



4.3 退出数据记录服务器............................................................................................... 45 五. 配置虚拟控制器.............................................................................................................. 46 5.1 PCU 下装........................................................................................................ 46 5.2 PCU 状态设置................................................................................................ 47 六. 监控运行软件..................................................................................................................48 6.1 进入初始画面................................................................................................. 48 6.2 使用操作面板................................................................................................. 49

hps指标 -回复

hps指标 -回复

hps指标-回复什么是HPS指标?HPS指标是指高性能团队指标(High-Performance Team Indicators),也被称为团队绩效指标。





1. HPS指标的四个维度HPS指标通常由四个主要维度组成,其中每个维度代表着团队绩效的一个特定方面。

这些维度是:- 目标和战略:团队是否正确地理解并与组织目标保持一致?- 人员资源:团队的成员是否拥有适当的技能和知识来完成工作任务?- 沟通和合作:成员之间是否有效地进行沟通和合作?- 绩效和成果:团队是否能够按时交付高质量的工作成果?这些维度为团队提供了一个全面的评估框架,使他们能够从不同角度了解绩效状况,并找到改进的机会。

2. HPS指标的测量方法针对每个维度,可以使用不同的指标来衡量团队的绩效。

例如,对于目标和战略维度,可以使用以下指标:- 目标达成率:衡量团队是否在预定的时间内实现了设定的目标。

- 战略重要性:评估团队是否能够理解和支持组织的战略方向。

对于人员资源维度,可以使用以下指标:- 技能平衡度:衡量团队中不同技能的分布情况,确保团队有足够的技能来完成工作任务。

- 培训和发展:评估团队成员是否得到了适当的培训和发展机会,以提高他们的技能和知识。

对于沟通和合作维度,可以使用以下指标:- 参与度:衡量团队成员在讨论和决策过程中的积极参与程度。

- 沟通效果:评估团队成员之间的沟通效果和信息共享情况。

对于绩效和成果维度,可以使用以下指标:- 交付准时率:检查团队是否能够按时交付工作成果。

- 成本效率:评估团队在完成工作任务时是否能够控制成本。





1. 并行计算:HPS利用并行计算的原理,即将一个大型的问题分解成多个子问题,并同时在多个计算单元上进行计算。


2. 分布式系统:HPS中通常使用分布式系统,即利用多台计算机进行任务的处理和数据的存储。


3. 高性能网络:HPS要求计算节点之间的通信速度和带宽较高,以支持大规模并行计算和数据传输。


4. 高效的算法和数据结构:为了使HPS更高效,需设计和使用高效的算法和数据结构,以减少计算和存储的负担,并提高计算速度。

5. 超级计算机:超级计算机是HPS的核心,它是一个由成千上万个处理器组成的庞大计算机系统,具有极高的计算能力和存储能力。


6. 并行编程模型:HPS中的并行计算需要使用特殊的编程模型来实现任务的分配和协调。

常见的并行编程模型有MPI (消息传递接口)和OpenMP(共享内存编程)等。




Is_bool(变量或表达式) Is_string(变量或表达式) Is_float(变量或表达式) Is_null(变量或表达式) Is_float(变量或表达式) Is_array(变量或表达式)
Page ▪ 22
3.3.2 复合数据类型---对象(object)
Page ▪ 23
3.3.3 特殊数据类型
1.特殊数据类型包括资源和空值两种: (1)resource资源 (2)null空值:表示没有值
例1.字符串str1被赋值为null,str2没有声明和赋值,所以也是null,最后str3虽然被赋予了初值,但被unset()函数处理后,也变 为null。unset()函数的作用就是从内存中删除变量。
结果:15 字符串中左边第一个字符是数字其中包含.看做是小数点浮点数
<?php echo 5+"5.9nihao"; ?>
Page ▪ 27
3.3.4 数据类型转换
整型数据类型只能包含整数。在32位系统中,有效范围是-2147483648---+2147483647,整 数可以使用十进制、八进制和十六进制来表示。八进制前加0,十六进制前加0x
例1. <?php $a1=16; $a2=016; $a3=0x16; echo "十进制输出结果是$a1<br>"; echo "八进制输出结果是$a2<br>"; echo "十六进制输出结果是$a3<br>";//最终都会以十进制输出结果 ?> 结果:十进制输出结果是16



