pivot outwards, and a new utility maximizing bundle will be chosen. Theprice consumption curve connects all such bundles. A demand curve is a graphical relationship between the price of a good and the (utility maximizing) quantity demanded ofa good, all else the same. Price is plotted on the vertical axis and quantity demanded on thehorizontal axis.b. an individual demand curve and a market demand curve;An individual demand curve identifies the (utility maximizing) quantity demanded by oneperson at any given price of the good. A market demand curve is the sum of the individual demand curves for any given product. At any given price, the market demand curveidentifies the quantity demanded by all individuals, all else the same.c. an Engel curve and a demand curve;A demand curve identifies the quantity demanded of a good for any given price, holding income and all else the same. An Engel curve identifies the quantity demanded of a good forany given income, holding prices and all else the same.d. an income effect and a substitution effect;The substitution effect measures the effect of a change in the price of a good on theconsumption of the good, utility held constant. This change in price changes the slope of thebudget line and causes the consumer to rotate along the current indifference curve. The income effect measures the effect of a change in purchasing power (caused by a change inthe price of a good) on the consumption of the good, relative prices held constant. Forexample, an increase in the price of good 1 (on the horizontal axis) will rotate the budget linedown along the indifference curve as the slope of the budget line (the relative price ratio) changes. This is the substitution effect. This new budget line will then shift inwards to reflect the decline in purchasing power caused by the increase in the price of the good. Thisis the income effect.3. Explain whether the following statements are true or false.a. The marginal rate of substitution diminishes as an individual moves downward alongthe demand curve.This is true. The consumer will maximize his utility by choosing the bundle on his budgetline where the price ratio is equal to the MRS. Suppose the consumer chooses the quantity ofgoods 1 and 2 such that P 1P 2MRS . As the price of good 1 falls, the price ratio becomes a smaller number and hence the MRS becomes a smaller number. This means that as the priceof good 1 falls, the consumer is willing to give up fewer units of good 2 in exchange foranother unit of good 1.b. The level of utility increases as an individual moves downward along the demandcurve.This is true. As the price of a good falls, the budget line pivots outwards and the consumer isable to move to a higher indifference curve.c.Engel curves always slope upwards.This is false. The Engel curve identifies the relationship between the quantity demanded of agood and income, all else the same. If the good is inferior, then as income increases, quantitydemanded will decrease, and the Engel curve will slope downwards.5. Which of the following combinations of goods are complements and which are substitutes? Could they be either in different circumstances? Discuss.a. a mathematics class and an economics classIf the math class and the economics class do not conflict in scheduling, then the classes couldbe either complements or substitutes. The math class may illuminate economics, and theeconomics class can motivate mathematics. If the classes conflict, they are substitutes.b. tennis balls and a tennis racketTennis balls and a tennis racket are both needed to play a game of tennis, thus they arecomplements.c. steak and lobsterFoods can both complement and substitute for each other. Steak and lobster can compete, i.e.,be substitutes, when they are listed as separate items on a menu. However, they can alsofunction as complements because they are often served together.d. a plane trip and a train trip to the same destinationTwo modes of transportation between the same two points are substitutes for one another.e. bacon and eggsBacon and eggs are often eaten together and are, therefore, complementary goods. Byconsidering them in relation to something else, such as pancakes, bacon and eggs can functionas substitutes.7. Which of the following events would cause a movement along the demand curve for U.S.-produced clothing, and which would cause a shift in the demand curve?a. the removal of quotas on the importation of foreign clothesThe removal of quotas will shift the demand curve inward for domestically-produced clothes,because foreign-produced goods are substitutes for domestically-produced goods. Both theequilibrium price and quantity will fall as foreign clothes are traded in a free marketenvironment.b. an increase in the income of U.S. citizensWhen income rises, expenditures on normal goods such as clothing increase, causing thedemand curve to shift out. The equilibrium quantity and price will increase.c. a cut in the industry’s costs of producing domestic clothes that is passed on to the market in theform of lower clothing pricesA cut in an industry’s costs will shift the supply