
























初三地理周练六一、选择题:1、目前世界上人口总数已达到了:A、50多亿B、60多亿C、70多亿D、55亿多2、下列所表示的世界人口增长过程,正确的是:A、慢—快—慢B、快—慢—快C、慢—较快—更快D、快—较慢—更慢3、人口自然增长率最低的大洲:A、亚洲B、非洲C、欧洲D、南美洲4、下列地区人口稀少的是:A、欧洲西部B、北美洲东部C、亚洲东部D、非洲北部5、下列地区中,人口密度最小的是:A、亚洲东部B、大洋洲C、欧洲D、美国东北部6、世界人口最稠密的地区多分布在:A、热带沿海B、温带沿海C、热带雨林D、温带内陆7、黑种人分布最集中的地区:A、热带地区B、寒带地区C、温带地区D、沿海地区8、白种人主要分布在:A、亚洲B、非洲C、欧洲D、南美洲9、下列语言主要在美国使用的是:A、法语B、英语C、西班牙语D、俄语10、下列地区通行阿拉伯语的是:A、西亚的阿拉伯半岛B、北美洲东北部C、非洲南部D、非洲中部11、下列哪一个地区不通行英语:A、曾是英国殖民地B、居民是白种人C、居民信仰基督教D、居民信仰佛教12、汉语广泛使用的地区是:A、大洋洲B、亚洲东部C、北美洲D、南美洲13、三大宗教都产生于:A、欧洲B、大洋洲C、非洲D、亚洲14、佛教主要分布在:A、亚洲东部和东南部B、大洋州东南部C、非洲北部D、欧洲西部15、下列居民大多信仰伊斯兰教的是:A、南美洲西部B、亚洲东部C、非洲北部D、欧洲东部16、下列宗教发祥于印度的是:A、佛教B、回教C、道教D、基督教17、我国居民大多信仰伊斯兰教的少数民族是:A、藏族B、蒙古族C、回族D、满族18、一般来说,城市聚落比乡村聚落:A、规模小B、建筑物大C、道路稀小D、建筑物密集19、在我国,下列聚落规模比较大的是:A、平原上的村落B、山区里的村落C、草原上的村落D、林区里的林场20、一般来说,在人口稀小的地区,村落:A、分布密集B、分布稀疏C、规模较大D建筑物高大21、下列地点不利于聚落形成于发展的是:A、水源充足的地方B、交通不便的地方C、矿产资源丰富的地方D、地形平坦,土壤肥沃的地方22、在我国南方水资源丰富的地方,许多村落都沿河分布,主要原因是:A、沿河地带土壤肥沃B、沿河地带地形平坦C、沿河地带渔业资源丰富D、沿河地带交通便利23、竹楼适合什么地区的人们居住:A、热带雨林地区B、热带沙漠地区C、沿海地区D、内陆地区24、我国黄土高原的窑洞:A、能反映当地降水多B、能反映当地冬暖夏凉C、能反映当地气候干旱D、能反映当地经济发达25、北京的古老民居—四合院,记录的政治文化信息是:A、当地的气候特点B、当地当时的经济水平C、当地的地形特点D、封建时代多代同居的家庭关系班级____________ 姓名_________________题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 答案题号14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25答案二、填空题:1、(1)某村面积为7.3平方千米,人口1460人,该村的人口密度是。



武汉二中广雅中学九年级(上)数学周练(六) (试卷满分:120分 考试时间:120分钟 命题人:张玉洁)一、选择题。

(10×3’=36’)1.要使式子a +4在实数范围内有意义,字母a 的取值必须满足 A .4-≥a B .4->a C .4<a D .4-≤a 2.下列事件中的不可能事件是( ) A .抛一枚硬币,落地后国微一面朝下 B .随意翻一下日历,翻到的号数是偶数 C .这个月有雨D .今年夏天的最高气温达到了100°3.已知x = 1是一元二次方程032=-++c bx ax 的解,则a + b + c 的值为( ) A .1- B .1 C .3 D .3- 4.将图中方格纸中的图案绕点O 顺时针旋转90°得到的图案是( )5.下列运算正确的是( ) A .()332-=- B .2323⨯=C .()332=- D .236=÷6. 如图,⊙O 的直径CD=10cm ,AB 是⊙O 的弦,AB ⊥CD , 垂足为M ,OM ∶OC=3∶5,则AB 的长为( ) A .8cm B .91cm C .6cm D .2cm第6题图7.在一个暗箱里放入除颜色外其他都相同的3个红球和11个黄球,搅拌均匀后随机任取一个球,取到是红球的概率是( ) A .113 B .118 C .143 D .1411 8.来自信息产业部的统计数字显示,今年1月至4月份我国手机产量为4000万台,相当于去年全年手机产量的80%,预计到明年年底手机产量达到9800万台,设这两年手机产量平均每年的增长率为x ,则可列方程为( )A .400080%(1)9800x ⨯+=B .24000(1)980080%x +=C .4000(1)980080%x += D .2400080%(1)9800x ⨯+=9.关于x 的方程0362=+-x kx 有实数根,则k 的非负整数值是( )A .0,1,2B .1,2C .1,2,3D .0,1,2,3 10.如图,点C 、D 是半径为4的半圆弧AB 上的三等分点,O 为圆心,M 、Q 分别是弧AC 、弧DB 上的动点,点P 是弧CD 上的点,且P 不与C 、D 重合,连接PM 、PQ ,作OG ⊥PM , OH ⊥PQ ,垂足分别为G 、H ,点E 、F 分别是线段OG 、OH 上的任意两点,连接PE 、PF ,则PEF ∆的周长的最小值为( )A .4B .24C .34D .8 第10题图二、填空题。