=== GSP Help Overview ====The Guardian Service Processor is an independent support processor for the system console that provides some major system manageability features:* Always-on capability: The GSP is alive if the power cord is plugged in.* User/password access control: Support operator and administrator users* Multiple access methods to the GSP:Local Port -use terminal or laptop computer for direct connectRemote/modem Port -use dedicated modem RS-232 port and external modemLAN –use telnet to access GSP LAN port from anywhereInternal Port – use cu command from the HP-UX system* Mirrored console: the system console output stream is reflected to all of the command console users, and any user can provide input.* Display and/or logging of:The system console, System event logs (chassis codes) , Virtual Front Panel (VFP) , and system power and configuration status* On local and modem ports, an independent, non-mirrored session can be started, either to connect to a GSP (CSP), or login to the OS (SE).* The GSP provides power control, system reset, and TOC capabilities.AC: Alert display ConfigurationThe GSP will automatically activate the ALERT DISPLAY when a chassis code with an alert level greater than or equal to the configured threshold is received. Users in console mode or GSP command mode when an alert is displayed will be returned to console mode after it is acknowledged. Users in VFP mode when the alert is displayed will be returned to VFP mode.Alerts with level 2 or greater will go into the Error log. If an alert is acknowledged in the ALERT DISPLAY, that alert will not light the Attention LED. To turn off the LED, read the Error log. Since level 2 alerts can never activate the ALERT DISPLAY, they must always be acknowledged by reading the Error log.The setting in AC has no affect on the automatic early boot VFP. During boot, level 3 alerts and greater will always be displayed.SEE ALSO: SL, VFP (Show Logs, Virtual Front Panel)CA : Configure Asynchronous local and remote/modem parametersBAUD RATES: Input and output data rates are the same. The value returned by the stty command on HPUX is the local serial port console speed.FLOW CONTROL: Hardware uses RTS/CTS: Software used Xon/Xoff.TERMINAL TYPE: See subject “Hpterm”, (next page)TRANSMIT CONFIGURATION STRINGS: Disable this setting whenever the modem being used Is not compatible with the supported modem (MT5634ZBA)MODEM PRESENCE: Set this to “not always connected” when the modem may not always be connected. For example: A modem attached through a switch. In mode “not always connected”, no dial-out functions are allowed: DIAL-BACK is disabled, and PAGING is not possible.CL: Console Log – view the history of the Console outputThis command displays up to 20Kilobytes of logged console data (about 20 pages of display in text mode) sent from the system to the Console path.SEE ALSO: CO (Console)CO: Console – leave command mode and return to consoleThis command exits the GSP command interface, and connects to the system console. All mirrored users are switched. Type CTRL-B to return to the GSP command interface.VT100 and HPTERM: Verify that the GSP setting in the CA command is correct and all mirrored consoled are of the same terminal type for proper operation.To run an ASCII screen-oriented application(SAM) or a file transfer program(ftp), the console is not the recommended connected. On the local or remote/modem port, it is recommended that the SE command be used to start a private system session, so that console output and mirroring do not disrupt the application. On the LAN, connecting directly via telnet to the system over the system LAN is recommended.SEE ASSO: SE (Session)CSP: Connect to another Service ProcessorThis command allows the local or remote/modem user to connect over the GSP LAN to another GSP on the network. The user that launches the command is given a private connection to the other GSP over the LAN. To return to the original GSP, type “Ctrl-]” to disconnect the CSP session.Other mirrored GSP users are placed in console mode when this command is executed. The CSP user returns to the mirrored GSP session after ending the CSP session.SEE ALSO: LC, SE (LAN Configuration, Session)DC: Default Configuration- reset individual or multiple parametersThis command sets various GSP parameters back to their default values and also clears out GSP status log entries.The user may reset all or subset of the following parameters: IP configuration, modem configuration, paging configuration, command interface configuration, disable remote access, command interface configuration, security configuration, session configuration. For example: setting the security configuration to default will erase all of the users and passwords.(ADMINISTRATOR level command.)SEE ALSO: CA, EL, ER, IT, LC, PG, SO (Configure Asynchronous, Enable LAN, Enable Remote, Inactivity Timeouts, LAN Configuration, PaGing, Security Options)DI : Disconnect remote/modem or LAN consoleThis command disconnects the remote/modem or LAN users from the GSP. It does not disable the ports. To disable the ports, see the ER command for remote/modem and the EL command for LAN access. The TE and WHO commands are useful to identify the connected users before running this command.SEE ALSO: ER, EL, TE, WHO (Enable Remote/modem, Enable LAN, TEll, Who)EL : Enable/disable LAN console accessThe EL command is used to set access permissions for users logging into the GSP over the LAN. It does not affect the IP configuration or the ability of the CSP command to connect over the LAN. It also does not affect the ability of the GSP to perform upgrades over the LAN (XU).SEE ALSO: LC, LS (LAN Configuration, LAN Status)ER : Enable/disable Remote console serial port modem accessThe following modes are available for the remote/modem port:LOCKED-OUT : Lock out all dial-in accessGSP : Exclusive GSP accessSESSION : Modem controlled by OS; both dial-in and dial-outDial-in to the modem results in:Access denied under the mode: LOCKED-OUTA GSP login under the mode: GSPA session with the OS under the mode: SESSION(The OS must be properly configured to use the modem.)Dial-out (paging) by the OS is allowed under the mode: SESSION.(The OS must be properly configured to use the modem.)IT : Inactivity Timeout settingsSESSION INACTIVITY TIMEOUT : up to 1440 minutes - typically 60 minutes This timeout prevents sessions to the system from being inadvertently left open. A session can be started by the SE command. An open session can prevent users from logging onto the GSP through a port and can also prevent system applications from initiating an outbound connection.GSP INACTIVITY TIMEOUT: up to (24x60) minutes - typically 60 minutes This timeout prevents a user from inadvertently keeping the GSP locked in a GSP Command Interface mode preventing other users from looking at the console output. The GSP Command Interface inactivity timeout may not be deactivated.(ADMINISTRATOR level command.)SEE ALSO: ER, SE (Enable Remote/modem, SEssion)LC : LAN configuration (IP address, etc.)This command modifies the LAN configuration.The GSP Host Name set in this command is displayed at the GSP command interface prompt. Typically the DNS name for the LAN IP is entered. This field can be programmed to any useful name or phrase. For clarity, it is useful to enter: "GSPNAME-on-SYSTEM" as the GSP Host name, so both names show up in the prompt (limit 20 chars, no spaces allowed.)(ADMINISTRATOR level command.)SEE ALSO: EL, LS (Enable Remote/modem, LAN Status)LS : LAN StatusThis command displays all parameters and the current status of connections of the GSP LAN. The LAN parameters are not modified by the execution of this command.SEE ALSO: EL, LC (Enable LAN, LAN Configuration)MR : Modem ResetThis command makes the GSP send an AT Z command to the modem, which will reset it. Any modem connections will be lost. The initialization resultscan be viewed via the MS command.SEE ALSO: MS (Modem Status)MS : Modem Status- show modem signals and statusThe MS command displays the state of the modem lines connected to the remote/modem serial port. The display can be updated by hitting a Carriage Return <CR>. The current state of the status signals DCD, CTS, DSR, RI and the last state of the control signals DTR, RTS set by the firmware are displayed. The text under "modem state" is an interpretation of these signals.SEE ALSO: ER, MR (Enable Remote/modem, Modem Reset)PC : Remote Power Control - turn system power on and offFor proper system shutdown, shut down the OS before issuing this command.This command allows the user to switch the system power ON or OFF, or Power Cycle the machine. The user can have the action take place immediately, or after a specified delay.Note this is roughly equivalent to turning the system power off at thefront panel switch- there is no signal sent to the OS to bring thesoftware down before power is turned off. To turn the system off properly, the operator must ensure that the OS is in the proper shutdown statebefore issuing this command, by using the proper OS commands.SEE ALSO: PS (Power Status)PG : PaGing parameter setupWhen a chassis code arrives in the GSP, the paging list is checked to seeif any pagers are enabled for that alert level. If so, the GSP will send a page to those pagers. Part of the alpha-numeric pager message is thestring configured in this command, describing the alert level thatcaused the page.If the modem is in use by either a dial-in connection to the GSP, a dial-in session to the OS, or a dial-out by the OS, all pages will queue up andwait until the modem is idle. Also, the modem presence in the CA command must be configured for "always connected" for paging to be possible.(ADMINISTRATOR level command.)SEE ALSO: CA, ER (Configure Asynchronous, Enable Remote/modem)PS : Power Status- display the status of the Power Management ModuleThis command displays on the console the status of the power management module. The firmware revision listed is the power management module firmware.SEE ALSO: PC, SS (Power Control, System Status)RS : Reset System through RST signalUnder normal operation, shut down the OS before issuing this command. This command causes the system to be reset through the RST signal.Execution of this command irrecoverably halts all system processing and I/O activity and restarts the computer system. The effect of this command is very similar to cycling the system power- the OS is not notified, no dump is taken on the way down, etc.SEE ALSO: TC (Transfer Control)SDM : Set Display Mode (hex or text)PARAMETERS: hex, textThis command is used to set the default display mode for chassis codes. It will affect the Virtual Front Panel (plus alerts), and the log viewer.SEE ALSO: SL, VFP (Show Logs, Virtual Front Panel)SE : SEssion- log into the system on local or remote portOnly valid from the local or remote/modem port, SE allows the user to leavethe GSP Command Interface and enter a system session. Other mirrored GSPusers are placed in console mode. The session user returns to the mirroredGSP session on exit.The GSP regularly checks the activity of the session and will close theconnection with the system and return the port to mirroring if the timeoutperiod has elapsed. The timeout period is set in the IT command.DEVICE FILES: For proper operation, the HP-UX device files for the sessionmust be configured (the CA command should be set to match).Local Session: /dev/ttyd1p1 Remote Session: /dev/ttyd0p2 BAUD RATE: If the system and the GSP Command Interface local or remoteports have been configured with different port speeds, the baud ratechanges to the rate specified by the OS for the duration of the session.SEE ALSO: CA, ER, IT (Configure Asynch., Enable Remote, Inactivity Timeouts)SL : Show Logs- view the chassis codes in the log historyThis command displays the contents of the chassis codes and events thathave been stored in non-volatile memory.Incoming : All chassis codes as they come in except for activityupdates codes from the OS.Activity : All chassis codes of level 1 or greaterError : All chassis codes of level 2 or greaterCurrent Boot : All between "start of boot" and "boot complete" chassis codes Last Boot : The codes from the previous bootReading the Error Log turns off the Attention LED. Accessing this bufferis the only way to turn off the attention LED when it is flashing andalerts have not been acknowledged at the alert display level.SEE ALSO: AC, SDM, VFP (Alert Configuration, Set Display Mode, Virtual Front Panel)SO : Security options & access control (users, passwords, etc.)This command is used to modify the security parameters of the GSP. These include user accounts, login timeouts, allowed password faults, etc. Most of the parameters are familiar; the following require some extra explanation:DIAL-BACK: If configured, when the user accesses the GSP via the modem port, the GSP will hang up and dial the user back. Will not work if "Modem Presence" is set to "not always connected" in the CA command.MODE: Single/Multiple. If the mode is Single, the State will be changed to disabled after the first login.USER'S STATE: Enabled/Disabled. A disabled user's login will not be accepted.(ADMINISTRATOR level command.)SEE ALSO: CA, PG (Configure Asynchronous, PaGing)SS : System Status- display the status of the system processorsThe SS command displays the the status of the system processors and which processor is the monarch.The GSP learns the system configuration through the chassis codes it receives from the system. Therefore, there will likely be a delay between any processor configuration change and what is displayed by this command.A more reliable way to get the processor configuration information is atthe BCH prompt.SEE ALSO: PS (Power Status)TC : System reset through INIT or TOC (Transfer of Control) signalUnder normal operation, shut down the OS before issuing this command. This command causes the system to be reset through the INIT (or TOC) signal.Execution of this command irrecoverably halts all system processing andI/O activity and restarts the computer system. It is different from theRS command in that the processors are signaled to dump state on the way down.SEE ALSO: RS (ReSet)TE : TEll- sends a message to other terminalsUp to 80 characters can be typed in and the message is broadcast to the other mirrored clients. Users in a session or CSP are not shown the message.SEE ALSO: WHOVFP : Virtual Front Panel display (all ports except internal port)When invoked, the VFP will display the LED state with a text decode and the most recent Chassis Code received. At that point, the user can thenproceed with the live-mode VFP display of chassis codes, or quit back tothe GSP prompt.There are two ways that the live display of chassis codes can be started:LIVE MODE: Invoked from the VFP command at the GSP prompt. Toexit, you must type Q to quit to the console.EARLY BOOT MODE: When the boot sequence for the system begins, the live VFP is invoked automatically. When boot finishes, usersare automatically switched to console mode.The LED state reflects the state of the front panel LED's. When systempower is off, the remote LED will show "OFF" even though remote access may be enabled in the EL or ER commands.SEE ALSO: AC, SL (Alert Configuration, Show Logs)WHO : Display a list of GSP connected usersThis command display the login name of the connected console client users and the port on which they are connected. For the LAN console clients the remote IP address is also displayed.There is always one user listed for the local serial port. This is adefault user name ("local user") if the local console client user didn't originate the GSP Command Interface session. If the local console operator typed CTRL-B, then the login name that the local operator typed is displayed instead.SEE ALSO: TE (TEll)XD : Diagnostics and/or Reset of GSPThis command allows the user to perform some simple checks to confirm the GSP's health and its connectivity status. The following tests are available:* Parameters checksum* I2C bus test* LAN connectivity test using "ping"* Modem self-testsAlso, the GSP can be reset from this command. A GSP reset can be safely performed without affecting the operation of the server.XU : Upgrade the GSP FirmwareThe upgrade is performed using ftp over the GSP LAN, which must therefore be operational. The user must enter the ftp server IP address, login, password, and the directory in which the upgrade files reside.LAN and modem connections will be dropped. The XU command can only be run from the local or internal ports. If the upgrade is successful, theGSP will reboot and come up using the new software.If the upgrade fails, the GSP will return to the prompt with instructionson what went wrong, and what to do next.Upgrading the GSP software and rebooting the GSP can be safely performed without affecting the operation of the server.The version of GSP firmware is displayed at the top of the main help menu.。


