湖南省长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷 附答案
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B.£9.1C. £ What does the woman hope to do about the pants?A. Get them exchanged.B. Make them shorter.C. Have them returned.2. What is the weather like in the mountains?A. Snowy.B. Sunny.C. Cloudy.3. How does the man feel about his chemistry teacher?A. He's embarrassed.B. He's nervous.C. He's grateful.4. How does the man want to travel?A. By car.B. By plane.C. By train.5 . What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Traffic accidents.B. Flying ambulances.C. Sci-fi movies.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
湖南省长沙市长郡中学2023-2024学年高三上学期月考(五)英语试卷一、听力选择题1.What would the woman like to do?A.Help someone type papers.B.Have the papers checked.C.Go over the papers herself.2.What are the speakers talking about?A.A position.B.A weekend plan.C.The man’s company.3.Where will the woman go this afternoon?A.An office party.B.An opera house.C.A shopping mall.4.What does the woman prefer to do?A.Work out alone.B.Exercise with someone.C.Eat breakfast at the café.5.What does the woman like most about the city?A.The parks.B.The old buildings.C.The French restaurant.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6.How does the man feel about his major?A.Uninterested.B.Inspired.C.Confused.7.What does the man want to do after graduation?A.Become a lawyer.B.Study further in Mexico.C.Start his own business.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8.Where can the woman visit some relatives?A.In California.B.In Puerto Rico.C.In San Francisco.9.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Mother and son.B.Husband and wife.C.Brother and sister.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
炎德·英才大联考长郡中学2012届高三月考试卷(二)英 语长郡中学高三英语命题组组稿(考试范围:M1~M9,突出第9模块语法重点)本试卷分为四个部分,包括听力㊁语言知识运用㊁阅读和书面表达㊂考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回㊂时量120分钟㊂满分150分㊂P a r tⅠ L i s t e n i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o n(30m a r k s)S e c t i o nA(22.5m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s:I n t h i s s e c t i o n,y o uw i l lh e a r s i xc o n v e r s a t i o n sb e t w e e nt w os p e a k e r s.F o r e a c h c o n v e r s a t i o n,t h e r e a r e s e v e r a l q u e s t i o n s a n d e a c h q u e s t i o n i s f o l l o w e db y t h r e e c h o i c e sm a r k e dA, Ba n dC.L i s t e nc a r e f u l l y a n d t h e nc h o o s e t h e b e s t a n s w e r f o r e a c h q u e s t i o n.Y o uw i l l h e a r e a c hc o n v e r s a t i o nT W I C E.C o n v e r s a t i o n11.W h o s e e m e d t oh a v e t a k e n t h eM P3p l a y e r?A.T h e g i r l.B.T h eb o y.C.O n eo f t h e g i r l’s g u e s t s.2.W h a t d i d t h e g i r l r e g r e t?A.N o t t e l l i n g h e r p a r e n t s a b o u t t h e p a r t y.B.N o t k e e p i n g h e r p l a n s s e c r e t.C.N o t k e e p i n g t h eM P3p l a y e rw e l l.C o n v e r s a t i o n23.W h a t i s t h e p o s s i b l e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e t w o s p e a k e r s?A.H u s b a n da n dw i f e.B.F r i e n d s.C.S t u d e n t a n d t e a c h e r.4.W h y i s t h em a n i n t e r e s t e d i n t h e s h o w?A.B e c a u s eh e i s c u r i o u s a b o u tw h a t t h e l a d i e s a r e t a l k i n g a b o u t.B.B e c a u s eh e l i k e s t h eh o s t e s s v e r y m u c h.C.B e c a u s eh e’s n e v e rw a t c h e d s u c ha s h o wb e f o r e.C o n v e r s a t i o n35.W h a t a r e t h e s p e a k e r sm a i n l y t a l k i n g a b o u t?A.M a k i n gp l a n sw i t hD e b b y.B.M e e t i n g i na s a n d w i c h s h o p.C.G o i n g o u t f o r l u n c h.6.W h a t i s t h em o s t p r o b a b l e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e s p e a k e r s?A.C l a s s m a t e s.B.E m p l o y e r a n de m p l o y e e.C.W a i t e r a n dc u s t o m e r.C o n v e r s a t i o n47.W h i c h s t a t e m e n t i sT R U Ea c c o r d i n g t o t h eh e a d t e a c h e r?A.T h e r ea r en o ws e v e r a l o t h e r s c h o o l s l i k e t h i s o n e.B.Al o t o f t h e c h i l d r e n i n t h e s c h o o l a r e p h y s i c a l l y d i s a b l e d.C.T h e r eh a v e b e e n s p e c i a l s c h o o l s f o r d i s a b l e d c h i l d r e na n d f o r t h o s ew i t h l e a r n i n g d i f f i c u l t i e s.8.W h y d i d t h eh e a d t e a c h e r d e c i d e t o s t a r t t h i s s c h o o l?炎德㊃英才大联考英语(长郡版)-1炎德㊃英才大联考英语(长郡版)-2A.T ob r i n g a l l t y p e s o f c h i l d r e n t o g e t h e r f o r t h e i r e d u c a t i o n .B .B e c a u s e t h e r ew e r en o t e n o u g h s p e c i a l s c h o o l s .C.B e c a u s e t h ew o r l d i s c h a n g i n g fa s t .9.W h a t h a p p e n s i nc l a s s e s i n t h e s c h o o l ?A.F a s t e r a n d s l o w e r l e a r n e r s a r e t o ge t h e rf o r a l l c l a s s e s .B .S l o w e r l e a r n e r sw o r kb e t t e r a n dm o r e q u i c k l y.C.F a s t e r l e a r n e r s s o m e t i m e s a c t a s t e a c h e r s f o r s l o w e r l e a r n e r s .C o n v e r s a t i o n 510.W h e nw i l l t h em a n l e a v e f o r t h e t r i p?A.J a n u a r y 3.B .D e c e m b e r 22. C.J a n u a r y 13.11.W h i c hf l i g h t s i s t h em a n g o i n g t o t a k e f o rh i s r o u n d t r i p?A.F l i g h t 414a n dF l i g h t 476.B .F l i g h t 476a n dF l i g h t 220. C.F l i g h t 220a n dF l i g h t 414.12.W h e n s h o u l d t h em a na r r i v ea t t h ea i r p o r t t o t a k ea p l a n e f o rC h i c a go ?A.B y 2:00p .m.B .B y 6:30p .m. C.A t 3:00p .m.C o n v e r s a t i o n 613.W h a t d o e s a p a t i e n t u s u a l l y h a v e t od ob e f o r e s e e i n g ad o c t o r ?A.M a k ea na p po i n t m e n t .B .T e l e p h o n et h e d o c t o r d i r e c t l y .C.F i l l i na f o r m.14.H o wl o n g h a s t h em a nb e e n s u f f e r i n g ?A.T w ow e e k s .B .T w od a y s . C.T w oh o u r s .15.W h e nc a n t h em a n s e e t h ed o c t o r ?A.T o m o r r o w m o r n i n g .B .T h i s a f t e r n o o n .C.T o m o r r o wa f t e r n o o n .S e c t i o nB (7.5m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s :I n t h i s s e c t i o n ,y o uw i l lh e a ras h o r t p a s s a g e .L i s t e nc a r e f u l l y an dt h e n f i l l i n t h en u m b e r e db l a n k sw i t ht h e i n f o r m a t i o n y o uh a v eh e a r d .F i l l i ne a c hb l a n kw i t h N O M O R E T H A NT H R E E WO R D S .Y o uw i l l h e a r t h e s h o r t p a s s a geT W I C E .W e a t h e rR e po r t f o rT o m o r r o w m o s t p l a c e s s t a r t i n g o f f d r y w i t ha g o o dd e a l o f s u n s h i n e 16. b e i n g ab i t o f f o gn o r t h w e s t s t a y i n g d u l l a n dc l o u d y w i t h s o m eh e a v y s h o w e r s ;t e m p e r a t u r e s b e i n g 17. t h e s o u t h h a v i n g w a r ma n dh u m i dw e a t h e r s o u t h e r nh a l f b r i n g i n g 18. i nm o s t p a r t b y t h e e v e n i n g s o u t h w e s t h a v i n g s o m e 19. ;t e m p e r a t u r e r e a c h i n g 26℃o r p o s s i b l y 27℃n o r t h e r nh a l f b e i n g 20. ;s t a y i n g d r y a n d q u i t ew i n d yP a r t Ⅱ L a n g u a g eK n o w l e d ge (45m a r k s )S e c t i o nA (15m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s :f o r e a c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n g u n f i n i s h e d s e n t e n c e s t h e r e a r e fo u r c h o i c e sm a r k e dA ,B ,Ca n dD .C h o o s e t h e o n e t h a t b e s t c o m pl e t e s t h e s e n t e n c e .E x a m pl e :T h ew i l d f l o w e r s l o o k e d l i k ea s o f t o r a n geb l a n k e t t h ed e s e r t .A.c o v e r i n gB.c o v e r e dC.c o v e rD.t oc o v e rT h e a n s w e r i sA.21.T h e e x p a n s i o no fV e r s a i l l e s b e g a n i n t h e1660s, L o u i sⅩⅣw a s k i n g.A.w h e r eB.w h e nC.a sD.w h i c h22.W h e n M i c h a e l J o r d a na n dL a r r y B i r dw o n g o l d i nB a r c e l o n a i n1992,t h eA m e r i c a n sf o r t e a c h i ng th ew o r l dh o wt o p l a y b a s k e t b a l l.A.w e r e p r a i s e dB.h a d p r a i s e dC.p r a i s e dD.h a s b e e n p r a i s e d23.W i t h s om a n y w o r k e r s o f f,t h eB r i t i s h g o v e r n m e n t k n e wi tw a s t i m e t h a t i t h a d t od o s o me t h i n g.A.t o l a yB.t ob e l a i dC.l a i dD.l a y i n g24.B em o r e c a r e f u l a n d I’ms u r e y o u’l l d o b e t t e rn e x t t i m e.A.r a t h e rB.f a i r l yC.v e r yD.q u i t e25.I a p p r e c i a t et h es a y i n g:L i f ei s l i k eal o n g r a c e w ec o m p e t e w i t ho t h e r st o g ob e y o n do u r s e l v e s.A.w h yB.w h a tC.t h a tD.w h e r e26.I tw a s n o t u n t i l d a r k h ef o u n dw h a th et h o u g h tw a s t h ec o r r e c tw a y t os o l v et h ep r o b l e m.A.t h a tB.w h e nC.a sD.w h i c h27.D om ea f a v o u r m e t h e R e a d e r s’D i g e s t,w i l l y o u?A.p a s s i n gB.t o p a s sC.p a s sD.b yp a s s i n g28.I t s e e m sw a t e r f r o mt h i s t a p f o r s o m e t i m e.W e’l l h a v e t ot a k e i t a p a r t t o p u t i tr i g h t.A.h a d l e a k e dB.i s l e a k i n gC.l e a k sD.h a s b e e n l e a k i n g29.E n g l i s h i s a l a n g u a g et h a tm a n yp e o p l ea r o u n dt h ew o r l d n o t s p e a k p e r f e c t l y b u ta t l e a s t u n d e r s t a n d.A.m a y;c a nB.w o u l d;m i g h tC.w i l l;m u s tD.c o u l d;m i g h t30. I t h o u g h t y o uw e r e g o i n g t oc a l l o nm e l a s t n i g h t.S o r r y,I .B u t I h a d t o f i n i s h t h e r e p o r t.A.w o u l dB.w o u l dh a v eC.d i dD.w o u l d l i k e t o31.D o i n gy o u rh o m e w o r ki sas u r ew a y t o i m p r o v e y o u r t e s t s c o r e s,a n dt h i s i se s p e c i a l l y t r u ei t c o m e s t oc l a s s r o o mt e s t s.A.s i n c eB.a sC.a f t e rD.w h e n32. o u r s c h o o l u n i f o r m s,a l l o f u s f e e l a s e n s eo f p r i d eb e i n g a s t u d e n t o f t h i s s c h o o l.A.W e a rB.T ow e a rC.W e a r i n gD.W o r e33.M a n yp e o p l e f e e l t h a tN e w Z e a l a n d i s p e r f e c t f o ro u t d o o ra c t i v i t i e s, t h en a t u r a le n v i r o n m e n t.A.o w i n g t oB.a p a r t f r o mC.i nh o p e s o fD.i n r e s p o n s e t o34.A f t e r t e n y e a r s o f h a r dw o r k,s h e c h a n g e d a l o t a n d l o o k e dd i f f e r e n t f r o m s h e u s e dt ob e.A.t h a tB.w h o mC.w h a tD.w h o35.J o h n i nt h e w o o d sn e a rh i sh o m ei n M i l k o v i c a w h e nab e a ra t t a c k e dh i m f r o mb e h i n d.A.w a s h u n t i n gB.h a dh u n t e dC.h u n t e dD.h a s b e e nh u n t i n g炎德㊃英才大联考英语(长郡版)-3S e c t i o nB(18m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s:F o r e a c hb l a n k i n t h e f o l l o w i n g p a s s a g e t h e r e a r e f o u rw o r d s o r p h r a s e sm a r k e dA, B,Ca n dD.F i l l i ne a c hb l a n kw i t h t h ew o r do r p h r a s e t h a t b e s t f i t s t h e c o n t e x t.O n ed a y,a p o o rb o y t r y i n g t o p a y h i sw a y t h r o u g hs c h o o lb y s e l l i n gg o o d sd o o rt od o o r f o u n d t h a t h eo n l y h a do n ed i m e l e f t.H ew a s h u n g r y s oh ed e c i d e d t ob e g f o r am e a l a t t h en e x t h o u s e.H o w e v e r,h e l o s t h i s 36 w h e n a l o v e l y y o u n g w o m a no p e n e d t h e d o o r.I n s t e a d o f am e a l h e a s k e d f o r ad r i n ko fw a t e r.S h e t h o u g h t h e l o o k e d 37 s o s h eb r o u g h t h i ma l a r g e g l a s s o f m i l k.H ed r a n k i t s l o w l y,a n d t h e na s k e d, H o w m u c hd o I o w e y o u?”Y o ud o n’t o w em ea n y t h i n g,”s h e r e p l i e d. M o t h e r h a s t a u g h tm en e v e r t oa c c e p t 38 f o r ak i n d n e s s.”H e s a i d, T h e n I t h a n k y o uf r o mt h eb o t t o m o fm y h e a r t.”A sH o w a r dK e l l y l e f t t h a t h o u s e,h en o t o n l y f e l t s t r o n g e r 39 ,b u t i t a l s o i n c r e a s e dh i s f a i t h i nG o da n dt h e h u m a n r a c e.H ew a s a b o u t t o g i v eu p a n d q u i t b e f o r e t h i s p o i n t.Y e a r s l a t e r t h e y o u n g w o m a nb e c a m ec r i t i c a l l y i l l.T h e y f i n a l l y s e n th e rt ot h eb i g c i t y, w h e r e s p e c i a l i s t s c a nb e c a l l e d i n t o s t u d y h e r r a r ed i s e a s e.D r.H o w a r dK e l l y,n o w 40 ,w a s c a l l e d i n f o r t h e c o n s u l t a t i o n.W h e nh eh e a r do f t h en a m eo f t h e t o w n s h e c a m e f r o m,a s t r a n g e l i g h t 41 h i se y e s.I m m e d i a t e l y,h er o s ea n d w e n td o w nt h r o u g ht h eh o s p i t a lh a l l i n t oh e r r o o m.H e 42 h e r a t o n c e a n dd e t e r m i n e d t od oh i s b e s t t o s a v e h e r l i f e.F r o mt h a t d a y o n,h e g a v e s p e c i a l a t t e n t i o n t oh e r 43 .A f t e r a l o n g s t r u g g l e,t h e b a t t l ew a s 44 .D r.K e l l y r e q u e s t e d t h e b u s i n e s s o f f i c e 45 t h e f i n a lb i l l t oh i m f o ra p p r o v a l.T h eb i l lw a ss e n tt oh e rr o o m.S h e w a sa f r a i dt oo p e ni t b e c a u s e s h ew a s s u r e t h a t i tw o u l d t a k e t h e r e s t o f h e r l i f e t o 46 .F i n a l l y s h e l o o k e d,a n d t h e n o t eo n t h e s i d eo f t h eb i l l 47 h e r a t t e n t i o n.S h e r e a d t h e s ew o r d s.P a i d i n f u l lw i t ha g l a s s o fm i l k.”(S i g n e d)D r.H o w a r dK e l l yT e a r s o f j o y f l o o d e dh e r e y e s a s s h e p r a y e d s i l e n t l y: T h a n k y o u,G o d.Y o u r l o v e h a s s p r e a d t h r o u g hh u m a nh e a r t s a n dh a n d s.”36.A.n e r v e B.h e a r t C.w a y D.m e a l37.A.m a d B.p o l i t e C.c o l d D.h u n g r y38.A.g i f t B.p r e s e n t C.p a y D.m i l k39.A.p h y s i c a l l y B.c a r e f u l l y C.e m o t i o n a l l y D.s p i r i t u a l l y40.A.w e l l o f f B.h a n d s o m e C.s k i l l e d D.f a m o u s41.A.f i l l e d B.b l a n k e d C.s h o n e D.f l a s h e d42.A.k n e w B.l e a r n t C.r e c o g n i z e d D.r e a l i z e d43.A.h e a l t h B.c a s e C.c o n d i t i o n D.b o d y44.A.w o n B.d e f e a t e d C.b e a t e n D.l o s t45.A.p a s s e d B.p a s s e s C.t o p a s s i n g D.p a s s46.A.g i v e i t o f f B.p a y i t o f f C.t h r o wi t o f f D.s e e i t o f f47.A.p a i d B.g a v e C.c a u g h t D.t o o kS e c t i o nC(12m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s:C o m p l e t e t h e f o l l o w i n gp a s s a g eb y f i l l i n g i ne a c hb l a n kw i t ho n ew o r dt h a t b e s t f i t s t h e c o n t e x t.M o s t o f u s n e v e r r e a l i s e h o w g o o dw e r e a l l y a r e.T h e t r u t h i s48. m o s t o f u s a r e f u l l o f g o o d n e s s,f u l lo fk i n d n e s s,f u l lo f l o v ea n df u l lo f j o y.M o s to fu s s p e n do u rd a y sh e l p i n g炎德㊃英才大联考英语(长郡版)-4p e o p l e49. n e e d,d o i n gg o o dt h i n g s f o r50. a n d m a k i n g t h i sw o r l dab e t t e r p l a c e.M o s t o f u s l i v eo u r l i v e s d o i n g o u r b e s t t ob r i n g j o y t o t h i sw o r l da n d s h a r eo u r l o v ew i t h e a c ho t h e r.M o s t o f u s a r e f a r b e t t e r51. w ew o u l de v e r a d m i t.D o n’t d e n y t h e g o o d n e s sw i t h i n y o u.L o o k52. w i t h i n y o u r h e a r t a n d s o u l,53. n o t i c e t h e g o o d n e s s t h a t l i e s t h e r e.S h a r e i t54. y o u o p e n t h e d o o r f o r a s t r a n g e r,s m i l e a t t h e p e r s o n y o u p a s so nt h es t r e e ta n d g i v eac o m p l i m e n t t oa p a r t n e r.W o r k w i t hi ta s y o u r e a c ho u t a h e l p i n g h a n d,g i v e s o m e o n e a p a t o n t h e b a c k a n d e n c o u r a g e s o m e o n e55. i s h a v i n g ah a r d t i m e.U s e g o o d n e s s t oc r e a t e l o v ea n d j o y.P a r tⅢ R e a d i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o n(30m a r k s)D i r e c t i o n s:R e a dt h e f o l l o w i n gp a s s a g e s.E a c h p a s s a g ei s f o l l o w e db y s e v e r a l q u e s t i o n so r u n f i n i s h e d s t a t e m e n t s.F o r e a c ho f t h e mt h e r ea r e f o u r c h o i c e sm a r k e dA,B,C,a n dD.C h o o s e t h e o n e t h a t f i t s b e s t a c c o r d i n g t o t h e i n f o r m a t i o n g i v e n i n t h e p a s s a g e.AY o ua r ew a t c h i n g a f i l mi nw h i c h t w om e na r eh a v i n g a f i g h t.T h e y h i t o n ea n o t h e rh a r d.A t t h e s t a r t t h e y o n l y f i g h tw i t ht h e i rf i s t s.B u t s o o nt h e y b e g i nh i t t i n g o n ea n o t h e ro v e r t h e h e a d sw i t hc h a i r s.A n ds oi t g o e so nu n t i lo n eo f t h e m e nc r a s h e s t h r o u g haw i n d o wa n df a l l s t h i r t y f e e t t o t h e g r o u n db e l o w.H e i sd e a d!O