248+406 ○650 900-454 ○5009、5厘米=()毫米30分米=()米400厘米=()米1千米=()米6000米=()千米7分米=()厘米4千克=()克9吨=()千克1分米=()毫米58厘米-18厘米=()分米800千克+200千克=()吨二、判断1、米、分米、厘米、毫米,每相邻两个长度单位之间的进率都是10。











65+78= 39+86= 67+95= 43+88=61-27= 84-39= 75-18= 41-26=2、竖式计算下面各题,要求验算的请验算。

725+538= 139+682= 709-537= 600-395=验算:验算:五、解决问题1、水果店运来410千克苹果,上午卖出152千克,下午卖出174千克,还剩多少千克?2、图书馆有科技书852本,上午借出265本,下午又购进403本,这时图书馆有科技书多少本?3、一套运动服235元,一双运动鞋168元,妈妈一共要花多少元?如果给售货员400元,够吗?4、小明从家到少年宫要走1500米,从少年宫再到图书馆还要走500米,小明从家经过少年宫到图书馆共走多少千米?。

2013-2014学年高一语文上学期第六次周练试题(新人教版 第99套)

2013-2014学年高一语文上学期第六次周练试题(新人教版 第99套)

高一语文周六周练六1.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一项是( )A.“7.23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故,再次暴露了安全责任落实不到位、安全管理不严格等问题,人们对这场本不该发生的事故痛不欲生....。





2.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是( )A.茅盾文学奖如今已走过8届29年的光阴,在将近半个甲子里,已评选出38部获奖作品,成为中国当代文学具有代表性的时代经典。




3.依次填入下面一段文字横线处的语句,衔接最恰当的一组是( )我国已进入老龄化社会,65岁及以上老年人已达1.5亿。






③为了保障老人的生命和健康,二者都需要肯定的回答④知不知道怎样向跌倒的老人正确施救,则是技术问题⑤见危不救,可能导致老人伤残或死亡⑥救助不当,也可能帮了倒忙,甚至造成更加严重的后果A.②⑥①③④⑤B.②⑤⑥①④③C.⑤②⑥③①④ D.⑤⑥②④③①4.阅读下面的文字,完成(1)—(4)题。



六数上周练六 班级: 姓名 成绩 一、计算
1819÷3= 34÷56= 16÷5
= 18÷52= 45÷54= 1÷25=
二、解方程 21x =79 1615
÷x =10 45x =815

1÷41 32
÷32 7
265÷453⨯53 75075⨯
2、在59÷a(a≠0)中 ,当( )时,商大于5
9;当( )时,商等于59
;当( )时,商小于59。


4、一根74 米长的钢筋重21
2 千克,这种钢筋1千克长( )米,1
米重( )千克。

91是( )。

( )的74等于80的5

升啤酒装一瓶 ,
10 克,占一个成年人一天所需钙

3、一批大米运往灾区, 4车装了这批大米的2
4 厘米。






fùráo xiǎnɡshîu yuâtán yōu huìkūqìjìnɡyǐnɡchãn bì()()()()( )()pài qiǎn zânɡsònɡfàn wãi kāi tuîtàn suǒhuàxiǎn wâi yí()()()()( )()二、在加点字正确的读音下画“√”。

搀.扶(chān cān )倔强.(jiànɡqiánɡ)积淀.(diàn dìnɡ)桅.杆(wãi wěi )瓷.器(cícì)珊.瑚(sān shān )三、................写出下列句子使用的修辞手法。