curve out. The equilibri um price will fall andquantity will increase. There is a movement along the demand curve.9. Suppose that the average household in a state consumes 800 gallons of gasoline per year. A 20-cent gasoline tax is introduced, coupled with a $160 annual tax rebate per household. Will the household be better or worse off under the new program?If the household does not change its consumption of gasoline, it will be unaffected by the tax-rebate program, because in this case the household pays 0.20*800=$160 in taxes and receives$160 as an annual tax rebate. The two effects would cancel each other out. To the extent thatthe household reduces its gas consumption through substitution, it must be better off. Thenew budget line (price change plus rebate) will pass through the old consumption point of 800gallons of gasoline, and any now affordable bundle that contains less gasoline must be on ahigher indifference curve. The household will not choose any bundle with more gasolinebecause these bundles are all inside the old budget line, and hence are inferior to the bundlewith 800 gallons of gas.11. Explain which of the following items in each pair is more price elastic.a.The demand for a specific brand of toothpaste and the demand for toothpaste in general.The demand for a specific brand is more elastic since the consumer can easily switch toanother brand if the price goes up.b.The demand for gasoline in the short run and the demand for gasoline in the long run.Demand in the long run is more elastic since consumers have had more time to adjust to thechange in price.1. An individual sets aside a certain amount of his income per month to spend on his two hobbies, collecting wine and collecting books. Given the information below, illustrate both the price consumption curve associated with changes in the price of wine, and the demand curve for wine.The price consumption curve connects each of the four optimal bundles given in the tableabove. As the price of wine increases, the budget line will pivot inwards and the optimalbundle will change.4. a. Orange juice and apple juice are known to be perfect substitutes. Draw the appropriate price-consumption (for a variable price of orange juice) and income-consumption curves.We know that the indifference curves for perfect substitutes will be straight lines. In this case,the consumer will always purchase the cheaper of the two goods. If the price of orange juice isless than that of apple juice, the consumer will purchase only orange juice and the priceconsumption curve will be on the “orange juice axis” of the graph (point F). If apple juice ischeaper, the consumer will purchase only apple juice and the price consumption curve will beon the “apple juice axis” (point E). If the two goods have the same price, the consumer will beindifferent between the two; the price consumption curve will coincide with the indifferencecurve (between E and F). See the figure below.Assuming that the price of orange juice is less than the price of apple juice, the consumer willmaximize her utility by consuming only orange juice. As the level of income varies, only theamount of orange juice varies. Thus, the income consumption curve will be the “orange juiceaxis” in the figure below.4.b. Left shoes and right shoes are perfect complements. Draw the appropriate price-consumption and income-consumption curves.For goods that are perfect complements, such as right shoes and left shoes, we know that theindifference curves are L-shaped. The point of utility maximization occurs when the budgetconstraints, L1 and L2 touch the kink of U1 and U2. See the following figure.In the case of perfect complements, the income consumption curve is also a line through thecorners of the L-shaped indifference curves. See the figure below.6. Two individuals, Sam and Barb, derive utility from the hours of leisure (L) they consume and fromthe amount of goods (G) they consume. In order to maximize utility they need to allocate the 24 hours in the day between leisure hours and work hours. Assume that all hours not spent working areleisure hours. The price of a good is equal to $1 and the price of leisure is equal to the hourly wage. We observe the following information about the choices that the two individuals make:Graphically illustrate Sam’s leisure demand curve and Barb’s leisure demand curve. Place price on the vertical axis and leisure on the horizontal axis. Given that they both maximize utility, how can you explain the difference in their leisure demand curves?It is important to remember that less leisure implies more hours spent working at the higher wage. Sam’s leisure demand curve is downward sloping. As the price of leisure (the wage)rises, he chooses to consume less leisure to spend more time working at a higher wage tobuy more goods. Barb’s leisure demand curve is upward sloping. As the price of leisurerises, she chooses to consume more leisure since her working hours are generating more income. This difference in demand can be explained by examining the income andsubstitution effects for the two individuals. The substitution effect