f c o u r s eh e i s n’t r e a l l y d e a d.W i t ha n y l u c kh e i s n’t e v e nh u r t.W h y?B e c a u s e t h em e nw h o f a l l o u t o f h i g hw i n d o w s o r j u m p f r o mf a s tm o v i n g t r a i n s,w h oc r a s h c a r s o r e v e n c a t c h f i r e,a r e p r o f e s s i o n a l s.T h e y d o t h i s f o r a l i v i n g.T h e s em e n a r e c a l l e d s t u n t m e n.T h a t i s t o s a y,t h e y p e r f o r mt r i c k s.T h e r e a r e t w o s i d e s t o t h e i rw o r k.T h e ya c t u a l l y d o m o s to ft h et h i n g s y o us e eo nt h es c r e e n.F o re x a m p l e,t h e y f a l lf r o m a h i g hb u i l d i n g.H o w e v e r,t h e y d on o t f a l l o n t oh a r d g r o u n db u t o n t o e m p t yc a rd b o a r db o xe s c o v e r e d w i t ham a t t r e s s.A g a i n,w h e n t h e y h i t o n e a n o t h e rw i t h c h a i r s,t h e c h a i r s a r em a d e of s o f tw o o d a n dw h e nt h e y c r a s ht h r o ugh wi n d o w s,t h e g l a s s i s m a d eo fs u g a r!B u ta l t h o u g ht h e i r w o r k d e p e n d s o nt r i c k o ft h i ss o r t,i ta l s or e q u i r e sa h i g h d e g r e e o fs k i l la n dt r a i n i n g.O f t e n a s t u n t m a n’s s u c c e s s d e p e n d s o nc a r e f u l t i m i n g.F o r e x a m p l e,w h e nh e i s b l o w nu p”i nab a t t l e s c e n e,h eh a st oj u m p o u to ft h e w a y o ft h ee x p l o s i o n j u s ta tt h er i g h t m o m e n t.N a t u r a l l y s t u n t m e na r ew e l l p a i df o r t h e i rw o r k,b u t t h e y l e a dd a n g e r o u s l i v e s.T h e y o f t e n g e t s e r i o u s l y i n j u r e d,a n d s o m e t i m e sk il l e d.A N o r w e g i a ns t u n tm a n,f o re x a m p l e,s k i e do v e r t h ee d g eo fa c l i f f(悬崖)a t h o u s an d f e e t h i g h.H i s p a r a c h u t e(降落伞)f a i l e d t oop e n,a n dh ew a s k i l l e d.I n s p i t eo f a l l t h er i s k s,t h i s i sn ol o n g e ra p r o f e s s i o nf o r m e no n l y.M e nn ol o n g e rd r e s su p a s w o m e n w h e n a c t r e s s e s h a v et o p e r f o r m s o m e d a n g e r o u s a c t i o n s.F o r n o w a d a y st h e r e a r e s t u n t g i r l s t o o l.56.S t u n t m e na r e t h o s ew h o .A.o f t e nd r e s s u p a s a c t o r sB.p r e f e r t o l e a dd a n g e r o u s l i v e sC.o f t e n p e r f o r ms e e m i n g l y d a n g e r o u s a c t i o n sD.o f t e n f i g h t e a c ho t h e r f o r t h e i r l i v e s57.S t u n t m e ne a r n t h e i r l i v i n g b y .A.p l a y i n g t h e i r d i r t y t r i c k sB.s e l l i n g t h e i r s p e c i a l s k i l l sC.j u m p i n g o u t o f h i g hw i n d o w sD.j u m p i n g f r o mf a s tm o v i n g t r a i n s58.W h e na s t u n t m a n f a l l s f r o mah i g hb u i l d i n g, .A.h en e e d s l i t t l e p r o t e c t i o n炎德㊃英才大联考英语(长郡版)-5B.h ew i l l b e c o v e r e dw i t ham a t t r e s sC.h i s l i f e i s e n d a n g e r e dD.h i s s a f e t y i s g e n e r a l l y a l l r i g h t59.W h i c ho f t h e f o l l o w i n g i s t h em a i n f a c t o r o f a s u c c e s s f u l p e r f o r m a n c e?A.S t r e n g t h.B.E x a c t n e s s.C.S p e e d.D.C a r e f u l n e s s.60.W h a t c a nb e i n f e r r e d f r o mt h ea u t h o r’s e x a m p l eo f t h eN o r w e g i a n s t u n t m a n?A.S o m e t i m e s a na c c i d e n t c a no c c u r t oa s t u n t m a n.B.T h e p e r c e n t a g eo f s e r i o u s a c c i d e n t s i s h i g h.C.P a r a c h u t e sm u s t b eo f g o o d q u a l i t y.D.T h e c l i f f i s t o oh i g h.BF o r S p a r k y,s c h o o lw a s a l l b u t i m p o s s i b l e.H e f a i l e de v e r y s u b j e c t i nt h ee i g h t h g r a d e.H e f l u n k e d p h y s i c s i nh i g h s c h o o l,g e t t i n g a g r a d eo f z e r o.S p a r k y a l s of l u n k e dL a t i n,a l g e b r aa n d E n g l i s h.H ed i d n’t d om u c hb e t t e r i n s p o r t s.A l t h o u g hh ed i dm a n a g e t om a k e t h e s c h o o l’s g o l f t e a m,h e p r o m p t l y l o s t t h eo n l y i m p o r t a n tm a t c ho f t h e s e a s o n.T h e r ew a s a c o n s o l a t i o n(安慰) m a t c h;h e l o s t t h a t,t o o.T h r o u g h o u t h i s y o u t hS p a r k y w a sa w k w a r ds o c i a l l y.H e w a sn o ta c t u a l l y d i s l i k e db y t h e o t h e r s t u d e n t s;n oo n e c a r e d t h a tm u c h.H ew a s a s t o n i s h e d i f a c l a s s m a t e e v e r s a i dh e l l o t oh i m o u t s i d eo f s c h o o l h o u r s.T h e r e’s n ow a y t o t e l l h o wh em i g h t h a v ed o n e a t d a t i n g.S p a r k y n e v e r o n c ea s k e da g i r l t o g oo u t i nh i g h s c h o o l.H ew a s t o oa f r a i do f b e i n g t u r n e dd o w n.S p a r k y w a s a l o s e r.H e,h i sc l a s s m a t e s...e v e r y o n ek n e wi t.S oh er o l l e dw i t hi t.S p a r k y h a dm a d eu p h i sm i n d e a r l y i n l i f e t h a t i f t h i n g sw e r em e a n t t ow o r ko u t,t h e y w o u l d.O t h e r w i s e h ew o u l dc o n t e n t h i m s e l fw i t hw h a t a p p e a r e d t ob eh i s i n e v i t a b l em e d i o c r i t y(平凡).H o w e v e r,o n e t h i n g w a s i m p o r t a n t t oS p a r k y d r a w i n g.H ew a s p r o u do f h i s a r t w o r k.O f c o u r s e,n oo n e e l s e a p p r e c i a t e d i t.I nh i s s e n i o r y e a r o f h i g h s c h o o l,h e s u b m i t t e d s o m e c a r t o o n s t ot h ee d i t o r so ft h e Y e a r b o o k.A l t h o u g ht h ec a r t o o n s w e r et u r n e d d o w n,S p a r k y w a ss o c o n v i n c e do f h i s a b i l i t y t h a t h ed e c i d e d t ob e c o m ea na r t i s t.A f t e r c o m p l e t i n g h i g h s c h o o l,h ew r o t e a l e t t e r t oW a l tD i s n e y S t u d i o s.H ew a s t o l d t o s e n d s o m e s a m p l e s o f h i s a r t w o r k,a n d t h e s u b j e c t f o r ac a r t o o nw a s s u g g e s t e d.S p a r k y s p e n t a g r e a t d e a l o f t i m eo ni t.F i n a l l y,t h er e p l y c a m ef r o m D i s n e y S t u d i o s.H eh a db e e nr e j e c t e do n c e a g a i n.A n o t h e r l o s s f o r t h e l o s e r.S oS p a r k y d e c i d e d t ow r i t e h i s o w n a u t o b i o g r a p h y i n c a r t o o n s.H e d e s c r i b e dh i s c h i l d h o o d a l i t t l eb o y l o s e ra n dc h r o n i cu n d e r a c h i e v e r.T h ec a r t o o nc h a r a c t e rw o u l ds o o nb e c o m ef a m o u s w o r l d w i d e.F o r S p a r k y,t h eb o y w h oh a ds u c ha l a c ko f s u c c e s s i ns c h o o l a n dw h o s ew o r kw a s r e j e c t e da g a i n a n d a g a i n,w a s C h a r l e s S c h u l t z.H e c r e a t e d t h eP e a n u t s c o m i c s t r i p(连环漫画)a n d t h e l i t t l ec a r t o o nc h a r a c t e rw h o s ek i t e w o u l dn e v e rf l y a n d w h on e v e rs u c c e e d e di nk i c k i n g af o o t b a l l C h a r l i eB r o w n.61.F r o mt h e f i r s t p a r a g r a p hw e c a n s e e t h a t S p a r k y w a s i nh i g h s c h o o l.A.a f a i l u r eB.a na r t i s tC.a g o o d p l a y e rD.a t o p s t u d e n t62.S p a r k y n e v e r a s k e da c l a s s m a t e t o g oo u tw i t hh i mb e c a u s eh ew a s a f r a i do f .A.m a k i n g m i s t a k e sB.m a k i n g f r i e n d sC.b e i n g r e f u s e dD.b e i n g i n v i t e d63.I nh i s s e n i o r y e a r,S p a r k y f e l t c o n f i d e n t t h a t h eh a da b i l i t y t o .A.p l a yg o l fB.d r a wc a r t o o nC.l e a r nE n g l i s hD.w r i t en o v e l s64.H i s o n l y s u c c e s sm e n t i o n e d i n t h i s p a s s a g e i s .炎德㊃英才大联考英语(长郡版)-6A.h i s g o l fm a t c h i nh i g h s c h o o lB.h i s a r t w o r k s e n t t o t h e Y e a r b o o kC.h i s s u b j e c t s i n t h e s e n i o r y e a rD.h i s a u t o b i o g r a p h y i nc a r t o o n s65.F r o mt h e p a s s a g ew e c a n i n f e r t h a t S p a r k y i s a p e r s o n.A.w e a kB.p r o u dC.d i s a b l e dD.d e t e r m i n e dCC a n y o ui m a g i n eas t r a n g e r w i l lr e a d y o u re-m a i l s w i t h o u t y o u r p e r m i s s i o n o rs c a nt h e w e b s i t e y o u’v e v i s i t e d o r p e r h a p s s o m e o n ew i l l c a s u a l l y g l a n c e t h r o u g h y o u r c r e d i t c a r d p u r c h a s e s o r c e l l p h o n eb i l l s?A l l o f t h e t h i n g sm a y h a p p e n t o y o uo n ed a y.I n f a c t,i t’s l i k e l y t h a t s o m eo ft h e s et h i n g sh a v ea l r e a d y h a p p e n e dt o y o u.W h o w o u l d w a t c h y o uw i t h o u t y o u r p e r m i s s i o n?I tm i g h t b e a s p o u s e,a g i r l f r i e n d,am a r k e t i n g c o m p a n y,a b o s s,a c o p o r a c r i m i n a l.W h o e v e r i t i s,t h e y w i l l s e e y o u i n aw a y y o un e v e r i n t e n d e d t ob e s e e n o r e v e nd o s o m e t h i n g t h a tm a y b r i n g ad i s a s t e r t o y o u.P s y c h o l o g i s t s t e l l u sb o u n d a r i e sa r eh e a l t h y,a n dt h a t i t’s i m p o r t a n t t or e v e a l t of r i e n d s, f a m i l y a n d l o v e r s a t a p p r o p r i a t e t i m e s.B u t f e wb o u n d a r i e s r e m a i nn o w a d a y s.T h ed i g i t a l b r e a d c r u m b s(碎屑)y o u l e a v e e v e r y w h e r em a k e i t e a s y f o r s t r a n g e r s t ok n o ww h o y o u a r e,w h e r e y o u a r ea n dw h a t y o u l i k e.I ns o m ec a s e s,as i m p l eG o o g l es e a r c hc a nl e a kt h ed e e p e s t t h o u g h t i n y o u rm i n d.L i k e i t o r n o t,i n c r e a s i n g l y w e l i v e i n aw o r l dw h e r e y o u s i m p l y c a n n o t k e e p a s e c r e t. T h ek e yq u e s t i o ni s:D o e st h a t m a t t e r?F o r m a n y A m e r i c a n s,t h ea n s w e ra p p a r e n t l y i s n o”.W h e no p i n i o n p o l l s a s k A m e r i c a n s a b o u t p r i v a c y,m o s t o ft h e m s a y t h e y a r e r e a l l y c o n c e r n e da b o u tl o s i n g i t.A n d60p e r c e n to ft h er e s p o n d e n t ss a y t h e y f e e lt h e i r p r i v a c y i s s l i p p i n g a w a y,a n d t h a t b o t h e r sm e”.B u t p e o p l e s a y o n e t h i n g a n dd o a n o t h e r.O n l y a s m a l l o fA m e r i c a n s c h a n g e a n y b e h a v i o r s i n a ne f f o r t t o p r e s e r v et h e i r p r i v a c y.F e w p e o p l et u r nd o w nad i s c o u n ta t t o l l b o o t h s(收费站)t o a v o i du s i n g t h e E Z-P a s ss y s t e m t h a tc a n t r a c k a u t o m o b i l e m o v e m e n t s.P r i v a c y e c o n o m i s t A c q u i s t i h a s r u nas e r i e so ft e s t st h a tr e v e a l p e o p l e w i l l g i v eu pp e r s o n a l i n f o r m a t i o ns u c ha s t e l e p h o n en u m b e r,a d d r e s s,o rs o c i a l s e c u r i t y n u m b e r s j u s t t o g e t t h e i rh a n d so na p i t i f u l50-c e n t s-o f f c o u p o n(优惠券).B u t p r i v a c y d o e sm a t t e r a t l e a s t s o m e t i m e s.I t’s l i k eh e a l t h;w h e n y o uh a v e i t,y o ud o n’t n o t i c e i t.O n l y w h e n i t’s g o n e d o y o uw i s h y o u’dd o n em o r e t o p r o t e c t i t. W i t h o u t p r i v a c y,o n ew i l l b en a k e d i n f r o n t o f o t h e r s.66.W h a tw o u l d p s y c h o l o g i s t s a d v i s eo n t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p s b e t w e e n f r i e n d s?A.F r i e n d s s h o u l do p e n t h e i rh e a r t s t oe a c ho t h e r.B.F r i e n d s s h o u l da l w a y s b e f a i t h f u l t oe a c ho t h e r.C.T h e r e s h o u l db ead i s t a n c e e v e nb e t w e e n f r i e n d s.D.T h e r e s h o u l db e f e w e r q u a r r e l s b e t w e e n f r i e n d s.67.W h y d o e s t h ea u t h o r s a y w e l i v e i naw o r l dw h e r e y o u s i m p l y c a n n o t k e e p a s e c r e t”?A.M o d e r n s o c i e t y h a s f i n a l l y d e v e l o p e d i n t oa no p e n s o c i e t y.B.P e o p l e l e a v e t r a c e s a r o u n dw h e nu s i n g m o d e r n t e c h n o l o g y.C.T h e r ea r ea l w a y s p e o p l ew h oa r e c u r i o u s a b o u t o t h e r s’a f f a i r s.D.M a n y s e a r c he n g i n e s p r o f i t b y r e v e a l i n gp e o p l e’s i d e n t i t i e s.68.W h a t d om o s tA m e r i c a n s d oa b o u t p r i v a c yp r o t e c t i o n?A.T h e y c h a n g eb e h a v i o r t h a tm i g h t d i s c l o s e t h e i r i d e n t i t y.炎德㊃英才大联考英语(长郡版)-7。
2024届湖南省长沙市长郡中学高考适应考试(二)英语试题一、听力选择题1. What does the man mean?A.He didn’t like the party.B.He didn’t know the result.C.He didn’t care about the prize.2. Which room has the man finished decorating?A.The living room.B.The kitchen.C.The bathroom.3. What time is it now?A.6:30.B.7:30.C.8:30.4. What does the man probably want to do?A.Talk to his staff.B.Lose some weight.C.Set up a program.5. What does the man mean?A.He will do a class project.B.He won’t go to the beach.C.He will go to the zoo next time.二、听力选择题6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Housemates.B.Colleagues.C.Classmates.2. When will the party begin?A.About 10:00 p. m.B.About 8:00 p. m.C.About 6:00 p. m.3. What does the man advise Amy to bring?A.iPod.B.Beer.C.Juice.7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. Why does the woman come to the man?A.To ask for permission.B.To extend an invitation.C.To express thanks.2. When are the students going to the museum?A.On Friday.B.On Saturday.C.On Sunday.8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。
1. What did the girl do last night?A. She saw a movie.B. She read a book.C. She watched a football match.2.How will the man probably go to the Madison Square?A. By taxi.B. By bus.C. By bike.3. What does the man do?A. He's a freshman.B. He's a teacher.C. He's a librarian.4. What does the woman feel now?A. Upset.B. Happy.C. Relaxed.5. How much is the sheet?A. 10 dollars.B. 20 dollars.C.30 dollars.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
6. Why does the woman want to change her insurance provider?A. She is in an emergency.B. She can't find better solutions.C. She is dissatisfied with her agent.7. What is the woman advised to do?A. Contact Ted's agent.B. Make some insurance plans.C. List out her needs and requirements.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
&))#解析考查名词%文意为#当我给孩子们机会!562357"问我几个问题时$%选 #% &*)#解析考查副词%他们多半地!,8*1./"都想知道怎样才可以帮助我%选 #% &$)%解析考查名词%根据上文&可知之前一直是作者在照顾孩子们&因此小玛丽说*#现在轮到我们来照
大的积极的额外奖励!?83>*"%选 %% (#)+3*-+:21+83(!)'+073(%)+3(&)+1(')624?7732558,-23+74<7:72558,-23+74(()*5+**8:* ())Q621(*)185:7217($),/*17:+8>*)")>31+.
选 %% '))$解析考查名词%因 为 我 开 始 心 存 疑 虑&是 担 心 学 生 们 不 喜 欢 现 在 这 样 的 我%但 是 看 到 粉 红 丝 带 之
后&我松了一口气%P7.+79此处意思为安慰&轻松%选 $% '*)$解析考查动词%#小玛丽是第一个在队伍中向我打招呼!@:771"的孩子%$选 $% '$)"解析考查名词%#我帮助孩子们的时候&从未想过要任何回报%$+3:71>:3&作为回报%选 "% (")%解析考查名词%因为我从未奢望过任何回报&所以&当我收到来自孩子们的回报时&那对我是一种巨
湖南省长郡中学2012届高三第二次月考word版 英语.pdf
⒋没有通假字的一句是( )。
D ⒌下列不是对偶的一项是( )。
C ⒍《岳阳楼记》选自《 》,作者 ,字希文,宋朝 家、 家。
⒎《岳阳楼记》为历代名篇,文章以凝练优美的语言劝勉友人学习古仁人的“ ”的高尚情操,并抒发了“ . ”的远大政治抱负。
先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐 文学 范文正公集 范仲淹 政治 不以物喜,不以己悲 阅读语段,回答问题。
噫!微斯人,吾谁与归? ⒏选出对加点字“或”、“为”理解正确的一项是()。
A.也许 因为 B.或者 心情 C.也许 心情 D.或者 因为 C ⒐请给下面一句话划分节奏。
居 庙堂 之 高 则 忧 其 民 / / / / ⒑选出对“或异二者之为”中的“二者”理解恰当的一项是( )。
D.指“忧谗畏讥者”和“心旷神怡者”. D ⒒“不以物喜,不以己悲”的正确意思是: 不因为外物的好坏和个人的得失而高兴或悲伤。
⒓这段文字的中心意思是: 抒发作者阔大胸襟和政治抱负。
你能从我们学过的古诗文中找出这样的例子吗? “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐” 作者用哪些话概括说明了“迁客骚人”的“悲”和“喜”?这样写的目的是什么? “去国怀乡,忧谗畏讥”概括说明了“迁客骚人”的“悲”,“心旷神怡,宠辱偕忘”概括说明了“迁客骚人”的“喜”。
湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024-2025学年高三上学期月考试卷(一)英语试卷一、阅读理解As Pakistan and China are marking 2023 as a Year of Tourism, Pakistan’s breathtaking natural beauty, diverse cultural heritage and historical landmarks are all set to catch the attentionof tourists.Balochistan: Nature’s Bounty UnveiledStretching across vast expanses, Balochistan is Pakistan’s largest province, boasting not only abundant mineral resources but unique natural beauty. Its mountain ranges, mines and extensive coastal belt, which is home to the prosperous Gwadar Port, attract adventurers.Punjab: A Tapestry of History and HeritageIn the heart of Pakistan lies Punjab province, a land of green agricultural fields, intricate (交错的) river networks, ancient forts and charming Mughal-era gardens. Over two millennia (千年) ago, the Gandhara Buddhist civilization thrived in northern Pakistan, with Taxil a serving as its primary center of learning.Sindh: A Tapestry of History and CultureSindh, in Pakistan’s southern region, weaves together a tale of history and natural beauty. Itis home to the ancient city of Mohenjo-Daro, a relic of the Indus Valley Civilization, along with the modern city of Karachi and its picturesque coastline.Northern Pakistan: Nature’s MasterpieceSpread over 72,496 square kilometers, Pakistan’s northern regions are a masterpiece of nature. Among towering peaks, including numerous summits over 8,000 meters, peaceful valleys like Gilgit, Hunza and Skardu offer a brief escape.As Pakistan invites the world to explore its diverse and fascinating landscapes, it also extends a warm invitation to discovery the history, spirituality and natural wonders that define this remarkable nation.1.As a Buddhist, your favorite destination in Pakistan might be __________.A.Balochistan B.Punjab C.Sindh D.Gilgit2.What do the four parts have in common?A.Natural beauty.B.Historical origin.C.Cultural relics.D.Diverse resources.3.The passage serves as a(n) __________.A.guidance B.introduction C.commercial D.noticeThere comes a time when the old must give way to the new, and it is not possible to preserve everything from our past as we move towards the future. Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.Big challenges, however, can sometimes lead to great solutions. In the 1950s, the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control floods, produce electricity, and supply water to more farmers in the area. But the proposal led to protests. Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an important part of Egypt’s cultural heritage. After listening to different voices, the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.A committee was established to limit damage to the Egyptian buildings and prevent the loss of cultural relics. The group asked for contributions from different departments and raised funds within the international community. Experts investigated the issue, conducted several tests, and then made a proposal for how the buildings could be saved. Finally, a document was signed, and the work began in 1960.The project brought together governments and environmentalists from around the world. Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece, and then moved and put back together again in a place where they were safe from the water. In 1961, German engineers moved the first temple. Over the next 20 years, thousands of engineers and workers rescue d 22 temples and countless cultural relics. Fifty countries donated nearly $80 million to the project. When the project ended in 1980, it was considered a great success. Not only had the countries found a path to the future that did not run over the relics of the past, but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today. If a problem seems too difficult for a single nation, the global community can sometimes provide a solution.4.What was the major concern regarding the construction of the new dam?A.The damage to local farms.B.The high cost of the construction.C.The disapproval of local communities.D.The potential harm to cultural remains.5.How were the cultural sites rescued?A.By rebuilding similar cultural sites.B.By building fences around them.C.By taking them down into pieces.D.By removing and piecing them together again.6.Which of the following best describes the Aswan Dam project?A.International cooperation is not necessary for large-scale projects.B.It is possible to achieve progress without sacrificing cultural heritage.C.The opinions of experts should be ignored in favor of popular opinion.D.Countries should always prioritize their own interests over global concerns.7.What is the key to the success of the Aswan Dam project?A.Trial and error.B.Adequate investment.C.Global cooperation.D.Careful investigation.Since the last ice age, humans have cleared nearly half of the earth’s forests and grasslands for agriculture. With the world population expanding, there’s ever-increasing pressure on farmland to produce not only more food but also clean energy. In places such as Yakima County, Washington, it’s created competition for space as land-hungry solar panels (板) consume available fields. Last month, the state approved plans to cover 1,700 acres of agricultural land with solar panels, fueling concerns over the long-term impacts of losing cropland.A recent study from the University of California, however, shows how farmers may soon harvest crops and energy together. One researcher, Majdi Abou Najm, explains that visible light spectrum (光谱) can be separated into blue and red light waves, and their photons (光子) have different properties. Blue ones have higher energy than red ones. While that gives blue light what is needed to generate power, it also results in higher temperatures. “From a plant angle, redphotons are the efficient ones,” says Abou Najm. “They don’t make the plant feel hot.”A goal of the study is to create a new generation of solar panels. He sees potential in the organic solar cells, which come from carbon-based materials. Thin and transparent, the cells are applied like a film onto various surfaces. This new technology could be used to develop special solar panels that block blue light to generate power, while passing the red light on to crops planted directly below. These panels could also provide shade for heat-sensitive fruits during the hottest part of the day.By 2050, we’ll have two billion more people, and we’ll need more food and more energy. By maximizing the solar spectrum, “we’re making full use of an endlessly sustainable resource,” says Abou Najm. “If a technology kicks in that can develop these panels, then the sky is the limit on how efficient we can be.”8.What problem does the first paragraph focus on?A.Losing cropland to solar panels.B.Distribution of the world population.C.Reduction in forests and grasslands.D.Competing for land between farmers.9.What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 2 refer to?A.Generation of solar power.B.Hot weather increasing efficiency.C.Blue photons having higher energy.D.Separation of visible light spectrum.10.What do we know about the organic solar cells?A.They make fruits heat-sensitive.B.They can cool down in hot days,C.They allow red light to pass through.D.They can store carbon-based materials.11.What does Abou Najm think of the future of the new solar panels?A.Limited.B.Promising.C.Uncertain.D.Challenging.While Industry 5.0 is believed to have started in 2020, the rise of AI in recent years has led experts to say it is now coming. Imagine AI-powered robots that see, hear, touch and more, pooling fresh data from across those groups of sensors to create that data with the vast ranges of digital data stored elsewhere online. The age is a major leap from the First Industrial Revolution, when steam engine started to achieve widespread commercial use.Professor John Nosta says, “The integration of sensory capabilities into AI models is not merely a technological leap. It represents a shift in our philosophical understanding of artificial and human intelligence.”He has also referred to the new era as “the Cognitive (认知) Age,” which will completely change how humans live, work, and think about themselves. According to Nosta, humans don’t typically think of computers as “experiencing” the world themselves. But that assumption will be challenged as more advanced AI systems are hooked up to ever more and ever greater sensors. The machines won’t just be logic boxes that humans input data and commands for processing. The AI will collect that data more and more on its own, experiencing the world for itself.“This is not just about understanding words, but also about grasping the tone, pitch (音高), and emphasis, which add layers of meaning often absent in written text. Image recognition adds another layer of complexity,” he added. “For example, it can analyze photographs, identify objects, and even understand the emotional content of facial expressions.”The Johannesburg-based business school is just one of many college-level programs attempting to investigate and teach its students about the still-emerging IR 5.0. Seton Hall in New Jersey offers a three-credit course on this latest age in human technology and trade; MIT has brought in guest speakers to lecture on the concept, and many other research institutions are following suit.12.Where does IR 5.0 differ from previous industrial revolution?A.It processes data and commands.B.It interacts with humans through texts.C.It enhances human sensory capabilities.D.It employs more senses in its application. 13.Why is IR 5. 0 called the Cognitive age?A.AI collects and interprets data itself.B.AI turns written texts into voice.C.AI understands written language well.D.AI has an ability of expressing emotions 14.How do some colleges address IR 5.0?A.By offering related courses.B.By expecting more industrial revolution.C.By applying AI to the technological trade.D.By preparing for the rapid economic changes.15.What is the best title for the text?A.Al Is Approaching Us Gradually B.A New IR Is About Machine LearningC.AI Has Developed Its Own Senses D.We Are Entering IR 5.0 NowPursue Y our Dreams Today, Not TomorrowHave you caught yourself daydreaming about your dreams? We often postpone our dreams, trapped in a cycle of delay. But why wait? 16 You don’t have to take a huge, life-changing step. You can take minute steps toward a brighter future. And start right now.17 If you never try, you’re going to be weighed down by your regrets. You’re always going to wonder how your life would’ve turned out if you actually took a chance on yourself. Don’t let your future self be disappointed by your present self.It doesn’t matter how old you are or how many people have warned you that you’re never going to succeed. Even the most successful people have had their hesitations about whether they had what it took to make it in their field. 18 Embrace a mindset of determination, knowing that success is within your reach.At the end of the day, you need to carve out a path for yourself that will lead to the most satisfaction. If you allow your fear to get the best of you, you’re never going to forgive yourself.19 . It’s what you would encourage your friends to do, so why aren’t you giving yourself that same push?Sometimes, following your passion means spending a lot of your time each day. It may require making slight adjustments to your schedule, but you don’t have to sacrifice everything to follow your hearts. Try to strike a balance between your current life and your dreams. 20 Pursue your dreams now, even though that means you might need to break out of your comfort zone, and even though it means entering the unknown.A.Ask yourself what would be worse.B.Starting small is completely acceptable.C.You owe it to yourself to go after your dreams.D.New opportunities may lead to personal growth.E.If things go well, you can gradually make further shifts.F.You need to move past your insecurities and explore your full potential.G.Hard as it is, it’s crucial to wave off the doubts in the back of your mind.二、完形填空As a first-generation Asian immigrant(移民)who had grown up in poverty, I knew I was beyond 21 to be admitted into Harvard. I loved books, but it never crossed my mind to become a(n) 22 of any sort. I didn’t 23 to have unrealistic dreams.Still, something 24 me. My deskmate had 25 our friendship recently. There wasn’t a dramatic fight or disagreement. He had 26 moved on to new friends. I felt an ache in my chest that 27 night. I started doodling(涂鸦)on my notepad and then, suddenly, my hand started writing words. I’d written a poem about him. There and the page was the truth about how much it hurt to 28 him.That tiny poem was a 29 that rooted in my heart. I realized I could possibly become a writer and from that moment on. It was all I 30 to do. So I changed my field of study to English. I 31 my first short story while I was still a student. I went on to write my first novel, Girl in Translation, which became an international 32 and is taught in schools around the world.That night, I learned that art isn’t a 33 . It’s at the core of what makes us human. Although I’d believed that immigrants couldn’t 34 to be creative. I understood then that we had always been the ultimate artists. 35 ourselves again and again as we try to adapt to a new landscape.21.A.innocent B.fortunate C.dependent D.voluntary 22.A.surgeon B.lawyer C.artist D.engineer 23.A.regret B.expect C.agree D.refuse 24.A.bothered B.inspired C.interested D.satisfied 25.A.adapted to B.shown off C.broken off D.referred to 26.A.unwillingly B.cautiously C.helplessly D.simply27.A.lonely B.peaceful C.happy D.fancy 28.A.marry B.lose C.upset D.desert 29.A.romance B.seed C.secret D.shadow 30.A.hesitated B.resolved C.declined D.denied 31.A.bought B.borrowed C.priced D.published 32.A.bestseller B.effort C.challenge D.gap 33.A.necessity B.reality C.game D.luxury 34.A.pretend B.offer C.fail D.afford 35.A.rescuing B.recovering C.recreating D.relaxing三、语法填空阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.—Where can we park car?—Don’t worry. There’s sure to be parking lot nearby.A.the; the B.the; aC.不填; a D.不填; the2.As to the long-term effects of global warming some believe that the damage has been done, ______________________. A.otherwise we take steps to make up nowB.now that we take steps to make upC.whether we take steps to make up now or notD.unless we take steps to make up now3.— Which classical Chinese poem do you like best?—Don’t laugh if we lay drunken on the battleground; how many soldie rs ever came back______.A.old and young B.up and down C.safe and sound D.right and wrong4.Dad is used to smoking and drinking. There’s no chance _____ I’m able to talk him into .A.whether ; giving it up B.of whether; giving them upC.that; getting rid of them D.which; stopping it5.A good government is not to pick technologies, but to establish conditions ________ innovation is supported and encouraged into the marketplace.A.when B.thatC.as D.where6.The bus dropped me off and pulled away _____I realized I had left my bag on it.A.while B.beforeC.after D.since7.____ of danger in the street at night, the girl doesn’t dare to go out without someone ____ her.A.Warned; accompanied B.Warned; accompanyingC.Warning; accompanied D.Warning; accompanying8.I live in a town ______ runs a small and winding river.A.through which B.which C.in which D.where9.—Starting a conversation is a good way to kill time on the train.—_______. I also like to talk with strangers.A.That is true B.It sounds like funC.I don’t think so D.You are kidding10.We all sighed with ________ relief when ________ plane finally landed safely.A.a; / B./; theC.a; a D.a; the11.After making the speech, he went through it in his mind to reflect where he_________ better.A.could do B.would do C.could have done D.would have done12.Zhouqu, Gansu was attacked by such a terrible mud-rock flow few residents had ever experienced before. A.as B.which C.where D.that13.A teacher’s job is not to tell the students what to believe or value, but to ________ them to develop a worldview for themselves.A.urge B.equipC.persuade D.rank14.It’s always difficult ______ in a foreign country, especially when you don’t speak the language.A.being B.to beC.having been D.to have been15.---Can those___________ at the back of the classroom hear me?---No problem.A.seat B.sitC.seated D.sat16.An international team of astronomers announced Wednesday that they ________ the first-ever image of a black hole. A.have captured B.were capturingC.had captured D.would capture17.The mother goes mad every time she washes the T-shirt__________ her son wipes his dirty hands.A.that B.whereC.which D.when18.-- - Are you satisfied with this house?----________. We can’t ha ve a nicer oneA.Not a little B.Not a bit C.A little D.A bit19.The part in the film the man broke down the door made some of the audience give a cry.A.which B.who C.where D.whom20.The world is not always ______we wish it to be.A.that B.whichC.what D.where第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