快捷英语外研版周周练六下答案1、Growing vegetables()constantly watering. [单选题] *A. neededB. are neededC. were neededD. needs(正确答案)2、The trouble turned out to have nothing to do with them. [单选题] *A. 由…引发的B. 与…有牵连C. 给…带来麻烦D. 与…不相干(正确答案)3、My camera is lost. I am ______ it everywhere.()[单选题] *A. looking atB. looking for(正确答案)C. looking overD. looking after4、In winter, animals have a hard time_____anything to eat. [单选题] *A.to findB.finding(正确答案)C.foundD.to finding5、David ______ at home when I called at seven o’clock yesterday evening. ()[单选题] *A. didn’tB. doesn’tC. wasn’t(正确答案)D. isn’t6、Mrs. Black is on her way to England. She will _______ in London on Sunday afternoon. [单选题] *A. reachB. attendC. arrive(正确答案)D. get7、Li Lei often takes a walk early ______ the morning.()[单选题] *A. atB. onC. in(正确答案)D. for8、Obviously they didn’t see the significance of the plan. That is()the problem lies. [单选题] *A. where(正确答案)B. whyC. /D. how9、———Must I return the book you lent me to you now? ——No, you( ). You can keep it for another few days. [单选题] *A.can’tB. shouldn'tC. mustn'tD. don, t have to(正确答案)10、He has made a lot of films, but ____ good ones. [单选题] *A. anyB. someC. few(正确答案)D. many11、Don’t read in bed. It’s _______ your eyes. [单选题] *A. good atB. good forC. bad atD. bad for(正确答案)12、I hadn't realized she was my former teacher _____ she spoke [单选题] *A. asB. sinceC. until(正确答案)D. while13、Many people prefer the bowls made of steel to the _____ made of plastic. [单选题] *A. itB. ones(正确答案)C. oneD. them14、We sent our children to school to prepare them for the time _____ they will have to work for themselves. [单选题] *A. thatB. when(正确答案)C. whileD. as15、The bookshop is far away. You’d better _______. [单选题] *A. by the busB. by busC. take busD. take?the bus(正确答案)16、______! It’s not the end of the world. Let’s try it again.()[单选题] *A. Put upB. Set upC. Cheer up(正确答案)D. Pick up17、It was()of you to get up early to catch the first bus so that you could avoid the traffic jam. [单选题] *A. senselessB. sensible(正确答案)C. sentimentalD. sensitive18、—Could you take out the rubbish, Jim?—______. I have too much homework to do. You can ask Sally to do it. ()[单选题] *A. Sorry, I can’t(正确答案)B. No problemC. I disagreeD. No, thanks19、Patrick bought her two handbags as gifts,but _____ of them was her style. [单选题] *A. eitherB. noneC. neither(正确答案)D. all20、There are sixty _______ in an hour. [单选题] *A. hoursB. daysC. minutes(正确答案)D. seconds21、The relationship between employers and employees has been studied(). [单选题] *A. originallyB. extremelyC. violentlyD. intensively(正确答案)22、He has grown rich lately. [单选题] *A. 后来B. 以后C. 终于D. 最近(正确答案)23、Henry lives happily with his three cats. _______ of them are part of his family. [单选题] *A. NoneB. BothC. All(正确答案)D. Neither24、How can I _______ the nearest supermarket? [单选题] *A. get offB. get upC. get to(正确答案)D. get on25、If you had told me earlier, I _____ to meet you at the hotel. [单选题] *A. had comeB. will have comeC. would comeD. would have come(正确答案)26、---Where’s that report?---I brought it to you ____you were in Mr. Black’s office yesterday. [单选题] *A. ifB. when(正确答案)C. becauseD. before27、My sister _______ listen to music when she was doing her homework.[单选题] *A. used to(正确答案)B. use toC. is used toD. uses to28、On Easter children _______ eggs around the house. [单选题] *A. hunt for(正确答案)B. send forC. prepare forD. ask for29、The children are playing wildly and making a lot of?_______. [单选题] *A. cryB. voicesC. noises(正确答案)D. music30、I am worried about my brother. I am not sure _____ he has arrived at the school or not. [单选题] *A. whether(正确答案)B. whatC. whenD. how。



第六周人教版数学七年级上册周周练考查范围:2.11.如图所示,三角尺的面积为( )A.21π2ab r - B.212ab r - C.2ab r - D.ab2.已知一个医用口罩由1个口罩面和2条口罩耳绳组成,则m 个医用口罩的耳绳数量为( )A.2m -B.2m +C.2mD.2m3.一个三位数的个位数字是a ,十位数字是0,百位数字是b ,则这个三位数可表示为( )A.abB.a b +C.100a b +D.100b a +4.对于代数式15a ,下列解释不合理的是( )A.家鸡的市场价为15元/千克,a 千克家鸡需15a 元B.家鸡的市场价为a 元/千克,买15千克的家鸡共需15a 元C.等边三角形的边长为5a ,则这个三角形的周长为15aD.制作某种电器需要15道工序,已知完成每一道工序所需时间是a 小时,则完成这15道工序所需的时间为15a 小时5.某本书的原价为x 元, 售价为()60%3x -元, 则对售价解释合理的是( )A.先打 4 折再降 3 元B.先打 4 折再加 3 元C.先打 6 折再降 3 元D.先打 6 折再加 3 元6.下列各式中,不是单项式的是( )A.32xB.2023C.aD.1x + 7.下列说法中正确的是( )A.单项式x -的次数和系数都是0B.-2016是整式C.3D.多项式2333231x y x y--是五次三项式8.下列式子:22x,1a ,237ab,abc,-5x,0中,整式有( )A.6个B.5个C.4个D.3个9.小明x岁,小华比小明岁数的2倍大5岁,则小华_________岁.10.已知关于x,y的多项式51xy x mxy y-++-不含二次项,则m的值为_________. 11.如果一个整式具备以下三个条件:①它是一个关于字母x的二次三项式;②各项系数的和等于10;③它的二次项系数和常数项都比-2小1.请写出满足这些条件的一个整式:__________.12.请把下列各式的序号分别填入如图所示的相应圆圈内:①1,②s ab=,③r,④34,⑤25,⑥()m m n+,⑦2xx,⑧82mn.答案以及解析1.答案:A 解析:三角形的面积是12ab ,圆的面积为2πr ,所以三角尺的面积为21π2ab r -.故选A.2.答案:D解析:根据总口罩耳绳的条数2=⨯口罩数量,列出式子即可.3.答案:D解析:因为这个三位数的个位数字是a ,十位数字是0,百位数字是b ,所以这个三位数可表示为100b a +.故选D.4.答案:D解析:完成一道工序所需时间是a 时,完成15道工序,每道工序所有的时间不一定相同,因而所需的总费用不一定是15a 小时.故选项D 符合题意;故选:D.5.答案:C解析:“打6折”的含义为以原价的60%进行售卖,所以选项C 正确.6.答案:D解析:1x +是多项式.7.答案:B解析:A.x -单项式的次数和系数分别为:1和-1,故A 错误;B.整式包括单项式与多项式,故-2016是整式,故B 正确;C.D.多项式2333231x y x y --是五次三项式,故D 错误.故选B.8.答案:C解析:22x ,1a ,237ab ,ab c ,5x -,0,中,整式有22x ,237ab ,-5x ,0,共4个.故选C. 9.答案:25x +或52x + 解析:7小明x 岁,小华比小明岁数的2倍大5岁,∴小华的岁数为25x +,故答案为:25x +.10.答案:-1解析:()51151xy x mxy y m xy x y -++-=+-+-, 由题意得10m +=,1m =-.故答案为:-1.11.答案:23163x x -+-解析:满足这些条件的整式为23163x x -+-.12.答案:如图所示.。