measures the effect of thechange in the price of leisure, keeping utility constant (the budget line will rotate around the current indifference curve). Since the substitution effect is always negative, a rise in theprice of leisure will cause both individuals to consume less leisure. The income effectmeasures the change in purchasing power caused by the change in the price of leisure. Here, when the price of leisure (the wage) rises, there is an increase in purchasing power (the newbudget line will shift outwards). Assuming both individuals consider leisure to be a normalgood (this is not a necessary assumption for Sam), then the increase in purchasing powerwill increase demand for leisure. For Sam, the reduction in leisure demand caused by the substitution effect outweighs the increase in demand for leisure caused by the income effect.For Barb, her income effect is larger than her substitution effect.7. The director of a theatre company in a small college town is considering changing the way he prices tickets. He has hired an economic consulting firm to estimate the demand for tickets. The firm has classified people who go the theatre into two groups, and has come up with two demand functions. The demand curves for the general public (Q gp ) and students (Q s ) are given below.Q gp =500-5PQ s =200-4Pa. Graph the two demand curves on one graph, with P on the vertical axis and Q on the horizontal axis. If the current price of tickets is $35, identify the quantity demanded by eachgroup.Both demand curves are downward sloping and linear. For the general public, the vertical intercept is 100 and the horizontal intercept is 500. For the students, the vertical interceptis 50 and the horizontal intercept is 200. The general public demands Q gp =500-5(35)=325tickets and the students demand Q s =200-4(35)=60 tickets.b. Find the price elasticity of demand for each group at the current price and quantity.The elasticity for the general public is εgp=-5(35)325=-0.54 and the elasticity for the students is εgp =-4(35)60=-2.33. If the price of tickets increases by one percent then the general public will demand .54% fewer tickets and the students will demand 2.33% fewertickets.c. Is the director maximizing the revenue he collects from ticket sales by charging $35 for eachticket? Explain.No he is not maximizing revenue since neither one of the calculated elasticities is equal to –1.Since demand by the general public is inelastic at the current price, the director could increase the price and quantity demanded would fall by a smaller amount in percentageterms, causing revenue to increase. Since demand by the students is elastic at the currentprice, the director could decrease the price and quantity demanded would increase by alarger amount in percentage terms, causing revenue to increase.d. What price should he charge each group if he wants to maximize revenue collected from ticketsales?To figure this out, find the formula for elasticity, set it equal to –1, and solve for price and quantity. For the general public:εgp =-5PQ=-15P=Q=500-5PP=50Q=250.For the students:εs =-4PQ=-14P=Q=200-4PP=25Q=100.9. The ACME Corporation determines that at current prices the demand for its computer chips has a price elasticity of -2 in the short run, while the price elasticity for its disk drives is -1.a. If the corporation decides to raise the price of both products by 10 percent, what will happen toits sales? To its sales revenue?We know the formula for the elasticity of demand is:EQP P=%%∆∆.For computer chips, E P = -2, so a 10 percent increase in price will reduce the quantity sold by20 percent. For disk drives, E P = -1, so a 10 percent increase in price will reduce sales by 10percent.Sales revenue is equal to price times quantity sold. Let TR1 = P1Q1 be revenue before the pricechange and TR2 = P2Q2 be revenue after the price change.For computer chips:∆TR cc = P2Q2 - P1Q1∆TR cc= (1.1P1 )(0.8Q1 ) - P1Q1 = -0.12P1Q1, or a 12 percent decline.For disk drives:∆TR dd = P2Q2 - P1Q1∆TR dd = (1.1P1 )(0.9Q1 ) - P1Q1 = -0.01P1Q1, or a 1 percent decline.Therefore, sales revenue from computer chips decreases substantially, -12 percent, while thesales revenue from disk drives is almost unchanged, -1 percent. Note that at the point on thedemand curve where demand is unit elastic, total revenue is maximized.b. Can you tell from the available information which product will generate the most revenue forthe firm? If yes, why? If not, what additional information do you need?No. Although we know the responsiveness of demand to changes in price, we need to knowboth quantities and prices of the products to determine total sales revenue.10. By observing an individual’s behavior in the situations outlined below, determine the relevant income elasticities of demand for each good (i.e., whether the good is normal or inferior). If you cannot determine the income elasticity, what additional information might you need?a. Bill spends all his income on books and coffee. He finds $20 while rummaging through a usedpaperback bin at the bookstore. He immediately buys a new hardcover book of poetry.Books are a normal