他机点检、预案、部品 展开、故障模式、维修 指导书、预测修理等提 案活动
深化扩展阶段 基 础 推 进 阶 段 规 划 准 备 阶 段
•公司评价组由主管总经理,工厂服务部、各分厂、各直属车间 主管经理等组成,负责进行信息通报、总结及行政协调支持。 •推进业务组负责具体推进规划、业务开展、点检评价。 •推进工作组负责活动的具体落实,组织实施。 •各分厂、车间推进组由主管行政经理及维修、生产班长组成, 负责车间推进活动。 •基层小组由全员组成,是活动的基本载体。
出了一套系统的保全方案。即TPM的前身PM。 1971年前后,日本总结并在全国推广丰田公司的全 员参与和围绕效率化核心的维修管理,即TPM。
6- TPM生产维修
Productive maintenance
效率化维修:包括自主维修和专业维修两部分,是围绕现地 现物,解决实际问题为重点展开的全员效率维修活动。 自主维修:是以车间操作工人为主体,开展的设备基本环境层 面的维修活动。其范围以整顿设备工作环境和外表层面的点检为 主,并鼓励在专业维修人员指导下的改善。 专业维修:则是以专业维修人员为主体,开展的更深层次的 专业性维修管理活动。 效率化维修和TPM全员效率维修体系并不矛盾,其目标和全 员效率维修是一致的。只是更注重现地现物,更注重面向设备, 解决实际问题。 我们将依托全员效率维修体系,以前六个基本支柱为重点, 在体系的指导下展开效率化维修活动。
设备环境:改善设备运行环境,消除强 制劣化。 人员环境:改善人员操作环境和安全条件, 实现人机协调和谐。
活动瞄准的目标 通过全员生产维护和持续改善,最大限度提高设备综 合效率、延长设备使用寿命为目标,使生产效益最大化, 最终实现零缺陷、零故障、零灾害、零不良、零损失 。



HP-UX双机原理及安装维护目录第1章HP双机软件安装 (1)1.1 双机系统概述 (1)1.1.1 硬件要求 (1)1.1.2 软件要求 (1)1.1.3 逻辑连线图 (2)1.2 安装步骤 (2)第2章双机系统配置 (1)2.1 双机CLUSTER的配置 (1)2.2 双机应用包PKG的配置 (2)2.3 双机运行状态检查 (3)2.4 双机倒换测试 (4)附录1:HPUX CLUSTER常用命令 (6)i第1章HP双机软件安装1.1 双机系统概述智能网双机系统采用双机群集备份结构,在群集中一台机器为主用节点,另外一台为备用节点,在每台机器上都采取了一定的硬件冗余配置,如网卡、SCSI卡等。







1.1.1 硬件要求1. HP9000服务器两台;2. 磁盘柜或磁阵1或2台;3. 每台主机上需有三块网卡(至少要两块网卡,但不推荐使用)。

1.1.2 软件要求1. HP-UX 11.0操作系统和必需的操作系统补丁;2. MC/Service Guard双机软件一套,版本号不能为11.12和11.13版本。



基于HPS教学模式的教学过程设计作者:孙丹凤苏玉成来源:《物理教学探讨》2019年第11期摘 ; 要:电子的发现是目前人教版高中物理选修3-5第十八章第一节的内容,主要为电子的发现过程和电子比荷的测定。




关键词:HPS教学模式;核心素养;阴极射线;电子;比荷中图分类号:G633.7 文献标识码:A ; ;文章编号:1003-6148(2019)11-0028-5为落实立德树人的根本任务,《普通高中物理课程标准》(2017年版)提出:“引导学生经历科学探究过程,体会科学研究方法,养成科学思维习惯,增强创新意识和实践能力,引领学生认识科学的本质及科学·技术·社会·环境的关系,形成科学态度、科学世界观和正确的价值观,为做有社会责任感的公民奠定基础。


1 ; ;理论基础1.1 ; ;HPS教学模式HPS(History of Science and Philosophy of Science)教学模式最早是由英国研究者马腾·孟克(Marten Monk)和乔纳森·奥斯本(Jonathan Osborne)提出,主要通过在教学实践中融入科学史和科学哲学,使学生对科学家的探究过程进行简单复演,使“知识线”“思维方法线”“科学情感线”同时展开[2]。