周练六 基础知识+名句默写+古诗词

周练六 基础知识+名句默写+古诗词

周练六基础知识+名句默写+古诗词1.下列加点字注音完全正确的一项是( C )A.纯粹.(cuì) 鞠躬尽瘁.(cuì)亘.古(ɡènɡ) 盘桓.(hénɡ)B.契.约(qiè) 锲.而不舍(qì)威慑.(shè) 蹑.足(niè)C.斑斓.(lán) 力挽狂澜.(lán)仰慕.(mù) 蓦.然(mò)D.拙.劣(zhuó) 相形见绌.(chù)真谛.(dì) 缔.结(tì)导析:C A项,“亘”应读“ɡèn”,“桓”应读“huán”;B项,“契”应读“qì”,“锲”应读“qiè”;D项,“拙”应读“zhuō”,“缔”应读“dì”。

2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一项是( D )A.竣工静谧浮想联篇金榜题名B.涨满偏袒花团锦簇立杆见影C.取谛羁绊锲而不舍越俎代庖D.憔悴寒暄顾名思义循规蹈矩导析:D A项,“浮想联篇”应为“浮想联翩”;B项,“立杆见影”应为“立竿见影”;C项,“取谛”应为“取缔”。

3.下列句子中加点词语使用有误的一项是( D )A.“五一”表彰大会上,来自各行各业的劳动模范济济一堂....,共庆劳动者的节日。




导析:D A项,济济一堂:形容很多有才能的人聚集在一起。





八年级语文上学期周周练6 语文版-语文版初中八年级全册语文试题

八年级语文上学期周周练6 语文版-语文版初中八年级全册语文试题

八年级语文〔上册〕周周练〔六〕【记承天诗夜游】【满井游记】班级某某座号【聚沙成塔】一、根底1.如下加点字的注音有误的一项为哪一项〔〕A.偕.友xié娟.然juān 己亥.gāiB. 土膏.gāo 鲜妍.yán 柔梢.shāoC. 清澈.chè倩.女qiàn 浃.背jiāD. 山峦.luán 浅鬣.liè靧.面huì2.如下加点的字,意义和用法不一样的一项为哪一项〔〕A.寻.X怀民未果,寻与..为乐者相与.步于中庭行.从小丘西行.百二十步 D.如.吾两人耳如.鸣佩环3.如下加点的成语运用不恰当的一项为哪一项〔〕A.他们有的坐火车旅行漫长的路程,有的从图拉驾车而来,在客厅里正襟危坐....地等待这位大师的接见。





















李明和王红原来各有多少枚邮票?8.教师办公室长6米,如果把长增加2米,面积就增加了8平方米,原来教师办公室的面积是多少平方米?(先在图上画一画,再解答)9.一个正方形的一组对边向两边各增加8米,形成长方形后,面积就增加320平方米,原来正方形的面积是多少平方米?10.芳芳家原来种了一块边长10米的正方形西瓜地,为增加收入,现在她家把西瓜地的边长增加6米,得到一块新的正方形西瓜地,这块西瓜地的面积增加了多少平方米?(先在图上画一画,再解答)四年级周周练6答案1. 350,300;2. 5,25。