长郡中学2012届高三月考(五)数学试卷(文科)分值:150分 时量:120分钟一、选择题:本大题共8个小题,每小题5分,共40分.1.若(2)a i i b i -=-,其中,a b R ∈,i 是虚数单位,则a b += ( ) A .3- B .3 C .1-D .12.已知集合{1,0,},{|01}A a B x x =-=<<,若A B Φ≠ ,则实数a 的取值范围是 ( ) A .()-∞,0 B .(0,1) C .{1} D .(1,)+∞3.已知某算法的程序框图如右图所示,则输出的结果是 ( ) A .6 B .18 C .24 D .304.某几何体的三视图如图右,它的表面积为( ) A .3 B .2+ C .2+ D .3+5.已知向量,a b为非零向量,“函数()f x = 2()ax b + 为偶函数”是“a b ⊥ ”的( )A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分与不必要条件6.已知圆22:12C x y +=,直线:4325l x y +=,圆C 上任意一点A 到直线l 距离小于2的概率为( )A .16B .13C .12D .147.已知双曲线22221(,0)x y a b a b-=>与抛物线28y x =有一个公共的焦点F ,且两曲线的一个交点为P ,若5PF =,则双曲线的渐近线方程为 ( )A .0x =B 0y ±=C .20x y ±=D .20x y ±=8.设函数()y f x =在区间(,)a b 的导函数为(),()f x f x ''在区间(,)a b 的导函数为()f x '',若在区间(,)a b 上()0f x ''<恒成立,则称函数()f x 在区间(,)a b 上为“凸函数”.已知432113()1262f x x mx x =--, 若对任意的实数m 满足||2m ≤时,函数()f x 在区间(,)a b 上为“凸函数”,则b a -的最大值为( )A .4B .3C .2D .1二、填空题:本大题共8个小题,考生作答7个小题,每小题5分,共35分,把答案填写在题中的横线上.(一)选做题(请在第9、10两题中任选一题作答,如果全做,则按前一题记分)9.(优选法和实验设计初步选做题)某单因素单峰的因素范围是[10,110],用黄金分割法来确定试点,则第二个试点的值可以是 .O 为极点,x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,则点P 的极坐标可以是 .(只填写一个即可) (二)必做题(11〜16题)11.某校有3300名学生,其中高一、高二、高三年级学生人数比例为12:10:11,现用分层抽样的方法,随机抽取66名学生参加一项体能测试,则抽取的高二学生人数为 .12.已知实数,x y 满足0401x y x y x +≥⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪≤⎩,则2x y +的最小值等于 .13.若曲线()y f x =在点(5,(5))P f 处的切线方程是8y ax =+,且(5)(5)2f f '+=,则实数a = .14.若单位向量,a b 满足:3()2a a b ⋅+= ,记,a b 的夹角为θ,则函数sin()6y x θπ=+的最小正周期为 .15.已知函数22log (1),0()(,0x x f x a x ax x +>⎧=⎨--≤⎩为常数),且(1)(1)f f =-.则(1)常数a = ;(2)若函数()()g x f x m =-有3个零点,则实数m 的取值范围是 .16若数列{}n a 满足:对任意的*n N ∈,只有有限个正整数m ,使得m a n <成立,记这样的m 的个数为*()n a ,则得到一个新数列*{()}n a .例如,若数列{}n a 是1,2,3,,n ,则数列*{()}n a 是0,1,2,1,n - ,已知对任意的*2,n n N a n ∈=,则*10()a = ;**10(())a = .三、解答题:本大题共6个小题,共75分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.17.(本小题满分12分) 高三某班段考后,对数学考试90分以上(含90分)的成绩进行统计,其频率分布直方图如图所示,若130140 分数段的人数为2人.(Ⅰ)估计该班成绩在90140 分之间学生的人数; (Ⅱ)现根据段考成绩从第一组和第五组(从低分段到高分段依次为第一组,第二组,…,第五组)中任意选出两人,形 成帮扶学习小组.若选出的两人成绩之差大于20,则称 这两人为“黄金搭档组”,试求选出的两人为“黄金搭档组”的概率.已知向量1(sin ,1),,),()()2m x n x f x m n m ===+⋅. (Ⅰ)求函数()f x 的单调增区间;(Ⅱ)在ABC ∆中,内角,,A B C 所对的边分别为,,a b c ,A 为锐角,4a c ==,且()f A 是函数()f x 在[0,]2π上的最大值,求ABC ∆的面积S .19.(本小题满分12分)如图,矩形11BCC B 所在平面垂直于三角形ABC 所在平面,14,2,BB AC AB BC ===,又E是1C A 的中点.(Ⅰ)证明:平面1ABC ⊥平面11BCC B ; (Ⅱ)求异面直线AB 与1EB 所成角的正切值.20.(本小题满分13分)南方某林场有荒山3250亩,打算从2012年1月开始在该荒山上植树造林,且保证每年种树全部成活,第一年植树100亩,此后每年都比上一年多植树50亩. (Ⅰ)问至少需几年才可将此荒山全部绿化?(Ⅱ)如果新种树苗每亩的木材量为2立方米,树木每年的自然增材率为10%,那么到此荒山全部绿化后的那一年底,这里的树木的木材量总共为多少立方米?(参考数据:111.1 2.9≈)BACE1C 1已知中心在原点O ,焦点在x 轴上,的椭圆过点2. (Ⅰ)求椭圆的方程;(Ⅱ)设不过原点O 的直线l 与该椭圆交于,P Q 两点,满足直线,,OP PQ OQ 的斜率依次成等比数列,求OPQ ∆面积的取值范围.22.(本小题满分13分)已知函数3211()32a f x x x ax +=-+,其中02,1a a <≤≠.(Ⅰ)当2a =时,求()f x 的极小值;(Ⅱ)若函数32()(24)ln ()g x x bx b x x b R =+-++∈与()y f x =都在0x x =处有极小值,求证:()g x 的极大值小于等于54.长郡中学2012届高三月考(五)数学参考答案一、选择题: D B C A ; C A B C5.【解】,a b 为非零向量时,222()||2()||f x a x a b x b =+⋅+为偶函数的充要条件为20a b ⋅= ,即a b ⊥ . 6.【解】由题知圆心C 到直线l 的距离为5(直线与圆相离),如右图 与直线l 平行且间距为2的一条直线与圆交于,P Q 两点,则由图可知,圆C 上只有劣弧 PQ上的点符合题意,又易知, 523O G O H H G =-=-=,在,cos OG Rt OGQ GOQ OQ ∆∠=所以30GOQ ∠= ,即60POQ ∠= ,所以劣弧 PQ长占整个圆周长的6,即求. 7.【解】如右图所示,可知双曲线线的左、右焦点坐标分别为1(2,0),(2,0)F F - 又抛物线的准线:2l x =-,作PH l ⊥于H ,则5PH PF ==,且由抛物线 定义可知52,32P P P pPH x x x ==+=+=,不妨取P ,则1F H = 则在11,7Rt PHF F P ∆==,所以122,PF PF a -==1a =, 又2,c =所以b ,故双曲线的渐近线方程为by a=±=,故选B. 8.【解】由于3211()332f x x mx x '=--,所以2()30f x x mx ''=--<对||2m ≤且(,)x a b ∈恒成立,从m 作为主变量的角度分析等价于22230230x x x x ⎧+-<⎪⎨--<⎪⎩,解得(等价于)11x -<<,所以必有(,)(1,1)a b ⊆-,所以max ()1(1)2b a -=--=,当且仅当1,1a b =-=时取到等号.故选C.二、填空题9. 71.8或48.2 ;10. (2,2)()3k k Z ππ-∈ ;11. 20 ; 12. ;15.(1) 2 (2) (0,1) ;16.(1) 3 (2) 10015.【解】由题知(1)(1)f f =-,所以2log (11)1a +=-+,所以2a =,函数()y f x =的图象,知其与直线y m =若有3个零点,则只须01m <<16【解】由题知2{}n a n =是21,4,9,16,25,36,n ,所以**12345()0,()1,(a a ==*********67891011121617()2,()2,()2,()2,()3,()3,()3,()3,()4,a a a a a a a a a =========观察可知*{()}n a 是 135790,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,,3,4,,4,5, ,所以**2(()),n a n =即**10(())100a =三、解答题17.【解】(Ⅰ)设90~140分的人数为n ,由130~140分数段 的人数为2,可知0.00522,n ⨯⨯=得40n =…………4分(Ⅱ)依题意,第一组共有400.01104⨯⨯=,记他们的学号分别为1,2,3,4,第五组2人的学号分别为5,6,则从他们6人选出2人的所有基本事件如右表所示, 显然共有15种,………………………………………8分 其中事件A ={两人成绩之差大于20}的发生有8种, ………………………………………………………10分 所以由古典概型可知8()15P A =.…………………12分18.【解】(Ⅰ)由题知2211cos 21()sin 1cos 1222x f x m m n x x x -=+⋅=+++=+12cos 222x x =-+ sin(2)26x π=-+…………………………………………………4分令222262k x k ππππ-≤-≤π+,解得63k x k πππ-≤≤π+,k Z ∈则单调递增区间为[,]()63k k k Z πππ-π+∈…………………………………………6分(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)可知()sin(2)26f x x π=-+, 又由于[0,]2x π∈,则52666x πππ-≤-≤由正弦函数的图象可知,当5262x ππ-=,即3x π=时,()f x 取得最大值3.…………9分所以3A π=,由正弦定理有4sin sin 1,c A C a === 所以,2C π=也所以2b =,故12ABC S ba ∆== ………………………………………12分19. 【解】(Ⅰ)在ABC ∆中,由于222AB BC AC +=,所以AB BC ⊥,………2分又因为平面11BCC B ⊥平面ABC ,且平面11BCC B 平面ABC BC = 所以AB ⊥平面11BCC B , (4)分又因为AB ⊂平面ABC ,所以平面ABC ⊥平面11BCC B .……………6分 (Ⅱ) 取1BC 的中点F ,连接1,EF B F ,则EF AB所以1FEB ∠是直线AB 与1EB 所成的角(或补角)…………………8分 又已证AB ⊥平面11BCC B ,所以EF ⊥平面11BCC BB A CEFB 1C 1在1Rt EFB ∆中,111122EF AB B F C B ====10分 所以11tan 3B FFEB EF∠==,即异面直线AB 与1EB 所成角的正切值等于3.……………12分20.【解】(Ⅰ)设至少需n 年才能使此荒山全部绿化,由题知,从2012起各年的植树量构成了以100为首项,以50为公差的等差数列,即100(1)505050n a n n =+-=+ 于是令(1)100503250,2n n n S n -=+⨯≥……………………………………………………3分 即231300n n +-≥,也所以(13)(10)0n n +-≥,又因为*n N ∈,所以10n ≥,即至少需要10年才能使荒山全部绿化.……………………6分 (Ⅱ)由题知,从2012起各年的所植树的木材量(当年)为2100(1)n a n =+由于树木每年的自然增材率为10%,所以到第10年底的整个荒山的木材量为10982200 1.1300 1.1400 1.11000 1.11100 1.1S =⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯+⨯ ……①…………………8分 11109321.1200 1.1300 1.1400 1.11000 1.11100 1.1S =⨯+⨯+⨯++⨯+⨯ ……②两式相减得111020.1200 1.1100(1.1 1.1)1100 1.1S =⨯+++-⨯29111.1(1 1.1)200 1.11001100 1.11 1.1-=⨯+⨯-⨯- 化简得,110.11200 1.12200 1.11200 2.92200 1.11060,S =⨯-⨯≈⨯-⨯=所以10600S =,即所求木材总量为10600立方米.…………………………………………13分21.【解】(Ⅰ)由题意可设椭圆方程为22221(0),x y a b a b+=>>则222112c a a b =+=,且222a b c =+解得2,1a b ==,所以椭圆方程为2214x y +=…………………4分 (Ⅱ)由题意可知,直线l 的斜率存在且不为0,故可设直线l 的方程为(0),y kx m m =+≠1122(,),(,)P x y Q x y ,因为直线,,OP PQ OQ 的斜率依次成等比数列,所以21212y y k x x =,即22212121212()(0)k x x km x x m k x x x x +++=≠……①…………………………7分 由22440y kx mx y =+⎧⎨+-=⎩,消去y 得222(14)84(1)0k x kmx m +++-=故2222226416(14)(1)16(41)0k m k m k m ∆=-+-=-+>………②且212122284(1),01414km m x x x x k k--+==≠++(21m ≠)…………………………………………9分韦达定理代入①式得222280,14k m m k -+=+即211,42k k ==±………………………………10分 代入②式得220,m ->得202m <<,且21m ≠………③…………………………………11分 又此时点O 到直线l的距离为d ==又12|||PQ x x -=所以2212||122OPQ m m S PQ d ∆+-===……………………………………12分 又因为21m ≠,所以上式取不到等号,也所以(0,1)OPQ S ∆∈……………………………………………………………………………13分 22.【解】(Ⅰ)当2a =时,3213()232f x x x x =-+,所以2()32(1)(2)f x x x x x '=-+=-- 易知1x <或2x >时,()0f x '>,函数()f x 递增,当12x <<时,()0f x '<,函数()f x 递减, 所以当2x =时,函数()f x 有极小值2(2)3f =…………………………………………2分 (Ⅱ)由于2()(1)(1)()f x x a x a x x a '=-++=--,其中02,1a a <≤≠3222132(24)1(1)[3(23)1]()32(24)(0)x bx b x x x b x g x x bx b x x x x+-++-++-'=+-++==>(i)当12a <≤时,可知0x a =时,函数()y f x =有极小值,所以此时()0g a '=, 也所以方程23(23)10x b x ++-=的一根为,a 另一根为103a-<, 且12333b a a +-=-,即21332a a b a --=. 所以由数轴标根法可知,当01x <<或x a >时,()0g x '>,当1x a <<时,()0g x '<,所以函数在1x =和x a =处分别有极大值和极小值,所以2331313()(1)1(24)332222a a a g x gb b b a a +-==+-+=--=-+=--极大值 由于12a <≤,所以3133135(1)222222224a g a =--≤⨯--=⨯……………………………10分(ii)当01a <<时,易知函数()f x 在1x =时有极小值,又已知(1)0g '= 注意到方程23(23)10x b x ++-=的判别式恒大于0,其一定有两根12,x x又12103x x =-<,所以令120x x <<,又由于()g x 应在1x =处得极小值,所以201x << (否则21x ≥时,()g x 无极值(21x =时)或在2x x =处有极小值(21x >时),与题意不符)也所以可知3222222()()(24)ln g x g x x bx b x x ==+-++极大值,下面证明该式小于等于54, 首先在前面分析中可知201x <<,所以由一元二次方程根的分布可知,231(23)110b ⨯++⨯-> 解得,52b >-,又32232222222222()(24)ln (2)4ln g x x bx b x x x x b x x x =+-++=-+-+ 由于22220x x -<,所以上式为关于b 的减函数,所以2323222222222225()(2)4ln (2)4ln 2g x x x b x x x x x x x x =-+-+<--+-+,所以232222222222222555()(2)4ln (2)141222g x x x x x x x x x x x <--+-+<--+-=-++进一步有22222551111151()22510104y x x x =-++=--+≤<.所以25()4g x <综上(i)(ii)可知,()g x 的极大值小于等于54.。
P a r t I L i s t e n i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o n (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions:In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A,B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation TWJCE.Conversation 11. Who seemed to have taken the MP3 player?A. The girl.B. The boy.C. One of the girl's guests.2. What did the girl regret?A. Not telling her parents about the party.B. Not keeping her plans secret.C. Not keeping the MP3 player well.Conversation 23. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Friends.C. Student and teacher.4. Why is the man interested in the show?A. Because he is curious about what the ladies are talking about.B. Because he likes the hostess very much.C. Because he r s never watched such a show before.Conversation 35. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Making plans with Debby.B. Meeting in a sandwich shop.C. Going out for lunch.6. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Employer and employ⑴C. Waiter and customer. Conversation 47. Which statement is TRUE according to the head teacher?A. There are now several other schools like this one.B. A lot of the children in the school are physically disabled.C. There have been special schools for disabled children and for those with learning difficulties.8. Why did the head teacher decide to start this school?A. To bring all types of children together for their education.B. Because there were not enough special schools.C. Because the world is changing fast.9. What happens in classes in the school?A. Faster and slower learners are together for all classes.B. Slower learners work better and more quickly.C. Faster learners sometimes act as teachers for slower learners.Conversation 510. When will the man leave for the trip?A. January 3.B. December 22.C. January 13.11. Which flights is the man going to take for his round trip?A. Flight 414 and Flight 476.B. Flight 476 and Flight 220.C. Flight 220 and Flight 414.12. When should the man arrive at the airport to take a plane for Chicago?A. By 2:00 p.m.B. By 6:30 p.m.C. At 3:00 p.m. Conversation 613. What does a patient usually have to do before seeing a doctor?A. Make an appointment.B. Telephone the doctor directly.C. Fill in a form.14. How long has the man been suffering?A. Two weeks.B. Two days.C. Two hours.15. When can the man see the doctor?A. Tomorrow morning.B. This afternoon.C. Tomorrow afternoon. Section B (7.5 marks)Directions:In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Weather Report for Tomorrowmost places starting off dry with a good deal of sunshine16______ being a bit of fognorthwest staying dull and cloudy with some heavy showers;temperatures being 17______.the south having warm and humid weathersouthern half bringing 18______. in most part by the eveningsouthwest having some 19______.;temperature reaching 26°C or possibly 27°Cnorthern half being 20______.;staying dry and quite windyPart II Language Knowledge(45 marks)【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section A (15 marks)Directions: for each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Example:The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _______ the desert.A. coveringB. coveredC. coverD. to coverThe answer is A.21. The expansion of Versailles began in the 1660s, _______ Louis XIV was king.A. whereB. whenC. asD. which22. When Michael Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992, the Americans _______for teaching the world how to play basketball.A. were praisedB. had praisedC. praisedD. has been praised23. With so many workers _______off, the British government knew it was time that it had to dosomething.A. to layB. to be laidC.丨aidD. laying24. Be m ore careful and I'm sure you'll do _______ better next time.A. ratherB. fairlyC. veryD. quite25.1 appreciate the saying:Life is like a long race _______ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.A. whyB. whatC. thatD. where26. It was not until dark _______ he found what he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A. thatB. whenC. asD. which27. Do ______________ me a favour —_______ me the Readers' Digest, will you?A. passingB. to passC. passD. by passing28. It seems water _______ from this tap for some time. We'll have to take it apart to put it right.A. had leakedB. is leakingC. leaksD. has been leaking29. English is a language that many people around the world _______ not speak perfectly butat least understand.A. may canB. would? mightC. will; mustD. could;might30. —__________ I thought you were going to call on me last night.—Sorry, I _______. But I had to finish the report.A. wouldB. would haveC. didD. would like to31. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______it comes to classroom tests.A. sinceB. asC. afterD. when32 . _______ our school uniforms, all of us feel a sense of pride being a student of this school.A. WearB. To wearC. WearingD. Wore33. Many people feel that New Zealand is perfect for outdoor activities, _______ the natural environment.A. owing toB. apart fromC. in hopes ofD. in response to34. After ten years of hard work, she changed a lot and looked different from _______ she usedto be.A. thatB. whomC. whatD. who35. ___________ J ohn _______ in the woods near his home in Milkovica when a bear attacked him frombehind.A. was huntingB. had huntedC. huntedD. has been hunting【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.One day, a poor boy trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.However, he lost his 36 _______ when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked 37 _______ so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?""You don't owe me anything," she replied. “Mother has taught me never to accept 38 _______for a kindness. ” He said, "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. ” As Howard Kellyleft that house, he not only felt stronger 39 _______ , but it also increased his faith in God and thehuman race. He was about to give up and quit before this point.Years later the young woman became critically ill. They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called in to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now 40 _______ ,was called in for the consultation. When he heard of the name of the town she came from, a strangelight 41 _______ his eyes. Immediately, he rose and went down through the hospital hall into herroom. He 42 _______ her at once and determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, hegave special attention to her 43 _______ .After a long struggle, the battle was 44 _______ . Dr. Kelly requested the business office 45 _______the final bill to him for approval. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open itbecause she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to 46 _______ . Finally she looked ,and the note on the side of the bill 47 her attention. She read these words.“Paid in full with a glass of milk.“(Signed) Dr. Howard KellyTears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently:"Thank you, God. Your love has spreadthrough human hearts and hands.“36. A. nerve B. heart C. way D. meal37. A. mad B. polite C. cold D. hungry38. A. gift B. present C. pay D. milk39. A. physically B. carefully C. emotionally D. spiritually40. A. well off B. handsome C. skilled D. famous41. A. filled B. blanked C. shone D. flashed42. A. knew B. learnt C. recognized D. realized43. A. health B.case C. condition D. body44. A. won B. defeated C.beaten D. lost45. A. passed B. passes C. to passing D. pass46. A. give it off B. pay it off C. throw it off D. see it off47. A. paid B.gave C.caught D. took【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section C (12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits t h e c o n t e x t.Most of us never realise how good we really are. The truth is 48. _______most of us are full of goodness, full of kindness, full of love and full of joy. Most of us spend our days helping people 49. _______ need, doing good things for 50. _______ and making this world a better place. Most of us live our lives doing our best to bring joy to this world and share our love with each other. Most of us are far better 51. _______we would ever admit.Don't deny the goodness within you. Look 52. _______ within your heart and soul, 53 _______notice the goodness that lies there. Share it 54. _______you open the door for a stranger, smile at the person you pass on the street and give a compliment to a partner. Work with it as you reach out a helping hand, give someone a pat on the back and encourage someone 55 _______ishaving a hard time. Use goodness to create love and joy.【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Part m Reading Comprehension (30 marks) Directions:Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one th at fits be st according to the in f ormation given in th e passage.AYou are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard.At the start they only fight with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes on until one of the men crashes through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead! Of course he isn't really dead. With any luck heisn't even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars or even catch fire, are professionals. They do this for a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is to say, they perform tricks. There are two sides to their work. They actually do most of the things you see on the screen. For example, they fall from a high building. However, they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress. Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar! But although their work depends on trick of this sort, it also requires a high degree of skill and training. Often a stuntman' s success depends on careful timing. For example, when he is "blown up" in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment. Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often get seriously injured, and sometimes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for example, skied over the edge of acliff (悬崖)a thousand feet high. His parachute (降落伞)failed to open, and he was killed. In spite of all the risks, this is no longer a profession for men only. Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous actions. For nowadays there are stuntgirls tool.56. Stuntmen are those who _______.A. often dress up as actorsB. prefer to lead dangerous livesC. often perform seemingly dangerous actionsD. often fight each other for their lives57. Stuntmen earn their living by _______.A. playing their dirty tricksB. selling their special skillsC. jumping out of high windowsD. jumping from fast moving trains58. When a stuntman falls from a high building, _______.A. he needs little protectionB. he will be covered with a mattressC. his life is endangeredD. his safety is generally all right59. Which of the following is the main factor of a successful performance?A. Strength.B. Exactness.C. Speed.D. Carefulness.60. What can be inferred from the author's example of the Norwegian stuntman?A. Sometimes an accident can occur to a stuntman.B. The percentage of serious accidents is high.C. Parachutes must be of good quality.D. The cliff is too high.BFor Sparky, school was all but impossible. He failed every subject in the eighth grade. He flunked physics in high school, getting a grade of zero. Sparky also flunked Latin, algebra and English. He didn't do much better in sports. Although he did manage to make the school's golf team, he promptly lost the only important match of the season. There was a consolation(安慰)match;he lost that ,too.Throughout his youth Sparky was awkward socially. He was not actually disliked by theother students;no one cared that much. He was astonished if a classmate ever said hello to him outside of school hours. There's no way to tell how he might have done at dating. Sparky never once asked a girl to go out in high school. He was too afraid of being turned down.Sparky was a loser. He,his classmates... everyone knew it. So he rolled with it. Sparky had made up his mind early in life that if things were meant to work out, they would. Otherwise he would content himself with what appeared to be his inevitable mediocrrity(平凡).However, one thing was important to Sparky一drawing. He was proud of his artwork. Of course, no one else appreciated it. In his senior year of high school, he submitted some cartoons to the editors of the Yearbook. Although the cartoons were turned down. Sparky was soconvinced of his ability that he decided to become an artist.After completing high school, he wrote a letter to Walt Disney Studios. He was told to send some samples of his artwork, and the subject for a cartoon was suggested. Sparky spent a great deal of time on it. Finally, the reply came from Disney Studios. He had been rejected onceagain. Another loss for the loser.So Sparky decided to write his own autobiography in cartoons. He described his childhood~a little boy loser and chronic under achiever. The cartoon character would soon become famousworldwide. For Sparky, the boy who had such a lack of success in school and whose work was rejected again and again, was Charles Schultz. He created the Peanuts comic strip(连环漫画)and the little cartoon character whose kite would never fly and who never succeeded in kicking afootball—Charlie Brown.61. From the first paragraph we can see that Sparky was _______ in high school.A. a failureB. an artistC. a good playerD. a top student62. Sparky never asked a classmate to go out with him because he was afraid of _______.A. making mistakesB. making friendsC. being refusedD. being invited63. In his senior year, Sparky felt confident that he had ability to .A. play golfB. draw cartoonC. learn EnglishD. write novels64. H i s o n l y s u c c e s s m e n t i o n e d i n t h i s p a s s a g e i s_______.A. his golf match in high schoolB. his artwork sent to the YearbookC. his subjects in the senior yearD. his autobiography in cartoons65. F rom the passage we can infer that Sparky is a _______ person.A. weakB. proudC. disabledD. determinedCCan you imagine a stranger will read your e-mails without your permission or scan the website you've visited or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills? All of the things may happen to you one day.In fact, it's likely that some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without your permission? It might be a spouse, a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal. Whoever it is they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen or even do something that may bring a disaster to you.Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, and that it's important to reveal to friends,family and lovers at appropriate times. But few boundaries remain nowadays. The digital bread crumbs (碎屑)you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to know who you are, where you are and what you like. In some cases, a simple Google search can leak the deepest thought in your mind. Like it or not,increasingly we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret.The key question is:Does that matter? For many Americans, the answer apparently is “no”.When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy» most of them say they are really concerned about losing it. And 60 percent of the respondents say they feel their privacy is "slipping away, and that bothers me".But people say one thing and do another. Only a small of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths (收费站)to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements. Privacy economist Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will give up personal information such as telephone number, address ,or social security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50-cents-off coupon(优惠券).But privacy does matter—at least sometimes. It's like health;when you have it ,you don't notice it. Only when it's gone do you wish you'd done more to protect it. Without privacy, one will be naked in front of others.66. W hat would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?A. Friends should open their hearts to each other.B. Friends should always be faithful to each other.C. There should be a distance even between friends.D. There should be fewer quarrels between friends.67. W hy does the author say “we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret"?A. Modern society has finally developed into an open society.B. People leave traces around when using modern technology.C. There are always people who are curious about others ,affairs.D. Many search engines profit by revealing people's identities.68. W hat do most Americans do about privacy protection?A. They change behavior that might disclose their identity.B. People turn down a discount at tollbooths to avoid using the EZ-Pass system.C. They rely more and more on advanced technology.D. They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.69. According to the passage ,privacy is like health in that _______.A. people will make every effort to keep itB. its importance is hardly understoodC. it is something that can easily be lostD. people don't value it until they lose it70. What would be the best title for the passage?A. No privacy, no healthB. Treasure your privacyC. Boundaries are important between friendsD. The information age has its own shortcomingsPart IV Writing (45 marks)【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section A(10 marks)Directions:Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m t h e p a s s a g e.W r i t e N O M O R E T H A N T H R E E W O R D S f o r e a c h a n s w e r.While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can' t be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.Try physical activity.When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.Take care of yourself.You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you're not eating properly, it will be more likely that you willfall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.Make time for yourself.Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don ‘ t forget, play can be just as important to your overall well-being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least half an hour each day to do something you enjoy.Make a list of the things you need to do.Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that "there's so much to do, and notenough time". Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time. Check off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important task first. Title : 71. _______ with stress【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section B(10 marks)Directions : Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.In the 1970s, with ever-increasing international travel72_______ Solutions 73_______.Being nervous, angry or upset 74._______Running, walking, playing tennis,or working in the garden75_______.Take care of yourself Eating well Not sleeping well enoughGetting enough rest Not eating properly76_______. 77_______. by daily78_______. Having a break, or doing your favourite things to enjoy yourselfroutine yourself 79_______. List the things you need todoPutting down everything you haveto doCompleting the most important taskfirst80. each taskand tourism, the United States Department of Transportationdecided to design a set of symbols for airports, stations, andpublic facilities (设施).The aim was to design symbols thatwould be clear to people in a hurry and to those who can notread English. Therefore, the set of symbols shown on theleft was designed. Then the designers planned an experimentwith an international sample of 8-year-old children from Sweden, Japan. France, Canada, and Britain. The purpose of the experiment was to determine how clear the symbols would be to the children, who were not experienced international travelers.The children were shown the set of sample symbols, and were then asked to explain to the experimenters what the symbols meant. The researchers thought that if the international sample could be understood by children, the grown-up travelers would probably also recognize their meanings.The experiments discovered that most of the children easily understand the telephone receiver and cigarette symbols. However, there were some interesting differences in their answers to the other four symbols. The Japanese children most easily understood the symbol standing for "coffee shop". The experimenters thought that this fact showed children in Japanare more familiar with such shops than children in Sweden and Canada. The Japanese, French, and Canadian children all equally recognized the idea of “information” showed by the question mark. •Interestingly, the French and Canadian children understood the symbol referring to "campground (露营地)’,better than the other children. Again, the researchers thought that recognition of a symbol shows how common the activity is in a country.One particularly difficult symbol was that of the umbrella and glove used for "lost and found”, which was correctly explained by less than 50% of the children in four of the five countries. On the basis of this finding, the experimenters decided to add a question mark tomake this symbol easier to understand.81. What are the subjects in the experiment mentioned in the passage? (No more than 9 words) (2marks)_________________________________________________________________________82. Why did the French and Canadian children find it easy to understand the symbol of “campground”?(No more than 11 words) (2 marks)______________________________________________________83. Whom are the symbols in the passage designed for? (No more than 12 words) (3 marks)________________________________________________84. According to the passage, what symbols will people see in the symbol of "lost and found"? (No more than 8 words) (3 marks)______________________________________________________【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section C (25 marks)Directions:Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in C h i n e s e. 假如你是某中学的高三学生李华,你于2011年9月23日收到了美国笔友Stella发来的一封电子邮件.请你仔细阅读她的邮件并回复邮件给她。
Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A(22.5 marks)Directions: In this section,you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed bv three choices marked A, B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11. How long will the woman be in the USA?A. Two weeks.B.Three weeks.C.Four weeks.2. How will the woman travel around the country?A. By car.B.By bus.C.On foot.Conversation 23. How much will the man pay for the package?A.$8.00B.$8.25.C.$2.50.4. When will the man's package get to China?A. In one month.B.In two weeks.C.ln one week.Conversation 35. What does the man next to the girl probably do?A.A computer engineer.B.An accountant.C.A secretary.6. What do we know about the office?A. It's next to a coffee bar.B. It'S very comfortable.C. It is verv small.Conversation 47. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Traveling.B.Jobs.C.Hobbies.8. Where does the man want to go?A. The Far East and Australia.B.Europe and Africa.C.Asia and Europe.9. To whom does the steam engine belong?A. An American.B. Five people.C. The man.Conversation 510. How long will the man stay at the hotel?A. One night.B. Two nights.C. Three nights.11. Which telephone can the man use?A. The phone in the hall.B. The phone on the woman's desk.C. The phone at the business center.12. What do we know about the man?A. He will pay 60 dollars a night.B. He needs help with his luggage.C. He needs the service of a wake-up call.Conversation 613. What did the woman buy for her father last year?A. A phone.B. A tie.C. A computer.14. Why does the woman want to buy a new watch for her dad this year?A. Her dad has no watch.B. Her dad's watch walks fast.C. Her dad's watch has stopped.15. What does the woman advise the man to do?A. Go to the mall with her.B. Buy a present online.C. Arrange a birthday party.Section B (7.5 marks)Directions : In this section , you will hear a short passage. Listen carejully and thenfill in the, numbered blanks with the information you've got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS .You will hear the short passage TWICE .Part Ⅱ Language Knowledge (45 marks)Section A (15 marks)Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A , B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence .21. -How was your winter holidays, Li Mei?-Wonderful! That was the first time I______ to Harbin where the snow was very beautiful.A. traveledB. had traveledC. has been traveledD. had been traveled22. Sometimes a person may be in a position ________he has to reject other people's criticism and stick to his own ideas.A. thatB. whichC. whereD. when23. The man's working experience at the transnational trading company is much different from ______ of other job applicants.A. oneB. itC. thatD. this24.-How long do you suppose it is ______he arrived here?At least three hours.A. sinceB. beforeC. afterD. when25. Since the accused man wants the case ________as soon as possible, his lawyer has to workall the time to prove his innocence of the crime.A. settlingB. to settleC. be settledD. to be settled26. By the side of the playground of our school________, which was built in 2011 with the support of a generous businessman.A. there standing the new libraryB. does the new library standC. the new library standsD. stands the new library27.-Why didn't you stop him from running the risk?