HP 印刷机基本元素指南说明书

HP 印刷机基本元素指南说明书

1Desembale la impresoraL os siguientes elementos son suministrados con su impresora. Retire todas las cintasadhesivas y el material de protección del interior y exterior de la impresora. La cintaadhesiva puede estar localizada en diferentes sitios de la impersora; revise el interior yexterior de la impresora.Para conectar la impresora a una computadora, necesitará un cable paralelo o USB(no incluidos) que cumpla con las especificaciones indicadas en el manual ElementosBásicos de la Impresora.E vite colocar la impresora en sitios:•expuestos a altas temperaturas o humedad•expuestos a luz solar directa o dondehaya polvo•con poca ventilación•cercanos a fuentes de calor o interferenciamagnética, por ejemplo altavoces ounidades base de teléfonos inalámbricos.Siga todas las indicaciones de la sección “Instrucciones de seguridad,” en el manual Elementos Básicos de la Impresora.Utilice los cartuchos de tinta incluidos con su impresora la primera vez que instale los cartuchos, de lo contrario es posible que la tinta no se carguecorrectamente.Para no dañar la fuente de alimentación de la impresora, no utilice untomacorriente conectado a un interruptor o cronómetro de pared, ni tampoco a un tomacorriente que forme parte del mismo circuito que un aparato grande. No utiliceun interruptor externo, como por ejemplo el interruptor de un panel de enchufes.Mantenga los cartuchos de tinta fuera del alcance de los niños; no ingiera la tinta.Si la tinta mancha sus manos, lávelas bien con agua y jabón. Si la tinta toca susojos, enjuáguelos inmediatamente con agua.•Retire el sello de cinta adhesiva amarilla de la parte superior del cartucho; de lo contrario el cartucho puede dañarse irreparablemente. No retire el sellotransparente de la parte inferior del cartucho; de lo contrario la tinta sederramará.•No toque la placa verde localizada en la parte posterior del cartucho ya que esto puede afectar el funcionamiento normal de la impresora.Nunca apague la impresora mientras el indicador de encendido estédestellando, a menos que la impresora no se haya movido ni haya hecho ruidodurante más de 5 minutos.Este proceso tarda unos dos minutos y medio. El indicador de encendidodestella y la impresora emite diversos sonidos hasta que termina la carga.Noapague la impresora (o encienda su computadora) y no interrumpa el proceso decarga, ya que se utilizará más tinta de la necesaria. La carga de tinta concluyecuando el indicador de encendido deja de destellar y permanece encendido.Baje la bandeja de salida de la impresoray abra la cubierta.Levante las abrazaderas desujeción de los cartuchosde tinta.2Saque los cartuchos de tinta de sus envoltorios. A continuación, retire sólo laparte amarilla del sello localizado en la parte superior del cartucho. No retire laparte azul.34Pulse el botón a m a r i l l o de sustitución del cartucho de tinta y cierre la cubierta de la impre s o r a.5Cartuchode tintanegraCartuchode tintade colorBotón desustitución decartucho de tintaSi el programa de instalación no se abreautomáticamente, haga doble clic en el icono Mi PC ,haga doble clic en el icono del CD-ROM EPSON .En la próxima pantalla, haga doble clic en el título de la aplicación que desee instalar. Siga las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla.Al concluir la instalación de cada aplicación, haga clic en el icono hasta volver al menú principal del programa de instalación.Cuando termine de instalar las aplicaciones, haga clic en el icono para cerrar el programa de instalación.Para usuarios de la Epson Stylus Photo 1280: La instalación de Adobe Photoshop LE requiere un número de serie. Vea la etiqueta del envoltorio del CD-ROM de Adobe Photoshop LE.6Cargue el papelP uede cargar un pila de papel normal o papel para impresoras de inyección de tinta.Para instrucciones sobre cómo cargar papel especial, consulte el manual Elementos Básicos de la Impresora.7Instalación del softwareInstale el software de impresión en Windows8Instalación del software creativoS u impresora incluye las siguientes aplicaciones:EPSON Stylus Photo 890: ArcSoft ™PhotoImpression ™3.0, ArcSoft PhotoStudio ®2000, QBeo ™PhotoGenetics ™2.0 y EPSON Software ™Film Factory ™(disponible en inglés)EPSON Stylus Photo 1280: Adobe ®Photoshop ®LE, Qbeo PhotoGenetics 2.0 y EPSON Software Film Factory (disponible en inglés)Encienda la impresora.Encienda la computadora y espere hasta que aparezcan los iconos de escritorio de Windows. Cuando aparezca el cuadro de diálogo “Se ha encontrado hardware nuevo” o cualquier otro asistente, haga clic en Cancelar .Coloque el CD-ROM EPSON Sofware de la impresora en la unidad de CD-ROM o DVD. El programa de instalación se inicia automáticamente.(Si esto no sucede, haga doble clic en el icono Mi PC,después haga clic en el icono del CD-ROM EPSON .Y si es necesario haga clic en el icono EPSETUP .)Haga doble clic sobre Español .En la próxima pantalla haga doble clic en Instalar el driver de la impresora para Windows .Verifique que su modelo de impresora, EPSON Stylus Photo 890ó1280, está seleccionado; después haga clic en OK . El programa de instalación copia los archivos de software a su computadora.Si alguna ventana cubre el programa de instalación, ciérrelas.Cuando la instalación haya concluido, haga clic en Aceptar .Reinicie su sistema (deje el CD-ROM en la unidad de CD-ROM).124356789Encienda la impresora.Encienda la Macintosh y espere hasta que vea los iconos de sistema.Coloque el CD-ROM EPSON Software de la impresora en la unidad de CD-ROM. La carpeta principal del CD-ROM se abre automáticamente. (Si esto no sucede,haga doble clic en el icono EPSON , localizado en el escritorio de la Macintosh.)Abra la carpeta Español , luego abra la carpeta Disk 1y haga doble clic en el icono Instalador .En la pantalla inicial, haga clic en Continuar .Verá el cuadro de diálogo Instalador.Haga clic en Instalar y siga las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla.Cuando aparezca un mensaje informándole que la instalación ha concluido, haga clic en Reiniciar para reiniciar su computadora.Instale el software de impresión en MacintoshAhora está listo para instalar las aplicaciones creativas gratuitas. Si desea instalar lasaplicaciones, vea la sección “Instalación del software creativo”.12435672345EPSON y EPSON Stylus son marcas registradas de SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION. Aviso general: Todos los otros productos y nombres son sellos de fábrica y/o marcas registradas de sus respectivos propietarios. EPSON niega todo y cualquier marcas. © 2001 Epson America, Inc.Impreso en papel reciclado. 04/01CPD-11965EPSON Stylus ®Photo 890/1280EPSON Stylus ®Photo 890/1280¡E s t á l i s t o p a r a i m p r i m i r !Abra las extensiones de la bandeja de salida.1Cargue una pila de papel normal o de papel especial para inyección de tinta en el alimentador de hojas.Coloque el papel contra la guía lateral derecha.Después, deslice la guía lateral izquierda contra el borde del papel.2No cargue papel por encima de la flecha.Extensiones de labandeja de salidaGuía lateralizquierda910Después de reiniciar su sistema, debe seleccionar su impresora en el Selector.Abra el Selector desde el menú Apple.Haga clic en el icono SP 890óSP 1280, luego haga clic en el icono Puerto USB .Si desea activar la impresión de fondo, haga clic en el botón de radio Impresión background para activarla.Cuando la impresión de fondo está activada, puede utilizar la Macintosh mientras esté preparando el documento para imprimir. Si desea utilizar la utilidad EPSON Monitor3 para administrar trabajos de impresión, deberá activar la impresión de fondo.Cierre el Selector .8Wi n d o w s1234Las versiones para Macintosh de QBeo PhotoGenetics 2.0 y EPSON SoftwareFilm Factory solamente están disponibles en inglés.Haga doble clic en el icono EPSON , localizado en el escritorio de la Macintosh.Abra la carpeta Español y después abra la carpeta PhotoImpression 3 (sóloincluido con la Stylus Photo 890). Haga doble clic en el icono PhotoImpression Installer y siga las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla. Cuando concluya la instalación, haga clic en Abandonar y cierre todas las ventanas menos la carpeta principal del CD-ROM EPSON .Abra la carpeta English , después abra la carpeta PhotoGenetics 2.0. Haga doble clic en el icono Installer y siga las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla. Cuando concluya la instalación, haga clic en Quit (Abandonar).Abra la carpeta English , después abra la carpeta Film Factory . Haga doble clic en el icono Film Factory Installer y siga las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla.Cuando concluya la instalación, haga clic en Quit (Abandonar).Para instalar Adobe Photoshop LE (sólo incluido con la Stylus Photo 1280), coloque el CD-ROM de Adobe Photoshop LE suministrado con la impresora y siga las instrucciones que aparezcan en pantalla.M a c i n t o sh1Ahora está listo para instalar las aplicaciones creativas gratuitas. Si desea instalar las aplicaciones, vea la sección “Instalación del software creativo” para instrucciones de instalación.。