(1) 1+3=4科技书:120÷4=30(本)文艺书:30×3=90(本)答:科技书有30本,文艺书有90本。

(2) 142+26=168(个)足球:168÷2=84(个)排球:142-84=58(个)答:足球有84个,排球有58个。

4. 136-24=112(棵)四年级:112÷2=56(棵)五年级:56+24=80(棵)答:四年级植树56棵,五年级植树80棵。




()×7=0 3×7+5= 3+7×4=7×()=42 7×8-3= 50-7×6=()÷7=8 7÷7+4= 6+56÷7=()÷7=5 35÷7-6= 63-63÷7=()×3=0 3×4+2= 5×3-1=()÷3=0 22-7×3= 2 +3×2=()×3=27 18÷3+1= 24÷3-2=()÷4=7 30-27÷3= 3+12÷3=6×()=0 5×6+4= 5+4×6=()÷6=1 18-6×3= 4×6-5=9×6= 36÷6-5= 54÷6+6=()÷6=0 7-42÷6= 4+48÷6=二、在()里填上适当的“<”、“>”或“=”。

5×2()10 35÷7()4 25÷5()25-5 10×3()31 70÷10()10 28÷4()28÷7 8×3()8+3 6×9()45 12÷4()21÷7 2×6()6+6 48÷6()14-8 45÷5()14-5 4×3()13 5×6()5+6 12÷6()12÷3 8×3()4×6 6×6()6÷6 6-1()6÷1 三、填空:(1)2个3=()个6 6个3=()64个3=()个6 8个3=()6(2)6的一半是(),6的加倍是()。

06、周周练六 从克到吨 从毫升到升 比一比

06、周周练六    从克到吨  从毫升到升  比一比

四年级第一学期数学周周练五本周主要训练内容:从克到吨从毫升到升比一比一、口算50×24= 700÷350= 3232÷32= (40+4)×25= 88×125= 42÷3= 40×160= 3×8+7×8=二、竖式计算6050×2600= 47700÷45=三、递等式计算,能巧算的要巧算148-48×3 854×103-854-854×2408××99+63四、求□里的数□÷205=38 24910÷□=47五、填空题1. 在括号内填上合适的单位名称.浦东国际机场面积40 一袋白砂糖重500麻雀体重28 1汤匙酱油2大象体重约5000 1桶植物油52. 388×502≈ 1980÷102≈3. 一块钢板重500千克,10块钢板共重千克,合吨六、单位换算2千克= 克8吨=克82000毫升= 升 50升= 毫升7 l= ml 800000平方厘米= 平方米2000000平方米= 平方千米 20吨=克2升600毫升= 毫升 3升3毫升= 毫升七、单位计算13760kg-8t = kg 5L-856mL= mL4t-215kg= kg 8000mL+5000mL= L185kg-49000g= g 7000kg+9t= kg 7kg+50000g= kg 43000kg-27t= t 5L-5mL= mL 7L+5mL= mL八、选择题1、 18018毫升=A、180升18毫升B、18升180毫升C、1升8018毫升D、18升18毫升2、长颈鹿身高230 ,重约2A、厘米B、分米C、千克D、吨九、应用题1、现有浓缩苹果汁2750mL,加上11L水后分给25名同学,每个同学可得到多少mL苹果汁饮料?2、 5袋豆浆共有1125毫升,若有这样的豆浆8袋,一共有多少毫升?3、某小店一月份买出饮料350瓶,二月份买出饮料550瓶,二月份比一月份多收入400元,平均每瓶饮料多少元?4、超市搞促销,每买2袋350克的浓缩强力洗衣粉,就送1袋120克的浓缩去污洗衣粉。





(25分)shì yàn zhǐ dài wú lùn zhènɡ shíliú xīn yàn lìsū xǐng ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) tuī cè què shí yán túchāo chánɡshī dù mì qièjiāo nèn ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) xū yào chuán bōlù xùdà zhìzhí wù xué jiā( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )guān xì shì yíshì yìng zhǎn shìkūn chóng xiū jiǎn( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、组词。

(20分)艳( ) 醒( ) 禁( ) 温( ) 娇( ) 色( ) 星( ) 梦( ) 湿( ) 桥( ) 组( ) 淡( ) 悄( ) 植( ) 建( ) 祖( ) 炎( ) 消( ) 直( ) 健( )六、按要求写句子。
