-I _______that. but I didn't think he would listen to me.A. could doB. would doC. could have doneD. must have done28.The news made us very excited ______our product had achieved success in Europe,America, and some other developed countries.A. whatB. thatC. whetherD. when29. To reduce air pollution. I often go to work by bike ,________do my colleagues living nearto our company.A. asB. suchC. whoD. which30. ________quite a few small earthquakes in the past three months, people didn't take much notice of them.A. To experienceB. Having experiencedC. Experienced D . Being experienced31. When I try to understand ________that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.A. why it doesB. what is itC. what it isD. why it is32. The boss praised the young man for his hard work. though he_______ experience.A. is lacking inB. is lack ofC. lacks ofD. is lacking of33._______tired my mother is after work, she is always checking my homework.A. WhateverB. HoweverC. HowD. Although34.The two presidents agree with each other on the whole, but much remains _______at the next meeting.A. being discussedB. discussedC. to discussD. to be discussed35.In this experiment, they are woken up several times during the night, and asked to report what they________.A. had just been dreamingB. are just dreamingC. had just dreamtD. have just been dreamingSection B (18 marks)Directions : For each blank in the following passage there are Jour words or phrases markedA , B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.I had a friend who visited me from out of town and I wanted to show him the Toronto CN Tower(电视塔 ) . It was the second tallest structure on earth .When we got there, we went around the 36 0f the tower and saw the hard wire(金属丝)fence 37 to the structure serving as a barrier. We went back inside to look for the glass floor thatprovided a direct view down. As soon as both of us 38 , we stopped before walking onto it. We found that our legs began to 39 .And then I had a thought in my mind, "It is far 40 compared to any other floor in this building. There is no real danger to me - it's 41 an illusion(幻觉). Look at all the people standing on it. and think about those who have stood on it before. " I began t0 42 the step onto the glass floor. But I didn't look down.I walked on the 43 and looked around and thought about how 44 the experience was.I even found myself jumping up and down.I considered how many things in our lives we 45 and exactly how most of them were actually illusions. I thought about all the things that I was 46 to do that appeared worrying.I was glad to discover that although fear isn't a stranger to me, my desire to live a life without47 has a much stronger pull.36. A. center B. outside C. surface D. top37 . A. connected B. amounted C. belonged D. reacted38. A. began B. talked C. approached D. returned39. A. wave B. move C. dance D. shake40. A. harder B. dearer C. taller D. tighter41. A. greatly B. simply C. likely D. usually42. A. decide B. pick C. choose D. take43. A. fence B. end C. tower D. floor44. A. dangerous B. useful C. wonderful D. confusing45. A. feared B. handled C. ignored D. hid46 . A. curious B. excited C. hesitant D . interested47. A. cost B. regret C. doubt D. wasteSection C (12 marks)Directions : Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context .Traveling is absolutely fun! 48 , you may sometimes make a strong physical effort, and soon after, just have to stay at your comfortable hotel room. As a result the routine goes messy (混乱的) , and after the holiday - you end up looking tired. 49 you should know how to keep fit while traveling.Nowadays, most of the hotels offer facilities like 50 swimming pool or gymnasium and you can benefit from them. 51 there are no such facilities offered, you can run or jog, or exercise in the room.52 addition, always keep a bottle of water with you while traveling. Alternatively, you can consume healthy drinks 53 fruit juices. Traveling means you're at a new place. 54 also means there are delicious foods to try. If you aim at fitness, fattening food is a strict no-no. Traveling on vacation is meant for enjoyment. But fitness comes first, so make sure you followa 55 routine. Part m Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions ; Read the following three passages . Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements . For each of then there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage .AA nickname(别名) is an informed and often humorous name for a person. A nickname can alsobe a descriptive name for a person, place or thing. Many American cities have nicknames. These can help spread pride among citizens. Nicknames can also be funny.Los Angeles has several nicknames. One is simply the city's initials, L.A. It is also called the City of Angels because Los Angeles means "the angels" in Spanish.Los Angeles often has warm, sunny weather. So another nickname is City of Flowers and Sunshine. New York is called The Big Apple. So Los Angeles is sometimes called The Big Orange because of the fruit that grows in that city's warm climate.The American movie and television industries are based in Los Angeles. So it is not surprising that it is called The Entertainment Capital of the World. Many films are made in the area of Los Angeles called Hollywood. Millions of people visit the area. No trip to Los Angeles is complete without seeing the word "Hollywood" spelled out in huge letters on a hillside. Many movie stars live in Los Angeles. The city is sometimes called Tinseltown (浮华城). This nickname comes from the bright and often unreal nature of Hollywood and the movie industry. The city of Los Angeles is part of Los Angeles County(郡) . There are many smaller cities in the county. Beverly Hills, with its rich people, is one of them. So is Pasadena, with its Rose Parade each New Year's Day. So are the coastal cities of Santa Monica and Malibu, where people like to ride surfboards on the Pacific Ocean waves.A good place for watching unusual-looking people is Venice, an area on the west side of Los Angeles. A system of waterways designed after the Italian city of Venice has been built there. Many people love Los Angeles for its warm sunny weather, beautiful mountains and beaches. and movie stars, including Randy Newman, who sings about his hometown.56. According to the first paragraph, nicknames________.A. can describe anythingB. can make people feel satisfiedC. are the most popular in the USAD. are quite different from real names57. People call Los Angeles "City of Flowers and Sunshine" because it________.A. is very beautifulB. is famous for its fruitC. has comfortable weatherD. has many kinds of flowers58. The area of HollywoodA. has a big sign on a hillB. is also called TinseltownC. is a major production place of televisionsD. is the most popular place of the US for tourists59. Which one about cities in Los Angeles county is FALSE?A. Beverly Hills is a wealthy place.B. Malibu is a relatively big city.C. You can see the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica.D. Pasadena holds Rose Parade on New Year's Day.60. What can we infer from the passage?A. Randy Newman is an Italian.B. Los Angeles is rich in oranges.C. There are many Italians in the west of Los Angeles.D. You can view Italian design styles in Los Angeles.BI followed my husband to this small town and I felt like a fish out of water. I missedmy work, my colleagues, my friends and even the overcrowded Mumbai locals. My job with a large financial company seemed like a distant dream. Back in the l990s, smaller Indian towns had barely any financial activity. For someone used to spending over twelve hours working, sitting home was punishment. I needed to work so I sent my resume to all suitable offices.But after almost a month of serious job-hunting I was still jobless. I felt worthless. My husband was busy with the demands of his new task and l felt well and truly alone.Then one day a neighbor dropped in. She happened to read through what l wrote about my trouble after tough days of job-bunting. "You write quite well, " she remarked casually. She left, but the thought remained. After months of being rejected, I began to consider what my neighbor said.I was good at something...or was she merely out of politeness?That evening over dinner I mentioned the incident to my husband. He suggested that should have an attempt at the local newspaper. I had never expected to work for the newspaper. I had nothing to recommend myself - no qualifications, no background, and no experience. However. the next morning, armed with the shreds(醉片 ) of my confidence and my resume, went to the newspaper office. The interviewer silently handed me a copy and said, "Edit it. " When I finished, I handed it back to him. I waited breathlessly for the words "Your experience doesn't fit you to do this job. " "This is not bad," he said, "but you'll be starting at the bottom of the ladder. " I was being offered a job!That was not the end of my story, though. Each day was a challenge but I learnt. Ironically (讽刺地) enough , a year later I was approached by the financial corporation I had been working for in Mumbai. They were setting up offices in our city and wanted me to head the operations. And guess what! It was my turn to say "No, thank you. "61. Why did the author give up her job with a financial company?A. Because she lost interest in it.B. Because the company closed down.C. Because she moved to a new place.D. Because the company failed to meet her demands.62. Failing to find a new job made the author feel thatA. she could do nothing wellB. her husband cared little about herC. it was hard for a woman to find a jobD. the small town was not for talents63. Who first found the author's writing ability?A. Her husband.B. Her neighbor.C. The interviewer.D. The author herself .64. From the text we can infer that the newspaper paid more attention to its interviewee' sA. experienceB. backgroundC. qualifications D . ability65. Which of the following is TRUE about the author's new job?A. It was not a simple job for her.B. She didn't enjoy it at all.C. She was familiar with her new job.D. She had no difficulty dealing with it.CThe North Alabama Birding Trail (路径) (NABT) is a series of fifty sites across eleven counties in the northern part of the state. Although some sites do contain walking trails, the North Alabama Birding Trail is not an actual trail. Some of the sites are roadside stopsand others are located in parks , preserves , or wildlife(避难所 ) . A few sites can be explored by canoe or boat. All of the sites were selected because they provide excellent opportunities for bird watching.A committee made up of conservation groups, wildlife experts, and birding enthusiasts (狂热者) selected the sites for the trail. The sites can be visited all the year round. although some offer greater diversity at certain seasons. Habitats along the NABT include forests, rivers, wetlands. and grasslands. A variety of birds may be seen at some of the stops along the trail. Some sites have large concentrations of migratory birds, which have regular seasonal journeys. Other stops allow a glimpse of rare or endangered birds. Types of birds that may be seen along the trail include water birds, shore birds, songbirds, and raptors(猛禽) .Telescopes are handy when you are visiting the birding sites. The NABT is divided into three geographical sections: the Northeast Loop, the Central Loop ,and the Northwest Loop. Stops in the Northeast Loop include Guntersville State Park, the Guntersville Peninsula, Little River Canyon National Preserve, and Roy B. Whitaker Paint Rock River Preserve. Sites along the Central Loop include Monte Sano State Park, Round Island Recreation Area, Hays Nature Preserve, and a number of sites within Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge. The Northwest Loop includes stops at Joe Wheeler State Park, Wilson Dam, Freedom Hills Wildlife Management Area, and sites within Bankhead National Forest.All of these sites have guaranteed public access and parking areas. Restrooms and food service are available at some sites. but other sites have no facilities at all. A Visitors' Guide can be requested online or downloaded from the NABT website, northalabama birdingtrail. com . The guide includes a map to the sites. The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources administers(管理) the North Alabama Birding Trail and other birding trails in the state.66. What can we learn about the North Alabama Birding Trail?A. It is the longest trail in the United Sates.B. It doesn't include any trails at all in fact.C. It offers us good chance to watch birds.D. It has 50 sites throughout ll countries.67. The underlined word " migratory" in Paragraph 2 probably means_______.A. having the habit of moving from one place to anotherB. having the habit of resting in treesC. very different in living habits and eating methodsD. having the habit of living near rivers and lakes68. Where is Round Island Recreation Area?A. In the Northeast Loop.B. In the Central Loop.C. In the Northwest Loop.D. In the Southeast Loop.69. We can infer from the text that_______.A. you probably see rare birds along the trail in any seasonB. the American government values the trail very muchC. it may take us a long time to finish visiting all the sitesD. parking lots and food service are available at all the sites70. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?A. Watch Birds and Protect BirdsB. How to Watch Birds in AlabamaC. The Birding Preserves in the U. S.D. The North Alabama Birding Trail笞题卡Part IV Writing (45 marks)Section A (l0 marks)Directions : Read the following passage . Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage .Write NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS for each answer .Tea is the second most appreciated drink in the world after water. Tea is a plant and its leaves are classified into several types such as white tea, black tea and green tea. This plant is grown mostly in China and Japan.There are many differences between green and black tea. Green tea can be obtained through two methods. According to the traditional Japanese method, green tea is obtained by steaming the leaves. The Chinese prepare the leaves by frying them in a pan without oil. To avoid the process of oxidation(氧化) , the tea is processed within no more than wo days from the moment the leaves have been picked up.Black tea is obtained through the complete oxidation of the leaves before being dried. When the process of oxidation is complete, the leaves are heated and sorted out depending on their quality. The black color of the leaves is given by this complete oxidation process.Both green tea and black tea can be used for the treatment for many illnesses, thus having a huge medical value. Green tea can help reduce the level of cholesterol(胆同醇) and the risk of certain types of cancer. It contains tannin(丹宁酸) , which can improve our immunity(免力 )level. The most obvious effect of green tea is that of refreshing our mental state. Black tea contains more caffeine than green tea and is excellent for protecting us against cardiovascular(心血管的) and cancer diseases.People with very low blood pressure should drink black tea. It's very good for digestive troubles. This tea can help women lose weight.Any type of tea, regardless of its color, can have side effects for some people. These teas do contain caffeine, and people with high blood pressure should ask their doctors if they are allowed to drink any of these types of tea.People who have difficulty in absorbing calcium should completely avoid the consumption ofblack tea.Section B (l0 marks)Directions; Read the following passage . Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage .Vitamins and other dietary supplements(饮食补充物) taken by millions of women may actually put them at more risk. Scientists say there is little evidence that the pills do any good and in fact some could cause serious harm. A study involving nearly 39,000 women has found multivitamins, iron and copper(铜) all increased the risk of early death.Nearly a third of healthy adults in Britain take some form of dietary supplement most days and the industry is worth $675 million a year. Some of the most popular pills include multivitamins, vitamin A, C and E - which are all thought to improve long-term health and prevent illnesses. The results found copper increased the risk of dying prematurely(过早地) by 18 percent. Multivitamins raised the risk by 2.4 percent, and vitamin B6 by 4 percent. The scientists do not fully understand how supplements may cause early death, but they may affect the body's natural defences. The scientists suggest supplements should only be taken by patients who lack dietary supplements and only under the supervision (监督 ) of a doctor. Everyone else should ensure they eat a balanced diet to get adequate dietary supplements.Jaakko Mursu. from the University of Eastern Finland, said ."Based on existing evidence, we see few reasons for the general and widespread use of dietary supplements. We recommend that they be used with strong medically-based cause.Dr Carrie Ruxton said: "Multivitamin supplements contain a variety of essential vitamins which help those with less healthy, or irregular diets to meet the needs of nutrients(营养) . Them findings should be treated with extreme caution considering the poor method and lack of reliable information about the health state of participants, or the type of diets consumed. As there is no reliable biological reason why normal supplement use should impact on death, it is probable that these findings represent an effect of age and ill-health rather than supplement use. "81. What do the scientists say about vitamin pills and supplements? (No more than 12 words) _______________________________________________________________________________82. Why do many healthy adults take vitamin pills and supplements most days? (No more than 14words)_______________________________________________________________________________83. What's Jaakko Mursu's advice on vitamin pills and supplements? (No more than 16 words)_______________________________________________________________________________84. What's Dr Carrie Ruxton 's attitude towards the findings? (No more than 15 words)_______________________________________________________________________________Section C ( 25 marks)Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below inChinese .在现实生活巾,每个人都需要别人的关爱,我们青少年也不例外。