操作工人不但要做到严格遵守操 作规程,正确操作和生产合格的产 品,而且要做到: 1、精心保养设备。积极进行设备 日常保养,根据自身条件,开展清 扫、清擦、整理、润滑、紧固等设 备保养活动。 2、坚持日常自主点检,及时把握 设备运行状态、识别异常环境、设 备问题,发现问题及时报修。 其实道理很简单,如果你自己 有台爱车,你会如何养护和进行日 常检查呢?设备当然也是一样。
对设备有了基本了解后,我们要根据厂家的培训及对设备 资料的理解,编制操作规程。 操作规程应包含如下要素: 1、开关机过程。 2、正确的生产操作流程。 3、出现异常的处理方法。 4、安全操作要求。 5、手动调整方法。 6、其它需要强调的问题。 操作规程是操作工人操作的标准,是操作工人上岗前必须 掌握的内容。 编制操作规程,必须在对设备有充分了解的情况下,凭着 高度的责任心去做。道理很简单,正确的操作关乎人身安全、 设备安全和产品质量,否则将会给企业带来重大的损失。
操作人员必须掌握设备的正 确操作方法,按照要求合理操作 和使用设备。 正确的操作可以: 1)保护人员安全; 2)确保设备安全; 3)延长设备使用寿命; 4)制造出高品质的产品; 5)提高设备工效; 6)减少设备强制劣化,降 低停台时间。 爱护设备,不野蛮操作应成 为我们新时代员工的基本素养。
让我们围绕如下话题展开: 一、设备与我们的关系 二、编制操作规程 三、上岗资历确认 四、正确操作设备 五、开展一人三技活动 六、当前设备使用中存在的问题
当前,我们许多人头脑里有一 个理解误区,认为设备是维修部门 的,我的任务就是使用设备。 实际上,对于操作者而言,设 备首先是自己的。所谓工欲善其事, 必先利其器。有了一台好的设备, 才能使你提高工作效率,才能确保 你的操作安全,才能保证产品的可 靠质量。 爱护设备,要象爱护自己家庭 财产一样,我们才是设备的主人。


USB 32-Bit OTG (2)
L3 Master
L3 Main Switch
NAND Flash
32-Bit AXI
MPU Subsystem
ARM Cortex-A9
ACP ID Mapper
ISO 9001:2008 Registered
Cyclone V 器件手册 卷 3:硬核处理器系统技术参考手册 2012 年 11 月
反馈 订阅
第 1 章 : 硬核处理器系统的简介
HPS 的功能
器件的 HPS 和 FPGA 部分都有自己的管脚。管脚在 HPS 和 FPGA 架构之间不共享。HPS I/O 管脚由 HPS 中执行的软件进行配置。HPS 上执行的软件访问系统管理器中的控制寄 存器,以便将 HPS I/O 管脚分配到可用的 HPS 模块。FPGA I/O 管脚通过 HPS 或器件支 持的任何外部源由 FPGA 配置镜像进行配置。
64-Bit 32-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit 32-Bit 64-Bit
STM Boot ROM On-Chip RAM
L2 Cache
SDRAM Controller Subsystem
32-Bit 32-Bit 32-Bit
L3 Slave Peripheral Switch
以下小节列出了 HPS 模块的功能和提供更多详细信息的相关章节的参考。HPS 包含几个 供应商的第三方知识产权 (IP)。该手册的每个章节会指出额外的第三方 IP 文档 ( 如果 可从第三方供应商获得 )。



hp unix 基本概念物理卷(Physical Volume)称为PV:指物理上的硬盘,一个硬盘就是一个PV;逻辑卷(Logical Volume)称为LV:相当于对大硬盘进行逻辑分区,一个VG里可有若干个LV。

逻辑卷组(Logical Volume Group)称为VG:一个VG包含整数个PV,可理解为一个大硬盘。

文件系统(File System):在逻辑卷的基础上,可建立文件系统,然后MOUNT到一个目录下,这样就可以文件存取的方式来使用这块硬盘了。


hp unix 逻辑卷管理在HP-UX下使用硬盘的相应命令:1. 先建物理卷:# pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/cCdDtT这里必须使用硬盘的字符设备文件,其中的cCdDtT:例如c0t6d0等在hp中可以用ls -l dev 看到硬盘的字符设备文件exm: pvcreate -f /dev/rdsk/c0t6d02. 再建逻辑卷组:# mkdir /dev/vg0Xexm: mkdir /dev/vg01mknod 用指定名称产生一个FIFO(命名管道),字符专用或块专用文件。



c表示字符文件b表示块文件VG的GROUP总是64,是定义好的在/dev下用ls -l可以看到major和minor号# mknod /dev/vg0X/group c 64 0x0X0000exam: mknod /dev/vg01/group c 64 0x020000# vgcreate vg0X /dev/dsk/cCdDtTexam: vgcreate /dev/vg01 /dev/dsk/c0t6d03. 然后划分逻辑卷:# lvcreate -L size vg0X size:该逻辑卷大小exam: lvcreate -L 200 -n lv01 /dev/vg014. 在LV上建文件系统:# newfs -F file_system_type /dev/vg0X/rlvolYfile_system_type:文件系统类型,包括hfs和vxfs,注意此时用该逻辑卷的字符设备文件。