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高三英语周练六一、错题回顾1. Helping others is a habit, _____ you can learn even at a early age.A. itB. thatC. whatD. one2. It ______ a Saturday afternoon in May _______Margaret could arrange for me to meet he elder sister.A. was until, whenB. was until, thatC. was not until, whenD. was not until, that3. ________ everything else, my car's been stolen.A. As well asB. In additionC. In response toD. On top of4. _______ is known to all is _______ the Great Wall is one of the World Wonders.A. What; thatB. As; thatC. It; thatD. That; what5. Mr. Li has some trouble sleeping, so drinking a glass of milk before going to bed every night is his common________.A. practiceB. knowledgeC. experienceD. duty6. The Food-for-Life Programme has helped people by sending emergency food aid to countries during times of trouble, the Food-for-Growth Programme which targets people at risk.A. as didB. so didC. as hasD. as does7. He would be in better health now with too much work when young.A. had he not burdened himselfB. if he was not burdenedC. were he not burdenedD. had he not been burdened himself8. This should set alarm bells __________ , since the bare fact is that in order __________ everyone __________ survive, serious adjustments need to be made __________ worldwide development.A. ring; for; to; inB. ring; to; to; ofC. ringing; for; to; inD. ringing; for; to; of9. Fundamental computers are to more industrial structure, heavy reliance on them may separate people in daily life and affect their interpersonal relationships. A. as; develop B. though; developingC. although; developedD. because; develop10. Music should be taught routinely in schools because of the benefits can have on the development of the brains of young children.A. whichB. thatC. itD. one11. ___________ is no possibility ___________ Bob can win the first prize in the match.A. There; thatB. It; thatC. there; whetherD. It; whether12. Alternative energy sources can be used without ___________.A. using upB. being run outC. running out ofD. running out13. If you happen to get lost in the wild, you'd better stay___you are and wait for help.A. whyB. whereC. whoD. what14. is the gravity of the s ituation that we can’t the importance of public attention enough.A. This; deliverB. Such; underlineC. So; stressD. What; strike15.We do not have a big car, old expensive vases or paintings. , what I value about my father is the care and love he shows for me and my family.A. ThoughB. RatherC. Or ratherD. Further二、完形填空Like many other holidays, Halloween has evolved and changed throughout history. Over 2, 000 years ago people called the Celts lived in1is now Ireland, the UK, and parts of Northern France. November 1st was their New Year’s Day. They believed that the night2the New Year (October 31st) was a3when the living and the dead came together.More than a thousand years ago the Christian church named November 1st All Saints Day (also called All Hallows). This was a special holy4to honor the saints and other people who died for their religion. The night before All Hallows was5Hallows Eve. Later the name was6 to Halloween.Like the Celts, the Europeans of that time also7that the spirits of the dead would visit the8on Halloween. They worried that evil9would cause problems or10them. So on that night people11costumes that looked like ghosts or12evil creatures. They thought if they dressed like that, the spirits would think they were also13and would not harm them. The tradition of Halloween was14to America by the immigrating Europeans. Some of the 15changed a little, though. For example, on Halloween in Europe some people would carry lanterns made from turnips. In America, pumpkins were more common. So people began16 candles inside them and using them17lanterns. That is why you see Jack lanterns today. These days Halloween is not usually considered a religious holiday. It is primarily a fun day for children. Children18in costumes like people did a thousand years ago. 19instead of worrying about evil spirits, they go from house to house. They knock on doors and say “trick or treat. ” The owner of each20gives candy or something special to each trick or treater.1. A. what B. which C. whom D. whoever2. A. beyond B. before C. within D. for3. A. step B. age C. time D. process4. A. phrase B. period C. stage D. day5. A. advertised B. launched C. considered D. called6. A. added B. decided C. changed D. remembered7. A. needed B. believed C. imagined D. guessed8. A. earth B. heaven C. planet D. space9. A. people B. spirits C. animals D. ideas10. A. disturb B. affect C. hurt D. worry11. A. included B. held C. decorated D. wore12. A. tremble B. close C. other D. ugly13. A. depressed B. dead C. safe D. injured14. A. carried B. wondered C. designed D. produced15. A. plans B. traditions C. ways D. amazement16. A. kicking B. passing C. putting D. taking17. A. with B. at C. like D. as18. A. look up B. bring up C. take up D. dress up19. A. But B. If C. As D. Though20. A. house B. store C. event D. family三、阅读理解AThe poverty line is the minimum income that people need for an acceptable standard of living. People with incomes below the poverty line are considered poor. Economists study the causes of poverty in order to find solutions to the problem.As the general standard of living in the country rises, the poverty line does, too. T herefore, even with today's relatively high standard of living, about 10percent of the people in the United States are below the poverty line. However, if these people had stable jobs, they could have an acceptable standard of living. Economists suggest several reasons why poor people do not have jobs.For one thing, more than half of the poor people in the United States are not qualified to work. Over 40 percent of the poor people are children. By law, children less than 16 years old can’t work in many industries. A large number of poor people are old. Many companies do not hire people over 65 years old, the normal retirement age. Some poor adults do not look for jobs for a variety of personal reasons: they are sick, they do not have any motivation. they have family problems, or they do not believe that they can find a job.Other poor people look for a job but cannot find one. Many poor adults never went to high school, when they look for jobs, they have few skills that they can offer.At the present time, the government thinks it can reduce poverty in the country in the following ways.First, if the national economy grows, businesses and industries hire more workers. Some of the poor who are qualified to look for jobs may find employment. Then they will no longer be below the poverty line.Second, if society invests in the poor, the poor will become more productive. If the government spends money on social