听力录音材料SECTION AText 1W: Sorry, I overslept. My clock didn't go off this morning, even though I did set the alarm last night.M: Your clock never works. Perhaps you should buy a new one.W: Well, if it breaks down again tomorrow, I'll definitely buy a new one.M: Maybe by then it'll be too late.Text 2M: Hello! May I speak to Ms Strong, please?W: Sorry, she is not in and she should be here in the afternoon around 4:30. May I take a message?M: Yes. Ms Strong sent me a booklet stating her newest computers, but there wasn’t any information about after sail service.W: Oh, I’m sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?M: Yes, but our fax machine is being repaired and it won’t be working until around 2:30. Could you try somethingaround 3:30?W: Sure.Text 3M: Hi, July. You have to go to Toronto in two weeks to help the branch office there budget for the coming year.W: How long will I stay there?M: You can finish within a week if two of you are working on it. And you have another week to relax there.W: Who should I contact when I arrived there?M: My secretary will tell you the details in two days.W: And who will cooperate with me?M: Jodie.Text 4M: So, what do you want to do?W: Well, how about visiting the art museum in the morning?M: Great! And what about visiting the zoo after lunch. It is said that there are some special animals which can’t befound anywhere else.W: Well, I’m not really interested in going there. Why don’t we go shopping instead? The city is supposed to havesome really nice places to do shopping.M: Well, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I only have 50 dollars left in cash.W: That’s not a problem. We can use your credit card to pay for my new clothes.M: Oh, no. We must spare some money for our return tickets.W: Sounds reasonable. Then, let’s take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.M: Eh, that’s a good idea!Text 5W: Hello! I’m calling to ask about the apartment advertised for my daughter’s schooling.M: Yes, we have several kinds of apartments. Which do you like?W: Oh, I’m interested in an apartment with a big garage. Do you have any available?M: Yes, we have one. When do you need it?W: About next month. What can you tell me about this apartment?M: Well, it’s a two bedroom apartment. The monthly rent is 1,700 dollars. You pay electricity only. Gas and waterare included. Both the heat and stove are gas. You’ll pay an extra charge for the big garage, 350 dollars permonth.W: Sounds good. May I come over to take a look tomorrow?M: Sure.Text 6M: What are you going to do after you return from Sydney?W: I’m going to stay in the city.M: What will you do all day?W: I’m going to work with my father at the store.M: Have you ever worked?W: No, but I can learn. By the way, do you have any plans for the summer?M: I’m going to camp. I’ve gone to camp for four summers.W: I’ve never gone to camp. What do you usually do at camp?M: We do many things. In the morning we go swimming and boating. In the afternoon we play basketball or tennis. We sit around a campfire at nights. We sing and tell stories.W: That sounds wonderful.M: It’s really wonderful indeed.SECTION BHello everyone. Today, I'd like to talk about the changing seasons in my city. First of all, winter usually begins in December and ends in March. The coldest month is January, and temperatures can drop below freezing. The city usually averages about 30 inches of snow during this 3 months. Winter activities includes skiing.Spring usually arrives in late March. It is a beautiful season because the flowers start to grow. It is windy and great for flying kites. Next, summer starts in June. The summer in my city is very dry with little rain throughout the season. The weather is very dry with low dampness, so it is really pleasant even on hot days. Popular activities during this season are hiking, fishing, camping, water skiing, and outdoor sports including football and soccer.And finally, summer changes to fall in late September when the weather cools off, and the trees begin to change colors. A lot of people enjoy driving into the mountains and viewing the fall colors. It is also a time when people clean up their yards and gardens in preparation for the winter season.So, as you can see, my city has a lot to offer no matter when you visit this area.1—5 CCBBA 6—10 CBCCA 11—15 ABBAA16. Skiing 17. below zero / freezing 18. windy and beautiful 19. rains20. cool高.考╬试∽题ο库。
湖南省长郡中学2012届高三英语第三次月考试题(扫描版)听力录音材料SECTION AText 1W: Sorry, I overslept. My clock didn't go off this morning, even though I did set the alarm last night.M: Your clock never works. Perhaps you should buy a new one.W: Well, if it breaks down again tomorrow, I'll definitely buy a new one.M: Maybe by then it'll be too late.Text 2M: Hello! May I speak to Ms Strong, please?W: Sorry, she is not in and she should be here in the afternoon around 4:30. May I take a message?M: Yes. Ms Strong sent me a booklet stating her newest computers, but there wasn’t any information about after sail service.W: Oh, I’m sorry. Would you like me to fax that to you?M: Yes, but our fax machine is being repaired and it won’t be working until around 2:30. Could you try somethingaround 3:30?W: Sure.Text 3M: Hi, July. You have to go to Toronto in two weeks to help the branch office there budget for the coming year.W: How long will I stay there?M: You can finish within a week if two of you are working on it. And you have another week to relax there.W: Who should I contact when I arrived there?M: My secretary will tell you the details in two days.W: And who will cooperate with me?M: Jodie.Text 4M: So, what do you want to do?W: Well, how about visiting the art museum in the morning?M: Great! And what about visiting the zoo after lunch. It is said that there are some special animals which can’t befound anywhere else.W: Well, I’m not really interested in going there. Why don’t we go shopping instead? The city is supposed to havesome really nice places to do shopping.M: Well, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I only have 50 dollars left in cash. W: That’s not a problem. We can use your credit card to pay for my new clothes. M: Oh, no. We must spare some money for our return tickets.W: Sounds reasonable. Then, let’s take the subway down to the seashore and walk along the beach.M: Eh, that’s a good idea!Text 5W: Hello! I’m calling to ask about the apartment advertised for my daughter’s schooling.M: Yes, we have several kinds of apartments. Which do you like?W: Oh, I’m interested in an apartment with a big garage. Do you have any available? M: Yes, we have one. When do you need it?W: About next month. What can you tell me about this apartment?M: Well, it’s a two bedroom apartment. The monthly rent is 1,700 dollars. You pay electricity only. Gas and waterare included. Both the heat and stove are gas. You’ll pay an extra charge for the big garage, 350 dollars permonth.W: Sounds good. May I come over to take a look tomorrow?M: Sure.Text 6M: What are you going to do after you return from Sydney?W: I’m going to stay in the city.M: What will you do all day?W: I’m going to work with my father at the store.M: Have you ever worked?W: No, but I can learn. By the way, do you have any plans for the summer?M: I’m going to camp. I’ve gone to camp for four summers.W: I’ve never gone to camp. What do you usually do at camp?M: We do many things. In the morning we go swimming and boating. In the afternoon we play basketball or tennis. We sit around a campfire at nights. We sing and tell stories.W: That sounds wonderful.M: It’s really wonderful indeed.SECTION BHello everyone. Today, I'd like to talk about the changing seasons in my city. First of all, winter usually begins in December and ends in March. The coldest month is January, and temperatures can drop below freezing. The city usually averages about 30 inches of snow during this 3 months. Winter activities includes skiing.Spring usually arrives in late March. It is a beautiful season because the flowers start to grow. It is windy and great for flying kites. Next, summer starts in June. The summer in my city is very dry with little rain throughout the season. The weather is very dry with low dampness, so it is really pleasant even on hot days. Popular activities during this season are hiking, fishing, camping, water skiing, and outdoor sports including football and soccer.And finally, summer changes to fall in late September when the weather cools off, and the trees begin to change colors. A lot of people enjoy driving into the mountains and viewing the fall colors. It is also a time when people clean up their yards and gardens in preparation for the winter season.So, as you can see, my city has a lot to offer no matter when you visit this area.1—5 CCBBA 6—10 CBCCA 11—15 ABBAA16. Skiing 17. below zero / freezing 18. windy and beautiful19. rains 20. cool。
湖南省长沙市重点中学2012届高三第二次月考 英语试题
Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions:In this section, you'll hear 6 conversations between 2 speakers.For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by 3 choices marked A,B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11.What is not mentioned in today’s newspaper?A.The weather. B.A robbery. C.A car accident.2.What does Mrs. Green say about the newspaper stories?A.They tell much about the world。
B.They are always the same day after day。
C.They are a good way of passing the time.Conversation 23.How long will the man stay in Guilin?A.16 days。
B.7 days. C.9 days.A.Shopping。
B.Dancing. C.Boating.Conversation 35.What did Karl Marx do according to the talk?A.He led some political movements。
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P a r t I L i s t e n i n g C o m p r e h e n s i o n (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions:In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A,B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question. You will hear each conversation TWJCE.Conversation 11. Who seemed to have taken the MP3 player?A. The girl.B. The boy.C. One of the girl's guests.2. What did the girl regret?A. Not telling her parents about the party.B. Not keeping her plans secret.C. Not keeping the MP3 player well.Conversation 23. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?A. Husband and wife.B. Friends.C. Student and teacher.4. Why is the man interested in the show?A. Because he is curious about what the ladies are talking about.B. Because he likes the hostess very much.C. Because he r s never watched such a show before.Conversation 35. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. Making plans with Debby.B. Meeting in a sandwich shop.C. Going out for lunch.6. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?A. Classmates.B. Employer and employ⑴C. Waiter and customer. Conversation 47. Which statement is TRUE according to the head teacher?A. There are now several other schools like this one.B. A lot of the children in the school are physically disabled.C. There have been special schools for disabled children and for those with learning difficulties.8. Why did the head teacher decide to start this school?A. To bring all types of children together for their education.B. Because there were not enough special schools.C. Because the world is changing fast.9. What happens in classes in the school?A. Faster and slower learners are together for all classes.B. Slower learners work better and more quickly.C. Faster learners sometimes act as teachers for slower learners.Conversation 510. When will the man leave for the trip?A. January 3.B. December 22.C. January 13.11. Which flights is the man going to take for his round trip?A. Flight 414 and Flight 476.B. Flight 476 and Flight 220.C. Flight 220 and Flight 414.12. When should the man arrive at the airport to take a plane for Chicago?A. By 2:00 p.m.B. By 6:30 p.m.C. At 3:00 p.m.Conversation 613. What does a patient usually have to do before seeing a doctor?A. Make an appointment.B. Telephone the doctor directly.C. Fill in a form.14. How long has the man been suffering?A. Two weeks.B. Two days.C. Two hours.15. When can the man see the doctor?A. Tomorrow morning.B. This afternoon.C. Tomorrow afternoon. Section B (7.5 marks)Directions:In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Weather Report for Tomorrowmost places starting off dry with a good deal of sunshine16______ being a bit of fognorthwest staying dull and cloudy with some heavy showers;temperatures being 17______.the south having warm and humid weathersouthern half bringing 18______. in most part by the eveningsouthwest having some 19______.;temperature reaching 26°C or possibly 27°Cnorthern half being 20______.;staying dry and quite windyPart II Language Knowledge(45 marks)【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section A (15 marks)Directions: for each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Example:The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _______ the desert.A. coveringB. coveredC. coverD. to coverThe answer is A.21. The expansion of Versailles began in the 1660s, _______ Louis XIV was king.A. whereB. whenC. asD. which22. When Michael Jordan and Larry Bird won gold in Barcelona in 1992, the Americans _______for teaching the world how to play basketball.A. were praisedB. had praisedC. praisedD. has been praised23. With so many workers _______off, the British government knew it was time that it had to dosomething.A. to layB. to be laidC.丨aidD. laying24. Be m ore careful and I'm sure you'll do _______ better next time.A. ratherB. fairlyC. veryD. quite25.1 appreciate the saying:Life is like a long race _______ we compete with others to go beyond ourselves.A. whyB. whatC. thatD. where26. It was not until dark _______ he found what he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A. thatB. whenC. asD. which27. Do ______________ me a favour —_______ me the Readers' Digest, will you?A. passingB. to passC. passD. by passing28. It seems water _______ from this tap for some time. We'll have to take it apart to put it right.A. had leakedB. is leakingC. leaksD. has been leaking29. English is a language that many people around the world _______ not speak perfectly butat least understand.A. may canB. would? mightC. will; mustD. could;might30. —__________ I thought you were going to call on me last night.—Sorry, I _______. But I had to finish the report.A. wouldB. would haveC. didD. would like to31. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______it comes to classroom tests.A. sinceB. asC. afterD. when32 . _______ our school uniforms, all of us feel a sense of pride being a student of this school.A. WearB. To wearC. WearingD. Wore33. Many people feel that New Zealand is perfect for outdoor activities, _______ the natural environment.A. owing toB. apart fromC. in hopes ofD. in response to34. After ten years of hard work, she changed a lot and looked different from _______ she usedto be.A. thatB. whomC. whatD. who35. ___________ J ohn _______ in the woods near his home in Milkovica when a bear attacked him frombehind.A. was huntingB. had huntedC. huntedD. has been hunting【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section B (18 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.One day, a poor boy trying to pay his way through school by selling goods door to door found that he only had one dime left. He was hungry so he decided to beg for a meal at the next house.However, he lost his 36 _______ when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked 37 _______ so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, “How much do I owe you?""You don't owe me anything," she replied. “Mother has taught me never to accept 38 _______for a kindness. ” He said, "Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart. ” As Howard Kellyleft that house, he not only felt stronger 39 _______ , but it also increased his faith in God and thehuman race. He was about to give up and quit before this point.Years later the young woman became critically ill. They finally sent her to the big city, where specialists can be called in to study her rare disease. Dr. Howard Kelly, now 40 _______ ,was called in for the consultation. When he heard of the name of the town she came from, a strangelight 41 _______ his eyes. Immediately, he rose and went down through the hospital hall into herroom. He 42 _______ her at once and determined to do his best to save her life. From that day on, hegave special attention to her 43 _______ .After a long struggle, the battle was 44 _______ . Dr. Kelly requested the business office 45 _______the final bill to him for approval. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open itbecause she was sure that it would take the rest of her life to 46 _______ . Finally she looked ,and the note on the side of the bill 47 her attention. She read these words.“Paid in full with a glass of milk.“(Signed) Dr. Howard KellyTears of joy flooded her eyes as she prayed silently:"Thank you, God. Your love has spreadthrough human hearts and hands.“36. A. nerve B. heart C. way D. meal37. A. mad B. polite C. cold D. hungry38. A. gift B. present C. pay D. milk39. A. physically B. carefully C. emotionally D. spiritually40. A. well off B. handsome C. skilled D. famous41. A. filled B. blanked C. shone D. flashed42. A. knew B. learnt C. recognized D. realized43. A. health B.case C. condition D. body44. A. won B. defeated C.beaten D. lost45. A. passed B. passes C. to passing D. pass46. A. give it off B. pay it off C. throw it off D. see it off47. A. paid B.gave C.caught D. took【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section C (12 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits t h e c o n t e x t.Most of us never realise how good we really are. The truth is 48. _______most of us are full of goodness, full of kindness, full of love and full of joy. Most of us spend our days helping people 49. _______ need, doing good things for 50. _______ and making this world a better place. Most of us live our lives doing our best to bring joy to this world and share our love with each other. Most of us are far better 51. _______we would ever admit.Don't deny the goodness within you. Look 52. _______ within your heart and soul, 53 _______notice the goodness that lies there. Share it 54. _______you open the door for a stranger, smile at the person you pass on the street and give a compliment to a partner. Work with it as you reach out a helping hand, give someone a pat on the back and encourage someone 55 _______ishaving a hard time. Use goodness to create love and joy.【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Part m Reading Comprehension (30 marks) Directions:Read the following passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one th at fits be st according to the in f ormation given in th e passage.AYou are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard.At the start they only fight with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes on until one of the men crashes through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead! Of course he isn't really dead. With any luck heisn't even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars or even catch fire, are professionals. They do this for a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is to say, they perform tricks. There are two sides to their work. They actually do most of the things you see on the screen. For example, they fall from a high building. However, they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress. Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar! But although their work depends on trick of this sort, it also requires a high degree of skill and training. Often a stuntman' s success depends on careful timing. For example, when he is "blown up" in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment. Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often get seriously injured, and sometimes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for example, skied over the edge of acliff (悬崖)a thousand feet high. His parachute (降落伞)failed to open, and he was killed. In spite of all the risks, this is no longer a profession for men only. Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous actions. For nowadays there are stuntgirls tool.56. Stuntmen are those who _______.A. often dress up as actorsB. prefer to lead dangerous livesC. often perform seemingly dangerous actionsD. often fight each other for their lives57. Stuntmen earn their living by _______.A. playing their dirty tricksB. selling their special skillsC. jumping out of high windowsD. jumping from fast moving trains58. When a stuntman falls from a high building, _______.A. he needs little protectionB. he will be covered with a mattressC. his life is endangeredD. his safety is generally all right59. Which of the following is the main factor of a successful performance?A. Strength.B. Exactness.C. Speed.D. Carefulness.60. What can be inferred from the author's example of the Norwegian stuntman?A. Sometimes an accident can occur to a stuntman.B. The percentage of serious accidents is high.C. Parachutes must be of good quality.D. The cliff is too high.BFor Sparky, school was all but impossible. He failed every subject in the eighth grade. He flunked physics in high school, getting a grade of zero. Sparky also flunked Latin, algebra and English. He didn't do much better in sports. Although he did manage to make the school's golf team, he promptly lost the only important match of the season. There was a consolation(安慰)match;he lost that ,too.Throughout his youth Sparky was awkward socially. He was not actually disliked by the other students;no one cared that much. He was astonished if a classmate ever said hello to him outside of school hours. There's no way to tell how he might have done at dating. Sparky never once asked a girl to go out in high school. He was too afraid of being turned down.Sparky was a loser. He,his classmates... everyone knew it. So he rolled with it. Sparky had made up his mind early in life that if things were meant to work out, they would. Otherwise he would content himself with what appeared to be his inevitable mediocrrity(平凡).However, one thing was important to Sparky一drawing. He was proud of his artwork. Of course, no one else appreciated it. In his senior year of high school, he submitted some cartoons to the editors of the Yearbook. Although the cartoons were turned down. Sparky was soconvinced of his ability that he decided to become an artist.After completing high school, he wrote a letter to Walt Disney Studios. He was told to send some samples of his artwork, and the subject for a cartoon was suggested. Sparky spent a great deal of time on it. Finally, the reply came from Disney Studios. He had been rejected onceagain. Another loss for the loser.So Sparky decided to write his own autobiography in cartoons. He described his childhood~a little boy loser and chronic under achiever. The cartoon character would soon become famousworldwide. For Sparky, the boy who had such a lack of success in school and whose work was rejected again and again, was Charles Schultz. He created the Peanuts comic strip(连环漫画)and the little cartoon character whose kite would never fly and who never succeeded in kicking afootball—Charlie Brown.61. From the first paragraph we can see that Sparky was _______ in high school.A. a failureB. an artistC. a good playerD. a top student62. Sparky never asked a classmate to go out with him because he was afraid of _______.A. making mistakesB. making friendsC. being refusedD. being invited63. In his senior year, Sparky felt confident that he had ability to .A. play golfB. draw cartoonC. learn EnglishD. write novels64. H i s o n l y s u c c e s s m e n t i o n e d i n t h i s p a s s a g e i s_______.A. his golf match in high schoolB. his artwork sent to the YearbookC. his subjects in the senior yearD. his autobiography in cartoons65. F rom the passage we can infer that Sparky is a _______ person.A. weakB. proudC. disabledD. determinedCCan you imagine a stranger will read your e-mails without your permission or scan the website you've visited or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills? All of the things may happen to you one day.In fact, it's likely that some of these things have already happened to you. Who would watch you without your permission? It might be a spouse, a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss, a cop or a criminal. Whoever it is they will see you in a way you never intended to be seen or even do something that may bring a disaster to you.Psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, and that it's important to reveal to friends,family and lovers at appropriate times. But few boundaries remain nowadays. The digital bread crumbs (碎屑)you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to know who you are, where you are and what you like. In some cases, a simple Google search can leak the deepest thought in your mind. Like it or not,increasingly we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret.The key question is:Does that matter? For many Americans, the answer apparently is “no”.When opinion polls ask Americans about privacy» most of them say they are really concerned about losing it. And 60 percent of the respondents say they feel their privacy is "slipping away, and that bothers me".But people say one thing and do another. Only a small of Americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. Few people turn down a discount at tollbooths (收费站)to avoid using the EZ-Pass system that can track automobile movements. Privacy economist Acquisti has run a series of tests that reveal people will give up personal information such astelephone number, address ,or social security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50- cents-off coupon(优惠券).But privacy does matter—at least sometimes. It's like health;when you have it ,you don't notice it. Only when it's gone do you wish you'd done more to protect it. Without privacy, one will be naked in front of others.66. W hat would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?A. Friends should open their hearts to each other.B. Friends should always be faithful to each other.C. There should be a distance even between friends.D. There should be fewer quarrels between friends.67. W hy does the author say “we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret"?A. Modern society has finally developed into an open society.B. People leave traces around when using modern technology.C. There are always people who are curious about others ,affairs.D. Many search engines profit by revealing people's identities.68. W hat do most Americans do about privacy protection?A. They change behavior that might disclose their identity.B. People turn down a discount at tollbooths to avoid using the EZ-Pass system.C. They rely more and more on advanced technology.D. They talk a lot but hardly do anything about it.69. According to the passage ,privacy is like health in that _______.A. people will make every effort to keep itB. its importance is hardly understoodC. it is something that can easily be lostD. people don't value it until they lose it70. What would be the best title for the passage?A. No privacy, no healthB. Treasure your privacyC. Boundaries are important between friendsD. The information age has its own shortcomingsPart IV Writing (45 marks)【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section A(10 marks)Directions:Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m t h e p a s s a g e.W r i t e N O M O R E T H A N T H R E E W O R D S f o r e a c h a n s w e r.While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can' t be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.Try physical activity.When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.Take care of yourself.You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you're not eating properly, it will be more likely that you willfall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.Make time for yourself.Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Don … t forget, play can be just as important to your overall well-being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to justrelax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least half an hour each day to do something you enjoy.Make a list of the things you need to do.Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that "there's so much to do, and notenough time". Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time. Check off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important task first.Title : 71. _______ with stress【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section B(10 marks) 72_______ Solutions 73_______.Being nervous, angry or upset 74._______Running, walking, playing tennis,or working in the garden75_______.Take care of yourself Eating well Not sleeping well enoughGetting enough rest Not eating properly76_______. 77_______. by daily78_______. Having a break, or doing your favourite things to enjoy yourselfroutine yourself 79_______. List the things you need todoPutting down everything you haveto doCompleting the most important taskfirst80. each taskDirections:Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.In the 1970s, with ever-increasing international traveland tourism, the United States Department of Transportationdecided to design a set of symbols for airports, stations, andpublic facilities (设施).The aim was to design symbols thatwould be clear to people in a hurry and to those who can not read English. Therefore, the set of symbols shown on theleft was designed. Then the designers planned an experimentwith an international sample of 8-year-old children from Sweden, Japan. France, Canada, and Britain. The purpose of the experiment was to determine how clear the symbols would be to the children, who were not experienced international travelers.The children were shown the set of sample symbols, and were then asked to explain to the experimenters what the symbols meant. The researchers thought that if the international sample could be understood by children, the grown-up travelers would probably also recognize their meanings.The experiments discovered that most of the children easily understand the telephone receiver and cigarette symbols. However, there were some interesting differences in their answers to the other four symbols. The Japanese children most easily understood the symbol standing for "coffee shop". The experimenters thought that this fact showed children in Japan are more familiar with such shops than children in Sweden and Canada. The Japanese, French, and Canadian children all equally recognized the idea of “information” showed by the question mark. •Interestingly, the French and Canadian children understood the symbol referring to "campground (露营地)‟,better than the other children. Again, the researchers thought that recognition of a symbol shows how common the activity is in a country.One particularly difficult symbol was that of the umbrella and glove used for "lost and found”, which was correctly explained by less than 50% of the children in four of the fivecountries. On the basis of this finding, the experimenters decided to add a question mark tomake this symbol easier to understand.81. What are the subjects in the experiment mentioned in the passage? (No more than 9 words) (2 marks)_________________________________________________________________________82. Why did the French and Canadian children find it easy to understand the symbol of “campground”?(No more than 11 words) (2 marks)______________________________________________________83. Whom are the symbols in the passage designed for? (No more than 12 words) (3 marks)________________________________________________84. According to the passage, what symbols will people see in the symbol of "lost and found"? (No more than 8 words) (3 marks)______________________________________________________【2012届·湖南省长郡中学高三第二次月考】Section C (25 marks)Directions:Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in C h i n e s e. 假如你是某中学的高三学生李华,你于2011年9月23日收到了美国笔友Stella发来的一封电子邮件.请你仔细阅读她的邮件并回复邮件给她。