HP 9s 计算器:解决涉及分数的问题的基本概念说明书

HP 9s 计算器:解决涉及分数的问题的基本概念说明书

hp calculatorsHP 9s Solving Problems Involving FractionsBasic ConceptsFractions on the HP 9sPractice Working Problems Involving FractionsBasic concepts Those numbers that can be written as one integer over another, i.e. ba , (b can’t be zero) are called rational numbers . When written as the quotient of two integers, rational numbers are called fractions. In arithmetic there are three basic rules for fractions:♦dc b a > if ad – bc > 0 (same for < and =) ♦ bdbc ad d c b a +=+ ♦ bd ac d c b a =× ba is also referred to as a vulgar fraction when a andb are positive integers (the sign is considered apart) . a is called the numerator (corresponds to the dividend in a division) and b is the denominator (which corresponds to the divisor). When the numerator is 1 (or –1), it is a unit fraction. A proper fraction is a fraction in which the numerator (apart from the sign, remember) is smaller than the denominator. Therefore, proper fractions always lie between –1 and 1. If the numerator is greater than the denominator, the fraction is called improper. Vulgar fractions that have the same value are called equivalent fractions: for example 43 and 86. Reducing a vulgar fraction to its lowest terms means to find the simplest equivalent fraction, which can be done by dividing the numerator and the denominator by the same number. This process is also called cancellation .Mixed numbers are those improper fractions written as an integer followed by a proper fraction. For example: 4¾ or 2½. It is important to understand that there’s no implicit multiplication in c b a (also written as cb a ). In fact, it is an addition that is implicit:cb ac c b a a c b +=+=When the numerator and the numerator of a fraction are not both integers then the fraction is called complex , for example: 43313. Finally, a number where the part which is a proper fraction is expressed as a set of digits placed after a decimal point, is called a decimal (also known as decimal fraction) e.g. 5073 = 3.14.Fractions on the HP 9sThe HP 9s has two keys to handle fractions, namely Z and ~z . The symbol used by the HP 9s to display a fraction (i.e. the equivalent to the “/” symbol, which is called solidus ) is “” and is entered into the display by pressing Z . Thus, 78 means 87 and is entered by pressing 7Z8. Mixed numbers are also keyed in using the Z key, but twice , for example: 987 is input by pressing 7Z8Z9. As soon as the second Z is pressed, the displayed is replaced by the following symbol: . So, 987 is finally displayed as 789.~z is used for converting a mixed number to an improper fraction and vice versa. Let’s illustrate all this with various examples.Practice working problems involving fractionsExample 1: Enter the proper fractions 93 and 12421 Solution: Note that pressing 3/9\ does not return a fraction but a decimal number, which is the result—within the accuracy of the calculator—of dividing 3 by 9. As stated above, fractions are entered with the Z key, which separates the numerator from the denominator. Press:U (so that \does not repeat the calculation “/ 9”) and 3Z9The display now reads 39. Press \. The fraction now displayed is 13, which is equivalent to theentered fraction but reduced to its simple form. The HP 9s always tries to find the simplest equivalentfraction. Let’s enter the second fraction:21Z124\No reduction is possible this time, the fraction displayed is therefore 21124.Example 2: Enter the improper fraction1011000 and the complex fraction 981. Solution:These fractions are entered exactly as in the previous example, but the results displayed after pressing the \key are different. Let’s enter the first fraction by pressing:1000Z101\ 1The fraction displayed (1000101) changes to 991101 which means 101919. Improper fractions arealways converted into mixed numbers (i.e. an integer plus a proper fraction) after pressing \. As withproper fractions, the HP 9s tries to give the simplest form.As to the complex fraction, try pressing 1.8Z . The decimal point disables the Z keybecause on the HP 9s the numerator and the denominator must be integers. We can always use the /key, though:1.8/9\which returns 0.2. In the following example we’ll learn a way of converting that decimal into the fraction 51.1 1000 cannot be entered as 1E3 (i.e. 1A3) because the Z key is disabled when an exponent is displayed. Likewise, the A key is disabled when a fraction is being entered.Example 3: Convert the decimal 1.23456 into a fraction.Solution: Unlike the HP 9g, the HP 9s provides no function to convert decimal to fractions quickly. But, there is asimple procedure anyway. For example, consider: 10220=. Then, simply press: U2Z10\ which results in the fraction 51. Similarly, any number that has a finite number of decimal digits can be written as:Let’s now convert 10000061000051000410031021234561+++++=.:1+2Z10+3Z100+4Z1000+5Z10000+6Z100000\which results in 17333125.This method won’t convert long decimals because—as stated in the instruction sheet included with your calculator—mixed numbers must be no more than ten characters in total (including and ). In general, it is better to add last, so that there is enough room in the display for one more decimal digit.0aAnswer: 1.23456 =31257331 Example 4: Enter the mixed numbers 1827, 125571− and 5193.Solution: When entering mixed numbers, remember that the Z key is used for separating both the integer fromthe proper fraction and the numerator from the denominator. To enter the first mixed number press:U7Z2Z18\The number returned is 719., i.e. 917 which is the same as 1827 after doing a cancellation. Let’s now enter the second fraction 125571−. On the HP 9s negative fractions and negative mixed numbers are keyed in by pressing the = key after entering either part (integer, numerator or denominator). In thisexample press:1=Z57Z125\No cancellation is possible this time, so the result is –157125.Note that the third number is not actually a mixed number strictly speaking because its fraction part is notproper. Nevertheless, your HP 9s can handle it as well and will return the reduced, proper form. Press:3Z19Z5\which returns the mixed number 546.Fractions can be entered and displayed wherever ordinary decimal numbers can be used. For example, fractions can be used in ordinary arithmetic, stored in the M register (as displayed), used in calculations involving trigonometric and logarithmic functions, in CPLX and STAT modes, etc. But, fractions cannot be used in HEX, OCT and BIN modes: operations in these modes work with integers only.Example 5: Calculate 4330+)º(sin . Solution: Calculations that involve both decimal numbers and fractions are expressed in decimal notation:30 (press X as needed) C+3Z4\Answer: 1.25Example 6: Add 431 to 852 Solution:We will add these two mixed numbers as we would add two integers:U1Z3Z4+2Z5Z8\Note that no parenthesis is necessary here. Answer: The display shows 438, which means 834. As this calculation only contained fractions, the result is expressed as a fraction too.Example 7: Express the previous result in decimal notationSolution: Simply press Z . Pressing Z after \converts the displayed proper fraction or mixed number into adecimal, which can be converted back into fraction by pressing Z again.Answer: 4.375.Example 8: Are the fractions489147 and 1793539 equivalent to each other? Solution: There are several ways of testing whether two fractions are equivalent. We can subtract one from the otherand see if the result is zero, or we can calculate the cross multiplication since if a/b = c/d then ad = bc.Doing the division is another way. But let your HP 9s do the hard part, and just enter both fractions. Sincethe Hp 9s carries out an automatic simplification, if the fractions displayed are the same then they areequivalent. Press:U147Z489\, which returns 49163and 539Z1793\Answer: Since the latter also returns 49163, they are equivalent fractions.Example 9: Convert the mixed number 133892 to an improper fraction. Solution: We have seen how improper fractions are automatically converted to mixed numbers when evaluated. But, the opposite is also possible. The c d → function (~z ) carries out conversions between mixednumbers and improper fractions. Press:2Z89Z133~zwhich results in 355133. To convert it back to a mixed number, simply press ~z once again. Answer: 355133, i.e. 133355. Incidentally, this is a good approximation to π (within 8.47 millionths of one percent) and very easy to remember because it’s made by duplicating the first three odd numbers and inserting a division sign in the middle 355133. And it was also the very first example in the HP-35 operatingmanual!Example 10: Find a fraction which approximates π to four decimal places.Solution: Rounding to four decimal digits π = 3.1416. Let’s convert it to a fraction using the method described above:100006100011004101314163++++=.U3+1Z10+4Z100+1Z1000+6Z10000\The mixed number 31771250 is returned.If a fraction is preferred, convert this number to an improper fraction by pressing ~z Answer: 141631250392731250177.==。



哈飞汽车生产系统HPS 要素评估手册(00)总则当前版本:1.0发布日期:2011年 8 月22日实施日期:2011年 8 月22日发布单位:HPS办公室文件编号文件编号HPS—评估—00(2011)更改记录审阅要素评估手册——总则阐述了哈飞汽车生产系统(HPS)的定义、目标、特点、关键原则、应用工具、主要内容、文件系统结构、实施基础、实施组织机构、实施方式、奖惩、达级评估及持续改进等内容,是指导全公司建立、实施、保持和持续改进HPS推进活动的概要性文件。


公司HPS办公室目录一、HPS概述 (10)1、HPS定义 (10)2、HPS目标 (10)3、HPS特点 (10)4、HPS关键原则 (11)二、HPS的主要内容 (22)三、HPS文件系统结构 (26)四、HPS实施与运行 (27)1、HPS实施的组织机构 (27)2、HPS实施的策略 (27)3、HPS奖惩 (27)五、HPS达级评估 (27)一、HPS概述1、HPS定义哈飞汽车精益生产管理体系(Hafei Production System,简称HPS)是指以优化配置哈飞汽车生产资源,在生产管理中全面、全程地贯彻精益管理的思想,遵循零缺陷、零损失、精益求精的制造概念,追求盈利和最大价值,消除一切浪费的精益生产管理体系。






作为本疾病活动性的一个指征。病情缓解时,首先可 见到血小板计数上升;而在病情恶化时,则首先见到 血小板计数下降
早期为增生性骨髓象,噬血细胞现象不明显,常表现为反应性组 织细胞增生,无恶性细胞浸润
血清转氨酶、胆红素、甘油三酯、LDH、中性粒细胞 碱性磷酸酶(NAP) 可增高 在全身感染时,可有低钠血症、低白蛋白血症及血清 铁蛋白增多
高甘油三脂( TG) 血症:空腹TG ≥3 mmol/ L 或≥年龄相
在疾病活动期,可有血浆纤维蛋白原减低,纤维蛋白 降解产物增多,部分凝血活酶时间延长 在有肝损害时,凝血酶原时间也可延长
郑州大学第一附属医院 邱亚娟 2013-4-3
增多症(HLH),是由淋巴细胞和组织细胞非恶性增生 ,分泌大量炎性因子所引起的严重甚至致命的炎症状 态。 主要特征为发热、肝脾肿大、血细胞减少和组织细胞
图1 HLH的细胞因子风暴模式图

HPCS4000+系统介绍20090927 (1)

HPCS4000+系统介绍20090927 (1)

HPCS4000+系统介绍0 概述HPCS4000+系统是京仪华文自动化系统工程(上海)有限公司推出的一种新型的分散控制系统(DCS),它继承和发扬了传统DCS的优点,实现了控制功能分散,显示、操作、记录、管理集中。