programs, education, and training for poor people, the poor will have the skills to offer. Then it is more likely that they can find jobs.Finally, if the government distributes society's income differently, it raises some poor people above the poverty line. The government collects taxes from the non-poor and gives money to the poor. These payments to the poor are called welfare. In 1975 over18millionpeople in the United States received welfare.Some economists are looking for better solutions to the poverty problem. However, at the present time, many people depend on welfare for a minimally acceptable standard of living.1 .The author's main purpose to write this article is_________.A. to define what the poverty line isB. to explain why some people live the poverty lineC. to find solutions to the problem of povertyD. to show sympathy for those poor people2. Which of the following is NOT true?A. Ten percent of the Americans live a poor life.B. Poor people are those who love below the poverty line.C. The poverty line rises as the general standard of living rises.D. The poverty line tends to be at the same level.3. More than 40 percent of the poor people are children. This is mainly because__.A. they do not have enough motivationB. they are so young that they are deprived of chances to workC. they fail to get enough educationD. they are very poor in health4. Most of the American poor people are not qualified for employment because___.A. they to not have any motivation to workB. they are not very self-confidentC. they are too young or too old to workD. they have physical and family problems5. We may conclude from the passage that_________.A. better solutions to the poverty problem are not yet foundB. welfare will enable people to be richC. poor people are bound to go out of the poverty line if they have chances to dobusinessD. employment is the best solution to the poverty problemBIn a world with limited land, water and other natural resources, the harm from the traditional business model is on the rise. Actually, the past decade has seen more and more forests disappearing and the globe becoming increasingly warm. People now realize that this unhealthy situation must be changed, and that we must be able to develop in sustainable ways. That means growth with low carbon or development of sustainable products. In other words, we should keep the healthy while using its supply of natural resources.Today, sustainable development is a popular trend in many countries. According to a recentstudy, the global market for low-carbon energy will become three times bigger over the next decade. China, for example, has set its mind on leading that market, hoping to seize chances in the new round of the global energy resolution. It is now trying hard to made full use of wind and solar energy, and is spending a huge amount of money making electric cars and high-speed trains. In addition, we are also seeing great growth in the global markets for sustainable products such as palm oil(棕榈油), which is produced without cutting down valuable rainforest. In recent years the markets for sustainable products have grown more than 50%.Governments can fully develop the potential of these new markets. First, they can set high targets for reducing carbon emissions(排放) and targets for saving and reusing energy. Besides, stronger arrangement of public resources like forests can also help to speed up the development. Finally, governments can avoid the huge public expenses that are taking us in the wrong direction, and redirecting some of those expenses can accelerate the change from the traditional model to a sustainable one.The major challenge of this century is to find ways to meet the needs of a growing population within the limits of this single planet. That is no small task, but it offers abundant new chances for sustainable product industries.1. The traditional business model is harmful because of all the following EXCEPT that____.A. it makes the world warmerB. it consumes natural resourcesC. it brings severe damage to futureD. it makes growth hard to continue2. What can we infer from Paragraph2?A. China lacks wind and solar energyB. China is the leader of the low-carbon marketC. High-speed trains are a low-carbon developmentD. Palm oil is made at the cost of valuable forests3. To fully develop the low-carbon markets governments can______.A. cut public expensesB. forbid carbon emissionC. develop public resourcesD. encourage energy conservation4. We can learn from the last paragraph that business have many chances to _______.A. develop sustainable productsB. explore new natural resourcesC. make full use of natural resourcesD. deal with the major challenge5. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To introduce a new business modelB. To compare two business modelsC. To predict a change of the global marketsD. To advocate sustainable developmentCThe income gap between China's rural and urban residents has continued to widen during the past few years in spite of rapidly rising rural incomes, Agricultural Minister Sun Zhengcai said here on Wednesday.The income ratio(比率)between urban and rural residents was 3.28:1 in 2006, against 3.23:1 in 2003, said Sun in his report on the promotion of building a new countryside in2007.Sun also said the net income of rural residents in different regions also varied widely.The income gap is only one of several problems in rural areas, according to Sun's report.While listing the achievements in rural areas in recent years, Sun believed that rural development still followed behind urban development."We have bigger pressure to ensure the supply of major agricultural products such as grain," he said."China's urbanization has been speeded up and more rural residents have gone to urban areas," he said."In this case, more agricultural producers become farm produce consumers, which created more pressure for supply," he said.Another problem facing China's agricultural development is inadequate application of science and technology."Only 30 percent of scientific and technological achievements have been applied to agricultural production, which is 40 percentage points lower than developed countries," he said.Despite increased government spending in rural areas, the infrastructure is still poor and easily hit by disasters.According to Sun, the government spent 431.8 billion yuan ($59.15 billion)on agriculture, rural areas and farmers this year, an increase of 80.1 billion yuan over the previous year.China set aside 11.38 billion yuan to promote a new rural cooperative medical care system and 27.98 billion yuan to support the new compulsory education mechanism in rural area to ensure that all citizens shared the fruits of China's reform and opening-up, Sun