good since his consumption of books increases with income. Coffee is anormal or neutral good since consumption of coffee did not fall when income increased.b. Bill loses $10 he was going to use to buy a double espresso. He decides to sell his new book at adiscount to his friend and use the money to buy coffee.Coffee is clearly a normal good.c. Being bohemian becomes the latest teen fad. As a result, coffee and book prices rise by 25percent. Bill lowers his consumption of both goods by the same percentage.Books and coffee are both normal goods since his response to a decline in real income is todecrease consumption of both goods.d. Bill drops out of art school and gets an M.B.A. instead. He stops reading books and drinkingcoffee. Now he reads The Wall Street Journal and drinks bottled mineral water.His tastes have changed completely, and we do not know exactly how he would respond toprice and income changes. We need more information regarding his new level of income, andrelative prices of the goods to determine the income elasticities.11. Suppose the income elasticity of demand for food is 0.5, and the price elasticity of demand is –1.0. Suppose also that Felicia spends $10,000 a year on food, the price of food is $2, and her income is $25,000.a.If a sales tax on food were to cause the price of food to increase to $2.50, what wouldhappen to her consumption of food? (Hint: Since a large price change is involved, youshould assume that the price elasticity measures an arc elasticity, rather than a pointelasticity.)The price of food increases from $2 to $2.50, so arc elasticity should be used:.We know that E P = -1, P = 2, ∆P = 0.5, and Q=5000. We also know that Q2, the new quantity, is Thus, if there is no change in income, we may solve for ∆Q:-1=∆Q0.5⎛⎝⎫⎭2+2.525,000+5,000+∆Q()2⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪⎪⎪.By cross-multiplying and rearranging terms, we find that ∆Q = -1,000. This means that she decreases her consumption of food from 5,000 to 4,000 units.b.Suppose that she is given a tax rebate of $2,500 to ease the effect of the sales tax.What would her consumption of food be now?A tax rebate of $2,500 implies an income increase of $2,500. To calculate the response of demand to the tax rebate, use the definition of the arc elasticity of income..We know that E I= 0.5, I = 25,000, ∆I = 2,500, Q = 4,000 (from the answer to 11.a). Assuming no change in price, we solve for ∆Q.0.5=∆Q2,500⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪25,000+27,50024,000+4,000+∆Q()2⎛⎝⎫⎭⎪⎪⎪.By cross-multiplying and rearranging terms, we find that ∆Q= 195 (approximately). This means that she increases her consumption of food from 4,000 to 4,195 units.c.Is she better or worse off when given a rebate equal to the sales tax payments? Draw agraph and explain.Felicia is likely to be better off after the rebate. The amount of the rebate is enough to allow her to purchase her original bundle of food and other goods. Recall that originally she consumed 5000 units of food. When the price went up by fifty cents per unit, she needed an extra 5000*$0.50=$2,500 to afford the same quantity of food without reducing the quantity of the other goods consumed. This is the exact amount of the rebate. However, she did not choose to return to her original bundle. We can therefore infer that she found a better bundle that gave her a higher level of utility. In the graph below, when the price of food increases, the budget line will pivot inwards. When the rebate is given, this new budget line will shift outwards. The bundle after the rebate is on that part of the new budget line that was previously unaffordable, and that lies above the original indifference curve.13. Suppose you are in charge of a toll bridge that costs essentially nothing to operate. The demand for bridge crossings Q is given by P =15-12Q . a. Draw the demand curve for bridge crossings. The demand curve is linear and downward sloping. The vertical intercept is 15 and thehorizontal intercept is 30.b.How many people would cross the bridge if there were no toll? At a price of zero, the quantity demanded would be 30. c. What is the loss of consumer surplus associated with a bridge toll of $5?If the toll is $5 then the quantity demanded is 20. The lost consumer surplus is the area below the price line of $5 and to the left of the demand curve. The lost consumer surplus canbe calculated as (5*20)+0.5(5*10)=$125.d. The toll bridge operator is considering an increase in the toll to $7. At this new higher price, how many people would cross the bridge? Would the toll bridge revenueincrease or decrease? What does your answer tell you about the elasticity of demand?At a toll of $7, the quantity demanded would be 16. The initial toll revenue was $5*20=$100.The new toll revenue is $7*16=$112. Since the revenue went up when the toll was increased, demand is inelastic (the increase in price (40%) outweighed the decline in quantitydemanded (20%)).e. Find the lost consumer surplus associated with the increase in the price of the tollfrom $5 to $7.The lost consumer surplus is (7-5)*16+0.5(7-5)(20-16)=$36.。