HPCS是英语HUAWEN Processing CONTROL System的缩写,中文含义为华文过程控制系统。


1 系统结构图1 HPCS系统网络结构拓扑图HPCS 在构成应用系统时,过程控制单元DPU数量可根据工程规模的大小配置1-64个过程控制站,人机接口站HMI数量1-128个节点。

2 系统特点2.1 宽温范围的设计,提高了可靠性和适应性选型上采用宽温范围的工业级器件,所有模块、DPU、电源都能够工作温度:-40~+85℃,工作湿度:20~90%R H,非冷凝环境下长期运行,可以将控制站放置在现场设备端或露天的场合,构成远程控制站,为用户节省大量的控制电缆。

2.2 设计上采用低功耗器件,提高了可靠性采用低功耗器件,DPU也无需风扇散热,模块化结构全密封封装,,减少粉尘腐蚀,极大地延长了使用寿命,提高了系统工作的稳定性和可靠性。

2.3 系统中所有模块(DPU、I/O)均可带电插拔,可以在运行中更换I/O底座。

2.4 全方位冗余确保系统可靠通过技术创新,采用全方位的冗余、容错等技术,使控制网路、IO模块、DPU、电源和系统网络可以做到全冗余,局部故障时不会影响整个系统的工作,确保可靠性。

HP 硬體參考指南说明书

HP 硬體參考指南说明书

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丰田生产方式的基本思想是把发明王丰田佐吉的自働制造思想与丰田汽 车的实际创业者丰田喜一郎的准时化生产思想结合起来,由大野耐一等 人在生产现场逐一具体化的产物。这种方式已被丰田公司应用到一切经 营领域,引起了全世界 生产企业的瞩目。
第二章 丰田生产方式的基本思路
确保利润是企业经营活动的主要目的之一。 通过确保利润,保障企业的生存和员工的安定生活。

• 自动化:带有自动停止装置的机械(自停装置、满负荷系统及防错装置)从而,使 机械具有了人的智慧。

概括地讲,可以解释为自动地监视和管理不正常的手段。就是防止不合格品从 前工序流入后工序,不使后工序造成混乱,并以此保证准时生产。
• 为了减少等待,可否将前工序的生产能力配置减少50%,使节拍变为为了减少等待, 可否将前工序的生产能力配置减少50%,使节拍变为40分钟呢?但这样又出现了新的问 题,那就是当后工序连续生产A产品时,其生产能力又无法满足使用要求,只有用增加 库存的方法来解决。但这样又出现了新的浪费:库存的浪费。
◆方案三: 如果后工序把不同产品的品种和数量进行均衡生产呢?即后工序把A、B 交替使用,则其前工序即使生产节拍为40分钟,也可以满足其生产使用 要求,且各种浪费现象也减少了。
● ●
如果:日产量基本都一样,按20台准备人员及其他生产要素就可以 了。 那么:总产量没有减少,而人员及生产要素却减少了1/3。人员及库 存减少了,则成本降低。

产量的不均衡,感觉就像爬山,有时上山有时下山,但前进至 少要有上山的体力才行啊!平准化的生产,感觉像走在平坦的路上, 好轻松啊! • 3、按品种的数量均衡 • 就是多种产品在同一生产线进行混流生产时,不同的产品应交替生产, 使前工序的生产和供应能够在总量上实现均衡,从而减少浪费。举一 个例子:

HP OfficeJet G Series 基本指南网络要求说明书

HP OfficeJet G Series 基本指南网络要求说明书

Rest the box on its side, and pull out your HP OfficeJet.This poster provides instructions for setting up an HP OfficeJet on a network.If you are not setting up your HP OfficeJet on a network, refer to for more information.Before you set up your HP OfficeJet, you must have the following:HP OfficeJet G Series:Y our Basic Guide Network RequirementsWith the box upright,remove print cartridges,HP two-sided printing accessory and HP JetDirect Print Server.Make sure you have the following items:key abcConnect office equipment (optional)This diagram shows a possible configuration for connecting additional office equipment.For each piece of office equipment you areconnecting to the HP OfficeJet, remove a plastic tab from the phone/fax connector.If you connect a PC modem, turn off its fax-receive feature.See your Onscreen Guide for information on tone versus pulse dialing and features such as distinctive ring or voice mail.5Load paper7c abcUnpack your HP OfficeJetConnect the HP JetDirect Print ServerT o install the HP JetDirect Print Server, follow these steps:a.Connect the HP JetDirect Print Server to the network using an RJ-45 network cable.b.Connect the HP OfficeJet to the HP JetDirect Print Server using the supplied parallel cable.c.Plug the power supply into the HP JetDirect Print Server, and then into a power outlet.2HPOfficeJetHP JetDirect Print ServerNetwork hub or switchComputeracb1Connect the phone/fax cord to the HP OfficeJet and then to the wall jack.Connect the power cordConnect the power supply and the adapter.Make sure the Automatic Document Feeder cord is securely connected to the unit.4abcAdvanced Users Only:For advanced information,such as setting up on aNovell network or NT server,see the documentation that is packaged with your HP JetDirect Print Server.J3256 B10T estParallel Parallel Cable RJ-45 Network Cable PowerBack View of HP JetDirectHP OfficeJet G95 Quick Setup Poster/go/all-in-one Turn page over for additional setup.Open the doorand raise it up until it clicks into place.The print-cartridge carriagemoves to the middle of the access area.Lower the right print-cartridge latch down onto the top of the cartridge, and push down until the latch locks firmly into place.Remove the black print cartridge (thinner one)from its packaging and, being careful to touch only the black plastic, gently remove both the green pull tab and the blue tape covering the nozzles.Push the black print cartridge firmly down into the slot on the right.As you insert the cartridge,make sure the label is facing you.Insert black print cartridgeCAUTION:Do not touch or remove the gold-colored contacts.adbceRaise both latches on the print carriage.8Insert the HP two-sided printing accessory into the back of the HP OfficeJet.Make sure it snaps in place.Turn the knob on the unit’s rear access door counter-clockwise and remove the door.bAttach HP two-sided printing accessory3Turn on your HP OfficeJet6H PJ e t D i r e c tprint cartridgesHP JetDirect boxinstallation CDHP two-sidedprinting accessorypower adapterpower cordparallel cable132phone cordCheckconnection here• A working 10Base-T Ethernet network using TCP/IP or IPX/SPX protocols•Network PCs that meet the system requirements for the HP OfficeJet including supported network operating systems•An open port on a 10Base-T network hub or switch • A CA T 5 network cable with RJ-45 connectorsaAdditional softwareprograms may be available with your HP OfficeJet.T o install the programs,do the following:Remove and reinsert your HP OfficeJet installation CD in your CD-ROM drive.The HP OfficeJet software installation menu appears.The Productivity Section lists additional programs you can install.Click the program name and follow the onscreen installation instructions.ba15You can now print,copy,scan,and fax with your new HP OfficeJet.For each additional networked computer you want to set up,follow theinstructions in steps 13 through 15.Add networked computers using the same HP OfficeJet16Print an alignment pageMake sure paper is loaded in your HP OfficeJet.The message “Press to Align Cartridges”appears in the display.Press the key to enable the HP OfficeJet to perform the alignment.After a page prints, the alignment is complete.Look at the alignment page for green check marks, and then recycle or discard the page.ENTER ENTER 11T urn your computer on, and insert the .(Make sure you do not use the HP JetDirect CD.)HP OfficeJet installation CD Install the software.If the screen to the right does not appear, go to the Windows taskbar,click , and then choose .In the Run dialog box, type (substitute your CD-ROM drive letter for the “d”), and then click OK.Start Run d:\setup.exebInstall the softwarea13HP OfficeJet G95 Quick Setup Poster,Page 2Insert color print cartridgeRemove the color print cartridge (wider one)from its packaging and, being careful to touch only the black plastic, gently remove both the green pull tab and the blue tape covering the nozzles.Push the color print cartridge firmly down into the slot on the left.Lower the left print-cartridge latch down onto the top of the cartridge, and push down until the latch locks firmly into place.CAUTION:Do not touch or remove the gold-colored contacts.ab9For troubleshooting,refer to the and the .Save this sheet for future reference.HP OfficeJet G Series:Your Basic Guide HP OfficeJet G Series:Onscreen Guide Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2000.Printed in the USA,Germany,or Singapore.Pull the handle down to close the door.c(Outside U.S.only)Select your country and languageEnter the code for your country on the keypad, and then confirm your selection.If prompted on the display, enter the code for your language on the keypad, and then confirm your selection.KeypadDisplayLook at the display on your HP OfficeJet for a country list.(ers go to .)step 1110abENTER*C6740-90101**C6740-90101*C6740-90101Choose the setup type.During installation, you are prompted to select your setup type.On the Setup T ype screen, click .During installation, if you need assistance, click the Help button.Networked cComplete network installation.Follow the onscreen instructions for the NetworkInstallation Wizard.After network installation is complete, a congratulations message appears.Take the Product Tour.After installation is complete, view the Product Tour to see all the features of your new HP OfficeJet.After the tour, proceed to to finish setting up your unit.step e Complete HP OfficeJet software installation.defNote:We strongly recommend that you use the Fax Setup Wizard.If you wish,you can use the front panel to set up your fax.Follow the instructions in the Basic Guide.The Fax Setup Wizard is the easiest way to enter the required header information for your fax.Follow the onscreen instructions to enter your name, phone number and other important settings.If the Fax Setup Wizard does not appear on yourscreen, double-click the HP OfficeJet G Series Director icon on your desktop, point to Settings, and then choose Fax Setup Wizard.Set up faxing14Press the test button on back of the HP JetDirect Print Server to generate two configuration pages.If theconfiguration pages do not print, check your connections.For additional help,see the HP JetDirect Print Server documentation.Print a test page12Network hubComputerComputerComputer。