said.1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A.Because of the rapidly rising rural incomes, the income gap between China's rural and urban residents will disappear this year.B.The net income of rural residents in different regions is the same.C.The government has taken measures to develop the economy in the rural areas.D.Because of the rapidly rising rural incomes, the supply of major agricultural products is enough.2.Can you infer the meaning of the underlined words in paragraph 5?A.be made full use of B.be made little use ofC.be not made full use of D.be made good use of3.How much is spent on agriculture, rural areas and farmers the previous year?A.431.8 billion yuan B.511.9 billion yuanC.351.7 billion yuan D.80.1 billion yuan4.Which is NOT the problem in rural areas?A.The income gap B.The inadequate application of science and technologyC.The supply of major agricultural products D.China's urbanizationDAs it is known to us all, there are 55 minority groups in China, each with its traditional customs, costumes and culture. Now let’s take a look at the Tibetan Minority.The Tibetan Minority group live in Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan Province. And the highest ridge in the world─beautiful and mysterious Tibet is their major habitat .As the fertilized prairie stretches around the habitants as far as the eyes can see, most people live on animal husbandry, raising sheep, goats, cattle and growing a special kind of plant called Qingke. On account of the unique climate, people often wear warm and comfortable boots in winter, and they are always dressed in delicate robes which are made of the fur of sheep. Often they take off one sleeve of the clothes and tie it around their waists in order to work easily and use it as warm quilts at night.Both men and women there like wearing silver ornaments, which look very mysterious and full of magical power. And they are good at singing and dancing, and the men there can have braids too. When they meet an important guest, they will present him or her a Hada, a piece of long white silk cloth to show their respect. And they will also treat the guest to a special kind of drink called Suyou Tea, which some people find hard to enjoy. Besides, the habitants have developed both their own written and spoken languages, and the long poems they wrote play an important role in Chinese literature. And there are many well-protected culture relics as well, taking the grand Budala Palace as an example. It is a historical museum as well as an art treasury, where people can share their spirit belief in Buddhism and get artistic entertainment of the carved paintings and the beautifully-written chirographies.The Tibetan ethnic group is also famous for its strange custom in funeral. Thinking that the soul belongs to the sky after a person dies, they usually put the body on a platform outdoors, spray on it and wait the condors to come to eat the body. In this way, they believe the soul goes up to the sky.The Tibetan Minority is brimming over with deep emotions. The people there are very zealous and hospitable and they live freely and happily on the spacious grassland. Their history and culture contribute to the diversity of China, so we certainly should protect them and get them popularized and let them receive great respect they deserve.1.What places do the Tibetan Minority groups mostly live in?A.Qinghai and Gansu Provinces.B.Tibet.C.Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces.D. Qinghai, Gansu, Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces.2.What's the Chinese meaning of the word "ridge" ?A.山脊B. 地方C. 屋脊D. 平原3. Why do the people in Tibet often take off one sleeve of the clothes?A. Because they are hot.B. Because they can ride horses easily.C. Because they can run fast to catch the animals.D. Because they can work easily.4. What do the people often give the important guest in order to show their respect?A. A sheep.B. A glass of Qingke wine.C. Singing and dancing.D. A Hada and a cup of Suyou Tea.5. What's the best title of the passage?A. The Tibetan Minority.B. How happy the Tibetan Minority is!C. We should respect the Tibetan Minority.D. The life in Tibet.四、任务型阅读There are two types of people in the world. Although they have equal degree of health and wealth and other comforts of life, one becomes happy, while the other becomes unhappy. This arises from the different ways in which they consider things, persons, events and the resulting effects upon their minds.People who are to be happy fix their attention on the convenience of things: the pleasant parts of conversation, the well prepared dishes, the goodness of the wine and the fine weather. They enjoy all the cheerful things. Those who are to be unhappy think and speak only of the opposite things. Therefore, they are continually dissatisfied. By their remarks, they sour the pleasure of society, offend(hurt) many people, and make themselves disagreeable everywhere. If this turn of mind was founded in nature, such unhappy persons would be the more to be pitied. The intention of criticizing and being disliked is perhaps taken up by imitation. It grows into a habit, unknown to its possessors. The habit may be strong, but it may be cured when those who have it realize its bad effects on their interests and tastes. I hope this little warning may be of service to them, and help them change this habit.Though in fact it is chiefly an act of the imagination, it has serious results in life since it brings on deep sorrow and bad luck. Those people offend many others; nobody loves them, and no one treats them with more than the most common politeness and respect. This frequently puts them in bad temper and draws them into arguments. If they aim at getting some advantages in social position or fortune, nobody wishes them success. Nor will anyone start a step or speak a word to favor their hopes. If they bring on themselves public objections, no one will defend or excuse them, and many will join to criticize their wrong doings. These should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing, without worrying needlessly about themselves and others. If they do not, it will be good for others to avoid any contact with them. Otherwise, it can be disagreeable and sometimes very inconvenient, especially when one becomes mixed up in their quarrels.周练六答案Keys:一、1-5 DDDAA 6-10CDCBC 11-15ADBBB二、ABCDD CBABC DCBAB CDDAA :三、(A)CDBCA (B)BBDAD(C)CCCD(D)BADDA四、1. Similarities2. convenienceforts4. opposite5.Analysis6. Offending7. Results8.respect9. Tips/ Advice/ Suggestions 10. habit周练六答案Keys:一、1-5 DDDAA 6-10CDCBC 11-15ADBBB二、ABCDD CBABC DCBAB CDDAA :三、(A)CDBCA (B)BBDAD(C)CCCD(D)BADDA四、1. Similarities2. convenienceforts4. opposite5.Analysis6. Offending7. Results8.respect9. Tips/ Advice/ Suggestions 10. habit。