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制造工艺不同,可以减少人员、降低在库。丰田生产方式从多方面研究“生 产技术”,即“产品的制造方法”,探求制造方法的合理性,彻底消除浪费, 降低成本。 因此,丰田生产方式的基本思想是通过改善活动彻底消除隐藏在企业里的种 种浪费现象。
• TPS的最终目的是通过 降低成本,提高效益。 • 如何降低成本? • ——就是彻底消除浪费!
第三章 TPS的两大支柱之一 ——准时化生产
• 彻底消除产品制造过程中的所有浪费现象, 以求降低成本,这是丰田生产方式的目标 所在。其中,“准时化”和“自働化”是 实现此目标的两大支柱。
推动式生产存在这么多问题,采用什么样的方式能解决呢?丰田生产方式从 相反的方向观察生产流程。也就是说,后工序的作业人员按照必需的数量, 在必需的时候到前工序去领取所必需的零部件。前工序为了补充被取走的 零部件,只生产被取走的那部分就可以了。这种方式被称为“拉动方式”。
• 2、利润=售价-成本 • 在以售价稳定市场占有份额的基础上, 通过降低成本, 使利润增加。企业效益增加, 企业才会更具有市场竞争力, 增强企业体制。
三、成本取决于生产方法 1、成本构成 在成本构成中的各要素,各公司没 有太大的差别。只有制造工艺(产品 制造方法)的差别会产生成本的差别。
二、不降低成本就无法提高利润 1、售价=成本+利润
用提高售价的方法来提高企业的利润。 在物资缺乏的年 代,企业可以用来作为获利的手段。 但在当今社会物资极大 丰富的年代,用这种思维方式 来进行企业的经营,只能使企 业 失去顾客,失去市场。其根 源就在于企业把自身的浪费与 管理不良所造成的成本增加 都转移到了顾客身上,这是与消 费者的立场相悖的做法,自然会失去顾客,失去市场, 失去利润。长此下去,企业只能走向倒闭。 那么,能否站在顾客的角度,在保持或降低售价的同时,企业还能增加利润呢?答案只 有一个:降低成本。
四、什么是浪费 生产现场的浪费是指“生产中只会额外增加成本的各种要素”,即 对产品来源不提高任何附加价值的各种现象。

• • • •
A 浪费:操作中所有不必要的动作、等待。 Bห้องสมุดไป่ตู้无附加价值的作业:在目前的作业条件是不得不做的作 业,如搬运、取件等。 C 有附加价值的作业:根据不同的作业内容给产品带来附加 价值的作业。如焊接、涂装、紧固等。 消除A,减少B,增加C

第二次世界大战后,日本进入经济恢复时期,当 时日本的劳动生产率仅为美国的九分之一左右。
大野耐一认为: • 并不是美国人付出了近10倍日本人的体力,一定是日本人在生产中存在严重的 浪费和不合理现象。 只要消除了这些浪费和不合理现象,劳动生产率就应该是 现在的10倍。这种理念最终成了丰田生产方式的出发点。 1973年,爆发了 世界性石油危机,日本经济出现了零增长的局面。 这一年唯有丰田以其独特 的生产方式创造了近千亿日元的利润。丰田公司因此名声大振。 1982年,与 美国通用公司相比,劳动生产率被完全颠倒过来了,丰田公司劳动生产率是通 用公司的10倍! 2003年丰田公司汽车销量仅次于美国通用公司,超过福特 公司,跃居世界第二。 „„ • 这种独特的生产方式被称为丰田生产方式-Toyota Production System,即 TPS。
2、按产品总量的均衡 就是将连续两个时间段(一般指一天)间的总生产量的波动控制到最小 程度。
• 如果:每月的生产计划中日产量 变化较大时,就必须按日最大产 量(30台/日)准备人员及其他生产要 素,否则就无法满足生产需要! • 那么:当产量10台/日时,人员、 库存都是很大的浪费。如减少人员 和库存,一旦产量增加又不能满足生 产需求。
Toyota Production System 1 【基础篇】 内容要項 ◆ Toyota production System的由来 ◆ 丰田生产方式的基本思路 ◆ TPS的两大支柱之一 ——准时化生产 ◆ TPS 的两大支柱之二 ——自働化 ◆ 标准作业 ◆ 改善无止境 ◆ 人才育成
第一章 TPS的由来
丰田生产方式的基本思想是把发明王丰田佐吉的自働制造思想与丰田汽 车的实际创业者丰田喜一郎的准时化生产思想结合起来,由大野耐一等 人在生产现场逐一具体化的产物。这种方式已被丰田公司应用到一切经 营领域,引起了全世界 生产企业的瞩目。
第二章 丰田生产方式的基本思路
确保利润是企业经营活动的主要目的之一。 通过确保利润,保障企业的生存和员工的安定生活。
● ●
如果:日产量基本都一样,按20台准备人员及其他生产要素就可以 了。 那么:总产量没有减少,而人员及生产要素却减少了1/3。人员及库 存减少了,则成本降低。

产量的不均衡,感觉就像爬山,有时上山有时下山,但前进至 少要有上山的体力才行啊!平准化的生产,感觉像走在平坦的路上, 好轻松啊! • 3、按品种的数量均衡 • 就是多种产品在同一生产线进行混流生产时,不同的产品应交替生产, 使前工序的生产和供应能够在总量上实现均衡,从而减少浪费。举一 个例子:
(1)根据需求量确定生产节拍。 (2)用看板进行后工序领取的方式,实现拉动式生产。 (3)按流程生产。是一个一个地按顺序进行生产,根据后工序的领取状况推进工 序的进展的机制。
• 二、准时化生产的前提——平准化 • 1、平准化的含义 • 丰田生产的最终目标是通过降低成本提高效益。 而降低成本是通过消除浪费来实现的。其中,消 除不必要的库存是它的重点。要达到这一目的, 只有准时生产。 消费者的需求是多样化的,如 果实现了生产的数量和品种能够适应销售的需求, 产品自然就没有过剩的库存。 在丰田公司作为 使生产适应需求变化的手段,实施被称为“平准 化”的做法。 “平准化”就是把产品的流量波 动尽可能控制到最小程度,即实现总量和品种数 量的均衡。